Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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or other
rnrry you
strength a
S3$4$$ T I rod 7
Aro You Woary and Run Down 7
Nearly everyone Is nowadays, Anil It Is, pe.rfectly
natural that you should be; for winter, while uppar
ertly bracing. Is all the time sapplnu your ttrengtn.
It leaves everyone In sprlns In a faKRea out condition.
UWViNO, physically tind mentally, best describe
It. This Is especially true. If you have had the OH if
Illness so common to the winter monins. 10
through the spring period or cnangeama
to summer when you can strain gather
nd lay up energy for next winter, you neeu.
The standard of purity and excellence,
for nearly half n century We recelvo
thousands of written endorsements from
rrateful patients who have been helped by
Jlerc Is Just ono of thousands, written
I-ebruary "ft, lln)l:-
Gentlemen' - It affords tnc creat pleasnreit the
pre 'int time to rctirt In j ou the great U nctllt! am
derjrlm; from jour l'ure Malt W hlkcy. I km M
yriold and enjoy the best of lirultli. A Vent ten
yeis fRO I found my Mretisth wus falling roe,
and the thoiiKht flnnhed ncroM tnv minds "Am
I now to tc an Invalid the rest of mv life?" My
Bctnl common enc told me that What I needed
wna tonii ami itlouilaut ; something lo keep up
inystretiK'h ami ward oltdti'e, I wm recom
mended to try lmfly's Malt tthlikey After two
orthrco wcckn I noticed nchunfetotnlBR owine.
Nature wait d to bo tnkltix on trr fonts aud Ilfo
and streiiKlhwcrc returnlnn once more. Sly tired,
worn-out nervous system Improved, my brain bo.
came clear I had delightful sleep, and would
awake refreshed, frelitiit thnt lllo was txt a bur
den, .My aptltplscxcellcnt,eKJK"tinlr, bear
IngcorKl. 1 am pmltlrel owe my ptcucnt condition
to your I'Ufe Malt WhUVey. I fm satisfied It Is
prolotujlrm my life! nnta llfcof inl;ery, but ono
of contentment slid happiness. 1 shall continue
to use It, with the ho- thnt I will jet pais tho
century murk (Irntcdillj yours,
KillA (JOt'I.U, l'rk Home, Newark, N.J.
DtJI'TT'S contains not n drop of "Fusel
Oil," the most dangerous Inirreillent
which Ih found In other whlsklea. Over
7,000 doctors prescribe and endorse It an
the only absolutely pure, alcoholic stimu
lant. Prominent hospitals use it exclu
sively when a stimulant and tonic are re
nold by nil druggists and erocers, or di
rect, i a bottle. Oovernment medlclno
stamp marks the sonulne; beware of Iml
tnttons, they are Injurious. There Is non
"Just as rood nn" Duffy's; It has no count,
puffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, Js. V,
P ill
FTJ3EI. l&sf ikf'
OIL. '
... X-..':
:-..:.;;;.i:-( ' i-':: ;
ITiniiiMiiiiian i Tiii'i i i
"i i'h li i ii
Tourist Cars
to California
TiiroiiKli tourist Hlt'vpliiK
for Cnllforniii now lunvu the
UurlliiRton Station us follows:
TiiL'Hdays .... SMO ii. in.
Tuesdays .... 10::!(t p. in.
"WotliiPHtlnys .. :2.1 p. m.
TliurPilnys . . . -1:U5 p. in.
Twnnty-flvo dnllnra buys n
ticket on Tucsdnys In April
forty dollars on other days.
I'lve dollnrs buys n berth.
. 1502 PARNAM ST.
mill and MASUiN Sli.
TLl.l-PIIONfi 128.
i ii m ii ii mi 1 1 1 ii iii i
Hlllll I11II-M
Tuesday in April
Will bcII tlokota nttho followlns roduoort rates from Omaha:
liK3, SAN DIKGO, IncHulltip;
all Mnln Linn Points, north Cali
fornia ' Stnto Linn to Colton,
San Bornardlno, and
San Diego
To Utah, Idaho, Oregon,
Montana and Washington
Oden and Salt Lako City, Utah,
llutte and Helena,
Portland, Oregon., Spokane, Wnh.
Tac ma and Seattle,
New City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnnm St.
Union Station, 10th "and IVSarcy St.-
Manufactured by
A, Mayer Company,
316 Bee Bldg.
For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers
Consultation Free from - to 1. When ordering by mail
add 5 cents for postage.
