2 Til 12 OMAHA DAILY M2E: THURSDAY, MAHCl! 'JeS, Ti(H. Telephone 6JI. Hoe, March 27, IPOl. About Our Cotton Dress Fabrics The cliokrst assortment in Omaha. A profu sion of dainty patterns in fashionable fabrics. Included are the best Scotch ginghams, in novel weaves, now eoiu'eits in tissues, dimities and ba tistes, gtiy foulards that look like silk and wear much better there's hardly an end to the variety now in view yet it's wise to buy now. Many of the styles are praetieally exelus.ive and cannot be duplicated when the present supply is exhausted. We now offer Fine Dresden Jaeonat at lUc per yard. rihc llntlsto nt l.'.o. Dimities nt 10c. 124c 13c, 18c, 20c. Egyptian tissues nt 2So. Kndtcss nssortmcnt of embroidered linonpplo tissues, nt 23c per ynril. Scotch madras nt 2."c per ynrd. Scotch zephyrs at 25c per ynril. Zephyr Kltighnma, nt 124e, l.'c, 20c, 25o per yard. I'laiu colored ehnmbrny at 10c, 124c, 15c, ISc, 20c, 23c, "0c por yard. Mercerized novelties, at 23c. Mcrcorlzcn foulards, nt 30c per yard. Imported mercerized foulards, at 35c a yard. XVK Cl.OSD SATURDAYS AT O V. M. aok.t.i Kon Fos rnit Kin ni.ovns a.i mccai.is pattern. Thompson, Beldem &Co. Y. U. C. A. IIUII.llINU, Cfllt. 10 III AM) 110 HULAS STS. ind n Kfiodly representation of federal jfllccholdcrs of nil classes. No Ish thnti mven chairmen of former republican atntu committees can ho counted. An unusually largo tiumlicr of members of past legls laturca havn also drifted In to watch the flnnl movements of their successors In the present legislature. t.'niifi-reiii-o lit Kill (iiiicim. A scheme wna concocted late this nftcr noou to break up the regular repuhllcnn cniicua, which had adjourned until 8 o'clock thla evening, by holding an alleged confer ence nt it different place nt I ha name time. Announcement wnf made this afternoon Just before, adjournment by tho presiding of fice of both house nlid senate of n repub lican conference to be. held In representa tive hall nt the statu house at 7:30 p. m., nithout Raying what It was for. The mov ing spirits of the scheme seemed to bo Senators Allen, Orounae, Oleson nnd Mar tin. While a group of republican mem bers wnltcd nt tho caucus room at the hotel tho others met In conference nt tho stnto house, where thu purpose was explained to be to arrange for remaining In Joint session tomorrow. Instead of adjourn ing ns usual. This very statement was predicated on tho obstruction of thu cnuetia, because, should It effect a nomination, n protracted Joint session would bo unnecea nary. .Senator Martin made a long speech, ns did Senntor Oleson anil others. One or two members left the hull for tho hotel caucus room, but tho speech-making con tinued. A resolution was declared adopted, providing for five hours' balloting In Joint session tomorrow. AilJoiiniH on Cull of liintr. The nntls In tho conference declined to bo bound by the resolution provldltig fur live hours' balloting In Joint session, nnd that matter was loft up In tlu air. Tho' anils then tried to arrange for u caucus on their terms, proposing to ballot for tho North Platte member without regard to the South l'lntte. This movo nlgo failed nnd tho conferees adjourned to the hotel, whero thu caucus wna - being held,; Here another effort was made to break up the regular .ciucub and hold another with the nils Included, but thla was of no nvail. Tho nntls refused to conic in unless their Jcnns were nceed'.nl to, and tho members of tho cnucii3 declined to chnngo tho rules, so the matter fell through. 1-ifty-ono was tho highest vote cast, members coming and going all the time. Dy midnight many of the participants had withdrawn, mid the caucus adjourned to meet at tho call of the chairman. Tho ballots taken wero: Hose-water 2S 2S 2S 2fl 25 23 21 25 2(5 23 23 Melklejohu 15 10 II 13 II II IS 21 IS 111 I'.l I'urrle 5 I I 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 llaldrlge 0 0 3 3 I 3 1 1 1 1 0 At 12 o'clock the caucus adjourned. NEW NAMESTND SAME RESULT son for n new candidate In Judge Paul Jea sen, whom he Introduced by explanation of vote. With (Inllogly absent this reduced I). 13. Thompson to 37. Uosewnter gained Spencer nnd Oleson, while Stelnmeyer went to llaldrlge nnd Johnson to Mclklejohn. Ilnldrlgo also received the voio of Vnnllos klrk from Melklcjohn. Wcnzl transferred trom Currlo to C'roun.e, Jcsscn received the vo 03 of Evnns. 0:ejon, Sleelo and Whit more betides Arcnds. Totnls: Allen -ISJosscn fi llaldrlgu 2 Lyman 21 Crouuse 7 Me Ik eJohn Currle 7 Uosewnter .. .lolllt lllllllll MlOMM Voll-N foe .fl-HNCII of Otoe mill llnlil rlK of IIoiikIiin, LINCOLN, March 27. (Special Telegram.) In Joint convention Arends left Thotnp- Every Exertion a Task , Every Care a Burden There Is failure of the strength to do and the power to endure ; there Is weakness "all over" that Is persistent and constant. The vital functions are Impaired, food does not nourish, and the whole system Is run down. A medicine that strengthens the stomach, perfects digestion, Invigor ates and tones Is needed. What Hood's Saranpsrilla did for Mr'. L. B. Garland, Shady. Term., it has done for othera. She took it when sho was all run down with out appetite, loMnc lleah, anil unable to do her work, It restored her appetite. int-rcaed her weiclit, and made her well aud stroiic. This is her own unsolicited statement. Hood's Ssirsaparilia Promises to cure and keeps the prom ise. The earlier treatment Is begun the better becln it today. Ilinahaw 7 Thoinnsoii. 