THE OMAHA DAILY IIEJ3: SKXDAV, MAUCH ill, 1001. Telephono C$1. -Y W ' Lorraine J fabrics 108-Inch Wo wish to cnlli Boblnet your attention, that wo carry the 108 iiiBh bobinot for Uattenberg embroidery work. It I ft extra heavy nnd especially adapted for thin purpose, 108 ins. wide at $1,00 per ynrjl. CURTAIN SWISSES tn large variety, 3G Inches wide, at 10c. 12Vjt'. lo per yard; 43 Inches wide at 2.1c per yard. Fishnet for sash ami long I'liUaltifl; this fabric Is well known for Its durability nnd gives satisfaction wherever used. K Inches wide at 35c and -10c per yard. Hosiery t Various grades of hosiery in light medium or heavy weight and better values than ever We are prepared to supply ovary wanted kind as our assortment is larger, than auy previous eeaeon. New shades In fancy open vorl hose, dotted, striped nud plain, at S3c nnd 50c. Dlack lisle hoso in lace or fancy drop stitch at 25c, 35c and 50c. Wo also carry a eoinplotc lino of plain black hose, which we know nre ex cellent values for the money, at 25c. Sou and 50c. Notions Wire collar forms, made of ciJllr w!ro nt. , lowing perfect ventila tion for lace or chiffon col lars, or can be used as a sup port for ribbons. They are holf-adjustlng, white and black, 15c each. Wo also have the perfection collar forms, made of lightweight' material, shaped and lined, ready for use; 13c each, 2 for 23c. bis oft-declared determination to push thU pet measure to tho end. Johnson threw up his hnndB and started on n run for the door, picking up the lobbyist representing the street car company as a protector as ho sped through the corridor. Not being able to bring Johnson to the scratch tho laughing membeni called, one by one, on thcRC who as a committee had visited tho stato Institution at Omaha to express their views on the necessity of owl can service In tho metropolis fos the benefit of so journers from the country Intent on seeing tho sights. Proarriim of the l'il"lonl(s. I A populist standing In tho very front ranks of tho party councils outlines tlnv policy they propose to pursue In theso words; "Wo fuslonlsts may be relied on to mako th,e best of the republican choice of sen ators. Wo proposo to begin right away and keep hammering on tho proposition that the republicans havo simply carried out the edicts of tho railroad bosses. "You say It would not mako any differ ent who was elected. Well, perhaps not, but a different selection might not have given us such plausible support for our assertions. Wo havo to mako our cam paign an anti-corporation light, ns that offers tho only chance for us to get back Into power. I believe, however, that If we make n good nomination for supremo Judge next fall and settle tho trying ques tion of fusion satisfactorily, wo will be Dyspepsia Is difficult digestion, duo to a weakened condition of the stomach and its inability to properly churn the food; or to unhealthy condition of tho gastrio juico, too much or too little ncid, too much Or too little pepsin. Hood's Sarsaparilla relieves all tho distressing symptoms of dys pepsia because it promotes the mus cular action of tho stomach and in testines, aids nature in tho manu , facturo of her own digestivo secre tions, which are far better than any artificial pepsin, unlocks tho bowels, stimulates the kidneys and tones up their mucous membranes. So prompt Is its offect in many cases that it seems to have almost a magio touch, Begin to take it NOW. Suffered Everything-" I was trou bled with dyspepsia, suffered everything but death, could not eat without terrible distress. Since taking Hood's Sarsapurllla I eat heartily and I am well," Mrs, Kuokii McsriiY, Danbury. Conn. . Eat Three Times Day-" Hood's Sarsaparllla has cured me of dyspepsia and I never felt better. Can eat three good meals every day." l'atn Pokulkk, 437 tiouth Pennu St., Indianapolis, Ind. HOOD'S Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druceWts, Prepared only , C. I. 11001) & CO., Lowell, .Mai. I There is n o t the slightest ex- ggeration in saying that in texture, novelty and dainty fresh ness, Lorraine goods sur naBS an v thine else that is shown on the wash goods couuters. It would pay you, wo believe, to make a special trip to our store to see tho henutlful lines of these fabrics: Lorraine Egyptian Tissues, Lorraine embroidered. I'lneapplo Tissues. Lorraine Thread Lace Tissues. Lorraine St. Gall Tissues. Lorraine Hntln Strlpo Tissues. Lorrnlnc Swiss Novelties. I.orrnlnc Zephyr Hlnghams. Lorraine Satin Stripe Madras. Our Suits, Our Jackets Out dress skirts and waists are unusu ally pretty this season Satur day we received some new styles in black silk tallota-at $10.00 and $10.50. We show some very exclusive styles In handsome dress skirts, from $12.00 to $18.00. Most all' tho pretty walking skirts sold In Omaha come from our store; our prices are $8.50 to $12.00. Tho week before Master will be a busy oijo In our clonk dept. Wo advise an early selection, to avoid any disap pointment later. WE CLOUD fATUKDAYt AT P. M. . AGKNTS