Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE 031 A II A DAILY BEE: I'll! DAY, APRIL 5, 11)01.
Don't pay 25c. for a toilet soap when
the best costs but 10c.
You might as well pay a quarter for
a dime.
The costliest soap is no better than
Jap Rose
This is Kirk's best soap.
Made of pure vegetable oil and gly
cerin. Delightfully perfumed.
So pure that it is transparent.
Yet it costs but a dime a cake.
Regtitend by
U. 8. Patent Offici,
Samuel O. L. Potter, A. M., M. D. M. R. C. P., London Pro fessor of the
Principles and J'racticc of Medicine in the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Hun Pranclsco, In Ills handbook of PHARMACY, MATERIA MEDICA, and
THEUAPBUTICS, a text-book in nmnv of thu loading Medical college
of the country, nndor tho hoad of ALBUMINURIA. Pairo, 600 7th edition,
in the citation of n I ITUII UIrrD ? v,rB,n,R lBAh'
remedies, says; DUFEPU.0 LlTHIA WATER ly recommended."
Under tho hoad ot "CHRONIC KNIGHT'S MaEASE," page, 601, samo od
tlon, in tho citation of remedies, ho says; "Mineral Waters,
of Virginia, which has many advocates."
"A Veritable Antidote."
Dr. Williams H. Drummond, Professors of Medical Jurisprudence,
Itislioif Unicemitu, Montreal, Canada; "In tho acute and Chronic iliri
tls KNIGHT'S DISEASE of Gouty and Rheumatic Origin, as wjII as
Si .aS''S'"S Buffalo Lithia Water :vi 6l
lAu f AMI E AN 1 1 DO 1 li, and I Know of NO OTHER NATURAL
Buffalo Lithia Waters for 8tt' Grouorios unti fuggist gonoraiiy.
Testimonials which dofy nil imputation or questions aont to any addrass.
Springs are open for guests
They nro reached from alt directions over ttiu
Southern KnnNim Olllcliilx llnnf Kt
tfvl Junction tvIIIi Oniiilin.
tcimloii nl Stale Line.
President Wheeler of tho Southern
Knusns ltatlroad company Is lu tho city
mid this morniuR will hold a conference
with tho Omabn capitalists rclatlvo to tho
new rHllroad which It Is proposed to build
Houth from Omaha to tho Btnto Hue, whnro
It will form a Junction with tho Southern
Kansas running to Emporia.
It Ih understood that tho Kansas men
have not made tho showing desired by thu
Omaha capitalist! at thin tlmo, but that
ihey bcllcvo that they can Interest the
local Investors as soon as they demon
strate their ability to complete tho road
to tho Nebraska lino.
Korinrr SciTi'lnr y In the Chief Will
llrvote Whole 'I'Iiim- to llcrtll
loii Work.
Oscar Karbach, for tho past three years
secretary to tho chief of police, has boon
appointed Ilerttllon ofllcor and will here
after have an oftlco at central pollco station.
Carpenters are at work ro-nrranglng par
titions so that bis office will adjoin detcc
tlvo headquarters. Officer Karbach, who Is
an export In Uertlllon work, will have
chargo of tho Identification bureau, dovotlng
all of his tlmo to that work. TIiIb nctlon
was made necessary by tho great Increase
In recent years of that branch of tho pollco
work. Kdwln W. Iloylea Is tho now sec
retary to Chief Donahue.
Inilli'tril foi RiiKIiik 'I' I in In-r.
SIOUX FALLS, S. 1)., April 4. (Special
There are Hundreds of Omaha people
Similarly Situated.
Can thero he any stronger proof offered
than tho ovldenco of Omaha residents?
After you have read tho following quietly
answer tho question.
Mr. C. 11. Wlklund, 830 South 23rd St.,
engineer at tho Sheely building, says: "I
first folt sharp pains across tho small of my
back. 1 thought nothing of It at tho tlmo
but it gradually grow worso and tho heat
In the cuglno room during tho day and tho
sudden change wheu I went out nights
probably aggravated If not caused tho
trouble. I saw Doun's Kldnoy I'llls adver
tised and got n box at Kuhn & Co.'s drug
btore, corner 15th and Douglas streets. I
did not take all of tho box buforo tho
troublo disappeared."
