6 THIS OMAHA DAILY UJ2.I5: WEDNESDAY, 31 ARCH 27, 1001. Tun dma 1 1 a Daily Bee. e. noaiswvvTKii. kditoh. PUBLISHED EVEHY MOUNINO. TEUMS OF HCBSCIUPTION. Dull Bee (without Sunday), On Yeiir..SS.ov Jally Uee und Hunduy, One Year 8-w Illustrated Bio, One Year Sunday lie, Ono Year ;'' Saturday Bee. One Year J-W twentieth Century Farmer, Ono iear.. l.w OFFICES; Omaha: Tho lite Building. South Omauii. City Hull Building, Twenty-tilth una At streets. Cuui.ull blurts: lu l't-arl Street. Chicago: iw I'nlty Building. New Vork; Temple Court. Washington; M fourteenth Street. COHRESPONDENCE. Communications rdatlng to news and Odl toiial mutter should liu addressed; Oinnna lice, Ldltdnnl Department. BUSINESS LKTTKB9. Business letters utid remittances shotilu be uddresse.il- Tho Bee Publishing Com pany, omeha HUM ITT A NOUS. Hemlt hy dratt. express or postul order, puyiiblo to 'Ihe Bee BuoilHliing Compnn. unly li-cent stumps accepted ptumuni 01 mall accounts, fersonul ehecKit, except on Ulna ha or Eastern exchanges, not ueeepteu. THi: llhi; 1-UBMmllfrU Ct)Ml'A-- HTATIi.MKNT OFCIBCULATION. State of Nebraska. Douglas County, Ocorgo U Tzschuck. tecietury ut Iho Bee I'tibllHiilriK company. being duly sworn, nays thut the actual number o full unu complete copies of Thu Dnlly, Morning, Evening und nunduy I o printed during tuo inontli ot reuruury, wu, m us iuun 1 2 4 C 6 7 k 0 10 11 12 , 13 II ...M.2 III ... lhl ...IMMI.iO ...mi, inn ...un.Mio ...yu.oto ...iMI.-JTO ...ur.,7.- ...itii.titio ...'Jii.uin ...'J5,IIIO ,,.i:r.,7To ...i:.v7Uo is U5U 16.... i;.... is.... 19.... 20.... 21.... 'M,I'M ItU.StO UA.IITU UA.UIU i!.1,S7U UA.Mitl 1!3,77U 3 sw.nu 24.. 25.. 20.. ..Ull.tMIS !!ll,illW ....UH.IUO ....iill.ilOO Total 7ill,l0 Less unsold nnd returned copies.... Net total sales 71l,tijtl Net dally average 1SA,70 GEO. 11. TZSCHUCK, Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 4th day of March, A. D. 1801. (Seal.) .M. II. HUNGAT1J, Notury l'ubilo. "I mil sou your llnlsli" says .March to tlio legislature. For wliut purpose wore (ill those trips made to Lincoln If the bills nro to (lie of legislative InanltlonV The tornado Is starting In early to make a record. Nebraska will not feel hurt If Its share Is left.oiit. Very noon Omaha people can use homemade' matches for all purposes. .lust hear this In mind when you want to strike a lljrlit. Another factory has located here, but there Is still plenty of room for others, Factories make pay rolls, and pay rolls build tip communities. Milwaukee wasn't the only Wisconsin town that had to take water. The sprltiK freshet and the Ice gorge are playing no favorites up there this season. Nebraska Jobbers are bent on renpjnsj the advantage of having an Indian sup ply depot located In Omaha. They see n hitherto closed avenue of trade opened to them. It Is too bad that the reapportionment bills should be put In Jeopardy by the wild desire to adjourn early. Douglas county would have secured Its Just rep resentatlou In the legislature under the proposed law. The clerk ot the supremo court has no complaint to make on account of the adjournment of the legislature. lit can afford to smile as he thinks of the Snt fees which will roll Into his lap In tho next two years. The ministers of the powers have Ug tired out that China can settle the In deiuulty claim In twenty years. At that rate the present generation will spend the remainder of Its life paying for tho fun it has had in the last year A Virginia man who has Just tiled left $1,00) to a sleeping car porter who once ministered to Ids comfort while traveling. The trip was taken several years ago ami the amount Is no mort than reasonable Interest on a deferred tip. There Is scarcely any limit to the pleasures of being the czar of Russia A mine has been discovered tinder the palace of the present ruler, which Its projectors Intended should send him higher up Into the air than auy of his predecessors. Two big checks have lately been bunded the auditorium committee, but some good names are still missing from tho list of contributors. Po not be afraid to get In on this. Omaha needs the building ami all the people will share In the benellts. Iowa tax dodgers are now proposing to combat In court tho result of tho "tnx ferret's" researches. The chances aro that the tax dodger will have to pay both court costs and taxes. In the loug run It pays to bo honest, even In tho matter of taxes. Republican editors throughout Ne braska will feel greatly encouraged to enter vigorously Into the campaign next fnll on contemplating the action of Iho house, which has refused to pay bills contracted four years ago under the order of tho legislature. Nothing Is more natural than that the Fake-Factory should do all lu Its power to make thu solution of the senatorial question dlllicult for tho republicans. Tho only wonder Is that there are re publicans who will listen to the siren soug of so malignant an enemy of tho party and all that It stands for. Governor Dietrich has done all ho could to cut off the graft of tho fusion clerk of tho supremo court and turn tho golden stream of fees Into tho public coffers whero It belongs. That Hcrdinan will get rich out of public otllco is duo to legislative stupidity and not to nuy question of right or lack of lufoi'iuutlou ou the tvplc. THE IMt'ENDINO EASTEIIN CIVtlfi. There appears to be no doubt that Japan will make armed 'resistance to Knsslnn occupation of Manchuria under the terms of the secret treaties neiro tlated with China it eeeiits to be equally certain that lttisln Is de termined to obtain jiossosslon of that territory