TILE OMAHA "DAILY IVEEt M't' ESDAY, AlMttL 2, 1901. SPECIAL NOTICES Adrertlaementa for these eolMtnna will be taken ttatll 12 n. (or the evening edition and natll BsttO p. au. (or moraine and Sunday edition. It a tea, 1 l-2o a word flrat Inaertloa, Jc m word thereafter. Nothlac taken far leaa titan 2Bc for the flrat Inner t'oa. Tbeae adrertlaeaaents ntnat van eoaaeoatfveljr. AeWertlaera, by reqaeatlaa a nia tiered check, eaa hare anavrera ad dressed to a numbered letter In ear I The Iter. Anawera ao addreaaed will be dellrered em preaeatatloa ( the ahaek aalr. WA.NTED-JIALE. IIKLr. WANTED, wo have steady work for a few good hustlers of Rood habits and appcur anco. C. F. Adams Co., 1G0S Howard St. 11-210 HARDER tride taught thoroughly in short time; catalogue & particulars freo. West am Harbors' Institute, Omaha, Nub. U-241 WEN to usn Witch-Hazel Shaving Cream Instead of soap. 2So; at all druggists. U-3S7 A19 WANTED-Salcsmun and collector. Apply before a a m. Tlio Singer Mfg. Co., 1514 Douglas. 11 445-A-22 WANTED, specialty salesman; salary. 538 llammi bldg. U-707-1." WANTED, men to learn burlier trade. We teach the work In two mouth and In clurto board mid tools, Special thirty-day offer for spring rush, Catalogue und par ticulars mailed free. Motcr Harbor Col lege, 16:3 Fiirnam St. U-M767 ( SALESMEN wanted on commission; salary Inter If right man; also best side line to grocery, hardware and drug trade, ouukcr Co., Council Hluffs, la, I1-M97I 2 WANTED, man to sell staple article to wholesale, drug, oil and grocer trade on commission. Address Wallmann Mfg. Co,, Milwaukee, Wis. H-MSM 6 WANTED, 2 goodniachlnlsTBap7ible of doing bench and vlso work. Address Fre mont Foundry and Machine Co . Fre mont, Nelu H MSM 2 UA VTt'M A (I- ..11 I ,..11..... ,i , ui in n i-umnn 1111 milium uiinii must bo single, Httlctly temperate unci well recommended. Address Hlate In dlistrlul Hchool, Kearney, Neb. 11-117-2 SALESMEN for cigars; new plan, quick aalea, good buslnaaa, big money. Con aumera' Cigar Co., 634 8. 7th St., at. Louis. U- .WANTED, mon 'to jilnnt trees In prll. Htnnuani cattle Co,, Ames, wen. H-.M13I 2 WANTED, a competent bookkeeper nnil uc cotmtant; one speaking German preferred Address M G2, lice. 1J-M131 2 WANTK11-FKMAI.K HELP. WANTED, 200 girls. 1621 Dodgo. Tel. 870. C-211 IlELIABLH Douglas. help. Canadian offlce, 152 C-214 WANTED, compclcnt cook. Mrs. T. J. Rogers. 1120 Hark Ave. C-M672 GIRL for general housework: small family. 2603 Pierce. C-M712 SALESLADIES and demonstrators of abil ity for permanent salaried positions. Thyrold-Lymph Co.. SoO-2-l Hoc Ulilg., Omaha, 91-5-tt llurr Hlock, Lincoln. C-72I- WANTED, ladles to learn halrdresslng. manicuring and facial treatment. Special offer for thirty days to supply demand for graduates; 12 to JI5 weekly paid after only four weeks with us. Cull or write Molcr College, 1623 Farnam St. C-M70S 4 WANTED, woman ns housekeeper In small family, southeust corner ISth and Mnnder son sis. , C M9S8 2 DRESSMAKING taught thoroughly; sjs tem received highest uwnrd nt 1'arls, limo. McDowell Dressmaking School. 2U9-S-. 15th St., rooms 515-51U Knrbach blk. -r v C-Mlll WANTED, a competent maid nnd com panion, willing to assist in housework; Uurmi.n preferred; good salary. Apply' be tween 2 and 1 p, in. 2526 Dodgo st. U122 3 WANTED, competent girl for general housework. Mrs. R. C. Holers, 1046 Georgia avenue. C 121-3 HOUSEWIVES, send us your address on ft postal anil we ll semi you n vniuatile pres. cut abs osoiutciy i' itrii'j. v. . uievoianil Co., "Everything Dealers," Chicago, C-M132 : WANTED, a young girl to assist In house. Work. 2230 Musou sj, C M129 3 AN experienced millinery saleslady. Ne broskn Clothing Co. C M12S 2 OIHTi to cook ami assist In general house work; no1 washing; family of two. Apply 3221 Leuvcnworth. C-M123 3 HEI.l wati;ii. WA NTE D TR U ST WO RT 11 Y MEN AND women to travel and advertise for old established house, ot solid ilnanclal stand lug. Salary 7no a year and expenses, nil payabio in cam. iso cuuvusjiiik reijuireu Glvo reterences anil enclose self-ivl' dressed slitmpeil envelope. Address Mali' ager, 361 Caxtou Uldg,, Chicago. Al 733 4 EMPLOYMENT, either sex. homo work. writing, good wages, r.ve; Inclose Su nlamp tor particulars, u. A. Scott, 20 Ex change Place hldg., Rochester, N. Y. M-127 2 FOR 11K.NT HOUhES. IF you want your houses well rented place I.... with ltfnntviL l?n. 11 it ALWAYS moving 11. II. goods. Pianos, Olllce, 15Uft Famau St. Tel. 1659 or 863. D-246 HOUSES for rent in all parls of tho city Urenuan-Love Co., 320 So. 13th St. D-217 HOUSES, stores. Ilomts, I'axton block. D-2IS BEE HENRY B. PAYNHi. 601 N. Y. LIFE. U-249 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1J2I Douglas. D-250 HOUSES miu (lata. R'.ngwalt, Uarkor Blk D-251 HOUSES wanted. Wallaco, Urown Ulk. D-252 KXH. Del. Co.. moving. Tel. 1195. 214 N. 16th D-690 A7 l-ROOM modern Hat: wpll located; large rooms. Konnard & bOn, 310 Urown Hlock. M Olitij I. OH RENT, new 10-room house, north part city, water and gas,- near motor uud school. Enquire W. I. Klerstead, Room m. rl( Hull! rent. tiX mnnlh .,, Vtf, w,. -". - " D-M1S3 4-nOOM lint. 2002 'N. 26th. D-M436 ICS NORTH 22d St.. ten-room modern house lino location; ey ui ov .urui sju Ht. D 139 2222 I.ARD ST,, 5-room now llat. city water. sewer and closet, J12 a mouth. The Ryron lieeu LB,, .1.. n. mil oi. U.MM. CENTRAL, unequalled, steam heat, all modern, 'seven-room house. Tlzard, 221 i. -tin. u flicw FOl.'R-UOOM npartmont, modem, S16 South S2(! ai. u r:t 9' TEN-RQOM re(.ldrnee, with largo grounds, Inwn and shade trees: suitable for SAN I, TARIUM or MEDICAL INSTITUTE; will mako alterations and lease to llrst-class tenant. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. 16th and Douglas St. D-M731 FIRBT-ci.AHB u-room nouse, balh. gas comer, nice lawn, excellent condition iiii.uo, :iu eewaru. Keys, isio neward. n-l 3' FOR RENT, residence. 