Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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The OMAHA Daily Bee.
Dally Uco (without Sunday), Ond Year.. $8.00
Dally Uco nnd Sunday, One Year s.W
Illustrated lice, Onu Year
Sunday lice, One Year j-Wl
Huturuny lo, Onu Year )
.twentieth Century Knrmer, One Year.. l.'W
Omaha: Tho Uee llulldlng.
South Otnuliai City Hall Uulldlne, Twcn
tylltth mid M streets.
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Washington: IM Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to news and cdl
torlul matter should bo addressed: Omaha.
ict, liuitonul Ueiiartmcnt.
IJuslnoflt letters und remittances should
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TJlli UhK I'UUbiailliNU UOMl'AM.
State ot Neliraslta. Douglas County, ss.:
Licorgu II. Tzschuck, secrctury ot The Uco
PunlMiliig company, being duly sworn,
says thai the actual number ot full turn
complctu copies ot Tho Dally,, Morning,
i.v iiiiiK mid aundny Hto printed durum ttio
nioiith ut February, lwi, was ua lollowa:
i M.iiiu 15 ar,tro
uii.imo iii ao.uau
a au.iiiio 17
k UO.inil 18 5,l70
6 'J.-.NIO 19 U.-..IHO
ti aii.uiu :o r.,K7o
7 a,a7 -'i 'M.Hio
k ar.,7no a a,77o
ti i!(i,:wo 23
10 Stl.tllB 21 a,iM3
11 ar.,7o 23 ati.nuo
i.' .-., io zt ao.-iao
is ar.,770 27 ao.aoo
u a.,700 ' 2S ..a,r.8u
Tola! 7111, 10
Less unsold nnd returned copies.... ia,lU4
Net total sales 710.0U0
Net dally average ar.,070
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before mo this 4th day of March, A. D. 1W1.
(Seal.) M. 11. HUNGATE.
Notary Public.
"And tlii' next (lny It snowed!"
Tho ni'W governor of Nolimskii In oho
of tho must gi'iilnl of men In Hplte of Ills
inline. ,
Then; will lio no tears shed In Nc-
hrnxkii when farewells are said to the
March lion.
Now that Onoral Fnnston lias cnnglit
tho rabbit tho civil olllclals are de
liberating how It shall bo cooked.
Agnlnaldo has one satisfaction, now
bo Is captured ho will not be forced to
carry the banner for a time at least.
That table of ballots taken on United
States senator at Lincoln contains some
Interesting if not useful Information.
Governor Savage gained Ills start In
lifts sawing wood itml has kept busily
engaged at the same occupation ever
.Itino -1 Is generally supposed to be
the longest day of the year, but It Is not
In this same class as the legislative day
of Thursday.
Fifty-six heats Is a long-drawn-out
race and there Is small wonder that
many of the starters went to the stable
long before It was over.
Admiral Dewey Is now talking of writ
lug a history. He has the material for
several Interesting chapters In his expe
rience slnco returning to America.
The supreme court has given the mar
ried women of Nebraska some relief. It
has decided that tho wife controls her
own property the same as If she were
It may bo that Governor Savage will
havo time to brand his cnlf crop and at
tend to his spring planting before being
called upon to remove to the executive
Kxoeutloiitf within tho penitentiary
walls will bo as effective lu carrying out
tho law as though held at the common
jails, and will remove ono of tho strong
est objections to tho death penalty.
William Jennings Ilryan's ultimatum
that tho republicans must solve their
own senatorial problem seems to havo
worked. At any rate the problem was
solved without Mr. Bryan's assistance
A "uniform rank" for labor unions
ought to start Torrcnce V. Powderly to
going again. One of tho great features
of tho Knights of Labor was Its opposi
tion to men who drilled with uniforms
nnd guns.
Claims against tho state, no matter on
what basis they were founded, had a
hard row In tho legislature. It Is not
for tho purposu of repudiating, but In a
spirit of economy, that tho bills are
being cut down.
Four men have been nrrested at Fre
mont who had more knives In their
possession than appeared necessary.
Possibly they had just como from Liu
coin, where they had been participating
In the senatorial light.
Calvin P. Titus, an Iowa boy, was the
first to scale tho walls of Pekln and
plant a foreign Hag thereon. He has
been rewarded by tho president with
an appointment to West Point. If young
Titus keeps up his Oriental gait ho will
bo a credit to the army.
Tho sultan ot Turkey Is greatly lu fear
that ho will be assassinated. His own
people nro only returning tho compli
ment. Kvor slnco his rule began them
Is not a prominent man In Turkey who
could oven conjecturo when his turn
would coiuo to drop Into tho Kosphortis
with a stone tied to his body.
Papa Zimmerman Is taking an In
ventory of tho duko of Manchester's bills
and Intimates to the creditors ho will
pay them. Tho European money loan
ers are doubtless hoping that hu will
and that tho coming crop of American
heiresses will provide a liquidator for
a number of other titled bankrupts.
