THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, Al'HIL 10 BOSTON STORE REMNANTS Wendtrfal Barjini in Ihort Ltagtht f Unit Bilks and Dieu Good REMNANTS, SI; DRESS GOODS, 25C YARD A fJrand Snip of l'oulnrit SIIUh, Clinlll and Ml I It .Miurllnc il .loir, 1m mcnoc HiirKfiliiH ui .tnlo lu llniictiiviit Toil ii)'. 1.39 FOULAItDS AT DOC nnd "EC YD. COO remnants of foulard bilk containing from 6 to 12 yds. nil vsatln foulards, many satin Jacqunrd effects, nil of tliotn this season's designs, light and dark grounds, guaranteed $1.39 quullty. In silk department tit 69o and 75c yd. Many thousand yards of taffeta silk, plain and fnncy, brocaded silk, penu do solo, In fact every variety of silk Imaginable, In remnants from 3 to 8 yds., on salo on bar gain squares at 39c, 49c, nnd 69c yd. Short remnnnts of silk for fancy work, dress trimmings, millinery purposes, neck wear, etc., go ut 25e, 10c, 10c, 6c nnd 2c lor entlro piece. KH.MNANT3 OK CIIALLIS, 30O YD. Another lot of flno strictly nil wool challls, plnln nnd fancy colors, light nnd dark grounds, 75c quality, on front bargain uqunru at 39c yd. SILK KMimOIDEHKl) MOUSSELINB .,. I I OU1?' .. , ..... i In A now 101 or siik emnroiucrcu muuBsciuio do solo in lengths of 3 to 6 yds., many to match, enough for waist or entire suit, light nnd dark colors tiolka dots, fnncy dots nnd stripes, embroidered moussclluo dc sole, nt 30c yd. DIU5SS GOODS KEMNANTS AT 25C YD. An Immenso lot of high grndo spring dress goods In remnauts, plain cloths, silk and wool mixtures, enshraeres, hciirlottas, all worth up to "5c nnil $1.00, on front bar gain squnro nt 25c yd. REMNANTS OK EMHUOIDEKIES. ltcmnants of nil kinds of very lino em broidery nnd Insertion In nil widths up to IS Inches, Including nainsook, awlss nnd cnmbrlc, go In lots nt Gc, "Vic, 10c nnd 19c yard. Remnants nnd odd pieces of all-over tuck ing nnd embroidery, worth In tho regular way up to 75c, hundreds of patterns, go In two lots nt 10c nnd 19o each. FRIDAY REMNANT IN HASEMENT. 1214c seersucker gingham nt 6HiC ward. Kancy corded 23c ginghams In mill rem emits go ut 10c yunl. Finest quality SO-Inch pcrcnlc, light and dark colors, Slfco yard. 15c percale, dark colors only, go nt C',c yard. Ono counter best standard prints, ZMc yd. One counter shirting prints, 2jc yard. All kinds India linen, 40-Inch lawn, checked, plaid and striped nainsook nnd dotted Swiss, worth 40c, go nt lOr. yard. Rest grndo 40c drnpery ticking, 12c yard. Rest grado drapery cretonne, C'iu yard. All kinds of plain sllkollnc, mercerized lawns, etc., worth 25c yard, go nt 20 ynrd. All kinds of fancy lawns, worth up to 25c yard, go nt 2 lie ynrd. Plain nnd fancy mercerized sateen, worth 40c, In long mill remnants, nt 15c yard. Short remnants 20c table oilcloth, 2'yjc ydi And hundreds of othor remnant bargains. DOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J, Ii, Urnndcla & Sons, Proprietors. Attention, M. XV. A. Members of R. & M. camp No. 2722 aro earnestly requested to attend tho funeral of our lato neighbor, William R. Learn, Friday, April 5, 1901, nt 2 o'clock p. in., from Elks' hall. Wnro block, 15th and Far nam. Interment Prospect Hill. P. I. DEVOL, V. C. EDWARD SI'lLLETT, Clerk. Seeds that grow como from tho Nebraska ccd company. 