THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AIMJTIj , 1001. 11 f SPECIAL NOTICES Adrr rlldcmen ( for theee colamne lll be taken nntll ia m. for b venlna edition and nntll K..10 p. m. tar storming and Bandar dl(loa. Ratee, 1 l-2e a word Bret Inaertloa, Sn a word thereafter. Nathlns takrn for laaa thaa 3!5o for Ilie ".rat Ineer t'on. Thfic adrrrtUemenU aaaat Im ffaa ennaeoa lively, Advertlaere, hr requeeMaer a tierrd eh;cL, can hare answer ad dlreaacd to m anmbnred letter In cr ( The flee. Aaiittri no addreaaed will fct dellvrrad oaj preaeatatloa at tka aaaak only SITUATIONS WANTED, WIDOW, 29, without children, desires sltun tlon an housekeeper. N 8, Hee. A-M23T 6 WANTED MAI. II HUM". WANTED Wo have Htrndy work for n fpw good hustlers or good iinbiis una nppenr ance. G. F. Actum Co., 1603 llownril .St. Li It. .WANTED, we havB atcady work for a few good hustler of good habits and appear nc. C. F. Adams Co., 10u5 Howurd HI. DARHKH trnde tnught thoroughly In short tlm,.. i.iitn1n.i)i ninl n r 1 1 fl 1 In rs frfO. Westrni Ilnrbcrs' Institute, Omuh.i. Web. U 13 H MKN to (iso WltcIiWInzd Shaving Cream instead or soup; 25c; at an urugguuH. B l8i A19 WANJTI.-MlUfilo.mntl n nil enltrelor. AntilV before 9 n. m. Tha Singer Mfg. Co., 1514 Douglas. B-4I3-A22 WANTED, man to sell stnplo article to wholesale drug, oil nnd grocpr trade on commission. AdJresu Wollmunn Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, win. u mwi v WANTKI), M mrn with bald heads desirous or having uiiir nt ioij uougius hi., up stairs. , B-119 5 WANTKD, pity salesman for a wholesale grocery noude; must navo experience. Address Meyer & Kiiapke, IJ-M1S0 WANTKD at once, 10 good harness makers at thtt Konantz Saddlery Co., Ht. Paul, xviinn, ii -.Min v rV'ANTKD. good tinner. Uurr Inctilntor Co., 2Mb. av. and Davenport. II AI17I tVANTKD, A No. 1 xnleHmnn; must bo energetic, a good talker nnd line appear ance, accustomed to work advertising Insurance and kjndred lines; a successful man can obtain good paying position. Cull between 12 and 2 p. m., M9 Pnxton blk., Omaha. 1I-M207 " rVANTKD, competent, reliable man for turnlture storo and one for hardworn storo that can do general work; must give good reference. V. D. Dunn. Osceola, Nob. II-M19C & V'ANTKD, traveling salesnmn to the wholc Kalo and retail trade only; salary $1,200 and expenses. The National, S02 Caxton Hulld- ing, L-nicago. it .i-.n c - lTQITNO man over 21 to travel, advertise unci coucci; goou Binary iimi e.xppnses i brgl.'i; permanent; advancement If satis factory. Addressed envelope for particu lars. K. Wlmmer, Pontlac Hldg., Chicago, M-M228 WANTKD. men to learn barber trade: only eight weeks reiiulied; quick and thorough method; no time wasted; board and tools included wltli scliolarslilp: positions guar anteed: $12 to $15 weekly paid; busy nc-ison now. Write for Illustrated catalogue gh' lug all particulars, Molar Uarber College, 1023 Kiirmuu si. n WANTBU FE.1I A LK 1IKI.I'. WANTED 200 fc-lrla. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 870. C-771 Kcllnblo help. Canndlan Ontce, 1522 C-77.1 OUlh for general housework; small family 2fi!Xl Pierce. C-M712 VAI'KSIiADIKS mid demonstratom of abil ity ror ermuncui saiuneo positions Tiiyrold-r.yniph Co., 500-2-1 Heo Hulldlng Omaha: 9t-b llurr liluck. Lincoln. DIUCHHMAKING taught thoroughly; sys tem received blithest award at Paris. 1 '.). McDowell Dressmaking School, 210 S. 16th at., rooms Knruucli uik. C-M1H WANTKD. a ihambcrniald at "The Shrlner," and Hurney sts.; ono who llv8 in the nclgliuorliooil preferred. C-21S 7 i r ,- ailll, for general housework; references given and required, ui .Noun .3rd st. C-215 7 WANTKD, girl ior general housework; two In family; no children; good woges. ,ppiy 21S South 31st nve. C-M233 , WANTKD. ladles to learu halrdresstiig manicuring nnd facial treatment: sneelu offer for thirty days to supply demand for graduates; $12 to $lf weekly paid after only lour weeKM wiin us. can or write Moler College, 1G23 Farniun, c M226 11' TWO sewing girls, one apprentice. Mrs. Frank Ilrowp, lady'a tailor and dress maker. 503 Hrown Hlk. C M22 C roil HKNT HOUSES, f . : I : IF yoj want your houses well rented placo lliem with lienawu c uu. u uu TO movo right, get Omaha Van Rlorago uo. onice, laiift I'.irnam, or tel. km'j-ski. D-777 HOUSES for rent In all rmrts of tho city. llrcnnan-Lovo Co., 320 South 13lli street. D-778 HOUSES, stores, Demls,, l'uxton lilock. D-779 bev: HENRY B. PAYNE, OOt N. Y. LIFE. U (SO HOUSES, etc. F. D. AVend, 1521 Douglas. D-7S1 HOUSES and Hats. Rlngwalt, Barker block. D 783 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block. U (S.I BXP. Del. Co., moving. Tel. 1193. 2H N. 16th. D us A7 9-ROOM modern lint; well located; largo rooms, ivennuni it son, aio Hrown block. FOR RENT Now 10-room houso, north part ill, nincr nnu kub, lieiir motor lllld school, lnqulro W. I. Klcrstead, Room 305, City Hall; rent, $23 mouth. D-M18S SOt NORTH 22d St., ten-room modern houso. lino locution; key at 304 North 22d fit. U 139 li,. . r. . r..rXTrr. a- imiii' n -""iii u" inn, pay water, pewr ituu tiwrri, i u inuuia. i no iiyrou Reed Co,, 212 S. 14th St. U MS32 FOUR-ROOM uparlment, modern, 816 South '..u oi. D 72S 9 TEN-ROOM residence, with larco ltouihIu lawn nnd shade trees; suitable for SANI TARIUM or MEDICAL INSTITUTE; will make uUerations and leu so to tlrst-class tCllllIll. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., 16th nnd Douglas Sts. D-M731 FOR RENT. 210 So, 31st uv., 9-room modern noiiso wim nam, cusi rroni, facing new n,i rK. oun ot i ne choicest iiipntinii in West Farnam. Houso will be painted nnd put In rood repair, $13, R. C. Peters co., kit. l'urnam. D-J07 5 FOR RKNT. residence. 