Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1901, PART I, Image 12

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3,000 Pr. Lace Curtains
On Sale at One-Third Price
The Entire Spring Importation
of a Large Western Drapery House
This is it er,v remarkable sale of Lace Curtains. They were damaged in
one-third their worth, thus enabling us to offer ,vou .Monday the greatest
transit. The roof of the ear leaked and some of the eurtnins became wet.
bargains in lace curtains that you have ever secured.
The railroad company sold them to Boston Store for spot cash at about
Damaged Lace Curtains
25c Each
All the damaged lace cur
tains, no matter what, the
grade, go in one big lot at 12"c
each. There are hundreds in
t ho lot nnd they nro no that they
$2.00 Lace Curtains
at 98c Pair
In this lot are all the good
$2.50 Lace Curtains
at $1.39 Pair
J n this lot are all the Notting
ham Curtains, all absolutely
new and stylish patterns, and
$5.00 Lace Curtains
at $1.98 Paii
Iu this lot are all the imported
Nottingham Lace Curtains, in
white and ecru, in every style
$7.50 Lace Curtains
at $2.98 Pair
All the lace curt a ins that gen
erally sell at 5 and 7.50 pair
go at 2.08 pair. These are
in the new cable nets, batten
berg and Brussels effects, and
$10.00 Lace Curtains
at $3.98 Pair
All the best Lace Curtains
heavy substantial
in one biy; lot at
wear and
55.0S pair, many worth $10 nr.
bice curtains they are in
white and ecru and would be
They are in Irish Point, Brus
sels, real lace, etc. These aro
those soft, lacey weaves
of curtain that "onornllv
j-, V I IV 1 41 l(Y
win mii
on fast
think of i
ull Mm!-,
nf Inro
At, nrli...
at 2
pi', 1 hoy
no at . .
that would
be cheap at
$2.50 pail
they go at .
all abso
lutely sound
sells at
95.00 pair
euecc, an
sound unil prrfect,
nnd would be
cheap nt $7.50
biiIp prlco
go at
nnd perfect nnd
ii ro Krent bar
gains pair
Ladies' Watches
Ladles' 0 Klzo Sterling SlUer Cliatclnlne
Vntcl('8. with beautiful rhatelnlno pin, In
In Id with prccloiin .( cjiith, ruble, pearls,
etc , ("ptelril
mln price
oiin otoiiPH, runic, penris,
Gentlemen s Watches
Oontlomcn's Wntchcn, IS slzo, oz, silver
eniics, screw bevel, warranted dtmt proof,
has 15 jewel American Waltham
special sale
.merican waltham
A Very Important Sale of Fine
Easter Millinery
It Is tin (sinbllshed fact (hat thero Is no millinery
In tltn west to coinparo with ours.
Our millinery lias n national reputation and Justly
so, i:cry lato Innovation, every new creation that
do.icrtes commendation, Is hhown here. Wo Import
mndclx by Uic seoro Irom I'arls, London and Herlln,
nnd sccuro tho latest iiattorns from New York. Theso
ii ro reproduce! and the cost to you Is minimized.
However, tho products from our own work rooms vlo
with them for n place In the femlnlno henrt. Wo em
ploy the best deslKncru In tlio country nnd each hat
In our entire Ktoto has that distinctive stylo and dash
to It that characterizes It as tho lirandlcs sort.
Somu remnrkablo bargains nwnlt you this Kastcr
sale. A notable ono Is our great ?3 hat offer. Theso
are mostly reproductions of noted French patterns,
besides a number of our own creations. All arc handsomely
trimmed and mado of very lino material,
actual $10 values,
Grand Sale of New Spring Dress Fabrics
New Imported Novelties
Dress fabrics that cling are decidely in vogue this season. We have an exten
sive line of all kinds and our prices, nro certainly in your favor. These specials tomorrow.
Foreign Wash Goods
(In main dress Koods department.)
A Fpcclal offerliiR of IiIrIi class Imported
wash fubrlcs In the now spring colorlnps,
very dainty effects, Including merccrl.ed
grenadines, silk wurp moiissollno du sole,
lnco striped batiste, satin rnyurc, tippllquril
tlssuo and embroidered Swisses, In llornl
and striped designs, worth up to Jl.CU a
aT1, AQo. and fSQn
New crcpo do orient, silk and wool
acllcnncs, silk and wool albatross,
French bareges, but ctamlncs, silk
and wool lansdown and other new
weaves In tho choicest
colorings, worth up to
$2 a yard, on sale, at, yd.
yard .
