THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: EH I DAY, AERIL 5, 101. 5 m 1 HtALIHY 1)2? DISEASED When there is ti natural and llealthy circulation of the blood, the entire quantity, rtiiiiated at one-eighth the weight of thebodv, passes through the heart every five minutes. This rapid flow of the blood through the system prevents the entrance of disease germs ana impurities of every description. It filters out nil thnt is not necessary or good for the growth nnd development of the body nud nourish ing and streug'theuiirg the muscles, tissues, nerves aud bones. Hut, unfortunately, few icrsons can rightly claim an absolutely pure blood supply nnd perfect nud unpolluted circulation, nnd in consequence ore exposed to innumerable diseases. Contagious Blood I'oisou, the greatest enemy to mankind, enters the system through the blood, nud Cnnccr, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Catarrh, liczema, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, Tetter in fact the mujority of human ailments nre caused by poisons or humors that nreengen- ' dered and fostered in n sluggish Th& BiOOa IS the SOUrCO and impoverished blood. Old . A. soren, chronic ulcers nud rheumatic jwiim are com- Of Jill Stl9ltffttt uion, especially nmong old people, whose blood naturally grows thin and pale because of the lack of the red corpuscles that give color nud Mrcngth to youthful blood. Sallow complexions nnd rough, oily elans evidence sonic constitutional or blood trouble, which salves, lotions, powders nor any external treatment can ctiru. Diseases that originate in the blood, whether they manifest themselves r.s ulcers, tumors, itching eruptions, muscular 01 lwnc jwiuB, require a tonic and blood purifier such as S. S. S., which not only antidotes nnd neutralizes blood poisons nnd humors, but possesses health-giving tonic proper ties that uo other blood medicine does. It goes down to the very foundation of the disease nnd eliminates from the system every PQlltltGtl BBQQGI thing of n poisonous character or thut obstructs and clogs the circulation. It builds up aud imparts SSrCQilS E$J8C3ISG new strength nud vitnlity to the old innutritions " blood, and when the arteries and veins are once more filled with new rich blood, the general health begins to improve, muscles grow stronger, nnd sores ami eruptions of every kind disappear. S. S. S. is the oulv guaranteed purely vegetable blood purifier, and the purest and most reliable in nil blood diseases, ft has been tested in thousands of cases during the past fifty years and is more popular today than ever. We will be glad to send you our book free, nnd if in neeil of medical advice write our physicians all about your case ; this information will cost you nothing and comes from experi enced and educated doctors. All correspondence is conducted in strictest confidence. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA. OA. INDIGESTION Constipation, Bloating after eating, Heart burn, Nervous Weakness, Impurities In the Blood and every disorder in the Kidneys or Liver is set right by PRICKLY ASH BITTERS THE SYSTEM REGULATOR It brightens the eye, steadies the nerves, sweetens the breath, brings color to the cheek, creates appetite, makes the tody strong and the brain active. SOLD AT DRUG STORES, PRICE, $1.00. S PicTOB APRIL EXCURSIONS EVERY Tuesday in April THE UNION PACIFIC THE. ONLY DIRECT LINE ACROSS THE CONTINENT Will sell tlckots nttho following roduood rates from Omaha: To OMJFOfflilfl SAN FIIANCISCO. LOS ANGE LES, SAN DIEGO, Including nil Main Lino Points, north Cull fornla Stato Lino t o Coltou, Snn Bornardino, and San Diego 5 25 To Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Montana and Washington $23 ! Ogden and Salt Lake City, Utah, Jhitte nnd Helena, Montana Portland, Oregon., Spokane, Wnsh. Tac ma and Seattle, 9R Wash WfcO New City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St. Union Station, 10th and Marcy St. Tel. 316. Tel. 629. flRVf XV fl TRAD MARK 1 4 RE -NO -MAY POWDER Manufactured by A. Mayer Company, 316 Bee Bldg. PRICE 50 CENTS. For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers Consultation Free from 2 to 4. When ordering by mail add 5 cents for postage. MDON LASTS ONE DAY Judgt