TilE OMAHA DAILY ftE"R: TI'-EStfAY, APKIL 2, 1f1. PENALTY IS NOW ATTACHED QoTirn.r Di.trloli 8ign. the New Oompnl urjr Education Bill. BOYS AND GIRLS MUST GO TO SCHOOL Old I.ntr "VVnn n IJrntt Letter, lint ft la llcllrvpil thnt In It Amended Form It Will lie j, u. Effective. One thousand children In Omaha will be forced Into school by tho new compulsory education law, to which Governor Dietrich has attnehed hi alKnaturo. The luw in. ikes It ponlblo to linposo a flno on the parents or gunrdlang who fall to keep their wards In school. Under tho so.cniled compulsory education law which was on tho Nebraska statute- books thcro was no penalty for violations and as a result the law was a dead letter. "From tho figures which have been given to lis by enumerators employed by tho Hoard of Education I huvo estimated that there nro about 1,000 children In tho city who will fall within the provisions of thu row low," remarked Superintendent I'earso of tho Omaha schools. "It Is not likely that all of these children can bo brought Into schools. 1'rlvate schools will Krt many of theso children anil It Is prob ablo tbnt tho Increased attendancu In tho public schools as a result ot the law will not exceed E00. 1'rutii Seven 1 I'lilirleeii. "In cities whero school continues for nlno months all children between tho ages of 7 and 14 will bo required to attend school for at least six months. In country districts and small towns, whero the school year Is shorter, tho number of months of enforced nttendanco Is less. (Granting that K0O morn children nro thrown Into tho Omaha hchools by tho now law, tho effect on any ouo school will not be great. "Tho Omaha school contain nbout 3"0 rooms which aro used by kindergartens and grades. Five hundred children equally dis tributed nmong thrso rooms would not bo felt. Tho children who do not attend school Ihu mostly In tho lower purt of tho clt, however. In tho exclusive rcaldcncu por tions of .tho city most of tho children nro lu school. Cass school and other building where tho attcndaiico Is likely to Increase, where the population Is congested will be roost affected by tho now law. At Cass wc can readily earn for fifty or scvcnty-flvo moro pupils If It becomes necessary, and the sumo Is true of other buildings where the attendance Is likely to Increase. Will Iteneti Cnreleft I'lireiitw. "Tho new law will work much good If It receives tho hearty support of tho com munity. Such a measure becomes a dead letter If It Ib not In harmony with public Kentlmcnt, and educators hopo to see think ing people Interest thomsclvcs In the en forcement of ' jliool attendance. Many careless parei's nro allowing children to slay out of school. In somo cases parents who are ablo to keep their children in school put them to work. A good Btronu compulsory law, such as has been passed, will reach theso selfish nnd Indifferent parents." BUDGET OF ROUTINE WORK Clly Conncll HnliU Mprclnl MeethiK, ot Which .Much HiinIiicnn I Trammeled. MWMX IMinilWIMIt AM) AI'IIONS. Unllre Stork nf HofTiuan A llryrr, Who Iti'llrt'il from lltiftlnrft. ON SAKE AT HALF PKICB AT IIOSTON STOHK, OMAHA. This Is nu extraordinary flno lot of gar ments, made of tbo finest muslins, cam brics, long cloths, etc., trimmed with tho finest laces, Insertions and embroideries, all made full size. ladles' fine muslin nnd cambric drawers, umbrella style, hemstitched and laco trimmed, cluster of tucks; special, 25c. Tho finest muslin and cambric drawers, best quality, go at 39c, -19c and GOc. LADIES' CORSET COVEUS, 25C. Ladles' corset covers, made of tho finest cambric and long cloth, trimmed with laco nd embroidery, newest French style, at oc, 39c and 49c. GOWNS, SKIUTS AND CHEMISE. Ladles' gowns, skirts ami chemise, made f tho finest muslins and cambrics, trimmed with laco and embroidery, worth up to $2, go at -19c, 69c and lSc ench. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S AI'IIONS. Made of India linen, cambric, long cloth nd nainsook, worth up to $1S a dozen, go at 25c, 39c, 19c and 69c each. LACES AND E.MI1H01DEIUES. Very flno swlss, nainsook and cambric embroideries, new designs, all widths, worth up to 60c, go at 2c, Cc, T'.jc 10c and 19c a yard. 25C LACES, 3'iC, DC AND SC. High grado Oriental und net-top laces, very choice patterns, worth up to 23c, go at 3'c, Cc and Sc a yard. IIOSTON STORE. Ouwua, J. L. Ilrandcls & Sons, Proprietors. AFTER BIG CONVENTION KfTort lo He .Mnile to Secure MeelhiK of llniilUt Yoiiiik People's I'n Inn. 0. E. Morgan and other officers of the ocal societies of tho Ilaptist Young coplo's union arc formulating a plan to have tho International convention of tbc union hold In Omaha In 1902. Tho con vention wll bo held In Chicago this year nd If present plans aro cnrrled out ihc unions of Omaha will have a large commit- co In the Held to show tho advantages of holding tho next meeting In this city. Tho International convention la mado up of delegates from tho United States, Canada and Great Britain and brings together about 15,000 people. CIioIccmI MntcrlnlN only nro used for the brews of tho An hctlBcr Uusch Urowlng Ass'n, St. Louis, U. S. A., and ample time Is given them to properly mature before offered to tho public. Their well known brnnds nre served at nil llrst-class hotels, clubs, cofes and bar!. Orders promptly filled by George Krug, man ager Anbouscr-Uusch brnnt'i. Oninha. IIAIIIII A lilt AM MMO.V ,A special meeting of tho city council was kold yesterday. Tho salary appropria tion ordinance for March was passed ond anuch miscellaneous buslucE3 was dis posed of. The appointment of Joseph Redman as ne of tho three appraisers who aro to put price on all city property was approved. lie will tako the place of W. G. Shrlvcr, ho' was appointed but refused to serve. Custer, Grant nnd Crook posts of tho Grand Army of tho Republic asked tho city council for nn appropriation of $250 to be UBcd In celebrating Memorial day. The matter was referred to tho commlttco on Judiciary. A resolution .was passed which empowers tho city dog catcher to tako up all dogs that aro found on tho streets without tags ofter Acrll IS. Nick Merino notified tho council of In juries ho Is said to havo sustained on n aldowalk near the Intersection of Eleventh street and Capitol avenuo. He seeks to re cover $100 from tho cty. Tbo Union Pacific nsked permission to construct a switch east of Eighth street between Douglas and Dodgo streets. The communication was referred to tbo commit tco on railways and telegraphs. A report from tho city clerk showed that licenses collected by the city during Feb riiary amounted to $1,296. I n Cnimtnnt I'ner of The Contnry Dictionary untl Cyclopedia ii nd Allnx. No work of reference has tho universal ndorscmcnt that Is given Tho Ccntur). Ivery user of tho work Is only too glad to add his testimony, nnd can do so con scientiously, us It Is the most Important literary enterprise ever undertaken In America. Rabbi Simon was nsked his opinion of Tho Century by a representative of Tho Hoe, knowing that his opinion would be respected by the thinking people of Omaha, anil we nro very glad to quote him as follows: "I find It a