Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1901, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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SiaVls sells drugs.
Htockert sells carpets nnil rugs.
Uas fixtures ami globes nt lllxby's.
lino A U C l)ccr, Ncumaycr's hotel.
Wollmun, sclcntllle optician, 103 U'wny.
V. J. IJostotter, dentist. Unldwln block.
I.effcrt, Jeweler, optlclun. 2J0 Uroadway.
J. A. Snow, auctioneer, IV way, opp. 1. O.
H. T Medlar loft yesterday for Hock
BprlnxH, Wyo,
V. F. Ornff, undertaker and dlslnfcctor,
101 South Aliiln street. Phono GOO.
Oct our work done nt tlio popular Eaglo
laundry, 724 liroudwny. 'l'honu 157.
1'ortv-slx mnrrlngo licenses were Issued In
Jlinh liy Clerk lticd of Hie district court.
Morgan & Klein, uptiolsterlng, furniture
irpntrfiiK, mattress making. Vl S. Main Bt.
Wanted, day nurse nt the Associated
Churltlcs, comer Tenth street and Avenue
Kaslcr display of linn millinery nnd art
work Monday. Anna II. .Moore, SII Hroad
way. Opening of spring millinery nt Mm. Min
nie I'fclffcrs, Uroadway, on March )
und April 1.
Hluff city council No. tM, I'niterunl AM
fissoclatlnu. will meet Wednesday iiIkIH I"
Grand Aimy liall.
William rhalincey Del'ew, editor of tho
"Walnut l la ) llureaii, wan In this city yes
terday railing on friends.
Tomorrow In the last day of C. 12.. Alcx
nnder A.- C'o.'h St per cent discount sale on
(mines and fronted pictures.
1'oimer .1 istlcn Ovldo V!eu and family
Jfturned yesterday from a ten weeks' trip
to Canada anil other points.
Itrv. S. Alexander will pleach In Smith's
li.ill on Sixteenth avenii1. between Seventh
und Klglith streets, tonight at ':?.
A want ad In Tho lleo will bring results.
'I'ho same attention Riven to a want nd In
Council Muffs us at tho Omaha olllcc.
The pastor, Hev. 1, r. Wilson, will
pteadi this morning nt 11 and this evening
at S In Mount Ion llaptlst church. Sunday
m-hool will he lit X
Mrs. M. Hohrer has received word of
the death of her mini, Mrs. A. M. Ciunby,
nt Winchester, 111 Mrs. Ciunby was lor
mi rly a resident of this cltj.
The ladlea of the First llaptlst ehlirch
will hold uu Master sale, and serve chicken
pie dinner and supper In the Mono building,
l .Main street, Thursday, April I.
County lleeorder Smith has nnnot.nced
that heieafter all fees for Ming Instruments
must bo paid In advance, lie has hail a fee
list printed for the convenience of tho pub
lic. .(esse Williams wiih run down Friday
night by a grocery wagon belonging to
Mever'H croeerv. Williams was rldlnu a
bicycle and escaped Injury. Ills wheel was
The Klrst Church of Christ. Scientist, will
have services this morning at 10:5 In the
Hapn building. Tho subject will be "l'n
roallly " Sunday school will be at the close
of the service. The experience mrotlng will
be Wednesday night
The case attains! Jacob llethers, charged
with the thetl of brass Journals and other
lltlliiRH from a steam engine at .1. 1'.
Weaver's brickyard, was continued in po
lice court yeiiterday until April :l. Uethers
wan released on JotlO ball.
After a trial lasting seven days tho suit
of Mrs. Anna Kelley to recover a 125 board
bill from Cllberl .1. Morfet. the convicted In
surance swindler, was brought to n close (n
Justice Bryant's court yesterday. The court
took Its decision under advisement.
The ease against Arthur I.enguo. charged
villi sttlklim 11-year-old Alice Culbertson,
wan continued in Jhstlee Ht-ymit's court
yesterday for thirty1 days on tho under
standing that If young League behaves
himself there will be no prosecution.
The will of (lonrge II. Jones of Mynster
street was llled for probato yesterday.
Tho estate consists of the homestead on
Mynster street and some personul property,
which Is left to the widow for her life r.nd
then to the daughter, Mrs. Merrlam.
Frank Ilurk and Clarence Smith, two men
crrestcd with stolen brass llttlngs from u
street car In their possession, will luu'e u
hearing before Judge Aylcswrirtli tntuUy
morning. The police have been, unable to
discover where the brass wiis stolen from.
These services tvlll bo today In draco
llplncopal church: Sunday school at !:15 ti
m.i morning prayer and seimnn ,by the rec
tor. Hev. It. Knox, at II o'clock: evening
prayer and sermon, at 7:30. Hev. Dr. Hlnck
of Mar-halltown will open an eight-day
mission at the church Sunday after Faster.