Iniitti Supreme Court OommUiion
Mtrelj a Uakuhift.
IHnnvnvt ttntnnrn Thnt Olhrrn In
lliirncrtl IIU Altitude Tonard the
.llrmiirr ttxiirrt .NrlirnnUnim
to IIImp In Thrlr Stlht.
Tel. 316.
Tel. 629.
I 't:At:;7 , lv prrjpiollon nl th boy, pslm. t?
LINCOLN", April C (Special.) Oovernor
Dietrich today nuthorlzed the publication
of tli r following relative to his action on
several of the Items In the appropriation
As niurh Ims been said In the public press
concrnltif; my action on tho appropriation
for snlnrtes of the supreme court commls
riloncrs, and as It has been alleged that I
was Influenced for and against the measure
by divers persons, I embrace this oppor
tunity to Impartially and fully rccltu tho
Klrst Neither before my first action nor
after was I Influenced by either Mr. Hold
ree, Mr, Hosewater or Judge Nerval, My
original action was supplemented by tea
son of tho earnest appeals which came to
mo for relief from litigants, attorneys and
persons having causes awuttlng determlna.
Hon by tho Biipremc court trom all parts of
tho statt In thu conglomerate mass aro
cases that have been pending for years, In
volving titles, legacies, Judgments, equities
and property rights, upon whose speedy
determination depended tho moral, physical
and tlnanelal well-being of many ot our
citizens. 1 had some knowledge of tho con
ditions In this respect, but It was not until
tho appeals were brought out In response to
my veto of the appropriation that 1 realized
f.illy the distressing state of affairs obtain
ing, and the same honesty of purpose which
guided me In tho llrst Instance directed my
action In the second, lly that and that only
was 1 influenced,
Ample Work for Vlv .Itulcr.
It was my rlncere and earnest desire that
tho legislature should do something looking
to permanent roller of the court, Perhaps
In no other state In the union uro legal af
fairs ho sadly demoralized. Causes are
being Dually adjudicated at this time which
wcro Instituted iti tho courts all the way
from six lo eight years ago. The simple
fnet of tho matter Is that the business of
the court has permanently outgrown Its ad
judicating capacity unci not even hasty and
thereforo unreliable and often Inequitable
determinations can enable that tribunal to
successfully surmount the obstruction.
There Is ample work for at least tlve Judges
and until such provision Is made unsatis
factory and distressing rrsnltx must attend
the adjudication of legal questions, a con-
uiuoii (meeting not alone actions in court,
but ramifying to every line ot business and
dlsarmmc the liiw nf fvcrv nrnvlslnn In
tended for the conservation nnd protection
,u (Miuuu iiiin private riguis.
(.oiinIiIitm Coiiiinlsxioii ii Mnticililft.
As 1 stated In my veto, I consider tho
Commission ll morn nmkrshlrt. iimvldlnir
only temporary relief and at tho same time
irespassing upon a domain tcstrlcted olid
Inhibited by the fundamental and organic
law of this slate. It Is onlv In nn pmnr-
goncy. yielding to no other solution nnd to
no otner panacea, that such Improvised nnd
essentially vulnerable remedies are to Lo
So far as the payment of court fees Into
the stiito treasury was concerned, that s,im
ot minor consideration. Imposing burdens
11 HOI I the taxiiuvers of this Hint,. In tin, rnm
of $75,000 unci at the samo time permitting
the clerk of the supremo court to appro-
iuutic in r.iH own use in court teen
which siiouin go into tno treasury for re
lief of the taxniivers was ami Ii an Indie
tlco I as clilcf executive of this state could
noi dismiss witnout nrotest. Then, too
thla feature of tho case became all the
more serious wneii I considered that this
unquestionably uniawrul conversion was
being systematically proseeuted, not alone
within the very shadow of the court, but
with its avowed knowlcdgo and consent.
My attack on this lawless practice was not
because any particular Individual was
eli'fh. but .because I saw In It a xhamnrnl
assault on principle, a travesty on Justlee
mm nn outrage on tno taxpayers or No
Kxpei'ls People to Hilar.
