Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Th "World'i Best Millintrv Ofrrd at Verj
Sptcial Pricct Today,
Tlicm- Mpt-i'lul llfTrrliidn for Tlnirlny
.Arc of I'niiNiiiil lniiiirtiwirr The
Value .rr AliKiillili'ly Without
uu JJiiuiiI HciiieiiilHT, Only
Tho Rrcntcet display of Kastor millinery
that has ever heen sliown, nnd It has cap
tivated tho tUy. On account of tho back
wardness of season, thousands of hats have
accumulated, tho result of tho work of our
largo forco of trimmers, and for tomor
row (Thursday) wo will offer special bar
gains In order to sell this overproduction.
It drams h broad assertion when wo tell
you that wo will sell n trimmed hat at
$4,08 that cannot be duplicated In stylo nnd
richness of trimming for I1U.00 or 1.".00.
We ask you to seo them and wc will abide
by your decision. Many of them arc copies
of Imported Roods on na!o today at Jt.DS.
COO dopant trimmed hats In turbans and
dren shapes, trimmed with tho newest
materials, ro at $2.50 nnd $3.!S.
Tho greatest assortment of hlph grade,
hand nnd maehlno madu hats, fancy braids
In black and colors, at 25c. COc and ItSc
COO rcad-to-wcar bats and new excliiRlvo
styles at $1.49 and Sl.HS.
100 doacn flno follaRo popples, daisies,
npplo blossoms, roses, etc., nctual value
49c bunch; special 23c.
Tho backward season compelled tho man
ufacturer to sacrlflco theso ladles' suits,
henco this remarkablo offer, llandnomo
Eton, blouse, 1'Alglon nnd box suits, with
new flaro nnd flounco skirts, many all silk
lined. Tho materials lire pebble ehnvlots,
Venetians, coverts, etc., $13 and $17.10 val
ues, for $S..0.
Ladles' lino tailor mado suits In blouse
styles, new blouso sleeves ami TAIfilon col
lar, silk lined Jackets, Kilt nnd braid
trimmed, actual $S values, for $10S.
IADIES' $3 CAI'ES FOR $1.50.
Flno brocaded nnd plain silk capes, rib
bon, lacn and ruchtng trimmed, well lined,
ucw effects, $3 values, for J1.K0.
LADIES' $1 CREl'ON' SKIRTS, $1.93.
Mercerized crepon skirts, new flaro bot
toms, good lining!), actual $1 values, at Jl.'JS.
Ladles' flno covert Jackets, tan and bluo
mixtures, good lining and double-breasted,
newest styles, $5 values for $2. CO.
J. L. llrandels & Sons, Proprietors.
hostox sTuitn xnw i:asti:i .shoes.
Ml rrv ftjlv l.imtfi, Color, Menu III
Mfti'ii, W ClillilriMi'K Shoes.
New patent leather shoes, r.ew Ideal kid
tdioes, now velours shoes for men nnd
were en.
Dluo kid shoes for misses and children.
Automobllo red shoes for women and
60 new nnd different styles of ladles
shoes at $3.00 that would cost you $1.00 or
$3.00 nnywherb else.
40 new and different s'ylcs of men's shoes
nf $3.00 that would cost you $1.00 or $3.00
anywhero else.
Now extension solo and heel shoes for
New Louis XV heel kid shoes nnd patent
kid shoes for women.
New patent leather shoes and oxfords for
New patent slippers for misses nnd chil
dren. Hoys' shoes In patent enamel for CSc.
souths ennmel shoes OSc.
Visit our basement shoo department.
J. L. llrandels & Sons, Proprietors.
.iilioiiiiM-iilPilti of (Ik- 'riielttfl'K.
Mrs. Lcsllo Carter's engagement which
begins nt Hoyd's theater tonight, Friday
nnd Saturday, will bo her only appearances
lioro us "Zaza" in David Ilolasco's play.
She. comes almost direct from her great
London triumph. Thcro has been n very
largo advanco salo of scats and It Is ex
pected that tho engagement will prove ono
of tho big ones of tho season at Royd's
Tho curtain will rlso promptly ut S o'clock
each evening.