1056 Georgia av., cor. Pacific; 10 rooms, attic, basement, east front, modern and extra conveni ences; lot wjxho. with trees. Inutilr 314 i-irnt ruauonai uaiut bldg, D M13.1 CAN'T supply demand for houses to rent. i.isi wiin i , u, w eau, ia2t uougias st. D-M171 fl FOR RENT. 9-room 'modern ,lln,.h(l bouse, lawn, shadu trees, $33. Inulllin 2548 cupnoi live. in, uu, U Mill l.ROOM modern house, smull brim. 3221 Harney St.. $40; R-room brick Hat. 2220 Hurt, $30; othcrH. Rlngwalt Bros., Barker OIK. 11 MI9S FOIl HKNT FHIINISIIEO ROOMS." DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. I'. iM I Til THE THURSTON, 15tli and Jackson; steam iu 1 FOR RENT, two newly furnished rooms, heat, gas nnu nam. .'tin cass. iu .n.-vi tr I5t,EOANT npartments; modern; rent rea- Ft IIMSIIKD ROOMS AM) HOARD. LTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. I -iSi OLKNCAIRN,translents,n.23 dny. 1C" Doug Tho Mcrrlam, good winter home. 25 Hodge I 3(3 Al LARGE front room. 609 So. 23th Ave, F- THK ROSE. 2020 Harney. Hatrs renao imblr. 6 1 NO 1, 13 room, with board. 19m9 Capital ay: I' 116 (' ItOOMS nnd Hoard, 1516 Douglas St. I IUi j for ri:.t-i nfminisiiuo rooms. 5 UNFURNISHED chambers for mnn and wne. ou iim. .w- 3 Ofl 4 unfurnished rooms with bath. 22? Seward. G-M3S7 6 it ROOMS for rent, 82.1 S. j!Jl- 0-M2"S 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, nil modern. 2121 Mliiml. u-M-M 11)11 HK.Vr STORES AM OFFICES. FOR HKNT store, In first-class location: rent reasonable, A)))ly R. C. Peters Co., Kround Hour, Beo Hldg. I KOIt IlKNT, offlce," wdth" vatdt and part nrst floor nr nil top lloor, 1III-I1I6 Harney St., unliable for mnnll Jobblnt? or broker age business or Htoraxo. Midland OJnss & Paint Co.. 1410 Harney St. I M29 1 T0 fl H NIT (Im 1 n 1 1 til I ii rr formerly nOCll- pled by The Dee ut 9I Knrnnm St. It has four stories and n basement which was fnrmnrl,, nun.1 .. .pli.i ll..n 1,rpSS room. This will lin rrntpd very rensonably. If Interested apply nt once to C. C. Ho"" water, secretary, room 10), JJeo buildlnRc I -il I'dlt Itr.srr Mnv 1 one of the best bllsl ness roiimi; In Norfolk, live doprs from rv n fljv.m . nnw iici'iin cd bv furni ture sloek; $50 per month, AddrersTracy & Durlond, Norfolk, Neb. i-.M2( KOIt JIKNT, two-story brick building, 2x VI (Vol lino n(rirn ufdlllld llOOr. llVltlg rooms above; llrst-elnss business placo for 1 1 'p man, Krom May 1 apply. io i: i. Ilrayton, Ucnevn, Neb, I M19j II AiI3.TS W..TKI. AOKNTS make $(5 dally selling the cheapest nnrl most nerrect water inter ever in vented; retails at $1.B0; big profit; ex-' elusive territory. Heucca r liter jo., nen eca, Mo. J-MI03 A21 "I IK WHO knows and knows not that he knows. Is asleep. Wake him. "Hill lie wni) Knows and Knows urai uu knows, Is a wise man. Follow him." Then Know me. iiinuiry costs you Hom ing. Will pay you $23 to $S) weekly. Tho dignity, beauty and high character of the wnrV la l.MUHT In tho WOULD. SUCCeSSfll book agents wanted. Teachers. High school and College graduates will have preference Lock Hox 3.5, omahn, eo. J .moid am SKLK-THIIKADINO needles for weal, Hluht: threiul snrlnirs into eye: nacKc free. Chas. .Marshall, Mfr., I.ockport N. V. .1 7l( 1U AOKNTS wr.nted. "Agulnaldo and Hero I'unston," by Murat llnlstead. Philippine historian; swift, sure seller. Write today for prospectus and territory. Tho Hal stead Publishing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. J-M241 $? AOKNTS wanted everywhere, ion con carry our article right in your pocKei, sell for cash at four houses out of every live and ladles will thank you for calling. You may think this sounds a little too good, but we furnish sworn statements showing Just what agents are doing. In vestigate this. SUTAL1VK HllOS.. KEO KUK. IOWA. J-M232 7 AOKNTS. with Hayes" metallic rubber tiro for rocking chairs you can make $100 monthly. Address J. C. Huyes, lis K. Lo cust. Des Moines, Ia. J-M230 ( AOKNTS on salary or commission: Tho greatest agents' seller ever produced; every user of pen and Ink buys It on night; 2ik) to Gov per cent profit; one ugent's sales amounted to $i!20 In six days; an other $32 in two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 1. La Crosse, Wis. J M229 7 COMPANY owning M acres valuable oil land and directed by prominent men de sires reliable agents; liberal commission or salary. Address Expansion OH Company, KM Sutter St., San Francisco, California. J-M223 12 WANTKD TO HKXT. WANTKD to rent on or beforo May 1, a good 9-room house, centrally located. Charles C. Hcldou, cr Thompson, Ilelden & Co. K-103 TlV MAY 1ST 10 or lb 1ST 10 or 11-room house. Will lease for a term of years. Hcst of refer i or rerei K-1&9-S ences given N 3, Hee. NINK or 10-room modern house; walking distance; rent must not exceed $30. N 2, Heo. iv ji j- STOUAOH. PACIFIC Storaice and Wnro houso Co.. 912 9ll Jones, general storage ano iorwnrumg. IVI OM. Van Stor. Co., 15114 Furn. Tela. 1559-SiU. 792 WAXTKD TO IIUV. WK have parties wanting to purchase homes west or 2Mh, south f arnam, norm of Hickory and east of 33th st. Patterson A- Yetler. 423 Pnxton block. N 219 7 FOIl SALK FL'HMTIIHK. CH1CAC.O FUIINITPHK CO.. 1410 Dodge, Tel. 2020. JSw .unaiiii furniture nought aold, exchangca. o iiw FINEST line of new und secondhand furni ture In the city; inspect our siock beroro buying; wo wholesale to country dealera; prices low Enterprise Furniture Co., 102-1 s. nth, corner uuuki', j .iu(i ,vi FOIl SALE-IIOIIMEN, VEHICLES, ETC. l SELL new vehicles of all descriptions. Hurry Frost, lltli and Leavenworth. i. im FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SAWDUST Cheapest posts, poilltry & hog fence, wi uougiiis. u uu 2DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlght. 1110 Farnam. y 790 ' - - - - I SAFES, buy, Mill, exe'ge. Schwartz, 114 S. 13. n Q7y7 TIMOTHY hay ot all kinds, feed and or ' Mouroo Ac co. w IK INCUBATORS. Send to tho Sure Hatch Incubator Co., Clay Center. Neb,, for u hnndsomo free caiiiioguo, ij vjj I , .. - WIRE fenco for poultry, Belgian hare, hog Held or lawn, wire wonts, uu . min ai. Q-MB? Jyt ' MASQUERADE muke-up outfit. conUlns tiatnts. nowuers. iiurnt corx. uoso nutty, beurds, uplrit gum. etc., tho lot mulled for 50 cents. Clius. Marshall, Mtr.. Lock- port, N, v. y 750 10 A GOOD guaranteed bicycle with Morgan & w right tires lor .'v. umaiia uicycio co. Q-M5I7 RUBHF.R stamps, keys, etc.; we muku nnd repair umni-nni goni, rnver anu iiickci plating. Nov. Mfg. Co., 151S Dodgo .t. Q-.M019 AO FOR SALK, cheap, it lino elk's head; also jiiari ot Trade bldg, y-MC50 I --a SEED sweet poiaiocs, earnest lenow jer- sv. $l.