Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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low Towns DeoUri in of Nw
Electric Railroad.
1, j in ii n Wiitiriiinn, Crmlilent of the
lriiinnril Coiiiiiiinr, KrtiiriiK to
Oinnlin vtlth IJiitliinlitstlu
Itrjiortii ol 1'riinrr.NS.
Lyman Waterman, president of the New
Fjs'nm Traction company, has returned
from lown, whero ho went In tho Interests
of iho company In the election which was
held Monday In Crouton. Macksburg and
W Internet on tho pioposltlon of grunting n
frnnchlbo to tho company through tho
Htroctn of tho towns and to permit them
to maintain and orerato n lino of electric
cars between tho thico towns. Tho propo
ultlon carrltd In nil of tho towns, and now
that company m preparing to start to work
In earnest on tho construction.
A meeting of tho board of directors was
held liust evening, at which tlm prelimi
nary survey wo considered. Tho olll
cers havo decided to begin the survey
within the next two weeks, and tho meet
ing lnt.t night was to conllrm their action, As
fcoon as tho surveyor Is put Into the field
to moko the first survey the manufacturers
will bo ordeied to supply tho material, so
that by tlm tlmo tho Html survey 1b com
plete tho matcrlnl will bo on, tho ground
to begin work.
Tho construction will b commenced at
Wlnlorsot, nnd according to tho present lino
tho mail will be double-tracked between
AVIntrrsot nnd Middle river. Tho (list lino
built to tho river will be nu overhead sys
tem, as tho material for this system can be
Bfcnred almost Immediately. The llrst
track will bo used to carry material for tho
construction of tho regular line on wlilrli
tho power U to bo conveyed through con
duits. nliln a month tho company expects to
lr In tho Held nnd havo tho work under
way. and tho lino is expected to be In
orerntlon this fall. Tho company un
mmiirrs that It Is In position to keep mat
ters moving front now until tho lino Is com
pleted. Tho plan of tho company contem
plates tho operation of threo trains u day
ut Iho opening of tho line. The llrst train
will convey nothing but passengers. Tho
iteennd will bo devoted to passengers and
express, and the third will bo for freight.
This service will be increased as soon ns
the service pcimlu, and tho company be
lieves thai It will demoustrnto tho feasi
bility of tho construction of electric lines
in tho thickly settled fanning communities
of Iowa and Nebraska.
Jury Deolilt-n tli'it (lllir HctltllliK '
Untitled to I'onessloii
of .Km ell.
Ollvo Heddlng, tho becomingly gowned
plaintiff in tho case against Charles H.
Wilklns, which has been on trial in Judge
Keysor's court for several days, seems to
1-avo tnado the proper Impression on the
Jury. In tho evidence tho Ho direct was
passed between tho plaintiff nnd the de
fendant nnd the Jurors have decided tho
question of veracity In favor of tho woman
by giving her a verdict for nil that she
asked tho return of her diamonds or the
amount of their value.
Mrs. Heddlng testified that Wilklns had
voluntarily taken her Jewels out of pawn
and had n'jrced to deliver them to her
upon payment of the amount ho put up to
redoem them. She said, further, that she
otfored to pay Wilklns tho full amount of
her Indebtedness, but he refused to accept
the money and give tip the diamonds.
Wilklns swore that Mrs. Heddlng never
made n legal tender of any payment, that
she owed him nearly $000 and that she told
him to keep the diamonds In settlement of
tho account.
So thoro was n delicate question of
veracity for tho Jury to pass upon and tho
chivalrous Jurors were not long In deciding
to glvo the woman the full benefit of the
doubt. Thelt verdict says that Wilklns
must cither return tho diamonds to Mrs.
Heddlng or pay her the sum of $1,701.
'Wonderful Bargaini in Up-to-Dats Suits,
Skirts, Gapes, Etc., Todaj.
a v.i,i aiii.i: MiiniLi.Nn
1'iir CiiiiuIim nnil Colli In Children.
"1 havo not Iho slightest hcstltancy In
recommending Chamberlain's Cough Item
ed y to all who are Muttering from coughs
or colds," says Charles AI. Crnmer, esq., a
well known wntchmakcr of Colombo, Cey
lon, 'it has been some two years since tho
city dispensary llrst called my attention to
this vnluablo medicine and I huvo repeat
edly used It and It has ulways been beno-
llclal. 11 has cured mu quickly of all chest
colds. It ltf especially effectlvo for chll
dreu and seldom tukes moro tliau ono
bottle to euro them of hoarseness. 1 havo
persuaded many to try this vnluablo mcdl
lino and they uro nil as well pleased as
myself over tho results." For fealo by nil
druggists. it)i;si)A.
