Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone 631.
The Dorothy Trefousse, In blnok, brown,
mode, red, gray and white, at $1.50
per pair.
The l-hook Fowler, In brown, gray,
black, mode, ted and white, at $1..',0
per pair.
AXDUKSOX lMOKCALK (lie finest, strongest, light-weight
skirt and waist lining made. All colors, 9 8 inches wide, at liUe
per yard. Ask to see them at our lining counter.
Thompson, Beldeh &Co.
Y. M. O. A. tlfJILIJIMtt, COIl. 10T1I A.NU DOt'OLAS f)T9.
Patrick's Attoinsya Derote Orou-Eiamina-
ticn to That EfTort.
Aeciiicil Attorney llcnili Aloud In
Court i'cxtliiioii y lli-sei-Hilim III lit
In Ael of (iilni-iifiir-iiiliiK
Mllllniiiilrc Hire.
NEW YOKK. April I. There were nt
IcaHt two lucliliiiU during today's cross
examination of Charles F. Jones, tbo valet
ccretary of Millionaire William Hid!,
which rose above the ordinary. One wus a
remark mailu by Justice Jerome, who pro
vides at the healing, and which probably
shows why Lawyer I'atrlek, accused with
Jones of tho murder of the former Texan.
has all along taken tho accusations of Jones!
against himself with si demeanor almost
bordering on contempt. I
Attorney Moore for tho defense- had asked I
that when tho hcnrlng closed for tho day
it be net resumed until Tuesday. Justice
Jerome seemed willing anil then added:
"II Is necessary (hat Jones" testimony as
to this murder should bo corroborated. Up
being a self-confessed accomplice, his tes
timony nlono Is not enough upon which to
hold Patrick."
Attorney Mooro tersely added to this:
"Wo understand that and wo suppose tho
district attorney does, too,"
Tonight those who aro watching the case
closely are wondering corroborative
tqstlmony the statu will Introduce to sus
tain tho statements of Jones.
Tho other incident brought out n the
clearest light the Indomitable nerve of
Lawyer I'atrlek, In the faco of the reiter
ated story of Jones that I'atrlek had Instl
gated tho forgeries and the actual murder,
tho latter took his place in the court pro
ceedings with the utmost uouehnlance. At
ono point It became necessary that a state,
inont made by Jones bo rend and It wnp
given into tho hands of cno ot tho- counsels
for tho defense for that purpose. t This was
the strUernenl iifwlilclljjjo.' yaleJrlalmeif
Patrick kllledJtlcq an'd.-wilcb lichus.slncp,
dcnlcd".'"Tb'u,i-?-tdct hesitated and' stiimbied
over tho, written, words. .Suddenly .Patrick
spoke tip, cxclrtlmlnR. "Hero, L'guoas l:r.tiu
mako It tjut; I'll read It' , : ,
This was agreed to and In a loud, clear
volco ho rend:
" 'I got n towel and spongo and sat
urated .tbo spongo with a colorless liquid
ho had In a bottle. Then bo went Into tbo
room where 'H' lay lu bed, I (Jones) was
not In tho room, but opened the door nnd
peeped In. '1'' was standing over 'K' with
tho cone-shaped towel In his hand and he
prcsEcd. It down over It's ftice."
I'atrlek wan Htlll rending, with no show
ot emotion, when Justlco Jerome ordered a
recess for luucheon. Tho ."IV' and "Its"
In tbo htatenrent utand for I'atrlek nnd
At this point In the proceedings Justleo
Joronio Rnvu his cstlmnto of Jones with
characteristic, terseness. Attornoy Mooro
had been Taking tha witness with questions,
all tending to bring, out tho vnlet's lying
propensities. Ho showed that Jones bnd
lied to and deceived his own father when
tho bitter called on him In tho hospital
nftor he' had attempted mulchta; that ho
had told untruth, to Assistant District At
torney .Osborbo, and that ho. had lied to
his own' counsel. Hero Justice Jerome
truck In with the' remark:
"This wltueus Is w Weak, wicked nnd un
fortunate mun. Uo. Is a self-confessed
miirderer nnd1 deserves 'contempt, but I
won't allow you. .to Insult, lilniv''
There was very llttlo now matter brought
out at today's hearing. Tho' wholo of tho
cross-examination of Mr. .Moore, who Is
Patflck'n personal counsel, was confined to
Bhowlng up June? nr fi num.. who .could not
bo bollovad. When court adjourned It was
until next Tuesday.
To Cpruthe flrl In Tivu liny.
Laxnttwi llromo-Qujnloo rempves tho cause.
Kill Antl'-ClKiiri'ltc Hill.
MADISON. Wis,. April l.-The nntl
Mgarctte bill was killed In the senate todny,
15 to 12.
Easy to Tak&
Easy to Operate
Because, purely vegetable yet thor
ough, prompt, healthful, satisfactory-
Hood's PSBI&
Bring; this Coupon
aqd 25c
to the Map Department.
Dee Publishing Co., and
get a
NIip UHxtlS Inolirn,
Has thn 1900 census ot
every county and to'vn In
tho state printed ont the
martin and tho entlra
UA1LHOAD3, etc.
Correct to January 1st,
If sent by mall add
10c extra for postage
and tuba, Address
w i a- t.D HITfll leilfV'Sl
i Map uept. umnua, aeii.
Hce April i, 1001.
Easter Gloves
Hvcr.v simile Hint is correct. iniulo by
milkers that have lou ajo (.'stiiblislied
their ropufnlioii for making only the
host. Trefoii.sse and roster Gloves are
otir specialty they tit perfectly and
styles are unquestionably, proper.
The Mnrvel Washable Glove, In brown,
mode, pearl and black, nt ?2.00 per
The Trofoussc Stiect Gloves, lu gruy,
.red. brqwn, mode, black and white,
iU U.CU and $2.00.
.N-t Aiiintirr of The llliintrnlpil llco
Will llr of I.iiiiniiiiI Inter
est mid Vnliic.
