The Omaha Sunday Bee. FT. & PAGES 13 TO 20. EDITORIAL SHEET. ft n mi t ---ii r -1 1 i i rr TT an irt-r WW i-C. U -W W 0 MM M JCSTAULIKIIED JTJ2SE 19, 1871. OMAHA, St'2sDAY IMOKKIXG, MAHCII at, 1901. SINGLE CO IT FIVE CENTS. Grand Easter Sale on New Spring and Summer Fabrics HAYDEK s The newest weaves from all the world's leading mills are shown hero in greatest variety and best styles. Women of taste come to riayden's because they are sure to find all that is stylish and up-to-date and at a saving of fully one-third on prices prevailing elsewhere. Our tremendous direct purchases for spot cash make this possible and also afford our customers the best assortments in America to choose from. The Most Astonishing Bargains in Finest New Merchandise Ever Put on Sale. We Send Samples Free to Out of-Town Customers. Agents for Butterlck Patterns and Publications. See Big- Announcements of Wearing Apparel Sales on Page 20. Pianos Sold on Easy Payments, HayDH The Leading Dress Goods House of the West More Dress Goods than all the other 2.98 wide, soft, 4.98 4.00 3.50 COUPON Any lady sending in this coupon will get a complete line of samples of goods advertised in this paper and if she selects a dress we will pay either postage or express. 1 Omaha houses put toether. We Sell Dress Goods at Wholesale as Well as Retail. Our spring dress goods stock is now complete. It is really two stockshigh art dress goods in the middle annex, and popular dress goods in the Economy Uargain Koom. Never in the history of the west was there such an array of line spring dress goods. Every shade, every weave made by the greatest manufacturers of Europe and America. (Sreat items of importance. Eirst The same goods for less money than any other house. Second Ten times the variety of any western house. Third We guarantee every yard we sell or a new dress. High Art Dress Goods In Black Priestley Leads Them All Tailor Suitings Volkirie The newest Scotch Suitings on the market 00 in. wide, hard, smooth finish, nothing like it in Omaha, yard Marquel's finest J'anne Venetians, GO in, heavy and very highly finished, the finest goods made, yard Pine French Venetians, US in. wide 50c Fine French Venetians, "() in. wide 1.50 Fine French Venetians, 51 in. wide 2.50 LUPIN'S CLI E VIOTS THE FINEST MADE. jiiipin's soft plush finish black 4.98 Lupin's soft plush finish black 3.98 Lupin's cheviots, all colors, 58 in 1.98 Cheviots ROc, 75c. 1.00, $1.50, ?1.98 up to 4.98 Soft sheer clinging materials for late spring is over ruling all other materials everything made in Voiles and Veiling at 50c, 75c, 1.00, 1.50, up to (yard) J Crepe de Chine, Crepe de Paris, Poplin Crepe, Panne Crepe, all wool Crepe de Chines, etc., 1 AA from l)8c to (yard) J ,KJJ Hntiste, Albatross, Poplin, Barege, Eoliennes, Drap de Venisse, Spider Web Voiles, Summer Flannels, etc., from 75c to (yard) Vigoreaux, in French and German man ufacture at 1.00, 1.50, 1.1)8 up to (yard) printed Henriettas The very latest fabric on the market nothing like them ever seen in Omaha and only found in the very largest stores east the regular price is 1.00 yard PJ SLs we will introduce them at Monday That Wonderful Sale of Imported 1 Y j 011 A concern that imports the finest Japanese Silks and 90fl lOttlftSllfj lllKS !llso oontPoIs 1110 production of one of the largest silk waftv JLf vf axiVO MRKYkJ lnnis jn America, known everywhere for making most elegant fancy silks, sells to llayden Bros, two stocks of silks. Uich and beautiful Japanese silk for waist, gown or drapery. A grand purchase of silks that is choice, new and novel grace and elegance of design rich and striking color effects is characteristic of these handsome imported silk novelties. Monday the big sale common" ces and we will show you more silks of this class at lower prices than you have ever seen or heard of before. 