10 THE OMAHA DAILY feEE: SlM. APIIUj 7. 11)01. nil) (j C iiVl' Tiff 17 1 'IT HI) I 1,' li'i ' J" " r M u" " ..""--' .AIUM).n IAIr, A ILJ )LL lr il,. rnrl;,fl to lute Imttblt 141. 11:, ntti were R,al Hammond -205, lout. i The fhmplohlp W r.ovl Mr "n't. 1 ... . . , - llermnu Iltelln. Al Km. Frfl hm? aswl Orr.tbn Club AdrainiitM JJifeit to Ufitiln " H. III. trmmpauM by thlr com- 0rVi9' 0iok T.tm. ! Tb.r In different of monn !" l-mr of tler t lleyflen one ih prr,(.Mfr of lht Oowwlown IxrwIlB rjht hm week. All of the high cor STATE TtllPlfl CHAMPIONSHIP AT '-TAKE llr "flwt im apprrMeiiiat, trirm nihr will I" m th On twrt that (to rnlttht veil clMfl up hl llr. for hi ep:t to itmUf no wwfi' lhn rnnnlntt -Xfmn-n diirlnie lb uprln am' ifwmer mm Other pr'lle, liowmrttr. that iiT will U hut, Itttln fallliiK off la wero rwt wl! by the men. the women corn- IfiK In for their riare of tti hoaors. Joe fJnttrn&B'd farnoim Oreen Mven had a erlmp put In thjlr Ion? .rtni? of vctorl WlnMKlsy night whn the Kra? Park look threw tralKht crn. The Utter team J.nel erle Will llf ll(Meil Twlny ,11 KM A,llMr Mnrb ll'itrl. Hilt PIIMMII'IM Ml Illllllllll ' limi in-l "IN in rv '" lull. IF , r)Hl.n , IVe.,, 'I,,,,,, .he .rWi ....nw, of patron. Tl "'"f?"S 'bf titat warfn dr of lh lint week or more fwe Allen and PrI Krii. In t ho total nam i foH4 th howMfit; alley-. well ft1ll on "'r r,,B" th" '" on II l,.r.l to io'iK m tnwKN tho rolrtt of the wlwter. nw uric- , nf ,,, 0. g(nan ball lin H leao Bitto cinno in winning i" r Hnuur or iemii wnifn nave iwb orKKitwni e.haflplofMhlp of NehrHnha urcl the pvr of n ij,h winter I Item addwl to hy hf in llinlr iirment tonteat wl'h 'he ClarhfOhii at tepl. Hl of the nine Wtm-n iKihHulwl Jme already henn played ii hi! thi' Owilw are 17' ln ahead. ) eMIon will he nxide on the lolftl mimlwr of plM, Hmtend of aeeotdlriK to the nitinhr of KH'n woo. Thla Utter method wai imiployH In the lentcwe tournamont rae, hilt whoii the two I earn dwliled lo howl for the chiimplooahlp the forinr plan met with th'j tiiilYiiraril approval of nil the pUyiim. Tim third und laat niatnh will he hmtod at riliiik'a Tunaday nlahl. Three wwm remain to ho played and Ihe uhaiwplonahlp will he di' Pled at that time. With Ihe lilt; lead whh h the Oniiha have to atari In lh lt KiirlnH It will mrliilrily he the Imp penlriK of the tiowxpefted If 'he r:irhaoiia ornrcomi) the hnndleap rind win Ihe matih. Mni'li unrprlno haa heen oc'.aaloriod al rdy In the proKreaa of thU manh. Thu lompnIlriK leama have Imen fhaiiK.ed In thillr peiaonrnd hut little allni- Ihe i loa cf Urn leei'ini lonrnHfiHIit. While (he 'onr- riiimeil waa under wny the fhirVvm held imdlapuli'd away The Onlahaa wi'te unm iimihle "i make mm h of a ahowlriK iiKalnat the leani Ihiil whh reeoKtiled iarly In ihe aetieon a lnlliK inrialn of winning Ihe linphy Imini'dlHtely after the leancue ra.e wide) the Omiilma and the 'larhaona l,"afi Ihelf aerd'a of itami'x for ihe i hiimplouahlp and llm loiiMiami'iit lemliira have hlt'efi the diim nf difi'iit Hdinlnlaleri'd In liirna and Jnlry do"ii hy Ihe vlin-leiidera. Cm il til n f!l:nttmi la iinahla lo aaalKii ..i imiiion for Ihe alMmp hla Cam haa laki n. "All the m'n aenni to lie howllwi: In lh"lr nlil-llmn for ii." he aald, "hut t.h aeoro ahiula il'iii't how tip aa wu would llhe lo hiivn Ihem. There la no doiiht hut Ihai the Omnium hiivn Impiovi"! Immi'imely alm'e the mmI of llm Ii'iik"" louimininl. They urn li'ivllni! In line alyln mid wlioMier ve. t'lilmia or vmi'iulahi'd we will not healiulu In C.I vim: Ih'im credit for Ihelr ixnellint work. Dill, mind you, I ihiii'l admit for it mluuio Mint wn me up niiilnit II. f ludlevo In the to Im hnwl"d 'lueadny iiIkIiI we will ovenomii Ihe I in 'I of Hie Oniiihiia mid win nut hy it ;imd miijorlty. Of 'ourae, I tif r ri In no dlaputlliK Hint wo have k Imudl i it i iiiiIiihI. iik, hut If Ihe Clnrkaona ran he louiuii'iidi'd for liny one thliiK n par lliiilur It In llclr couaUlinil woik Ii U nun llnil miy mini fit 1 1 x ludow an itnl llkhi'd ii vi'nii;ii mid Dint it coed one. In