SPECIAL NOTICES r ... . . Adrrrllarmenla for Ihene column rill lie tnkrn until 12 in. fur tho rnln edition nod nntll H ill! i. m. Ir iiiurnlutf ami .Similar edition. Ratea, l .2o a tvnrd firm Insertion, lc a word (herenftrr. Xotlilna tnken for lei than 'Ko for the Hrat Inner tfon. Three advertisements mill b van coanecutlrelr, Ailvertltera, liy reqneatlnic a num. erril check, can have nntnrrn nd 4rried to a nnmlipred letter In car f The Iter. Answer no addreaaed trill fce delivered oa prcaentalloa mt taa ktak oalr. W A X T I : I )-S I T I AiiO X. SITUATION wanted In n real estate or assurance olllce, two years' experience. Address M 63, care Hee. A 105 3 POSITION wanted by tnnn lhlrtygoored ucntlon; run give references nml bond. Address Hox 11S8, PlnttHmouth. Neb. A-M1S7 1 WAX TEU MALE HELP. WANTED, wc liavo Heady work for a few Rood hustler of good hublts uml appear unco. C. F. Adams Co., IOjS Huwurd St. U-219 BARBER tnde tnuuht thoroughly In short time: catalogue & particular free. West1 trn Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Nob. 11-2(1 MEN to iifn Wltch-IIusol Shaving Cream Mislead of soup. 25c: at ull druggists. B-3S7 A19 l ANTED Salesman nnd collector. Apply before a a in. Thu Singer Mfg. Co., hill Douglas. B-4I5-A-22 WANTED, men to learn barber trade. Wc teneh thu work in two months nnd In clude board and tools. Special thirty-day offer for spring rilHli. Catalogue mid par tlculurs mulled free. Molcr Harber Col. lege, 1R23 Furnam St. B-M7G7 P WANTED, man tu cell staple article to uholcsalo drug, oil and grocer trade on commission. Address Wnlltnniin Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Win, B MS01 ' WANTED, 60 liii-ti with bald heads ielrous if li living- hair nt 1V15 Douglas st.. up- stairs. IJ-llO 5' CLOTHING salesman wanted, mum be thoroughly experienced and furnish good reference; good snlnry nnd permanent po. MMon. Address The Hloek Bros. Clo. Co.. X. W. Cor. Cth and Felix Sts., St. Jo seph, Mo. B1C2 3 WANTED, elty salesman for a wholesale grocery house; iniiMt have experience. Address Meyer & Ituapke. II MISO 6 WANTED, 2 men to work In broom fac tory, ono sorter, one winder; sorting pay by the week; winding from 23o to 75c per tloz. Address W. I Gordon, Coin, In. It M 179 I WANTED nt once, 10 good harness maker nt the Konlintz Saddlery Co., St. Paul, Minn. B-M177 fi WANTED, good tinner, llurr Inculritor Co., 2Mb n v. nnd Davenport. II M17I 6 WANTED, bright boy, 17 to 20 years old for railroad nlllee; good education essen tial. Address X 1, Bee. H M171 fi WANTED, experienced male stenographer; miiHt be accurate nnd speeds-. Address M 67, Hee. B-MlMi i WANTED, strong boy from u to 17 years of good habits, bill Cass st. 11-MlS.i I YVANTED, experienced shade nnd draper hanger. Orchard & Wllhelm Carpet Co. IJ-M1SI " SALESMEN for cigars; new plan, quick ales, good business, big; money. Con umerar Clear Co., 634 8. 7th St., Bt. Loula. 11 WAXTK-I"lilAI,H help. WANTED, 200 Blrla. 1S21 Dodge. Tel. 87. KKMAULE help. Canadian 'olllce. 1322 Uougl.is. C 211 Him, for general housework,' small family. 2603 I'lerce - C-M712 BA1,KBI.ADIKS nnd demonstrators of abll !if' f?t . Permanent salaried positions. Thyroid-I.ymph Co.. tXKKM llee IllUg., Omaha, S4-5-0 llurr Ulock, Lincoln. C-72I- V ANTED, Indies to learn hnlrdresslng, manicuring nnd facial treatment. Special o'fer for thirty days to supply demand for graduates; 112 to SIS weekly pnlcl nfter only four weeks with us. Call or wrlto Molcr College, 1023 Farnam St. C-M7CS 4 DRESSMAKING taught thoroughly, sys tern received highest nwntd at Paris, )!K)0 McDowell Dressmaking School, 203 S. 15th st rooms 615-516 Kurbnch blk. C-M114 WANTED, a competent maid and con panlon, willing to assist lit housework; German preferred; good salary. Apply be. tween 2 and 4 p. m. 2526 Dodgo st. C 122 3 WANTED, competent girl for genural housework. Mrs, R. C. Peters, loiu Georgia avenue. C 121-3 WANTED Girl for housowork. 2int Cnss SI. C-13S-4 WANTED A governess for children 5 and years old: one that can teach German. English nnd French preferred. Inquire nt 212 8. 17th St. c 110 I WANTED, girl to cook nnd usslst In gen ernl housework: family of two. Apply 3221 Leavenworth St. C 16 4 IIEI.P WAM'KI). WANTED-TIlUSTWOItTHY MEN AND women to travel and ndvertlso for old established house of solid llnnuclnl stand tug. Salary $780 a year nnd expenses, all payable In cash. No cnuvas:ing required Give references and enclose self-ad-dressed stamped envelope. Addrcst Man ager, 365 Cuxton Uldg., Chicago. M-7K 4 l'UU HUNT IIUUMU.V IK you want your houaea well rented nines them with Ucnawa & Co. D-245 ALWAYS moving II. 11. goods. PliTnoT omcc, 1511V4 Karimtn Bt. Tel. I5is or 863 D-24U HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho cliv llrcnnan-Lovo Co., S20 So. 13tli St. D-217 HOUSES, stores. Bcuit), Paxton block' D-:M3 BEE 11ENKY D. PAYNli. 001 N. Y. LIFR D-24K llOUSES, otc. F. D. Wcad. 1524 Douglas " D-2ij llOUSES anu Hats. Uingwalt, Darker uik" U-251 ' HOUSES untid. Wallacu, Urown uHc U-232 EXP. Del, Co., moving. Tel. nw. u N- JOtll A7 ' l-HOOM modern tint: wait located: large rooms. Kcniiurd & Son, 310 Urown liioou O-Mliii ' VOil KENT, now 10-room house, north nart city, wntor and gas. near motor anil hchool. Enquire W. I. KIcrBteail riooni 500. City llalli rent. $25 inonth m D-M1S3 HS NOUT1I 22d St., ten-room modern housT line location; key at 3W North 22d St. ' D-lij- 522J l'.AUD ST.. B-rooin now Hat, city water sewer uml closet, $12 a month. Tho Hvror! Ut-ed Co.. 212 B. lllll St. D-M533 CENTIIAL, unequullcd, steam heat, all modern, seven. room huuse.- Tlcnrd "! D-MKii! 4 l'ayil.UOOM n,a"tmtnt, modern. SIC South 22d St. D 72s-9 TEN-HOOM residence, with largo grounds, lawn nnd shndo trees; suitable for HAN'l' TAniUM or MEDICAL INSTITUTE- will make, alterations and leaso to tlrst-class OMAHA LOAN AND TIUJ8T CO 16th und Douglas st. ' D-M731 FIRST-CLASS 6-rnom house, bath, gas! corner, nice lawn, excellent condition. $18.00. 