TOJl POITEB KID GLOVES AND BIcCAI.IS PATTKH7I9. Thompson, Beldeh sXq. T. M. C. A. BUILDING, COB. 10TH AND DOUGLAS STK. able to come out on top onco again. "Who will tho nominee be? That Is something no one can tell, or even guesH. Our lenders will havo to gut together and discuss all phases of the situation from the brondest nnd most 'practical standpoint. "So far as I am concerned, I am glnd the senatorial contest has been settled by tho remihllrnnK themselves. As you dotlbtlcsi know, thero were mnny among us who were hoping and figuring on some ueni by which a combination could be formed between fuslonlsts and .republicans, by which one fusion senator would be elected. I am reliably told Senator Allen cherished that Idea up to the very end and Mr. Hitchcock and Mr. Thompson kept up a keen competition' for fusion support In the cxpeotntlon that nu emergency might nrinc in which thoy could turn It to account. With senatorial ambitions quolchcd, at least for four years, tho fuslonlsts will havo to faco the stubborn fact that they re n minority party and try to devlso means to recover lost ground." ' SENATE BUSY MAKING LAWS Win till ii Sctmlnn MnrUetl liy Mnch II im- InrNH mill Home Show of Warmth. LINCOLN. March 30. (Special.) In tho senato this has been a day of hard work and disorder. The rush Incident to the close of tho session resulted In many wrangles during tho day, but taken as n whole the duy has been a fruitful ono so .... ..nliml ik,mI la onnnnrtiod ' I u I a utiuui m vum v. i v.. Tho members have been preparing for their denarturo over since Thursday, the dato sot for adjournment, and as a result both the senato and hnuso chambers pre sent nn appearance similar to a campaign headquarters Just ner election, Tho; floors nre a mass of papers, public docu mcnta and other refuse from the deskB of the members. Everything of any valuo. whatever, from a ponholder to a cuspidor or waste basket, is rapidly disappearing, finding tho way In Homo mysterious man- nor to the huge valises being pncKeH up for shipment to tho homes of tho various members. Ink wells, paste pots, rulers and other nrtlcles which might bo loose nro being gathered In by members who deslro souvenirs of tho session which Is slowly hut surely drawing to a close. About the only thing left about the legis lative halls or committee rooms is tho paper on the wall nnd stationary furni ture. Tho committee on printing sent up a report" recommending that Secretary Me Kctson and Assistant Secretary Klmo be Instructed to compile tho senate Journal, for which they are to rccetvo $1,100. Kill Off Mnny III I In. Just before tho close of the morning ces sion a motion made by 0weii3 to Indefinitely postpono all bills not advanced to third reading or on tho sitting committee's tlje was adopted. Among tho bills sent to tho boneyard by this action Is the Ollls bill, providing for u 10 per cent reduc tion In freight rates. This bill had been put ou the sifting commltteo tile, but had never been reported, nud It was taken on tho file and not Included In tho final Hat reported back. An effort was made to have this bill advanced, but Hansom had a number of the fuslonlsts lined up igalust it, and the effort was of no avail. Ilouso roll 160, the house ballot law, was advanced to third reading. Tho bl appropriating Ihe sum of $35,000 for the purchase of suitable grounds for a permanent state fair was paused by the senate this afternoon by n vote of nineteen to blx. The bill was discussed In commlt tfo of the whole this forenoon and was bitterly attacked by Senators Young, The Best Stock best business best vstore best help that we ever had for Easter selling, Women's Neckwear With your new .Kaster gown, you shouTd have one of the latest style scarfs which we arts showing Thoy are about 85 inches long, and L'-l inches wide. Mado of gauze silk, printed In beautiful colorings nnd designs. I'rlee, $2.2.) ench. Windsors In plain colors, nlso figured, 50c each. Stocks and corded collars and ties In every wanted slade, ."Oc, 75c and $1.00 each. .Narrow soft turnover collars In hem stitched, embroidered nnd real lace, prices 25r, 40c, 50e, 75c. $1.00, up to $3.50 each, Neck ribbons of satin taffeta In hand some colorings; n henutlful soft lus tra! ribbon, nil widths, fine New Black Goods for Spring I 1!