TILE 'OIAIIA DAILY BEE: T'CESOAY, Al'lU), HUM. BALANCING IOWA'S CASH Govtraor tod Auditor Find Ootdition of Tretinrj Eatlsftctorj. BRIGADE ENCAMPMENT AT COUNCIL BLUFFS Work tin Army l'ot llclnyeil li) ,nvk r Witter Con mi I .11 1 I'' it r In nil nt '.Volt liiulitini, llnglntiil, SnIU fcil- Home, Ui:S MOINIJS, April l.-(Spoclal.)-Thc tato auditor nnd governor today made the regular quarterly count of cash and securi ties In tho utn,to treasury, nud found every thing ns It should be. Tho hooka of the of fice showed the following amounts to the credit of tho .state; flenernl revenue fund I MO.0fil.0T Aurlcllltllrill foUntf,. ntiilfiivtlttintll fund 6,001.15 Additional Agricultural college fund , lo.odO.oo Agricultural calk-go special fund. i,Tt8..1S ritnte university special fund 5,'.ir.?5 .Swutnp land Indemnity fund lto.fo I'ermanenl school fund .. ... 13. I5 Interest Agricultural college fund 0W.00 TtilHl $1,152,508.41 There was found In tho treasury mortgage bonds the property of the agricultural col' Icko funds amounting to J027.100; cash In hanks as shown hy certificates, $SIS,tJ87.'.'l , nnd Hi'tual cash on hand, 10,721. 20. The ttcubury Is not quite us well tilled as at tho beginning of the year, but Is In excellent condition. Some extraordinary expendl' tures have been made owing to the fires at two of' tho state educational Institutions. Council HIiiITn Kuciiinpincnt. Adjutant General Myers said today there Is nu doubt tho brlgado encampment of tho rifty-llral and i'lfty.Rccontl Iown reglmenm, Iowa Natlunnt Ruard, will be In Council MJulTs. llo Is pleased with the plans of the Council JJluKs people. 'They have raised tho necessary money, to pay tho extra ox- penso of transportation Incident to a trip to one sldo of tho state as ngnlnfct a more cen tral location., The grounds arc good and everything Indicates that It will bo a suc cessful encampment. Thero will ho 1,300 men In camp. The encampment will "begin In the middle of tho week nnd end the mlddlo of tho next week, so that members of tho companies nood not bo away from homo, but ono .Saturday a bin Item with many of the men. Army Post Hllt'li. The city of Ocs Moines came up ugnlust a snug In tho army post matter today. 1L won agreed on tho part of the army poet committee when tho matter wus presented to confess that tho city should provide for laying thu city water mains to mo army post site Immediately. Tho dlstancn Is threo miles and a half, nnd of this only a part Is In tbo city. Today tho army poat committed appeared before the city council nnd tbo Hoard of Supervisors and asked that appropriations ho nuido for having this work douo Immediately. 'I no city is asked to pay $14,000 nnd tho county $10,000, Tho representatives of tho government say that no work will bo douo on tho army post slto until this agreement Is lived up to, uud that It would be Impossible to carry on a prent amount of work thero i.nless water Is to bo furnished In abundance. Tho couu ell Is called In special session .next Wednes day to consider tho matter. A few days ago tho papers In tho case of tho array post wore examined by United Stntes Attorney ..Miles and reported as showing " perfect title, to tho, land, but tlio water question is still unsolved. ( or,M.r.,II.M.. t flbo People's Savings bank of Sioux City has filed articles of Incorporation; capital, $:.0.000: president, V. A. Dennett; cashier, A. T. Henuett. Tho Klrnn Co-opcrntlvo Mutual Creamery company of Klron, Crawford county, has been lucorporatcd with $1,700 capital; presi dent, Ilnus Jahdo; secretary, brains Mi Hams. . Tho Ksscx Opera Houso company of Ksscx, Tage county, has been Incorporated ' with $2,1C0 capital, by Joseph Huck nnd others. Ciiitnnl Sell (hi l.iiml. Tim state of Iowa hue been offered $.' an aero" for an Ulnsi In the Mississippi river, a short distance below Dubuque, but Is un able to take, advantngo of tho otter. The state authorities cannot sell land of thai churncter without an act of tho legislature. It Is represented that tho Island Is tlm bcroil and that persons have been cutting off tho timber and will soon destroy its i value. Consul hull for I Ionic. Consul S. C. McKarlnnd, United States ' consul lit Nottlpgham, England, sailed for home with his family Saturday nnd Is ex pected In this state by April 11. They will visit In Den Moines 'nnd other plnees be fore returning to Kngland. Slut .Mncliliien Illegal. The Des Molnos city council today re pealed the ordinance under which slot ma chines have been licensed and have been operated for some time. The fact that many of the machines were used for Rumbling purposes led to a crusade against them nud