8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, APTIIL f, 1001. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MfM'tl SIBNTIOX. David eells drUK. Btof.kcrt fills cutpctn and rug. EiaUT mile today. 31 Main atieeL Oaa fixtures und globes nt Illxby's. l-'lnn A11C beer, Noumayer's hotel. Wollman, scientific optlclun, 409 lVway. V. J. Hosteller, dentist, Huldwln block. Leffort, Jeweler, oiitlciun. 230 Uroadwuy. M1h Jeoslca Walluco Is vlsttlntf In CM cngo. ... Whltn lloso Itcbckuh lodge No. .31 win meet tonlKlit. , New novcltlcM for Banter Klits. C. Alexander tt Co., 333 IV way. V. F. Ornff. undortuker nnd dUlnfcctor, 101 South Main street, 'l'hono WC. Got your, work dono at thu popular batflo laundry, Vil Broudwuy. 'Phono 157. Morgan it Klein, upnolsterlnK. 'u'1" ripnlrlntf, mattress muktiiB. 12 H. Mum si. William Kothcrn nnd family of Iliizel Hell township nro reported sick with Hum fever. K. Tiivlor hH recflvrd a tcIeBram an nouncing the death of his father at Clove In nil. There will ho no meeting this oyrnliiK of Abo Lincoln post, Grand Army of tho Ho- public. , A want ad In The Hoc will bring 'I ho same uttentlon ulvcn to a want ad in Council Ululfn as at the Omaha office. Mrs. J. J. Urnvatto and daughter of Uur lhnrtnn. in., former rosldents of to-incll Itluffs. nri Hi this city visiting friends Johnny Morun, a small boy, wiui detected l.mt nliEht by Offlcer Hiinsii In tlio net of midline n live chicken. He wuh locked up, i. k Mnrlnu-i.. ISM Avnnuo D. ronortril to tho police yesterday the thuft of a number or carpenter ioois irum inn pri-imsi-a o duv nlxlit. I. .Tllrlrnn. "till Sixth nVellUC. telephone 34, has an KiO-acre stock farm nnd liw-acro fruit und grain farm, three miles north of city, for rent. Scpuratu Improvements, if. Hnrk imil u-lf,, havn arrived from Now York" and will make Council muffs their home. Mr. Berk Is itiumtiter of the custom doimrtment of tho Novelty cloak store William Hockabout, said to be u dentist of Malvern, la., was aosessed 5 nnd costs in nniirn riint i vrHtpriliiv tiiornltitr for creat ing n dlsturlianco Thursday night lit tho Trnnsrcr depot. Tho piano for tho Klka building, which Is fiirnlflhcil bv tlin liourlclus Muslo House, has arrived and Is now on exhibition at tho nbovo music house, 333 Uroadwuy, wheru the organ stands upon tho building. .luck Sayles tried to stual a pack of cards last night from tho Hena to saloon on Uroad wuy, but was not quick enough to escape tlin pnirln evn of ('.mtnlll Doiinv of the night pollco force, who placed him under arrest. Judge Wheeler suffered a relapse yester day and last night was reported to bo serl ously sick with ipilnsy. Tho attending phy nlnlaii was of the opinion tt would be sev cral days before J nil go Wheeler would bo nolo to noiii conn. W. H. Klcef. assessor of Hardin town ship, has turned In his books to County Auditor Innes una has earned tno dlstliiC' llitn nt tiitltur tlio flrut naitfiHRnr In fin un Ills books show an iucreaco of JlfOXA) on real estate In tho township, over that of two years ngo. Mount Calvary commnndery No. 1 o Omaha nnd Ivauhoo commanucry No. 17, Knights Templar, of this city, will attend tho Kaster services tomorrow morning In Kt. Paul's Knlsconal church on invitation of Itev. (ieorgo Kdward Walk, rcctoV. The knights will nssemblo In full uniform nt the asylum at 9 u. m. MerehantB on Hroadway between Sixth and I'carl Htreeta and on Pearl Htrect be tween Uroadwuy and Klrst avenue are planning to have tho streets in front ot their respective places of business kept clean this summer. The majority have signed an agreement to bear their share of tho expense of employing one or more men to do the work. lien Kennedy, 12 years old, who ran awny from tho Chrlstlun Homo several days ago, was returned lo the Institution last even ing. Slncn his esrapo from' the home ho has bePti to Cresrent. Neola. Honey Creek and finally drifted over to Omaha. He was INVITATION GOES TO CONGER Council Bluff's Paoplt Advance PUui for Rtctption. VARIOUS COMMITTEES ARE NAMED Den Stolnra llicurslonlnf to Nhnre In the Greeting to the hrturnlnaT Mlnlater Women Active In the Project. balance of 6.