1). 1. Hitchcock 41 Thompson, W. U . 0 An effort was made to take n second bal lot, but produced only- n squabble if con flicting motions and llnal adjournment with out action. Vole In netnlt. The vote In eielull was: J Alien lhoinpsoti, currlo. Androw s '1 humpboii, ilosc wuter. ami bitung i huiiiiun, .MclKicjohn. Arends Jensen, currlo, i.anu iue l uompbuii, liosuwatcr. Im-Mivi 'I tiUiupDUii. HeiKiL'juhn. lHeM7-'i hoinpsoii, Uu-a-wutiT. beellie 'J tiotiipsuil, .MulKleJollll, llcnul i huniinuu, .MclKicjoliu. ItlOuellck iiiiinllUW, .tiulKlejolin. lit ew n-'l honm-on, c'ruuims. ijiurcsh 'I nonipHon. liUMOwatcr. Cain ihonii on, Mctklcjuhn. i-oincer, i liumpsou, i.u.-cvatcr. Cniso 'I hoinpsun, Mcllclf John, cioiuise i numpsoii. currlo. cuiriu '1 huinpsou, Crounsu. Kugar '1 nutii iiaoii, Konutwitcr. Hvaiis Jessen, Mclklejohn. I' o iui l liuiiiiisou, -Meiiuejohn. I' rieiil a lls i Huinpsou, CU1 l ie. Uiiiiono l liumpMJll, Mtlkiejohu. Uuwnu J'lioinpson, .MclKIeJohn. Hun 11ioiii,imiii, itosu wuter. Harris 'llioinpson, Molltlejolin. Imnun 1 noiiijon, iiosuwutur. Uailioni iiiiihiiuw, leiklejohii. iliouert 'LliuiupBUii. .MeiKieJolm. liorluu 'l liuuipson. Mclklejohn. liuinpnre i liuiiitison, .UciHieJolitl. Johnson of ilarlan Thompson, .Mclkle john. Jouvcnnt lllushuw, Mclklejohn. Lane i IKmip.Nun, Hosk water, l.allin-'i lioiiipson, Koscwulcr. Lowe Thompson, .Mclklejohn. .Martin iliuiiiisun, crouuse. ilcCarthy Hiustiuw Crotinse. .Mc-uiKur ThonilisOnt ftosuwuter. ,' ieCo i hoiiipBiui, liosowatcr. jieuu i liompsun, ltotiuwater, r .Muuacnhaii Ulnuhuw, Melklojohn. " MIsKell 'l liuuipsui., liosowuter. MocKeti 'l lionipMon, itosuwater. .Muuen Thompsuiu Kosuwutcr. iNuweli-'l luiinion. Currlt. Oleson of Cuming Jessen, Uosewnter. Uimjii oi 1-lluipB i liuiiiisutl, liuauwuler. u xsuiii i huiopnou, Hosewutcr. Ow oils Thompson, Currle. Huhwer lliusuaw, Crouuse. tiaiiuuii i iiuMiiPMili, .MeiKifjohn. beutt 1 lionipsun, Cm rle. hneliliorn iuomiboii, Uosowater. hniilhoeiKer 't'hoinoion, Meiicicjoun. Siieuccr Thompson, ltocvutur. Ssleeie JebHun, MelKloJohu. tilelnmeyer '1 liompsoii, lialilrinc. awansuii Ilnhdw. JMelkleJoliu. letll i non'iiiBOti, Hoacwaler. Trompen l liompbon, Uosewnter. Tweea Tfiomp'sn, Molklejohu. L hi ihoiupson', Uosowater, VmiHoskirk Thompson, C.'ildrlgv.' VwuIili -i iiunii.ou, ikohewutur. WeiiKl- Thiimpun, Currle. Whiunore--jesM'en, Crouuse. Wilcox T4ouipson, Uosewuler. iiriiiiduu .niniipaon, tiusowuLcr. Youiij! Thoinpson, itoscw'utur. Mr. hneuker I'liomiison. Jtosowater. Absent or not votlntr: Mnrshnll. flnllo- gly, republlcniisi Ueall, Wutsou, tuslouista. SENATE TAKES UP FINAL WORK I. lint Diiy lint One of the SeNslou Client mi I'naailKU ' IIIIIh. $7",ono for the erection of it new wing to the Itastlnsa asylum. The bill wan strongly opposed by Senator Arends, who apoke lit behalf of economy. Senator Lymnn of Hastings supported the bill but when It became apparent that the bill could not be panned with nn appropriation of J75.O0O the sctator from Adams accepted nn itmend n.ent reducing tho nmoutit to $50,000, and in this shape the bill win recommended for pnsinge. Tho committee then arose and. after adopting the report nnd also .1 motion to limit (he debate on each bill to five min utes In committee of tho whole the senate again resolved Itself Into a .committee of the whole, with Tronipeii In the chair, rot the purpose of considering the salary ap proprlatlon bill. Tho bill na It enmc from the houae was accepted until tlin olllce of labor commissioner was reached, when Oliaoit of fuming moved to strike out nil clerical help for this offlec, .which was nmended by Senator Crounae to strike out the appropriation for thl olTlce altogether, lie contended that It would take n largo amount of money to make the ofrtce choc tlve and thnt It Is of but little use as nt piosent "ondurted. Senator Owens declared that the reports from thla olllce were not to bo tellcd upon. The olllce was defended by Henntor O'Neill, but upon a vote the amendment of the setintor from Washing ton wna put and carried by n large ma jority, nnd the olllce of labor commis sioner In Nebraska wns knocked out. In asmuch hs there will bo no appropriation mndo for this ofnee it will be nbollahrd after this law becomes effective, April 1. However, It will be necessary for tho house to concur in thla action before It becomes effective. Wraiiule 0rr llrmiil ClerK. The next item taken up was the appro priation for the olllco of the secretary of state. An effort was mndo to impropriate $!'00 per year for n brnnd clerk, but this was objected to by Crounso and others, who thought this work could and should be done by the present olllco force. It was suggested by Senator Arends that tho salary of tho deputy secretary be In cicnsed and that he be required to look after tho brand work. Owens, Currle, Van Ilosklrk and other senators, who arc known nn he rattle mem oers, uioukiii u '" 3 nortnnt work and that n special clorK 3i I ..i,, i, ,i, v.il tnr i he work. It wns finally decided to employ a brand cleric at a snlnrv of JH00 per year Kcnntor Currlo offered an amendment to non-concur In the action oi mc nous hlch reduced tho snlnry of tho deputy secretary from $1,000 to $1,500, which car ricd. The salary of