NOW FOR THE NATIONAL CAME Omaha Profeiilonal Eats Ball Art'uti "Will Arriti This Week. FIRST EXHIBITION GAME NEXT SATURDAY Film Will Moim Up In Their lilrmriil mill IIiinc Hull W ill (.ni Hni,n Ot ?r All Other KnttrtN (inn. lt f (lie llii)rr. v The baso ball fan once moro hns his In ning. Tho present week will witness the re vival of tho sreat national game anj the enthusiasm that has been curbed tho long winter through Is breaking out on all sldo. Ilaso bnll Is tho. (oplc of discussion In nil of tho rendezvous whom sporting men are wont to congrcgnto and tho team which President Hourko hns provided for Omahn has been dhctisacd pro und con. Until tho men get on tho ground and how what sort of baso ball stuff they nro rondo of It Is llttlo moro than a gucsa as to tho merltB of tho team. Ono thing Is a cer tainty and that Is tho team shows up mighty ell on paper. Of tho eighteen men who have signed with Omaha only five wore tho tinlform ofttho Uourko family last season. Herman, ono of tho new pitchers, la no trangcr, howover, becauso ho plnycd with Bt. Joseph arid was considered ono of tho best men In tho entlro league. All of the balnnco of tho material Is now, but tho re crultH, for tho most part, arc old, experi enced 'hands at tho buslnefis and como to this city villi records of which each In dividual may well foci proud and which Justify tho belief that every man will bo able to mako good. Saturday next -will bo a red-letter day with tho baso bnll enthusiasts of this city and tho big rcscrvntlon ilown on Vinton street will nt that time onco moro take on scmblnnco of llfo and activity. It will mark tho first exhibition gamo of tho ;eason. Malinger Hourko will pit hla team of pro fessionals against Captain Bradford's old Hlandbya tho Originals. Following this opening gamo will come-a scries of exhibi tion contests prior to tho opening of the regular Western leuguo season, .May 3. Saturday and Sunday the Omahns will play tho OrlglnalH. After two days' practice tho locals will go to Lincoln and play the uni versity boys on tho 10th, 11th and 12th, re turning homo for thrco gameti with tho Ilea Molnen Western league team, beginning April 13. Tho Hourko family will accom pany Hunky nines' bunch back to Dcs Moines and show tho denlzona of tho Iowa capital Low a good team plays baso bnll. Three games nro booked for Des Moines, be ginning April 10. 1'rcHldont Uourko expects to secure still other exhibition games bo foro tho month Is closed, but this Is as rnr at his schedule Ih mado up so far. Tomorrow Is tho day set for the men who will bo on tho Omaha team this hcuhou to roport for duty. Manager Hourko aent transportation to all of his players last week, and cxpcclH that nil but ono or two will bo In before the end of this week. Lute Frcoland, who Joined tho team lato last season and wau asulgncd to tho pitching ntaff, is already on tho ground. Hq has been employed In Omaha during tho winter and will bo ready to begin work tomorrow. Tho balanco of the team will como from tho four points of tho compass. Tho points from which tho playcra will start for Omaha ro as follows: Captain Aco Stewart, from Terro Haute, IiKl. Catchers Eddlo Lauzon, from Mobile; Kred niade, from Grnnd Island. PltchorH Art Herman, from Louisville; Bam Roust, from Frankfort, Kun.; Hkel Jlnaeh, from Chlcngo; Dusty Coons, from Newcastle, Ind.; Kred Steele, from Neolaj Al Gordon, from Lincoln; Oscar Grnhum, from Orcenwootl. First llanemau Davo Calhoun, from Philadelphia. Becond Duscman Lew Walters, from Bt. lnuls. Third llasemnn Tom MoAndrews, from liuffiilo. Shortstop Stub Toman, rrom Phila delphia. Outllolders Hob Carter, from Johnson City, Tonn.; llll Heed, from Cleveland, and Tom Lutchcr, from Grunvlle, Mich. Skol Roach will probably bo tho last to nrrlvo on tho sceno of action. Honoh haa boon working in Chlcngo all winter and has written President Uourko asking for a leavo of absenco until April 20. Hla re FREE CONSULTATIONS. 1)11. McGltHW THE and their shortcomings has been the life work of Dr, McGrew. His sympathy is ever extended to those who seek his services or advice, hence, ItlSnbsHsVS in h ltt frUSf him BLOOD POISON In all stages and conditions cured and every trace of the poison eliminated from tho system. No breaking out or signs of the disease after treatment has begun. Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder Loss of Vitality, Loss of Brain Powor, Nervous Debility, and all Diseases and Disorders of men cured, and Strength, Energy and Ambition fully restored. VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE A permanent euro without cutting, pain or loss of time. TREATMENT BY MAIL. Office Hours 8a. m. tot) p. m. Sundays S a. m. to 5 p. m. P. O.Box 766 Office Ovir 215 South 14th St., Bt. Douglas and Farnam Sfs., Omaha, Nab. quest has been granted, and consequently his arrival In tho city will be delayed. Captain Stewart writes that ho can't get hero until Friday or Saturday, The re turn of "Mobile" Lauion and "Stub" Toman will bo welcomed by their many friends In Omaha. Thcso men were jirobably the most popular of any who played with Omaha last season nnd thcro Is n deal of satisfaction that they have been signed for another year President Hourko was mightily pleased yesterday when he received a letter from Hill Krleg, manager of tho Tcrro Haute team In tho Three I league. There had been a dlsputo between Hourko and Krleg relatlvo to priority of claim .on Aco Stew art, who will play second base and cap tain the Omaha team. "Well, I feel greatly relieved," said President Hourko, after he had finished reading Krlog'a letter. "Un til now there hns been no cinch that wo would get Stewart, although I was pretty confident nil along that I would laud him. Our claims on Stewart boro tho same date and 1 had to make overtures to Krleg In order to get him to surrender his claim without making a fUBS. Ho has accepted the terms I offered htm and for Stewart 1 wilt loan Harry Ncwmeycr and Balrtl. Krleg will find both of thcso men satisfac tory. -Thcro Is no doubt In my mind but that Harry Ncwrneyer has tho making of a rattling good southpaw pitcher In him nnd Halrd la a crackerjack as a wan of general utility. Ho camo to us last year toward the cIchc of the season from Jacksonville, III., whore ho had been with tho Central league before It disbanded. He played several positions In the Held nnd proved himself an alt-round man, "I am certainly pleased at getting Stew art without any trouble. Ho Is a crocking good player and will bo a star In the West ern league. As captain of tho team he will be Invaluable to us. This Is what Hill Krleg says of Stewart, and he knows what he Ih talking about: 'You have my best wishes for success this season and I am cure you havo tho best second baseman In tho business, besides the best field geu oral In your league In Aco Stewart.' " Speaking of tho men who comprise liH 'tenm President Hourko expects a great deal from Kred Steele, ono of tho additions to his pitching staff. "I bellevo I have mado a great find In thla Steele," he Bald. "Ho Is a fine, big fellow and has marvel ous control of tho ball as well as a bunch of curves that will set tho best of 'cm guessing. Besides thlB ho fields his posi tion elegantly. Last year ho was with Tcrro Haute and made a great tear down there. I candidly bellevo that Stcelo will bo as good n man as was Tommy Hughes and ho haa an advantage In his favor In that bo has no bnd habits. "I am very well satisfied with my pitch ing staff. Frcelnnd wau put off watch last season before ho had u chanco to show what be could do, by Injuring his hand, but I bellovo ho will prove a wizard. 'Dusty' Coons, too, mado a fine showing last season In spite of tho fact that ho had been sick Just before coming hero. Ho writes that he Is in flue shapo now and haa been spend ing tho whole winter recuperating his health, so that he couldn't feel much bet ter than ho does. 'Dusty' will glvo them nil a run for their money. Heust ought to bo n wizard. Ho played with tho American league at Clovoland last year and mado a good showing, rrom his record, I am sat islled that ho will glvo entlro satisfac tion. "I enn't seo a weak place In my team un less It bo behind tho plato. I want to got an old-tlmo catcher, ono who Is long headed and has had lots of experience. A catcher Is of Inestimable nsslstnnco to a pitcher, particularly if tho twlrler bo a youngster. Eddlo Lauzon Is a good man, all right, but I want to get another catcher and havo my wires out for ono now. When I get him landed I will bo content and fcol satisfied that I havo as good a team as there Is in tho league." "Hip" Egan, who played with tho Omaha team a short tlmo last season, la to bo given a trial by Manager Donovan of the St. Louis National lcaguo team this year. Thcro was a time when Egan was a Orst clasa twlrler, but ho has outlived tho days of his usefulness, It his performances In Omaha last year can bo taken as a criterion. While In Omaha Kgan was troubled with cold feet. For Instance, If ho wcro pitching