-70 was applied to meet this FQR IOWA lITlfcb Gilbert Hros, wcro awarded tlio contract for supplying tho court house with Ico at las; year's prices. neconlcr Smith, In a written communi cation, made the" suggestion that tho county, In order to encourage uniformity of forms of Instruments filed for record, provide a supply of blanks, to bo furnished tho public without charge. The recorder gave it ns his Judgment that such a plan would result In a considerable saving to this county and would largely redtico the number of books now necessary to record the grcat-jr va riety of forms filed for record. Tho board deferred action on tho suggetlon. Tho board expects to tako up nud dls- poso of tho smallpox bills this morning and ndjourn this afternoon CAMP OommitUti Rcommid Mert FYrbl Municipal Ligiilatitn. SUGAR BEET RAISING PAYS IN IOWA Mtnte Meets Ulirtcnltlct In PnttliiR Up Colleuc llullillna; Nenraaltn Jllli Oris Clerkship To Connect .orthTTCntcrn and Uuliuime. SUBKH SI'I 'Olt iiiti..tni: Visit the Acting on tbo assumption that Minister Congor will arrive In Council Bluffs at an hour suitable for a public reception, tho subcommittee, In whose hands tho matter had been left Thursday night by tbo gen eral committee, yesterday extended by mall an Invitation to him as follows: (Tnt'N'ril. m.uiWfl. Anrll 5. Hon. Udwln H. Conger. Envoy Extraordinary and Mln ImIup Plrr.lnnienllnrv. Kan Krnliclsco: Sir Tin. nnnnln nf (Vitinell UluffH. deslrlnc to express to you ineir upprecianuii iu yum niii.li- arrt' ria niiro.ii . to eonuraiuiaic you nn vmir iinfn return to vnu r unlive land nnd to give vow assurance or ineir cominuru iovo and fealty hnve perfected arrangements to tender you u puiuiu recepuon ana dinner in this city on the duy of your return to lowu, In .inli.r Hint nil mnv have niitiortunltv to give expression to their welcome. Thu women havo bocn cciually zealous to IH tlngly woleomo Mrs. Conger and other members of your party and havo nrranged for their nntortulnment. May wo not bo fa vnreil with iiromnt ucccDtnucc of this Invi tation and an advice by wlro at what hour you expect to arrive in tins city aim iy whnt route. With assurances of profound respect und esteem we are. most truly yours, VICTOR JK.NNiNus, mayor; WAt.THK 1. SMITH. OKOHOK K..AVIHOHT, C. M. HAUL, VICTOll K. HHNDKH, HIVING M. THKYNOH, Committee. This action on tho part of tho sub-committee was ratified at the meeting of tho general committee last night. Tho com mittee will also send, nn Invitation to Major Conger by telegraph. At tho meeting last night It was decided to tender Minister Congor a reception at tho Grand hotel, at which the public gen erally will be afforded an opportunity to greet him. Thla will bo followed by a banquet and a program of toasts, to which nbout 100 of the lending citizens will be Invited to bo present. Among tho guests will bo tho reception committee from Dcs Moines. To Kiitcrtaln Mr. Conner. Mrs. John N. Baldwin was appointed chairman of tho women's reception com mittee, with authority to select her own associates. This coramlttco will have charge of tho cntcrtalnmont of Mrs. Conger and the women of, tho party. George V. Wright was appointed vie rhnlrmnn of the general commlttco and theso sub-commltters were named: Uaiviuet-K. W. Hart, II. W. Hinder, 1. M, Treynor. . . ,,. , . ., Muslo and carnages ucorgo v. mpt, n H. Odell. F. H. Hill. t . . Transportatlon-W. J. Davenport, G. A Clark. I,. H. Greer, A. T. Elwell, J. C Press victor js. isenuer, cnairumni i Huttqn. H. P. Hnrrett, C. F. P. Frc HVfA If Mnrrhnn. Prmmm-C. M. Harl, C. G, Saunders. George 8. Wright, John P. Orgnn, John M. Ailjulnnt fSenernl Mer i llHifts Toilny. That tbo brigade ciicnmpniont of the Fifty-first and I'lfty-sccond regiments, Iowa National guard, will be In Council llluffa Is assured. All that now remains to com plete tho preliminary dotnlls la the sclec Hon of n location. Adjutnnt General llyors has decided that tho encampment will be hero nnd has notified Captain Tlnley of Company I, that ho will bo hero today for the purpose of looking over tho grounds and selecting a site for the camp, Tho adjutant general will bo met at the depot by Captnln Tlnley nnd members of Company L and tho city council special committee, consisting of Aldermen McDon aid, lloyer nnd I.ougcc. , Manager Dlmtnock of tho motor company .will place n special car nt tho disposal of tho party and a trip will bo taken over tho Munawa line to lw spect tho proposed sites. Of the $1,200 necessary which tlio com mittees started out to secure, $1,000 has been raised und tho balance Is In sight, Tho commlttco from Company L has raised over $600 and the motor company has prom lscd to contrlbuto $300. This leaves a little over $200 for tho council commlttco yet to secure and Alderman McDonald, who has taken an nctlve Interest In tho matter, says thero will bo no difficulty In raising this balance. The encampment, according to present plans, will be held toward tho latter part of July nnd in nddltlon to tlin 2,000 men comprising tho two regiments h expected to attrnct a largo crowd