8 T1TK OMATTA DAILY HUE: SATlKUAY, MAKCH yu, 15IU1. NEWS OF r INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ml.V.'tl MUST I OX. Davis sells drugs. Blockcrt sells carpet and ruKS. Qua ilxturcs nnd rIoIjcs at lllxby's. l'lno ADO beer, .Vcumaycr'a hotel. Wotlman, scientific! optician, 409 Il'wny. W. J. Iloslettcr, dentist, Ualdwln block, effort, Jeweler, optlclun. Uroadway. J. A. Snow, auctioneer, U'wtiy, opp. I. O. .Mr, ;ind Mr. C. Goss have Bono to Chi- C.'IK'I Oil H Visit. MIm Nellie MrOuckln Is homo from a visit in St Louis. Novelties for Kaster Rifts. G. K. Alex ander fii Co., 2.TS Uroadway. Miss Mac Crawford of Wahoo, Neb., Is Kiiest of Mrs. William Whitney. W K. Oruff. undertaker and dlslnfector, 101 South Main street, "I'liono 600. (let your work dono ut the popular Eagle laundry, "U Uroadway. 'i'hono 157. Martian & Klein. uptiolslcrlnK. furniture repairing, mattress making. 122 H. Main st. OpciiliiK of sprint? millinery at Mrs. Min nie I'felffcr'r, Wi Uroudway, on' March .W and April 1. Kaster display of fine millinery unil nrt work today and Monday. Anna II. Moore, 311 Uroadway. Hprlnff npcnlnR of tho latest styles In mil linery. Saturday, March ). Miss I,. A. Wollmaii, K Uroadway. A marrlaKo license was Issued yesterday to Albert Hull, used 2. and bmmii Krunln per. uged l'j, both of thlH city. Mrs, Harold Hnwyer. accompanied by her mother. Mrs. Mary K. Iietm, will leave today for her homo In ChlcaRO. Mrs. A. II. I'ouder of Vino street Is en joying ft visit from- her daURhter, Mrs. Ku echo Schulllan of I'rcmont. Neb. A want ad In Tho Uco will brliiK results. Tho sumo attention clvcn to a want ad In Council Hluffs as ut tho Omuhu olllce. Miss Uenevlcvo Ualdwln Is homo from Vnnwir rollOKo to upend tho holidays with lier parontM, Mr. and Mrs. John N. Ualdwln. A inectlnt; of the Kardcucrs and fruit crow, ers of Council Ulurrs and vicinity will bo this afternoon nt 1 In tho Farmers' hall, county court house. The millinery opening of Mrs. A. Duster, which was postponed last Monday, will take plHcn Saturday, March SO. Concert Is provided lor tho evening. Jacob Uethers was arrested yesterday morning charged with stcalliiR tho brass fixtures of an engine belonging to John 1'. Weaver at his brickyard. Tho t'nlou Hand Sunday school will havo n series of meetings each evenliiR next week oxcept Saturday, led by thu pastors of tho churches, la Woodbury Avonuo school. ' Arthur League, a 12-year-old boy, was nrrested yesterday morning charged with nuumili unil l.M'lprv mi Allen Clllbertsoil. a in-vcar-old girl. Justice Hryant will hear the cii.so this mornliiR. mImmpm Mniln iitid NVlllo Knowlcs. dauRh torn of ConRresamun Knowles of South Ua- KOIII, WHO IlllVl! IH-l'll Kill-niB "l ..in'. n- llani Whitney of Seventh street, havo gone to Chicago on a visit before returning homo. Krank Uurk and Clarenco Smith, strang ers, wcro arrested yesterday unernoon y llrtlnnllvn Wnlr with 11 IllllintltV of braSS Journal boxes In their possession. They I'liilnird to have taken them from an old street car which was being shipped east on tho I'ninn l'aclllc. They wero taken into custody whllo trying to dispose of the brass. William ruse. charRCd with stealing a ilia mond ring In Des Moines. Is being held at tho city Jail. The father of tho young woman from whom Chase Is alleged to havo stolen tho ting has written that ho will remit Iho money to redeem It from pawn and as soon as that Is accomplished fuse will bo released. Case had a number of pawn tickets when nrrested, "SI I'liinkard," headed by tho young Tankco comedian. J. C. Lewis, and a tal ented company of stars, will appear In this city at Dohany theater Sunday night. Inn comedy has been entirely rewritten this season. New dialogue, new