THE OMAHA DAILY 1112 K: I'M DAY. MAKCIl -J), 1001. 1 I v M A 25c. Toilet Soap for 10c. Transparent because of its pjrity. Made of vegetable oil and glycerin. Perfumed with roses. Kirk's latest and finest soap. Kaniai City Enw Effort to Git Army elcctlon nwit Tuesday Headquarter JapRos Soap A. 1 Money cannot buy better materials. No skill can make a soap less harmful or more delicate. Not a soap in the world has a penny more of value. 0 MllQT UYliTHTl? IV DBlCnV I 8elUocu wns Passed Hhall maliu n record JJIUvJl 1jiUJJ lu in 1 of thu conviction mid sentence and a ecru nod copy of the same shall ho given to the Bherlff of the county, who bIihII dollvrr Penitentiary is Designated as Place for sucl' convict to the warden of the penlten Tin tlnry, together with the warrant for th UCgRl Hangings. BILL PASSES THROUGH Only (lie Nluuntiire of tin- CJovei-nor In .v lt'iiilri'il in .Mnke (lie lllll a l.nn-lin I'm-vInIiiiin. ;RESII DESIGNS ON OMAHA olcr and taxpayer. He has hundreds of friends, representing all political parties, i nnd on every hand It is conceded that ho will receive tho largest vote cast at ihr COMMERCIAL CLUB FATHERS MOVEMENT resident Krhmeler Hum IIci-ii Putting; In WurU for tin? u'heme mill lir"e. fnuflileuee of "iipf llrliiK Deportment of .MIftoiirl. KANSAS CITV, Mo., March 2S. (Special Telegram.) "We think the tlmu is ripe for Kansas City to get tho army headquarters for the Department of the Missouri," said President Schmelzer of the Commercial llniiiiui't to Mi vii nr. Some of tho enterprising citizens ol South Omaha nre proponing that a banquet be given In honor of Lieutenant Governor Savage on nccoimt of the work ho per formed In the passage of the South Omaha charter and thu fact that ho will bo gov ernor of Nebraska. Colonel Savage was tho first mayor of South Omaha and ho has hosts of friends here who arc extremely pleased at the prospect of his occupying tho chair of the chief executive of the state. Ills reception here will certainly bo a hearty one. RAWHIDES HER RIVAL Mrt. W. B. Ebenoli's Vengeance Upo Mame Vai Hale. .Smith Oiiiiilut llepiiMlenn Clnli. At a recent meeting of tho South Omaha Koptiblltnn club tho sum of $100 was sub- club today, lie is a tireless worker for this, scribed by the members to place in a fund and ho has Just coma from Washington, )Cng raised to assist the republican candl- where, he put In what he terms some good , dates for tho Uoard of Education. As the licks for It. l object was a worthy one nnd on nccount of "Kansas City has tho location, the fucll- tho Interest being taken there was not tho Itles nnd the ability to caro for such a de- slightest objection raised to the raising of partmcnt. Wo are nearer tho two great j this amount, which wns done by assess army posts of the country than Is any mcnt. Members of the club who are con- other city. We have unequalled transporln- vcrsant with affairs asserted that there was tlon facilities. We furnish the rations, the no neretslty for raising a fund for the tax mounts, tho draft animals and tho sup- i commissioner tight, as that is considered plies. 'The location of the commissary hero is another card In our favor. Wo certainly have a brighter ehalico to accomplish this great work for Kansas City than wo ever hail before. Tho club already has plans to bring about tbo removal well tmuer way, nnd they will be pushed. I think we shall Maud' soon." won now by Ilennett. NNOMCa&eMHHN South Omaha News i tho execution Issued under sent of tho court and tho prisoner nnd warrant shall bo nn,..iri,lltf l..,., (t.illl ft,., u.intutwxi la ,v LtuloLWUnx ccutcd or the prisoner otherwise disposed of according to law, The other sections of tho law provide for thu delivery of tho prisoner to tho sheriff of thu county where tho trial was held In case tho Miprcmu court of tho state should reverse thu dcclslnu of tho lower court, and for the execution In case tho sentence should bo nlllrmed. The concluding section provides that the act shall have no effect In eatcs of prisoners now under sentence uf death, ami that 11 shall not abridge In any manner tho right of tho governor to grant pardons, reprieves or commutations of sentence. NO CAUSE FOR INJUNCTION J ml KI CK mi; A bill originating In tho homo passed tho sennto Thursday nnd wns sent to tho governor for approval which regulates the manner of executing tho death penalty in Nebraska. Tho bill was known as house roll No. 15. Its first section