finally the action of one Justice of the peato In proclaiming war upon the ownets of all slot machines drove them out. Now the council has repealed the license ordinance and Dcs Moines boys will have to find somo other way of amusing themselves. IIIkIi Selinol Content. Iii the Southern Iowa district declama tory contest held In Vllllsca the following persons won medals and will compete against thu successful contestants of the Northern district at the stato contest to be held at Indlnnola April 12: Oratorical class Clyde Jenkins, VIHlsca, first; Frank Travis, Hamburg, second. Dramatic class -Mabel Dawson, Colfax, first; Eva Knnn, Fairfield, second. Humorous class Mayrcn Thomas, Coming, first; Minnie Ilryau, Stuart, second. I'cnaliiu I'nj iiii'titx. Tho pension payments at the Iowa-Ne braska agency hero amounted to $30,710 dur ing 'flare h. The checks of the agency pay- ablo April 4 amount to $2,058,119.27, which opens up the new quarter. There was a net loss on the rolls of tho agency during Mnich of forty-three, tho number of deaths being reported being 15C. There were 115 original pensions granted In tho district, thirteen under tho general law, eleven for Iho war with Spain nnd ninety under tho act of Juno 27, 18P0. There uro now ou tho rolls 291 Mcxlran war survivors, 234 wid ows nnd thirteen Indian war survivors. CROSSES SEA TO BE BRIDE Ci'fNltiii (ilrl it Hop Wity to .Mn nl I a In lifetime tt .Soldier's Wlfo. CHESTON, la., April 1. (Special Tele- Ktt.ni.) Ilcspondlng to a cablegram from Captuln Warren II. Ickls of the Thlity-slxth regiment, u. S. A., Manila, Clara Htuuch fleld of this city, now In Sun Francisco, will said April 9 to marry the young soldier who sent her tho message to cross the rncltlc nnd consummate au engagement made when tho Spanish war began. MIbs Stanchllcld left Creston several weeks ago to iLcet her affianced, whom sho expected on tho truusport that was bringing home tho Thirty-sixth regiment, but instead of her loer coming homo she received a cablegram from him that he hail remained. This chnnged tho wedding arrangement, us a marriage was to have followed tho home coming of Captain Ickls. llo nsked his betrothed to coinu to him, nnd sho will mako tho voyage to become a soldier's bride. Ickls was Judgo ndvocato general for u tlmo In the 1'hlllpplncn nnd Is 'now tltlo examiner. Ho has distinguished himself slnco his enlistment. Ills intended bride is prominent In Orejlou society and' In church clrclca. V. BANKS WITHOUT CHARTERS Out fit filltltlrn mill One nt Snltl Not lo Kr lie I'tirimrHtrtl. Aflon DES MOINES. la., April 1. (Special Tel egrain) Tho attorney general lias directed tbo stuto auditor to notify tho Farmers Hank of Qllddcn that tt Is transacting litis- Incus without being legally lucorporatcd. Tho bank Hied Incorporation articles with the county auditor,' but .did not secure a charter from the-state, ,nnd 'complaint against it. was mndn by tho cashier of an other bank in the same town. A similar case has been found at Afton, where tho Citizens' Stnto batik, which has been doing business for tho past fight years, Is found to hnvo not compiled with the laws In securing Its charter, nnd it will have to go through the process again to bo legal Izcd. DEAN FOR LAW COLLEGE Prof. Ilnffuut of Cornell l.lkrly lo lit; Chnncii for Unlvcrnlly of Itnvn. IOWA CITY, la., April 1. (Special Tele gram.) Tho Hoard of KcgenW of tho Unl vcrslty of Iowa will meet hero tomorrow to elect a dena for tho college of law. Presi dent MncLcan and Hogent Tlsdale, the committee of the board which made n trip east to look nt tho available timber, lll recommend Frof, Huffcut, nsslstint dean of tho collego of law of Cornell university, Ithaca, N. Y., for tho deansblp nnd probably ho will bo unanimously elected by tho board. Prof. Huffcut will probably visit Iowa City soon before deciding on his uc Hon, DISCOVERY OF OIL IN IOWA An Excellent Combination. Tho pleasant method ami beneficial effects of the well lenown remedy, Byhui' or Fiqb, uiuiuifactured by tho Camfminia. Fio Svbui" Co., illustrate tho viiluoof obtniuinir tho liquid laxa tive princlplos of plants lenown to bo medicinally laxativo untl presenting them in tho form most refreshing to tlm tastn and acceptable to the system. It is tho one perfect .strengthening- laxa ti , cleauBiuir tho hysteni effectually, dispelling' colds, headaches and foverr fjeutiy yet, promptly anil cnaDiui" ono to overcome, habitual constipation per- innncntlv. Its perfect freedom from every objectionoblo quality and sub stance, und its notinir ou tho kidneys, liver nud bowels, without weakening or. irritating them, mako it the ideal laxative. In tho process of manufacturing tip nro used, ns thoy nro pleasant to the taste, but tho medicinal quulltles of the remedy aro obtained from Bonna and other nromntic plants, by a method known to tho OAiarouNiA Via Syrup Co. onlv. In order to tret its Uenenciai effects nnd to avoid imitations, please remember tho full name of the Company printed on tho front ot every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO, OAL. i.omm.T.X. HT. . NEW TOUK. N. T. Wot slo by U DU8gUts.