situations, new scenic and mechanical effects havo been ndded. making It ono of the funniest up-to-doto farcq comedleM beforo tho public. N V. numbing Co.. tolopnono 250. GET READY FOR CONGER unacconmnnled by a heavy wind, so the snow did not drift. During tho afternoon and early part of tho evening motor trafllc was somewhat delayed, but tho sweepers got In their work and by night cars wero running on fairly good time. Iowaai Expect to Swarm to Council Blufli to Meet Him. APRIL 15 THE DATE ANTICIPATED Itallrontln Will Unit Speclnl TrnltiM nud Trntmfrr Depot In liip!tcd to Hp the Jleeen of Wcl. comliiK ThounniiilK. Arrangements are being perfected to give Minister Conger a rousing reception In this city on his return to his native state from China. Mr. Conger Is expected to reach Council IllufTs on the morning of April IS, as present advices Indicate that he will nrrlvo at San Francisco April 10. Tho movo to gtvo him a general reception wns first started by the veterans of tho civil war, who planned to meet him lu Omaha. Since then the movement has spread throughout the Btat'o and tho pres ent plan Is to hold a stato reception on this sldo of tho river when Mr. Conger reaches tho transfer depot, tho general opinion being that ho ought to be given a befitting reception on Iowa soil. As tho dato of his arrival In Iowa Is still an uncertainty, tho plans at present arc only In an embryo stute, but will bo perfected tho moment his arrival lu San Francisco Is announced by wire. Council Uluffs has been selected ns tho proper place to hold the reception for many reasons. In tho first place, It is the terminus, so to speak, of all tho largo trunk lines running through Iowa, and will bo easiest of access. for tho pcoplo of this stato who desire to do homage to nnd greet the returning minister. Another reason for tbo selection of Council Illuffn is that It is tho first city Minister Conger will strlko on reaching his native state. Tho transfer depot will accommodate thousands of people and there Is no other placo where so many people could congre gate to greet him. All of tho railroads reaching this city are arranging to run special trains that day, and as soon as tho exact tlmo of Minister Conger's nrrlval is known they will bo scheduled to reach this city In tlmo for the reception. It has been arranged that Judge (liven of Des Moines deliver tho address of wel come on behalf of the state, and It Is expected that Hon. John N. Ualdwln will bo asked to deliver the address on behalf of Council niufts and Its citizens. Tho members of tho Grand Army of tho Republic of this city and vicinity will meet soon to cnmplcto arrangements for the reception. SeeUi to Itfstrnlii l,li(iil(l .tnlri. Attorney Witt of Neola appeared before Judge Wheeler lu the district court yester day nftcrnoon and asked that a time be set for hearing an application for a temporary Injunction restraining Llndcr & Filter from selling liquors at 1001 West Uroadway. The court fixed Thursday morning. Tho suits of Fremont UenJ.imln against tbo city of Council Hluffs to set aside as In valid certain assessments for special Im provements wore continued until next term. Several other suits of a similar character will ccmc up then and It was deemed advis able to try them all at the sama time. Wo have again decided to sell bananas at 10 cents per dozen: they are extra fine, cartel & Miller, telephono 3D9. I'lcuty of llrlek for I'nvliiK. W. S. I'urlngton nnd F. (1. Mattcson, brick manufacturers of Oalcsburg, III., wero In this city yesterday and consulted with pav ing contractors. They called upon the mayor and other city officials nnd assured them all that they had plenty of paving brick on band to meet all requirements of this city this