of visitors to Coun cil llluffs from the surrounding towns, A room, DBS MOINES. ADril C (Special.) An Important meeting of committees Is In bcs slon In Dcs Moines today, having under consideration recommendations to tho next general assembly of Iowa for legislation relating to Iowa municipalities. These com mlttces nro the ones nppolnted by tho State liar association und tho Iowa League of Municipalities to confer with a comrals slon of the leglslaturo appointed to ranko recommendations. The members of tho bnr commlttco present uro: Ex-Mayor J. II Quick, Sioux City; Judge Hollingcr, Daven port: George W. Uall, Iowa 'City, nnd v 11. uallcy, Dcs Moines. Mayor Victor Jen nings of Council llluffs is among tho mem bers of tho commlttco of tho league present ind others are C. E. Campbell of Dcs Moines, John llcdmond of Cedar Haplds and Henry Thuenen. of Davenport. Tho com mission appointed by the last legislature Is headed by Senator Trcwln of Allamnkeo county, who Is u candidate for nomination an governor. These committees held a meeting during tho winter at Cedar Kaplds, since which time tho members havo been exchanging board today, were all found siilllclently prollclcnt to entitle them to commissions. These woro James J. urosniuy, capiain; Cressley Morris, first lieutenant, and C. W. Alkcn, second lieutenant, of company O, Flfty-ilrst regiment, Wintered! Corydon Ingram, first lieutenant, and George r.. Duncan, Becond lieutenant, ot Company A, Fiftieth, Albln, and P. I.. Sever, captain of Company 11, Fifty-first, Stuart. Two who were summoned to appear boforo tho board had business engagements which prevented Theso wore F. D. Everett, elected en at Albla. and J. Y. Wlckcrshatn, elect': first lieutenant nt Vllllsca. .Nrlirnsku Mnn tet Clerkship. Gzorgo F. Schaad of Emmet county to day entered upon his duties as clerk in tho nardon nnd reou sltlon department ot tho governor's office, taking tno placo of A. E. Myrah. who resigned to engage In business. Mr. Schnnd was for nine years a resident of Fremont nnd was connected with the Fremont Tribune, but has for sovcral years lived In Iowa. lown Suffer from Mini. Not before for many many years has cen tral Iowa experienced such bad roads as at tho present time. Tho rntn has been falling all day today steadily and this, on ton of n series of altcrnuto snows nnd ruins, has mado the rural roads well-nigh lmpnssable. Ycsterdny the schools at Val ley Junction, n suburb of Dcs Moines, had to bo closed becauso It was lmposslblo to gel coal hauled to the aohool housea to feed tho furnaces. At lndlunola a hearso was stuck In tho mud and tho ennin had to bo carried by men tho remainder of tin- way to tho cemetery. Tho rural mall routes Just Btarted In this part of tho state nro experiencing trouble In rcnchlng all patrons promptly. Tho rivers aro high and tbero is a certainty they will bo much higher, nn.i farm work will be retarded In thu early season. Xew Nortlmeiilerii Project. Tho railroad projected from Dubuque In n southwesterly direction to tho 1'aclllc coast is regarded as a movement to tako HEAD OF BUREAU OF PUBLIC PRINTING uuuru cii as. G, Whitney Uses Paine's Gelery Compound Whenever ect'jd ' . He Is "Run Down" views by mall. They hope to reach somo , ch(;aK0 & Northwcstern railroad Into 1U3IIKI.S Ad.ll.V1T TUB ASYLUM. Well Cook Crlem He 'Would Hntlicr Die Thnn do There. There was a scene nt tho court house yesterday morning when Wells Cook, tho aged citizen und former prosperous bust ness man of this city, was Informed that the commissioners on Insanity had com mitted him to tho asylum and that Deputy Shorlff Peterson was ready to convoy him there, Tho old mar., whoso hair Is snow white, with the tears coursing down his furrowed checks, appealed to those about him not to allow him to be consigned to a living tomb. "I am not Insane," ho said, "nnd tt Is an outrage to send mo to nn asylum, God knows It will make mo Insane, though." When Deputy Peterson told tho old man that tho carriage was waiting to convoy them to tho depot and for him to put his overcoat on, Cook clung to tho Iron work of tho detention room nnd force had to bo used to remove him. As ho was leaving tho court house ho turned to those follow sort of nn agreement at tho meeting hero as to their general recommendations to tho legislature. Tho prevailing sentiment among members Is that tho Iowa legislatures have neglected the laws rclutlng to municipali ties, not so much becauao they desired to do Injustice to tho cities, as that the needs ot tho cities havo not been presented to the general assemblies. No attempt will be mado at this