THE tWAIIA DAILY J5E.TC: FRIDAY, aiAKCIt 20, 1001. 12 BOSTON STORE REMNANTS Hen Lot of Eemnntis of All Kicdi on Sal Friday. 25C QUALITY NUNS VEILING, 8 I-2C YARD HUU .Moiiwllne ! Sole, IMP Vnril 7." C'IiiiMIh, Mil! aril Itriiiiiiinlx nl Dreft iiimhIk mill MlU lit Oni'-'l lilnl I'rioe. II.Vll)i:. IIHOS'. HOYS' CLOTIIIXCJ. Mini I'riink A. Ilnckett C'nliiiri llo) n, Clilldri-ii'n ClutliliiK fr OiiiiiIiii. Tho clothing that mado John Worm maker (ambus In New York and l'hlladel I'hla has coma to Omaha. Controlled lor Onuilin exclusively hy Hajden Ilros, I'Mner boys' and thlldren'B clothing la not made anywhere In America. Our prices ure ab solutely 35 to 60 per cent the lowest for the right Kind: Illght workmanship, right materials, right style, In (act, tho right house. Hoys' fine all wool 3-ploco knee pants 1IOSTO.N .VIOHI1 .SUI.I.H IIIJST SHOK. .More SI) lea, Mure iir, llettcr I'll, .Muri l)llli-ri-iit KIiiiIm, l.pnt 1'rlvt. Than you tan find anywhere else. 10U MrTUHBNT N K W STVLUS LADIES' A NO MKN'S SHOES OS SAMi TODAY AT $3.00. Wo offer tomorrow and Saturduy over 100 dllTeieui styles of ladles' and men's new upilng stylo thoes at $3.00 pair. It would be Impossible for you to match these ele gant shoes In any titoro In any city fur .inyulicro ncai tho same price. We guar antee every single pair of shoes that go om SOME REALISM IN THIS ACT (li'i'iuiiii Ilium I'iiii II n !. or Iinoltnl with .Sim (li OiiiiiIiii StneU-inuii. Just Like Schaefer cults, mndo 3 huttun, round cut coat and of our House. Ana you cannot possiuiy ouy doublo breasted vests; tho uew style tor au old stylo shoe on our main floor, every beys of 8 to 16 years; regular $1.50 vulucalpoir nas uecn maoc v. nam mo iasi sixty 25c NUN'S VEILING V.ic YD. lletununis ot isuu a elittiR una albatross In cream nnd light bluo only, lengths ! to o yards, but all of them mutch, ou sale Fri day at S',40 yard. S3c SILK. MOL'SSELIN DK SOIB 3Mc. A new lot- of silk embroidered moussellne do solo silk polka dots. Bilk striped, In plain colors, light blue, pink, yellow, cream, White, lluon color and black, 85c quality ui 89c yard. Toulurd patterns In mousselln do sole, 1,000 yards of beautiful foulard patterns lu bilk moustelln do solo, 60c quality, ou sale ut lOo yard. $1.00 WOOL -DHKSS (JOODS 25c YD. l'uro wool Imported dr-w goods In plain colors, silk und wool novelties, every yard worth 11.00, lu l'.ngths 3 to G yards, ou bale on bargain square at 23c yard. J.Ml'OUTHI) DUKSS (100U3 KKMNANTS. Dit'M kooiIb rciiinantH brought from tho Custom House In short samplu lengths, all high grado goods, black and colors, go ac cording to length of remnant at 6c and 10c lor entire piece. CASdlMUKi: HEMNANTS $1.23 YD. Cassliuero remnants for men's and boys' wear, and ladles' rainy-day skirts, nil high class imported cloths, all of them V6 yards whin and In lengths from 2'4 to 314 yards, o at 11.23. 