1056 Georgia av. cor. IMclllc; iu rooms, attic, basement east front, modern and extra convent rnces; lot 6S140. with trees. Inquire U First Nut0iial bank bldg. D-MISl FOIt HE.T I'lIt.MfilllOD IIOO.M.V DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E-256 THE THURSTON, 15th and Jackson, steam, E-S55 ILM.MMIIEI) ROOMS AMI IIOAHI). UTOPIA, 17?1 Davenport St, F-2J9 QliENCAIHN, translcnts.Jl.Cday. 1609 Doug The Merrlam, good winter home, 23 & Dodgo ROOMS And board, reasonable. 240S Cass. K 373-A1 LARGE (tent room. 609 S. 25th ave. F-5S1 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney. Rates reasonable. F-M333 A16' ROOMS and board, 624 N. 23d, F I3S-1 SINGLE room, with board. 1999 Capitol av, F-110 7 FOII IIE.NT-lOFt'll.VISIIED ROOMS. a UNFURNISHED chambers for man and wife. 319 N. 17th. Q-.VJ FOR RENT, three unfurnished room; prl vnle bath, hot and cold water, Inquire 734 Caldwell st, G-M7j 5 3 OR 4 unfurnished rooms with bath. 2.".' Hewnru. u Mi's u roit ue.vi stores a.vu offices. FOR HENT Store, In flrst-clas location; rent rcusunubib Apply R. O. Peters & Co., srouna iloor, lieo Wag. 1-206 FOR RENT, olllce, with vault and part llrst lloor or all top lloor, Hll-llltJ Harney St.; suitable l:r small Jobbing or broker ago business ur storage. Midland Glass and l'uint Co., 1410 lluiney st. 1-M2W FOR RENT Tho building formerly occu pied ty Tho Pco at 910 Farnam St. It has lour stories und u basement which was formerly used as Tho Heo pros sroom. This wilt to rented very reasonably. If Interested spply at onco to C. C. Rose water, sec vtury, room loo, lieo building. 1-201 STOREROOM and basement, North 21th St.; suitable tor plumber, llolbrook, Urowp. IJIock. I M7C7 THE rooms now occupied by tho O. F. Davis Co.. 1605 Fuiimm St.. Will bo for rent after April 1. McCuguu lnv. C, itiw; Dodgo sr. 1337. FOR RENT STORES. I.'.m; v,liiiir. ..null loi'iitloii lor restau rant : mm 40th and Cumliu, good comor and all llx tures for drug store; also store, S17 N. 4uth. for innat nvirket. . 123 N. 12th, corner Capitol avo. J.'a.OO 119 N. 12th 2'l.tw Hollthwi'Hl corner luth and Dodge 26.00 l.ill iipltol live W.W 114 N. lit! la.00 THE HYRON REED CO.. 212 S. 14TH ST, 1-M730 1 AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS make 6 dally selling tho cheapest and most perfect water tutor ever In vented; retails at gl.bu; big prollt; ex cluslvo territory. Seneca Filter Co., Son cca, Mo. J-M403 A21 "HE WHO knows and knows not that ho knows, Is asleep. Wako him. "But ho who knows nnd knows that he knows, In a wlso man. Follow him." rnen ;.now me. inquiry costs you nom- nc. will nay you J23 to JoO weekly. The dignity, beauty and high character of tho work is MUST in mo wotti.u. success ful book agents wanted. Teachers. High school and College graduates will have preference. Lock llox 355, Omaha, Neb. j iuaiu SELF-THREADING needles for weak sight; thread springs into eye; packet mailed 10 cents, 4 tor 25 cents; agents' catalogue free. Chas. Marshall, Mfr., Lockport, N. Y. J 717 10 BTOHAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., oi;. 911 Jones, general storage ana forwarding. -261 OM. Van Ctor. Co., 15UV4 Farn. Tcls. 1559-S63. 260 WAXTKIl TO HUV. WANTED, ft gbod elevntor, suitable for naruwiire store; must ue in goon con dltlon and cheap. C. A. Rutidall, Nuwrnun Grove, Neb. ' N M753 2 I'Olt S.VLIiFUllM l .. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO., 1410 Dodge. Tel. J02U. New & 2dband turnlturo bougnt, sold, oxchanged. O 262 FINEST lino of now and second-hand furnl. turo in tno city; inspect our stock beforo buying; we wholesale to cutintry dealers; prices low. Enterprise Furniture Co., 102-1 S. 11th, corner Dodge. O .I671 A7 FOIt MALE HOUSES, VEHICLES. ETC SELL new vehicles of all descriptions. Harry Frost, 11th und Leavenwortn, ' i'-263 FOR SALE, Cheap, two driving horses, top ouggy Him Harness, an complete. ;us ututsman street, council mutts. F-M671 2 FOR h.W.l-. .UISLUl,t,AXll)LS. SAWDUST Cheapest posts, poultry At hog icuce. iivi ijuuKiua. i t)l 2DHAND safe chuup. Dcright, 1116 Farnam. W 26.1 SAFES; buy, sell cxc'ge, Schwartz, lit S. 13. W 266 TIMOTHY buy und all kinds lecd and coal Monroe oi .o. tj 2b!i 1NCUUATORS. Send to tho Sure Hatch iuouuator w, -my ientur, .ud., tor a hanusome ireo catalogue. (J 269 WIRE fonco for poultry, Uelglan hurc, hog Held or luwu. Wire v uiks,- oij a. -utj, st w-Aioin jy7 MASQUERADE mnko-up outllt, contains paints, powders, burnt cork, noisu putty, beards, spirit sum. etc., tho lot mailed for 50 cents. Cnas. Marshall, Mfr.. i.ouk- port, r. i. y 756 10' A GOOD guurauteeil bicycle with Morgan & Wright tires tor -U Omaha Hlcyclo Co. RUHHER stamps, keys, etc.; we maku and repair umiiieiian; sum, nvur anu nicKtl plating, NOV. Mfg. Co.. 151U Dodge at. Q-M6I3 A6 FOR SALE Cheap, a lino elk's head; also on American eagle,- both mounted; 119 Uoard of i;raue ouiug. y .M OM SEED sweet potatoes, carllost Yellow Jer sey, J1.25 per nui. Auiiri'ss xneo Williams, itcuson, iNeii. w .u.uj ia WILL sell my Clnckorlng piano cheap. Ad- (IreHS M 4'.', Hen. Q-M891 6" WIRE fence for poultry. Uelglan hare, hog Held or lawn, wire wonts, mi w. ibiii st y JtOiS jy7 FOR SALE, bull and heifer. 20 months old very choice. Holstelus, rog.. lit to show and win In strong company; heifer fresh soon. Also scotch co 1 1 to ivitch in whel to a Rraud dog; both tit to show und win; are cattle workers; prices rlttlit. Address M hi, ueo. g .M130 2 Cl.AlllVOVA.VTS. MRS. FRITZ, modlum. 819 North 16th. S-270 MME QYLMER, Bcnulno palmist. 1605 Dodge ELECTRIC THKATMEVr. ELITE parlors, CIA South 10th, second floor. i an is AS CAMILLE DUVAL. 619 So. 16th, 2d i'.oor. T-624 A6 MISS MAY LESLIE. 619 S. 16th. 3d lloor. T-.M513 A2 MISS WILLIAMS of St. Louts, massage magnetic, electric treatment. 