10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, SIAHCn 30, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Com Taket a Strong Upturn and Close1 One Cent Highr. GEORGE PHILLIPS DEALS CONSPICUOUSLY Onla Ilrenk from I mm) nrruir I'ntli mill Kalilhlt Ilti-ltlnn .Htreiiulli Wlirnl Left In Itself In Dull nml IVnltiroless. CHICAGO, Murch iO.-A stromr titilurn In corn mid tlio HiiriirlxliiK activity of tin1 oat maikot wcro tlio features of specu lative, trmlf! cm 'ftmimc today. Mny corn attained n new high price mark nml closed with a not advance of Ic, while oats allowed n Knln tif He. Wheat wan dull, lint re sponded to tho com HtretiRth Iry a closltiR Kaln of Itfj-V. ProvlnloiiH were lrreRiilur, clnshiK IVfjTc lilRhor to llHo lower. The corn filt was overflowlnR with trad ers' nt the opening and their cyoH .were fastened on George rlillllpH, who was re ported to have rontrol of the market, or to he very clone to a eoniniandltiR position. Light country offerings, despite higher bids Kent out last nlghl, small tocelplH and the diminishing proportion of contract grade In them were InlliienceM which kept the bullish blood circulating'. I'hllllp, whose line or long MlulT Is variously esti mated In the millions, met tho tide of buying orders and these came from nearly nil nuarters, with offerlngM In iVyioo and lOD.Oirf) lots. Opening sales were tllirhiiugod to higher nt V to I3.' and during Hie lira l fifteen minute the market climbed to IT-',e. The Phillips selling carried in Its wake other liolilliigH from traders who are accustomed to follow hltn. The iiuautltlcx tossed about were of iccord-brcaklng volume. So broad was the demand, however, that the Intense pressure succeeded III forcing the market only to 42 c Mere Phillips ceased his liquidation, In Recounting for Phillips' move It was said he had been scIIIiik most of bis stuff to brokers who, were really his Hgeiil.i and that he had attempted to shake out weak loncs and lend conlldelice to the bears to se cure a firmer hold on the market. Another rumor had It that St. I.ouIh Interests, who uere heavy buyers, were making an at tempt to wrest the young operator's throne In the corn pit from him. However true or false this report may have been Phillips became a buyer beforo the noon hour. This, so alarmed shorts that the market speedily reacted, nsslsled the while bv the buying of outside people whose bullishness was rampant all day. The advance failed to bring much corn on the market. .May advanced to lie during the afternoon, this being tho highest price thin season for May delivery, and the close was buoyant, le over yesterday, at I.ITdc .Inly ruled gen erally a shade under May. Cash bids were generally out of lino with the bulge. Local receipts numbered ,.'ll cars, 1.1 of contract Rraile. Cables were firm. Oats broke from their usual narrow path ns the neglected speculative walltlower and exhibited surprlsltiR streiiRth and ani mation. The, recent marked Improvement In the cash situation, 4'oniblned with the corn strength, wcro tlio factors. May sold early ut ,J.VMfJ.Vto, advanced later to 25 ft 25Te on coverliiR by shorts and closed higher al 2.V?ic- Itcctlpts were '.Ml ears. To day's shipping sabs were put at oOU.OOO bu., while business of this character yesterday was reported at SOO.WO bit. Wheat was dull and neglected, In favor of the greater attractions In nelRhburlnR pits. Trading was professional In charac ter the greater part of the session and the lone easy on the whole In eonsenuence of liberal receipts. Rood crop prospects and the favorable weather. .May sold between 75o and "lie during the forenoon and later ral lied to "C'j.e on export sales at the seaboard and la sympathy with corn. The close found the market al Tii'io. i4f3c higher than yes ti'rday's llnal llgurcs Shorts did most of tho buying, Hiicb ns It was. Kxporters re tiorled IS loads taken. Seaboard clearances lit wheat and Hour wcro equal to r lii.fX"! bu.. while primary receipts aggregated SCUmo bu.. compared with isi.ono bu. last year. Minneapolis and Ouliith reported :l"S cars, against IX'! last week and iXtl a year ago. Local receipts were IB cars, none of con tract grade, The board's cable made Ar gentine shipments l.XS.OOO bu., COO.Oih) bit. less than tile previous week's and nearly S.tKto.omt bu. under last year's. Provisions started out heavy because western receipts wore In excess of the num ber at hand the corresponding day a year ago and because prices at the stock yards were somewhat easier. The strength in corn came to tlm help of the market of the latter and caused a recovery, except In pork, which was "draggy" and failed to re cover completely. May pork sold between $15.12!$ and $14.95 and closed lilic down at $15.3: May lard, botwion JS and JX.10, closing MiVAc higher at $s.n. and May ribs, between $7.Sfi and iS.K'.i, with the close "lie up at S. Kxtlmatcd receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 75 cars; corn, 23a cars; oats, 223 cars; hogs, lN.ono head. The leading futures ranged as follows; Articles. Open. High. Low. Close.l Ycs'y. Wheat April Mny Corn May July Cats May July 1'ork Muy July Lard May July Sept. U i os May July Sept. j 73 J 75'( 75 To1! 75 "5!,Wftl 764 "3 7fi') "5!ifi76 hzVfliK 41 42' LIT. 12?;, in'iilll'fc 41 42Tj, n !2Vo I I ri'i'-'oTTliali'uti 5 SiH 2IT, 20 2ITi 23 2T ir. :o is 1214, it ta 15 ::o i: i7 15 00 15 05 II SO 15 05 15 071$ R 02U S 10 DIM S 10 S 02 1 S (H) ,S 03 S CO S O-JK. 7 7 Ki S 07i 7 92J4 S (7'S 7 !7'-j 7 S5 R 02! 7 S3 R 00 7 02,a 7 SO i 7 7 SO 7 !2V. 7 S2I, 7 77',j 7 !0 7 77!i 7 !W " " SO " No. 2. Cash (I'mtatloiip were as follows: rLOl'U-Sleady; winter wheat. $3.S5 (fi.1.9.5; stralghta. $:t.2pf3.70; clears, S2.rTn. 10; spring specials, i.;i; pa tents, ja.fiouxtu; ktralghis. S3.00it3.30: bakers. J2.20ffi2.5o. WHEAT No. .1 spring, fi7')67;c; No. 2 ieo, ,;c. COKN-No. 2, 1.1'ic; No. 2 yellow, m'tc. OATS No. 2, 2!jC No. 2 white, 2SH0 -.'4i'; iiii. .i woiii. 'n.;.c. UYE -Nii. 2. 5Mj5t'. UAIILEV-tiood feeding, 17c; fair to enoieo matting, itwiwic. H1.M.7T1U Nr.. 1 ll..v tl f.-.. I r.ll. . v.. 1 ".-' 7 ..... . III..., l,t-.ll I northweRterti, $1.5filit.57; prlmu timothy, $1; clover, contract gradi. $11. PnOVIHIONS--McH pork, per bbl., $15,15 :.!-. I .,1 If.l 11... e'lPr. ..A 1 ... . ... i.i.-", imiiii, 4H-I lllf... i,IU'(l .fctf. flOOl I ribs sldcH (loose), $7.90'd,S.lo. Dry salted snnuuicrs (imxed). f.7Miii.S2'i,; sbort clear shies fboxeil), $S.I5. WHISKY-Iiasls of high wines. $1.27. srciAHS-Cut loaf. $..oi; granulated, u.iii riMiii-uiiuiirm 4t ...li; oil J.i.l'l, i nn icceipis anu siiipincnis louay were as ItlllOWH Articles. Itccclpts. Shipments. Flour, bhls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu , live, bu 3,tVJ0 CC7,000 s.O.TO Cl!7.0iV 1S0.OCO 2.13.000 17S.IMHJ i:i.ono lvom IlHrlcy, bu.. 17.0k) i;:,ooo Ou the Produco exehancn toiluv Dir. Imi ter market was unlet; creiinierles. 