Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1901, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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Dr. George McLaughlin, Formerly $. Hoi
dent of Omaha.
Prominent In Mnsnnlr Circled nml n
Alenilicr of St. .tnhn'ft Chnpter
lloil)' In lie llroiiKlit to
Dr. George McLaughlin?, formerly o( Omaha
anil Tckamah, dropped dead In Now York
yesterday. Dispatches received In this city
stnto that Dr. McLaughlin was talking to
friends In tho parlor of their homo when
he suddenly expired. Tho coroner hastened
to tho house, accompanied by physicians,
but their Brrvlces wcro futile. It was
found (hat Dr. McLaughlin's death was duo
to heart disease.
The deceased wan a son of tho late Dr.
1). L. McLaughlin of Tckamah. Kor a
number of years ho was cashier of the
bank of Hopewell & Hurrlngton at Tcka
mah. During his rcsldenco In Omaha Dr.
McLaughlin wns prominent In Masonic
circles. Ho whs a member of St. John'B
chapter. Dr. McLaughlin went to New
York to study mcdlclno and was engaged
In hospital work. Whilo thcro ho did
clever magazine and syndlcntn newspaper
work. It Is expected that tho body will
bo taken to Dr. McLaughlin's old homo In
Dr. McLaughlin was n brothor of W. It.
McLaughlin, superintendent of tho Barber
Asphalt company In Omaha. Ills sisters
lived with him In New York. Ho was
about 30 years of age.
((Hirers if I nllv ( lull I'lml that
(Jrimth Di'iiiiinitn llnlnrwriiicnt of
i:c(Mitl CiiiiiniltdM'.
A meeting of tho newly elected odlccrs of
tho Unity club was held last night at the
homo of the president. Miss Jnnot Wallace.
Owing to tho fact that thcro Is no written !
constitution, It was decided to draft n new
constitution nloug lines ndberlng us closely
us possible to precedents established by
custom. Tho committee nppolntcd consists
of C. 1'. Loblngler, on precedent; Mr. H. C.
Patterson, on form, and tho secretary,
Miss Ellen Ilonncv.
The continued growth of tho club member
ship rendered un enlargement of thd execu
tive commlttco necessary. Instead of three
members, as heretofore, theru will bo three
committees of three members each. It wns
also doubled to have places where mem
bership blanks could be placed. Among
other such places selected wcro tho li
brary, In cbargo of Miss Lucy Parsons; the
High school, In chargo of Miss Janet Wnl
lace, and Thompson, Holder) ft Co., In
charge of Mr. Ilclden. Hereafter applica
tions for membership must go first to tho
treasurer and then to tho membership com
mlttco nnd finally be nctcd upon by tho
Wr Department ii 8ent Their Complete
Official Better.
Willi Hip AnicrleiiiiH Art nermann,
Ijimllnli, I'reneli, 1 1 ii 1 1 it mm, .lap,
IttiNxIniM, Aimtrlnn, tilth
Ariiiiiini'iit A-l'li-ii t .
Chief Donnline InnlKtn NerKennt
UcnuiNry In Untitled In It Itnllier
'I'll nil I'onlnl .11 in.
Katurday ended tho sojourn of Prentice
Tiller In Omaha. Lato Saturday afternoon,
In custody of Deputy United States Marshal
Moore and Police Sergeant Dompsey, nnd
In comrnny of his pnl, Oeorgo H. Grant,
tho notorious postofllco robber started on
his trip to Cincinnati. Thero ho will stand
trial for looting street mall boxes In the
Ohio city on March 5.
A report Is current that tho $1,000 re
ward offered for Tiller's arrest will bo
claimed by tho postofflco Inspectors, though
tho arrest wns mado In Omaha by Sergeant
Dempscy, then a detective. Chief Donahue
aid Inst night ho had not heard of any nt
tempt on tho part of tho Inspectors to
claim tho rownrd. Ho believes Dempscy
Is entitled to tho rownrd nnd can seo no
reason why nnyono olso should mnko n
claim. In nny event, tho money will not
bo paid until Tiller Is convicted and then
tho federal authorities will decide who Is
entitled to It.
Saturday morning Judge Mungcr wrote
out nn order for tho transfer of tho two
men to Cincinnati. It wns observed that
Tiller's mime on tho order was spelled
"Tlllls," and that It wns followed by a
parenthetical note to tho effect that his
real name wns unknown. This Is fame!