In a gamo whoro tho support was not of tho beat "Hip"- Invariably cased up and "The is Aucu o. STUDY OF seemed not to care a rap at permitting tho opposing team to fatten up their batting averages. Personally, "Hip" was a very pleasant fellow and ho has many friends In Omaha who hope that he will be suc cesiful In his try-out with the St. Louis team. ".Vow that the smoke ha cleared away a bit," declared President Hart the other day, "I fall to seo whero 'the American league has damaged tho National half as much as It expected to. There has been a great deal of talk, for Instance, about the crush ing blows dealt the New York and St. Louis clubs, it strikes me the Now York club Is better than It has ever been. Frcedmau has his last season's catchers, as good a pitching ttaff, with halfway decent sup port, and a great young Infield, made up of hard hitters oud ambitious players. Thu New York outfield Is superb, especially In stlckwork. St. Louis, with Wallace and Heldrlck retained and I am positive that Hoblson will keep them, In spite of all tho talk of their going to Comlskcy has a rattling good team. McGann, Padden, Kruger, Wallace and Chllds for extras, will mako a nice Infield, and what better out fielders can be had than Donovan, Ilurkett nnd Heldrkk? Philadelphia haa lost only ono man that was really needed Lajolo and ho has been off with Injurlca half the time slnco ho played ball. Tho Philadelphia club had to get along without him most of last senson, and can probably survive with out him this year. "I seo that tho American leaguers say they will not adopt tho rules of tho Na tional. That Is only natural. If they adopted our playing rides bodily tho fans would say they simply copied us. I will admit that thcro nro faults even In our new set of rules for Instance, I think tho number of called balls should have been ro duccd to three but they will bo gicn n fair trial In tho future." WILL TRY TO BAG A PRIZE Xi-liriiiil-n Muinteri tin to .etv- Vurk mil llnM! to llrliiK ll'inie r ii nil . r It'll ii Cup. W. D. Townscnd of this city, C. D. Llnd rrmann of Lincoln and J. F. Heard of Her man left Friday afternoon for Now York to attend tho Grand American handicap Bhoot, which will bo held at Queens, L. 1., all of this week. Frank Parmelco pro ceeded them to New York, and upon their nrrlval Nebraska will bo represented In tho big shoot by a quartet of as able shoot ers as could bo found anywhere. The Grand American handicap Is the bin event In shooting clrclc3 of this country nnd none but thu crack shots presume to participate In tho various events. In tho past western shooters havo given good ac count of themselves and It Ih by no means Improbable that tho coveted cup will como to a western man this year, and tho houor might bo won by ono of tho Ncbrasknns. The shoot opens tomorrow with a bcvou blrd race, $3 entrance, and various other events will occupy tho tlmo until Wednes day morning, when tho big handicap shoot begins. 'Iho mnln event Is for twenty-live birds, cntranco feu of J2.', with a handicap of twcnty-alx to thlrty-ono yards. The prospects aro that tho attendanco this year will bo a record-breaker. Last year 231 shooters entered tho lists In tho big handicap Bhoot and tho indications aro that this number will be largely increased. "I am confident that tho Nebraska shoot ers will bo well toward the head of tho list," said Mr. Townsend before his de parture Friday. "Kach of us la In splendid shapo and thoro is no reason why we shouldn't mako n splondld showing." All of tho shooters who will represent Ne braska this year havo participated In tho Grand American handicap before, with tho exception of Heard. Last year Llndermann mado a flno showing. In the various con tests preceding tho big handicap ho was the, only man that mado a straight kill. In all the events up to the handicap ho killed every bird. In tho handicap Llndermann killed twenty-two birds. The westornera havo always been well In tho lead In the big raco and Nebraska has frequently fur nished shooters to defeat whom tho most oxpert skill had to bo employed. Three years ago Georgo Iiomls was tied for tho cup In tho Grand American handicap with a straight kill. In the shootoff ho was In tho last team nnd killed thirty-four straight, but lost tho cup at that. FREE EXAMINATIONS Business of My Life the Welfare ol Men DR. McGREW is the only Spe cialist in Omaha who has always, limited his practice strictly to the treatment-oi Diseases of Men Only. Office Open Continuously