73c C! I A 1..MS AT 39c YD. Hemnants of challls, theso arc all Im ported goods, puro wool, many of them silk striped, all new patterns on light and dark grounds, sold till over the city nt 73c yard, in remnants, but enough pieces to match up to enable a lady to mako an entire dress, ut 3'Jo yard. WEIL, HASKELL & CO.'S SILKS. From our great sale of Well, Haskell & Co.'h fcllk waist factory. Thousands ot remnants have accumulated and nil of them exceptionally high grade silks, most of them 27-lnches wide, tho exact width of calico, no at 3'jc, I9e and COo yard. Short remnants ot silks that have ac cumulated, go nccordlng to length of rem nant nt 23c, 15c, 10c, 6c and 2c for entire piece. KKMNANTS IN THE IIASEMHNT. 73u TUCKINdS AT 10c. Hcinnnnts of tucking, especially adapted for ladles' waists nnd children's dresses, ulso COo quality finest Imported Indian lluon, all go lu ono lot at 19c yard. 6,000 yards lawn, dimities, etc., worth 16c, In short remnants, go at lVsc yard. 10c percales lu remnants, 3o yard. 12',c now percales, 30-ln. wide, fc yard. 15c"Seotch, Chumbray and Everett classic gingham, C',c yard. Hemnants Lonsdale. Fruit ot tho Loom luuslln und cambrics at CVfcc yard. 15c doublo width sateen linings, all col ors, Glc yard. 40c art ticking, denims, etc., nil tho latest designs, 1214c yard. Thousands of ynrds of white goods, dlml ties, India linens, nainsooks, lace-striped lawns In open work effects, etc., all go ut 10c yard. Mercerized ginghams, Kgyptlnn tissue, etc., worth up to 40c, go nt 10c yard. Now lino of dimities nnd lnwu lu nil the now spring colors and designs, go at GV&c yard. 1,000 yards best quality imported percale In long remnants at 84c yard. 23c dimities nnd lawns In all tho new Bprlng colors, go tit 10c yard. 40c mercerized sateen, all shades, long lemnants, 16c yard. Thousands ot remnants ot tho finest table damask, In lengths from Hi to 3 yards, from tho very cheap to the finest satin dntnask, nil go nt 14 their real value. llOSTON STORK, OMAHA. J, L. Ilraudels &. Sons, l'roprlutors. for $2.50. Hoys' very finest 3-pleco suits with ktico pants nnd now stylo vests; every suit worth nud sold elsewhere for double the prices we ask -$3.60, $3.93, $1.60, $5.00 and $6.50. Hoys' extra lino Russian blouso suits, sailor blouse suits and vestce suits, mcdo from the newest Imported nnd do mestic fabrics; altogether up-to-date, and are worth from $6.50 to $12.50; our prices $2 73, $3.50. $3.95, $1.30, $5.00 nnd $3.50. Hoys' all wool douhlc-breasled kneo pants suits; pouts arc inado double sent nnd knee; ele gantly made and perfect fitting; nil sizes, 0 to 1G, regular $3.00 values, ut $1.50. Hoya' and youths' finest long pants suits, bIzcs to fit young men of 13 to 19 years; theso suits nro mado In the new Kton Military and Yale 11)01 spring styles; our prices nro $3.60, $4.50, $5.00, $C30, $7.50, $S.50, $10.00, 11.60 and $12.50. $1.60 MOTHKKS' FRIEND SHIRTWAISTS 290. 1,000 dozen boys' finest shirt waists closed out to us at ridiculously low price for caan go on boIo Saturday. They are the fnti'Oua "Mothers' Friend" brand, tho be3t America. In fine madras and French percales, nil sizes, up to U years; mado to Bell for $1.00 and $1.60 on Saturday at Hoydens' for 29c. 1IAYDKN HROS. days. If you wnnt anything In shoes that Is new and up-to-dato wo can give you bet ter shoes, more variety, better style than you can possibly Und anywhere else. SPECIAL SHOK SALK IN UASEMKNT. For those that want shoes or slippers tor .cry little money and want them good at that, our basement offers remnrknblu op portunities and