Unfortunately fot Tiller, however, tho post-
office Inspectors of tho country arc better
'Tin Kn- (it I'eet Ouoil.
Countless tbousauds have found a bless
lng to' tho body In Dr. Klnp's Now Llfo
Pills, which positively euro constipation,
sick headache, dizziness, Jaundice, nmlnrla,
fever and uguo and all liver and stomach
troubles. Turely vegotnblc, never gripe or
weaken. Only 25o at Kuhn & Co.'s drug
II. I'rosson, Pressonvllle, Kun., writes;
Nothing like Kolcy's Honey and Tar" Is
tho universal verdict of all who have used
It. Especially has this been true of coughs
accompanying la grippe. Not a slngto bottlo
failed to glvo relict.
in it lilt Alii in n I I'liin for ii linn
illit't, mIIIi I'renldent Anuoll
nn (.nest nf Honor.
A permanent organization of the alumni
of tho University of Michigan was com
pleted nt tho Commercial club rooms yes
terday afternoon by tho election of these
officers: Casper E. Yost, '03, president; Dr.
II. F. Crumnic.-, 'GO, llrst vice president: L.
K. Crofoot, 'SO, second vlco president; A. O.
Klllck, '00, secretary; iBadorc Zelglcr, 83.
Preparations wcro mado to receive Presi
dent James II. Angcll, LL. 1)., at a banquet
soon. An Invltutlon will bo extended to all
of tho Alumni In tho stato nnd In eastern
Iowa. It will bo n red-letter day for tho
alumni of the University of Michigan, ns It
has a larger number In NebrnBkn than nny
other Institution, except our own Stato unl
Wheels! Whcelsl Wheolsl how they si!
Illdo a iieo wncel and bo In the swim.
Death Coiiiph to Her After Year of
SurfprliiK. Ilornn with tSront
I'llt It'ltCC
After bcnrlng with exceptional Christian
fortltudo years of suffering as an Invalid,
Mrs. Anna McNnlly Lelsander, wlfo of
Oeorgo Lelsander, died Saturday afternoon
of heart disease nt their apartments In
tho Dachclors' Qunrters, on West Farnam
Mrs. Lelsander was 35 years old and leaves,
besides her husbaud, a son nnd daughter,
nged respectively 12 and 10 years.
Funornl services will bo conducted nt the
Quarters nt 0 o'clock Monday morning, and
Immediately after at St. Peter's church, on
Leavenworth street.
J. Aelintx. vArrFfttrtl for Axxnult, JVot
Permitted Poller to Keep
III 1'Inee Open.
J, Achntz, n.saloon keeper at 1302 Douglas
(treat, charged with assaulting a young
woman In his placo of business early Sat
urday morning, was sentenced to thirty
days In Jail by Police Judge Crawford. Ho
tiled nn nppcal bond and was released.
After ho had gained his liberty ho reopened
his saloon, which had been closed by the
police, until n hearing to annul his license
could bo had beforo tho Hoard of Klro and
Pollco commissioners. Achntz was arrested
again Saturday evening by Patrolman Kcldy
and Kmcrgency Officer Rolgloman, acting
under orders from Chief Donnhuo, nnd tho
isloon was locked up for tho second tlmo.
Tho person who has a library of 1,000
volumes needs Tho Century Just ten times
as much ns tho person who has only 100
volumes, for tho reason that the work Is
a koy to every, volume In his. library. So
euro Tho Century nt wholesale publishers'
prlco through The IJeo's club offer. Wrlto
for particulars.
Knitter lit Snored llenrt Church.
Thn Kaster services In the Sacred Heart
church will bo carried out with nil tho
solemnity of tho church's ritual. The
church bus been benutlfully decorated by
tho women of tho Sanctuary society. Thero
will bo three services, ut 7, 0 and 10:30. At
the 7 o'clock mass tho music will bo by tho
married womon'H choir, with Mrs. Hocschcn
nt tho organ. Tho music ut tho 8 o'clock
mass will bo by tho Junior choir, under tho
direction of Miss Murphy. Tho principal
service will bo the high mass at 10:30, at
which Rev. J. A. Casey will be celebrant
and ltov. P. J. .Tudgo will preach on tho
resurrection. Tho musical numbers arc:
Kyrle Leonard's Choir
Olorla Fanner's
Solos by C. F. McCrcary and Miss Jucob
berger. Credo-Loonnrd's
Solos by Miss Nellie Cannon nnd Charles
Offertory lteghm Cotdl Choir
Sanehles Leonard's.... Solo by Miss Knight
Agnus Del Leonard's
Bolo by Miss Maymo O'Brien.