15'ii21c; dairies, ujiisc. Cbcese. fairly active, 110 iiire. liKrif, ueiive; iiesil, i;!r( 12'tc mow vtiitK t;i:.M:it.i, maiikut (liiotnllona of tbe liny on Vnrloun 1 iiMinioillt le. NEW YORK. March 2!l.FI.01't-lte- ceipis, dims.; exports; v,.lhS bids, fairly aetlvn and tinner on Hir,.iu-ti, ., wheat; Minnesota patents. Jl.OiVit ,S0; Mln- iii-nuiii ihikitw. .i.i'wii J,v.; Wllller pat cms. Ki.uyii4.uo; winter straights, $.t.i3 ((3M; winter extras, $2.l5ti2.S0; winter low- grades. $2.4.iCf2.iiii. Hye Hour, sleady; fair to goon, j .visj; cuoice 10 laney, w.2O0a, 15, IlllUrVn lli'lll llillll, lllll'l III llHO, Jll. .nUCICV.'HEAT-Uull at GO0C2C. c. I. f. .New I OrK COUNMEAL Firm; yellow western, Via city. Diet llraiidywiiie, $2.13512.60. It YE Steady; No. 2 western, colic, f. o, b afloat; state, 6Mj57c, c. I, t.. carlots. HAHLKY-Dull; feeding, 4ils!ic c. I. New York: malting, ti2Qri0e. BAULKY MALT-Dull; western, C50 720. WlllJAT llece Ills. ll.fiOO till. Soot. Ill-m No. 2 red, R2c f. o. b. alloat; No. 2 red. ftOWe elevator; No. 1 northern, Diiluth. 90V-o f. o, b. nlln.it! ISJn. 1 Iiiii,! Ilulnili n-l, t i. afloat. Options wcro domliiate'd all day by ciciikui i,i i-uiii iinu riiieo generally urm nlthnugh unlet. Shorts covered moderately English cables wero tlrm. Argentina sbln iiients small and renewed export demand Closed tlrm nt Le net iidvauee. Mnv. siivw Klc. closed ut Slo; July. SKisU4e, closed' at sn4c; beptemner, so'.i-l6i(S0c, closed at so-V. COUN Hecelpts, so.945 bu.; exports, 117.700 bu. bpot. stronger; No. 2. 50e, elevator, and 5oHo f, o. b. alloat. Option market wan strong and active all day, reflecting strong speculative b.iylng, higher cables, an ularm of shorts, fair clearances .and small Argen tina shipments, Closed strong and e net higher; March closed at r0o; Mny. 49Vi;C. closed at 49iie: July. 4SMM9 3-lfie, closed at Wtc; September, 4S'iitj4D!c, closed at 49te. OATS Ueculpts. 102,2iX bu.; exports, i;K3 bu. Spot, tlrm; No, 2. 31c: No, 3. 3014c; No. 3 white, 33c; No. 3 white, 32!ic; track, mixed wenlern, noiw.lUAc; track, white, SISm-. Options stronger with corn and on a blR t.isb demnnd , , HOPS-Quiet , state, common to choice, Mm crop, 13'xjlic, IS'j, lltflBc; old oldg, 2Jj Cc, l'uciilc coast, 1WJ0 crop, lf319c; 1S39, 11 im , oiu 14U, J'u6c. .... IIAY (inlet, shipping, idfjuci good to choice, .yqW, IIIDKS I'lrm; nalveston. M to 23 lbs., l&fjlSi,c, California, 21 to 15 lhs lV431?c; Texas dry. 21 to 30 lbs., ItfMttc, LI'iATIIKH-Htcady; hemlock sole, Ilueno.i Ayrcs, Imhl to heavywelRhts, 2iy25e; ncld, PROVISIONS-Heef. tlrtn! family, $10.50 011. oO; mess, II.Mili'J.UO; lecf hams, $lS.5Cra ;y.u0; packet, $'..W10.WJ; extra India niefs, H.U"IK.oo. Cut meats, tlrm; pickled bel lies. S.3;"4f 10.00; pickled shoulders, JS.iB; pickled hams, JS.i'Wi 10.00. Lard, firm; western steamed, ts.&o; retlncd, llrmj con tinent, $S,70; South Amerlen, $9.25; com pound, $1.7305.8714. Pork, firm; family, $16-50 yi7.oo; short clear, $15.wQ17.0u; mess, $15.50 'U It) BO. TALLOW I'lrm; city ($2 per pkg.), 4T4c; country (pkgM. free), 4;4'fi5Ue. ItlGt-atcady; domestic, fair to extra, 3su. m'TTKU-ltccclpts, 3.031 pkgs.; tlrm; fresh creamery, lt'ii22c; factory, lPalHic. Clli:iCSi:-Ili'celpts, 1,077 pkgs.; tlrm; fency latge, colored nml white, 110Uttc; fa.iey email, colored, 12'4e; fancy, small, white, 12MI2UO. lHKlS-ltccelpts, 11.235 pkps.; market easier; western ,at mark, 13',iyilc; south ern, nt mark, 3il3!ie. POl'LTKY Alive, dull and weak; fowls, )KI2c; chickens, 11c; turkeys, 12c; dressed, tlrm. OMAHA WIIOI.KSAf.B MAII KKTS. Condlllon of Trmle unit Qiiiitntlnna on siiiplt; nml 1'iiney ProUuee, KCiGS Hccclptsf liberal; good stock, firm at lie. L1V12 POCLTHY Hens. So; young nml old rootters, ?,y"c; turkeys, 6'aSc; ducks and gcfiv, i'a"ijc. OA mT .Niuii.ird ducks, per doz., $2,700 J.w; leal i.(jl.o0; mixed, ll..'5'tl UCTTlOIi-Commoii to talr, iac; choice, llt'lSc, separator, 22c, I'ltf.SU OlS'i litS First grade, olld jiacKcii, New Vork counts, per can, Mcl ex tra selects, 32(.; standards, Ljc; medium, iuc. Second hrade,Hiack tilled, New York counts, per an, juc extra selects, 20c; stundards, wc; bulK standards, per gal,, $1.25. KHO.KN FHKSll f'JSli-lilack bass, 18c; whlto bass, luc; bluctlih, lie; bJlincads, loc; uluu .inn. ic, cattish, i2c; cud, Uu; crupplc, luc, ciMJoet, ,u; halibut, 11c; herring, 4'utic; haddocK, "Jc: mackerel, ISc; perch, Uuic; piCKcrel, ic; i.tKe, 'Jo; red snapper, jgc; mUiiium, lie; Hunilsh, 6c; smelts, ivc; trout, luu; whlletlsh. be. l'Hif;o.NW-l.lve, per doz., i. VKALS Choice, liylOo. HAY' 1'rlceb iiuottd by Omaha Wliolesalo 1 In v Dealers .issociatlun: Choice upland. jvw; No. 1 upland, I'i; medium, ii.U); coarse, i. Jtyu straw, o. tiicsc prices are tor Hay ui good tjlur und uuuilty. Demuud talr. No receipts. OA IS No. 2 wtille, 2SC. CUllN No. 3, 3oc. UitAN-$15. vi:uutaijles. SP1NACJ1 Per ou. box. 75c. ASPAHAOt'S-Callfornla, per lb., 16c. Hill UAItH Calltornla, per lb., 10c. NICW HHHTH Pcf doz., Uc. NHW CAHHOTS-Pcr doz., COc. NHW TI.HNIPS-Pcr doz., COc. Cl Cl'MHliltS-lIothousc, per doz., Jl.COO :.tw, as to size. 1'AllSNlPS Per bu., 40c. 'I'UHNIPS Per bu. basket, 00c. llliKTS Per bu., 40c. i. AitltoTS Per bit.. 40c. LUTTUOU Per bu., 3i40c. ltAUISHKS Per doz., M'aJjc. I'AltSl.lOV l'er doz., 3ac. POTATOKS-Per bu 4&ff33c; Colorudo, "SEKO POTATOKS-XCarly Ohlos, 6iaic; lied Hiver Valley, Wc; Triumph, $1.10. 8WKIST I'OTATtM'JH l'or Ut)l J1.75. CAHHAOi; Holland seed, per lb,. 2c: new California, 2!ac. TOMATOUS Morlda, per C-baskct crate, $t; Mexicans, per 4-baskut crate, $2.0). CULIJHY California, as to size. 60S75o: Kalauuuuo, 25KuUc. CAULIl'LUWiatc caitrornia, per crate, 2M. liKANS Wux, per bu., J3.&0; string, per bu., $3.2j. iJUU 1 hilii 1rCr Oil. OOX, ti. Pi;PPi:itS-Pcr bu. box, $2.23. FHUITS. STIIAWHKHUIKS-I'lorlda, per ut., 40c; Texas, 2.'y3'.'0. UKAl'r.rt .Malaga, per Keg, 7.5oa.W. APPLUS-Por bbt.. 1.25: Washington. Der bu. tiox, $1.73; HolliluHcrs. $1.90. citAr iititimia iicu anu uugic, j'j per bbl.; Jerseys. pc- bbl., $S.0O; per crate, $X llldl'ltAU 111U11B. OUANGl'.H Callfurnlu tseedllnss, $2.00 25; navelM, $2 75i3.00. LUMONS-Caliiorniu, extra fancy, $3.23 bo; choice. $3. UANANiVS Per bunch, according to size. $l.i&42.23. I' lus California, new cortons, 7&c; layers. C3c; imported, per lb., 12013c. DAT KS Persian, in M-ib. boxes, Salrs, 0c per lu.; Halloween, fc'.fcc per lb. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY California, per 31-scctlon case. $I.W. CIUEIl-Pcr bbl., $1.M; per half bbl., $2.75. NU'lS Lngllsh walnuts, per lb.. 13c: ill- berts, per In., 13o; almonds, per lb., 81j2Uc; raw peanuts, per lb., 6ijoV4c; roasted, 6Wa T'-ie; Llrazt's, Uu; pecans, luiil2c; cocounuts. each. 4!4c lIHJKe No. 1 green. D'.'c: No. 2 crecn. l',c: No. 1 salted. VV,c: No. 2 united. BHcr No. 1 vial call, h to 12 lbs., he: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Cc; dry hides, .S(iiao; sheep pelts, ;'5U75c; l.orwu hides, $1.0002.25. M. I.ouls (irniii mid Provision. ST. I.Ol'IS. March 29. W11I5AT lllcber: o. s reii casn, cievaior. i3',ic; tracK. 