of Folici Ooutt ii Suipendid b; the Citj Council. BRYCE CRAWFORD TAKES THE BENCH I in x'i It in r- ii ( rrut'Pi-illiiu Arc InMl- lulril AkiiIikI .luilm- (iorilmi mill 1U' In ( ICfil to AiiiMtr April ill lo Aiumit Clinrc. I'ollcc Judge Samuel 1. (i onion enjoyed but one day of supremacy In the city court. Clmrgc3 uero IS led iiRnlnst him Inst night by Mayor Moorcs ami bo w;h suspended by the council pemllnt? trial on those clmri;. At 10 o'clock the morning nt April 10 Juilgo (lordcm will appear before the coun cil uml stnml trlul for ninlfcasanee ami mis- feasance In olllce. llryce Crawford was ap pointed to fill the olllce of police judge until the council takes action In the Gordon case. The former Impeachment charges brought against Judge tlordon covered neventy typewritten pages, but the charges filed by the mayor last night cover more than 100 closely written pages nnd are much moro comprehensive than thoso presented In the first trial. Many additional eases In which the judge (impended sentences Illegally have been unearthed and will be brought before the council. Council linn .Itirlftillcl Inn. Judge Gordon was originally tried before Judge Dickinson of the district court aud found guilty of misfeasance In olllce. Tlio decision was reversed In tho supreme court on tliu ground that tho city council of Omalm, and not tho district court, has Jurisdiction In the case. This decision restored Judge Gordon to his scat on tho bench. Tho mayor had his orlgluul charges redrafted. Much additional evidence has been secured since thu first action, and City Attorney Council embodied this In the papers submitted to tho council last night. Six members of the council Karr, Iloye, Mount, Trostlcr, Xlmman nnd Ilnscall were present nt tho meeting. All voted to suspend Judge Gordon, with the exception of Zluimau. The appointment of Hrycc Crawford to act as police Judge was ap proved by nil tho members present. Six members of tho council havo been active In pushing tho charges which the Hoard of Kilttcattou originally brought against Judge Gordon. These members In vestigated the original charges thoroughly beforo carrying tho caso Into court. Wltn tho matter entirely In the hands of the council thero Is but little question as to thu outcome of the trial. .No iv roller .Indue Judge. Gordon's successor, Hrycc Craw ford, has been Justice, of the peace in Oinalin since last year. He Is 31 years old and has lived In Omaha fifteen years, in 1S9 1 he wbb admitted to tho bar. Since thnt tlmo ho has practiced law. Councllmcn Hascall, Mount and Zlmirmn, the commlttco appointed to draft resolu tions on tho death of l'ollco Judge William It. I. earn, HUbmltted tho following resolu tions, which were adopted by tho council; Uesulvcd, Hy tho city council of Omaha, Tlmt the announcement of tho Htilden ilenth of Judge William 11. I. earn causes regret and norrow. .n a citizen, of Omiilm ho was respected ami as a Judicial ottlcer ho wan recognized for his ability, fnlrnoxs and legal qualities displaced In 111 do cIhIoux. Ills earthly career Is pmlNI nnd wo take this lust occasion tn pxnress our appreciation of bin worth, both as a citizen and a public otllcer, and to extend our sympathy to the relatlveH of tho deceased. WWIIMfltlllllHIHIMMI I South Omaha News Howell's Anti-Kawf up. Those who responded to roll call ad journed until Friday, but It Is understood there will not be n quorum until Monday, when the vote cast at the recent election Is to bo eauvasned. The troublo seems to be about tho division of the wards. The chances are the ordinance will not bo In troduced until after Monday night. Three ordinances have been prepared, each differ ing In ward aud precinct lines. Vrrvlnu Without Pay. The filing with the city clerk of tho ordi nance naming the salaries of the city offi cial under the new charter has raised the question whether the city otnduls arc draw ing pay. I.iwyers contend that as soon as the charter went into effect nil Its provls-. Ions were to be compiled with nt once. The maximum talarlts to be paid had been pro vided for In tho charter, but tho exact amount of compensation Is to he fixed by or dinance. As the council has not noted on this ordinance It Is contended that the pres ent officials nro serving without pay. Thcae maximum salaries are provided for by the charter: Mavor. il.Smi: city treasurer. iJ.WiO: city clerk, Jl.iiW: deputy city clerk, 0; city at- lorney. ji.fiw: assistant city attorney, r.w. police judge. 