summer. They denied the report of n paving brick famine, which they said wob started by tho asphalt Interests. They havo contracted to supply 18,000 pav ing brick for St. Louis this spring. Good bananas, 10 cents per dozen, at Uar tel & Miller's, 'phone 359. Xnlurnl Slntc llliu'klioiiril. Tho Hoard of Kducatlou held n short spe cial session last night nt the cnll of Presi dent Henry to consider tho matter of black boards for tho new High school building. After considerable discussion It was decided to uso tho natural slate In placo of tho artificial material. Secretary Itoss was in structed to ndvertlso for bids. Buy your trees, shrubs nnd roses of Menerny. Orders lllled by mall or express. G22 East Uroadway, Council Hlufts, la. Danco tonight at Hughes' hall. Ilrv. AVrstninn'n Fiirowoll. In the Swedish Lutheran church Inst even ing Itev. Wcstman of Fremont, la., who has been acting ns pastor several months, was given a farewell reception by tho Young People's society of tho church. Uev. A. A. Magnusscn, the new pastor, mado an address. Good bananas, '10 cents per dozen, at llar tcl & Miller's, 'phone 359. Dance tonight nt Hughes' hall. Gravel roofing. A. II. Heed, C41 Droad'y. Davis sells glass. To Iteeover Iliinril Hill. The suit brought by Mrs. Anna Kutloy of First nvnuo to recover n board bill of $23 from Gilbert J. Moftet, tho convicted In Huninco swindler, which has taken up six days of Justlco Hryant's time, Is nppronch Ing nn ond. Tho evidence was submitted yesterday and tho arguments will bo inado Tuesday. A fenturn of tho trial yesterday was tho attempt on tho part of Mrs, MofTot to mako Mrs. Kcllcy responsible for n number of kodak pictures taken by Moffet of tho boarders of Mrs. Kellcy's homo dur ing his stay there. At the conclusion of tho' evidence tho attorneys for tho defense nuked for a continuance, which was re sisted by Mrs. Kellcy's counsel. Good hnminas. 111 cents per dozen, nt IJar tcl & Miller's, 'phono S.V.i. Danco' tonight nt Ili'hhos' hall. ' DcLoug stntloncry department Is right. Mrs. 1'erley f.iim to Anyltun. Mrs. Knlo Feeley, who labors under tho idea that tho Cudahy kidnapers aro after her to kill her, was ordered sent to the stato asylum at Clarlnda yesterday by tho insanity commlsstoiieis. Her husbund, Mlchncl Feeley, was present at tho hearing nnd after visiting his wlfo at St. nernard's hospital offered no rKlstunco to tho order of tbo board. Although Mrs. Fccloy had been living- for uomo tlmo In Omnha the board decided that her legal resldonco was In this county. The Contest Settled For l'nlted States senator In Ne braska Is u mutter for rejoicing for the republicans of that state, lu Council Hluffs and vicinity we hnvo. u big contest on hand. Our competitors am trying to contest our supremacy In thu shoo trade, but wo uro so fur In tho lend, ns lu iuallty, price and styles, that It leaves no room for doubt. When you want tho best ut tho lowest prices and SIIOISH THAT AUK WAHHANTKD TO W1JAK to SARGENT'S l.ooli for Oii llrnr. Dohany Theater SHXIIAV, .MAHC1I :u. Tho Young Character Comedian, J. C. LEWIS and his lllti COMIHIY COMPANY lu tho It'irnl Farco Comedy, SI PLUNKARD lsntlreiy re-wrlttcu. New dialogue, now situations, new novelties, now scenic nnd mechanical effects, l.'p-to-datn Furco Com- cuy. a Mirong ami uiuciem womeuy com pany. SHE the great railroad scene, tho threshing macldno 'scone, tho comity fair scene. . Admission 2jc; 35c. 60c. Hescrved scats now on sale ut tho box office. Davis sells paint. COUNCIL UKCIDKS O.V SOMK I. AMI'S. .Still lii ii (Iniiniliir.v nn lo l-'lnnl De cision About ToHcrn. Tho city council met last night In com- mittco of tho whole and nfter discussing tho matter for sevcrnl hours succeeded In de ciding upon the location