from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Doctor's quick cures and Low Charges are the Wonder of all his competitors. Thousands of men throughout the west will tell you that the con fidence they placed in Dr. McGrew as a specialist, was never betrayed. MEN LOW OMAIIAS COME TO THE FRONT Mighty GUrkioni Eow in Defeat Eeforo Eecagnlzid RiT&lr. BOWLING CONTEST ATTRACTS INTEREST Lender In Illy I, runup Tournnincnt Will llclrrnilitr Thrlr Houppcl I vc Morltn I'o mini Ion of .Hprltm l.rnmie Si'ctu Duulilf tit. Quite as much Interest Is being manifested by locnl bowline enthusiasts in the scries of games now being plnyed by tho Clark sonn nud the Omahas us there was during thu progress of the league race. This Is not strange. The men who compose these two teams rank among tho fastest bowlers In Oni'itia and their exhibition!) of skill aro well worth witnessing. Tho Clarksons and tho Omahas ended In first and tocond places, respectively, at the finish of tho tournament. There had been a keen rivalry between the two teams throughout the en tlro raco and thu dispute as to thn su periority of tho one over the other llnally brought ubout an agreement for n race of nine games for flf.O a side. The first match camo orf at Clark's alleys lust Wednesday night. It was witnessed by n big crowd of spectators. Tho teams were composed of virtually thoenmc mon who bo- longed whllo tho tournament was on. Furny was n new man with the Omahas and KolU succeeded young Courad with the Clark sous. Otherwise tho teams wcro the same. Tho Omahas had, besides Kuray, Flanagan, Head, Kmcry and Zarp, and the old guard of tho Clarksons Dcumun, Urunkc, Lan caster nnd Captain Clarkson were ou deck. Ilecauso of tho undisputed skill of the Clarksons they were the favorites In tho betting for there was quite a bit of money wugcrcd on the contest, but tho Omahas bowled a magnificent same and defeated tho mighty Clarksons two games out of thrco and also won out on tho total number of points by 171. Head, for tho Omahas, did exceptionally good work. His scores In tho throe games were as follows! 1S2, 233, 200, an average of 203. Six moro games remain to bo played be tween these teams. Three will bo played Tuesday night nt Clurk's nnd tho remain ing Ibreo on tho Tuekday night following. Tho outcome of tho contest is altogether problematical. Tho splendid showing made by tho Omahas Wednesday night Justifies the opinion that tho Clarksons havo at last encountered n foomau worthy of tholr steel. Heretofore, they havo had full Bway In bowling affairs, nearly overy club that pre sumed to oppose them fulling down In tho attempt. Kven the Omahas wcro unablo to mako u really creditable showing against them while tho lcaguo raco was ou, but slnco theii the members of tho Omaha team havo been practicing diligently and lmvo now reached a point of excellence which en titles them to equal consideration with tho Clarksons. In ono respect thn Clarksons have their opponents outpointed. This is in the In variable equanimity which characterizes tho work of all of the members of Captain Clarkson's team. No mutter what happens Denman, DrUnke, Kolls, Lancaster and tho captain bowl steadily und It Is ucldom, In deed, that any ono of tho quintette loses his head and tiles to pieces. With other teams some vory minor thing often rattles tho bowlers so that they aro unablo to accom plish their best performance. This is true with tho Omahas. In tho past tho Omahas havo gone all to pieces over como minor ac cident, such as tho failure of somo member to bowl us well as tho other members think ho should. The Omahas havo con quered this weakness to a noticeable extent lately und it Is possible that thoy will not permit anything to perturb thom In tho future. If bo, they will havo acquired one of tho things which has promoted the suc cess of tho Clarksons perhaps to a greater extent than aught else. It seems unlikely now that a spring league will be organized. Tho several teams which participated In tho winter tourna ment aro not ovlnclng any decided interest in tho formation of another lcaguo right away, so that tho organization will prob ably go by default. This docs not In any measure, however, Indicate a falling off In bowling Interest. On tho other hand, the managers of tho different alleys assert that thero Is as lively an Interest taken In tho gamo now os at any tlmo during tho win ter. It Is expected that tho opening ot tho baso ball season will have a tendency to divert tho minds of the bowlers Into other channels, however, and