Dona Nobis Leonard's ,
Quintet bv A. and M. Flynn, M. Long, K.
Carroll nnd M. Cannon.
WASHINGTON, April C A recent China
mail brought toMho War department a com
plete olllclnl roster of tho allied forces In
tho province of Po Chi LI February 1. The
American forco Is shown ns It stood beforo
the second reduction of tho United States
forco In China.
Germany's representation In Pc Chi LI Is
concentrated at Pekln and Tien Tflln. At
Pekln tro stntloned the First und Second
Infantry regiments, a Second cavalry
squadron, tho First field artillery and one
Jaeger company.
At Tien Tsln tho military contingent of
tho empire Includes tho Fifth nnd Sixth
Infantry regulars, Fourth cavalry squadron
and n detachment of n Hold artillery regi
ment. At Taku Is n battalion of heavy field
howitzers and tho railroad lines leading
out of these points are well guarded.
MiikImuiI nml I'rniiee.
England, too, has tho major portion of
her forces stationed nt Pekln and Tien Tsln,
but tho remainder of It Is more scattered
than that of Germany, small dct:Mev
of Hrltlsh troops being stationed at nueun
other points In Po Chi LI province. In
most cases theso detachments consist of n
company or two each of cavalry und In
fan try. At Pekln are twenty-llvo companies
of Infantry, thro squadrons of horse, tho
Sixteenth Ilengnl lancers, tho Twelfth field
nrtlllcry nnd n mnrlno contingent of 250
men, with two twelvo-pounder mnrlno guns,
beside telegraph and bnlloon corps. At
Tien T.dn thcro are nearly six full regl
monts of Hrltlsh Infantry, n mnrlno con
tingent of 200 men, nnd three squadrons of
the Third Hombny cavalry. At Shnn Hnl
Kwan Is a strong force consisting of nbout
twenty compnnles of Infantry nnd three
squadrons of tho riders of the Jodphur
Franco has a formldnblo forco ut Pao Ting
Fu and Cheng Ting Fu, consisting of n
squadron of tho picturesque Chasseurs
d'Afrlquc, two battalions of zouaves, one
mountain and two Held batteries, a bat
tnllou o lino infantry nnil a battalion of
mnrlno Infantry. At tho capital are sin
tloncd one battalion of tho Seventeenth and
two battalions of tho Eighteenth Marino
Infuutry, a detachment of Chasseurs d'Af
rlque; two mountain batteries and a field
battery. Tien Tsln holds six compnlncs of
French lino Infantry, u mountain bnttcry,
a Held bnttcry, two battalions of tho Six
tcenth mnrlno Infantry regiment nnd a com
pany of engineers. At Ynug Tsun' nro :
battalion of zouaves, a squadron of Chas
sours d'Afrlquo and two Hold batteries. Tho
lines of communication between Pekln, Tien
Tsln nnd Pao Ting Fu nro guarded by
murine, nnd lino Infantry, zouaves and
Italy, Jnpnii nml Itunxlii.
Italy has at Pekln a battalion each of
marines and Infantry and a bnttcry of ar
tillery, a company of marines nt Shan Ha
Kwan nnd n marlno detachment and a com
pany of Infantry nt Tien Tsln.
Japan has a forco divided principally be
tween Pekln nnd Tien Tsln. Two squad
rons of Japanese cavalry, two batteries o
artillery, and tho Twenty-first Infantry
regiment nro nt tho Chlncso cnpltnl, nnd
at Tien Tsln aro three battalions of tho
Forty-first Infantry nnd a troop of cavalry,
whilo othor battalions of tho "wiry little
Jnps" are strung along tho railroads
throughout tho province.
Tho czar Is represented nt tilts capital by
a company of Infantry, a squadron of cav
alry and a detachment of Russian artillery
to man four machine guns and two light
Chlncso cannon. Russia has a compnny o
Infantry ut Tong Ku, at Tien Tsln, and
Pel Tnng, whilo nt Shan Hal Kwan aro
four companies of Infantry, two squadrons
of cnvnlry nnd n light bnttcry.