2735 Seward. Keys, 2S10 Soward. D-l?o FOIl HE NT. 216 80, 3lst av l-room modern houso with 1mm, east front, faring new park, one of the choicest locations In West Farnam, Ilouso will be painted nnd put In rood repair, $15. 11, c Peters , & Co., 17K! 1'ut num. V-ir, 5 nut men r-iKit us. FOIl HEN'T, residence, lo'fi Georgia nv., tor IMcldc; 10 rooms, attic, basement, r.ist front, modern and extra convent fliers, lot Wxitn. with trees, Inqulrn sit Mrst Xatlonnl bunk bldg. D-MI3.I CANT supply denund for houo to rent. List with F. I), Wend, 1521 Dollglns st. " D-M172 fi I'OH ItE.Vr I-Llt.M.MlIMl HOOMH. DEWEY IJjropcan hotel, 13th nnd Farnam. E-2C0 THE fllUUSTO.V, 15th nnd Jackson, sfanu K- as rLII.MfllEI) HOOMs AMI IIOAItl). UTOPIA. 17?1 Davenport St. F-2J9 GLENCAIKN, translonts,$1.25dny. I&19 Doug F-257 Tho Mcrrlam, good winter home. 25&Tt)0(lKa V-Xi LAIIGE ticnt room. 609 S. 23th avc. K-Kl THE POSE. 2020 Harney. Kate reasonable. F-M3.U A16 SINGLE room, with board. 19ii9 Cnpltol nv. F-11C 7 HOOMS and Hoard. 1916 Douglas St. F-lfiS 5 I 'OH It EXT UXFL'ltXINIIIll) ItOOMN. 0 UNFUKNISHEr chambers for man nnd wlfc. 319 N. 17th. a-352 FOH PENT, three unfurnished room.i; pri vate hath, hot anil cold water. Inquire 2731 Cnldwell st. G-M75S 5 3 OH I unfurnished rooms with bath. 2H29 Seward. G M'jS7 6 FOH HUM -NTOIIE.t A.N I) (IFFICES, FOIl PENT Store, In flrst-clas location; rent rcnsonablb Apply H. C. Peters & Co., ground floor. Ilea Bldg. 1266 FOR KENT, olllce, with vault nnd part llrst floor or all top floor, 1411-1416 Hartley st,; sultubto t-r small Jobbing or broker ago business or Btoragu. Midland Glass and Pu I nt Co., 1410 Harney st. I-.M291 FOH KENT Tho building formerly occu pled Ly Tho Pee nt 916 Farnam St. It has four stories and 11 basement which was formerly used as Tho Ilco pres sroom. This will ho rented very reasonably. If Interested Hpply at onco to C. C. Rose water, sto olnry, room 100, Deo Building. 1-261 FOR KENT STORES. 150C ebster, good location for rcstau- unit S50.00 40th and Cuming, good corner and all fix tures for drug store; also store, S17 X. 40th, for meat market. 123 N. 12th, corner Capitol ave $23.00 113 N, 12th 20.00 Southwest corner luth and Dodgo 25.00 loll Cnnltol iivo... (Kl.tki 111 N. 11th 15.00 THE HYHON REED CO., 212 S. 14TH ST. I-M730 t AGENTS WAXTEI1, AGENTS make $6 oally selling tho cheapest and most perfect wnter lllter ever In vented; retails nt $1.Ci0j big protlt; ex cluslvo territory. Seneca Filter Co., Sen eca, Mo. J MI03 A2t "HE WHO knows nnd knows not that ho knows, Is asleep. Wnko him. "Hut ho who knows nml knows that he knows, Is n wlso man. Follow him." Then "mow me. Inquiry costs you noth 'ng. Will pay you $25 to $50 weekly. The dignity, neauty and high character of tho work Is FIRST In tho WORLD. Success ful book agents wanted. Teachers, High school and College graduates will have preference. Lock Box 355, Omahn, Neb. J-M319 A21 SE LF-T II R E A D I XG needles for weak sight; thread springs Into eye; pneket mailed 10 cents, 4 for 23 cents; agents' cataloguo free. Chas. Murshall. Mfr., Lockport, X. Y. J 747 10 W A X TEH 'I'll It I J X T. I' URNISIIEI) houso with barn for summer, six to eight rooms, four In family, no children, by absolutely responslhlo party. Address, M 61, Bee. K 1354 WANTED to rent on or before May 1, a . 1 1 . 1 . 1 ' I " , , I. . . 1 1 n ,....u..1,.a r'V.1l I'llllilll.", IllUltll'tl. Charles C. Heldeii, cr Tliompson, Uelden Co. . K-163 GENTLEMAN wunts'boanl and room con- , inn -nfc iipiiri.n rvilll'l i JIIIV1111' llllllliy preferred, at Mi. Hee, K MISS 4 NTUKAGE. PACIFIC Storago nnd Warchouso Co., 91". Oil Jones, general storage and forwarding. -261 OM. Van Ctor. Co.. 131U4 Farn. Tcls. 1559-SC3. 260 FOIl SALE-rUIl.M l ill.. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO,. 1110 Dodge. Tel. 2020. Now & idhand furniture bought, old. txehunged. o 262 FINEST line of now nnd second-hand fui-nl-turo In the city; Inspect our mock before buying; wo wholesale to country dealers; prices low. Enterprise Furnlturo Co.. 102.4 8. 14th. corner Dodge. O Mu71'A7 FOIl .iAI,E-IIOIlME!, VUII1CI.E3. BTC, I SELL new vehicles of nil descriptions, 11111 r- riosi, inn auu ieavcinvortu, P-263 HI'JLIAHLE family horse and pheaMn. Inqulrn 1313 Farnam. l'-lri3 FOIl MALE .U1MCUI,1,A.M1L!. SAWDUST Cheapest posts, pojltry & hoc fence. 901 Douglas. Cj 261 2D11AND safe cheap. Durlght, 1116 Farnam. -2ti.i SAFES; buy, acll exe'ge. Schwui lz. Ill , u W-266 TIMOTHY hay uud all kinds teed und coal. Munroo & Co. yiitrt INCUBATORS. Stud to tho Suro Hatch Iliuuuutur Co., v-i.iy CulUci. .Scb., for ,1 haiidsoino freu catalogue. Q 263 ' WIRE leuco for ptuiltry, Belulnn hare, hoc fluid or luwn. "iru Vorits, 017 a. '(itli it ...... - w -uuis jy7 MASQUERADE mukc'iip outllt, contain paints, powders, burnt corn, 1100 putty, t.eards. spirit gum. etc., tho lot mailed tor 60 cents, cnas. Marshall, Mfr.. Look port, N. Y. i Q 756 10 A GOOD guaranteed bicycle with Morgan& WrlglH tires tor $2o. Omaha, Ulcyclo Co. Q-.Muli- RUBHEH stninps, keys, etc.; wo make und repair umhrellas; gold, silver and nickel- plating. .NUV. .Mlt, V.O , 1013 UOIIgO ut. Q-M6I9 ,,J FOR SALE-Cheap, 11 line elk's head; also Board of Trade bulug. y-M 654 SEED sweet potatoes earliest Yellow Jer sey. $1,25 per bbl. Address Theo Wllllums, Benson, Neb, Q Mlt'9 13 WILL rrll my Chickerlng piano cheap. Ad tlre'is M 1'.', Dec. tj Mf91 WIRE fence for poultry, Belgian hare, hog Held or lawn. Wlio Works, 617 H. 16th st. (J-M67S Jy7 FOR SALE, 50 prs. Inside blinds. 1 large warehouse scale, 1 light spring wagon, bhcivlng and tables, inquire 131 Farnam. Q-16S ;i t-AHK PHOTO CO., 6S ('hesler sl.Tl'levc land, O.; tintypes, photos, etc.. copied nnd enlarged; card slzo to inxi2; o,u. photo buttons; Inquire particulars. .. C1-M1S2.1- FOH SALE, good llreprnof rafe. The O, F. Davis Co., H, 653, Ben bldg. Q All's, ti Cl.AHlVtliAXTS. MRS. FIUTiS, medium. S19 North 16th. S-270 MME GYLMER, genuine palmist. 