Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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MIA'.'el MB.VTIO..
Dart toils dm.
Htockert sell cjrpet and runs.
Eatr ale today. Ji Main trt.
Oa fixtures awl global at BUby.
Hi A 11 C beer, Ne'-imayer' hotel.
Woliman, scientific optician.
W. J. Hostetter. dentist. Baldwin block.
lrfTerl. Jvteler, optician. Hroadway.
SfMll'X quarantine ' th" wlekn,irn
r-td-nce' ha bn raised.
Klni HW oak bedroom ulte for sale
. hcj. W Fojftn avenjw.
Nw noveltl- for Katr gifts.
C. K.
Aie-xaneKr A Co., SB H way.
V. K. Graft, undertakr and dlslnfector,
191 South Main street. 'Phone UA.
Get ejr work done at the popular LaU
laundry. 711 Hroadway. '1'hone U.
MIm Alllll Orabam of the roun'y re
r orders tarr u at rime with (trip.
Morgan u Klein. uptioUterinK., uuf
rein Inn, matlr tnain. U2 t. Hairi si.
Hii iAne to IlUf-
faj, V.. to pafl th summer with rela
tive. The Woman- Jle-ll-f e-oriM " '
meet this afternewn in Grnd Army of ne
U'J.ubllr hall
llr. H M. Inlkr of Janesvltl', Wis.. 1
Waiting her parent. Mr. and Mr J. r.
Oliver of I'ark ave-nu.
A want ad In The IS'e will bring result.
'Ihe same attention Klven to a want ad in
ounctl Muff aa at the urnaha ottce.
MtM -harlty IJabcwk of Chicago, who
has lrtn vMtlnt? her Mt-r, aw Cnnrle
HaaF. ht xofw to Spokane. ttash.. on a
William Charter cf Hprinafielel. Maai l
Ku-t of hfei brother-in-law Ovid le-n.
and family, lie 'Xf-rtU to ttlj in i-ouncll
J V. Grot of Wemtntde, I.. Instwetor of
tho fr rural delivery service, was In this
lty yesterday and made an Inspection ot
r-iral rout's No J.
The money orde dfartmnt at th- rrftat
ofllro ha Iwen rne,veei Iwck to It former
iuArter. whkh wer vacated white the
contractor wn making repairs-
Fidelity poun'll N" IS. lloyal Arranum.
will m"t tonlifht. iire will 1 work for
tho dKre team. This will be the Unt
meeting before the grand council
I. ! Jirf. n 5 Hfith avenue, telephone
ill, has an r-acr to k farm and l'-acr
frul; and grain farm. tnre mnes n-irm oi
city, for rent. Kepurato Improvement.
B H. Cook of OmahA and lr G A.
Karl wer married yestrrday afterrfwn at
th- home of th bride. W Avenue I), by
ftev. It. Venting "f the First I!pttt
Deputy Sheriff fanning, although feeling
hore aa a reuult of the runaway acrldent
in which he wan mixed up. waa able tobe
on duty yenterday. Deputy Sheriff IlaCer
U ullll In bed.
Judge Mcl'h'riujn of the federal court
ye-ntorday overruled the motion ot the d--fendanta
for a new trial In ths fane of M.
K. Smith tt Co. of Omaha agalmit Martin
.Seal and other.
Mr Jennie Amy haa tiled original notlm
In the district court of a ult agalnnt H. l
Amy and otherii. In whlrh she e!s to col.
leet a Judgment for Y-nS ecured In the
I'tah courts In a divorce suit.
The funeral of William I.. Towner will be
this afternoon at ::) from the residence.
Jt.'i Worth street Kev W. H Cable of
Trinity Methodist church will olllclate.
liurlnf will tw In Falrvlew cemetery.
These building jpermlts were I si pad yes
terday. II. II. Kohlwey. one-story frame
cottage cm Twelfth avenue. WH; Iiige ft
liugee, ugi.'iitK, three two-story frame cot.
tages on Uroadwa.y near Frank street,
v.inn. Infant of Mr. and Mrs
U. 1'. Trlplett of Quick, died ycttrday
morning, aged H months .The funeral will
be this afternoon at 2 from h: family
residence. Hurlal will Ixs In ll.irdm town
ship cemetery.
Welis CiKk was on examination by the.
Hoard of InHanlty CVjmmlssloners yesterday
found to r; mentally rterar.g'd and was
orderrd committed t the stiile. asylum
nt flarlnda He will be taken there this
morninit by JJepulj- finerlff Canning.
B. Faglcy l to have a hearing In police
court this morning on an assault arid bat
tery charge preferred against him by J.
Isley. The families have had trouble over
a line fence mid Mr. Isley Is alleged to
have struck Frtgley with an ax handle.
Fagley retaltaated, so Isley allege., by
throwing a club at him.