Tho next issuo of Tho Illustrated Heo will
bo ono of tho best numbers ot that hand
tome publication yet put out. Whilo It Is
the Kjstor number and contain) much mat
ter and many Illustrations pertaining pe
culiarly to the day and tho great religious
feust It marks, the Issuo Is not by uny
means devoted to Hauler exclusively. In Its
sixteen panes will be unities on subjects
of general Interest, with pictures especially
Knslly tho feature of tho Issue Is the Illus
trated artlrlo concerning Hon. Joseph II.
Millard, who lino Just been chosen senator
from Nebraska. Along with a carefully
written biographical and character sketch
of Mr. Millard U u handsome full-page por
trait of tho gentleman and eight largo pic
tures of hlH home, bin office, his Montana
bank ami other Hiibjccts pertaining to hl3
llfo and work. This will bo of especial in
tcrcst, owing to tho very fact that so few
people Know of Mr. Millard In more than
u general way.
faster shopping Is Uo basis for another
claborato series of Illustrations. In this
Tbo lice's stuff pbotogr"'her has found
amplo scopo for his urttstlo tastn nnd abil
ity and has produced somo scenes In tho
retail district that aro moat striking. It
Is not nlono Interiors, although this phaso
of the subject Is oiirefully treated, but on
the street ho found much to perpetuate by
means ot tho earner."..
At tho. Christian Help mission wood
yard n series oNiiterestlng pictures was ob
tained. The Omaha women who bowl aro
also shown In a beautiful group, obtnlncd
at tho Metropolitan club bouse. Some
flashlights tnken at tho Leo banquet glvo
not only excellent pictures ot tho gentle
men who sat down nt tho tables together
on that occasion, but make moro than ever
apparent tho possibilities of tho camera In
tho control of an artist. Children bavo
their sbnro In a group of Omaha young
sters, caught by tho camera whllo they wero
engaged lu varloui ways, nil of them Illus
trating childhood In Its happiest phases.
Tho artist tells ot how ho rodo from tho
summit to tho baso of Pike's peak In flf
tron mUiutea,' and' has some splendid pho
tographs to illugtrato 'tho? method .of tho
Of eourso (.hero -Is. tho Carpenter letter,
Uenllng with another interesting feoluro of
Ilfti in Now Zealand, Illustrated by half
tone pictures. None of tho regular read
ers of Tho Illustrated llco need bo told ot
tho value ot Mr. Carpenter's contributions.
These aro only'-n few of tho features of
tho Issue, which will bo out next Sunday.
It will bo n paper not only Interesting for
tho moment, but valuablo for preservation.
Orders should bo placed vlth newsdealers
early, that they may bo filled.
WASHINGTON, April 4. Forecast for
Friday nnd Saturday.'
For Nebraska -llaln or enow In western;
rain and colder In eastern portion Friday;
wlnda becoming high, west to northwoU;
Saturday fair and warmer.
For Iowa Showers Friday; colder lu
western portlou; Saturday fair; easterly
to southerly winds, shifting to westerly;
becoming high,
l.oonl Itri'oril,
OMAHA, April -1 Ottlclal rucorrt of tern
licrnturo nnd preclpltutlon compared with
the corresponding day of tho last tlirco
1901. 1900. ISM. 1S9S.
Maximum temperature.... ta iB ;;:) 4.r
Minimum turanernture ') 31 is 31
Mi-nji temperature ta 47 2$ 10
I'reclpltntlon . 00 iVO ,'. .17
ltecord of temneritruro nnd iireclnltAttnn
nt Omaha for tilts duy' unci slucu Marxli 1,
Normal t,e in pern turn , in
I'.xcess ror tuc any i..... u
Total excess slnc March l.i '. 17
NormnI preclpit-iltnnii..t,,,,.., .OS Inch
IJellcIeucy for tha dajc 08 Inch
Totnl slneo March 1. ........ 2. 2t luehon
Uxeess ulnce Mtirch 1.....'., ;3l Inch
Deficiency for cpr. period, rw 32 inch
Deficiency for cor. period; 11)99. .1.0)1 Inch
Itciini'la from .tlntluun al 7 1'. .M.
c c
n 3
Omaha, cloudy
62 til .00
36 42 T
21 3ti
M 3S T
3S 38 .02
32 ii ,03,
42 42 .10
40 41 .0(1
5S f2 .))
51 55 .00
61 (W .00
01 CI .00
ft? 40 .no
12 IS .00
40 44 .00
GO "0 .00
North Platte, cloddy
Choyenno, snowing
Salt uuko City, clear
rtupld City, cloudy
Huron, pnouing'
WllllHton, clear ,
Chicago, clear
St. Louis, cloudy t
St, Paul, cloudy ,
Davenport, cloudy ,
KniisHH lily, cloudy
Helena, clear . i
Havre, partly cloudy .-
lllsmarck, cloudy ,,
Galveston, clear
T IrtdlcnteW trace of precipitation. Zero,
At Minneapolis, j At St. Paul. j At Kansas City. At St. Joseph, j At Omnha. ' At Des Moines. ' At Denver. At Colo. Springs.
I Mny SO, 30,31. May 3. 4. (S). May 6. 7. 8., 9. Juno 5, C, 7. Juiiu 8, (9), 10. May 13, 14, 15. IMuv 10, 11. (12)!
Mlnneupolls July 6. , (7). July 30. 31, Aug. 1. Aug. 2. 3, (!). July o. in, 11. July U 13, (14), j y 2i. 2T. (2S). lu y $ 24. 2.V
j Sept. (1), 2. 2. Aug. 21, 22, 22. Aug. 20, 20, Aug. j), l6. (11). jAllg. 0, 7, 8. Alig. 2i, (2..), 20. Iaiik. 27: lis. i'J.
, IJuno 1, (2), 3. iMiiy li, 7, S. 9. May 3, 4. (5). iJuno S, (9), 10. Juno .". ;. 7 .May 10. H, (12). " .May 13. 14, Ifi.