the bookkeeper in tins omcc was rnlaid from $1,200 to $1,500. Tho olflco of adjutant general was the next consul red. Senator Steele wanted to raise the salary of the ndjutnnt general from $1,330 to $1,800 per year. The effort was n failure, as was also the attempt to rnlso the salary nf ilm ntnrekeoncr In this olllce from ?S00 to $!00 per year, both salaries remaining the same as they arc nt present. UiieMlliiu of I'llmlnar O'Neill moved that the printing of the houao Journal be referred to the committee on printing, which was agreed to. Ransom moved to advance to mint reau Ing houae roll 4C, which provides that the mode of Inflicting death shall no ny nang- Ing aud that all executions shall take place In tho penitentiary. This was objected to by tho Lancaster seuatora. who tliougnc each county should take cam of its own executions, but the motion prevailed and the bill was advanced to third reading. A motion was adopted requiring all stanti Ing committees having bills in their pos session to report tho same liaeic to me senate tomorrow morning. The senate at 0:15 adjourned, MAP COUPON Bring- this Coupon and 25c to tho Map Department, Deo Publishing Co,, and get a NEW CENSUS WALL MAP OF NEBRASKA OR IOWA Slz- UMstlU Inelien, Has tho 1900 census ot every rouuty nnd town in the stato printed on tho margin nnd the entire map. INCLUDING ALL HAILHOADS, etc. . Correct to January 1st, 1901. If sent by mail add 10c exlra for postage and tuba. Address TUB 1KK IM'nUSIllNO CO., Map Dept. Oiimlm, Neb. - - im --- (, LINCOLN. Marcii 27. (Special.) Tho ficnatu worked hard and long today, oak Ing It a character.stlc closing day. A number of bills wero read for tho second tluio and Eomething liko n dozen wero passed. Con slucrabto tlmo was also spent In committee of tha wholo for llio consideration of snl nry and appiopriation bills, Tho following resolution, presented by fceuator Krumbach, wis read by tho sec rotary and placed on llle: Whereon. It has boon reported that cer tain members) ot tho seiiuto hnvo mado rciiio.MtH lor unueeesyary supplies with tho Intention of taking such supplies homo wiui iiit'in, inereiore, oo u Hesolved, That the president of the fen ute appoint (i committee of three to In vestlgato such eliiirgc)', and to eiiretull luquiro Into tho rnciH upon which siii:li riiurgeH were minie unit to report tlielr llinl ing in nn- seimie. The clialr named as such committee Sen ators Mnrtln, Ilarlan and Hansom, nnd u report will probnbly bo mndo tomorrow, llilln on Third Heitil Iiik. After tho secretary had finished reading a number of bills for tho second time, bills on third reading wero taken up and a num her of measures wero disposed of, the fol lowing bills being passed. House roll 311. appropriating $3(1.370. 7 J for urn iim-poxe in leiiiiinirsing inoso wim mi vunced money for the purpose of bringing i no iiiuiiiuers in ine eirsi retriunu nonie from San Francisco. This Includcx 3i0,tW advanced by U. K. 'I'hotupson. Tho bill nasstd without ii illsKimtlni; vole. House roll -), appropriating the sum of trill 1 I .1... !!... .. ... (u.".n iui uir irnri III nill'l lllll 11 Cllliniy. I Dcing a, rolnimirsemcnt for excess taxes I paid ui account of tho unylum for the I insane. I House roll li was also passed. It provides I tli.it county eiimmlHslonerf shell be nl- lowed lor the tlnm the shall bo neeessarily I employed In the dutlcn of that omVo the , slim of $3 per day and 3 cents per mlli" lo b pan! out of tho county fiimi; provldi-d, however, thut In counties having over tfH.ftn') 1 Inhabitants county eomnilsaloners shall I each Im' allowed and paid u saUtry of $I,mi ix'r annum, payntdu monthly, us tonipci satlmi In full for tlielr service. I llouso roll 2ii, iiutborUIng tho governor ( to appoint u comiulsnlon of threo for tho , imrposu of detenntnlng the boundary lino 1 between Nebraskn and South Dakota, oral i appropriating a buttlclent amount to do i fray all expenses, llouso roll w2. providing for a similar eointulKsloii to tlx boundary Hue between Nebraska und Missouri, anil house roll 215. for commission to tlx lowu. boundary. llouso roll 121, providing for n plumbers' eMimliiliur boaid for metropolitan cltloH. llouso roll I1!, appropriating money for legls nturo oxiieiises House roll Ik9, relating to teachers' in stitute. llouso roll 2, relating to "decedents." House nil' 52, rolatlug to tho election of county attorneys. House toll 2). relating to modifying JudgmeutH or tlnal orders. In ( iiiiinilt Ice of lh- Wlioli'. At the afternuon spbsIoii the MMiate re solved Itself Into a committee of the whole, with Senator Miller In tho chair, for the consideration uf houao roll 1, approprUtlut; HOUSE WANTS OLD DISTRICTS II..III,. -inli-lv KIIIm lli- .Meiisuri lle- nIkikmI lo Itenrriiiiii"" tin I.eKli-IhIIm- Ap port lomiifiil. LINCOLN. March 27. (Special.) The legislative and Judicial apportionment bills wero matters of contention in the house today, but, after a struggle lasting sov eral houts. tho light took n sudden turn and tha legislative bill wns pojtponed with out any npparant opposition. The judl clnl bill Is still on the flics, but Its passage Ik doubtful. The light over the bills began early this morning, when a motion was mude by Latlln to adopt and approve tho nilnutes of yesterdny's session. Coppoo wanted the iccord to show that the apportionment measures had