Tutaihiy nli'hl'a i!iie I am ronfldi'iit all of Ihe nun mi my (emu will howl up lo MiHr uiiiiiiI rnl l mid It la pnaallile Hun Hie OmiihiiN will I nli ii it luuilile. One mini on kIIIii'I- I i'ii in tuny win or Iiinii lh rliiimpl'm iihlp fur 1 1 1 m ri'Hni''llvii Huh. If lino nf Hie (tliirliH'inii tun It m it piirllciilnrly hlifh iivii MK't In Tui'Kilny'M Kim'i mid la nuiuuti"l hy n fulr iivi'iiik" hy nil Him hIIhtm, mid inn' uf Hie Omiiliiui fnl In duwti mid i!'ta it nuiiill aver m k' Hum wit me Hunt nf wliiului; llm i'ImiiiiiIiiiihIiIi, I Inoli fur nniiii'llillii', uf llilii lilml In hiiiieti nml I wouldn't lie mir inliiiil hul Hint llm ti'niill uf th" ni'ili'ti will lie lit iluiihl until Ihe Inn I. hull In llm IiihI itiiuie la ilt'llvi'ii'd." The OiniiliMM urn Julillmit lit Iht'lr imm purl of wIiiiiIiik llm I'lmmpliiiiNlllp. Iluuyi'd up'tiy llm rtilimlil i'Iiiiiicii limy hiivn of vie liny rvi'ry mun-J'it'k mi Hie ti'iiiu In lyliu; nwiilte mIkIiIm ill im in I ii i; uf llm hli;li aroru Im will miiliit Tui'Nilny ulnliL In niiliii' In i liit'lt Hut triumph. "Tln'iu la mil llm nllidili'Ml ituulil,'' mii Id V. II r.iiii'iy, u lui'lilhei' nf llm Oiiiiihiii, "hul Hint wit will win llm t'lliiiiiiliiimhlp. If wit do I i;uimt Hut (Hut kniiiut will hitvu In rul llm Irupliy Ihey Won III Hut li'iiin lulll'liiiliU'lll luilf In Iwn mid itlvit tin mi i'iun k I mi in. ir limy wull'l tin I tut I wu will riilili'lil iitinmlvi'H v, If li'l tin hli( vliihuy uf ilefi'iilliiK Hmin In (Ilia lll'l ll'M llllll Willi 1 1 It 1 1 1 IHKl HI'llllllll III luiito mil' t' la 1 1 I'M of liitlni; Hut litml luiwlera III Hut t'fty. ''Ilvi'iy ii i it ti mi llm tciim In In Hint fell In fur Timnlny nlnlil. I rnn'l unit wltiuit llm (Umliimutt liuvtt it hIiumI uf u nlinw nf win iiIiik. If 1 1 to 1 1- hope Unit In mir Inlilnic it 1 1 1 1 1 1 t limy will I'til'lltlltly he illHiiiiiillili'd, iM'i'iiilim evitry pluym- In In nxrullnnl fuim, luh that uf eonatan'ly aprlnKlnic P At all Ihe alleya 'here la an licreated e tllty In lawtlnuaa hifenuae of the frequent real'h ronloata hetween thewi temn, all of which ar rlealrotia ot playlriK and wlnnliif: a many wrn" tin pmalhle. amen? thea Then, coagling that mall tot delightful nh or phdo doBhill ro-1 qiilre-1 that the feet be removed from the ptials. and woe to the unlucky wl?bt sho lost control of his wheel or la whose path a wa;on. a befuddled pedestrian or atiy I otbr obstatlc suddenly loomed! It was only the grace of Providence that could ave him: a short stop was Impossible. "In the old days, many riJers, women particularly, were too timid to coast, nud thus lost to themselves that magnificent exhilaration which comes only with a swift flight downhill, they pedalled downhill t.s veil as up grade; In fact, they back-pedalled st isot&tc aanrpd-naeq pas 'mqu.ttop wtaryln:; as the climb upward, up hilt or down or on the level, their legs moved with 1 the pedals. Aside from the exhilaration it affords in perfect safety, the coaster brake saves much actual exertion. It Is recVoned that In a ride ot fifty miles In an undulat ing country the coaster brake saves fifteen of pedaling. Small wonder, then. The third nf the fries of i-arnts for the state ihamplonablp will b played at Tlark a tomorrow night, between itu. i nil mi tmntinaad of the crack small ball i i. ..i .i nnAt-ift and Knapp ""I'm - . ii i bb lies oi peaaimg. small wonutr, men. aiytlnat linaeltn and Urnery. nve-back wu j Ujgt s,5ce thg pneumatc tlre no Invention . (h vamn tomorrow night. Heselin ana , . v.,ij .....t. ,.i,nt" has obtained such popularity!' Mr. rtettj ranks the cushion frame next to tho toaster brake, as a contributor to Kimrr won the first game of the series t t riinn r.tn. i.v aevaci doIu's and their oppo- . nenla took the second Baffle at four-back Mir,. V..M..M cr.. , r rjnlvt lli illffereflt i .. . . ....... 