-l'rlco Mo. per bottl. l'ctrnltMUii (iuaSien Forth nt Urt-t'ii vlllc In l.nran Qunntlllrii Ki t'llenifiit I'revnll. DES MOINICS. Anrll 1 A unnpl.lt frnm Spencer, la., confirms the rumor that po- irn n m in inrirn mninin inn wna niKrnvnrnn Saturday ntfitit at uroenvitie in Clay county. I Munv Inrutlnim llliva lippn mnrln. flrnnt nv. ctlemciit prevails and peoplo nre flocking to mat locality in great. nuniDers. inis is tlio lirst on uibcovcrea m Iowa. Tit A IX Clti:V AUK I. All) OKI', l)n VPiiiiort, Hock Inluml t XnrllMTCNt- rrn tlpiTittMl hy HurlliiKtoit .V Mlltvn ukpp. CLINTON, la., April 1. (Special) Today tho Chicago, Uurllngton & Qulilcy und tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rullway companies commenced to run their train over tho Davenport, Itock Island & North westoru tracks, a lino forty-two miles In length, extending form this city to Mollne Illinois. I'jacn road Has four passenger trains dally, making eight In all, the samo number ns was operated by tho Davenport Hock Island & Northwestern. All of the train crows of tho Davenport Hock Island & Northwestern were laid off. throwing thirty men out of employment besides clerks nud other employes. Th transfer of the road completely destroys Its Individuality. The coaches and engines will be used by tho Uurllngton nud Mllwuukce companies wherever they seo (It to place them, REST AS YOU RIDE Etta (Morrow Coaster BraKa tluu-tntf Tou Abmlutt Com, fori and PIur n tV'tap. llUur Your til l wRYundr control, fevuhroa lillln, A luiury oa th IotcF. You Hid BO Mills, but Pedil only St Miles. 100,000 uUtflvd rum Urt rw. hoia tij an t'joi acaivn. took- Ecllpit Mt. Co., Elmirt, N. Y. l)niutf (iter llrltlfic lti'iuilra. CHESTON, la., April 1. (Special) Th Hoard of Supervisors nnd the Crestnn Waterworks company nre dlsnutlug as. t which shall keep up tho repairs on two Ion bridges that croB Summit lake. Th bridges nre now Impassable, caused by re cent heavy rains and tho farmers arc mak Ing complaint about the Inconvenience cie ated by their present condition. A meeting of tho supervisors .nun the local represonta ttves of tho waterworks company will held April 1!. Ilviii1illt-iin Co ii lie 1 1 KIci'U tlHIi-pm CHESTON. Ia.. April 1. (Special) To night tho now city council eloeted tho fol lowing officer; Chief 'of police, (5, Hicks; city clerk, Jas, F. Dryan; health officer, Dr. II. ft. V. Ilarnes; police, J. Mason, U. H. Wright, Charles Culver, James Uoldtu; street commissioner, Ocorga Sash oftlclal organ. Gazette, The council Is re publican. Officer Carson, who served as policeman for almost ten yenrs, fulled for reappointment. An occasional doae ot Prickly Ash Hitters keeps the system healthy, wards oft dl case and maintains strength and energy. NTERSTATE SHOOT OPENS ore Than 0m Hundred and Fifty Quick Shots Assemble on Pint Daj. 0D SLOAN AMONG- THE "ALSO RANS" liilrtj -One of tln Oni llnitilri'il mill i'ltlrly-Mx ('otitcotitnts III In-trnilnt'lorj- IJxoiit lnkf Mr-tlulit Klflx. NBW YORK, April U More Hum ISO of the best known shots In the United States ud Cnnndu assembled nl Interstate park to take part In tho ninth mutual shooting tournament of tho Interstate association. Weather conditions were good and tbo blrd3 wero a well chosen lot of fast flyers. Among the contestants who took part tu the two events on today's program were the winners of all previous Grand Ameri can handicaps, with two exception, the nb- cntees being H. A. Welch of this city nud O. Messncr of Pittsburg. Prominent mong the last winners who were on hand as Thomns A Mitchell, mnyor of Keith was Thomas A. Marshall,, mayor of Keiths burg, III. With him were W. H. Crosby, OTallon, 111.; C. It. Dlckoy. Wellington, Miii-s.; K. I). Kuiford, Utlcfl, N. Y.; H. I). Hates. Hldgeton, Out., nnd Tom Morfcy. The latter did not shoot today, but will take part lu the Crnml American un Wednesday nnd Thursday. I. A. R. nillnit of Kansas City wns the first man to faco tho traps, but utter mnk two good kills lost his third bird, a right quartcrer, which fell dead out of bonds. In thu second event Klllott missed two out' of wolve, which made his scorn for tho day seventeen kills