The samo liitluence that defeated tho
proposition to submit a constitutional
amendment was exercised in dm mm tim ,ii.
mission bill, and I can conceive of no other
motive for opposing tho amendment than
that those who nio profiting by the fees of
the court should bo disposed not to have
winr Kincoiiro iiisturueii ny any nautical
changes which might follow. The wclfnro
ana interests or tno neon o wcro to them
of no concern. Tho people of Nebraska aro
patient and tolerant, but I misjudge their
senso oi' Justice If they do not some day
rise In their might and repress forever this
nun an inner iiniurcu iniquities,
IIimv tin CoiniiilNnlon Will Work
At its sitting next Monday tho supremo
court will probably outline tho plan upon
wnich the court commission Is to act. Va
rious methods ot dividing the commission
and apportioning tho cases on the docket
have been advanced, but tho court decided
to tako no action on any of them until after
tho appointments aro made. One plan is
lo dlvldo the court and commission into
four branches, each to consist of ono Judge
nnd two commissioners und to clatslfy tho
cases under tho titles of equity, criminal
and civil, tho threo branches lo have the
elites coming under these heuds nnd the
lourin nrancn to navo all motions and mis
crllancous business. Another nnd more
likely method Is to huvo tho Judges sit
npart from tho commissioners. It has been
reported that tho court proper would pre
pare no opinions, but It assetted semi
officially that this Is untrue. The Judges
win probably pass on mcst of the motions.
hut they will also listen to argument on
cases and preparo opinions as heretofore,
Appointment by the (iovernnr.
Tho following appointments wcro an
nounced today by (lovernor Dietrich:
Nebraska commissioner nt Pnn.Amrriun
exposition, Kdgar L, Vance of Pawnee
V.ll .
Chief fish ami came enmmlHslnner
Oeorgn 11. Blmpklns or Lincoln; deputy llsh
and same commissioner, Joseph Matousek
of Krainard; deputy game wardens, C. P.
i ouiireiman oi umuiiu, llarry li. MeCon
ncll of Albion and (leorgo Carter of North
Chief oil Inspector, 13. It. Hlzer of Llpcoln;
deputy oil Inspectors. A. It. Ladd of Platts-
moiiiu, iiiigu i.iascow ot uiloll, H. .1. John'
son of Mlndeii, Itasmus Hannibal of St
l uui aim j , i,, j tension oi umalia,
I'lnnuliiK for State I'll I r.
Ofllccrs of tho State Hoard of Agriculture,
will soon meet with tho Stale Hoard of
Public Lands, and llulldiugs to select
perniatieut state fair Bite, for which
appropriation of $35,000 was voted by tho
legislature. Property on ull sides of Lin
coln, und of all grades of value, hns been
offered for sille to the state at prices raug
ing trom $10,000 up to tho full amount of
tho appropriation. All of theso offers will
iccelvo serious consideration at tho hands
ot tho two boards, but tho most likely
choice, and ono that has already been prac
tically agreed on, la tho land north of the
city heretofore used for tho state fair. This
property is equipped with several buildings,
a race track, an amphitheater aud bbeds
for live 3tock, and has several advantages
that the other sites offered do not possess,
In Its original form the bill providing for
the appropriation specified these grounds,
but an amendment was adopted placing the
authority to select tho site In the Hoard
of Public Lands and Uulldings,
Addition to Hie tirtiMiiil.
It Is asserted that tho land north of the
city ran bo bought for 2,000, It Is prob
able thnt tho board will add about six
acres to tho grounds and for all of the prop
erty pay about $1!5,000. Secretary Furnas
said today that a portion of tho appropria
tion would be used in Improving the
"Wo expect," ho added, "to put up soni"
new sheds for llvo stock, repair all of the
buildings now standing, and in addition
construct a now barn that will bo accord
lng to modern Ideas, As to tho location I
can sny nothing definite. The grounds
north of the city are equipped with build
ings that could not be reproduced for Sev
ern! thousand dollars, and it would he
both economical and advisable to purchasi
them rather than a new Lite.
"The prospects for the next state fair
aro Tery encouraging," continued Secretary
Kurras. "Wo will have better fjcllltUr j
Hutu heretofore and it Is our lutcntion to j
Increase the premiums, especially for llvo
CoriMirntlonn l.RntUeil.
Tho fcccretary of state today legalized
the following corporations:
St. Saviour's church. Omaha, bv Illshon
Scanned nnd ten otner?: the Inimitable En
dowment company of Omnbn, capital stock,
ido,u. incorporators, lister c uutdls, vi
1). Ootitd and W. II. Wlehton: drum! l'nlon
Tea company, Newark, N. J., stock, Jl.OiO,
, Incorporators, Frank 8. Jones of Hrnok-
lyn, cyrus v. Jones ot t-rrantou and Wil
liam J. Uurke of Scranton, Pa.