bargains tomorrow at 39c, 69c, 76c, Mic and 9Sc, $1.25, $1.39 nnd $1.50. llOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. Hrandels & Sons, Proprietors. "Whnt Is the tost way to write mi . I ' " i asked the youngst' r of his f.iMir 'Write; It clearly. hmvsMy, brlelly end cleverly i Just like Schaefer." The father cldenily rends our ads. M res Walter Denhy, au ailor In the Gorman Vlllnge thenter, Is In the city Jail, hooked as a sUstilelon plinrnetor. Wednesday night. It Is alleged, Denhy was drinking In J rrnnifi-it Kltlnoy Ciire n Farnam street saloon with a party rf ; L"!', 'nYhiLii "! stocitmcn from South umaiin, wnen nc "frisked" one of I he party of u $10 bill. Tho h Evidence jinr-ilen l'oruiiu . . . .. , ioi iici s imier sioi'Kiniui missou tne money ai onco ami n, Mult wiiImUpv uccu.u'ii uenuy of stealing it. iuo actor "HIS JMfcRUiriuc WILL CAMP AT SHERIDAN Conl I'lti'tiii' .IiiIinI'm lIeniliiiirlT fur (lu; Siimiiiiit Will lit; I'upiiliU' Itt'Hiirt for OiiiiiliiuiN. NTERNAL REVENUE FOR MARCH Collect Ioiim rninlilerod Crcnter 'I'linn TIioni! for llu; Snine 1'erloil it Vciir Akii, Tho Internal revenuo collections for tho present month for the district of Nebraska wero $310,000, anil three days yet to go. For March a year ago they were $287,000. Speaking of the defection of tho two Dakotns from tho district und the new reve nue law which goes Into effect July 1, Col lector I lout z said: "Uoth will tend to somowhat rcduco tho collections for this district, hut not moro than half u million dollars, I think. In my opinion the collections for Nebraska nlone will amount to $3,000,000 annually. The revenues for the Dakottis will continue to be collected from this district, however, until n ncv collector Is appointed for them." .nits. M a it v :ui:(;ovicii. Of l'lilllpxluirn. .Moiitium, Tell How Mn- Wiin ( ii red of llntiilriin. Mrs. Mary Oregovlch of l'hlllpshurg, Mont., under date of November 2fi, 1S99, writes: "I nnd typhoid fever this summer, consequently was losing my hair terrible, and my heud In places was perfectly bald. Ncwbro's Hcrplclde had Just como Into use In l'hillpsburg, and the doctor strongly recommended It to me. After three or four applications my hnlr stopped fulling out, and 1h coming In again quite thick. I used to bo troubled greatly with dandruff, of which I nm now quite cured." Kill tho dandruff germ with Hcrplclde. Wheels! W'hcolsl Wheels! how they go! RIdo a Hco wheel and be In the swim. The Rochester Shoe Co. Grand Opening Grand Display OMAHA'S F1NKST SIIOH STOKE NOW OPEN TWO CONCERTS DAILY. AFTERNOONS 2:30 TO 5;. EVENINGS 7:30 TO 9. Saturday morning II. J. Jnbst will estab llsh camp ut Sheridan, Wyo., where ho will begin work ou the Improvements ot tho Sheridan Coal company, which will re qulro most ot tho summer for completion. It is expected that tho Jobst camp will bo ono ot the popular resorts for men cf Omaha who deslro to visit tho west, during the summer months. Tho enmp Is to be pitched in one of tho best hunting nnd llshlng Holds of tho territory and arrange ments will bo made tor caring for tho giirst:i of tho contractor. Reports from tho mines say that prospects for trout fishing sro good and that game wardens arc not olllclous when ono desires to Bhoot a, tow prnlrlu chickens or sago hens. Eugonn J Hall, tho poet nnd publisher, pays that ono doso of Foley's Honey and Tar restored his volco when hoarseness threatened to prevent his lecturo nt Cen tral Music hall, Chicago. Nothing elso as good. Meyers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's drug store, South Omuhn. FRIDAY'S PROGRAM. liy Dlmlck'H Orchestra. Tel. 19S3. 