provides that tho modo of indicting tho punishment of death shall in nil cases be by hanging by tho neck until dead nnd that the warden of the penten tlnry shnll bo thu executioner. In ensu of tho Inability of that otllcer to act, tho sentence shall bo executed by tho deputy warden or some person selected by 'he warden or deputy to act as executioner. All j,ug0 Dickinson bns denied tho appllca executions shall tnku place within the walls tlnn of Kr,10(ti ut..ilt for .. temporary In of the penitentiary and upon a gallows imictlon to restrain tho Omaha Water com- crected so as to exclude thu view of nil ,)any (roln shutting off the water at his persons, except thoso permitted by law to i,rCmlses. Tho Injunction was denied be be present. Ilesldos the wanton, thu deputy eotiso It was not shown by the evidence warden mid. tho executioner, no -one tuny 'that tho water company Intended to turn bo present nt thu execution, excopt the 0ff tho water. clergyman In attendance upon the prisoner, IXeUliiNoii So Unlet In of Stulit AuhIiihI Water Worlift. such other persons, not exceeding three, as tho prisoner mny designate, and such other pursons not exceeding six, as the sheriff may designate Tho warden Is given power to call upon tho governor for any military force neces sary to curry Into otfeel tho provisions of the net. Whenever hu lutllcts tho death penalty the warden shall maku return of his proceedings as soon as may bu to tho rlcrk of tho court, where tho conviction was hnd, and tho clerk shall subjoin tho re turn to tho record of conviction. I I'roviNlun for the IiiHiuir. If nny person under sentence of death Phall appenr to be Insane, the warden shall give notlco thereof to tho Judge of the dis trict court In tho county wherein the penitentiary la situated and shall summon a Jury of twelve Impartial electors of the county to Inquire Into such Insanity nt a time and place to bu tlxed by tho Judge, nnd shall give immediate notice thereof to tho attorney general of tho state and to the county attorney of tho county In which the conviction was had. Tho Judge, clerk of tho court, nnd tho attorney general or his doputy shnll attend tho Inquiry. Witnesses may bo produced aud examined before the Jury. Tho finding shall bo In writing and signed by tho Jury, in caso It bo found that tho convict Is Insane, tho Judgo shall suspend the execution until tho warden shall recelvo a warrant from tho governor directing the execution. Tho finding of tho Jury and tho order of tho Judge shall be transmitted to tho clerk of tho court In which the prisoner was convicted nnd by lilru (.ball bo entered upon tho Journal of tho court. A certified copy of tho order ef tllu Judgo shall bo transmitted to tho governor, who, when convinced thnt tbo convict Is ol' sound mind, shnll order tho execution, which Bhall then be carried out In the manner required by tho original sentence. Where n person under sentence of death escapes, It shall be tho duty of any person or ollicer to apprehend the convict and ru J j Fashions for the Season J Hint !- Slnry I.aiuli. 3778 fct'in Jacket, 32 to 40 In. bust, Woman's Kton, to be mudo with or with out the Postillion back, No. 3778, and with plnln or fancy sleeves: Tho Eton Is un i OOWWVilHDOHinvu Tho business men of South Omaha who were Interested in the beet sugar Industry lost summer arc preparing for another ci'ir.ralgn. A quantity of seed has already been si cured nnd negotiations nro now pending for a largo tract of land Just south of this city. While the venture on Helluvuo idund was successful, It has been deemed advisable by those Interested to secure a pletu of ground nearer South Omaha In order that the growth of the beets may be watched closer and tho personal attention of soino of the members of tho company given to tho farm every day. With the farm nt Helluvuo this was Impossible and consequently tho Investment did not pay out ns heavily as was expected. Under tho sys em proposed the work of raising sugar beets will be commenced in earnest, ami tho Intention Is to make a permanent beet farm of tho tract of land now being ne gotiated for. With the bectti growing near the city tho charges for handling the crop nnd loading tho same on the cars will be less than It was last year ut llellevue, conse quently the protlt will bo larger. An oITort Is nlso being mnde to Induce fanners In the suburbs of South Omaha to raise from one to two acres of beets this year