A Mrs. Allison, who declined to give her
residence, was at the olrice of the clerk of
the district court yerterday looking over
tho marriage record to see If her soti, a
minor, had secured a license here. A
license hud been Issued a tnvr days ago to a
man named Allison, but she was duubtfu' If
It was her son, and when J-avltig she salu
she would Investigate the ir.atter furthef
Attorney J J lless, llh his wife and
child, had a narrow escape from serious In
Jury yesterday evening while driving on
Scott street The horse became unmanage
able and started to run awny, but collided
with the Iron work of tho bridge over the
creek, 'il.j buggy was wr'ckedand the or
fntiiiniH were thrown out. Mr. it nil Mrs
Mesa and. the child escaped with a few
There was filed In the ofllce of the county
recorder yesterday the constitution of the
German Bvungellral Lutheran Congrega
tional church of Mlnden, la. Signers to the
constitution are B. C OBthoff. jiastur, I
Koch, Jr., Jacob Bngler. Peter (.linger. J.
N. IMepor. The congregation Is to be Inde
pendent and Kovern itseii. nervices win
be in German In the morning at tho option
or the p.istor untl In the evening In
llsli. Oc'tecllvo Weir and other members of
tlm polices forte are trying to figuri; out
how they managed to let 'J) slip through
their lingers They discovered yesterday
morning that Frank Hurke, one of the
two men arrested for stealing brass Jour
nals from street car and dlscnarged
Wednesday, Is wanted In Chicago for bur
glary, nnd that there Is a reward of li
for his culture. Hurko when discharged
Inn no lime In leaving the city, not even
waiting In secure his effects, which had
been taken from lilm when placed under
N. V. Plumbing Co., teiepnone 250.
Rubscilbers In tho gucselng contest can
register their coupons at the Council Illuffs
office tho same as at the Omaha office.
Mnrrlaxr License.
License! to wed were Issued yesterday to
thu following
Name nnd IteHlileiite
Orvllln Johnson. Council Hluffa ..
Loe Curry, Council illuffs
i: H, Conk. Omaha
II. A. iHrle, Council Illuffs
.... SI
.... 41
Subscribers In tho gucuslng contest can
register their coupon at tho Council Illuffs
office the same as at tho Omaha office.
Rubber stamps nt DelxinB's. 307 n'way.
Ami that swell suit will
give you a neater appear
and! If you wear a pair of
those elegant
wei are showing for the
spring trade, They are
stylish, made by skilled
workmen and will wear
longer than any other
shoe bought for the same
inuney elsewhere. See our
show windows for the
latest novelties In foot
l.imU for the Hear.
Negotiated In Katern Nebraska
and Iowa. Jamas N, Casady, Jr.,
US Main tit., Council llluffa.
Funeral Director
(Successor to W. C. Eatap)
Council Blcffi HeiiUUt in Iu Pltst for
Public Ecptien.
fletarnlnit Minister to l.e AsWed on Ills
Arrttnl nl the Const to Accept
lona'a llospltnlltj on the llor
ders of III Mate.
The meeting lait nlgbt In the city hall
of tho committee appointed by Mayor J
nlngs to arrange for the reception to Min
liter Ccneer on his arrival in CoudcII nittS
was well attended but there was a wide
dlffereeee of opinion wbe'her definite ar
rangement! for a reception should be made
before Mr Coagers wishes In the matter
tr ascertained.
Several of the committee wire of the
opinion that arringenenu far the reep
tlon should be carried out and Mr. Conger t
notified as iexn as h reached Fan l ran- required to prepare the lnue of InnVnotea.
Cisco that u reception bad been planned for I active roaangement of the bank will
him on bis entry Into Iowa. Other! thought ! jB tBe baB4 nf Mr. Price, who was, ferm
that Mr. Conger wishes in the matter J tTly , tn, banking truilnea at Vail, la. He
abould be ascertained first and If he waa , W)n rem0ye with his family from Clinton
willing to slop over here and afford the p-o- . t0 xMt ritf While In the city yeaterday
pie of this e.ty an opportunity t g-eet Koehnle and Price looked at several pro
him then the arrangement for the reeep- j. location for the new bank, bet did
tlon should be made. j not arrive at any decision. The receivers
The consensus of opinion wa that the j 0f ,,, nsicer & I"uey bank made them an
transfer depot wai not a proper M&ce to j 0ge. t0 Mn ,nfc bank property at
give Minister Conger a fitting reception and J j)roaday and North Main street, but this
If Mr. Conger accepts the invitation of ending wocld require coaalderable rcmod
the committee arrangeaent win be sde j ej0tf ,B,j repairs. It Is understood Mr.
for a reception at the Grand hotel or else
where, to be followed by a banquet or
After a lengthy duwunilon of the matter
was appointee wun iuii
ooviff to make
all preliminary arrange
ment for the reception George F. Wright.
Congressman Smith. C M- Harl, Post
master Treynor and Victor E. Isender.
