Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1901, PART I, Page 11, Image 11

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U1 jo siiura naaijn isn 9it icqi ttoscaj
scnson will be played nt horar.
Tho followlticc table summarize' the
W.r Ta.n ol,.,Jl. n(...n.v. in' sche,lllIc' "bowing how tho name In which
weiteri Lgn Bchidnl Girei Omaha All: the 0m!llm tram ., parl,cpnl0 nbroa,i
it uould Aik.
3lnxt iif the (iniiic-K lltirluu KlrM Unit
of ."rnsoii Will l)v 1'lnjeil on (Ik;
lliinir flroniuln I.iiiik Ah.irneo
In nil)' mill .iiuiinl. '
Your Uncle William Itourkc was up and
lolng last Thursday
atnt at home arc arranged
Abroad. At Home.
JZ-May 3-15.
3 May 91-31.
Jtino 12-17
3 July 5-7.
19 July 16-August I.
2'1-Aug. l.bBept. 2.
11-Mny 17-ZS.
ri-juno i-io.
1 a-June in-July
k .liny si-ii.
C-AUUHt -ll.
15-Heptombcr 3-1S.
The only holiday game Omaha bagged wni
July I. Manager Itumko did not lmlst upon
more. Ho was well enough satlslletl with
tho schedule In Its allotment of Sunday
. T .... UaIhm ...111 1 . 1. .. .... I
Ho turned his fam- , X . ul,rae""n
lly of baso balllsls over to IMdlo I.nuzon
and nil of the boys cavorted about tho Vin
ton street reservation with tho gleeful
uglllty of bo many schoolboys gamboling on
tho sward. Where was l'apa Hill all this
time? Closeted tho day Ioiik with l'rosl
Nowthal tho time for the opening of the
Mason drawn near tho question in often
asked, How docs tho Omaha team compare
with tho other teams In tho Western
league? Tho answer Is easy. There Is no
ilcnt Hlckcy and his fellow magnates of , J,1" that has a better lot of men. moro re-
tho Western league and carefully guarding
tho Interest!) of Omnha. It Is needless to
nay that Manager I1III camo out of tho
conferenco with colors Hying.
Tho schedulo which was finally ndoplcd
was satisfactory lo all of the managers,
and that wan something decidedly unusual,
to say tho least. This satisfaction sprung
from tho harmony which exists In the ranks
of the league at this time. There was a
disposition on tho part of tno members to
give nnd take, and because of this spirit
It wns more a matter of expedience than
anything else In the arrangement of tho
lenguo's time table.
Fortunately, however, this expedience re
sulted In Omaha's getting ns bang-up n
Kchedulc as could possibly bo desired. The
aenson opens May 3 nnd September
IS. Thero will bo 12fi games, of which
each team will play slxty-lhrco nt homo
and sixty-threo abroad.
Opening games will bo played us follows:
St. I'aul nt fit. Joseph, Mluncapollu at Knn
Has City, Omnha ut Donver, Den Moines nt
Colorado Springs. Tho samo teams will
end tho season together, tho locations of
tho games being reversed, Denver closing
In Omnha.
In tho distribution of the holiday games
St. Joseph failed to draw a prize. Omaha
KCts July 1. Kansas City bagged all of
tho plums, getting nil of tho holiday gomos
on Its homo grounds. Mlnnenpolla drew
July 1 nnd Denver wan assigned July 4 and
J-nbor day. Des Moines and St. Paul get
Decoration nnd Labor days and Colorado
Springs guts Decoration day.
There will bo twenty Sundays during tho
lcaguo season. Those were divided among
tho clubs ns follows: St. Paul and Des
Moines, 11; Minneapolis, Kansas City,
Omaha nnd Denver, 10; St. Joseph and
Colorado Springs, 0.
Omuha's first game at homo will be with
St. Joseph, May 1". Previous to tho
Ilourko family's Initial appearnnco on the
homo grounds twelve games will bo played,
threo each with Denver, Colorado Springs,
St. Joseph and Kansas City. Tho first
nix games ,ought to bo won easily by "Pap"
HourUo's nggregatlon, for It will bo pltfd
iHiujni urn ituilis wiiiuii wily nuii'u aim i
Manager Packnrd of Denver have yet to
organize. Tho fact that the Colorado
Springs nnd Denver teams have not yet
been determined upon, us to their per
uonnel, makes It a certainty that at tho bs
gtnnlng of tho season they will not bo par
ticularly strong.
Arriving In St. Joseph with a percentage
of 1,000 nnd with tho dcslro to reach homo
fortho llrst game with no defeats recorded
ngnlnst them, thero Is no reason why the
locals shouldn't tnke three straight from
tho McKlbbcnltcs, nnd play a repeater over
nt Knnsan City with "Whito Wings" To
bcnu'B much-vaunted collection of base ball
stars. At nny rate, It Is n certainty that
tho Ilourko family will como homo with a
percentage round about .1000 nud a pretty
snfc margin for llrst place.
