4 i Wfl. ' .1. "il ' til t. V M , kt THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SUNDAY, MAKC1T 31. 1901. 11 EXACT SIZE OF JOc FMCJCAGJi OTARCH .aflfi .atJaaflaaAt DCninnrc mnnriniiup I mr prepared for UHWDRY PURPOSES ONLY. aaBaBaBasaBH II WBBBBBBBBBB JV HriTHBMH U T-SBBBBBBBBBBP MJHNHW B r-c OMAHA. NEB. Biggest and Best .... Money Back if it Isn't SSI 11 WM The Marvel of the 20th Century The discovery of a new ingredient makes it possible to offer a Cold Water Starch that is absolutely harmless to the finest fabrics. No other starch can equal it when stiffness, polish and fine finish is desired. DEFIANCE STARCH 16 oz. FOR 10c OTHER BRANDS CONTAIN 12 OUNCES to id J iff to to to to No Chromos-No Premiums Quality Quantity Alone m m m i m m m m i m m $ m m w m m m m m to We pin our faith as we offer a better starch and one-third more of it$ than has ever been put into a 10c package. to to to to to to to to to to to SOLD BY ALL GROCERS m m i m m m m m m m .41 EMBEZZLEMENT IS CHARGED ; Woodman of the World Eegiu 0riminl Action Against John T, Lallj. SHORT IN HIS ACCOUNTS WITH LODGE Lull)-, Who In a Mull Cui-rlcr mill I'np lilnr Aiiiiiiik' n l.nrjti Ariiiinliit II HIT. lll'I'llllM'H lie Is .Not , . (iiillly uf Wroiiu, Joint F. l.nlly, a' mil if carrier, I Ian been ar reste'd'en' tho elm rev of embezzlement. Tlio allegation hf made that I.ally embezzled sums aggregating- $1,531.'.!:! from Alpha cnuip, Wooilmcn of' tlio World. The period of his alleged jiecillu Hons extended from December 1, lS;i, to January 10, V.'Ol. Dur lng that lime Lally occupied tlio posltiou of clerk uf Alplia camp. Information charging I.ally with cnibos (lenient Has been tiled by theso ullleera of Alpha tnmp; Mlehaol Kelser, banker; II. E. MoKelvoy, coiihuI commander, and (j. h. 'Mather; ohalrmnii of tho bonrd of malingers. Ilally apprnred In police court ond pleaded not -guilty to tho charge preferred ovMnit1 him.- Ills trinl lum been set for Wednesday, j lie pets up tlio claim that tho lodgo owca I lilm for norvloctt rendered all of tlio money I which lie hau retained and inoro benldus. Cimik'n Aliieh Til 1 1.. ' I.nlly'B arrest and tlio rumors forccnstlni; such action hnvo Mtlrred tho Woodmen of , the World In thli) cjty for several moiitlia. j It has btcn the topic of the hour with Wood-1 men and thero xcotua to bo u wide diver- ! roiico of opinion relatlvo to tho merits of tho ease. Lally van one of tho iiiokI popu lar members of Alpha ennip, which Is the banner IciIro of tho Woodmen of tho World and vus also the first to be organized. Ills election to the' clerkship eamo to him as a protiMinccd compliment and ho 111 led tho oflleo KntlS'nctorlly, bo nil of tho mumbers llllin, until somn hesnn to stiEpeet his tranmictlons wherein money was concerned. Several months uro rumors beKan to ho rife that I.ally's flnancl.il operations wero not lie they should be. A coniinlttro was appointed to Investl gntu and' It returned a report, flniltnR that I.ally had not turned ovqr to tho treas uror nil the moneys ho had collected from thn 'jhembcrs afl dues and nssffjrteiits. I.ftlly at that time assorted that ho had only rcthlfied what ,'pinnpy was duo him for hCrvlrca reiidorfd. All attempts toward se curing n. settlement were futile and llnally tho caso was taken to tho courts, Mean tlpio J.ally was relieved from his position ns secretary of th lodse, O. L. Mather belnK selected for that position In Jnnuary lto held thp ofllcb only temporarily and at :i special election, hold February 7, Charles L'nltt wiib elected secretin--. Pules mill A in ii ii I m Sir'lllcil,( Tho lufni'mailou filed by tho otllccrs of Alpha camp against. Lally contains tho gen eral charge of thh embezzlement of $1, and in live nddltb ii.il rounls cites the dales on which specific sums arc al leseil to have been embezzled. DurliiK tho mouth of Junuary It is charged that Lally cpnvwicd to his own use dues collected as follows" January 1, Jl'.J.YTO; January 2, $31.0. ; ,'laniiary I, $IS.S0; Janunry y, $39.70. Tho sixth count alleges tho embezzlement of $KS.17 on vnrlous dates unknown and from 'parties unknown, between December 1, 1 SUIt. mid January 10, 1001. Twenty men, all members of Alpha camp, paid their dues to Lally nil January 9. The aggregnto amount, was $30.70 mid this sum Lally Is charged with having appropriated lo himself. Tho members who are named as having remitted their dues to Lally on that day are; 1'rlnh linker, James Fuller, W. It. Harding, K. L. Mnhler. II. I). Ken nedy, J. Slble, James Whclaii, T. O. Hall, John Ituckcr, J. A. I'rlbble, W. N. Worphy, I S. Diirbln, S. A. Truinble. J. C. Wood ford, It. L. Osborne, J. M. Downr, Oeorgc KHiuond, N. C. Nellsen, II, Scholtlng, II. C. Soutter. I.nlly lilira His VitnIoii. "This charge of embezzlement against mo will be found wholly false," said Lally when seen nl tho po.itolllcc yesterday. 