THE OIAIIA DAILY B12E: SAflUlU)AY, MAKC11 30, 1001. 0 Miraculous Cure A w. imlto.v, DifWilliains Pink Pills for Pale People "I hud been troubled with rbeu mRtlatu nil my life, oven when a boy. It attacked m In tha left, nrmti and shoulder. The pain In the. latter was particularly severe. I, of course, took med icine for It) but did not obtnln permanent relief. One day about three years ago while reading nowepoper, 1 imt an advertise montof Dr. Wllllami' rink fills for Palo I'ooplo and detcrmlucd to Rlvothem n trlnl. 1 hud taken butthrec boxes of the p Its when the trouble, which hud been my affliction from childhood, entirely disappeared. About a yenr later, I had an other attach of rbcuniat Ism which was brought on by working In n damp place. I remembered well wlmt Ur. Williams' Fink Fills for Fale Fcople had done for me, so I Immediately purchased some. Strangely enough J uitthne boxes again cured me, and 1 have been entirely free- from rheumatism everalnrc. I have told a number of people about Dr. Wll lams' Fink PHW for Pale Fcople, and they hnve taken them with the most beneficial result). V. I. DAI.TOX, Secretary lioard of Trade, Wellsljurg, N.Y. At all drnesMior direct from Dr. WH'.Iarui Medicine Co., ErlitutcUily, N. Y.,potraM(n receipt of pries, M ceuta per box, six boxes 12.50. 6T hi 3! .v.-" THE UNION PACIFIC THE ONLY DIRECT LINE ACROSS THE CONTINENT Will solltlokotBattho following roduood ratos from Omaha: To CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO. LOS ANGIv LKS, SAN DIKUO, hiciuilinc nil Main Linn 1'olnts, nurlh Cali fornia Sttito Linu t o Colton, San Hornardino, and San Diego $25 New City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St. Union Station, 10th and Marcy St. Get Ahead of the Spring Rush For Offices. Advice to Office Seekers. April and May axe the months when roost people do their moving;. The Rrospccts ure that the demand for of ce In Omaha wna never so great m It will be this eprlng. There aro not u great many rooms vacnnt In The Bee Building but there ore among them Boverol which are particularly choice; one di rectly In front of the elevator on the Gth Moor! one on the 1st floor next to the entrance to The 3ce business of fice; a suite of three rooms on tho Srd floor, and a very larce office and vault on tho ground floor facing 17th etleet. Beside these, there are four or five bmaller rooms In various parti Of the building. The rents are reasonable and tha service perfect. R. C. PETERS & CO., RENTAL AGENTS, Ground Floor, Bee Building-, Omaha. LEAGUE WAR PROGRESSES American Plajers te Meet National's In junction Euit with a Dmurrtr. PICKING FLAWS IN OLD CONTRACTS APRIL EXCURSIONS EVERY Tuesday in April lout end Tlinf the Senior I, ennui- tv- orr'd I'rlvlli'Mf In for in of Oli llHiitlun mill Violate Ciiti ntltiltlunitl IMkIiI". PHILADELPHIA, Mnrch 29. The attor neys or the local American League ciuu have decided to tako Immediate action In regard to the suit brought by the Philadel phia National League club yesterday against Lajolo and other players to enjoin them from playlnt; with the American League club, They will not tako advantage of the privilege of fifteen days nllowed by law for tho filing of an answer to tho bill, but will tomorrow meet the petition of tho Na tional League club with a demurrer. Tho Incorporated title of the local Na tional League club Is "The Philadelphia Case Dall Club, limited," and the principal point raised In tho demurrer Is that under the act of 1&74 relating to limited partnerships, the players' contracts can not be enforced because the contracts, while mating a liability greater than $500, aro not signed by two stockholders of the club. Tho law referred to, It Is asserted, pro vides that any expenditures of over thu named amount shall require the signature of at least two stockholders. The demur rer further contends thnt the contract docs not bind tho plaintiff except for tho season of 1900, and that there Is no mutual obligation between the parties for the se.v sou of 1001. A further contention In the demurrer Is that the contract Is. upon Its face, con trary to public policy nml In violation of the constitutional rights of American free men and Is an attempt to subject the de fendants to continuous servitude for an Indefinite period. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Heart Troubles oro not Always from Hoart Disease. Do not get frightened If your heart troubled you. Most UKciy you sutler from Indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you cat nnd glve3 the worn out stomach perfect rest. It Is the only preparation ever devised that completely Digests all Kinds of Food. That Is why It cures the worst cases of Indigestion and stomach 'trounlo and gives relief as soon as taken. It may be used In all conditions. It can't help but do you good Joseph E. Pcabody, ritcairn, N.Y., Gays, "My son has been troubled with his heart auu siomacn a suuu ueui. I a-n glad to say that Kodol Dyspepsia Cu' c has cured him. I can recommend It to everyone. Before he had taken four doses he found great relief." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Prepared only by E.O DtWrrr A Co.. OhlcriRO. The il. bottle contains tVi Ur, .us tlc poc. sire. ONE minute cough eype Cures quickly. That's what It's mado for. OPPOSITION GETS MAJORITY Villuendi of Cabin Relation Joins the Antis. Committee CONVENTION ITSELF IS INHARMONIOUS To Utah, Idaho, Ongon, Montana and Washington Ojdcn nnd Salt Lako City, Utah, Huttc nnd Helena, Q9Q Montana M" Portland, Oregon., Spokane, Wash. Tac ma uiul Scattlo, COE Wash WW Tel. 316. Tel. 629. CROWDS OUT TO SEE ATHLETES Thlrt j-IMltlitli Annual Truck Content Between Oxford nnd Cnm lirlilue 'Vnraltlra. T.nvnnV. Mnrch 19. A cood crowd cnth- ered Rt the Queen's club here thin after- noon to witness tno iiiirty-ciKiuii iiiici unlvcrsltv truck upon. The weather was hrlKht nnd frosty. Headwinds and a heavy track were iiKitinst noon iienm-iuum i-.-. With the execution of tho mile and three- mile rum none of the results reached 'var sity form. Considering the conditions, with two exceptions, tho men ran on ureal form and the American crocks arc likely to llnd Cockshott nnd Workman strong competi tors. Tho next most dangerous man Is Cornish. Workman's win in tin- tliree-miip run his third successive victory. 11c also beat his own record and received quite an ova tion. KollowliiR aro the results: One Hundred Ynrd Dash-A. K. Hind. Cambridge. Ilrst: J. Churchill, Cambridge. Rnnnrwl' limp. 10 :t..ri RCCOlldS. HlBh Jump O. II. Smith, CambrldRe, feet 10' 4 Inches. Ilrst; W. H. Ilutalerson. Oxford, 5 feet "'4 Inches, second. Half Mllo Hun-J. It. Cleave. Oxford, first: J. C.llman, Cambridge, second; time, 1:59 2-5. Putting the WclBht-K. K. B. May, Ox ford. .11 feet 0 Inches, Ilrst; C. S. Cow, CamhrldBC, HI feet 2 Inches, second. One Hundred and Twenty urtl Hurdlo Race O. K. Gamier. Oxford. Ilrst; K. All cock, CambrldBc, second; time. 17 seconds flat. Quarter Mile Hun-I,. D. Cornish. Ox ford, Ilrst; It. M. Barclay. Cambridge, sec ond. Time: 52 4-5 second. Mllo Hun V. D. Cockshott Cambridge. first; H. W. OrcRson, CambrldKC, seconil. Time: 1:20 4-3. , , Hammer Throwlne H. n Mnvford, Ox ford, Ilrst, U.I feet 3 Inches; Ii. C. Hartley, CambrldBc, second. Jii!) feet. Lour Jump L. J. Cornish, Oxford. Ilrst, 21 feet fiU Inches; C Wiles, CnmbrldBC second, 20 feet S Inches. Three-mile Hun 11. W. Workman. Cam bridge. Ilrst; V. II. Jerols-Smlth, Oxford, second, Time: 11:58. Oxford won by t to 4. FINDS TOMMY WEST IS EASY Hurt of Brooklyn I'niiniU Him Aiotinil the lllnjr ami Flulilien III sis In Sixteenth Hon nil. LOUiSVILLK, K, March 29. Tommy Wert of Hrooklyn was knocked out tonight before the Southern Athletic club at the Auditorium by Marvin Hart of Hrooklyn In tho sixteenth round of n twenty-round