The outcome of tho snnatorlal contest
lias forcibly verliled the adage that the
unexpected often happens.
When the legislature convened three
months ago It was confidently predicted
and expected that two candidates Avoiild
be nominated by the republican caucus
by January J5 and elected In the llrst
Joint convention the next day.
Contrary to all precedent tho Howe fac
tional contest extended throughout the
entire session and the consensus of
opinion was that the legislature would
adjourn and leave Nebraska without a
representative In tho United States sen
ate. Such an ending would have been
disgraceful to the state and disastrous
to the republican patty. In the language
of Senator Hanna:
"It seems almost criminal that after
such a victory as had been won In the
battle of Nebraska In 1000 by the re
publican party the fruits of It should
be Jeopardized by the ambition of any
The deadlock was broken on the
morning of the last day by the volun
tary withdrawal of the leading candi
dates, who realized that tho time had
come when they must mutIHcc personal
ambition to the higher interests ot party
and the welfare of tho state. The
nomination, of Charles II. "Dietrich and
Joseph II. Millard followed as a result
of this generous action, which commends
Itseir to the republicans ot tins state
and of the chtlro country.
Although in public life but a few
months Governor Dietrich has dis
played (itinlltles of a high order as on
executive; he has tho rare faculty of
discernment and prompt decision so
requisite in a man occupying public
otllce. In making appointments in the
state institutions Governor Dietrich
lias Invariably adhered to tho rule that
competency and Integrity are essential
(Hiallllcatlons of every public olllclal
und employe. That he will adhere to
tho same rule lu making recommenda
tions for appointments In tho federal
service Is almost beyond iiuestlou. He
will, moreover, carry to the national
capltol the habit of hard work and
close attention to the duties devolving
upon him.
Joseph II. Millard will go to the
senate well equipped as a mail of affairs
Ills life-long experience as u business
man and banker as well as a promoter
of great enterprises will enable him to
grapple without dltllculty questions of
national llnauce ami measures requir
ing a thorough knowledge of connnor
clal usages, identified with every In
terest that tends to promote the develop
ment of the resources of this state, and
especially the upbuilding of Nebraska's
metropolis, Mr. Millard may be de
pended upon to labor earnestly and
ettlclently for the best Interests of his
While no claim can be laid for cither
of our new senators to gifts of ora
tory or tralulng lu diplomacy and
stntcscraft we have the gratifying as
surance that the Interests of this state
will be In safe hands lu the higher
branch of the national legislature.
The annolnttuent of former Itepre
sentatlvo Hodcnberg of Illinois In the
civil service commission Is being sharply
criticised on the ground that he Is not a
friend of civil service reform. It ap
pears that Mr. Itodenberg wns oue of
tho seventy-seven members of the house
of representatives who, on February 17,
1000, voted against all appropriations
for the salaries and expenses ot the
civil service commission. In dolug tills
ho nut himself on record as an enemy
of the merit system and therefore his
uppolutment Is Justly regarded as a very
serious mistake.
Unfortunately it cannot reasonably be
supposed that the president was uu
aware of this record. It was certainly
his duty to Inform himself regarding
tho views and position of Mr. Hoden
born upon the merit system and assutn
lug that ho did this the appointment
Is quite Inexplicable. Mr. McUluley lias
always been an earnest supporter of
civil service reform. Sonic of the strong
est sneeehes In congress in advocacy
of that policy were made by him and
throuchout his public career since he
has attested the sincerity of the views
then expressed. The republican party
has stood firmly for tho reform ever
since It was adopted. Why, therefore,
tho president should havo selected to
administer the civil service law a man
who Is on record as opposed to the
prluclple, who voted In congress to
overthrow the merit system and who,
so far as kuown, has not changed his
position regarding the policy, Is alto
tether Incomprehensible.
Wo are not prepared to think that
tho president has lost luterest lu the
merit system, but all friends of civil
service reform must regret tho appoint
ment as commissioner of a man whoso
course In congress showed him to be
hostile to tho principle.
Advices from General MaeArthur
continue to show that steady progress
toward peace is being made and war
rant tho belief that the end of tho In
surrectlon Is very near. Surrenders of
Insurgents in Miudanao, next to Luzon
tho largest of tho Philippine Islands,
are reported, which end opposition to
American authority there so far as the
Filipinos are concerned, it seems safe
to conclude, therefore, that all the In
habitants of that Island will now ac
cept the sovereignty of the United States
and that civil government will In a
short time be established there.
A Manila dispatch states that Aguln
aldo has had a conference with former
members of his cabinet and other proud
nent Filipinos, who pointed out to him
tho hopelessness of the Insurgent cause
and advised li 1 til to exert his Iiitlueuce
to establish peace aud for the recogni
tion of American sovereignty. '1 he cap
tlvo chief of the insurrection, if lie be
wise, will act promptly upon this ad
vice. His Influence may. Indeed, be
somewhat Impaired by tho fact that he
Is a prisoner, but in any event an effort
on his part to bring about peace and
to muueu Uis people io reiogm.e aiiu-ii-can
sovereignty would couut much In
his favor when fl: question of dealing
with him shall come tip for determina
tion. 1'osslbly he understand" tills
and If so it is to lie expected that he
will act upon the counsel lie has re
U all events the view taken of the
situation by General MaeArthur seems
to be fully warranted and we see no
reason to doubt that peace In the Phil
ippines Is at hand.