out of a possible twenty. Toil Monti lli'lilnil Dm- Minify. A good deal of Interest was centered lu thu work ot Tod Sloan ut tho traps. The Httlo Jockey was not very fortunate, us h'u missed threo In tho first event ot eight birds, nnd in the second event missed the tho H.iinr! number out of eleven, which be hot at. As ho was on the thirty-yard mark today, und will only have to stand on the twenty-soven-yard mark In tho big hnndl- ap, ho probably will mako n better showing In the principal contest. In Iho opening event at eight birds there as n field ot 13G contestants uud of these thlrty-ono killed straight und the money wns dcvlded among tlietu, each receiving 121.00. In tho second event, nt twelve birds, there wero lol entries, out of which twenty killed twolvo straight and tblrly-threo fin ished with eleven each. The straight scores won $17.G0 apiece, while those with eleven each only received 11.30 each. Ten of tho contestants killed strulght In both events, making a total of twenty, which was tho possible number. These wero Hoffman of Now (iermautown, N. J.! "Arno," Syracuse, N. Y. ; I.croy, Campello, Mass.; l'armclec, Omaha; Malouc, Haltlmoro; A. II. Kox, Haltlmoru; United, Schenectndy, N. Y.; Crosby, O'Pallon, 111.; Van Allen, Jamaica, L. I.; nnd Tarheel, Tarboro, N. C. Following aro thiicorcs In today's events; liitcrntute Introductory. Interstate Introductory. S birds, ft) vurds rise, to yards buundury. four moneys, 10. 30, .n nun io per rent iiign guns, not class hooting, tics il v ili'il: Stcubcns. Mollno. 111.. Hi Hitllowell. rhlhideliihfii. S: Hoffman. New Ocrmaiitown, N. J., s; Arno, .Syracuse, I'litl. MechunlCKliurc. O.. 8: I.erov. Citni- icllo, .Mass., 8; l'urmcli'o, Omnlui, S: Ma- one. Uultlmore. S: Ralph Nuttlnir. vnsh- limtou. S: United. Schenectady. X: Lambert. .ynn. Mass.. x: Tr mhle. Cuv nutnn. ivy,,: Roll. Hluo Island. : CrnHby. OTallon. III.. K; Head, Trru, Intl.. fi; Bond. Jess'ips, Mil., ; .Mci'iicrson, I'utsDurg, ; liupKins, nue duct. I,. 1., S: VnnAIIcu. Jtimitk'n, I.. I., S ottltel', KdiiHiiH city, N tliovcr, Kocties tnr. N. Y.. 8; Tarheel, Tnrborn, N. C 8; nun, kock island, ill., is; liartow, Ulii rago, SJ Keagenspiin, NewnrK. . .1., x; Hlinm, I'lttsDurg, s; I'Uironi, mien, v., U'uourKe. yoiiKers. s iiates. ititigcton. Din., . tluefii m M'teiiNtnkrs, llnw.m.li nl rillniiliu uu,n,t,iul,ib,ia 1 1 . s.,Ta $7 entrance, birds nxtrii, 30 yitnlH rise. DO yurds bniiuditry, 151 entries, thirty moneys, to be divided among the. thirty high guns, not cmss Miioomig: lioiriimn, .now uer iniintown. 1": Arno. Synicuse. 12: Simmons Mnrcy, N. Y 12; I.croy, Cnmpelln, Mnss., rs; rurmoiee, umana, k: .mhioho, uaiti more. 12: box. Ha t more. 12: Teul. Colum bus, O., 12; United, Schenectndy, 12; Crosby, O'Knlltm. 12: Ollbert. Spirit Lake. In.. 12: R. Merrill. Milwaukee. 12; Hi'd Wing. Clevo bind. 12; Clarldge. New llnvrn, 12; Van Mini. .Inmiilcn. 12: Tarheel. Tnrlmro. 12 Hudd. Ues Moines. 12: HntrH. Ontario. 12: Harold Money, uuKlnnu, A. J., K. JOCKEY CLUB ALTERS RULING MtrtvnrilN of the Wfntcrii llevlxc Out- Imv ClniiNC cw Ilutua fur Sevt-ritl Trucks. If. Hellers. William Krafft. Kdwnrd lJootnn. V. I., tlardner. Ueorgv Howe nnd Jnmes Haley. Jockeys William Martin. Clinton Duann, John McDonald Heiulerson Orant hind nud (' Johnson The folliiwlng npplliatlons for lleeUfs arro dented. Twiner K. 13. Mnddox, Jockeys N Rny und R. S, Sullluut. FOR COWPROMISESCHEDULE !ift'inl Alci-tliiH of Western I.ciihiic Svt Tlitirmlny tn Ari'iiimt- .v Time t'nril. , "Neither the Chaso nor the Hlckey schedule will be adopted by the Western league," snld Manager Hourko yesterday lnornlng, "Objections to both have caused their withdrawal nnd the meeting ot the league called for Thursday will be for the purpose of arranging u satisfactory schedule. Omaha was very well cored for lu each of tho schedules already prepared and cither would bo satisfactory to me, but the other managers permed tu be dis satisfied. When we get together a com promise schedule will probably bo ar inngcd. I Intend to watch out for Omaha's Interests nnd will oppoc any schedule that docs not give this city Its proportion of the Sunday and holiday games. I do not anticipate nny trouble, however for when the different managers gel tngtiher especially for the purpose of arranging n schedule, I think n satisfactory solution of tho problem will speedily bn effected," AI'I'HCTS TIM3 Mintl'lllS ItllMl.TM. WfNlprn .Ini'kcy riil' ,mv llnlliitt lilVfN IIoIiIiikoii ( linni'f. .MI3MI'I1IS, April 1 -Threo bills were tiled In the chancery court today against the New Memphis Jockey club, necking n temporary Injunction to prevent the