1G05 Dodg S-271 E 1. EOT It I U TIll'A'l'.U E X T. ELITE parlors, Cli South 16th, second floor. T-M712 AS CAMILLK DUVAU 619 So. 16th. 2d Hoor. T-621 A 6 MISS WILLIAMS of StTI.ouls, muisiTgc! magnutlc, clectilc trcutment, 302 N. 16th room 4 T-MU53 A-&' MABEL GRAY, S174 X. 15tlt St Flat E. T-119 A3'j riw: cm ATI a daily jbee; frnu hsda v. i!i.i:itiih Tit 12 i'I'mi; vr. VERA D ELM ORE, mnssngc, bath. ICli Howard, room 1, .'d floor, T-M12I 9' MISS MAY LESLIEVeiO s7l6thr?ii floor." T-M1I7 m: PERSOXAI,. III!. ttlV. r.hlrnr,.lluft ..-..,. A". . - hair removed by clectrlcty. R. 12 Frenzor UIWWIV, U mtJ lltllVATIS l,.. I,., f.,.- 1 ...-!- --" t.v.M,,; till., UUJ III t wuiinnc- mont; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2620 Burdctte. U 272 A BOX of He-N'o-May Powder Is not a luxury when It nfTordd vou u cum nn,i secures tho comfort and happ'iiess of jour loom-mate. u JI212 FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim buttons; mall orders. Omaha P!atlng Co., i.j.i uuuKiin, U 4,3 HL'PPLIL'S for all machines; machines for r;n.t,-. .h,tu betting Machine, 16:o Douglas, Tel. 2334. U 274 M. GOLDMAN & CO.-Only perfect ac- w.wu,, iMvuiiiig piani in inc west, mm orders solicited. Sullo 20V Douglas Block U-277 WE RENT sewing machines nl 75c per WCelv. e ritlrtlr nti.l nnll inn lu ll makes tit machines. Xebrasku Cycle Co., cor. ljth uml Harney, 'phi'iie 1C03. U-M109 A21 RUPTURE cured; no knife, no rutin, no "--iui ior circulars, r.mpirc jiup. turo cure, 9JJ N. y. utu Building. Omaliu. U-M330 VIAVI-Woman's way to health; ratlonul. wholesome borne treatment. 3I! Be.' Bldg 1?n-J PRIVATE hospital for ladles betorn and during conflncmcnt: babies uJopted. tlr.'ltlt SI tr n-' U- 275 POR men only, WItch-Hazel Shaving Cream. Better thnn any soai; 25c All druggists. U-3i0 A19 ECZEMA Cl'RE-OtttngTo TiieTium'ier of innulrlea which urn being constantly re ceived from those nfllleted with ecr.emn ic. ft" riling the salvo which cured W. A. Pax. ton. w u liavo decided to carry u smull "'I'.Ply f, this salve on hand. It. .1. Scan noil, 009 Ware block. Omaha. F 703-A26. EVERYBODY wanted to cull nt 117 S. 17th Ml. lin.l l,te. t I .v.,.,, tiuuui LUIII "I. l'-.MI73 If, SIOXEV TO LOAX-ltLAI, ::s?ATU. MOXEY to loan on lmpioved umalia leal estate. Lreiinuu-Lovo Co., 309 South Uth. W 2Si) H ANfLlJ City loans, bonds and warrant t.eorgo & Company, 1601 Furnam street, W-SSl LOANS on eaftern Nebraska and western lowu furms at 0 per cent; borrowers can pay $100 01 .any multiple; uny Interest uate; no deluy. Brcnnan-Lovu Co., SCO bo. 13th St. Omaha, Xcb. W 2S3 $1,000 und upward to loan on unproved city property nnd farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnum. W 2S2 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bondi and warrants. R. c. Peters & Co., 1702 Kfll'nnm Ml linn III. I.. 11' no. W-2SI MONI; to loan nt 4!. und 6V4 per cent on Omaha property. W. H. Melkle, 101 8. 15th, , W-2S6 FIVE per cent money. Bcmts. Pajton block. W-2SJ PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, 1511 Douglns. W-2S3 6 AND BJi per cent elty and farm loans. Gatvln Bros.. 1613 Farnam St. W-S93 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 9D7 N. Y. L. W-237 S ,ND !,er ccnt loans. W. H. Thomas, First National Bank building-. Tel. IBIS. W-290 CASH 011 hand. G. E. Turklngton. 093 Bee. W-.M591 MOXEV TO I.OAX-C1IATTELS. LET US TALK "MONEY" TO YOU. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. Jl4?lliXI,,I;0,ANIJ ON FURNITURE. MONEY LOANED ON, PIANOS, MONEY LOANED ON HORSES, Or uny other personal property, ut cheaper lutes und better plans than ever. IF YOU NEED MONEY SEE US. o give you options 011 loans that no other Arm can afford to give. You ulwuys get tho full umuiint. Vou pay us back In small weekly or monthly payments. Xo expenso or chnr.ws tukeu out of loan. ou chooso your own time for payments any time from 0110 month to one vear. Lach payment returns principal und In terest. Everything remains In your pos session. All business strictly conlldentlal. Prlvuto Interviewing loom. AMERICAN' LOAN COMPANY. Room .112 Brown Block Room ;2. S. E. Cor. 16th und Douglas streets. Entrance on 10th Street. X-M113 WHEN YOU NEED AIONEy"sEEUS It Ih ecsy 10 advertise lowest rates, as others do, but we feel positive that If vou will make comparisons you will bo con vinced that you can do better with us than elsewhere. Wu loan on furniture, pianos, live stock, etc., or wo will mako you a SALARY LOAN without ludorsor or mortgage Wo churge nothing tor making the loan nnd you receive tho full amount In cash. You may pay It back In one month or lake six months or more In which lo repay It. and you need not pay for It 0110 dav longer than yni keep it. our terms ntv the easiest, our business Is conlldentlal ti ml our motto Is "trv to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO . , ,'1? ,n,1,,iriU',r T,"lld0 I!ltl"' 'I'd- 229''. (Established 1892). 3.10 So. Irttii st. X S23. SALARY LOAN'S.' If you are employed by a responsible Arm wo will loan you sums from $10 to $ino on your note at much cheaper uml eusler rates than elsewhere, of this wo are positive. Absolutely mi charges for papers. Nothing deducted from amount desired. Easiest partial payments. Reliable Credit Co.. room IWl Paxton ink. X-s.'i. LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE llvn stock, etc. quick service and lowest rates guaranteed. J. V. TAYLOE. fi'il (ton llooil Paxton Hloek, northeast comer let li mil Farnam; entrance 011 lth St. X-f.26 MONEY loaned salaried people holdlii,-; per manent position with eesponslblp concern upon their, names without seeurltv: eiisv payments. Tolman, llo Hoard Trade Bldg X-S27 ' MONEY loaned on pianos, 'furniture, horses" cows. Jewelry. Duff Green, R. S, Barker blk X-S2S MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew clry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, .'119 S. 13, . X-S30 MONEY to loan. 1. '.Irglcr, 409 WaTo Block. X-fWl Shurt time loans. J. Pleasants, 51 Barker blk X-VJ7 IIIISI.M'.SS ClIAXCES. STEAM dvc nnd cleaning shop In cltv of 10,000 or 11.000 Inhabitants for sale for '$150; a good chance for 11 dyer who understands his business, only shop tu tho city. Ad dress L i". Bee. Y M155 FOH SALE, brick blacksmith sliopund lot; best location; good trade; cheap. Ad dress Fruilk Rlwsc, West" Point, Neb. Y-M756 5 FOR SALE, drug store doing first-class business; pruprlntor leaves on account of 111 health. Addresu Hox F, Hee oll.