500 Bolts of Finest Pure Silk Jap Wash Silks, in Black, Worth About Double Sale Price Black Jap, f Black Jap A A Black Jap ET A Black Jap a IS inches 7 If, Wash Silk. LLfT Wash Silk. tLC. Wash Silk, t ZA O. wide 27 in. wide in. wide No samples sent to Omaha, South Omaha or Council Bluffs. We will gladly show goods to these ladies in our store. Whipcords, 1.00, 1.25 and 2.50 Suitings. 50c, 75c and 1.25 Scotch Tweeds, 1.00 and 1.25 Shirt Waist Material Lace Striped Albatross , Pin Striped Albatross Silk Striped Crepe de Chine Silk Striped Chuddah Cloth . . Embroidered Henriettas . . . . 1.00 75c 75c 75c 1.25 Printed Henriettas, 40 inches wide Printed Henriettas, 40 inches wide Printed Henriettas, 40 inches wide 85c 50c 25c French Challis One of the most popular fabrics of the season. We have over 2,000 styles. Come in and examine them. Strictly all wool Pacific Challis 29c Silk striped Challis, in plain and Persians 29c Shearur, Louth & Co. Challis de Laine 45c Shearur, Louth & Co. Plain Challis de Soie 45c Gros Romans Marino de. Laine ... 65c Gros Romans Royal Persians 85c Fumade Oriental Underskirt patterns of finest Japanese Wash Silk hemstitched and embroidered, in beautiful colors only a limited quantity made to sell for 15.00 on sale Monday fQ .. pattern 200 bolts finest and heaviest corded Washable Silk, in newest pastel tints, the finest washable Japanese goods produced all go in this great sale at onlv 39c Rich and bright all silk Japanese Plaids, warranted to wash nicely about 50 bolts latest out worth double our sale price all go at 25c The greatest lot of line Japanese Foulards shown by any store all the rich oriental styles and colors, in extra line-grades actually worth up to 1.50 yard over iiOO pieces in all. both the plain and satin C G finish all go on sale at 50c, (!t)c and Fine silks from American silk mills thousands of yards of finest novelties of all sorts latest waist silk and 27 in. wide colored taffeta lining silks, worth up to 2.00 all AQo go at vVl Japanese Imperial High Art Silks the finest and handsomest novelty ever shown beautiful beyond de scription made to sell for 5.00 yard on sale Monday 1 BLf at LOU 100 pieces Drapery Silks Japan lloral, oriental designs also all plain shades all I?2 inches wide for pillows and draperies on sale .Monday 49C Great Lot of Fine White Washable Silks Warranted in Every Respect. 20-in wide worth 50c, on sale 29c White Wash Silk, 27 in., worth 1.25. on sale 69c White Wash Silk, 21 in. wide, worth OQp White Wash Silk, 315 in. wide, sold at fQn 05c, on sale ?1.00 and 1.25, all no at only " In connection with the above sale we will sell 50 bolts finest Black Taffeta Silk ,'5G in wide, worth 2.25, on sale at We fill mail orders on any of the above advertised silks if sent in at once. We send samples of all kinds of new spring silks to all who write for them. 1.35 Flannel Department One cast remnants 30 in. wide Cotton Flannel, yf worth 10c, per yard t: w One case all wool Embroidered Flannel, in CQp hojiuHful dosifrns. worth 75c. ner yard KJsj J . . J J . One case Marion Cheviot Shirting, per yard 5c One case all wool White Flannel, cheap at 30c, per yard Three cases 30 in. wide Silkoline, per yard, 12ic, 10c and One case remnants of Cretonne, in beautiful designsr regular price 15c, per yard Three cases remnants 21) in. wide extra heavy Shaker Flannel, per yard 20c 8c 9c 5c DfCSS GOOdS BargaitfRoom Extra Specials for Monday. DC Half wool plaids, doublo fold, J? nice