Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Procrastination is the
Thief of Health.
Nature Is a very wise and careful mother
but sho Is dumb. She speaks by signs.
The man or woman who does not heed her
signs or falls to understand them must
pay tho penalty. Some day thero will bo a
Htef OVOP Ihn linn,,I .t.l.l .nn.n.
...i... . i ,.i . , i
warning, cease and her penalties begin. !
i-or instance, thero Is a man who for years
never knew he had a stomach, It performed,
us work so perfectly. Some day after cat- j
lng ho has a little sour or bitter rising In
tno throat. Ho does not heed It. Itcr he
feels an uncomfortable fulness after cat
Ins, a distress In the region of the stom
ach, ond perhaps bo Is uncomfortable
nough to wonder whether ho ought not to
"do something" for himself. Hut ho does
not get nny further thon wondering. He be
comes sleepless, loses llesh, nnd has other
warnings of tho development of disease but
he still tries to work. Some day bo col
lapses, drops down perhaps at his task and
'when ho comes to himself In bed ho Is se
riously III. Ho Is paying tho penalty for
his heedlessness of Nature's warnings.
Whenever thero aro unduo fullness after
eating, sour or bitter eructations, belchlngs
nnd kindred symptoms, It Is the sign thnt
dlscosi) Is fastening on the stomach and
digestive nnd nutritive truets. Disease un
less chocked Is always progressive, and tt
Is only n question of tlmo In such cases,
when the health and strength will bo se
riously undermined.
Tho wlso man or woman will take no
risks but will attend to the llrst symptoms
of disease of the stomach. Doctor I'lerce's
Golden Medical Discovery which has cured
thousands of people who were suffering
from tho most aggravated forms of disease
of tho stomach and Its nllleil organs of di
gestion nnd nutrition may be relied on
quickly ond permanently to cure such dis
eases In their earlier stages. Its action Is
prompt nnd efficient. Its effects aro last
ing. Tho whole body being fully nour
ished Is built up with sound llesh, not with
llabby fat.
"For about two ycar3 I Buffered from n
very obstlnato enso of dyspepsia," writes
11. I3i Becord, Esq,, of, 1 Eastern Ave.,
Torgtfto, Ontario! "UtrJfdjij?reBt,nuraber
of tyncdteH without success. I Anally lost
faith in them nil. 1 a so fur gono that
I e'ould not bear nny solid food on my
stomach for a long tlmo; felt melancholy
and depressed. Could not sleep nor follow
my occupation (tinsmith). Some four years
ago n friend recommended your 'Golden
Medical Dlgcovory.' After a week's treat
ment I had derived so much benefit that
1 continued the medicine. 1 have taken
throe bottles nnd am convinced it has in
my enso accomplished a permanent cure.
I can conscientiously recommend It to tho
Kitchener Reported to Have- Aggregated
Milner te Poiit of Dieruptien.
la OptlmUtlc Over l'renenl Condition
Ulltl Sow JJIopi'H to Hw. (iiierrlllil
llnnda Wcnr (Hit the
LONDON, March 27. Tho Dally Express
prints u rumor that Sir Alfred Mllncr Is
dissatisfied with his qualified authority and
has ' nsked tho government to glvo him
"either a free hand or no hand."
Mr. Chamberlain Is said to havo roplled
that tt would not be advisable to dlsasco
clato tho authority of Sir Alfred Milner
from that of Lord Kitchener nnd tho rumor
goes that Sir Alfred contemplates resign
ing. "It Is an open secret," says tho Dally Ex
press, "that Sir Alfred Milner has long
chafed at having Lord Kitchener at hiu
elbow to check or modify his proposals,"
This Amsterdam correspondent of tho
Dally Mall wires tho substance of nn Inter
view with Mr. Kruger, whom he found In a
"moit optimistic frame 'of mind."