This committee will communicate with
Minister Conget by letter and telegraph the
desire of the people of Council Bluffs to
tender hlra a reception and request him to
telegraph his wishes In the matter Imme
diately on landing In San Francisco.
A meeting of this committee will be this
morning at 1 o clock In the pojtofflce to
prepare plans for the reception and report
at a meeting of the whole committee ln
tbe city ball tonight.
Pavls tell glass.
t;ll.M .It ltV ATT.W.K.S (i t.MIII.IMJ.
Clods nn Indictment In
II ro ill: lit lletore
V. rry
The grand Jury having completed I's de
liberation! and being anxious to be dis
charged for this term, Judge Wheeler, al
though still far from well, occupied the
bench of the district court yesterday after
noon sufficiently long to recclvej Its report, j
The report was a record breaker In one re- i
apect In that it showed that Indictment
had been returned in ctery case presented
to the grand Jury and that not a single "no
bill" had been found. Twenty-five indict
ments were returned, but of these only a
few were madj public. a tbe defendants
In the others are not In custody.
It had been ruroorcid that' the grand Jury
had been investigating the matter of the
gambling rooms alleged to be running on
the quiet and the report presented to the
court showed that this rumor had more or
leas foundation. Among the Indictments
returned was one against Ed Anderson,
charged with conducting a gambling house,
over the Manhattan saloon, at 418 West
Hroadway. James Ruberg and Peter Ras
mussen, keepers of the Manhattan saloon.
were indicted on tnn cnarge oi kccpiuk
nuisance and selling liquor contrary
law. The; attention of the public and sup
posedly that of the grand Jury was called to
this saloon and the poker game said to
flourish In the rooms over it by the case of
W. H. nennctt. who was arrested by the
federal authorities for passing a counter
feit IS bill. Rennett was convicted and Is
. . . ... ...I
now serving a senionco in mo county ju
at Red Oak. Ilennelt attempted to buy
chips at the poker game In the Manhattan
saloon with the counterfeit bill and wa.i
turned down by Anderson, who Informed
him tho money was bogus. Bennett then
went to a Hroadway grocer and Induced him
to change the bill. With the money thus
secured Bennett bought Into the poker game
and soon lost the proceeds of the counter
feit bill. Thl was prove.) at the trial last
month of Bennett In tbo United States
Anderson, Ruberg and RasrntiBsen at once
gave ball, their bonds being fixed at
Mnuth O in a Im llrrnrr Indicted.
P. Jcttcr, president of tho South Omaha
Brewing company, and Frnnk Walklngton
were Indicted for keeping a nuisance. The.
South Omaha Brewing company owns the
saloon on Broadway opposite tho postoftVe
and Walklngton, who until a few month
ago was a member of Mayor Jcnnlngtr
pollco force, lu ln charge of It. Tho evi
dence before tho grand Jury which ac
companies tho Indictment charges them
with maintaining an assignation house lu
tho room over tho saloon, where beer nnd
other Intoxicating HquorH were Bold, tho
rooms and tbo galoon being connected by a
dumb waiter The evidence showed that
Jetter paid the rent for the building, hut
did not charge n Mrs. Frascr, who had
charge- of the rooms, any rent. The com
plnlnt was mado by residents of tho ad
joining building. Walklngton nt onco gave
ball and arrangements for ball for Presi
dent Jotter wen? mode by a representative
of tho brewing company.
An Indictment was returned against John
Noonan on tbo churgo of breaking Into
David Bradley & Co,' ofllce the night of
February 13 nnd Htcallng n quantity of
revenue stamps and minor articles. His
ball wa fixed at 1300, Noonan putting up
a cash bond.
Clarence Spur lock was Indicted on tho
charge of breaking luto the barn of William
Kirby In Keg Crook township and Healing
a set of harnesB, the property of George S.
Davis, At his preliminary hearing Spur
lock said Mrs, Klrby, ngalnst whom her
husband has brought suit for .divorce, gave
him permission to take the harness, sho
claiming It to be her property.
Louis nnd Henry Smith, negroes, who
have been In tho county Jail since January
24, charged with stealing a gold watch from
Robinson Bros." store on Broadway, were
The grand Jury visited the county and
city Jails ami reported both In good condi
tion, except as to the revolving cage at the
county bastlle, which they recommended
Hhould bo placed In proper repair nt once
by the county supervisors.
Buy your trees, shrubs nnd roses oi
Meneray, Orders filled by mall or express.
C22 East Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
Gravel roofing. A, H, Read. 641 Broad'y.
Moss Nay lie- Gathers Goods.
The pollco recovered at tho "Haunted
House" yesterday more of Iho plunder al
leged to havo been stolen by the Carleton
family from a number of store lu this city
The little girl, charged w,'h Mealing
child' bank, pleaded guilty in police court
yesterday morning, but m not nn'd
The caie again' Mrs. Carl on and kr
stpoii. Homer Mmi, w eotmud until
today. Otflrgi; Carletwn was released and
gave- bond to appear a wite. Mmi de
clared be stole all the goodr. and that Mrs
Carleton waf Wametes In the matter.