In ."Mu rcti anil April the
will sell tickets at tho following
From Omaha to San Francisco, Log
Angeles and Sun Diego $25.00
Ogden, Halt I.nko. Ilutto, Helena 23.00
Portland, Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle... 25.00
Now city tliket otllco, 1224 Farnam street.
Telephone, 315.
Union station. Tenth nnd Marcy. Tele
phono, 029.
liir .oleil Af (rr-IMiiiirr Sn'iikrr linn
an .Mile Atnlndiu t.
Thcro are, perhnps, but few peoplo In
this country who do not hold the same
opinion of Mr. Dcpow ns one of the best
If not tho most entertaining American
nfler-dlnnor speaker In tho United States.
Ho Is always ready nnd seemingly without
any preparation he can make an nblo ad
dress on Important public questions, or
ho can tell n sidc-spllttlng story. An
Intlmato friend of tho senator attributes
his wonderful versatility In n largo mcas
uro to the uso of reference hooks. No
doubt Senator Dcpew makes excellent use
of his Centtlty Dictionary and Cyclopedia
nnd Atlas, for ho recently wrote: "Tho
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia and
Atlas Is the most complete and satisfac
tory dictionary and cyclopedia I havo ever
used. It has been of great value to mo In
my rapid work as ti handy and accurate
hook of reference."
Tho Ilea recently arranged with tho pub
lishers for a limited edition nnd can save
thoso of Its readers half the cost of tho
work who apply beforo tho edition has
been exhausted. Provision has nluo been
mudo for little monthly payments.
MiiNieiiitm Are CiiiimIiIci-Iiik Their
(ilievillicr- Aunlllxt tin:
Tho Musical union is going to give further
consideration to tho matter of a strlko on
tho industrial exposition and n call Is out
for a special meeting of tho union to
bo held this morning to tnke titial
action on tho question. It is believed
among thoso who nro cognizant of nrfalrs
that tho union will not order tho boycott
under tho circumstances, but that the
auditorium company will bo requested to
keep non-union organizations from partici
pating In tho meetings hereafter.
A .umlier of I'ortuiiiiti' IMirvliimeft
by Our flunk llii'r llurlnu 111 He
rein niiMt-rn Trip Ktuiliie I n to
Oiler iiiexe (irent llnrualni.
This is a sensational bargain and quite
unusual nt tlm beginning of the season, it
was n very fortunate purchase and you get
tho benellt of It. The Butts aro in tho now
Eton eftccts with I'Alglon collar, also
double-breasted, the materials and trim
mings are the kind that you would expect
to sco in nu $S stilt, today, special, $3.50.
Ladles' drtts skirts made of black brll
llantlnes nnd flne-colorcd Sollels, newest
style, well lined, $2.50 values, for OSc.
Ladles' lino tailored dress skirts, made of
line broadcloth, coverts and homespuns,
worth up to $5 and $U, go nt $2.50 each.
Thoso were the surplus stock of a New York
manufacturer. They are all this season's
Mado ot lino coverts, lined throughout,
double-breasted, tvclt tailored, tan and blue,
special $: US
$2.60 SILK CAPES, $1.50.
Ladies' lino silk capes made to retail nt
$2.50 and $3.00, go ou Bale at $1.50. This Is
the mauufneturtr'u loss and your gain.
EASTEH HATS AT $5, $7.50 AND $10.
Como and chooso from tho greatest as
sortment of beautiful trimmed hats ever
shown. Nowhere In tho west are styles
equal to these. They were modeled after
tho latest European fashions, trimmed with
tho best material. Every hat is a decided
niasterpleco and n work of art. All raro
creations, most extraordinary values ever
ottered, at $5, $7.50 nnd $10.
Wo nlso olfer an elegant line ot handsome
trimmed hats at $3.19; these uro In tho main
copies of noted pattern hats.
Satin violets, 12 do-ten In a bunch, nil new
colors, ut 25c bunch.
Ladles' and misses' untrimmcd hats, dress
shapes, latest style, black and colors, $1.25
values, at 75c.
beautiful lino of huts, trimmed with
mallne, ribbon, llowers, ornaments, on sale.
at U8e and $2.49.
Ladles' und misses' untrlmmed hats In all
tho popular shapes, ti'Jc values, at 25e.
