Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1901, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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I Ctlontl "Bill" Sullivan, Postoffic Inipictor,
OImti Up a Mjitery.
THE OIAIJA DAIL liElv. SI M)AY, AIM11L 7, 1001.
To keep tlio chin lr., means to Keep It
well drawn back horizontally. That causes
what physical culturlsts call, "a lilted
chest." A lifted chest Insures deep and See nn r.i-Cnnvlct IttrtliiK the Till,
full breathing, and, henco tmro blood and l"l If All I" the Dream
perfect circulation. THY keeDlne vour Wlili-h She Dri-ntn Slit
chin In, and boo how your chest will stand Hwimtd
out, Riving to n woman a superb figure,
and to a man a military bearing.
Moat colds arc caused by checked circu
lation, known by a chill or shiver. Dr.
Humphrey's "77" starts tho blood cours
ing through the veins until It reachc tho
extremities, when tho feet warm up and
tho Cold or Orlp Is broken, while Its to
nicity sustains tho (lagging energies.
At all Drug Stores, 25c, or mailed.
Pocket Manuel mailed free.
Humphreys' Homeopathic Medicine Co.,
Cor. William ami John Sts., New York.
She Explains How She Keeps Her
Complexion Clear With
Now York, April 6. "Thero Is uo uso
denying tho fact," said Mademolscllo
Carol, ono of tho noted skin specialists,
"but many women ruin their complexions
by using faco powders, cosmetics and skin
foods. Why, It is simply non-senslcal lo
use things that only atop up tho pores
of tho skin, aggravating the skin and
making your complexion worse than It you
bad never used them. My rules for
keeping tho complexion clear and free from
pimples nnd blackheads aro as follows
Eat good, wholcsomo food, cat regularly,
drink plenty of cold puro wnter, tako at
least olght hours' sleep, tako a cold spongo
bath every morning, but abovo all, keep
your bowels regular by using Cascarlne."
This gentle laxative Is tho best tonic
for tho bowels and liver; it removes all
Impurities from the system nnd makes a
clear complexion. Every woman should
havo a bottln In the house. It Is tho best
laxattvo tonic and tbo best blood purifier.
Cnscnrlno removes from tho brcatn un
pleasant odors arising from fermentative
decomposition of food. It prevents the
constipation which usdally follows tho use
of other drugs of Its class.
Go to your druggists today and buy a
bottle of Cascarlne. It comes In blue and
whtto wrappers and Is not a tnblet or a
pill. Doctors recommend It because It
will not grlpo and because no other laxa
tive Is as good.
Prleo per bottle, fifty cents. If your
druggist hain't It, ask him to get it for
you .of his Jobber.
Gives Appetite,
Produces Refreshing Sleep,
A. Safeguard Against Mental
dose. A small wlno-glass full three
times a day.
Sold by all Druggists. Refuse Substitutes.
ST. l.Ot'lH.
The St. Louis Cannon Ball
Leaves Union Station dally 5:15 p.
Arrives In St. Louts 7.00 a.
TheQuincy Express
Leaves Union Station dally at 7:00 a. m.
TralnB leave dally for St. Louis, Kansas
City, Qulney nnd all points East or South.
Tickets to all points In Europe via all
lines. Call at Ol Ct. U city ofuco, 1415
Farnam Street, Paxton Hotel nik., or write
Hnrry E. Moores,
C P. ft T. A.. Omaha. Neb.
Run U ths
Leave Omaha
vu Scenic Route through Colorado and
Colonel V, T. Sullivan, chief postofflce In
spector, with headquarters at Denver, has
been In Ohiaha several days, appearing
before tho federal grand Jury In the case
of Ernest J. Woltcrs, tho Schuyler mer
chant who Is accused of attempting to
blackmail United States Senator Kcarns
of Utah.
Colonel "1)111" Sullivan his full name
Is William Tccumsch Sullivan, but his
friends aro not sticklers for formality and"
he Isn't either Is' known unofficially In
government circles as the dream In
terpreter for tbo Postomce department.