7Ml' 7.'i'ic; May 71!ic: July, No. hard, .'r,!72. COItN-Illgher: No; 2 cash. 12c: track. 2le; May, 12'Je; July, I2?ic. OATS l Uglier: No. 2 cash. 23lic: track. 27,45j27!i:C, May. 20'c; July, 23c; No. 2 whit", l-.'c. It VII Higher at 53e. Fl.Oim-Oulct: patents. $?.53ff3.73: extra fancy .Hid straight, $3.15fj3.33; clear, $2,709 .90. SEEDS Timothy, ntcady; average ie. elnts. $3,231(1.00: prime worth more: flax, $1.52. t'Oll.N.Ml'JAL steady at $2.iu. I1UAN Steady; sacked, east track, Tlic. IIAY Steady; timothy, $9.00013.25. WIIISKY-Stcaily at II.2V. I HON COTTONTI ES-$1. HAOOlNO-(i1M07c, HEMPTWINE-9C PROVISIONS Pork, lower: Jobbing, $15.37!. Lard. $S. Dry unit meats, steady: boxed lots, extra shorts, $U2V4; clear ribs. $S.25; clear sides, $8.25. Uncoil, sleady; boxed lots, extra shorts, $8.87!,6; clear libs, $9: clear sides $9. .Mi;TAi.is i.eao: Kirm at $4. 22411 1.2&. Spelter: Firm at $3.75. t'ui'i. tki Mieauy; cnicKens, so; mucks, 9e; geese, Vuttt:, HUTTEU-Crcanicry, 10022c; dairy, 110 17c. EtiCiS Firm at I2'ic. repacked and cases Included. Ill' CEIPTS Klonr. 4.000 bbis.: wheat, is,- OihI bu.; com. f3,li"0 bu,; oats, 24,000 bu. SHIPMENTS ! lour. 13.000 hhls.: wheat. 13C.000 bu,; corn, 09,000 bu,; pats, 01,000 bu. Liverpool ( rnl ti nml Provision. LIVERPOOL. March 29.-WHEAT-Spot. Urm; No. 2 red western, winter, fis !jd; No. 1 northern, spring, Cs:0id; No. 1 California, tiN.itfcd. Futures, quiet; May, Gsld; July, Cs Id. CORN Snot, firm: American mixed, new. 3sll!id; American mixed, old, 4s Hd. Fu tures, quiet; .May. as iiwi; Jiuy, jsiuwi; September, nominal. IjAKU American reuneu, 111 pans, urm ai 42s. CI I HUSK Amerlcnn llnest colored, quiet nt 17s Cd. FALLOW Australian, in London, quiet at 26M 3d. PROVISIONS Heef, extra India, mess, easy at ills 3d. Pork, prime mess western, steady at 03s, Lard, tlrm; American rellned. ill pans, urni at i.u; prime western, in tierces, ItsOd. Hams, short cut, 14 to IB lbs,, strong at I5h fid. Bacon, tlrm; Cumber laud cut. 20 to 30 lbs., linn at 17s fid; short ribs. Pi to 21 lbs., 13s od; long clear middles, light, 2S to 31 lbs.. 43s; long clear middles. heavv. 3.1 to 10 lbs.. 12s fid: short clear backs, lti to 20 lbs., 10s 3d; clear bellies. 14 to Pi ns,. 11 : shoulders, square, 11 to la ins.. strong ut 3Cs 9d, Receipts of wheat during the last three days, 235,000 centals, Including 67,000 Ameri can, Receipts or American corn during the last three days, 70,200 centals. Kiiimiia City (irnln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, .March 29, WHEAT May, ti"ic; July, fiSo; cosh, No. 2 hnrd, C9!,07Oc: No. 3. OSiifiliu; No. 2 red, 72073c; No, 3. 090 ;io; No 2 sprlt'g. fiSfifisc. CORN-May. 39?ii: July. 40Hc; cash. No. 2 mixed, 39s0luc; No. 2 white, 41c; No, 3, 40V OATS-No, 2 white, ISBJSlsc. RYE-No. 2. 02e. HAY-Cbolco timothy, $10.500 11.00; choice nralrle. tS 505(9.00. Ill'TTER-Creamcry, 17020c; dairy, fancy, ICe. EOOS- Finn; fresh Missouri nnd Kansas stock, lie. loss orr, cases returned; now whltewood cases included. !io more. RKCEIPTH-Whcnt. 02,100 bu.; corn, 12,000 bu.: oats. 3.000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Wheat, 53.600 bu.; corn, 2,100 liu. ; oais, i.voo ou. Mimic npoll tirnlu Mnrkrt. MINNEAPOLIS. March 29. WHEAT, Cash, T4Ho; May. 74V'l July, 74'io; on track, No, 1 hard, "fiSc: No, 1 northern, 71c; Nu, - uonueni, ktiik. GOOD TRADE IS EXPECTED Encouraging Oatlook for Spring; Bniinis in All Lists Exoept Drj Qoodi, COMPARATIVE STEADINESS IN STEEL Prices of llootn nml Mioex Well .Sim tnlneit lliittoni Price for Wool llns Evidently lleen Itcnelicd Wlient StrotiK. NEW Kovlcw YOHK, March 2D. Dun's Weekly of Trndo tomorrow will sav: Tho condition of general business Is In most respects satisfactory. The dry goods trade, mid particularly the cotton division, Is gloomy, with further reductions In prices of staple goods this week nml demnnd fall ing to Inctensu with the shading' of quota tions, but from every other department of business reports are cheerful and the out look ror a good spring retail turnover U cncourimlng. There Is little dlfllculty over collections In any direction and tho mer cantile demand for money from numerous quarters Is proof of the confidence felt among manufacturers and Jobbers, Tho labor situation Is more tranquil. Mining differences In the soft coal region aro set tled nnd sober counsels seem to havo pre vailed among anthracite miners. Asldo from the expected advance In struc tural shapes there Is comparative steadi ness In Iron nnd steel. After more or less udviince every week for two months It is gratifying to find that Hcsemer pig re mained seven days without alteration. Tho tone Is tlrm and producers report nil recent sales for early delivery. While exports of cruder forms nro lightly reduced lu pi Ice under tho competition, thero Is no change In the foreign demand for building ma terial nnd other finished products. Consoli dation of valley turnaces Is practically as sured and promises to bo a powerful lorce lu the Industry. Prices or boots nnd shoes nro well sus tained without any quotable change. Now England shops report fewer orders, but most concerns have sufficient work for some months on old contracts. Japanned goods r.nd chrome patent kid aro In special request .Most lines of sole leather are llrmly held, while receipts of glazed kid nnd patent leather nro quickly absorbed ut steady prices. Chicago hides agnln average lower, the weakness being partly attrib utable to tho extremely poor quality of of ferings, That bottom prices for wool have been reached at last Is evidenced by tho grow ing' unwillingness of holders to make con cessions, the greater activity of dealers and Indications that purchases for specu lation are of considerable volume. Trans actions show a material gain at the lead ing markets, while shipments from ltoston exceed those of preceding week. Efforts to secure even fractional advances In quo tations, hqwever, end negotiations. Manu facturers are not Inclined to accumulate stocks. Tho new clip moves very slowlv. consigners sending with shipments orders not to sell at current figures. It was not possible to maintain the small recovery late last week lu raw cotton, and subsequent reaction established a new low record for the crop year. While tho decline has been severe, mills are not ready to purchase freely, and foreign buying for the month Is for below last year's. Efforts will a" made to prevent the enormous ncrcngo meditated, but unparalleled sales of fer tilizers hnvo nlready occurred. Wheat did not respond tn rumors of dam age, but found reason for strength lu At lantic exports. Including flour, in four weeks of 11,432,917 bll against 6.078.7C2 bu. In 1900. Failures for the week numbered 206 in tho Culled Stntos. against 203 last year, and 29 In Canada, against 33 Inst year. WI3EKI.Y CI.EAIUNC lltlt'SE TAI1I.E. AgRrFunlp nt Ilnsliiesn Trnnnneted by the Associated IliniUa. NEW YORK, March 29. The following tabic, compiled by nradstrcct, shows the bank clearlngB nt the principal cities for the week ended March 28, with the per centage of Increase and decrease as com pared with tho corresponding week last year: Amount. j Inc. CITIES. Dec. New York Boston 1 Chicago Philadelphia St. louls Pittsburg Baltimore San Francisco Cincinnati Kansas City New Orleans ........ Cm. -Maud Minneapolis Detroit I.oulsvl1lo Oalveston Houston Indianapolis OMAHA Providcnco , Columbus, O Milwaukee Denver Murrain St. Paul Savannah Hartford Memphis Washington Peoria Richmond Rochester New Haven Worcester , Atlanta. Salt Lake City Sprlngtleld. .Mnss..., Fort Worth Portland, Mo , Portland, Ore St. Joseph , Los Angeles , Norfolk , Dcs Moines' Nnshvlllo Scranton Grand Rapids Augusta, Oh Dayton, O Seattle $1,CI9,7S9,317I 40.1; 139.019,030 31. S 133,730,930 15.7 90,210.050 10.2 I0.192.S92 40.2 39.92.332l IS.fi 2).790,331 19.970, lll 18.215.100) 11.222.159 12.29S.SI3I 10.5! 1 2.fi 13.3 43.9j 33.3 H,t;i4.S7G 8.0S2.33S S.121.132 7.537.9071 ',.517.0001 7.3it,375 0,20S,.25 tl,0S2,S:W Ctl.tiOOl 5.02S.O0OI I.9II.7M1! 1,911,1101 l.Sfl 1.931 I.O30.02II 3.030.S191 2.520,0991 12.1 'o!i 17.41 I 34.1 33.ni 13.5 13.3 2.1 IB. 7 1.0,. I. B.St . 1 soli 1. 12.5 2.M.1.43I 2.720.070 2..110.HW 1.33I.0K: 21.3'.. U.fil.. 9.71.. 10.31.. 11.21. . I 23.11.. 7.91.. 32.0 .. O Oj 9U " 40.11.. 1,831.919 1,183.533 1.475.0I11 l.frtl.OlM 2.037KI2 1. 215.1102 3.: 2.fifi5.fisO 1.210.917! 2,0S0,2OO 3,321 .mo; 2.990,O$O 1.133.S27I 1,1100,319 21.8 . 'is',i. 14.4 21.0 20.9 1.210.209 2.P... 1.7!... 0.91... 01.21... I 21.01... 27.91... 19.0 ... 13.8 ... 10S.fi ... 1.127.871 1.107.702 2.590,274 1.017.120 2.202.814 2,I20,SI: 1.055.025 folpilo Taeomii Sioux City Topeku Syracuse 1.1S7.7IS! 1,215.5291 851.7531 4.1 Wilmington, Del.... Fall River Lowell Spokane SS0.SS3 3.8 nn p "L9 1,12,094 159.100 R5l,fi3 New Hertford 319.133 597.3R.8 Knoxvllle, Tenn Birmingham Wichita 11.8 6.8 809,090! 514,339 Blnghamtnn 3l3,9fiO 12.3 lfi.2 19.0 16.5 Lexington. Kv 121.073 Jacksonville, Pin.., r.57.2401 Kalamazoo Akron Chattanooga 317.2171 424.600 2.1 10.8 15.1 390,013 372.951 itocKforil. Ill Canton. O SnrliiRllelil. O 2S0.7S, 21.21 208.793! 317,700! 24.5 Kargn, n. u Sioux Falls. S. D.... 9,31. 189.11. 0.7'. 39.71. 32 .911 Fremont. Neb Davenport Wheeling, W. Va... Holenn 114,5311 SS9.tit O0I.S55I 520,1381 7l,393 1. 491,5821. 72S,0O8. 31.01 32.71 ;::::!..15:s 1 13.01 43,21 n.si Little Rock Evansvllle , SnrliiKlleld. Ill Colorado Springs... rnungsiown Mneon Bloomlnpton, III.... Jacksonville, III.... Chester, Pa 3IK.S10 822.000! 227,718! 133.119 312,910) Totals, IT. Outside N. .I$2,3iV,10I,717I a.1,2! .1 rsi,3l5,00 1S.7 DOMINION OP CANADA Montreal Toronto $ 17.W.851I 10.950,0851 1,001,7331 1,121,4231 000,0391 . fi25,010l 725.2711. 410,0921 47.0' 27.91 10.31 S.Gi Winnipeg Halifax Hamilton St. John, N. B. . Vancouver Victoria Totals 10.81, !!3 11.0 ..'I 33,500,4291 32. 2. IIHAIISTIIRET'S FI.VA.N'CI Al. HKVIEW. 'I'riinsnetlons In StoeUs Are I. it rite nml Public Ititrrest IiierenMlnnr, NEW YORK, March 29. Bradstrecfs Financial Review tomorrow will say: Transactions havo again beep of largo voiumn nun puoiio interest m tne stock; market has been on an Increasing scale, although It cannot be said that stock sneeu. latlnn at present asumes a form which mlzht bo described us even approximating a Doom, l oniiuinus nave neon generally ravnrable and sentiment favors a continu ance of tlm bullUh movement, even though prices In many cases havo reached a level wnien causes conservative interests to in dulge lu mlnelvlngs. At times tho market shows the effect of being somewhat over manipulated, but Its Intervals or dullness are of brief duration and the unwaril move. ment Is soon resumed. The announcement that about 23O,0O0 In gold bars would be uhlpped to Europe this week produced on Wednesday n tnnrked. hIUiourIi temporary, halt In the bullish movement, while fears of war bctwen Japan and Russia had an effect also. The gold-snipping transaction was n spcclnl arrangement nnd npparetitly has reference to the approaching llotntlon of tho German government loan of .l.ono.OOO marks, Tho foreign exchange has been strong and advancing and there Is n de rided Impression that London nnd Paris will call Ulion the I'nlted Stntes for a certain amount of specie during the present sprint;, The reeling lu banking circles, however. Is optimistic on the effects of such n move ment nnd money continues easy, stock mar ket borrowers being still able to supply all their requirements at below 3 per cent on call loans and nt from 3!4 to 4 per cent on time. It Is nlso noticed that lend ers of money ,111 a rule, nro less dis posed to discriminate against Industrial collaterals. The success or the great steel deal and the boiler that the new United States Steel slocks will not only bo a lead ing realiire of tho market rrom now on, but will develop an Intrinsic value of a high order, seems to have romoved from many minds the doubts which have herctoforo onerated ncnliiut Industrial stocks, even or tho btst class. In connection with specu lative operations or loans. 1 no oiner irn tures which lnilnniu'e the market have all been or an essentially favornblo character. MOVEMENTS IN .STOCKS ANU IIONIIS. Another liny of Heavy .Npecnlnt Ion Is ' PmnnimI In stuck Mnrkrt. NEW YORK, March 29. There wns an other day of vcrv heavy speculation In the Mock market todav. Tho Individual ex- nmples or notable strength served ns an effective prop to the whole mnrkci nnu kept tho bullish stilrlt In the nscendallt, although profit taking was on 1111 enormous scale all day. The movement was not espo dally connected with nny new development, but everything received a rnvorablc Inter pretation rrom the enthusiastic nuns nnti 11 anything unfavorable came to their notice It was totally Ignored, Burlington and United Stntes Steel stocks were the most conspicuous features In tbe market, as was the ease vestenlav. nml their strength hnd 11 decisive Inlliienvc on the whole list, Bur lington was buoyant rrom the outset, mounting 4!4 points over last night's close In tho nnenhiK transactions bv successive stnges or half n point nt a time, on ab sorption nf 15,000 shores. No authorized an nouncement was made or the closing North- em Paclllc-Btirllugton deal, nut the specu lators accepted the nsscrtlon that "the plan was ripe." Thero was a furious speculation In this stock, which carried It up through succes sive reactions to 173, with the close only 11 snauo neiow Hint. Lite proiu laKing 111 Northern Pacific was very heavy, carrying tho stock down i rrpm tho top level and closing nt only a small rally, with a net loss or !i. The following nro tho closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison do prd Baltimore & O. Can. Paclllc ... Can. Southern . Cites. & Ohio . . Chicago G. W... C, U. & Q Chicago I. & L. do prd Cblea.Ro & E. I. . 