Austria's representation Is composed on
tlrcly of marines 2.10 at Pekln, fifty at
Tien Tsln and foity nt Shan' Hal Kwan.
Wlmt is Snld to lie? Cnriienlr'H I'lrst
Donation to n Unl vemlty Goes
to Fnyette.
DUBUQUE, la., April C Ilov. Dr. Denton
f Upper Iowa university called on Speaker
Henderson to consult as to ptans for tho
Cnrneglo library building to bo erected at
ayctte. Tho plans wcro shown to Colonel
Henderson and he made his selection. It Is
tated that this Is tho iUst and only gift
Mr. Carncsle over mado to u college.
Colonel Henderson, In presenting his plea
for tho college, said It. was doubly dear
to him, ns It was In that little town and
thnt collego .that ho got his start, after
coming In from tho farm, when tho war
broko out. It was In tho chapel of that
collego that ho called n meeting and or
ganized his company and started for the
war In tho south.
Mr. Carncglo stated, In complying with
Colonel Henderson's request, that a college
thnt could make such a man out of a poor
Scotch boy was deserving of recognition,
nnd ho gave eheorfully and without ro-
trlctlon 125,000 for Us library.
Evory home of culturo nnd refinement
In America should possess The Century
Dictionary und Cyclopedia und Atlas. Se
cure It through Tho IJeo's wholesale pub
Hsher3' price. Wrlto for particulars.
The Heaviest Hair
on Record
was Absalom's. We are told thatevery year
"He polled Hs head." And this weighed
six and one-sixth lbs. avoirdupois. We
can't promise you as much hair as this, yet
it is a familiar saying that
"Aycr's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow."
There isn't anything mysterious about
this when you know that it is a hair food.
You put it on the hair, and the hair cannot
help but grow; for that is just exactly what
Nature planned.
If yo have any gray hair, our Hair Vigor
will certainly restore color to it, all the
dark, rich color it had years and years ago.
It stops falling of the nair also, and keeps
the scalp clean and healthy.
"My hair was coming out by the handful every tlmo It was brushed or combed; and gray hairs bagiui
to creep In, too. Two bottles of Ayers Hair Vigor stopped the hair from falling and there was not
faded or gray hair to bo seen." Mrs. M. D. Gray, North Salem, Mass., Oct. 9, 1899.
One dollar
a bottle.
All druggists.
Ask your druggist first. If he cannot supply you, send us one dollar and wa
will express a bottle to you. He sure and give the name of your nearest ezoresa
office. Address, J, C. AVER CO., Lowell, Mass.
Test for Yourself the Wonderful
Curative Properties of Swamp-Root
To Prove What the World-Famous Discovery, SWAMP-ROOT, Will Do for YOU,
Every Reader of The Bee May Have a Sample Bottle Free.
Pfsftlon nt Ited (Ink
lllectliiK omiTM of
IlED OAK, la., April 6. (Special.) Tho
final session of tho Iowa Stato Confcronco
of Charities nnd Corrcetlon was Friday aft
ernoon. Thcro wns u paper by Hon. L. S.
'olfln of Kort Dodge, la., on the projected
homo for cx-convlcts at Fort Dodge, a
reading of ox-(5ovcrnor Larrahce's on the
'Prevention of Crime," by Judgo L. O.
Klntic, nnd election of theso officers: Pres
ident, Prof. Isaac A. Loos of the stato unl-
crslty, Iown City; first vlco president,
Superintendent W. K. Chevalier, Itcd Oalc;
second vlco president, Mrs. (1. It. Holllstor,
Sioux City; secretary, Miss Charlotta fioff,
Dcs .Moines; treasurer, II. S. Holllngsworth,
Des Moines; executive commlttco, C. D
Van Vcchton of Cedar Knplds, I.. G. Klnno
of tho Hoard of Control, Prof. D. E. Shep
pard of Drako university, Des Moines.
Iowa City was selected as tho next placo
of meeting.
llnenn Vlstn to lie I'lneert 011 Self-Sim-
InlnliiK Mux In.
STOKM LAKE, la., April 6. (Special.)
Dtionn VlHla collego Is to ho placed on n
self-sustaining basis by nn endowment of
$100,000. In addition to subscribing funds
to purchase tho slto and build tho col
lege building, Storm Lake citizens have
kept tho college running by assistance
yearly. Now local citizens havo subscribed
$25,000 moro to un endowment of $100,000.