It Ih difficult at a glance to understand
bow a prosaic old chap llko Undo Sam
ever has occasion to employ a dream In
terpreter, yet there Is at least ono chap
ter In Colonel Sullivan's experience which
demonstrates the occasional necessity of
an Interpreter of dreams In tho govern
ment net vice.
It happent'd like this but let Colonel
."Hill" tell It In his own language:
"A few years ago in n little Kansas
town the postmaster reported to tho au
thorities that his office bad been entered
by burglars who, failing to find any cur
rency In the till, Issued money orders ag
gregating J 100 nnd cashed them at another
town In that vlcln'ty. Appended to this
commonplace report was a somewhat
dramatic story of how the postmasters
wife had Jumped out of bed on the very
night of the burglary, exclaiming:
Seo thnt man entering the postofflce!
Sec, he hau a skeleton key! Lock at him
now, he's opening the money order
drawer! Now he's Issulug an order! I
sec the Imprint of the stamp upon the
government paper! Oh, catch him, catch
him, somebody, do please!'
"The postmaster Jabbed his wife In tho
ribs and discovered that she was talking
In her sleep.
Tnke Kick at Convict.
Tho woman also dreamed an explicit
description of the man who did tho break
ing. This description tallied exactly with
the personal appearance of an cx-convlct
living In the little town a mere village.
where an ex-convlct's features would
naturally enough bo Impressed upon the
memory of the whole countryside.
"In the minds of the villagers there was
a solution of the po3tomce mystery. It s
easy to kick a man who Is down, you
know, so it was natural to concludo that
the poor old ex-convlct wbb guilty. Wh.n
.1 wont out on tho caso I might havo In
clined to the convict theory had I not heard
of the dream.
"Visiting the postmaster, I told him I
desired a private Interview with his wlfo.
'Very well, sir,' Bald he, 'I'll tako you
dowu to tho house and Introduce you.' So
he (Md, retiring Immediately thereafter,
I talked to the woman several mlnutos
along general lines, suddenly asking:
" 'How about that dream of yours?'
" 'Pshaw, you don't believe in dreams,
so what's the uso of telling you?'
" 'Yes, I am a dream bcllover, and being
the only government, attache who has any
faith, I bear, the distinction of being the
official dream interpreter" 'That's why I
am here. But for your dream, some other
Inspector might have been assigned to this
'The postmaster's wife related in minute
detail all of her dream. Then I said-.
" 'I am now ready to Interpret. Dreams
frequently must be taken exactly opposite,
and Instead of a man ot certain description
entering the pcstofllce with skeleton keys
at night, it was a woman who entered in
daylight without the aid of a key, for tho
door was already open. That same woman
Issued tho money orders and a few days
later she appeared In disguise nt another
postofQco and cashed the orders. I see that
woman now. If you had dreamed Just n
little further, I could tell what disposition
tho woman made of the money, but since I
am unablo to go that far with my Inter
pretatlon, perhaps you can supply the
missing chapter.
" 'What do you mean, sir.' shrieked the
'I mean that you Issued those money
orders, and you d better make good nt
Brings Ont C'onfelon.,
My bluff worked. A full confession fol
lowed. In order to outshine certain neigh
bors who possessed wealth the woman had
taken this method of raising money. It
was another Instance ot woman's vanity
overwhelming her better Judgment. Sho
protested that her huuband knew nothing
of her guilt, and subsequent ovents provea
the truthfulness ot this' statement. In less
than an hour after the confession was made
tho woman repaid to tho government,
through me, all that she had secured on
tbo money orders.
"Did I arrest her? No. I'm from Mis
sourl, and I don't like the Idea ot a 200
pound man arresting a ninety-pound
woman. That would be a breach of chivalry,
And this Is why Colonel "Dill" Sulllvau
is known all tho way down from Mark
Hanna to Tom Pattersou as dream Inter
preter for tho government.