of somo of the electric lights under the new contract which In to go Into effect In May. Tho worst problem beforo tho commlt- tco wns whether to rotaln tho light towcr-i or dlstrlbuto tho lamps on them nt tho street Intersections. Tho only decision reached In regard to tho towers was to ex periment with the new enclosed arc lamps on the Oakland nvenuc, tho Fifth avenuo and Twenty-first street towers. As to tho others nothing was decided upon, although It seemed to bo tho general opinion that tho tower on tbo county courthouse could be dispensed with. It was decided to pluce new lights on Main street, between Uroadway and First avenue, at tbo Intersection of Mynstcr and Seventh streets, nt the Intersection of Fifth avenuo nnd Uluffs street, at Twenty-ninth street nnd Avenuo J, nt Washington avenue nnd Elder street, nt Fifteenth nvcnuo'nnd High street, at Thirty-second street nnd Avenuo H, nt Thirty-seventh street and Avenuo H and nt Sixteenth street nnd Avo nuo J. t All lamps now supported on poles nt street corners bos been replaced at the street Intersections, suspended from cables. Tho light at Uroadway and Twentieth street will bo moved to Twenty-flrst street nnd that at Uroadway nnd Thirty-second street to Thirtieth street. Tho light nt Uroadway and Thirty-fifth street will bo moved to Thirty-fourth street. Tho lamp at Avenuo C nnd Sixteenth street is to bo placed at Avenuo H nnd Sixteenth streot, Tim llirht nt Fifth nventin nnrl Hlchtti ntrprt will be moved ono block west, ns wlfl that nt 'Sixth avonuo nnd Ninth street. Alderman Hrown urged tbo transfcrlng of tho light nt Pearl street and First nve nuo to Main street nnd First nvenuo nnd tho placing of n now lamp at Sixth street and First avenuo. This was agreed to, but later, at Alderman Clark's suggestion, tho light at Pearl and First nvenuo wan left In Its present locution. Tho lights on Twenty-first avenuo nnd Sixth street and Twenty-fourth nvenuo and Sixth street will bo moved ono block west. It wns also decided to mako some change In tho location of tho lights on Glen nnd Park avenues, but nothing deflnllo was do- cldcd upon. Another mooting of the commlttco will be held soon to complete tbo locating of tho lights. Wanted Girl for goncral . housework. Mrs. A. O. Gilbert. 42S Oakland avenue. Danco tonight at Hughes' hall. Motor llcf (lie Storm. Council Uluffs yesterday experienced an other touch of the vagaries of March weather. About noon snow began to come down In light flurries, which rapidly turned to a hard storm and by night tlicio wero ut least four luetics of snow on tho level. Unlike tho storm of a week ngo It was FOR RENT... THE BEN0 STORES SS5 050 250 100 COO Itenl Kslitlc Trniisfrrn. Theso transfers wero filed yesterday In tho nbstrnct, tltlo nnd loan office of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl streot: J. U. Johnnnsen and wife to Adam Youiir. lot 1. block 7. In Walnut. w il Hans Petersen Soloth to Edwnrd D. Williams, part of outlot C, Ncola, w d Henry WIese nnd wlfo to August Scheel, lot 3 nnd Joint easement In lot fc. sub of block 45, Allen & Cook's "ld tc Avoen, w il Jumes Strlbllng unil wlfo to Kmlly Strlbllug. lot 2, block 10, nenson'H I'd add. w il Ell'.a Newton to Wilson C. Shoe-, niuker, part of lot 50. Johnson s udu, w d C. R. Uradley to .T. It. Hoberson. lot 13 nnd n!i lot 11, block V, curson, W d Henn Knepher nnd husbnnd to Molllo 1 . . 