as an experiment and It Is understood that about seventy acres will be planted In this way. The big farm projected by tho aggregation of South Omaha business men will consist of n tract of nearly 100 acres. .I.iiiiiutti' CJrttliiK Iletlrr. Inquiry at tho South Omaha hospital last evening developed tho fact tnai iieorge Jeannetto was doing nicely, had rested easily all day nnd hopes or his recovery were entertained. McCoy, who was injured in tho same explosion, 1b doing well and will bo out beforu long. In talking with W. S. Cook yesterday It wns learned that there must have been some error In compounding tho chemicals In the making of the gas. as the vent to tho retort where the chemicals had been placed was not closed at thu time of tho explosion. It is understood that what Is left of the chuulcals v. Ill be analyzed In order to seo where the mistake was mailt. Mr. Cuok Is of the opinion thnt somo for eign substance entered Into the component parts of the chemicals used and that these caused tho explosion. (irnilern WorUlmt nn. (irndtng operations aro being pushed by the Klkhorn road In the northern part of the city Just now. Tim weather delayed operations for nearly a week, but yesterday a largo number of teams and men were put to work nnd considerable dirt wns moved. It Is expected that within the next few days several steam shovels will bo placed in operation, but at present the principal work being done by tho graders Is on tho ap proaches of the Thirty-sixth street viaduct. Piling for the approaches to this bridgo ore now on the ground nnd yosterdny lab orers were employed In taking tho bark from thu plies and preparing them ready for use. As soon ns tne sioci arrives ihu work of constructing tho brldgu wilt be commenced. Urn licit Slni'k (iiiFN lllulier. Ah election day comes nearer the re- pebllcon candidates grow stronger and tho chances of the other candidates weaker, llcr.nctt Is Gaining every day and Ills elec tion to the olllee of tnx commissioner Is virtually conceded at this early date. As Dennett has been In public life for four About Women IteuNlerlnit. An attorney representing iv portion of the democracy In South Omaha has raised the question of women registering for n school board election. Some days ago City At torney Lambert quoted the statutes to the newspaper fraternity and left no doubt but that nil who participated In the election of members of tho Uoard of Education should bo registered. In order to settle the mat ter an notion has been brought before Judgo Ustellc of the district court and tho case will como up on Its merits this morning. Iti Knur Anoi'iioiH .Now. As exclusively printed In The llee of yesterdny nfternoon the four assessors elected Inst November will make tho as sessment for the county this year, ns It. has been decided by Attorney Mnhoncy that the South Omaha charter ennuot legislate out of olllee any county official, unless tho state statutes are changed to correspond. Acting upon this decision tho assessors electeil will commence work next Monday and will make the assessment ns usual. Selillt. to llullil. Tho Schlltz Brewing company of Mil waukee has decided to erect a store building at Thirty-sixth and V streets. The struc lure will bo of frame to stories in height While the lower floor will bu used for store purposes tho upstairs, a hall thirty six feet In width by sixty In length will bo rented out to lodges and used for public gatherings. It Is understood that work on this building will start early next week. Mtmle City tiowilp. Candidates nt the recent conventions arc lllliiK expense accounts. Some of the paved streets In the business portion ol tne euy were i-ivunvu jra"-'. Members of the united labor party will hold u rally nt the Minor icmpie on ctai u n lay nlnhi. Dr. J. M. (ilasgow Is quite sick and has been taken to St. josopn s nospiiiii iur treatment. Mayor Kelly Is loaded with n lot of grief now on nccount of having to appoint two members or the city council. Mittnliprit nf thn dcirreo staff of Alpha He beknh lodge No. 41 urn requested to meet at Odd Fellows' hall for drill. Dr. Dana U DImond and .Miss Vnldn. J i, nf OtuiiliiL were married last oveii' lnc nt the I'resliyterlun manse, Hev. Dr. Wheeler otllctatinu'. Missionary Mathews siiy that he needs bed clothing in inner .to provmo inr in digent persons who me given temporary lodging ni i no mission. Cimcnrliic ni Ml UrmtKiit". Cures biliousness, constipation