'rk. nriti.iif will not I towlln nll.ya now thap at any 1 1 mo d..rlru ,7ntll r.11 of the small balls have befrl j Pleasures of wheeling, and next comes Hm year. Hoyden's alley Is the most pop- " ed and the team having the greater I champs, with Its freedom from dun . ninr win, ii. ,, i.,i,.iia. nf Ha oi- i tr, it. eredlt will be I nf Ic"" motion, no links to clog with mud. ...... ...... , - -- ( riumu'T 1,4 ti4'm. - , oi-in-way iniaiion nnn uie iai;i mm wieie f)fl(,;,l to 'he s'ale cnarnpionanip ani inc are fewer hrwlers there than In the down- ,urfl t JKA town reports. It la the rule mOmr than . Hie esf-eption, however, to find Small per- ' fe,j j-ana can's high score at ten pins. ilea of women bowlers at flliirk's and lha 207, which wa the high city score for a Halo f.'lty alleys every afternoon mid oven- lni Hrmo rntnarkahly ',wid howl'-ra aro developing In the ranks of Hm fair devo'oea nf the Kami'. Mils l.eeder holda the high ' lly ftiore 011 llr-yden's alleys, vllh lf,W. At Clark's Hie patronage df the women haa so Increased that prizes lire now being offered for the bat scores hy lha liberal end progressive proprietor of that rrnort. Mrs. I'ri'l Krtii; Is high for the prize at On pins, wl'h a arore of IM. The amnll IinII Kninea me the rrioet pop ular with tlm women. The big hells lined In howling ten pins are a trifle too heavy for them. In the small bell games many of the women are becoming rjtille pro fi'lni Me Hark offered prl.e foe the heal, amre al four-hack a few days ago and there has hen 11 lively rornpetltlnn muring the women fur the high soie Mrs. M. I. I'altersoii la now In the lead, with f,7 'balked up to her ciedM. Messrs. rPamisll, Harvey, drown, Oivld son, fTfeidoii and iltiaale and Misses Mc flnlre, Ayvra, lie, llamford, Mi.;iur) mid Wlr made up it meiry party of howlers at lliyileu's Ttmsday 1 vntilng. Misses !, and Mi'tiiilre utptured the high acoren among Ihe women mid Mowers. KcmilH-ll and llussle were high for the ru'-n, V. I', f'laikson mid King Imrimmi won Ilia first 111 11 1 ill fit 'en plus with Char Ins Zmp mid I'md Kin n 11 gn 11 nt (,'lnrk'a nlleya Thnrsdity night. The event nlliiicti'd it large number of spectators who lutni'd out in Wlluiaa Hie woik of these four howleis. r'''igul."l "a being mriong Ihe best In Ihe 'Hy. fliirkaoii mid li'-mmm, both mem Imra of Hie 1'lnrksnu leitui, Issued it 1I111I 1'iige iluough the spurilug editor of The line a week ngo lii bowl miy (em In Hm illy fur ';U n side. 'Ihe rluilleiiKe stilted 11 pn feri m e for Znip mid Klnniigmi, both of whom mi' memlmrH of Hut Ouuihit lemii. Ziup mid rliimigitu Jiiiiipnil ut llm oppoi lillilly or getiliii: lulu 11 nnilili wltli llm two linat buwli'ia In llm I mun with whlih their own ii'iim hud been In lively rouipulltluu nlnru llm orgmiliilliiii of liowllug cltilm In IliU illy mnl llm Unit nerlna wiut buwlnil mi Thui'Milny night. The fnui men did aplnii'lld v.nik, limit' Imllvliluiil siorns uvnr uglug fur iihovu llm unuul (!lmlsiiu mid I 11 11 1 11 ri weni In 11 lillle Hut Imnl. fiirm. In Hm 111 Hi. kh 11 in 'In 1 It noli Hi'tiM'd '1 1 nud In llm bint ihnllied tip ll. Ilnnuiiin Hint ml 'JAM lu Ihe lliltil gmmt nml In thu miiiiiii giimu Klmuignu sruri'il 'iW, (Jim kKnn mid lieu mini Willi tint Itl'Sl iilllleMl by l')H pIliH. Nexl 'I humility night Hm neileu will rloxo with I hi en i'ii liii'M. Thu nrumil Thuisility wm n 1111 fullnwh: .nip 17H ir.i ir,: ni I'IiiiiiiriiII Hil PIS Wl - K'.l long time, has won tied for tno second time on Clark's alley. Kmery was the first to tie It. I.st week It. A. Kolls chalked up M7 and Is 1101 In a pretty safo position for the monthly prize. Conrad, 1'rench and Mttle are tied with it aoro of nine for the weekly prlz; at nine pins at Clark e alleys. The winners ol the prizes last month at Ihe Hate City alloys were the following: Nine pins, Alfred I Ian tint;, a lad 13 years of age, vlth it score of 13 straight; seven down, Mai llurklngharn. with a score of 8; ai'ven-tip. Karl Hterrcckcr. with a score of V,: Ten pins. Milt McDowell, with a score of 2r,i). High scores at ten pins for the week at the various alleys were as fellows' Clark's Alleya- II. I,. Kowltr, Ml, 223, 21"; V. V. Inches. 202; I'. Conrad. 