-1 values in seasonable -i .1 j unu u usi ru ble dress materials. Ilclng sure of tho goods we offer we show them ln'good honest daylight a hero choosing U both safe nnd satis fying. NEW SATIN FINISHED PRUNELLA Henutlful, rich satin luster, a great favor I to this season, $1.00, $1.23, $1.."0, $1.75, splendid Vluo at $1.00. NEW SILK AND WOOL CREPE UK CHINE There Is n wonderful showing of the new soft clinging fabrics, double widths, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50; splendid value in all wool crepe, do chine nt $1.00 a yard. NEW SATIN FINISHED VENETIANS A fabric much In demand this season, for separate hklrta or full s"ultB,4f0c, $1.00, $1.25. $1.50, $2.00. KERSEY SUITINOS-For shirt skirts, golfing, bicycling, outing or traveling, good weight, requires no lining, beau tiful color. $1.23, $1.30, $1.75. Special value tn a 50-lueh Kersey $1.23. at Crounse. Oleson, Martin and others, who referred to 1' ns tho most vicious legisla tion which has yet come before tho senate. It was argued that Lincoln had agreed to furnish tho grounds free of ehnrge and that this appropriation of $35,000 was but tho entering wodgo to tho opening of an avenue which would lead to the depletion of tho 'state treasury. The bill was cham pioned by O'Neill. Allen, Hansom nnd othcrn and was passed, tho entire fusion forces voting for It. The voto follows; Yeas- Campbell. Cummins, Edgar. Krumbneh, I.lddell, I.ymnn, Mt'Cn rgur, Nays Arends, Crounse, Absent Allen, Miller. O'Neill, Owens, I'nsehnl, I'ltnoy, Hansom, Jtelltlllg, Steele, Trompon. Vim Hosklrk, AVober. .lcgler-19. Currlc, Johnson, Oleson. Young G. Herlet, Harlan, Newell. V6olst'lm-6. Huiurlge, Oilier IIIIU. I'fiNneil. House roll 15, by Crockett, providing that county treasurers shnll bo ex-oflicio county collectors of all taxes, within tholr re specthe counties. House roll 170, by Lnne, providing for tho euro and medical treatment of con victs who may become Insane while con fined In tho penitentiary. Hotiso roll 72, by Loomls, providing for the addition to cities or towna ot adjoin ing lands. House roll 210, providing for the re Imburecmtnt of the Oerman Lutheran church In tho sum of $500, the amount paid by said church for Its lot In Lincoln, Ilouso roll 2.1, by Hnthorn, for tho relief of Hilbsoll F. Looml. Ilouso roll 12D, by Anderson, changing tho tianics of the Stato Institute for thu Blind nt Nebraska City and tho Institute for the Deaf and Dumb nt Omaha. Ilouso roll 304, by Hlbbert, providing for n stato exhibit of tho agricultural. In dustrial and educational resources of tho state at tho I'nnamerlcnn exposition to be held In tho city of Hulfnlo, N. Y in tho year 1001, nnd to provide for tho appoint ment by tho governor of a commissioner, who shall havo charge of said state ex hibit. The voto ou tho bill failed to show enough ayes to carry It and n call of thrt hoube was demanded. Tho vote was 23 to 7, enough to carry It with the emergency clause. House roll 317, by Loomls. relating to tho manner of drawing Jutors. Keel In Contest Cnncs. House roll 378, by Kellers, providing that attorneys representing members of the leg islature against whom contests of election have been Instituted ahull In no caso r cclvo more than $100 for such services for each member represented; provided, that tho attornoy or attornoys for con K Blunts who ure not successful In unseat ing tho Incumbent possessing nn election c'ertlllcato ahall not bo allowed nuy fcis more than actual expenses. IIoubo roll 131, by Humphrey, relating to decedents, Houso roll 2C2, relating to treasurers' fees. The hill provides: Knch county treasurer shnll receive for his services the tollowing fees: On all moneys collected by him for each ilscnl year under, 10 per con i j for till sums over $6,eOO and under $10,000, 4 per cei)t; on nil sums over tiu,i, 2 per cent. On nil sums collected perruntngo ahull be allowed but once anil In computing tho union ill col lected for the purposo of charging per centage nil Hunm, from whatever fund de. rived, shnll be Included together, except the school fui'd. The treusurer shall tin p'ald In the same pro rata from the respective funds of the state collected by him. whether the HHine be In money or stale warrants. All fees on collections of county funds shall be deducted from the county general fund. On school moneys by litrn collected lie shall receive a commission of but 1 per cent and VJlVIt All WV f , Her, March, 31, 1901. Corsets The lit tle girl was wise in her (.generation who pray o a, "un, Lord, make u s stylish!" But the corset and one's resolution have much to. do with it, and why should not woman, who worries over a llower to im prove its bloom and beauty. Why shouldn't woman be as Bymetrlcal and graceful as trying will mnko her. Ono of tho strong helps Is W. 11. "erect form" corset. It Is straight front, but now very high, makes one long from tho umlcrchtn to the bust line. Tho corset naturally gives ono n military stnnd and that helps the hips. W, 11, erect form corsets made of lintlstc;, price, $2.00 ench. Men's Neck Wear Thero's an about our styles and patterns which in sures good dresEers of latest and getting only the choicest styles. Our Easter lines arc made up of the choicest of silks, In the latest shapes. Special values at COc each. Easter The glove Gloves still be longs t o the list of articles that follow fash ion. Our depart ment is radiant with color a n d quality. Two well known makes aie here repre scntcd, nnmely, Foster and Trefoussc. (hits Insuring you of getting only the choicest of kid skins. All the latest - colorings, as well, ns black and whites Another glove, for which we have tho acencv. is the "Marvel" washnblo glove, to