Test Clerk's Itllit to IVrs.
It Is announced hero that Senator Mar
tin will soon begin proceedings in court to
test the right of Clerk Iterdman to the
fees received In his office as clerk of tho
uprcmo court.
lltteheoek Comity Fanner llejolce
Over Htcellcnt Outlook (or
the Yenr.
TIlENTON, Nob., April C (Special.)
The conditions were never more favorable
for a crop In Hitchcock county than this
year. After the big snow two smaller
snows came, averaging a foot deep, "The
soil of tho county Is aa good as can bo
found, always producing well. A large
acreago of grain has beei put In, Stock
Is in line condition. Many old residents
are acquiring more property and will stay
here. Numerous newcomers aro Investing,
ns is shown by tho land books of the
.ebrnakn Htnte Mornial School,
PKRU, Neb., April 5. (Special.) The
State Normal school Is again in session for
tho last term of the year, with a large
enrollment. .
Miss Florcnco McQulre, teacher of draw
ing nnd art at Wesloyan university, was a
Normal vlbltor this week.
The lecturo on liquid air completed tbo
rourso for tho current year. Tho coumc
ot lectures given thin year, though fewer
In number than usual, was the most In
structive of any courso given In recent
Miss Mears, formerly of tho Normal fac
ulty, but now a student at tho University
of Chicago, spent her vacation in Peru.
Several of tho faculty and students are.
attending tbo Southeastern Nebraska
Teachers' association, now in session at
Nebraska City.
The Normal band rendered nn entertain
ing concert In tho chapel las', evening.
SoiitlienNtern Xcbrnnkn Teaeber.
NEBRASKA CITY, April S. (Special
Telegram.) The Southeastern Nebraska
Teachers' association has been la scislon
here today. The attendance Is large.
Twenty counties In tho southeastern part
of the state arc represented. The principal
address was made by State Superintendent
Fowler on the "Elements of Agriculture
aud Music In the Ungraded Schools."
High school students from Beatrice aid
Nebraska City debated the Nicaraguan
canal question at tho courthouso tonight.
Tho Beatrice students wcro given the de
cision. Prof. Barbour of the State univer
sity delivered an illustrated lecture upon
the Ycliowstono National park at tho Over
land theater.
An interesting program has been prepared
for tomorrow, which will concludo tho
K ii K I lie Striken Smoking; Car,
WYMOrtE. Neb.. April C (Special.)
The B. & M. passenger train going, west
Thursday afternoon wns struck by an en
gine at the crossing ot the St. Joseph &
Grand Island road, near Endtcott, nnd con
siderably damaged. Tho engine struck the
smoker in the middlo nnd threw it off tho
trucks, but was stopped beforo more se
rious damago was done. Asldo from a fow
slight cuts from broken glass nono ot the
paescngors In tho coaub wcro Injured.
Table lloek CietM Two lnehen.
TABLE ROCK, Neb., April S. (Special.)
It began to rain hero Inst night nnd hns
ra 'r:ert unceasingly since, nnd at 2 p. m.
the storm has not abated. It will be fine
for winter wheat. Tho rain Is accompanied
by n high wind nnd is snow nnd sleet at
times. Two Inches have fallen.
Hntertnlnmeiit in Ituy I'Iiik.
TABLE ROCK, Neb., April 5. (Special.)
Piof. L. W. Wlmberlcy, assisted by his
pupils, gave an entertainment last night
at tho opera house, tho proceeds to go to
buy a flag for the school house.
Thleten (iet One Hollar.
BEATRICE, Neb., April C (Special Tele
gram.) Tho billiard hall of L. A. Scroggs
on North Fifth street was broken into early
this morning and tho thlcvca secured Jl.
(iood Crop Conditions at Peru.
PERU, Neb., April C (Special,) Early
this morning It began to rain and is still
raining a steady downpour. Tho ground is
full ot moisture and farmers aro satisfied,
Tho rorreet number of "THE DOTS" and
list of prize winners will bo published In all
editions of Tbo Beo Saturday, April 13.
Today .Nebraska Han Promise or Fair
SUIen ami a Wnrnier
WASHINGTON, April 6. Forecast for
Saturday and Sunday:
For Nebraska, South Dakota and Kansas
Fair and warmer Saturday; Sunday fair;
variable winds.