In the Klrst Congregational church this
morning, the pastor, Hev, J. W. Wilson,
will speak on "Jesus In tho Home of
Martha and Mary." Ills theme at the even
ing service will bo "Paul's Plan of Salva
tion." Sunday school will bo at noon and
Christian Fndeavur society prayer meet
ing at ti:3 p. m.
The attraction at the Dohnny theater for
tonight will be "SI I'lunkard," The comedy
Is In four acts, depleting Now Hnglutid
farm life and some of the moro vicious
aspects of city life. During the action of
the comedy a number of new and novel
ppcclultles me Introduced by a company of
comedians, und during tho acts a rare
musical treat will be offered by a superb
orchestra providing an evening's entertain
ment of mirth and music unexcelled for ex
cellence. The police were notified yesterdny after
noon by the Om'ahu authorities that John
AVall, alias John Allstrand, under arrest
ncross tho river, had In his possession a
harness which he said he had stolen In
this city. The harness was Identtlled as tho
property of I,ewls Cutler and Is valued at
$05. It was stolen from H. K, Mlnnlck's
barn on Uroadway. As soon ns Wall com
pletes a sentence In Omnha ho Is to bo
brought here to answer a charge of bur
glary in tno inguinale.
N, Y. Plumbing Co., tetepnone 230.
Buy your trees, shrufcs and roses of
Mcnerny, Ordors filled by raall or express
22 East Uroadway, Council Hluffs, la.
For United States senator In Ne
braska Is a matter for rejoicing
lor the republicans of that state.
In Council Bluffs and vicinity we
liavn a big contest on baud. Our
competitors uro trying to contest
our supremacy In the shoo trade,
but we aro so far In the lead, us
In quality, prlco mid styles, that
It leaves no room for doubt,
When you want the bent at the
lowest prices and SHOES THAT
e to
Look for tlir llrur.
Dohany Thontar-
The Young Character Comedian.
, -and his
In tho Hjrul Farce Comedy,
Untlrelv rewritten. New dialogue, new
Himtlons, now novelties, new scenic and
nieclianicai ciiecis. i-p-nmi.uu cures voiu
p.iv. A Strong and Ettlcbmt Comedy Com
mini-. KHU the Hreat railroad scene, tho
threshing machine scone, tho county fulr
"Admission 25c, 35c. Wo, Ucservrd sents
now on sale at tho b6x ofllcp,
Negotiated In v Eastern Nebraska
und lowu. Jnmei N. casaay,
U6 Main St., Council Bluffs.
Funeral Director
(Successor to W. C. Eitepl
Cti fUAUL. S'l'llEUT. Thou OT,
Union Looki for a Walkout of Workinj
Principal Point Itnlicd In that Alt
Helper He Hour Atvny With
Cnrpenlrrs Insist on
l int Men le.
Tho working plumbers have submitted
a new wage scale to the bosses to tnko
effect April 1, when tho present scale will
tcnnlnnte. The plumbers do not ask for
nn Increase In pay. hut make n number of
demands, which tho boss plumbers tlo
clnrc thuy cannot and will not concede.
II Is expected that the Omaha union, to
which the plumbers of Council llluft's be
long, will order a walkout. The plumbers
In. Council muffs receive ii a day. Tho
principal demnnd made by them Is that all
helpers be done away with.
The union carpenters hae demanded a
flat scalo of 35 cents nn hour and the
master carpenters declare they cannot
afford to pay this. Ono of the largo linns
has offered to pay 32!i cents. There will
be no strike, unless It Is by tho
national body. Tho local carpenters' union
has ninety members.
Tho Inbor unions have organized a per
innuent trades nnd building executive com
mittee, composed of two delegates from
each of the unions; Painters and Decora
tors, Carpenters nnd Joiners. Plumbers and
Steam Kilters, Sheet Metal Workers. Fed-
eral Labor union, Electrical Workers, Ma
son Tenders nnd Ilrlcklayers.
,i. ii.vm:s.
Mull r Ofltecr A PiiM-y ti IIIkimhsps
Hip Defriidiuil.
In tho district court yesterday Judge
Winder decided the ense of Olflccr & Pusey
annliiht W. J. Hayncs In favor of the
plaintiff. Tho suit was ono of forcible cn
trv and detainer to dispossess, the defend'
ant of the. occupancy of a farm upon which
Onicer & Pusey had foreclosed n mortgage.
The enso was brought up on appeal from
a lustlcn court, where the decision had
been In favor of, tho plnlDtlffs.