clean them wash th'om with soap and water. New shades of brown, modes, pearl; also black, at $2.00 per jiiilr.' Kayscr'patq'nt finger tTppVd silk gloves In black, gray, mode and white, 73c and $1.00 jicr pair. (n nil cases where persons outside of tho stntc apply to the treasurer by letter to pay taxes the treasurer Is authorized to charge a fee of $1 for each tux receipt by him sent tn such person. ' House roll 223, by Hawxby, giving county suncrlntendcnta nowcr to chango bound aries ol .school districts when petitions for uuh change have been signed by one third of the legal votfrs.. Ilouso roll CI, by Fowler, providing for tho free, nttcnilance nt public high schools of non-resident pupils. Ilouso roll 100, by Htockwcll, relating to mutual Insurance companies. .rw .Stnle Hoard. House roll 177, by Lane, establishing a stato board of charities and corrections, defining its duties and making an op proproton therefor. Ilouso roll 436, by Lane, providing for tho payment of salaries of the officers of tho stntc government, including various state Institutions. House roll 364, by Hawxby, an act to tax gifts, legacies and Inheritances in ccr tain cases and to provldo for tho col lection thereof. Houso roll 322, by Ilelsner, providing for the proportional distribution of all funds heretofore paid Into the treasury of any county for the maintenance of free high schools for non-resident pupils, among tho schools which have maintained such high bchools. Houso roll 477, by Lane, making np proprlatlons for tho current expenses of the state government and miscellaneous items. House roll 47R, by Wilcox, making ap. proprlatlons for tho payment of miscel laneous Items of Indebtedness owing by tho Btato of Nebraska. Houso roll 460, tho ballot law prepared FOR TIIK GRIP. You Have llrnril of Mnnj- Ilniiriliri. Did You Kvrr Tr- 'I'll I Uncf Everybody you meet on tho strecta now adays cither has Just had the grip, Is corn lug down with it or has a suro cure for It. The dlscuso has been a puzzle to physl. clans ever since Its appuurance several years ago and it is as much of a puzzlo to fay as il was then. It exhibits such u va riety of symptoms in different individuals nnd leaves such disastrous resultB after ap parent recovery, that ns yot Its prevention and cure has bafllcd medical science. However, there Is no doubt but that the grip Is catarrhal In character and the lead Ing symptom In nearly every case is in creased secretion In the head and throat, In fact the first Indications of la grippe aro those of a cold In the head, which extends to tho throat und lungs. Dr. Johnson Ames advises as the safest courso to pursue on the first appearance of grip symptoms to keep to the house for u day or two and take Stuart's Catarrh Tab lets every hour the first day and every two houib the following dny, and states that this will break up the trouble beforo It becomes deep seated, Theso catarrh tablets are antlacptlo and harmless and prevent fever and tho further development of grip germs, and ward off the ever present danger ot pneumonia. Dr. Oerild Simpson says: "I have found Stuart's Catarrh Tablets n pleasant and thoroughly reliable remedy for the grip, espcclnlly with elderly people, with whom this prevailing dlBcaso is always dangcroiiH, tho tnblets can be found at any drug store and If Ubed freely during the first few days or the attack will urcax it up. I.a grlppo Is a catarrhal affettlon, the germs aro In the air and no ono Is proof against It, but the timely uso of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets will prevent any serious results, by n committee composed of members of "ic'U parties, was passed without n dis senting vote. Ollt Hill CntiNrs TronMr. Late this evcnlne n storm of words was precipitated by an effort to havo the Ollls bill brought to life, This bill nrovldes for a rcdurtlon In the freight rates and had been killed In tho sifting committee's hands. Senntor Weber made the statement that Chairman Crounse had told him that tho bill was on the file, but Harlan, Mc Cargar and other members of the com mltteo nssertcd that it never had been on tho illc, and somo strong words wero passed. A motion to lay on tho table the motion of Weber to advance tho bill to third rending was carried, receiving the support of Hansom, Llddell nnd other fu slonlsts. Currlo moved that tho chair appoint the several conference committees, but there were objections to tho motion nnd the chair absolutely refused to appoint any such com mittees, stating that tho senate would have to select its own committees. "Tho chair desires to do rlRht, but 1 want It understood that you cannot come any short cuts on me," snld Lieutenant Qovcrnor Savage In angry tones. "Does the chair direct the rcmnrks to me7'"nskcd Senator Young, who was on the floor "I direct It to thlrty-threo senators," said tho chairman. "1 think this procedure Is nil Irregular," said Senator Currlo, addressing Senator Young. "Well, you aro no better than nnyono else," said Senator