thcro Is likely to to a temporary letup in bowling enthusiasm. Last summsr ou Saturday and Sunday after noons when thero were ball games In tho city tho bowling alleys wcro nearly always deserted nnd tho proprlotors look for a repetition of this during the coming sum mer. Tho Nationals, tho team which ended last In the raco for league honors, ha3 ills banded, Captain IJort Murphy, Jim Hoed, R. A. Kolls and H. C. Davy havo deserted tbo team and the only members of tho original organization left aro "Billy" Inches and J. C. KauTmanu. Inches and Knufruann aro both playing with othor teams now and the National team has been shorn of Its entlro membership. Captain Murphy has left the city and Kolls Is now playing with the Clarksons, It is pos sible, that tho Natiouals will be repre sented in tho next leaguo tournament, but tho membership will bo almost entirely new. Inches nnd Kaufmann may reorganlzo tho town beforo tho formation of another leaguo, Tho career of tho Nationals was rather a stormy one and tho fact that tho team ended in last place was rather due to a series of mishaps than becauso of lack of skill on tho part of tho members, Early In tho season tho team was practically dis banded becauso of lack of Interest of some of tho members, and when It was later re vived It was too lato to mako any head way in the pcrcontago column. If the league season had continued a few weeks longer tho gait the Nationals woro traveling would probably havo landed Uiem up In fourth or fifth place, C. It. Drldenbecker's score of 279 at ten pins continues Ui bo tho high score of thn city. All of tho experts are trying their level best to overtop Ilrldonbecker's score, but their efforts so far havo been futile. As a matter of fact there ore only three posslblo scores higher than Drldenbecker's and ono is 300, tho highest posslblo score In ten pins. Brldcnbcckor mado strikes In his first two frames and spared In the third, making nlno pins with bin first bail, Then followed eight straight strikes. If somo fortunate player makes a strike lu tho first framo and follows in the second with a spare nine pins with his first ball concluding with teu straight strikes, ho will beat Drldenbecker's scoro by ono point. Or if somo lucky Individual spares on cither end In tho first frame or with the two balls that a strike Ju tho tenth entitles him to and makes a straight record of striken, he will chalk up a scoro of 290, Ilottor still it fortune smiles upon somo ambitious player und permits twelve straight strikes a score of 300 will bo tho result. Urlden becker Is resting on easy street, however. For mauy weeks Frank Flanagan's bcore of 267 over at Clark's alleys was tho high city score, and it appears Improbable that anyone will soon capture the honor Ilrlden beckcr now holds. One of the fascinations of bowling, however, Is tho big element of chance that enters Into all of tho games, and with the large number of good bowlers In tho city, It Is pretty nearly a certainty bU. A. I). faliAULIis, TIip Mniit Itt'llnlile Pprt'lnlNt In OI rnnrn of Men. STRICTURE Cured with a now Homo treatment. No pnln, no detention from business, URINARY'ldncy and Dladder Troubles, Weak Hack, Durnlng Urine, Frequency of Urinating, Urine High Col ored or with milky sediment on standing. SYPHILIS cured for llfo and poison thoroughly clenncil from the system. Soon every sign r" I symptom disappears complotcly nnd forecr. No "1IHKAK1NO OUT" of tho dlseaso on tho skin or face. Treatment contnlus no dangerous drugs or injurious medicines. WEAK MEN from I'Xcessrs or vic tims of Nervous De bility or Kxhaustlon, Wustlng Weakness, with early decay in young and middle aged, lack of vim, vigor and strength, with organs Impaired and weak. Cure guaranteed. CURES GUARANTEED CHARGES LOW v T that a 300-scor will somo day bo made. That day may be n long way off, but It Is nlmost stiro to como somo tlmo. Considerable interest has been manifested in the match contests which Herman Ilcac Hn and V. H. Kmery nnd C. Conrad and F. S. Knnpp have started for the stato cham pionship In all bowling games In which small balls aro used. Jieselln and Kmcry sonici time ago Issued n challcngo to meet uny 'team for n championship raco and a purso of $2,r a side. Conrad and Knnpp woro given tho preference nnd they accepted tho challenge. Tho first gamo was played nt Clark's alloys Monday night. It was at nlno plus nnd Heselln nnd IJmory won by 7 points. Next Tuesday evening the teams will meet at four-back, a week later at live-back