20'J, 212, 21; Koainan, 213, Wood Hartley, 213, 221, 223; It. V. M'-Viit, 211, 201; John llcn gele, 200; I'otts, 2l. 201; I. C. Uiivlson, n. Vll W. C. I'otter, 20, Davit Itiibln, 2K, 203. 220, 203, 207, C. I'. I.ovell, 220, 232, 203; I. H. Jluriler, 200, A. Cole, 201, 211. 231, 200, 23B, 200; .1. C Kiiufman, 222; King Denmmi, 20.", 211, 212; (icorgo Klmi n gun. 230; II. Vest. 211, 203; lien Lancaster, 21'!, 203, 20'J; Jmnea Hammond, 201; fJII r hrlst, 233; I' Hunder, 210; C. f'onratl, 201; Htiiienhorst, 20!i; W. II. Kmery, 201, 200, 202, lllll Amhriisler. 212; Crmit Cleveland, 200; W. JA Cliirkaon, 200, 203, 200; II. (). Htcel, 201, 203; l Weymilller, 201; "I'lumbiir" Iloid, 21!l, 213; C. (!. Allen, 203; !"red Krug, 223; It. A. Maguey, 201, II. A. KollH, 207; (Iiorge I.avldgc. 201; It. .V. HurgcKK, 210. flute f.'lly Alley-C. II. Hluht, 211; Ki-'d Mnrshon, 2l!l; Chnrlen Hcnmmi, 231, 200, 220, 221; C. T. Mclloiiulil, 207; V. O. Nil hou, 200, 213; II. K. Hheldon, 213, 217; (leurgo Lavldge, 211, 200; Kit Cursim, 211, 201. 208; llert Christie, 210, 212, 222; Mill McDowell, 212; .1. C. Iteiid, 202. 22ii; f!. Coiiriid, 218; II. C. KImurf, 200; II. Hi'hwurU, 232; Ted Nealu, 210, John Yocum, 207. Lent, h. Wllllnmii-I,. HVymuller, 213. 202; W. W. Hartley, 211, 210; Al Krug, 201; Ham I'lt.cr, 213; C. I'. Cole, 211; It. Maguey, 213; I.nulK Janloiwiikl, 203; J. (I. Martin, 212, (lily I'tirity, 212; Al JnlitiHOii, 22K, 200. 221; J. (I. 1,11ml, 200; V. A, Mur ray, 202; I'. Nestor, 200; J W. Welch, 210; II. I'retiicher, 210, 202; (I. K. Klmiagun, 212, 211; J. Citvmiaugh, 201. "The bicycle's place in the social economy of the world.' rays the writer, "Is certain and has been fixed. It must no. to Judged by the fronzy of tho past. Its t!?fulne,s to mankind Is the true arbiter. Thero mtiPt always be lUtne and millions of them in whoso dally lives carfaro Is a problem; to thtse the bicycle Is tho solution. Th'ro always will be plaica, streets and lo;alltles millions of them not reached by cars. As a safe, quick, economical and ever-ready means of reaching them, tho bicycle can challenge any other means of locomotion. Thero will never tomo a time when man will not Lis m'tntally and physically bet tered by gentle txcrvlse, by fresher air, hy change of scene. Than tho bicycle, thero Is still to come a means moro chinning or more expeditious of affording all this. It Is not yet In sight.' "l-'ntll It appears on-tho horizon, thero should bo an end to tho prattle uncut 'tho passing of thu bicycle,' "Not the greatest, the bicycle whh ono ot the nineteenth ctnttiry'fl greatest glf's to man. I.lke many another gift, It w.vi hy many treated na 11 toy as 11 means of passing amusement. It has risen superior to such misuse. Appreciation of Its to.il worth has grown and Is growing, and 11 11 It motintH higher. Its usefulness to man will so stand out that whoever doubted or talked of Its 'passing' will ho too shame faced to bo utlffiiecked." Tutiilit elm Itsuti Dniimmi , T11I11I11 3:111 ;n:i sia-1,0211 2:11 ir.:i an - r,K, 173 in urn - 3i.i I0H 3112 120 -1. 12H, Ontt uf lite fniili'Ml games of the mciihoii wiih liiiw'i'd nil llm Haiti City nllnyii Thtii'H day ulght by I'M llmiimuml mnl Plumber Ki'iid. I.iinl wnuk Ihi'Hti I wu wnro 11 (In fur Hm $3 mull pil.n ulfiut'il ill thu (lulu I'lly nllnyii. I'lai'h hint 11 iii'uru of 233, Thny buwl'til uff the llo Thiititilay night mid Ham 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 wun mil. Ills ni'tirit was mi nxecp llunnlly guuil nun. In llm thii'it gmunii liuwlml IiIh iivenigit wail 218 2-3, Iteatl'ii itver- 4r r4 l -V 4-V fy-fy t IN Tilt WimiNO WORLD. Thu fultiiti ot tlm bicycle, with ttiimu re lied lumi mi Hm paiil, In thu iitihji'ct of 11 ilMi'iiillHii lu Colllir'H Weekly hy It. (I. Ilclts, itililui' uf thu llleycllltg Win hi. Mr. lititlH emtlly seen iiIkiiii of it reawakening In bi cycling, mid rcganlM the thrnii (.'