1 . f I . t I - - I.. riplmna add. w d Daniel Frankel et ul to John L. Howe. lot in of original plat lot 71, council HlunTi. (i n d Charles W Woolloy unil wife to James Heckiey, undivided i-s or nvs swU 17-77-H. ci c. il Luther Dennett nnd wlfo to Hurry H. Urynnt. eiA sw'i 9-i.i-tc. w u J. H. Mewhlrter nnd wife et ul to Lu- elen Ilaiigliman, neu bwj neu 1.1-74-3S. i c d Hurry H. Hryunt to H. J I. Hryant, undivided 014 sw'i v-i.i-iii, w u.... Hamilton Wilcox nnd wlfo to W. L. Cockl In. mvU nc'i ll-7i-:, w u Abrnham Smith nnd wlfo to Peter Jamison. Vi sw'i w i.. H. Mendel, trustee, to H. I'. Jones, Hl,4 nw'i. soli 7-77-11. t d Christen Pcdersen and wlfo to Petrus Pederscn, unitia Wi se'.i ii-io-ij, H W fl Petrus Pcdorsen to Christen Pederscn, h'-O se'i ll-ib-4a. w il L. M. Kellogg nnd wlfo to L. Christian Peterson. :i acres in no corner swu hw',1 10-77-13, w d l.SOO 20 4,000 1 2,000 1.3rt0 4.000 1,000 1 1 250 Total, eighteen transfers J18.2SI Good bananas, 10 cents per dozen, at I3ar- tol &. Miller's, 'phono 259. COUNCIL INCREASES TAXES Higher Valuation Thai Lait Yaar Flactd en Ezpresi Oompaniet, FlnE DESTROYS STOCK IN NOTION STORE Ceilnr ltniilil' Strike t-'nr from Set tlement Dei Molnr Hfltiilillntien Smnllpov llonpltnl .Mine IlliickniiilOi (o OruiliiUe. Indictment for Murder. LEON, la., March 29. (Special.) Tho grand Jury has returned an Indictment against Ur. J. W. Crofford and Ira Ham mond for tho murder of Maudo Stone. Hammond'n bond wns fixed nt $5,000, which ho promptly gave, and was released. Crof ford also gava bonds In tho sum of $10,000. Mrs. Anna Hammond, mother of Ira Ham mond, was Indicted on a chargo of nbortlon In tho Stono case. Sho gavo bond In tho sum of $1,000. A second Indictment was returned against Crofford for performing a criminal operation on Miss Martha Fames. C. M. Kellar, who was Indicted with Crof ford In tho Fames case, gavo bond In tho sum of $1,000 and was released. Theso' enscs will be tried In tho August term of tho district court. DES MOINES. March 29. (Special.) Tho stato executivo council today com pleted the assessment of the property of the six express companies doing business on railroads In Iowa. Tho assessment was slightly Increased, the total Increase amounting to $13,521. The assessment on only ono company was reduced, that being tho Great Not them, which has only small mllcago In tho state. The following shows tho mllcngo of each company In the state nnd tho assessment this year and last year, per mile: Companies- Mileage. 1901. 1900. United States 4,20S.ot $2.1 $21 Amcrlcun 2,405.52 :a4 xi Adnms l.MO 30 25 Wells, Fargo & Co 5IS 25 25 Pnclllo 139.SS 25 21 Great Northern 77.9S 23 37 Tho assessment Is fixed by computing tho actual cash value of the stock and bonds of tho company and deducting therefrom tho valuo of property owned but not used In connection with tho express business, and taking tho proportion of this valuo of tho cntlro company belonging to Iowa on n mllcago basis. The assessment Is said to bo considerably below that contemplated In tho law, hut owing to the complexity of tho statement tho council was unable to detcr mluo exactly tho valus of each company. Tho exact figures of tho railroad assess ment havo been given out. Tho total assess ment of all tho railroad property In Iowa this year Is $17,071,258, an Increase, Includ ing tho largo amount of new mileage, of $1,002,748 over Inst year. Tho increase on thu old lines amounted to about 1 per cent net. Sleeping cars were nssesscd this year at $258,577. Fire In .Notion Store, Tho notion store of Pfohl & Smith at C17 Walnut street caught lire this afternoon at 1 o'clock ond was completely, burned. Tho storo was a deep one and it was tmposslblo for tho lire department to mako headway after tho room filled with smoke. Tho firm Is u Huffalo (N. Y.) concern, nnd It was run ns a 10-ccnt store, J. D. Ackorman, manager. Tho los3 of Btock was probably $15,000. The building Is a three-story brick belonging to tho Prlchard estate and was badly Injured, tho Interior being nil burned out. Tho good sldo walls prevented a much