St. Paul July 3. 4. 4. Aug. 2. 3.(1). July 30, 31. Aug. 1. July 12, 13. (14). July 9. lo, n. July ii 24 25. July 2' 27 2S).
lSepL 3, 4, 3. Aug. 20. 20. Aug. 21, 22, 22. Aug. 6. 7. Aug. 9, 10, (11). Aug. 27. 28, 29. Aug. St. (23). 2(1.
v May 24. 25. (2!). I.May 27. 2S, 28. ' June 1, (2)3. May 21. 22, 23. May 17, 18, (19). ' June 13, (10), 17. Juno 12, 1.1, II.
Kansas City ........ June, 19. 20, 21. Juno 22. (23). 21. July 5, 0.(75. Juno 2s. 29, (30). Juno 23, 20, 27 iJiilv 10. 17. IS, J lv 10. 20. (2D.
Sept. Hi, 17. IS. ISept. 13, II, (15). Sept. j 4, 6. Sept. 10, 11. 12. Aug. 27, M. 29. Aug. 16, 17. (IS). Aug. 13, 14, 13
a, T , May7.' v-;, ' IMny 24. 25. (201." IMiiy SO, 30 . 31. May 17. IS. (19). May 21", 22. 23. 'juno 13, 13. 11. Jim7r7(I0). 17.
St. Joseph Juno 22, (23), 21. Juno 19. 20. 21. IJuly 3, 4, 4. Juno 2S, 26. 27. iJunn 2S. a. Juy 19 20. (2D. July 10. 17. 10.
, Sept. 13, 14, (15). jsept. 16, 17, IS. iSept, (1), 2, 2. ; Sept. 7, (8). 9. Aug. 21, (S3), 20. jAllg. 13. 14, 15, Aug. HI.-17. (it).
lJuiio 12, 13, 14. jJuno'lS, (16). 17. Mny 13, 14, 15. May 10, 11, (12),- IMny 30, 30, 31, IMny 3, 4. if.). Mny 6. 7. X. '
Om:Um July 19. 20, (2D. July HI, 17. J8. July 20, 27. (28). July 23. 24 , 23., (July 5. 0, (7). July. ), 31 Aug. 1. Aug. 2. 3. 3, (4).
Aug. 16. 17, (18). 'Aug. 13. 14, 15. Aug. 24, (25), 20. Aug. 27, 2S. 21: ISept. (I), 2, 2. I A UK. 21, ii, 22. Aug. 20, 20.
June 15, (18). 17." iJtine'lS, 13, 14. May 10, 11, (12). May 13, 14, 15, Juno I, (2), 3. ' I.Mny C, 7, ii! May 3, 4. (5).
Des Moines ;.. July 1617. in. July 19. 20. (21). July 23. 24. 25. July 6. 27. (28). July 3. 4. 4. Aug, 2. 3, 3, (4). July 30. 31. Auk i
Aug. 13. II, 15. -jAllg. 10. 17. (18). Sept. 7. (8). 9. Sept. l6. 11, 12, Sept. 3. 4. 5. Aug. 2'). 20. Aug. 21, 22, 22.
IMay 21. 22. 20. " IMny 17, IS, (19), IJuno 8. (9). 10. Juno 5. C. 7, May 21. 23, (26). May 27. 28. July 1. May 30, 30, 3l"
Denver IJuno 28. 29. (30). ,June 25, 26, 27. IJuly 9. 10, 11, July 12, 13, (14). June 19. 20. 21. Juno 22. (23), 24. July B. 0. (7)
ISept. 10, 11, 12. Sept 7. (8). 9. Aug. 6, 7. 8. Aug. 9, 10, (11), Sept. 16. 17, 18. Sept. 13. II. (15). Sept. 3, 4, 5.
, , .May 17. IS. (191. Mny 21, 22 23. June 5. n, 7 iJoiie S, (9), 10, May 27, 2S. July 1. May 24. 25, (20). iJuno 1, (2i-;i. '
Colorado Springs , Juno 25, 2il, 27 .lime 28. CMi. July 12, I.I, (It), J illy 9. 10, II. Juno 22, (23), 21. iJuno 19. 20, 21. July 3, 4. 4
Sept 7. (S), 9, Srpt 10,11 12. Aug. 9. 10, (11) lAug. U. 7. S. Sept 13. 14, (la) Sept 111, 17. IS. Sept (I) 2 j
Weitern League Tnkei Up the Echednlt
for Discuuicn.
ntnlilf In WrttiTii lliixe Unit Cir
cle Attending Hip JlerlliiK lreil
ilrnt HloUcy .MnUct Oiillmli
lle Prediction.
Magnate-) of the Western league held
their first meeting In Omaha yesterday
fllnce the expansion of the orgaulntlon
'from tho slx'club circuit orlglnully formed,
nt a meeting held In thin city to a class A
lenguo of eight club?. Tho, purpose of the
conference was to agree upon a satisfac
tory schedule.
Tho baso ball managers In nttendnnce
wero President T. J. Illckey nnd J. V. Hun
do of St. Joe, A. U. Ilcnll of Minneapolis,
W. P. Chase of Des Moines, Oeorgo Tcbcail
of Kansas City nnd W. A. Itourko of
Omaha. Managers Lennon of St. Paul,
Packard of Denver nnd Ilulen of Colorado
Springs wero unable to attend nnd for
warded their proxies.
It was not a dlfllcult matter for the
magnates to ngree upon n schedule. Presi
dent Hlekcy Kiibmlttcd nu entirely new one
and It wns accepted with but few changes.
May 3 will I jo tho opening day nnd tho
teams will start the season as follows: St.
Paul nt St. Joe, Minneapolis at Kansas
City, Omnha nt Denver, Des Molnc3 at
Colorado Springs. September 18 will be
the last day of tho season nnd tho teams
wilt bo paired for tbo last game just as
for the Ilrat except that tho locations will
be reversed: St. Joo nt St. Paul, Kansas
City at Minneapolis, Denver ut Omaha,
Colorado Springs at Des Moines.
