THE OMAHA D ALL V MKE: SI'S DAY, MAHC1L 1901. DULL WEEK IN SOCIETY Leat Still Prerents Function Tiiged with Gaiety. BUT A HAPPY SEASON IS COMING SOON I'rrlly I. Itlli' Klir, llnppllj llvlntnl. of (In- llnclirlor nnd tli-MI Who II II m .lim( Millie Her Drlnil. lie Is ilark and tall, poBsesslnK that In descrlbnbk- benrltiK which kIvch n man of flvo feet seven the appearance of bclns full hIx feet. People gain tho Impression that ho has at come tlmo figured In things mili tary, which Is quite true, for thcro may bo detected a marked rcsomblance between his faco and thnt of a photograph In a collec tion of the original members of the Omaha Ouards. She Is pctltn and young and but recently Introduced. Possessed, too, of a sunny unllo and a charming frankness of man ner that relieves him, oven In tho Judgment of tho most speculative, of all responsi bility In utterly falling to conceal his warm admiration on all occasions this winter, until tho Lenten calm put on end to every thing. Since then ho has become n regular attendant at nil of the day amices of tho church of her choice, and has found his re gard In the privilege of walking to tho cor and sometimes all tho way homo with her. x A party of congenial spirits dropped Into bis office one nftcrnoon not long ago to pass a quiet half hour. As they filled the nlr with smoko and watched tho r.iglng torm outside, tho door wns pushed timidly open and n woman stood on tho threshold. Tho greenish tint of her bluck garments and the dejected humility so apparent were an advance presentation of her story. Hut, for somo reason, even the mention of the many small children at homo was lost upon all but him, and he gavo her a silver piece. When tho contribution wns carefully towed away and the blessing of all tho saints had been Invoked upon her bene factor, sho turned as she passed through tho door and paused a moment. Then came nn additional blessing for the "godly gentlcmnn's beautiful daughter," and nn assurance that that gracious woman novel failed to bestow a dime upon her as sho (.u mo out of tha church mornings and walked to tho car with her "pa." He has not attended tho day services for nearly u fortnight. A busy man he Is, but ho has found tlmo to decorate tho space opposite his office entrance with this legend, framed In n modest dark mouldlug: "It has been truthfully said that thcro Is no greater obstacle to harmony In the human relation than a difference of taste In Jokes." I'lrnmirrN I'nnt. Tho Mexican club was entertained by .Miss Kdnn Martin on Thursday afternoon. The Misses Huston gave a pretty pink ami whlto luncheon on Saturday, covers being laid for six. Mrs. M. II. Connnt of the Bachelors' ho tel gave a dancing party to tho guests of tho house Friday evening. Complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. lloss, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Smith gave a small dinner on Monday evening. The Cooking club met on Wcducsday with Miss Kountze, ten members being present. A llvc-courso luncheon was served. Mr. F. K. Klngsborry entertained Mr. C. S. Whcckr and Mr, E. N. Hammond of Kansas City nt dinner on Friday evening. There was a most enjoyable subscription dance at tho Normandlo on Wednesday evening, at which about twelve couples wcro present. - . Last week's meeting of the Twin City Coffeo club was hold nt tho homo of Mrs. Uuvo and a social afternoon spent, con eluding with a luncheon. Miss .Mount entertained a small party nt tea on last Sunday evening, her guests being Mr. and Mrs. Gulou, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lowe, Mts. Learned nnd Major Mlchlc. Miss Annlo Christie wns pleasantly sur prised by a party of friends on Saturday evening at her home. 2200 North Nineteenth street. The evening was spont in games, refreshments being served at a lato hour. Miss M. Ilraden entertained tho Happy Twenty club Thursday evening. Prizes wcro given Mesdames Duval, Stockham ond Messrs. Griffith and Culllc. Tho next meet ing will bo with Mrs. F. Cullle, on Cali fornia street. Tho New Century club mot nt the home of Mrs. Murncll, 3017 North Twentieth street, on Thursdny afternoon, and nfter tho usual number of games prizes wero nwnrded Mrs. Jones nnd Mrs. nettti. Tho next meeting will bo held with Mrs. J. Klngsley. Tho members of the J. 0. C. club mot at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Dlrd Miller Inst Saturday evening and played a num ber of games of high live, for which tho prizes wcro awarded Mcsdnmes Ileedcr nnd Hess and Messrs. C. Heed and J. C. Heeder. After tho game a luncheon was served. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. L. Whitney entertained a whist club on Monday evening at their house on South Thirty-first street, Ave tables being employed. It was tho last meeting of tho winter and determined tho high scores for tho season, which were made by Mrs. H. O, Strelghl and Mr. Ed Enilth. The same party attended tho per formance nt tho Orphcum on Wednesday AN EASY WAV To Keep Well, It Is easy to keop well If wo would only observo each day :i few simple rules of health. Tho all Important thing is to keep tho btomach right and lo do this It Is not nec essary to diet or to follow a set rulo or bill of fnro. Such pumpcrlng simply makes a capricious appctito and a feeling thnt cer tuln fnvorlto nrtlcles of food must bo avoided. Prof. Wlechold gives pretty good advice on this subject, he Buys: "I urn CS years old nnd have never hart a serious illness, and at tho Bame tlmo my llfo has been largely an Indoor one, but I early discovered that tho way to keep healthy was to keep a hunlthy jtomacli, not by eating bran cracKcra or dtoilnc of any sort; on tho contrary I al ways eat what my appctito craves, but for tho past eight years I have made It n dally practlco to take one or two at Stu ' art's Dyspepsia Tablets after each meal and I attribute my romist Health for a man of my ago to tho regular dally use of Stuart's Tnhlets. My pnysician nrst auviseu mo to uso them because ho said they wero perfectly harmless nnd wero not n secret patent medicine, but contained only tho natural digestives, peptones and diastase, and after using them a few weeks I hnvo never coased to thank him for his advise. I honestly bcllcvu tho mnblt of taking Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets nfter meals Is the real health hnblt, because their uso brings health to tho sick and ailing and preserves health to the well and strong." Men nnd women past fifty years of ago need a safe digestive after meals to insure a perfect digestion nnd to ward off disease, nnd tho safest, best known and most widely used Is Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Thoy are found In every well regulated household from Maiue to California and In Qreat Ilrltnln and Australia are rapidly pushing their way Into popular favor. All druggists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia Tnbletu, full sized packages at f0 cents and for n weak stomach a fifty cent package till utteu do fifty dollar worth of good, evening nnd on Thursday evening Mr, and Mrs. (leorgo V. Hooblcr entertained them nt m chnflng-dlsh supper In the "Model Kitchen" of the Auditorium exposition. Little Miss Hazel Wnggner entertained nboiit thirty-five joung friends on Tuesday evening In honor of her cousin, Miss Ileulnlt Hunters, the occasion being her birthday. Tho oenlng wns most pleasantly spent In games nud nt 10 o'clock refreshments were served, The Don Ton card club wns entertained by Mr. nnd Mrs. (Icorge P. Cronk on Mon day evening, four prizes being given for the game. The rooms wero decornted in pur plo and white and Clbson pen sketches were used as score cards. Tho evening was concluded with nn elaborate supper. The husbands of tho members of the Florentine Luncheon club were given n most enjoyable evening on Saturday by tho members of the club, nt the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Olbbs, on Sherman avenue. Cards wero tho feature of '.'no evening, ten tnbles being used. Six prizes wero awarded. Mrs. L. N. (londeu of 3022 Pacific street entertained the Amctlc club Inst Wednes day nftcrnoon. Tho house wns prettily decorated In red nnd white. Mrs. F. A. Orcen, Mrs. F, J. Despecher nnd Mrs. A. C. P. Fnrrcll won tho prizes. Tho club meets next with Mm. Green a week from next Wednesday. Thursday evening n surprise party was given Mrs. It. K. Macky, 1721 Davenport street, by the women and gentlemen of tho house. Progrvslvc high five wns played, refreshments were served nnd dancing fol lowed nnd enjoyed by nil. Mrs. Macky will leavo for Iluffalo Tuesday and will bo gone several months, As a farewell lo Miss Anno Lee, who leaves tho city this week, a number of young men gave a subscription dance In tho small ball room of the Mlliard hotel on Thursday evening. Though tho party was not large the enthusiasm of Its members made It nil tho more enjoyable. Tho sup per which followed was served In the hall. Mrs. R, D. VanCourt nnd Mrs. Ingram cntcrtnlncd the Wcdnesdny Luncheon club last week at the homo of the former. Tho luncheon was served from six small tables, which wcro prettily decorated with red carnations. Tho afternoon was spent nt enrds, the prizes bolng won by Mesdames Itobcrt Purvis. D. V. Sholcs, H. J. DlnnlnR and J. D. White. The annual banquet of Unity club wns held In the purlots of Unity church on Wcdnesdny evening, about 200 members and guests being