and dys pepsia, or money refunded. Prlco 50 cents. Hook explaining cause and euro mailed frw, Rca Bros. & Co., Minneapolis. Ulnn. CLERGYMAN LEAVES OMAHA lliv. II. Allen, .lr., or urn milium ( liuii li tine to .MelClnley'H flty. Itev. C. II. Allen, Jr., who has served as pastor of the Tirst Ilaptlst church for three vears. left Omaha yesterday for Canton, O., where ho has nccepteii me pasioraiu m the First Ilaptlst church. Ucv. Allen came to Omaha from Montana. Ilo was graduated from the University of Chicago and was onu of the most scholarly ministers who ever occupied nn Omaha pulpit. sue cossor to Dr. Allen has been selected. IN HONOR OF GENERAL LEE questionably the favorlto out-door garment s ),8 rcr0rd Is known to almost every Tl. ..lit.. 11, tli. ......I..I ulinu'h I Ul II1U HClinUII. I IIU I Utli lliu.iui tu'. Includes till the latest features, tho ex tended fronts, the Alglon collar, the postil lion back and tbo double sleeves, nnd has tho additional merit of being so constructed ns to allow of plnln back nnd sleeves for thoso who prefer It, ns shown In tho small Illustration. Tho original Is mudo of dovo gray broadcloth with facings and full cults. BOTH WOMEN TAKEN INTO CUSTODY Mnn lit the Cne Admit IIU Wlfe'i Mor.v nnd Chief Mn He Mut Hither llehnp or t.entc Omnlin. lSecause sho alienated the nffectlons of a married man, Miss Maine Van Halo was tho victim of n public rawhldlng nt the hands of Mrs. W. S. Kbersolo, tho wronged wife. The nffalr occurred late Thursday afternoon at tho corner of Thirteenth nnd Dodge streets. Miss Van Hale, n pretty llttlo 22-year-old, wan quite badly used tip and would undoubtedly have been serloU.ily Injured had It not been for tho timely In terference of the police. The patrol wagon happened along ns Mis. Kbersolo wns deal ing vigorous blown right and left to her young rival, who seemed dazed aud Incap able of reslstonce or escape. Both were taken Into custody by Patrol Conductor Fnhey and Emergency Otllcer Itelglcmnn. Mrs. Kbersolo was charged with assault and was released on bond. Miss Van Hale, be ing unable to furnish bond, wns held at the elty Jail as complaining witness. Mrs. Kbersolo told her story to Chief Donahue and Captain Ilcr Thursday even lug of ten years of tinrried life. Sho said sho had supimted her husband by taking In washing when ho was unable to get work and that to had repaid her ro clitly by casting her nsido because, sho was too old and no longer pretty. IMemU Mllli Her ltlviil. When sho found that her place had been tnken by tho youngi-r woman, sho sought her and pleaded long thnt sho stay awny Mrs. Kbersole's friends nlso talked with Miss Van Hale, but uho dismissed them ull with tho sneering revnark that she guessed Kbersolo was old enough to tuke care of him self. Mrs. Kbersolo then begged her husband to temember his mnnlngn vows, but ho brut- nlly told her that It she didn't like his way of doing thlngu she knew what she could do. As a last resort, Mrs. Kbcrsolc deter mined to wreak vengeance upon Miss Van Hale. Sho purchaatd a new rawhide nnd went to the young woman's room, but sho was not at home. The maddened wlfo searched the strecto until sho found tho young wotniin, who met her with n sweet smile. Mrs. Kbcrsole had tho whip hidden In the folds of her dress ns she asked Miss Van Halo If she Intended to continue her flirtation. A flippant reply ha barely left tho young woman's mouth until tho whip cut through tho nlr aud mercilessly delivered blow upon blow. Sho cried for mercy, but the Injured wlfo heeded not nnd would have struck her hated rival Into tho gutter had It not been for the police officers, Admit Wifc'it Story. Chief Donahue Bent for Kbersolo Thurs day evening and he went to tho Jail otllce Much to tho chief's surprise he did not deny his wife's story, Ho freely admitted that ho no longer cared for her becauso sho was too old and said that ho would not glvo up Miss Vnn Halo, whom he loved dearly. Tho fellow, who Is n well-dressed man of 11 no appearance, becamo rather In solent nnd tried to run a bluff on tho po lice. He wanted to know wdiat they were going to do nbout It. Two minutes later ho wns Inside a cell with a chnrgd of vagrancy booked against him. Chief Donahue snld that Kbersolo could do one of threo things, leave the city, sup port his wlfo proflerly or stay In Jail. OMAHA CAMP TAKES PRIZE Ur. lifi.rui- I,. .Miller Will Wine nml llliie nt Omnlin 4'ltilr. General