Kansas City lias again assumed the
aggressive, aud Is moving with all Its
power to secure the removal of the
lendquurtcrs of tho Department of the
Missouri from this city to that. While
here Is only u remote probability of
such an order being Issued, It Is well for
ho Commercial club and citizens In
general to be on the alert to head oil' the
ambitious attack of the western Mis
souri metropolis.
In one way Kanas City Is a good
thing for Omaha. Its rivalry can hardly
io called generous, and still It Is not at
all malicious. It Is simply the desire of
an, active, pushing people to get every
thing lu sight for their home clly, re
gardless of the feelings of others. In
inly one way can this competition lie
met. and that Is by being as active In
gbnrdlng our home interests and as ag
gressive lu the pursuit of new enter
prises. Kansas City Is a continual spur
to Omaha In this respect, for we know
that on the moment our vigilance Is re
laxed we lose something, snatched from
us by our relentless rivals dowli the
Not an advantage to the government
enumerated by the president of the Kan
sas City Chamber of Commerce exists
but Is afforded by Omaha. The railroad
facilities are equal, the market for pro
visions and supplies of all sorts Is equal.
l'lio proximity to large army posts Is
equal. Then tho government already
has a permanent headquarters building
here, lu addition to other Interests
which do not exist at Kansas City.
These are reasons why the headquarters
should remain here, but do not alTord
any excuse for not keeping an vyo on
Kansas City.
gutnuhIo's former supporters and ad
visers have, pinny of them, called on
him and tendered advice regarding the
hopelessness of continuing the struggle.
Tho logic of events as they have forced
themselves on Agulnaldo himself should
be all tho argument needed. It Is un
doubtedly true that all the intelligent
Filipinos are of this opinion. Now that
tile leaders and people have been shown
the futility of resistance the work ahead
Is to further demonstrate to them by
Just government nnd generous treat
ment that American rule is not only
Inevitable, but that It is best for the
Filipino himself. Kvery step taken In
the islands has been with this end in
view and there Is no Indication of a
change of policy.
The smelter combine will have to show
the supreme court of New Jersey before
It can take over tho Guggenheim Inter
ests and Issue stock in payment there
for. It appears that the judges are
somewhat skeptical as to the exact le
gality of the proposed action. Tho mi
nority stockholders believe they are to
be spared a deluge of water which tho
transaction threatened.
How the lingers of the late trust
smasher extraordinary must Itch. Ho
Is In nearly as bad a fix as Carrie Na
tion In a-saloon without a hatchet. Here
Is a new cereal, company being formed
and the Nebraska City mill Is to form a
part of It. What a glorious opportunity
there Is to make a little cheap political
capital ny going auer me oeiopus, aim
the octopus hunter Is powerless.
Trilling events have before this had
an Important bearing upon great affair.
It now appears the reason the treaty
between Kusslan and China was not
signed was because the Clrinose repre-,
sentatlvo fell down and bumped his
head. Who knows but this slight mis
hap may prevent a misunderstanding
which promised to cause a bloody warV
There are live members of the com
mlttee of Cubans which has tho rela
tions with tho United States under con
slderatlon. When they commenced to
prepare their report It was discovered
each of the live was of a different mind.
Under these conditions It would be
somewhat difficult to decide which Is the
majority and which the minority report.
The general oplnlou is that General
Fuustou's latest exploit, following up
other meritorious ones, has certainly
earned him the' star of a brigadier in
tho regular army. The law at present
does not make it possible for the ad
ministration to appoint hlui to any
such high command, but congress will
likely be appealed to when It convenes,
A Chicago university student who had
been hazed and threatened with a re
petition of the affair purchased a shot
gun, a burglar alarm and a bulldog.
Ho then Invited his entertainers to visit
him, but the invitation was declined
Treatment of this kind takes all the
pleasure out of this class of entertain
Osteopaths will be permitted to Juggle
Joints and manipulate muscles In No
braska without reference to the Latin
lingo used In preparing prescriptions
Tho materia niedlcn doctors had to take
a dose prescribed by tho legislature.
The taking of Agulnaldo gives the
aunties a chance to iircai; oui again.
f. Ki'viin llliiln In It n ti'it fur n
brief dissertation on imperialism aud the
.Money ievn, nm. mis no cuumhuuuu iu
i l.t !..!,..
otter Aggie to soueu ms uupmuj.