Everylwdy admires tte beaatlfal plan for
the elks' bttildlDg daw on eihlbttlon at
liourlelus. V& Droadsay. whore the organ
itanda wpon the building.
SabMrltKrs In the gassing c
reglatcr ilwlr eoupona at the Couocll Illu3s
offleo the ame a at the Omaba ofilce.
Drill. on nml Clinton I'romciters Knor
I'earl "treel l.rtesi t Ion.
Carl F Koehnle of Denicn and E.
I'rlec of Clinton, two of the crpttallsts who
are organizing 'he commercial National
bank to b established In Council JIWCs.
were la thu city yesterday with a view to
interesting some of the trualns en In the
ew inatltatlos.
Mr. Kueanle and bis aaeocfate In the rn
terprtte bare leeored a charter from the
government for the bank, but it will prob
ably be two months or longer twice the In
motion Is opentd for buelneac. Kven after
the repaired bond dencMtl has been made It
, nti-aated that at least a month will be
Kuehnlc i favorable to securing the room
now occupied by Leonard Everett aa a real
estate ollic on Pearl street. Thl room Is
not only commodious, bet also Is provided
with a large fireproof vault.
Mr. Kuehnte said that while he and bis
associates were dtsirocs of Interesting
Council Illuffs capital In tbe bank, tbey bad
all the capital necessary. They would like,
however, he said, to place some of the stock
In the city so as to make it a Council Bluffk
concern as far as possible.
The charter for the new bank has been
granted to Carl F. Kuebnle. Jacob Sims. C
E. Prlre and G. W. Nicholson. Mr. Sim Is
a well known attorney of this city who re
cently became Identified with the firm cf
Shaw 4 Kuehnle at Denlson. Tbe establish
ment of the new bank here will necessitate
Mr. Sims retaining his residence In this city
and he will not remove to Denlson at he
The attractions of Easter windows arc
more pronounced this year than ever before
as all the stores are making an extra effort
to display their goods in tbe most Inviting
manner. Smith ii Bradley have outdistanced
all previous efforts In this respect and their
handsome Easter windows are exciting tbe
admiration of everybody.
Ileceler A n t liorlseil lei Take Cash
from Men Who Owe llnnk,
Recclicrs Heresbcirn and Murphy were
authorized yesterday by Judge Wheeler to
effect a settlement with John P. Weaver,
whoie Indebtedness to the Officer & Puscy
bank amounted to between JW.00O and 00,
000. The banking 8rm held a blanket raort
gago on all Weaver's property, Including
his 'brickyard machinery and stock ot
brick. Tho property Includes a large
amount of real estate and the receivers
were authorized to have It appraised for
the purpose of the settlement.
The receivers were also authorized to ac-
i ccpt 430'from W. F. Patton In full payment
i of a noto fsr 440 given ln December. 1SS0.
The receivers have served notice to va-
I inla i n nil lnnnla r r land ntVCifH hv tVlf
. . ... . . ! . .....
i oanK in oruer mat sucn lanas may ue nuiu
under the rccnt order of the court author
izing such on the part of the receivers.
Tbe reception to Minister Conger, the
state encampment, the opening of tho Elks'
building on April 111 and tbo cwell line of
men's Easter bats at Smith ft Bradley's are
four of tho most Interesting subjects un
der discussion at present.
lr. I. T.
iiii ci A iiolnleil Count
Ph xli'lnti lit .Nc-olii.
The Board of County Supervisors trans
acted little biisinesK yesterday outside of al
lowing a large batch of bills and attending
to road matters. No action was taken on
tho smallpox bills, as the county attorney
had not submitted his opinion.
Dr. I. T. Van NesH was appointed county
physician nt Ncola to till t'.ie vacancy caused
by the removal ot Dr. Robins.
County Recorder Smith submitted his re
port for the first quarter, ending March 31
showing 2,22.1 Instruments filed and 11.171.10
collected In fees, an follows: January, In
strumcnts filed, 012; fees collected. 118.40.
February, Instruments filed, "13: fees col
looted, UO.K, March, Instruments filed.
iOO; fees collected, J5S3.Q5.
A thlrty-scvcn-potind packago of special
Eaatcr neckwear from (Tarter & Holmes of
Now York arrived by express and will bo
placed on sale this morning by Smith &
Bradley, the furnishers and hatters.
Itenl Bxtiili- Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterday In
tho abstract, title and loan office of J. W.
Squire. 101 Pearl street:
Security SavlngH bank to Horace B.
Gould, w', lot 12. block 31. ilayllss tr
Palmer s add; lot 5, block Bvann'
2d Bridge add, h w d J oih
Susan It. Walker and husband to
David H Klnsey. lot 17, Auditor's
sub nw'i no'4 12-75-10, w il....