-c. South Omaha. YM929 0 WANTED-RespoiiKlblr wholesale Arm wants olllce manager nt Omaha. $1,M0 Mil nry nnd large pcrcentngo; $1,009 cash re nulii tl, well secured: position permanent, Addresii, Manufacturers, 1332 Cherry. Philadelphia, Pa. V-MU3 1 FOR EXCHANGE, line clean stock dry goods, furnishing goods, i;rocerles, otc, nil staple and up-to-date, Invoicing nt original wholesale cost about $10,0'm; owner failed iCcently nml In debt; about $3,ori cash to pay bills, balilnce good real estate; wilto full detnlls nnd value of property. Sotners & Hrnwn. 507 Manhat tan Blk.. St. Paul, Minnesota. V-M1SI 4 FOR SALE, stock shoes nml men's under wear for cash. John Honnhrtn. fMlumbus, Neb. Y-MIM9 FLOtllSTii. LOUIS LECLUSE, successor to B. Haas, 1S13 Vlnton-Tol. 2675. Plants, cut flower denlgni; hall, residence, wedding and grave decorations. Orucrs promptlv filled by mall or express. 961-aj. T for sai.i; -in; i. iisi ati: RESIDENCES. 10-r modern, near Crelghton college. $2.7'o U-r, nearly as good attj. $9, s-r. hew and nobb , most modern, with 2 lots nnd burn and West Farnam district. $3,2wi-12-r., large lot. shade trees nnd barn; IS blocks north of High school. $i,i00 9-r. house, hot water heat nnd barn. $.1.5ii-S-r., splendid house, 8. 2Mh st. $2,250-7-r bath and marble waslntand, In Windsor Place. $1,000 For house nnd full lot north of llauscont park, on "1st. $3,CX) For house, east front, Georgia rv., north of Woohvorth. $r.Wo-l,or $.15,tv house nnd bam, nml lot tin square. $2.000For S-r, house, hot water heat, full south front lot. $2,Sno-For cottage nnd 66x121, on S6th and Jackson, F D. WEAD, 1521 DOUGLAS STREET, RE-M15ti 3 WANT offr on flno lot nnd seven-room houcc, elns to good dar line. Eastern owner anxious to sell. M, J. Kcunard it Son, JWS-10 Brown Block. RE 932 FOR SALE Houses ami lots In nil parts of cltv; also acre lironnrtv hint farm iiinus, 1 ne u. r. unvis .onipnuv, 1100111 r.V. llr. IIiiIIiIIml- ltl.,n? V ........ ...p." 1.1 1111 HOMES-A'rAN'YPRICE. " " lr. house, lot 2,'xllS, rents $5, jviC0ttKy irJ lot, rents $10. 29th mid tewnrii. $l.2ii-716 a lOlh, rents $12.50. Jl.'.'mi rtrw Lurlniote. fi-r. house. 2 lots, $l,;t50 Rees, near 25th, two houses, rent $13. $1.5n0- tth, near Clark. U houses, rent $lt!.M, $2,IhW1M!) 8. 31st, good eottuge. $2.750 Modern 6-r. house. X. lath nt. .l,2jn Modern 7-r, house, Dodge, near High school, rental t:K!.5o. $.!,7ii-S. W. corn- r 21th nnd Davenport, two ihhw!, ii'iiiuig tm, line iiiiiiuing corner, $1,000- Nice house, Sid, south or Leaven worth. !) rooms, hot water heat, modern and cheap. GEORGE G. WALLACE, 311-31,1 Urown Blk. RE-M1I1 0 7 LOTS In Hernia park, $200 to saw. Lot 5, block 1, Tliompson fit Gooses' add., $350. Lot 2, block 9. Reed's 1st. $1,150. West Vi lot I. Snnders' add.. $35o, Lot II, block 7, orchard lllll. $12.-, 7-room houso ami lot, 209 8. 27th, $1,175 7-rooni hoiisp and lot, 211 8. 27th, $1,375, 10-room house, stable and large grounds 2511 Chicago. $7,250. A. P. TL'KEY, HOARD OF TRADE. RE 115 3 RANCH AND FARM lands for snlo by ths Union Paclllc Railroad company. 11, a. MoAUastur. land commissioner. Union Vacillo Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-311 FOR SALE this week: 5 acres line garden land, $!73. 11 ucics 011 miicailamlzed street, $725. 10 acres very line land. $l.jo, 17 ncrej near Elmwnod Park, $2,150. 2 ueres smooth level laud, $2,150. ' 1 licks Real Estate Co., Board of Trade bid UK 161 U SEE HEXRY B. PAYNE. COl N. Y. LIFE. RE-31U CHAS. E WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam St. ItE-313 FOR good biirgnlns In real estate seeTpaN terson A; Yettcr, room 123, Paxton Block, IlE-729- 1IOUSES lots, lorms. lands, loans; also llro Insurance. Bcmls, l'axton Blk. RE 313 FOR SALE on monthly payments, S-room , iiuui-u uii sun hi, car line. Also vncniil lots, which -will US' Improved for imrcliaser on moderate pnymont down, Mutiinl i,nnn nnd Building Association. O. M. Nuttlngcr, secretary, Bee bldg. t RH-M711 FOR SALE, cattle ranch on C. &. H. R. R. 20 miles iroiu Cheyenne, yo. Address D. M. Arnold, Islay, Wyn. , RE-MISS 13' i EDICAIi. LADIES, I jiosltlvcly gunrauteo Golden Seal, never falling fetnalu regulator, will relievo most obsttnato Cases or ilelayed periods In Ave bonis; sent secdro from observation, $1.(0. Dr. Annie Fowler, 2711 Olive St., St. .Louie. Mo. ' 9I8 AS'J' VIRTUA.Ma cur'eL liiiptiteue) resulting from Indiscretions dr debility, gives vi tality, vigor, restoring dlMics. ambitions, aspirations or youth, ritalth,' nttltig for success, happlnchii k? ifaalncssi proles. alonal, bocIui, munied. fitt'l, jj, c i fpr $j. bent anywhere prepaid , 011 receipt ot price, 'lhe Kldd Drug .Co., El,;in. 111. American Olllce, retail, wholesale, Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha: M. A. ' Dillon, bouth umanu: Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full line rubber gbuda. LADIES! Chichester's Englisti reniiyruya Fills are the best; safm reliable. , take nu other. Send 4e stamps for particulars. "Relief tor Ladles" in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Cnlctumvi Chemical 1 'o.. J'nllndclpuiu. Pa. I'ATUVl'S. INVENTORS GOT AN IDICAf Wo liali:l) patents copjrigniu unu trade murks; you give us tho bare Idea and we will do the test; modern equipped nmclillio shop uud foundry In connection; utllciul Gazette on Ale; guide book tree. Matun, Fenwlck A: Lawrence, patent UwyeriJ, HCxI Howard St.; Tel. mrf, Omaha. J. v. Cronn, repr, -320 PATEXTS. no feo unless successful. Suea & t.o ucu iJUig., oinuiiu. Met). Advico free. 158 Jel5" SHOtt Tli lM) AM) Vli I'EWIHTIXU, A. C. VAN SAXT'S School. 