.IiinI n I'liiln (iriili,
Indianapolis News,
Ilussia knows thut tho nation do not like
her ways, hut she would like to know what
they propose to do about it, Russia Is
becoming altogether too practical,
Slinllotv Talk of Si'rnior.
Minneapolis Tribune.
Tho talk of Europo uniting against the
United States will not frighten anybody
so long as flussla aud Great llrltaln ar
only prevented from coming to blows In
China by German Intervention, nnd the
rench arc Just aching to get In a lick nt
perfidious Albion."
Tfrmliinln Son tied lu Itieunr.
Philadelphia ledger
1'race negotiations arc off. and the llorr
war will be continued to the bitter end.
Tho facial expressions of both combatants,
however, would Indicate that this wnr has
two bitter ends
Will tlic MuliMiHitlit .Innm In!
New York Trlbutm.
Russia's ousting of Mr. Mcl.eavy llrowa
from the Corean customs service Is reck
oned to be a defeat for British diplomacy.
t Is. Hut It Is equally a menace to Japan,
and It will be strange If Japan does not
make some formldabto counter move.
I. rt th IMkuIku HcuIii.
Cleveland Leader.
The flrltlsh government Is apparently not
n favor of any agreement concerning the
construction of the Nlcnragua canal which
doea not give (Jreat llrltaln tho upper
hand. Under the circumstances the United
States should go ahead without considering
any other nation.
Scum of lie .Son.
Philadelphia Lodger,
Hy paying flOO.000 to Spain we now pos
sess whatever title It may have had to
Cagayan, Cibutu and tho other Islands In
their group. How much It will cost us to
get possession remains to be seen. Wo
havo paid this because of a blunder of our
representatives who made tho treaty of
Paris and neglectvd to Include these Islands
among those surrendered by Spain In con
sideration of the receipt from us of $20,-
000,000, hut It wns not so great a blunder
as tho payment of the larger sum.
Another (irnli .Sim-l-il.
1'hlladolphtii l'ress.
In China tho United States has again as
serted Its policy In favor of tho Integrity
of the empire In tho note just nindo public
warning tho Imperial 'government against
specla) agreements. This protest keeps the
record of tho United States clear, but It Is
unlikely to havo any Influence on Russia,
which has Mnnchurln and will remain
there, whether China signs tho new agree
ment or not. The real Issue Is whether
Japan will seize Corcn, a step growing more
probable, though by no means certain.
I'iinIiIiik to 1 1 1 mt It ( ' IiIciiIm.
Lottlsvllta Courier-Journal.
Former Speaker Reed la still unhappy
over our riilllpplno relations. "Every peo
ple, fie declares, "nre lit for self-government
of tho kind they want." That, how
ever, is not always u good fit. If, accord
ing to such logic, tho kind of self-govern
ment tho Filipinos want Is tho kind
would enable them to do the very things
wo nro obligated to mankind to prevent
them doing, nevertheless Mr. Reed would
havo It that wo are cruel oppressors he-
cause we do not give them that kind of
.Viitlonn iitt llorroivern.
Philadelphia Record.
Nearly all tho great powers nre In tho
market as borrowers. Tho railway com
panies nro Issuing largo blocks of new se
curities, and heavy demands will be made
for funds with which to float monster In
dustrial undertakings. Under such condi
tions tho present ease of tho money markets
is not likely to continue undisturbed. The
business -situation In tho United States re
mains satisfactory; but tho reaction which
lias manifested Itself in England, Oermany
and France must-have nn ultlmnto bearing
upon our own Industrial prospects. The In
terdependence of the nations Is none the
less a fact becauso' of tho slowness with
which the rule sometimes asserts itself.
St. I.ntil SihiC' the Ilupc of m
I-u 7 uii l- iiklr,
St. l.ouls Republic (dcm).
Nebraska Is milch excited over tho elec
tion of a world's fair mayor in St. Louis.
Tho World-Herald does not agree with
the Republic s Judgment on our local elec
tion. if tho Republic were to pronounce an
opinion on elections In tho World-Herald's
bailiwick ft would be that local conditions
there seem to doservo all the editor's at
tention, It Nsbraska was Inexorably bent upon
meddling with local tickets in St. Louis,
It should havo served notice in tho fall
campaign, when a democratic city conven
tion ratlued n ticket agreed upon by dem
ocrats and Independents. The superb vic
tory which followed enabled tho, democratic
party of St. Louis to show Mr. Bryan and
tho present governor of Missouri n gain
which wiped out tho republican majority
of 189C nnd saved Messrs. Bryan and
Uockery the mortification of a reduced
democratic majority fn Missouri, If Ne
braska was opposed to the course of St.
Louis democracy, then was the tltno to
What did Nebraska do last year? Well,
to put It gently, Nebraska Is not electing
any democratic or populist United States
senators tills year. Omaha exhibited heavy
republican gains in November. From nil
accounts tho World-Herald's country is to
bo In tho hands of tho foe for several cam
paigns to come.
When wo In St, Louis nro needing polit
ical doctors for local troubles wo shall not
go to Nebraska. Tho medicine out there
doesn't seem to work.