Hennlng Knehnliack nnd wife tu
Charles Harder, ' block 01, Allen
& Cook's add to Amicii, w d
Deie Moines Saddlery company to J.
L. Hunker, p.ut lot IS, block 15, town
of Walnut, w il
George Miller, ndmlnlitmtor, to
Frank Peterson, lot 3, blo-.k J2,
Howard' mid. mlm. d
Heirs of John Grove to Christian
lliitterschon, sou 17 hnd w',4 ne'.i
20-77-3S. w d 15.000
Jacob F. Smith anil wlfo to lrfnnnril
Bverctt, executor, lot IS, block 13
Williams' 1st add to Council Illuffs,
w il
David II. Kluxey and wife to Frank
I'lkc, lots If! anil 17, Auditor's sub
nwU tie 12-75-40. w d 2 i
Total, eight transfers' $1S,"1
Davis sells lialnt.
t'linlriii't nt .n'Iiiiii,
Thu Statu Bonn! of Control has awarded
to Stephun nroK. of this city the contract
for the plumbing In tho net sluto Inajnt
asylum to be erected nt Cherol;ec. Stcphan
nros. ccurcd the contract on their hid cf
123,000. Another firm bid 19.r.00 but failed
to quality. Thl makes the fourth contract
....... 1 l,v tlm Clcttn Tlft-i nl ttl fnntrAt
thlu Council llluffa firm
But:srrbern In the Kiluhslns contest ran
rcRlatiT their coupons at tho Council Illiina
offleo the same as at tho Omaha offle.
Tit Itentore llrillli'll lle-trnuc- (llllee.
nUKLlNOTON, la., April L (Special Te
esram.) Revenue Collector Kemble ha
been ordered to restoro tho branch oftVes
and salaries nt Keokuk and Cl'nton, qI j
thu voslllou of traveling de-put. j
p i 1 1 ontiMvc- ta nt.M.'Dirn
7 itV In
kZl latlfi ln!
cchts to
Vion 03 nemi
I)e Moines Court Term Umndoneit on
Account of Mnnllpox t oiiiplnlitt
on Itnllnn M-rlc Mtorncj
to Occ-ti 1'ulplt,
IjKS MOINES, April I. (Spe:lil.) The
Ueol on (mbezztcniint cast. whl:h
uadtr peculiar cireumstancci and has ai-
I rcsdr devalcoed decided senratlons. tils
Ulr to furn'.ah ittll ciaers. ixniron ti on !
trial for falluro to account to Mrs. Per- j
on ftr ti.W) ecl ested from Mrs. Cramp-1
ton la settlement of a salt for alienation '
cf the affections of Per.'ons. A warrant in
exit for the a:re... of a lawyer. P. S. i
for tba ame crime. Denlton trying to shift '
eWo'lbllity to the lawyer. New comet
iTJS'r element in tte case A .raveling ,
man bas btn suramosel to app ar as
ben saamosei to rP ar as a
wUneaH In 'he ease and he declares that
-HViX-Vl"" -V "I "
son who wantel
in h.ln In a ntnt in '
,. i
deceive Mr. Cnmpton, and ge: her rocney
Va T"l I . tl aetmi a Vi r
U V.; ZT74 urn and w'ho d" a cabinet I
and called do-n the .rlrlt. at wl.l I
Mn. Crarapton was a believer in spirits.
She bad M.VHf, realized from the sale of
her Intert si ln the Des Molne property.
,1he wa to have brought be'ere her the ,
rfoierthe th man he otltrht to matrV
for eeni btisbacd. This wis to te the ,
tratellng man Ho was sukssquently to'
rnarrr the widow, and ihus gain pojeesslon '
of he- tnoacv. Ths traveling man charcei :
tbst the deal as subsequently made with
Attorney Harrli to engage In the deception
and ihat Harrtr thus got into the case
Tbe issuance ot the warrant fcr tbe arrest
of HxrrU, who his been under lndl;tmnt now paymaster In the volunteers with rauk
for eaibeiilement in another cacs. ts a of captain, but goea into the regular serv
par. of the defense, to ihi-v the whole ' Ice as an assistant paymaster. Rev. O. H.
thing wa the retult of a big conspiracy , I.. Mason, formerly of Green Mountain,
to cheat Mr Cratnpton. and ihit tte fact. but now of Keinbeck. was chaplain of the
she i a believer In was to ' Forty-ninth regiment from Ioa while In
hi used to help In the conspiracy.
Ice- Plnnt at Glen nod.
John Cownlt. cf the State Board of C.n
trol returned today from visiting a num
ber of tbe s'ate Institutions. At Glenwood
the board Inspected the new ice plant re
frigerating process, which Is being tested,
but which has not yet been put In opera
tion. The plant will be able to supply the
Institution with Ice regularly during the
coming summer. It Is the first lce-maklng
plant installed at any state Institution in
the stale, and it is probable others will te i
ordered. Tbe board found things In good
condition et Clatlnda, Council Bluffs and
Mount Pleasant.