1513-15 Howard St. Stonrcyphor prln's anything. Tel. 1310. IMHIl. LEARN Wllllnm R lu this city, April 2d, iikcu i( years. Tnn funeral will tnko plnco from tho Imlgo rnoniH of Otnnha lodge. No. 39. lle nevolont and Protective Order of Elka. third floor Wnro block. 15th and Farnnm MtrentH, nt 2 o'clock this afternoon. Tho remains will llo In stato in tho lodgo room after 10 o'clock this morning. All members of tho lodgo will attend without furthen, notice. All visiting Klks are Invited to at tend. City olllclals. tho pollco department, members of all organizations of which tho Into Judgo Learn wax a member, nnd all Ills friends aro respect fully nnd earnestly Invited to attend theso nervlecs. Tho Inter ment will bo at Forest Lawn ccmntcry. J'AOE Mrs. Juliette N.. at tho reldcncoof her daughter, Mrs. Carr Axford, corner 21st and l.akn streets, April 3d, aged SO years, 9 months nnd 2 days. Mrs. Pago la well known In this city, having llrst moved to Omaha In lSftS, but for about twenty years her homo was nt Dos Moines. During tho past eighteen months sho hns been living in this city. Hho leaves four children. Mrs. Carr Axford, Mrs. C. L. Drew of Roston, Muss., Mrs. Kva D. Wilson, wlfo of Rev. II. W. Wil son of Old Mystic, Conn., aud Charles M. l'nco of Des Mulnes. Funnra unnral will orcur at the residence of Mrs. Axford, Friday at 1 p. in. lit Brought it Back Tho other day tho tax collector presented his bill. Wo paid It, and about an hour later ho enmn tearing back nnd said wo had orer-pald him $10. It was a groat sur prlsa to us, but It demonstrated thla fact thnt tax collectors nro nn honest sot, not withstanding they get cussed by about 93 ler cent of tho people. Kewbro's Ilcrpleldu C.ic Pnlne's Celery Compound 75c Cramer's Kidney Curo 75o Winn of Cnrdul f"i; Stuart's Catarrh Tablets 40c Duffy's Mult Whiskey Mo Ilcr's Mult Whiskey 9c l'ertina 0.1c (lem Catarrh Powder 30o llostettcr's Rltters 76c llnnd's Sarsnparllla 75o Scott's Kmulslon 75o Kay's Renovator 20o Kuy's Lung Halm 20a Hchnefer's Couch Syrtin "c H. S. S 7!a rinknam s compound tsc SCHAEFER CUT PRICE DRUGGIST SJ. W. Car. 10th and Chicago. Capes coats Frcttiest Neckwear made, in the lowest to the best. Rnnphil Itihhon Sale. Best Kid Gloves in tho market for the money $1, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. An elegant line of Parasols n lnwnsr In tlio UohK the New Silk and Wash Waists nw Ki.vln in Voilino's!. f'nnmlnvinn Vilj .o ntul TiOp m vnnl Chenille Uoas, $1.25 to $8.25. Ttiiltntimi Tnrplimt'o. .1 ii.wnn.vs 1'uihav sam:s. Von Knmr Wlmt ii HitrKiilii liny IV c AltT(in .Mnli- of l-'rltlny. SPECIAL. FOR THE HOYS. Ptirchaso of manufacturers reserve stock of finest spring suits. Tho suits In thla purchase aro of exceptional qualities and becauso we can give you tho benefit of them at special prices we bought thorn. Roys' very finest thrce-plcco kueo pants suits, regular $6.60 to $12 values, nt $2.60, $3.75 nnd $5. All sizes from 8 to 16. Roys' extra flno sailor suits, Russlnn blouse suits nnd vested suits, that nro worth $4.50 to $10, on sale for $2.25, $2.93, $3.50, $3.93 nnd $5. Roys' double-breasted knee pants sulU, nil sizes, 6 to 16; suits worth $3 at $1.50. suits worth $3.75 at $1.75, suits worth $4 50 nt $2.50, suits worth $6.50 nt $3.75. Hoys nnd youths' suits, long trousers, suits worth $7.50 to $20 nt $3.75, $3, $0.50, $7.30, JS.50 nnd $10. NEW EASTER SHOES. Tho best nnd finest makes, perfect In style, fit nnd