Colonel Sullivan Is one ot tho most widely
known postofflce Inspectors In the United
States. He has been In tho service a long
while, and has figured In several cases of
national Importance Perhaps his most
distinguished service to the government was
tho part h? took In establishing a modern
postal systom In Cuba. Ho was ono ot the
leader In that work.
Take Colonel Sullivan on duty and ho Is
business all over. Take him off duty and
he Is ono of the best fellows you ever met,
a genial gentleman, nn entertaining story
teller and gamo enough to do credit to his
title of colonel and the Grand Army of the
Hepubltc badge on his lapel bears testimony
to the fact that William Tccumseh bill
llvan was on earth while this country of ours
was fighting Itself away back In tho '6Cs,
Tomorrow we begin a week of the fastest selling; ever
experienced by us or tiny other Oninhn furniture estab
lishment, .A matchless stock nt marvelous prices will
doit. Competitive offerings, fade entirely by compari
son with any of tliis weelcs powerful drives. . . . .
i 45fAPNAM smm.
gju urtuiA.
x -a
Por Information and "Tourlit Dictionary"
ddrus City Ticket Office, 1313 Ftnitrn St.
Omaha, Nets
Mntli. tan.llvcr imuand all Pin-
mentary discoloration aro com
pletely removed by my special
homo treatment, and the comp
lexion renflerciicicaranu uncut,
Ful 1 Information with book free.
I oJ State St. ,cor Jlooroe, CMcac
An nnaortmeiit of Itoeki-r M mill ir
t-nlitilt-r neat uolilcii link or iiililiou-Miij-
llnlali lilnli mill low tinck miv
line mirth $5.00 Spring Oprntntt
C hoice of a nnjiilii-r of tenter Tntilr
mill! golili-ii 1111k or iiinliiiKnii)'
flnlxli it till lower Hltelf nnd tUxlM
lueli top ivorlli up to -.." Mlirlim
Olienlui: Snle ,
::i)(l lmllit entf nillil top vliolt-c
flitlslie tilKlily pollshi-il cost clc
ivlipre Ifl.-.V-SiirliiK Openlnu
Sale ,
Ituuoco Couch 011k or liinhiiKUii)' lln
Inli f nunc on rrcil In tclonr Hirer
toned rll iiimlc unit fciinrnn (red
north Ill.lKI MprlliK OpcnlliK
lle'Uootl .V- Wnkellelil io-Curt Ile
clluer rulihi.-i tire teel wheel
patent fuot hi 11 Uo kcuiIiik Mulshed
III Brcen eniunel complete vrttli pur
imol vrortli 111 NprliiK OpenliiK Snle-
Special enlc of hiiiHoine Unvenport
iiinhoKimy iinllali llnlnh frame, np
Iiolatrreil In innlc effect, enver
Inu of velvet vrlour perfectly
tipliiilKtrrril by expert workmen
value cimlly mirth If SprliiK
Opening Sole
MnhoHOiiy IJIvnn upholntereil In iln
lunnk or velour In xollil eolora or
putterim tin 11 limine denlun well tip
liolaterpil north 114.00 SprlnK
Opening1 Snlc
Elciiniit Il-plece miihoKiiiiy I'nrlnr
Suit upliolNtered In flour or enr
duroy Intent iIchIko hniiilnonie
coverliiK" former prlee ."i.OO
SprillK OpeulliK Nnle
Urunil iinle ot elettunt 3-iileee Parlor
Sulti frame u( mnhounny polish
flu I tt or golden (ink, nil perfectly
iipliolatered enverlnK of Milk iln
miiHk InrKi' riintfe of color eoinhl
nntloiiH nnd Intent nprliiK pntteriiM
north tf4U SprliiK OpeulliK Sale....
Heil llooin Suits HnlMhril In Kolilen
cuiinlntx of 7 piece heil, Ure-i',
eonimnde, center table, '2 enne dent
heil room chnlm tittd 1 rbeker to
match ilrenaer linn -l--liich top, '2x
-1-lncU lievel plnte mirror, and
vorth"i:iri SprliiK OpenliiK Sale ....