717 X. Y. Life. ill BOYLE.'"' . oiicge, court reporter principal. Bee Bldg. 32J NEB. Bushiest' &. .Shorjh.ind college, Boyd's ineuier. jji GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col.. 16 & Doug Ji, LOST. LOST Part of a combination gold Aatch cnarni, tinier or loresiers, Mutloliai I iiiou and Mutual Order ut' Protection, Suitable reward If returned to Regent nnoo i.-ii.. i'). Houtii lJin.. i.ost lis J LOST, liver 11 nil while Pointer, S inouths old. Rewind If rit timed to 2113 Parker st. Loft-17u ;! LOST, S car-old girl; wore red Jacket and ptald skirt, llepuil to polite stallon. Lost -M173 t' inc vi:i.i. WE HAVE the only Vnlcaulzer In thn city tor buggy tires. Wo do lilts work us gcod as can Liu duuu ut thu fucioiy. 162J Capi tol Ave. 635 IF YOl' want one ol' the highest griido, well known, new lwi flush joint bicycles made for only $11.7,1, and want H 011 free ten days' tilal beforo paying one cent, cut this notice out and mull lo Scaiy, Roe buck ,v Co., Chlcuso, III. tor lico bicycle catalogue and lull jiurtUul.irs. H2 3" OiiTEOI'ATII V. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1661; Allen Johnson, D. O., ludlcs' dopu; Uld L. Johnson, Osteopuilusl, Mgr. -317 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O., bt Still school. Klrksvlllc, Mo m l'axton Blk. Tel. 1351. J is piii.vTixi;. HAVE it printed right. Waters Printing Co., 422 So 13th St. Phono 21W. ' -iSS A7 lAltl'l'XTEItS AMI .lOIIIIEIt.i, ALL kinds of curpenter work and repairing promptly attended to, J. T. Ochiltree, 201T1 und Lake bts, a?u FACTORIES FOR HE. VI', I FACTORY', laundry or grocery building, comer. Daniel C. Patterson, iu23 Farnum. B. & M. Junk houne, J. Milder, Prop., dealer in ull metals, bottles, etc, Curluads a hpeclalty. mi-mj3 Farnuui, Omanu. 'j'el. 2371 -M33I I'A W.MlltOlCEUb. EAGLE Loart Olllce, reliable, nccommodat lug; all bunlness conlldentlul. 1301 Duuulaa. al'J LAbXUin. OMAHA Steam Laundry; ahlrts, 7c; collars. 2c. cuffs, 4v'. J7yj Leavenworth, 'ft I 47 3JJ MM A1U MURWlM'lil apiul -i, ioi. TICKET illtOICEIt. CUT rate tickets jverywhere, P. II. Phil- uiu, iu 1 u i na in, iciconono 731 033 IIIRIJS AMI TA.VIDHH.M V. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1215 S, 16th. -32S DIIESSMAKIXC. IX FAMILIES, Miss Sturdy, 31S S. I6th st 706-A26' ufMIOLVrEIIIXU, GLOBE COUCH CO., 1519 Lcav'th. Tel. 2529. -MHO I'liltMillli: HEPAIIIIXU. TEL. U31. M S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St, -330 WALL PAPER. 3c a roll and up; painting, paper hanging, decorating. Kclsey, 117 S. 17th. Tel. too. 663 ! TAMMDIllMi A XI) StTUTTEIUXO. CURED. Julia Vuughn, 430 Ramgo Bldg. -J34 EXPEIIT ACCOUX'TAXT. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or evening. R. 15, Coin. Nut. Bunk. G. R. Hathbun 32S FOIl HHXT-l'ACTOHIEH. FACTORY. Inundry or grocery building! cornet. David C. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. -M311 A16 ACCORDION t'1,13 A'I'l.VO, ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick est. Mrs. a. C. Mark, S; E. Cor. 17th nnd Furnam. . 335 NEW YORK! SIM -MONTHLV I flNC HIP1 ' sntsoin sinvirt niHiiniHiaii. ALONG THS NORTH SHOfUC (J)VAy. MATANIAS, CAJIOCNAS, SAdlM, CAN DiC1, M'CVITAS, 0IBAKA, ill BA8AC0A, io4 lr porll. MUVflrtV STEAMSHIP JJNK7 William St. Kew York City. RAYMOND & WIHTCOMB, " Union Square, New York. For Tlckln, Stateroom Reservation and General Information of the MO BILE SERVICE, apply to Ticket Agent Mobile & Ohio K. 11. and South ern Rv. Record Voyiga 6 Dt. 7 Hcurt. 22 Minutei BOSTON to LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN Commonvvtiillh, Twin Screw, 12.000 Tonj, Apr 10 New England " 11.600 " " 24 PORTLAND to LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN Vancouver .Apr 13 I Oomlnlon Apr 27 Cambroman. May 4 Vancouver May 18 For further litformitloa. iddrtn Comptny'a OllUei, V) Dtirtxra Sl CUcaia. lilt. LAI1.WAY TIME TABLES. BURLINGTON ,t Mis souri River Railroad "The Burllugton Roiitn" General Oltlces, North west Comer Tenth nnd Farnum Streetn. Ticket Olllce, l.ri02 Furnam Street. elenliouo HuflliiKton Station, Tenth and Miiuon Streets. Telephone 12b. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln, IIiiHtlnfis nnd TilcCnok a Silo nm a i:j pin Lincoln. Dunver, Colo- rndo. Ftiih. California.!! 1:23 pm a 3:0il pm Llneoln .V: Black Hills. .11 U:W pm 11 :4j urn Montana. Paget Sound. a !:) pm a 0:13 urn Lincoln FaHt Mai, b 3:0o inn uU:L ura Wymbre, Bcatt'lco and , Lincoln a wi am uii;oo um Denver, Colorado, Utah and Cu fomla a buo am Fort Crook, SO. Bend, i.oui!viiie, j'luitHin 111,11 jv.'i pin un.w Bellevue, Plnttxiiioutli ,t Paclllc .Innctlon u 7:10 pm a 8:20 am Bellevue, Plattsmouth ,t Paclllc Junction nl::n 11111 a Dally I Dully except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. HT. J' Hcph it Council HIiiITh Railroad "The' Hurllim toli Route"' Ticket Olllce, If.OJ Farnam Streel. Tele phono 2SU. Depot, Tenth und Mason Streets. Tcle- pliune Leave. Arrive. 11 U:2j pm a 0:15 um Kaiifaa City Day Ex. n '-W " IviiuxnH city Night Ex..alu:::o pm St. Louis Flyer, lor St. . . Josoiill und St. LOUIS. u o'.iu pm nu;u um 11 Dally CHICAGO. BURLINGTON Qiilncy Railroad "The Buriington Route" Ticket Olllce 15U2 Farnam Street. Telephone, 230. Depot, Tenth and Mason streets. Telephone, 12s. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Im1 Chicago spe- , .a ;w uiu n 10:20 pm 11 7;I." am 11 4:U3 pm n 7:43 am 11 2:lj inn r-hlr.r.i'. Vnnllbll led l.x.a 4:tJ um Chicago liertl ExprcHH.a 0;30 um Chicago limited .... a 7;50 pin Fast Mall a Daily. CHICAGO & NORTH western Rullwuy "Tho NorthwuKtuui Ltnu"' City Ticket Otllce. 1101 Furliani St. Telephone. Itfl. Depot, Tenth and Murcy Sis. Telephone esj. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago clal Spe ll ;vu am a i'.l'j pm all:30 pm u s:W am Chicago PiiKiboiigor Eastern I.Nircct, Des Molucu, Miii'sliulitowu, Cedar Ha puis ui.d Chicago ul0:3 um a 1:02 pm a 4:03 pm .1 2;I5 pin a :w um u U:30 uin u 5;Jj pui EiiHleiu Special, cugo and Eaut... Fu.,1 Mall, Chlca Chi- ,a 1;3 pm ;v to Omaliu Oinnha-Clilcauo L'i'u ,,u 7:13 pin Faat Mall ..- Ccdur Hupldd l'uscngur u Dull). FR E.MONT, ELKIIORN& Missouri Vulley Itailroud "Thu Northttci'tcrii Llliu" Uem rui Olliceb. unllcd bl.ucj N'utlunui Bank Buliuing; ri. Y, comer Tueutli and Lair- 11am bib. Ticket Olhcc, llul furnam SL Tel, Mil. Depot, ljtli una Webster Sin. 'lei. lj. Leave. Arrive. Black lllllu, Duadwood, Hot ,Sprlui;s a 'i;'t pm a 5:00 pm Wyoniliig, .upur und DoukIuu d J;vU pm o 5;v0 pm Huntings, mrk, Duvld Cit, aiipciior, Geuuvu, Exeter und Sewuru....u 3:C0 pm u C:30 pm NortoiK, cru!gro and Freiuui,; b 7:20 inn blU:2i am Lincoln, W'uhoo uud I'remuut b 7:30 um bl0:2! um Fremont Local ,. c i;m um a Dally, b Dully exci.pi ounuiiy. c Sun day omy. d Dully except auuirduy. e uully except Mouuuy. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, .Mililielijiollh ,u uuiatia ltUUWU " 1'llU .NOlll.- ,etil:iii Lluu Uuucl.U UIUCi.a. Nuui'UHku IJIVl ktoil, iolll.UUU Wcunlcr Stb. City 1'ickui uilice. F. i n.ini St. mi, j Webster Telephone, ubi. Depot, btb. Leave. Arrive, u u;lu pm uliilv um Twin City Passenger., Omuhu. Passenger...... Hioux Cliy & North tast Nebrasltu u Dally. ,u u;w um ,a 3'43 pm SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Hallruad "Thu North western Lino" General Oltlces, Lulled Status National Hunk Building, S. W. Corner Twelttli uud Furnam Sis. Ticket Olllce. itoi Farnam St. Telephone 661. De pot Tenth und Murcy Bts. Telephone GJa. Leave. Arrlvn. Twin city isxprens,. Twin City Limited.. Slous City Local,... u Dally. ,,,u ii:(K um alo:2S pm ,,,u 7:53 pm 11 v,l!i um ...a g:uo um ,1 3uj pm W A HA S 11 RAILROAD Ticket Olllce, l6 Farnam StieM. Telephone. 322. Do, jiot, Tenth and Murcy Hts. V IV lIWtlV Ul' V Leave rilvt St Lolly ' I ExiiiT'i Dully, Cannon Ball" a j 15 J 111 a b,20 urn 1 n.nttonmi ytmM0 wirnv CANhCcrrtaN rm J T I HOi I Utu I 'M' RAILWAY TIME TABLES. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R.tllroad-Clty Ticket Of- nee, iiv.' I'lirnniu Hircet. Telephone, 245. Depot, xentii unu .-iurcy streets i'lBOS Leave. Arrive. I hlingo ExpiP!i .n 7:(io am .a 7:45 nm nil:::, pm n 8:05 nm i-iucago i.imiteii .11111111 apolis A: St. l'lltll b i'.xireii Minneapolis & St. Limited Fort Dodge Local Council Bluffs . Fort Dodge Local Council Bluffs . 11 Dally, li Dally :00 nm b 9:10 pin Paul ....a 7:15 pm a S:(V5 am from ..b 4:30 pm it S;15 nm from .....n C:00 nm except Siindny, OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL rond-Omahn, Kansas City tv xiiaieiii Kaiirouu J lie Viutncy Routu" Ticket Of lice, 1115 Farnam St. Tele phone, 322. Depot, Tenth and Murcy Streets. Telephone, ti.T. Leave. Arrive. 6t. Louis Cannon Bali Exprc.a n C:lu I'm a S:20 am Kansas City & Qulncy Loce. a 7:00 am a 0:00 pm a Dally. CHICAGO, ROCK LSL nnd fc I'ncliic Rullrond ""1 ho Great Rock Isl and Moute" city Ticket Olllce, 1323 Far nam Street. Telephone. V?-. .Uc',0, Tenth ana Miiuy sts. Tele" puoue, wj. x-cavu. EAST. Dcs Moines nnd Duven- port Local it 7:25 nm Clilcugo Express , bll:l5 am Arrlvo. bll:35 nm u t:w am a 4:13 pm Chicugo Fust EMrcss..u ti:w pm ui;2jpii, lllUIUVl ItULH Of uud und Clilcugo a 7:40 pm u i;35 pm Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., Denver, Pueblo and West i t.n ., .... Colorado Oklahoma & ' ,,w vm 'loxus l iver a 6:20 pm nOu a dally, b Dallv except Suiiduy. UNION FACIF1C-"T11E OVER, land Roulo " General Ofltccs N. E. Cor. Ninth and Furnum Streets. City Ticket Olllce, 13.'4 Furnam Slreet. 'telephone, m Depot, 'lenth und Murcy Sts. Tcicuhone. U20. t-cave. Tt.. r. 1 T ImllMl it l.t Arrive, a 7:3u pm a 7:30 pm u 3:23 pm a 1,2.1 pm a ti:50 um b!2:30 pm 1 nu UlriMllii v... h... The Chicago Portland npeciui 1(1:2011111 Tho Fun I Mull a S:50 11 111 Thu Mull and Express, ,uu;.u pin Tho t'nloriidn Kooelul .nllrrt. ,i, Lincoln, Bcutricu und Stromsburg Express. .b 4:05 pm ti... 1,... .in,, I;,,,,.., ,1 ..... Tho Atlantic Lxprcsb... n C:60 am uiunu miaou i.ocai o d:go pm b 'JM mu a dully, u uully except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Olllccs nnd Ticket Olllccs, Southeast Corner llth and Duuglu Sts. Telephone, lot. Depot. Union L'tatlon. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis and Kansas . Cltv Kxnress u iu:w am a G:2J nm K. C, St. L. Express. .ulO.'CO pm u 6:15 um Leave, from 13th und Webster Streets: Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water , b 4:10 pm alu:4J am a Dally, b Dally except huuday. CHICAGO. Ml LWA U K K E fc Ht. rniil Riillwav City Ticket Olllce, KiUl r'aniHtn Street. Telephone, 2SI. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone, 029. Lenvc. Arrive. MlLWAUh Chlcaco Limited Ex ..aiiiuonni a S:l3 11111 Chicago ,v Omaha EK. b 7:15 am b 3:10 pm a uuiiy. i) uuiiy except aunuay. PONTOI'T'lCE X OT I C I '. . (Should bo rcud DAILY" by all Interested as ehunges ,nay occur at any time.) Foreign mulls for the week ending April 0, llWl, will close (PROMPTLY in all cases) at tho Gcnntnl Postolllco as follows: Par cels' Post Malls close ono hour earlier than closing tlmo shown below. Parcels Post mulls for Germany closo nl G p. m. on April 1, per s. s. Kulser William der Clnvpc, via inuiiieii, ,ii n .1 per s. s. v,. iviirruersi, via Bremen, und Aurll 5 tier h. h. lliilifurla. via Humbiirg, Regular and Suinileuielitni v malls close nl Foreign Brunch half an hour later thun Closing tinio suowii below. f'fiiiia.Ailmiil, Mll THURSDAY -At V 11. in. ' for FRANC, m 1 1 .r.lll.,.. iTAi.i. MI'AIN, I'OH. Tl'GAL, TI'HKEY, EGYPT, GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LOREN.O MAR OUEZ, per s. s, Lu Bretiigne, vlu Huvro (inallH for other parts of Europe must be directed "ner h. h. 1. 