larger loss to tho business houses on cither side. Loss on building is probably $10,000, In sured. There wns also aomo insurance on tho stock of notions. Ccilur Itnpldn Strike Trouble. Tho strike of machinists at tho shops of tho Durllngton, Cedar Unplds &. Northern In Cedar Kaplds, bids fair to develop Into a prolonged struggle between tho laboring men nnd tho management. Tho strlko Is ngalnst adoption of tho piecework system lu tho shops. Tho men hnvo been out sov eral weeks and all conferences between them and tho management hnvo boon fruit less. Tho lobor federation of Cedar Kaplds has taken up the matter nud will assist thu striking shopmen lu every way possible. A fund of $1,000 was raised for tho benefit of the strikers. HoNMiiuk Murder Trlnl. The Hossack murder trlnl In Wnrrcn county will begin ut Indlanolu Mondny In tho district court. Mrs. Margaret Hossack, who Is under Indictment for tho murder of her husband, has remained In jail since tho Indictment was returned, nlthough sho had been out on $10,000 ball after tho pre liminary trial. The" court tefused to allow ball after tho Indictment had been returned. Xctv Coriinrnt Ions. Tho Rockingham Hulldlng company of Davenport has been Incorporated with $10, 000 capital, by A. L. Hngobrock, Charles Paschc, J. 11. Flick and others. Tho E. M. Maxwell company of Des Moines has been Incorporated with $10,000 capital to carry on tho business of main taining signboards. Smallpox HoNillnl KntalillMlicri. The city authorities of Des Moines havo leased tho old Tracy hospital In the north part of the city for a smallpox hospital. Thoro nro 100 cases of smallpox In the city. n order hns been Issued that tho schools shall bo closed hnotber week and probably longer. Iinvn Veteran (iocs lo Mniilln. Colonel C. V. Mount of Shenandoah has gono to .Manila to cugagn in tho Jewelry business. He lenvcs'bls family in Shenan doah for tho present. Mluc IlluekMitltliH to OrKiiolre. Tho mlno blacksmiths of tho various conl mines of district No. 13, which embraces Iowa nnd a part of Missouri, aro to havo n meeting In Des Moines Sunday for tho pur pose of organizing an Independent union nsldo from the coal miners proper. Iotvm Ktlltom Convene. CKKSTO.V, Ia March 29. (Special Tele gram.) Sevcnty-flvo editors from south western Iowa wero In Creston today attend ing tho Southwestern Iowa Editorial asso ciation. Hon. Lafo Young of tho Des Molucs Capital delivered the address. Practical and technical features of tho busi ness wcro discussed. Tho meeting closed with a reception In honor of tho editors by tho Elks lodge. WISH TITUS TO HAVE CHANCE Otllerrs of Fourteenth III fun try l'etl- tiou for loiru llero'M Appoint ment to Went Point. .No. No. 29, 31. 28, 30. 33, 35 32. 34 Pearl St. Main St. FARM LOANS Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska ana Iowa. James N. Caaady, Jr., Via Main at., Council Dluffa. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director (Succesjor to W, C. Estop) rs PIXUIL STHUUT. PUou 07. Thess stores lu tho center of the city and occupied for many years by John Btno & Co., tho largest retail dry goods acd clothing dealers lu western Iowa, who have re moved to raoro extensive quarters In tbo Klsoman building. Rent very low to dcslrablo parties on Ions lease. EE SHEAFE & CO RENTAL AGENTS. S rearl Street, Council DluSt. WASHINGTON, March 29. A petition signed by all olllcors serving with tho Fourteenth Infantry regiment' has been sent to Adjutant General Corbln requesting tho appointment of Musician Calvin P. Titus, Company E, Fourteenth infantry, tho first American soldier to enter Pekln during tho recent troubles In China, ns cadet-at-lnrgo to tho military academy. The petition Bays; "During his sorvlco Musician Tltua