Thero will bo eleven games down at the
Vinton street reservation In tho opening
scries, Kansas City, Denver and Colorado
Springs following St. Joseph In quick suc
cession. Tho Colts will go over to Des
Moines for threo games tho closing threo
days of May nnd return homo for nlno
moro games, threo with Des Moines, start
ing Juno 1, and n like number with Minne
apolis nnd St. Paul.
When St. Pnul puis In nn appearance
June S for n series of throe games the
Omaha baso ball populace will have seen
nil of tho teams In the league. It will bo
tlmo enough then to start tho dope n-golng.
A pretty good lino can bo laid on tho vnrl
sus teams and tho bate boll prognostlcators
Hill bo In their clement.
Ilnble, moro consistent or with better rce
ords than Omnhn. It looks now ns though
.Manager Koutke has collected together ono
of the fastest tcatni that has ever worn on
Omaha uniform.
Unless all signs fall thero will be no com
parison between this nnd last year's teams.
Tho Infield wns lamentably weak Inst tea
son. It wns constantly changing. The fans
did not know from one doj's gamo to the
next who would bo playing ts; timers. It
wob only certain that little "Stub" Toman
would bo out In tho diamond playing short
stop for all ho was worth. The outfield n
year ago was poor becnuso tho Holders
fnlled to make good at the bat. Manager
Itotirkc has made every effort to remody
these defects. Alt of his men give promise
of being good stick nrtlsts, but the out
Udders especially aro expected to follow
up tho records they hnvo established lu ths
past of being able to whack tho leather
often enough to boost their teuton's aver
ago up above .300.
Tho only placo this year's team Is weak
Is behind the bat. Manager Uourko real
Izcs this nnd will try to remedy It. Kddle
Luizon will bo nblo to perform good serv
Ice nnd ho will hnvo a capnblo assistant
In Phil Glade, provided tho boy doesn't
loso his courage and plnys as veil as ho
uied to when ho was tho star performer
In nmntcur games played out In tho statu.
Thero Ib no - doubt but that Uiuzon will
go through tho entlro season as a member
of tho catching staff, no matter what addi
tions Manager Ilourko may make. Kddle
catches nontly, hns a good "whip" and
stands well up lo tho plate. Thero Is no
moro faithful player In tho league. Ho
works from tho minute tho gong sounds
until tho game is over and never relaxes n
It Is In tho pitching staff, though, that
tho Omnha team Is particularly strong.
Manager llourke has a perfect galaxy of
stars Uoach, Herman, Coons, rreelnnd,
Stcelo nnd Crnham. So other club In the
lingua ran boast of a superior sextette.
And then thero are Graham and Cordon,
two promising youngsters, who will lot
out every link to make good and retain
their berth In the league throughout the
entlro season. Tho Infield is particularly
strong, with Calhoun, Stcwnrt, Walters,
McAndrows nnd Toman, nnd tho outfield
looms up In great shape, with Hold, Carter
nnd Letcher. With a field back of them
made up of such capable performers, the
Omnha pitchers can't help but make a lino
record for themselves this year.
t'ndcrwood, Ilauldln and Kermond: catch
ers, Hurley. Ilofert nnd Wllklns, lnficlders.
Davis, Sehnumcyer, Hull, Hoy and (llfford;
outfielders, Urecn, Honeymnn, Schrull and
Many of tho men who wore Sioux f'lty
uniforms Inst year will play with tho Min
neapolis team this soiion. Old Jack GIasi
cock will captain the aggregation and from
the men who have reported for practice
work ho expects to cop out n flrst-ratc
team. President Ileall ordered his players
to report at Sioux City, whero tho spring
work will bo done, with possibly n side
trip down lo Klrkavllle, Mo., for u few
dnys. Tho Minneapolis list Includes Tom
Thomas, I M. (Hilton, Charles Ferguson,
i;il Cntes, J. P. Kllnow, W. II. McCroedls,
II. J. Cote, I.. II. Swormstcd, 11. J. VaMoU,
W. Congalton, James Cockmore, II. 1'. lira
shear, Frank Flggemclcr, Frank Purvln,
J. II. Docsher, Tom Drummy, Ora Cochran,
I.. McCrecdlo, Fred Wenlg, J. Hlckcy, II.