11 llritnuni."V SATURDAY At 3:30 11. 111. lor EUROPE. per s. s. 1 .i en 11I11 . vlu ljueeuslowii; nt tf 11. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per k. s. Peninsular; at 7 a. 111. lor ITALY', per s. s, Trnvo, via Nailes (mall must lie directed "per h. h. Trnvo") ; at r.ly u. in, lor NETHERLANDS direct, per . s. Rotter dam (mull must be directed "per s. s, Kottctilam '1 , at 10 it. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Ethiopia (mull must be directed "per s. s. Ethiopia"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. - Thh stcumer takes pr.utcd mutter, commercial papers ami samples for Germany only, The biimo class or mall matter for other parts ot r.uropc win not no sent by this ship unless specially directed by her, Arter thu closing l tho Supplementary Trans-Atlantle Malls above, uddltionnl supplementary malls nre opened on the piers ot the Amurlcnii, English, French und Gorman Htcumors, and remain open until within ten minutes of tho hour of sailing of ttcamer. Mnil for South mid Ceil trill America, Went Indies, Etc. THURSDAY' At 7 11. m. for BERMUDA, per h. s. Pretoria; ut ti:30 ti. m, fur JAMAICA, per s, s. Admiral Schley, from Huston. FRIDAY At 0 u, m. for BRAZIL, per h, p. Hovellus (mull for Northern Brazil, Ar gentine Heiiubllc, Uruguay and Paraguay must bo directed "per s. s. Hovellus"!, at 12 111. for MEXICO, per s, s. Niagara, via Tuinplco (mall uiuhI bo directed "per s, s Niagara";. SATURDAY' At 7:30 n. 111. for ARGEN TINE REPUBLIC, URUGUAY uud PARAGUAY, per s, s, Belinda, al 0 u. tn. (siipiilcmcnliiry 9:30 n. in.) for PORTO RICO (via Han .liijin, CURACAO und Y'ENE.l'ELA, per s. s. Philadelphia (mall lor S.ivaullla and Carlhagenu must be directed "per . h. Phlludelphlu") ; ut 9:;'.o a, m. (supplementary 10 11. m.) ror S'l' CROIX (ST THOMAS, via ST. CROIX). ST. LUCIA, BARBADOS uud DIl.ME RARA. per s. a, Fonlubclle, ut lu 11. in. for CUBA, per s. s, Mexico, via Havana; at 10 11. 111 for YUCATAN, per s. s. RnvoiiMlnle, via Piogieso; at 10 11. 111. (Hiipplcr.u'iilnry 10;.'li) n. m.) ror FOR TUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. SAY'ANILLA nnd CAHTHAGENA, per s. s. Athos (mnll for Costu Bleu must be directed "per s. a. Athos "); ut 10 11. m. (supplementary 10:30 n. in.) fur HAITI und SANTA MARTHA, ii"'i' h s. Andes; at 12:30 p. in. tor MA TANAH. CAillAIUEN. NUEV1TAS, GII1ARA and BARAl'OA, per s. h. Curl tylin (ordinur) mull only, which must bo directed "per s. s. Ctirltybu' ); ut "ll p. 111, inr NASSAU, per steumcr irom Mlumi, Fla. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, und tlienco by suamcr, closu nt this olllco dully nl 0:W p. ni, (connecting closo here every Monday, Wednesday und Saturday. Malls for Mliiueiou, by rail to Boston, anil tlienco by steamer, closu at "tills olllco dully ut C.30 p, in. Mails for Cubu, by rail in Poll 'lamp.i, Fla., and thence ny steamer, close ut this olllco dally, except .Monday, nt U a, in, (tho connecting clubes on Sunduy. Wednes day and Friday), .Malls tor Cuba, by rail to Miami, Fla., nud tlienco by steamer, closu at this olllco every Monday and Frlduy nt "ll p. r.i. Mulls for Mexico City, overlain,, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, climu ut tills olllco dully at 1:30 p. 111, uud 11 n. 111. Mulls foi Costu. Itlcu, Belize, Puerto Cor Uz. uud Guatemala, by rail to Now Or leans, und theucu by steuiuer, closo ut this olllco dally at l;30 p. 111. (connecting closes hero Mondays for Belize, Puerto Coitez und Guatemala nnd Tuesdays fur Oojtu Rica), "Reglsteied mail closes at U p, in. previous duy. TritiiN-l'iii-llli! .'liilln, Malm fir Austrulla (except Weal Aus tralia, which goes vlu Europe, and N'nw Zealand, which goes vlu San Frnnclseoj, und FIJI Islands, via Vuncojvcr, closu hero dully at H.30 p, tn. after March "Zt uud up to March "Jo, Inclusive, for ills patch per s. s. .Mlowern (supplementary malls, vlu Seattle, closo at 0:30 p. m. March "31), Malls for Hawaii, via Han Francisco, closo hero dully ut 0:30 p. m. up to April "Ut lor desputch per s. n. .lUilposa, Mulls fur lluwull, japan, Culpa ami X'M Ipplnu Islunds, via Sun Fi'iiucUco, closo In re dully at 11.30 p, in. Up tu April Ith, liiluslve, fur dispatch per s, s. llong Kong Muru Malls ror hinn, Japan nml l'lillm, :ie Island' , lu Tu.oinUp close here dully ut 1 1 POSI'dlTici: XtlTICE, 6:30 p. in. up to 7"prlT5tiiT incTusTw,f dispatch per s. ?. Tnconui. Mul.s for china mid Japan, via Vancouver, 'J.""!! .n.?r? l)',llv at M !' '" "1 o April 9, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of Japan (registered mall must bo directed "via Y'nucouver"). Malls for 'laliltl and Miiniticsns Islands, via Sun l rantlsco. close here dally at 6:30 p. in. ui to April loth, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s Australia. 3li1l,,.l?for. I1""'""' China, Japan nnd Phil, pplno Islunds, via San Fra:iclco, clo?o hero dally ut 0 30 p. in. up to April "12111, Inclusive, for dlspulch per s. h. CI1I11.1. Mulls for Australia (except West Allsttalla, which Is forwnrdid vlu Europe). New enland, FIJI, Sumoii nnd Hawaii, via Sun 1' runclsco. close hero dally at fl:3o p. m, nfter .March "31st and up to April "l.lih, Inclusive, or on nrtlvul of t. s. Citmpanni, duo at New York April 13lh, tor dispatch per h. c. Y cnttira, Malls for China, Japun und Phlllpplno Islands, via Seattle, close here dully ut 6:30 p. in. ti to April sid, Inclusive, tor dispatch per s. s. Toga Maru iteglstcrtd mall must be directed via Seattle), Malls for Australia (except West Auttralla. which goes via Europe, nnd New Ze:i K1.'