THE OMATIA JXAILV WEE: TUESDAY, A PHIL 2, 1901. HAYWARD SUCCEEDS KILLIAX i Popular Oolonil of th Second is Mads Adjutant Guneral. COME OTHER APPOINTMENTS MADE Ail nit linlinin .Mmlc Stnte HimlnriT mill .lira. Ali of llimllni;' Mmlu Mm I run of the .lmn it Hint I'lncc. t ' LINCOLN, April 1. (Special Telcfiram.) Ooxcrnor Ulctrich today .appointed Colonel Wlllliim Itaywnnl of Ncliruska, City to suc ceed .Julius N. Ivllllnn, aa adjutant general of tin) Nchraska National gviard, llio latter havltis rwlisiicd to accept a captaincy In th'j lulled State army. Colonel Haywnrd la now In the olty and will assume the duties of the olllco In n short time. The appointment maUefs neccusary several chants In other departments. Henry MeyiTH of Prcmunt, who has heen employed in the land commissioner's olllco, will be come slorcUcuper In the military depart ment and Miss Jo Don. stenographer for the adjutant general, will bo transferred to p similar position In the labor department. Mr. Meyers will be succeeded In the land commissioners olllco by Miss Holland of this clly. Several other appointments along the same line will be announced later. Colonel 1 lay ward Is the youngest son ot tho late Senator Ilayward. Ilo has served In various nipaeltles In tho Nebraska Na tional guard, from the oirtce of captain to hlB new position. Ilo was with tho Second regiment nt.Chlckamanga park, as a captain of the Nebrnska City company. When the regiment was reorganized ho enlisted and aubseuucntly elected major, and nflcr warda promoted to colonel. Ho Is a graduati. of the law department ot the University of Nebraska, and while In school was an offi cer of the cadet battalion nnd star player on tho two championship foot ball teams. .Mil ill MMtl IJllKllll'IT. Adna Dnhson, city engineer of Lincoln, was today appointed state engineer and bccrclary of the Hoard of Irrigation, to Mictced r. II. Channell..whn has held over from the popocratlc administration. Mrs. 1 A. Ash of Hastings was appointed u.atron of tho ABylum for Chronic Insane at that city. With the possible exception of council ii'cn In two down town wards, there Is no doubt that the republican city ticket will be elected hero tomorrow. Tho fuslonlsts i,u, .. eni nf rnnd Idatt-H In tho Held, but. no real effort has been made In their be half to overcome the usual republican ma jority. Tho Plrst and Second wards arc clchrly divided politically, and only In this district do tho fuslonlsts siand any chance of success. Ofllcers to be elected are mayor, clerk, treasurer, seven counrllmen nnd four school directors. Very little In leiesl has been manifested In the election and Indications point to an exceedingly light vole. H. J. Wlnnctt. republican ean dli'ato for mayor. Is now serving his nrst term In that position. WORKS LANDLADY AND ALL iriuir.l.r IIpIiim lllnmelf Otlior iii-NM' Clutlien anil Vnnlxlir m llli I. Ivory 'IVnni. SVHACl'SH, Neb., April 1. -(Special Tolc gram.) A man going by tho name of C. J. Ilrcwn, who has hoarded with Mrs. Holt for a month, yesterday hired a team from Kramer's livery barn, saying he wnnted 't u few hours. As he d'lil not return last night, Inquiry developed tho fact that he hail taken a while ahlrL and a pair of soek3 from Hay llolt, a coat, vest nnd overcoat ftcnil'.MrVlniyMinfa palinoC "shoes from 'lion. A. A. W'cllrr. all of whom wcro hoard- lug wl(h MPk Hull. ., . "YcHlcnluy ho presented a check for '!. to (ieorge V. McKeo purporting to have heen miido by Mr. Plumcr ot Turlington Karroo, from whleh ho mild ho had received the chrck In payment for work done In painting, and Mr. McKee gave him the mnmy on tho chock. He also owed Mrs. Holt for a month's hoard, it was reported he had been arrested at Avoca, but It turned nut to bo a case of mistaken identity. Word has. been received from Nehrnska City that the team was left at Levi's llvrry to bt called for at " o'clock this afternoon, hut It bad not been called for at 7 o'clock. BONDS DECLARED WORTHLESS lli cUloii Hint Tliutr County IMil Mit A.Ucrttii' l.itnu I'llllllKll lli'fiirt VntliiK. HKIIHON. Neb., April 1. (Special.) It was announced a few days ago that the bonds voted for $35,000 by tho county last fall aro not legal. After being Issued, as