-o per uui. .iuiioo inuu w uiiHins, Benion, Neb. Q-M939 13- WILL rcll my ClucUcring pluno cheup. Ad drees M 49, Bee Q-MS91 0 WIRE fenco for poultry. Belgian hare, hog field or lawn, w iro wonts, uu n. win si. y .Mtn s jyi ! FOR SALE, good tlreproof safe. The O. F. Davis Co., R. 652. Beo bldg. Q-M178 6 WE havo considerable Idlu machinery for sale cneap, consisting oi nouera, engine, nhaftlns pulleys, pillow blocks, hangers, etc. Address or cull inirchuslng Dept., HWlll it CO., CO. vimonu, ieo. Q-M210 11 PHOTO equipment for sale cheap, for cash, Hox 321 Wahoo. Neb. Q-.M200 7 PAWNUHOKKR9. bAUMU iat4 WM4i,a viiaum, ai.(,uiiiuiwu " luc; ull buslnes conndcntlai. 1301 Douglaa. "Hi tl.lltVOVAl'S. JlltS. I'HIT,, medium. SI9 North Kith.- H sew MMKOYLMKILRcn ilno palmist. 1C5 Dodge n s"i ki,i;( i lite Tit K.vrji livr. KL1TK parlors, 015 South lflth, second lloor. i .Mdi tn CAMII.I.K DCVAt., 019 S. 10th, second lloor. 1 Oil MISS WILLIAMS of St. Louis, mnssage, magnetic, electric treatment. ltiin, room t. T2C",;,-A MAuEt. QltAV, 31714 N. 13th St. Klat K. 11 IV .v.vj- VKUA DELMOIIK, mnssage, bath. 1613 Howard, room i, '.'u poor. i ju.i a- MISS MA 13 LESLIE, 019 S. 16th. third lloor. I'KHMONAl.. DH. KOY, chiropodist; corns superlliious . . t . I J. , 1 I r linir rpiiiuti v) i-'iucii . it, block.. C V' PHIVAT12 home before nnd during pontine- ...., I...I.U. ...InnlA.I I u tl.i.nnl '..11 IllUilt, tttkJin nuviii.ui ..iir. ,v.,p,.. .'-w Hlirdette. U-Sol KHKNCII nccordlon pleating; Ivory rim buttons; mall orders. Omaha Pleating Co., 1321 Douglas, IT-bUl A ItOX of Ito-No-Moy Powder Is not a luxury wnen it nirorns you u cure nnu secures the comfort and happiness of your roommate. t' M212 Sl'PPLIKS for all machines; machines for rent, white sewing Macitinc, n20 Douglas. Tel, 2331. L'-yiu M. GOLDMAN & CO. Only perfect ac-co-deon pleating plant In the west. Mull ordcira solicited. S.iltc 200, Douglas tlloek, U-SW WK ItKNT Mewing machines nt 75c per week. Wo repair and sell parts for all makes of machines. Nebraska Cycle Co.. Corner 15th and Harney. 'JVIephono 103. C-M109-A21 HFPTrllK cured; no knife, no pnln. no danger; send for elrpulars. Kmplro Hup- turn cure, 932 i, v. Llfo HuliaiiiB, umnna. U-sny VIAVI Woman's way to health; rational, wholcsomo homo treatment. 3IS Hee Hldg, lr-S0i 1'HIVATK hosnltal for ladles beforo and during coulluemcnt; babies adoiited. Oram St. i.'-so; VOn MICN ONLY Wltch-llacl Shaving Cream: Better than any soap; 23e. Ml uruggists. ii avi .m'j KCX.UMA CI'ItK-Owlug to the number of imiuincs winch are being constaniiy re ceived from those allllctcd with eczema re garding tho salvo which cured W. A, Pax ton wu havo decided to curry a small supply of this salvo on hand. II, .1. Scan- ncll, wi) Ware block. Omaha. U-703 A20 EVEHYHODY wanted to call at 117 S. 17tll st. and learn about com feathers. U-M175 10 SECOND-HAND SKWING MACHINES. You ought to see before buvlnir a machine what we can sell you. Tho following prices nro ror ai.turuay and Monday only: Mil, ami Former Price. Jlonda.v Sltiscr ;$ s.oo $ 1.00 4.00 Domestic . 8.00 . 12.00 . 10.00 io.oo . 23.00 . 23.00 . 30.(( . 15.00 . 40.00 1 Domestic 0.X) Wh to 5.00 5.00 12.30 1 Davis 1 Wheeler : Wilson No. 9. 1 Wilcox & Qlbbs 1 I Singer (good as new).... 13.00 7.30 20.00 1 Household .., 1 White, tailoring I singer, tailoring 40.00 20.00 riiree modern. droo-head machines slightly used, at one-hnlf regular price, wo rent machines for ,5c tier weeK. Wo sell needles and parts for and repair every sewing mocnino manuructured. ISKHHASIvA UYULK COMPANY, 'Phone 1603. Cor. 15th & Harney Sts. U 220 ii 1IOSEV TO I.OAX IIBAIi ESTATE. MONKY to lonn on Improved Omaha real vmuie. urennan-Lovo lo., aouiii i.un W 810 WANTKD City loans, bonds And warrants, ueorgo sc. company, tutu i-arnam street w Mil LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western lowa tarms ut o ner cent: borrowers can pay $100 or uny multiple; any Interest date: no delay. Hrennan-Lovo Co., 309 H. j:itn St., umnna, Neb. W Sll Jl.OOi and upward to loan on lmnroved cltv propony anu inrms. w i-armim amitn & co., i:o I'ttrnnm. W S13 WANTED City and farm loans: nlso bonds hiiu warrunis. it. t,;. i-eters & uo., 1702 X-lllllUlll oi xiuu xsiug. eii MONEY to loan at Hi and 5H per cent on Omalm property. W. IS. Melltle, 401 S. 15th. siu FIVE per cent money. Uemls, l'axton block. W-S17 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. W Sis F1VK and B6 per cent city nnd farm loans. Garvin Bros., 1013 Farnam St. W S13 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. W S20 FIVE and 5' per cent loans. W. II. Thomas, First National Bank building. Tel. ItilS. W-S21 CASH on hand. Q. E. Turklngton. 005 Hee. w M59I MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. LET US TALK "MONEY" TO YOU. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. MUiNia I.UA.MiU UN JPURNITURE. MONEY LOANED ON PJANOS. MONEY l.UANKU ON HORSES. Or any other personal property, at cheaper luiu.-i unu uuiier niuiiH inim ever. IF YOU NEED MONEY SEE US. Wo give you options on loans that no other llrm can afford to give. You always get thp full amount. You pay us back In small weokly or monthly payments. No expenso ur charges taken out of loan. You choose your own tlmo for payments, any iiuiu iium uuu inuniii io ouo year. puviin-iii luiuiiia principal and in terest. Everything remains In nnr nm. session. All business strictly conllduutbil. rrivato interviewing room. AMERICAN LOAN COMPANY. Room 312 Hrown Block Room 312. B. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas strcuts. Entrances on 10th Street. X-M113 WIIHV YOU KRMI) MCIVW Hl.'t.' TTC 1 1. eruv tn n.IvertU., Inn-,,.! , i era do. but we feel nnsltlvp tbnt If'vnu ...ll make comparisons you will bo con- vlnced that you can do better with us than elsewhere. Wo loan on fnrnltnrn. ptnuos, llvo stock, etc., or wo will mako you u SALARY LOAN without lndorsor or niortgngp. We charge nothing lor making the loan anu you reeeivo tho full amount In You mny pay It back In ono month or take six months or morn In which to repay It. and you need not pay for it ono day longer iiiau yn i ui-i- i u. wur terms nm the easiest, our business Is poiifldcntlul and our motto is -iry to pieasp." OMAHA MORTGAOK LOAN CO., 119 Hoard ot Trade Hldg, Tel. 229.1. (Established 1S92). 300 So. 16th St. X S2: SALARY LOANS If you are employed by it responsible llrm we win nmir j"ii nu.nn i nun iu iii um on your note ut mueh eheuner aiul easier raii-s man --- ......v. w, ,iun u nro positive. Ausoiun-iy no piiurges ror papers. Nothing deducted, from amount desired. Easiest partial payments. Reliable- Credit Co.. room J3 Paxton Hlk. X-SJI. LOANS ON SALARIES. kMi'.L1'...!1 UHNITTHE. Q ttCtvBni 1 Arfl .y;'31 . J. U. TAYLOK. 0U (ton live stock, etc rales KUnrantecd tlooi) Paxton Block, northeast corner 16th uui tnirnnm cutranco on jtjtn St. X-MO MONEY loaned salaried neonln holdlnc ner. mrtntnt position with responsible concern upon their names without security; easy payments. Tolmun, 410 Board Trndo Bldg, i ' v O-l MONEY loaned on nlunos. furniture, horses rows, lewciry. uuu uroen. it. o. narKer niif A u MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew qlry, hores, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. X-K10 MONEY to lonn. I. Z.legler, 4 Warp Block. X sai Short time loans. J. Plensanta, H Barker hlk . r.i IIIMMIKS A Vt i:. STKA.M dvp and cleaning shop In city ot icon) or U,i Inhabitants for sale for $lSrt; a good chance for a d.ver wh) understands his business: only shop In the city. Ad dress, I. 13, lice Y-Mlij KOH SALK, drug storp doing llrst-class business; proprietor leaves on account of III health. Address Hox K. Ilee Dlllce, South Omahn. Y-.M92U 0 KOH SALK. stock shoes and mfii'p under wear for cash. John llonahan, Columbus, Neb. Y-M176 9 FOIl SALK, lease and furniture Arcade hotel, Cedar Knplds, la.; fin rooms, fci beds; clearing $.'ix monthly; rent $100; long lease: price $l,lX: best snnp In Iowa. Mather & Co., Cedar Hnplds, la. Y-M20I 7 WANTKD, location fee drug store; write mil pariicuiars. .uuress . n, nee; Y-M2O0 S TWO racket stores for sale eastern Ne braska, snaps, investigate iiiicK. hox u, York, Neb. Y-M19.I 7 MUCK YARD for sale or rent on easy terms rrnml lupii Ilim : iitltliul about 2H0.(M) brick u year. W. W. Raker, Rnsell, la. Y M19I H HA Itlll'.l! slinn fur x'llp. four chairs, two . . until tuns, best location in city. .Mioress 721 Story sU Hoone, Iowa. Y-M2I2 (. r.soo GOOD clean slock general dry goods, fttrnlshlucs. ctp.. rlelii un-tu-dato mid staple; must have $2,2i) cash; will take goou real estate ror lunatic real estatp for biilauce; If you wniit I stock thin Is It; several other stocks part ensh und properly. nut have good fnr i you? Somers A: Hrown, 307 Manhattan Hlk., St. Paul, Minnesota. Y-M22.I 7' FOR SALK. drug stock and fixtures; nice clean stock; well established trade; only store In town- Inventory $l,soo to $2,(i0; selling on account of 111 health; don't write; come nnd Investigate: must ineun business, south sionx city, .nod, Y M222 S RONDS FOR SALi: The trustees of Svra ruse, otoe county, NebrnsKa, win rcrtuid 12 water bonds of $.7X1 each about Jlllle 1. 1MI, to run ten veins nnd will sell nt par to tho bidder offering tho lowest into of Interest, not exceeding n ner cent, nav- able annually Optional payment ot ono or more bonds nt titty interest jiay uny. The vlltaap hos no other Indebtedness. Correspondence solicited. Address Win. Stnnbro. Village Clerk. T-M221 7 CAN SELL your country property for cash (residences, inrms, general Htorcs, hotels, etc), ho matter where located. Send description and selling prlco nnd gel my wtndcrfully successful plan. W. M. Ostrander. 1231 Filbert Ht., Philadel phia, Pa. Y- NKWSPAPKR and Job nlllce. near Omaha. doing about $10,000 business per year, ror sale for $7,500; half cash, balance to suit. Address N 9, Uec. Y SI 235 S FOU i:cii.xc.E. FOR KXCHANGK, several highly Improved mill anu nirnira ranches nnu clioico city properties In southern California for good farma and eltv properties In Nebraska. Iowa. Kansas and tho east. Address, full particulars and price, to F. K. Dodge, 215 Currier Hldg., Los Angeles, Oil. Z-M233 7 I HAVE bin ucres of land In Box Butto county. Nebraska, clear, to exchange for .city property or diamonds, wnnt have you: n ,, nee timer. x .vigil FOH !.l,i: -HEAI, HSTATI1, WANT offer on fine lot and seven-room bouse, close to good car line. Eastern owner nnxlous to sell. M. J. Kennard & I Son, 309-10 Hrown Block. RE-S2G SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, C01 N. Y, LIFE. RE-S3 CIIAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Fornnm St nig sjj HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; nlso tiro insurance, iiemis, I'axion uik, . Ht'- 9-l FOR SALK on monthly payments., .b-roptri modern house on N. 2lth St. car lino: nlso vacant lots, which will bo lmnroved fnr purchaser on moderate payment down. Mutual Mian and Hulldlng ,?s.oc.iaiipn, , G. M. Nattlnger, secretary, Beo Hldg. . . OEt-M.7U FOR SALE Houses nnd lots An all parts or city: niso aero property nnu inrm lands. The O. F. Davis Compnnv, Boom r-n I, t..M.1l.w. 1I- 11T IHJ. IJl'U XJIill.llllb iVU AO. RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Pacific Tlallrond comnany. H, A. McAllnstor, land commissioner. Union Pnclilc Headaunrtcrs, Omahn, Neb. FOR SALE, cattle ranch on C. & S. Tt. R. 20 miles from Cheyenne, Wyo. Address v. m. Arnold, isiay, wyo. BE-MISS 13' HAllGAIN. Choice residence, 3310 Dodge St., full lot, S rooms, 3 years old, strictly modern, noreebiln bath, electric llchts. Hue cellar and laundry,- oak llnlsh, superb locution: stone walk and nsphalt paving all paid for. See us quick. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. Solo Agents, Tel. S29. 