been read In violation of the rules of tiio house. Calls of tho house were repeatedly de manded nnd ordered during the votes on these motions and for over two hours tho houao transacted no other business. After a long discussion Coppoc's motion was de feated and the one Introduced by Lallln was adopted. Tho legislative bill was singled out this afternoon and taken up In committee of tho wholo After ono amendment, had been mado Horton of Kcya Paha moved to recommend for Indefinite postponement. Tho supporters of tho bill, believing they were In tho minority, mado no effort to defeat the motion. It was put to a viva voce vote and carried. Tho icport of tho committee was nftorward adopted by tho whole house. Hills on Ttil ill lie llllllli;. The following bills wero pnsfod by tpj house today: s. 31ii. bv Arends To authorize county eommlssloners In counties not under lown- shlp organization to issue luniutm nouns fur the purposfi of pitying bonded indebted ties of any pi reluct or de facto precinct within said county. , S. 1. J Id, bv Arends To provide llmt ped dlers plying their vocation outside the lim its of a city or town within liny county In this state shall pay for the use of said cjuuty nn itnutml tax of $.''.', those with a vehltk' drawn bv otic unlinnl, $5; those with two and less than four animals, $ift, and those with more than four animals, PA The bill authorizes the county commission ers to remit tux when It Is deemed that the articles sold are i diicntlonal In natuie. 4. 1'. 101, bv McCargat To require n stamp or label on every bale of binder twine sold. ofTeted or exposed for sale within the state, such stump to give the name of tho manufacturer or Importer nnd the number of feet to the pound In such bale. Penalty for violation Is nxed ut 25 cents for ouch bull sold. Passed by u vole of Kl to 23. M i." m iiv Vim Knsu rK in ma te i ue secretary of state registrar of cattle brands and marks. Passed by n Vote of m to . H. I Hfl. by t-'urrle Ail act to govern ami regulate the Industrial School for Hoys at Kearney ntnl to recognize the sumo us u school for the retention, education, discip line. Industrial training and reformation of Juvenile offenders. Apportionment lllll Co inc. I p. On motion of McCarthy the houao took up bills on second rending, anions (hem being the legislntlvo and Judicial npportloutnetit measures, over which theio was so much dispute nt the close of yesterday's session. Tho reading continued without Interrup tion. McCarthy moved that tho house go Into committee ol the whole to consider the legislative apportionment bill. The roll was called on this motion, but before llio result was announced Taylor demanded call of the houae. A sulliclent number having united In the demand the enll was ordered. few minutes later Taylor moved to raise (he call, saying that the speaker had shown that ho would not recognize the rights of tho minority members. Tho call was accordingly raised nnd the vote on tho original motion announced, which was to II in fnvor of Its adoption. The legislntlvo bill was rend by the clerk, llrown of Kurnua oiered the first nnd only nmendmcnt, which was to thu Klevelith senatorial district, ns named in the senate bill, giving Polk, Hamilton, Clay and Kearney two senators. '1 ho nmendmcnt wns to cut out Polk, Adnms nnd Kearney counties und gave the other counties ono sonntor. Without discussion tho committee ot the wholo voted for the change. Decide to Postpone. Horton moved to report the bill for In leflnlto postponement and wns seconded by Taylor, llrown of Kurnas Intimated that such action would not be a disappointment to the apportionment committee, and with out further discussion u vote wns tnken on the motion, only n few of the members voting no. Tho commltteo tit once arose, reported progress nnd second rending ot bills was resumed. House roll 311. containing amendments to mutual insurance lnw, wns ordered nil nnccd for third reading. Semite files 3, I, 5, (!. 7. S. !, 10, 12, 13, IS, 202, 1S1 and 72 wero also advanced. With tho exception ot tho hitter two these bills nre to cure de fects in tho criminal code. Tho others re late to submission of constitutional nmend mcnts nnd admission of Spanish war vet erans to tho State Soldiers' and SallorB homes. Tanner moved to advnnce the senate os teopnthy bill for third rending, but after a vigorous protest from Andrews, withdrew his motion. Tho house then resolved into committee of tho wholo to consider tho bill. Representative Andrews llrcd the first shell at the bill by introducing an amend ment to require osteopathic schools to give Instructions in materia medlca. Opposition from lloelor. Hathorn spoko at length against tho pas page of tho bill and wns followed by An drews. Hoth compared tho Instruction given osteopaths and- mtllcal doctors and main tained that It. would bo dangerous tp pass tho hill. ' Dahlsten moved 10 recommend tho bill for passago In Its' original form. At the con clusion of tlio debate, which continued un til nfter 0 o'clock, Dahlsten's motion was put to a vote nnd carried. When tho com mltteo nrosn Andrews moved to non-concur In tho recommendation, but wns defeated by a vote of 23 to 40. The bill will he en grossed and put upon Una! passage tomor row. At 0 30 nn ndjournment was taken to 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. AFFECTS THE CCN