Fltzhugh l.ce. having recovered from his Illness, tho dinner In his honor, which was to havo been given by Dr, OeorL'o D. Miller last Saturday, will bo given Snturdny evening at tho Omaha club Many of the prominent persons oi .e brnska nnd adjoining states havo Indicated their Intention of being present. A new wheel nnd Just tho one you have always wanted. Head Thu Buu wheel offer. IN THE SPRINGTIME BE C&REFUl It s the time of year when many Ills make themselves known It's the time of year when mi need u Spring Tonic and the greatest spring remedy sold today Is Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure it ( titr.n tint. OMAHA. Jan H, 100 1 CItAMKR CIIKMH U. CO. Albany. N. V.: (Sulitlcinou: For several month 1 havo been thinking of writing yoti u few lines to iisu In tho newspapers. A year ago I don't HUpposn there was a man nn earth that stllTered more tlmu I did. I was In eon stunt pulti tho whole duy long, mid nt night very oldnm t;ot over four hours sleep all on in count of wluit I afterward discov ered was kidney tumble. I read so tunny good things about your imillcluo that 1 decided to try It nnd lifter using but one bottle 1 felt fo much better that I got an other, and after taking three bullion In all I verily believe I am entirely cured as i have not had n pain since It's n grent. medicine nnd It ought to be In every home In tho country. Yours truly, A. I.. HOOT. Gardner, 30th and Prutt St., Umaha. AVHI,I, .MJ.U.V. OMAHA. Dee. 13, V CltAMKIt CHKMICAI. CO.. Albany. N. Y.: Your sample bottle received and after taking It I felt so much better that I went to n druggist nnd purchased n large sized bottle. At llrst I had no faith In vour remedy, but us soon ns I began ttiK It strengthens and Invigorate tho nerves It purities aud enriches tho blood. It regulates tho liver nnd bowels. It eradicates the poison of winter. All winter long you havo kept too much in doors your blood has heroine thick nnd' slug gish, nnd It you will stop nnd think ott will realize that you liaxe really ne glected yourself that now you must resort to n ' cprlng medicineand let that medicine bo the best of all-CUAMKH'S KID NKY AND UVKU CUUK n medicine scletitllU'nlly compounded and acts Uko magic. Head what these gen tlemen have to say of this excellent remedy. THIS I'HOM A MUSKIAV. OMAHA. Sept. 12, 1M0. CHEMICAL CO.. Albany, N. Y.: nelitlemen: For over u our I was hardly able lo do any kind of work. 1 was so miserable nnd dowu-lienrted that 1 full sometimes I would be glnd If I could die. I had Hilton u number of different medicines, but with no good results 111! nt lust a friend persuaded me to give Cramer h Kid ney Cure n tilnl. which 1 did, and I now wiint to say that It gave me relief i t once (mil 1 urn now aide to woik and ne u felt better in my life, nnd Imve only -pent :',) for your excellent medicine. 11 h iv trreat medicine, sure . . t, " KOHOH MAK'.li:. Musician. Cl Ninth 17th St., Oni.ihn. A gii m mf.dicim:. OMAHA. Mnrch 1st. CHAM HU CI 1 KM U'A I, CO., I'JOl. It v v KA.MI.K I lll'i.MH ,u '.. iio.wij. U bus been on my mind to testify to tlm benelltH 1 have had from t m uso or iinetiunleil kidney remedy. I sulT. red from kidney trouble for some time, this y Inter t f,i.,.i vour remedy and found It ill and . ! more than It promised. I will continue, to I.emU IU Fellow AVooiliiicn Miineiivern nt the Industrial KxpiiNltlnu, In Woodman's night at the Auditorium ex position awakened a realization among thu attaches of tho enterprise that an exposi tion was in progress having for Its purpose tho furtherance of a popular ambition. Woodmen, tholr families aud friends, turned out in numbers and surged through tho ex hibit halls In throngs, attesting the Inter est nnd good will of tho craft In the audi torium project. Altogether It was tho most satisfactory evening's entertainment yet witnessed since the exposition opened. Tho nttendanco for tho day was over 1,200 and, though tho aisles were kept In n state of unwonted nnlmatlon, there was room for ns miiny more. Interest wob unflaglng through out the night, the feature being the prize drill between four teams representing ns many Woodmen camps. The maneuvers were executed In the theatorium on the third floor. Tho space Immediately In front of the stago was set apart as tho sceno of tho contest, while the space on either side and outside the railed enclosure was banked with tiers of eager spectators. Tho drill was marked by an Infinite variety of maneuvers, ad mirable precision In both the marching movements nnd manual of arms, and sol dierly bearing on the part of tho pnrtlcl j pr.nts. each team receiving generous np plause. ' Tho teams participating were represcnta- turn him to the penitentiary and if tho or umU,rBloLVt,8i o( p!U,nu in a darker shade, day set for his execution Is passed, the nmJ mnk(;8 0, ,., uut u 8Ult. governor shall appoint a iimo lor inn e.