and then cocked hat, soven Up and all of tho small ball games until tho list Is exhausted. Theso men nro the crack small ball players In Omaha and their exhibitions aro decidedly Interest ing. One of the promising young bowlers In the city 1b Mllt D. McDowell, a popular student at a local medical college. Up until a few months ugo McDowell was never Insldo a bowling alley, but ono gamo cust tho die for him. Ho has over slnco been an enthusiast of tho first water and Is de veloping Into a splendid bowler, McDowell holds tho high scoro for the monthly prize at ten pins at tho Gato City alleys, with 2C6 chalked up to his credit. MoDowell Is a couslstcnt player and his .average is woll up near 00. In case a spring league Is or ganized ho will probably bo pressed Into service by ono of tho teams. At the Gate City alleys Earl Sterrlckor Is high for tho weekly prlzo at seven up, with a scoro of 85. Over at Clark's Ster rlckcr also has a record ot 80 nt four-back, which von him tho weekly prize. I. S. Hunter, John Kolloy, Charles Hosen berry, A. Kortlang and G, H. Nelson are tied for tho weekly prize at ninepins at the Gato City alleys. Each has a score of S. I. S. Hunter and W. J. I.lttlo aro tied at ninepins at Clark's alleys with n scoro of 10 and will either dlvldo or roll off the tlo for tho weekly prize. Slnco they can't dlvldo tho hat offered by a local hat dealer for tho best nlnepln scoro thoy will likely decide both tics by a match game together. High scores at tenpins for tho last week wero ns follows: Clark's Alloys W. H. Emery, 223; Fred Krug, 225; Al Krug, 203, 200, 233, 236; James Smead, 204; Ben Lancaster, iOl; King Don man, 211, 201, 210, 201, 224. 213; W. C. Pot ter, 213; Fred Flanagan, 204; J. C. Kauf mann, 213; V. W. Inchos, 225; Charles Drldenbeckor, 201; Eddlo Lnwler, 211; II. C. Sheldon, 201; It. A. Magney, 223; Davy Rubin, 213, 202, 220; Edward Hammond, 214; Fred Mershon, 224; Tom Reynolds, 20G; W. J. Clarkson, 213, 209; W. C. Ilrunko, 212, 217, 209, 202, 200; Herman Deselln, 231, 245; Charles Seaman, 203; George Lavldgo, 21fi; R. A. Kolls, 213, 211, 232; "I'lumbor" Read, 200, 233; Guy Furay, 214; H. C. Yost, 207: I'. C. Davison, 224, 201; C, F. Lovoll, 207, 205; Wood Hartley, 204, 228. Gato City Alleys C. A. Horn, 20S; Guy Furay, 213; Charles Seaman, 220, 220, 202, 245, 213, 212, 243, 203. 201; G. E. Wlnslade, 209; William Bowman, 203, 221, 203; John Kelley. 217; Kit Carson. 231, 204, 203; W. S. Sheldon, 219, 218; Earl Sterrocker, 223; J. H. Swart. 211; F. A. Avers. 254; Al Krug, 210, 201; Frank Flanagan, 212; C. D. Urldcn bccker, 201, 208, 205; W. H. Stepenhorst, 229; D. A. Johnson, 203; Edward Hammond, 201; J. Urundldgo, 207; H. Goble, 204; V. C. Hayes, 212; Ted Nealo, 224; Edward Bur gess, 200, 200, 208; Fred Uorsham, 219; C. II. Stuht, 209, 214, 225, 232, J. S. Tlppory, 00INGS OF CHESS PLAYERS Lcr IMwnrd I'liirii on the Probable ItemillN of tht lovin-Xo-brnaka Gainve. Leo Edwards has been figurine on Drab- nblo results In tho Iowa-Nobraska match. Hero Is his prediction: Iowa will win at i i n f. c in 10 10 in n.. .1 oi. uuuiua lt " ", . i vi " , 4.7 ui.u .1, . Vehrnsltft will win nt boards 4. 0. 9. 11. 12. 14, IT ana .u, anu ai uoaras iu, ib ami the games will be drnwn. Result: Iowa, l?! Nebraska. 10. Lee. llko the lato la mented Bob lugersoll, "has friends In both places" perhaps he's better ablo to piophesy than most anybody else. Speaking of Franklin K. Young reminds mo that he Is doing some fine playing in the P. N. C C. A. Last week the Brook lyn Eagle published a Gluoco piano defended by Mr. Young against the attack of Rev. A. Taylor, Southlngton, Conn., wherein Mr. Ycuug first sacrificed his queen and at tbo thirty-fifth move announced mato In cloven more. Take a look nt the position: urlk. lppSpp, lpe, 1P2Q 1P1. 2R1P2P. IslPl. KP2. r". Black pluycd 35,, , Kt-HB; how Is White to best stave off bis doom? Queckcnstedt end game: 8. p 5 p 1. 1 k i 1 p p P 1. S. P 2 b P. S. 3 P 4 2 B 4 1C. White wins as follow: 1. P-K R 5. P-K B 4. 2. IMC 6, x P. 3. P-Q 4. Ii x P. I, P-R . P x P, K. IMC 3. 11 x Ii. 6. P-Kt 7, will queen and win. Easy end gamo; 4 k 2 r. 4 b 3. S. 4 S P 2. 4 K 3. 16. 