.'it of cycling -Hut eliiililleiiii, Ihe ctlHhlun fl'rt nm mid Hut cmuiler lira kit an IrrcHlHtlhln ineuiiH lu that end. "Tilt) coaHter linilie," hit tniyii, "hits iiruveti 11 pilcelesH huuii. Until Hut mlveni uf HiIh ilnvlci), cuaHlliig, akin to llylng, nml iiluaj'H nut) of llm mniil 'eHtfiil ft'itlureH ot cycling, wuh a ilaiii;ci'utiii pic. in tint, 1111 ilaiigcruuii llinl lawn furhldillng It wein t'ltaclnd lu many placrtt, New York POOR LITTLE JOHNNY! AND HIS "TUMMY"! Small boys, and many times large ones, and occasionally girls, too, big and little, suffer terribly from convulsive pains or, "cramps" in the bowels and stomach pain so violent that it "doubles up" the ones attacked, and makes it impossible for them to stana up. Some people call it colic, tut most honest, plain-spoken people call It "belly-ache" and very Eropcrly, for the eeat of the trouble la In the owcls, and caused by the violent efforts of the bowels to rid themselves of- something which doesn't belong there. The small boy usually f;cts it from over-eating or from eating forbidden ruit. and suffers mostly in the summer time. It's spring now, and "in times of peace, prepare for war." Let the boys and girls and the big folks, too, for that matter, clean out the clogged channels filled with winter bile and putrid undi gested food, strengthen the 30-fcct of bowel canal, liven up the liver, and "summer belly aches" will have no terrors, because they won't happen. The way to make the body nche-proof is to use CASCARETS, gentle, sweet, frairrant oiowtA'jo, me pcneci system cleaners una Dowel strcnguieners. for lc.tr that anybody in the family should ever be attacked by belly-ache, keep a box of CASCARETS in the house always, and remember that all pains and troubles in your insldc3 are QUICKLY CURED BY LIVER TONIC BBBBBBBBBf BBWBBB if ITI W -Ml kU mmtil Am. S. JOc. 25c. 50c. ALL DRUGOISTS, NEVER SOLD IN BULK. CURE nil bowel Irtiittilra, niiitriidlrlll, l. ItitlsilrM, It wit liii-Mlli, tiitil liliind, wliitl 011 I lie luitmeli, liloitlett InnvcU, f oul lllitllltl. Iieailai'lin. In.llirn.il.i.i. ,.li .... lilMller rnllnu. Iltr litiutiio, .iillut- niiitloii "mi'"t " iih j iir uinvrip .14111-1 inn n rcuil" iHliriwtl aiu rlllliu slt'li. r.iit.llpitll.iu kills liKitc Htlie UihiI Mil nllicr iIUciini Inuclltrr. II U n ft;' tr llm 1I111111I11 tiiiiiil nml limit )iiiim uf IIIIVMIIi,' llliil ciiiiin HllKt'tVHI.Ia, Nil miillcr uliul hIU run, mil IhIiIiiu t'NIUIilCTN lifdn), lor run lll imvrr U'l cll unit lio mcIIhII iii Hutu 11111II )" "'d rltltl. Take mir hiIIit .iuM Willi 1AMi.Ht(TN Iti.ilu)'. (Illdrf Hit hIisiiIiiIi uiiar liloslit'iirttir money n-Aimlcl, GUARANTEED llU'lIltr:! ri srt man tkr nr. 1 hm itr CASIMU. I'.T n .nlil, Nm. a Imllnt lafillitlnA In ri'iil mrrll. hiiiI mir nvr mlllluu liu&rt 1 yfi. rilr Ihnn uny III wnrlit. I'hl. U iiti.ululr iirnuruf lip.l letllmnnlal. n'a linvn fkllh unit will .oil ClMttAIIKTS) iili.nllltnlr imnnntifl la uurr itr n. Knuii nl nll.lltfil, nlieiMMlits mm ft On to. rlui'iilh nnti.il A tie liny IixImv, Im n tid tins., igrn llivm a nionrv rtninriil. Ii bnv imlwv. I fulr hnn.l Irlitl, iht IimiiI lli-rrllim, mid Ifyuu nr. Imis Mini lliu rHintv Iiuk In li liv mull, nr IK ilrilklvl.t IVom n num mi iiurriinirn II, unit tri ynur munfr 1 lull... 'I'llk.n.VMilirlii.. yiiM.ll.i'Hhut.tli till'. Ilrnllli III tinliklr liiltnw nnl lit wlllhl.. Ihn ilur Iuul1r.lli.i'triihii.nriMSIAit''l'A. UuoU free l.y umlf. Jlrri MKUI.IM1 HtiHKIII CO., M:T 10111 cr CIIU'lUO. ttitru rr liolli llayii liirl lo Tlm apprmictjlriK cycle raclni; season pronilsi'it to In- ono of tlm lirst In tho his. tory of tho sport, and rMcrs of all grailcs will I11 clvt'ii ample oppnrttitilty to ills tltiKnlsli tlii.'insrilvi.