Seeds thnt grow como from tho Nobraska
Seed company, 1313-1! Howard St.
The Queen
Holds Court
Tho beautiful ONYX QUEEN SODA
FOUNTAIN, will, on Saturday, April Cth,
commenco her SECOND season of undls'
puted sway ns reigning Monarch nnd
Itegcnt Do Luxo of tho cntlro soda water
realm of tho world.
300 KINDS of plain and fancy drinks
will bo dispensed from this beautiful fouu-
tnln which will bo Inttcndcd by three
skilled professors In tho nrt of drtuk male
1ng and dispensing.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.,
Corner lfith and Dodge, Omaha.
lluyili'it'n firm'rry Snle.
California evaporated peaches, worth 15c,
for 8 California evaporated pears,
worth 12V4C for Cc. 3 bara wool soap for
10c. 10 bars Heat 'Em All soap 25c. Strictly
fresh eggs 11c. 10-lbs, graham 15c. 10-lbs,
ryo 15c, 10-lbs. whlto or yellow comment
10c. 3 bars tar soap, worth 25c, for 10c.
flood country butter 10c lb. Oregon prunes
worth 10c, for 3t$c. 10-lbs. ryo graham 10c.
Iron wagons, body 12x21 Inches; regular
prlco $1.50, sale prlco 73c. Iron wagons,
body 13x2(5 Inches, regular price $1.73; salo
prlco 90c. Iron wagons, body llx2S Inches,
regular prlco $2.23, salo prlco $1.10.
Largo sweet oranges, per dozen 10c. Inrgo
rlpo bananas 10c dozen. Mixed nuts 1214c.
lbs. choice Arabian dates 10c.
No. 1 California hams 7-ViC Empire
brand cottage hams 11c. No. 1 sugar cured
hams 10c. C-lb. palls pure leaf lard 13c.
Uonclcss corned beef 7'4c. l ull crcum
ehecso Sc. Durham brand Neufchatel cheese
3c. American club-house cheese 28c.
Rend Hnyden's Easter sales, this page.
Stonccypher, printer; 1201 Hownrd St.
ftniiril liy the lliilthnorc .1 Olilo Jtnll-
Tho pafscnger department of the Haiti-
more & Ohio railroad has Issued a guide to
Washington, which In many respects ex-
els nil other guides published, both In
artistic, npponranco nnd caroful description
of points of Interest In tho capital city.
Tho front cover of the book Is embellished
with n handsomo steel-engraved portrait
of tho "Stuart" Washington. Tho rovcrso
cover bears nn American ling iu tho grasp
of nn eagle. Tho Inside pages contain re
cent photographs of all of the government
buildings with correct information concern
ing them, together with other Interesting
features of tho city anil tho very latest
map. Copies will be sold lit tho principal
ticket ofllrcs of the Haltlmoro & Ohio rail
road for 10 cents cash, or will bo mailed to
any address on receipt oi in corns in
stamps on application to tho undersigned.
Reasons Why" Is n forty-two page
pamphlet giving in condensed form the Im
portant fncts concerning tho Haltlmoro &
Ohio railroad. It Is an nrgumcnt setting
forth tho clnlms of tho rallrond for pub
lic consideration.. This artistic booklet
contains many halftones nnd drawings illus
trating tho history, scenic charms, the do-
velopinent nnd progress of tho railroad and
tho superior service afforded to patrons,
Slnglo topics enn bo obtained of ticket
agents or will bo mailed to any address
on receipt of 2 cents In postngo stamps on
application to tho undersigned.
General Passenger Agent Haltlmoro &
Ohio Railroad, Chicago, 111.
Mil til Wnnl lleiitilillcnti CIuli.
Tho regular mooting of tho Ninth Ward
Republican club will bo held Thursdny
evening, April 4, nt tho club rooms, Twenty.
ninth nnd Fnrnnm. All republicans are
earnestly requested to bn present, ns bus'
Iness of Importance will be discussed.
C. E. MILLER. Secretary. President.
91,000 ('lilt-nun Stock of l'liic C'loth
Iiik nv on Snlo lit
This great purchasu nnd sale enables you
to buy boys' Easter nnd confirmation Hulls
at Just about half their actual value.