United Stnti-N Ulnar tlir I'll I It In
llt'iilth nnd CleniillnenM.
Philadelphia Times.
Whatever tho failures and blunders in the
American occupation of Cuba, tho sanita
tion of Havana has been a success. There
is nn evidence of this In tho diminished
death rate. Tho number ot deaths In
Havana during February was 140. In Febru
ary, 1S98, It was 1,602, nnd tho monthly
nverago of the past ten years was 740.
Tho deaths of Inst month were at the rate
of 19.32 per 1,000, which Is much bo
low tho rate of most of tho cities of the
United States. New Orleans, nt about tho
samo period, had u death rate of 28,26,
Mobile 29,73 nnd Jacksonville 48,37, In
tho last February under Spanish rule the
death rato of Havana was 82.32 per 1,000,
During the military occupation Havana
has been cleaned as it never was before,
n modern system of drainage, and sower
age has been established and tho streets
scientifically paved. Tho diminished death
rato Is one of tho results. It Is Interest
ing to notice, nlso, tho cffectlvo fight that
has been made directly against yellow
fever. Tho recent cbservntlons of the agency
of mo3ultoes In propagating tho disease
havo been practically applied. As soon as
a caso of yellow fever Is reported tho
rooms occupied hy tho patient aro screened,
all mosquitoes In the-building and In neigh
boring buildings are killed hy tho fumes of
pyrcthruni powder and any places nearby
whero mosquitoes can breed are covered
with kerosene. All this. Is In addition to
disinfection and other general sanitary
precautions, nnd thus far very fow cases of
yellow fever huvo occurred In the city and
tho medical authorities aro confident of
avoiding anything like tho usual epidemic
In tho coming summer.
This Is but u slnglo Item in the efficient
tan limy system that has been established
lu Havana, one of the things that make
a favorablo contrast with Spanish Indlf
ferenrc. Tho maintenance of this syttem
is rightly Insisted upon as ono of the duties
of tho new Cuban government, but it would
soem as though tho Cubans had a right
to exact the samo thing of us. Havana has
been regarded as a source of danger to our
gulf ports. With Its Improvement and their
continued unsanitary condition nnd result
lag disease, they may become a menace to
Havana. I.VMIS TIIW ot its.
Lord Salisbury last week became the rec
ord premier of Kngland slnre tho reign of
George 'V. His aggregate servlre its prlmo
minister on March 21 amounted to twelve
yoars and 112 ilnyj, thus surpassing Mr.
Gladstone's record by one day. The only
HugllMi prchilcr whoso length of jervice
surpnsed Lord Salisbury's ins Lord Liver
pool, who was In t.llcc under George III
nml George IV for fourteen years and 329
day3. If the present premier wishes to beat
Liverpool's rcconl there U every ten son to
think that he will be able to do to, for ho
has Just been returned to power supported
by n great majority In the Commons. Re
cent reports, however, maintain that Loid
Salisbury Is aging very rapidly nnd has lost
nil his old-llmo zest for public life. Thero
Is good ic.'ison to bellevo Ihnt he would soon
retlro were It not for the dinieultles at
tending the succession to the party leader
ship The French Senate Is discussing n bill
which Is arousing much Interest In pollto
economical circles abroad. It has been dis
covered that tho plan of protecting cercnls
by duties and bounties devised some ycni'3
ago by M. Mellne has worked so well that,
although Franco pnys more for blend than
any other Kuropean country, tho home pro
duction of wheat has steadily Increased,
nnd, as tho population has remained
practically stationary, importations have
so fallen off that the French agriculturist
has now practically no competitor. But
with tho falling off In revenue derived from
Imports has come n corresponding Increase
In tho bounties, so at present the high price
of bread Is maintained not only nt flic rx-
pensn of tho consumer, but at growing ex
pense to tho government ns well.
The new hill proposes lo glvo a bounty of
7 francs per quintal lo tho farmer who ex
ports corn, and tho bounty ticket enn he of
fered to tho customs department In ex
chango for products Imported Into France.
If, after threo months, this bounty ticket
Is not used, be presents It to tho stnto nnd
It is cashed. What would happen were such
a meaBtiru to become a law Is now being
discussed hy French political economists,
most of whom agree that speculation In
bounty tickets would nt once become In
tense, while the French farmer would dis
pose of his wheat on foreign markets wher
ever thero was a margalu of profit.
Reports from various quarters Indicate
that the Turks nro keeping order In Mace
donia after their ancient fashion. A let
ter from Uskttb, published lu a Viennese
newspaper, says that the Turkish soldiery
are committing excesses in all directions.