William P. Oluccr anil Jacob Mortcnson
have, through Hccclvers llcrcshelm and
Murphy, applied for on order allowing them
to pav the balance on several notes do
posited by tho Western Lumber compnny
as security with Oftlrcr & Pusey, with o
per cent simple Interest Instead of 8 per
cent compound Interest. The balunces
standluK to tho credit of the Lumber com
pany Hnd W. P. Officer on the books of the
bank have been offset' ngnlnst thoso notes,
which were made by other parties.
Tho city filed Its answer yesterday to
the suits brought by Colonel J. J. Steadman
snd P. C. Ola38 to sot aside the assessment
for the brick pavement on Lower Broadway.
The city Ignores the division of tho lots
affected and asserts that tho assessment
was mado upon the lots ns a whole nnd the
law was compiled with in all respects.
Theso cases nre set for hearing Wednesday
In tho district court.
Mrs. Oraclo Klein was granted a divorce
yesterday from P. J. A. Klein.
In the divorce suit of Ada Bell Waugh
against Albert L. Wnugh the defendant
yesterday filed his answer. In which ho de
nies Ill-treating his wife nnd allagcs that
sho left his homo without reason, as ho
had always comfortably and carefully
cared for her. They were married In thin
city Pcbruary 17. l'JOO. nnd Mrs. Waugh
left her husband four months later.
The grnnd Jury adjourned yesterday noon
until Monday afternoon without making any
lint All Aurrr Unit Vines nuil Tree
Must He .Nprnycil.
Prult growers of Council Bluffs and vi
cinity mot yesterday afternoon In Farmers'
hall, county court house, and discussed tho
crop outlook. Tho meeting was called by
tbo Ornpe Growers' Shipping association
and was for tho express purpose of dls
cusslng the question of the necessity of
spraying. Tho principal talk was by D.
L. Royer, who last year sprayed -1,000 trees
and vines and had an Increased crop of a'l
kinds of fruit In consequence. Tho general
opinion was that In order to raise fruit, tho
trees, shrubs and vines must be liberally
sprayed. Everyono seemed satisfied with
tbo prospects for year. The chair was
occupied by Samuel Avery, president of tho
association. The next meeting will bo held
late In May.
C. F. Knelinle of Denlaon nt (he Head
of the f otmiierelnl NhIIoiiiiI.
It Is said that tho recent visit of C. F.
Kuohnlo of Dcnlson, la., to this city wns
In connection with the organization of mi-
other national bank for Council Bluffs, to
be known as tho Commercial National, that
an application for a charter has been mado
aud that tho bank will havo n capital or
$109,000. C. F. Kuebnle Is n Inwyor and
banker at Denlson and n business partner
of Governor Shaw. Associated with him
In tho enterprise aro said to bo G. E.
Price of Clinton, la., formerly In the bank
ing business nt Vail, In., nnd Ocorgo Nichol
son, n banker nnd shipper of Grand Junc
tion, la.
Davis sells glass.
Mrs. Knle Feeler Successfully HcnInIn
niTort to TnUe Her to An.i I mil.
Mrs. Kato Feoley, who becamo Insano
over tho Cudahy kidnaping emu and was
ordered sent to the stato nsylum nt
Clnrlnda, successfully resisted yesterday
tho efforts of Sheriff Cousins and tho sisters
in ennrgo lO remove ner ii um m. iiurimiu u
hospital, Mrs. Feoley locked the door and
placed tho bed and other articles of fur
niture between It and a projecting closet,
No. 29, 31, 33, 35 Pearl St.
No. 28, 30, 32, 34 Main St.
These stores In tbo center of tho city and
occupied for many years by
John Bino & Co.,
the largest retail dry goods and clothing
dealers In western Iowa, who have re
moved to more extensive quarters In tu
EUeman building.
Rent very low to desirable parties on long
s rearl Street, Council Dluttj.
inn Mug an effective barricade. As the tlmo
for making thc train had pnBseil It was
deemed advisable to leave tho woman where
she was until she mulcted down. It was
several hours before she wan Anally Induced
to remove the barricade nnd permit ono of
tho sisters to enter tho room. Another
attempt to take her to the asylum will be
mndo tomorrow.
"Story of fnlnr" nt St. Pniil'A.
At the vesper service In St. Paul's Epis
copal church this afternoon tho choir wilt
bo assisted by B. II. Davlcs, baritone, late
of the Chicago Conservatory of Music, nnd
A. A. Covult, cornetlst, nnd will render
Schnccker's cantntn, "Tho Story of Cal
vary." This Is tho program:
Organ Prelude Orand March, from
Leonoro Symphony Hnff
W. L. Thlckstun.
Processional Oh, 'Twas u Joyful Sound
to Hear II. W. I'arker
Magnlllcat W. ("J. Wood
"Now the Day Is Over" Harnaby
Hymn Hushed was tho Evening Hymn.