202 N. ldth room 4. T M6j3 A-9- MAHEL GRAYrsiT'i N. 151)781. FlaMf T-119 A30 VERA DEI, MURK, mas-age, bath. .1615 tiowaru, loom i, .11 uoor. 1 .M12I b" I'EIISONAl. DR. ROY, chiropodist: corns & auoerlluous hair removed by electrlcty. R. 12 Froussr Uiocfc. . u 3,a PRIVATE homo before and during coiulne ment; bibles adoptud. Wis, Uurgut, 262i uuiutun, u iti I'l'.lfillN l, A HOX of Re-No-May l'owder Is not a luxury when It anoros you a euro nnu secures tho cointort ana happiness or your ioom-mate. U M212 FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim buttons; mall orders. Omaha i'Iatlng Co,, 1524 Douglas. U 273 SUI't'LIES for all machines; machines for rent. Whlto Sewing Machine, 1620 Dougla9, Tel. 2331. U-274 M. GOLDMAN & CO.-Only perfect ac corduon pleating plant In the west. Mall otdcrs tullcltcd. Sulto 2oo Douglas Hlocl;, U-277 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during coulltiument; babies aJuptcd. 2200 Oram St. U 275 V1AVI Woman's way to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 31S lieu Uklg, U 276 RCI'TURE cured; no knife, no pain, no tlangur; send for circulars. Empire Rup turn Cure, 9J2 N. Y. Uto Hulldlng, Onuha. U M3w 1-OR men only, WItch-lIozel Shaving Cream. Ucttor than any soap; 25o. An druggists. U-3i6 A19 WE RENT sewing" machines at 73c per week, Wo repair and sell parts for nil inakeH ot machines. Nebraska Cclo Co., cor. 13th and Hurney, 'phono I6'l3. U-.M403 Ail ECZEMA CL'RE-Owlng to tho num'jer of Inquiries which are being constantly re ceived from thorn atlllcted with eczoma re garding tlx- salvo which cured W. A. I'ax lon. Wo have decided to entry u small supply of this sulvi. on hand. H. J. Scan ticil, 509 Wate block, Omaha. U-70.V.A26. GOOD band man, plays violin In orchestra, will donate services to band securing po sition for him. Address M 53, care Itee. U MWW 2 MOMJV TO LOA.-lliJAI, KSTAIK. MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. biciHi.iu-l.ovo Co., 309 South 12tli. W 2SJ WANTED-CIty lo.ins, bonds and warrants, .ioorgo & Company, lwl Fanmintrcet. LOANS on eai'torn Nebraska and western Jovmi farms at 5 per cent; borrowers can pay tiw oi any multiple; any Interest dale; no delay. llrcunan-Lovo Co., 300 So. 13th St. Omaha, Neb. W 2S3 U.OoO and upward to loan on improved city property ,.nd liirms. W, Furnum Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam. W 232 WANTED, city and farm loans; nlso bonds and warrants. It. C. Tutors Ai Co., 1702 Karnain St., Hco Uldg. W 234 MONEY .o loan on farm and city property; lowest rates, u. i jjuvis uo., liuo urnum. W-2S5 MONEY to loan at 4S nnd CVfe per cent on umana property, w. u, AieiKiv, 1,1 FIVE per cent money, Hemls, Pal ton block, PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1511 Douglas. W W AND CV& pei cent city and farm loans. Gatvln litos., 1013 Farnam St. V tuj PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. L W-2S7 6 AND 5U per cent loans. W. 11. Thomas, Kir.; I N'litlnnnt I In tilt linllillni- Tel. ll',li W-29J CASH on hand. G. E. Turktngton. 605 Use. W .Moll I J1U.MJV TO LOA.N CHATTELS. jET us talk x '.vlONEY" TO YOU. MONEY LUANKD SALAltlhl) PEOPLE. MONEY LOANED ON FL itNl I'L'RE. J1UNKV I.OAinED ON PIANOS. MONEY l.UAiil'.U ON UOltnEb. Or any other personal property, in cneapcr lutes anil netter piaus tiiau ever. IF YOU .HiiU MOiSt.Y SEE US. We glvu you options on loans that no other lirm can uitoru to give. ou niwuys get tlio tull ainuunt. ion pay Us back in small wccKly or monthly payments. No expense ur charges taken out or loan. You choose, your. own tune tor payments, any time trom one mouth to ono year. I'.tich payment returns principal una Iti teiest. Ever thing remuius m jour pos session. All inisiiiess strictly coiiiiuemuil. l-rivutu mierviowini; room, A.sIElllCAN LoA.N COMPANY, Room 312 Hrown jiIock iioom .n2. S. L. Cor. 16th una Uougliib streets. Entriineu on loth street. X-M113 WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEE US, It is easy to uuvurtisu lowest rates, as others uo, bui o levi pusitivu thai u you will inuko coinpuriboua you will bu con vlncuu that you can do better with us than Hlaevvheiu luan on furniture, pianos, livu slock, etc., ur wu vin inaKo you u SALARY LOAN without muurbur or mortgage. vu ciiargo nothing lor maning .oan iiu ou receive tnu tun uiuouui in cush. You may pay it luck in ono luontu ur tuttu nix moiiths ur mo lo in Whioh to lepuy it, ana you need not pu tor it ono the day lunger than ou ki;.ii it. our luuus ure tho eosiebi, our uu.niiess is coniiuumiai and our moiiu is try iu pieuse. OMAHA MUR'luAUt. L.o.iiV CO., ll'j uuuru 01 i'rauo lilug. Xel. j.-aj. (EsUollxneu mmu su, jloth tot. X-Utj SALARY LOANS. If you uro eiauiuyuu by u n-opunslblu tlrm am .vlli loan you UUIus iroiil -iu in iim ,,,, your uotu ut much ohuupur Una vusler lUteU 11IUII tirvniiL.i,, v. .u,a VU Ula positive. AOsoiuKiy no cn-geo iu.- cupula, 01 hint; aeuuttco tiuni uiuuuiu ..r,.,i Easiest liurtuu paymonts. Rulublo Credit Co., room JUa, i-u:.iuu uiuck, -v 292 1 n.WH nN SALARIES. Flllt Vl'I'tTin.- i4U4.1U " ' . - W-d llvu .nock, etc. yuick scrvicu and lowtbt rates Uliaiantued. J, W. TAl'LOE. GJJ nun llour i'axton UIock, northeast corner iuiii UUU I'UIIIUIU, i;iiiiuiii.u Ul. luill si. A.-M370 MONEY loaned salaried peoplu holding uer. manunt position "with lesponsloio concern upon Wltli iminus wuuuui cieuuriiy; easy ....m.,,,). 'riillil.lll. .Ilil t'.nMf.l 'I'ri,,,.. I. 1. 1.. yttjiiv,,M. - - - . . .Muu UIU),, MON1SV loaueu 011 pianun, luriiiiure, nurses, COWS, JUV-uiW. wuii V4.WUU, b, o, uullkl'I OIK A. sn SALARY loans at reduced rule. Oinuha Creult Co., t26 New York Lite Uldg, A. 299 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew city, hoi'bes, cows, etc, C. F. Reed, 319 S. U X-297 MONEY to loan. I. Zlcgler, 409 Ware illock, Jl M662 Short time loans. J, Pleasants, 51 Barker Ink A. 127- iiksi.m:ss changes. STEAM dyo and cleaning shop In city of 10.000 or 11.000 Inhabitants for sale for J150; a good change for a dyer who understands his business, only snop in the city. Ad uress i i), uce. Y M155 FOR SALE, lunch counter and confection erv combined: good buslnexa. unixl inm Hon; will soil cheap for cash on account 01 111 ncaun. auuicss .Mrs. c l'heney, Co lumuus, .