Largo American Henuty roses, three In a
bunch, with follngo and two buds, 20c
values, nt 10c bunch.
J. L. Hrandcls & Sons, Proprietors
A puro article of champngno Is a healthy
beverage. Oct Cook's Imperial Extra Dry,
forty years record.
Stonccypher prints nnythtng. Tel. 1310.
I'ELLi: Thoinns (, March 21, nged r.l
years 11 months 27 ilays.
Funeral Thursday nflernoon, .March 2S, nt
2 o'clock, from his late residence, 1112
South Eleventh street, to Prospect 11111
cemetery. Friends Invited.
Seeds that grow como from tho Nebraska
Bccd company. 1513-15 Howard st.
Wanted, three saleswomen nt Hnydcn
Ilros.' cloak department.
f t
Opening of Spring and
Summer Millinery
tl, HO ThursilHy, Frlilny
.llnroh ilS, 1
mill n tiiidny
Grand floral and
Electric Display
tr.'ju nortii.As vr.
YOU A HE INVITED to visit Oma
ha's Finest Shoo Store Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday. Music, bouquets,
1. March Tho Tulo of tho Kim-
Miroo Luders
2. Selections Viceroy... Victor Herbert
3. Gavotte Lovo'h Answer
13. V. O'Hara
4. Overture Sporting Llfc....F. lleyer
5. Song Valso Hleno Hubensteln
IS. March Hnbbtt Foot.. Ida Houghton
7. Selection Tho Serenade. .L. Clurko
8. Overture Enchantress.C. W.Dnlbey
P. Heelctlon Fortune Teller.. ..Herbert
10 Overture A Soldier's Lovo..,.
C. J. Orth
11, AruHo Otto Lnngey
Thursday special wilo Jenncss Miller
misses' nnd children's shoes.
Open evenings during display open
In tf.
Rochester Shoe Co.,
1515 Douglas St.
.SuoccimorK to "The Howe,"
nnd forward to
Tlu Onmlisi Heo for
specimen of sample
pages and maps of THE
ATLAS. There is no charge
for (hose pages, and they will be
accompanied by a full explanation
ofThe Bee's temporary half price and
little payment offer on a limited
edition of The Century.
may bo appropriately painted with
tho Sherwin-Williams Mixed Paints.
or tlii 1IAI1Y CAHItlAtii: Cp S. W
i:.MI3l. I'AI.Vr.
made in 11 delicate shades sold in
20o and 35o cans.
For the I1AH.V I'm- S. W. CHKOSOTI
PAINT mudo lu IS shades sold In 1
gullim cans ut $1.00 and 5-gallon
cans for $l.w.
Wo sell $1.00 Wlno Pardul for..... 57c
Wo fell T.'e (Joke's Dandruff Cure ut... KSo
Wo sell 4711 Soap lit cake 12c
Wo sell Coke's Dandruff Cure, bottle... 5io
Wo sell 5Uc Hay Hum fur .'5c
Sherman &McConnell Drug Co.,
Cor. Kith and Docile
AT 13 M' l,!3ATUI3ll I3A Vl'llll SIIOUS. (
Xvw Siirlnir .S le .Mt'ii'n innl Wonit-n'n J
Patent l.enllier lnu' Arc
Wo nre showing tho very latest styles In
men's and women's flno patent leather '
shoes. You'll want a pair for Easter. And
you will suvo money nt our prices, $1,BS,
$2.50, $3, $3.50 nnd $1 pair.
Wo have them In tho new Cuban, French
opern nnd military heels.
J. L. Hrandels & Sons, Proprietors.
Iho city south of Leavenworth street and
west of Sixteenth street. Fnrnnm, Doug
las, Harney and Howard r.trcets have been
thoroughly canvassed and the collectors
will leave these stieels for new territory.
Stonccypher. printer. 1201 Howard St.
Free lloincK.
For book and man of lauds to be oncned
for settlement In Indian Territory scud
stamp with name nnd address to
Agent C, H. I. & P. Hy Omaha.
City Tr"iinirT Vnn Clnm-ly
lironehex . erictniit .Motion
IJn-ry Hny.