'Jlnstead of there being n shortage In my accounts, Alplia camp owes me now about $6 IS," ho continued. "This suit of embezzlement against mo Is tho outcome of a civil action I brought Inst December for an accounting with Alplia camp. The amount Involved In the suit was $.".210 and I estimated that when such offsets as wero right and lawful wero deducted it would bo found that I had about SL'.Hia or $2,200 duo me. "Tho elulin that I havo recently embez zled various nmonnis Is preposterous. Why, I haven't got 30 cents. I went Into tho olllco of clerk of Alpha camp In August, IS'Ji. About that tlmo somo 300 members of tho camp withdrew because of n griev ance, Iniagln.iry or otherwise, and organ ized tho Knights of tho Forest. It was generally considered that most of tho dis affected members would rooner or later re turn Into tho fold of Alpha camp, mid I was Instructed to keep their dues paid up and suspend uono of them until three or four months had passed, so as to glvo them all a chance to get back Into the lodge and be lu good standing upon their return. I remitted tho dues for theso members to the toverelgu banker and took tho money from tho funds of the lodge, as per In structions. Tho money was never returned to the lodgo. The members whoso dues wero kept up did not liquidate and the sovereign lodge refused to reimburse the camp, so tho treasury remained in a depleted condi tion l'n I In lo Sm In r . "Ilecauso of this depletion of tho treasury there was no money on hand to pay my sal- nry as clerk of thn camp, which amounted to approximately $72 per month, For a long time I never drew any fcalary at all and then when It seemed apparent that I could obtain no settlement with tho lodge, I pro ceeded to deduct from tho dues paid mo by tho members tho money dint was rightfully due ine. "This matter has been hanglng.'fire n long time. A year ago when my books wero ex nmlned n discrepancy was found, which was explained In my taking tho money to pay my salary. After this long tlmo the chargo of rmbozzlcmcnt preferred against mo seems to bo an attempt to injure me. Mem bers of tho camp understand tho situation perfectly. Tho wholo trouble can bo traced back to tho period that the camp paid tho dues of the' 300 members who deserted it and formed a new lodge." Lally Is one of tho best known mall car riers In tho city. He has been on the enr rler foreo for five years. Ills homo Is nt 1523 North Twentieth street. EASY MONEY IN THIS GRAFT Colored Men Turn Stolen Lend Fipi Into Dollari and Cents. WHOLESALE DEPREDATIONS REVEALED VERDICT IN HOPPER CASE Aimlliri' of the .llcicei' Fire l)niun(;c NiiIIn r.nra A KHi MM Klcrtrlu I.llilit Company, or marriageable Girls cm have a practical treatise on motherhood, telling 5b al,out "MOTHER'S FRIEND" (that5& will save months of pain and trouble), sent, free, S by sr-ndiiifr name anil address of self or friends to S tiii; i:n.nz i::m itt::rKvrm ., Atinnt.-i. tin. "The wcrld can produce nothing like 'Mother's Friend.' " 5 ' ' Sold bjrUst Drun-iili, J !.(, er nut by eiprcti pal4 on retciptufptkf, 55 zy an i A Jury yesterday ndded $3,000 to tho total sum of verdicts returned against tho Now Thomson-Houston Klectrlo Light com pany nt tho present term of tho district court. J. C. Itombold got a verdict of $15,000, tho widow of Fireman Hendsen se cured quo of $,1,000 nnd Saturday's verdict of $3,000, which Is In favor of Fred Anderson, administrator of tho estate of Charles A. Hopper, makes tho totnl $23,000. Charles A. Hopper was ono of tho four firemen killed by electricity at tho Mercer Chemical eoinpany Arc In 1809 on account of n ladder coining In contact with a llo wlro belonging to tho Thomson-Houston company. Tim other