at whatever risk. Thus a rlsls of the gravel nature Is Impend ing, with every promise of war between lapan and Russia unless other powers Intervene to avert hostilltle. which at present seems Improbable, though It l IKtsxIhle that soiiiu of them will unite In a protest to Russia. The sentiment of .lapnn is undoubt edly accurately expressed In the state ment made by the llrst secretary of the lapanexe legation ill London, lie said: The (iiiestlon Is whether we are to light Russia now or to light her later. She has no right to Manchuria and if shu secures Manchuria she will be on the way to securing Coreii:" Japan cannot, permit auy encroachment by Russia oil Corea. Should Russia ac Hire a political predominance In Corea which would virtually convert the peninsula Into a Russian dependency It would be a deadly menace to the safety of Japan. A writer on this subject says there can ha no disguising the fact that to make Manchuria a part of the Rilssslan empire would be to drive a wedge Into the heart of ('hum and ultimately to reduce Japan to the1 con dition of a vassal state of the czar. The lower Unit holds Manchuria has Corea at Its mercy and with Corea In Russian hands the Independence of Japan would be merely a name. Against such a possibility Japan will light with all the energy and vigor she possesses. A writer of that country says: "The Japanese are a contented, asy-golng people so long as they feel secure in their own neiovcu iiinii, which they believe to be the llnest In the whole world, and which they love with passionate devotion. Rut, once let them feel Insecure In their own adored ountry, nnd this easy-going nation be onies even as a lion attacked In his lair. Then they would light to the death. The historical tradition exer cises a potent Intlucnce upon the spirit of our people. These Islands, In their long history of two millenniums and a half, have never submitted to a foreign yo!;o for even a single day." Japan does not desire war, but ns was said by the llrst secretary of her legation In London she has no reason to bo afraid as to the result. Japan is quite able to cope with Russia on the sea and she would have some advantage on the laud should war break out between them at once. All the powers have a more or less vital Interest In this issue. The Man-4 chuilan program of Russia threatens the Integrity of the Chinesu empire nnd is therefore n menace to the trade of all other countries with China, for there Is no assurance that the opeu door pol icy will prevail where Russia obtains a linn foothold. Hence the sympathy ot all the comnuM-chil nations should lie with Japan in this crisis, but it is as yet doubtful If any of them will do more than give her moral support. She will require no other aid, however, In a contllct with Russia nlone. THE milTISll ItEASUXS. The publication of the reasons of the Rrltlsh government for declining to ac cept the amendments to tho Hay I'auncefote treaty sheds no new light of Importance oa the matter. Those who take the trouble to read the ar guments of Lord Lanstlowne will ad mlt, we think, that they are not with out force and that their spirit Is nl together friendly and unobjectionable Perhaps the strongest point made by the Rrltlsh minister of foreign affairs Is that In which he urges that the third amendment, striking out the pro vision Inviting the adherence of other powers, placed Great Urltaln in a po sltlon of marked disadvantage, in view of her possessions on the American continent as well as her Interests else where. The Rrltlsh government regards the Clayton-Rulwor treaty ns a contract of unquestionable validity, which ought not to be abrogated or modified save with the consent of both the parties to the contract, but while It Is stated that the government prefers, as mutters stand at present, to retain uumodllled tho provisions of the Clayton-Uulwer treaty, there Is no Intimation bf an unwillingness for further negotiations. Indeed, the declaration that his majes ty's government would sincerely regret a failure to come to an amicable un derstanding in regard to this important subject clearly Implies an expectation of further negotiations. Fllll'MMi CHINA'S liESOUllCES. The special committee' of the foreign ministers to consider the resources of China to meet Indemnity claims have already llgurcd that they can bo matlo to yield nearly twice and a half tho amount of revenue the government now gets, which Is Mated to be ifil.-.OOO.OOO annually. It Is suggested that addi tional revenue can be derived chletly from heavily Increasing Internal taxa tion, although this Is already burden some and to add to It would simply mean the greater Impoverishment of tho people. To double or treble cer tain taxes would unquestionably work a great hardship to a very large ma jority of the people of China, while It would certainly retard the development of the country, which It should be the aim of the powers to promote. It will surely not be good policy, from the commercial point of view, to so oppress China with taxation for tho payment of Indemnities that she cannot make material progress and therefore enuuot develop tho trade with tho outside world which under favorable conditions would bo duvelopod, Rtil the representatives of the pow ers, or bomo of them, have set their Indemnity tlgures at a high point and it is purely a question with them of securing their claims, so that consltlera tlott ai( to the future of China does not eutl'r Into their calculations. Their view l narrowed to the simple prop osition, of bqueezlug Mil they cuu out of Chltif., wgurdle- of