61', do pfd . 3ft?i . 20H 301,4 20 121 0H, 63 I17t4 loot 100 JW 77 141 20 85 BV4 20 53i 9Ui 17 " I5t4 ?3 45T 111 "0.4 W. & L. K do 2d Iffd . 9.1 Wis. Central ... . 1J4 . 1t-. Third Avenue .. B. & O. nfd 22?4 National Tube. .lift, . 3S . 73 do nfd Amal. Copper .. Adams Express. Am. Express ... .in',j Chicago & N. W. U. S. Express..., Wells-Fnrgo Ex. U 11. 1. P.. C. C. C. & St. L Colo. Southern . do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson. Del. L. & W ... Den. tt R, a.... do iffd Erlo do 1st pUl Gt. Nor. ptd.v... Hocking Coal .. Hocktug Val'ey. Illinois Central., lowu Central ... do pfd L. E. & W do prd Lake Shore Louis. Nash.. .Manhattan L .. Met. St. Ry Mex. Central ... Minn. & St. L... do prd Mo. Paclllc .129 ,. 81 . '2 . 17 Ml Am. Cot. Oil.... do prd m. Malting ... do Pfd .17.1'i .215!i . 47!i . ysw . !'0S G9Ji .201 i . 17 I Amor. S. & R... do iffd Am. Spirits do ffd "Amor. S. II "do nfd "Amor. S. & W. do nfd . 54 '4 .US', "Am. Tin Plate. "do nfd .lis .123l .141 . 45; . 82";, . 54i . 4 1 14 .10114 . 51 1,4 .103',4 .216 . 49tj . :il!i Am. Tobacco ... . 61 ! do md. . 00' .127 Ana. Mill. Co.... llrk. Rap. Tr... Colo. F. & I Con. Tobacco ... .210141 .lOO'.h1 .120 111 nfd., 10l4 Federal Steel.. . 24'i . S3 .112 udo prd Gen. Electric Glucose Sugar 102 do prd Int'n'l Paper ... do pfd Laclede Gas .... Nat. Biscuit ... do pfd -. . National Lend . do pfd "Nnt. Steel .... "do pfd N. Y. A. Brake No. American .. . yt . 25-1; . 78!4 . 814 . 40',t . P5',j . IE',4 .. 83 . no; ,. 116 "Mobile & Ohio. M.. K. & T do pfd N. J. Central... 80 . .Yi .135 N. Y. Central.. Nor. & West.... ilo pfd No. Pacltlc -llfi'i . id . 83 . 3l?i do pfd Ontario & W.... "O. R. & N... "do pfd if-'?4 ..Sir .1511 Vt . 88',4 51 . 4- . 70 Pneltle Coast ... Pennsylvania , .J53J J5' . 'V . 51 U do 1st pfd . do 2d pfd Pacific Mall People's Gas ... Pressed S. C... do pfd Pullman X. C... Stand. U. & T.. Sugar do pfd Tenn. C. & I.... U. S. Leather... do prd L S. Rubber.... do prd Western Union.. Republic I. & S. do prd P. U. C. & St. I. U. S. Steel do pfd . 91 . 61 35U .'.Oti-H . 374 . 8114 .205 . 4t; .139; '. 3S . 1J4 . ifilj, . 20i . 00 . W'ti . 1814 . T.".'h .. 45'i . X, . C7 Heading do 1st prd do 2d prd Rio G. YV do pfd St. L. it S. F... 81 100 do 1st pfd . S2!i do 2d pro St. L. S. W do pfd St. Paul do pfd St. Paul & O... So. Paclllo So. Railway ... do pfd Tex. Pacific... Union Pacltlc .. do pfd Wabash ?! 33 . 64!) .Io04 .IM'.Ss .132 . 40',i . 2S! ' 3 lti 11 '. an: Ex-dlvldend. Trust receipts. '"Nomi nal, a Trust receipts, und cx-dlvldcnd. int.ni iti;i: I's iievikw f tiiadi:, Present Condi t Ions I'nvnrnhlc nnd I'll 1 11 re Vletved Mllh Coiirldenee. NEW YORK. March 20. llradstreet'H to morrow will says A rather moro cheerful tonn Is apparent In general trade and the close of the ilrst quarter of the year finds the business world contemplating it total tor that pcrlo.i 111 many cases In excess of all preceding per nios, wiiim inn iuiure, wun some exeep. noun, is viewed wun annareit commence. Tho advance of the spring season js, or course, responsinie tor the reeling above mentioned, allowing as It does better on. portunity ror a wider range or operations man was pnssioio in tun winter months. First indications as to cron nrosnects nml outlook aro lu the main favorable. Bank clearings are showing steady gains over uupreceocniiy largo totals a year ago. Railway earnings testify to tin Immensn volume of merchandise missing Into con sumption, and, as for some time past, the active demand nt advancing nrlces ror iron and steel is regarded as a reliable, Index of good general trado to come. Building Is becoming moro active and promises this spring to ho the heaviest for many years nasi, nom'e tno iiimoer iraues ami all linen of builders' hardware note continued or growing activity. The demand lu the latter lino and in agricultural Implements at tlio west Is, In fact, most notable. As pointed out a week ago, thero has been an apparent turn In the tide In tho wool trude, even while some quotations are tech nically lower. A good volume of business has been done ut tho eastern markets and as 11 wholo nro nultn firm, Boston nalos this week are estimated to amount to nenrly O.ooo.OoO lbs., bought by two large mills, and the stocks of Montana wool havo been well cleared up. Cotton goods are weaker and the out look Is for eurtnllment or production or finished products. Good authorities at the south, however, do not think that any eur tnllment of cotton acreage from last year's aggregate Is nrobable. although the recent drop will, It Is thought, help to dlseniir.ige planting ou sonm land. In linn with this aro the reports that considerable) orders for fertilizers havo neen cancelled, Tho boot nnd shoe trado Is In good condl linn, another gain In shipments Is indicated this week and tho total Is fi.000 cases theiid of this week last year, whllo tho unfavora ble balance for tho season has bee'i cut down. The situation In leather Is nolle sat isfactory and stocks of solo leather aro ((iiltn limited. Thero Is a Utile, more doing In the cereals this weeK. corn being especially nctive and In ihn bunds of 11 bill elloilo has advanced to above 51V. Wheat 1im been In better export demand and streiiginenen sugntiy in iMvmimthv with the coarser grades, Wheat, Including Hour, shipments for the week aggregate 1,491,635 bu., against 3.230, Oil last week, 2.902.349 In tho corresponding week of 1900. 3.988,233 In 1S99 and 3.550.001 in nn l.'rnm Julv 1 to date tilts season wheal exports aro 151,122.733 bu.. against 117,182,050 last season aim im,w,iw 10 iwv.m. nun exports ror the week aggregate 3.582,913 bu., against 2,C03,08t last week, 3.195.G30 In this Jlt ii vear acn. 2.411.443 111 1M and 4.507.- 722 In 1898, From July 1 to date this season corn exportH are 14.1.5 IS.lfii bu.. ngulnst 153, 851.013 last season nnd 127,005,019 In 1898-99. Failures for tho week number ISO, ns against 231 last week. 178 In this week a IflA I., iton 01,: In 1S9; nil, I ! i, yi'iir uk", i' in -...... - ... Canadian failures for tho week number 2S.' ngalnst 41 last week. 2. In this week a ycar ago, i 111 in:rj, III lev? mi o III I3JI, Another Hrnrd Price. NEW YORK, March 29. A seat on the stock exchange wns hold for 55,000, whlrh Is l!,ww more t nit 11 tne iiikucbi price nere toforo paid. riULUTIL Minn.., March .29. WHEAT nil 1 nam casu. m-.tvi ,. 