It was thought according to law, they were advertised and purchased by the state traasurer anil were to bear 1114 per cent Interest. Last week when tho county clerk wont to Lincoln to get tho money for them h3 wau Informed they were not legal and were worthless. Notice of tho proposition to voto on them was not advertised ac cording to law the required length of time hefore election. Notlco of tho propo sition to voto on them was published In four Issues of the county papers, but- only twenty-four days beforo election. Tho sup) erne court has held in similar eases (hat tho bouds were not legal and tho at- The Jolly Girl Often changes to the jaded woman. "I can't set; what's come over Mnry ; she used to be such n jolly girl," was the remark of n young woman visiting n married school mate. Marriage changes a wom an. The drains nnd pains which are so often the sequence of marriage rob Iter of all vital ity. Give her back her former strength a n d she'll be as "jolly" a wife as she was a maid. Doctor Pierce's I'avor ite Inscription gives back the lost strength by re -establishing the health of the delicate womanly or gans. It dries the drains and stops the pains. It cures ulcera tion, inflamma tion and female weakness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. "I'or two ycar I lud been o ufTerer from rhronlc dleasc anil female weakness," writes Mr. Allen A, Hobson, of iijj Rodman Street, Philadelphia, Pa. " I had two different doctors, nnd they gave me medicine which only relieved me for a time. My niece advised me to take Dr. rierce's I'avorite Prescription, I con eluded that to open a correspondence with you for your advice would be salest, o 1 did, and have been highly teuefUed. I find that alter taking six bottles of ' Favorite Prescription ' and live o? 'Golden Medical Discovery and follow ing vour ndvice in regard to local treatment, I am iiow a strong woman. Accept my sincere thanks for the interest manifested In my case and the happy remits obtained." Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Tierce hv letter free. Correspondence pri vate. Addrew Dr. K. V. Tierce, Buffalo, N.Y, torncy general advised the state treasurer not to accept them. They will have to have another election to Issue new bonds. Plans and specifications for tho ncv court house were advertised for and the plans of a party from Texas accepted, but when they were presented for final Inspection It was asserted they wcro rejected after the architect had received n good salary for submitting them. Tho taxpayers of the county have expended over $2,000 and have nothing to show for It. it Is feared the bonds will be defeated when the proposi tion Is ngaln submitted. PAYING OFF THEIR DEBTS Clllrmn or ..-! lull .Siiliarllu for Urn. rtlt of 'intt'ft Co I true nil it leiiilnuy. NKUOII, Neb., April 1. (Special.) Pay ment of the debts of Gates college and dates academy Is now being made by 'the treasurer and will bo completed within the week. Tho full amount of the $20,000 in debtedness was raised Saturday night In time to receive the benefit of $6,000 In optional pledges, whleh expired at mid night. Sunday union services were held In the Congregational church, at which Huv. Clifton, western secretary ot the educational society, delivered an address, the subject being, "The Necessity of Chris tian Education to the Republic." President Warren of Yankton college briefly nnnounced that tho debt had been provided for, Including tho mortgage on flaylwd hall, nnd stated many of tho dif ficulties encountered In (be task., Saturday noon thero was. still about $1,200 to bo raised, and scarcely n possibility seemed to exist that It could bo done. Late In the afternoon a telegram from a friend In the east announced that an additional amount to other gifts of $300 had been made and that n check for tho sum had been mailed tho day previous. Various other contributions reduced the amount to about $300, and this sum was pledged by IJr. Clifton. The hour was then late, but tho news wns soon spread among the students, who at onco commenced to cele brate the event by ringing tho academy bell and making a big bonfire on the hill. Tho amount pledged not only provides for all old debts, but