Young. Things were getting warm nnd badly mixed nnd Senntor Martin moved thn't the chair reconsider his word nnd name the committees, which ho agreed to. ('onfrreiii'r Committer .Viimeit. As a conference committee on the cur- lent expense appropriation hill the chair named Van Hosklrk, Owena nnd Hansom, nnd for tho claims bill Allen, Currlo nnd Miller. House roll 437, appropriating money for tin payment of tho National gi'ard, was passed. Shortly aftor tho senato convened tonight It resolved Itself Into a committee ot the whole for the consideration of the bill ap ornrrlntlne $15,000 for the nureliiisp of ad ditional land for tho Ileatrico institution. Newell wanted to reduce the appropriation to $6,000, which he thought sufhclcnt to buy eighty acres of land. Ou third reading the hill passed. The bill appropriating $2,000 for the pur chase of n library for tho battleship Ne braska was unanimously postponed without discussion. The bill appropriating $162,401 for rebuilding the penitentiary was post poned, there being $75,000 appropriated for this purpose in tho general appropriation bill. Tho bill requiring thnt all brick man ufactured In Nebraska be of uniform stzo wns passed. The bill providing for tho erection nnd maintenance of rural high schools was passed. Tho bill for tho pro tection of owners of stallions, Jacks and bulls was passed. II h- Continue Toiuoi-rotr. "The work of the scsslou cannot be finished before late tomorrow and possibly not beforo Monday," said Secretary Mc- KeEson at a late hour tonight, after having made a careful survey of the work ahead. "Tho senato enrolling room Is in falrl" good shape, but the house enrolling clerks are swRmpcd and onnnot possibly finish up before tomorrow night, and at a late hour at that. ' House roll 213, authorizing the county treasurer to Invest money In the sinking fund in rounty bonds, wns passed. Tho bill giving pupils who live nearer school housen In adjoining districts than to their own school tho right to attend school In adjoining districts wuh passed, House roll 204, relating to banks and providing that receivers shnll bo named from counties in which banks 'are located, was passed. Hep resentatlvc Hoyd's bill requiring alt mem bers of school boards to attend meetings called by tho county superintendent wns passed. The conference committee on claims was In session several hours tonight nnd made some radical changes In the bill, which will be reported tomorrow. The senate nt 11:40 took n recess until 0 o'clock tomorrow morning. HOUSE FAV0RSTHE BONDSMEN I'UHxrs the Hill In Hermit it Compro mise ultli the llnrllr) .Ml re lien, LINCOLN, March 30. (Special.) Imme diately after tho opening of the session In the house this morning Ollls of Valley moved to commit tho Hartley bondsmrn coivpromlso bill to the commltteo of the whole for amnndmcnts, and was defeated by a. rising vote of 15 to 12, This motion being lost tho bill was read a third time and tho roll called on its passage. Sev eral members sent up written explana tions ot their votes, but no speeches were mado cither for or against the bill. Tho yotc was 53 to 22 In favor of Its passage and tn 'detail was: 1 Yens: Armstrong, Andrews, Hecher, Heethe, Hnuller, Cain, Coffee, Cooksey, t'oppoe, Cornccr, C'rlHHoy, Kdmondson, Kowler, Frledrlch, illogly, Orell, Hamilton, Harris. Nuys: Anderson, Ilelsner, Hroderlek, lluresh, Calkins, Dnhlstrn, Dlcrs, Fellers, Hathorn, Hoam, Iluwxby, Hohwer, Hlbbert, Schlnstoek, Householder, Shellhorn, Humphrey, HmlthberKcr, Hunt, .Htockwell, Hunter, Rwaiifon, Jamison, Tanner, JnhliHOti, Tefft, Knveny, Thomssen, Laflin, Tweed, Lane, Walker, Loomls, Waring, Lowe, Warner, Mend, Wilkinson, Mlikell, Zimmerman. 01ion4 y.lmmercr 03. 1'elslgcr, Fuller, Olshwlller, Hall, Horton, .lorilon, Jnuvcnat, Murray, Utility, Ollls. Handall, Hprecher, Whltmorc, Wilcox. Mr. Speaker-22 Absent or not voting Marshall. i ,1. Meekly, Hoyd, Hrown, Crockett, KvntiH, (luwne, llnuka, Spencer, Htclnmeyor, Taylor, Chi, Vandegrlft, Wntson. Wontl-23. McCarthy, McCoy, Msndenhall, Mockett, Mullen, Hedmun, neon, Text of (he Hill. The bill was Introduced by McCnrgar and contains tho following provisions: Thnt the nttorncy general, stato treasurer nud auditor of public accounts be nnd are Jioreby authorized und empowered tn their discretion to settle nnd compromise all claims tho state may havo against any per son or corporation, or dismiss any ami all tmlts now pending In which '.'ic stnto Is plalutifT for the recovery of m..ney alleged to be due to the state of Nebraskn: Provided, 'I hat tho defendant or de fendants in every case shnll pay the costs accrued In such notion na a condition precedent, ami before such notion Is finally dismissed: Provided further, That In no settlement or compromise mado shall any liability be Impohed upon the state of Nebruskn, Hepresentatlvo Hlbbert x Introduced the following resolution, which, after a pro tracted debate, wan adopted hy a vote of 43 to 31: Whereas, We, Ihe members of this house, have