bout. West was the favorite in the hettliiB. hut It was seen early In the tight that Hart was tho Hrooklyn man's match. l-'roni the start tho llBht was bloody and very roiiBh. In the thirteenth round West showed his wenkness nnd from tho stnrt to the end Hart hammered him to the canvas lime and time again, knockliiB him down almost at will. West hung on. however, till It was no longer possible to stand and was counted out by lteferee Tim Hurst. Hart weighed 1B and West 15S. Hart also had tho advantage In hclBht and reach over West. REST AS YOU RIDE Vhe Morrow Coaster Dralte ntiirnntew 70U Abtntutr Com. fort rtlKt ntaturt In I vclinj I'Knaiiy wlicl Your whirl ! worn under control. furltron hllu A lurirr on tb You Rid 60 Miles, but Pedal only 35 Miles. 100,000 rntlnil rl I'm lnit f ir. t.oiu iijr nil cjrclo ilcolcra. UJok Itl Free. Eclipse Mlg. Co., Elnlra, N. Y. leaBtlo can of Hoslon for the comlliB sea- At the iiuarters of the American Iciibiio club Mr. Homers announced the securing of W. A. Kellum, a left-hander who pitched for Indianapolis last season, to II 11 the gap caused by Dlnecn's withdrawal. DENVER FIGhTTnDS IN ROW I'nt lOnrly, Mummer for llnie llnrrj-, I'liiiuni'K Heferee I'lutii fur I'ntorliiK Jlel'iirtlnnit. nus'VKH. Mnrch 29. At the end of a ten- rnimil mi before the Colorado Athletic club tonight between Oave Harry of Toronto nnd Kid Mcl'artland of New York Heforee Kioto, who Is also manager of thu club, awarded tho decision to Mcl'artland. Kioto immediately left the- riiig amid the Jeers of the entire autiiencc ana louoweii ny 1 .11 Hurly, manager of Hjrry. .When they reached the olllce of the club Karly atruck i.-l.itn Hcvnnil Dines III'1 the face and was proceeding to pound lilm when bystanders p1 separated them. TIe,,,polliu cleared ths It house, nnd prevented wgat tlireateueci tor a time to become a rlo'r. The light was even up to the llfth round, when Harry began potnnllnB Mcl'arllanu s heart with his right. He blocked nearly all the Kid's leads and landed his right In return Invariably An old wound over Dave's right eye was opened In the eighth and bled profusely till 'tho llntrfh. Mcl'art land was weak In the ninth from Davo s persistent punching over the heart and Hairy seemed to bo the stronger at the end. HISSED FOR USING GREASE St. l.ouln Wrentlcr l.oip 11 .Mn It'll mul Ills Itepiitiitlon h) Trltli cry. ST. I.Ol'IS. March 29. The wrestling match for tho amateur middleweight cham pionship of America between Maxey "Wiley of Hochestcr. N. Y., and Henry Abekcn of St. Louis, sclicdiiled for lontght. did not tako place. When the men went on for the Ilrst bout the New Yorker discovered that Abekcn was greased and refused to con tinue. As. greasing constitutes a foul, according- to all wivstlbsg rules, tho referee gave his decision in favor of Wiley. Abe ken was roundly hissed by the audience as ho left the stage. Sonic Delepnte Art" Mloklim 10 incir enl IteMilte the An mm 11 ceil Itlftnillriif4lin of Their 'ontltucnt. HAVANA. March 29. Senor Vllluenda of the committee on relations of the LUbnn Constitutional convention, today signed the report of Scnor Juan (lualbcrto (ionic, thus placing a majority or the comtnuioo In opposition to the principal features of the 1'latt atnendmcct. Neither the radicals nor the conserva tives scetn anxious to put the question to an immediate vote. 1110 pian 10 scnu n delegation to Washington Is being favor ably considered. Little public interest is being manifested In tho outcome. ino convention Itself In divided Into warrliiB factions, local politics being the choice of the subjects of discussion. tJenernl Sangully has sent in IiIb resig nntlou. alleging that he could not abide by the vote of tho Havana republicans reject ing the amendment. It Is doubtful If tho convention wouia ncccept the amendment, as certain delegates from Santiago nnd fanta Claru. though tney hnvn been renudlated by