Includes current expenses us well, up to tho time of tho commence ment of tho spring term. The cIiIkhiib of Ncllgh nnd friends of the, academy in the neighborhood have responded liberally, ami altogether at this time have contributed $7,000 of the amount required to wlpo out the debt. THIEVES TAP P0ST0FFICE Seoiirr rflOO mill l.nivr Aluio-it hi .Much Mori In tin Sufi In tho .nxlriy to .rt A mi y, PLKASANTO.V, Neb. April 1. (Special Telegram'.) Tho postolTico was robbed Sun day at midnight by two men. Tho safo was blown. THc alarm was given and the thieves frightened away. They secured $IS0 left In the safe. Illoodhounds have been ordered. ANlirw Si-nt Hume nil II II r I ii I . PLATTHMOl'TU. Neb.. April 1. (Spe cial.) A sealed metallic Dox, containing the ashes of Captain J. W. Marshall, who died in Los Angeles, Cal.. a month ago, arrived in this city today by express, ad dressed to Mrs. Lodlska Hayes, a daughter of the deceased. Tho body of Captain Mar Bhall was cromatcd at Loa Angeles. Undertaker Strelght has placed this box, with the urn containing the ashes of tjen eral (ieorge S. Smith, In the vault of tho Klrst National haul;. The Masonic lodgo of this city will soon hold funeral services over both and they will bo burled here. Vi'W ( lun i li Without. Ill-lit, TKCI'MSKH. Neb.. April i. (Special..) Tho now Ilaptlst church here 'was .dedi cated yesterday. Knv. C. W., Ilrinstad of Omaha, general missionary, dollvcrejl the dellcatory sermon in the mo-"ng. It coat $1,0011, $1,100 of which w:.. ledgcd nt the opening of tho deulcu . "acrvlco yesterday, but biiforo the servlie cloned this amount was mado up urn! tho church stunds without dobu Itev, W. W. Theobald Is the pastor. SiiiiiIIio .None OnitoIm. OSCISOLA, Neb., April 1. (Special.) Smallpox exists In the family of Myron .1. Hrown. Mr. flrown's brother. Warren R. Drown, who Is an old man nnd n veteran of tho civil war, has been liv ing at Kremont nnd camo to his brother Myron's and was taken sick. There are oven In tho family of Myron and all were exposed and havo been vaccinated. t'roii t'uiiilltloiiN Ktrrllrni. I'LWOOI). Nob., April 1. (Special.) During tho last thirty-six hours sixteen Indies of snow has fallen. This makes a fall of twenty-two Inches of snow and one Inch of rain In tho last ten days. The prospects for fall wheat and ryo were never better nnd tho average is larger than ever beforo planted In this county. lii-tH Hid nf Siunllio. YOltK. Neb.. April 1. (Special.) Dr. C. H. I latum, for the first llmo In months, is through treating smallpox patients In York county. Thero wero but two families in York nflllcted, who long ago wcro released from (uarantlne. Mo3t of tho doctor's practice was in Henderson and vicinity. Ilurlnl of Kiiuriir I'fclfcr. TKCUMSHH, Neb., April 1. (Special.) The funeral of Kiigcnn Pfelfcr was held from the homo of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 15. Pfeifer, yesterday afternoon, conducted liy Itev. II. K. Cirupn of tho Lutheran church. Kugeno was 12 years of age and died of brain fever Krlday evening. York Hunt! to .Mnli Tour. YORK. Neb., April L (Special.) Roll In Horn!, bandmaster and composer, Is arrang ing for a tour of Nebraska with hls York Concort band. It Is reported .that Mr. Dond has an offer of an engagement with tho lltiffnlo exposition. I,on.'h mi Arm, TKCUMSKII. Neb., April 1. (Special.) Physicians havo found It necessary to am putate (1. W. Pardee's left arm between tho wrist apd elbow. Mr. Pardee has been suffering with Boftenlng of tho wrist bones, XcliriiMkn nml .VcliriiHknim. Henklemaii's new onera house will ho for mally opened April 5. Tho Church of Christ will erect u church building ut Louisville this coming summer. Taylor, tho Hall county sheep man, has mado arrangements to graze 20,000 head of uhecp In Lincoln nnd Perkins counties, Tho Pioneer Townslte conipanyls platting an addition to tho town of Ilowells and tho lots will bo put on tho market this spring. Patrons of the Pawnee, creamery havo prospered during the last year. Tho cream ery hnx ilonii a largo luminous and Its pro duet has brought u good prlco on tho mar ket. Tho Musons of North l'latto aro getting ready to erect n. two. story brick building, 