heard with satisfaction of tho gallant conduct of llrlgadler General Funston In -planning nud carrying nut an expedition fraught with great privation and danger, resulting in tho capture of AKulnnldo, the notorious leader or the Insurrection against tho authority of tho L'nlled Htuteu in the Philippine Islands, therefore, be It Hesolved. That We rejoice with the whole nation over this achievement, which we trust will soon lead to the cessation of hostilities and the speedy restoration to law and order In our Island possessions. . Several amendments and substitutes to the resolutions wero submitted by fusion member), who objected o the words "planning and carrying out an expedi tion fraught wl'h great danger, resulting In thu captuio of Agulnaldo, the notorious leader of tho Insurrection against the au thority of the t'nlted States In the Phil ippine Islands, but all ot them were voted down, enough of the liberal minded anil patriotic fuslonlstH 'Joining with the re publicans to constitute a majority. of IIIIU I'ansrit. The following bills were pasted today: 8. F. W, by Haldrlge To authorize Insur mice eonijinnles to Insure fidelity of persons holding positions of public or prlvnte trust. H. F. lfi.1. by McCnrgnr To authorize the settlement, compromise or dismissal of suits now pending for the recovery of moneys alleged to be du the stete upon oMlrliil bonds and from depository banks and their bondsmen, nud especially the bondsmen of ox-Treasurer Hartley. S. F. 235, by Martin To authorize the supreme court to appoint live Judge to revise the complied statute of the state nnd suggest nny changes or modifications therein to the Twenty-eighth leglslntnre. 8. F. 42, by Hnnsom To amend tho crim inal code. Senator Llddell's bill to provide for es tablishing a free employment office In Omaha wns defeated by a vote of 35 to 20. The house adopted a motion hy Kvans, declaring thnt nil fcmnle employes In the state houso should be given ono month's vacation In the summer season with full pay. Kvans, Andrews, Whltmorc nnd Hawxby wero called on and spoke In favor of the motion. Differ on fnlar Hill. Tho committee to which was referred the senate amendments to the salaries appro priation bill submitted its report late this afternoon, recommending concurrence In nearly all of the changes mnde by the upper house. The few Items that wero not con curred In will go hick to tho senato for further action. Tho amendments to the current expenses nnd miscellaneous claims appropriation bill were referred to the Joint conference com mittees. At 5:30 the house ndjottrncd till cvcnlug. Tho conference commltteo of the two houses met lata In the afternoon nud agreed upon the changes in the salaries appropria tion bill and the report was subsequently adopted by the senato nnd house and the bill ordered enrolled. Hour Full of llltcraloit. Tho last hour of tho afternoon session was full of diversion. Members, house officials and attaches and spectators were called on for speeches. Tanner of Nance started the fun by movlug n reconsideration of the action of the house In postponing Johnson's owl car hill. The Introducer of tho measure was called on for a speech, hut for somo reason, which he failed to explain, he not only refused to respond to the call, but made hasto to leave tho room, and n special committee appointed was unnhlo to locate him, although n thor ough search through the corridors and nnte-rooms was made. Senate lelll, who Is an accomplished racontoiu, was escotted to the hall and from the speaker's desk recited the story of "Casey at the Hat." Uesldes the mem bers nnd house attaches, speeches were delivered by James Dahlman, cx-Represcu-tatfvc Joe Hums and Captain Ashby. Tho house reconvened at 8 o'clock, bjt remained "nt case" for over an hour, pend ing submission of the conference commit tee reports. After concurring in the senate amend ments to tho deficiency bill, tho houso took a recess to 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Governor Dietrich today signed eighteen bills. Among them was one by Loomls to make the warden of the alatc penitentiary the executioner of death penalties. COCHRAN KNOWS OF TILLER Chief I'oatoffler Inspector Says Omaha Police Have a Much Wnnteil .Man. WASHINGTON, March SO. Chief Post offlce Inspector Cochran received dispatches from St. Louis nnd Cincinnati today con firming the press announcement ot tho identification of a man under arrest at Oinaha, Nob., as Prentice Tiller, who has been sought by inspectors and various po llco authorities for a long time. Colonel Cochran said today thai Tiller's methods were to break into street letter boxes, secure checks in letters and manipu late them by using ernslvo. fluids, raising the amounts to ns high n limit ns ho thought tho ono on whom they were drawn would be able to pay. Tiller, the chief inspec tor says, was the originator of these opera tions, which have been carried on In vari ous cities over since Tiller was released from his last ptnltentlnry