1 inn uii-m, ifna '. iiiirmn n, 11, w. 1 COUN-May, 26.c. OMAHA LIVE STOCl MARKET Ctttli RiotlpU Light tnd Both Stttri and Cows Sold Stetdj t Stroaj. HOGS SOLD ABOUT A NICKEL LOWER I.lubt ltecelits of Sheep nnd Market Held Just About .Steady nltli Ve tedn, EvrrytlilntC Being Sold In Good Senson. SOUTH OMAHA, March 29. Itccclpts were: Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Mommy 2,3t3 2,i00 2,0 1 5 Ohlcial Tuesuuy a.WJ t.ill 3,io6 Otllclal Wednesday 3,22o ti.lif i,IW Otucial Thursday 3,i2 o.lou i,'M oniclul Friday ),iu i.ojv ,vaj Flvo days this week. .14,150 29,160 22.8S1 Same days last wecK 13,(22 ;:v,.wj 3:, 2.' I eume weeK tietoro 11.J12 ii,2(l aame threo wccks ago... 12,(81 lo.io -1,1) same tour weeks a,to...I2,iJJ ib.ivj 2u,fu9 buinu nays lust year 12,iMS Lv.is.' .s,.1j Averaku price paid lor Iiuk for the past sevcrui uas, wuii comparihuns: I 19)1. tml899.l89M1897.189ti.18j. March March .March Mttrch Murch Murch March Murch Murch Murch Murch Murch Murch March Murch Murch Murch Murch Murch Murcn March .March Murch Murch Murch Murch .uarch .March March i::! !;;! ?.. 10. ll.l 12.1 13. 14. lu. "I 6 22V4I 0 32?i b 36;i b 24?i t 3i & aahi a 41, m j & S3?fc 6 40?4 1 4S7 b boi b .0;,! ti Mil,) 5 65V41! a 01 u I 5 71 6 82ti 5 80 I 6 80?t 5 76 I 5 87 I 5 854 5 90? 5 83',4 4 68 3 61 4 toi 3 o:i 4 C9 3 0 I 3 b2 4 74 1 4 70 3 64 4 71 3 t0 4 72 3 Oi 4 7l 3 bl 4 Ui 3 03 I 3 09, 4 76 I 4 7S 3 6., 4 7o 3 W 4 79 3 b 4 8o 3 03 I 4 94 1 3 60 1 I 3 M 4 89 - I 4 m 3 f0 4 81 3 &0 4 8o 3 00 4 9v 3 till 4 931 3 W I 3 671 4 89 I 4 Mi 3 60 5 03 3 661 5 10 3 60 3 7S 3 8j 3 SS 3 6l 3 (2 I 3 8S) 3 'ib 3 7t 3 80 3 i9 374 3 60 I 3 4 3 7 3 19 J 8U 3 49) 3 k'J) i an 3 8A 3 tw 3 iV 3 6U 3 67 I 3 but 3 81 3 Wi 3 4 3 W 3 Zt 3 7U 3 80 3 181 3 ii I 3 81 3 Hi 3 HJ 3 91 3 9; 3 VS t OJ 4 W 4 OJ 4 1U 4 In 4 2j 4 21 4 U 4 it m 4 4ii 4 41 4 3t 4 ii 4 40 4 bti 4 71 4 So 4 il 4 82 4 80 I 3 3 3 b8 3 7U 3 71 1 3 73 3 73 3 7o 3 7 3 70 3 71 3 CJ 3 Co I 3 57 1 3 03 3 ?l -, 3 t7 3 77 1 3 91 3 83 3 i, 3 Sl 3 3 ill 4 W 3 07 1 I 3 il 3S I 3 91 1 3 7a 3 'JJ 3 63 3 W 3 09 3 l'l 3 1)0, 3 S0 3 7 1 1 I 3 701 3S3 I lit 13. 19. 20. 21. 22. 2J. 24. 20. 26. 27. 28. 29.1 Indicates Sunday. CATTLE-There wns not what might bo called a heuvy run or cattle here today, but tho demand wbh nulto liberal, and us n re sult tho murket ruled active and steady to strong on all tho better grades. Beef steers In particular were In good de mand and tho situation could best bo de scribed by calling It a good steady to strong active market. Tho more desirable bunches were picked up In good season at what looked to bo u little better prices than tho same kinds sold ror yesterday. Tho common cattle also sold without dlfllculty at fully as good prices us they did yesterday, und the yards were cleared In good season. Tho receipts of cows would be covered by about a dozen loads nnd anything at nil good sold early ut good, steady prices, find In some cuscs sales wero mado that looked a little higher than yesterday. Packers all seemed to be wanting supplies nnd as a re sult the market soon came to a close tor hick or stock to sell. . Bulls ir of good iiunltty brought yester day's prices, and calves and stags nlso sold at good, firm prices. Tho offerings of feeders were limited to day and tho demand was nutllclcnt to take nil that wcro on snlo at practically steady prices. It being the last end of tho week with u good many cnttlo lu the hands of speculators, they were ti little cautious nbout buying very heavily, but still any thing good sold without dllllculty. Repre sentative sales: BEEF STEERS. No Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 1 7M 3 U) 4 960 4 30 j'" yio 3 10 7 1107 I M 1 3JO it W Id- 1 I ' 1100 3 50 17 1093 I 00 1 ........ 880 3 H 14 1008 I M g ass a 73 19 930 4 55 7 ...... 852 Sim 20 1061 4 5 l",' 1190 3 90 13 995 4 55 20 h.rj .1 :m 1 i-j'J 1 7,(1 1 no 1 j-,u 1 nj 1 " 1080 t 10 SO 1108 I 53 1 9l) l 00 13 909 4 55 15 10SI I 15 9 9MJ 1 12 0 MO I jo ' "( 1 " 1 1020 4 30 30 1101 I t C 1121 4 30 17 1072 4 00 992 t 35 17... 1120 1 t ji " ;im; 1 ;'u yj nyu 1 0.1 18 930 I 25 40 1269 4 0.5 21 l;!90 4 35 1U 1283 1 ii 1 '.iiiii 4 w ij iiw 1 j 4 1275 I 10 3 1090 I 70 9 1097 4 10 13 1125 I 75 1 1170 I 0 13 1103 4 75 ,1 1022 I 40 18 1100 4 80 26 1330 4 40 130 1213 4 90 IS 105O 4 43 J l-M 1 '' 1 1160 4 u ii i iv 12 1003 1 15 48 1108 5 111 0 ..1 103.1 1 4a ri i.iui 0 no STEERS AND HEIFERS. k MO 4 00 9 loll 4 70 6" 995 4 40 16 1305 4 83 ou 901 4 50 20 122S T 91 10 IOiu 4 M JU uju u IJ IS 1152 4 00 1S COWS. 1 800 2 00 2 1000 3 40 l" S80 2 00 1 1340 3 10 l' 930 2 00 0 1073 3 10 l" 960 2 CO 1 1190 3 43 1 S0() 2 25 3 1070 3 43 1 770 2 23 1 000 3 00 1 1.90 2 20 1 1050 a M 1 7MJ 2 10 1 1070 I! 50 1 910 2 50 8 1052 3 TO 1 700 2 00 7 1075 3 50 1 930 2 00 2 1030 3 00 7 913 2 50 1 1070 3 00 7 900 2 fO 0 1213 3 W 1 h80 2 50 3 1110 3 M 1 800 2 50 1 1240 3 03 g IMS 2 00 1 1220 3 L'j 2 990 2 05 18 .'....1045 3 65 1 81") 2 73 1 10X0 II 13 1 1020 2 73 1 985 3 70 1 7!) 2 75 C 1111 3 70 3 Km 2 73 2 833 3 70 2 910 2 75 1 900 3 70 2 005 2 83 1 U20 3 70 1 960 2 85 3 10X1 3 70 2 850 2 90 1 1300 3 75 1 600 2 90 7 1171 3 75 1 1020 2 90 1 1330 3 73 1 1005 3 00 1 1030 3 75 1 0S0 3 CO 3 970 3 75 2 800 3 00 1 1150 3 75 1 lono 3 no 1 1180 3 75 2 10S0 .1 00 1 1230 .1 M) 2 9.15 3 00 16 1113 3 80 1 Mill 3 00 6 1101 3 80 1 1050 3 f.O 13 1009 3 80 2 1010 3 ( 0 15 975 3 85 10 1092 .Ho 19 1041 3 10 1 10O0 3 10 3 1110 3 90 1 1030 3 13 1 1250 3 90 5 1010 3 15 5 1020 3 X) 2 990 3 23 1 820 I 00 1 ,....1010 3 25 8 1110 4 CO 1 1310 .1 25 3 119.1 1 00 1 WiO 3 23 1 1700 I 00 1 1220 3 23 2 995 4 1 0 1 1120 3 25 13 last 4 00 1 1000 3 25 1 1210 4 00 2 1010 3 25 7 1011 4 10 1 1200 3 2T. 2 UnO 4 25 10 1O30 3 33 2 1515 4 25 1 870 3 35 3 973 4 23 1 910 3 35 7.' 1203 4 23 COWS AND HEIFERS. 9 70S 3 25 10 953 4 00 17 8.2 3 83 28 10TI8 4 10 6 1002 3 90 HEIFERS. 1 910 2 75 1 390 3 00 1 800 2 75 0 410 3 IV) 1 120 2 75 1 M) 3 05 1 010 2 90 48 S73 3 85 1 000 3 00 1 1070 3 5 1 110 3 00 1 fc70 3 90 1 000 3 00 3 8X1 I ro 1 078 3 25 1 1120 4 00 3 000 3 25 1 800 I () 1 400 3 23 1 MM I 10 1 710 3 25 28 977 I 10 2 1180 3 25 3 810 I 15 1 ..... 730 3 30 1 752 4 15 3 010 3 :'0 R 742 4 15 1 020 3 30 8 9ni 4 15 1 400 3 10 7 052 t 20 1 9oi) 3 40 2 1105 4 .'5 1 800 3 45 1 720 I 25 1 370 3 fO 1 1010 4 50 2 815 3 00 BULLS. 1 1250 2 75 1 1740 2 15 1 1000 2 75 1 870 3 50 1 1300 3 00 2 1195 3 00 1000 3 03 1 0.10 3 ro 1200 3 15 1 1970 3 0." 1510 3 20 1 1180 3 00 1310 3 til 1 1810 3 00 1180 !1 20 1 1750 3 65 1410 3 'A' 3 1793 3 70 1 720 3 23 1 1010 3 75 1 1410 3 To 1 1830 3 75 1 700 a 35 2 1050 3 73 1 140 a 10 1 9o a 80 1 1000 3 10 1 900 I CO 1 1010 3 10 CALVES. 1 300 3 75 1 110 0 00 3 no n so 1 120 o 73 1 f.... 120 3 73 1 130 0 75 1 180 0 00 1 150 0 73 1 170 0 50 1 130 7 CO 1 160 ti 50 STAGS. 1 1330 3 0o 1 760 3 75 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. t 100 2 05 1 1150 3 CO 20 Ml 2 75 1 790 3 15 1 1120 3 00 I 300 3 25 8TOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 2 050 2 50 3 060 I 25 S 022 2 23 4 730 I 23 Ci 4 4 ?5 1 675 4 23 4 850 4 So 842 I as i oto 3 ; j i 2 I Vi 3 80 65 725 4 40 3 730 IK) 9 005 4 10 0 621 4 03 13 M3 I Wl 2 9o5 4 10 5 t12 40 13.......... 