I'ach team will play sixty-three games
at homo nnd slxty-threo games abroad,
lu tho distribution of tho holiday games
St. Joseph failed to draw a prize. Omaha
gets duly I. Kansas City bagged atl of the
plums, getting nil of tho holldny games on
Its homo grounds, Minneapolis drew July
, anil Denver war. assigned July t und
Labor day. Des Moines nnd St. Paul get
Decoration and Labor days and Colorado
Springs gels Decoration day.
There will bu thirty Sundays during tho
league season. These wero divided unions
tho clubs us follows: St. Paul nnd Des
Mollies, II; Minneapolis, Kuiifas City,
Omaha und Denver, 10; St. Joseph and
Colorado Springs, l),
Si'lii'dulc of Oiniihn (.'lull.
Omaha will start tbo soiihon with thrco
games ut Denver und n llko number nt Colo
rado Springs. Then the Itourko family will
como east land play three games each with
St. Joo anil Kansas City. Tho first game
on tho homo grounds will bo with St. Joo
on May 17. There will bo eleven games
down at tho Vlnlon street reservation in
the opening series, Kansas City, Denver
nnd Colorado Springs following St. Joe In
quick succession. Tho Colts will go over
lo Dea Moines for thrco games tho closing
threu days In .Mny and return homo for
nine moro games, thrco with Des Moines,
starting Juno 1, nnd a llko number with
Minncapjlin and St. Paul.
Then tho Itourkeltes will hlo themselves
to the north for three games each with
Minneapolis nnd St. Paul, reluming home
for a long series of sixteen games, A long
stretch away from home will occur In July,
when nineteen games will bo played on
foreign fields. In August twenty games
iill bo played away from home. With the
excoptlon ot tho first two days all of Scp-
tember until tho end ot tbiracasou will bo
spent at' homo. ; 1 iJU,,.
Of the" "thlrty-ono games scheduled from
Juno 1 to July 1 the Omaha team will have
twenty-five on the homo grounds. As Juno
In considered thn best baso ball month of
tho season, Manager Itourko thinks hp wns
fortunate lu drawing such a prize. Of the
forty-flvo gams uchcdulcd from July H to
September 2 tho Itourko family will play
thlrty-nlno away from home, tho only
brcuk coming from August 6 to 11. when
St. Paul ami Minneapolis" will each play
three games on the lorul diamond.
Two schedules wero submitted tho league
beforo this meeting. Ono was formulated
by W. P. ChiiHo of Des Molnees, to which
there wna some objection from other mem
bers of tho league. Later President Hlckey
bUbmltted a schedule and It was adopted by
mnll vote, but tho president determined
that it would bo mora satisfactory if tho
managers got together and arranged a
xchcdulo that would meet with unanimous
I'rt'Mlilcnt Illilicy Tiilkn.
"While my schedule wns adopted," said
President Hlckey, "I feared there might be
a bit ot dissatisfaction later, so I thought
It best to havo this mooting. Thero aro
several things that enter Into tho schedule
matter. For Instance, Des' Moines wanted
Its team nwny from homo during n big
horso show to bo held there. Denver Is to
havo u race meet during 'tho summer and
Manager Packard wanted his team away
from homo that week. Some attrnctlon Is
to take pluco in St. Paul und Mr. Lennon
wanted his team away durlug Its progress.
Tho result wqs that n .schedule satisfactory
to nil could not bo formulated. Now that
wo aro all hero togutbei; there seems to bo
n disposition to glvo .nnd tako nnd no ono
Is pressing his claims solllshly."
Aside from tho adoption ot tho schedule
and a general discussion ot tho baso ball
situation tho only business transacted was
n refusal to ratify tho salo of a half lutorest
in tho Colorado Springs club to' Tim Dona
hue, tho old Chicago National lenguo
"Wo refused to ratify i tills sale," said
President Hlckey, "becuuse of tho peculiar
situation existing at Colorado Springs. Cit
izens there guaranteed the league $7,000,
for which tho league ns a wholo has pledged
Itself to carry tho club through tho season-
It Mr. Ilulen soils a halt Interest In
his franchlso to Tim Donahue tho lenguo
would renllzo nothing- from tho salo and
should tho Colorado Springs club take a
slump Mr. Ilulen would not havo to draw
on his uwn resources to carry It through.
The leaguu would bo looked to for that pur
pose. Tho condition of affairs wns such
that wu could not see our way clear In
ratifying any such sale. If Mr. Ilulen
needed tho money It would bo different,
but ho does not. Uo line amplo financial
bncklng of his own nnd In addition there is
tho $7,000 which tho Colorado Springs
people have already collected nnd deposited
In tho bank subject to the order of tho
President Hlckey stated lust night beforo
his doparluro for his home at St. Joo thnt
ho had given tip nny Intention of moving
to Kansas City. "I had a business denl
under way in Knnsns City some time ngo,"
ho said, "which If It had gone through
would have taken me to thnt city nnd con
sequently changed the locnlton of the West
ern league headquarters from St. Joscpn.
I find, however, that tho league demands
all my tlmo nnd I will not be able to give
attention to nny thins else while tho sea
son Is In progress."
"I havo no hesitancy In predicting that
the Western league is to have n very suc
cessful season," said President Illckey. "I
might bo accused ot making such nn usser
Hon whether or not tho facts Justified such
n conclusion, but In this enso thero can bo
no mistake. Thero Is n lively Interest in nil
of tho cities where teams have boon lo
cated and the fnns can hardly contain them
selves until tho season opens. Tho brilliant
success achieved by our llttlo league last
year promises to be repeated.
.VntliliiK "iVrniiK with Circuit.
"I nm firmly convinced that the forma
tlon of the circuit could not have been
Irapioved upon. While I should llko to havo
oecn Indianapolis nnd Louisville In the
lenguo I feel now that we did wisely In not
placing franchises In, those cities. There Is
such n thing ns attempting too much nt ono
time. Wo wilt pull through this season in
line shape, establishing beyond a question
tho stnbillty of tho Western league, and
next year wo mny bo ablo to look farther
"It looks to me ns though wo urn going
to hnve even better ball this year than wo
had last. All of tho teams number somo
splendid players men who would shlno on
nny diamond In the country. I do not think
nny of the cnthucinsts will have reason to
crlticlzo the character of ball thnt will bo
furnished by tho league this year."