term, about ten years ago. lKXHIOS FOIl WF.JITKIIV VUTlin I 'S. War Survivor llemctnliereil lj- the (enernl fin vermiient. WASHINGTON, March 30. (Special.) Tho following pensions have been grnnted: Issue of March 14: Nebraska: Increase Casslus M. C Ah rams, Knoxville, $17. Original widows, etc, Kllzabcth W. Anderson, Lincoln, $s; (spe cial accrued March 16) Mury Cunningham, ltushville, $S; Sarah Matthews, HynnniH, $12. Wnr with Spain, Increase William Condon, Beatrice, $24. lawn: Original (special net March 16) William Onddls, Pulaski, $12. Additional Alexander Carpenter, Hancroft, $8. Supple mental Albert Orlswold, Solon, $6. Renewal (special act March 16; Ahner O. Hieketts, Fairfield. $24. Increase James W. McCor mlck. Wellmnn. $17; Waterman J. Smith, Perry, $10; William J. Graves. Osceola, $8; Itobert F. Askren, Mount Ayr, $21; James Jordan. Wtota. $14; Levi K. Metcalf, Hel mond, $12. Original widows, etc. Mnrcla M. Tinker. DoWltt. $8: (special net March 16) Henrietta Purrott, Keokuk, $21); (special accrued March 16) Eliza A. fluughmnn, Knoxville, $12. Wnr with Spain, widows, etc.,, reissue (special March 16) Kathrtna lllltsch (mother), Pubunuc, $12. Wyoming: Increase Isaac W. Stcpheiirf, Cnmbrla, $S, North Dakota: Increase (special act March 16)-Kzra F. Pierce, HIsmarck, $21. Issue of March 15: Nebraska: Original Starr C. Gregory, Tnlmage, $8. Increase Alfred McKlnney, Wymore, $10; (special net March 18) Hur dette N. Cieavelnnd, Fremont, $30. lown: Orlglnnl Leonard .1. Harvey, Alta, $10; Theodorn Nichols, New Haven, $6. Ad dttlonnl Georgo a. Cowan, Aftnn, $8, In crease Robert Tryon, Marshalltown. $8; John Johnson, Cambridge, $8; Peter Kirley, Mlxsourt Valley, $10; Washington M. Knight, Charlton, $30; Mathow Y. Hrown, Quitsuueton, 111); James M. Elder, High land Center, $10) Henry F. Endleott, Coon Rapids, $8, Original widows, etc. Mary A. Kesler, Rndcllffe, $8; (special accrued March 18) Rebecca M. Conley, Toledo, $S. Mexican war wirlowti (speiiul accrued March 18) Elizabeth Wolllver, Moorhcad. $s. War with epaln, original Georgo H. Colonous, Shenandoah, $6. Colorado: Original Edwin G. Howard. Wray, $. Mexican wnr widows (speclnl accrued March 18) Sarah E. Joik-h, Denver, $s. War with Spain, orlKlnul Oeorgo W. Norrls, Pueblo, $6. Montana: Additional Samuel Stewart, Rldgelnwn, $12. , South Dakota: Increase Edwin McComb, Roanoke, $8. Kenutor .Mitchell III. WASHINGTON, March 30, Senator Mitchell of Oregon Is confined to his bed with an acute attack of the grip and has been prohibited by his physician from giv ing any attention to correspondence or business, He Is not considered seriously 111, but It Is necessary that ho should keep quiet for a few days. if 77 99 A Cold Is usually caused by checked cir culation, known by a chill or shiver. Dr. Humphreys' "77" starts tho blood coursing through the veins until It reaches tho ex tremities, when tho feet warm up and tho Cold or Grip Is broken, while Its tonicity sustains the flagging energies. COLDS FOR SPIRIT LAKE BANK Haunter atlnunl HiuiU of etr York l Hesertc AKCitt Cliane In PoMnl Service. WASHINGTON, March 30. (Special Tele gram.) Tho Hanover National bank of New York has been approved .as a reservo agent for the First National bank of Spirit Iake, la. Additional rural free delivery service Is to bo established May 1 at New London, Henry county, Ia with ono carrier, CharleB Gnrdlu, Tho route covers an area of forty-ono miles containing a popula tion of 607. The postofllco at Heery will be discontinued. Tho postoRlco at Mansbrldge, Chnrlcs Mix county, S. 1)., has been discontinued; mall to Morrison. HAi.TiMoitr.'N !i:i:n.w, mmgi:h. "Viiuiik linn U lllnril" FUN I'reilerlek riuUTHOiiil's It I u Shoe, WASHINGTON, March 30. Daniel Wil lard has been appointed general manager of tho Baltimore & Ohio mllrond, tho va cancy being created by tho resignation of Frederick I). I'nderwood. Mr. Wlllard has been nslstanl general manager, coming to tho Hnltlmore & Ohio from tho "Soo" line, whero ho was president. MORPHINE And Other Drug Addictions, I'robuhly Two Million People in 'Ihls Country Use Drtt. Recently u lending physician of Connecti cut, In n puper read beforo the Medical So ciety, made the statement that there nre nearly two million persons in America nlouo who are nddleted to the use ot morphine, opium and kindred drugs. One ot the le.ul Ing dally papers lit tho I'nlted Statex printed an nrtlele stating thnt every !e etith adult uses pernicious drugs In some form. The physicians of the St. James Society, No. 11M Hrondwny, N. Y.. take Issue with this statement to n certain extent- namely, that they nre slowly reducing tho per centage. This remarkable Institution began busi ness n few yeni'M ago In it hiiihII otllce III the Haudnlne building, on Twenty-eighth street nud Hrondwny, and at the prefenl time, three years Inter, their executive ottl ccs nlono occupy the entire floor of Nos. 1181 anil 11K1 Hroudway, while a corps of physicians, clerks nnd Htcnogrnphrrs tako enre ot the vust