present. Itcv. Mann presided nnd Judge lllalr, Mrs. Knott, Miss Morso, Miss Wullace, Mr. Nelson, Mr. VnnArsdale, Mrs, Heed nnd Mr. Houcliei responding to tho toasts, while Miss Davis, Miss GarolsHcn, Mrs. Coe nnd Mr. Gnrelssen contributed tho musical numbers. Miss Edith Dumont was hostess at last week's meeting of the Jahmel Ghccel club on Tuesday, the feature of the afternoon's amusement being n tock-drlvlng contest, each young womnii being provided with a hammer, tacks and a block of wood, Miss Ilnltlo Patterson receiving a prize for driv ing tho greatest number of tacks in tho given time. During tho afternoon the club decided to glvo a danco on April 18. Mrs. A. J. Hnttrey entertained on Wednes day evening In honor of Mrs. F. E. Mar tin of Hot Springs, S. D. The parlors wore decorated In palms and American Ileau tlcs. A line musical program was rendered by Profs. Shaw, Stevenson, Freeland, Keys and Mrs. Martin, after which n four course luncheon wns served. Those present were: Messrs. nnd Mesdames Howard, Ooodlet, Kaley, Shaw, Freeland, Stevenson, Keys, Hnttrey and Mrs. Martin. A pleasant surprise, was given Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Undcland at their homo, SOS South Twenty-first street, Inst Thursday evening as a welcome to Mrs. Undcland, who has recently returned from Colorado Springs. Dancing and card playing were tho features of tho evening, nfter which a lunch wns provided and served by the sclf-lnvltcd guests. A very pleasant time was enjoyed by all. Those present wore: Mr. and Mrs. Woods, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ogdcn, Mr. nnd Mm. Schiller, Mr. und Mrs. Borg strom, Mr. and Mrs. Conornn, Mrs. Llnzon dorfe'r, Mrs. Livingston. Mrs. Flanders, Mr. E. Llnzcndorfer, Mr. It. Llnzendorfer and Mr. Cone. In honor of Mrs. II. E. Field of Chicago, who Is the guest of Mrs. W. O. Hogers, Mrs. W. II. DcFranco and Mrs. Rogers gave n large reception on Tuesday after noon nt the home of the luttcr, 2136 Mon dcrson street. A profusion of palms, Amer ican Uenuty roscs-nnd deep red carnations converted the rooms Into a vcrltablo bower, especially the reception room, where a quantity of tho flowers were used. One corner wns banked almost to tho celling, the palms foVmlng tho background, nnd be fore this the receiving pnrly was sta tioned, consisting of Mesdnmes W. O. Rogers, W. H. DeFrance, Field of Chicago, C. R. Sherman, G. 11. Eddy and A. 1. Koot. In the rear parlor red carnations were used In bunches nnd scattered over tho punch table In the bow window, wheru Mesdames H. Itoot nnd Hnufmeyer pre sided. The dining room was especially effective, the red predominating. A mound of deep red tulips formed tho centerpiece on tho table, which wns crossed by rib bons of the samo color, ending nt tho .cor w oman's ork Tho following list of oIIIccm has recently been elected by All Saints' Sisterhood; President, Miss Norma Harney; vice presi dent, MIsh Cecil Parker; treasurer, Miss Helen Thomns; secretary, Miss Maude Mav lott: visiting committee, Misses nrnneh, Marsh nnd Coggcshall. Tho new omcers have tnken up tho work with tho anmo en ergy that una always characterized tho or ganization nnd several new projects aro bo lng considered. Tho next meeting will be held tomorrow evening nt tho homo of Mrs. A. O. Huchannn, 1023 Georgia avenue. The main efforts of tho Chancel guild aro being directed to tho work on the choir gowns, which they hnvo recently undertaken. Tho Dnughlera of tho American Revolu tion, with their husbands and escorts, wcro entertained on Monday evening at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Heller. There wns n brief business session, presided over by tho president. Mrs. Alio. The report of Miss Ellcanoro Dutcher, tho chapter dele gate to tho Continental congress nt Wash ington, was read and some minor affairs attended to. A vocul solo by J. H. Conrad, tho reading of an original novelette by Mrs. Harriet McMurphy, vocal solos by Miss Ellsworth, with violin accompaniment by Clement H. Shaw, and several recitation by Miss Houston made up tho program, Tho program for tomorrow's meeting of the Woman's dub will bo given by the par liamentary practice department and will consist of two musical "numbers, a vocal duet by Mtes Ellsworth und Clement II. Shaw, "IAddlo," by Donizetti, and n piano olo by Mm. Whltmore. Thcro wilt also bo n talk on "Parliamentary Law" by the leader of tho department, Mrs. W, P. Har ford, nnd nn extemporaneous drill by the members. The E. O. society wus entertained on Sat urday afternoon at the home of Mm. J. F. Woggner on Charles street. An ndrtreM on "Parliamentary Law" by Mrs. V. V. Har ford was the feature pf the meeting. There was meeting of the