- ,nft watcrns nrt( mutable, while thu design edition of tho sentence and Issuo a warrant ,g nl( 0XC0nent one for tho genorul wrap of lor tuo net. cheviot, kersey nnd similar Jacket clotlu. Muni Keen Itt'fonl. Tho back of the Kton Is seamed nt tho Tho twelfth section of tho net provides center and extended below the waist to form thnt when n nersmi Is mmtencod to death the postillion, but can bo cut off nt tho tho clerk of the district court where the What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question nrtsc in the family tvery duy. Let us answer it to-dny. Trj SI it delicious nnd healthful dessert. Pre- fiared in two minutes. No boiline;! no inking ! ndd boiliiiR water and set to cool. Flavor ' Lemon Orange, Hasp terry nnd Ktrawben v. Cut n package gt your n vn , ft a waist line, tho pattern providing the correct shaping. The fronts are llttcd with single darts and un faced to roll back aud form rovers, while connecting tho two nre broad under-nrm sores. At tho neck Is an Alglon collar with pointed ends thnt Is faced to mntch the revers and opens to reveal the stock and necktie worn with tho gown. Tho sleeves include n fitted lining, that serves for plain sleeves when such are desired, tho full undersleoves and the upper portion which Is finished with cull's that harmonize with the revers. To rut this Jacket for n woman of medium size. '-' ynrds of material II inches wldn or V.i yards fit) Inches wide, & yard for under sleeves, will be required. The pattern No. 37"s Is cut In sizes for a 32, 31, 30, 3S aud 40-Inch bust measure. For the accommodation of Tho floe's loaders these patterns, which usually retail at from !5 to ,10 cents, will be furnlshod at n nominal price, 10 cents, which covers Keep Your Bowels Strong. Constination or diarrluua when i all expense. In order to get any pattern your bowels are out of order. Cas- enclose lo cents, give number and natnii 3 . . i . ,,,,; ,,.!ii mfc 1 of pattern wonted and bust measure AD carets Candy Cathartic will make ,0WJnbmu tun dny8 from dntu 0, your lotter them act naturally. Genuine taDlets MoTe beginning to look for tho pattarn, Stamped C. C. C. Never sold in Address Pattern Department, Omaha Ilo?, bulk. All druggists, IOC. I Omaha. Neb. w oman's ork in f?Iub and W'harity. your renicny, imi on sunn nn ... h,.,, . ;',,,,, , .,i ,.,.rtulii of nil entire emu. ing It I got such Immediate re lef that it I us It a. id 1 f . H , 1 ! ;,, ,,,,. gnvo mo confidence ut once. 1 luul suf- I V' "SV'L , "vmoii" entirely renovnte.l. fered so long with pains In my buck thnt, l v w 'r,,,. kl,fm,y ,n0aso I had made up my mind 1 was ineurnbh. I " d tl 1 a ," invigorates tbo , tlialiKs to your viiiuuoie mci iciue. i " l" ,,...iv KUANIC WOLF. issfidt ffir .nari M'ui'wufng Court Stenographer, 118 N. 33rd St. street. Free Samples for All Kidney Sufferers. In order that those who wish can see for wSliloiiay V they wlUheml hat Cramer's Is thu greatest k dnev remedy '' .tn1l"' r'(1 ."ey will bo sent heir nddruss to the Cramer Chemical Com p a n .'''ij. ,'t V,t avo It in stock. duces slcep-and when one can sleep well unit eat well It won t una lull to naiuio health. tt xr Cramer Chemical Co., Albany, N. Y. lives of Omaha enmp 120, which sent nlx- teen moii in coiumaud of Captain .Martin, South Omaha camp 10M, twelve men, Cap tain T. J. Cooley In command; Maplo camp 915, twelvo men, under Captain Haker, nnd Mnimnl n eiimn isa i. nuccii men, imn...,. llartlett coinninndlng. Captain HU Hod- gins, Captain W. K. Stockham nnd Lieuten ant O. tl Osborne nrted ns Judges, and at tho conclusion awarded first prize to Omaha camp, with n mark of SO, South umnna tith ing second with S3, Muplo third with 72 and Mugnolla fourth with 71. Music wns furn ished by llechtold's orchestra, as a dona tion. , , , At the lluffalo wallow a ladles lodgo was Instituted last night, twenty Innulsltlvc women taking tho degrees and possessing themselves of the mysteries. Prizes were distributed as follows: Miss Jensen, bent wood