1.(JU; tax commissioner, $1.5j members of the city council, tw a year each: cltv engineer. Jl.IOO: chief of Police. Jl.'JvO; rhlef of lire department, SI.'-Ml! police men, sscj: nrcmcn, One of the first duties of the council will be to pass the ordinance fixing salaries. It Is thought In most cases tho maximum sal aries will be paid". I.nlior in t Hull. A ball will be given In the dining room of (he Exchange building Monday nlgbt to lalso funds for the labor temple. Over ,"00 tickets have been sold and the building commlttco Is pushing the sale. Janicu Murphy will be master of cere monies nnd Frank Clark prompter. Here nro the committers: Itecentlon-l'hilln McKvov. I'. C. raid- well, A. C. Kerry, .lumen Thomas. K. 1. Hurt, James I.awler, A. Buckley, Stephen Vail. Ira Davis. J. O. Trotitun, 13. G. Smith. D. Davidson, Daniel .Sullivan, Otto Wtirn liack. Miss Anna Novnk, Miss Jennie Levy. Floor J. O'l.citrv. Lew Nelson. X. 13. l.owery, C. L. Dutch. J. W. Howard. Clonk uoom f reo I'urKS, James amnion, Larry Currlit, Hurry Low cry. John Khel, V. 11. l'lercn Door H. S. Nevlns. A. N Davis. IM Copenharvc. All committees, including the building committee, will meet In Labor hall, l'ackers' National bank building, Sunday afternoon nt 2. A Spring Poem. Tho hmIw tho beautiful snow, Itrlttss that cough, that horrlblu couu'li, Which down to your lungs may o, Your mortal coll to huuIIIo off, Don't you hcllovo It Antl-Kawf will fix II Only '-'."i! nt tho Drug Stoic 4Qk :t run Mormon UlshODm' Pill tum been ii ute otrr t cirh bv tn lcuri of tho Monnot cmu n uteir isnu. i , 1 c n the wont tutt in M ytctn, truing1 from erin of tet(&tjuic, duilpitlon, tucbtei, cr clcfctt(acVlnf, Curoi' L.O Manhoodf lm. potpney, Loet Power. NIchtrLoiaes. Spermatorrhoea Insomnlu, Pain? inunck, t.yi pesirovi DomirtQi Binisiionu, inme ooHt nervaua un lUUUICML C'l uci HI. lit K uit It r.i vouu. rvl, charge; stops A r r ifnte.j. tc t - ' in JUiMviMUJ a f-t!- 1 r -ni . tu r SALB UY UllUG CO., 16TU ANU VAHNAH The Bee Want Ads Produce Results- MMMMNMMO Work on tho now sale pavilion nt tho stock yurdu has been begun. Ground was broken Thursday nnd tho construction of tho building will bo pushed ns rapidly as tho weather permits. When tho pavilion Is completed this market will have ample facilities for tho sale of pure bred stock. Tho pavilion nnd barn will occupy a ground space 110x03 feet nnd will bo on tho triangular strip Im mediately south of tho present barn. The sale ring will bo In tho east end of tho building and will havo a seating capacity for COO people. All of tho seats will bo of tho opera chnlr pattern nnd will be ar ranged In a scml-clrclo and hi tiers, giving all present a splendid view of tho salo ring, Speaking of tho new building yesterday, General Manager Kenyon snld that last year with splendid facilities Chicago held four teen sales of pure, bred stock, whllo South Omaha, with practically no facilities, held ten successful sales. In this now structure tho good features of tho salo pavilions at Chicago and Knnsas City will bo combined A number of modern Improvements will bo added, making tho pavilion hero one of tho best lu tho country In design tho building will bo attractive and modern In every respect. No expense will bo spared tp provide for tho wants of llvo stock owners who dcslru to havo sales here, Colonel M. Woods, veteran llvo stock auctioneer, has long held that-wlth Its con trnl location and admirable railroad faelll ties soutn omana was mcicing oniy in a first-class Halo pavilion. The erection of this pavilion will, It Is thought, make this market tho leading point for sales of pure bred stock. It Is expected the pnvlllon will bo completed May 4, Next week sales will be as follows nt tho yards here: Tuesday, April 9 K. A. Hd wards, Web ster City, la., shorthoriiH. Wednesday, April 10-N. A. Llnd, llolfe, In., shorthorns, Thursday, April 11 Korns & Lec, Victor, Iu.. shorthorns. Friday. April 12-C. C. Illgler & Son. Vie tor, lu., shortlioniH. , City Hull