The war on delinquent personnl taxes does
merrily ou and each day City Treasurer
HcnnlnRs' collectors turn Beveral hundred
dollars Into tho clty'a coffers. Tuesday
$450 was collected alotiK Fnrnnm street nnd
tho city vnn Is still pnyltiK visits ulons that
After April 1 the van and a large force
of collectors will round up that portion of
John Utt :
Doesn t like to talk of his i xpi rlcncc is
u beet raiser Heets may make t but
the commisMotier ot the Commcn nil eluli
avers that th Ir snpotmceus qualities uro
still otll of sIKltt All losses lie made
Kood by taking advantage of these prices.
Ci nun i-'n Ivlilnc) Cnro T."o
Kiij'h ItrnoMitor -Ho
Kil)N l.inm lilt I 111 .............. '.Me
DutVj''. Mnlt Wlilnkcy
l.otim (renin Illo
PiiIiic'n ti'lery Cnniioiiinl 7."o
Willi- of ( n ill n I 7."iu
Plerei-S Proncrliilloti .. T."o
!eott' 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 n t 1 1 T.'ie
Ooninlnloii 7."u
('illNlont Uxiipofiiriilit 7."h'
Pnlnio i'nlilelj ."Ho
Willie lUlilnin ItiMiieily
S. H. ?i "Tie
Mu I It'll Mlllc Itlf, 7.10, :i.t.-.
I'lnUliiini't C'oiniioiinit 7.'u
i !. W. Cor. Illtli nnil Clilenno.
f The Chicago Record
Ir' 61 of these Type
...cti In dally use
If you want a typewriter, why not.
come first where you can see
WRITER In its best form?
of all klnda for all machines.
New Century
The finest calalof ue
oer issued Is
yours for the asking.
United Typewriter and Supply Co,,
10,14 1'itrnam St.. Omaha.
Kvor notice our show windows when you
como down town? Olvo us n look next
time. Wo have tv now window on ltith St.,
und It's worth hcIiik. Thcro uro barBalns
In these windows ovory day. Drug sun
dries, Toilet Articles, etc., marked down
for u day only Just for leaders. You can
stivo monuy und pick up n snap seven days
In tho week by Just glancing In us you bo
by. Another tilths nil drug stores look
nllko to some people. They havo an Idea
Unit wo all mako tho same price. Don't
bellovo It. Next tlmo you want drutf sun
dries como In and Ret our price. If you're
from .Missouri we'll show you. Wo uro
selllnft pulnt this sprlUK-wc'ro going to set
tho price, too. Watch our ads.
Myers- Dillon DrmCo;,
Cor. 1 6th and Par nam Sts.
A Pleasure
i To know thnt teeth can be
extracted positively without
I any puln. Our method with
' VITALIZED AIK Is perfect
ly harmless.
Truth Cli'iincil 7Ro
VltnlUi'il Air r.Oo
13xlrni!tliiK -"
I Ar I Odi:ntal parlors
1517 DounliisSt.
Don'l do u thing until
Then you will tee u
Of a 126,000 stock of
That will bo simply Immense.
This sale will bo held at
This sale 'Is tho result of a deal Just consummated In
Chicago, whereby this stock, Invoicing nearly $2fi,
000, consisting of tho swellest nnd most up-to-dato
men's and boys' clothing, was hold to satisfy tho
claims of certain creditors.
This salo will offer such most rcmarkablo oppor
tunities, ;iiuch sensational values, such unheard of
bargains that wo are afraid to say how extraordin
arily gren( theso bargains nro. It Is a caso whore
truth Is stranger than fiction.
Wo nro getting this stock ready, marking It, sort
ing it out ready for tho sale.
Wo urge you for your own sako to lot nothing
keep you from this sale Saturday. Wo pledge you
our word that of all tho clothing sales you ever at
tended, or of all tho sales Miat wcro eer held, uouo
can compare with this one.
Don't forget tho dato, nor Iho place. Tho salo
begins Baturduy, March 30th, at 8 o'clock sharp, anil
Is at at
J. L. Hrandcls & Sons, Proprietors.
Iron Wagons, body
12x24in regular
orice SI. 50. To.
morrow, 75c
Iron wagons, body L'Jxl'U indies, regular price 1.75, tomorrow
flOc. Velocipedes, regular price fti.Hn, tomorrow 1.10.
2-burncr Gasoline Stove, $1.95.
Good Cook Stove, $7.50; worth ?12.G0.
Good Spiders, lic; worth 40c.
Good Tin Cups, 3c; worth tic.
Lanterns, 10c; worth 23c.
Self-adjusting Clothes Wringers, $1.39;
worth S2.50.
No. 8 Graulto Ware Tea Kettle, 59c;
worth 90c
8-quart Granite Wore Dish Pans, 29c;
worth 50c.