For sale by all dealors. Trice 50 cents
per box. Poster-Mllburu Co., Iluffalo, N,
Y., sole agents for tho United States.
Itonicmbcr the numo, Dean's, and tako no
of Virginia
For Albuminuria
Bright's Disease.
June 15. close October 1.
Danvlllo Division of tho Sout horn Hallway.
Telegram.) Tho United States grand Jury
today leturncd Indictments against Thomas
lingers, Frank Hurlbcrt and Georgo Turner
of Hill City for unlawfully cutting a largo
quantity of timber on the lllack Hills forest
"Tho Effect of Temperament Upon Ul-
gostlon" was tho subject of tho lesson ot
the .household economics department ot
tho Woman's club at Thursday's meeting,
Mrs. Mary O. Andrews acting as leader.
Harry Lnwrlo concluded his talk on "Do
mestic Architecture," which was much ap
preciated by tho largo audience present.
It was decided that tho noxt meeting should
bo n short session, that tho department
might accept tho Invitation of tho English
lltornturo department to hear Ilabbl
Simon's lecturo to bo given before that sec
tion. Tho annual mcotlng of tho Young
Woman's Christian association will bo held
In tho parlors of tho ussociatlon Monday
evening, April 8, tit S o'clock. Tho election
of mombera of tho board whosn term ex
pires this year will bo held and vacancies
that havo occurred during the year will bo
tilled. A general summing up of tho year's
work, with reports of nil the committees,
will bo given nnd a constitutional nmond
ment will bo voted upon. It Is tho aim ot
tho association to havo an uunlvcrsary meet
ing later for tho purpose of presenting tho
work nnd Interesting tho citizens.
Thoro was n largo nnd nttontlvo audience
ut Tuesday evening's meeting ot the Mar
garet Fuller literary branch. A talk on
"Christ In Art," by Mrs. W, W. Keysor. was
tho feature. Mrs. Georgo Mlckel snug sev
eral numbers,
Tho election of officers resulted: Presi
dent, Clara Curt it;; lco president, Marianne
Hack; secretary, Gertrude Murtcna; treas
urer, Ilosslo Dovltt.
Tho Sunshlno club has nearly completed
arrangements for an nrt exhibit in Graco
chapel, April 0, from 10 n. in. to 6 p. m.
A program will bo given by tho members
of tho club from 3 to 4.
Mrs. Mary Moody Pugh of Omaha hu3
been asked to act us chairman of the com
mlttco to nrrnngo tho domestic science pro
gram nt the Congress of Mothers In Colum
bus, O., Muy 21 to 24 Inclusive. Tho offlco
entails almost tho entire responsibility for
tho program and Omaha women aro proud
that this honor has been extended to one
of them. Thn program Is the outgrowth ot
tho Den Moines meeting, where tho senti
ment lu favor of domestic science was su
strong that a permanent committee was ap
pointed to tuko charge of a Homo Training
Tho monthly meeting of the Omaha
Charities association, operating the Creche,
was at 10 o'clock Thursday morning In tho
reception room of tho Creche. Tho report
OommUsitn'i Forms Prorids for Towns and
Proline;! of Archipelago.
Miinlclpnllt lr Arr Divided Into I'our
t'liidnrw VnlPm M,it lip .Mnlc
Itcnlilritln of Home IM
noiitloii. WASHINGTON, April I. Copies of two
Important acts of the Philippine commis
sion, providing for tho organization of tho
municipal and provincial governments In
the Archipelago have been received at tho
War department.
The act for the organization of municipal
governments dues not apply to the city ot
Manila nor to the settlements ot non
Christian tribes, for which special legisla
tion Is to bo enacted. Uut all pucblns shall
lie recognized as municipal corporation,
adhere to their former names and continue
to hold all propcity rights vested under
their former organization.