the effect of such a policy tipoii the future of that empire. Tim ptirisise of most of them Is spollnt'xia. Were the suggestion that hint jSrcn made by the t'nlted States government to bo accepted there Is no doubt that China could pay the amount In say twenty years without very greatly adding to the burden of taxation, but some of the powers want an Indemnity nearly as large a the amount our government has suggested as the maximum for all their claims. Anil It Is highly probable that they will Insist tdi demanding all they think China can be lleeccd for. .IS TO SEXATUltS. Many people have been misled through a faked Washington telegram published In the local popocratle organ Into a belief that In case the Nebraska legislature adjourus without electing two senators that Governor Dietrich will have the right to till the vacancies by appointment. This Is Incorrect. Only one senatorial vacancy exist, that left Ijy the expiration of the term of Senator Thurston on the llh of March. William V. Allen is tilling the vacancy caused by the death of Sena tor llayward, and will hold until his successor Is elected. The senate has decided on more than one occasion that when a legislature adjourns without electing a senator, the action Is to be taken as Indicating a desire on the part of the people of that state to allow the vacancy to stand, and the senate will not Interfere with the desire so expressed. Should the present legislature fall to choose two senators, the state of Ne braska will be represented In tho sen ate during the next two years at least only by Senator Allen. hunEs run rouxuuNU cuiwuitA Ttobs My adopting laws which are called "liberal" toward corporations, New Jer sey has managed to collect enough money from fees to practically pay the expenses of the state government These laws aro liberal In the wrong di rection. They place taxes upon the cor porations which fatten the treasury of the state, but absolve the creature from all control which would be a protection to the public. Tho result Is that pro motor of corporate enterprises all over the country have been willing to pay this Initial fee for the sake of freedom lu operation. It Is only natural that other states, seeing the llnnneial results, should offer a similar bid. West Vir ginia was the llrst to make it. A law recently going into effect in that state Is broader and more "liberal" than the New Jersey statute. It Imposes ubso lutely no restraint upon the corporations which It charters and gives them tho right to prey upon the rest of tho world without let or hindrance, upon the solo condition that the state treasury shall be fattened upon the tiling fee nnd the annual tax. The pernicious effect of such a policy Is so appareut that It has no defense to (iffer, but exists upon tho poor excuse of local revenue. With no restrictions us to tho amount of water that may be Injected Into the stock, with no cxaml nations Into the business methods of the corporations to safeguard tho interests of tlie public aud the Investors, these creatures of West Virginia law aro In a position to prey upon the public and In a measure defy the law and sentiment In states where they actually transact business. There Is no necessity to offer such terms to corporations whose busl ness Is within the state. They are matlo to Induce outsiders to como In and pay the fee Into West Virginia's treasury and in return aro licensed to prey upon the world. There Is not a state In tho union whoso laws aro not liberal enough for tho purposes of a corporation which proposes to transact an honest busl ness aud be fair with tho public with which it deals nnd true to tho Investors who put their money Into It. To a corporation which proposes to transact business upon these lines It Is more convenient to Incorporate In the sfate whero Its principal place of busluess Is located, aud the fact that It Is willing to subject Itself to laws which provide for honest regulation anil honest ex amlnatlons of its methods of doln business should recommend It to lu vestors and to the public. The lu vestor who puts Ills money Into a cor poration which runs away from home to tile Its articles lu a corporatloi: foundling asylum Is not wise. Tho fact that It seeks privileges and lin niunltles which honest business moth oils tlo not demand or require, stamps It as being of a class which Is Intended to skin tho public through extortionate methods of doing business or tlccclng the unsuspecting Investor for the bono lit of the consclousless promoter and stock manipulator. Tho moral turpitude of states which will bid for this class of revenue to en able its citizens to escape from payln for the expenses of their own govern meiit Is as great as that of the stocl Jobber anil schemer who Intends to skin tho public. While honest legls lators aro struggling to maintain the good that Inures to the public and in vestors from reasonable grants of cor porn to rights, those of these states are throwing down the bars and leaving i clear Held for tho dishonest schemer and forms of corporate existence which have no equitable or moral right to exist. Prospective congressional candidate lu Nebraska can now resume the worl of ilgurltig on their probable chances The bill which was luteniled to retlls met the state has failed of passage and all calculations must bo based on tho old arrangement. The fusloiilst certainly have no complaint to make of the present arrangement of the districts which gives them four out of tho six congressmen when tin.' state goes re pulrllcan. Secretary Root has Issued an order that in