otll elals from ruling tin; alleged oi Hawed horses oft the .Montgomery park track In tho stake race this afternoon The court granted the temporary Injunction. i no complainants in the liill are: ,.M. it. Robinson nud 1.. M. I.earh of the linn of Robinson & l.eneh, Danville, Ky ; Charles Co a. St. I.ouIm. nml T l tliive'. I.cx- lligton, Ky. They allege that the 'secretary r tno -ew ."Memplils Jockey tililt lerusfcil to How them to enter their horses In the Montgomery handicap today. The Jockey til) anil Is entire xtalT of olMcet'H are iiiatlc ilefeliibintH to thu suit. t 2:.Wo clock this arternooii Vice Pres ¬ ent K. R (J. Jones of the Memphis Jockey lull received tho follnwlnir mcHsiiirc from President Montcomrrt. who attended tbo meeting of tho bonni of stewards of the Western Jockey club nt Chicago today: "Tho following resolution has Just been passed by the board of stewards. I'lenso lavo it unserved In racing tills afternoon: 'All Htaku cnmtucnieiitH inade nrlor tn tho adoption of tho rules on March 13, 19J1, hall no restieeted bv the reeocnlzcd and licensed meetings of tlm Western Jockey lub and homes huvlm: such stake ruuaue- ments shall also be eligible to pirses at the meetings wnero iney nave much siiiko i-n- agemeniH. In nccordancn wMh tbo teleurani tl:i otll- litis nllowed the horseH ot Messrs. Robin- son, Hayes and Cella to start In tho Mont gomery Handicap. The raeo was won uy Robinson's Larkspur. illtl.S VI AT IIASKI3T IIAI.I.. onnu Wonien'n ClirlNllitii Asstieliillnn llefentN Illicit Mrliool. All cxcitlnc came of basket ball was ilaycd lit tho gymnasium of the Young iVomen's Christian association Inst night ictwecn the association und High school earns. Tbo association was victorious, 27 o 23. The team work on both sides was good and the forwards did splendidly. Miss Raker was the particular star on tho asso ciation te.iin. The result of tlm match was lu doubt until tho end. The nssnclatloii girls felt great prldo In their victory, for the reason thut it was tho llrst tlmo tbo High school team was uereated tills season. Tlio IIIHli school girls had not played since February una wero out or practice. Lineup: High School. Position. Y. W. (.'. A. Allco Towno . ...Center.... Caroline b'tbltcr Hess wallaco ..Forwards i.ucy miner .ora no ComstocK. Kdlt 11 Jlatnis Joy Teck and.... CSunrds May Martin Luello Walworth. Mablo Lcathey CHICAGO. A mil 1. Stewards of tlm Western Jockey club, In their oxecutlvo session hern today, amended tho outlaw clause of their rules of racing by permit ting norscs ounnweu uy racing at Ltitio Rock to fulfill nil stnko euunucmcnts ma, In urtor to thu adoption of tho mles. Mnrch 5. uud further grunted such horses tho tight to race in an purses ui sucu iracKs wnero tne stnKC eiigugcincniH nuu neeu mane. Tins is eons dered it v etory for tlio Morse. men's Protective association, of which T. llnvi-'H Is tho nrcsldeut. Haves' ussocla- Hon has been waging a bitter tight against I io outlaw ciaiiso. tho outlaw ru o as it now reads will nffect only n few sclllni: Pinters oi nine or no account. tho stewards aiso accented tne resicnn Hon of Robert Aull, former preslilent of the Ht. Louis Knlr association, and removed the St. Louis track from tho membership of tno new organization, i ins action wus ex nected because of tho action of recent stockholders of the association, who closed out their stock tu u corporation afllltated with tbo Western Turf concress. The fn lowing s tlio text or tno resolution adopted amending tho outlaw clause of the rules: 'All staUo engagements made nr or to the ndoptlon of the rules on March 5 shall lie respected ny tne recognized and llcensei' meetings of the Western Jockey club and horses having such stnko ongagemeuts snail niso lie e g me to nurses nt tno meet lugs wnero iney navo sucu huiko engagements," All stnko engagements at Ilnrlem tinted February IE and at llnwt lorne .March which permits tho former outlawed owners to raco ou tuo uuicngo iracKs an season wnero iney navo nmue previous engage menrs. Ask C'llllllr ( DiitFH, Tho Klnloch Park Jockey club of St Louis mauo upo cation tnat its dntes a ready assigned lie ehnifged to begin May 11 nun continue ninety nays irom tnat date The application was taken under consldern non. upon the orlgluul application ot th Worth Jockey club of Chicago the dates originally assigned, May 13 to Muy 25, were cnatigcil to .Muy J to May 2a. Tho dates originally assigned to tho Lake side Jockey club of Chlcnuo. Aurtl 25 ti Muy 11. wero changed to April 15 tu May 1 Tlio to lowing lists ot oitic a s to act a race meetings were approved: New Memphis Jockey club, Jnmes II, Reese pre siding Judge: fa. M. Apperson nnd M. N, MucFarlnn. nfcsoclatcs, R, A. Hlller, clerk or semes; i.