1. .March "Junior Itepubllc"....El)erlo I. Selection "Sag Harbor Mills 3. March "Heurts are Trump".... Hospc 4. Intermezzo "Salanibo" Howley 5. Overture "Gravy lu the Cirld illo" Williams 0. March "Shu Made Theni Goo (loo Eyes" Chut tawny 7. Waltz "Singing Girl" Langey S, Itugtlme "A Hot Wuvo"....Meller ft. Sledley "Two Step" Mills 10. election "Am .r" Whltmnrk EVEN IN GPROGHAM, HAG TIME. Piano furnished by llaydcn Hros. i:uitt itjiisu.Vi In Mn roll mid April th UNION PACIFIC will sell tickets at tho following GREATLY REDUCED HATES: From Omuha to San Frauclsco, Los Angeles and San Diego $25.00 Ogdcu, Salt Lake. Hutte, Helena 23.00 'urtland, Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle... 25.00 New city ticket office, 1321 Far nam street. Telephone, 3tti. Union station Tenth and'Mnrcy. Tele phone, 029. Stouccyphcr, printer; 1201 Howard St. I'lCC lllltllt'fl. For book and map of lands to be opened for settlement In Indian Territory soud stamp with unmo and address to C. A. RUTHERFORD. Agent C, R. I. A P. Ry., Omaha. IIIKI). MEYER Mrs. Dortheu. mother of Axel Meyer, died Wednesday morning ut 2'.30, aged bO years and '.0 days. Funeral Friday nt 2:30 t. in. from rcsl ilcneo. SOVi Hurt street. Interment ut Pros pect Hill. ivlinrnlinnli llin olnr.1,. UrtllO-rrr'S COUUll ClIIU men tt.ok him to a wlno room, drlnped him I ( i;!!i,. ri 'ii, nnd searched hit clothing. During the op eration the bill was found on the lloor. Tim stocktinn, who desires his name wlthheM. will not prosecute. Seeds that grow come from thi Nebraska Seed company. 1513-15 Howard st. lllldyiili Tablets o Wetlt's Href. Iron iitul Wine Paine s (Wry Compound ' ina of Cnniul Carters Liver Pills Pierce's Pteseriptlon .... .. Dr Khrl Cramer s IVnnyrojitl Pills e..J t it'c i.K 75c &."n: IjO LVc 40O Itie "5e If W AD SCHAEFER Stonccyphcr prints anything. Tel. 1310 h w. Cor. l'l'.IC. DKIJ.iWI-ir Kllli anil (.'lileauii. W SATURDAY MARCH ilk aniH tea Special Announcement Schmoller fc Mueller wish to call your attention to the fact that they are selling PIANOS for less money than cny other store in tho west. STHIXWAV. VOSE. STUCK. IVintS .V: I'O.M), A. II. CHASE, r.MI'.ltsON, I'.UlvAIlI), STIlAl III: .V: STEISIIU I'l.VXOS TO SIM.KC.T FIIOM. Hillings uprlgnt, ebony ens'c 3500 Rosewood upright, good con- C1 iC fifi dltlon, only 4I IO.UU Cabinet Grand upright, Ullfi Ofl oniy Iientitlful new samplo Piano, 2 00 Terms, $10 cash $3 per month. New pianos for rent. Artistic tuning nnd repairing promptly done. Telephono 1G25. Wo nro Stato representatives for the wonderful Self Playing Pianola The only sclf-playlng piano attachment, endorsed by Pnderowski, Saucr, Rosen thall nnd Moszkowskl. It plays any piano. Any ono can play It. Catalogues, prices and terms furnished frco on application. You've only got two dtys to wait now. It