mustering out the volunteer the examining surgeon shall maku par titular note and a record of the phys leal condition of each soldier. Till will serve a double purmse, both of which arc to bo couuuuuu'cd. it will defeat fraudulent immiIoii claims In the future nnd make a record back of which the irovcrnnieiit can mi in the ease of those whose physical condition entitles them to a pension. With such a record It will not be dlllicult for those who deiervc It to make good their claim for pension, but the ehilms manu factured bv iieiilon clerks will run against a stumbling block at their In ception. There l scarcely a town In Nebraska which does not report unusual activity In the building line. The complaint Is almost universal that dwelling houses are Insulllcleiit In number to accommo date the people and school facilities are also taxed. No better evidence than this could be offered that Nebraska Is growing. Word havlni' been sent out that the sultan of Turkey was hard up, one of the principal chiefs In Arabia has re volted. When the trouble Is all over the leaders of the rebels will probably realize that the sultan Is never too busy or too hard up to Indulge In the pastime of cutting off a few heads. The huve number of feeder cattle which are going to the country from the stock yards Indicates thaj. the rail roads are not to haul the remainder of Nebraska's surplus corn to market. In spite of the high price of com farmers liud It more prolltablo to ship It In the form of meat. Rryan's offer of -fit to ex-Presldcnt Cleveland for a definition of democracy Is not likely to be accepted. At space rates It would come to more than that. The ex-president has not attempted to conceal the opinion that he does not consider that Rryan lllls the bill. 'I' In- r-i-rl- Dlt'laliii'. Chicago Chronicle. Mr. Bryan, who has Just been denouncing Mr. Cleveland as a dictator, Is now doing a little dictating himself to tho fualonlsto lu tho Nebraska legislature. Ilitrren ItcKret. Louisville Courler-Jo'.irnnl. Tuero aro probubly two nations which aro sorry that tho Tln Tain Incident did not result In war between KiiKland and Itussla France, who would like to see somebody whip IOngland; and Japan, who would like to see somebody whip Russia, aud help somebody do It. WuIich at thr lllue Tub. New York Tribune. Bomo ot tho nations demanding Indemnity ot China dlBplay the greed of hungry Si berian wolves, their monstrous rapacity threatening tho falluro of pending negotia tions. The Influence of tho United States, nnd probably of Kngland, may bo counted on In favor of moderation and equity. For tho rest it seems unsafe to offer any pre dictions till "nil tho returns aro in" and tho extent of their demands is made known. ItAKtirn flellrclnl on the .Singe. Uostoti Transcript. It is queer that so many persons nro swindled by bunko-stecrcrs and confidence men. Kverybody knows who ever goes to tho theater that the bunko-steercr in variably slinks around with his elbows thrust out, his shoulders elevated and his chin aspiring, w'hilo tho conflilenco man Is distinguishable by his predilection for cigarettes and plug hatH, and his penchant for evening dress In the early forenoon. Ilnrrlnon'n Tiv Fortniie. Chicago News. It is not generally known that on ac count of tho opposition of his children to his second marriage an opposition he ac knowledged to havo some justice In It ex-I'rosident Harrison distributed all li a fortune among his children, retaining only his houso nnd lot in Indianapolis. Ho then started out to make n second fortuno and made ono larger than his first, which ho has now left solely to bis second wifa nnd child. The action was characteristic ot tho man nnd Illustrates the stern stuff of which ho was made. Flt-Ht Ciilch Your 1 1 arc. Philadelphia Record. First catch your hare Is an injunction that should he "remembered by tho Drltlsh cooks, who aro discussing among thorn selves tho kind ot sauce in which the fleet Dewet is to bo served. It has been kindly suggested that (ho mako his escape from Africa to savo his eventual British captors from tho depressing necessity of shooting him for murder. The Hoer chieftain is much kinder to tho Drltish than they nrc to him, for, If It'ho true thut "there is moro pleasure-In pursuit than In possession," Dc wet is giving his enemies heaps of fun. SliOt'iiiidi of I'otlllrnl Xerto, St. Paul Pioneer-Press. The astuteness of the Quay machine Is again Illustrated In the judicial proceedings commenced to "test" tho validity of tho law Just passed hy tho Pennsylvania legls latum repealing tho charters of tho cities of Pittsburg, Allegheny and Scranton and placing them under tho government of "recorders" appointed by the governoh Tho Quay men, anticipating opposition to the measure In tho courts, themselves be gan tho proceedings before a Judge of their own selection, one Archibald, and mean while, with an angelic Indifference (!) to Its effect upon his decision, Senators Quay and Penroso formally prcsonted Archibald's name to President McKlnlcy for appoint mcnt to the Judgeship In a newly created United States district court! "WnlUinir lllntiiiiec" llumr. Chicago Tribune. Tho English woman sometimes "ad mires" American boots, but professes lu convenience In wearing them. Her own footgear, however, is qi'lto apt to Justify Itself In tho color of her cheeks. In our cities women, nnd men. too. would walk more and to their advantage If their ills tar.ces from downtown were less. In goln. io and fro, however, they must "lake a cur." nnd so It Is all up with walking. Thousands of people who spend