Hoys' vestee suits, sizes 4 to S, made of
flno cheviots, casslmercs, etc., special talc
prlco OSc.
Child's 2-plece kneo pants suits In blue
serges, bluo and black cheviots, fancy mix
tures, strlpc3 and checks, sizes 7 to 15
years, at $1.60.
Hoys' flucst suits, in vestee, blouse nnd
2 nod 3-piccc styles, In all sizes, made of
best fabrics, on Halo at $1.DS, '2. OS, $3.50 and
Hoys' long pants suits, blue and black
clay worsteds, serges, stripes and checks,
etc., nt $3.9S, $3.00 nnd $7.50.
J. L. llrandcld & Sons, Props.
IliilhtltiU IVrmltN.
The city Inspector of buildings has Issued
the following permits: Patrick Gentleman,
Twenty-fourth nnd Ohio, frame dwelling,
$1,500; A. II. Partridge, two frame dwell
ings, Thirty-first und Dodge, W.WO.
Stonrcyphcr prln's anything. Tel. 1310.
.Nil I'rofrRnloiiiil .Man or Wnninii (.'nn
.n.ini to Hp Without It.
Allen McLano Hamilton, M. D., attending
physician New York hospital for nervous
diseases, says:
"Tho Century Dictionary nnd Cyclopedia
and Atlas Is a friend, und I tunka uso of It
continually In controversies regarding tho
uso of medical words. It Is of much moro
uso to physicians than tiny of tho no-called
medical dictionaries nnd has evidently been
prepared with tho greatest care and ac
Hou. David J. Hrcwer, nssoctato Justice
of tho supreme court of tho United States,
"For complete nnd condensed Information
thero Is nothing in our language to equal
the Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia and
Atlas. In this day of busy activity, when
men hnvo llttlo tlmo to Investigate and yet
must bo certain ns to tho meaning of worda
they uso anil tho accuracy of facts Ihiy
Mate, there Is nothing in our language
winch will so satisfy tho demand for In
formation, accurnte, full nnd complete, ns
this work."
Now is tho time for you to possess it nt
wholesalo publishers' prlco through The
Dee. Send a pontal to Tho Omaha Deo Cen
tury club for full particulars.
Paint . . .
Thorn (u i l t I ., it.A ..Hn ...ii
.t in, nijoiui, 111 uu; ii t'llill it nun ni
nn honest paint. It 1 skillfully and Intel-
"buiiuj iiiuihj ii om uini materials uuu It
stands tho test of tlmo. Thero nro mnny
iiuuuH ui jimni upon wio mantel good,
linil Iinrl ItlfHfYftrnnt. Vti
, , " v. . uu ait. u.i nun, ii.u
good paint in. You cannot ulTord to uxu
I'' IMiim ,1 II tusis JOU noimiig. illt!
main cost of paint Is putting it on, und If
iii.4,f.,ui m ufluu j-iiu ure wie loser
Mm n'llnti.i. it .1 iil . .... . . . . . . .. i .. . .
...u , m.o .it n lltuilC- tlllU J Ull 11 HI
tho ono who stands around while tho cheap
immi iiuiiin, IJIIBILTM, ITUCIiH lind pCCIH OIT.
Dut thero Is nnother jiolnt. You don't want
to pay two prices for good piilnt. That Is
where wo come In with Lowe Brothers'
High Standard Liquid Paints. Honest
pnlnt nt honest prices. Ask for our color
cnrdM nnd get our prices before you buy.
iu tun Dmu juu muiiuy on noucsi puiiu,
Myers-Dillon Drug Co.,
tor. I6th and rarnani Sts.
with "Doc" on his prescriptions nnd when
ho tells you to go to n certain storo don't
go. "Doc islands In" with tho 2x1 pet that
runs It.
Ncwbros Hcrptcldo 3!c
Putno's Celery Compound 75c
Cramer's Kidney Curo 75u
Wine of Card ut 57c
Sturat's Catarrh Tablets 10c
Duffey's Malt Whiskey sr.c
Iler's Malt Whiskey fi'.'c
Pcruna C3o
Gem Catarrh Powder 30e
Hostctter's Hitters 75c
Hood's Sarsaparllla 7-c
Scott's Emulsion 75c
Kay's Renovator 203
Kay's Lung Halm, 20c
Schaofcr'a Cough Syrup 20c
S. S. S 73c
Plnkham's Compound CVu
b. W. Cor. 10th nnil flilwian.