Woman's Keeley Rescue league at 10 o'clock Friday ners, where red-shnded candles In cut glass holders cast n soft glow over all, Hcic Mrs. II. O. Frederick, Miss Smytho ana Miss Tzschuck served Ices, which, with tho confections, corresponded to tho color of the room. During the entire afternoon a stringed orchestra played In the library nnd between 3 and t! o'clock nbotit 300 women were received. Mrs. Will II. Wood nnd Mrs. II. L. Whit ney gave nn Indian party, on Friday even ing, to the members of tho Hawthorn club, which wns equally novel and enjoyable. The home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Wood, 1323 South Thirtieth avenue, wns divested of Its usual decoration and furnishings and for them was substituted everything sug gestive of lndlnn camps and life. Indian pictures hung on the walls and relics and trophies were scnttcred through the rooms. In the rear parlor a fully equipped tcpeo was erected and a substitution of Navajo blankets for the portlcra nnd Navajo rugs on tho floor completed the effect. Tho guests were all In Indian costume, those of several of the men having belonged to famous chiefs. Tho gay colored blankets, beads and ornaments made n fantastic company of the ten couples present nnd the Indian games furnished much merri ment. Jlnt nielli unit WltprenlMiut. Mr. Arthur Cooloy Is back from Chi cago. Mrs. It. II. Davles Has returned from Chi cago. , tr Knnnrnr fllla Vi;i ml frnltl ' Chicago. Mr. Henry Clark spent " Inst week hi Chicago. Miss Mabel Stephens has returned from St. Joseph, MIsb Grace Adams Is In Kansas City visiting friends. Mr, nnd Mrs. Charles Uoss went to Chi cago on Tuesday. Mrs. Ida Murray has gone to Crestou, In., to visit her son. Mr. C. II. Pickens has returned from nn extended western trip. Mrs. George Tlldcn spent last week nt Colon, Neb., with her mother. Miss Nannie Carlton has returned from a visit with friends In Chicago. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. 1). Klpllnger will leave this week for tho Pacific coast. Mrs. D. II. Goodrich and Miss Goodrich aro spending a fortnight In Chicago. Mrs. K. II. Wood arrived homo Satur day from n week's visit An Chicago. Mrs. II. L. Vortertlcld Is at homo from a visit with friends In Kansas City. Mrs. Edward C. McShanc mid Miss Me Shane returned from Chicago Inst week. Mr. and Mrs. David Hnrris and children have' gone to Topeka, Kan., for a brief stay. , Mrs. Melklc returned on Wednesday from the east, where she has been visiting her daughters. Mrs. Arthur H. Smith roturned on Mon day from tho south, where she has spent some time. Mrs. C. E. Yost nnd Mrs. D. S. llarka low huvo gone to California for n trip of several weeks. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles E. Ford and family, have returned from an extended trip to tho Pacific coast. Mrs. James T. Clark, with a party of friends, left on Tuesday for a month's trip through Callfornln. Miss Eunice Kellogg returned Tuesday from Miami, Fin., where she has spent tho lust two months. Mrs. Mercer, Mr. George Mercer and Miss Mercer leturncd on Wednesday from their trip to Honolulu, 'Mr. John Hnycs roturned from Chicago university Saturday to spend the spring vacation with his parents. Mrs. It. II. Maxwell has returned from Tennessee, whero sho was called by the Ill nets and denth of hor slBtcr. Mrs, S. Lovo Kclley left on Thursday for Mexico City, where sho will remain with her sister, Mrs. Cooley, until May. Mrs, Kathcrlno Stnccy and daughter. Miss Helen, went to New York on Tues day to remain until the middle of May. Mrs. J. V. Lytic and Miss Emma Lytlo will return on Tuesduy from Florida, where they have been for tho last two months. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Megcnth returned on Wed sJny from nn eastern trip, Mr. Megenth caving nt onco for Kansas City, where he Is to move his family In a few weeks. " -ccmpanlcd by her sister, Mrs. Wil li., who has been her guest for some time, Mm. W. J. Ilrontch left on Thurs day for a southern trip, which will In cludo Tennessee and Florida, returning by way of Washington nnd tho cast. WcililliiKK mill KiiKiiKPiiifiilM. Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Sheldon announce the engagement of their daughter. Lcora Jano, and Mr. William Gosnoy, the marriage to occur April !) at the homo Of their daughter, Mrs. John Gosnoy, 2100 Locust street. The mnrrlngo of Miss Dora Harding hnd Mr. Samuel 13, Rnsendurg of Milwaukee was solemnized at tho home of Mrs. L. Harding, 930 North Twenty-fourth street. Rabbi Gndlnsky officiating. Tho bride wa3 attended by Miss Bessie Feller and Mr. in Tlub morning In tho pnrlors of tho Keeley Insti tute. Mrs. II. II. Dutcher of Minneapolis, who organized tho work In Omaha about two munths ago, presided at the meeting In tho absence of the president," .Mrs. P. H. Allen, Jr., who has tendered her resignation, nn she left the city Friday. As tho mem bership of the league wns not largely repre sented, the election of n new president was deferred until another meeting. There were reports from tho various committees. Tho regular business session of tho Omnln Equality club will be held In the banquet room of tho Paxton hotel on Tuesday after noon nt 3 o'clock, Tho proposed amend ments to the constitution will bo considered. The week past hns brought a Ilbcrul re ward to tho efforts of the club women of Nebraska In the passago of tho library com mission bill nnd tho compulsory education bill, tho hucccbs of both of which nre largely due to their work, Hy the creation of a leg Islatlvo committee of the Slato Federation next year, tho women will bo prepared to bring matters beforo tho next legislature with better prospect for success and much less difficulty to themselves. Thcro will bo n meeting of tho Ladles' Aid society of Westminster Presbyterian church nt 2:30 o'clock next Friday after noon nt the homo of Mrs. A. T. Sldwell. 2017 Muson street, Tho annual t lection of officers will occur and nil members aro icquested to bo present. Tho Altar guild of Trinity cathedral held a snlo of its Lenten work at Gardner Memorial house on Saturday afternoon. Tho snlo wns entirely consistent with the Lenten season nud proved successful. There will be n meeting of the Woman's Christian association nt 10 o'clock next Tuesdny morning In the parlors of tho Young Men's Christian association. A full attendance Is desired. Thcro will be meeting of the Woman's Keeley Rescue league at 10,30 o'clock next David Harding ncted as bet man, while the Misses Silvia and Sarah Cohen preceded the party ns flower girls, A wedding sup per wns served nfter the ceremony nnd the evening was spent moi enjoyably. Mr. nnd Mrs. Rosenberg left later for Kansas City nnd from there will go to Milwaukee, where they will make their home. (Mil of TfMvn lltipnin. Mrs. C. S. Culllngham has as her guest Miss Mathlas of Chicago. Mr. r.nd Mrs. William Paxton were In the city for a few days Inst week. Miss Henrietta Farrell of Lincoln spent last week with friends In tho city. Mr, Carl Helnrlch of Chicago university Is tho guest of Mr. Gcorgo Hamilton. Mr. anO Mrs. Arthur Pinto have Mr. nnd Mrs. H. a. Fisher nnd Miss Fisher ns their guests. Miss Ellen Turner of Wilmington, Del., Is visiting her brother, Mr. W. W. Turner of this city. Mrs. Harry L. Field, who has been Mrs. Warren O. Rogers' guest, has roturned to her home In Chicago. Mr. John C. Sorcnson of Dnvonport. In., was In tho city last week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sarenson. Miss Mnrgaret Clnrey of Storm Lake, la., Is visiting her cousin, James P. Clarey of 2432 South Twentieth street. Mrs. Uertha E. Collins, while enroute for California last week, spont Thursdny and I'Hday v.ith friends In Omaha. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. F. Iloyuton of Crcston, In., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 11. L. Whitney tho early part of lant week. Mr. and Mrs. TrotTord Huteson, who hnv been vlBltlng Mr. J. D. Huteson during the last week, have returned to their home In lloston. Miss Antoinette Sherwood, who has spent somo time visiting Omaha nnd Lincoln friends, left Inst week for her homo In Southport, Mass, Mrs. William Metzgnr and little son of Denver wcro guests of her father, Mr. J. R. Manchester, for two days Inst week while enrouto for Danville, lnd., whero she will attend the wedding of Mr. Metzgar's sister. Suclnl (iill-Chnt. Lieutenant G. M. Leo has been made nlde to General Merriam. A son wns born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Cartan last Saturday. Bishop nnd Mrs. Williams have taken the houso nt 1057 Park avenue. The Eldcen club will meet with Miss Agnes Weller on Thursdny. Mrs. H. O. Frederick will give a dancing party for her sou on April C. Mrs. Harry Weller will be hostess at next week's meeting of the Luncheon club. The next N. O. R. party will be given Monday evening, April , at Thurston Rifles' armory. Dr. James S. Goetz of Cincinnati will spend severnl days with his parents In this city In April. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P. Harford and family aro now located In their new home at 1330 Georgia nvenue. Miss Marian MncNamara Is dangerously lit at St. Joseph's hospital. Sho Is tho daughter of James MacNamara. Mrs. Fred W. Clarke will give the Mist of her afternoons at home on Thursday at her residence, 2022 Webster street. Immediately upou her return from Cali fornia last week Mrs. Charles E. Ford was called cast by the serious Illness of her father. Tho South Side Whist club will be en tertained by Mrs. John C. Rend at her residence. C23 South Nineteenth street, Tuesday afternoon. General Lee and Miss Anna Lee will leave tho city tomorrow for Arizona, whore they will Join Mrs. Lee and Miss Lee, nnd Inter will probably make their home In Virginia. During their brief residence In Omaha Gen eral Lee nnd his family have won a wide circle of friends, who will regret their de parture. Mrs. It. H. D.nies has Just Received 300 very swell patterns for Easter trndo. Eureka Parlors, nalr dressing, manicur ing, shoo polishing. 220 S. 17th. Deo bldg. Mrs. R. H. Davics has Just received 500 very swell patterns for Easter trade. OMAHA St ill HIIS. Hl'llNOII. G. W. Fox left Friday evening for a few days. Mr. Patrick has started building a new houso In the south part of town. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Qulnn hnvo moved Into their new home on South avenue. The third of tho new club hoiiBe resi dences near the Country club Is being built. The pupils of tho Methodist Sunday school will glvo Easter dny exercises In the church. Services will be held today nt tho Meth odist Episcopal church at 11 o'clock by thu pastor, Rev. Mr. Marklcy. The members of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows lodgo celebrated tho eighty second anniversary of the establishment of the order Thursday night at tho Hent-on Independent Order of Odd Fellows.' hall. A and Wednesday morning In tho parlors of tho Keeley lustltuto for the purpose of con sidering cases that hnvo been Investigated. As (hero aro a number of other Important matters to bo adjusted a full attendance is requested. The closing meeting of the Unity club for the yPar was held last Friday evening nt the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. C. Dcldcn. Ilnrry Fischer read a review of Dernhelm s "Hlstorlscho Methods" from the original, which evidenced thorough and exhaustive work In I. preparation and wan greatly appreciated by thoso present. The annual reports of tho secretary and tbe treasurer wero read and adopted, after which offlcerH wcro elected for the ensuing year. C. 3. Lobluglcr, having declined re-olcctlon, Mies Stebblns, tho second vice president, was' unanimously elected president. Miss Steb blns also declined to serve. MIhh Wallace) was elected. Tho remaining officers were chosen ns follows: First vice president, it. O, Patterson, second vlco president. Nathan llernsteln; iierretnry. Miss Ellen Rooney; treasurer, Harry Flsrher. Tho Dundee Woman's club met last ThuiHday nt tho home of Mrs. Jamca W Hamilton, who wns tho appointed leader for tho day. The reign of Queen Eliza beth, continued, wns the subject under consideration and papers descriptive of Elizabeth and of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotls, was followed by a dlaloguo from Schiller's drama, "Mario Stuart," In which n war of words between the two qiieenn was well rendered by MesdamcH Marshall and Johnston, Mrs, Johnston also read a poem lu tho person of Queen Eliznboth, by Lord Ilulwer Lytton, and Mrs. Marshall gave an extract from Oliver Gnldsmlth'u nccount of, the execution of Mary. Mrs, Hamilton told of the rlso of (ho Puritans, followed by a reading from Longfellow's "Miles Standlsh," In which Mrs. Leavltt took tho part of tho Puritan maiden, Priscilla, and then n brief sketch of Eng land's alliance with the Dutch ropuhllr was given, Mrs Pyke reading from Mot ley's "Rlso nnd Fdli of tbe Dutch lie pullc." large number from here and Omaha at tended. There will be n meeting of the people at the town hall Wcdnesdny night, April fl, to elect two trustees of the town board. Miss Pearl Lowo gave a party to her friends of Ilcnson nnd Omaha Thursday night In honor of her birthday nnnlverrnry. Tho Ladles' Aid society met nt the home of Mrs. George Hnwklns Thursday nftcrnoon. There will be no meeting for two weeks, "Sunlight: or, the Diamond Ring," will be given by the llenson Dramatic club In the town hall, Friday nnd Saturday even ings, April 12 nnd 13. Miss Pearl Kelly, nn Instructor of the Peru Normal, spent hor vacation witli her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Kelly, In llenson and returned to Peru Tuesday. I'Moiriier. F. S. Tucker, who has been ill for ten dnys, Is better. L A. Taylor spent Sundny at homo with his family. Mrs. William Douldln, Mrs. G. J. Hunt's mother, Is very ill. Carl Uonderson spent Siinday In Omaha, visiting his parents and friends. Will Crosby wns sent to Emcnou Wednesday ns telegraph operator. Captain Reynolds Is able to be out after being kept to the house several days. Miss May Walker went