lloniU. On account of tho crowded condition of tho city hall tho suggestion has been made that as soon ns matters can sliapo them selves tho city Issue bonds for tho pur chase of a site nnd tho erection of n city hall building. At tho samo tlmo bonds for tho purcbaso of a site for tho proposed library could bo voted, It Is thought JtO, 000 will be enough for Uoth, A city hall largo enough for all purposes could, It l& asserted, be constructed for $25,000, leav ing tho balance for tbo sites. In tho present city building' tho nfuclals arc crowded and thero Is no place for a tax commissioner. Tho city Is paying rent for the building It now occupies at the rato of $1,800 n year and this will go a long way toward paying tho Interest on the bonds, Whlln tho city has n lease on Its present quarters It Is thought suitable arrangements can be made for n transfer. Tho vacant property nt Twenty-fifth and M streets has been sug gested us a suitable site for a city hall building. Miuiilil Iti'inilr 1'avliiH. The pavement on Twenty-fourth street Is In bad shape nnd It Is thought tho council will tako steps to havo It repaired. Last summer the work was done by the city, when the holes woro tilled with broken stone and cement. Tho snmo plan may be pur sued this year, ns It Is considered that the repairs mado proved satisfactory, Tho cost last year was about $1,000, while thn at plialt compauy wanted something over $2, 000 to place the street In flrst-class condition. Dfiiillock CoiitliiufK. The deadlock In tho city council continues. At tho adjourned meeting Thursday night there was no quorum. Mayor Kelly j'rrs. Ueut Adklus, Fltlc aud Miller failed to show I' I'll n U Stnliiiuuli lliiliif. Dr. Frank W. Slnbaugh returned yester day from California, where ho passed n month, most of the tlmo nt Ixs Angeles. From thero ho made a number of trips to Santa Catnllna Island for tho purpose of trying the tunn fishing. The doctor didn't succeed in landing n tunn, hut he Is loaded with anecdotes of this kind of sport. Ho snld that ono of the guests at tho Island was towed eight miles to sen by a monster tuna. At U'o end of this long run tho tuna whs tired out nnd was then gntfed without trouble. On his return trip the doctor came over the southern route and spent n day or two In Old Mexico. The doctor Is nn en thusiastic amntenr photographer and se cured many Interesting views. Icr (aiiCN lllitlicr. A prominent denier In ico said last even ing the chances nre Ice will be 10 conts a hundred higher this summer than last. This Increase In price Is caused by the light crop harvested In tho vicinity of Omaha. It Is understood that for domestic use a largo quantity of lee is to bo shipped from Minnesota. Mnlc City fioxNlp. Henry Slles has returned from a western trip. Miss- Oihlln, Twenty-seventh and II streets, Is 111. Fred Meleher, npn of C. A. Jlclcher, druggist, Is sick. Another carload of pipe for the gas com pany arrived yesterday. Miss Lilian Marshall is to return from her eastern trip this evening. A son lias been born to Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Weppner, KIgliteenth and 51 streets. Frank D. Scot I of Sioux City liaised yes terdny with South Omaha friends and rela tives. Mr. nnd Mrs. Leopold Mnrvlus, Thirty ninth and V streets, announce tins birth of a sun. Dnu llaniinn Is grading for n sidewnlk for Ityun's coal yard at Forty-second nnd Q streets. Chief Ktter of tho lire department lias moved Into bis new bouse, Twenty-llrst nnd II streets. Clover Leaf camp will meet April 11. tho meeting called for last night having been postponed. A. RnsniusMon of Armour's office force Is at bis bonie, Twenty-second and S streets, with grip. Councilman Fred Martin Is recovering from grip, Mo said last evening tho report that bo resigned his position at tho Ham mond plant wns unfounded. Tho iiunrterlv meetliiK of tho auxiliaries of the Christian Hoard of Missions will be In tho Christian church, Twenty-third and K streets, Tuesday. The session will last all day and lunch will be served. Wheels! Wheels! Wheels!