County .'at Content In Mom,
A county teal contest witbou a remon
strance to go along with the petition open
ing up the case Is a novelty ln Iowa, but
such Is tbe situation In Sioux county ln ,
northwettern Iowa. Tbe people of Alton
got out a petition asking a vote on thf
question of removing tho scat of county
Justice Irom Orange City to Alton. The
petition has Just been filed and It contains
the names of 3.-00 voters out of the 3,000
In the county. Tbe people of Orange City
held a public meeting and decided tbat It
was not worth while to get cut a remon
strance. Tho matter will te submitted to
a vote next fall without opposition. Tbe
Orange City people wiil make a de'ermlncJ
fight at the polls to save their court hoLse.
Tho two towns are only four miles apart.
Orange City Is tbo old town laid out by
the Holland colonists, who settled north
western Iowa and the younger clement In
the county desires a new county seat.
Veteran Itiillrotitlrr Itrtlre.
J. T. Moran ot Dubuque has Just rctlre-1
as road supervisor ict tho Dubuque di
vision of tbe Illinois Central He cnt red
the service of tbe Central at Freeport. in
sition with the Central less exacting for
an old man, but has not yet decldel
whether ho will accept it or retire per
manently. Court Term Almniloiied,
The four Judges of the dls rlct court tit
ling In lies Moines havo practically decided
ution abandoning the present term on ac
count of smallpox. Tbo court has been
much broken Into be -auto of smal pox In
the court house. Thcro has been no sitting
of the court in the court bouse for two
weeks and now adjournment bas been taken
for a week or mare when, It wes de ided, un
less there was improvement In the situa
tion here the term should bo adjourned
and all cases be carried over. There are
thirty-five eases of smallpox In the Tracy
hospital, which tho city leased for use of
smallpox patients who cannot be cared for
at homo.
iteopen Train Cninplnlnt.
The committee of the United Commercial
Travelers having charge of the matter of
trying' to induco tbe Milwaukee railroad
to put on another train nn the main line
through Iowa between Marion and Council
Bluffs has given up hope of having the
matter heltled by agreement and 1ihh re
opened the case before the Male railroad
commissioners. The commissioners, after
receiving tho large petition which had been
prepared asking tbat the company put on
another passenger train on the division
was asked to withhold action for a time,
but now tho traveling men derlare that nil
efforts lo secure tho train have proved
futile and they ask the commissioner to in
vestigate. Vn .Indue to 'try the Cnsc.
Tho troubles of tho owners of tho Du
buque Dally Telegraph, tho freo silver or
gan of the stato, lave brought about com
plications at Dubuque forcing attorneys and
the courts to aek the chief Justice of the
supreme court to assign another district
Judge to try tho caso from Eomc other dis
trict. William Quigley Is suing his brother
P. J. Quigley, for an accounting of tho
profits and for n receiver to condurt the
business, (lending a riottlvmcnt. anil
chnneo of venuo was demanded from .Inrlire
' Matthews on account of alleged prejudice-
PHIL fi, 1001.
' n en i in Jiidce o lonnel! who .! be
insble to hear th case A a it a .d'f
demanding quick action the attornes and
the Judge bare petitioned the supreme
Judge to aend another J'idge to llubiiq'ic
to try the rare, something not before done
1 In Iowa.
Wnnls frntirhlsr In Wlnlrrsrt.
J a Folk, prealdpr.t of the mteruf ban (
iiii. fi pnmMnv uent in Wlnterset and
PrMeD,;,1 t0 lhc t0n "ncll an ordinance
asking for a franchise tlrallar to the one
granted by the town council of Indlanols
' with a view to extension of the ues .Moinea :
! street rallwar system to Wlnterset as well !
as indlanola. This line
Ill connect ai
Wlnterset with the line projected vj uu
Omaha company from Creaton to Wlnterset.
jjr. Polk says the road will be built the
coming eeaion without a doubt.
Itnllrond Attorney In the Pulpit.
A unique service bas been arranged for
Sunday evening by the pastor ot the First
Presbyterian church In Cedar Haplds. The
pastor, liev. E. R. Hurkhalter. has invited
Judee N. M. Hubbard to occupy the pulpit
and deliver a carefully prepared address
on "F.vldcnce for the Immortality of the
Soul.'" The Judge Is now one of the vet
erans of the bar In Ios. Many yenrs ago
he was on the circuit bench, but for thirty
years or more has been t'ue chief attorney
lu Iowa for the Northwestern railroad and
credited with great influence.
l''"' Tlilrf n".l .Moieii tiomls.