three men wero Otto Oiseke, James Adams and (Jcorgo Hendsen. Suits were brought against the company by tho administrators of the estates of tho men, each claiming $5,000 damages. In tho Hendsen case a verdict for tho full amount, was found, hut ns Hopper was a single man tho Jury luted tho amount of damages In his cuso at only $3,000. The (llseko and Adams cases remain to bo tried, FATHER MUGAN IS IN CHARGE Xrn Ciitliollc Parish, SI. Mho'n of So ll til Omiiliii, In I'.nIiiIi. IUIiiiI. Tho lines of the new Homan Catholic parish In South Omaha have been llxrd by tho bishop and Father Charles Mugan li now In rh'irge of hl new field. Tho east lino of tho parish Is Thirty-first street and tho north lino L street. To the south and west It extends to the county line. A member of the now parlBh has given the prloet n temporary homo and a hall will he secured in which to hold services until a church and parsonage csn bo built. The new parish will bo known ns St. Mary's. CREDITORS BEGIN ACTION i;iTnrl to ll n liollieiiliiiru I'lrni I'ut on llniilii'iiit l,UI. I). J. O'Hilcn A: Co. and beveral other wholoialo confectionery houses in .N'ebraika and lown petitioned the United Slatos district court yesterday to have the firm of 13. Newman & Co, of Gpthenburg, do flared a bankrupt. The petition Alleges that a $5,000 stock of goods- owned by tho Gothenburg firm Ii3b recently been con veyed to a Gothenburg bank, but that the transfer was not made In good faith, tho purpose tclng to defraud creditors. t'ol lee A iron I n Trlii of SnprelK "nil One ii f the .Viiniliei' .Million Ciiiifi-H-nIiiii u( (iullt, Imiilli'iil liiK "I" I'nln. Three colored men. Guy Stevens, Lewis rerkfiis npd Thud Locklcy, who havo been stealing plumbing fixtures and lead piping from vacant houses, It Is alleged, were ar rested jisterdoy morning. For several weeks owners of vacant houses have been com plaining to tho polico that much destruc tion was being wrought by plumbing thieves. Theso colored men havo been suspected for several days and ovldcnco against them had accumulated. When placed In tho sweat box Stevens, tho youngest of tho gong, con fessed tho guilt of tho cutlro gang atidHold a long story of depredation and destruction which he and his pals had committed in tho theft of plumbing fixtures and piping. Tlii',v 0ii'inli' lOiti-nil wly. For three months tho trio has bcen.nt work nnd already the polico hnvo fi(tind damage aggregating at leant $1,000. Tht system employed was to locate n vacant house, break Into It during tho night and j secure all tho lead piping they could Mm!. I In some rnnrs boards were rlntied un thn en tire length of a house lu ordcl- to uncover tho piping. As far ns jjii bo learned the colored men sold nil of their pip'ng to Harry II. White, ' a Junk denier at 1501 Webster street. Ho paid them about one-third tho nctual vnluo of tho piping nnd tho plumbing thieves re alized about $100 from their operations. All of tho parties who had complained to the polico that their' houses had been ,0117 tercd and tho leatl piping ' stolen were notified of th arrest of tho colored trio. A number of proporty owners and real estate men listened to Stevens' confession, and as ho told of tho different houses cntcrcjl by himself und his pals tho property owners were convinced of the responsibility of tho gang In the cases of which they had made complaint. I.oi'klej lli'iinili'il iih l.enili-r. Stevens asserted that Lockley was the leader .of tho gang. Somo of tho Jobs, ho said, were done by tho thrco ami occa sionally .0110 would go alone whero tho plumbing was such that no assistance was required In tearing It up. The men mado no distinction ns to tho location of tho houses shorn of their plumbing facilities. They worked from the bottoms to tho ex clusive residence districts. Among the houses visited weio 1621 Wirt. 1011) Spencer, 211C Spencer. 1010 Hlnney. 