They not only occupy tho town, but all tho
neighboring places, and arc robbing nnd
maltreating respectnhlo citizens. Many of
the shops havo been shut, nnd there is nn
exodus of the country-folk to Servla, Bul
garia and' Montenegro. Many of them hnvo
appealed for help to tho Russian consul,
but he docs not seem to hnvo Interfered In
their behalf. Meanwhile tho Turks, In
great force, nre holding strategic points
nnd tho mountain passes, As usual, the
Greeks nro taking advantage of tho situa
tion to Improve their own condition. They
pose, the writer of tho letter says, as the
only truly faithful subjects of tho sultan,
and they nro busily preferring charges
against all the Servians or Bulgarians who
may bo obnoxious to them. As a conse
quence thoy ure exempt from tho persecu
tions from which others suffer, and all the
measures taken against the revolutionary
propaganda only tend to Increase nnd con
solidate their influence. Tho Turks nro
suspected of trying to provoke a revolu
tionary outbienk that they may have an ex
cuse for employing tho forces which thoy
hnvo on tho spot In their customary drastic
measures of pacification.
The position of Slgnor I'rlnctti ns minis
ter ot foreign affairs In tho new Italian
cabinet has caused tho question to bo re
vived In Berlin nnd Vienna whether, when
the Trlplo Alliance agreement comes tip
for renewnl, Italy will again bo ono of the
members. I'rlnettl has been known for sev
eral years au an opponent of tho drcibuud
scheme, and it was this supposed attitude of
his which caused tho socialists to support
his entry Into the Zanardelll-Glolltt! cnbl-
nct with no small enthusiasm. It has been
recently alleged, however, that In a con
versation with tho Bavarian minister to tho
Vatican he discussed the alliance lu such a
way ns to leave the impression that Italy
was again ready to renew the agreement
provided adequate terms wcro offered her.
Prlnettl has denied, In a way, beforo tho
Chamber that ho ever had such a conversa
tion, while tho socialist organ, tho Avantl,
points out that, "eveu n mere uncondi
tional predisposition to renew the alliance
would be treason toward Italian Interests."
It is believed in diplomatic circles In
Romo that beforo very long the Zanardelll-
Gtollttl cabinet will bo forced by tho so
cialist nnd radlrnl members of tho Chamber
to reveal its exact policy In regard to a re
newal of the ngreoment with Germany nnd
Austria-Hungary, nnd that tho cabinet will
bo forced to declare Itself against such a
renewal. This Is taken for granted In Ber
lin nnd Vienna, whero It Is pointed out that,
in somo respects, Italy had outlived her
usefulness In tho Trlplo Alliance, nnd that
tho dissolution of the drclbund would In no
wlso disturb tho Austro-Gcrman entente
concluded In October, 1879, or tho lnde
pendent treaties between Italy and tho othor
members of the alliance. It Is shown that
twenty years ago the pcaco ot Kuropo de
manded that Italy should bo n member of
tho alliance, but now tho situation was
changed, nnd If sho wcro to withdraw It
would bo on the most friendly terms nnd
with every prospect of continued friendly
relations, while tho very policy which hnd
made It expedient for Italy to withdraw
would bo a sufficient guaranty that sho
would form no other alliance which would
be n source of danger to her late allies.
Without attracting much attention In the
rest of ICuropc, Portugal has perfected her
plans of army reorganization, but now that
they aro about to he put Into operation the
subject is being actively discussed In Mad
rid In tho light ot tho supposed enteuto
cordlalo between Great Britain and Porta
gal, Tho Hcraldo of Madrid declares that
Spain should bo alert because so oxtnnslvo
a base of operations ns Portugal, situated
about tho mouths of tho principal Spanish
rivers, nnd provided with excellent ports
In which nn Invader would find all klndB of
necessaries at hand, and an auxiliary army
of 200,000 men to nld him to carry out his
military and naval operations, cannot ho
contemplated with equanimity. Other
papers, while expressing no particular
alarm, are greatly surprised that Portugal
should make such mllltnry preparations at'
a time when Spain neither has adopted nor
can adopt any policy of expansion or ag
grcsslou and when sho must devoto tho
whole of hor nttcntlon to "Iho curing of tho
wounds' left by her recent misfortunes,"
Tho effect of Portugal's army reorganize
Hon measures will mean that tho little
kingdom occupying a western portion of the
peninsula will, nlthnugh Spain has a pop
illation four times as great ns hers, possess
an army approximately equal to ono-half of
tho Spanish forces. Tho new recruiting
system will raise tho strength to twenty
seven regiments of Infantry, tho samo num
ber of regiments of reserves, twelvo bat
talions of chasseurs, eight regiments of
cavalry with reserve squadrons, four regl
menu of field artillery, two horso hat
lories, threo mountain batteries, two regi
ments of garrison artillery (heavy artillery)
and llfteen roiiipnnles nf engineers.
lloniirN to Vli'lor.
Philadelphia Record.
As a homo at Washington was provided
for Admiral Dewey, so also the capital city
Is to be the abiding place of Rear Admiral
Mrs. Bryan is Cured.
Road Hor Letter to Mrs. Plnkham.