A. Swnln, George- A, McL:ury and Jack
Dig "IIIH" Wilson, Omaha's star cntrhcr
latt year, who will ofTlclntu behind the pln'.e
for St. Paul this season, Is much pleased
with tho team that Captain Hyan his r.lgii'd
for tho Saints, "1)111" hns n hunch Hut ho
Is to bo a, member of a u Inning team this
year, rp to date St. Paul has Mgned the
following: Catchers, Wilson, Hunt, Hear-
wald, Holmes nnd Kccfe: pitchers, Jones,
Mcdlll, Wyroskl nnd Leflore; Inllehleis,
Werden, Hoggins, Whenlan, Holly, Mickey
nnd Zclglcr: outfielders, Hynn, Parker.
Larson, Kavatugh nud Johnson.
Merle of Ititi-rrMliiic l'riilileniN Snli
mltteil for tin Con n I deration of
(.'lie-ill Kll t lltlrlltlRl.
In nn Interesting letter to tho chess edi
tor Inst week Dr. J. L. Ormsbec, secretary
of tho Missouri State Cho3s nssoelatlon,
says: "Hero la n condensed summnry of
tho Iown-Mlssourl match (39 boards) to
date: Missouri haB won by superior piny
nt, boards 3, C, 7, 10, II, 10, 20, 25 nnd 3i5.
Iowa has won by superior play at boards
0, 11, 18 nnd 21. At bonrds 1, 2 nnd 12 tho
games were drawn. Iowa won nt board 13
nnd Missouri at 33, on nccount of slrkncs.i
of players; and the referee gave Iowa the
games at bonrds I. 22, 20, 2S and 39 because
our players exceeded tho tlmo limit. Score
Iowa, ll'A; Missouri, 11 &; unfinished, 18."
Dr. Ormsbce submits n position which
occurred In tho game between Captain T.
C. Hollnnd, Sedalla, and J. W. Coivlen,
Kansas City, In tho Missouri semi-finals:
3 r 1 k 2. p 2 r 3 p. 2 p 1 p 2 It. 2 P 1 11
p Ql. 2 b :.. 4 P 3. P 2 n 2 P P. 1 It I K 1
This Is after Illack's 2Gth move; Whlto
(Cnptoln Holland) then nnnounced mate In
eleven moves. A chnnco for our solvers.
Composed by C. F. King, Glens Falls, N.
Y., about nineteen years ngo; contributed
by C. F. Mills of that place. White mates
lu two moves.
George Tcbeau has mndo'n strong addition
to his ten in by securing tho services of
doorgo llettger, who hns pitched with Mil
waukee for se-.or.-il seasons. "Whlto
Wings" hns been negotiating for llettger
for some tlmo past and succeeded lu land
ing him last week.
Manager Chaso has announced that his
team will bo chosen from tho following
men: Pitchers, Fred Glade, Louis Poll
chow, Dick Glendon, Mlko Stoffanl nnd
William H. Morrison; catchers, Davo Scls
ler, Charles Conwell nnd John Thierry;
first base, John Rcbsamcu, J. Jamison nnd
W. Konnclly; second base,. Henry nines;
third bnBe, Charles Pcaso; shortstops, Artie
Dull nud William Gleason; outfielders, Otto
Thlel, "Lefty" Nogle, Frank Wnrner, Maltlc
MoVIckor, Louis Llppert nnd Josh Clark.
if thero Is any morlt In tho houic-ground
theory Omaha ought to anchor at tho head
or near tho head nt tho percentage column
tho llrst half of tho season. Of tho sixty
six games threo moro than one-half tno
Hchcduled number from May 3 to July 14
Omnha will play forty-two on tho homo
grounds and twenty-four away from homo.
From July 10 to September 18 thero aro
sixty games scheduled. Only twenty-ono
of these aro scheduled for the home grounds
nnd thlrty-nlno will bo plnyed on foreign
fields. From an Omnha standpoint tho
schedule is especially satisfactory, for tho
Jaklo Welmer, who was with Des Moines
last season, will bo one of thu Kansas
City pitchers this year. Drain, who mndu
u great tear as n third baseman last year,
will be with Comlskey's Chicago team this
season. Tho Des Moines team will un
doubtedly bo shorn of many of tho men
who aro now on tho list beforo tho season
opens. Jack Rebsamcn will in all prob
ability be ablo to defend first baso from
'ic encroachments of tho newcomers. "Itch"
ns ono of tho best first basemen In tho
lcaguo last year and It was a big loss to
Omnha when ho left tho team.
Manager McKlhbcn has a team for St.
Joo this year Hint-shows up mighty well on
paper. Most of tho best material In last
year's tenm hns beon reserved. Kllng's
trnnsfer to tho Chicago N'atloual league
team will make n big holo In tho McKlbben
aggregation, however, tor his equal as n
bncktttop cannot easily bo found. Tho St.