-. j. f itzgeraiu, starter; u. i; Kcogii, patrol juugo: si. N si.tcFarian luinil camier. Louisville JocKey club. W Seliulto, presiding Judge, General John 11 Castleman nnd ll, J, ncoggan, associates II, D. Hrown, starter; William Hheiiev clerk of scales; Kilwnru Jnsner, entry cli Klnloch Park Jockey club. J. J. Rurke. i siding Judge: Kdwnrd MrOInn, nssoclate .Tuck P. Chlnn. starter. Charles Lenin. Wll son R. Hunt und Joseph D. Lucas, racing stewards; iionort l, rate, eierit or scales I'.dwaru Jictiinn. iiHniitcnpper. These niinllcatlons for reinstatement horses wore, denied: M. Jordan, horso Kin call II. T. Snvnce. horso DOo Warder: Job Warder. Application for reinstatement o John and Iloacoo Troxler was denied. Application for IJcenses wero granted, a follows: Tralnors Charles T. Harnett. J aardner, I.. J. Mcllule, C. N. Oaten, James jo inston. w aiter m. iinpKtns. u. La r Kin Vincent, J. D. Clnvton. John 11 Rrnnuon J. J. Mark e n. 1', Tnmllnsnn. II. Pfe (";. Dunburv. Louis H. Kzell. Kdwnrd Trnt ter. Raleigh Colston, .1. S. Ilranuon. Ilrady Ilule, niarles Rny. C. W. Miller. Michael mum, jnnn iiurus. jnmes tiritlln an eore Walker. Jockevs- J. Woods. J. 1 Woods. J Miller, Jessla Matthews, Jnmes Johnston, Richard Cruwhurst Russej fiurcuiii, viiiiniu .-eison. ,n. iiiii. Hobert jucKson, it. vuiitoe, Ainrsiiai Dunn. 1 (lonln. Apprentices Arthur Moll and 1 Wilson, The following, applications for licenses vcre passcu. irainors-cnurics Muldcn, C, MF.Ml'HIS HAM A MUDDY (II'KM.VK, I rut IIii'm IIiiccm of Sprlnif Aleellnir Hun tin NtiiinierKeil I ruck. MEMPHIS. Anrll 1. In n hard rainstorm nud nu a track deep In mud Robinson A- Leach Day mare. jjarKspur, won uie rien Montgomery handicap by u length from Tho Conqueror. It wns th? opening dny of the Memphis Jockey club's snrlng meeting und about 3,000 persons wero lu attendance. Kain sot in during tno enriy morning nun when the first race wr.s called the track was a sea of mud and wutor. Tho Mont gomery Handicap was, 'thu fourth event nud twelve horses uccepted tho weights. Joe Doughty being added at tho last moment. Tliero wns a long uniny ni uio posi, i.c- asloned by tno action or tho uiikhowu in.l .Ine noiiL'btv. Finn V Sturter Mtz gernld sent tho Held uwny to a good start, with Laureate. Tho Unknown. Caviar and i.nrUHKiir in the van. Tbo alter Imme linieiv meed to the front and. making her own running, won handily by a lengtn, witn the odds or s to l ngainsi ner. .Inhn Schorr's H. L. Coleman wns henvily played In tlm second race, it selling i.rfulr for 2-year-olds, but second was tho best he could no. lieu hook winmiiK nuiiuii, ,u lone odds. Sllverdale nnd Nance Nolan wero the only winning fuvorltes. nF.SNIMJS' I'AVOIHTKS AUK 1.0S13RS. Xnt One f Them Mnki'N fitmil In tlie Rtinnliiu. w vHiiTvnrnv. Anrll 1 Tbo enrd nt nmininuu imliiv. will eT In tcrcst Inc. nroved un enigma to the talent, not an out-nud-out ...,n.l,A .,.l,tuli.cr tvt titii nt Ihn ol'nnlH. rPllA llrst raco went to lnvnslon. Specdmns, the fnvorlte, flnlsblng second and Revonah, heavily played, coming In last. Tnmnii NmwIh took the second by four lengths, benting Laracor nnd Nnln, enual favorites. With two starters In the third Robert Wnddoll had It nil nis own way, Kin Cox. tho favorite, breaking nnd falling- to finish. Tho fourth was tho most Interesting event. With a big field there were lour horses. equally pluyed for favorites, Slide I, one of them, winning out by half n length. llcall, nil outsider, won tno mm race uy four lengths. Irene Lindsay, the favorite finishing in tho bunch In tho last raeo Hill Daly s Helgratio won uy n ihjck in num. u Knight of tho Garter, the fpvorlte. I.OXO SHOTS WIS AT TANFOHAX. SEEK TO ALARM CUBAN'S1 Enimlei of Piatt Amtndiniit OWi it k Wsnacing Interpretation, ISLANDERS DECLINE. TO BE FOOLED Deiiinnil (lint lleleuntc to t'onntltu tlimiil Contention Aeeeit I'rop oalllon mill Hellete llni llicsn Slliapeiifit-, WASHINtlTON, April 1.