takes a Iittlj time to arrange such a big clothing sale but you'll be mighty glad you did wait when the SALE BEGINS SATURDAY THERE'S A 26,009.00 S10CK OF EXCEPTIONALLY l."l. P. NEW SPIll'xG CLOTHING F0R MEAT BOYS THAT 'WII.L HE SOLD AT EXACTLY HALF THE PRICE tub (JAiniE.vrs "weiu: ji.vdi: con EVERY SUIT IN THE SALE IS A TREMENDOUS BA (GAIN. You can't miss It no matter what you buy. Wo respectfully advlso every lady who has a boy to clotho to be suro to attend this sale. This is not n salo ot n lot of cheap clothing, but a salo of tho best nnd most desirable- suits for hoys nnd men that can bo Imagined And you don't havo to pay but a half what tho suits are worth. Fresh evidence of our price-leader ship are to be shown in the strikingly attractive display of Woncvenfs Hosiery Scan the list carefully and observe how we surpass the efforts of competition in this new department. FOli CiOOI) QUALITY women's seamless cotton hose, in tan, black and fancies. 2ET n FOU FXTWA QUALITY women's black, tan and fu,.y colored cotton and lisle-thread hose, in plain and lace stripes. KnF()l F1NI0 QUALITY thread, split foot and stripes, with lace effects. FOU MISSUS' IilHHFl) COTTON, weight, extra .ood value. I 5M i il.oi US as r. tie I 15c maco cotton solid black, and lisle also fancy medium i 15c Cp FOlt MISSFS' LISLF IIOSF, in fancy drop stitch Cj red and blue polka dots. g-KOU INFANT'S JtLAClv LISLE hose, plain or dropped stitch. Do suro .to, bring tho bound to come. boys Saturday. Tho men nro Seo tomorrow's papers for full particulars. Boston Store, ' OMAHA. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, Proprietors. SGH;i10LLER & MUELLER, The Old Reliable Piano lions.-, 11113 I'ariiiuii Slrecl, Onuilin. y::7 llronilwiiy. Council IllnlTa. Tel. 1(IU'. KXTRA 8PKCIAI. VOll Pit IDA Y Ladles Hnoes ailvertlHCil thu world over at JX60 salo price , 2.50 Rochester Shoe Co., 1515 Douglas St. OPKN KVI3UY EVHN1NO. BABY CAftmAES Hi BARNS may tie appropriately painted with tho Sherwin-Williams Mixed Paints. I'or I lie II.VIIY CAIlIt IACIJ Vhc S. W. K.NAM HI. l'AIXT. mado In 11 dullcato shades sold In 'J0c und 33c cans. For the .II.VHX Vhf S. W. CltKOSOTi: PAINT mado In IS shades sold In 1 Kullon caiiD ut H.W und C-gallou cmiH for l.00. WE ARE THE CUT PRICE DRUGGISTS Wo sell $1.00 Wlno Cardul for 57c Wo fell 75c Coko's Dandruff Curo nt... CSc W'n Hfll 4711 Rnfit, ill Pllltn T'.i Wo sell Colco's Dandruff Cure, bottle... 50o ' vu sell Mc liny Hum for Vjc Sherman & McGonncll DrugGo.f Cor. Kith and Dodge. Friday IN Ns is Remoanf BARGAIN R00IV1. Slay This Avill be the greatest remnant sale ever seen in Omaha over 100,000 yards of remnants in wool and cotton goods will go at a trille of their original value. , ORIENTAL RIGS at from 25 to JO per cent less than regular prices, for a few days only. Ezekiel Taminosian's very line collec tion, including rare Persian Silks. Kirmans, Hokaras, Jviz Kelsons and countless other makes arc worth seeing. 