Joo of players Is ns follows; Pitchers,
McDonald, Wlggs, Miller, Gibson, Maupln,
0-n.n. f ll-l-T 2.
inp- 11 3. 10 It-It 4.
11 (j-cj 2. ll-o-O.
li-U ll-K. 1- l"K.
1.1-P-K r,. 19-Kt-W I.
H-Kt X Kt. H-l' X Kt.
IS-P X P. 15 H X P.
Hi it x it. ch. i'r-w x
17-n x ii. l.-P x i.
IMJ.I1 4. 1S-Q-I1 3.
IH-P-II 3. V.t-H-K.
KV-lt-K. 2l-IJ x Kt.
i it . it. en. si y x ii.
22- Q X II. 22-Q-K ..
23 Q X (J. I'J 1' X (J.
i'l l'-lj II I. -I iv-ii 1.
5-P-K Kt I. -K-lv 2.
ilIC.ll . 'MV'ii 4.
27 P X I'. 27 K-U :l.
IS K-K .1. 2S-K X 1'. i
I'.t-r-CJ Kt I. 29-P-K II 3.
.1i.l.g u 1. 30-P-Kt 3. 1
81-P-Kt G. 31 P x P.
32 1' X P. 32 l'-H 1.
33 P X P. 153 P X 1'.
3I-K-I1 I, 31-K-Q 3.
35-P-II I. :V-K-tJ I.
SO P-K It C. ol-P-H 3.
37 -Draw n. (e).
(.1) P-O I fenemllv nlavnl here, nl-
though Hie text Is good.
(b) ll-Kt 5 s "book" here.
(e) Ilegliiulng at Itlnok'M 21th move, the
Milieu had to nhii' cnrcfnlly to draw, nnd
they made the best moves. At 37th both
kings are coiniielled to mark time. While
ut K 3 ti ml it ; Klack nt Q 3 nnd I. Neither
daro do anything else.
Nelson llnld, president of the Nebraska.
Chess a, aoclatlon, Is doing some good work
n tho twentieth century tournnnii'nt. Ho
Is pinning his faith to tho Danish gnmblt,
nn off shoot of the center, nnd Is hnvlns
tho good luck to find opponents who will
tnko tho third pawn. Appended Is score of
u recent victory.
Gamo plajed In the P. N C. C. A. twen
tieth century tournament, section 1, mid
land ilU-lslon, between Nelson llnld,
Dannebrog, Neb., (white) nnd P. II. Lenon,
Guthrlo Center, In., (blurk):
DmiiIxIi (ininlill.
1- P-K t.
2- P.Q 4.
3- IMJ U 3.
l-H-y 11 4.
C Kt-Q I) 3.
7-fJ-ll 2.
!-Kt-Q 5.
ln-lt x Kt.
11- U-K 2.
12- Kt-H 3.
13- Il-Q Kt 5.
II- Q X 15.
15 y-Kt 3,
lfi-Q-H 4.
17-U x Kt !.
I! -'J-lt ii eh.
20- P-IC fi. oh.
21- Q-Kt R. ch.
22- Kt-(J 4.
23- Q-ll (!, eh.
21-O-H 0. eh.
25-Kt-Kt 3.
2t!-K-Kt 1.
27-H-Q 4 !.
l-U-y H i,
2911 X It P.
20-Kt-Il G.
ii) I Kt-K
Kt-Iv 2, (.'unties; 7. P-K G, P-Q 4 In said
to give Ulnek the tidvuntuge. Tho next
move huojccih inacK io n nerec attack.
d) 30 (i x Kt Is all that will m-event
mate next move. Whim Is tho exelningo
mm inree pawns minus, nut does not worry
1- P-K 4.
2- P x P.
3-P x P
4-P x P
li-O-K 2.
7-Kt-ll 3.
s-q-ri i.
!-Kt x Kt.
10- Q-K 2.
11- P-Q 3.
12- H-K 3.
,13-H x II.
15-P-Q Kt 3.
lft-Kt-lt t.
17-P X It.
IS K-O 2.
19-P-K It 3.
za-u x p.
21- K-H I,
22- (J-K 4.
23- K-q 2.
IM-K-H 1.
25-Q-H G. eh.
M-l X P V.
27-q-lv 7.
2R-U-K 2.
29- P.(J 4.
30 Resigns. (b.
11 3; 5. Kt x P. ll-Kt !
MS ..Will
" Q.
S S 2.
1 K P P 1 r 2.
p r 1. S P 2.
4 k
s II 1.
I'l'olileiiis of the Week.
("Render unto Caesar tho things that tire
From Checkmate, Prescott, Out., for
March, n three-mover by C. F. Stubbs, St.
John, N. n.: 8. 2 k C. S. 1 II C. IS 0.