Lincoln ami I'lirnil llrrcili'i'n I'ncti
A ill o n u .Succrnnfnl IliitrlcN ill
Cournlnu; Meet.
AIIILKNi:, Kun., April 4.-Tho second
round of races nt the coursing meet hero
was run todny. Tho wlnncrn in the ull-nge
Htuko rnces yesterday nnd tbo runneri)
today tiro: Topsy T and luwii Muld, Lady
(lay, Kid McCoy, Turquoise, Lord Lytton,
Hen Hulie, Silver Sue, Lust Chance, lown
Hoy, Niiearet, Chimes, Voltulro'H Violet,
Cuolmll, Joo 1'atehen. Fanny Dell, Krng
JnrgoiiFon, Grace lireenwood. Pity Me,
Highland Lad, Fanny O'ltell, Fuiitelhi und
Lucy Lee, who ran u tie todny.
The winncrH In the puppy rucex yesterday
nnd runners today urc: 1-ord Orford, Too
Hot, Dnro Devil, Center Spot, ltiui i'rag,
Nina (llniilla, Happy Medium, Witch lln.el.
Miss Lucille. 1) K C Nnn-Oh-Kce. Hono
lulu Olrl nnd Don Pedro.
Tho winners' in the iill-ngo race tndny
wero: lnwa Mnhl, owned by II. M. Kel
logg. Cullfornlu; lncly (lay, H. C Lowe,
Lawrence, Kim.; Turquoise, Jackson Hros..
Kntorpiisp, Kun.; Silver Sue, Aldritt .t
Splvey, Friend, Nob.; lown Hoy, H. M. Kel
logg: Niieuret, Dayton, Itagan & Grim.
Lincoln, Neb.'; Cuebtill, C, II. Morlarty,
Texan; Joo Patched, Tom Parry, Tcxiis;
Oraen Greenwood, Aldritt & Splvey: Pity
Me. Dayton, Hagan t Grim; Fanny O'ltell,
C. F. Horn, Maukuto, Kun.; Lucy Lee, Tom
Tho winders In tho puppy nice today
were: Lord Orford, owned by Dayton,
Hagan .tGiini: Center Spot, Jackson Hros,;
Nina, L. 1'. Havcneroft, Wlulleld, Kan.,
Guhiliilii. ll.vim.& Whtteliulr, Chapman,
Kun.; Miss Lucille;,. Nun-Oh-Kee nnd Don
Pedro, riuyton, Itagan & Grim. The finals
will be run tomorrow.
Kl'ill.l.V AM) . .IHI'I'IWKS AGAl.V.
.11 nl oh I'lniineil for riiirlnimtl In Ami In
ArriinuiMl For.
ST. LOUIS, April l.-Bllly Muddon, Gun
Ttuhlln'n inunagcr, today arranged nnnthcr
match between- d)ls prolego und Jumes, J,
JofTrlea, tho heavyweight champion. Mad
den ugrced to allow Jeffries to Helcet tho
dalo tor the contest and tho club offering
tho best Inducements will get tho match.
Tbo lighters will split tho purse on u basis
of 73 per cent to tho winner und 25 to tho
loser. Tho men will tdgn tho satuo articled
of agreement that wero drawn up lor tho
contemplated battle recently ut Cincinnati.
Madden agreed to permit Jeffries to iiaiao
thn date tiecuuso tliu champion lias a bad
knee, which ho Injured while training for
Ills lust mutch with lliiblln. He will not
light until lie gets over this trouble. Jer
lrlos thought his kneo would be all right
again us soon uu ho got a chaiico to tako
n short rest.
HldH for tho big fight nro expected from
California und possibly Connecticut. Tho
lighters will post forfeits us soon us thev
receive a satisfactory bid for tho light.
Madden said tonight that the contest will
tuko plnco Insldo of two mouths.
Ills Homes Win In Three Itiicca Hi
llirn II I ii )4H.
WASHINGTON. April 4. "Father Hill"
Daly won three rnces lu which his horses
wero entered ut Hennlngs today Carroll r
In tho second, Matt Simpson In tho third
and Olnkl In tho fifth. The others went to
Scorpio, U-idy Padden and Knight of the
Garter. Tho latter two were tho only
favorites which tpok first money.
Tho weather was cool and tho trnek heavy
from yesterduy's ruin. Scorpio won the
first race by u head, with Lexington lir.-ito
second, five lengths uhead of Charley
Moore, tho favorite, third. Carroll 1), a 23
to 1 shot, took the second nice over Dolco
Far Nlente, thu favorite at prohibitive odds.
Matt Simpson, at 10 to 1. captured tho third
by halt u length, Draughtsman, Sentry and
Toluca, nil well played, fulling to get u
place. Lady Padden, at f. to I, took the
fourth from n, Hold of eleven starters. In
tho last race, with three starters, Knight of
the Gnrter, the favorite, won by four
WrNlt-rn Golfer l-llcct Oltleei.
CHICAGO, April 4. Tho nnnunl meeting
of tho Western Golf nssoclutlon was held
In this city todny. nnd the following ofll
eers elected: President, Oeorgo H. Thome,
Midlothian Country club, Chicago; vice
president, William lfolablrd, Glenvlew,
Chicago; secretnry, W. F. Hillsbury. On
wenthla, Iiko Forest; treasurer, Alan L
Held, Chicago Golf club; additional direc
tors, A. I Howen, ltlvcnddo Golf club;
n F. Schurmelr, St. I'aul Town nnd Coun
try club; Clarence Carpenter. Detroit Court
club; George S. McOrew, Glen Ucho Golf
club, St, Louis.
No action was taken regarding- tho loca
tion of tho annual toiirnumciit. tho mat
ter being left to the board of directors
which will report nt n subsequent meeting.
I ii; lit ItrNultN In I'tiree.