chulr; O., package lunch oysters; Oeorgo Ilowman. package antiseptic skin soap; John Peterson, pocket bono; Mrs. t: Vanllorn, package wax candles; A. T. NVlson, screwdriver; II. K. Myers, year's subscription to Western Laborer; Lena Cochran, glass cream pitcher, Katlo Morgan, can salad oil; Minnie Uls scll, padlock; ltaymond Krnzlcr, package of spaghetti; H- K. Kohn and Mrs. Stnnecyphor, packngo prepared cako Hour; Goodly F. Ilruckor, package coriiHtnrch. J. W. Munn of tho iCtkhorn passenger de partment captured tho itinrl bottlo of whisky as the most popular gentleman present. Hack Keith again set the record nt peg pool, scoring 2.C3.'i and scooping half a (IrtTnn nt (inn.1. Fay Pardiin still leads the voto In tho typewriter contest with 3.03r.; Marian Ilolchardt has '-'."0. Ustello lleccher 2.2S0, Edith I.ohncs 1,020 and draco Shecley 1,315. Miss Whltmoro has 200 votes ns tho mo.U popular teacher, Miss Fried 171 nnd Mrs. Webb 3r.. Otllcer Ostium shot ahead In tho popular policemen's rnco for tho pipe, scoring 205 votes to 13.1 for Ollicer llloom and 55 each for Olllcers Shoop nnd Ilebout. Tonight will witness the competitive drill between tho Thurston Ullles and Omaha Guards. In the nfternoon Mrs. MncMurphy will servo ham mouse fritters nnd maplo syrup. Saturday will bo children's day. child will bo given a present. Kvery DEMPSEY S STROKE OF LUCK Hi-Ii-i'Hm- I'IcLji t l n Mini Out M'Iiiisi- llrnil IIiiiikm n llevt nril. Detective Michael Dempsey received tho good news Thursday that there was u re ward of $1,000 outstanding for the arrest of John 11. Palmer, alias John It. Hull, whom ho apprehended Wednesday In the olllco of the Ailiuns Hxpross. compnuy. The arrest was madu upon advices received from thn chief of police of Hastings, where Ilall'ii pal, O. II. Grant, was already In custody. Hall, dr Palmer, admits that he and his partner robbed the postolllce at Olndnnntl of n $300 draft March 5, and It wns for thin oftonso thnt tho government offered th'. re wind. If Dcleetlvo Dempsey gels thn, $1,000 To ward ho will, according to the rules In such cnsoH, glvo 2." per cent of It to tho Polico Relief association. Tho remaining 75 per cent will bo his. hi nsnonse to the cull of the president elded that the Unions of the county thall bo in attendance. The purpose of the mcet Jll risponse in un "" i ..... ... .,.,, ,i, fi,....,a ,,, m, in u in ,l,ft .t nrrairnt to succeed Mrs. miltiiitb iiu'i . .. " ..." ..n - iiu, Woman's Christian Tcmperniico union contrlbuto lu of Douglas county met at 2 o'clock on Jail on Kaster. Wednesday afternoon In the parlors ot tne Atw scieuuuc icuipeiiw.t.- wu Young Women's Christian nBsoclatlon in a no opeueu ui once in , , mass meeting for thu purpose of renrganU- slona of thu city. Mrs. i-tlnrock will be lug Mrs K W. Covell presided. The In chnrgo of thoso at tho Chapel ot tho uukns were well represented, delegates be- Curpcntcr nnd Mrs. Mary (1 Andrews of lug picsenl from South Omaha. Valley and those at I.ove and Peace mission. Mrs. Omaha, ond after hearing the reports of .Mary l. I'ugn win mite .u.rKu .u tl, v.i.ik uf each nlace. an election of olll- cooning ciuna in mi-' ni.i.i v.,w rcrs for the new county union was held, re sulting as follows: President, Mrs. I.. . Covell; vice president, Mrs. William Whit more of Vnlley; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Anna II. Scott of Omaha; recording secietary. Mrs. U. 11. Towie ot South C. II. Allen, Jr., who Is removing with her husband, Itev. Allen, to Canton, O. Arrangements havo been completed for the continuation of thu work of tho Woman's Christian Temperance union cot tage, when It Is given up by the union April 7. At n lecent meeting of tho union It was decided to turn the building over to tho city missionary to bo used as a tem porary lodging place for girls and women and to servo as a shelter for those brought In by tho depot matron. Miss Mageo will superintend tho work and MUs Mny Len- bcrt, of Christian Help mission, will be In mission. Miss Mngeo reported on tho work ot the Industilnl classes and the city Jail work and It was decided that tho union assist In the 4 o'clock service held at tho Jail on Sunday. Miss Mageo announced to tho Omaha' treasurer Mrs. C. A. Harrington ,1101011 ner nopu ui r."i"B '" jmhii ' uiiiukc ui win numv, nw ""mu iumj r v,.i'ri, a ..iimmlttert'of five was an- (or tho purnoso of spending two or threo league having nssumed tho rent. pointed