2 R (i, White wins by 1. R-B H ch Ii-Q, !. lt I U ch., K x R. Dr, SEARLES OMAHA, NEB. SPECIALISTS FOR DISEASES OF MEN The Secret of Our Unparalleled Success is Told in Two Words: ..WE CURE.. Varicocele, Acquired .Blood Poison, Nerv ous Debility and all Keflex Complications and Associate Diseases and Weaknesses of Mon. VARICOCELE Are you afflicted with Varicocele er Its results Nervous Debility and are you nervous, Irrltablo and despondent? Do you hick your old-tlmo energy nnd ambition? Aro you suffering from Vital Weakncrs, etc.? There Is a derangement of the sensi tive orgfins of your 1'clvlc System, and even though It gles you no trouble at pros cut, It will ultimately unman you, depress our mind, rack your nervous system, un lit you for married life and shorten your existence. Why not bo cured before it la too lato? WK CAN CUHK YOU TO STAY CI'HKD. Wo hac yet to seo tho casn of Varicocele wo cannot cure. Medicines, Kloctrlc Hells, etc., will neer cure. You need expert treatment. Wo treat thousands of cases where the ordinary physician treats one. Method new, wlthuut cutting, pain or loss of time. WHY IT Why the Frightful Tension of Stricture is Dissolved Like Snow Be neath the Sun-IN FIFTEEN DAYS. Why Weak Men are Restored by the Magic St. James Treatment Applied Locally and Directly to the Affected Parts. Wo answer the ques tion briefly. If you cut an artery In your arm you do not taka Internnl medlclno to stop tho (low of blood, YOU H815 LOCAL APPLICATIONS. Sim-' llarlv when tho lire-1 until uiiuis un:uini; weakened and relnxcd It Is ridiculous to tako Interim 1 trnntmrmt. which must pass throiiRht tho stomach nnd lirlno boforo It reaches tho seat or disease, l'ho seminal ducts project Into tho urethral tanal through tho Vrostato Gland, and ura unlly reached by IOCAL TREATMENT. Dr. Carter's "aran-Holvent" soluble Douglcs will dissolve, and forever Ifmove Urethral Stricture In 15 days without pain, Injury or Incon Vcnlenco. The houfles aro Inserted at ttlght and act whllo ou sleep. "Oran-Sol-Vcnt" romoves every symptom of stricture, leaving thu canul as healthy ns when na ture formed It, No 11HUTAL CUTTING OR DILATING. NO INJECTIONS TO IH- Space will not permit n complote description of tho Incomparable St. James Treat ment In urethral diseases. Every sufferer from Strlcturo and Ita offspring. Prostati tis nnd Seminal Weakness, should wrlto to the St. James Association, (TJ St. Jnmes Mug., uinninnaii, unio. lor uieir wonuer lui Illustrated worK, knowing the parts of tho human system Involvrd In urethral UlrnentH. which thoy will send securely wrapped In plain pack Igo, prepaid , '.ST. JAMES ASSN, 6.2 ST. JAMES BLOCK, CINCINNATI, 0, 3. Kt-R 7 ch., K moves. 4. Kt x R, und wins by queening tho pawn, Pioblems of tho week: From Checkmate, Proscott, Can., a three-mover by George E, Carpenter-8, 3 H 4, 5 p 2, 3 k P 3, 1 P 5 (, 8, P 1 P 3 P 1, 3 K 4. From Literary Digest, New York, a two mover by Aubrey Goodcnough (puns strictly barred), Worcester, Mass. S, 5 P B P, C k 1. 8, 6 K 1,1 U C, 2 P 5, S. From Birmingham Dally Gazette, via Brooklyn Eagle, n llrst prlzo two-mover by A. Regglo, Milan, Italy 3 S 4, 4 It 3, K 1 p p 4, 3 P 4, 3 k 2 s 1, 1 P 3 Q 2. 1C. From Boston Post, a two-mover, "llrst offenso," by F. Gamago, Westboro, Mass. 1 Q 0, 2 p G, 3 p 2 S 1, 3 k 4, P 5 B 1, 1 K 8 1 D 3, 1G. From Hampstead and Hlghgato Express, via St. Paul Dispatch, a third prlzo two mover by O. J. Slater 4 s 3, 8, 3 s 1 p K 1, 3 k 4, Q 3 R 1 S 1. 4 II 3, 2 P 5, 8. By H. W. Barry, Boston, Mnss. White to play nnd mate In thrco moves. Pieces, 9 x fi. BLACK. m wrwrm wmtm m mm i m mm m YA III 41 WHITE, 8. 3 p 4. 1 3 a p 3, 1 R 2 P 3. C p 2, p 2 k 4. 1 P 3 P 2. K s 1 B K 1 S 1. (nun! Studlm, Tho Berlin defense to the Ruy Lopez, probably the soundest of nil, takes on a few now kinks each year. A few years back, and after taking tho pawn, Black was con tent to play 5 B-K2, preparing tho way for castling, und only retreating his Kt-Q3 nfter White attacked It by 6-Q-K2. But tho fashions change. Now, tho "correct thing" Is to play 5 Kt-Q3, expecting an early "swap" of queens. Tho games fol lowing show two methods of continuing tho attack. Game played at Lincoln, Neb.: Itll v I Whlie-ir. N. Pills bury, Hans Voir. 0M'Z, Illack C. A. Hum- mer, Lincoln, nud Dr. 1-2. G. Wntrion, Friend, consulting. 1- P-K 4. 2- Kt-Q Ii 3. n-K'l-K It 3. 4- Kt X P. nKt-Q ::. ft-Kt X II, 7-P-Q .!. 5- H X P. !i-Kt-K 4. 10 H-K II I (I)). 11- Kl-Kt 3. 12- Q.Q , 13 I Mi. 1 1-P-K It 3. IS-KM? 4. K.-P x Kt. 17-Ii-K 3. IR-I1 X P. 19 X P ch. 2U-Q X Q. 21- 11. IU 0. 22- IMl I. 23 -R X II, 21-P X Kt. 2u--K.ll 2. 20- Il-Q 3. 1- P-K 4. 2- lvt-K 11 a 3- ll-Kt 6. 4- ('antics. r-p-Q 4. fi-P x P (u) 7-P-Q It 4. H-P-K fi. !i-P X Kt. 10- Kt-K Kt 11- P-K H 4. 12- Q.Q r.. 1.1-U X Kt I 14-Q.O 6. IB IMC oh. Ifi-P x W 17-P x P. d sc. oh. i ii x r. 10-Kt-Q Ii 3. 