2120 Cass and 2120 Hurney. Detectives Drummy and Mitchell hud charge of tho ease against theso men. Thoy arrested Stevens and Perkins and the nr rest of Lockley was mado by Officers Lnhey and Thomas. Much of the property was 1 recovered by tho detectives to tho owners ! of the houses from which tho piping had been taken. .Nen Turin (in lulu l'.ni'l. The announcements aro lining received i nt tire freight departments In this city of the ntw tarlfr that are to go Into effect on ' tho differential lines on freight from Hos ton, Providence New York, Philadelphia, Haltln.ore and points common therewith , Increasing the rates to the Mississippi river and nil points boyond. The advance per 100 pounds will be. First olnss, 5 cents; sec ond class, I cents; third class, 3 cents; fourth and fifth classes, 2 cents, sixth class. Hi cents. Tho new tariff becomes cffectlvo April 5. MAY WEAR BOOTS IN BED .1 li line IX1II1- HiileN II111I .Mini Still Iti'liiln 11 I'nv 1 1 11 ill i-I'rlvlU'Ki'K. Judge Kstclle has refused to divorce John and Matilda Heed, both of whom ore on tho hliady side of 50 years and have grown-up and married children. The Heeds aro old settlers of Omaha and are well known in tho community. Some mouths ago tho husband brought suit for divorce, chnrglng his wife with Infidelity, and Mrs. Heed filed n counter petition In which sho nllegcd that her husband had treated her cruelly. Tho caso was stubbornly contested, the liiul taking up about two weeks of tho court's time. About $12,000 worth of real estntc, including tho Heed hotel at South Omaha, was involved In tho case, tho par ties ronlendlng for ownership lu tho event of a divorce decreo resulting from tho suit. Judge llstelle, In an oral decision yester day, stated that If Mrs. Heed had com mitted the offense charged against her It had been condoned by tho husband, who hnd not shown sufficient eatiso for divorce. As to Mrs. Heed's eross-pctltlon, thn court said that tliij allegations hud not been sub stantiated by the evidence. "It Is true," said the judge, "that thero was testimony to prove that Mr. Heed went to bed with his boots on and that ho frequently used profane language, but no cause for divorce line been shown." SOUTH OMAHA ASSESSORS Cmiiil.v llniiril Ak fur l.i'Kiil Opinion Oil I'rilVlHlllllN uf ,imi (ilj liiiiiti'l'. At tho regular meeting of the county cnmmhslmiers yesterday a resolution wa ndopted requesting tho county attorney to give the hoard a legal opinion ns to whether or not tho passage of tho new charter for South Omnha will make any changu neces sary In tho manner of making assessments for county purposes In that city, At pres ent thero nro four assessors In South Omaha nnd tho new charter provides for only one. Commissioner Hoctor hnR already boon glvpp tin opinion by his privatu counsel to the effect Unit tho new charter will not affect the present county assessois. In enso it Is decided that the present as sessors nro legislated out of oflleo, tho county board will bo required to appoint a single assessor for tho district. Jcro Howard has put in a formal application for tho position. END OF LONG CONTROVERSY Union Ficifio Decidei to Cut Out Bridgt Tolli on Goyernment Freight. UNCLE SAM WOULD NOT ALLOW CHARGE I'll 111 ml nrulim on III 1 1 n Anuirmillnu Alionl 'liirrn llunili'cil iiioiiniinil nullum flei- llnlliiiiul (iitrh In. A point nt Issue between the L'niou Pa cific Hailroad company nnd tho quarter master's department of the United Stntes nrmy, which has been before the officials of tho army department for over n yeur, has been settled in favor of the government. Tho question enmo up over tho cost of transporting freight between Chicago and other eastern points and tho posts west of tho Mississippi und Missouri rivers. As early as the breaking out of tho Spanish war tho government asked for bids for tho tiansportatlon of supplies to western points, nnd among tho bidders tho Santa Kb system submitted tho lowest figures. Tho other roadB offered to meet tho mile age rnto fixed by the Santa Fo and wero given business on that basis. The Santa Fo eiosses tbo Mississippi on tho (Julncy bridge, und In Its computation of charges on government freight figuiul tho trans portation over tho bridge thu samo as any other mileage. Kuunlng lo Kansas City tho Snntn Fo does not cross tho MlFsourl river. Illfllllli'n llrlilu Toll. When tho bills of the Union Pacific were presented It was found that tho company had charged, In addition to tho mileage charged by tho Santa Fe, a brldgo toll at Omaha. Tho government refused to recog nize tho correctness of this churgo and al lowed tho bills oceordlng to the Sanla Fo calculation. Tho Union Pacific company re