Black Dress Goods
Tomorrow wo place on sale In dress
goods department 60 pieces black
Fa II ii solid, lustrous silk finish,
guaranteed not to spot, very stylish
for dresses and sopnrntc
skirls, woith up to
$1.50 a yard, at.....
$6.98, $9.98 and $12.50 Rives you the choice of many
beautiful I'nttent Hats nnd reproductions of some of tho most famous models. In
reproducing theso models tho c.xnct materials nro used.
Wo nro offering tho original models, (hat
cost us from $30 to H" each, nt $23.00
nicy nnvo served inelr purposo to us-
und you can
choose from nny
of them at
An extensive lino of beautiful effects In
Small Huts, Turbans and Dress ShiiptH
trimmed Willi clilliomi, rollage, roses,
etc , very stylish hcaoi
wear, up to $3.00
values - - at
Ladles' Drcsu Hats, hand sowed, made on
wlro frame, In tho most
popular shapes black
oilly $2.23 values - for..
d ineir purposo to us
! beautiful effects In
and Dress ShiiptH
'milt, foliage, roses,
id sowed, made on
Misses' Hats, In combination braids
all colors all shapes Mexican Flats
Itound Crowns, etc. fC
W cent values JmlyQ
Fifty dozen .American
Crushed Hoses, that sell
clsowhcro for 35c bunch
on salo at
Beauties and
A large assortment of Flowers Hosea,
l ounge, etc. worth fully
49c a bunch on salo Mon
day nt
ti .fa vi ova,
Sale of Dress Goods Purchased from a Manufacturer of Ladies' Dresses
75c Dress Goods at 29c a yard $1.25Dress G'ds49c vd
Dress Goods at 12ic
All of tho low priced dress
goods from this manufacturer In
handsome mixtures, cheviots
Just tho thing for spring suits
for ladles nnd
children, on salo I .-O
at, yard AOW
Grand Easter Sale of
Suits EsLCostumes
An Immcnsolot of black, plnln and figured brllllnntlncs,
silk mercerized plcrolns, light and dark colors, small
woven designs, strictly nil wool do beiges, also puro
wool Imported fancy wei.vo dress fnbrlcs, every ono
guaranteed worth 73c, on salo on main
floor bargain
square, yard
All of tho high grade dress
gcods In black plerolns, mohnlr
jHcquards, flno mohair brllllan-tlncs,-
all wool vlgorcaux, extra
heavy nil wool zlbcllnes nnd Cl
inch covert iloth,
nil guaranteed $1.25i
goods, at, yard
Special Sale of Silks for Easter
Easter only ono week away and no tlmo to lose In buying your dress and waist materials
preparations for big selling this week. Extra bargains for this sale.
Black Silks
Wo bnvo made spcclnl
22-Inch pure silk
27-Inch China
21-Inch satin
21-luch Arniuro
21-Inch penu de
20-inch corded
26-Inch puro silk
2t-lnch heavy brocaded
Colored Silks
Colored Silks
19-Inch colored taffeta, 20
different shades, at,
21-Inch puro silk foulards In
30 different colors nnd
designs, at, yard
100 pieces of wnlst
silk, fancy striped
woven designs,
at, yard
21-lnch liberty satin foulards, over 50 dif
ferent colors, including tho f
now old rose nnd roseda J tlC
shades, at, yard
10 new exclusive patterns In foulard
sill;, each pattern containing 13
yards of high grado
foulard, our Easter
sole price,,
i containing 13
Easter Gloves
and Neckwear
Priced exceptionally low for
Wcrtheimer's "Sovereign"
Gloves for Ladies at 98c a Pair.
This In a very unusual offer nud unite op
portune, right before Eautor. They nro
mnde of extra quality kid, In every lato
shade, including black and while. Thoy
uomo ill the very latest styles their
wearing qualities aro excel- )
lent every pair guaranteed
special nlo price pair
$1.50 Ladies'. Neckwear
at 25c and 50c.