tlmo to effect a general revision of tho mu nicipal laws of tho state, although they aro almost In a hopeless tangle, and In many respects aro crude and unsatisfactory. The laws relating to public Improvements need revision. It Is hard to make public Im provements under the .present laws without incurring danger of heavy lawsuits for damages. Another matter which members of tho commlttco think needs attention is that relntlng to tho courts In the cities nud towns. Tho growth of Iowa cities Is so comparatively recent that legislation along that line Is Imperfect. Tho committee adjourned tonight. The report will not bo completed until next winter, hut they will recommend revision, especially with reference to special assessments. licet SiiKBr Inveatluntlonii. F. Saylor. special agent of the De partment of Agriculture, In charge of sugar beet Investigations, has Just returned to his homo In this city from spending tho winter In California with his family. Mr. Saylor Incidentally carried on Investigation of the beet sugar business in California, and re ports that while tho lust four seusons havo been goncrnlly unfavorable on account of tho continued drouth, tho present season starts out well nnd tho promise of a big Dubunue. Tho company formed is of uu bunun nnd Tnma county men almost ex cluslvely. Tho organization Is under the nnmn rhli-ni-n. DllbUOUO & PnCllIC, Blld Mm nlan Is to build u rnllroad from Du hununMo Tama, ruunlng through Vinton Thi. .,!,! ,ii ii it i- n connection with tho N'nrihwpntern rallrond nnd open up now lerrlfnrv for Dubunue. which the Jobbers cannot now reach. It Is not expected that tho road will be built beyond Tama. Innneet Moldlern' Home. Pnmmnnder M. J. Davis of tho Grand Army of tho Republic, department of Iowa, nnrt a eommltteo of tho Grand Army, con iatin,r nf P. M. CraDO. nurllngton; Phil Srhaller. Snc City: O. W. Crossley, Web stor City, and L. H- Hnymond, Hampton Chas. C. Whitney has been nt tho head of the Uurcau of Public Printing, Stato of Mtnnesotu, for many years. Ho Is also have Just complotcd Inspection ot tho Iowa secretary of tho Republican Stato Central Soldiers' home, In accordance wun niw, Committee. nnrt will renort to tho department enenmp- mnni. which meets In Dubuque in Juno. Tho rnmmlttee reports Informally that pvervthlnc at the home was found In good order, but a few recommendations will be made as to Improvements. lug him and said: "Goodby, I may never crop of beets for sugarfls excellent. on u cur coming across thn liver last even Ing when found by Aldermnn Boyer, who turned him over to an oHcer. James Fulton, who claims Abilene, Kan., ns his homo, was brought to tho Woman's Christian Association hospital yesterday from Ni'iilli, suffering from a broken leg. Fulton wax stealing a rldo un a Hock lslund freight nnd on reaching Neola Jumped off In trntit of a train going In tho npposllu direction, ins leg was nroKen ami no ro reived several bud cuts and nrulecx. Oils Druben. a lineman In the employ of tho tcleiihono company. Is contluod to his homo with a bndly Htrulned leg and other minor Injuries. u tho result of an accident Thursday evening. Ho was working at tho ton of a nolo at the corner of Oakland nvenuo and Avenue G when It broke off at tho bottom. Gruben's fall was broken somowhnt by the attached wires and this accojuted for his light Injuries The Carleton family, churned with whole sale petty thieving, was given a hearing In police court yesterday. Homer Moss, Mrs, Carli'ton'u stepson, shouldered tho responsi bility of the thefts and wuh hound over to the grand Jury and later committed to the county Jail. Mrs. Carleton und her llltlo daughter wero released on their own bonds, as the woman said she wmh going to Cali fornia nud had her ticket bought. Harry Corson Clarke will be seen hero In his new comedy of character, "What Did Tomklnn Do?" at tho Dohaiiy theater to morrow evening. Tho critics wherever he has appeared so far this seusou nro unani mous In pronouncing his new comedy ex tremely clover, full of wholesomo fun and laughable situations. Mr. Clarko Is said to linvn surrounded himself with nn excep tionally clover company of experienced and competent eastern favorites. Tho settings, sccnory nnd costumes nro reported as being particularly elaborate and handsome. N. Y. Plumbing Co., teitpnone 250. llubber stamps nt DoLona's, S07 B'way. reach tho asylum, and If. I do It may ho Escort Captain I.. H. Cousins, chnlrmun;! that I will not be thero long. I may kill Captain M, I. Tlnley, Major H. U. 1'onda, myanif beforo I reach there. Death would fliaries ueynoma. v. v.. .n-.