ItSO Woven Wire SprliiK with
heavy f rnine nlno -IOO hardwood
Kitchen Tp.hle oil nle
nt. ench
UprlKht I'olillnu; lied nlth IHxM
hevel plnte mirror hand tnrv
Inn hluhly polUhed worth
9 tO.OO 011 anle tomorrow
Colclen llnlhed dlnliiR room exten
nlon Tnhle live lurRe turned Ice
with heavy lirace. nicely pullah
ed worth 10.00 SprliiK Openlnu
Solid (Ink fhlnii i:ioct Ilea vy kIiinn
door nnd lient alltl lde pluno
pollNh mid well ileHl:;ned
Worth I'.O.OO Sprl.iK Opening
Dlulnir lloom (.'hull' Hluhly HnUhed
In Kolilen wood oeiit 11 nil hluh hrnail
hiiek 11 very nice looking ehnlr anil
well worth pi. OO SprliiK OpeulliK
I,nrice aollil onk Sldehonrd with Hi
21 hevel plnte mirror In rue roomy
drawer'- evtru litricc linen com
pnrtmeiit nicely carved nnd till
ed worth Sprliiir Opening
IIP T- SE 1 " 0 I
Inicrnln Cnrpetn In thl uratnn'a beat
pattern honnil tn plenie newest
eolorliift worth f0c complete on
your floor Spring Opening Sale
per yard .
All wool Ingrain very pretty pat
tern heat wearing niinlltlea
worth 7Rc complete on nnr floor
Sprlnv Opening Sale
jier yard
ctty pat- j
niniitie.- Si M s-y
Mir floor- X I .W pV
llrnsael Carpet 1 tea t dealgnn, floral
nnd nrleutnl effect nil latent
hade worth $1. 00 complete on
your floor Spring Opening Sale
per yard
Velvet hrlgl't. cheerful floral mill
act effect all popnlnr coloring
worth fl.a. complete on your floor
Spring Opening Sale
per yard
Moqnettea and Axmlnter elegant
I'nrlnr Carpet benutlfnl llgure
nnd coloring the very latrat crea
tion worth fl.fio made complete
on yonr floor per yard
10,000 yards Japanese Matting cot
ton warp pliable as an Ingrain
carpet worth 80e Spring Opening
Rale prlee per yard
.'1,000 yards Oil Cloth In the newest
nnd neatest pattern nnd design
In 4-4, U-4 and H-4 good of flue
annllty worth 60c Spring Opening
Snle price per yard
Nottingham Lace Curtain a yds. long
good width Scotch weaves choice
of beautiful designs worth fl.ntl
per putr Spring Opening
nuflled Muslin and Bohblnet Curtains
a new shipment received Includ
ing dainty noveltle raffled mailln
curtain worth 42.00 Spring Open
ing Snle
We place on sale tomorrow a vast
nnd choice assortment rope por
tieres In all the newest coloring
and styles divided In a lots any
pair worth doable Spring; Opening
Sale-tt.OO, tU.ii and.
Star Estate Steel ltanges lined
throughout with asbestos all parts
closely riveted perfectly square
ovens large Are pots worth 940
Spring Opening Sale
This beautiful hat
trimmed with roios, lilacs
nnd chiffon, with 11 lui'co
fnncv bucklo on A QO
thn liln. worth I -O
$10.00, nt T"-
500 hats trimmed in
chiffon, follase. nnd rosea,
equal to nny $7.fi0
jiattcrn hats Q&
ale 1 y "
on ?
'i Ante Room Echoes.