workmanship, nil sizes uml widths, Insuring n perfect fit, on salo nt Hayden's saving prices. The well known Rrooks Rros.' shoes for ladles, In Ideal kid, patent leather and vlcl kid, nil tho nowest Btyles, with opern, military nnd Louis heels, hnnd-turn nnd welt soles, on sale at $3, $1 nnd $3. The famous Ultra shoes for ladles, In tho new Ideal kid, patent lenthor and vlcl kid, nil styles nnd sizes, for $3.60. THE STETSON SHOE FOR MEN. Known as the best In tho world, as flno n custom Bhoo ns can bo mndo in quality, stylo nnd lit. Regular $0 and $7 shoes, on .... 1 iinv.inn'u nnlv t.V A nnlrndld linn 01.117 IIV .l..l4 " " l - (inn... .''......... t i ' ' t li n ii u fm. .11 n ft fill nnlii vclour cnirs, patent learners and vici kids, with extension ropo stitched soles nnd now Roston toes, to be hnd only nt Hayden's for $3.50. Tho "Merrlam" shoes for children, misses nnd boys, on salo nt $1, $1.25 nnd $1.50. SHOES IN OUR RAROAIN ROOM. Ladles' fine $2 nnd $2.50 kid shoes for $1.39. Children's nnd misses' $1.25 kid shoes for 69c. EASTER MILLINERY SALE. Friday wo will offer special vnlucs In now nnd exquisite Easier hats. Nowhere elfo enn you llnd such un elegnnt display of nil tho Ivindon, Purls nnd domestic fash ions. Wo save you fully one-third on your millinery imrchuses, supply you with tho most charming styles nnd best qualities. HA YD ENS' IS THE PLACE FOR SILK RAROAINS. Flno Persian satin Liberty on 'sale 39c. 100 pieces flno new corded wash silk at 39c. 50 bolts black and colored 19-lnch taffeta on sale 49c. 100 bolts black nnd colored 27-Inch taffeta on Bale COc. RIG SALE ON FOULARDS. Choice Btylea In flno quality foulard dress silk ou salo for a fow days at 59c. Ulnck and whlto fancy cllks, worth $1.50, for 75c. Latest stylo waist silk, worth $2.00 on sale 9Sc. Fancy styles for waists or trimmings Grand assortment, regular $1.00 silk for 49c. Wo sell a big line of black tnffctas nt very special prices. HAYDEN BROS Read Haydens' special Bales on this page. The New l.nkc .Shore I.lmlteil Is now lu dally service. Every car Just from tho shops. Scvcrnl new features. LcavcB Chicago as heretofore, C:30 p, m. M. S. Giles. T. P. A.. Chicago. F. M. Hyron, G. W. A., Chicago. Prang platlncttcs nnd beautiful new car bon pictures nt Y. W. C. A. branch art ex hibit Saturday. April 6. AVllllnms street, near Fifth; take Harney car. City Solicitor In Sentenced. LISRON. O.. Anrll 4. In tho nrobate court last night L. P. Metzger, city solicitor of Salem, was convictcii or malfeasance in or. lice nnd sentenced to removal from offlcj. The Biiccllla chnrnes ncalnst Metzcer worn traveling to New York City on a paws nnd charulntr railroad faro to his oxnensn ac count with tho city nnd accepting a fco of Jl.ixo in a rnuronu ueni inimical to mo in terest or tno city. NEW PIANOS SOLD REGARDLESS OE COST Stelnvtny, Steek. A. II. Clinne, Ivern fc I'onil. Vonc. Kmeraon, Sieger, Strauue nnil the llenutiriil SliiKer. rrospcctlvo piano purchasers who nro seeking tho absolutely best valuo at ho lowest prlcb should not fall to got our quo tations nnd terms upon theso beautiful In struments. Wo sell on rnsv nnvmnnts and glvo a handsome stool and scarf FREE 1 witn each piano. Now pianos for rent. Artlstlo tuning and repairing promptly done. Catalogues, prices nnd terms furnished freo on application. SCHM0LLER ft MUELLER, TUB LARGEST