The government proper of each pucbln Is
vented In n president, vice president and n
municipal council, to bo chosen at largo by
qualified electors for a term of two yeara
from and after tho first Monday In January
next after their election. Councillors elected
lu 1001 will divide themselves Into two
classes, tho first set vacating their scats
on the first Monday In January, 1002, and
the second set one year after their suc
cessors havo been chosen and qualified, so
that one-halt of the council will bo chosen
Municipalities will be divided Into four
classes, thoso containing not less than -.'),-0G0
Inhabitants to havo eighteen councillors;
thoso containing 18,000 and less than 25,-
000 Inhabitants to have fourteen councillors;
thono containing 10,000 mid less than IS,-
000 inhabitants to havo ten councillors, and
those containing less than 10,000 Inhab
itants to havo eight councillors.
Illltlllril Vol l-l-x.
Tho qualifications of electors authorized
to choose the officers ot thu municipal gov
ernment nro that they shall bo male per
sons over 23 years of ago nnd must have a
legal residence In tho municipality In which
they exercise tho right of suffrage for n
period of six months preceding the election
nnd must not bo citizens or subjects ot
any foreign powers.
They, too, must bo members ot one of the
following throe classes: Thoso who, prior
to August 13, 1 SOS, held the offlco of munici
pal capltan or member of nny nyuntam
Icnfo, thoso who own real property to tho
value ot COO pesos or who pay annually
30 pesos or more ot the established taxes
and thoso who s.ponk, read or wrlto English
or Spanish.
Thoso disqualified from voting Includo
delinquent taxpayers of taxos levied since
August 13, 180S; Insane or feeble-minded
persons, thoso who violated the oath ot
allogianco to the United States, those who
on or after April 1 wcro In arms against
the sovereignty ot the United States and
those who In any way aid or promote the
Thu municipal officers In no caso Bhall be
ecclesiastics or soldiers In active service.
Tho officers of each provincial govern
ment aro to be a provincial governor, sec
retary, treasurer, supervisor nnd fiscal.
Tho provincial governors shall bo selected
by a convention composed of tho councillors
ot nil tho municipalities Included In tho
Tho four other officers of tho provincial
government shall bo appointed by the com
mission, to hold offlco during Its pleasure.
With tho exception of tho provincial, after
March 1, 1002, they shall bo selected under
the provisions of tho civil service act.
Artlclm, Oriuiniviitnl nnd I'ftrful, In
Store for Thono Who Save
Their Soup AVrnpiicrn.
Klrk'a premium storo, where wrappers of
White Ilusslan soap may bo exchanged for
prizes of various kinds, has moved across
the strcot from Its old stand, nnd Is now
at 208 South Fourtesnth street. It Is In
chnrgo of Miss L. Hud to, sister of Georgo
lludlo, wostcrn ngent ot tho soap company.
Tho stock Includes n general lino ot sil
verware, Havlland China, Jewelry, soaps,
perfumes, sporting goods, cameras and the
like, nnd the walls aro decorated with some
handcomo reproductions ot famous water
colors nnd rarbonets. Among these pic
tures Is n particularly striking ono from a
French canvas entitled "Tho Elopement,"
In Tlub and
of tho matron showed thnt twenty-threo
chlldron had been eared for In February
and twenty-six lu March, Owing to sick
ness In the liuuso, tho children had been
unablo to attend school nnd tho association
has been advised to erect an emergency
hospital In tho yard, to receive any cases
ot contagious diseases that may be brought
In, which would -relievo tho necessity of
quarantining tho entire house, as has been
dona in the past. Nothing definite was dono
In the matter. Thanks were voted to tho
women through whoso efforts tho success
of tho Ixintcu muslcnlcs was assured, also
to tho musicians who donated their services,
and personal notes of thanks will be sent
to them.
It wns decided that n tea bo given for
tho benefit of tho Creche, ami n commlttco
was appointed for tho arrangement of thu
details. Tho commlttco will moot Monday
morning and make its report. Tho affair
is to bo novel nnd the ussociatlon hopes to
realize, a considerable sum as a result.