50x110 feet. Tho llrst story will bo rented for business purposes nnd tho second used for lodge rooms. Tho big ditch which drains n large quan tity of valuable laud Iiv Dakota county, which would otherwise ho worthless, Is to bo extended at u cost of $10.Ch. It la ex-, peeled to render 7.0W acres moro laud till able. One oiniiit'H "'.lpcrlcncc vsllli ii Cirlp licmcily. While Buffering" with n 'soyero 'attack of tho grip and threatened with pneumonia, Mrs. Annlo II. Cooley of Middle-Hold. Conn., began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and was very much benefited by Us use. Tho pains In tho chest soon disappeared, tho coiuh becamo loose, QxpentorMlon easy and In a short tlmo sho van np well as ever. Mrs. Cooley says Mio cannot speak loo highly In praise of this remedy. It U for sale by all druggists. NEBRASRANS IN WASHINGTON Georgt D. Meiklejohn Pukt Up Eli Ei loagingt for Home. SCHNEIDER CONGRATULATED BY HANNA Secretary Illtelit'ooU ArrniiKC for (irnrluu; of Sheep In I'orrnt Ite er ci I'lmtolHi't C'liiumcn In the .urtlm ext. WASHINGTON, April 1 (Special Tele gram.) Ocogro D. MclMcJohn arrived In the city tonight direct from Nebraska, Thi late assistant secretary of war went at once to hM rooms In the Rnlelgh without register ing, nnd shortly afterward was seen with several army officials who had know lege of his arrival. Meiklejohn said there were no sore spots about him growing out of the senatorial contest In Nebrnska, nnd he congratulated the republican party on send ing two republicans to the senate. "I will he here until Thursday In all probability and then leave for Nebrnska. where 1 will continue to make my home." he said. "So far as my connection with the War department Is concerned, everything was closed up previous to my leaving for Nebraska and 1 have no business that calls me there. I will pack my effects nt onco and get out of Washington as soon as pos sible. I have no dcllnltc plans, although several things havo presented themeslves which 1 hnvo taken under consideration. My campaign Just ended was very exacting, and I feel ns If I needed rest. As I now have Just lime to Indulge myself I proposo to take advuntngo of the circumstances." Milium Conuriitiilntr) Sclmclilcr. Another Ncbraskan arrival In Washington today was R. H. Schneider of Kremont, who remained but a few hours. In tho time he was In tho capital, however, ho saw Senator Hauna for n moment and then had an in terview with odlclats ot tho postofflcc de partment nbout matters connected with tho (Irnnd Island postofflcc building, ascertain ing, ns stated In Tho Hee, that the case will be reopened anil, another Investigation had over tho question of tho new location of the postofllcc. The Nebraska committeeman left for New York this afternoon. In his Interview with Senator Hunna he wns congratulated as a member of the national committee on the election of two republican senators. Thomas II. MoPhcrson Is at the Raleigh. Mipii In I'orcit Itrncrs c. Secretary Hitchcock has provided rules and regulations for the grazing ot Bhcrp In tho forest reserves throughout the country. He has also fixed the number of sheep al lowed upon tho reserves, to bo distributed pro rata among stockmen who apply for permission to put their Hocks In tho gov ernment forest. In tho. lllg Horn reserve In Wyoming 12.,000 sheep will he allowed within tho limits of rescrvo south of the thirteenth standard parallel and 2.1. 000 north of that Hue. Permission wns refused to grazo their sheep In the Lewis and Clark reserva Hon In Idaho, hecauso It wns overcrowded last year and the sheep Injured tho for est growth. The rules governing tho admission of stock arc the same as last year with slight modlllrnUons suggested by experience. Sheep will go on reserves July I and will be allowed to remain until late In Septem ber. Council III ii n'M Nnllunnl ISniiL. The comptroller of currency approved the application of Carl V. Kuhnle. Jacob Sims, C. K. Price, O. W. .Nicholson, L. A. De vine and others to orgaui.c tho Commer cial National bank of Council Illuffs, la., with $100,000 capital, , , Nelson J. Ludl or Republican Oit'y, .Neb.. Chambers Kellar anil Gideon C. Moody of Dcnilwood, S. D., wcro admitted to