PIANO HOUSE IX THE WEST. 1313 Farnant Street, Omnha. U37 Uroadwrny, Council 111 off a, Tel. ltUtt. MRS. J. BENSON For Easter Handsome Spring Jackets and for children. Handsome Caps and Mull ITats, all colors, for children. Handsome Dress Skirts and Petti all the new styles. Prices from X and Sun Umbrellas. Prices from v iinlioH wMn f?i vnr1. . . AUTISTIC l'HII.ICAT10.S. fanned li- (In; Iliiltlmorr t Ohio Itnll roml, GUIDE TO WASHINGTON, Tho passenger department of tho Haiti raoro & Ohio railroad has Issued n guide to Washington, which lu many respects ex cels nil other guides published, both In nrtlstlo nppenranca and careful description of points of Interest In tho capital city. Tho front cover of the book Is embellished with n handsome steel-engraved portrait of the "Stuart" Washington. Tho reverse cover bears nil American Hag In tho grasp of nn eagle. Tho Insldo pages contain re cent photographs of all of tho government buildings with correct Information concern ing them, together with other Interesting features of tho city and tho very latest map. Copies will be sold nt the principal ticket otllees of tho Haltlmore & Ohio rail road? for 10 cents cash, or will bo mnlled to nny nddress on receipt of 15 cents In stamps ou application to tho undersigned. "REASONS WHY." "Reasons Why" Is u forty-two page pamphlet giving In condensed form tho Im portant fncts concerning the Raltlmoro & Ohio railroad. It Is an argument Betting forth tho clnlms of tho railroad for pub lic consideration. This artistic booklet contains many halftones nnd drawings Illus trating tho history, scenic charms, tho de velopment nnd progress of tho railroad and tho superior jervlco nfforded to patrons. Single copies can bo obtnlncd of ticket agents or will bo mnlled to nny address on receipt of 2 cents In postage stamps on application to tho undersigned. II. N. AUSTIN, General Passenger Agent Dattlmoro & Ohio Railroad, Chicago, 111. KEEP OFF THE PLATFORI DniunKP Suit AKiilnnt Street Itnllwny I'lilln Hei'iiiiHc There Win Con tributory iXe'KllKenec. Henry IIcyma.1 was riding ou tho back platform of a Walnut Hill street car, when It camo to a BUddcn stop and he was thrown' against tho glass door, cutting his hands so severely that ho was Incapacitated for work for sovcrnl wecka. Ho sued tho street rail way company for $200 damages aud tho easo was tried In tho county court yester day. Judgo Vlnsonhalcr ruled that Hcyman had no business riding on tho platform whllo thcro was plenty of room Insldo tho car for him. By not putting himself in n safo po sition Hcyman was guilty of contributory negllgcnco and not entitled to recover damages. Stonccypher, printer; 1201 Howard St. A Talk on Spring Clothing Ererr man who hat a regard (or hi wants to practice practical economy ahoulfl Clothing- for spring. Those who patronlte so-called "awell" ticularly Invite, because we know It is the the world for us to convince them that them equally as good and for less than STOP as you walk by our Sixteenth window. LOOK through our 116 new you have a few minutes time come in matchless values we have to offer you. HAYDEN BROS Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha.' Easter Offerings at Omaha's finest shoe store nre matchless. The distinct style features of Easter Shoes displayed here will make Easter shoe buying axay. The price much less