-v,., - , bo rcfcruIo to holnK sw h in that Invltntlons-Hon. Wnltcr I. Smith. K. E. Hart, George F. Wright. J. It. Heed, Spen cer Smith, Miclus Wells, - Flnnnce-Emmet Tlnley, C U. IJ; H. Merrlam, S. U. Wadsworth, August "ncccptilm-Mnyor Victor Jennings (asso ciates to be named by ilio mayor). ttxcumlon from lien Mohie. Tho Des Moines people are planning an excursion to Council Bluffs on tho day of Minister Conger's nrrival hero and expect to secure a round trip fare ot not more than $2. If this rate is secured It Is be lieved 500 Des Moines pooplo will be here ihnt ilav. The Dcs Moines reception com mittee has prepared a button for tho occ- lon. It will bear a portrait oi .yujm Conger In tho center, auniraun flags of tho nations which wero represented nt Pekln. on the plcturo being tho word: IVnUnnl. K It. Conger." OCIOW Will UU plcturo of nn American somier tuii. Ilmor tn H E It. TBO UllllU" " Igr.rd by H. O. McElderry of Dcs Moines. Tho Dcs Moines committee win mi lied to co-operato wun mo ioui i., the roceDtlon here. The time of the reception cannot bo detormlnod upon until word Is received from Minister v-uubh Davis sells glass. Hubscilbcrn In tho guessing contest can register their coupons at tho Council Oluffs office the snmo as at the Omaha office. I'lnmlicra Strike t noli'iiiiKeil. The developments looked for yesterday u thn strike of tlio union plumbers tailed to mnterlallr.o and (ho situation remains unchanged. Tho bosses nro standing pat in their refusal to nccept the rules laid Oorn by I ho union men, but aro willing that tho men should go back to work on the otd terms. There Is no talk ot compromise on cither side. Unless the men decide tn go back to work today the bosses say they will tako tho mat tcr Into their own hands and till tho va cancies with non-union men. Subscribers In the guessing contest can reglMcr tbelr coupons nt tbo Council Dluffs office the same as nt tho Omaha office. i! ft THAT EASTER 18 I HAT V i i 1 I Ami that Bwell suit will Klvo you a neater nppenr nncn If you wear u'palr of thoyo cletrnnt SHOES wc nro showing for tho prlnc tmde. Thvy uro Ktyllnh, mndo by skilled workmen and will wear 'longer than any other nho houuht for tho snmo inon,ye!suwherc. Seo our show windows for tho latest no cities in foot worn1. SARGENT'S I.nok for Hie Hear, HOOKS Of COUNTY OFKICBIIS. Donrd of Supervisor Flndu Accounts In HntUfnetory i.,onnmM. Th rommlttees appointed to examine the bookB and accounts ot the county officers filed their reports at yesterdny's session of thn Hoard of Supervisors. Supervisors Hansen nnd Auld, who examined tne ie ordnr's office, reported they round eery thing In good shape and bad no changes to suggest. They examined tuo uoona uum lnnimrv 1. tt3f. to December 31, 1900, and they showed that H.Zil instruments una been filed during that period and 110,041.88 collected In fees. iinnnen nnd Au d albo examined tno ac counts of tho gherllf's ofllco and reported tlm Kvstem of bookkeeping there nn ex collent one and the books nnd nccounts in nnrfert shane und correct, huporvisors ' . . !..., ,1... Hiandes and Korney, wno cxuiiimvu um books in the olllco ot rreerouu m-im, clerk of tho district court, reported every- tMng in a satisfactory condition nun mu ofllco conducted In a praiseworthy manner. Sheriff Cousins submlttod nis rcpon lor ih nrct niiartrr. ending March 31. U showed fees taxed. 1.300.39; fees collected, $1,357.41; fees duo county, t, i.to. Against the amount duo the county was offset tho sheriff's salary, 25, and salaries of deputies, $537.06, leovlng a balnnco of JC1.70 In fnvor of tho county. January 1, 1901, there was duo the deputies for Biliary 11,532.10, tho fees of the previous year not having been sufficient to meet this. Tho place." Deputy Peterson was given instructions to watch tbo old man closely, as tho au thorltles were fearful ho might attempt to take his life It tho opportunity occurred, QUESTION OF JURISDICTION nt1v of Murdered Man . Fiuinn rtcnr ChnnKenlile Nelirnnkn nnd Ion-a Line. ONAWA, la., April C (Special.) The trial of Frunk Dennis, charged with tho murder of John P. Worrell Inst Jnnuury. will bo at the April term of tho Monona county district court and is attracting at tcntlon by tho question of Jurisdiction to sleep Buy your trees, shrutd and roses of Mcneray. Orders filled by mall or express. 