to Coffmnn, Neb., Saturday to spend a week visiting friends. I". L. Stoltenburg of Calhoun visited with relatives and friends hero Wednesday and Thursday. Miss Irene Uonderson Is spending a week's vacation with her sister, Mrs. J. Weber, Jr. Fred Davis, Jr., went to lllalr Saturday morning, whero he will be employed during tho summer. The Ladles' guild of Si. Mark's church met at tho homo of Mm. C. V. Fouko Wednesday afternoon. lllshop Worthlngton will make his-, an nual visitation to St. Murk's Episcopal church, April 3, und will confirm n class. Evangelist Taylor ended his series of meetings nt tho Presbyterian church Sat urday night, which have been held three weeks. llunilPL. Tho Dundee school bad Its Easter vaca tion last week. . Mm. Fuller, mother of Airs. W. S. Curtis, loft last week for her home In Fullerton, Neb. Miss Margaret Uarr gavo a small ken slngton for some of tho Duudeo women Filday afternoon. Wcdnesdny the Round Dozen Social club met with Mrs. Noah Perry. The chief fea ture of (he afternoon was the telling, by each ono present, of nn original or bor rowed niory, Mrs. Euclid Martin of Omaha winning the prize, n Inrgc bunch of beauti ful Jonquils. Tho meeting of the Duudeo Woman's club, postponed from last week, took place Thuisday nt the homo of Mrs. James W. Hamilton, who acted as leader. The pro gram consisted of papers and readings from celebrated works on tho reign of Queen Elizabeth, a dialogue from Schiller's "Marie Stuart," representing an encounter between the two queens, being rendered by Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Johnston. Itt iiMny I'otvtlrr llrinitn HHIrf. Testimonials from people you know right here nt home. Read this: A. Mayer Co., Omaha: My daughter used that small box of Rc-No-May foot powder purchased of you and with five application her feet wero entirely cured. Sho can now wear any shoe with comfort some thing she has not been able to do for the last two years. During that time she tried many preparations, but all failed to glvo relief until she used Re-No-Mny foot pow der. Yours truly, HUGO MELCHIOR, 1113 Farnam St. Mrs. It. H. Davics has Just received 500 very swell patterns for Easter trade. MEETING OF CORNELL MEN Alumni Anhoi-IiiIIoii HiiIiIh I'leiisiuit .oflnl MchnIiiii iiiul TrmiNni't 11 I, Kill IIiinIuon. The unnual meeting of the Nebraska Cornell Alumni association, held Inst night at tho Ilcnshaw, was tho occasion of a pleasant reunion. Among those present were: Alfred Millard, Charles L. Saunders, Frnnk Irvine, Arthur C. Wakeley, Charles Young, John W. Uattln, John W. Towic, Jpmcs Richardson, Jr., Herbert Gannett, Harry S. Robb and C. C. Roscwnter. It was decided to order copies of thu Cornell Alumni News sent to the principal high schools and educational institutions of Nebraska and of Lead nnd Deadwood, S. I). An adjourned meeting of tho asso ciation will be hold soon after May 1 to complete arrangements for tho annual ban quet to bo held In Lincoln nbout Juno 1. Theso officers were elected; Arthur C. Wakeley. president; J. W. Uattln, secre tary nnd treasurer; John W. Towic, alumni correspondent. I. lulled Four In One. When you "buy n skirt or a suit or a Jacket consider first, fit; second, style; third, mnterlnl 'nnd trimmings; fourth, whore you can get tho best for tho least money. You can get all of theso nt Max Morris, tho ladles' and gent's tailor, 1110 Farnam street. F. L. King, physician nnd surgeon, Miss Fnyctto Cole, D, O.. osteopaths, S32 N. Y. Llfo Did. Special attention to chronic cases. MICHIGAN ALUMNI MEETING l'lrxt Mi'0 Timiinl n I.iichI Or Kniilriitlini . of I iilvi-rnlly (irnilnnli'H. Twenty graduates of tho University of Michigan met at thu Commercial club yes terday afternoon to tnko thu initial steps toward organizing n local alumni associa tion. C. E. Yost was chairman of the meet ing ond on motion of Judgo 1). M. Vlnson halcr a committee of five was appointed to call upon the resident graduates of the university and Interest them In tho organ ization, Tho eonimlttoo Is A. W. Jeffries, (iiarles G. McDonald. A. G. Elllek, Frank Crawford nnd T. tflcglor, nnd will endeavor In Induce all local graduates of Michigan to attend the next meeting at tho Commer cial 1 1'ib nt I o'clock Saturday afternoon. FAIR CLOSES WITH SUCCESS Temple luriifl I'uiiil Will He l,nrucl Im-ri'iiNpil hy lleerlplx ill .Mr ! I ii Hull, The Temple Israel fair closed lust night at Metropolitan hall nfter a successful wnek. The net proreeds will bo largo but the treasurer was unable to make nn esti mate last night. Thcro was no regular progrnm fur tho closing night and the largo crowd was content with dancing. All nr--tlclcs remaining unsold In the various booths wero auctioned