Tho Presbyterians of Iowa havo promised
as much moro nnd n largo pcrccntngo of
this has been subscribed. Tho board of
nld for colleges has assigned Ducna Vista
a Held In Ohio which Is promising, and
President llecd stakes his reputation on
tho question of successfully raising tho
$100,000 endowment this year.
CoucrcK'itlonnt lit to Convene.
ONAWA, la., April C (Special.) The
third semi-annunl meeting of the new
Sioux Association of Congregational
churches will bo In Whiting, In., April 10
and 11. Westtleld, Lako View, Oto, Smith
land, Sioux City, .Corrcctlonvllle. Sloan,
KIngslcy, Onawa nnd Movllle all havo rep
rescntatlvcs on tho program.
DpiiInoii Itealdmit Iln Smnllpor.
DENISON', la.. April (!. (Special.) Tho
eldest son of Tom McGrln, who lives nt
this place, has taken nick with smallpox,
Tho placo was quarantined.
Syrnen.o Journal.
SYRACUSE, Neb., April Si (Special Tele
gram.) Flro In tho stock room of tho Jour
nal office, on tho second floor, broko out
at 12 o'clock today. It was put out by tho
flro department, with $250 loss on tho
building, which Is owned by D. S. Llttlcfleld
of Dunbar, nnd $500 on tho Journal office
mostly by water. Tho property was fully
Tn-pnty-ElKht llnllillnKN Hum.
LISBON FALLS, Me., April C A flro
which started In tho Everett block hero
early today resulted In tho destruction of
twenty-eight buildings In tho business por
tion of tho town, and It Is believed tho loss
will npproxlmato $250,000. With tho aid
of engines from Lcwlston nnd Bath tho
flames wero contiollcd at 4:30 o'clock.
J. It. Dean of Broken Bow Is nt tho Mil
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Smith of Ames nro nt
tho Murray.
C. v. AtcGrew nnd E. S. Ilnncrsen of Lin
coin, C. G. Baker of Beatrice, C. H. Cornell
of Valentino nnd 1. II. Fuller of Hustings
nro stnto guests at tnn iier uranti.
NobrnBkans at tho Merchants: Mr. nnd
Mrs. V. It. Wllllson, Columbus: Mr. und
airs. u. Toator, i.yon; i: ai. crowe
Spencer Yoho, Lincoln: W. R. Burton
Unstlngs; Paul Klsscll. Genon; W. F. Heyl
I'latto center; sr. 1.. lung, iNeurasita uuy
A, M. Anderson, Tcknmuh; F. W. Kenny
Jr., Blair.
The Omaha Philosophical society will
mpot In Labor Temnli! hall at 2:: n. m.
today. L. J. Qulnl)V will deliver nn address
on "llumnno Diet.
Charles Denning, alias F. M. Marquess
who is wanted by the authorities of Itlppey
... 1 . 1.1 - 1 ..
IU., lur uuwuninK 'J unuur i.iinu
tenses, was arrested lato yesterday nfter
noon bv DcctectlvoH Mitchell nnd Donahue
Dminlne Is n formnr convict, havlntr served
three years In tho Indiana penitentiary for
nignway lonuory.
INSTRUMENTS pluced on record Satur
uay, April u:
Wnrrnnly DreiU.
Ellzahrtli Nlsnn to William Dodson.
lots 4 to S, block 3, Wuterloo $ 1,400
Houtn umalia j.anu company to k.
M. ntnliarilKmi. lot 2. block 20. Smith
Omaha 400
F L. Hrenglo to J. J I. H. Ilruns et
nl. lot 7, block 12, Thomas & S.'s
Kami) to sumo, lot (, block 12, samn..