pleasure to recommend to tbo public generally that most scholarly of all reference works, called Tho Century Dic tionary and Cyclopedia and Atlas. It Is one of tho mo3t useful books on my desk. Its chief merit. lies In Its ability to satisfy the uveragd reader no less than tho most ex acting student." Don't wait until too Into to tako advantage of, tho tcmporaiy half-price offer through Tho Pee. KOH(ii: WASIIIMiTO.VS QltEl'12. It Hid a I.axurlnnt Salt of Straight , nuil Very Dark Hair. The Father ot his Country concealed a luxuriant suit of hair beneath his qucuo wig. Many now wish tho old fashion were In yogue, to, conceal thinned hair or bald ness. Yet no ono need havo thin hair nor bo bald, If he euro tho dandruff that causes both, Dandruff canuot bo cured by scourlDg the scalp, because It Is a germ disease, and the germ has to bo killed. Newbro's Her plclde kills tbo dandruff germ no other hair preparation will. "Destroy tho cause, 7ou removo tho effect." There's no euro for dandruff but to kill the germ. HOMKSKttKHIlS' F.XCUIISION Via the MliNourl Pacific Hallway. Tuesday, April 2nd, will bo the next ditto on which round-trip tickets nt very low rates to points In Kansas, Arkansas, south west Missouri, Okluboma, Indian Territory nnd Texas vnnd to certain points In tho eouth and southeast will bo placed on sale. For further Information nnd tickets call on or addre6H company's offices, S. E. corner Htu and Douglas streets, Omaha, Neb. T. F. GODFREY, P. & T. A. J. Q. PIIILL1PPI. A. G. F. & P. A. Ite-No-Muy Powder llrlnira Heller. Testimonials from peoplo you know right bcro at home. Read thts: A. Mayer Co., Omaha; My daughter used that email box of Ro-No-May foot powder purchased of you and with ftvo applications her feet wero entirely cured. She can now wear any shoo with comfort some thing sho has not been ablo to do for tho last two years. During that time sho tried many propnratlons, but all failed to give relief until sho used Re-No-May foot pow der. Yours truly, HUGO MELCHIOR, 1113 Farnam St. Announcement of le Theaters. The coming engagement of Mrs. Lesllo Carter, as Zaza In David Oclasro's play whch opens at Iloyd's theater Thursday night and continues until Saturday night, will positively bo tho last appear anco of the talented lady here lu that role, This Is the rolo in which she has won her greatest renown, and all of tho accessories that, havp contributed to her groat success will bo used In tho production of the piec acre. Stonocyphcr prints anything-. Tel. 1310, nii:n. BROCK Ttuby Honoris Duller, on March nt Kentvlllc. Nova Scotia, beloved vltu n Hew Isaac nrork. 1). I)., aged 68 yeurs Mother of C. It. und A. .Y, Brock of vmana. WHISKY IS COMING UP That ii to There ii Matirinl Ad rasct in Prices. EVEN THE BOTTLE'S SWEAT IS PRECIOUS .nir Mil .Mixed Drink .Tinner Will SlirlnU nnd (he (Inly Snfe Way In (o Drink 'lir SlrnlKht anil Help Ynnmelf. Whisky Is coming up. Dispatches from Louisville Loeyvlll', sah, tho fountain hend of that subtle liquid which cheers and simultaneously Inebrlutcs tell a story of nn advance all along the lino In whisky quotations. Hero In Omaha tho effect has not yet mado Itself apparent, but local authorities say that thu stutus of trade In Kentucky and other distillery centers Is bound to extend more or less to this city and throughout the country ns u matter ot course. Thut can only mean a reduction lu tho size of tho Jigger that enters Into your cocktail and other mixed drinks, so the only way to keep even with tho game Is to drink 'cr straight. With tho bottle In your own