752 4 20 0 1083 4 05 10 702 4 1 S 802 I 75 HOllS-There wns it fairly liberal supply or hogs lu sight this morning, and na other markets wero all reported lower trade started out hero on a. basis of about a nickel decline. Tho general run or mixed hogs sold nt 13.85 and 5.S7t,S, wlth.thi; prime loads going mostly at J5.00 and Jj.02'.4 with a top of ).0J. It was a fairly actlvo mar ket ut thoio prices. In splto of the decline, nnd It was not long beforo tho bulk of tho offerings had changed hands. The last end or the market was very slow nnd weak. The lighter hogs wero of course left until the end, but still sellers had to take J5.82'. nnd 13.85 for the kind that sold earlier at J3.S3 and $3.S7fe. It was lato be fore a clearance was made, as sellers were holding for the morning prices. Represent ative sales: 3 863 I iii No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Ay. Sli. l-r. 10 112 ... 0 15 80 201 ... f,l 101 80 0 50 72 222 ... 0 8.i 21 131 ... f. 05 70 '.117 120 0 85 00 1SI 80 5 75 61 ... & ny' "iv. sn r. ill 71! 242 160 5 S3 01 193 ... 0 0 89 207 80 a 8.i 52 205 120 5 M 06 215 80 8.; 07 2li 80 5 80 71 233 ... o 8o 71 207 80 5 824 w 210 '' 30 212 100 0 82l,s 4 2" N' ill i' w u Mia " V 81 100 ... 5 82';, 06 210 ... S3 70....210 100 5 2. 10 ? ; f'' 70.7.. ..213 1ft) ft s2 8 211 200 Oh. 80 220 80 0 )2,5 'Ml n 8i'j II 20J ... 5 821.!, !?l 241 ... ii 5 li 209 120 .1 82' " 'J li Sl'.j ...211 li ?2,tt 1K " " 1 a $82Vi S3 His n TO 191 il vii i?n r. vi 75. 6S .'.""OS ... 5 i?i 00 301 . . 0 S71!.. tl CV I' ',' X7 202 2(0 0 821s ,-'? 80 6 S71- 75 211 100 r,:?:u '. B Si . 75 211 100 5 :?:S-i "T,V, v. "i HV 77 191 ... ft 8i4 ?' 2V W 5S7 3 50 220 120 1. 821a 2? & f ' 77 22.1 in 0 82Va .'? ' 66 215 120 5 S2tj -JI l'i "i V-," 76 207 40 5 Si-' ;) W S Ma 05 HI 80 ft8:t,i ? 5'M) M 221 ... 5 ,S2i ,0 ",kl 5 Si "6 73 210 40 5 .82'; l''.! .T?,T 5 V.1 ? 250 80 5 82',; IT. S''.!I S 201 120 ft 821.; 10 63 220 10 0 85 i v" W 213 ... 5 85 ;;. ji;: 251,' 11 212 ... fly, W 0 8.U ,6. si r, v 77 239 160 5 S3 00 2lSI I'll ." STI . 73 207 ... 3 7' j 05 255 ISO ii s'C, 71 24S 120 5 871a 68 221 80 0 8711, 73 271 80 5 90 68 256 101 5 M) 71 235 80 5 !D .0 239 ... 5 90 07 280 ... 5 90 61 20S 80 0 9 O'J 259 SO 3 90 08 250 ... 5 W 223 ... ft S3 "0 187 ... fi,5 .? 202 ... ft S3 '? 235 4 0 5 S3 -'11 ... r, ,S3 2 -'21 so ;,r, 8 2(2 210 5 S3 233 120 5, S3 00 223 ... S S3 2 ;'ll 40 5 3 ' 171 40 ns.-, H' -'II III 3W fj? "iu loo r. s.-. ::9 3'.". -;n n O'l ,. ... ,, Hi W 291 Mi 5 85 Jio; - slfelp''on,7',r1r,riun;cr'; ""'' n rpw '" f r fed falrlv .1 mor,'l',K 'l the market all , no, i' .?,VI'V.H. J''.t. -Iiout RlPiitty o il for i Li i k "f l-'8.poiiiii wethers were in nhoi.3 """"" T"' J'hcro a Sr10," t,0.l,a: Itolco red wethers II OOfi 4.S ; fair to good wethers. fiXM- choice lightweight yearlings. Jl.SOyi 93- rr t feeder r.Mlmr. -tV. ,"'. ""i .ami JtcprcsriiiaYivo safes:" lamM 27 eull ewr ..' ii 375 western ewes'!!!!!.'.'!.'!.'.'.'.'."!! r t yj western wethers is .i r,o 417 vearlloiTs nn.i ,..,i.. iXl '. 110 western lambs .!!'.!!!" 7:' r. 05 HI srrlng lambs 53 r hi i.i western ewes nS M 40 wethers nnd yearlings ios oo ; cull ewes Z ioo : ) 3 ewes qi) ., .- 1 western ivnllim- ' . J 1GS western wethers. !!!!!!!!!!!!" 119 4 30 CHICAGO I.I VK KTOCIC MAHIiET. Cnttle nml Slierp Sternly tn Stronu Hogs Medium. CHICAffn Mnrr.1i "oiiin,i, i. ... celpts. 2,000 steers; strong' and' 'active; nLi. . mi im.v in strong; good to prime steers UWr,i O.Oj ; poor to medium. J.I.Onl ..9-,:,!.,V',i;,",", feeders. .7Mfl.75; cows. :2;i03I. 0; heifers. J2.75ft4.tJl; nners. f'.Wv 2.U.; bulls. J2.G5fl.50: calves, Sl.75fj6.ti); lexns fed steers. Sl.WfiOOO; Texas gruss itA7iJ',V"i: l''"s nuns. 2.7.r.',j.'j,,f,. I100KUnfrlnttt t.i.l,,.. 11. u 1.1 1 1. I .'.....,, o,.-"7 ll.l(t IIMIIUI- row, Ij.000 bend; left over, 2.CK0 head; eholce ii.uui. uikjuu , noun cicarauco; top, J0.I5; mixed and butchers. S5.80jiO.70; good to choice heavy. S5.9.Vb0.l5; rough heavy, $5.80 UoMl light, S5.80fi0.02Vi; bulk or sales, S3. 10 j)h.02',.. SHEEP AND IjAMBS-Rccclpts. 5,000 head; sheep strong; lambs steady, good to choice wethers. SI.8013.10; fair h choice mixed. Jl OOfi 1.90; western sheep, SI.7tVbfi.15; yearlings. Sl.80li5.15; native lambs, .S5Sr 5.15; western lambs, S5.105fO.45, St. I. mils 1,1 vt Stock .tlnrUet. ST. I.Ol'IS, March 29. t 'ATT LE-Receipts. !io head, including 350 Texans; mar ket Ktoaitl' til OMQlnt" i,iilli.. ul,l.,l.. 1 ....... ... - ...v ni 1 1 1 ,, i IK Him export steers. SI.75'o5.75: dressed beer ami ., -AV . . "i.'i "'-is nun teeners, S2..i0f( 4.tn ; cows and heifers. S2.tKVfiS.0i): can ncrs. Sl.25fi2.75; bulls. 2.00f3.75; Texas and J'l'rlJ".! lccra J3.05W4.05; cows and heifers, JJ.OiKi.t.tiO. UOGS-Recelpts 11,400 head; mnrket Oc S5 85fi5.95r butchers: "&miG.r"' " """ ni nr.!- a.ij l-A.MUS-Reeelpts. 1.100 head; market strong; native muttons. $4.05 l"nhH- ,r'M'(!5.7B: culls and bucks, S2.W4.2..; western sheep, SI.SO; westcri yearlings, S5.25. St. .loseiib l.lvt- Stock .Mnrkrt. SpI'TII ST. JOSEPH. .March 29.-(Spc clal.) The Journal quotes ns follows: CATTI.E-Recelpts, 1,000 head; market actlvo and sleady: nnt4ves. Sl.15fi5.25: Tex ans and westerns, S3.75T5.15; cowh and heir ers, S2.251f4.SO; bulls and stags, $2.25f 1.83; yearlings and calves, S-'l.75ff 1.80: stockers and feeders, S3.40f4.05: veals. S I.75W 7.00. HOt, fa Receipts, 5,100 head; market 2'iff So lower; all grades, S5.SO'((fl.02U; bulk "of sales. S5.851it-,.02i,: pigs, steady. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recclpts, 1,200 l'-r!i:r "",rkPl nellvc and steady; Iambs, b'l'-r'' yr""?- Jl.rrfO.10; wethers SI.I0ffl.75; ewes. S3.S5fj 1,35, SI nek In SIkIiI. Following are the receipts at the four principal western markets for March 29- . , Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Soulh Omaha 1,713 ?,?99 30 ciilcago 2,noo is,noo r,.noo Kansas City 2,Wo 13,500 2,3110 St. 1 ,011 In 9m) 11,400 400 Totals .. 0,613 00,499 10,630 Slon City I.lvt-1 StoeW .llnrkrt. SIOUX CITV. March 29.-(Speclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Recelpto, 300; market sleady; hi eves. $1. OOfi 1.75; cows, hulls and mixed, S2.25fj3.75: stockers and feeders, S3. 25 (34.20: calves and yearlings, S3.Wfj4.IO. HOOS-Recelpts. 