correspondence handled dnlly. The most complete system of records ever Inaugurated Is used by this Society, which enables them to note the progress of tho patient from day to day, und they enn take cure of ten thousand enses an easily lis twenty-five. Every record sheet used at the tlmo comes tinder the Medical Direc tor's supervision, who makes such changes ns nre necessary, as the different symp toms develop. These records aro kept In it steel fireproof vault; this provides against loss by theft or lire, nnd also Insures nb solute privacy, which this class of patients demund. The St. .lumen Society bus under treatment constantly from 4,0W to 5,000 pa tients. Think of It. Twelve thousand patients n year. Probably ten thoUHiiml of these permanently cured, In fact, the St. Jiunc Society's business Is larger than all other concerns of thle kind in tho world com bined. There are four thousand physicians using the St. James remedied in their private practice with gratifying success; Indeed, over one-half of their limitless l dona through physicians. Thero certainly mut be surpassing merit In the St, Jnmrs rem edies, or Hitch a yplcndld record would lie Impossible. Their remedies give more com fortable support to the nervous system thuit would bo derived from the patient' usual dose of morphine, nnd with none of tho reactions that accompany tin; use ot that awful destroyer. Correspondence with phy sicians Is especially Invited, A freo trial bottle will lie sent to nny one who wHhes to test Itn merits. Tho St. .Tames Society never divulge, the names or pttbllshen testi monials, but nn Interesting case la that nt a physician, who Insists thut Ida letter lui published for tho benefit of his fellow un fortunates. Tho letter tells the whole slnry: "For seven years 1 used Morphine. n calne, Chloral und, dining travels In India and Egypt, Cnnnhls Indlcii (Indian Hemp) and Hasheesh. 1 had six abscess ureas, und my condition wns too loathsome for de scription. "Thanks to the St Jiimes Society, only the rears remain ns proot of my iissertloii. 1 went to hospital after hospital, only to re turn to the old habits. I was deserted by mother, brothers and sliters- all except my wife. In sheer desperation I wrote to vari ous 'cures,' among them the St. .lames So ciety. All unmvered, but tho St. .lumen Im pressed me with confidence, brcuunc of the faith they Apparently had in their reiuedlee I wroto and received n trial bottle tree. 1 had llttlo faith, however. Heine n physi cian, I presumed we possessed the sum of medical knowledge. Wo knew no cures. Eminent physiclaim denied home cures; however, I gave tho remedy a trial. How anxiously 1 awaited the result of the first close! ... "Never will I forget exclaiming to my wife after n few bourn for. lemember, I took drugs hourly it works!' In six weeks I gained forty pounds, my kidneys and bladder, which exuded iiuh In enormous amount, began to heal, uppctlto returned and I almost nto myself poor In purse. My skin, which was yellow as a Uilna mnn. cleared up. I felt buoyed up by an Indescribable nenso of well being. Strange to say, I needed only two or three doses of n teaspoonful each day. This supported mo perfectly; much better Hum nil thu morphine or cocnlne. "With returning health came courage, ambition, energy und hope, After tho llrst dose I had no pain, no depression, no need for opinteH. It was u revelation to my ac (pialntanees. My mother told mo nlm ex pected to see mo again only In my cotlln. I wnnted to die. Thank God nnd the St. JumcH Society, I nm not dead, but iignlu practicing nnd ready to assist nny ono who has gotten Into that nwful hell, from which thero If no apparent escnpe. There Is hope and nny ono aufferlng or who has a friend suffering thut will wrlto to me, Inclosing n stnmn, will receive n personul letter verify ing these facts. "Today, two yearn after treatment. 1 nm porfectly well, without u slnglo defect phy slcnlly, and I hope morally. All my nr fiunintnncen regard my euro hh ii miracle, nnd I can scurcely reullzo tho change m- Bt"I have ubsolutely no desire to again re. cur to the uhc of narcotics. I handle the drugs und carry a hypodermic nyrlngo lit my professional work, but 1 nm never tempted to use It on myself. Wiite nto If you doubt." It any render nddleted to-drug habits de siren relief, wrlto to St. Jamen Society, Suito Wti, No, IIS1 Hrondwny, New York, for a free trial treatment, which will prove beyond doubt tho genulnenenH of tho nbovo letter. The doctor s name and uddresH will be furnished, and he will cheerfully re spond to all Inquiries, MAP COUPON Bring this Coupon and 25c to th Map Department, Des Publishing Co., and gut a NEW CENSUS WALL MAP OF NEBRASKA OR IOWA KUe SSSxBSS Inches. Has the 1900 census of every county and town In jh state printed on the mergtn and the entlri map, 1NCLUDINO ALL RAILROADS, etc. Correct to January 1st, 1801. If ssnt by mail add -10c extra lor postage and tube. Address t II It, OKitSi 1-L.Bi.lSMIQ CO,, t Slap Dept. Omaha, eh.