from a hall' hour to an hour and a half each day In crowded, sniffy cars, nnd reach cm ployment In tho morning or homo at nlghl not exhilarated, but depressed, Irritated or exhausted by this thoroughly unpleasant experience, must often long for an nbode within walking distance of their dally en gagements. I! I men In uf .Vii (IihimI StrriiKth. I.oulsvlllu Courlpr-Journal. If Spain shall succeed In cultivating coffee In the mother country. It will not bo tho first Illustration of the fact that tho loss of colonies or superfluous territory Is not an unmixed evil. France found her Ameri can colonies a draft upon her exchequer Instead of a sourco of strength, anil the same may bo said of tho other colonies which passed from her control by the treaty ot 1703. It enabled her to glvo her attention to the development of tho mother country until, desplto tho ravages of tho French revolution, she Is moro powerful In oil the real elements of wealth than under Louis XV, when her territorial area was greatest. The same In truo of Mexico which, slnco tho curtailment of her boun darlcs hy the Mexican war, has rlt.cn from n country of periodical revolutions to a republic of wealth anil progress, Nations as well an men may become Und-poor. imh MTiiiAi, rn.vTi m:. SlKtiltleniit Mmn uf the Thiti- l'ure ftlitidoM Inu li SetliiieU. United States Investor. How much longer are the good limes through which the country has been paslng during tho last few years going to last? This perhaps Is n question which no otic can nnswer with satisfaction to himclt or to others, but It If! n question, neverthelr, which certain events now occurring are doubtlens raining In a great many minds. Take, for instance, tho cotton situation. It uas not long ago that tho rotten mills of the t'nlted States appeared to be In r bet ter condition than over before, ami It was only ery recently Indeed that the raw ma terial was booming at n great rate. To day, however, tho cotton market Is charac terized by great weakness. In January spot cotton was quoted nt 12?i cents on the 'squeeze," and the ordinary quotation during that month was perhaps 10 cents; since then the prlco has declined to Si cents, tho present figure. Tho drop Is In sympathy with tho futures market, which Is based very largely on the probable tak ings by the mills. The situation In domi nated by conditions In the Liverpool market and tho only conclusion which seems Insti lled hy the facts now In sight Is ' mt tho demand for manufacturing purposes, both nt homo nnd abroad, Is going to bu light for somo time to come. Turning now specifically to the cotton manufacturing situation we Und, on tho whole, n rather discouraging Btato of affairs. Print rloths have dropped below 3 cents and the rolling committee of tho all Itlver manufacturers hay voted to a file the mills to muko a lengthy curtailment lu their production. Tho necessity of such action will per hups be apparent when it Is stated that tho weekly production of tho mills Is 250,000 pieces and that last week the salca amounted to only CO.000 pieces. Tho long nnd short of tho matter appears to bo that tho prosperity which overlook the cotton mills In 1893 has resulted In the usual way, viz., in overproduction, the economic consequences of which arc, of course, curtailment and reduction ot wages. Wool Is another Industry that has suf fered a reaction. The market for this com modity is lu a depressed condition, and thcro Is no conclusive rfason to believe that nny material advanco In prices Is to bo looked for lu the immediate future. Tho stock of wool In this country nnd In the markets of the world Is Inrge, and tho de mand for manufacturing purposes Is, on the whole, very much reduced. Tho stock In tho United States will soon be greatly aug mented by n new domestic clip, but, while tho demand for the manufactured product may linprovo as time goes on quite a little over tho very slow opening of tho present goods season, It may be questioned if therfl will ho an Increaso sutllclcntly largo to admit of tho expectation thut quotations on tho raw material will bo favorably affected In tho near future. In short, tho entire wool Industry, from tho grower to the manufacturer, is in a condition which com pares very unfavorably with that witnessed in recent years, A glanco nt tho steel aud Iron Industry Is not without its Instruction. Tho in jection of an appalling amount ot water Into the capitalization of tho new steel combine would, on Its face, raise tho pre sumption mat very largo profits nro looked for in this Industry in tho next few years, Hut of far greater significance than this fact, It seems to us, is tho fact that tho new steel combine was considered an Im perative necessity. A few weeks ago It appeared quite, obvious that the big steel companies had begun to reallzo that they had nt last entered a period of declining profits, and on top of this came the threat ot new competition on a gigantic scale. Artificial measures havo been taken to ward off disaster, and It remains to be seen how cffectlvo these measures arc going to be. Perhaps for a time they will succeed In making tho steel and iron industry wear tho appearance of great prosperity, but ad mitting tho likelihood of this, It Is never theless Important to bear In mlud this fnct, viz., that on searching analysis tho steel and Iron sltuattuu gives evidence of far less inherent strength than formerly. Having touched on threo of the greatest Industries of this country, and shown what we believe to bo their true condition, wo may leavo It to tho reader to frame his own view