Copper Hottom Fancy Metal Spout Tea
Pot. 2Sc; worth $1.00.
Granite Iron Saueo Pan, 10c; worth 25c.
Granite Iron Preserve Kettle, 10c; worth
Granlto Iron Milk Pans, 10c; worth 25c.
Granlto Iron Pio Plates, 5c; worth 15c.
Granlto Iron Dippers, 10c; worth 25c.
If you will examine our Co and 10c bar
gain counter you will find values worth
from 50c to $1.00.
China Dept.
EOc largo size ' decorated Platters, gold
trimmings, 10c.
50c largo slzo decorated Cnko Plates,
gold trimmings, 10c.
Flno firo polished, gold finished glass
ware, consisting of goblets, vases, sugar
nnd creamer, tumblers, shorberts, cups,
wino glasses, roso bowls, spoon trays, fruit
dishes, lco cream dishes, otc, 10c,
In our china department wo havo on ex
hibition ovcry kind of gas mantel made, nil
kinds of burners, chimneys und Bhadcs, etc.
Slnglo A mantle, Cc.
Doublo A mnutel, 7',c.
Single mantle, 10c.
Cosmo mantle, 10c,
Double Woven Queen mantle, 15c.
Wclsbach mantle, 15c.
It has been demonstrated to bo n fact
that Incandcscont gas burners save one-
third the gas. If you will stop In wo will
show you tho difference between using
mnntlo and not.
Genulno Holland Creams, 5c.
Doublo China Egg Cups, Gc.
Pall Jelly, IGc.
3 pound can Applo Uuttor, 10c.
Cream Cheese, per pound, 7',ic.
Good Country Huttcr, lOo pound.
Choico Separator Creamery Huttcr, 17c
3 pound Good Heulth Coffee for 25c.
Special Java und Mocha, 2.'c.
New Crop Tea Sltlngs, EOc.
Good Hasket Fired Japan, 35c.
25 pounds Hyo Graham for 10c.
3 pounds best Snow Whlto Kraut for 10c.
Soda Crackers fresh and crisp, 5c.
Michigan Hntler Crackers, 5c.
Milk IliKcult, 5c.
Pearl Oyster Crackers, 5c.
Graham and Oatmeal Crackers, S'.fcc.
Animal Crackers, SVjC
Grannla, per package, 10c.
Shred Wheat lilscult, lie.
Wo havo received another carload of
crackers and will sell the oysters, soda,
butter nnd milk biscuit for $1.00 per box.
Special Meat Sale
No. I California Hams, 7'sC
Honolcss Cottago Ilnms, 10c.
5 pound palls pure leaf lard, 45c.
Fancy Lean Ilacon, 12'c.
Prices on
3 sacks extra largo peanuts, 5c.
Choico Pasadena Lemons, every ono sound
at 10c.
3 pounds extra Honor nrand Dates for 10c.
Fancy largo Ilananas at 10c.
3 dozen Haldwln Apples for 25c.
There was a time, not long ago. when mosl women ob
jected to wearing ready-made costumes. Today, nothing
is more perfectly stylish and fashionable than the ready-to-wear
garments sold by The Nebraska.
2 Suit Specials
for Thursday
No. I
Women's tailor-made
suits, made of line all
wool homespuns, in
blue, light grav, ox
ford gray and tan, made in iho new
double breasted tight fitting blouse
or eton effects, jacket trimmed with
stitched taffeta or satin bands, taffeta
lined (he new daring or Hoiince.
skirls -these suits are made with as
much care, as perfect in tit and work
manship as any suit in market.
Our price Ui r g?
for Thursday.... O
One lot women's tailor-made sample suits,
in line Venetians, serges, broadcloths and
pebble cheviots, in all the new spring shades
blouse, eton or vest, front elVects. new
L'Aiglon collar, new bishop or bell ilariiig sleeves It will
pay you to look at these suits before purchasing, as we are
positive no such suits are shown in the citv for less than
.?-'5.00. ii Q 7C
Our Thursday price plO. O
Dress Skirts
75 women's dress skirts on sale Thursday, made of fine
all wool Venetians and cheviot serircs. some are tucked all
over, others handsomely trimmed with stitched taffeta
bands, new ilaring and llounce effects, well made, good
lining and perfect in lit, would be considered $J QA
a bargain at 5 our price Thursday O zVj
No, 2
W i are showing tho most complete line of silk
eto s in tho city, at prices 25 per cent lower than
els A'here. Bo sure and see our line before you
make your purchase.