than else where Friday and Saturday. Men's Shoes patent Ieathors of nil kinds, vlcl kid, box calf, Including Hanan & Sons, Kcttleton's, Stacy-Adams $5, $4.50, $4, $3.50, $3 and $2.50 Ladles' Shoes very swellcst styles Foster, Armstrong, Utz & Dun patent leathers of all kinds, vlcl kid all tho new creations $5, $4.50, $4, $3.50 and $2.50 Jcnncss Miller Misses' and Children's Shoes patent leathers, vlcl kid new kid top, cloth top $2.50, $2, $1.50, $1 and 75c Boys', Youths', Little Gents' Shoes patent culf, patent Idenl, vlcl kid, box calf $2.50, $2, $1.50, $1.25 $1.00 and 75c Ladies' Slippers and Oxfords grand display exclusive styles. The Rochester Shoe Co. 5i5 Dougias Successors to "The Howe." f Easter Hats . . T T f Ilii)ilrii CJroi-rry llnrKiilii". 10 lbs. rolled oats 19c. 10 bars Rent 'Km All soap 25c. 3 bars tar soap, worth 23c, for 10c. 20 lbs. granulated sugar $1.00. 10 lbs. puro grahnm flour 15c. 10 lbs. whlto or yellow corn meal 10e. Assorted pickles, chow chow, etc., worth 15c, for Stic. Star tobacco, per plug, 30c. Horseshoe, 39c. Rattle Axe, 35c plug. Choice English breakfast ten, 35c lb. R. F. Japan tea, 35c lb. New season spider, Jnpan tea, 45e lb. Three 3-lb. cans pears for 25c. Thrro 3-lb. cans peaches for 45c. California evapor ated pears 6c. California cvaported nprl cots 84c California evnporated raspber ries 21c. Strictly fresh eggs 11c. HAYDEN RROS. Attend big Knster sales at Haydens. ABOUT FREE TEXT BOOKS Mcmlirr nf (lie Connecticut I.pkIhIh Inrr Seek Infnrnin t Inn from Mo per I ii I end en t 1'enrfii. "What caused you folks In the wild and woolly west to have free text books so enrly?" This Is ono of tho many questions pro pounded to Superintendent Carroll G. l'earso of tho Omaha public schools In n lottcr written to him by Cornelius Sullivan of Hartford, n member of the Connecticut legislature. Mr. Sulllvnn has several freo text bonk bills rendy for Introduction In tho Connecticut legislatures nnd sought Informn Hon concerning the workings of tho law In force In Nebraska. s ATURDAY OPENING Our Beautiful ONYX QUEEN nn.V roi'NTAIN will be onenert for the Beasou of I90l tomorrow. We mIiuII make n fow interesting prices to "feature" tho tiny $1.00 Kirk's Dandruff Cure, wo sell. .. 75c Coko Dandruff Cure, wo well too Syrup of FlgH (genuine) Mmo. Yalo'8 preparations $1.00 IVriina $1.00 Stearns' Wine of Cod Liver Oil.. $1,00 "Wnmpolo'H Cod Liver OH $1.00 Kilmer's Swamp Hoot $ Wlno of Cnrdul $1.00 Cramer's Kidney Remody ,i-pt. S.-W. Family Paint ...ISC ...:iso .. .71 . . . inc ...7r.c .. . ((. ...62.J ...LC Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go. Cor. 10th nnd Dixlur. HAYDEN s pocketbook and see our line of tailors we par easiest thine In we can clothe halt the money. street clothing sorlnc itvlaa. if and examine the Men'e All Wool Suits for $3.75 that are matchless elsewhere fer lees than $6.50. Men's Black and Oxford Suits for $5.00. Bulta that no other store sells for less than $8.50. Men's suits fine Vicunas for $0.75. Other etorr.s would call them bargains at $10.00. Men's Suits new, stylish patterns at $T.B0. Men's Very Fine Suits at $8.50 and 110.00. Over 25 handsome patterns to select from. Elegantly tail ored and perfect fitting. Men's Extra Fine Suits for $13.50 nnd $16.00 Suits which can only be classed with the $25,00 to $35.00 made to order kind. Men's