- -Senator I'roc- tor of Vermont has Just returned from Cuba, where he h.i been making observations concerning thu condition of the Islands. Tho senator snld he found a disposition among many lending Cubans to accept the terms of the lintt amendment as the most sntlsfa U solution of tbo relations be tween the L'ulted "States nnd Cuba. There nro some flreater, the senator says, who assert that rather than ncccpt any Inter ference by the United States they will "tnke to the woods." This Is Cuban for going to war. Senator Proctor says, how ever, that a great many people In the coun try districts, those who have been at war for many years, declare lhat they have had enough of tho "woods." There Is a disposition on tho part of sonic of the Cubans, he says, to place a strained Interpretation on the I'latt amend ment, und they ure trying to convince the Cubans that the United States Intends to do them great Injustice. According to Setintor Proctor, they are nut making very much headway, especially, he says, as the delegates to tho convention nro now hear ing their constituents, the large.' propor tion of whom aro anxious for the settle ment of nil political relations with the United Stntes, nnd urgo tho delegates to accept tho offers of this government. Sen ator Proctor, Micaklng generally of coali tions In Cuba, says tbnt the business sit uation Is much Improved. American cnpl tal Is now being Invested nnd this hns been especlolly marked during the pn3t three months. Various enterprises arc on foot, there Is employment for nearly everybody, nnd tho quiet nnd peaeo that has como to tho people Is appreciated. .loll Couldn't llnvr Mnuil It If ho'd had Itching piles. They're terribly annoying, but Rucklen's Arnica Snlve will euro the worst case of piles on earth, It has cured thousands. For Injuries, pnlns of bodily eruptions It's tho best salvo In the world. Price, 23c n box. Cure guarnn teed. Sold by Kuhn & Co. Ilrlilenlly .lumps r'ontriiel. ClIICApO. Anrll .-Dosplto rumors Pitcher Robert Denzer. the llrst mini in sign with Charles Comlsky for the coming erumiii, nu apparently jumped ills con tract and gone with New York. Denzer passed through Chicago today on his wnv to Now York. Ho avoided ComlMky nnd Johnson, but the latter discovered that Denzer bad cashed u check sent by Andrew treedinnn for udvanec monev. "Denzer was tho llrst to sign with Comlsky for tho coming season." said Johnson, "and It was only Saturday night that CComNky received n, letter from hlni telling hlin ho was not In the eontract Jiimplug business. Denzer hat; a two-yeur contract with CComlsky." .llnrrlitKi' Licenses. Licenses to wed wore Issued yesterday to tho following: rsanin and Residence. Age. Jap Rose is transparent. Made of pure vegetable oil and gly cerin, perfumed with roses. The best toilet soap that skill or expense can make. Don't pay more and get less. . Soup For over half a made fine soaps, centnrv the Kirks have and Jap Rose is their idea of perfection. 'Tis the best soap that is sold. Yet it sells for 10c. Frank KuiiaI, Omaha Hurbara Soilrlnu, Omaha Frank A. Sanders, Omaha Glenn P. Halladay, Omaha Charles A. Clark. Shennndoah, la.. Klzzlha Hussard, South Omaha.. P. J. Johnson, Omaha Christina Kiickson, Omaha Nnln of Wrtimhofl'n Holdings. LOUI8VILLK. Ky.. April t.-It was nil- bounced today that Henry WeamhotT, one a ... t .. . , 1. l. .. 1 .1 I.. Ul lilt! miKloi niuLnmnm-i n in ml unw Louisville Jockoytclub, had sold his hold ings in w. li. Appiegnte or Louisville, who tnus becomes prouauiy holder In the club. tho largest stock- I'luk llnivlry SIkiin rvltli MlUvnnkrp. MILWAUKKK, April l.-PInk Hawley. formerly wfth tho New York National league team, today signed a contract lo pitch tho coming season with thu Milwau kee American Leaguo team, llo will report to Manuger Duffy at St. Louis tomorrow or Wednesday. American StrtiiiK Mini Wins. NKW YORK. April 1.-In a weight-lifting eontcHt hold In tho '. Irnml Central Palace, this city, tonight Rnlandow, American strong man, defeated Johnson, Swede, ufter un Interesting contest. Itolandow scored points, ugulust 3,01)7 for the foreigner. LOCAL BREVITIES. Mrs. Churles Grattln, Mrs. W. II. Hnnson nnd Mrs, Frank H. Cannon wero selected last night as a committee to tako charge of tho entertainment ot the North Omaha Improvement club April I'll. J. W. Ussery appeared yesterday before Judgo Learn to answer to the chnrges of Hollcltlinr without a license and vaurancy. Ho pleaded not guilty lo both, and his trial' was set for this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Karl Rlchnrdson of Ashland, who wus ro le.iMi'il from the Methodist hosnltul yester day, teported to the police that sonicwhero on the road between tho hospital and the Uurllngton stntlon his pockets were picked, entailing a loss of ts. STRICTURE "I cure stricture without cutting or dilating, thus avoiding the hor rors of surRery.M My original and strictly mod em treatment for Strlcturo cures tho disease without cut ting or diluting, thus avoiding tho horrors of surgery. It Is tho only treatment that should eer be used, nnd the only one recommended by tho legions of men wmi navo recently UCCU cured by it. It nets Immediately .53 nnd directly upon tho Stricture, iggS dissolving It completely