, A. Sullivan
Offrrtnry Solo (baritone) Pear Not Ve,
O Israel .' D. Buck
II. II. Da vies.
Cornet Solo The Palms Pnitro
A. A. Covalt.
Cnntata for baritone solo and chorus.
"The Story of Calvary". P. A Schneckor
Mr. Davles anil choir.
Hercsslonnl Hark, Hark, Mv Soul.. Dykes
Organ Postltnlo It. W, Parker
Holy communion will bo administered nt
S a. m. Morning prayer nnd sermon at
10:30 o'clock by the rector. Hev. Q. B. Walk,
when special music for Palm Sunday will
be given. I. M. Treynor will sing a tenor
solo, "Jerusalem," nml the choir Oeorge B.
Novlns' anthem, "Henven Ia My Homo."
"The Benodlctc." by Best, and "The Bene
dlctus," by King Hall, will also be ren
dered. These services will bo held during
holy week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
nnd Maundy Thursday at 10:30 a. m. nnd 4:30
p. m.: Oood Krldny, three-hour passion
service, from 12 to 3 o'clock nnd at 7:30
p. m.; Easter con, holy baptism at 1 p. m.
In llromltiny Mrtliodlxt Vlitirch.
In the Broadwny Methodist church to
night P.ilm Sunday will ho celebrated with
a special song service. This program will
he given:
Organ Prelude-Meditation Spinney
Hymn I luvo Thy Kingdom, Ixird
Anthem Jesus, Lover of My Soul....Ncvln
Hymn The .Morning Light Is Breaking
Organ Offertory Aiidnntlno Volkmar
Anthem -Seek Yo the Um Hoberts
Tenor obllgato, .Mr. Mitchell.
Hymn Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead
Anthem Now the Day m Over Kevin
Mrs, Clin (Too and Chorus,
Organ Postludo Whiting
Rubber stnmps nt DeLong's, 307 B'way.
Wanted Girl for general housework.
Mrs. A. O. Gilbert. 428 Oakland avenue.
ltenl !lntc Transfers.
Theso transfers were llled yesterdny In
tho abstract, titlo and loan office of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Henry J. Mewhlrter and wife to Fred
erick N. Mewhlrter, se'l sw4 i'j-S!,
w. d 1.FO0
William M. Hurkc and wlfo to Isabella
Young, lots 11, 12 and 13, block !,
Ferry add. w. d S2:
Will Sledentopf and wlfo to Frank
S. Haas and wife to J. W. Squire,
lot 133 of original plat of Council
Hluffs, q. c. d 1
Elvln Lu Hue and wife to Iyon Wood.
lots 1, 'J, 3 and A. block 3, HllIT S add
to Oakland, w. il
O. W. Gordon to Fred W. Wesncr, lot
S, block 1, Park add, w. d
O. W. Cordon to (Jeorgo C. Hansen.
lot 4, block 3. Park add, w. d
W'cy C Hatcher nnd wlfo to Mary
. ash, n'i neU se'i sw'i and a
acres se'.i neU sw 19-77-43, w.
Total seven transfers
MurrltiKe Licenses.
Licenses to wed wcro Issued yesterday to
tin following:
Name and Residence. Aee.
William Hryson. Council Bluffs Ill
Bessie Smith, Council Hluffs 17
Charles F. H. Ilolllnger, Underwood, la.. ,40
Sadie M. Irlck, Underwood, U IS
Davis sells patnv.
mthiki: .situation is pxciiamjuh.
.Neither Mummer .for Shop men nt
Cellar Itnpldn Mnke Concession.
CEDAH RAPIDS, Ia March 30. (Special
Telegrnm.) A eonferonco between Gcucral
Malinger Robert Williams of tho Burlington,
Cedar Rapids & Northern railway and rep
resentatives of tho striking shopmen was
held this afternoon and tho matter was
fully cnnvasHtd.
It was Itnposblble to nrrlvo at an agree
ment, neither sldo being willing to make
any concessions. TUoro seems to be as
wldo n gulf between them as ever. Tho
Cedar Rapids Federation of Labor has given
tho strikers Its moral and financial support
and $1,000 has bceu pledged by that body to
aid tho strikers.
Iohii Slnli Orntoricnl Context,
VILLISCA. In., March 30. (Special.)