"Ocneial Ilnblirgton'H victory over Gen
eral Deltirey had been," Mr. Kruger thought,
"magnllled In tho reports. Ho thought tho
Magallesburg range and ltusteuburg wero
again In tho possession of tho Doers," con
tinues tho correspondent, "and tho old
guerrilla game will continue until England
is forced to make peaco overtures."
llollnt-iin Convention,
CHICAGO, March M. A holiness conven
tion has been called to meet In Chicago
from .May :i to lo. with die Mien nf unltliiK
nil holiness organizations throughout tho
Doctor' Wife round Her Com
plexion Auuln.
Coffee Is no respecter of persons when
lt'comes to tho poisonous effects thereof.
A prominent physician's wife of Monti
cello, lnd., says that coffee treated her
very badly Indeed, giving her a serious
and i.aliifu' stomach trouble, and n
wrotcjicd, muddy complexion.
Her husband is a physician of tho reg
ular school and opposed to both tea and
roffeo, so ho induced her to leave them oil
nnd tako on l'ostum Pood Coffee.
Tho stomach trouble disappeared almost
like magic, and gradually her complexion
cleared up; now she It in excellent condi
tlou throughout.
Thero nro thousands of highly organized
people who nro mado sick In a variety of
different ways by tho use of coffee, nnd
roost of theso people do not suspect the
cause of their trouble. They think that
others can drink coftco nnd are well, and
they can, but about ono person out of overy
threo la more or less poisoned by coffee,
ond this cau bo proved by leaving off cof
fee and' taking l'ostum Food Coffee. In
nearly every case tho disorder will bo
greatly relieved or entirely disappear. It
Is easy enough to make n trial and see
whether coffee U a poison to you or not.
Tho- nntno of tho doctor's wlfo con bo
given upon nppltcutlon to the l'ostum
Cereal Co., Ltd., at UatUo Creek, Mich.
1 ttr
thousands of dyspeptics throughout the
1'coplo tin a rule havo somowhnt of a
vague Idea of tho manner In which life Is
sustained and supported. They know they
must cat to live. But they .do not consider
that when tho stomach nnd digestive and
nutritive tracts ure diseased, the object
of eating, which Is the nutrition of tho
body, cannot hi perfectly attained. Only
part of tho food eutcn Is converted Into
nutrition, and the body Is but partly nour
ished. Yet tho body Is required to do as
much dally as if It were brim? fully nour
ished. Tha result Is tho wasting of tho
flesh, loss of weight which goes hand in
h , , h ,08S f , ,h am, ncrn,
debility. When tho diseased stomach Is
cured by "Golden Medical Discovery," the
food Is digested and assimilated and In the
form of nourishment restores tho strength
and vigor of the body, tho proof of this
being written In tho pounds and ounces of
lost flesh which are rapidly regained. Tho
only way In which physical strength can
bo mado Is by food, digested and assimi
lated. When tho stomach and
Its allied organs arc diseased
the digestion Is Imperfect, the
nsslnlllatlon partial, conse
quently there Is a dally loss of
strength. When Dr. l'lerco
Golden Medical Discovery cures
the diseases of tho stomach mid
other organs of digestion and
nutrition, tho food eaten Is
properly digested and assimila
ted, the body la adequately
nourished and thus Its strength
Is restored.
"I will express my thanks
to you for tho kindly advice
you havo given me In regard
to my case," writes Miss Carrie
J. Wharton, of Dmiuvant, Spott
sylvanla Co., Va. "When I
wrote to you last spring I was
In a terrible state of health.
Hod given up nil hope nf cVcr
being better. I spit up my food
nil tho time nnd It ceomed sour
ns vinegar. I would have n bad
nlr.k headacho every other
week; In fact, my head never
felt clear, and I was perfectly broken down
under tho strain of losing my food, con
stantly. 1 wns nut able to have si physician
attend me, but had read u great deal In
your books of what your medicine had
done for others, so I wrote you and got
your ndvlce. Bought two bottles of 'Golden
Medical Discovery' and the Ilrst doso I took
I folt better. When I had finished taking
the two bottles the spitting up hail entirely
stopped and my bead was much better. I
do not say It has yet made an entire cure
of me, os It required raoro than that for
me, ns 1 was bo very bad, but 1 believe
your medicines nro Just what you have
said of them.