brltfht colors, at Half wool serges, doublo P fold, at Half wool cashmeres, double! fold, at 19c spring novelties IOC 23c spring novelties at S3c spring noveltlcs- at 35c suitings at 20c suitings at , 4Pc storm serges at 49c ladles' cloth at J 1,00 and $1.50 novelties at Extra heavy homcspuns- at Tino black wool granadln at worth 7Cc, at.. Black figured prunella at 10c 12c 15c 15c 19c 19c '25c 25c 25c 40-Inch crepons, worth syChr 73c. at 4S-lnch checks, worth $1.00, at $1 crepons, black at ' Polka dot HenrletU OQr for waists, at -WZw All wool French flan- O nel. plain, for waist iStJv Strictly all wool, German Henrietta.. 29c 39c 39c 10,000 yards of wool remnants accumulations of the week In all goods worth from 23 o to $1.G0 yard go at 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c 1,000 slnglo dress patterns, somo GO-lnch wide, somo 48-Inch wldo and somo 3S-Inch wide wo will sell entlro pattern tor 98c, 1.50, 1.98, 2.98 A new lino of dress goods for children's school dresses In plain, fancy and figured goods, at 25c 10c to 25c No Samples of Goods Advertised In Barguin Room as Sal e is Over Monday. ATTHMJ HAYlli:. HIIOS.' HIO LACK SALE MONDAY. Hayden's New Wash Goods Th erpati-st nhowlne of all that Is new. nobby and stylish. The great est arlety Is Haydens' business motto, and you can expect to find more styles and kinds of washable fabrics here than any where else in Omaha, . . . ...... v. .! thnn-n In- fhn "..lit.." ana uibo Becure designs ami laurits euvu o..w.. ,w ..... Uroadway ami Fifth Avenue, stores of New York City. 39c Furniture ATTEND IIAYDEX IHIOS.' BIO LACE SALE MONDAY. period of furnlturo selling beyond our most sangulno hopes induced by our vast array of new and up-to-date styles, sup- pllmented by the lowncss of our prices on nil really first-class goocu wo Intend to tempt you to look us over by making you the great est Inducements possible. The low est price offered consistent with good work. Before you buy look us over The housekeepers friend saves many steps. We aro mow showing a very fine Kitchen Cabinet, single bin, for GjO Q X Double bin. $4.S3. 0000 ATTEND IIAYDEN HIIOS.' DIG LACE SALE MONDAY. wmjmM Oak Roll Top Desk Golden finish, six quarter sawed t "Tf? pigeonhole boxes ItaiJ 4 ft. 2 In. Desk, golden finish, double base, two letter file cases, six pigeonhole I boxes a $22.00 desk for $17.50 File Cases, Letter Tress Stands, Type writer Desks, Flat Top Desks, Office Chairs of all kinds, can bo seen here and at a saving to you. Do sure and call on us In regard to office furniture. Picture Frames Wo havo Just received a carload of frames of all kinds, every shape and finish. Get your pictures framed this spring. The price will not prevent you. After a good deal of correspondence with the factory we have secured a great many of these rockers and can offer you one at $2.25 50c Exclusive styles In Genuine French Swisses yard, at Kxcluslvo styles In French Tissue productions suitable for elthor dress or evening wear fancy combination effects to be had In "OC ry r. nltiAP fnhrlf v.ircl. lit . " V v Exclusive novelties In Shirt Waist materials. In the nobbiest lace nud Inserting effects, colors of tho very best English dyes. Imported Foulard Sublime, the nearest approach to a silk fabric lu texture, finish and general appearance, wears well, and can be made Into as hand some gowns as any Foulard silk at threo times the price O Cn over 200 styles, yard, at OcJ'-' Imported Irish Dimity, tho queen of utility fabrics, in every shade, color, design and effect Imaginable the fabric everybody likes and we can recco mend this cloth as the best wash fabric ever made for the Cn prlco. Wo hao over 700 styles to select from, yard, at WifCl' Mous do Solo In every make known to the trade plain, embroidered dot, lace stripe, satin stripe, fancy embroidered stripes, crepon AELr llsse. in all the leading shades. 