Last night tho Southwestern Iowa division
contest wns held in tho Methodist church
of Vllllscn. Tho Judges wcro Messrs. Chev
alier nnd Jenkins of Red Oak nnd Lylo of
Clnrlnda. Decisions were: Humorous class,
Mayrcn Thomas, first; Mlnnlo Brynn, sec
ond. Dramatic class, Mabel Dawson, first;
Eva Knnn, second. Orntoricnl class, Clydo
Jenkins, first; Mario Morrison, second. Tho
six successful ones compete, with tbo six
successful ones from the Northern
division contest, which was held Inst night.
Tho stato contest Is to be held nt Iudlanola.
(els llnniiiKCM Auiilimt Itnllrond.
FORT DODGE. In., March 30. Tho Jury
In tho enso of Carvor ngnihst the Minne
apolis & St. Louis rail rami, after being out
nil night, hns nwnrded the plalntltf $1,100.
Cnrver was struck by six mall bags thrown
from tho Minneapolis &. St. Louis train nt
Otho. He sued for $5,000, Tho verdict
against tho Minneapolis & St. tnuls estab
lishes the fact that railroad companies nre
icspouslblu for tho acts nt their postal
Truce of Sl.len IJxpresM Booty.
MANILA. In., March 30. Tho first trncu
of tho stolen express booty taken at this
point hns been found In a barn one nnd u
halt miles south of town, Tho sack wns u
currency sack and contained $19 In silver.
It Is known to havo had $450 In It. The
hack was ideutlllcd ns one of tho sacks
Bt0en lmd wnH foumj on tno promises of a
I promtnont citizen of thin plnce.
MIItiiuiUcc to lime Clearlnir llnnsc.
MILWACKEE. March 30.-A clearing
house In to be established by the Milwaukee
Cbamber or commerce ror tno settlement
of transactions lu futures. President llrv-
ilnu today appointed a cominltco, at the
suggestion of the directors to formulate n
plan of organisation to be reported to the
meniners tor ineir approval.
Strike fourth Oil iiiisher.
DALLAS. Tex., March 30, Tho fourth oil
gusher In the Beaumont district was struck
M. S, 'i:i,Ki:il, Mnnnuer.
Member Nebraska Belgian Hiiro Club.
207 S. Ml. ST.. Co il or 1 1 lllnrfa, In,
Dreeder.1 of and dealers In Flno
Red Jacket, Stud Fees, $3.
Sire, Lord Britain, (Imp,). Dam, Primrose.
J. D. Stevenson,
Official Scorer of The American Belgian
Hare institute. .
Oompanj H Btcomei Fart of Iowa National
Cnnrildntr Secure Itoom for Stnte
Ilrpulil Ivn Convention Schedule
of County Superintendent
Safe llloivern Active.
DES MOINES, Match 30. (Special.) This
new company o! tho Iowa National guard,
Company II of tho Fifty-first regiment,
was mustered In last cvcnlug nt Stuart by
Adjutnnt (lencrul Byers. Tho compnny
numbers thirty-nino men to start with nnd
will booh ho recruited to full strength.
P. L. Sever, who wns Ninth district elector
on lht republltun ticket last year, was
elected captain, Carl P. Knox wns elected
first lieutenant and Prnnk T. Armstrong
was made second lieutenant. Tho report
of Inspector Ocnoral Olmsted on I ho stand
ing of tho companies of the Fiftieth regi
ment, Just luspected, wns announced today.
Tho percentages arc:
Company 1), Dnvenport.
Company P, Burlington.
Company fl, Ottumwa...
Company K, Cenlervlllc.
Company M, 1'nlrllcM....
Company C Muscatine..
Company K, Orlnnell....
Company I. Iowa City...
Company L. Newton
W. I
XI. rt
77. S
Company 11, Charlton
Tho companies of Albla nnd Washington
have yet to bo Inspected.
Lieutenant Francis T. Lincoln, who r'.'
ruitly, returned from tho Philippines, where
ho has been serving In tho volunteer army,
was In tho city today on his way to his
homo In Ames from Leavenworth, Knn
where ho hnd been ordered before the
military board for oxamlnatlon with a
view to his nppolntment to a position lu
the regular nrmy. Ho expects to be ap
pointed a second lieutenant at an early
rotlnivnttninle County Itnllromla.
Tho assessment of tho railroad companies
nnd sleeping car companies this year
leaves Pottawattamie county still in the
lead in the matter of having tho largest
assessment of any county In the state on
railroad property. Last year the assess
mcnt In Pottawattamie footed up Jl, 404,647.
This year It Is. slightly less, being $l,3!7,7fil.
But no other county has so much mlleago
of such good quality as Pottawattamie.
Tho assessment by counties Is being cer
tided out to tho county auditors this week
and will soon be In a position to be col
Securing; Pnlltlcnl llrniltinnrters.