2.200; market Oe lower, soiling at $5.75fj3.85; hulk, S3.7SiT5.R0. Aev York .Money Market. NEW YORK. Murch 29. -MONEY -On call, steady nt 2fj3 per cent; last loan, 2 per cent; prime mercantile paper, a'ifftto per cent. STKRLINC, KXCIIANOE-FIrm at a de cllne, with actual business lu bankers' hills at $I.SS'.V(j4.ss',4 for demand nnd at Sl.844 for sixty days; posted rales, SI.85i4W4.89; commercial bills, Sl.Slfj l.si. SII.VER-Certltleates, 09ifj01c; bar, 59?c; Mexican dollars, 49c. BONDS Oovernment, strong; state, llrmer: railroad. Irregular. The closing prices on bonds today are as follows: U. S. ref. 2a, reg. do coupon do 3s, reg do coupon do new 4s, reg. do coupon do old Is, reg.. do coupon do Os, reg do coupon D. nf C. 3 60s. .. Atoh. gen. 1s ... do ndj. Is Canada So. 2s.. Clies. & O. 4H:i., do 5h ...... i-- C. & N- W. e. is do S. 1'". d. 0. C. & N. W. is. 7s, Chicago Ter. I. Colo. 80. li D. & It. O. Is... Erin geil. 48...... F. W. & D. C. Is Oen. Electric 3s. In. Central Is. .. L. & N. unl. 4s.. M.. K. & T. 2s... do 4s 1001.4' N. Y. Cen. 1s. N. J. C. g. 0s.. No. Paclllo 3s.. do Is 107 1X1 7f4 105',, IOOOj 'RJ, 111J4 1.-.8U 13SJ5 ti:;i, ui'i: in'? ni 123't N Vl'tSI, 4s .108 Va N. ."it W. c. 4s.. iw.S 109 101 128. 117 95', 101', llRJj 13HS Ore. Nav. Is.... do Is Ore. S. L. 6s... do eon. Os Reading gen. Is. It. (1. W. Is St L H I M e. 0s 8 I, As 8 K g. 6s St. Paul consols. 108 1214 IMl St P C P Is.. 118 L'Ot; ui',4 121 I do 0m .... So. Paclllc 4s.... So. Railway 0s .. S. It. & T. 61... 9.1 110i r.s SS',4 104 Tex. P. is... do 2s I'lllou Paclllo 4s Wabash Is do 2,s 119 9-1 1055, H9 HOW 1I5U 89 fi1 1S0 117 , 102'i1 8i), IISH West Shoro 4s.. Wis. Central 4s.. Va Centuries ... Bid. 4 710 3 55 1 HJO 3 25 1 710 3 40 0 725 .1 75 THE DEMON OF DISEASE. I.lfctrtcltv, rropMly nrr'lfi I a rrbuilJcr ct nk nr.J shutftfJ jrxou itm,a tnnktrof r-uteblouJ unJ sounj muclt .1 re- . I . siorcr 01 rftiMt mrit .in.i .i . Mtllty. Thcresretw failure -WA o inr ncni current is Tr'' ti. I workcl thel t r.irt ' et mvuie to pertrn r.i i.i ttle Udt nJ know 11 v. II fine eety form of VtJ,K MSS In tnrn anj omen milk thf m Stronc tni Vif orouK, an Nature IntenJtJ they shoulJ be. Vou take nj chance. II my Holt MIU t cute you I will refunJ csery cent 011 pay for It. DR. BENNETT'S ELECTRIC BELT lla saieJ m.iny a Weak person It will not fall In inn, Mi. IIaI, la tlrelv Jl'flerent from othr Mtn.mJ mmtnot be com- ...... ., ,tn ,IKCn cnamoucoiereJ jronce elcctrcvle which cannot burn anj t-IUtcr a J,i the bare metal tlectrtKl-s ufJ on all oihcr maUen of belts. My I lectrlc Belt can be rorcweJ wben bLtnrJ put (or only t;c when others burnoui the aiewcnh. less. I cuirantee my Belt to cure all Weaknesses In I her sex. N nrlcocele; restore Ncrse lialliy anj '5orr;,cVIe Rl'uiruittn In any form. KMnes. 1 Iter an.l IllaJJer Troubles, Constipation. Storrach Dls eraers. General Debility, nil I cmale CompUlnts, n, write to-day for my book."TI I Iniing e'f tr v Fountain of Cternal Wth " Sent (ree, posipalJ ft r theasklnc. tlwkwllltell)ou.Hlaboutlt. Soli onU te DR. BENNETT Bcdrk Bolt Co. It 00 in-. IS to -1 UoiiKlns lllneh, Hoilue nml lltlli .streets, tlinnliii, .Veil, jVlways Open. Weak Nerves People cannot help worrying when their nerve nre weak That feeling o( laiiRiior, dullness nml exhaustion is the tearful condition which often pre cede insanity The power towotkor study diminishes nml despondency de presses the mind nielit and day If you nte MiiTering the tortures of Nenous Ueblllly, there is no knowing hew scon yon ma v decline to something more horrible, llut you can get well. The youthful strength, buoyancy and happiness can be restored by the use of They hnve cured thousands, and we have so much confidence in them that we give an iron clad guarantee with a $0 00 order. Sent anywhere In plain package. $1.00 per boT, (1 boxes for $.500. Hook free. Address l'i:At. .Mt:ntciNP. Co., Cleve. 1t.i "'' old by Kuha Co.. Hw. and Douiuu-, and M. A. Ulllou. bouth Omah. R ad ways Pills Small, act without pain or BiipliiK. puiely veBetabl mild and rellnble, ReKulate the termnd1ci;.'eK?nUe CURE ut all disorders of the Stomach, T.Ivor, How ls. If Mnnvs 1!1.i,1,1a.- v'... ...... ril .. ., -.... ... . , miiuun jymciicil'ft, Loss of Appetite, Headache. Constipation, vuninriiraa, llldlEeailon, tllUOUSlleSK, I'Her, Inflammation of tho Howcls, riles und n't ileranKemonts of the Internal Viscera PERFECT DIGESTION will be ne"": nllahed bv tuklnr HAnu'.vv hit i a 1... no dolnf DYSPEPSIA. S'cjt Ileadaehe. Foul Stomach. Hlllousness """ "vuiiifu, ns inr rooo mat l jjaien contrlliute Itn nourishing properties for tho support of the natural waste of the body. I'rlee Xtla n Ilo. Sold by llruitulnt or Kent by Mull. St., Row lork, for Bool: or A.dvlc. $5.00 A MONTH SPECIALIST In All Diseases and Disorders of Men 10 years In Omaha VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE cured. Method new. without cuttlutr, pftlu or lost of time. CVDUI I lecuredforllfeandthepolFon 5 rniLIO tborouKhly cleaused from the system. Soon every MKn nnd iiymptom dlap)ears completely and (merer. No "llIiKAKlNfJ OUT" of the dlsense on the skin or (are, Treatment contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious medicine. WEAK MEN from Excesses or Victimu to Nmivoi k Df.iiii.itv or Exhaustion, WAKTINII WlAKNKSS With EAIll.Y IlKCAV ill Younii nnd Mtnni.K Ar,i:n, lack of vim, vIkot and HtreiiRtli, svltli nrRaiiH Impaired and wesk. STRICTURE cured with a new Hnma Treatment. No pain, no (Intention Irom busi ness. Kidney and Madder Troubles, CHARGES LOV Consultation Irre. treatment by Mall. Call on 011 or address 119 So. 14th St. Dr. Searles & Searles, Omaha, Neb. NERVITA FILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor anil Manhood Curo Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of Mem. Jljillk orVi an unsung oiseason, r Hlw nil ellocls of nilf-abiiHi or KL Jnxcehs and indlt-crctloii. Ufljf A norvo tonlo and, WT " I l,lH t.,,11.1.,,. tlrln.,1 60 PILLS 50 I CTS. J tlio pink ulotv to pnlo cheo.'ts nnu lestores the fm nt vfiiitii. Itv mnlt WiTb BOo our box. O Ixixes forL $2.50, with our bankable fraurantea to our or refund tho money paid. Send for circular and oryof our baukablo guurantco bond. Nervita Tablets HXTRA STREN0TH Immji.llstf. Dscnlfa . ... . ...... I lutmiitii. ,xw.. llbbWii 1, 1. J Positively Biiaraiitecd cuio for Loss of Powor, Varicocele, Undovelopnd or Shrunken Organs, PareiU, Locomotor Ataxia, Nnrvmn l'rota tlon, Hysteria. Fits, Insanity, raralysls nnd tne Eesults of KicoiIto Umof Tohirco, Onhmi or iouor. Ily rnall In jilnln pnekaue, $1.00 a box, 0 for $5.00 with our bankable Kuar anteo bond to cure In 30 days or refund monoy paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. O!lmonc .l("'i'n . OMtCACO, ILIc For sain by ICtihn Co., ISth nnd Do'jflaJ St.. Omaha. Neb.: Ooo. a. UuvU. Council Bluffs, Iowa. THE BEST FI-RSONALLV CONtJUCTUD TOURIST UXCURSIOiNS Run via the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Leave Omaha via Scenic Koute throueh Colorado and Utah WEDNESDAYS. I'HIDAYS AND SATURDAYS. Cor Information nnd "Tourist Dictionary" addres City Ticket Office, l.u.l I'arnim St. Omaha, Nrb. Teli-iilinni- UlUtl. Boycl Commissi 011 Co !3uccessnrB to James i. lioyil (L (')., OMAHA, ni:ii. COMMISSION tiUAI.V, I'HOVIUIXS AMI .STOCKS. II111111I ot Tin ill- llnlldhiK. Direct wires to Chlcnso ond New Vork. Corrcnpuudciicc, Julm A. Warron Co, ''trvV - V- i )