T Women's
hi uens sk
All our silk Karmenls nro mado from
.. m m m
1 Jackets
New Roods In all theso lines arriving by
express every day. Always something new
and up-to-date.
150 new stylo otons by express for
Thursday's Belling. Tho popular garment
of tho day.
Women's now suits nnd skirts In tho ex
treme nnd exclusive styles. As tho seaeon
udvnnces tho Htylrs improve nnd they nro
expressed to us Just us soon ns thoy ar
rive from abroad.
200 sample suits nnd eton Jackets on sale,
Three Hummers in
Women's Suits
Lot One Ladles' Suits, In tho now bolero,
eton nnd blouso styles, with now fluro skirt,
Jacket and skirt trimmed with bands of
stitched taffeta, Jackets silk lined through
outregular J15 for Thursday only $8.00.
Lot Two Women's Suits, silk lined
throughout, In browns, blues and black
made of nil wool serge a suit worth J20
for $12,4.1.
Lot 3 Women'H Suits foreign designs
In tho now styles Venetians, homespuns
and broadcloths lined throughout with tho
famous Wiuslow taffeta u number of these
nro pattern suits und mado to sell for S'iQ
and JIO on sale at J20.00.
Silk Eton Jackets,
Theso are tho new outer garments for
spring wear. Thoy aro all tho rago In tho
eastern cities. Wo nro fortunate lu secur
ing 150 of thein -in all tho newest fashions.
They are mado of tho famous Wlnslnw taf
feta. Tho prices run from $0.08 to $10.60.
Ladies' Skirts
In this department we nro showing the
greatest variety nnd nt tho lowest prices of
any houso In America. Now Silk Skirts
arriving ovory day by express
Ladles' Silk Taffeta Skirts only $3.00.
Women's Taffeta Skirts, mado of Wlnslow
taffetas, with now appliquod flounce, made
to sell for $12.00 on snlo nt $C.!)i.
Women's Taffeta Skirts, mado from tho
famous Wlnslow taffetas, elaborately
trimmed, worth $15 to $IS, for, each $10.00.
Women's Taffeta Skirts, In Imported de
signs, nt $18.00, $22.50, $30.00, $40.00 and
Specials for Thursday
Women's ltolny Day Skirts, In extreinoly
henvy golf cloth, with pleated back, IS
rows of stitching a $0.50 quality for $2,73.
Silk Waists, mado of tho famous WIobIow
Tuffeta and tho guaranteed Sklnnor's satin
regularly sold nt $7.00 Thursday for only
$4. OS.
Women's spring Cloth Jackets, In tho
eton nnd box coats, silk lined throughout,
at $4.!S.
Ualny Day Skirts $1.5S.
Silk Walcts, mado of nlcoly tucked and
corded silks, for $2.00,
25 dozen ladles' Underskirts, In heavy
black mercerized clolh, worth $2.00, for
Children's Wash Urncsc3 at 50c.
Women's Wrappers at 45c.
Gigantic Purchase
1,000 doion Mother's Friend Shirt Waists
closed out to us by tho manufacturers 'at
a ridiculously low price. Thoy aro In flno
madrus nnd very host French percales, all
sizes up to 14 years mado to sell for $1.00
and $1.50 they will go on salo Saturday at
only 29c
Tlm tremendous quuntlty will enable us
to 1111 all mall orders,
Kxriulsltn creations on display and sals
In our handsomo millinery parlors. Select
your Kaster hat now. You aro welcomo to
call nnd Inspect our extensive lines and seo
all that Is fashionable In headwear for
spring, 1901. Tho atylo Is in tho millinery
not In tho prices.
r. K. KICK U. O. CO., MAS U FACT UHU Utt, ST. 1,0 Lib, mu. UiiUfS tuAlH
mm DENT tot lMMtt
an bo marred or beautified by tho loss
or addition of tofth. Good teeth
aro not essential to good looks, hut
arc absolutely necessary for the eu
Joyrnent of good heulth.
Our perfect fitting and splendidly
mado teeth aro not expensive $5 will
pay "for a complete upper or lower
'M set on rubbor $7.50 for tho best.
Tho are only exrelled by absolutely
sound natural teeth and few peoplo
aro fortunato enough to possess these.
BAILEY, the Dentist,
:ili! lnton lllnck,
10th . I urn am Nt. I'lion UlHO,
Lndjr AttcaiUut,