For Iowa Fair In westorn, clear in east
ern portion Saturday; northwesterly winds;
Sunday fair; rising temperature.
For Missouri Fair Saturday and Sunday;
rising temperaturo in western portion Sat
urday; northwesterly winds.
For North Dakota Fair Saturday and
Sunday; rising temperaturo In southern
portion Sunday; southerly winds.
For Colorado and Wyoming Fair nnd
warmer Saturday; Sunday fair; varlablo
Local Ileeortl,
OMAHA. April G.-Ofllclar record or tern
peraturo and nreclpltutlon comparfd with
(he corresponding day of tho last threo
1901. 1900. 1633. lf-98.
Maximum temperature.,.. 40 6.1 4:1 40
Mlnlmirni temperature.... IH :) III -H
Mean temperaturo 37 5J 117 IS!
Precipitation r 10 .00 .01 .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omnha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temperaturo'- , ID
Deficiency for the day 12
Total excess since March 1 Xi
Normal precipitation 09 Inch
Excess for the day 01 Inch
Total since March 1 2.34 Inches
Excess since March 1 35 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 1900 Ml Inch
Dellclency for cor. period, 1S99 1.14 Inch
Report from Stntloun at 7 P, M.
Omaha, cloudy
North Platte, clear
Cheyenne, partly cloudy
Salt Lake City, partly cloudy..
Rapid City, clear
Huron, clear
'Wlllistnn, clear
Chicago, raining
St. Louis, cloudy
St. Paul, ruining
Davenport, ruining
Knnsab City, raining
Helena, partly eloudy
Havre, partly cloudy ,
Bismarck, clear
Galveston, cTcar
3 2 t
3 5a. 2
I c n -
; -i . e
a ; 3
: :
. ' ;
4f 4U .10
45 4S .1")
40 10 ,01
60 60 .00
4C HI .00
US 40 .00
M 51 .00
41 4li .02
40 fiO .36
3S 44 .40
4K 50 i4
10 411.01
41 4S ,W
v: 60 .oi
46 48 .0)
W Oi ,l)
The Strengthening Tonic.
Bishop T. . Lomax, ot Char
lotte, N. C, says: "I can cheer
fully recommend your remedy, Pe
runa, to all who want a strengthen
ing tonic"
The Best of Tonics.
Hon. W. C. Chambers, Chief Jus
tice of Samoa, says : "I have tried
one bottle of Peru n and I can truth
fully say It Is one of the best tonics
I ever used."
A Grand Tonic.
Mrs. Oridlcy, mother ot Captain
Qrldtey, of the "Olympla," writes:
" used Peruna and can truthfully
say It Is a grand tonic. "
Unexcelled as a Tonic.
Booker T. Washington, of Tus-
kegee Institute, Tuskegee, Ala.,
says: "Your remarkable remedy,
Peruna, Is certainly unexcelled as a
A Spring Tonic.
Mrs. D. IV. Timberlakc, Lynch
burg, Va., says: "There Is no better
spring tonic than Peruna, and I ha vc
used about all ot them. "
A Good Tonic.
Captain Percy W. Moss, Second
Arkansas Volunteers, writes from
Paragould, Ark.: "I find Peruna a
very good spring tonic, and wilt
readily recommend It at any time. ' '
A Valuable Tonic.
Hon. Hobart Brooks, editor and
owner of the Washington "Capi
tal," says : "To all who suffer from
debility of any kind, I recommend
Peruna as a most valuable tonic. ' '
An Excellent Tonic.
S. D. McEnery, U. S. Senator
trom Louisiana, says: '"Peruna Is
an excellent tonic I have used it
sufficiently to say that I believe It to
be all you claim for It. ' '
A First Class Tonic.
Wm. A. Collier, Assistant Pay- s
master U. S. N., writes: "I have
taken Peruna and recommend It to
those needing a first-class tonic. ' '
A Great Tonic.
Hon. M. C. Butler, Ex-U. S. Sena
tor and Ex-Qovernor of South Caro
lina, writes: "I have bcen using
Peruna for a short period and I feel
very much relieved. It Is Indeed a
wonderful medicine and besides a,
great tonic."
x Splendid for the Nerves.
Robert B. Mantelt, the famous
actor, writes from New York City:
"Peruna Is splendid and most In
vigoratingrefreshing to the nerves
and brain."
For General Debility.