310 N. 1. Life Hldg. HE-M197 K SO ACRES, Holt county. Improved 'hind, at $1 per acre. Jjcuna Aliuury, Houtn umanu, Neb. HK-TM23I a- MEDICAL. LADIES, I positively guarantee' Golden Meal, never iai inc iemaio rcsruiaior. win relievo most obstinutu fuses ot delayed nerlods in llvo hours: sent secure from observation, $1.00. Dr. Annlo Fowler, 2741 OllVO St., Ht. LOUIS, MO. HIS AW' QONOVA is a Frenh treatmmt for mala and remale, for tne positive cure or Gon orrhoea, Gleet. Unnatural Discharges, In flammations, lrrltutlunu ana Ulcerations or tno mucous mcmnrancs. An iiiiormii remedy with injection combined, war- PATENTS. INVENTORS OOT AN IDEA"? We handle patents, convrlghts and trade muiKs; you give us the burn Idea and we will do tho rest; modern equipped machine shop and foundry In connection; Gazette on llle; guide book free. Mason, Fenwlck I'iwronce, natcnt lawyers, 1100 Howurd St., Tel. 1119, Omuha. J. P. Cronln, rcpr. S39 PATENTS, no feo unless successful. Sues Ai Co., Beo Bldg., Oninliu, Neb. Advice free. -13S Jnlu .JCAXCKllS Cl'P.El) WITHOUT KNIFE. DR. A. II. IIKTHKK, cancer specialist of Council Bluffs, has made, lis present olilce, 1010 Davenport street, omuha where ho has most of his work. Olllco hours lo to 11:30 a. h)., lr,, 2 to 3:30 p. m. Consultation tree. M 2n!l 5 SHORTHAND AND TYPE WHITING, A- C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Lite. -512 BOYLKS' College, court reporter principal. ueo mug. 613 NKH. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Tiieaier. mi GREGG Shorthand. Oin. C. Col., 16 & Doug -S! LOST. LOST Bav horse, weighing about 9 piiuuds; whlto spot on forehead und unco sprung. Rcwurd on return, 10 S. 13th St, i.usi uia j LOST, brown alligator pockclbook near Jcf. ferson squaro; namo on plate: return to -jjj g, mti,- aullablo reward. Lost-217 6 STRAYED, smnll Jersey cow. Reward for her return lo J. M, Metcalf. 8. W. llih and Plerco. I.ost-M240 fi IIICVCI.IJS. WK HAVE the only Vuleanlzer In tho city for buggy tires, wo do tnis wotk ns goou ns can be done at tho factory. 1622 Capl- tol Ave. -l ID CARPENTERS ANU JOHHEIIS. - 1 ALL KinilS OI curpenter wuik nnu repairuiK promptly attended to. J. T, Ochiltree. 20th and Iike Sts. 370 JUNK. B. & M. Junk house. J. Milder. Prop., dealer In all metuls, bottles, etc. Carloads a peelulty. Wl-i03 Farnam, Omaha. Tel. :3,j ranted to euro worst cases in .ono weoa; bhbhh pliono l-i. H per pacKago or two 101 an. ouni any- j.eave. where on receipt of price. The KlddDrug icnns-is Cltv Day Ex. ...a 9:20 am Co.. Elgin. 111. American Otllce, rotalH (,,. ; N v Night Ex..ul0:30 pm wholcbafe, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Oman; l Wyrrf "or St. M. A. Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Druj,- c j0Vei,), and St. Louls.a 5:10 pm Co., Council Blurts. Full Una of rubfr)r H I roods. " . .i (!H'ii:tp 's in. .JOHNSON Institute. SIS N. Y I.. Hldg Tel 1MI, Allie Johnson. I). O.. ladles dipt , Old K. Johnson, Ostcopathlci, Mgr. SIO M. K. DONOIH K. D. O. of Still school, Klrksvlllc, ilo., iwl Paxtun Hlk. Tel. l.r.7. Sll I'll l.N I l. (L ilAVB It printed right. Waters PrlnTins Co., 422 So 13th St. Phono 21j. -CM AJ FACTOMIKS FOU ItKNT. FACTORY, laundry or grocery building, corner. Daniel (.. I'aticrson, lra Mail APi i,At)Din. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c ; collars, 2c, cutis, ij. 17&U i.eavcnworin. lei. ui. jjj TICKET IIIIOKKH. CUT rate tlekpts everywhere. P. bin, 1503 Farnam. Tel. "SI. It. Phil- -37 lllltl)( AMI TAMUKItMY. STOCK'S Hlrd Store. 1243 S. 16th. IMtr.S.VMAICIMl. 1N FAMILIES, Miss Sturdy, 318 S. 20th st. 700-A2C , a WALL PAPER. Sc a roll and up; painting, paper hanging, decorating. Kclscy, 117 S. 17lh. Tel. 1608. 4X3 hTA .11 .11 1 jit I (! AM) STUTTE1U.U. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Hldg. tn EM'icit'r Accou.vr.v.vr. LKSiBuna in qooKKccping, etc.. aay or evening. It. 15, uom. rat. HanK. U. It. Rathhun ACCUltltlO.N I'LUA l I.MJ. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick est. Mrs. a. mutk, a. n. v-or. inn una i-arnam. 3 i ' 1 1 it i t v a cto in i: s. FACTORY, laundry or grocery1 building, cornei. jjuviu t-aitorson, earnum. .M3U Alt! UPHOI.STEItlNG. GLOHE COUCH CO., 1519 Leav'.th. Tol. 25U. M710 FIIIIM TUHE IIEPAIHI.XG. TEL. M31. M S. Walklln. 2111 cumins hl 339 B pvlJ.I!llllM!lll!IJ Record Vonqe d Dm, 7 Hourt, 22 Mlnulei, BOSTON to LIVERPOOL via QUEENST0WN Commonwealth, Twin Screw, 12,000 Toni, Apr 10 New Enqland, " " 11,600 " " 24 PORTLAND (o LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN Vancouver ...Apr 13 I Dominion Apr 27 Cambroman.... May 4 Vancouver . May 18 For lartberloleraiilleD.aMreu Coapiny'i Olllcti. 49 Ocarbara St.. Calttto, Illi. raoM EW YOmuTdllifW MOBILE RMi-Morniur.aMpR' tvctKtv riNC tnias mm comjiicthm 4PttHMD sinvKt TMaaiutaiOB. ALONO Trta IMIa 9tMM SV' J!!ii,2?i8 CA0BHAS. AffllA, CA. B8N, MUBVITAS, OIBARA. t4 BARACOA, aad atatr aarta. UUKSOW STEAMSrllP .INK J 7 WIlHamlW. nw xotk vnr. RAYMOND ft WHITCOMB. V Uftion Bauara; Naw York. For Tickets, Stateroom Reservation and Gasaral information of tha MO BILE SERVICE, apply to Tlckat Agent Moblla tt Ohio K. R. and Soutb arn Ry. RAILWAY TIMK TAHI.ES. BURLINGTON & Mis souri JUvcr Railroad "Tho Burllnuton llnute" General Olllces. North weBt Corner Tenth nnd Furnum Streets. Ticket Otlico. 1502 Farnam Street. Telephouo tM. Uurltngton Hliuioii, -renin llllU MUS0I1 OllU0l. xcniiniunu no. lcave. Arrive, l.lnnnln ttnMtltlirH lllld McCook a ano nm n (:a pm Lincoln, Denver, Colo Wi'innrn )l,.nfrli-p lllld Lincoln a 8:40 am bll:55 am Denver, Colorndo, Utah and California a 0:4j am Louisville.' Pla ttsm'th.b 3:20 pm bll:03 am Bellevue, Plattsmoutti , I'aCUlC JUI1CIUII a (.IV I'm o.-v uiu Bellevue, Plattsmouth & l'aelilc Junction at2:10 am a Dally. I Dully except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO- scph & Council Blulfs Railroad "Tho Burling ton Houto" Ticket Olilce, 1502 Farnum Street. Telo phono 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason streets, xeio- Arrive. a 0:25 pm u 0:15 um nll:15 nm CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & guincy itaiironu run Burilllgton Route" Ticket Olllco 1502 Farnum Street. Telephone, 250, Depot, Tenth und Mason streets, Telephone, jza. Leave. Arrive. Duy light Chicago Sne- clal .,ii r.'fi um uiu;.''j pm Chic if-" psllbuled Kx.u 1:00 pm u,:l.. uni Mileiiu" -.ju:v1 9i30 am u 4:05 pm .,'', .. 