grasp, it Is nn easy matter to 1111 the glass as full as you like. Continuation of this full glass proposition will soon inalto you so full that you will not euro a rap about tho wholesale market In Louisville, Paducah, Lexington, Crystal Springs, Rob trtaou county or any other old place. I.ocnt Sltnntlon Cliacttled. P. E. Her, tho distillery magnate ot Omaha, suys that whllo no advance In wholesale prices has yet been authorized by his firm, he Is expecting that something may happen any day. Most saloon keepers aro laying In ttock hurriedly Just now, In tho hopo of saving greater Increase of price. All well regulated bartenders rub the bottle with a soft towel beforo passing 11 over tho bur to a customer. It Is n secret of tbo trade, but It had Just ns well bo told now as any time this towel rub bing process Is to preserve tho sweat from tho bottle. Even tho bends of sweat aro valuable In these panicky days. Out of It nil thcro in ono consolation. Tho weather is too cold for snakes, nnd by tho tlmo tho reptiles get thawed enough to excrclso their teeth tho chances aro tho flurry In whisky prices will bo over. As a general proposition advanced whole sale prlco ot whisky means a direct loss to the retailer, because tho man behind the bar enn hardly charge more than tho present price per drink 15 cents and It would not look pretty for him to cut down tho size of tho glasses. So all tho retailer can do Is to trust that his customer will take smaller drinks and buy oftencr. HUNDRED CHARTER MEMBERS entertaining President Angell on his visit ', to Omaha. Local AknocIiiIIom of lnUerlty of ( stonccyphcr, printer; 1201 Howard St. MIcIiIkiiii Atiiiiinl Will , Slnrl (Mil Well. ' Promoters of tho University of Michigan I Alumni nssoclatlon report that nt this time eighty-five graduates havo signified their tnfpnllon of hernmlnrr rhnrfrr mpntlirrt I when tho meeting Is held Saturday, nnd they hopo by that tlmo to havo the list exceed 100. The association will assist in KVEKV TUK9IIAV. In .March und April thm UNION PACIFIC will sell tickets at the following GREATLY REDUCED RATES: From Omaha to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego $25.00 Ogden, Salt Lako, Rutte, Helena 23.00 Portland, Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle... 25. 0( Now city ticket office, 1324 Farnam .treat. Telephone, 315. Untou station, Tenth and Marcy. Tele phone. 629. Good White Paint a i.mmiiriil WWtTK VAINT la thn hard est of all paints to get Just right, and tho SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. fully nppreel- IlIO tlUS Ull'l niHKi: YllllH! Illl.iru I'Ullll ...it......! fur nvf.rv tinrmiHi. Thorn Is :l beautiful OLOSS WllITK for OUTSIDE liso and thu fll.OSS WHITE for Inside use, nnd tho ' (. IIIJnA ui.ub.1 niiiir i'ic, ii n the snnio nil through the SHEHWIN-WIL- L1AMH line or paintH, rno wearing quali ties are GUARANTEED equal to any mixed linlnl mndn or any paint that can be mixed from any material. . GIorh While, for outside Ube, qunrt, COc gullon. S3c: gallon, $1.60. r-iilim ninux Vhlti. fur InsMn uso. nllurt. 50o. i gallon. Wc; gallon, $1.60. Extra lino Varnish Gloss White, for In ildn use. quart, 5e; 'a gallon, $1.35; gallon, 12.63. t.'int Wlilln. oxtr.i linn fno clossl. ciuart. 