their party for voting against the amendment, will hold their seats. Radically opposite views arc held by different groups of the same party and this tetids to substantiate the asser tion of the conservative press that the op- onaltlntl In till' M II. 00(1 II1C II t IB ICIltCrcJ 111 Havana and that the delegates do not reprc sent the feelings o? their runstltuents. A snllt Is expected III the republicans o Havana because of a resolution adopted nenlnst the Piatt amendment. Seno Tamayo. secretary of state, resigned from the party today. TYPEWRITER MAGNATE HERE i I ..r il.n Mil I III I'lemlec t nneeri I'nsse Th run lib Omit hit 1 1 It I.iii-hc I'lensiire I'lirty. L. C. Smith. picsUcnt nnd principal owner of tno stnun rreiincr iji1""1' company, who Is making a 10,000-mile trip through the west with a family party, was in Omaha yesterday. The party gathered In svritciixp. N. Y.. Mr. Smith's home, Feb ruary 1 and started west In a Pullman special car. Mr. Smith did not mako out an Itinerary, and tho progress has been at the will of the party. Their route Included the Mardl CraB carnival In New Orleans, :in extended visit to Old Mexico, many trlp3 through California, stops at Portland, Seattle, Salt Lake City and Denver, with visits to all of tho principal points of In terest along the line. "Uvory where we found evidence of pros perity," said Mr. Smith. "Tho people have nlentv of money and they aro spending It. To me it seems that the times aru the best we ever had. If the new acquisi tions will Just take up tho overproduction for "a little while we will get along mar velously. The American people aro fast; they aro very progressive, and when things aro going nicely they arc Inclined to over produce. I expect tho new acquisitions to prevent a glutting of the markets now nnd maintain tho equilibrium. "I was sorry to hear the news from Lin coln. 1 have met Mr. Kosewatcr. I havo followed his work and havo admired tho pluck and the energy that he hus put Into 1 don t know when an outside tninB has cut me more than did the taiiure oi the Nebraska lcBislature to send him to tho United States senate. He has done a great work for the republican party at large and for the state, nnd ho deserved better treatment than he received at Lin coln. It really made me mad when 1 heard the news, because I felt that It was an injustice to Mr. Hoscwater. Why, I would have bet this car that ho would win tho scnatorshlp. "We have found the heaviest of trafllo every where. Kvery line 'has been taxed to Its fullest capacity to caro for tho travel, cither ono way or the other or both. Some times the trains were 60 heavy that our car has been pulled by a special englno, rather thnn put It on tho end of the train. Kvon comlns In hero we had a double-header." SUPERINTENDENT A T BUFFALO EXHIBITION Sickness Driven from Entire Family by Paine's Celery Compound. Take Paine's celery j using It, and Inform mo very greatly benefitted. they Sincerely yours, have been Spring Is here. Purify your blood. compound. , Al.CKIl M. WHKKLER. It Is the one spring remedy sought after T,J0 gUl,rorty f pnlno's celery com nnd highly esteemed by Intelligent, earnest pound Is well Illustrated by tho way cn men and women throughout the Intnl. tiro families aro benefitted whenever any , ..i..... i... ,..,. ,,,i i,a ..rnntnii lis' one itiiMiihcr of I ho household tries It. NOiuing is inure cuiiimuu muu ,v, .,"- own constltuaney. Men and women who have never taken n band, wife and children to bo led to uso It, because they havo observed Its healtn- llnlh lien llnril I'linlxlieil. SAN KHANCISCO, March 29.