Very Finest Suits for $18.00 to $25.00 ate equal only to tho $50.00 made to measure kind, except the prloe. D .on't think because we sell as good a hat for $2,50 aa othora 6ell for $3,50 that wo nro eolncr out of business. Our oxponsoi! aro lighter and you can afford to buy your eastor gloves and tio of ue. Kolloy c& IleyclGii, 10th and Cliloaun, Easter Preparations Neckwear Jit four-in-liandr, etc. 25C and Pennies free for Boys and Girls Wo will filvo ono penny for ovcry namo hroiiRht in to us of persons In Omaha having a KODAK OH CA MI2IIA. Wo will also kIvo three ex tra prlzea of 1x5 cameras for thoso having tho sreatcat number of names. You must call llrst at tho store for namo slips and full particulars. Names must bo handed In on Sat urday, Monday or Tuesday, April 13, 15 and 16. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Fnriinin Street. Seo the pennies In our window. You can depend Upon this atoro, When wo advertise a lmrgaln its a bargain. Sterling Silver Knives, sot 110,00 Sterling Silver Korks, set $8.00 Sterling Silver Tea Spoons J3.00 Sterling Sliver Jolly Spoons $3.00 Sterling Silver lion Ilou Dishes.... $1.00 Theso aro bargains and wo want you to seo them. Geo. W. Ryan & Co., JEWELERS 109 South 16th Street A Few Points A Fire-Proof- Building A Clean Building A Well-Heated Building A Well-Ventilated Building The Bee Building ALL NIGHT ELEVATORS FREE ELECTRiC LIGHT FREE WATER REASONABLE RENT MOVE NOW ItlPAN'B TAHULEB Is an effective cum for the ills which nrlglnnta in n bad stem ten. 10 for tu. At all drugclstj. a Men's Overcoats The most complete line The most complete styles and the lowest prices ever made by any cloth ing house in this section $5.00, $7.50, $8.00, $10.00, $11.50, $13.00, $15.00, $16.50 up They have the dignity of "really merchant tailor ones' that cost you three and four times The Nebraska's price. Materials fine Cut perfect Making without defect $5.00 ESC $6.50 spring styles In choice selection of pray mixture. (!F flf for .Men's ?S 75 All Wool oxford gray, pretty pattern, round corner Rack good quality Karracr'a satin lln Inu. Merv's Easter Hats New styles New silks for Easter wear. A, vast assortment of color and combi nations in tho now Heading you off with thine in men's hats. A complete Una of shades 35C $1.00. $1.50 $2.00, $2.50 Friday is Remnant Day t Bargain Room 10,000 yards of all wool nnd half wool remnants of dress goods, somo In dress patterns, somo In skirt pattern goods, that sold up to $1.50 a ynrd, will go at Co, 10c, 15c, lc and 25c a yard. 500 patterns in black dresa goods, from C to 7 yards In each pattern, goods that sold nt from 60c to $2.'JS a. yard; they will go for entlro pattern, 9Sc, $1.60, $1.S and $2.08. 500 skirt patterns In black aud nil colors. at from 3 ',6 yards to 1 yards In each pat tern, t'8c, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.98 for entire pattern. 1,000 yards of novelties, serges, honrl cttas, jacqunrds, etc., at 10c, 15c and 25c a yard; goods that you will pay 60c to 75c for children's tichool dresses. 