7" u.,,11,.,1 . a 7:5J um a 7:15 am 1 IIU-UP" - - I iMUCAGO. HOCK. 1SL. and & Puclllc Railroad "IhoGicat Rock lsi and itouto" City 'llcket Olllco, 1323 Fur Hum Street, releohone. Vii. Depot, Tenth una Muicy sis, Mele, phone, o-j. wvu. Arrive, EAST. ri,,na nnd lJuveu- port Local i7:7$am UIliSS ft" Chicago Express bll;lj am u t:10 am Dc" Moines 1-ocal a 4:20 pm u 4:45 pm Chicago Fust Exm'03s..u 5:uo pm u 1:2a pm Dc-s Mollies. Riic ll- und and Chicago ......a clO pm a P;3o pta, Lincoln. Colorado Spga., i.,Mv.r 1'iiublo und WPbt 11 I"" u 4:15 pm Colorado, Oklahoma Ac Texas Flyer a 5:20 pin u 9:50 am u dntly. b Dallv except Hunuuy. .MLSMOLTRt PACIFIC RAIL- road General Olllces and Ticket Olllces, Southeast Corner 14th and Duugtua Sts. Telephone, lot. Depot, union Leave. Arrive. r nisi nut san rWf .. Cltv T'xiiress a 10100 um a 6:23 pm K.C.. at lixprM..oh;S0 I'm a 0:15 um Leave from 15th and Webster Otreets; Vnlirtislrn l.oi'ul. Via ' Weening Water u 4:10 pni al0:45 am u Dally, b Dally except iaunilay. ILLINOIS CENTRA!, Rallroad-Clty Tickot Ot llce, 1102 Farnam Street. Telephone. 2(5. Depot, 'renin nnu Miirey ftreets. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Kxpi ess a i;i am aiiui pm Chicago Limited .u 7:45 nm a 8:05 um Minneapolis & St. Paul Express b 7:o0 am b 9;I0 pm Minneapolis A- St. Paul I.linitfd . . u 7:15 pm n 8:05 am Fort Dodge Locul from Council Blulfs b 4:30 pm a 8:13 am Fort Dodge Local from Council Blurts a 0:00 um a Dall b Dally exctpt Sunday. , r"u0.'. u'u V,.l-.r", ' malls for Germany close at 5. p. m. fisss lar ffirfiSJSi:: m ; Km ixtVX ljlIlUUlIl 1'LINL lltl, U U.w v.. .... ,.., r. .. a u II,,l..n I-'ast Man u Dally HAH.WA1 run: ta li.i; j. CHICAOO & NOHTH. wettleru HHllwiiy-" I ho NorlliMcslvrn l.lno" -City Ticket Otlkv, llul 1' at nam St. Telephone. UI Depot, Tentu aim Jlurcy t. Tulcphoiie u.u iauvii, Aline. Daylight Chicago Spe cial ii 7MIO tun uH.'ll tun ; Chlcugo I'assvugcr a 4:13 pm u a: IJ uiu iMoincs, .Marsnaiitown, i.iuiir Hupuis ana Clllciliro .2 llfl:", iiiii n l:f-" tim Eastern Special. Chi cago and K.1M1 .....a 4:5 unt n l:oTi nm I'.im .Man, uiiicuKO iu Omaha a" l5nml u :iw Iim I a smu am ' u pui i Omuha-Clilcago L't'd ..a 7:15 pm Fast Mall Cedar Kuplds Paasengvr u uaiiy. FREMONT, ELKHORN A Mlseuurl Vuiley Kallroad "Tho Northwujicrn Lino" Oeneiul Oillceu, united stalLJ Hunk Hulldlng, S. W. euriiur Twelfth nti.l l.'nr. Ticket otlico, liul Farnam SU Depot, 15th una Webster bt. tnv, Arrln Ulack Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pra Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:C0 pm c 5;v0 pm Hastings, York, David superior, uencvu, iLXeler i. ml M.......,..! i, n.rvi ., i, Knn .m NoitoiK, Vcrdlgro and I' rMtnrin; . . t, 1 n ,t, l.lnt am Lincoln, Wahoo und Fremont b 7:30 urn blO Fremont Local c 7:30 am :6 nm a Duilv. h Dnllu evpeot Mllll.litv. p M 1 1 n - duy only, d Daily except auturday. Dully except Mommy. CHICAOO, ST. PAUL, Minneapolis A3 OniiUiu Hallway "Tho North western Line" General unices, Nebiaska Divi sion, loth und Webster Sts. City Ticket Ultlce. Telephone. 501. Detiot. 1401 Farnam St. 15th und Webster bis. i.eave. Arrive. T,ln ("Hi. t'nM-pturct'. ..a u:uo um u y:lu um Omaha PusseiiKer....... uiuiu um Sioux City rsortn east Nebraska. , .a 3:43 pm , Dally. . SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Ilallroud "Tho North western Line" General Olllccs, United State. National Hunk Builillnu. S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Hi. -ri,-u.,t uuice, uui i-arnam-at. xcicphoiie 501. Do pot. Tenth and Murcy Sts. Tulephulio 029, Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express a ti:3G urn al0:z5 pm Twin City Limited. .-..a 7:55 um u k-i". ,m bioux uity Local u a:iw um u 3:50 pm a uuiir. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am u Daily. UNION PACIF1C-"THE OVER land ltouto" General Olllccs N, E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Olilce, 13J4 l'urnam street, 'xeiepnone, olu. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sts, Telephone, 029. Leavo. Arrive. Tim ovnrinnti Limited. .a b:2U um u 7:30 tun 'rh nhirnpn Portland ,.,.i,ii ..a S::0 mil a 7:30 tun The Fnst Mail a 8:50 am a 3:23 pm The Mall and Jxpress. .un..u tun u pm Tlio Colorado Special. . .ulliSo pm a 0:50 inn Lincoln, neairico uuu Btromeburg Express. .b 4:0j pm bl2:C0 pm Thn 1'acltlc Express. .. .a 4:25 pm Tho Atlantic Lxpresb... a 6:50 am Grand isiana iocui o u.m pm u v.iJ ra a dally, u uaiiy except auiuiay. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE ilLWAUKal Street. Telephone. 234. 'StpiUl I Depot, Tenth and Mason b u,,nnla ' itttnnnn R'H, ,Jt. ,.1..". ..luimu.ib, VaV Leave. Arrive Chicago Limited Ex.... a. 6:00 pm a 8:05 am Chicago : Omaha Ex..b cl5 am b 3:40 pm a Dally. b Daily except DunuBjf. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha, Kansas city & Eastern llallrouu "The Qulucy lloute" Ticket or Hen. 1415 Farnam St. Tele, phone, 322. Depot, Tenth und Marcy oireum. iciepuono, 029. Leave. Arrive. r-. t p.nnnn Hall Kvnma a 5 1 15 pm a ;20 am t.-.. z .u fttxr Onlncy i'"""-0 " ' .. i.nn a.M L.oCtt 1 -vw -w via u Dully. I'OHTOFFICU NOTICK. (Should bo read DAILY by all Interested n riinnces ,nuv occur ut any time.) Foreign mans ror tno ween cnuing April 0, 1901, will cioso (i-JiUMi'i i,i in uu cases) ut til" uencini I'osiomeu um ioiiows: i ar eels Post Mulls close ono nour earner ma OS on sse, rfuerat rla via Hamburg Recular and Supplementary mails close at Foreign Brunch hulf an hour later than closing time shown below Traiia-Atlantlc Mulla. SATURDAY At .1:30 a. m. lor EUROPE. per s. s. Luciuun, via yueenstown nt 0 a. in. for AZORES ISLANDS, per H. s. Peninsular; at 7 a. in. for ITALY, per s. s. Trnvc, via Naples (malb must bo directed "per H. s. 