Q 1 K ti. lit.
From Chicago Tribune, via St. Paul Dis
patch, n two-mover by A. Lundbnrg, Chi
cago: S 2 K 4. CHI. 4 k 3. 4 P 3. 5 s 2.
3 P 4. 5 R R 1. 2 R G.
From Brooklyn Kagle, a two-mover by E.
13. Wcstbury, Solby Oak, Kngland: 2 s R I.
3 II 4. B n p 1. K p p k p p 2. 2 S 4 Q.
2 p 5. i P 3. S.
From Boston Post, a three-mover, "first
orfense," by Harlow II, Daly, Boston: r 2
n I. 3 p 4. 1 S 1 P 1 p 1 p. p 1 R p 1 k 2.
I p 3. 4 P 2 P. 2 S I K. 3 II I.
Ono that Walcott "snalllcd" from the
Student; motto, "Ich wolss nlcht was;"
n threc-er: S. ?, p I, 3 P 4. 8. 3 k 1.
5 II 2. 2 R K R 3. 8.
Another of tho games Plllsbury didn't
win while at Lincoln recently. J. M. Hrunor
of Omalin and Dr. A. K. Ilartoo of Arcadia
defended in consultation ngnlnst Plllsbury,
sans vlor. Dr. Ilartoo, In submitting score,
remarks that "the style of piny wns, per
haps, n llttlo dllferent than most knock
down and drug out right from tho start."
1- P-K 4.
2- Kt-q n :i.
3- P-K 11 I.
4- Kt-H 3.
5- P-Q I.
fi-It X P.
7 H-Kt 5.
8- 11 x Kt, eh.
1-P-K 4.
2 Kt-K U 3.
:;-P-Q 3 (n).
4- P x P (b;.
C H-Kt G.
C-Kt-0 II 3.
7-P-l ft 3,
5- P X II,
1K. A. U. bEAKLKs,
The Must HelluMe SpeelnlUt In Dl
rnneii of .lien.
8TRICTURE Cured with n new Homo
treatment. No pain, no
detention from buslueu.
URINARY"'""))' " Bladder Troubles,
Weak Ilnck, Durnlng Urine,
Frequency of Urinating, Urine High Col
ored or with milky sediment on standing.
cured for llto nnd
polion thoroughly
cleansed from tho sytem. Soon every
Ign nud symptom disappears oomplotely
and forever. No "BREAKING OUT" of the
dtsetso on tho skin or face. Treatment
contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious
WEAK MEN from Rxcesies or vic
tims of Nervous De
bility or Uxhaustlon, Wasting Weakness,
with early decay tu young nnd middle
aged, lack ot. Wm, vigor nnd strength,
with organ Impaired and weak. Curs
The Secret of Our Unparalleled Success is
Told in Two Words:
Varicocele, Acquired Blood Poison, Nerv
ous Debility and all Keflex Complications
and Associate Diseases and Weaknesses
of Men.
Are you afflicted with nrlcocclo or Its results Nervous Debility-and nre you
nervous, Irritable nnd despondent? Do you lack your old-time enercy and ambition?
Aro you suffering from Vital Weakness, etc.? Thero Is a derangem'eut of the scnsl
tlvo organs of your Pelvic System, nnd oven though It gives you no trouble at pres
ent, it will ultimately unman you, depreis your mind, rack your nervous system, un
fit you for married llfo and shorlen your existence. Why not be cured beforo It Is
too late? WE CAN CURB YOU TO STAY CURKD. Wo have yet to seo the case of
Varicocele we cannot cure. Medicines, Klectrlo Bolts, etc., will never cure. You
need expert treatment. Wo treat thousands of eases where the ordinary physician
treats one, Method now, without cutting, pain or logs ot time.
Conmiltut loo Free, Trentinent lij' mail
('nil or nililiFNH lit) S, Ittli sit
Score of game In tho Iown-Mlssourl
match. An example of tho f. H-K 2
turn lu the Ilorlln defense. Scoro wns
furnished by Dr. J. L. Ormsbee, Spring
field, Mo. Author of the notes not stnted.
To note (a) tho chess editor excepts. Cnstles
followed by 10 B-B4 was exactly what
Whlto wnntcd. Tlmt leads to the Plllsburv
trap, thus:
&-Kt-B 3. 0-0.
10 H-K. H-II 4?
11- H-Kt 5, and If Q-K.
12- Kt-Iv I. nml If Black defend II.
13 Kt-IJ U ch. nnd Black Iiuh nut Imu- to
Olienlnu' Hoy I. one
W into Lee KdwiirdH, Black W
uuniap. in
1 I'-lv i.
Kt-K U 3.
3 ll-Kt 5.
4 0-0.