Tho monthly meeting of tho Woman's
Christian association was at 10 o'clock Tues
day morning In tho parlors of tho Young
Men's Christian association, Tho report of
tho Old Ladles' homo showed that whllo
thero Is still much sickness there, tho pa
tients uro all Improving and tho situation
is much brighter than a month ngo. Tho
question of tho new homo wna brought up
again and two different sites wero discussed,
which nro to bo investigated nt once. Tho
suggestion wns mado that tho association
lonso tho upper part of tho building at Eigh
teenth and St. Mnry's avenue, which has
been used by tho Child Saving Institute, und
open It as a homo for young women under
tho direction of a resident matron. Whllo
tho association Is generally favorable to tho
maintenance of such a home. It was decided
to do nothing definitely until the Woman's
club had decided upon Its benevolent work,
an it Is understood that Its committed has
tho barao plan under consideration and the
Woman's Christian Tcmperanco union cot
tage is meeting tho Immedlato need.
Hy special request, tho work of tho city
missionary of Omaha was presented ut the
meeting of tho South Omaha Woman's
Christian Temporanco union by Miss Ma
gee, Tuesday afternoon. Thero was no busi
ness excepting arrangements for sending
fifty bunches of flowers to tho county Jail
Easter morning.
There was a called meotlug of the
Women's Keoly Rescue league In the parlors
of the Institute Wednesday morning for the
consideration of cases under Investigation.
which may be had for the modest con
sideration of fifty wrappers. The "Madonna
and Child" tost only twenty-five wrappers,
while a magnificent copy of 'The Hoy
Christ" Is marked nt 22i wrappers, The
products of a few hard daya' washing will
buy n frostal eltvcr syrup pitcher with a
sliver dish to set It In, and one need not
necessarily own a laundry in onl?r tJ get
a handtomu set of llnvlland China, a font
ball or a set of boxing gloves.
Tho stock la much more complolo than
appear at first glance, as the. premium
storo Is small, but lu a storo room In the
rear Is a large nnd varied assortment of
goods of all kinds. Within tho next few
days Mlsi Ilttdlo will go to Chicago to buy
a consignment of tto lntcit novelties cn tho
Tmi ('oniiiniilo for Mlnux I'nIU.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., April 4. (Special.)
Parties here havo been advised that Ad
jutant General Conklln of tho South Da
kota National Guard has decided to place
two companies ot tho reorganized guard In
Sloux Falls.
! Fashions for the Season
Illnta by Mary t.nmli.
3784 Shirt Waltt, 32 to 42 In. bust.
Woman's Shirt Waist. No. 3784. To bo
mado with or without tho fitted lining.
Simple waists possess au inherent charm
that no amount of elaboration over outdoes.
The smart model shown is mado of white
lawn, with rcvers of all-over tucking,
wbllo shield, collar nnd cuffs nro of lino
embroidery; but tho snmo design Is avail
able for silk and woolen materials and for
all the rango of cotton nnd linen stuffs.
In the new shirt waist flannels woven with
silk stripes it Is admirably combined with
taffeta; mado from albatross, it is emi
nently satisfactory, nnd when unllned nnd
mado from batiste, madras, Swas muslin,
dimity nnd the like, It makes an ideal sum
mer bodice,
Tho foundation lining (which In this In
stance is omitted) closes at tho center
front. On it are arranged tho back, the
full fronts nnd the shield this last being at
tached at the right side and hooked Into
place nt tho left, whllo the waist closes at
tho center, but separately from tho lining.
Tho fronts nro extended, rolled back' and
faced to form tho revcrs. Tho sleeves
aro In bishop style, with narrow cuffs of
lace. At tho nock Is a stock collar that
closes Invisibly at tho center back. When
tho lining Is omitted the shield Is Joined
to the stock collar only, and attached to
tho fronts, under .rovers, permanently on
tho right nnd buttoned under tho left.