regarding tho general situation. Every period of activity and rising prices must come to nn end somo time. According to tho Inw of averages wo should consider the present rnthor early to look for' n set back to general business of any great mag nitude. Hut theso nre highly exceptional times, governed as they nre by bo many factors of which tho past knew practically nothing, consequently the law of averages may Just nt this particular Juncture not bo so safe n guide ns formerly. I'KHSONAI, .MtTKH. Governor HIM of Maine has appointed Thursday, April 25, ns tho annual fast day In his state. Governor Jordan of New Hampshire has named Thursday, April 18. A combination of sixty members of the Tennesseo house of both parties has gono earnestly to work to cut off all sinecures and to pruno unnecessarily large salaries. E. H. Conger, tho American minister to China, has been Invited to ho tho guest of tho Hamilton club of Chicago, on April 0, which Is celebrated by that club ns Ap pomattox day. Boston Intends to spend $0,000,000 tills year In streot building and repairing, but It Is not likely to attempt to msko its crooked paths straight. That were n hope less undertaking. Canadians aro discussing tho advisability of Increasing tho salary of the premier of tho Dominion. Sir Wilfrid Laurler now re ceives $8,000 nnnunlly. Many people think that he should havo two or three times that sum. Frank P. Hill, who has been chosen librar ian of the Brooklyn public library, won at tention by his successful organization of library systems In Newark and Putcrson, N. J. There were forty other candidates for tho Brooklyn plnco. Sir William Van Home, thn head of tho Canadian Pacific rallwuy system, Is n notlve of Illinois, where ho was born fifty-eight years ago, nnd In which state ho began life as ti telegraph operator in the service of tho Illinois Central railroad. Ten years ago Senator Thomas C. Piatt of New York was qulto a robust mull nnd seldom experienced a day's illness. Ho has aged wonderfully In the pat few years and espetinlly kIiico tho recent death of Mrs. Piatt. Ills term as senator will expire In 10'3, nt which time ho will bo "0 year3 old. Slnco the election of Thomas Kenrns nn United States senator Thomas Fitch, the popular orator, whom the Salt Lake Herald now styles "the great silver-tongued ud vmato of tho gold standard," has udver- tlfctl his house lu Salt Lako City for sale and has gone to California. The Herald believes his departure from Utah Is for good. Ho bus property Interests, It Is said, la California, Nevada nnd ArUona. Whllo tho federal supreme court has taken threo months to consider the letter nnd spirit of the national constitution, n Pennsylvania Judge Interpreted the consti tution of that state utter twenty-four houru deliberation. The cHsq Involved tho right of cities to elect their own officers. It was argued and submitted on Thursday, and on Saturday tho Judgo delivered an opinion of 6,000 words, adverse to the homo rule principle. This Is considered the swiftest constitutional pare on record. Somo cap tlous critics assert the court's gait was acreleratd by reason of tho fact that the political porters of the statu tlated the presiding Judge for promotion But politics toiild not base a Pennuylvanlu Ji'hq-not cn ;our life. n.osnn aioiy vrm:. An A rm llllleer I'll Ml lli"ieot In Iho W. C. '1'. I . In n letter to (he New York Sun nn army olllcer pays his respects to the Women's Christian Temperance union as follows: "By the efforts of your organization, ns slstetl by many well meaning persons nnd by saloon keepers, post exchanges nre now forbidden to sell beer lo the enlisted men of tho army. This was ordered by congress In spite of the practically unanimous pro test of the offlecr.1 of the army who, In response to directions from tho War depart ment, wroto from stations In the tropics and Alaska, as welt as those In tho United States, giving their opinions In favor of the canteen as promoting temperance, ills clpllne and efilclency. Tho surgeon general of the army so testified, notwithstanding his earlier prejudice against the Institution, us did General Otis and many others, nbstemlous men themselves. Theso men were actuated by no personal feeling, but only by a desire to promote tho mllltnry efficiency of their commands, tor which they arc held responsible by higher au thority. "Tho flat has gone forth, however, nnd your organization may rest assured It will be faithfully carried out. "Tho effect of the order has so far been as predicted hy those opposed to It. Tho enlisted man, llko his civilian brother, will drink If he wants to, and, lacking a glass of beer at Ills post, will and does go elsewhere for It, nnd, onco there, under no 'restraint, docs not limit himself to beer. Every in fluence In thu Mtloon Is to Increase the amount ho drinks; In tho canteen every ln- fluenco was to limit It. As a direct nnd un nilstokablo instance of this my best cor poral, a man whose conduct has hitherto been most exemplary, has Just returned from a prolonged debauch, absent without leave, an offense ho hns nuvcr before com mitted, nnd other good men In the command aro doing the same. 