Tho candidates for state offices are ns
sumlng that tho next republican state con
vention will bo held In Dcs Moines nnd
nro already engaged In securing rooms for
headquarters at tho various hotels of the
city. Headquarters havo been secured by
two of tho candidates for governor, by two
candidates for railroad commissioner, by
several candidates for the supreme court
and by others. Not all of the candidates
for governor have spoken for rooms. Thoso
who havo secured rooms aro Cummins
nnd Hcrrlott. Tho state committee will
probably meet somo time next month to
fix tho date for the convention.
Conventions nf tinperlntendents.
The semi-annual meetings of tho county
superintendents of Iowa, ns provided by
law, uro to bo held this year as follows
according to an announcement m?do today
by the state superintendent: Orlnnell,
April 4-5: Waterloo, April 16-17; Dcs
Moines, April 11-12; Sheldon, April 18-10.
The meetings at Grlnnell and Sheldon will
bo In connection with the district conven
tions of teachers to be held at tho samo
Snfe HIoivIiik In Den Moines.
Safe blowers are becoming active In Dea
Moines. A number of robberies havo re
cently been reported and last night tho
rear window of a saloon on Grand avenue
was broken open nnd burglnrs entered
They bored a holo through the outer door
of tho safo nnd filled It with somo sort of
explosive, but they were either frightened
away before finishing their work or the
fuso failed to work, for the explosive was
Ht 111 In tho hole this morning.
Flames Knvelop Jefferson Hotel
It iclinioml, Vlmlnln, nnd
Destroy It,
RICHMOND, Va March 30. Tho magnlfl
cent Jefferson hotel, ono of the most Im
posing buildings In Richmond, was practl
cally swept out of exlstenco by fire this
morning. All that remains of tho mag
nlftccnt structure, which was built and fur
nlshcd at a cost of over $1,000,000, aro the
two clock towers and part of the court
fronting on Franklin street.
Tho firo was discovered near midnight
high up in the Main street portion of tho
building nnd wns not at first considered
serious. Tho hotel apparatus was brought
Into play, but tho hose burst. Tho flames
spread rapidly and messengers wcro sent
through tho building to awaken guests,
many of whom had to bo dragged out of bed
Thoro witB a general rush toward tho
Franklin street part. Tho department
worked hurriedly, but under tho greatest
difficulty, owing to the height of tho build
ing. In tho Franklin street section were a
number of very valuablo pictures nnd
marble statue of Jefferson. Tho stntuo was
saved minus tho head and the pictures wcro
gotten out, as was much of tho drapery and
All tho guests got out safely. Mr. Rich
ards, n traveling mon of Danville, Va,,
waa tho only guest hurt. He fell down a
flight of stairs and broke his leg. A boy
named Robertson Is missing. It Is feared
he was caught In the burning building. Sev
eral tlromcn were moro or lcsa Injured, but
not Fertously.
The Insurance on tho building Is $630,000.
It Is not yot known whether tho hotel will
bo rebuilt. Tho Jetferson was opened about
six years ago nml was ono of the finest hos-
tnlrlca In tho south. It occupied a full half
block nnd was regarded ns practically fire
proof. Tho firo originated In tho linen
room, supposedly from a defective electric
wire. Tho majority of the guests lost their
Will Alert nt liitl III u n im II n April S to
Consider Coul StrlUc
INDIANAPOLIS, March 30. Notice was
given here today that the national executive
commltteo of tbo United Mlno Workors will
hold a meeting hero April S to consider a
number of Important questions. Tho agree
ment that has been reached In the anthra
cite region by which a strike has been
averted will bo ono of the matters taken
up. Tho board will also consider the strike
situation In the bituminous Holds In Arkan
sas, Kansas and Indian Territory. Tho ofll
rers ut headquarters In this city nre greatly
pleased over tho agreement In tho anthra
cite field, und think it will have a great
hearing on tho settlement of questions that
may bereatter nrltie between the bard coal
operator and tulncri,
Easter Toggs
ii all the splendor of their uivto
whatever, will be found on our
MEN'S SUITSat $10,00, $12,50
Swell patterns, handsomely tailored and perfect lilting.
MEN'S HATSat $1.00, $1,50, $2,00 to $4,5C
u every shade and shape.
MEN'S SHIRTS50c, 75c, $1,00, $1,50
Also Shirt Waists beautiful p
uid everything you may possibly
House of 5 rooms, , two closets, pantry.
collar, wen, smuu mini, .'v
lllcnl tlOWn, UUinilCO moo. hi. ,i,i
C-room house. clo.ct, pantry, cellar, stable,
cistern; pricu , ,, ,,
Croon, bouse, closets pantry, cellar, city
water in nouse, nuim-, nmiu.- o -
. . , .1,.. . . .rim. fl
lOl, KUDU t..-v
C-room house .closets, pantry, cellar, cis
tern, DIUIl, BllllllUi ll.-u .mv. .,
Oood fi-room house, pantry, closet, china
c osct, ciiy un-i, tvMii., ........