To cut this waist for a woman of medium
size, 34 yards of material 21 Inches wide,
2 yards 27 Inches wide, 2 ynrds 32 Inches
wldo or li ynrds 41 Inches wide will bo
required, with Vt yard of nll-ovcr lace, Yj
yard of silk for revcrs, 1 yard of laco edg
ing nnd ?g yard of insertion to trim as
Tho pattern No. 37SI Is cut in sizes for a
32, 34, 36, 38, 40 nnd 42-Inch buBt measure,
For tno nccommoaauon of Tho Dee's
readers theso patterns, which usually retail
nt from 25 to SO cents, will bo furnished
at a nominal price, 10 cents, which covers
nil expense. In order to get nny pattern
enclose 10 cents, glvo number and nam
ot pattern wanted nnd bust mcasuro. AI
low abouv. ton days from dato of your lottor
ncroro Dcginning to look for tho pattern.
Address Pattern Department, Omaha Boo,
Omaha. Neb.
Since Its organization tho league has put
two patients Into tho Instituto nnd It was
desired to enter another soon. As nil the
business to havo been presented nt tho
April meeting wns discharged Wednesday,
tho next meeting will be May 8.
The Omaha Equality club met at 3 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon and heard the roports of
tho committee on tho May dny entertain
ment appointed nt the last meeting. Tho
chapel ot tho First Congregational church
has been secured for the evening ot April
30 and nn admission of 10 cents will bo
charged, thu money to be applied to the
malntennnco of the state hendquarters. It
Is to bo a Nebraska evening and tho pro
gram will consist of twenty numbers, pro
ductions of Nebraska poets. Tho commlt
tco has arranged to have several poftns rcud
by tho authors. Tho selections usod have
been compiled with short biographical
skotches of tho nuthors, in booklets, and
will bo sold for tho benefit of tho head
quarters fund.
Tho Woman's Suffrage club of Dakota
City has closed a contest In which Its mem
bership has been more than doubled, making
It tho largest club In tho stato. Tho de
feated sldo Is soon to glvo n banquet at
which tho othor members nnd tho workers
of the stato nro to bo present.
Tho semi-annual meeting of tho Woman's
Foreign Missionary society of the Omaha
district was bold In the Walnut Hill Meth
odist church Thursday, with n good repre
sentation of tho district. Tho mornlnc sen.
slon opened at 10:30 with singing and a
short devotional service. An exchange of
greetings, consisting of scriptural readings
una responses by tho auxiliaries, was fol
lowed by tho minutes and roports of the offi
cers nnd nlso a report nt tho oxecutlvo
mcotlng by Mrs. Porter. Tho appointment
of committees concluded tho business and
tho remainder of tbo time wa3 given to n
discussion of methods.
During tbo noon Intermission luncheon
wos served by tho women of Walnut Hill
church and a social hour was enjoyed. The
afternoon program opened at 2:30 with mu
sic and a dovotlonal exercise, "Tho Twen
tieth Century Thank Offering" was a paper
rcau ny .Mrs, v. 8. Lindsay, followed by a
duet sung hy Mrs. T. F. Sturgcss and Mlsi
Nellie Tlndal. A map exercise by Mrs.
l.awrlo embraced a review of the work be
ing done and proved Interesting, A solo by
Miss Tlndal and an addrtss by Mrs. Slceth
of Plattsmouth concluded the meeting.
Spring Hat
is Here ! !
Next Sunday will be Easter and
If you haven't bought your
better attend to it at once.
Hat perfection style and
quality will be yours.
Don't delay attending to your wants.
It won't be the dealers fault if he is
out of his best selling style of hat, if
you wait until the last minute.
In The
Straiton 4
QTmor Oinrinoti Cubini of Uncle Sim's
Qod Iiteitioni.
Itrlli-f After Interview I'li'iixcil mIIIi
Kxplnnnt Inn CSIvrn 'I licni llunl
clulal Klrctliiua L'nlleil
for Jnne r.
HAVANA, April L Tho so-called radical
element In the Cuban constitutional conven
tion, Including Sennrs Juim dome., I'ortu
ondo, Alcman nnd Mandulcy, held n confer
ence today with Governor General Wood re
garding the l'latt amendment.