-Chnrles Thurston was given the decision over Otto Crlbb or Australia at tne rim or ine iwen tintli round before the National Athletic club tonight. The fight was fast nnd In several rounds the men were groggy. spoonful of any sarsaparllla or patent medl- mnklng effecls In tho case of sotno rclatlvo clno of any sort, nor allowed them to enter lor Intimate friend. their homcB, not only uso Paine s celery Young and old now need to ibko a spring compound when themselves sick, but per-' remedy to purify thlcr blood, to feed their suade their families to do the same. tired nerves, and to Invigorate their hod- And yet when tho history of this wonder- Men. Long experience has shown the ncces- ful remedy Is studied It Is easy to under stand why Palno'B celery compound thus stands nlone and superior to all remedies In the estimation of the public. It Is a phyBlcinn'e remedy. It Is the prescription of Kdwnrd U. Phelps. M. I).. LL. D., Professor of Ma teria Mcdlca at Dartmouth College. There Is no mistaking the standing of Paine's celery compound In tho family of MaJ. A. M. Wheeler. Supt. of Exhibits at the Paii-Aincricnn Exposition, New York Stato Commissioner nt tho Atlanta Expo sition, nnd former Asst. Postmaster of lluffnlo.: ' Hilffnlo, N. Y.. I'Vh. 2. 1001. Dear Sirs: Helng run down from over work physlcnlly and mentally, I tried Paine's celery compound as a remedy. It undoubtedly did me much good. My wife and sonio of my relatives havo also been slty of such a spring cleaning for every body, sick or well. Thousands nre taking Paine's celery com pound. ( It Is so far above all other spring medi cines In Its strengthening, ncrvo restor ing, hlood-purlfylng. health-giving, lasting effects that It has no competitor among dis criminating people. Tho old "cures," ono by one. In the last few years, have dropped by the way, until today tho Bales of Paine's celery com pound In every civilized country aro Inrgcr than those of nil other BprltiR remedies of all kinds combined. I'coplo Just sick enough not to bo hoallhy ocry city Is full of tuch seml-lnvallds should tako advantngo of Paine's celery compound to put their bluod nnd norves Into n healthy condition. Spring Is the time to get well, A HOME PRODUCT Hetter than Imported. Cook's Imperial EXTRA DRY Dellclous-lnvlgoratlng-harmles, Absolutely pure Vlolloldija. m lln.riBl.r4 1 S & 4 CURE YOURSELF ! nillirsH i 2" lur iinnaiursi IrrlUtloni' or ulceration! not tit nrleiirt. o muooua TneoiDrsnei, rr.T.ou Coou ,i.n. ralulrii. and not anna iTHCEvAsCHIMIOilCa. K'Dtor polaunom. Hor iieni in Diain wrtDDtr. riprM, r"rl. for i, nr i iKittlti, (2.TA. ;uUr Fnt rn reitiMi. BUFFALO BILL WINS THIRD rsioi M ' jjj RE -NO -MAY POWDER Manufactured by A. Mayer Company, 316 Bee Bldg. PRICE 50 CENTS. For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers Consultation Free from 2 to 4. When ordering by mail add 5 oentB for postage. C.rantl Xntlonnl Sir r iiloelinne nt rrpiuil Tnki- I'lnee In lllliid i n ht Slum Storm. 1,1 v- MVKHPOOI,. Murch 2fl. The Grand Na tional Btconlcchaso of 2.6CH) sovereigns to day was won by H. Hletsoe s (irudon, C. .1. Williams unv ceuiiiiu lirumcree was sec ond and J. K. Houerson's ItJffnlo Bill third. Tho Grand Steeplechase was a handicap for r.-vi'iir-nlils and nnwnril. the second horse to receive 300 sovereigns and the third horeo 200 sovereigns rrom tno sumo. ine distance was tho Brand nntlonnl course (about four miles and o ynrds). Tliero wero sixty-two entries, of whom eleven forfeited, Tho event wus decided in a ihiihi Ing snow storm. Tho time was 9:t7 1-5. llrildoii led tnroiignoui aim won easily by four leiiBths, The betting was ! lo 1 against Grudon, 10 to 1 against Drumcrce nnd SI to 1 iiKalnst Buffalo Hill. Fourth (inine lo Moll (Iff Tie. Tim Western and White Knight bowling tenmn met at Clark's alleys Friday night and played three hot games, which ended In a tie, a very unusual occurrence In team bonllnir. This made It necessary to nlay u fourth game to decide the tie. Score: Westerns- 1st. 2d. Sd. Ith. Totals. Dlvlson 2f2 Ifiil 234 1S3 7S7 Benson 130 131 ITS Ifil KIT Ayer Ill 101 142 1 filfi fielleek 152 ISfi 1151 131 f.VJ lteynolds 133 1W 153 141 B-W Totals 761 "70 SOT S17 3,213 White KnlBhts-lst. 2d. 3d. 4th.Totuls. Gilchrist 13S 115 172 Ml SPfi Both lb'7 1M 1R1 ir.S f.42 Hammond 177 IK1 l.'