.......... , i.(nMt. ..f 1 n A nllilti.
Good 8-rootn house, bath and closet, pall-
try, cnina ciusui, tu-iiin, v.w .......,
tern, barn, coal house, piped for gas,
I !
S.rooni hou;., bath , iind closet, city water
largo uarn, pnmiu nwa, w.
Finn large houso ot 12 rooms, besides base
ment anil nine, sieuni ni-m. .
gas and barn, two lots; cost about UW)
to Improve; only $i!,UW.
ISO-acro farm It miles from Council Bluffs
nnd Omalia, ia ncrcs in c uuviii uu, 1
room house, doublo corncrlb. well, also
3. room house, stable, corncrlb, well. Hup
corn land Frico only $3.W per acre. A
2I0 acres IS miles from Council Hluffs nnd
Omaha, nil goon, smooui icvci iiuiu, n"'"' '
barn, cribs, well, etc., close to railroad;
for s.nlo for ti few days nt $10 per ncre.
Largo list of farms nnd houses nnd lots.
Also bouses tor rent. -au aim gei pm
Tel. Il7. &H Uroadway.
Thre Jointi at GentwilU LtidWaitaby
Band of WomiB.
After Cl-nnlnir lip Oroit Shops Ciii-
snilcrs (nil Out llruKKlnt unit
AVnrn Tlicm to Sell
o More I.lqnor.
OTTUMWA, la., ' March 30. (Special
TolcRram.) Eight of tho niost prominent
women of Ccntcrvllle, tho county Beat or
Appanoose county, led by John Dnlley, a
grocer of that city, started n crusado thcro
today that rculted In tho smashing of
thrco Joints nnd an attempt on two others.
They called out two of the leading drug
gists of tho city and gavo them n lecture
and demanded that they sell no moro
Tho crusaders consisted of Mrs. Wln
lngcr, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs.
Charles Ilryant. Mrs. Elizabeth Charlton,
Mrs. John Dailcy, Mrs. McDanlcI Hnd Mrs.
Salter. They started from tho homo of
Mrs. Salter nnd tlr3t went to the place of
U. Johnson, armed with hatchets, axes,
clubs or whatever they could lay hands on.
They smashed nil tho furniture In the
place, broko nil the mirrors nnd bottles
and poured out nil tho liquor. From
Johnson's they went to tho place Itept
by nuek Hoberts, whore they . repeated
their performance, all tho employes of both
places having tied.
From Hoberts' placo they went to
niachey Hinders, but he saw them coming
and barricaded tho doors. Ho tried to get
bin liquor out ot tho bade door, but they
prevented It, bo bo poured it nil out on
the floor. After cleaning up this plnco
they went to tho drug Btoro, but a largo
force of ofllcerB bad been collected nnd a
demonstration was prevented. No nr
restn have been mado and It is said none
will be.
North Central Association of CoUeRi-
nil Seeonlry Si'liools .McetR
nt CtilfHKO.
CHICAOO, March 30, Leading colleges,
universities and secondary schools through
out tho central west are represented ut
tho ninth annual meeting of tho North
Central Association of Colleges and Sec
ondary Schools, which Is being held here.
Collego presidents and educators aro pres
ent from educational institutions in Ohio,
Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wlscomiln,
Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, Kan
vhh and Colorado,
Following tho animal report of President
Alton nnd tbo usual commltteo appoint
ments, a general discussion arose over tho
reading of a paper by Dean S. A. Forbes
of tho University of Illinois on the ques
tion of federating tho colleges and uni
versities of tho association ns to secure uni
form entrance, requirements, and at tho
closo of tho session President Alton ap
pointed u committee to consider tho de
sirability of such action nml report at to
day's session. Tho committee consists of
Dean S. A. Forbes" of tho University of
Illinois, Presldont O. F. Stanley Coulter
of Purdue university, Principal O. O. Hal
lou of Toledo, President Harper of tho
University of Chicago, President Stalcy of
the Cato School of Applied Sciences.
.1ihIk- Itolilnson I'll) Kitll.llllll fur line
Hundred nml Ten Acres of I'ri-r
CnlniiKC rruperty.