has proved himself to bo n trustworthy, Intelli gent, sober, bravo nnd thorough soldier. On August U. 1900, nt Pekln, China, ho was tho first American to scale the wall of tho Chlncso city ond enter Pekln. On tho fal lowing dny, whllo engaged In tho fight In the Imperial city, ho received a slight wound. His meritorious conduct deserves recognition, and It Is believed that If given an appointment nt West Point nnd n com mission upon graduation, Musician Titus will mako nn excellent officer," STEVE BROOIE'S WILL FILED indent DiniKliter of l-'nmoiin Sporting .Mini IIoIiIh f llir.,11011 Katntc iii'Trimt, NEW YOIUv. March 29. Tho will of Steve Hrodle, filed today, leaves nil his property to his eldest daughter In trust un til Ills other two children become of uge, when It Is to bo cuiially divided nmong tho three children. Tho estuto consists uf about $75,000 worth of real citato In this city and ut Harrison anil Hollywood, N, J., uud ubout $30,000 in cusli. WHITELAW & GARDINER Boston Store, Council Bluffs, Iowa, SECOND FLOOR Grand Spring Millinery Opening TODAY SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1901 MAIN FLOOR SPECIAL SALE BIG REDUCTIONS ON AND Flowers, Untamed Hals and Walking Hats Flowers suitable for ductioii on lirst. floor. 10c bunch of Violets on sale at, a bunch 1 For Today (Saturday), March 30, 1901. Spring at great re 3c 20c bunch of Flowers, assorted colors and kinds, on sale today at, a bunch 2uc and JlHe lots of Flowers, on sale today at , a bunch 25c and i?rc Straw Shapes, on sale today at, each Sample line of Ladies' Silk and Satin Waists, in black and colors, on sale today. .?r.l)0 Mack Taffeta Silk Waists, on sale today at 4.39 $7.r0 Colored Skinner Satin and Colored Taffeta Waist, one sale today at ?7.r)0 Hlao Waists, on Skinner Satin sale today at. Fancy Persian Silk Waists, on sale today at 5.75 6.00 6.50 WHITELAW & GARDINER BOSTON STORE, Council Bluffs, la. TO HAVE MORE OF THE SAME AVrntlicr ForcoiiMt Iih'IihIcm Know r It ii I it fur Kimtrrii Xclirnnkn hn I until'. 29. Forecast for WASHINGTON', March Saturday ami Sunday: For Nebraska nnd Kansas Snow or rnln In eastern, fair In western portions Satur day; northerly winds; Sunday fair. For lowa and Missouri Rain Saturday; cast to north winds; Sunday fair. For North Dakota nnd South Dakota Fair Saturday; winds becoming southerly; Sunday fair. For Colorado Fair Saturday; westerly winds, Sunday fair. For Wyoming and Montana Fair Satur day; south to west winds; Sunday fair. I.ocnl lleiMird. OFl'ICH OF U. S. WKATIIHU UUHKAU, OMAHA, March 2H, Official record" of tem pemturo nud precipitation compared with (ho corresponding day of tho last three years: 1901. 1900. 1S99. UC'S. Maximum temperature, .. :i7 3 .11 .'.! Minimum temperature .. :il 31 Si 23 Mi'iui tempcraturo :il 31 27 31 Precipitation 1i T Ml . ltrcord of tempcraturo unil precipitation nt Omaha for this duy nnd since Mutch J, 1901: Normal temperatu'ro 12 Dollclency for tho day i Total exccxH slnco March 1., Normal precipitation ICxcchs for the day Total precipitation since Mar, Kxcess since March 1 Hxcpfh for cor. nerlod. lrmo. . Dollclency for cor. period, 1S99 7i Inch llciiortu from Ktutloun nt 7 I. M 1.. ,.. .07 inch .. .OS Inch 1.79 Inches .. .13 Inch 12 incli STATIONS AND STATU OF WEATHER. 