'i rave, j j ui : a. in. lor NETHERLANDS direct, per m. h. Rotter dam (mall must ba directed "per s. s. Rotterdam '); at iu a. m. ror ncci i.AND direct, .per s. s. Ethiopia (mull must bu directed "per s. s. Ethiopia"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. - This steamer tnKos priiiteu matter, commercial papers and samples lor Germuny only. Tho siime cIubs or mall matter for other parts of Europe will not bo sent by this Mhln unless Hiio-:lallV directed by her. After the closing ul tho Supplementary Trans-Aliantiu iuoiis unove, nodiiioniii supplimentary mulls nn opened 011 the piers ot tho American, English, French und ('lermuii utciunors, nnu remain open until within ten minutes of thu hour of balling ot i-.leamcr. Malta for Soulli nnd Central America, West Indies, i;ic. HATl'RDAY At 7:3) n. m. for ARGEN TINE REPUBLIC, URUGUAY und PARAGUAY, per s. s, uciiucin: ut a a. in. isupplcincntury 9:30 u. in.) for PORTO Rico (via San Juan). CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Philadelphia (mall for Savanllla and Curthagena must bo dlteeieu per n. e. i-iiiiuucipma ); at 0:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 u. m.) for ST. CROIX (ST. THOMAS, Via ST. CROIX), ST. LUCIA, BARBADOS and DEME RARA, pel s. m. Fontabellc; ut lo n, m. for CUBA, per h. s. Mexico, via llavunu; nt 10 u m for YUCATAN, per s. h. ltavciudaic, via i-rogreso; at iu n m. (Miiiitileini'iitiiry lo:30 ii. in.) for FOR TUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SA VANILLA and CART II AG EN A, per b. s. Athos (mall for Cosln Rica must bo directed "per h. s. Athos"); at lo a. m. (suppli'mentary 10:30 a. in.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTHA, ner . s. Andes, at 12:i p, m. for MA- TAN.AS. CA1BARIEN. NUL'VITAH. GIBARA und BARACOA, per . B, Curl tyba (ordluiiry mull only, which must bo directed "per m. s. Ciirltyba"); ut "ll p. in. for NASSAU', per steamer from Miami, Flu. MhUh ri,r Newfoundland, by rail to North Syduoy, uuu tnenco ny su-amer, cioso ut this olllcu dully at 0:30 p, in. (conuectliiK cioso heto every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). .Malls for .Miquolou, by rull to Boston, und thoiip'! by Btcumcr. closu ut thlu olllco (lull' at 0:20 p. in. .Mails for Cuba, by nil. to Port Tampa, Flu., and theneb by Bteumer. close al this olllco dally, except Mouduy, ut "0 u. ni, (tho connecting closes on Sunday, Wednes day and Friday). Mulls Inr Cuba, by rail to .Miami, Flu., and thenco by steumer. closu at this- olllco uvery Alondav und Friday at "ll p, in, Malh Jor Muxlcu Cliy, uvurluuu, unless speciully uddrcshed for dispatch by steamer, cioso ut this iilllrri il.illv ul 1:20 II. ill. und 11 n in. Mulls lid CoHlu Rica, BelUo, I'uerto Cor-tt-7. und Guateinula, by rail to Now Or leans, und thenco by Htuamer, cioso ut this olllco dully ut "LSO p, m. (connecting rlnsiv hero MondUVH tor Belize. Puertu Cottez und Guutemalu und Tuusduys fur Costa Rica), "itegisiciuii muii closes ut 0 p. 111. pluvious day. Triins-PiiPlllo .Hull. m,,ii.i f.r Auslrallu (excetit west Aim trallo, which goes via Euroiie. and Now v.. Ih ml. which uoes vlu San FranclsL'oi. und FIJI Islunds, via Vuncrijver, close hero dally at 6.30 p, in. lifter March 23 and up io .iiurcn inclusive, inr dis patch per s. s. Mlowerii (supplementary malls, via neuiuw, cioso ut uiu') p. in Miirrh .11) Mulls lur lluwall, via San Francisco, cl 'so nam sts. Tel. (ui, "lei. ltis. AT k . WABASH RAILROAD- V Leavo. Arrive. . ... x na nir limn s town ueiow. 1 'a reels l' I VIII J3I UII1UI1. HIIU v a, a, a-iingu o Kii'iiK.i; sti i ii i;. here dall. at U.;W p in. up to Apt II 'lt lur despHli'h per r. s .d.iilpoiu. Mailt, lui Hawaii, .ipiin, and Phil Ipplliu IsliiniiK. tlu S.iu 'Vaiielco. close nie daii) al t p. in. up io ,vpm "Ith, Inciustvi, tui- uli-i-iiii li iil i k. , liohg Kong Ma ni. Mulls fot' China, .In pun and Plitllnpluo Islands, tin Taeoiuii, i low hero dally at 11.30 p. in. up Io April "illi, inclusive, for Jlspateh per s. s. Tiuoina. Malls for China and .lapnii. ia Vancouver, close here dally ut (!.; p. m. up to April "9. Inclusive, lor dispatch per s. s. Empress or Jiipim (teglMercd mall must be dllicted "via Vnncouwr"). Malls for Tahiti and MuroiitMis Islandf. via San Franclsto, ilese lure dally at fi:S0 P "l. up to April loth, inclusive, for dispatch per s. s Australia Malls for Hhw.tll, China, Japan and Phil ippine isuiinis, via i3iii vra.icisco, cioo hero dally at 0:39 p. in. up to April MSth, lnclusixc. for dlsniitc), tier s. x China. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which is rorwMided Ma i;uiope), .Ni'iv 'etiland, Fiji. Samoa and Hawaii, via Han Francisco, close here dally ot 6:30 p. m. after March Mist and up to April 13th, IneliiMVo. r on arrival ot s. s Campania, duo at New York April 13th, lor dispatch la" s. r. Ventura. Malls for China, Japan nnd Phtllppltio Islands, via sent tie, 'close, here ilnlly at : p. in up to April 2ld inclusive, tor dispatch per s. s. Tosa Maru Itcglslcred mall must be dlrecb-d via Seattle). Malls for Australia (except West Aui.tralln, which goes via isuru e, anu ew land, which goes via FraucUco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close hero dally ut 0..W p. in. urter April tilth (mil up to April "27th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Aoraugl (supplementary mulls, Iu Seattle, close at 0:30 p. m. April 25thi. Trnns-Paclllc malls are forwarded to port or sailing unuy and tno actinium or clos ing Is arranged on tho pieslituptlon ( their uninterrupted overland transit. Regl'tercd mull closes at 6. p. m. previ ous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postotlleo. New York. N. Y March 29, 19"l. C O V li II .11 H. T NOT I V E. 'ROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPl'LIES- Dcnartinent of tho interior, oil co of in- illun AlTutrs, Washington, D. C, Mutch 7, nwi, Beaiea proposals, iniiorsed "I'ropusais tor beef, Hour, etc.," as tho case inuy be, and directed to the Commissioner of Indian AITalts, 23j Johnson street, Chicago, 111., will bo received until 1 o'clock p. ui., ot Tuesday, April y, urn, inr rurnisniug lor thu Indian Service, beef. I'our. bucuti. bcan. collee, sugar, rice, tea and other articles of subsistence; also tor boots and shoes, groceries, soap, baking powder, crockery, agricultural Implements, paints, oils, gins, iiiiwure, witKuiit., Harness, leather, shoo UihHukh. lutddlerv. etc.. bardwure. Mehonl nnd medical supplies, and a luu Mr. ui miscellaneous articles, ueiucd proposulu, In- uorseii i-ropo-jais lor uiuukcis, woolen nlid cotton goods, clothing, etc.," us the case may be, nnu directed io the Uommtssloner of Indian AITuIrs, Nos. 77 and 7j Woostur street, New York City, will bo received un til 1 o'clock p. m., of. Tuesday, May 7, 1901, for furnishing for the Indian Service, biunkcta, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats and caps. Bids must bo iiiuuu out on government blanks. Schedules giv ing till necessary Information tor bidders will bo furnished on application to the In dian Otllce, Wushlngtoii. D. C; Nos. 77 nnd t'J woostor street, new lora city, 233 John son street. Chicago. 111.: No. rjm Howard street, Omaha, Nebr.; the Commissaries or subsistence, u. . a., iu cneyennc, Leav enworth, So. Louis, St. Paul and Sap Francisco; tne postmasters at tsioux City, Yankton, Arkunsus City, Caldwell, Topcku, Wichita and Tucson. Bids will be opened at tho hour and days nbovo stated, ulid bidders ure Invited tc be present at tlni opening. inn uupnrimont rescrvca tho rlKht tu deterinlne the point of delivery nnd to reject uny and all bids, or uny part of uny uiu. w. a. ju.Mis, commissioner Men. 18 to .Vur. 8. Proposals for construction of water system. Department of tho Interior. Otlico of Indian Affairs, Washington. D. C, April 1, 1901. Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposal for Water System. Yankton," and addressed tn the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, will bo received nt this omen until z o'clock: p. m of April 30, jswi, for furnishing and delivering tho nccusBary materials und labor required in the con struction nnd completion of n water system nt tho Yankton Boarding School, Yankton Agency, South Dakota, Iu strict accordanco with mans. spcclllcatlonB nnd instructions to bidders, which muy bo examined at this otllce. tho U. S. Indian Warehouses. No. 235 Johnson st., Chicago, III., und No. 1203 Howard St., Omaha, Neb.; tho olllces of Tho Beo of Omuha, Nob.; Journal of Sioux City, lown, nnd Gazette of Yankton, S. D., und nt Yankton Agency. For any additional in formation apply to this o 111 co or John W. Harding, U. S. Indian Agent, Greenwood., S. D. W. A. Jones, Commissioner. Ajir.G !3t WANTED for U. w. army, nblo-bodied un married men, between ages of 21 and 55; citizens of tho United States, of good character and tcmpcruto habits, who can Hpenlt, read nnd wrlto English. Recruit specially desired for scrvlco in Philippines, For information apply to Recruiting Ofll ccr, Cor. 10th und Dodgo sts., Omaha, Nub. LEGAL NOTICE, CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. Statu of Nebrnska, Olllco of Auditor ot Public Accounts, Lincoln, February 1, 1901. It Is hereby certified that the German Al liance Iusuruneii Company of New York, lu tho ntnto of New York, has compiled with tho Insurance lnw of this stute, applicable to such companies, and Is therefore author ized to continue tho business of Urn and lightning Insurance In this stato for tho current venr endlnir Janunrv 31. 1902. Witness my nunii nnu me seni or tun auoi or of nubile, accounts tho day und year llrst nbovo written. (Seal) CHARLES wkmidn. Auditor of Public Accounts. By H. A. BABCOCK, Deputy. NEW BUTTER PRESERVATIVE Danish l)alr niiiii Mnkca a Dlaeovery lliiriiilpaa nnd Absolutely Elteellve. COPENHAGEN, March 23. (Correspond- enco of tbo Associated Press.) A Danish bullcrmalter has discovered a new preserva tive which excels everything In thnl lluo heretoforo known, Hy means of this preparation it Is possible to preserve butter, meats nnd nil kinds ot perishable mer chandise. Experiment!) show that butter, for Instance, can bo preserved without los ing any ot Its freshncsa. It can also bo placed ninong goods thai hid decomposing or contnln rnnk odors, without being af fected. Thn preparation Is not InJurlouH frcm a sanitary point of lew, and will, ll Is bollovcd, cnuuo a revolution Iu the ship ping of perishable merchandise. Tho rloso conimerclnl rubitlons belwccn tho United States and Dcnuinrk constantly bring up new interests In different fleliU o'nd ucw goods are constantly added to tho list of Imports. Recently tho large landed proprietors havo commenced lo Introdiu'o American quail on their estates. The Dan ish quull is a migratory bird and tor time reason tlio Danes wish to get n variety that stays all tlio yeiir round, which tho American does, Among those having pur chased n largo number of birds from tho United States uro Count Frljtu and Ilnron Rcedtz-Thott, former premier of Denmark. Tho correct number of "THK DOTS" und list of prlzn winners will bo published In all editions of Tho Beo Sattirduy, April 13. TAMALES AND PIGS' FEET Two Dcllciiclc Added lit Menu of Soldiers In the I'lill- ltllllPH, CHICAGO, April C Chicken tainalcK and canned pigs' feet uro to ho added to thn menu In tho Philippines. Theso arc niuong provisions bought In Chicago Saturday by W. L. Alexander, chief commissary oHlcer ot tho Department of tho Lakes. Tho sup plies Include 2,190 ono-pound cans of chicken tamalns ami 1.008 two-pound cans of pigs' feel. Tho supplies purchiiBcd for Immediate shipment will nggrrgnto sevoral tons. Missouri Pnntolllee ltolihco. ST. LOUIS, April 5.- A lolegram was re ceived today by Poxtolllco Inspector Dlco announcing th robbery of tlm pustoftlco ut Seiiecii, Nnwton Touiity. In tho extremo Mj'.ithwesl section of Missouri. M. M, Adams, the paslmnHter, slnled In this tele gram that thn Hiiro was blown open Thurs day night and tho contents, mostly stamps, taken Tho contents of the safe, wero not stuted, but, as tho Seneca postoltlco Is only Iii tlm third class, It Is not thought the loss was heavy. Boimbiy. vii n, :otii si, u .iv r