J. V. l.vtln nml wifi! to A. C. Woody.
lot 3. block 5, Monmouth park "50
A. V. Busk and wlfo to E. V. Pendlc-
ton, lot 1, block 4, Hlierman Avenuo
park 1
Unit Cliiliu DcmmI,
O. Q Wallace et nl to J. W. Lytic.
lot 3, block 5, Monmouth park 1
Total amount of transfers $ 2,551
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday
Mini i:
Warranty llrciU,
J. M. Woslerlleld and wlfo to Theo
dore Fredericks, lot 14, Wcsterlleld's
add $ 300
Elizabeth Papnz to Klrzaucth She
lane.', lots 4. i and 0. block 102. South
Omuliu 1,504
A. 11. Paddock to Kiicn uummiH, mt
lfl. block 17. 1st ndd to Bedford Placo 1
Omaha Realty company to frrcd Mat
tlilet. lot 13. Forbo'H subdlv. east of
Boulovard 1,350
Christum .Martcuscu una uusiiunu to
IT I. Ilrtuiwl u.U nf fU. lot lilnnlr
4, Campbell a add 900
A. A. Crury to Emma C. Fleming, eli
lots 17 to 20, block 11, Ambler Placo., Wo
(J. B. Lano nnd wlfo to C. E. Edson,
lot 12. block 33, Kountzo Place 2,350
E. L. Cain and wlfo to E. A. Anglln.
lot 6, block 3, Murysvlllu ndd 2,300
Sheriff to Copoordla Loan nnd Trust
company, o 12 feet lot 0, block 215,
Omaha i
Bertlui WoshcIo, administratrix, to P.
F Petersen, w 41 feet of o 517 feet of
11 132 feet taxlotti, nnd w 50 feet of o
473 fee of n 132 foot taxlot 5, In 9.15-
13 42
Total amount ot transfer 9,9W
To tho Readers of Tho Bee:
For some tlmo 1 havo suffered from a serious kidney trouble and nlso gravel (cal
culi), which I believe was tho result ot carrying henvy loads nnd continual exposure.
I had an almost continual pain In my back, wns weak and run down generally. I
fully realized that kidney dlscnso wns not only remarkably prevalent, but was olso
ono of tho greatest dangers of my own employment, ns a lnrgo pcrccntngo of the
denths among letter carriers Is duo to sotno form of kidney trouble. After using
other remedies without satisfaction, I decided Ho try Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Hoot,
which Is prepared In my own city and recommended by so many Blnghnmton peo
ple. Within n short tlmo I realized n marked improvement, and In a reasonable
tlmo a complete euro was accomplished. It has been soma tlmo slncn I havo had to
use nny nt tho remedy, and I have no fear of recurrence of tho trouble. Two of
my fellow carriers E. J. Cnsey and S. C. Sweeney havo nlso used Swnmp-Root for
about tho same difficulty as mine, nnd with exactly tho snmo results, nnd they gladly
Join mo In recommending tho remedy to any ono who suffers from kidney, liver or
bladder disorders. Very truly yours,
E. J. CASEY. ) Wo endorse, tho
S. C. SWEENEY, f above statement,
BINfiHAMTON, N. Y., Janunry 7, 1900.
C. E. Stcbblns has been In tho employ of tho Blnghamtou postoflleo for fifteen
years, E. J. Casey for ten years nnd 8. C. Sweeney for seven years. This long Bcrv-
Ico speakes volumes of their Integrity, honest nnd efficient work.
How to Find Out if You
Need Swamp-Root.
Editorial Not let: The wonderful remedy, Swamp-Root, Is so remarkably suc
cessful that special arrangemcut has been mado by which nil of our readers who
have not already tried It may havo n samplo bottlo of Swnmp-Root sent absolutely
freo by mall. Also a valuable book telling all nbout kidney and bladder troubles
and containing many of tho thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received
from men und women cured by Swamp-Root. In writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., ho
sure nnd say that you read this generous offer In Tho Omaha Sunday Bee,
Weak and unhealthy kidneys aro rcspon
slblo for moro sickness and suffering than
nny other disease, nnd It permitted to con
tlnuo fatal results are suto to follow.
Kidney troubo Irttntes tho nerves, mnkes
you dizzy, restless, sleepless and Irritable.
Makes you pass water often during tho
day nnd obliges you to get up many times
during tho night. Causes puffy or dark
circles tinder tho eyes, rheumatism,
gravel, cntntrh ot tho bladder, psln
or dull ncho In tho back, Joints nnd
muscles causes indigestion, stomach and
liver trouble; yuu got u sallow, yelllov;
complexion; makes you feel as though you
had heart trouble; you may havo plenty ot
ambition, but no strength; gel weak ami
waste nwny.
Tho kidneys must nlso filler and purify
tho blood, so when they nro weak or out
of order and fall to do their work you can
understand how quickly your cnttro body
Is affected and how every organ seems to
fall to do Us duty.