622 Kast Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. LAST OF SMALLPOX PATIIOXTS. No Further Ue for Penthouse After IJnMer Sunday. A. D. Van Horn, If. I. Shophord nnd F. Hvans, tho three remaining smallpox pa tients at tho pesthouse, nro to bo discharged Sunday, nnd tho city authorities aro hopeful tnat tncy will havo no further uso for tho doten-lon hospltul for somo tlmo to come. The first smallpox patient was taken to tho pesthouso November 21, and with tho exception of two days tho place has been occupied over since, thero being ns many ns five patients thero at one time. Max Schmidt, wIiobo Borvlces will bo dispensed with tomorrow, has cured for all tho cases at the pesthouse at the rate of $3 a day. Subscribers fn.tho guessing contest can register their coupons at tho Council Bluffs olllco tho same as at the Omaha office. Mr. Leah Frne Indicted. Mr?. Leah Fraser, charged with con ducting a disorderly houso over tho South Omaha Brewing company's saloon nt 606 West Broadway, hus been arrested, nn In dlctment hnvlng been returned against her by tho grand Jury. Her bond was fixed at $.100, but she was unablo to furnish ball and was committed to tho county Jail. P. Jctter, president of tho South Omabn Brewing crmpuny. Indicted in conjunction with Frank Walklngton, nominal owner of tho saloon, has not been taken into custody. The offense with which ho Is charged Is not extraditable, and Mr. Jctter has not been in Council Bluffs slnco tho grand Jury reported. No further arrests' were mado yesterday by the Rhurlrr's force, although there are fifteen InrtlctnuinU out. The sheriff's force Is somewhat liuudloppod owing to Deputy filierltf tlnher bclne laid up as a result ot il ruiifiYrny, DOHANY THEATER. SPKCIAL. SUNDAY NIGHT, APRIL 7. The ComodlHti, A Royal Fonst of Fun, FARM LOANS Negotiated In ISastcrn Nebraska und lo. Jumei U. Cotady, Jr., U Main HI.. Council Bluffs. Lewis cutler Funeral Director (Successor to W. C. Eetcp) K 1'Ii.Wll. STIIEICT. Tuou it. Qravel roofing. A. II. Read. Ml nroart'y. lU-v. Alexuniler UtlierlnniPn Pnrewell, Itev. Aloxandcr Lttherland will oreaoh his farowell sermon tomorrow in tlio Reo ond Presbyterian church. Ho hns nroeptd tho pastorate of n church nt' Bridgeport, 111., nnd expects to leave with hli family next week. Mr. Lltherland hos bean pastor of tho Uro- ond Presbyterian church several years, and It was through his efforts that tno oon. grugatlon's present houso ot worship was built. His regular nnetorntn tnrmlnatfrt In thn fall of 1899. slnco when hs has been acting ns supply mlnlstor. Thn beet sugar Industry Is growing throughout tho country," ho said. "The largest sugar factory In tho world Is at Sallnus, Cal.. whero 3,000 tons of beets arc used daily while the factory is in operation. Thero has been tho largest number of new factories established tho last year of any In tho history of tho Industry In this coun try. Michigan alouo nas eiovcn new iau torlcs. Last year a number of Iowa farmers grow beets for factory use. They wero farraors near Mason City, Clear Lake, Fort Dodgo nnd Waterloo, nnd they mado con tracts with the factory at St. Louis Park, Minn., for the sale of the bcots. Investi gation showed that theso farmers made good profit on their crop. In many cases tho not ptocccda would equal the value of the land." Mr. Saylor says ho expects Iowa to pro duce beets commercially and In time to havo n largo number of factories, as It his been demonstrated they will pay all through this section of the country. Ho has prepared his annual report, which he has Just forwarded to Secretary Wilson, showing tho progress of tho beet sugar Industry, and this will soon be published by tho department. Ho will travel dur ing the summer Investigating tho crop In all the states and In tho new Island pos sessions. Trouble Over State Contraet. Tho state of Iowa Is In for a good deal of trouble over tho construction of the new collegiate building at tho Stato university, which should have been completed before this time, but Is still far from completion. This Is tho finest building of the State uni versity, and now slnco tho two buildings much used have been burned It Is Impera tive that the collegiate building shall be completed In time for use at tho beginning of next term. The contractor, n Chicago firm, has been careless and negligent nnd hns had trouble with subcontractors and employes, and this week the Board of lie gents, acting on the ndvlco of tho archi tects, took tho contract away from tho Arm and will finish the Job. Tho subcontractors will contlnuo to work, and the building will bo rushed to completion. Tho matter of settlement with tho contractor Is likely to cnu'so troublo which will lead to lawsultB. Tho temporary buildings nt tho State uni versity will bo finished In tlmo for uso ,nt tbo next term. Nev (uarilNiurn Protlelenl. Tho olected officers of threo new com panies ot tho Iowa