and vggg dislodging all dlseused tissue. which comes nwny In strips or ' shrcd-llko fibre, allaying all Irritation and Inflammation nnd'';"j leaving tho cannl entirely free; from obstruction and In a sound, healthy condition. , I enre nlsn to stny cured VARICOCHL U, SPF.CIFIC ULOOD POISON. NKRVOI'S DLIJILlrj and nil rellex complications nnd associate diseases and weaknesses of men. lo these maladies alone 1 have ear nesCy devoted the best years of my llfo 1 mako no charge for private counsel und give to each patient n LF.OAL CONTRACT 0 "old for our promises. Is It not worth your white to investigate u.curo that hns mado llfo nncw to multitudes of men? If you cannot call at our otllccs, write your symptoms fully. CONSULTATION FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL. Oilier llniirn I'riini H A. M. to S V. M. MiiiiIion, 111 A. .11. In fJtil. State Electro-Medical Institute, 1308 Farnam Street, Between 13th and 14th Streets, Omaha, Neb. SIM MASIKIt 3CIAI.1.ST. MANHOOD BESTOW 111 A VlLailKi-r. thnnronrtitlnn tt n fumftna tTrnnoU n)ivnlr(ntl. will mitr.lrl r GUI (t VOU Of fill en 1110 cvnrrniiTts nrcnna( nucu hh -u, ".r. ' ! CUPIDENh Tli U great VegeU; :r. luu e ('tin In Ibn'Uuck, Hemliiul Kntlailiinn, Nri on Iicblllly, I'lmnlea UmlutraitDMurrr. KxIibuiIIbs Ilralun. Tnrlrorr Ir mid ConatlnntlOB. Ititopsall liisfenby day or lilgbu Vri'vnntsqiilcKnriintif UincImrKi', n litcliirnntdickel IrmAti In HnprmntnrrliniA mill all thft lmrrnr f Imnotrnrv. CCJI1 IIVlMIlclefttlMflthS IIvlt. Ihn bldnpvaiiud ttio nrlnnrv ortiuui ot all Immirltlcn. CUl'IUKNKstreDStheBa and rMtoressmsl I wrak organs. , , ' uoctnril.tnpesueiiiipprcpntaro irouuirnwiin i-rosuiiiiia, to euro without un otiisratlcin. WU testimonial A wrlttrn 1 boxen does not, effect 11 Dcrmuuent euro. ILCOauox.tlforlMWk 1 tpRtllnnnln'a. Adarera 1IAVOL KDICTK CO., P. O. ilox SOTS. Hin Francisco. Cal. rOB BALIS OV MYEIM-DILLOn CIllO CO- 1TU AND FAUN AM. "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OP SAPOLIO si, I'lorn I'onionit. ttiliritltnr it ml I.enn I'iiilnli First. SAN FIlANCIfiCO, April 1. The racing nt Tanforan today wan marlted uy cioso Dnlshefl and tile victories oi long shoib. . faHt band of sprlnterH met In the opening event und Sly w in from Yellow Tall by a neck. Headwater, tho favorite, was prac tically lert ut tne post, Klora Pomona proved a sutprlso In tho second race, beutlng Luclen Appleby a head, Orusudoa, thu favorite, was fourth, qibrnttnr scored an easy victory In the third event nt six furlongs, running tho distance In 1:13. Lena led most of tho way in tho fourth raco nnd won easily at odds of 15 to 1. Weather line nnd truck fast. 'IIllUS TO tillT IIHAIM.HV HACK. I'l'i-iilili'iit nl ritleiiKo l.t'iiKtio T en in Con fern ititli Old Third IIiini'Iiiiiii. CI.HVKI.AN1), April l.-I'resldent Hurt of the Chicago National League club was 111 Cleveland today and held a conference with Third nasemiin Hradley. who last year played with tho tUilcago National I ...i ini,. .'lull nml who rorcntlv slcneil, with the Cleveland American Lenguo club. It Is snld that Mr. Hart Is very anxious to have Hradley return to Chlcngo and nuido tho third bnseinnn a liberal offer to do so. Hradley, however, mild he had signed with Clovolanu anil tuai no wonm iiihii.t no cir cuniHtauces tireiili his agreement. Winners nt Nott knulinni. LONDON, April 1. At the Noltlnghnm raco meeting today Iho Kpperstono selling plato was won by V. A. Uowilng's un named entry, by Aperse. out of Queen Iionby. Tho winner was ridden by Johnnlo lieirr. The Klvnstou Castlo selling plate of, iii sovereigns for all ages, tlio winner to li sold by auction, dUtancu live furlongs straight, was won uv w. l.oyt h 6-yeur-old tiav mare IJeiice or a Daisy. Hlchard Croker's 3-year-old lllly, lillecn Violet, on which J. Helff hud the mount, wus t nu ii. Tno Tennis Co South. NUYV YOHK. April l.-A number of the players of tho llrooklyn Hase Hall club started todu) from Jersey City for the sn'jtn. Others will Join tlio nnrty nt wnsli tiiKton and Hnltlmote and tho trip will be contlnjcd to Charlotte, N. C where tho players will engage, in preliminary pruc tlcc. Fifteen of tho New York baso ball play ers went through preliminary piactlce ut Manhattan Held today, all tho men appar ently being 111 good health and lu excellent form, I'll- eln ml Nlicim lliillinun, CLKVKLANP. April 1,-Clovelaiid toduy signed Hilly Hnllmnii, an Inllelder lie played with Mllwnukvu und liuffato lust year. Straiton&Stormls Now 5 Cents There Is No Such Cigar Value. In The world for The price Straiton & Storm Co. MAKERS M ELW YO R K ROTHENQERCi & SCHLOSS Distributers Kansas city, mo.