Tho turu for theso troubles Is Dr. Kil
mer's Swnmp-Root, tho world-famous kid
ney remedy. In taking It you afford na
ture to help nature, tor Swamp-Root Is tho
most perfect healer nud gentlo aid to tho
kidneys that Is known to mrdlcnl science.
It thero Is any doubt In your mind ns to
your condition, tnka from your urlno on
rising about four ounces, placo It In n glass
or botttlo nnd lot It stand twenty-four
hours. If on examination It Is milky or
cloudy, It thero Is a brick-dust settling or
it small particles lloat about In It, your
kidneys aro In need of Immediate attention,
Swnmp-Root Is pleasant to tnko nud la
used In tho leading hospitals, recommended
by physicians In their private practlco and
Is tnken by doctors themselves who havo
kidney nllmcnts, becauso they rocognlzo In
It tho greatest and most successful remedy
for kidney, liver nnd bladder troubles.
If you nro already convinced that this
groat remedy, Swamp-Root, Is what you
need, you can purchase tho regular flfty
ccnt and ono dollar slzo bottles at tho drug
stores everywhnrc.
Tho most usoful arti
cle over Invented for
tho comfort of nn
invalid. Tho loaf can
bo rnlscd and
lowered, ex
tended and
fastened ut arjy ancle.
Medical nnd Surgical Supplies
1408 Farnam Street, Omaha,
Conlnv knows wntehes from A to '.. Ho
has spent twenty years studying watches.
When buying it watch why not havo tho
Judgment ot nn expert to nld you In se
lecting. An excluslvo lino of watches Is
nlwuys to bo found nt Copley's. For J18.00
Copley can sell you un elegant gold Idled
'case, with a reliable movement In it. This
is copiey-3 grcai leaner, nut, n.
Special Watch Exnmlner B. & M. Ry.,
Chief Watch Inspector O. & 8. L. By., O.
K. C. &. E. lty. nnd 1C C. & N. Ry.
Chaffee anil Wnunck, Ituaalnn, Coin
luit l'lnn to I.ruve 1. 11 rut- Force
nt Chinese I'oIiiIm.
PBKIN, April C Tho meeting of tho
generals ot tho allied troops and Count
von Wnldorsco this morning was of great
Interest and Importance, though It was
known beforehand what had practically
been decided upon. Still the meeting
showed conclusively tho attltudo of tho
dlffcrctn powers.
Tho only dlsscntenls from thox plan
adopted wero Cenural Chaffee, tho Ameri
can commander, nnd General Wogack,
commander of tho Russian forces, who both
thought that tho number of points to bo
occupied was cxccsslvo nnd also that the
number of troops was too great,
Tho othor generals wero unanimous In
tho opinion that nine points should bo oc
cupied botwecn I'ekln nnd Shan Hal Kwnn,
with 10,000 men excluslvo of tho 2,000 In
I'ekln, This will bo n permanent measure,
whilo the reduction of tho present forces
will bo made with regard to tho wishes ot
tho various governments. Tho railway
between l'no Ting Ku nnd I'ekln will not
bo guarded, It not being a lino ot com
munication with tho sea.
General Chaffco suggested that It was
only neccssnry to occupy two points be
tweon Van Tsun and Tien Tsln nnd three,
between Tien Tsln and Shan Hal Kwan,
with a total of 2,000 men excluslvo of thoso
nt I'ekln. It was not necessary, ho said,
to havo soldiers at Konk Tit, ns naval ves
sels wero always thero and nlso because
the reliefs would always bo passing back
und forth.
General Wogack thought that 1,000 men
would bo sufficient for occupying Tien Tsln
nnd Shan Hal Kwnn. Tho viows of tho
majority will bo presented to tho minis
ters for immcdlato action, ns tho gcneraln
feel that tho ncceptanco by tho Chlncso ot
these terms, Including tho total destruction
ot tho forts nt Shnn Hnl Kwan, Taku, Kong
Tu, Bel Tsun and Van Kang, will mean
coroploto submission, whon urrangemonts
ought to bo mado for tho withdrawal of a
majority of tho forces from China.
Kimball Pianos
Ilnvo the grontest reputation in the
world. Fur tone and durability they
are unquestionably tho finest made. Wo
liavo handlwl tlioin for more tlinu a
quarter of a century and have proved
their worth. Wo have all tho new styles
In stock ami Invito your early Inspection
of them. Wo have low ptiueH and very
easy terms, but wc hnvo nothing but
the best goods, our tuning, repairing
and polishing Is tho best. Phono 188
if you want anything In the piano line.