practice beforo tho Interior department. It ii in I Free llcllry In limit. Rural free delivery service will ho estab lished May 1 111 Iowa as follows: Alta, Huena Vista county, routo covers nn nrea of ninty-slx squaro miles, containing n pop ulation of 1.R27: W. II. Cox, J. O. Peter son nnd J. H. Nuser appointed carriers. Tho postolllce nl II la I ii t will bo discontinued, nnd all mall sent to Alta. Indlanola, Warren county, additional ser vice, routo covers area of thlrty-llvo square miles, with population of 550; Ocorgo TU tnn nppolnted carrier. Theso Iowa postolllces wcro discontinued' Wllsonvlllc, Vnn Huron county, mail to Stockport; Hlchllcld, Kayctto county, mail to Alpha. I'm- Ccilnr ltiiplilK Hunk. Tho National Hank of North America of New York was approved as a rescrvo agent for Citizens National Bank of Cedar Rap Ids, la. New pension examining surgeons wero ap pointed: Nebraska Dr. H. 10. Kaiircr at Auburn. Iowa Dr. K. A. Ramson at Nevada and Dr. J. A. Carter at Rock Rapids. A postoflleo was established at Daley, Carbon county, Wo., with Annlo Hrown postmaster. Tho postofflces at Hanover, HrnoowcU and Tralrlo Hell, In., became, domestic money order offices. Ivlnir mill Prince lnroiitc. STOCKHOLM. April 1. King Oscar and tho crown prince, Oustave, left hero today for Christiana, THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE r A Do you know that three-quarters of nil tho world's headaches aro tho result of using tea and coffee ? So physicians say. Quit them aad tho headaches quit. Grain.O has the coffee tasto but no headaches. All grocer) ; 15c. imlMi-. DeWitt's Littl Early Risers The famous little pills For Biliousness, Torpid Liver, Consti nation, Sick Headache, Dizziness, In testinal Obstructions, Jaandlce and all other Liver and Bowel Tioubles DkWitt'8 Little Eakly Kiskhs aro unequalled. They act promptly and Dover fjripo. They arc so small that they can be taken wlthout.any t rouble, Prepared by E. U. De Witt & Co., Chicago. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold In bulk, Deware of the dealer who tries to tell something "just u 3ood AI Letter Proving Positively that thore la No Medlolne for Woman's Ilia Equal to lyttla Em Plnkham'a Vogotablo Compound PROFUSE PERIODS, " I commenced tnUinp; Lydia E. l'iukham's Vcpetn- rfk "; u,uv-olnpouniinuoui '4w three mouths npo, and cannot express the wonderful good It has done me. Menstruations wero so profuse as to leave me very weak for some time after. Was tilso troubled with leucorrheca, tired feeling, beaiinp-down sensation, pain acron the back and thighs. I felt as though there wns a heavy weight in my stomach all the time. I have taken two bottles of the medicine, nnd now have better health than I have had for four years." Mns. Lizzie Dicksok Hodoe, Avalon, Ohio. CHANGE OF LIFE. " I was tnken sick five years ago with ' The Grippe,' nnd bad a relapse and was given up by the doctor nnd my friends. Change of Life began to work on me. 1 flowed very badly until a year ago, then, my stomach nnd lungs got so bad, I suffered terribly ; the blood went up in my lungs and btomoch, nnd I vomited it up. I could not cat scarcely anything. I cannot tell what I suffered with my head. My husband got me a bottle ot Lydla E, IMnkham's Vegetable Compound, and before I had tnken half of it I beg-us to improve, nnd to-day I am another woman. Tho IMnkham's medicine hns saved my life. I cannot praise it enough." M. A. Den-son-, Millport, N.Y. nlml Im not aonulnm. Lyttla E. Ptnkharn Mmdlelnm Oe. NEBVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cum tmpotency. Ntglit Emissions, Loss of Mom ory, ali waathif? diseases, gTBUF) all e Hoots ot neir-nnuso or fa,-- Jexccss and indiscretion. W5f,-rP(A norvo tonio and Vj "Wtblood builder. BriiiKs ! TSj") tho pink slow to palo ASVr eheo.'s nnd restores the JXWJjMfc.lln of youth. Hy mall 60 PILLS 50 CTS. $2.60, with our bankable Kinirantoe to cur or rofund the money paid. Koud for circular endepyotour bnuknhli no BUaranteo bond. Nervita Tablets EXTRA STRENQTH l.. jl.i. n.