HOT SPItlNas. Ark.. April l.-Whut wns
to ho ii twenty-round bout tonight between
Hobby Dobhs und young Peter Jackson re
sulted lu a fnrco mid Hofcroo Hat Master
son declared It a draw In thu twelfth
round. In that round Dobbs claimed Jack
son fouled lilm and refused toflght further.
Tho rcfereo uald ho saw no foul.
Cute Iter (irmly (.ium-ft-,
1MIILADKLPIIIA. April 4,-Mlke Orudv,
catcher for the New York League cliib
several seasons, todny signed 'n contract
with the Wushlngtoit American League
Baltimsre Man Has Killed 122 Out of
Possible 123 Birds.
Oiniiliii Crncli I Annum Hie Lender-)
III (lie, Great American lliwidl
vil It Miiinl Tott line ml
Has !oil core.
NKW YOKK, April 4. The shoot for tho
Grand American handicap, which wns post
poned yesterday, was begun today nnd was
contlnuul to dusk this evening.
With tho exception of n brief In
tho middle of tho day, shooting ut llvo birds
was kept up. without nny Interruption nnd
nearly G.Q00 birds were trapped. The
wonther conditions were anything but con
ducive to the comfort ot the gunnets, 201
of whom tried conclusions for champion
ship honors. During tho entire uhoot rnln
fell continuously nnd tills made what would
otherwlso havo been fast dyers very slow
birds Indeed. Tluir wing and tnll feathers
were thoroughly soaked with the ruin, nnd
thn which wero specially picked for
this occasion werjo for tho most part easy
marks. However, there were occasional
exceptions, when some very tricky pigeons
flew from the traps ns swiftly ns a snipe
und some instnnces while on the wing they
went In such n zigzag fashion thnt they
evndcd the efforts of tho experts to grass
All told there were 222 entries for the
event, ten ot which wero post cntrlcf.
Twenty-one men failed to too tho mark
when their turns camo nnd these nbsontccs
forfeited ?10 each, which went to tho purse.
lir,:i. for I'lfty-Four (inn.
Tho entire amount of money which will
bo distributed among tho llfty-four high
guns when tho event Is concluded tomorrow
Is J5,:i;5. When the shooting wns discon
tinued this evening thero wero forty men
with .straight scores of twenty kllln each
nnd nfty-thrco with nineteen eucli. During
the duy several wero forced out ot tho con
test after having had live misses scoted
against them.
Of the leaders the work of Ansley H.
Fox pf nalltmore, was ny far tho most
creditable, iwetve montiiH ngo on tne
same sets of traps, Fox succeeded lu kill
lug moro birds than uny other contestant
on tho grounds nnd thU year he has made
a most rcmarkublo record. Since tho shoot
began Fox has tuken part In every event on
tho program nnd has not missed one bird
In uny of them. lu actual competition he
has bhot nlxty-threo birds without mlpslng
any. In addition to this ho has shot at
sixty birds nnd the only miss recorded
against him nmong these, wns ono which
died out of bounds. This makes n total
for tho four days of 122 kills out ot 123
birds shot nt by the Ilaltlmoro man, who
Is looked upon us a likely winner of this
yiar's blue ribbon for trap shcotlug.
Up to tho end of tho flflccnth round
today W. It. Crosby of O'Fnllon, HI., nnd
II. 1). Hates of Itldgcton, Canada, the win
ncr of last year's Grand American, had
killed the s-anio number of birds In com
petition during tho tournament ns Fox hnd.
but both of theso missed their sixteenth
bird and consequently left Fox to enjoy
the Individual honor.
Only mill III Thirteen.
Ily n pocullnr coincidence Phil Daly, Jr.,
whoso number wns thirteen lu order of
shooting killed all bis birds In the handi
cap until ho enmo to thu thirteenth. This
was an outgoing towcror and Dnly missel
It with both barrels. Ho killed straight
after this, winding up with a totnl of nine
teen kills.
Among the other prominent shooters, who
missed ono nut of tho twonty birds wero
J. A. It. Klllot, 11. W. Clarldge, S. M. Vnn
Allcn, Harold Money, Captain Money, O. A.
Mink, Sim Glover, W. W. Masslnger, F.
W. Copper, L. 13. Parker. C. it. Stevens,
J. 11. Malone, K. D, Fulford. Tom Marshall
nnd Colonel Tom Markham.
Among tho forty who have top scores
so fnr nro Fred Gilbert of Spirit Lake, la.
C. C. Naiimau ot San Francisco, A. ii
Fox, U. S. Jobnion of Atlantic City, und
F. S. Pariueleo of Omahn, Neb., ns well as
Kd Hickman of Kansas City, nro lookel
upon as tho most likely bunch. In which
thn wiuner may bo found.
Tho conditions of tho Grand American
call for twenty-llvo blids for each man
nnd tho contest will be resumed nt 9 o'clock
tomorrow morning.
Illl e i'tt cut y SlmlKliI Kill.
Following nro names and handicaps ot
those who aro credited with twenty a iulght
kills so far In tho big handicap-
N. D. Stevens, Guilford, Conn.. 2ii ynrds;
G. II. Pierce, Jersey City. 2S; C. C. Nau
inun, San Francisco, 2S; Dr. J. G. Kuowi
ton, New York, 2'J; A, H, Fox, Hultliiiorc,
30: Jim Jones, New York, 27: It. L. Pierce,
Wythovllle, Vn., 29; Dr, K. Diineim, Louis
ville. Ky 20; Fred Gilbert. Spirit Lake. lu.,
32; II. Ii. Howl. Jessup. Mil., 27, J. S. Hons,
New York. 27: 10. Kminors, lloycrsford,
l'a 27: J. L. I). Morrison, St. Paul, Minn.,
si; c von i.oiiRerKo, i-nicago, us; v, u,
Towiisend, Omahn. 27: Henry. Newurk. N,
J., 2S; Chris Ootlleb. Knnsns City. 29: F. K,
Mnelcay. Mlnneniiolls. Minn.. 27: W. F.