TRADE Engliih Makers Utj 0hange Methods After the International Shoot. AMERICANS TO USE "THE SINGLE BARREL Knull'4linieii' WenpoiiH Wilt He IliMihlv-llni'i'i'lt'il mill If Vlxltui-N Win (lie DefiMil Will He Illumed mi (.mi. LONDON. March 27 The Inanimate bird shooting clubs were delighted at the re ception yesterday of a dispatch from the United States uuiiouiieltig that tho Ameri can clubs agree to their challenge to meet the Kngllsh clubs In this country during the coming summer. A meeting will be held In London this (Thursday) evening to discuss tho arrntmemenls. Interest In the contest Is enhanced by the fact that the American team Is con fined to the use of a single-barreled gun, which employs a larger charge, while the Kngllsh team will use the national double barreled gun. The result Is expected to detcrnilti" which la the better weapon and it may lead to n revolution In the r'ngllsh gun trade. ENGLISH OBJECT TO DATES Mi .Inly Air 'n I illicit Slntc 1m- ClipilCllllIC Alllll'tfH fin in liver I lie Wnlcr. LONDON, March 27 -The challenge of Harvard und Vulo universities to Oxford und Cninhrldgu for u regular set of track games suggests the usual Oxford-Cambridge program, Including weight-throwing, with two added events, which the dial ICimers propose shall be selected from the 220-yiud Hprlnt. 22ii-yanl hurdle race, pole Jump mid weight-throwing. In iho opinion of Oxford athletes none of tho four extra events Is desirable, partly because they urn quite unaccus tomed to two of them, while they consider weight-throwing unattractive, and tlto 220 yurd sprint dangerous on u round course with corners. The main diniouliy. however, ueordlng to oftlcliilH of the Oxford Univer sity Athletic club who were seen by u representative of the Annotated Press, aro tho duly date and llnancliil considerations. With regard to the date tlio Oxonluns point out Unit sad experience hua taught Kngllsli meii that, while the Kngllsh duly nlr te freshes American athletes on their urrival. American duly air absolutely Incapacitates Kngllsh athletes. With the meeting llxcil fot tho end of September tho climatic ob jections vatd.ili and tho Oxonians under stand Unit Harvard and Ynlo would bo dis posed to accept nn autumn dalu if July were voted Impossible. "The llunnce dltllculty Is serious." enld an officer of the Oxford University Athletic club, "Our clubs are poor anil tho lingllsh, who are so wusteful of money In many wuys, do not waste much on athletics, and a subscription list, so readily raised for American sports, might well bo a Hat fall urn hero Then, tho Dons, who are tho governing body of our young athletes, have developed tho curlo.ls doctrine Unit all sports ought to bo conducted without any llnancliil support, and they taboo us pro fessional any praiseworthy attempts) to glvo the public tho best show at the best pos sible price, which. In Kngland, is tlio low est price. However, ns Harvard nnd Yale und Oxford und Cambridge appear to fully monn business, wo must all no our uesi to arrange the dlillcultles nnd bring off tho meeting somehow." LEGAL KNOTS IN THE ALLEYS I'nloti I'ncllte nnd t pKuvn Until Vary llio Honors In l'liuiln Tlicni Smooth, ,V team of untowu lawyers und member of the Union Paeltlc legal department met last nlglit ut t'lai'K s iHiwnng aueys, wim tho following result: UPTOWN UWVYKHS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Mnhaney 4.r. r 5.. . winter - Day 2 4 2 s Sheean '. 5 3 S It. Ooss 3 4 1 a'lnieral 3 5 2 1" Totals 2i 22 27 70 UNION PACIKIC 1AW DKPAUTMI2NT. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Hlch 2 2 0 1 Sayre " ' llutteroth o i' i. . Whlttnckiir l - ii Shrader Q Davidson i i - WHEAT CROP' IS THREATENED lira I I" .Northern Ten Itere'il Ity l'l.v Pest. In I". ii till ii- ROUGH SPOTS. (iood I'ood Smooth" 'I'll in liter, "There Is probably nothing in the world that produces as much happi ness ns tlio peculiar feoling that comes over tho mind when well fed with nour ishing food that particularly rebuilds the brain, and makes everything on earth have n rosy tint. Ambition Is renowed, spirits aro of the most sanguine, and conlldenco has restored that feeling within us which carries us over the rough places." So writes a man who wna built up from n wretched Invalid to a lino condition of health by changing his diet und using arupe-Nuts I'ood. "There Is no sense of enjoyment equal to that of being well physically nnd men tally. I cau hurdly renllie that such a transposition has been mnde. From being ill tempered nnd disagreeable I have chang ed to something like enjoyment of the so ciety that I had grown to avoid. Prom feeling that life wan not worm living I now feel that I would liko to live always. I enclOHO a sample of my handwriting showing my nervous cgndltlon before tulng drape-Nuts Kood, nnd you can compuro it with my signature to tins toner. Tho writing done whllo ho wns In n ner vous, HI fed rendition Is shown on un old tlmo cltciK and reports n series of dates when he was absent on account of slckuesi. Ills signature was made In lines that cn.i slst of mmuto waves, or wiggles, showing the desperately weak condition, whllo the signature to tho letter Is remarkable for Its clear penmanship. It Is tho old story over and over ngnln that when a man is broken down becauae ho exhausts tho gray matter In tho nerve cells and brain from over