"Deaii Mns. Pinkham: I was sick for two years with fall-
inc of tho womb and inflammation of tho ovaries nnd bladder.
t t II.. i a
X wns
How many women there nro who suiter just liko Mrs. Bryan
did I If you ask such sufferers what treatment thoy hnvo, you
will find they aro depending upon some professional theorist
who has never cured a caso of uterino or ovarian troubl'o, or
you will find that thoy went to thoir druggist to get -Lydin E.
Pinkhnm'fl Vegotablo Compound and were advised by tho
dealer to take something el6o. You may bo euro that aueh
BiiffoririK from femalo derangement will not exist when Lydia
E. Pinkhnm'e Vegetable Compound in used. This utatement
finds overwhelming verification in tho gratoful letters from
Whon you ask for Mrs. Pinkham's modicino nt your denlor'f,
you may safely distrust tho motives of any one who asks you
to tako something else in place of
Lydta E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound.
Soli lev. The victor at Manila aud tho hero
of Santiago will soon go into retirement,
hut tlinlr ilneiln will llvn In liUtnrv limir
but tneir deeds wi I uo in hisiorj uwh
after tho petty passing jealousies that hnvo '
environed them shall havo been lost to!
human recollection. i
I'OMTIt'AI, nitll'T.
Municipal elections will bo held In Cleve
land, Chicago, St. Iouls nnd Denver next
In 18'jO tho cost of the Now York stnto
government, per capita, was $2.15. l.aat
year It was $1.02.
Callfornlnns nro subscribing liberally to
u fund to erect a monument to the memory
of tho Into Senator Stephen M. White.
Patrick Henry of Brandon, Miss., went
out with tho last congress nnd Patrick
Henry of Vlckshurg, Miss., comes lu with
tho now.
Senator Piatt wisely concluded to
abandon ripper legislation when he discov
ered ho could not override the veto of New
York's governor.
Tho adjournment of the California legis
lature was enlivened with band music and
a cakcwalk. The acting speaker used a
hatchet for a gavel and emphasized his rul
ings with revolver shots.
Senntor Timothy Drydollar Sullivan of
New York City, a noted Tnnimnny heeler,
has been tendered a banquet by his admir
ers. Tho feast will cost $100 a plate. Fori
a poverty-stricken party this Is pretty rich
A marked revival In tho agitation for
suppression of tho smoke nuisance In Chi
cago Is coincident with tho freo distribu
tion by a candldnto for alderman ot tutors
with this legend; "Smoke a clgnr with Al
derman Race, candldnto for re-election."
In Oregon, now tho chief source of supply
of hops for breweries, there were 2,500 pro
hibition votes cast for president at the No
vember election. In Knnsas, tho state of
Mrs. C. Nation, In which tho tempcranco
agitation has been carried on for ninny
years, thero wero only 3,C00.
Judgo Wells, fusion candidate for mayor
of Denver, publishes a "certificate ot char
acter" from General Thomas J. Wood con
taining this remarkable sentence: "Judgo
Wells was on my staff through tho terrible-
campaign In east Tennesseo In tho winter
ot 18C3-C1 a campaign which tried men's
souls to tho very marrow of their hones!"
Knvlous politicians in Chicago tire try
ing lu the courts to force Judgo Hnncry,
republican candldnto for mayor, to Fpell
It Henncssy and to put Patrick boforo It,
becauso lie was christened so. But the
Judgo is too strong a friend of Philosopher
Doolcy's side-partner to detract from his
eminence in tho world ot politics and
In the municipal budget ot l'.lOO In New
York City tho appropriation for tho police.
department was $tl,0!i2,C03, The appropria
tion for the Board of Education was $11,-
91,101, a difference of more than $2,500,-
000, Kor this 'year tho appropriation for
tho pollco department Is $U,lins,343 and for
ho department of education $18,512, 81 , a
difference of nearly $7,000,000.
Ono of the curiosities of last year's elec
tion lu respect to tho vote cast by the pro
hibitionists wns furnished by South Caro
lina, which Is literally In tho liquor busi
ness under tlift dispensary system and In
which there wns not n solitary votn cast
for tho prohibition ticket In November. On
tho other hand, In Maine, the pioneer stnto i
of prohibition legislation and the ono In
which the prohibition statute, adopted many
jenrs ngo, lias slnco been re-onfori:cd by
a constitutional amendment, thero wero
2,500 prohibition votes. ,
Ten Days
to Easter
Spring's sun? io arrive with a bound at Easter
without regard lo the weather.
Meantime, our spring clotliiiif; is here from our
faetor.v in New York and ready for ,vour inspet.'tion.
It's well worth your critical attention.
The fact is that ld'owin', Kiiitf & -'o, have, by
steady advances, established a new standard iu
Clothing ready-to-wear.
"No clot bin; tits like ourH."