2,000 yards of nil wool thallls, sold every where ut 59c, on salo nt 29c. 3,000 yards of silk striped challls, 29c. 1,000 yards of wool granadlnos, 25c. 20,000 yards of 36-ln. pcrcalo In Bhort lengths, at lc. 25,000 yards of 3C-ln. pcrcalo, tho 15o and 19c finality, In nlco long lengths, at 5n yard. 32-ln. madras cloth, regular 25c goods, at C',c. 10,000 yards of 15c dimity, nt 3Hc. 5,000 yurds of 15c and 20c doublo cellcla linings, 6c. 25o zephyr gliighamn, Gic. 40,000 yards of lino shirting prints, fold fast colors, worth fic, at 214c 10,000 yards nf Scotch Inwns. Wr. 10,000 yards of merccrnlzcd sateens, the 25o quality, 10c. 3fi-ln. heavy unbleached sheeting, worth 6c a yard, at 3 7-Sc. I.onsdalo cambric, Cc a yard. Soft bleached muslin, 1 7-bc. Wash rags, 2c. Toweling, extra heavy, 3c. Curtain scrlmm, worth 25c a yard, on sale nt "Me. Illcached Now York mills, 9-4, 18c. 10-4 bleached New York Mills, 20c. Kxtra wldo nnd extra heavy domot Ann nel. worth 12V4c, at 6c. Itemniints of drapery cretonne, worth l'Jc on biilo nt 8,.e. Ilomnnnts of 10c shirting, nt 5c. Ilemnants of bed ticking, worth 25c yard, u t 16c. Henley doublo warp cheviot, fast colors, regular 25c goods, at 8fcc HAYDEN BROS. ORIENTAL RUGS I 25 flno Knzaks, lleloochlBtans, Mousouls and fihlrvann at Import prices for thrco days. During last fow days wo have dlsposod of n great irtnny rugs, Including silks nnd Klrmans, Wo will continue to give bargains to those desiring to buy rugs at 40o ' and 60o on tho dollar all this week. Comparo quality and prices brforo purchasing. A I largo and very lino Klrmanshah, worth $8.00 at bacrlflco prlco, Homombcr us In tho fall, when wo will bring nnotner large ETAM1NOKTAN . lAininujian EASTER GIFTS Wo aro showing a nice line of nobby, tasty pieces lu silver, rut glass nnd noveltlos In Jowulry. Spend a few minutes ut our btoro. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1510 DuukIus St. for Men's All Wool Suits ln a choloo col lection of pretty ntrlpes, otyllsh and handsome. rtr for Men's All lsN I II I Wool Suits -PU.UV strictly hlnh. Krado Hill tH. correct in cut, styl nnd construction. Your tailor couldn't dupltcato for less than thrco times eight. the latest colors and HAYDEN s Jewelry Scissors worth 50o each, will go at lOo nnd 16c. Sliver nlated ton unntier nnd unltn nnrfc tmltntlon of cut glass, worth 60c, nt 15c pair. Sterling silver novolCles, worth $1.00 each, at 25c, Notions 10c water proof binding, 6c yard, 5o velveteen binding, 2V4c. 15c laco ut 5c. 10c laco at 2VaC. 6u nnd 10c dress trimmings at lc yard. 20c pearl buttons nt 6o dozen. 25c dress buttons nt 6c dozen. Hasting thread, per dozen spools, Co. Ready Made Goods Ono tablo In our bargain room filled with wrappors, waists nnd sklrtH, worth up to $3.00 on salo at r,0o. 1 table of ladles' wash waists, 75a quality, for 39c. Ladies' 25c Vests at 10c 6 cases ladles' medium weight Jersey rib bed vests, nprlng wear, mndo to sell at 25c, on salo at 10c. Men's 60c medium weight underwear, 'rv ribbed, all sizes, shirts and drawers, at 25c. Men's 50c shirts nt 19c. 200 dozon men's colored shirts, extra well mode, every shirt warranted perfect; theso shirts wcro mndo to olI at 50c; theno .iu maim without collars; all sizes from II to 17, on Falo at 19c. Men's 25c Suspenders at 124c Ladles' 15c hoso nt "'fcc. Children's 15o hoso at Men's 25c half hoso at 10c. Men's 10c half hoso (6 pairs) at 25o. Men's 60c suspenders at I5c. Men's IQc Handkerchiefs at 2-ic A big special shlpiuiint of men's red nnd hi uo haudkerchlcfs, also whlto, with colored borders, on salo ut 2'tc. collection io umana. I,er Grand Hotel Store, goa SoMth 16th streeti