60c; gallon, $1.10; gullon, $2.00. Hmnll cans insula wlilto tor iftc. Sherman & McConnel I Drug Go. S. W. Cor. Kith and Dodue St. Paint . . . Economy Economy, based on tho best results, should bo tho governing prlnclpln In tho purchase of paints, Tho mensuro of vnluo Is not what you pay for a gallon, but what a gallon will do. It costs as much to apply a poor paint us a good one, nnd tho cost of application Is much more than tho cost of "tho miiterluls used. Is It not economy to u.io a good article that will wear much longer than nn Inferior one, even It tho llrst cost bo creator? Hut Is tho first cost of such a nalnt as "Lowo Urothers' HIkIi Standard Liquid Paint" greater thun that of interior paints; uomu uown to tno store beforo you buy, got our color card, nnd let us quote you prices. AVe nro mnklng tho price on standard paint this spring. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Cor. I6lh and Farnam Sis. Seeds that grow come from the Nebraska Seed company, 1513-15 Howard st. Seasonable Prices These prices on drugs spenk for them selves and thero Is no uso of us writing any more ubout It. I'onraa , 6.1c Newbrn's Hcrplcldo 5Dc Cudahy'd Heef Extract 23c Diamond Dyes be 8. 8. 8 Duffy's Malt Whiskey S3c Wtuti of Curdlli ' 57c Plnkhnm's Compound Kin t'utlcuru Soup 17u 'miner's Kidney Curo 7.ic Plerto'j Prescription 7."c Pvrumld Pile Cure 40c Stuart'H Catarrh Tablets tOc Gem Catarrh Powder 21c Oi emulsion Too Scott h Emulsion 7.o I'ncle Sam's Tobacco Curo 3'Jo Schlltz Malt Extract 15c Kay's I. mis Halm 20c Kay's HeiinWitor 20o Doc gets no perccntago from the drug storo ut ltitli and Chicago. cruiccca cL'T rior ObilACrcn DRUGuiisr B. W. Cor. IGlh and Chlcaco. The Chicago Record h--61 of these Type . .ert in daily ue YOST If you want a typewriter, why not come first whers you can aaa EVERY GOOD SORT OF TYPE WRITER In Its beat form? TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES of all kinds tor all machinal. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED. New Century The finest catalogue ever issued Is yours for the asking. WrlteorCall. United Typewriter and Supply Co,, '614 Farnam St.. Osaaha. APRIL EXCURSIONS , EVERY Tuesday in April THE UNION PACIFIC THE ONLY DIRECT LINE ACROSS THE CONTINENT Will sell tickets at tho following reducod ratos f rom Omaha: To CALIFORNIA 8AN FRANCISCO. LOS ANGE LES, SAN DIEGO, Inoludinjr all Main Lint) 1'olnts, north Cali fornia State Line to Colton, San Uernardino, and San Diego S25 To Utah, Idaho, Pngon, Montana and Washington Ogden and Salt Lako City, Utah, Butte and Helena, COQ Montana CO Portland, Oregon., Spokane, Wnsh, Tac ma and Seattle, Wash $25 New City Ticket Office. 1324 Farnam St. Union Station, I Oth and Marcy St. Tel. 316. Tel. 629. WINDOW GLASS WINDOW WINDOW WINDOW WINDOW WINDOW WINDOW WINDOW GLASS GLASS GLASS GLASS GLASS GLASS GLASS All sizes and quantity. Fuller Drug and Paint Go, Open ull nlsht. I 141b nnd Douglas Sts. Shoe Store And some of the features thnt will mnko It tho most popular plncc lu tbo city for tbc Indies to trndc. Tlio rest room, supplied with eusy chairs, rrndltiK matter, telephone nnd nn Invitation to uso It. Tho toilet rooms with everything ticw und lip'to-dnte. Colored miild In at tendance. Your shoes polished free. And the hnndsomeat lino of tho very Int est In women's, mlssos' nud children's shoes In tlio city nnd $X30 tho highest price for your choice of nnj itylo or leather. La dies, tho storo Is yours conic nnd uso It. Sorosis Shoe Sfore, JOIl So. 15th Street. l'UANK WILCOX, .Mummer. .'.',V?.V( 'VvaW.M; " ' - -- ' - .'. Hours Quicker ,o1llc Northwest The IlurlliiK'ton is tho tllrort IIiki to Moiitiiini and I'uget Sound rolnts. Ilundrods of inilcs shortur than any otlRT. Hours quicker. Only ?'-'a to Montana only ?'