from tho stngo ami brought good prices. Vlortnllt)' StnllNlifN. The following death and births wele ie. ported to tlm city henltli conimlrsloner for ilie twenty-four hours ending itt noon Sat- "'neat'lm Mrs. Kllzahith Watson, Douglas County lioHpltnl, used U Mary J Hall. 2S1D Dewey nvenue. .iged W Mabel Jiirohson, S14 HrWtol, aticd 2 months, Floyd Prey. 2(2$ Dccatui, atcd 3, Hamilton Martin, 312 Lowe Brothers' nip uiaiuiuiu rdinio Are Better Than Any Other Because11" xnmiiy is in piu'h piu'kiio. Because1110 wi,ht is in each piu'kac. Because !V01'y m,m' (,f iml lei'ial tisoil is the best. Hel'ore painting call for color cards, prices. e(c, ete. For sale by Myers-Dillon Drug Co., J. H. Schmidt, llltli AMI l'AII l. M. A. Melcher, Ultli AMI . NT.H,, Ml. OMVIIA. THE 99 lnin-ai nouohAH STitrcrr. GREAT EASTER OPENING Wc nre HhowInK a very larpe line of Boleros, Klon Jnchctn, Hovers and CollnrH, In KByptlnn, Araulan, Applique, In colors white, hlnck. cream. Kcrue, Plnx, etc. NECKWEAR A very InrRc variety of new Neckwenr In entirely now styles Chiffon nnd Chenlllo Hons, from $1.00 up to the, hest. Ilcautltul line of plain and fancy Itlhbonfl, Including Satin Taffetas lu all shades. Special 1-Inch double face Satin Hibbon nt L'oc a yard. A InrRe variety of late style Holts. Special sale of Machlno Torchon I.nccs nnd Insertions, " to t Inches wide nny width, fie a yard. f r S '! 0 'i '"v '5)v ? a$ter ? Bonnets for Men tit i BLACK THE $2.50 HATTER .;. Every hat in the housed $2.50 no more, no less. '.. f An elegant line of s I Easter Neckwear i and Men's Furnishings. NEW STORE. ji I . NEW STOCK. J I 107 S. 16th., 0pp. Ilaydens Coronation -1 Anniversary. The "ONYX (jrKKN" will on Saturday, ApH 0th. Klvo an "UASTKIl RKCBI'TION" In honor of the firm anniversary of her roronatloii ns "ONYX Ql'KKN" and empress by rlKht of quality nnd deeds of nil SODA KOl'NTAINS. Tho opening ut her royal season of 1001 will occur nt Sherman & Me Connell UriiK Co.'s store, corner ICth nnd UodRo streets, (Saturday. April iith. North Thlrty-eiKhtli, nscd 70; Krni"t Kund. sen. J207 llllldctte. uueil 'Si. Hlltlis -Allit-rt Srhullz, 1211 South Clehtl). boy, Anton OMrnnli, It'l .South Twelfth, buy; Jhiiu'k t'linad'-e Sil'i Hoiitli Twelfth, bov, S. Sadll. Ji South Seventh, bo .1 C Weeth, .1701 North KlKllteei.tll lm ,l"ii Jiuliu, 1JM Suut'l Ii'teentll KtrJ .). n) Net sen. 120 Walnut, bin. I., L,ubuT.ti, iUi South Thirteenth, strl. Because1110 "f',t"rpM M know how to make jooil paint, and are not unwill ing to put full value in eaeli package. Because u-(,Hl10 s(,m,st MWWMM" tests have shown that it gives the best results. Ullli AMI VI MI.MJ .ST.. Midland Glass & Paint Co., I ins In I mi ll.ll.i: VI'. CENT STORE" Sale of Novelties V'e have prepared for your inspection the greatest, line of novelties we have ever showr. Viie assort inent includes Chicks, Rabbits, Cats, Pigs, Dogs, and many other novmlties in all shapen and styles. Also i fuil line of EASTER CARDS Jc to 50c ench. Uring the children Monday. i'Ji MRS- J. BENSON For Easter Our Kid Ulove stock is full of new and pretty shades and styles of Easter, dressed or undressed, light or heavy weight, price $1.00, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 m 1 y'f TRADE HAHK RCO IBTCI1ED, Shoe Store Fashion Has Stamped Sorosis as the Proper Shoe for Easter, No mutter how stylish a woman's ttlre may he, sho is licit well dressed without u (.air of thesn Inimltiildo mid uiuivalloit shorn Snrnsls Is u smait, dainty, stylish tdmo and Just In line with Iho elegant np pare! helm; worn this season. No mailer what slinpo or leather, Sorosis shoes are$3..'i0 . Imvo you seen Iho modern women's Minn store yet? Sorosis Shoe Store, 2011 So. 15th Street. I RANK WILCOX. MuiiiiKcr. i ANY ONE CAN EASILY EARNZ,Vfih ... Iny ( nalr, it lat of Hire ; Auatrlun llitwl.plntri Vairt iMuimlript llojal rrlor Curuin. nefl ilctlKn, lor Mil. In.-our Aluminum TliliuMrt. Wt OSK'T ASK A CCHT. ..Kvfry ition nhiwfrlnK thlt wlrrrluomrnl, vvha will irll'milj &i Tl.iniWi will rfelff onriteneiqut olfer utn lli1oiiiu l'ptiolilicl MoirU ( Imfr. and u tet or Hirer, tie-ririinn, AmtrUn luiil lalnl'ii m.i, unit two Klm nl lloittl Jjvco wi le. I' i three ur our ha!i ( urlaim, uiu'al lte'. ' T nimble i at& rem em-h. fj-ii !, ll'frai ft IK nirtt uvt.vuaa .1- . '. . I '2 XJf-0UARAKNI Dial If jui i oinpl. Mm' if,,.'" .' "f."''1,1 V1"', t." ,' U-e'llnee hi lh fur. itm mi ' ' l"Tf" mo' - VJi'Ji l'tidoii atnl (oiiiforlatilf Clmlr, ur ileof m is fo.iV-oLiu.m;':,, y.iWi.:. vAT. '"' byfieiiilillo,piiriM. 'fhi ioaririni. Any nenAier will Ml j,",, i,,t j reliable. Order !Hly nnd net iii." " m tiki. TIIC DR. AIIHOTT CHEMICAL CO., Upt. 477 ' I Ko. 0 AYl 3d atmt, New vw Cltf.