-..ii. (tp.i.rnw i.aipi.I iiumtuiaic liuuo Positively (runrr-.nteed euro fnr Lojs of Powor, VBricocolo, Undorelopeil or Shrunken OrRnns, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, N'ervuui Proitin tlon, HyfitnriK, fits, Insanity. I'lt'rnlyslsind tMo Knsults of Kxcesilvo Ufoof Tobncco, Opium or Liquor. By mall In plain packncn. $1.00 n box, O for $5.00 with our bankable (ruar anteo bond to curs in 30 dnvs or rofund money paid. Address NERViTA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sti , CHICAGO, ILU For sale by Kunn A Co, 15th and notivimM Bt. Omana fleD.; Oau. ii. Jjavu, Council Bluffs, lo-i. A MAN becomes languid, Irritable nnd de spondent, through loss of nerve viRor. Life sceran n mockery. The courage, force, vigor nnd action which charac terize full-blooded men, are tacking. have kindled the light of hope In many a man's face. They bring vigor to the weak nnd nmhition to the despondent. They permanently check the weak ening drains, feed the nerves, enrich the blood nnd make men over gener ally. tl 00 per box; fi boxes J.i CO. With n ViOO order we Issue a written guaran tee to refund the money if no cure lie effected, nook free. I'kau Mhihcine Co rir-"'-,i old rrr Knk & Co.. lStb mad DoutlmA, tad 11. A. Dillon. South Oman. .Every Woman knintcrceicusna moni.i know i aDout me wonaerrui MARVEL Whirling Spray 1110 new viKiaal hjnaitr. Inler tiunand Hurlioii. llrst S.if- je .moh upnveninir. lit joor Jrnrttit for It. J r hr cannot Biipply the MAHVKf,. nrrrnt nn ether, but senil ttamp for luus tratnl book 'd. itelvrsfull pvtlcnlar nd rtlrf clinns lnTsln Rhlntolattlpa.,. Boaia?JiiTlian liu .e VurU. vj m & Count the Dots Over $1,000 in Prizes for Guessing Correct Number Conditions Every subscriber- new or oldwill be en titled to otic guess for every fifteen cents paid on his subscrip tion account. All payments" nnd Rticsses must bo mado direct to The lleo Ofllcc, per sonally or by mall, UNM'SS you aro taking The lleo from an authorized npent, In whleh enso you will pay thr nRent nnd ho will send your guess nnd remittance to us Immediately, after dcductliiR his usual commission. Xn Kites nlll In- rcciinlcil tiu- i i run iiL'ciiiiiniiiiii'ii n y nil) ill rill OH I Riilmcrliitliiu. THE PRIZES: To those guessing the correct or NEAREST COR RECT number of dots The Bee will give the follow ing prizes Jst prize 50.00 ciish value Uiiti prize Davis Hull-hen ring drop-head Sewing '.Muehine vulue yd prize High (J rude Hieyele (choice of make) value lth prize High tirade Hicycle (choice of make) value 5th prize .'50 Hic.ycle value Uth prize 25.00 Hicvrle value prize Hair Helgiau Hares value.. Sth prize Silk Dress J'atlern vnlue. . . Jllli prize Kodnk C.vcle Toco vnlue.. 10th prize Winchester JJille magazine U2 caliber value TOTAL Every One Who The.lirst prize goes to the second prize to the next USE , ,j n n rv XT Thk Hki: riniLisniivr, Co., Omaha, Nkh. Enclosed find to apply on my subscription account. Name GUESS ON DOTS J State whether NEW or OLD To Contestants. .The Bee, upon receipt of 10 cents, will send at the close of the contest a diagram of the above puzzle so constructed as to prove the correct answer to tho satisfaction of all contestants. N. VB. No one connected with The Bee directly or indirectly will bo allowed to enter this contest. (COPYRICHTED FEBRUARY II, I . i ! !. v. ! :::::::;&--v i mmmmmmmmm i mmmmmmmmm'::::V,::::::i; 50.00 (10.00 50.00 1 llli prize 12th prize Two tons Soft Coul l.'Hh prize A LM(5 lllh prize Stundnrd Dictionury 15th prize Stundnrd Dictionary LOlli prize Standard Dictionary 17th prize Standard Dictionary ISth prize Standard Dictionary 10th prize Standard Dictionary 20th prize 'One Sack Clolden Flour value ALSO 10.00 ao.oo 25.00 18.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 500 Hooks 1,000 Art rietures value. . $1,106.00 AND A PIG Guesses the Correct Number Gets a Prize. the iirat one bringing in tho correct or nearest correct guess; one bringing in the correct or nearest correct guess, etc. THIS BLANK IN ALL CASES. Street and No WhiM'o paper Is delivered. PostoHico Where paper Is sent. subscribers. i mIT i i 1 W 1 hmmm WB H Ui 1901) Two tons Soft. Conl value 10.00 J 0.00 12.00 .12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 value. . value value value value value value Sheaf 1.00 200.00 500.00 value Da to received A.M. aikmsmii!.: Time i.m. . . . . State , f 4