." to IMipot Sound on Tues days In April. ItiitlliiKton KxprcsM to North west: !):00 p. in. dally. TICKET OFFICE, 1502 FARNAM ST. TELEPHONE 250. BURLINGTON STATION, lOth and MASON STS. TELEPHONE 128. HAYDENs special Cins ' pjEE WJ1AT 5 CENTS WILL BUY. luc Potts' Iron Ilundlos , rc He Ijiii'ge lioxos Tooth Picks 2 for Ho 5c Asbestos Stool Mats 2 for 5c 1(): Wiro Potato Masher '. 5t: 10c Scrub Brush 5c J 5c Box Wax Tapers 5c 15c Cake Turners 5c 5c Boxes Stove Polish 2 for 5c G dozen Clothes Pins 5c 10c Paring Knife ,5c 15c Bottle Machine Oil .' . . . 5c 15c Towel Backs : 5c 15c Double Mincing Knives 5c 10c Cup ami Saucer Ka.-ks rc IVfhll '! IITklltJ lwwll' IV1).! S.l,ll,lt, nnrrnl.... i.,.!... .l.oO, Tuesday 75c. Iron Avagons, body l'tx2( inches, regular lirice 1.75, Tuesday only i)0c. Iron Avagons, body 14x2S inches, regular price 2.25, Tuesday .1.10. Groceries on Sale. California Evaporated Peaches Avorlh 15o, for S 1-oc. California Evaporated Pears, Avorth 12Ac; for 5c. Oregon Prunes, Avorth 7ic, for .'Uc. Baspborries, Avorth ;5c, for 25c. . '' s a bars Tar Soaj), worth 30c, for l()c. y bars of Wool Soap for JOc. n 10 pounds Corn Meal for 10c. 10 pounds of Bye Meal for 15c. 10 pounds of Graham Meal for 15c. 10 bars of Beat 'Em All Soap for 25c. Good Country Butter, 10 a pound. Strictly Fresh Eggs at 11c. Gigantic Boys7 Waist Purchase 1,000 dozen boys' shirtwaists In tlio celebrated "Mother's ITrlcnd" brand closed out to us by tho mnnufactureis, Herman & Schnecr, for spot ensh nt a ridiculously low price, now on snle. They nro In nil sizes up to 14 years, made In flno mndniH and best French percales; never sold nnywhero for less than $1 and $l.no, Tuesday nt Hay den's for 2ftc. Owing lo tho tremendous nunnttty, wo will bo nble to nil nil mnll or ders at this price. Theso nro conceded tho best boys' waists made. This Is nn iiiicqunlled opportunity to securo n genuine bargain then. Hemomtcr they nro nil gimrnntced perfect In ovory way. nuy ns mnny as you want. HAYDEN BROTHERS OKIE NTAL RUGS Thoso who t;nine Int week with tho Intention of looking anil perhaps huy Int; ono nit; bought two, four and six, Thoso runs aro olVmed at about Wc on tho dollar. 7." Ilnu pieces just arrived with tlio llnest collection already on ex hibition will bo pold ut nvQixt barsalns all this week. Save from 10 to CO per cent by buying from the undersigned, I f not now next fall when wo will bilnt; another very largo and rnro collection. E. Taminosian, Her Grand Hotel Store, 523 S. 16th Street It Takes GOOD TOBACCO and HAND WORK to Make a Good 10c CIGAR THE Is Now Being Made From Fine Cuban Tobacco, Crop of 1900. F. II. RICE M C. CO,, Manufacturers,-St. Louis, UNION MADE A STORE FOR THE PEOPLE Sprirg, Easter, Enterprise. Combined, they bring tho Bl.'in d.'ird of tho atoro up lo thnt of any in the land. The collection of ready-to-wear things under this roof today, sponka n quality of enterprise that tho town has not experienced beforo, and tlio stock oilers ad vantages in prices that only tho greatest amount of capital and experience can inauro. There is no good reason why you should not got interested in tho soiling of men's clothing at this store. Tho opportuni ties that the great output creates, lifts this selection away above the best of any oll'orts within your roach. $4.00 for Men's All Wool Suits, $4.00 New spring creations, perfect in lit and style. S5.00 for Men's All Wool Suits, $5 00 New spring styles, in a choice selection of gray mixtures. $5.75 for Men's All Wool Suits, $5.75 In an oxford-gray proH.v pattern, round corner sack, good quality fanner satin lining. .... $6.50 for Men's Spring Suits. $6.50 In a choice collection of pretty stripes