National guard, who wero examined by tho stato examining A Plenlluiln of Merriment. The Maximum of Fnree Coined). CouipHiiy of Sunerlitr Hxrelleuee. ChurniliiK Ulrla In ioreou Continue, A llrlnlit l.nuirliliiB Plny Cleierly Ac led. PRICES 25c, 35c, GOc and "Sc. Onlr Inane Is tlnestlnn nf nivoreo, Mrs. Cora Sadowsltl, whoso suit for dlvorco against J. V. Badowsltl It pendlr.B In the district court, fllcd notlco yesterday that she agreed to her motion tor alimony being overruled and that tho ouly lnuo beforo the court be tho question oi dlvorco A stipulation hriB been entered Into be tween her nnd her husband covering tho matter of alimony nnd tho poiteitlon of tho children In controvorBy, provided she Is nblo to prove her cato and obtain tho dlvorco petitioned for. ttuarlrrly Water llllln. Pay on or beforo the 10tb and save 5 per cent. Office open Saturday nnd Wednesday evening until 9 o'clock. Davfe hcllH paint. Subscribers lu thu guessing coutcst can register their coupons at the Council Bluffs office the Minn as at tno Omana office, which Is likely to bo rolscd between tho Iowa and Nebraska authorities. , John P. Worrell was killed on a Bsndbnr In tho Missouri river, nnd whether It Is In Iowa or Nebraska Is n question to deter mine. John W. Anderson and George A. Oliver will appear for the defendant, Frank Dennis, who Is now In the Monona county Jail. A. tho request ot tho Iowa authorities the county surveyor, Italph Fessenden, has prepaied a pint of tho river, which shows tho location of tho sandbar and bunks at the point where tho body wns discovered. Tho plat will bo Introduced on the trial and will not bo mado public until then. The body was found at low water at a point on the Nebraska side, but which at high water Is ncurer tho Iowa bank. Ills duties In these two capacities are at times so exacting that ho finds himself worn out nud In a low nervous condition. At all such times he confidently turns to Pnlne's celery compound and has never been disappointed. Ho says of this wonderful remedy: St. Paul, Fob. 16, 1901. "Dear Sirs I havo been familiar with tho merits of Poino's celery compound for n number of years, and havo used It when seriously 'run down' from overwork, both mentally and physically. But Its good qualities never appealed to mo so forcibly as during tho last campaign. Tho hard work devolving upon me, ns Secretary of tbo Stato Central Committee, affected my nerves greatly nnd mode It difficult for me Pnlno's celery compound Immedi ately restored tho tone of my nervous sys tem and enabled ma to secure refreshing sleep. It benefited mo nt once, and I-do not hesltato to recommend It to my friends who find themselves In tho same nervous condition. "Very-truly yours, Chas, C. Whitney." Paine's celery compound marks u tremen dous strldo In tho cure of disease. No other remedy has ever succeeded In driving out tho underlying causes of nervous and or- gunlo trouble so surely nnd rnpldly. No remedy represents so comprchenslvo n knowledge of nervous exhnustlon aud the best means for Its alleviation, It euros where other remedies bocauM they nro cither silly nostrums or well meaning but old-fashioned and Ignorant preparations hnvo been tried nnd found futile. Pnlno's celery compound was first pre scribed by Prof. 'Edward 13. Phelps. M. D., LL. D., of Dartmouth Collego, In his prl vato practice. It has been recommended by lenrned specialists In nervous diseases. By Its merit alone It has en mod the high est commendntlons from phystclnns, tho press and tho public. It not only regulates the nervous system, hut nourishes It; Bends moro nnd better blood to supply tho wastod nerves und takes tho killing strain off tho kldnoys. When pains appear In different parts ot the body nnd one feels tired nnd depressed, tho uso ot Paine's celery compound will drive nway the rheumatism pnln or tho attack of indigestion nnd correct tho fall ing appetite, which keeps pace so closely with tho digestive powers. Palno's celery compound has proved itself to be the most ndvanced remedy yet dis covered for tired brains nnd worn out nerves. Nervo tension Is disguised under a good' many symptoms that leud thoughlleBs por sons to npply somo useless local remedy when tho only lasting relief will come from puriflod blood, kidneys moused to work, stomnch secreting abundance nf dlgestlvo Juices nnd a toned-up stato of the nerves. For all this thero is no need of further proof ns to' the vnluo of Palno's celory compound than enn he furnished by tho rendors' own neighbors if ono will tako the pains to make Inquiries. Tho best teat of tho worth of Pnlno's celery compound Is to uso It yourself. PROTECTION FROM WITCHES Man WniilD tn Carry Gun So They Cannot Persecute Hint. FORT DODGE, la., April 5. (Spcclal.)