. Moxle Waokernagle s the name of ninn
nvins in laj.or .
rested anu laKen to .ouuni iumui
county, under accusation of a number of
...... ,. C .,.,n r,,1C.,.V
mens. lit l . -uv. .. ..rr,
from the streets of Mount Ayr and tnkliiK
It to his farm In Taylor county. A search-
n P-ty from Mount Ayr looking for tho
harness taken at the same mc o n
covered th wagon had been stolen from n
1 mm at Lenox. Wackernagle was found in
possession of the harness, also at his
father's place was found a grindstone, r
rope, a dog and some other articles
Among the lowans who have been ap-
pointed to positions In the array are W.
R. Graham of Cedar Falls and O. H. Mason j
of Keinbeck. Mr. Graham was conspicuous
for many years as the head of the Ancient
Order of L'nlted Workmen In Iowa. He Is
the service and he bas been made a regular
army captain.
.Makes TMeiit-BIllit Purchases on
Line of llrlKlif on-Prrlee
C nl" fT.
FAIRFIELD. la. April 4. (Special.)
Twenty-eight deeds bave been filed for rec
ord with the county recorder by tbe Chi
cago, Rock Island 1- Pacific Railway com
pany, amounting In all to J2J.423.1:. rep-
resenting the amount paid by the railway
company for the right of way that will
be required for the cutoff In Jefferaon
county between Brighton and Perlce, a
distance of seven and one-bait miles, ac
cording to the new survey, but at present
nine miles by the railroad. Now that the
right of way has been procured the con
tract will be let and a large force will soon
be at work grading for the new track.
Declines to He Inun Dean.
ITHACA. N Y.. April 4. Prof. H. W.
Huffert of the college of law at Cornell
university declined the position of
dean of tbe law department in Iowa State
university, which was recently offered him.
Wheels! Wheels! Wheels! How they gol
Ride a Bee wheel and be ln the swim.
Immediate and Lasting
Its good effects are Immediate and i
lusting. It Is also very palatable, agree
able to the taste nnd ncceptable to the
most delicate stomach.
Doctors' Opinions:
"Aids digestion and assimilation. ' re
moves fatlguo and Improves the appe
tite." "Suatalns life for a long period and without any other food or
All Druggist.
Refuse Substitutes.
Run vis the
Leave Omahl
via Scenic Route throufh Colotadoand
Tor Information and "Tourist Dictionary"
address Cltv Ticket Office, 1333 Farnam St.
Omaha, Neb.
Mr. tVinalorr Aautlilni: Sjrnji.
Ila been ueecl tor over KIITY YKAKS hy
CUHES WIN'O COLIC, and 1 he best rem.
edy for 1)1 AHRHOBA Sold by Drueclsta In
a ' every part of the world. Ho sure and ask
lor ".Mrs. winMow n Hoothlns Syrup, and
taki no otner
kino, Yuenty.fH'M cents a
The "Comstock Process''
Is the most successful method for reducing and relieving
pain in all kinds of dental opcrutioua that has yet been
presented to iho public. It has been ucd by leading den
tutu of the east for nearly two years, and has been pro
nounced by tbsra lo bo entirely satisfactory. Our patients
uro delighted with Mho intuits It produces. If you are
nervous and your teeth aro sensitive we will bo pleased to
explain II to you.
..Telephone 145
H. I. Woodbury, D. D. S., Council Bluffs.
30 Pearl St. Grand Hots
t'ndcr that headline the nnruing pgpera
recently told the story of an unfortunate
woman who waa badly burned She was
&.t.1..-t in C I ,i 1 1 m ril und had nflrn fitlti.n
lu tj,0 floor unconscious. Hut this tne lie
happened to be nt work In the Kitchen, und
wag in the very net of placlnR a dlh upon
the cookstove when she fainted nml fell
forward, badly burning herself before help
a"'Tfn'- . .
The person who Is subject to fainting nts
Is not only In a miserable but a dangerous
condition. There Is nlwnjs tho possibility
of being overtaken by tho mnlady under
circumstances which tuny result In n cntns
trophy similar to that of tho woman who
fell upon the stove There are a srat
many women who are subject to falnuDR
spells." and there Is not one of them who
would not be grateful fcr a means of cure.
As a rule men do not faint. Starting
with tbat proposition it tuggests at once
that tbe frequency of fainting among wo
rsen must be to a great degree a matter
of sex. It we follow this clue a step farther
we shall find tbat tn general women who
faint are afflicted with womanly disease
and when these diseases are cured there
are no more fainting "spells."