Shoe Store
la showing tho most complete line of Easter
novelties to bo seen In the city In patent
calf or vlcl kid turned soles or welts.
Tho Sorosls nro ull ono price $3.50. To
be correotly dressed for Easter yon should
wear a SOROSIS HOOT. Our $2.50 lino is
completo with patent leather or vlcl kid,
loco or button.
Wo wish tho ladles to remembor that
our rest room Is fitted for their comfort.
Wo shlno your shoes FREE.
Two prices for ladles' $3.50 and $2.50.
Your Teeth
Aro your fortune. Success In
llfo depends a great deal on
appearances; nice looks aro
alwnys spoiled by poor, de
cayed tcetb.
flood Set Tcclli f.l.OO
Cold CroiviiB (bent) fr,.()0
I Mr I Odlntal parlous
1517 Douglas St.
Don't Postpone
longer that contemplated visit to tho
Every minute ndds to tho trouble. Taken
In time, decay of tho teeth can bo unrated.
Our method of, lllllng effectually retards Its
progress. Thu preparation used Is tho best
yet Invented, also tho most durable. N hen
uiu luuui iirv I'.iai b.iviiik uur
Crown and Bridge Work
supplleu tho best substitutes. Delles detec
tion nnd lusts longer.
i!i:k r.oiii OriMviiN !fr..oo
I'orcelnln Crou'im if.'.lH)
Ilrlilge 'li e til ijl.-.Ut
VJ Pnxlon lllot-k
Kith nnil Kuril n in.
Easter Holta, 2uc and 50c. $1.00 Kaster Neckwear, 2rc.
$1.50 Easter Neckwear, 31)c and 50c. 50c Easter Fancy Ribbons,
10c 50c Easter Veilings, 10c.
Suits, Skirts, Jackets, Waists I Grand Easter Lace Sale
Sorosis Shot Store,
0.1 So. 15th Street.
and Millinery
., ...i .i.ia will romo to a close. Tho greatest oppor-
uniy mrco imuu uu,n uuu ,. - ... . . .u . C ...
tunlty over offered you to buy your sprlnR finrments. Wo can safely say that o have
in i iy in., uu ., i,iriu in ilm lnHt I hren davs than all tho houses
sold moro suns, moro wuisia uuu u.uiu ....- ... . -- ------ v..-0
In Omaha combined. Wo hear It repeated again nnd nBaln by some of the best buera
,u viiti.M,. ...... ,.,, ii..... ah'c a.ilta urn th, nnwpHt. Hnvdnn s
and most oronomlcnl women in mo uiy iui - -- -
uuu muni. . . in .,.i1.nB .hn lowest. T i b department of ourB Is a safe
vimciy i no larKvni " nujuvuo - - - - ,.,, IVl
..i.... . ....i un,.v lmok if overvthliiK Is not satisfactory. Tho lit. the style, tho
mako is different to what you And In any other place. Have us send you a few Karm saie Tluil'Stlay ilt 15c yard.
ents on npproval; Ret tho otner nouses m uiu ...... -
....n. i.nn.1. urn Ihn llOSL Q11U OriCCS IUO iuwn "i'6
We represent tbe largest lace house in the world of line laces.
We can save yon just one-half on FINE LACES.
See our prices they will convince you.
Genuine hand made Arabian Laces now on sale. 90.00 Ara
bian Lacos, per yard, 2.00. ..OO Arabian Laces, per yard, 1.00.