!;1' ,wlcli Roes Ma Han Francisco), and Mil Islands, via Vancouver, closo hern dally at U.30 p, m, nfter April "lath and up to April "27th, IneluMvo. for dispatch per s. k. Aoraugl (supplementary malls, via Seattle, closo ut 0:30 p. tn. April iSthi. Trnni-Pnciric malls are foruntded to poit ui BiiiuiiK uuiiy unu 1110 ncueuuic Ol clos ing Is arranged 011 tho presumption of their uninterrupted uvcrlaiid transit. "Registered mall closes at 0. p, in. previ ous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postolllco, Now Y"dik, N Y March 23, 1W1, GOVEHX.MEXT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Denartiiient of tho lntoilnr. oilii.,, r in. dlun AITulix, Wushtngton, D. C, March 7, 1W1, Sealed iroposnls, Indorsed "Proposals lor beef. Hour, etc.." ns tho riinn muv 1... mid dltccted to the Couunlssloner of Indian Adults, 235 Johnson street, Chicago, 111., will bo received until 1 o'clock p. m of Tuesday, April l, 1W1. for furnishing for tho Indian Service, beer, flour, bacon, beans, eollee, augur, rice, tea und other articles) of siiiisisieiicei iiisu uir noots mm shoes, llioecrles. soap, bakllnf powder, rroekerv iigrlculturr.l implements, pulnts, oils, glass, tluivarc, wiigouu, harucsH, leather, shon llndli.gs, vaddlery, etc., hardware, school mid medical supplies, and a lone Usl of miscellaneous articles, ScaiCd proposals In dorsed "Proiosuls for blankets, woolen uud cotton goods, clothliii', etc.," ns thu cusu may no, utul directed to tho Cuuiiuissloncr of Jndlnii Affairs, N'os. 7i and ,u Wooster street, Now York City, will bo received un til 1 o'clock p. in., of Tuesday. Mav 1. vm tor tuiiilshing for tho Indian service! biunkcls, v.uolin .nut cotton goods, cloihiuK. notions, hats nnd caps. Bids must bo inuuu out on government ulatiks. Schedules giv ing ull necessury liiformatlon lor blducis will bo furnished 011 unnllciitloit tn tin, in. dlun Olllco, Wushliigtoii, D. C.; N'os. 77 mid '.9 Wooster strict, New York City, 233 John sou street, Clilcugo, 111.; No. VMS Howard street, onuiuu. -uur.; tnu cutnmlssarlcs of Hulislstencc. U. S. A . ut Clievi .mi.. 1 .,n, enworth, So. Louis, St. Paul und Sau l llllieueu, uiu iiu.-niiiiiHiiT III niOIIX City. Y'ankton, Arkansas City, Caldwell, Topeka Wlchltu utul Tucson. Bids will lie .,..,,.! nt tho hour und days above stated, mid bidders ure Invited In be present nt 1 1 ,.. opening. Tim Department reserves tho tigiu 10 ni.n.TiiiiM'.' uie point ci tieuvcry uud to reject iiuv and ull bids, or niiv n.irt nt uny bid. . .. jo.M'.s, Coiiimlssloucr. Mch. IS to Ur. S. WANTED for U. r. army, nblo-boi'iieii tin. married men. between aueu of 21 uml .1", citizens ot the United States, of good character nnd temporulo habits, who can speuk. read nnd wrlto English. Recruits specially iiesircd for service lu I'hlllppiiiei. For Information imply lo Recruiting Obi ter, Cor. ltith and Dodgo sts., Omahn, Neb. LEGAL NOTICE. CERTIFICATE OF PUIH.ICAtTon" Statu of Nebraska. Olllee of Auditor of P.lbllc Accounts. Lincoln. Fob. 1. I'Hll.-lt Is hereby certllled that the City Trust Safe jjeposit mm Miirety company or I'lilluiiel nlila. In the state of lVnusvlvunln. has compiled with tho Itisuruneo law ut' this state applicable to such eonipiililes and Is therefore uuthnrlzed to continue the busl. ness of lldellly uud surety liisuiuiice In this slnle for the current year ending January II. I'.nr.'. WMtnps.q itiv bimil nml llu, nnl if flu, nudltor of pulille nccnuntn the day nnd year iiret unlive written. , (Seal.) CHARLES YVESTON. Auditor of Publlu Accouiils, By H. A. Bnbcock, DepJty. Aldll YES, IT SNOWED on Monday the day of our BUGGY SALE. Hut the people drifted In nlong with the snow nnd bought Stnnhopes ami Run nboiits nnd Phaetons. COlll.n.VT IIEI.I' IT. Tho prices nrc so low. Work by tho best makers. STYLES THE LATEST. Factory cost some below. Tires, rubber ' or uteel every vehicle 'plainly marked, Act ns your own siileRmim, XOYV'S YOlfll CIIAXCE. DRUMM0ND CARRIAGE GO. iStli and llnriK'V. NEWS FAR AWAY FROM HOME (ieiieriil .lliiiiilei'Mini In Ibr llalinniii lletitlo Edlliii'lnl 011 Oinuiiu t'oiirl IIiiIiikn, ticticruL Chin len P. .Mniulcibon wrllca tn .liulgu Slnbaugli from Niik.miu, lliilianm Isl unds, und eiiclnues nu edtlorlal clipping from tiiu Nev Y'nrk Times commenting on llio judga's cliargo in the Kent Inudlord nnd tenant rare. This is tho suit In which Judge Slabnugh told thn Jury that tho plaintiff uns entlllrd only to nominal dam ages, ns the Injuries of which ho com plained hud reaulted partly from his own negligence. Thn Times nuntos from The Ileo news report of tho court's charges to tho Jury ns follows : If a man suffers an Injury thuL ho could hnvo avoided by the exeiciso of prudmico ho cannot recover damages for that Injury. If you tent u liouso uud find that thn fur nucn Is out nf repair, It Is your duty to get It fixed, uud If It's so bad that It can't bo repaired, throw H out and put lu u new one, churghit up the cost lo tho owner, who has contracted to keep thn houso In' proper shape. Don't let your family fieeze mid thou go after your landlord for damages, Then editorially The Times says: This sounds like good house, mid wo sliult lio uurprlsed If on appeal It is not found to bo good law ns well. Eastern judges urn not quite so explanatory us Judge Slabaiigh Inclines to be, uml do not usually give ad vice, f i u 1 1 0 so freely; but perhaps It would bo better If they did. Much ut tho educa tional vuhio of litigation Is lost because thn wlso gentlemen on tho bench deem It Incon sistent with their dignity and duty to tell u litigant what ho should havo ilono when ho comes Into court on an lssun he cannot sustain. The piecedeuts In landlord and tenant cases would All many volumes, but wo do not remember to havu scon u Judicial utterance which put tho matter nultu ho clearly und comprehensively ns this. Genera! Mnndcrsun, having been without The Hee for Homo weeks, writes: "It Is said that one should go far away from homo to rend thn news, nnd in this distant iHlund, held under the llrltlMi ling In tho tropical Hens, 1 came ucrcsn the unclosed clipping, which will intercut ypu. "I am much Improved In health," con tinues tho general's letter, "and expect in return homo by April 15 fully myself," A kidney remedy that enn bn depended on will be found In I'rlckly Ash Hitters, It licala uud strengthens,