stylish and hand some. $8.00 for Men's Spring Suits, Strictly high grade suits, correct in cut, style and construc tion, your tailor couldn't duplicate for less than three times eight. ( , $9.00 for Men's Easter Suits, $9.00 Steel gray worsted corkscrew round corner sack, extra quality serge lining, perfect in style, lit and workmanship, you'll pay at least 12 for same suit elsewhere. $9.50 for Men's Cheviot Suits, $9.50 Men's all wool cheviot, with the fashionable pin stripes, round corner cut, stylish in every detail you'll find it hard work to match it for less than $l2.r0., HE ON T11J3 SAFE SIDE AND BUY YOUK CLOTHING OF THE 1 ? Tailor Made Suits, Jackets, US s;(iris Waists and Wrappers. V n iai i ii mi if win im m lama iaiM Crowded all day extra sales-people Tuesday. It started early Monday morning, and will continue all week. The greatest sale in the history of any cloak house in the west. This, in connection with our TUESDAY COMBINATION SALIO, will entice the most economical of you from your homes. All other sales and all other o lie rings fade into oblivion when compared to this. o ot thorn, I niuv flurn bottom: worth SG. ntWa jr9 WOMAN'S MA.V-TAlI.OnKU SUITS, In the IWon-cn's Itulny-ilny Sldrts Id new utyli'H, mado of ull wool homespuns several rows of utltchlng, nnd VbDctlunH, worth $15.00 trt( ,'for X-Ovf WOMU.VS NBW SPKINO SUITS, mnu tall orcd; thn handsomest suit ovory Bold In tho western country; mado lit pclibto L'bovtnts, Venetians, nud homespuns, JucU ic'st lined with the famous Wlnslow tiif- feta, perfect In fit and war- -4 f ff ranted worth SICCO. price.. 1 vFLf 75 snmplo suits, silk lined throughout, made of Imported materials, in all tho now styles, worth up to J30, on salo for 18.50 Jackets for Combination Sale 200 In Klons, DoIcroH, box and other styles, Milk lined throughout, made In light weight spring materials; sold by other houses for IS.50 durlug this sale ,only 4,50 UHKSS SKIRTS 275 women's Oresn Skirts In lino venetloiiB, broadcloths, homespuns mid SILKS; tho greatest lino of skirts over shown by uny house In America; other houses got douhlo thn A O prlcoj some worth up to $10, T'lO" Women's Silk Waists for Combination Sale 100 ot them mado from tho famous Wlns low tafi'utu that Is warranted not to craclt; ovory ono ipplaced freo of charge If It docs not glvo good service; advertised by other houses as good vnluo at A ET $C Ilayden's prlco only HtCJ vF 200 women's capes, nil slllc trimmed, with gntln ribbon anil silk Inco, -g Af worth $3 tn Dale at MTtf 200 children's Jackets, worth $l.f.0. for $1.90. 40 dozen wrappers In very heavy percales $1.50 values, for 90c. We must and will make week in our history. this the banner Exquisite Easter Millinery Wi&5? All the very newest and most fashionable iZsk$pY creations on display and sale here. Hats that ffM' have a charm and beconiingness not to be found M-r elsewhere. You are cordially invited to come &A in and see our elegant showing and I to come tyAi earn the ffifcA: iCato , " iv'SK styles iur spring aim Mimiiiur. Mj''W-Vr We can save you fully one-third on the price ff ff'fc&l of your hat and you can find just the one you ' want here at Ilayden's. Try. HAYDE Your Teeth Are your fortune, Success In life depends a great deal on appearances; nice looks aro always spoiled by poor, de cayed teeth. liiiml Set 'IVi-lli (inlil 'ro nn lii-xt ) . , . . , .if.", ill l TACT'CI'IIU'ADHMMIIA I Ar I Odhntai. i'aui.o 1517 DmiHlunSt. niniu'n 'i'A fittr.Hu io .... ..Z" fnr thn Ilia w)lleh nrlirfmilo In n uirn.. -- C j ach. 10 for tc. At ull Uruault.