Browning, King & Co.,
R. S. Wilcox, Manager.
Omaha's Exclusive Clothiers for Men nnd Boy. - '
uiuiiicii very oauiy. jiy icil
limb would swell so I could not
stet) on my loot. I had such
bearing-down pnins 1 could
not straighten up or walk
across tho room, nnd such
shooting pains would go
through mo that I
thought I could not
stand it. Jly mother
got nio n bottle of Lydia
E. Pinkhom'sVegetablo
Compound nnd told mo
to try it. I took six
bottles and now, thanks
to your wonderful medi-
clno nlono, I am a vrcii
1 T tvfftli nvAiv tvAmnn
suffering with female weak
ness' would becin its use rt
once." Mrs. Elsie Bryan. Otis-
ville, Mich.
We have deposited with
the National Clly Hack,
of I.viin. Jjoco, which
win oe pain io uny per
son who can find tht the above IcstimonUI
letter U not genuine, or was published before
obtaining the writer's tpeclnl perml.lon.
lMM.ii:i Tltll'l.i:s.
,.,,,,, ,, .
I'llllnilelphbl Press J MIxtresH-KUSUM, I m
Hro , ll)ar(, H()m( 0H, khhllK ym , th9
Kitchen Inst night. I don't like that,
Htisati-Yes, nm'nni, the muster iulil you
' W'XVl !!' !M,U? mucl1' aml 11,111 wa wliy
Pittsburg Chronicle: Mrs. ninwlddle-I
am of so sensitive u nature that I cumint
near lo go about the streets at this season
of Ihu year.
Mrs. Vim Braiini What Is It that ho
works upon your sensibilities?
Mis. Dinwiddle I can't bear to witness
so ninny moving Hcenes.
Detroit Journal: "We went to the moun
tains last Hiimmcr, but wo didn't stay long
on account of the stormy weather."
"Yen, (he landlord of the hotel charged
extra for storms, you know, and wo wcro
soon out of money."
Chicago Tribune: "You see now, you
wretch," vindictively exclaimed tho fair
prosecuting witness, after the trial was
over, "that IIV an expensive thing to kiss
u woman against her will!"
"You aro right, madam," said tho wretch,
who had Just paid a jr-D line for the offense,
"ft wnsn t worth It."
Indianapolis Press: "Hard luck?" said
the soulirette, earnestly. "Why, wo hadn't
been on the rond two weeks beforo wo hud
to pawn the magulllceut diamond which
was to be presented to the star hy her ad
mirers nt every town. Hard luck! Well,
1 should murmur!"
New York Weekly: Spendall I gave yon
that $.1 ns it friendly tip. Why do you hand
$1 back?
Waller I likes to keep everything on n
business basis, sail, OQilts(,wot.'a 4Hi ,vcry
friendly -w'en (ley lins'money Is apt to come
'round tryln' to borrer w'en dey get broke.
Washington Star: "When I 'members
how many people Is lnyln' iiwnke nights
belli' sorry foil whut (ley's dnni" said
I'nelo Kbeu, "nn' how many mo' Is layln'
awake ivlf schemes fob mo' Iniquity, I
'elalis I bain' hahdly see whut sleep were I
Invented fo'."
Philadelphia Press: "Well, Knod-nlght,"
snld Mr lloreni, dually breaking away,
"I've had a most enjoyable evening. Mr
by the way, 1 expect to pass your hniiso
tomorrow oveiilng nnd I thought I might"
"til be delighted," said she quickly.
'Washington Star: "DonU yem love the
spiliig?" asked the romantic young woman.
"Yes." answered the wide-eared young
man. "In spring everything seems hope
ful. You don't know how bad the bnso bull
club is going to he."
Pittsburg Chronicle: "I feel so depressed
when It rains hnrd," Hold Mrs, Snaggs;
"but then I suppose that Is tho rule."
"There nro exceptions," said her husband.
"Are there?"
"Yes; umbrellas nre raised."
Will T. Hale In New York Times.
1 wush I wits u poet now tho feller that
can let
Ills thoughts drip off his pen an' form
his Htiinsles Hiigar-Hweel :
Kor I enn bear Spring's footsteps near
nn' feel tho earth's heart beat,
An' seems llko every Spring that comes fa
Jest the fairest yet!
I mlglit-nlgli ketch with inomnry's ears
the wild kingfisher's scream.
An' mock-birds' tiny muslo rills a-tum-blln'
from tho trees;
I mlglit-nlgli see tho speckled trout a
ganibollii' In tho stream,
An' mo with polo an' lino closo by, ni
happy as you please.
By-'n-by the gnudy butterflies will chcet
the ciiuntrv ways.
An' soon tho dove will send Its call uhuve
tho Holds once more;
While, llko iho Utile whistle of the car
rier nt your door.
Tho cricket's chirp will bring our heart!
a message from old dujs.
Let men complain of present times, an' lot
Iho htalesnieii cry
That with all llilugH so out nf J'lut the
nation's goln' to doom;
Slnco one man ealu't prevent It why, I'm
not disposed to tr .
Hut will Inhale my heart chock-full ol
springtime peace up' bloiimt