'What docs tho Women's Christian Tem perance union propose doing to help us? You have, In your agitation, proceeded on the assumption that tho soldier does not know what ho wants or what 1b good for him, and, having succeeded, you now sit by nud let him tlo ns ho pleases. Has he sud denly so matured that ho can bo left to his own desires? Do you caro to have a tem perate ormy, or Is it that having stopped tho canteen, with Its profits giving the sol dier his Improved food nnd his pleasant and attractive club for his leisure hours, you aro now Indifferent to what becomes of him or thu servico to which ho belongs. For somo twelve years desertion and drunk enness havo steadily decreased lu the army and wo who know attribute It to tho can teen. You have killed that and you should glvo us ns strong a factor for temperance in its place. 'The exchange Is still here with Its rend ing room, billiards, lunch room, etc., and somo of tho good men frequent It, but tho other men, tho men we were reclaiming from evil resorts, go elsewhere where they find the Barac attractions nnd with them beer, aud worse. 'Wo nro reaping the crop you sowed and then deserted." Tim WIIISTI.Ell MUST iO. Auodier Mint: fur Iho Belief if the Oppri-Bfieil Km Drum. Baltimore American. The man who whistles In public should havo us n proper Held for the display of his accomplishments a hundred-acre lot. It possible, remote from habitation, nnd ho should stand In tho middle of It. A crowded car Is not the placo for that kind of ar tist. There have been people possibly there nre today whistlers who have given pleasure to the public nnd put money lu their purses by their skillful use of the muscles of their mouths In emitting nlr. Miss Shaw was one of these. It was n delight to hear her. Sho had an ear as well aB n mouth for music, and when she puckered her lips melody waa bound to flow. Unfortunately, the good whistlers do not travel on tho city street cars, or, If they do, they reserve their music for their friends or the open r . The man who whistles has about as mu''? Idea of musl-j as a barn door whose hinges have not been greased slnco It was hung. Sometimes he reaches for a tuno as though at somo timo In the remote past ho had really had It. but it had gotten away from him, nbver to return. His efforts nro con fined principally to tho ponular airs, whlrh havo already been worn threndbare by the barrel organ or tho street piano, and what the latter may havo dono Indifferently well when they wero in tune ho does wretchedly nnd by snatches. Not the least remarkable featuro of tho man who whistles Is his total Indlffcrenco to the rest of tho passengers. Ho does not appear to whistle for their pleasure, and seems to bo oblivious of their presence. When their Indignant faces are turned In hli direction ho casts his eyes to the colling of tbo car or tho top row of advertisements nnd continues his exer tions ns though ho was In n wilderness communing with nature It nature could tolerate such n nuisance. Ths man who whistles evidently has no shame nnd no remorse. Tho agonized ex pressions of the passengers would squeeze sympathy from a stone. Youth and ago are alike his victims. The tenderest buds have been observed to wilt under the gim-let-borlug Influence of his shrill whistle. Ho appears to think that ho Is In some mysterious way contributing , his Bharc to tho science of music, but tho bray of nn Arizona mocking bird, the howl of the coyote or tho combined vocallsm of a dozen cats on a back shed Is nn angelic strain In comparison with his gratuitous solos. Not tho leust exasperating featuro of tho situa tion Is the Inability to check the man who wiilBtles. If a man smokes or swears or ex pectorates ho can bo arrested and fined, but tho man who whistles provokes dozen of men every day to swear and yet nothing can bo dono to abate the nuisance. si:i,i,im; .uniti: tii.w m v. llotv (lie Triule llnliiiieo In I'nvor ot tho United Stiilen Ik I'lllim I n, Minneapolis Tribune. From tlmo to time during tho Inst few- years wo havo noted tho steady Increaso In the export trade of the United Stntis ond a corresponding diminution In our Im ports n movement which has Increased tho favorable trado hnlnnrn of the United States to large froportlono nnd converted this from a debtor Into a creditor nutlon. It seeinB that this movement 1b by no means ended. In fnct, our exports show n con tinuing increase and the outlook Is that the present year of l!i01 will break nil records In building up a favorable trade balance. Tho following table, compiled from offi cial figures, showing the Imports nnd ex ports for February of each year from 18f6 to 1901, and for the eight months of each jear ending February, reveals tho situa tion nt a glanco. Years. Imports. Exports tSM 'K.47S,ltr, J77.70l,:"ll IK'JT 69,237.377 9.S21,n8C WjH Kl.07l.iiin II.9I7.4M ISM M,2M.4S2 9.U.17.151 1!M0 fiS.S33.0tt ll,42ti,'.iS5 1901 Kl,927,2fi5 112.9I7.SC1 Eight months ending February ISM M1.lfll.fcX! M2.li,S'3 Ml , l22.ti1.VWI 731,f!iS,'.T3 IfcHS 393.e91.l79 M3.2M.Mu WJ9 427.201.S33 KI3.433.ifi 1! r,5W53.r.74 919,173,471 1901 J2,CH,:ni 1.0ir.,lS3,374 AVhllo tho exportH for the last February are slightly under those for tho preceding February, the exports for tho eight months ending la February of this year nro con siderably larger than those for the pre ceding eight months, ami In fnct, largi'r than tho total for any other eight monthti In our history The steady average de .crease In Imports Is also uhown. tit shim: r.niTOit. tlepiii-tiitliiii friuii .Mn n 1 1 H of llf feniHo editorial Critic. Washington Star. The War department decides that Gen eral MucArthur acted within tho scope of his authority us military governor In de porting Editor Illce, since he had been given tho specific power to remove from the Philippines all percons who menaced the pence and good order of the Island" This decision, however, fallH completely to meet the only question In this connection which Is troubling Amcrkan public