fused to accept payment on this basis and the money wus left In ehnrgo of the qunr toruiiister'H department at Omnha until this week, when tho company signified Its will ingness lo accept tho amount tendered by the government. Dining all the time tho controversy was In progress the company has been hauling freight for the government nnd refusing lo accept payment. In this time It has earned about $300,000. according to tho calculations of tho quatierinaster'H department, and about $3,000 more than that according to tho contention of tho company. As noon as It beenmo Known that tho com pany would accept payment on tho govern ment's plan cheeks wero mado out for the amount originally In controversy, which had been p.oved by tho company to tho extent of $03,000. Saturday bills to the nmount of $58,000 wero sent to tho company for ex nmlniUoii, making tho total amount to hn paid in tho deferred claims within 11 week $111,000. Tho other bills will be paid ns fast as they can bo audited. NO OTHER PLACE LIKE HOME .Mi'i. Ilriiiilff, Smiilliioi I'nllenl, I'llncM In tin I11 IIiiUTurne.v lltmpllitl. IK- Mis. Charles Hranlff is sick with small pox at SU South Seventh street. Shu was stricken with tho disease yesterday. Health olllcois trlod lo persuada her to go to tha emergency hospltul, but sho refused to leave .her home, and Was quarantined, to gether with her four children. Thu llttlo folks hnvo nil been exposed to 1 tho disease. Tbo health olllcora attempted ' to vacclnato tho children, but tho motbor I objected and won her point, ALL LOOK ALIKE TO HIM Don I nleliiM I'l'i'iinien In Do II 11 1 11 . 1111 11 Whiilexiilr IIhnIn, Fldo iud lit 11110 must be tagged before April 15. All dogs which dor not bear tho city label on that dato will 'ho subject to the whims of the dog catuher. Tho unlvcr tal tux on dogs Is $1 per year. No dog is too younp to pay the tnx. City Clerk Kl bourp has r.ecclved n shipment of tags, nnd will offer them for ealo Monduy morning. Any persons wishing to iccu.ru dog tags will go first to the city treasurer and pay Un tax. Kecelpts will be Issued by tho treas urer which may bo exchanged In the clerk s oflleo for tags. MEN CURED Without Drugs or Electricity by Our Vacuum Organ Developer No Cure No Pay 75,000 IN USE Our Vacuum Organ Davslopcr eurm whore everything iIto fails ond liopn Is dead. Itrs stores small, weak oruau, lot power, falling manhood, ilruiim, orroM of youth, etc. Stric ture and Varloocels pormauontly cured in 1 to 4 weeks, No DruRitnrnln thn stomach. No Elaotrlo Baits to ullhldr nnd burn. Our Vacuum De veloper i a local troatmont appllod directly to tbo weak 111.1l dUorderetl parts. It aivet Mren'.'th and .lavclopmi-nt whorovcr upfdied. Old mon with lost or falling manhood, or tha joung nnd iniililln ncd who uro reaping thn re kult of youthful orrorn, oxcess or over work nro qulcklv rcMorod to hmilth nnd strength, Our inorv.iloiM upiillnnrn hut astonished tlioentlro world. Hundred of Iwidlug phynlclnns In tho Lulled States nro now recomuiendlngour hjiiiII. iiiich in ths novereit ensos where every other known dovlco hn failed. You will see nnd foul Its benefit from the flrnt iliiy for it l upplind directly lit the neat of the Utorder, It makes nodlffereace how aavere the NOT ONE FAILURE NOT ONE RETURNED cafo or how longstanding, it Is as sure to yield to our treatmont as tho inn If to rite. Tho blood in tho life, tho fertlllror of the hu man body, flnr Instrument forces the blood Into clrculntion wboro mot needed, Klvlntr ttrength and development to weak nntl llfeloes parti. The acuum Organ Dovelnpcr was flrat introduced in tbo ttnndlng urmles ofKurnrinu few yours ago by thn French fpeclnllst, Do llousset, ami Its romarkahln iucccss In tbenn countries led the Liul Appllnuco Co. to securn tlj oxclutlru control of Its salo on tho Wonlnrn Continent! and since Its Introduction into thin country Its reinnrknhiu cure? havo unfounded theentlromndlral profesilon, It has restored thouiands cf caes pnnnunrcd incuriiblq by physicians. It cures quickly, hnrmlosily, ami without detention from burlness, Itemrmber thero Is no exposure, no C.O.D. or any othor erhcmolnnurilenllngnitb thepuhHo. W rite for freo partlrulur-i. sent cenlrd In plain envelope. LOCAL iANCC COMPANY, 137 Thorpa Block, Indianapolis, Indiana,