Qulmby, Nownrk, X, J., 27; J. L. Alabaster,
uiuoago, it; u. J. .Mcrnn, .miiwuukcp, lm
II. Sclilmmell. Hasten. Pa.. 27: H. S. John
son. Atlantic City, 2S; J. W. Hoffman, New
uennnniown, in. j., .'j; j, is. itarto, rni
cago, 2S; G, A. Comstock, Haiinc, Wis.. 27.
b'. S. Piirmelee, Orniilin, 3d: F D. Alklre,
WooiJIyn. O.. 2S; H. (.'. Fort, Fostorln, O.,
2S: f. W. Feluonspad, Newurk, N. J,, 20;
Willlum Wagner, Washington, 27: C. A.
Loekwood, Jumulcn, N. Y 2H; II. Trim
Imiier, Itoyersford, Pa., 2S; G. K. Grelff,
New York, 2S; C. K. Oelkler, Philadelphia,
.ii; .1. v on iongcrKe, urnnge, r. j., xt ; is,
Illckmnii, Kansas City, 2S,
Hull Sellout Mile Prepare to Grapple
for I lie CiinuiiloiiNlili
Tho High School Athletic association met
yesterday for tho purpixo of appointing a
delegiito to thn state board of control to
represent the association and look lifter Its
Interests, llnrry Heed was elected to this
position, Hereiifler nil liiterschnlustlo
gumes and rontestr will bo subject to thn
rulings ot inis ooarii. rue principal 0f ciich
school represented will also bo a member
bf the board,
The High heboid Intends to huvo the boat
base ball team In thu state this season and
the president or the Athletic ussochitloii
wns empowered to nppnlut captains for
four lemns, to bo drawn from tho different
classes of the school, from willed tho best
players will be selected for n 'varsity dine
thnt Is expected lo win the pimmnt.
SV.W TIIACK Itl'.(OIII) AT .Ml..illlll.
( oniiieriir Turn I lie Mile
.11ouluouier lu lill,
MF.MP1IIS, April I - A new trunk record
war established ut Montgomery park today
when The Conqueror, by Sir DWon-ltepeiil.
won the Montgomery handicap consolation
purse at one mile from C.ivlu: ii, 1 11 Hat.
The lU'evlntiu r.mnnl for tlin ilNtnni', wiih
Ijll'i. liiude by Hood's Hrlgude lat year.
1 he Conqueror won pulled up. He wns tlrst
i-nuice 111 tne ring, wltn urigune ami ir.iuci
next in demand.
, In the tlrst tare for 2-yenr-olds South Ulk
bom hnd the cull In the belting, but be wns
never prominent, u.ivo Boniniert winning
handlly from Fred Orglll. Lily Plantland
.in nnii.v iin, me sceoiiu rv 11
TurlonB dash, beating Noble easily, ihe
luuiiii race, nt live unit 11 nun iiuiohk.
was won easily bv Mym Morcllu. The
fourth i-vent wus a steeplechase over the
full course mill was won bv Tun to, who
bent Angus, the favorlt. . by half 11 dozed
engtlis, itess.e Macklln wus plnycd
heavily In the lun rite at live furlongs, bill
WUS bent bv tfllvel-il.lle. UVnllifr ilellrhlf 111
und utlcudaiKp l.iro.
Troul for Soulli Dakota sti-euiu.
SlOt'X FALLS. S J)., April ..- iSpecbil.)
At the reqtifst ot leldents or this (Min
nehaha) county the oltl. lnls of ihe lliherles
departiuent ut Wnshlnnton have sent here
n representative, who has a consignment
nf e,o00 young trout to lie placed in Split
Hock creek near Corsi.r; The utllelal ulso
bus 11 largo consignment of young tlsh
for hikes und stream In tbo vlelnltv of
I'.iiikII Win .Niirtbainiilon MuKe.
LONDON. April 4. At the seeond dnv's
rachiK todny of the Northampton and
Pytchley limit sprliig meeting the North
iimptuiHllIre stakes of oo sovereigns. 11
haiidleap for 3-year-olds nnd itpwuiil, one
mill) 11ml 11 half, was won by It. J King's
t-ycur-old brown colt Kvnslt, ridden by
Johnny Htiff.
In the Schlitz brew
ery cleanliness is car
ried to extremes. Wc
do more than is neces
sary to bo certain of
doing enough.
The caldrons in
which the beer is
brewed arc kept scru
pulously clean and
covered. The air in
which the beer is
cooled is filtered!
The barrels in which
it is stored arc cleaned
with steam and soda,
then glazed with rosin
on the inside, then
cleaned again. The
bottles arc cleaned
with utmost precaution.
Still wcfilterthe beer,
then sterilize every
bottle, for the slightest
uncleanliness taints
the whole product. It
is in these ways that
Schlitx beer hasgained
its reputation for pur
ity, and made Milwau
kee famous.
'Phone niS.Schllt'
719 South 9th St., Omaha.
Try 11 rate of Sclilltz llcer, Tel. IMS
certain to euro rheumatism as water
Is to quench No matter what
part of the body the pain may be in
or whether It Is acute or chronic,
vlll drive it out in a few hours, and
fully cure in n few days. flUNYON.
Munyon'a Dytprpiiu Cure will cure any cue of
IndlKouonor itoniach iroulilc.
Ninety per cent, of kidney complaint, Includinjr
tlie earliest te of llris:ht' IJiieuse, can be cared
with Munyon'i Kidney Cure.
MuriyoiOiCatarrhCureKillrure ratarrliof the brad,
throat and tturruch, nonuiternf liow lonif tlaiiding,
NervoualTfCtlo'iHanddlaf of the hcartarfcon
trolled andcuredln Munyon'uN'rve and llrarlCure,
Munyon'aColdCure will t-rrak npaiiylotmof Lold.
Munvon'a Viulizcr rrttorea Ion poerJto weak
men. i'rice ti. . . ,. ,.