-s. A HlKn of iilnnldrnncc Is tin,' intercut taken In tlio sport liy tltn Atitcrlcaii lllcyclo company, ami nliiljoriitu pi 11 tin Itavn bem complcti'il by which racing vtlll Im Htlrniilatc'I In every stato ot tho union, To IjchIii with, a fain of profi's- iiUiihIh lias been eni;ai;cil for tho racliiK lerm, ami tltcy will appear nt every (Ixttirn of thu circuit. , In ri'tiponsa to an itjipinl from tho ainuteiirii tlm company liaii ilecliletl nn an extiiiHlvii plan to promote ninatetir rhllnK, With IIiIh eml In view, It has nrrani;i'il thai tint country Im dlviileil Into twrnty-ttlKht llNlrletii, hh followti; 1, .Maine, New Hump- ulilrii ami Vermont; 2, MatiHachtiHcltft; ::, Hhoiln IhIiiiuI ami Connecticut; I, New York, Ii, New Jei'soy; 0, rennsylvanla; 7, Mary IiiimI, S, VlrKlnla ami West Virginia; fi, Noilh Carolina, anil Month Carolina; 10, (leorijlit anil I'lorhla; 11, MIchlKim; 12 Ohio; Kl, Indiana; II, Kentucky; ir, Ala linmii, MIhhIshIppI and Louisiana; It!, Mln iiesolit nml WlHconnln: 17, llllnnlii; 18, Mln houi'I; l!t, lowit 11ml Neliranka; 0, North and Honth Dakota; 21, Kansas, Oklahoma ami Indian Territory; 22, Texas; 23,- Montana and Wyoming; 21, Colorado; 25, Utah; 20, Washington, Oregon ami Idaho; 27, Novada, New Mexico and Arl.ona; 28, Callfornlu. Four gold medalii will lie offered for dls Irlct rt'conlH made In competitions, the din tnni.ca lo ho one, two, live and ten mites. Tint race mtiHt lie held tinder the Hanctlon of tho National Cycling itHHoclatlon. Thn tacit Hself must hu an open one, the rider Hlartlrig from Hcratch, and only it single pacer v. Ill ho allowed. In thu cnmi of a handicap the rider must slarl from Hcratch. Al tho end of Iho season tho amateur hold lug Iho tllHli'let recortl nctordlng to the Na tlonal t'ycllng nHHoelatlon certlllcatcn will hu lircHi'iited with one of thu' gold medals. Kanler Monday Iiuh lieen decided upon an Ihu tiny for tho llrst meeting In Kranco lic tween Major Taylor, thu colored champion, and Jaciti)llii, champion of all Kniopn. Their Hccund meeting will tin on I'enlccoHl duy, also a Monday. In 1'arln thu uvenl has liuoii uxlenslvt'ly advertised Hlncn tho Unit of thu year ami with the lilg race In coino off Immediately after Lent thero III every reason to believe that thu erowtl will ho 1111 enormous one, an cycling Is a greal diversion In thu French metropolis. Then ngnln, a colored rider has Hcldom heen Keen In Franco ami 110 donht 111 Ih nlonu will at tract Homn attention among those that mil -ilom attend eyelo races. Hhould Jar.tiielii ami Taylor each win a race tho third meet ing will hu held In America, probably at llnffali), during the warm months, Ono inllo In nno nilnutn back nf motor pace and forty nille;t In Hut hour In a com petltlvit conicHt. are mil thought. Improbable. Ihn coming hoiihom. l''orlytwo miles in thu hour Is iilun eomtldereil piobablo an ngalnsl the time proposition. William C. .Stltibon, who holda Ihu one-hour recortl of forty inllcH ;i:t0 yanls, Intomhi In mako tho mlln trial in it straightaway ride nt. Ilnffnlo some I line next Rttmmer. Ilo will follow a motor tricycle of Immemie horse-power down tho Tonawanda bottlevard al llurialo, whuro .lohnnln Johnstm startled the world In IK'.tl With Ills tnlle In tar 1-5, which lMdle l.eonarl louered later on to I 31 t-.r 011 the name retirsc. In making his rldo Stlnsnn hopes In bet llgtiren for the ml lo which will bo lower than any previous llmo record, not except ing the mile by "Clmrllo" Murphy bad; of II railroad train. Ktluson will follow 11 tricycle, on the back of which will bo n roller against which his front wheel will revolve In ease ho touches It enroute. It Ih nol Improbable that Albert Champion will man the tricycle. Champion Is tho greatest dare-tlevll In the land on such a machine nud snys t hut ho will go the mile In llfty secondu, providing the road Is level and perfectly straight. SIIiihoii will bo provided with 110 other wind shield than that tiiadii by the rider and tho tricycle Itself. "One of the most notable and helpful features of progress In bicycle building," Bays a dealer of many years' experience. "Is that In tho direction of making the parlB standard. In helping out a rider we liuve very little trouble in Ihe repair shop compared with what we lmd In former years. The nuts ami threads nf many oj the best known makes are nearly uniform nud thero Is no reason why they should not ho. It Ih of great convenience to riders to bo nblo In get a nut on the road that will re place 11 lost one, and it Is n boon not (o have to send to the factory for any little part to bo replaced. For the progress In this direction wo owe inurh thanks lo tho combination of the biggest dealers who mako their distinctive Improvements lu ncntttblo directions and give Individuality lo their wheels without turning every thread oddly for the sake of differentiation that Is silly and hindering." Uuy It nod try It If you want a delicious wine with , beautiful boo,uot Cook's Ira erlal Uxtru Dry Chnmpagno, i hmhimiiiIIi i.'