25 Kazaks for 18. $18 rugs for ?25. Big bargains in :, Silk and Kirmans. Compare before buying elsewhere. A few days only. E. TAMINOSIAN. I In- Cm ml Hotel, Store .V:i South Kllli Street, narimlim (or n few lii. MRS. J. BENSON. New Spring Hosiery. We are showing the best stock of hosiery for the money ever brought to Omaha. Ladies' seamless hose, Imj. Ladies' seamless hose, high spliced heel, double toe and sole, heavy or light weight, '. pairs for (5c. A fine quality of silk linish cotton hose, 'A pairs for 1.00. Lace or open work hose, 25c, !l5c and 50c. Children's hose 15c and up. KNIT UNDER WIS Alt. We've got everything in knit underwear for spring you'd like. including Umbrella Drawers and Union Suits. x Vests, Pants and Suits in Egyptian cotton, lisle, mercerized, vega silk, thread silk etc. Up-to-date Cameras Wo havo Just received part of our first shipment ot tho 1001 models. THE FIHST ON TUG MARKET entirely NEW STYMCS Improve mcnt upon anything over shown bo fore. Call and seo tho now PONY PREMO, with tho NEW AUTO MATIC shutter all net now telescopic bed UKIIXIANT KINDER, etc., etc., about ouo-thlrd lesa than lust year. In order to closo last years styles wo offer them at almost any price. Wo guaranteo every Instrument leav ing our storo. Yi'o nro up-to-dato on nil Photographic goods. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY Wholesale and Ret nil Dealers, 121 fl Farnam Street, Out-of-town customers pleaso wrlto for prices. 10.000 yards of Wool Dress Goods Rem nants nt Co, 10c, 15c, 20o and 23c, worth from 23c to fl.50 per yard. 1,000 Skirt Patterns containing from 3Vi to -1 yards each, In lino black and colored dress goods. These goods sold from ,5c to $1.50 yard they will go at U8c, 51.50 an-J J1.0S pattern. bOO Kiill Dress Patterns, C to 7 yards each goods that sold from 65c to $2.50 yard They will go nt U8e, $1.50, $1.98, $2.98 and $3.50 pattern. Strictly nil wool Challls, 32 Inches wide, 23c. Silk Strlpo Challls, 30 inches wide, 2Dc. 25,000 yards of 30-lneh Flno PercnleB, lu mill lengths and short lengths. Theso are extra lino goods nnd sell In tho regulnr way at 12l,c, 15c, l'Jc at 4c vard. Remnants of 25o lino 3C-lnch Percales, 5c. Remnants of 27-Inch Percales, 3!ic Remnants of Shirting Prints, 2',-fcc. Remnants ot 25c Imported .Mercorlzcd Satin, beautiful colors, 10c. Remnants of 19c Piuuos, 7',-ic. Remnants of 19c Madras Ginghams, OVfcc. Finest Lawns, light nnd dark colors, worth 10c, ut 2'.$c. Flno Imported Dimities, worth 2oc, nt 5c. Shaker Flannel, worth 10c, nt 4c. Shaker Flannel, worth 12Hc, at Be. Extra heavy llecced lined Flannolettes, worth 12'jc, at 6c. Remnants of 10c Shirting at sc. Remnants of 23c Ticking nt 15c. 15c Drapery Sllkollno at "lie Extra heavy llrown Sheceting at ic. Cc Toweling nt HVjC Be Towels, 2',So each. Wash Rags, 2c. NEW YORK MIM.S SHEETING. 7-4, 11c; 8-4, 10c; 9-4, 18c; 10-1, 20c. MYDEN I SSSSSXBUMlSm AT UCH1S HayDEIs Grocery Specials Strictly fresh eggs, do,., lie .3 bars wool soap, for 10c. 20-lbs granulated sugar, $i. Very line California pears, worth 12c, only 5c, 10 bars best Em. All soap,25c IMbs best snow white kraut for 10c. Good country butter, 10c, Large Labrador herring, 2.1c shore mackerel, 7-Ac each. Fancy each. 10-lbs oatmeal for 17c. 10-lbs corn meal for 10c. 10-lbs graham for 15c. 10-lbs rye for 15c. Fit U ITS. 3 doz. Baldwin apples, 25c. Choice juicy lemons, 10c. 3-lbs fancy dates, for 10c. 3 sacks fresh roasted peanuts for 5c. MEATS. Fresh bologna sausage, -tfje. 