- how they bI Illdo a Die wheel and be tn the swim. BODY ARRIVES AT MIAMI ItClllllllIN III Cliptlllll Mil I'M i:lt-('t('ll to IteiM'li Oiiiiilin Sunday M i nil ii K. ' Always Tired A telegram wns received yesterday from Miami, Fla., by Mrs. W. W. Mnrsh, that the body of her husband, Captain Marsh, arrived at thnt port yesterday and was taken nt onco to Jacksonville. Tho tela gram was sent by Allen Mnrsh, who wns with his father In Nassau, Bahama Islands, at his death. He said further In tho telegram that he expected to nrrlxo In Chlcngn Saturday nfternoon nt C nnd would probably reach Omaha Sunday morning. No definite, ar rangements havo been mado for Captain Marsh's funeral. Services will bo nt tho Mnrsh home, 804 Pine street, either Mondey or Tuesday afternoon, Of course you are. Tired when you go to bed, tired when you get up, tired all the time. Your doctor calls it nerve exhaustion, general debility. He recommends a nerve lifter, a general tonic. Ask him what he thinks of Ayer's Sarsaparilla for this. We are willing to leave the question with him, He knows all about our Sarsaparilla and what it will do. For half-sick and half-well people there isn't a medicine its equal in the whole world. Jl.fO t bottle. All drujjlili. J, C. A Yni CO,, Lowell, Mass. TfteBest of Both Havana leaf inside, Sumatra wrapper out side, cleanliness and good workmanship all the way through. That's .Wll'.V'"'".'.! ... S t I 1-1 AK AN AW EL L 5 Cent Cigar A man who emokus El Morito knowf our saying's truo: "It Brings Havana Home to You." Toll your dealur it's time to deal El Morito. BOLTZ, CLYMER & CO., Philadelphia. PEREGOY & MOORE, DISTRIBUTORS, Omahn. tint' vn . ,,'M TO 1 (COPYRIGHTED FEBRUARY II, 1901) Count the Dots Over $1,000 in Prizes for Guessing Correct Number Conditions Evf;ry subscriber new or old will be en titled to one guess for every fifteen cents paid on his subscrip tion account. All paymonta nnd guesses must be mado direct to Tbo lice. Office, per sonally or by mall, UNI.KS9 you nro taking Tlio Uee from nn authorized ngent, In which ensu you will pny tli agent and he will Bend your kucss and remittance to un Immediately, after deducting his usual commission. Xa Kiiraii Trill lip rreorJeil ult ima accompanied hy payment on nhacrlptlnn. ............ . ;. .. :$!::; ! . .. . wmm&m$m mm . ! ...!. !... .....'....:: . ... ;. i ... t .. .... . .... . . s THE PRIZES: To those guessing the correct or NEAREST COR RECT number of dots The Bee will give the follow ing prizes G0.00 00.00 1st prize 50.00 wish value; HO.OO 2nd prize Davis Hall-bearing drop-head Sewing Machine value 3d prize High Grade Bioyclo (choice of make) value 4th prize High Grade Bicycle (choice of make) value 40.00 5th prize 30 Bicycle value 30.00 0th prize S25.00 Bicycle value 25.00 7th prize Pair Belgian Hares value 8th prize Silk Dress Pattern value. 9th prize Kodak Cycle Poco value 10th prize Winchester Hitle magazine 22 calibei value 10.00 1S.00 15.00 15.00 -Two tons Soft Coal value -Two tons Soft Coal value. . 11th prize 12th prize- 13th prize A PIG 14th prize Standard Dictionary value 15th prize Standard Dictionary value 10th prize Standard Dictionary value 17th prize Standard Dictionary value 18th prize Standard Dictionary value J 9th prize Standard Dictionary value 20th prize One Sack Golden Sheaf Flviur value ALSO 500 Books value i 200.00 1,000 Art Pictures value 500.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 1.00 TOTAL $1,106.00 AND A PIG Every One Who Guesses the Correct Number Gets a Prize. Tho first prize goes to the first out) bringing in the correct or nearest correct guess; the second prize to thu next onu bringing in tho conect or nearest correct guess, etc. Pay a Year's Subscription and Get 52 Guesses USE THIS BLANK IN ALL CASES. Duto received A.M Tiik Bkk lYiiLisniNn Co., Omaha, Nun. Tlmo ,,,M Enclosed find $ to apply on my sub scriptiou account. iNamo I GUESSES ON DOTS I Street and No Wlicre paper Is delivered. Statu, PostoHioe Where pnper Is cent. State whether NEW or OLD subscribers. Address Puzzle Department, Bee Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb. To Contestants. .The Beo, upon recoipt of 10 cents, will pend at tho close of thi contest a diagram of the above puzzle so constructed aa to prove tho correct answor to the satisfaction of all contestants. N. B. No ono connected with Tho Bee directly or indirectly will bo allowed to enter this Contest.