work nnd Im proper food, he can rebuild that gray mat ter by using tJrnpe-Nuts. for this food con tains Phosphate ol Potnsh direct from the nnturnl grains of the field, and this, united with the Albumen of the grains make tho only combination that will rebuild this pe culiar butt, SHO' substniuu, ST. LOUIS, March 27. A special to the Post Dispatch from Austin, Tex., says. Colonel Joseph fiuutcrof Sherman says the entire wheat and oat crop of northern Texas Is threatened with destruction. Ho has had reports from dlflercnt sections throughout tho wheat licit and they aro all to tho effect that the fly pest Is killing the wheat and oats. Tcxus last year produced 20,000,000 bushels of wheat and 30,000 bushels of oats. This year the average ot wheat is slightly less than last year, while tho acreage of oats Is slightly increased. WESTERN ASSOCIATION S DATE Will Open Senium April !. I'lnylnw III) liiinics Two lllvlnlniiH KkIiiIiIIkIiciI. KOUT WAYNi:, Ind.. March 27. The meeting of the Western Association of Huso Hall Ciulis was concluded today. Tho season will open April 23 and 110 guinea will lm nlaverl. The northern division will con sist of tliiunl Itnnids, Unit Wayne, Toledo inwl Hie southern of Louis villi'. Dayton, uouimnus nun iiMiiuiiupuiip. A three-yCur agreement was mane. Mel-leu lo Piny wllli I'lilenmi. iMiicinii March 27. "Sundnw" Merle the outfielder and general utility mini of the C h cuao National league iciu i, umiiy ui..i..i.i niuiit'ni't to n nv secoml huso tin coming honson with the Chicago American I nn I'lln t nil 111 The amount of Mertes salury was not uupotilircil, but as his signing of an American league contract wns the tuns of one of the hottest struggles llmt has yet taken place between magnates of the rivul leagues lor the services of a player, It is belleveil 10 DC large. l.'itMlcrii Auret'N wild I'liiyer. 11UUUALO. N. V.. March 27.-The Knstern league and the players' association have come to terms. Today President Powers ikih il iiipssacp to Harry L. Inylnr. at lornoy for the players' association, nskliiK him to seun a iiruu in un' l ouii.n i up drawn up liy the piayera jmoriiv) . Slcn wild 'w t "Mi.-. (illfAOO. March 27.--Pllchcrs Phyle and Chauncey Pisher have iiinxcn ineir sikiui tnres to contracts to play wllh the Now York tciun. Manager Davis of the (Hants, who hs been here for two days, left fur New York with lh klgnatures of the two twirlers. Siiiii'm foe Hie .Mluiiururk. OtiDKNHHUItli, N. Y., March 27.-The Hpaulillng-rtt. Lawrence- Hunt company of Ogdeiihurg has rocehed a cablegram irnm fleniKK L. Watson ordering a set of hollow spruce Himrs for Sir Thomas Llpton's dial- IcugtiiK yacht HhnmrocK n. KIKk l.iiy Cnriici-Moiie. DUTUUIT. Manii 27 -Under the glare uf l powerful seari blight tonight the Detrnlt lodge of Klks laid the cornerstone of their tlilrti cn-stcry temple, which will he erecfd this summer. The building will be built on Monroo avenue at Us Jinn-lion with Cnmpu- .Martins and will torm n part of the now Wonderland theater. .rclililtluip I oiulllloii Serious, NHW YOItK, March 27 -Tho condition of Most Hoc Trnvers Lewis, lord nrchblshnp of Ontario, who Is ill at the Hotel Um pire did not Improve last night. Ills con dltlon l.s how s'lld to be serious. liold (ioluir lo r.urope. NHW YOItK. March 27. The National City bank arranged to ship LLT-OOKJ frnm-s gold by tomorrows steamer and l.rtnimw marks to llerlln, cither tomorrow or Sat urday. To Prevent i'ihmiiiioiiIii iu.il (irlp Laxative llrouid-Quloiuc removes '.he cause. sons were out. Two first choices, two sec ond picks ntnl two 10 to 1 shots were the winners. J. II Sloan won the handicap at odds or 3 to I, beating Uuy Stralhmore and Tuskanisii. who made the pace. Strath more, the choice, wns raced lo exhaustion In front and could not stall Sloan's timely rush on the end. The four association books handled considerable money nolle of the Olen. who was the medium ot n big roup yesterday, wns withdrawn today on account ot Ineligibility to make lirst race conditions. OLD WINNERS TO BE THERE (irntid American lliuiillenp ,-hool Has lior Unlrlcx, lix-tiiitlim Hie Pre e Iihih 'I'l-opd y-TnUer. NKW YOItK. March 27 -The entiles for Iho llritnd American hnndlcnp. the blue ribbon event mining trap-shooter", widen will bo held at Interstate pork. I. 1 . on Wednesday und Thursday of next we;k, were sent out by Secretary Hanks today. Thoro are fo7 entries, among them II D. Hates, last years winner All previous winners, with the exception of It. A. Welch of New York, who won in iv, and .1 ! Mesmcr of Pittsburg, who was tho win ner In IMf, nn' onto! oil for this yo.ir's event. The handicap committee met tonight at the Astor house for the purpise of award ing handicaps, hut the result of Its labor will not he made known until Sunday. The shooting will begin Monday and last all week, but the Orund American will not be commenced until Wednesday. This ovent Is at twenty-llvo hlnK $25 entrance fee, handicap rise, with $t) to tho winner und n $3oo cup. $300 to the second ntnl Muo to thu third. All money In excess or the $l.rA) Is divided pro rata among the other high guns. Among the other cracks entered arc: ( . W. Iludd. Dcs Molnc, In ; lldwnrd Itanka. Now York; Colonel A. H. U'"-.rtney. Syra cuse, N. Y i W, II. Crosby, O'Killloil. 