Music and Art. 15 1 3-15 1 5 Douglas.
.. nlllllt
This is Easter Day-
and ono of tho days you should havo ft
box of our Gold Medal Chocolate Bon Bons
In the home When you havo eaten a plcco
ot every other kind of candy no matter
what tho price then cat ours and you'll
dectdo It's tho best candy you over tasted
and wo can mnko just as strong n talk
about our tco cream Wo mako pure lco
cream and for convcnlcnco sako put It up
In little barrels so It will bo handy to
carry nnd will keep cold for hours A quart
roll, 3 flavors, enough for 8 parsons, costs
hut 40c Tako ono homo today.
W. S. Balduft
1520 Farms tm St.
The Hanan Shoe
We nro tho only exclusive Belling
agents in Ouinha of tho genuine Hannu
shoe whifli aro. mado up especially for
us to meet the demand of the Omaha
trade there aro no odds nnd ends in
our line for every shoo Is up-to-date In
nlyle for either men's or women's wear
tho Hanan shoe sets the style which
all other makers try to follow to own a
llauan shoe Is to own tho very best and
latest production wo carry complete
lines In tho .f.r.(it) and $0.00 grades-in
all tho sizes, widths nud lusts the new
spring styles nro hero for your selecting.
Drexel Shoe Co,,
CntnloKiie Sent Freo for the Aakluu.
Omiiliii'M Uii-tai-dnte Hhne llciu.e.
41 II W
i'k.vsions rou wiosTi-iit.v vi:ti:ha.s.
Wnr Survivor HiMiieiuhereil 1- (lie
(ieneriil fin eriiiiien I,
AVASlllNGTON, April G.-(r!pcclnl,)-Tho
following pensions havu been granted:
Issuo of March IT.':
Nebraska: Additional Thomas Kluglinrn,
ludianola, J10. liu;reuHc--AI)nim N. Wnl
roth, Ong, $12: John (' Hanta, Yr-rk, JIO,
.(nines II. Camp, Ocneva, (12, Jonathan 11,
Ingram, llask'ngs, C.
Iowa: Orluliiul 1'runk Kublc, Dun
This is For You
Kvory dollar wo spend with tho printer
tolls you somothlng to your profit Uvery
prlco wo print Is printed becauso It Is
worth printing becauso It tolls of tho un
common, tho extraordinary hero Every
offer for tomorrow means something It's
worth tolling you Kor tomorrow wo'ro
going to soil you a good strong, scrvlcoablo
rako for '5o a good hoo for 25c a good
spado for 85c spading forks 75o a good
rubber lawn hoso, ovory foot guaranteed,
nt So to ISo por foot lawn mowers from
92.75 to $7,00 lawn sprinklers 23c Tho best
gnsolino stovcB bold uro tho "New Process"
Wo sell them as well ns tho Leonard
Clennublu rofrlgorutors Seo us nnd get our
A. C. Raymer
1514 Faramn St.
Moines, V). Additional Benjamin Boyer,
Cascade. K Hupplementnl Itobert A. I'at
tei'Hon, Wintersot, -'. Incroaso Henry C.
lluydock, Hldon, JR: special act, March
25, Bamuct '. Murphy, Kldon, $21; special
net. March 23, Krnnres A. Itlchle, Mus
catine, S12; Johanna Malonc, ('lorniont. $v,
Susan IJ. Mills, Hlgournoy, 12; KlUabcth
Wcltzo, Dnveuport, S.
South Dakota; I ncreuso Special net,
March 25, Charles Hummers, Huron, $15;
Jmih'H W. Harden, Wnnnsovknt, $.'Su,
North Dakota' Original - James Cook,
WllUstuli, Incrvutsc-HUb'h McLaugh
lin, Klbowooil, $10; special act, March 23
Tlinmas M. Wliner, Htecle, $20.
Montana: Orlulnul Special net, Marcl
25, Frederick Hlon. Helcnu, $2U; Kldlllat
Whlto. K'allspell. 112.
Colorado: Original John O. Gardiner
Muiiltou, $3. IncreaseSpecial net, March
25. Henry Hegtver, Denver, $10. Original
widows, etc. Alice L. Phillips, Castlo Ilock,
A now wheel und Just the ono you hava
always wantod, Itcud Tho Bco wheel offer.