The I'ulrto to llrnllli (free) If lit about daraiea
and their cure. Get it at nny ilruettore. The Curc
are all on ale there, motllv nt j-, cenls a vial,
M'inyon, New Vork and I'hu, rie Iphia
$5.00 A MONTH
All Diseases and
Disorders of Men
10 years In Omaha
Method new. without
cuttliu. palu or loss
of time.
euDLHI iccurrdforllfeanaihopolFon
O Y r- PI I Ul O thoroughly clrauaed from
thesyttem. Soon over klcn ana aympmm
dlsaniinars completely and forever. No
"HM'aKING OUT" of tho disease on tho skin
or fare, i'li-atinent contains no dangerous
dmsa or Injurious medicine,
WEAK MEN'1"'"" Lxcemies or Victims
to NiitviiUH r)Enii.iTV or I'.xiiausiio.m,
W AhTifiii W1AK.NK8S with KAiu.y Dtcar in
Youmi unit M iihii.i'. Auri, lack of rim, vigor
and strongth, with organs Impaired and weuU,
STRICTURE cured wlih a new Homo
Treatmeiii. Nu pain, no detention from bubl
trcas. Kldnvy and Illaililer 1 roublas.
Comultatlon I rre. Tf atmrnt by Mill.
t'nll on on or uddreei 119 So. 14th St,
Dr. Soarles & Searlos, Omaha, Nob.
Easter Sale
of Boys' Suits
AH the new things in the
Vcstce Suits
$3.50. $4.00,
$4.50 and $5.00
N. K. (,(lllBH 15th AMD DniKll.AS.
It plaaie cu till othirir-ltwt dan't lall ui.
Olllce open fi oia S n. in. (o II p. in. Sim
tin ) m I in in N ii. in. lo p. ni.
(Dr. McOrew at Asc M )
The tlo. I .Sneeri-Nil MI'lit I I.IS T
In Ihe tiealinriil m nil loinis of 1)1.4-
i:m:s m nisoiinrits or' 311. v
IIMit, -II )eni-M eapcrjencej 15 ivnvi
In (loialia. ,
lAlllt'lH'llU', AM II VIMUIl'Kl.i:.
A liermnneiit etifo .guurniitecd without
cutting, pain or lob.s of time. A quick, ca. y
und liutiiral cm. Ch-irceii low
III, (Kill l)IM:.Si:s mill III, (HID I'OISOV
Id nil stages cured Ity n treatment which Is
far mure satisfactory and miccesrfnl
than 'Hot .Springs" trcii(nn:ut und ut Kss
than half thu ost. All breaking out and
signs ot tho dlseiiHo disappear al once.
Tho euro Is complete ami permanent.
All I ii until rat ,erons ("omlltlons anil
Wi'iiknran of .Men.
Nervous Debility. Lack of Vitality, Poor
Memory, Luck of Colilldeuec. mid all dis
eases of the Kidneys, llladder und I'llnary
Organs, a treatment that gives strength.
Increases vitality uiul cures all
conditions. HOMM THUATMHNT,
Ciiri'N (iiinriuilreil. Coannllnllon l-'ree,
P O. Hox 7C. Olllco oror 21.T South lltli
street, between Fiirnum and Dougla-i
streets, OMAHA, NHll.
If im hmo mll, weak uivaiit.
lit rr in- wiMki'iiliig fliaiio,
imr VaiMMini Oran petcliipn-Mill
M-aloie joii Hiihout ilruai '
rleillli-llr 75,0l) In llei imtelMi
fallurr, lint ono returned no C 0. 1. mnnl write fur
free iiarllenlarn. ui-rit neoled In plain cnwlopr,
10CAL APPLIANCE CO., 138 Thorp Dlk., Indliflipolll, Ind.
27th Street, Broadiay anil 5th Ave., New York
European Absolutely
Plan v&&&? Fireproof
In the centreof the hopplac ni thettra district
A Mo.l-rn I'lullill llitlal.
Compteie In all ttl ippolni.
tluni newthrbjL'hout. Aicom.
ment. I uinlihlnt an.l ikcnritluni newtiirajL-nou
tnA1,,U. I. m m .. tin kxllrt wllll liltht.
llol art4
cuM MkieianJ irlephonc lu every iyr. Cultlne uacBbcl'ci.
WHITE DOVE CURB never fall" tu ilealroy ciar.
Ing for troug drink, thu appetite for whli-h cannot
ei"t after luina thl remeily. (liven In any llnnM
with or without knowledge u! patient taatctem II at
Shennau A ilcCounull aud Kuhu & Co., dru(Klri
Woodwurd & Hurgcss.
Mgrs. Tel. loin.
Lnst Three TflUIRUT n"'' hadrday
I'urrorii-.ances lUIHUnl Mght
Ciirliilii Hlses nt fi Sharp.
S.VI'l IUAV .11 A'I'I. I'll"
Curtain Ttlscs ut 2 Hharp.
Positively thu Only Appcurauco Hero of
Leslie Garter
After Her London Tii-imph as
Id David UeiriKCo'h Play.
Bents now on tale. 1'ilees. Wi, lo J'.'.W).
Simdav, Monday (M 11 linen H.niiluy), ItUU
Omaha'. Family Theater. Phone ISM.
ijaji.m iijtun. v
Pi Ices never chutigliiB livenlii!; 10c, 2jo,
50c. matinee, 100 mm Vic; reserved seats,
50c Hpeclul Pickuiiliiny houveulr for th
ladies nun cunuy tor 1110 cnuuren ut tin
Suturdiiy muttuvc. -
nhxt wi:i:k. kohuht jmlliahd.
amat13uk caun1val, apihl 33.
Miaco's trocadiro
Kntlro Week, Including Saturday iSvcnin.,,
MOLLIS illll (.i: ill.UI,i:Mtll'-lh.
Presenting "Tho Wnlfdorf-Castorlu' m.d
"Tho Wnysldo Inn, with u host or pretty
women, bright comedians, In n comedy oi
huriesouo und vuud'.x llle Mutluce every
afternoon, livening pi Ices, JOo :0c, SO.
BmoKo it you into rxt wtck, THiniuuny
rigers una rscw xovk main, .