Ladies' lino Silk Neckwear, tho very lat
est alyles nnd tho choicest colorings, plain
and Inney trimmed, worth up to $1,50 each,
on mile Monday In two lots at
25c and 50c
Don't forget that This Is the Last Week Before LaMcr
UK DISPLAY of women's ready-to-
wear jiiirnients is unite in keen-
ill"- willi the progressiveness of this
t'slnblisliinont. We are fashion's clos
est adherents. J?ut, despite f ho vast
superiority of our garments, we do not hes
itate to sell them for half their worth when
fortune favors us as these items illustrate.
Ladies' $35 Tailor-Made Suits for $17.50
Tomorrow wo offer you tho cholco of n. handsomo lot
of flno snmplo garments. They nro nil tho very latest
styles nnd tho handling they received whlln being shown
cannot bo noticed. They aro elegant suits nnd embraco
nil tho newest ideas. Most of them nro taffeta lined.
The regular retail prlco of theso
suits ranges from $23.00 to $33.
Como nnd tnko your cholco to
morrow for
Ladies' 17.50 Tailor-Made Suits for $8.50
The backward season compelled tho manufacturer to
sacrlilco theso suits, hence this rcmarkablo offer. Hand
somo Etons, blouse, IAlglons nnd box suits, with now
flaro nnd flounce skirts, mnuy nil silk lined. Tho ma
terials nro pebble chovlots, Vene
tians, coverts, etc., $15.00 to $17.50
values, on salo
them nro taffeta lined.
silk lined. Tho ma-
Silk Dress and Costume Skirts
Kino taffeta dress skirts with fancy np
pllqucd flounco overnct. with full drnpo
skirt and accordion pleated $ft85
taffeta bottom, worth fully kvMyj
$15.00, on sale for
$15 Sample Skirts $6.98
A very cholco lino of flno taffeta skirts, all
samples, sorao trimmed with $ZRQ
flounces, nil new styles, $10 to tj
$15 values, on salo for
$17.50 Sample Jackets $9.90
All new spring creations, nil colors,
cholco fabrics latest styles,
including taffeta lined Eton KffcQf)
box conls, $15.00 und $17.50
vntucH, for
$7. 50 Covert Eton Jackets $4.98
Kino covert Eton Jackets, all silk lined,
beautiful stylo and finish. C A Qg
newest. sunned, nciuai ,i.uu t m,
i . . . nin , .i r,.- &
Great Sale of Muslin Underwear and Aprons
The Entire Stock of Hoffman & Dryer ?2,ffiJJ on Sale at Half Price,
Hofrman & Dryer, 135 Greene street, New York, are well known as the largest manufacturers of Muslin Underwear in the United States. When they
retired from business a few weeks ago Ave purehnsed their entire stock, whicli will be placed on sale tomorrow at Hie very lowest prices ever known for such hi'di
grade j-oods. This is an extraordinary tine lot of garments, made of the finest muslins, cambrics, long cloths, etc., trimmed with the finest lace, insertion and
embroidery, made full si.e. The Aprons are the finest ever shown in the west; many wholesaled at .fllS a dozen. The low prices we mime are bound to anneal
to every lady. 1 1 1
Ladies' Drawers
Ladies' line Muslin and Cambric Drawers, ombrella
style, hemstitched, mado with cluster of tucks, trimmed with EZr
lace, worth fully 40o, on salo at JqC
Ladies' finest Muslin nnd Cambric Drawers, trimmed
with best quality embroidery and
Insertion, handsomo style, on sale at 39c 49c Qtld 69c
Ladies' Corset Covers
Ladles' Corset Covers, made of tho finest cambric and long cloth, trim
med with lneo and" embroidery, newest French styles, beautiful garments,
worth up to $1.00, on salo at 25c, 39c aild 49c
Ladies' Gowns
Ladles' Muslin nnd Cambric downs, mado full size, over 50 different styles,
hnndsomcly trimmed, beautiful gar
ments, worth up to $2. on salo nt 49 6QC and QQC
Ladies' Skirts
Ladies' fine Cambric nnd Muslin Skirts, made extra
wide, with deep hemstitched ruhle, trimmed with lace and
$l"l;.rolc:!,or,s,a.o'kutnce' da,n,y 8tylcSl worth 49c, 69c and 98c
Ladies' Chemise
Ladies' Skirt Chemise, made full size, trimmed with
fine lace, insertion and embroidery, perfectly made gar
ments, worth up to 2.00, on sale at 49c, 69c and 98c
Ladies' and Children's Aprons
Mado of India lawn's, cambrics, long cloth and nainsook, some of theso nre
worth up to $1S a dozen. A beautiful lino and undoubtedly the finest over
shown In tho west on sale at OStn CXQn 4Qn nri tCir
EST This Entire Stock Will Be Placed on Sale on the Main Floor on Bargain Sqwares.,3
Laces and
At phenomenally low
Very Fine Swiss Nainsook
and Cambric Embroideries.