- Matt Hamincrly of Burt appeared before County Clerk B. J. Carr ot Kossuth county a few dnyB ago and asked to be allowed to carry a gun to protect himself from witches, which bo snid were continually persecuting him. He had many long stories to tell of tho experiences which he had had with witches, one ot which was his account of how they had run a threshing machine up his head. He said that he had headaches for a week after. Ho also asserted that In retaliation for some Injury ho had filled n man full of earth, and was surprised to learn that his listeners had not heurd ot the affair. Hamraerly was sent to Indepen dence for treatment. MANHOOD RE8TOKtO,:."S,H ; bla Vlwllzi-r.tlieprrncrtpUonofafnmouiFrenchpnyatclnn.wlll qalclrlrcnro you of all nervoiuor dlsiwuof tht aeoeratlve organs, bucU an Ijoat nauliwod, InMiannla, Ialua In (lie Hack, ftTcmliutl Kaalaalona, Nervona Debility, l'lmplea itttoiisall losicuby dayor nlglit. PreTentiqulckneMof dlbaren, wblohlf nptcbeokea loala to Hnermatorrlioea and all the borrora ot impoUncy. CCl'iniSBfKcleanwstbe liver, the kldneyi and the urinary orsani ot all Impurities. I'Dl'IBENE Btreaitneaa And restores Rmal I wtalc orenn. ... Tharranon BiiCfet jra are not cured by Doctors tibeeanaeW per ern tare trooblil with Proetatllla, CUI'IDUNE the only 'known reratdv to cure TilUiout nn operation. MOO testlniniitulj. A written Enaranteeitlren nndmnni'T returned if t boxes d oca not effect a permanent curt, fl.00 a box,9 for CQ, ymcill. Bend for Knur cfrcularand teBtlmonlri'B. aTOB IALE) BY MYKm-PILLOW ERCO CO- ItTg AMD VARNAJL NEED NOURISHMENT? Use Mull's Orape Tonic Tho crushed fruit laxative. Tho Now Wonder for bad houlth pood for ovorybody. Druggists fuc. Tho Lightning. Medicine Co., Bock Island, Ilia. Mull's Lightning Pnln Killer Cures Nournlgln, 25c. Thrown Forty Feet and Killed, ATLANTIC, la., April C (Special.)- Julius I'eterson, 71 years old, was killed by train No. 11 yesterday near tho Locust street crossing In this city, being struck by tho engine nnd thrown forty feet. Mr. Peterson came up the railroad yards with a sack on his back and not knowing that a train was approaching stepped In front of tho engine. Ho was taken to tho baggage room, where ho died In tho course ot an hour. His nnklo and beveral ribs wero broken. Ho mado hla homo around tho hotels, doing odd Jobs for his board. Flfty-Hlxtli Wetldlnu Annlveranry. CRKSTON, la., April 5. (Special.) Rev. O. E. Brown ami wlfo April 3 quietly observed their fifty-sixth wedding anniver sary. Ho Is SO years old and his wife 70. A SKIN OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER DR.T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM. OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIES. Itemovo Tan, IMmplta. Freckla, Moth Patch. Ilaah and Skin Oil pan, and aven J ' I -V. .. V. ... (initial, un ueauijr, ; it iiu uc-iivf UIK V linn. It hll alnn.l the teat of b'i yeara, ana la to liarmleaa wa taata It to bet aura t la properly mad. lAccfpt no counlfr- mt or almllar (namr. Dr. L. A. Bayra aald ta a la. dy of th haul-ton (a Datltntll As vou ladles will use them. I recom mend 'GOUHAUD'S CHEAM' aa the least harmful of all tho Skin preparations."' For ante bv all DrugKlata and Fancy Ooodi Dealers in tne u, a, and isuroi SXJO le I u. H. and isuroDe. FEHD. T, IIOI'KIMt, l'rop'r. 87 Great Jones St., X.- Y. "Man wants but little here below" Said a morbid poot long yoars auo, I'm prone to doubt that ancient sage When I look at The Dee's great "Want Ad" page. WOMEN Taniy. I'cnnyruial: nut tlnitle Mllunu lonant. mot obitlnata mica relieved In a few loy; lm it Sberman & McConnell and Kuliu & Co . druRgltta FEMALE BEANS Kit'Ut muutlily regie laturuirouiteat.bciu iifriticunullihrgnt. BbPCt' BBB aK BaBBaaE brewed of selected barley-malt and best imported hops, "laaered" six months to fully mature, before being bottled for market, which accounts for its being so palatable and wholesome, and makes it "The Kg of Bottled Beers. 1 I1C JUUUbt u -J AnheuserBuschBrewing Ass n Brewers also of Black & Tin, AnheuEer-SUndiri, Faust, PalcLager, E5ort"2lcExquisitc, Michelob and Mall-Nutrinc. Orilcra promptly llllril by GEO. KRUG, MGR. ANHEUSER-BUSCH BRANCH, OMAHA. John Reno &f o COUNCIL BLUFFS. The Last Day for Your Easter Preparations. .ivet nnd llrlidilrat nf llnatrr flnutl a In nil DciiiirlnipiilN fur Men. Women and Children. SIMOf IAL SALKB IN Kid Gloves, Taffeta Ribbons and Summer Shirt Waists MAIL OKDHIfS l'KOMl'TIA' FILLED.