to formulate plans for the work weeks visiting aud Investigating the soclil Miss Katherlno Horton of Hiawatha, Kan., of tho coming year, and after a brief In- settlement work there. Tho mission work has como to the city to act ns secretary of termission, dining which refreshments were of Omnhu bns now become so extensive that tho Western Purity league, and will assist served by tho Omaha union and the Young sne ivuis 111.11. a urouui-r mum u-uki- i u 111 mo woik 01 me euy missionary. v,.,nv ri.ridinn nssuclatlon. the commit- h' become necessary to her In earning It .nhiniimi th fniinwliic recomniontia- on successfully. Her visit to Chicago would In Iho Interest of woman's suffrage, there tlons- First, that thero be better and more Include study of the methods of Hull was n public meeting held In Hlalr Monday extended work of the organization In tho House, Chhago Commons and the general evening, under tho auspices of tho Hlalr i-nuntv second that Mrs. William Willi- mitiuu noris. .tins amuii .uui-.uuum, nuna niiurngn ciiin. 1 iiu meuuiig was mrgeiy ... vnllev act as co-orttaulitcr with the Mugeu's assistant, would assume chnrpo of attended and general cnthtnjlnsm wns manl president also that a number be appointed the work during her absence. While the rented, six new members being added to the hv iiiph union 10 secure new members. advantage of such experience to tho Omaha organization. Mliyi I.aura A. Gregg, the Cnon Invitation of tho Valley union It I" generally recognized and the ex- stale oiganler, was the speaker of the s decided that the county convention penso of the three weeks In Chicago would We are Agents Kor Hits ctdelniiteil Washburn Instni- niciits-tlio Wiislilimn liiumlolliiH arc to- diiv iiiulvalli'il in tone 11ml woikinau- Hhlp-they possess Unit lit'imlltul quai lty of tone HUu w olil Oiimiotiu violins Mr. Valentino Abt the great nniiiiiuiui virtuoso says about tlm nsiimirn- "Tliu hi-ale Is tnie, the action Is easy, tbo workmanship Is of tbo lieisl-'initL (.,,,! 1 shall at all times ircotiimontl the Wasbbmu." A. HOSPE, Motls tut Art l&iaDoDtm '99 APIUJAU lAIJCIl 30T1I. should be held at that place on Thursday, May 2. Among the visitors present were Miss Mary Dennoy of Vlneennes, lud.. and Mrs. D. A. D. Hlalr. recently ot Denver, and a national organizer of the children's worn. Miss Dcnney spoke of the Jail ani priion be comparatively small n sutlliient sum has not yet been raised, but to help meet It tho women of tho union made several Individual 1 ontrlhutlons at Wednesday's meeting. In recognition of tho splendid work being done by thn t'hiistlun Help mItHiuu thu union authorized the secretary to buy an evening. Since tho state convention was held lu Hlalr last full the club there has more than doubled Its membership and is now one of the strongest In the stat. "The Hxpresilou of ihe Spirit," from Horatio W. Dresser'b "IMuration and the Philosophical Ideal," was the subject of the work that had beeu done by the Vlneennes additional $5 worth of thu mission meal or discussion of the department of ethics and lodging curdB to bo used Instead of giving money to men who peed help. union and Mrs. Hlalr rend a most Interest- ln nccount of the organization of the chil dren's work In the schools of Columbus, 0 by Mrs. Hurt of thnt city. There will be a special meeting of the The incetl'ig then was adjourned and the Woman's Keelcy llcscue league ut the regular eefsion of tho Omaha union called, .'eoloy Institute. N'lncto nth end Leau-n- A report of the work at tho county Jail, by worth streets, this rooming at 10 o'clock. Mrs. ShUirock, was given, aud It ivas d- Mrs. Dutcher, the national president, will philosophy of the woman's club on Tues day. The lesson waB given by Mrs. Parks and tho eutlro department' participated In the discussion. "The Ideal Summer Confer nice" will be the subject of the next meet lug nnd will be glveu by Mrs 0 Loblnglcr. Shoes For the Misses Tbo KeiiMhh' every lay shoe for only Sl.r,o-Tho mum wenrliiK tiallty ns our celobratt.'il boys' tfl..") shoes -mtulo lit tbo l'oot form last anil lit tbo foot, but at tbo sumo time allow the foot to Krow as nature liitonilcil The remarkable valuo Hint lias pilnoil ti ninny friends auioiii: tint misses of (Jnialia A splendid shoo for tills sloppy spiitif; weather. Drexel Shoe Co., CatHlOKue Sphi I'rei- lor the Uluu, Oiniilin'o I 11-to-iliiln Shoe 1 1 mint?. nib FAiiXAM vntmrr, D stands for Dr mi am