In a Rrcat variety of patterns, now,
designs, In all widths, worth up to 35c
a ynrd on salo nt
2c, 5c, 7ic, 10c and
19c Yard
MTtv Lncen nt 11 Ho nnd 80 Ynrd
High Grade Oriental and
Net Top Laces.
lpxtra flno quality, n great variety of
vcrycholco patterns, worth up,to 50c
a yard go on salo at
3ic, 5c and 8c Yard
This Sale Is On Now Nothing Can Stop It.
our purchase and sale of the
1b doing just what we said it would its set
ting the whole town wild. Come tomorrow
bring the boys the suits are fine.
Men's Silk and Satin Lined Suits
Hoys' Knco Pants
. 19 Cents
In tsusctneut.
In all tho now swell spring styles and
9.98, 12.50,
15,00, 1900
Theso are the finest men's suits over
shown In Omnba.
Men's $10 Suits on Sale at $5
Your choice of 600 men's splendid cassl
mere and worsted suits splendidly trim
med and perfect fitting
Men's $15 Suits at $7.50
SOO men's flno all wool cheviot, worsted,
cnsklmcro suits, In tho now spring styles,
all patterns nnd colors, and rm p
sires, worth $15 go nt ,. X Ovf
Boys' Suits $1.25
Nearly 1,000 suits for boys
from 3 to S in light and
dark vesteo suits and 000
suits in blue and black cheviot"
2-piece suits for boys fron 7
to 15 years, go at
Child's 2-piece knee pants
suits in blue serges, blue ami
black cheviots, fauey mixtures,
stripes and checks in sizes
from 7 to 15 years j JQ
Boys' vestee suits in blues,
checks and stripes AO
7 to'15, at I. jO
Childs' vestee suits, in blue
serges, and blouse suits, in nil
Hoys' 2-piece suits, sizes 7 to
15, in blues, blacks, AO
stripes and checks, at..ifU
Boys' 2 and fl-pieoe suits, all
styles nnd colors, also sizes
ages 7 to 15, at
3.50 and 3.98
Boys' (S to Hi yrs.) IJ-piece
cheviot, suits und fancy QO
mixtures, at jO
-ages o to 1)
Boys' Long: Pants
ages 12 to 19, in blue and black
clay worsteds, serges, stripes
and checks, eussimeres, cheviots
tweeds, etc., at
3.98, 5.00 and 7.50
Grand Sale Easter Shoes
All the new styles, all the new lasts, all the new colors, all the new ideas in
patent leather shoes, vici kid shoes, box calf shoes, velour shoes.
60 new and different styles
of Ladies' Shoes at, a pair,
that would cost you four or five dollars any.
where else.
40 new and different styles 1 An
of Men's Shoes at, a pair, J-UU
that would cost you four or five dollars every
where else.
New Extension Sole and Heel shoes for men,
New Louis XV Heel Kid and Patent Shoes for Women,
New Cuban and Military Heel Shoes for Women,
New Patent Leather Shoes and Oxfords for Women,
New Patent Slippers for Misses and Children,
Boys' Shoes in Patent Enamel at 98c Youth's Enamel 98c
Ladies' House Slippers, 59e Child's Shoes, 39c, 49c, 59c. file, 75c
Ladies' Oxford Ties, 89c and 98c Youth's, Boys' Shoes,75c,89c 98 ,1.15
Ladies' Strap Sandals, 89c and 98c Misses' Shoes, 69c, 96c, 1,15, 1,2 :
Ladies' Shoes, 89c, 98c, 1.50 Men's Shoes, 1,25, 1,39, 1,50, 1,6 )