111., the enick target shot; Phil Daly. Jr. New York: O. It. Dickey, the winner 111 IM'ii: J A. II. Klllott. Kansas Clly; K. D. Uulfonl. rili-n. llio ISM winner: A. II Uox. Haiti- more; lfred llllbert, Spirit Lake, la ; Holla o. Ik-Ikes. Dayton, O.. Dr. J O. Kuowiton. New York: T. A. Marshall, who won the event In 1VW nnd IW; .1 P. Mnlone, N im mure, who finished si-c-ond lust year with nftv-oMit straight. Captain A W Money und Harold Money, the amnteur champion nnd T. W. Morfy, who won In 1VI. RESULT HARD TO FORESEE Hold tin Otforil unit Cnnilirlilm Hun fri'M xliow Almost Hiliial Slreimth. LONDON. March 27.- lloth the Oxford and Cambridge crews did some fust row ing this morning with sernlch crews from the Thames und U-ander clubs, respectively, both easily leaving their pacemakers be hind. Seldom 1ms there been such uncertainty as to tin- result of the university boat nice as pertains to the contest that Is to take place next Saturday. Hvc-n the most con fident river prophets hesitate to definitely forecast the outcome of tho rnce. Kxperts consider the two crews to In- the most evenly matched In years. Oxford Is gen erally admitted to have the best style und finish, but this Is supposed to he minimized bv tho superior strength and staying pow ers of Cambridge. The result or tin; toss for position and the state of water nre likely to settle tho event. The betting has veered frequently. Today It Is C to I on Oxford. NATIONAL BEGINS THE FIGHT Phllnili-lphlii ( lull Knli-rM Soil to Un join Three Anirrleiin l.rngm-llee-rill Is, Philadelphia! Miuch 27.-suits m equity were today entered by the Philadel phia. National lx'ngue ciul) against Na poleon Iijole, William II. Iternard and I'harlcH C l'rascr. The proceeding are to enjoin the defendants from playing with the Philadelphia American league club dur ing the coming pciisim. The hills will bo tiled tomorrow. John I. ltogers. treasurer of tho National league team, as attorney for the organization, recorded tin: suits. He declined to state what allegations are mado In the bills. Totals 19 The four-back game: UNION PACIFIC LAW Hlch Say re llntteriith WhlttHOker i. Shrader Davidson ' Hi iii DKPAHTMHNT. lft. 2d. Total. 32 54 2 ns H 41 . 43 ..33 . 51 . 4! . ftl 77 107 11.1 107 II S BENNINGS RESUMES TODAY Totals UPTOWN Mnhonoy Winter ... Day Shecun . . (Joss Slmcral .. Totuls , 3 1 LAWYHHS. 1st. IW 52 47 53 4S IS 310 21 GU2 Id. Total. II 101 4S 42 ''! inn Ml 124 S3 01 500 0MAHAS TAKE THE FIRST LinrkNoiiN Will Hair Two Jlm-e (iiuuccN lit ThU Howling; Series. WiinIiIiikIoii .Toe-key Cluli OpciiN I'lf-Iccn-Dny To ii run in i-n I for Yuiiiik IliinneiH. AVASI11NOTON. March 27.-Tlie racing season In tho cast will begin tomorrow, when tho Washington Jockey club throws open Its gates at the Heiiulugs track for lliteeii days. The Holds will lie large anil tho racing of a high character. Theio nre to bo six races dally. Tomorrow's card will include the Arlington purse fur 2-year-olds nt half a mile, n maiden steeplechase and tho first half of llio llennlngs spring handicap. I'lnnlx In Indoor Tennis. NHW YOllK. Mnrch 27. Tim llnal match for I he Indoor tennis championship of America was played at the Seventh regi ment armory last night. Knur fnst sets wero required to settle the question of su piomiicy. Calhoun Cragln und Ovledo M. llostwick of tho West Side Tennis club c-aplurcil tlio title and llrst prizes, although Ilulcninho Ward and Ue irgo II. Miles ot tho Orange Lawn Tennis club, their op ponents, wero thought to bo pretty sure of winning before tho match. Final score; 0-1, G-l, Ml, tf-3, Tnnforiin Crowd Object. SAN UHANCISCO. March 27-Holliug Hot-r. the 3 to 5 favorite, was left ut tho nost In the fourth race today at Tiiiifornti and u. number of spectators mude u demon strilthm around tho Judges' stand, asking that It ho called no nice, lienry Hilled to go on with Holllng finer and the Judg'-s lined him $25. Vesuvlun, u i to 10 choice, was bi-nten a short non- In the last race by Star Chamber. O'Connor outriding Thorpe. All tho ravorites went down to iiercnt, Wenther line and track fnst. rim first nf ii scries of three bowing games between the Omiihas und tho Clark- ........ Iai. tir.it ..n l.r.tvlM.1 nl C-lfirW-u tillnv-M last night. Score OMAIIAS. 1st. UO 102 1 pit; 152 l-iauagau Uti ray .... Head , Hmery ... Zari 2d. p;2 2J3 V.i 117 3d. Total 150 211 2IID 102 133 Totnls SS7 CLAHKSONH. 1st 21 &M 2.'!SD Denmnn .. Hriiukc ... Knlls Lancaster Clarkson . Totals ...170 '. '. ! i'w . . .1!H ...137 2d. 157 170 1S2 170 17!" 3d. Total. 213 513 21 l 112 111! 1S5 iVtl 150 5i S Wt 7f3 SOI m 2.513 BIG NINE MEN MAKE PLANS Coiuiiilllei- piulnH-il liy lute I'collc. ulnli- C'lillfcicno- llcclili-N o llulil .11 eel l'.nrl- In .liinc. CHICAOO. March 27 The commlllee up pointed by the Intercollegiate conference to mintage the truck meet of the "lllg Nine'' met here I oil a v and elected II. M. Hates of Michigan president and A. P Hleknell of Indiana secretary and treasurer. No dale wns decided upon for the meet, but after nillcn discussion ll was ciec-iiieu lo seicci il dny between May 3n anil June K The day ami iiliins for tho meet will he del nltelv llxed at a meeting of the committee next week. Those nrescnl nt the inccllntr today were: II. M. Hates nf Michigan. A. P. Itlcknell of Indiana, llutler nf lowu. A. II. Culver of Xurtliwcatcrn. Mayo ot Minnesota, Patter son of Chicago, lleltleld of Purdue and Clark of