At the Commercial club rooms the Ma
sonic I.lbinn aaeoclatlon held a roeetlu
yesterday afternoon. The orKanlzatlnn Is
composed of clKbt doleRates from each of
Ihe four bluo lodges or tbo city, it will
havo charge of the Mafonlc library which la
to be established
The Initial step in the formation of tho
association was talten by Covert lodge,
which for several years has maintained at
Maacnlo temple n library of about 3.000
volumes and a reading room. Tho reading
room and library havo been at tho command
of all Masons in tho city and at a recent
meeting of Covert lodgo it was decided to
donate tho books and reading room to tha
Masons of tho city, providing the other
lodges would approve the plan. The ques
tion was talten up by tho other lodges and
500 sample auits no two alike some
all silk lined, made in tho latost style and all
colore and sizes, worth up to 420.00,
sale price
$&Mh I
Tho Bbsissbss of tho World
72AXKS credit their depositors by lending them money, hut the
LJ 'cnjifc's Store cm supply you tcifA Furniture and Carpets for
yonr home, that you nny huve the imc of ichile payments are being
mode. It s a plain busincs proposition; one. that has been satis
faet'jr'j to thousands of custom'rs m fi past, and which kc can
mak" salisjac ory to you, for th" cost here is not one cent more than
if you try to s-u-l the money and pay cath elsewhere.
Quick Meal and Dangler Gasoline
StoTe two-burner Dangler stove
guaranteed Spring Opening
Garney Hefrlgerator T wall of as
bestos, charcoal, etc. no sweat
ing or mixing of flavar-Spring
Opening Sale price
100-plece Dinner Sets in choice of
three decorations In very pretty
shapes ware guaranteed not to
erase worth 12.50 Spring
Opening Hale .....
OR piece Dinner Sets handsome dec
orations on stylishly shaped dishes
worth 7.50 Spring Open
ing Sale priae
12 piece Toilet Sets with covered
slop Jar decorated In natural col
ors nnd very prett7 worth
mi 0.00 Spring Opening
Suits. Skirts, Jack'ts
t-it ""-""-""' ' "a-maa
Oar Suit and Millinery
department ia overflowing with all that
is truly beautiful in this season's tail
oring and millinery world. The newest
creations in ladies' ready-made wear
ing apparel and chic, jaunty headgeur
all at prices thai ae beyond compe
tition, will made this department a live
ly one this week.
1M sample suits loft no two
alike worth up to ri nfi
J25-prlco ... .... . ViVO
(00 all wool golf Flclrts large
plaid backs 12 rows stitch
ing at tho botom, regular
price 11.00, sale j Qg
1(0 taffeta silk dress nklrts
with 0 rows of small ruf
fling mndo with fancy flaro
regular prlcn SIC o
sale prlco V.VtJ
too pettlrjnats all colors
trimmed with ruffling nnd
aceormon pieuitu worm
to 3.&o price
600 sample Jackets all silk
lined, all colors, no. two
allko worth 110 to 115.00
valu price TJ.9S r QQ
M.50-dlvidod In 3
lots, 69c, uso and
1,W0 slltc wnlsts-tuckrd all
around all colors O Qu
worth rr.EO-prlca .O.VO
1. 19
1,000 wrappers worth up to
John N. Wcstbcrg, St. John's lodge. No. 23,
W. V. Krysor, William T nourkc, Clyde
J. Dackus.
U the meeting temporary organiza
tion was offered by tho election of W. W
H yFor as chairman and V. S. Heller us
sccretarj. A committee conklstlns of
W. Keysor, V. A. DeHord, Alfred Kennedy
and M, J. Kciinard was appointed to pro
pare artclcs of Incorporation, rules nnd
regulations for thu association. Tho meet
ing adjourned to reconvene at the call of
the chairman
Ono of tho lamest mthcrlngs In the hU
tory of Scottish HIIp Masonry in Omaha
waa the annual festival uf the extinguishing
delegates elected to tho central body, as , f tno lights and tho feast obligatory, on
fellows: Nebraska lodge, No. 1, V. S. 1 the cvenliiK of Maundy Thursday. Tor tho
Heller. JoHu I). Howo, - J. Kennard, 1 nr tlmo alnro tho lodgo of Hose Croix
Cnrltol ledge. No. 3, William Cleburne, W.
A. DeDord, Alfied Kennedy, Covert lodge,
No. 11, L. U. Hoyt. John W. Msynard,
was established In the city women wcro d to par'al; of the annual feast,
Awtbe close of tho feast tbo light were
extinguished to be relighted nt hpeclal
services to bo held nt 3 o'clock today.