-Ncu. v .mksu 2 11ARI1ER shon fur sale: oue-clialr Hlmn good business ond best location In town Aiiurcss M 3;i, lice. V U9S A: FOR rent or sale, a bakery in Weeping water, iou.; gjou location, airs. j. Fate, Weeping Water. Y 70s-2 FOR SALE, brick blacksmith shop nnd 101; uesi location; goon initio; cheap. Ad dress Frank Rlsse, West Point, Neb. M7oO 0 FOR SALE, drug store doing llrst-cl.iss business; proprietor leave. on account of III health. Address Uox F, Hon otllcc, South Omaha. Y M929 6 WANTED, partner In an established busi ness. Address Artisan, lire. V M9I0 2 I CAN SELL your count!' property for cash (residences, farms, general stores, hotels, etc.), no mutter whero located. Send description und selling prlcu nnd get my wt mlerfully successfil plan. W. M. Ostrander. 1231 FllbeVt St., Phlladel phla", P11. Y FOR 8a1,K, book store, news and sta tionery; eKtubllMiej.trailo; making money; $1,200 cufch uecHSKitry. Address "News dealer," caro H'-e. Y-M"iuw) 2 FOR SALE, a I'ood bl.i"Jtsnilth shop, with com,ili'te fot of tools nnd stock, good lo cation. A. G. Carlson, Cr.tlg, Neb. Y- Mini 2' lllltns AND T.WIIICRM V. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1245 8. 16th. Tim ."AI.E-ltK.M- llSTATE. WANT offer on nno lot and seven-room house, ciojsj to goon car line. Eastern owner anxious to sell, M. J. Kcnnard i: Son, 2-lU Urown Ulock, RE !2 SEE HENRY U. l'AYNE, COl N. V. LIFE. RE-216 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the L'nloii l'acltlc Railroad company, LI. A. MCAiiasicr, land commissioner, Lnlon Vactflc Headquarters, Omaha, Nbb. HE-314 OR SALE on monthly payments, i-room modern house on N. 21th st, car Hue. Also vacant lots, which will be Improved for purchaser on moderate payment down. Mutual Loan and Hulldlng Association. U. M, Nuttlnger, secretary, lleo bldg. RE-.M7II HOUSES, lots, larms, lands, loans; also lira insurance, ucmis, x-axion uik. iiii-aij CHAS. E WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam St. RE 3U 'Oil SALE, southeast corner 10ih and j.eavenwortn, isi icei square, improve ments wot lli J",000, rents for Wi per monili; will sell Tor 12t(j it taken In u few days. Hoiiawa & Co., ICS No, lot It st. HE-.M9H2 2 'OR good bargains In real estate seo Pat terson .v litter, room l.'3 i'axton Hlock. RE -729- FOR SALE, corn lands, stock ranches und tiusitii'ss locutions in tuc com ucit coun try. W. 11. Clements, Lyons, Neb. RE-M97J I HAVE the belt house for M.iWO In Oimtlul; lot tuxl3.ii south front, paved street, 2 blocks mini ear, 2 stotles, tl rooms main lloor, upstairs not llnlshcit, sewer, water, gas, large barn; 25l 1 Spiiulillng sL Stringer, 031 I'axton bllt. RE -M123 2 MAGM'.TIO IIEALl.Ml, .MME. SVENDSON; the renowned magtintlo neaicr, who sturtieu an un t'.ugianii with her marvelous cures, bus Jl'ST AR RIVED, 1'ersons suirerlng with cnronlo diseases aro cordially tnviied to call on tins gifted woman. Consultation free. Diagnosis guaranteed to be absolutely correct. Cures positively-effected, charges reasonable. If you arc sIck comu and get cured. Rheumatism and paralysis sttcccsr--fully treated by tlih liuiiiano and wonder lul metliod. Rooms lu-1 1 1321 Farnnm st. -.M713 A27 l'ATliATs. INVENTORS GOT AN lDEAf We handle patents cupnguts una truuu tnurts; you tilu us tin; imiu idea and uo will do thu lust, inooern equipped maomiiu shoii und foundry in connection; oitlelul Guzutto un lllu; uuluu book free. Muson, Fetlivick & i.awiciicc, patent lawyers, HW lluwuru bt.i lei. ilw, oinuha, J. 1'. Cronlu, repr. PATENTS, no fee unless successful. Sues U Co., lieu Uld., UIIUUIU, NcO. Advice tree. -15S Jcl5 OSTEOPATH!. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. L. Uldg. Tel. loui; tucu juniiMJU, u. u., luuies uept.; Uld E. Johnson, usteoputhist. Mgr. -317 M. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still school, Kit Us villi, Mo., ool I'axton Ulk. Tel. 1367. -31 TICKET IlHOIvElt. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. II. Phil- bin, l&ou l'arnam. 'luiennoue 7bi 332 siuiiii ii.v.Mi am; iiPuwiiri'iAti, A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. 323 UO YLEIV College, court reporter principal. uee mug. az3 NEU. Uusluess & Shorthund college, Uoyd's rncaier. sst GREGG Shorthand. Om. C Col., 16 & Doug '" 325 Ul'HOLM'CUl.Vt;. GLOBE CO.UCII CO., 151U'Lav'th. Tel. 2529. su All 10 l.OMl. 1 LOST, tally's green piirso,fliotweeii 16th nnd (.'iipitoi ave. anil iitu unit tiiuitornia. 110 turn to lieu Olllce und receive reward. L0BI-99S 2 LOST Part of a combination gold watch charm, order of Foresters, national Union nnd .Mutual Order of Protection. Suitable reward It returned 'to Recent Shoo Co., 205 South 15th, Lost-US 3 I'lillM TtltE lllll'AIKI.VU. TEL. 1331. M S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St, , -330 MEIMC'AI.. I.AhlHS. I inisltlvelv i;nnrnntea Golden Seal, never falling leimiio regulator, will relievo most obstinate' cuses of delayed periods In live hours; sent secure trom observation, $1.00. Dr. Annto Kowlcr, 2741 OIlVO St., St. Louis, Mo, 91S A30' QONOVA Is a Frenh trcatmunt lor mulo and female, for tho positive cure of Gon orrhoea, Gleet, Unnatural Discharges, in flammations, Irritutioiib and Ulcerations of thu mucous membranes. An Internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted to cine worst cases In ono week; $3 pel packuBC or two lor $. Sent any where on icctlpt of price. The ICidd Drug Co., Elgin, ill. American Ottlce, retnll, wholesale, Myeis-Dlllon Drug Co., Omi)i; M. A. Dillon, South umahu; Davis uvuk Co., Council Ulults. 1-uil lino of ruutcir goods. LADIES! Chtchester'H Engltclt rennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable; take no other. Send 4o stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Cnlchtstet Chemical 1 t., Phlladelpnia. Pa. HICYCLES. WE HAVE tho only Vulciinizer In thn city for ouggy tires. Wo do this work us gcod as can bo dune ul tho fuctory. 