Wisconsin. ul n in I'oulliiill. NHW IIAVHN. Conn., March 27. Prince, ton won the annual debate with Yale to night. Tin- decision of iho Judges was ren ili-rcd uminlmously. The subject was. "He solved. That a system of subsidies, other than transport mall siihsldh.'S. should tie adopted by tho United States to encourage anipnuiuiing nuu on-nn I'liriyiug iiauc Prlucctnn !md tho negative. lluiio I'rci- nl I, llilc Itucl.. LITTLK HOCK, Ark , March 27 -Thf third day s racing oi ine .m kuiisiis aociiey chili ut Clinton nark was brouuht off on a fast Hack, with fiivorabto weather and a card of six well-tllled races About wiper ii THE DOTS Will Appear March 30th. 99 Spring Opening Next Saturday In Boy's Clothing Boy's two price Suits today and tomorrow at half price to clean up broken lots. Get ting ready tor the biggest opening of Boy's Clothing, Omaha has ever had on Saturday. (9NTINENTAL Clothing if. b. connion mth and ikuiolab. If M iltiif ou toll othiri II ks don't tell ut. Dr. McGREW Office open cuiitluuuiiiil) from H u. iu to II p. ni. iiiiiiilnys from K II. III. lo li p. III. rrr. McOrew t age 82.) na: 3IOV1' Nl CLUSSI LL SPLCSALIST tu the ii4;iii..ki.t k.A i... .utitiM of IJla i- nuil UinuiUcru ol .Men Dill). Uel .'nr' cipe-rleiiee, 1, year lit llimiliii. VAIiiUUotiLc Anu nTutlUuCLc A j.c. HtHi.wi, i wh.. t .i u.u .t .tn iiian 10 dayu.wlinoui cuttlnir, pain or loan ut ttin. OllllwIUIIt Hiliiuul pain liindiuuco .1-1.1 uj , A uortcci. ana pciinuintiu VVPhII nd all Ulood LiU-asca eur--l OlrlllLlw by treatmeiit which Is far it.u.v .aciory ami hucccdsiuI than "Hot bprlngu kicutmunt, una at less than half the cost All breaking out and Hluua ot tu disease disappear ut once. A cuio mat i.i ituaruntced lor life-, fltiUD Ofl nfin cortd of nervoun UVCtl ZUiUUU ileblltt. less of vitality ui.u .UA.MluulJ; hashlulacs., tilcst i-iicl ml unnatural eischarges. cures uiiuranlL-e-tl. C'oi.Kiillittluii Ifrov. CHARGES LOW .Meulclnc-H ten i every whet o free from fan- V U. Jiox 1 00. Olllcu over 215 South ll'n street, butween Farnani au.l Douglas Ueets. OMAHA. NKH BlltlllliTrTT " i.isi.Hllilfi; An Excellent Combination. Tho pleasant method and benulloinl effects of tho well luiown roim-ily, Hynup or Fiob, innnufnctureil by tho Cai.ikohnia Fio Svriup Co., Illustrate tho vnluoof obtnlniiiir the liquid laxa tive principled of plunts lcnown to bo medicinally lnxntivu anil presentiiiff them In tlio form most rcfroshltifr to thu tasto and ncceptnblo to tho system. It is tho ono perfect struufftlienitiif lnxa clcaiiKliiL' tlio Kystoni cftootimlly, dispollint; colds, headaches ami foverc gently yet promptly and e-nnblinn; ono to overcome habitual coiiKtiputlon per manontly. Its perfect freedom from nvt-ry otjectionablo qimllty nnd Hub htimco, mid Its nctlnp on tho kidneys, liver mid bowoln, without weakening1 or irrltatlnff thew, nmko It tho Ideul laxative. In tho process of miinufticturinff flffs aro used, as they nro pleasant to tho taste, but the medicinal quulitlesof tho remedy aro obtained frotn heiiim and otlier 'aromatic- plants, by n method known to tho OAuroitNiA Fi Sviiup Co, only. In order to pet Its benellclal elTecits aud to avoid Imitations, ph-nso rnmember tho full name of tho Company printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, SAN FllANOIBCO, O Ah. x.ouiaviL,t,K. rcv new york. n. t. Itorsalo by all U-uggUt. I'ricoEpOc. par bottlo. WL coitnicis IS".TV 1 -lilt 1 vie A SUBJECT FOR INVEaTIGAT ON- beforo Kaster; is your pltimblnK. To seo that It does not breed disease dur ing Suinmer's sultry lien l. .Sewer uas in your homo will causo duuKcruus diseases, and your plunibltu; aliould bo overhauled to llud leaks or brealis. Wo will InvestlKiito your plumbliiK nnd nut It In order, or put In now open sanitary plumbliiK or steam ur hot T water heatlni;, at u reasonahlo coat. Free 6c Black, ! 1800 Farnuiu. I'liono Kl'ill. LEECHES Krcsh supply of imported Swedish lectins JtiHt received. Wo keep them In stock at all times. Can bo sent by mull. 1'rlco GOe. SYRINGES Sic An extra Rood Hypodermic for $1"0 A belter Hypodermic for M-6C A fine Hypodermic for J2-00 Alan extra needles. THERMOMETERS A fever thermometer Is almost n neecssltj In evory f.imlly nowadayK, Thcfo Is tic reason for helm; without one, for wo cau (ell an extia lino self regltttorliiK niHRnlfy IriK lenso-a thoroughly iikciI thcrmomoter for il-wi Fuller Drug and Paint Co. Open till nlRlH. Illh nnd I)nuilu3 Sts. ami hi:ii:.nt.s. onMIHTN t t Haw . mi OiiiiiIih'h I'mnlly i'hentei- 'I'lioiic Joftl MARY NORMAN Charles Oick son & Co. Provost & I'tovosl, Charles Lconnri! Kleleher. Musical ICiolsts, John Johns, llanlon HIuk't and tho Klnodromn, Prices Never (iianplliK -Hvi-iiIiib, 10c, 23c, Hie Matinees. WcdneHilny nnd (Saturday 10c, 25e. Sunday, lUc, 2.".e;. reserved scats, J'as lllH AiiiuH'iir C.--ri I li I In iii-ni- future 'liio mniuiBcmeht huvo 20 sketches now he-ins' rehearsed for thu nlKlit. Neit Wfi-U-IIATTIJHV (i. Miaco's TrocatleroT 'ro,on MAi'l.Mli : i ODA V lOu, aOi, Kntlro Week. i:.ceptltiB Knturdiiy Kveriliu A.M'I'V I'.MIt in. iiiii:sui i;ns " PresentliiK a btar lluu of vaiiili llrt. and "The Arrival of e'arriu Nation und Her l.lttbi Hatchet." lvculliK irlces: PJc, 20c, soc, Hmoko If you like. Saturday nlnht, Mnrcli z am ri:t it MiiiiT. ' Iicnl acts Kiilore Don't mhs it. Amateurs, cull uu yuur friend Itosentiiul,