9 3 a. n s3i Omahu, snowing North I'latte, snowing .... I'lu-yenne, cloudy Salt Lake, partly cloudy. Rapid City, snowing Huron, cloudy Willlston, clear Chicago, cloudy St. I.ouls, raining St, Paul, cloudy Davenport, cloudy Kansns City, raining Helena, cloudy Havre, clear lllxmarck, cloudy Cinlvestou, cloudy 32 37 .ir. 20 2S .S 20 21 .21 3ii -V) T 30 30 ,(m; 32 3S .00 42 -Ifi .00 2S 3 1 .OH 3S II .30 34 30 .00 35 12 .00 31 30 .32 32 42 T 42 40 T 3G 3S .00 US 70 T Indicates trace of precipitation. U A. WELSH, Local Forecast Official. Meet Me Today At IIAFOR'S Twentieth Century Lumber Emporium OPENING J '9 a. m. to 9 p. m. 1 H E OFFER FREE, AD VICE by our Phvslclans. FREE SAMPLE of Dr. Kay'a Lune Halm, and on IT.T.US'rTi A Twn -nnnxf 'ihT,:?,.!, ,.t.: Thousands havo availed themselves of our ucnerous offer; hnvo written our spccialltts rejoice tn regained health, txplaln fully as jour correspondonco is kept contldentlal. Dr. Kay s Lung Balm Cuqranteod to euro ovory Couch, Cold. noarsencss..Innucnza. T.aOrlnnc. Whoonlntr BU, i-rpup, catarrh, and all affeotlons of the lungs and throat. Safe for all bkcs and wuuvnosKjmacn. hoia Dyarutrclsts at 100. ana 25c.. or inal ed El. J. Kay Medical Co., Saratoga Springs. N.Y. 8: t.'ou U docs not sicken or dlsacrco with thnstomach on receipt or price, by Dr. A rC "vrtlT nimniir' ciTrrniirTi Take Mull's (irapc Tonic The crushed fruit luxullvc. Tho Now Wonder for bad health, no mutter what tho disease, 'twill do jjood. Druggists 50c. Tho LlehtnlnB Medlclno Co., Rock Island, Ills. Mull's LlKlituliif? Pain Killer cures rheumatlo puhm, 25c. "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO Wheols! Wheels! Wbrclsl how they bo! Ride a Ilco wheel and bo In tho swim. Wakefulness, Badly nourished nerves aro irritable and uneasy, bo aro norvca that are overworked and worn'Out. The quiet and harmony of tho nerve-centers aro gono; and every effort either of mind or body increases the jarring and discord. Thoy cannot rest becauso thoy are hungry; and tho sleep that comes after a night of tossing, brings neither rest nor strength. Feed tho nerves. Nourish and tone them up, and wakeful nights -will be a thing of tho past. Dr. Miles' Nervine is the best remedy for wakefulness because it makes strong nerves. "I was restless and uneasy all tho time, had no ambition and felt about half sick. I was so nervous that it seemed almost Impossible to remain in bed and I would toss and pitch for houra beforo I could get to sleep. I began taking Dr. Miles' Nervine and in a short tlmo was ablo to sleep tho whole night through, awaking in tho morning feeling re freshed and rested." O. F. Buito, Kcesevllle, N. Y. D. Miles' Nervine Is a brain and norvofood and restorativo medicine that helps nature reconstruct tho wasted cells and tissues and restoro health. Try a bottle NOW. Sold by druggists on a punrmt ee. Du. MiLts Ltar - t fn n'irt Tnrl ENO COUNCIL BLUFFS. Remnant Day Again The popularity of our I'M DAY and SATl'ItDAV KK.MXAXT SALES will he In no whit nlmtctl by thu offt'i'IngH this week. Embroideries and Insertions Mill End Lengths of : Table Linens This section will Hhow koiiio very de tdrahle length nt very Htnall priced In emhrolderlcH, ciIkch and InHcrtloim. Wo havo also n hit; lino of cmbrold erlcH, some lu lull plccrs, marked at special prlco to close. ON SALIC TC :ay. Wn hlMll placo mi mile, today n largo lino of mill end Tahlo clotha In 'J, -.u unil i.i'iikMin. TIipho nro ccniilnn IrlMi linen and, wlillo we hnpo to mipply ull comers, wo ndvlse early huyliib'. Remnants in All Departments. Ml. OltlMIIlS I'llO.III'TI.V I'll, 1, 131). now WILL "THE DOTS' APPJ3AH MAKCll JiOTII? 99 aafi2aai i iHMBHBBIB The "Comstock Process'' Is tho most succcBHful method for rcducInK nnd relieving pain In all kinds of dental operations that Iiqh jot hcen presented to tho public. It has been used by lending den lists of tho cubI for nearly two years, and has been pro nounced by them to he entirely Hatlsfnctory. Our patients uro delighted with tho results It produces. If you aro nervous and your teeth nro scnsltlvo wo will bo pleased ta explain It to you. . ..Telephone 145 H. I. Woodbury, D. D. S., Council Bluffs. 30 Pearl St. S? h..