1.50 Arabian Laces, per yard, 75c.
500 bolts of French Trimming Laces, worth 25c to 50c on
Women'a suits In homespuns and Vene
tians Iu blouso and Kton bolero effects,
trimmed with bands of taffeta ribbon; skirt
4. (..Inr.llnr.l nnil llllOcl With UCIir Silk'.
with now llaro flounce volvot bound; Jacket
Is silk lined; they were mniio
to sell for $U.7G HAYDEN'S
iiuim.-. omi.v.
f imported materials,
mado up In the very newest styles, with
tho L'AlRlon collar, bolero litou siyie; muy
nro ritual to suits sold In
this town for IIO-HAYDUN'S
miipi' nvi.v
Wnmnn'u uniiH .iirprl miilt's of Imported
liarmcnts, they are Bilk lined throuRbout;
como in nil colors; elaborately finished, aud
tr mined: suits for J35 in tuis
town nro not ns Rood; HAYDEN'
inn; jacKci
tyles, with
a Biyie; inoy
unisncd. aim
Dress Skirts
Wo nro known throiiRhout tho east and
west as being ono of tho largest handlers of
ready inado skirts In the country.
Wftninn'tt nllW ilrnRH ftktrtM. tniiiln nf ex.
cellent quality taffeta, perrallno lined nnd
velvet bound; others nsK you
VnmpnH ul.trtu In nil silk tnfTntn wttli
4 rows of ruchlnR and flounco lined, with
near mik ami veivci nounu;
old In this town for J15.00
Womon's skirts, mado of the famous
Wlnslow taffeta, tucked nil over with 4
rows of ruchlnR on nounce.soid
In this town for nearly double;
on Balo at I
linen nuu
ffetu, with
lined, with
Flno Imnortod samples on sale at $18.00,
J20.00, JS.UU, !U.wu anil jou.uu.
Ladies' Spring Jackets
Vaw lrnultin pnnlfl nt tin ntul SIR.
Ladles' silk Eton Jackets, mado from
tlui famous Wlnslow taffotn, at $7.50, J 10,
111 nn. i tir,
1 table of ladles' Jackets In Ktons, boxes
and otner styles, worm up
to $15.00 your choice
400 women's silk waists, mado from the
famous Wlnslow tarrcta;
warranted not to crack;
worth $0, for
ions, uoxes
j irom iiie
Extra Specials for
Women's rainy-day skirts, extra heavy,
jo limn ul jiluai.lllK( u
$6.00 aktrt on sale
Women's silk capes, trimmed with satin
rlhhnnn nlllf rnphlnrr fnr
Children's Ufiht-welght Jackets, uges 4 to
14, for $1.95.
Women's now waists, all wool, albatross
nnil nthar new mntcrl.ils. at S2.S0.
75 dozen percale wrappers, trimmed with
2 rows or craiii rutnes on uacK, iront nnu
shoulders; extra waist lining; In reds, blues,
blncHs nnu grays; n i.ia wrapper ior .'ac.
DO dozen wrappers, with 15-ln. llounce,
Praia tnmmea, uuuio or gouu
quality percale on sale
One Day Only
75c quality Chiffon, 75c quality Mouselin de Soie, 75c quality
Liberty Silks, all colors go at ono price 20c.
Special Hose Support'rs
On sale 50c Satin Belt Supporters, 10c. 50c Oook On Sup
porters, 10c. 50c Side Elastic, 10c.
A Hover Laces, Allover Tucking, Allover Embroideries, worth
1.00 to 2.50 per yard all one price Thursday, 75c per yard.
Grand Easter Book Sale
All tho new books at cut prices. y00 Bibles, only 1.;5.
Easter cards and novelties.
2.95 1 $1.50 Kid Gloves 49c
Thursday we put on sale in the main aisle 401) dozen ladies'
fine 1.00 and 1.50 kid gloves at 40c. This is a special purchase
on which we secured a ridiculously low price on account of buy
ing an enormous quantity for spot cash. This is your opportunity
Easter Millinery
YOUH HAT Is here. In Hayden'a astonish-
lng assortment you are sure to And Just tho
ono you are looking for. All that Is new
nnd exqulslto iu l'nrlslan aud other Imported fashions ns well as American modes Is
displayed here. Prices uro fully one-third lower than elsewhere.
It Takes GOOD TOBACCO and HAND WORK to Make a Good 10c CIGAR
. .1 J.fJ.I LJIIA
ui mm m. ww - m Wk mm mm m mn mwrnmrnmrnt
' -
Is Now Being Made From Fine Cuban Tobacco, Crop of 1900.