.S 1.M1 () Glllesplo 121 12S 113 11 652 rotter m -( ua in hi Totul 7S) S23 iim& MANHOOD RESTUl,urN.. fclo Vltallrcr.tlioprrwripUonof at mo:u Frrnrh pSyslrlan, will qiilcWir cure you of nit lifrvuuior dlsMof tUe nenrratlre organo, kucu ta Jla, jBiwinniB, 1h1ii ta b Ilrk, Srnilniil Kiululiini, Neroti Deblltly, Plmnlra UaUlnr In Jf urry. KxliBintlnc Iirnlna, Trtroccl. niid tonillpnllon. Ititoi'sall liMMby dyornlfhu VrrtentsqulcknPMcf dlttbitrire. vjhleh It notchfckeu I mis to hnf rinlorrhaa ond nil tho Iiorrori ot linnotfney. ,;'! !!!;SEc:ii!;!!S?,h! llrrr.ihn kUncvj and tne ur Bry oream ot all ImpurlUcs. VIlUKN3tren(thEi restores saiii wrK orcanv Thnrwianii Auffernri are not cured CtJI'IDKNi: tlio only knonn tenieil by Doctors H beein CO pr r rent re troalilcd with Protlsll 1 1. 1v to cure without en ooeratlon. SXO teiUmreiUli. A written iiarnt ulreo nt money re tnrnrd If 6 bom ibeji not eflect a ixrmuoni cura. 1X0 ft or f br mall. fie"l '"r v:iirlrruinrR"ii ii-ei VOB SALD OV stlmonl: I'-- UYi:tlS. DILLON tllllO CO 1BTU A..ND VAUS now WILL 44 THE DOTS,' Appear March 30th? IH III It needs sightiix wsttei 70) 7S'l 3.1S1 Two teams composed of members of the clerical and shipping departments' of the Omaha Kuinlturo company made the fol- luwltis score: Salesmen 1st. 2d. 2d. Totals. McVea v. 124 ',47 123 :S!I Dubrox ".'s iih, :k BurccHH 1S3 130 UK 4S1 Abrahams 143 tH 137 37 Bcilgclo 180 1W 122 432 Totals 70S Sliliuiers 1st. I'lotts 13.1 Heft U'li Huntington 99 Sunder 120 Yost lw Totals 611 Ml , 2d. 1M 154 120 131 112 72 2.011 3d. Totals. 120 41 113 20.1 111 3:l 121 375 ll 4C0' 712 C25 1 AVIIimit lln 'ho (iriiiiiidx. I.OIMSVIl.l.i:. March 20.-Manager Will- ter Wllmot has leased League park and savs the nlavers of the Louisville Western club will report for duty April 10. .Mr. Wll mot will leave for .Minncupoiis tomorrow nljht. II ii in tin I it t llnxr Hull Ten in, Hl'MBOLDT. Neb.. Mnreli 20-ISneclal.l The Hlgll scliuol base ball team has been organized, with Warren Beery manager, Frank Illsh captain and Isidore Weinman umpire- I.imu In Cnplnlii Million, BOSTON, March 29 -Herman Lone has becu selected as captain of the National fopniaPptine The prune grown in California, cured in the California way, and packed in the California way, should be cooked in the California way. In California they are given a night in a dish of water and then stewed. That's the reason you hear many people say, " Prunes taste so differently and are such a favorite fruit in California." Try the Cali fornia way with the California prune, and you can get the California result anywhere. There is only one prune on the market carefully grown, packed and inspected. The nrnnf that vou are getting this prune is the brand of the California Cured Fruit Association, as displayed above, which is now placed on all of the Association's goods. It makes no difference what the name of the prune is, if it is on a box on which you find this brand it is safe. But if you do not buy by the box, be sure that you get from a box on which you see this brand. Try this recipe for Spiced Prunes, which won second prize in California Prize Prune Cooking Contest a few weeks ago: "WriBh nnd onlj over nlftht n pint of prunes In wutee cnou&h to cover well, 8tew until tho Uln lire noft, then pour off tho wii ter nnd odd u cupful of Cood cldor vlnoiar, two cupu of mlur, clove und cinnamon to itult the ttc." He ore and Hand for booh containing 100 recipes fop preparing prunes In every way, which were ob tained In a prize contcet participated In by the very beet cooka and chefa of California. Thin booh, together with a "Prune Primer," which will drll&ht the little folha, will be aent free on requeet, Addrenn, CALIFORNIA CURP.D FRUIT ASSOCIATION Han doe, Cut, (v '"'ViaaaL .' VeaaaaV "V.Baaaw m a - : . .AaBBBr aT )