20- K-li. 21- Kt x Q. SJ-K-Kt. 23- Kt-K II I. 24- Kt x Ii, U.5-R x P ch. 20-Il-K J. & SEARLES '""rsTur"- nits. m;.ui.i:.s ,v skaiii.hs, omaha. RITATK THE MEM II RAN 12. NO INTER NAL nuuuoiNo to nuuiN thu STOMACH. The Ht. .lames treatment Is local, direct and positive. Tho St. James treatment M prepared In tha form of crnyons, very narrow, smooth, flexible and wholly Boltiuln, which nro Inserted Into th water pussago nt nlKht whero they dls sulvo and deposit the mullcutlon lu I tn full Mrmigth upon thn I'rostato Gland, contract ing und strengthening tho dueta and FOR EVER STOPPING DRAINS AND EMIS SIONS, and curing while Uie patient sleeps. Varicocele. Varicocele Is an accumulation of Blur gtsh blood In tho vnlnn of the icrotum, irjo solely to Imperfect circulation nnd Iiiuh It.i urlglii lu a diseased and torpid Prostate Gland. Operations In this disease aro only temporary, and no mechanical de vice yet discovert has cured a oltiRlo case. aran-So'.veiTl heals tho Prostate and restores healthy circulation. Varicocele disappears und tho Hlucijith accumulation Is replaced by pure, healthy, red blood. Thousands of men, strlcturod, weak, wasting nnd despondent, wero cured and restored by the Bt. James method last year. A vast army of men In whom the light of life lion penetrated the fearful nlghtmuxo of stricture and seminal decay. FREE 27-R-H 3 Ch. 2S-K-11. 23 It X P. 30- R-Q H 3. 31- K-1C 2. 32- ICQ 3. 33- K-Q 15 4. 31-K-Kt C. 3.V-K-H fi. 30-K-Q 7. 37 K-li X. 3 R-Q 3. 30 P X R. 40 K-li 7. 41- R-R 0 ch. 43 R-Ii G. 43 RcHlgns. (c). 27- K-Kt 3. 28- U X Q Kt P. iD It X P. 30- IMC t H ch. 31- R-K ch. 32- 1 l-Q 8 oh. 33- R-K C ch. 34- R-Kt r. i h. 35- R-Kl 3 rh. 3rn-n r. disc. ch. 37-P-B i. 3S-R X Jt. 39- li-K fi. 40 R-Kt 0. 41- K-Kt 4. 42 Il-Q 5. (a) U x Kt or B-Kt 5 may also bo played here, (b) Thn nlllcs now hcllnvo this move un sound. They did not wunt to glvo up thn bishop Just then for Kt. Whlto got pawn uungry at tno inirteentn move, wlilcli lost 111 III tlmo In ucttlnif buck. 13 H-K eh. wnu evidently stronger, na Illack was In sev eral kind of trouble. Black's 21 Il-ICt 0, nnd 25-B-Q 3, 37-P-l) 4, aro nil worthy of notice. It seems Hint 20 K-D 2, instead of K-B, wiih better for White, (c) Thn allies nut un :i sti'oni? unmiv White, III addition to being n pleco minus, huh mi imucii, one pawn miro or capture and tho other In a precarious situation whllo Black's DiiwtiH und R xunniirt eueh other, allowing tho R plenty of freedom, Scoro of gamo played lu Brookhavcn, Miss.: liny Loprx. Whltc-PlllHliury, Hluck-M. D, k Mo- Snim Voir. Grnlh. lirookhnven. 1- P-K I. 2- Kt-K U 3. 3- 11-Kt fi. 4- CuHtlen. fi-P.Q 4. K-H-Kt C (b). 7- 11 X Kt. 8- P x P. fl-Q X Q ch. 10- 11 x U, 11- R-K. 12- Kt-H 3. 13- Q R-Q ch. 14- Kt-Q 4. J5-P.K 11 4. 1G-P-K It 3. 17- P-Q Kt ;i. 18- Kt-K II 3. 19- 11 X It ch. 20- IMC 2. 21- K-li 2. 22- P.Q Kt , 23- K-7; 3. 21-P-Q R 1. 2R-P x P. 10-Kt-K 4. 27- K X II. 2S-P-Q It 3. ?a-I x P. 80-fMl 2. 31- K-K 3. 32- It x It P. 33- ICR 2. 34- KMCt 5. 2.-. P.I.-I s. 1- P-K 4. 2- Kt-Q Jl 3. 3- ICMi 3. 4- Kt x P. fi-Kt-Q 3 (a). 6- H-IC 2. 7- Q P x B. 8- ICt-K G. fl-H X Q. 10- 1C x Ji. 11- Kt-H 4. 12- H-K 3. 13- K-K 2. 14- Q R.Q, 15- P-IC Kt 3. Ifi-R.Q 2. 17- K R-Q. 18 Il-li I, 10-R X It. 20- P-K It 4. 21- P.Q Kt 4. 22- Kt-K 3. 23- P-Q R 3. 24- R-Q. :.'-Q It P x P. I'fi-H X Kt. 27-P-Q n 4. 25- P x P. 23-R-Q It, :w-H-U r. ch. 31- Kt X li I' 32- KI-Q 4 ch. 33- It x P. 34- R.Q H H. (n) Tills gnuie and the line ilcfnH,..! i.v C. A. Hummer und Dr, K. (1. U'nisnn urn given to IllUHtrutii piiinutlly the 6....KI.Q .1 inovo In Berlin dotc-nsc. (hi In Mils Is Hhown u iikivo which Mr. MrOriitli snys "Is u new nno on mo took Iho game out of the hooks nt once, II. K 3 seems to bo IIIiicU'h bent reply, I did not llko P-K 11 3." At this niovo Iho SominerH WutHon gamo Ih turned Into u different thuniiul by 0-P x P, Kt x II, 7-P-Q it 4. etc. (c) Mr. McGruth says: "It wun nfter u. in. and all tho games nxcupt mlno woro llnlshed. Plllsbuty offered n draw ru thirty. Ilfth inovo. I decided to accept (Mr. M. was a puNHed pawn plus), iw tho win would ho it difficult performance against Mr. P., and could only ho ucconiplslieil after ii hurd, long-time, running light, If M'oi'kliiK - I Hour n I)U). Them's no rest for thnnn tlridriiK luiU workers Dr. Klnu's Jv'e.w !.ir imiu mm. Hons itro always busy curing toypld llvor, Jaundice, biliousness, fever and ague. Thoy nnniHii sick headache, drlvo out malaria. Never grlpo or weaken. Small, tustu nice. work wonders. Try them. 23c at Kuhn CURES MEN & Co.