45c to $1.00 per yard 4UL Ileal Scotch Shirting and Waist Madras, reccomended for Its "color superiority." We havo 500 styles at 29c to Washable Chiffon. 4Mn. wide, a fabric so much needed you can appreciate Ta real valuo when It Is shown In all plain shades CZSEp h- yard, 63c and I erslan Lawns In plain colors, a fabric of real merit usually sells at 40c to 60c yard; we have all shades In this quality at, Printed Hatlste, Is hero shown in over 300 styles. We havo a special fabric and our own designs, and recommend this as the best -4 Kp wash fabric In existence priced under 25c yd.; our price Is only luv FINE PRINTED DIMITIES In all the newest, ond dainty designs; many of them perfect copies bf Imported goods. Wo have over 450 styles -f to select from and all guaranteed strictly this year's design Itw Dresden Jaconet Lawn, tho beat of all popular plain sheer 1 OP fabrics la large assortment m. vfw Scui to Our OrJjr Djp trtmsnt (or Spring- Samples. Regular price $3.50. Another rocker Is of., oak, cobbler scat, golden finish, and sells regularly fcr $2.03 ATTEND DAYMEN ItflOS.' Illti I, ACE HALE MONDAY. 50c at $1.95 Linen Department Monday's specials In linens, muslins and sheetings nro values that cannot be duplicated In the west. Somo of tho good things are: CG-ln. Uleached Damiiak at 63c yard. 72-ln. Cream Damask (extra, heavy) at Wc. 64-ln. Mercerized Damask, at 50c. tK-in. heavy hand loom Damask, at C7V4c. 02-ln heavy hand loom Damask at Kc. 12-4 4-ply-Crochet Spreads at OSc each. 12-4 tlno Fringed Spreads at $1.25 each The best Fringed Spread In town nt $2.SS each. 4-4 Cambric Muslin at 6Hc yard. 4-1 Uleached Muslin, (very good) lit 6VsC yard. S-l Blenched Sheeting nt 19c yard. 9-t Illenchd Sheeting nt 20c yard. 9-1 IJrown Sheeting at lie yard. 8-4 Brown Sheeting ut 16c yard. ATTEND DAYDEN DUOS.' DIG LACE SALE MONDAY. Fine Imported German Telk Creams Decorated Collar Boxes, 75c values Decorated Cracker Jars, 75c values CHINA DEPARTMENT 5c .25c 25c Decorated Water Camfs, 75 o values , Fine Decorated Salt and Peppers Largo 6lzo Decorated Plates, trimmed In gold 25c ...5c 10c Flno flro polished gold finished Glassware, consisting of goblets, vases, sugar and creams, sherbets, wtno glasses, rose bowls, spoon trays fruit dishes, ico cream dishes, jelly plates, etc 10c In our china department we havo on exhibition every kind of gas man tle made. All kinds of burners, chimneys, otc. Slnglo A Mantles Sc Coso Mantles 10c Doubler A Mantles 7&c Doublo Woven Queen Mantlo.. 15c Englo Mantles 10c Welsbach Mantle 15c It has been demonstrated boy ond a fact that incandescent gas burners savo one-third gas. If you will step Into our china department wo will show you the difference between using mantle and not. ATTEND IIAYDEN IIHUS.' HIT. LACE SALE MONDAY. We make the Important matter of carpet buying easy for you by showing the best styles from the best mills In the country at lower prices than any other store can offer you. Compare values and be convinced. Union Ingrain Carpet 25c. Heavy Cotton Chain, all wool filling, 39c. All Wool Lowell Extra Super Carpet 50c. Rut Specials 30-lnch Smyrna Rugs, OSc. 27-lnch Axmlnster Rug, worth $2.50, $1.69. 30-lnch Wilton Rug, worth $2.00, $1.25. 