F. II. RICE NI. C. CQ Manufacturers, St. Louis. UNION MADE
I bh men's
ii i ..ii. mn
Are you
ready for
moderation in all things to keep the spirit of (ii vino
within certain limits and to make Master gifts a
thing of joy. Tliisis a safe store to get your
Gifts are a
recognized fca
tare of Haste r
as then are of
Christmas tide
and it remain
only to the lov
cr of order and
Tailor-made Suits
Made of fino nil wool homespuns in bluo
il..i.i.frnv. nxrnril-nrnv nnd tnn. mado In tho new doilble-
hrciiHled tlKlit-llttlliK blouso or eton effects, Jacket trjmmcd with
,i t,.rrnin hp siitlii tiinidn. taffetu lined, the now tlurlut;
or lloiinco skirts. These sultH nro mniio
with us much care, iih jirefect In Ilt nnd
workmanship " nny $i.00 suit In the
market our prlco
the new nuriiiK
Tailor-made Suits
Made of extra quality of homespuns, chevi-
..... ..n,.. . In liliniKP. rlon. or vest front effcotH. 'I'lm
new llaro, bishop or pult sleeves, porttct in style, in nnu worn-
mansblp rcRular f'JO.OO and $22.00
rults your cdioico this Kustcr
sale, only
,'lo, in nnu worn-
A handsome assortment of new Easter
Suits jtl arrived at $18.50, $19.75, $22.50, $24.50 .mil $29.75.
New Taffeta Silk Dress Skirts for Easter
YOUR choice of 100 wo
men's taffeta silk skirts
very fine quality taffe
ta silk, tucked all over
and trimmed with
braid and 6 rows of
taffeta ruching, a well
made and beautiful hanging
skirt you'll look a long time
before you find its equal at one
third more in price our price
Thursday only
YOUR choice of 100 wo
men's taffeta silk dress
skirts made of the
best taffeta silk some
tucked all over and
trimmed with 5 rows of rucn
ing others with ruffles all
well lined cut with the proper
hang customers tell us that
there is nothing to match them
in the city for less than $15.00
our Thursday price only
New Eton Jackets
Made of good quality taffeta silks, tuci.ed all over,
taireta bands all around, a perfect fitting "7 TA
garment, tho usual price you pay elsewhere, l
giU UUl pi iuo iiuic uuu viujr
Other Silk Eton Coats
Handsomely mado nnd olabonttoly trimmed with luce
nt $111.15, Sl'l.Tu, s-rj.iii ami
New Silk Waists for Eastern
Thinn. Hi's Axnress brings us 150 new silk
waists, mado of tho best tulTcta silk, handsomely trimmed
with tucking, cording, homstitcliing, otc, mado with tho
pun" cuff nnd Idnhop leovo, no bettor waists within your
reach for less than 7.00-our prlco only
Only Three Da.ys
Until Eacster
We arc ready for you with a stock that's
the peer of any you'll see elsewhere with far greater
assortments and bigger variety than ever before. To
day's news is full of saving importance telling you of
the money saving items waiting for you here.
00 for Men's All-Wool Suits
Now spring creations per
fect in fit and Btylc.
00 for Men's All-Wool Suits
Now sprincr Htylos
In choico fcolcction of eray
75 for Men's All-Wool Suits
-In an oxford Cray, pretty
pa Item, round corner miek, Rood
duality Farmer's tatlu lining.
50 for Men's All Wool
in a choice collection
of pretty stripes, stylish and
800 for Men's Spring
Strictly high grade
euitst correct in stylo, cut and
construction Your tailor
couldn' duplicate for less than
three times eight.
All sorts of oddities in
them In the treatment of1
low price millinery all
that's defective in ordinary
production is avoided. Ev
ery hat a novelty artistio
eheapnoss of prico does not menn a
departure from tho rulos laid down
hero that ovory thing is bosit (or
tho monoy that mnnoy can buy a
dozen dllToront prlco huts to aoloot
from but only three prices to pay,
2.45, 3.75,
and 5.00.
One-half and less than reg
ular millinery prices
around town.