.u XitMrv.Ui xfT: -d-Jmim - - m ri mm 1 , , 1 '-"7 - 1 1 1 t 1 ' 111 msrv it! r ry 11 But MMirWMTOT to do mmmmmMmm mood rmimmmm assimilated. pfWlH KwHr.iWiifcy'-w . ViSajPiSl W 1 :vv 1 Bj am will pay oxponao ot mailing a I f j "Have by a surgeon Sin lock on thy charge to stop his wounds lest he do bleed to death." We know that we may bleed to death. Knowing that, we know that if the loss of blood means death, the gain of blood must mean life. blood must have quality as well as quantity ; it must be pure as well as plentiful. When the blood is diseased it must be made pure before being made plentiful. this we must go back of the blood to the stomach. is made from food properly digested and When digestion is incomplete and assimilation the blood at once deteriorates and the nutrition is reduced. In general therefore, under such conditions. KrjjW mere is n iu.vi ui uesu snowing uie loss ot nutrition antt Tcr the deterioration of the blood which is the vehicle of the body's nourishment. People talk sometimes of blood-making medicines. But no medicine can make blood. Blood is made from fooil digested and converted into nutrition. The medicine which increases the blood supply of the body must do it by curing the diseases of the stomach and its allied organs of digestion and nutrition, so that the obstacles to the perfect nutrition of the body may be entirely removed. When this is done the nutritive elements of the food eaten are perfectly extracted and in the form of blood ,fccd the weakened organs and wasted tissues of the body. Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It removes the cause.i of corrupt and poisoned blood, so making the blood pure. It increases the supply of nutrition received from food, so making the blood plentiful. "Golden Medical Discovery" cures rcroftila, eczema, tetter, salt-rheum, boils, eruptions, pimples, rheumatism, debility and other diseases which have their origin in impure or diseased blood. Mr. Clin-i. Humvick, of T.oiiox, Macomb Co., Mich., writes: "I liavc never felt better lit my life limn I do now. I have taken Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery right nlong. I can now walk quite well with a cane and hope lo throw even that away licfore louj, nnd as I have had 10 uic crmcues lor nenriv two venrs. I t i nt I am n fine. I do not cotirh now nml I can sleep like a school boy. I think I will have to chaiffjc my mind alxmt ' patent medicines. as I never had much faith in them until your medicines cured me. You musl know that I lmvo been treated in two hospitals and by three other doctors besides, nnd received no benefit ; so I think your medicine is the only medicine for me.' " !.w'.11 fo,rcvcr mn- 7u tor advising me to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,'' writes Mrs. Jas. Murphy, of l'onda, Pocahontas Co., -own. ' It h.-.s cured me of chronic scrofula of twelve years' stand Iiijf. I had doctored for the trouble until I wan completely discouraged. I also had ch ronlc diarrhea for twelve years. I am in iood health now better than I ever u-n in iif ..'.,.. i.? ti.. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I took several bottles of the Discovery ' before I stopped." The blood is the sole coloring matter which nature uses to produce the wonderful tints which color the skin and give beauty to the complexion. When the blood is impure or diseased the effect is generally marked by eruptions which disfigure the I skin. The use of "Golden Medir-nl ni?rneeri' " ii'Ill effect the removal of disfiguring eruptions by re moving their cause and will restore the beautiful complexion which is every woman's birthright. : was troubled with eczema from the crown of 'mv head to the solen of my feet," writes Mrs. Ella Quick, o'f Cass City, Tuscola Co., Mich. "Could not walk at times nor wear my shoes. Thought there was no help for me-at least the doctor said there was none. I went to see friends at Christmas time nud there heard of the Rood that Dr Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery had done lor litem, and was advised to try It nt once. I?or fear that I might neglect it my friend sent to the village and got n bottle nnd made "f pro'.lsc that I would take it. I hud been getting worse nil the time. I took thirteen bottles of the 'Golden Med cnl Discovery ' ami ten vials of Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Tel letn, and used the 'All -Healing Salve,' which made a complete cure." Twenty -ono ono -pent stamps will pay oxponao ot mailing a copy of tho papcr-aovorotl edi tion of Dr. PIopco'b Common Sense Medical Advisor, containing over WOO pages Thoro Is no charge for tho book It Is sent free on receipt ot stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address: Dr. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y. mm it jtetf 'JTOP'.iriC.'-'jTiV-Ul.t $jW&Mt LONELY HOMES A home is ntver complete without children. Yet many hom are child less. Many wives arc desolate for the lack of a child to love. Their lives are aimless void of (he hitjh motives of motherhood. While barrenness is causing incalculable sadness and sorrow, it exists in most cases on account of some little female trouble, which Wine of Carclul would speedily set right. This pure Wine regenerates the disordered female organs by buiklinij up the worn out nerves and regulating the menstrual flow. It restores the fallen womb to its proper place. By strengthening the generative organs, it makes pregnancy possible where barrenness exists. You can depend on WIMECAMU! Suffering women all over the land have been depending on it for seventy-five years. No more convincing proof can be given than the testimony of Mrs. Iknsun, who Is only one of thousands of women to whom Wine of Cnrdui has brought a permanent cure. Many cases of miscarriage -that trouble which robs mothers of their hopes have been avoided bv timclv use of the Wine. You are asked to try Wine of Cardifi and Thedford's Black-Draught, its companion medicine. Nine out of ten cases of female trouble, barrenness included, yield to them. All drui't'isls sell $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui. Vndcrvoorl, Ark., April 2, 1900. Last May I hid a mlicurrlaijc, vhtch was followed by Hooding. I reid your Almanac and my hujbitvd got me a Mil of Vilne ol Caidul and It stopped my flooding anil restored my fallen womb to its place. Now I am cured alter taking three bottle and have mother to tike uSlch I eot this mornlna. I am expecting to become a mother mil Wipe ol Cardui be my doctor. Mrs. MAKY l BENSON. 7iVm?jl:w ' i...V'T I'or advice mil lltorutiiro, aciiirnim, (fWlne symptom-, "Tho Ladioa' Advleory Dopirtniotit," Tho ChnttatuiOK Meillcino Company, Chattanooga, Teuu. STRONG AGAIN ! WUtN IN DOUBT, TRY F f 4 Theyn.reiiooil ih-t-ttof yean, and hjvo cui-d thouiandi of C3ct ol .Ncrvout Dneasci, tucll al Utbililv, I)izinttf,hl-rieii-ne andV ancocelc,Atiophy,&c. They cleat the brain, strengthen the circulation, stake digestion r tfmri brifl imnirl i Klika f vljor lo tne wliolo beinR. All draim and Icries are checkeilrn.i, Unlett patienu V are iOtrlY Cured, thrircondit! -m nlimn un.rli thmmlo Insjtillv. f-nniiimntionnr Mnlh. Mailed icaleii. I'lU'rli pert - ft fco.-.r , li iron-clad lefal cuatantPe loeure or r-fundtho mo- ,1.00. Ji-nd lailtr-h m, PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Cleieland. 0. Sold by K'uhn .4 Co., l.Mh nnd Oouclns. nnd It Ills Bee Want Ads Produce Results- Superior to Aplol, Tam7, l'cunyroyal or fjtecl. Suro Relief of Pain and Irregulari ties Peculiar to tho Sox. Aptollno Capeulcs tor thrco months cost 81. DruesUt or I. ). Iioi 20HI, Xcw YorU.