JOPI.IN. .Mo., March 30. A step toward
tho reorganization ot tho International
Zlno company, which 13 now In tho hands
of a receiver, was mado today when Judgo
W. M. Hoblnson, a member of the Mis
souri supremo court, bought In 110 ncrcn
of mineral land known as tho Free Coin
ago property, ono of tho company's former
holdings. Judge Hoblnson, who was ono
of tho mortgagees, bought In the prop
crty for J30.000 and under agreement with
Henry B. Shoemaker ot tho New York
reorganization committee, ho will mako a
warranty deed to tho commltteo or per
sons designated by them, on payment of
J6.000, they In turn to mako a trust deed
to Judgo Hoblnson and other mortgagees
for $24,000, the balance necessary to ob
tain a clear title to tho land
Under tho present arrangements all
stockholders will receive new stock In the
reorganised company on deposit ot their
old stock. It W understood that the cupl-
- now correctness. 13 very stylo
counters at the right price
wjinl to give you the proper tone.
BRADLEY, itiXtt:
I Easter Novelties I
Yv have received the Finest and Latest line of Nov
elties, direct from New York, consisting of
g Hats from $L25 to $10.00.
'3 Sillc Skirts from 83 up
Our iiriw.s tiro witliln tlu rrncli of nil. Don't full to visit our
Htore. Our assortment Ih complr-to. Mnke your soloctlons early.
536 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Ia. 5
mmmmmmmm mm www mm
John Beno &f o
Special Easter Glove Sale
Beginning Monday Morning.
Monday we start tho greatest glove eveut of the season, affording our patrons
an excellent opportunity to supply their spring glove wants at n substantial
Bavlng In cost.
Tills Is mil n clrnnlnK lip nf nn old Mock, lull I nn -nllr-ly
now ' e. Jtisl opened nil the now ninnies, nil nI.i-k usually
retailed fur l1.O0 nnd f n most nntlsfni'tnr; ulovr In
! respect during thli snlc (inly
59c - Fifty Nine Cents - 59c
Owing to the extremely low price It will bo Impossible for us to lit these
special gloves.
Easter Goods in All Departments.
0G'i (i)(
We Launder Anything,
522 Pearl St.,
'PHONE 290.
vv 2V k3 N5 s
tnl of tho company will bo reduced ma
Just beforo the sale comincuced Mr.
I Shoemaker, who arrived hern from the
east lust night, received a telegram from
i Messrs. Dougherty and McNabor of the
i.N'ow York committee, stating that other
Ktncltholdrrs alleco of their own knowledgo
that when tho mortgage was given only
J15.0C0 waa duo on tho land.
County Attorney nt TnprUn I'rnsrenlen
l'lfl-.Mni- Cnmpuiile t inier
TOPi:KA, Kan.. March .W. County At
torney Nichols benught suit in tho district
mart tndnv nuulnnt flftv Innuranrn com
panies doing business In Topcka, to prose-
cuto them under tho anti-triut laws nf
Jl!97. Tho (ompunlcH aro all known as
union companies, anil the petition names
' them as subscribers of tho rate book Is
uoJ by tho Kldrldge Inspection bureau.
If Judgment Is recovered against them each
company will be llablo tn a penalty of
$1,000 np'.cce and $!') n day for all that
continue to do business after Judgment Is
of wearing npparol of nnv nicri
and $15,00
85 up to SIS. OO,
e .-
Appearance Goes
A Long Way
In plumbing ns In everything else, but open
work plumbing ns wo manage It Is not only
attractive In appearance, but substantial
nnd stnblo In construction, nnd thereforo
satisfactory In every wny, oven hs to price.
There's n hint In this for prospective build
ers of houses.
M'J Mnln l!":t I'eni-I, .St.,
llllt, Council lllufTn Inwn.
Irrcnveicd. Tho suit will bo known as tho
Stato of Kansas against the Aetna lusur
nuc company, ami Is tho first to bo brought
under tho untl-trust law
Thu petition states that defendant corpor
atlons havo wilfully agreed and combined
with each and with llru insurnnco companies
to form an Insuranco trust to fix, regulalo
anil maintain the ratt-H and premiums to bo
charged by each of said defendant corpora
tions for Insuring tho different classes of
risks on property against loss by lire.
Mrr-t Itnllniiy Men nrtllr,
PITTSIIUIKl. March 30. All trouble be
tween tho motormen and conductors und tho
Monongahelu street railway was amicably
settled at a meeting held nt Hankln, Pa.,
this morning. Tho meeting was attended
by f0 per cent of tho employes of tho com-.
pany. It was not a meeting of tho union,
but embraced all rlasses of workmen. Man
ager Davison gavo tho men to understand
that ho wanted the trouble t.ettled nt once.
Tho men pastpd a long set of resolutions,
In which they agreed to drop all differ-
I'lires and blamed all their dllllculty on
. outsliln Interference.
Wheels! Wheels! Wheels! now they gol
, Hide a Deo wheel and bo lu the swim.