"I feel it my duty to write to you and
let you know how much your medicine h
done for ne," writes Mrs. Wm. Hsckett.
of Breesport. Chemung Co.. N. V. "It Is
is one of the best that 1 ever used, In my
life. Before I begsn to use jour medicine
it teemed as though I would never be well
again. Could not walk to my neighbors,
could not stand on my feet five minutes
without fainting. Would have a vomiting
spell that would last three hours at a
time. My limbs would tremble so I could not
even wait on myself. Then I had a severe
time with chronic Inflammation of the liver,
then uterine trouble, then heart disease. 1
bad five of the best physicians that could
be found. They said to my friendf. 'there
Is no help for her.' One said I could net
life tbe winter out, one told me that It I
got temporary relief tbat was all that could
be done. My mother said to me one day
when she was there. 'Do ycu know you
cannot get well?' I told her I did. She
said, 'What are you going to do about the
baby? Do you want me to care fcr her
or some one else?' It seemed as tbouch
she had pierced me with a sword, to think
of leaving my little girl witb?u a mother,
it seemed as though I could not stand tt.
and when my friends were telegraphed to
ha I was dying, and seeing tbera weep by
ray bed. tbat seemed as though I could
never stand to hear them repeat that they
Ssifl . JHnnnW
iiLToHN Hen &C. o.
I II aaar - mmm ar.V-.i. V j
Special Sale of
Summer Skirt Waists
We shall place on sale this inonrinj; about twtnty-tho
dozen Ladies' siiiiiiiier Shirt Waisls. in all sizes. 3J to
very desirable patterns, in .stripes, cheeks and figures, at
25c, 50c, 75c and $1 00 each
These are extraordinary
than the cost of the material.
John G. Woodward & Co., Distributors,
Moritz Meyer Cigar Co., Distributors,
I -alee care cf the ' V r : ner
a poi I home t "h nk .f s'r iy te has
been through wwh swh a trr.; 't tt
thry ran sympathise with me
While taking the first two Mte o'
your Favorite Teferlplon and tic.1n
Medical Uisiovery 1 seemed to te gett"g
worse The next to made me feel sa well
that 1 could do my work and be real
With the net two I felt llge a new be rt
I have Kicked and moved twenty miles,
and papered three large rooms and a bed-
.mini atnMii liltA dnlnff nil' WOrk I bTe
workr,i ln my EHr,icn nnd picked up about
fcur bnnMn cheainuts this fall I do
hone that every one who Is suffering will
,ry I)r IMcre.-, medicines. Do not be d.s-
cournged If the llrst you ako makes yeu
feel worse but keep right on and you wlil
be surprised nt the result."
1 1ll: WAY TO BE WELL.
Dr. Plorce' Favorite Pre
scription makes weak women
strong and sick women well.
It establishes regularity,
dries the drains which weak
en women, heals Inflamma
tion and ulceration and cur.i
female weakness When tho
womanly health Is establish
ed, fainting, hesda he dizzi
ness, and all the other mala
dies which have their cause
in womanly weakn ss and
disease, are entirely ured
Dr. Pierce's I-avorlte Pre
scription Is eksentta. ly and
particularly a woman s mcJ
idne. It bas perfectly anl
permanently cured the mcst
complicated womanly dis
ease when all other means
ard medirlnes had fa. I'd 'o
gie more than tetarorary
J suffered Intense agcy
ot times both in mid and
tody for abou twen'y
jer' ' writes Mrs M
Farrlngton, of Mllford 1 r
BdwErd Co., Ont (box 2
"My suffering was caused
by -uterine trouble 1 bad doctored a great
deal but ibey aid not tell me ny tro-t'
until I cot so bad from dlxxinef tbat I
ccmld scarcely walk across the floor TTen
I went under the treatment but It rrfy
gave toe temporary relief: tried a sjppo-t
for a while, but gave It up because It d.d
not do me moth good. Had female weak
nM. retrovenlon. Inflammation, ulcere r
displacement, with treat nervous de-t:. y
and terrible headache until it seemed at
though I wocld go out of my mind Hai
weak spells with some ovarian trouble, .3
fact more misery than I can express I
thank God tbat he has directed at to take
Dr. Pierce's medicine and I Sraly beLeve
it the best medicine made for a'J i. b
troubl-e Can recommend It a'.l who
suffer as I did. I took six bottles cf Fav
orite Prescrip'icn,' one of Sages Ca'arrh
Remedy, also used osee dollar's wcrh cf
special tablets, and took also Dc-cr
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. I have e-ed
harder since taking bli medicine than a
ten years before. HTe been cov.n ard
have done all my own work before and af
ter, whlchl know w Joe to his medl ,:e "
Sick women are Invited to coniu't I r
Pierce, by letter, free, and so avc 3 eh
offensive examinations. Indelicate queficnj
and obnexlou local treatments h h the
home phyilclan often deems neceisa-y Ml
letters addressed to Dr. Pierce are 'rea'el
as stnetlr private and sacredly ccnlden
tlal. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Brffa o,
N. Y.
A Ms pare book, free for the ask sg
You ran get the People's Common Sen
Medical Ad:tr. the beat medial bo k
err published. FREE, by sending I'-ici
to pay cxpenio of mailing only Sezl .1
one-rent starrps for the took In pr;r or SI stamp for cloth bouri v 1
urne. to Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N Y
values, less in many cases
Council Bluffs.
V mm