5 P-O I.
fi q-lv 2.
7 H X Kt.
S-P X 1'.
D-Kt-n 3.
10 Kt-Q 4.
II U-K 1.
12 H-K 3.
13- Kt-K 11 u.
ll-Q It-Q 1.
15 U-K Kt 4 (bV
U'r-Kl-q G.
1" I 11
11 IV .X 1.
18 Kt x 11 ell.
lll-P x P.
20- P-Q Kt 3.
21- IMC It fi.
22- n (K 1)-Q 1.
23- Q x Kt (e).
24- lt-IC 11 1.
j.i-g-11 .
2li Q X Q.
27 H X It.
2C lt-Q 11 1.
28-K-H 1.
30 It-U 1.
31 H-Q 2.
32 It-10 2.
3."-P-K H I.
34-It X 11 (d). :
33-P-K 11 ii.
30 Iteslgns.
(ii) O-O. followed uv
(b) Rather nggresslvo.
to; An over.signt
!' Mi..
I'jwen. .Molierly, Mo.
1-P-K I.
Kl-Q n 3.
3-Kt-H 3.
t-Kt X P.
SH-K 2.
fi-Kt-Q II.
7-Kt P X B.
S-Kt-Kt 2.
!-Kt-lJ 1 (a).
10- O-O.
11- Kt-Iv 3.
12- P-Q 1J 4.
13- P-cJ 3.
14- H-Kt 2.
lR-P-Kt 3.
1 It x Kt.
17-R-Kt 1.
1X-Q x Kt.
1-P x P.
20 It (Kt 1)-K 1.
21 Q-Q Kt 2.
22 Kt-K II !i.
2!1-Q X Ii,
21-lt-IC G.
2.V-Q-1C I.
2ti It X Q.
27 IC X B.
2S-IC-1C 2.
::i-p-q 4.
30 K-Q 3.
Hl-K-B 2.
2J-P-K H 3.
33-R-IC B.
31- P X It.
IT) P X 1'.
H-Q 4, better.
which "Whlto
UV wlllell Wlllfn liiuia
ine anvniiiugo,
tu; uviociiiiy wisiiing to enu tlio gnme.
Checkmnto No. 3 nppenred last week.
Dr. Crnham huB been doing somo tall
"hustling" to catch up with tho months, nnd.
after tho April number appears, will tuko
his tlnv. to Improving tho magazine. On
tho first pngo V. P. Pottor'u "Modern
Ravon" Is reproduced from Dr. Vnn Nuys'
recent bulletin of tho O. C. A. nnd Tii
State. Tho Monto Carlo tournament is
given threo columns. "Speelnl Traps,"
from tho Adclnldo Journal, gonernl chess
news, a study of the Rico gambit, fourteen
problems and end games nnd sovcrnl an
notated games complete Its sixteen pages.
DR. McGREW ia tho only
Specialist in Omnhn who
hns always limited his
prnctico strictly to tho tront
mont of Diseases of Men
Dr. MoGrow's age, ability
and experience hns mnde
him ono of tho most skilled
and successful Special
ists in tho woat in the tront
mont of this class of diseases.
26 Years of
Unlimited Experience
15 Years in Gmaha
Men nro nctunlly coming
ovor ono thousnnd miles for
his treatment, fully and seri
ously comprehends the extensive responsibility arising from his great work nmong
men of nit elnsses:
Dr. McGrew Cures Varicocele and Hydrocele
in less than ten dnys without cutting or the loss of timo from work. Ho can give you
and all Diseases of the Blood and guarantees a permanent euro for life.
have beon cured of Loss of Vitality, Loss of Brain Power, Nervous Dobility, Poor
Memory, Despondency, and all unnatural weakness and disorders.
The Doctors' Quick Cures and Low Charges
are daily proving what a great good can be done for men at a Nominal
Expense. Treatment by mail.
Illt. JloCHKW AT At LI
Office Hours s- a- m- to 9 P- ln- Sundays S a. m. to 5 p.m. P, 0. BOX 766.
Office Over 215 South 14th St., Bstwun Douglas and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb.
ot It, Is a Yanltco lnentlon, called Into I
existence by tho circumstance of war ln a .
country Inching Rood roads. Hay put. up
In tho ordinary b.uo cannoi m; ni""- ,
. . nr i,u wniiMii it ii 1 1
on norsonncii, uecanau
bulk. It Is therefore compressed by pow-
mnehlnprV into CllSCS 11
cIchtoKii Inches In dlnmcter and two Inches
tlllclf. The discs nre pneacu nuu j
liim Hip lozences tno irniunojs di.ii.
hum; In slhiRS from tho horse's back, ono nn
each fide. A bIhbIo lozciiRe, wnen
up and opened out, makes a meal for a
horso or mulo and will euro him of that
hiirpry fcclliiB an quickly ns a maiiKerful
f.ui, i.nv The eomnactness of tho
iil Ht nii -
new' bale
also means n great savins
want every Weak, Nervous", VlKorlcFH
nn or woman to hnvo one of my lMoctrio
(lurntloii mill AliitTcr,
I). C. Your finest Ion lu ono which Tho
Deu does not enro to answer. Submit tho
proposition to any rcputablo lawyer.