3-lbs fresh Frankfurt sausage for 22c. . Chipped dried beef, 15c. 5-lb pails pure leaf lard, -15c. Iron Wagons, body 12x24, reg. price $1.50, Friday 7rc. Iron wagons, body 13.2(-in. regular price 1.75, tomorrow only 00c. Iron wagons, body Ux2S in. regular price 2.25, tomorrow, only i?l.t0. Velocipedes, regular price, 1.35, tomorrow, 1.10. -"- JJ - - -Cur Special Friday Bar ga.ns. "Watch theso sales i'or they ! nrn mnmur manera lor you 25c wash board, Friday, 13c. 1.25 folding ironing board, Friday, (itlc. , 75c (J-ft step ladder, Friday, 15c. 20c patent mop sticks, Friday 9c. 25c lanterns, Friday, 10c. ,G5c cobbler's outfit, Friday 30c 20c nickle plated trays, Fri day, 10c. 10c Potts' iron handles, Fri day, 5 c. 5c large box tooth picks, Fri day, 24c. 25c carving knives, Friday, 10c 25c claw hammers, Friday, 10c. , dOc set shoe lasts and stand, Friday, 23e. 5c tin cups, Friday, 2Ac. ,3 2-burner gasoline stove,Fri day, 1.05. , 25c kitchen meat saw, Friday 13c. 85c steel spade, Friday, 50c. Here is a corker if you need an up-to-date cook stove No. 8, IS-inch oven, warranted a lirst class baker, sells regularly else where for 13.50, our price 8.19 HAYDEN BROTHERS Extra heavy art denims, printed on hoth shies, wnrth i?nn. Inn vnl " ' I Wool hlcyclo hose, worth 60c, 23c. 1 Children's shirts nnd pants, regular 33c ! value, 15c. IJ.00 strictly nil wool shirts and drawers, 23c. Men's working shirts, regular 75c and f 1.00 values, 25c. Men's cotton hose, regular 10c values, six pairs for 25c. 25c and 25c suspenders, 12 ',.(;. Ladles' and children's I1030, worth 15c nnd 20c, 10c. Men's fourply linen collars, 3c each. Ilclden Ilros.' silk thread, doz., 5c. Lluon thread, per spool, lc. Corduroy skirt binding, yard, 2'c. 10c torchon lace, yard, 2 ',4c. 15c torchon lace, yard, 5c. Iluttons worth 15c, 23c and 50c will go at 5c per dozen. Silver plated teaEpoons, 5c each. Sugar. Spoons, 6c each. Silver plated Tablo .Spoons 10c each. Silver plated Hotter Knives 10c each. 35c Cuff Iluttons, 10c set. 60c licit Ruckles, 10c each. Great Bargains in &hoes Ladles' flno $3,50 vlcl kid Laco Shoes for Ladles' flno $2.50 kid vesting top Laco Shoes $1.39. Misses' flno $1,50 Kid Laco Shoes for OSc, Children's flno shoes for t9o, G9c and 83c, Infants' 35 Soft Sole Shoes for 19c. BROS. Howell's Anti-Kawf Death lurks in ever breath these damp, muddy days. Wet feet, Gripp, Hacking Cough, Anti-Kawf is the remedv. Its reliable. Only 25c at the drug stores. )i?foPd$I flffowi cure 'oeSw and enctsi O RE -NO -MAY POWDER Manufactured by A. Mayer Company, PRICE 50 CENTS. For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers Consultation Free from 2 to 4. When ordering by mall add 5 cents for postage. Putting us to the test Costs You Nothing. If you don't yet the results we claim for SHERIDAN 00AL You can have all .your money back. Clieeupest, cleanest, hot test and best coal mined in Wyoming. Fine for cooking. VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnam St. Tel. 127 15 BUFFALO RINGS. Are you u lluffalo? Whether you nro or not, you ought to wear one of our Iluffnln Illngs. Spend u few minutes at our store nnd see them, S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 151(i Douglas St. 6