opinion. Tho power to deport enptured enemies of tho United States who have openly or secretly, directly or indirectly, allied tho Insurgents, and thus menaced tho peace and good order of the Philippines, I properly exercised hy the military governor, lu many cases deportation U a more adequate and moro effective punishment than execu tion or imprisonment lu tho Philippines. The deportation of Mahtnl ami his associ ates has been universally applauded, Anil this treatment could doubtless lit applied with advantage to tho treacherous foes of tho United States lu Manila whose secret nld to the Insurgents Is now being exposed. But the doubt that has existed nnd still ex ists Is whether General Mat Arthur din played his usual sound Judgment In classi fying among the deportable public enemlei. menacing the peace of the Islands, an eili lorl.il critic wiio voiced the opinion of somo Manila merchants in persistently nnd ob stinately attacking the Manila port charges as illegally excessive. The open, respon sible, printed discussion of specific accusa tions of inl.gnvernmcnt Is wholesome and tends to develop good government. This truth Is ns applicable In Manila iih In any other city within American Jurisdiction. If srch accusations nre false, there falsity ap pears, scandal l silenced, anil the llboler may he punished. If the accusations nro true, corrupt tendencies and perhnps cor tuption Itself meet exposure, nnd the public profits through the remedies that nre Im mediately devised and applied. A N'eely Is n greater "menace to peace nud good order" thnn n Bice, und It Is wiser to coun tenance the Bices than to so shape condi tions ns to protect from criticism and tho chance of exposure any possible Neely's l.i the Philippines. The first mllltnry censorship In the Philip pines was arbitrary, foolish, Impolitic, mi Amerlcnn. In the absence of evidence that Editor Bice menaced the pence of Luzon otherwise than by InslBiIng that the port charges of Manila wero Illegally excessive, his deportation as a public enemy like Mnbinl or the traitors In Manila who have furnished ammunition and supplies to the Insurgents suggests tho possibility of u re turn hy tho Philippines government to tho original unwise policy of harrying ns Ir reclaimable hostlles the representatives" of the press In Manila. LIGHT AM) IIHIGIIT. Chicago Tribune: "I Hiippoo," said Adam, ns ho lieguii the task of cataloguing the niilmalH, "1 ought to put myself down as exhibit A." Tho Smart Set: Brooks I wish you'd pay me that $10 you owe me, old fellow. Horrowit I couldn't think of It, Brooks. "But I'm hero to remind you of It." Detroit Journal: "Poker! Why Is it called poker, 1 wonder?" "Well, It seems to be n device for playing with lire, for oun thing." Pittsburg Chronicle: "Do you think that to tile rich Is to die disgraced?" asked Mr. Beeehwood "Not necessarily," replied Mr. Wllklns burg; "but to tile poor Is no special dis tinction." Detroit Free Press: "How did you como out nt the enrd party?" asked Miss Frocks of Miss Klttlsh. "Blanche and I cut for the llrst prize, nnd she won If." v M ' "That wus the unklndest cut of nil. "Washington Star: "Some folkH," said Uncle Kben, "Is like sonic chickens. Dey Is allowed to strut nroun' nn' take It easy cti'fe dey's loo tough an no uccount to bo wuf notltin' " Indianapolis Press: "Whnt mndo that mnn go out mad?" asked the proprietor. ' I cannot tell n lie." answered the clerk. ' "Never mlud the rest of It," answered tho proprietor. "Go to the tlesk und draw your pay." Chicago Tribune: "I suppose It's truo enough." moralized Undo Allen Sparks, "as the preachers and other wise men tell us, that life Is a bubble. I have noticed In the course of the years that people are In clined to 'low themselves and that takes a good ileal of soap." Philadelphia Press: Mr. Ascum I hear your old minister has gono In for ritualism. Mr. Lochurch (dlsgUBtcdly) Yes, he's gone wrong, completely. ' , Mr. ABcum How can you euy that? He's all rite now. I.N Till". I'lllMIMMXES. O. 1). Hotlney In Philadelphia Press. Tho transport's slowly takln' on her lum ber, From tho line o enscoes drlftln out to sen, Tho 'tween deck's full, she's got her rating number. , , , Shu's homeward bound, und ylt she s leavln' me. I got the very pipeclay In my mnrrow, I llko the heft 1 lovo tho fed o' men; I got no use for smooth-down ways nor narrow I llko the life nn so I'll 'list again. An' see each morula' when the mists are rlsln', Clouilllko on palm, in jungle, an' nn bench, The work o men, broad-shouldered, enter prlsln', The kind o' men who get what they can reach. The men who know n rllle from n measure. Who work an' llvo nn' fight an' die llko men; Hero's yer happy home nt lust, go seek yer treasure, An' If you fnll go try It un again. An' It's three rounds blank! An' mnrk thn place you He Three rounds blank! An' thcrn nln't a chaplain nli'li; Escort turn! Oh. keep your touch lu murchln. An" the dust clouds rlnln' llko a devil In the liroeze; Eyes filled with tlust nn' tho moutn umt throat n-piirehln'. An' they load you on thn transport for yer llanl trip o'er t-cas. Homo's but a name to us who're lu tho service, Lovo an' ease an' fame tho gonls wo ran lint reach, Hut we're 11 (tilt' up the flag, nn' we've that at least to nerve ub, As wo stand an" watch the transport while she's failla' from tho bench. STRENGTHENS SYSTEM BODY BRAIN and NERVE i WORLD FAMOUS MAR I AN I TONIC Gives Appetite, Produces Relreshing Sleep, A Safeguard Against Mental Disease. pose. A sraill vlno-jlai ful) thre times u day. Sold by all Drur(ists. Refuse Substitutes.