C. P. s.. City Your question is one which
has been debated and disputed ever slnco
thero wero two human beings ln tho world.
Thero nro Hb many nnswers to It as thero
are men and women living.
Fl'LbRUTOX, Neb., April 2, 1M1.-WI11
you please answer thewj iiuestloiiH in your
paper as soon iih you can conveniently:
(1) Who placed tho crown upon tho head
of King 10(1 ward VII of KiiKlmid, and If
in hasn't been crowned who will crown
him and when'.'
(2) What wub Queen Victoria's maiden
inline In full'.' .
(1) Kdwnrd VII has not yet been crowned;
the archbishop of Canterbury will plnce
tho crown on his bend.
(2) Victoria AlOxnndrlna Augusta Ouclph.
line YNniiiMii'a ,imt1c-iico m!( n nrlp
Whllo suffering with n seToro attack ot
"I Take the Risk"
Siijm Up. Iloiuiolt. "Wlieic l'.lrolrlolly
in iill.-il TIii-oiikIi My Klrotrlf
llelt. tin; Cur,- 1m AliMiilutcly iur-iwil.-.-it.
If It 1'nllH to 'r-
OVIilfh In Xot l.lli'l- li' '
Slit Coxt Vim n Cent" '1'liere I" Nt
mi Alliuont iir Weiikiii1"" "f tl' Xi'f
VtiiiH Sjulrni, or ii VnHv of I.t VIkoi
nml VHnllly Wlili'li IH Xot I'ronuit
Iv ItcMiionil to tin- IllKlit fiirrciit of
Illi-ilrlflU- Anulli'il Itlulil i't tl"'
Doetor'.s Xcn Hook, Wlili'li l" Krco
IleltB. I lui vo noM
known ti caso ot
WeakiitHrt or nny
other ailment lor
which 1 recommend
my Holt wherein It
failed to inako u
cure, Mlno Is nn
entirely new method
of applying electric
ity, mid us n. rowurrt
for my rosoarch,
study nnd discovery,
tho l?nltcd Stntes,
Kuvernnu'iil Iiuh l-lv-on
mo tlm exoluslvo
uso. of nils method.
My appliance Is cull
ed nn Klectrlo Ilidt
becnuso that Is tho
proper iiiuno for It,
but It must not bo
classed with tho
many ho-cuI'ivi elec
tric belts now being
offered the public.
There Ii no electiio
bolt "just as good"
as 13r. Honnott'H, for
thero are iinno liko
llu "Vn mtittnr hmv
severe your case Is or how long stnndlng.
tho euro Is guaranteed, You take no
ohauces. If my belt falls lo cuni you
(which Is not ut nil likely), it shall not
cost you a ci'nt. This H certainly fair und
should give you hope and encourage you
to become strong aim roiuisi ngnin. i mi
probably know drugs will not cure, for
Uivre Is hardly u man living who has not
unsuccessfully tried drugs for bin ailments.
The right current of electricity, applied
right, will euro In every case.
Kvt'D' iii'i'Niin hIioiiIiI roiil my book,
11 In free.
Dr. Bennett's Electric Belt
Dr. liennett's Klectrlo Holt has soft,
silken, ehitmols-covered sponge, wutor
chamber electrodes that do not, cuiiunt,
will not burn ami mister tun iiesu oi inn
patient us do th baro metal (dectrodes
used on other makes of belts. Thcno elec
trodes are my patent and aro used on no
other electric belt. My Kelt can be re
nowed when burned out for only 73o; other
bolts cannot bo renewed for nny price, and
when burnt d out lire worthless. My Klec
trlcul Huspensory for the euro of weak
noHHrs of men free to every male patient.
Absolutely gilarnnteeu to euro viirlcoceii',
MM I TO nm
i h. h im
Wa ahlB our nhedi inywhere m mmmrovml wHhomt m .mx
deposit and ullow 10 Any free trill, Iiou't pay If It dont salt you.