Hon. Jno. V. Wright, of the Law
Department, General Land Office ot
Tennessee, writes: "Iwltb ever'
one who Is suffering with general
debility or prostration could know
ot Peruna."
For Overwork.
Mr. Tefft Johnson, a prominent
actor of Washington, D. C, writes
from Fourteenth and "l" streets:
"In the effort to Improve a condi
tion Impaired by overwork, I have
found nothing that has done as
much good as Peruna."
For a Worn-out System.
Mrs. Catherine Toft, President
"Valkyrlen Association, " S649 Cot
tage (Jrovc avenue, Chicago, 111.,
writes: " I often advise Peruna In
cases of a worn-out system and a
broken down constitution. ' '
Builds Up the Entire System.
Miss Jennie Johnson, 3118 Lake
Park avenue, Chicago, III., Is Vice
President of Chicago Teachers ' Fed
eration. She writes: " Peruna re
stores the functions of nature, In
duces sleep and builds up the entire
Makes Steady Nerves.
D. L. Wallace, Charter Member
International Barbers' Union, 15,
Western avenue, Minnesota, writes:
"I now feel splendid. My head Is
clear, my nen-cs arc steady, I enjoy
my food and rest well."
A Nerve Tonic.
Miss Julia Marlowe, of New York
City, says : "lam glad to write my
endorsement of the great remedy,
Peruna, as a nerve tonic. I do so
'most heartily."
For the Nerves.
Hon. J. J. Donahoe, Chief of Po
lice of Omaha, ieb., says the fol
io wing of Peruna : " suffered from
catarrh, took Peruna and am cured.
I don't think any man under a nerv
ous strain should be without It."
Removes Congested Condition.
Fanny O. Williams, Secretary
Rescue League, San Antonio, Tex.,
says: "Peruna removes congested
conditions, builds up the broken
down system and restores natural
Local Forecast Ofllclal,
Master Specialist.
do not treat fill diseases, but cure all I 'treat. I
treat men only and can cure them to stay cured '
Men, many of you are reaping the result of your former folly. Your manhood Is
falling and will soon ba lost unless you do something for yourself. There Is no time
to lose. Impotency, like all lexual diseases, Is never on tho. Htundstlll. With It you
can make no compromise. Either you must master It will master you and nil
your whole future with misery and Indescribable woe, We havo treated so many
cases of this kind that wn are ui familiar with them as you urn with th? very dy
lljht. Once cured by us you will never dgaln be bothered with emissions, drains,
jirematureness, small or weak orttans, nervousness, fulling memory, loss of am
bition or 'similar symptoms which rob you of your manhood and absolutely unfit
you for study, btikltiess, pleasure or marriage. Our combined Eleetro-Medlcal treat
ment for weak man, which combines ull of the curative powers of heth medi
cine and electricity, will correct all these evils and restore you to what nalttrs In
tendeda hale, healthy, happy 'man, with physical, mental and sexual powers
We also cure to stay cured by our combined Electro-Mcdlcal treatment
Varicocele, Stricture, Syphilitic Blood Poison,
NervO'Sexual Debility, Rupture, Kidney and Uninary Diseases.
And all asoclatn diseases and weaknesses of men. We charge nothing for prlvntt
tounsel ana give to each patient a i,rii..i, uunTUAiT to nold for out
promises, Is It not worth your while to Investigate a cure that hiiB made life
anew to multitudes of men?
If you cannot call at our olflee, write us your symptoms fully Our homo treat
ment by correspondence Is always successful.
rtefereneem IIet llniiku nnd Lending. Mmlnenn M-n In Till City,
Office Honrs: From 6 n. m, to 8 p. in. SniiUnys, 10 it. in. to 1 p, in.
1308 Farnam Streat, Bet, 13th and 14th Streets, OMAHA, NEB,
A Few Points ,
A Fire-Proof Building'
A Clean Building1
A Well-lleated Building
A Well-Ventilated Building
The Bee Building
If wm l.avn kiiitll. wmkoriMiii.
lint inure or MiL.,!alii.
iiur Vacuum Oriffcn lieveloj'tr will
nttiiru cm vwiliMil. ilru( ur
rlntlh'lty. 7.0"Q III lli-1 lint mi
fttlluri- nut i no rtturneil 110C ll. H. fiuinl wriiu fur
rrr particular in-ultra trr! In fiUIn enirlniie
lOCAt APPUANCL CO., I3e Thorp Ell-., Indimiptlli,