The toasts were responded to as follows
"President of tho United States," Henry D.
Neoly. "The fiuprcie Council," John J.
Mercer, "Tho Grand Lodgo of Masons of
Nebraska," C. II. I.oblngier; "To All
Masons and Masonic Uodlts of All Kite
and Degrees." C. H. llalllct; "To tho
Memory of Our Ncvcr-to-bo-Korfjotten Lalo
Grand Commander. Albert Pike." the
guests; "To tho Memory of the Hrethron of
the llos.0 Croix Whoso Labors Hero llolow
Ceased During tho Present Masonic Year,''
Luther M. Kuhns; "Tho Ladles," V. W.
At the meeting of Calvary No. 1. Knlnhu
Templar, Friday night, officers fcr the in
siiIok year were elected as follows nn
Jnniln V. Thomas, eminent command-r.
Will L. Hitter generalissimo- M J Krn
nard, captain general, John K. Simoon
senior warden, William 11. Uutts, Junior
warden; Carrol G. Pearse, prelate; Kbcn
K. Lone, recorder; William Robluson, treas
urer It was decided that tho commandery
should attend in a body tho services nt tho
First Meth'jdlHt Uplscopal church tonight.
Itev. A C. Hirst, the pastor. Is a Knight
Toiuplr.r. and aB a compliment to him the
Kasttr dovotions of tho Knights Templur
of Omaha wlil be celebrated In that church.
by Canton Hzra Millard of Omaha aro ad-1 ter ot Intorchangcahlo mileage, by which
vanclng satisfactorily. Tho committee hav- I flrma can secure a refund on lees than 2,000
tug tho matter in charge will be ready to 1 miles of tickets sold, The conditions briefly
make public Its action next week.
At tho annual meeting ot Omaha post,
Travelers' Protective association, Saturday
afternoon, the following olflccrs were
elected: M. Wulpl, president, R. B. Drew,
I vlco president; It. I Hodglns, secretary-
trcasuror: L. J. Nedd, C. W. Close. 12.
Clau Gordon No. C3, Order of Scottish i Purcupelc, V. Gottln, L'. H. Hoel, C, G.
ClRns, hold Its regular mooting In tho Con- Cannon, directors.
tlnental block Tuocday evening. Mrs. Arm
strong, the wlfo of 'a deceased Scotchman,
presented the clan with a largo portrait
of Itnburt Hums ih Immortal bard, nnd
there was an hour's harmony, many of the
members rontrlbutlns tn th.- cveumgs
I rcrar.iilop fcr tb- lei - uon of the
.(1st r ond crnlvcr-iry 1 th mi'i'u-.
ttcn of Oddc fellowship In the United Stat s
1 Tho report of the officers showed that
I the post now has a membership ot IDS, an
I increase ot 13S since last year, and that of
j tho members of the Nebraska division of the
society all but eight are members of tho
' Omaha post.
J D. Stacy, Jr , chairman of the railroad
commlt'ec ot tho national association, ru
port'd that he had succeeded In securing
d thari in hr ruling of tho Western Pas
3 n;rr uijoctatlon In reference to tbo mat-
am that where a traveling man has severed
his connection with n firm for any reason
the firm may collect tho rebate on th'
travel paid for by him on tho purchaso ot
2,000 miles of additional tlrkcts.
This change Is considered as a great vl--tory
by tho members of the nssoclatlon, aa
firms have In tho past lost conslderablo
money In tho way of rebates whore trav
elers havo uot used 2,000 miles of tickets
In the employ of one firm.
Tho board of directors 'of the atate di
vision weru prosf-nt at tho meotlug and It
wits decided to hold thn nunual convention
of the division at the Commrrrlul cl'i'i
rooms In this city Saturday. April C
Omaha Masons aro lookinr fcrward with
Interest to a htP's 0' Icf'-rci to be de
livered by Past Master Kcyar,