IZS 1901 MODELS I0 $18
1899 ft 1900 ModelK7,?l2
All brand Kcw Machines euaranteed during year, with btrt standard
equipment ; Meilnger and Hunt Hygienic saddles, Banner pedals,
Record "A" or Morgan Be Wright Area, adjustable and reversible
handle bars ; ercrythlng firtt-dans. let ua ahlp you one on appears!,
Cnil SECOND-HAND WHBRLS Ulcen In trade by 0
OUU our cIiIcsro retail tore, standard tnakea, J1 Jtl
many good as nev. lo close out w 10 "
fin UflT DIIV wheel until you have written for our FAC.
Omtaloguem with large Bhotooraphla antravlitam of our
Bicycle and full detailed specifications aant tram to any addrru.
Our offer to ahtp on approval wtthout a cent deposit, and allow
ton daya FREE trial are made to everyone, and are au absolute
guarantee of our Rood talth aud the quality of our wheels.
-uslnyoiirtown. You can make $10 to BBO maak aa our aent, besides getting
vour own wheel free. Wrltm t o um foefajf
MEAD CYCLE CO.. 141 L, Chicago.
Nearly everybody teems In be taking Prof, Man.
Ton'i old tiiirti wlirncsrr a cold appeari. It
relieves Ihr brad, noe, throat nnd lungs quick!
that a rnld nt rd nn lonijrr be n forerunner of crippr,
diphtheria or pneumonia. A vial of the Cold Cure
is like a life Iniuranic polity, Every one of his
remedies It a' surr. Mostly 3tc. vial. Guide to
Health free. Miinvnn. New York and Phlladrlphla.
The threo lending IiIrIi gratlo
bicycles on tho market. Huy
cither one of these million nud you
will not make u mistake,
I'riees $35, $m, $15 ami $50.
I'lmlnlcBS, $!5 und $75,
Other gooil malted wllth M. fc W.
tires. $20 nnd J23.
It will pay you to ceo our llpo
beforo you hu.
Tin llee prlnlH tlnlly the in on I
Sporting News. ;
'I'lit' NHirtlii iiei:irliiiiMit of J
i lie tiiiiiiiiii .-iiinouj- nee it iini-x- ,
fclloii. 4
niPAN'8 TAHULKS Is nn effective cur.
for the lll.i which originate In n bad stom
ach. 10 for Ic. At all druggists.
Omaha Bicycle Co,,
Cor. lit ail ChUu .
D. V. S.
Offic, 2Sth and Leavenworth Streets.
Hobertiion Stables.
Correspondence solicited.
tho grip and threatened with pneumonia. Hydiwele. Itlioumiitliin In every form
Mrs Annln'u pnni. nf Mirt,nn.n n... "fl Pariilysls, Spinal euliiiess. foil'
.Mrs. Ann o II. Cooley of Mlddlcfleld, Conn.. Htlpntlmi. K'ldney. M'er nnd Illnddei
began oslng Chamberlain's Cough Itcraody I Troubles, DyspopHhi. all Kmnalo Com
nnd was very much bonefltcd by its use.
Tho pains lu tho chest soon disappeared,
the cough becamo loose, expectoration easy
and in a shnrr tltnn she was nn wnll nn
ever. Mrs. Cooley says she cannot speak 0 n,,V
too highly In pralso of this remedy. It Is i Hold 'only by
ior saio uy all druggists.
! uliilntH. I'tt .. ns well ns everv form nnd
guise of Weakness lu either hi s.
("all or wrllo today I have wiliten u
bonk. "The Kludlng of the Fountain of
Kternnl Youth, sent frco, poHtpntil. for
Hook will tell you all about
consultation without coit
liny l,ofime.
Hay lozenges are the popular confec
tionery among army horses In tho Philip
pines nnd South Africa, relates Youth's
Companion. Tho food, or rather tho form
nD DCKIMCTT Electric
urn ULmiLi i
Belt Co.,
Hooiiin IN to t!l lioiiKlnt Hlot'l..
Kltli nml Doilgf SIm OiiiiiIiii, -Ii.
Always Open,
Spring Negligees
t All our !icli;t'e rjliii'ls arc in. Thu line must lie .sf(
w o be npprcciated. PricoH 1.00, .ftl.LT ami Jjl.fiO.
J KELLEY 8r HAYDEN, 16th and Chicago J
The Best
Office Building
Moving Ik not pleasant lo think about ex
cept when tho prospect of a handsomo
olllco Is In prospect. You havo to get up a
certain amount of steam to move, even
when you are driven to desperation by poor
Janitor work, wretched clovntor ncrvlco ami
olllccs that have been long In need of paint
as well as soap and water.
The Bee Building
always looka fresh and attractive becauio
It Is nover allowed lo get out of repair.
This together with ofllclont Janitor service
make It n pleasant placo to do business.
neslilcs this the ronts aro no higher than
In other buildings.
R. C. Peters 6c Co.
(iroiinil Mooi-i Hcc Hid",.