1622 Capi tol Ave. 635 ELOCUTION A.N 11 HEADING. MRS. DORWARD. Studio U23 N. 1'Jlli St, 377-A1 l. Altl'EN TliltS AMI .lOltltEHS. ALL kinds of carpenter work und repairing pronipiiy ui'.cudeu to. J. X Ochiltree, 20th und Lake Sts. 370 FACTORIES FOR RENT. 1 ' FACTORY, laundry or grocery building, corner. Daniel C. I'attoi-baii, loJ3 Furnum, -M3U A16 WALL PAPER. So a roll and up; painting, paper hanging, decorutlng. Lelsey, 117 S. L'tli. Tel. 1608. -663- 1-AW.NllltOKEHS. EAGLE Loan Olllco, reliable, accommodat ing; all business cuntldbutial, 1201 Douglas, l'Kl.TI'I.VC. HAVE it printed right. Waters Printing Co., 422 So 15th St. Phono -2190. ilsS A7 LAUMHIV. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c, cuffs, 4o. 1750 Leavenworth, Tel. 647. -333 ST.4MMEHINO AND STUTTEIll.NO. CURED. Julln Vaughn, 430 Ramge Uldg. -331 JINK. U. Si M. Junlt house, J. Milder, Prop., dealer In all metals, bottles, etc. Carloads a fcpeclulty. W1-S03 Furnum, Omaha, Tel. 2378 . -M337 EXPERT ACCOU.NTA.NT. LESSONS In brokkceplng, etc., day or evening.. It. 15, Com. Nat. liank, G. R. Rathhun -32S IHIE!..M.I.INfi, .IN FAMILIES, Miss Sturdy, 31S S. 26th st. IV6-A.U I'OR ItlJ.VI'-r.VtTOIIIES. FACTORY, laundry or grocery limiting, cornel. David C. Patterson, 1623 Furnam. M3I1 Alo FLORISTS. LOUIS LECLUSE, successor lo U. Haas, 1S13 Vinton Tel. 2675. Plants, cut llower design-, hall, residence, wedding and gravu decorations. Orders promptly filled hv mull nr exnrrsa. 'Oai.nY ACCOHUIO.N I'I.EATI.Xi, ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick est, Mrs. A. C. Murk, S. E. Cor. 17th und Farnam. 335 HVILWAV TIME TAIII.r.s. HURLINOTON & Mis souri River Rallrond "Tho Iltirllngtoii Route- General Ottlces, North west Corner Tenth nnd Fornnni Streets. Ticket Olllce, 1502 Farnam Street ici-niioiio Hurlltigton station, -lcntn and Mason Streets. Telephone l.S. Leave. Arrive. Lltti'iilii, Hastings and . MeCook aSMOani a .:3i pm Llui'olit. Denver. Colo rado, l lab, Calltornlii.it 1:25 pm n 3:00 pm Lincoln ,t lllaik llllls..a 9:oo put 11 h;h am Molilalia. Puget Siv.ind.it H;00 pm ,11 ;.;. am Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:00 pm n 9:17 urn Wytnon. Heatrloo anil Lincoln 118MOu.n1 bltiw am Deliver, t Colorado, Utah and California Fort Crook. Ho. llend. a G:Ij am bll:05 om n s:20 am Louisville, l'lattsm tll.11 a:so pm Ilellevue, PlnttsmoUth S. Paelllo .luiii'tloii 1 7:10 pm Ilellevue. PlnttsmoUlll .V Pacllle Junction 1112:111 am a Dally. I Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY, ST. .TO sepll 't Council Hluffs Riillroa l -"The Hurling Ion Route" Ticket Olllce, i:.02 Farnnm Street, 'lei.' phono 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason 8lreel!. Tilo phono 12S, . . Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 am a o:2. I'm Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a o:lo am St. Louis Fver, for St. . Joseph and Ht. l.ouis.a o:iu inn inwi 11 Dally milfAiin. ItlTRLINGTON .t ijulncy Railroad "The lltirilugtou Route" '1 Ickot Olllt'o 1502 Furnam Street. Telephone, 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason streets. Telephone, 12S. Leave. Arrive. t. niciiRo ape- am 11IO ?0 im Hill .... " ' m .w Chliiii' ' Vrstlbtilod Ex.11 1:00 pm a 7:4ii am Cblcugi- Local Express.11 9:30 am 11 4:l'o pm Chicago limited u 7:&J pm n :4) 11m Fast Mull n 2:43 pm 11 Dally. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rnllroiid-Clty Ticket Of llce, 1102 Farnam Street. Telephone, 215. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express . a 7:i"i am all:25 pm n 7:13 pm n S:o5 um Paul b 7:00 am b 9:10 pm Paul a 7:13 pm n S:03 am Chicago Limited . Minneapolis k hi Express Minneapolis St Limited Fort Dodge Local from Council Hluffs b 1:30 pm a 8:1j om Fort Dodge Locnl from Council Hluffs a 0:00 nm a Dally b Dally except Sunday. Oil All A &. ST. LOUIS RAIL, oud Oinuha, Kansas City & Eastern Rallroau "Tho Qulncy ilouto" Ticket Ot lice, 1415 Farnam St. Tele phone, 322. Depot, Tenth und Marcy streets, 'leleplione, 629. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Halt .a 5:15 pm a S:20 am 1j JCDI('SH un'"" ' Katibcs' Cltv & Qulncy u 7:00 am a 9:00 pm Locc. ., a Dally. CHICAGO Ac NORTH western ltullwuy "Tho Northwestern Lino'' City Ticket Olllce. 1101 Furnam St. Telephone. -161. Depot, Tenth and Murcy Bis. Telephone 629. iveavc. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe- cial a. 7:00 am ali:30 pm Chicago Pasbonger a 4:i5 pm u SM9 um Eastern Exprebs, Dcs Moines, Marshutitown, Cedar Ituplds und Chicago ul0:55 am a 1:05 pm Eastern Special, Chi cago and East a.4:s5 pm a 4:0o pm Fabi Mail, Chicago to Omaha a P Omuhu-Chlcigo L't'd ..a 7:4j pm a o:o0 um Fast Mull Oedar Rapids Passenger u t:JJ Pin a Dally. FHEMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri vuilcy Kiulroud "Tho Aoitmesiern Line" General Oincob, united bluto National UanK Uuliulug, S. W. turner Tweilth and Far- ncliet Olllce. 1401 i'uriium St. ucput, 15th una Webster sis. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Dead wood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming,' i.usper und Doagius d 3:00 pm o 5;v0 pm Hustings, lurk, David City, aupcriur, Geneva, Exeter und Sowurd....o 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Nolloliv . erilliiri. dllil Fremor.i b 7:30 urn blo:2J um Lincoln. Wulioo uud Fremont b 7:30 um blO:2S am Fiemont Locul o i:30 um u Dully, b Dully except ounuay. . o Sun- duy uinv. d Daily except Saturday. Dully except Mouuuy. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MiUlleupolls ai Oinuhu ltullwuy "Tho -Not in western Lino" General unices. Neurasku, UlVi blon, iJth uuu Webster ii. i. .....mi St. Telepnone, uei. iepui, 15ti uuu Webster bts. Twin citv Passenger... a u:vo um u 9:lo pm Omuha Passenger....... Sioux City & North- cast Nebraska a 3:4j pm a Dully. uliao um SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC liullmad "The North- western Lino" General Ottlces, Lulled States Natlotia Hunk Uuildlng S, W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam SIS. TICKCl Olllce, iiui Furnam St. Telephone 501. De pot Tenth unci Murcy sis. iciepiioue bin. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express a 6:65 um al0:25 pm Twin City Limited a TM pm a ::i5 am Sioux City Locul u 8:00 urn u 3:50 pm a Dally. CHICAGO. ROCK IHL. and & Paelllo ltullruail "1 he Great Rock 1st- anu itouto ' city Ticket Olllce, 1323 Far-it-im Street. Telephone, 4iS. Depot, Tenth und niais. ats. Tele uhone. 629. . L,eavt'- Arrive. LAbl. TitolneH nnd DuVull- porl Locul aT'--2 am bll:33 am t:nicugu tz,Knvia wu.u um a t;io am Dea Moines Local u 4:20 pm 11 4:45 pm Chicago Fust Kxpress..a 6:w pm u i:ai pm Dcs Molmrs, RocTv Isl and and Chicago a 7:40 pm a 9:35 pm Lincoln. Colorado Spgs.. ' Denver, Pueblo und West .a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Coiorudo. Oklahoma 6c Texas Flyer ft 5:20 pm u 9:50 am u aniiy. u uauv except aunnity. UNION PACIFIC--THE OVER, land Route" Gcnural nifin..a N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam Streets; City Ticket Olllce, lai Farnam Street. Telephone, ain. uepot, luiiiii uuu .iarcy a is, i ilfinhnnn. IlII. L.CUVO. Arrive The Overland Limited. ,u &;29 am a 7:30 pm Thn (!hlrai-o Portland Special ft 8;50 am ft 7:30 pm Tho Fast Mall a t:50 am u 3:25 pm Tho Mall and Express. .aH:3i pm a 4:25 pm Lincoln, Ueutrlco and Stromsburg Express, ,b 1:05 pm bl2;30 pm Tho Paelllo Express,,,, u 4:25 pm Tho Atlantic Exprcst,,,. a 6:50 am Grand Ibluud Local b 5:30 pm b 9:35 ro a uaiiy, n uauy except ounuay. 1 1 If 'AGO. M ILWAUKKI. .V St. Paul Ralhvay-Clty Ticket Olllce. 1504 Farnam Htrcot. Telephone, 2S Depot, Tenth and .Mason streets. Telephone, U29, Leave, Anlvo. Chli-iiBo Limited Ex a 6:00 pm a S:o.r. nui Chl ago v Omuha Ex b 7:15 sin b 3:10 pm 1 u uanj. u uaiiy except auuuuy, Daylight ..In 1 llUIll U.w Tel. tOi 'ici, II JO. m RAILWAY TI.MH TAltLHS. MlSOt'RI PACIFIC RAIL-road-Genernl Ofllees and Ticket Ultlces, Southeast Comor ltth and Douglas Sis. Telephone, lul. Depot, Union IMutton. Leuve. Arrive. St. Louis and Kansas City Expross a 10:00 am a 6:2J pm K. C, St. L. Exptes..al0:u0 pm a 6:15 am Lfftve trom 15th and Webster turrets: Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water o 4.10 pm al0:45 am a Dally, b Daily except hunday. WAHASII RAILROAD Ticket Ofllce. 1415 Farnnm Street. Telephone. 322. De pot, Tenth and Marey Sts. Telephone, 629, Leave. Arrive. St Louis Cannon Hall" a 5 15 pm n $.20 nm Express 11 Dally. mtiiDiD stavici nit Heaiuaomoaa. ALONG THE MONTH SHORE AVANA, MATANZAS, CAH0ENAS. SA0UA, CAI BAQE.1, MJEVITAS, OIBARA, Mf BARACOA, ani atlttr lorii. MUMS0V9TRAMSIIII' 1INE.27 WlllUmSt New York City. Ti 1 t,A'n , n,,,i.nniin SI Union Square, Now York, For Tlckota, Stateroom Reservation and Gatiaral information of the MO HILK IJCnVlCE. apply to Ticket Agent Mobile clilo 1L It. and South ern Ry. E Record Voage d Dm, 7 Heun. 22 Mlnuloi BOSTON to LIVERPOOL via OUEENStOWN Commonwealth, Twin Screw, 12,000 Tom, Apr 10 New England, ' 1,600 " ' 24 PORTLAND lo LIVERPOOL via QUEENST0WN Vancouver . Anr 13 I Dominion Apr 27 Cambrotnan. .. May 4 1 Vancouver Ma) 18 For farther Islonnatloi. addrcii Cempasy'i Olllttt. 0 IWirborg SI., Chlcage. Illi. fJOV ERN'JIIINT .NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPL1ES- Deiiartment of the interior, o 1 eo of in- dluu Affairs, Washington, D. C, March 7, 19iH, Sealed ptoposals, Indorsed "Proposals for biof. Hour, etc., us the case mn.v be. ami directed to tho Commissioner of Indian Affalis, 2:15 Johnson sticct, Chicago, III,, will bo received until 1 o'clock ti. 111.. of Tuesduy, April 9, 1901. for furnishing tor tho Indian Service, beef, Hour, bacon, beans, coffee, sticar, rice, tea und other articles of subsistence; aiso lor uoots anu shoes, groceries, soap, bakltn; powder, crockery, iKricuiturr.i implements, paints, oils, class, tinware, wiiKonn, harness, leather, shoo llndliuis. nuddlcrv. etc.. hardware. Rcbnnl and medical supplies, and a Iouk list of miscellaneous urticlcs. Seaied proposals, In dorsed "Proposals for blankets, woolen and cotton 15000s, clotlilui;, etc.," us the case muy be, r.ud directed to tho Commissioner or Indian Affairs, Nos. 77 and 79 Wooster street. Now York City, will bu received un til 1 o clock , m., of Tuesday, .Muy 7, 19.11, for ttliiilshttiK for tho Indian Service. biunkets, v.-oolt-n and cotton iroods, clothing, notions, hats and caps, lllds must bo made out on government nlanks. Schedules glv ltic all necessary information lor bldoers will be furnlshen on ufmllcutlon to thn in. dlan Olllce, Washington, D. C; Nos. 77 and 79 wooster street, ,ow voric cit , 25 John, son street, Chicago, HI ; No. 12DS Howard street, Omaha, Nebr. ; tho Commissaries of Subsistence, U. S. A., at Cheyenne, Leav enworth, So. Louis, St. Pun I and S.m Fruticlco; tno postmasiers at hioux City, Yankton, Arkansas City. Caldwell, Topeka, Wichita anil Tucson, Rids Will be oiiened nt the hour and duys above stilted, and bidders uru Invited lo bu present ut tho opening. Tho Department reserves tho right to determine the point of delivery nnd to reject unv and all bids, or uny part of any bid. w,. j. ju.ni'.s, commissioner. Mch. IS to Mm: S. WANTED for I). . nrmy, able-boOieti un married men, between ages of 21 and :i."; citizens of tlio united States, of good character ond tcmpcrutu habits, who cun speak, read and writu English. Recrulls speeinuy uesirru lor service in I'niuppiucH. For lutormatlou minis1 to Recruiting Ohl- cer, Cor. 16th and Dotlgc sts., Omaha, Nob. POSTOFFICK N O T I ( J V. . (eiiould bo rrntl DAILY by nil Interested as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign mulls for tho week ending April C, 1901, will close (PROMPTLY in all cuses) at tho Genninl Postoltlco as follows; par eels' Post Malls close one hour earlier than closing time shosvii below. Parcels Post mails for Germany close at 0 p. m, on Aptll 1, per s. s. Knlsor William dor Grosse, via Uremen, April 3 per . s. U. Kurttierst, via Hromen, and April C per s. s. llulgtirla, via Hamburg. Regular and Sunnlelnentnrv mnlls close at Foreign Urunch half an hour later than closing time shosyn below. TrniiN-Atlnntlt! .Mnlls, TUESDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. h. Kaiser Wllllnm dor Grosse, via Cher bourg, souuiamptun ami liremen. WEDNESDAY Al 0:30 11. III. for EUROPE, per s. s. St. Louis, via Southampton (mail for ireianu must no iiirecteu "per s. s. St. Louis"); nt X:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per h, s. Teutonic, via Queenstosvn; ut lo 11. m, for BEL GIUM direct, per s. s. Frleslund (mull must bo directed "per s. s. Frleslnnd"); at 11 u. m. fot DENMARK direct, per s. u. llekla (mull must bo directed "per s. s. llekla."). THURSDAY At 7 n. m. fur FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN. POR TUOAL. TURKEY, EGYPT. GREECE, 11R1TISH INDIA and LOREN.O MAR QUE., per s. s. La Hretugne, via. Havre (mnils for other parts or Europe must be directed "per s. s. La llretiiKnc"). SATURDAY' At 3:30 11, 111. for EUROPE, per s. s. Lucnnla. via Quecnstown; nt C 11. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. s. Peninsular; nt 7 a. m. for ITALY', per s. s. Trave, via Naples (mull must be dlreclod "per s. s. Trave"); at 7:30 n, m. lor NETHERLANDS direct, per . s. Rotter dam (mull must bo directed "per . Rotterdam"); ut 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. h. Ethiopia tnntll must bo directed "per s. it. Ethiopia" ). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. - This steamer takes printed inntler, commorcl.il papers and samples fur Gel many only. The same dnser or mall matter for othor parts or Europo will nut bo sent by tills ship unlesn specially directed by her. After tho closing 01 the Supplementary Trans-Atlnntlo Mulls ubovc, nddltiounl supplementary mnlls uro opened on the piers of thu American, English, French and German nleamcrs, and remain open until svlthln ten minutes of tho hour of sailing of steamer. Mulls for .South nnd Cent I Ainri-len, Went Indies. Etc. TUESDAY At 9:30 11. in. (supplementary 10:;to a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA 0x- rept Costtv Rica) und SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s, s. Finance, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must be directed "nor s. h. Flnunci"j; ut 0:30 p, 111, tor JAMAICA,, per s. s. Aiimiriu I'lirrngut, irom iiostou; at 11 n. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Hum- Btable, from Philadelphia; at "U p. m. for NAHSAU, per steamer irom .siiiinu, i-ia WEDNESDAY -At 9:30 n. m. for I NAG U A nnd HAITI, per s. s, llelverunn: at 10 n. m. lor Haiti, per s, s. rrins William H (mall for f'nrnciio, Venezuela, Trlnt lml. lii-ltish and Dutch Oulana iiiuki ho directed "per s. s. Prlus William 1 1");. at 10:30 a. m. lor ruitiu isiwu, per v. t. t. MeC'lellfin. via Snu Juan: at 12 m. for CU1IA, YUCATAN, CAMPECHE. TA- J1ASCO anil cniAi'AM, per s, s, Havana, vln Havana and Progreso (moil for other parts of Mexico must bo directed "per u u I tit ii nil" 1. THURSDAY At 1 a. m. for RERMUDA per s. s. Pretoria; ut ti:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Schley, from uostou. FRIDAY At 6 a, m. for BRAZIL, per s. s. lloveuus tmuii lor .vorwiorn urazii, r aentlne RenihllP. Uruguay and I'arnirtiav must bo directed "per s. s. Hevellus";; at 12 m. tor .iiiv.suu, per .1. s. iMiigaru, via Tnmplco (mall must bo directed "per . s, Niagara-). SATURDAY At 7:30 u. 111. for ARGEN TINE REPUBLIC. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, nor s. s. Ilellucln: at 9 a. in. (supplementary 9:30 11. m.) fur PORTO RICO ivlu San Junto, CURACAO ami VENEZUELA, per s. s, Philadelphia (mall for Havanllla and Cnrthngenn must bo directed "per s. s. i-uiiniieipiiin"); ut f:-M n. in. (stiiiiilemeiltary 10 a. m.) for KT. CROIX (ST. THOMAS, via ST, CROIX), Hi. Ll't IA, li.MtiiAwiin it lit 1 ul.-sii;. itAIIA. ne' s. M. IVintabe !: nt 111 m for Cl'RA, per s, s, Mexico, -via Havana; nt 10 11. m iar iii-h-m.s, per s, s Itavensdnie, via i-rogroso, at 10 h. in, isuppier.'eiunry iii-so 11. m.) ror ion TUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SA VANILLA and CARTIIAGF.NA, per s. s, Athos (mall for Costa Rica must bo directed "ni'i- h. h. 1 MMi-iwaTaLTTgafMaajgy wctaur r Athos ), ul 19 u, 111. (supplementary 10,30 posTtiiTirr, .Nonet:. 11. m i for HAITI und SANTA MARTHA, per S. s. Andes, at l.'..M p, in. for MA TAN.AS. CAIIIARIEN, M'EVITAS. GIRARA and PARACOA, per s. s. Curl tyba (oidlnary malt only, which nlust bo directed "per s. s Curltybu' ); ut 'Ml p. in. for N.SSAl per steamer from .Miami, Flu. Malls for Now foui'dlntd, by rail to North Sydney, and thenco by steamer, close nt this oillco dally at 6:30 p. 111, (oonnectlnR close hero every Moinl.iy, Wednesd.iy nnd Saturday). Malls fur Mlquelon, by rail to Itostnn. and thence by steamer, close nt this ottlce dally nt 0:30 111. Mnils for Cuba, by tall lo Pott Tampa, Fin., and thenco by steamer, close ul this oillco dally, except .Mond.iy, at "fi n. in. (tho conbectltig closes 011 Sunday. Wednes day and Friday). Malls for Cuba, by rail to Miami, Fia., and thenco by steamer, close at this olllce every Monday and Friday at 'Ml p. m. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, closa al this oillco dally at 1:30 p. in. and 11 p. 111. Mulls fot Cosla Rica, RelUe, Puerto Cor tea. and Guatemala, by rail to New Or leans, and thenco by steamer, clojo at this olllce dally nt 'M.20 p. 111. (connecting closet here Mondays for Dellao, Puerto Coitez and Guatemala and Tuesdays for Costa Rica). Registered mull closes ut 6 p. 111. previous day. TrHiitj-Pneltlo Mntta. Matin fir Australia (oxcept West Aus tralia, which goes via Europe, and New '.oaland, which goes via San Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close hero dally at tl.3o p. m. after March "SS and up to .March ".lo. Inclusive, for dis patch per s h. Mlowera (supplementary mullx, via Seattle, close nt 6:30 p. m. .March 31). Mulls for Hawaii, lu San Francisco, oloso hero dally at 6:30 p. lit. till to Aptll "1st lor despatch per r. s, Mnrlposs. Malls fur Hawaii, japan, China and Phil ippine! Islands, via Sun l-Ynnclsco, close lu ie dally at i.:S0 p. m. tip to April 4th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Hong Kong Mn 111, Malls for China. Japan nnd Phlllpplmi Islands, via Taconiu. close hero dally nt 6,30 p. in up to April .Mil, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Tacomn. Mails for China anil Japan, via Vancouver, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. tip to April :, Inclusive, for dispatch per s, s. Empress of Japan (registered mall must bo dlrei-Ud "via Vancniivor"). Malls for Tahiti nnd Marquesas Islnndf, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6:30 p m. tip to April lot li. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s Australia. Mulls for Hawaii, China, Japan and Phil ippine Islands, via San Francisco, closo here dally at :.'W p. in. up to April 12th, Inclusive for dispatch per s. h, China. Mulls for Australia (except West Australia, which Is forwnrded via Europe), New Zealand, FIJI, Samon nnd Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. after Murch "31st and up to April "13th. Inclusive, ur on arrival ot s. s. Campania, duo ut New York April 131 h, for dispatch per s. r. Ventura. Malls for China, Jnpan nnd Phlllpplnn Islands, via Seattle, closn here dally ut ti:30 p. m. up to April 23d, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Tosu Maru (registered mall must bo directed via Seattle). Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New 'Zea land, which goes via San Francisco), ami FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close hero dallv at fi.30 p. 111. after April 13th and up to April 27th. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. H. Aoraiim tsuppiemcniary muns. mans, April via Seattle, nose, at i:;;o p. "L'Mh- m. Trans-Paclflo malls are for'.vnrded to port of Bulling dully und the schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the, presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. "Registered mull closes at 0. p. m. previ ous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postolllte, Nesv York, N. Y March 29, 1901. DOT COUNTING IS POPULAR Hvitj Imily fie'n III oil The HrVa I.lli crnl mid I iiliiue Prime Contest, Men, women and children aro working overtime these days counting dots. Tho reason for this remarkable energy Iu dot counting is tho fact that The Doc Is offering valuable prizes for the most ac curate dot accountants. Full particulars of this prize offer uro set forth in display advertisements In Tho Uec, ho that all who rend moy toko advantage. Tho advertise ment explaining the dot process is bold enough to ho visible to tho nuked eye, even on a cloudy duy. Iho prizes for the most correct gucssor aggregate $1,106 worth of valuable articles such ns everybody needs, and in addition to all of this h pig Is Included in tho list, and thereby bungs a tnlo. Relieving thnt tho pen is mightier thnn the six-shooter, tho pig Ib nosv in a pen whero It may bo In spictcd by all who desire to guess or count tho number of dots contained In tho llttlo square svhleh Is printed In Tho IJco. If )ou should count tlio number ot dots and bo right on tho dot with It, you nro lilcl-y, for these prizes nro worth having. Seme persons do not llko to count, but t hoy can guess. There Is less work in guessing. And svho knosvs hut that you may guess right the very first time? Tlio list ot prizes Includes everything from soft coal to ball htaring bicycles and hewing mu'chlnes, and for thoso who llko bocks and pictures thero is a grand array. Read the rules of the nrlzo contest In The Ilee and then get in before it is too late. ST.L0UIS TO MAKE A CHOICE Will Elect One or Mis Pnrtlpa' Cnii IhlntPN for Mayor To es day. ST. LOUIS, April 1. One of tho hard est fought municipal campaigns In tbo history of SI. Louis closed tonight with maKi meetings held in every part of tho city by most of the six portles having tickets In the Hold. The tickets to bo voted tomorow are tho democrat, repub lican, good government, public ownership, t-oclnl democratic and socialist labor. Each hns n full list of cnndidatcB tor municipal offlcers. A most persistent and thorough rauvsss for votes hns been made by representa tives of every ticket and iilmont every night for weeks numerous mass meetings havo been held. Victory Is especially dcrlrablo at this time, becHtisa tho suc cessful candidates will hold olllce during tho world's fair, lo be hold hero in 1903 In commemoration of tlio ono hundredth anniversary ot tho Louisiana piircliusc. Municipal reform Ii.ih been tho rallying cry ot every party and a great scrnmblo has been mudo to sectiro tho labor vote, which will he heavy and considerably di vided. An Important fnctor In the contest is tho public ownership ticket, the leaders ot which party aro putting forth every effort to win on the promise of municipal osvnorship of public nnd transportation franchises. Leaders of the democratic, re publican uud public ownership parties are each coulldent ot success for tbelr respective tickets at thn polls tomorrow. Great Interest hns been aroused among all claeses ot citizens and It Is expected that n very largo percentage of tlio un usually heavy registration will be In evi dence In tho ballot boxes. Tlio mayoralty candidates are as fol lows: Rolla Wells, democrat; flcorgn W, Parker, republican; Chauncey I, Fllley, good government; Leo Morlwothcr, pub lic ownership; Leon Grocnbniim, social democrat; Lewis C. Fry, social labor. TO BE WEST POINf CADET Cnlvlu T, Titus, Who Kcnlrd Wall nt I'rkln, Is Appointed lir President. WASHINGTON, April 1. The president today appointed Calvin T. Titus to be a radct-af-largo at tho United States Mili tary academy at West Point. TUub wns tho first soldier to scale the svall at Pekln, Adjutant Corbln today cabled General MacArthtir at Manila to send young Titus homo on tho rir&l available transport In order that ho may tnko tho entrance ex amination lo tho academy. Llfn in so short Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne will help you lo enjoy It, It aids digestion and will prolong It.