Governor General Wood suld tho United
States intended to deal Justly and honestly
by tho Cubans and had no desiro to retain
possession ot the island. Ho pointed out
that tbo i'latt amendment was drawn up
primarily with tbo view to protect n weak
nation against outsiders as well aa against
internal strife and would not interfere with
Cuban Independence.
Ho explained that tho Wahhingtan Intei
prctntlon of clauso Hi of the scheme of re
lations wns that tho United States claimed
the right to Intervene solely for tho pur
pose of preserving tho Independence of thu
Island, maintaining nn adequate forco to
protect life, property and Individual liberty
nnd completing thn obligations Imposed by
the treasury of the United States upon the
United States, Ho expressed tho opinion
There Is as much dlffcronca
between a cushion frumu nnd a
rigid frarao blcyclo as thero wns
between tho old solid and pneu
mntlc tire bicycle.
Call nny tlmo and wo will bo
pleased to have you try one.
A big line of Second-hand
WheoIs-B, S, 10 aud 112.
Omaha Bicycle Co.,
Cor. I6t and Chicago.
World For The Price
Storm Co.
that In drawing up a treaty many points In
the future relations of Cuba with tho United
States might bo moro clearly explained to
meet present obligations.
Tho delegates retired apparently pleased
with tho Interview. Senor Portuondo said
ho thought everything would bo settled sat
isfactory. He whs lu favor of the appoint
ment of a commission to go to Washington
ami expects favorable results from such a
Orders were Issued today directing tho
holding of municipal elections throughout
Cuba, Juno 1. Thero will bo fifteen days
for registration, beginning April 19,
AVIII t Herl In .Mn-.
Tbo representatives ot tho various lines
In tho Trnnsmlssourl Freight nssoclatlon
Shiney Shoes
Of nil times of tho yenr Kuslor tlmo Is
the most uiiproiirlittt! for "slilnoy shoes -nnd
wo mini. In It'll you that wo mo
nronaroil for Just sueh a time with tho
larp'st lino of patent leathers and Ideal
liateiit kill over seen In Omaha tho lat
est New York stylos In all tho sizes for
tho Imliy up to mamma dull hid ami
plain Uld or eloth tops -laeo or but lull
welt and turn soles -shoes that havo
that chU'k ami craeeful appearance that
adds so much to Ihc Kaster gown tho
luting of such shoes Is a specially with
usm much so that you get your money
back if we fail lo suit you.
Drexel Shoe Co,,
CiKiiluKiM- Si ut 1'iee for III" AhUIiib.
(Iniiilia'N l,i-to-ilutc Slim- lloiixe.
Knabe Pianos
Will otitllvo the twentieth century-'
their iliiiiiblllty Is uniueslloned Kim
ball pianos have a tone ami a touch
which ate unexcelled In world-wide reputation-
Krnnleh it Haeh pianos nro
noted for their decant yonecrs, pro
nounced by all experts lo bo the Ilnest
nnd most linlshed pianos in Urn world -llallet
iV Davis plnnos, having been
mntlo for nearly a century, speak for
themselves as being I ho produc
tion of tho piano maker's art. If you
want your piano tuned, repaired, pol
ished or moved, call up 'phone 1S8.
Music and Art. 1513-1515 Douglas.
Kansas City, mo.
concluded the business of tho meeting in
thin city Wednesdny nfternoon and most
ot them left on tho afternoon trains for
their homra. Tho May meeting has been
canceled because of the classification meet
ing in California during thnt month. Ac
cording to a former agreement the June,
July and August meetings arc to bo held
in Denver.
SniMVKtiirni In South Dnkiitn.
AIIBRDKKN, 8. I)., April L (Special
Telegram.) A dihlng northeast snowstorm
began at noon 'today. Several Inches of
snow has fallen and tho storm still pre
vails. Stork will suffer to some cxtont,
hut farm nnd ginsi lands are freely bene
fited, Tho storm Is gcncrnl in tho north
part nt the fitnte,