25 rolls Linoleum, slightly damaged, worth from 60c to $1.00 yard, at 25c, 35c and 45c. Carpet Sweepers $1.60. ATTEND IIAYDEN I1IIOS HIO LACE SALE .MONDAY. Sheet Music We want this to catch your eye. Oak Catie Seat Chair for $1.00 We have made a deal whereby we are enabled to of fer you better values In chairs that ever before, and of fer you a golden oak chair, cane seat, carved back, beaded spindles, brace arms, for $1.00. New lino of Hall Trees golden finish pattern, French bovel plate mirror, solid brass hooks. These racks sell at life $7. 85, S.JM), $10.25, ftii.a.-; nri u no 25c MiSfc See us-for prties for card parties Just In an assortment of burnt leather goods pipe holders, shaving pads, pil low covers, photo frnmfs anl other articles, at 25c, IOc, 75e, $1 25. Tomorrow wo will place on sale favorite compositions by Carl Bohm, as a writer of tho most delightful piano music. Carl Bohm enjoys an enviable reputation alike In Europo and America, His compositions are not class! cal, but of a quality at once high-class and refined. For students and am ateurs his Is a stlyo of music most desirable and attractive and for teach ers desiring Instructive pieces not strictly classical, tis writings are highly recommended. Tho numbers In tho following llpi will bo found correct, complete and beautifully printed lu our celebrated catalogue of 10-cent sheet music: "Beloved Child," "By tho Mountain Spring," "Charge of the Uhlans," "Dance On tho Lawn," "Dancing Spirits," "Fairy Dance," "Fare well to tho Alms," "La Grace," "Love Song," "Lover's Oraclo." "Maidens Dream," "May Has Come," "Seguldllla," Spaulah; "Silver Stars," "Swallows Song," "The Fountain," "To Thee," waltz; "Tripping Feet," "Voices of Spring," "La Zlngana," Gipsy. All the above by Carl Bohm, and each one a big seller our prlco 10 cents; by mall 11 cents. We also have lots' of pretty new songs two-steps, waltzes, piano solo, etc., In this same lot Call or send for list which Is furnished free. Remember wo are headquart ers for all tho latest music that Is published and sell It to you at greatly reduced prices. ATTEND IIAYDEN llHOS. II! ft LACE SALE MONDAY. Pianos! Pianos!! Tho only place In this part of tho country whero you find the celebrated Chlckerlng Piano. The only piano without a rival for tone, touch and dur ability. We have them In all the different styles and woods. We also han dle largo assortments of Fischer. Franklin, Jacob Doll, Haines, Marshall & Wendell, Keller and several other makes to select from. All pianos sold on easy terms. Pianos moved, tuned and repaired. New pianos for rent. Telephone 1C53. ATTEND IIAYDEN IIUOS.' Illft LACE SALE MONDAY. ATTEND IIAYDEN 1IIIOS.' DIG LACE SALE MONDAY. The Grandest Sale of Granite Ware on Record AT LESS TEIAX JOHBIXG PRICES. Now is your time to stock up for the spring. There lias just beeu another rise on these goods and these prices cannot be duplicated. - u 10-ilt,, r'KiiInr 7"5l Sale, llle. 2-qt., remiliir ftOe, Hull- :ie. No. N,,rrKiilnr Ofle, Sal ftltc. r-aaB a-iiunL' Ilt-Knlnr 20c-Snle lOo. J Lurp, rcKiilnr !."!, SuIk ltf. JO-I. reKiilnr Btto, Snle 33c faff !-(t.. rt'Kiilnr :iUc Sale lite. O-ijt., ri'Kiilnr -inc. Sale 'J3i;. Itrunlnr l'o, Bale To, 12-Inch, rrKulnr 20c, Snl 10 HAYDEN BROS. J (callutiH, n-Kular rt.'.p, Mile l.'f. Itrirulnr lr.c, Sale Co. GASOLINE STOVES We will handle the celebrated .National Insurance Stove way ahead of any other In the market Come and see before you buy. We have a flrst class 2-hole gasoline stove for Jl.'j3. Wo aro just putting on our now sample floor the largest line of cook stoves and steel ranges In tho west. We can sell you a good No. 8 four hole square cook for $7 05. REFRIGERATORS We will have about 40 different kinds and sizes. The Ourney, the Jewel, he La Belle and several others, at less than Job blng prices. ATTEND IIAYDEN I)IlOS. DIG LACE SALE MONDAY L ,