"I carefully read the books you rent me
nnd shall nlways speak a good word for
tho 'Golden Medical Discovery' whenever
I havo a chance.
"You con publish this If you think It
worth while. It might Induce Home one
else to try your medicine who was suffering
ns I did. It was by the testimonials of
others that I was Induced to try It. I shall
always rely upon your advice and fcol
safo to do ns you tell me."
Dr. I'lerce's Golden Medical Discovery
cures diseases of the stomach and other
orguns of digestion and nutrition. It cures
through tho stomach diseases which ncem
remote from that Oigan but which have
their origin In dlseaso of tho stomach and
Its allied organ;.
If tho dealer offers a substitute for
','GoIdcn, Mod leal Discovery,'.'; cnienibet;
that the solo motive of dubstitutlon Is to
cnnblo blm to make the llttlp more profit,
paid by tho sale of leas meritorious prep
arations. GIVEN AWAY.
Dr. riorco's Common Sense Medical Ad
viser containing more than a thousand
largo pages and over 700 illustrations, Is
sent free on receipt of stamps to pay ex
pense of mailing only. Send .11 unc-cent
stamps for tho cloth-bound volume or only
21 stamps for tho book in paper covers.
Address Dr H. V. I'lercc, Buffalo, N. Y.
world Into an International union. The call
for the convention Is signed by the follow
ing: w. iiugues, ,cw YorK; w. T. lloguc.
Illinois; Isaiah Heed .Iowa; J. A. Wood,
California; A. M. Hills. Texas; J. MoD.
Kerr. Canada; C. N. Crlttenton, Wnsdi
tngtcm: A, Smith, Missouri, S. H. Shaw,
Krnetit .1. Walter, Allt'itril llliuL-ninllt-r
of Scniitur Knirnn,
.Milken i:plitiiutlnii.
Word has reached tho postofllco authori
ties at Omaha that Ernest J. Wolter, tho
merchant of Schuyler, Neb., who was re
cently arrested on u charge of attempt
ing to extort money from Senator Kearns
of Utah, has admitted to Inspector Sulli
van of Denver that ho wrote one of the
threatening lottcrs received by the sena
tor, but that he still InslstH the entire
scheme wns the result of an attempt to bo
funny. Ho says ho wrote tho letter o
please a traveling man who hnd recently
sold him n bill of goods, and with the
understanding that It was to form the
foundation of a practical Joke.
Slnco his urrest Wolter tins disposed of
his stock of goods at Schuyler to F, Kropf,
his brother-in-law, for $3,000. His liabili
ties aro said to havo been $5,000. This
sain lends the citizens of Schuyler to be
llevo thnt Wolter intends to leave that
town as soon ns his troubles with tho gov-
eminent have been settled,
I'm nk (irroti mill lluliy Mcmtrt.
JckciI St. I. on I I'rooU, Conic
to Oninliu.
Frank Green and Ruby Stewart, allns
Ruby Green, alleged colored crooks, who
were recently driven out of St. Louts by
tho police, dropped Into town Monday
evening from Sioux City and were arrested
by Patrolmen Lahey and Thomas Tuesday
evening. They feared their presenco would
not bo welcome and for that reason did
not wait until the trnln arrived at tho
depot, but got off In tho yards and walked
In. Tho woman wns recently beforo tho
grand Jury at Sioux City on n charge of
larceny, but escaped punishment because
iho complaining witness, a well known
white citizen, would not appear against
her. Tho pair wero locked up at tho elty
Jail as suspicious characters .and will bo
given tho option of staying thero for an
Indefinite period or leaving tho elty.
I)lcoer- of Demi lloily of Mlaalnu
I'ntlent ni the Count)'
llllam Schaoffer, an Inmato of tho
county hospital, disappeared several days
ago and on .Monday his dead body was
discovered hanging from ono of tho rafters
In tho basement. It Is thought that
Schaeffer committed sulcldo on tho same
day he disappeared, as tho body was In a
state of decomposition when discovered,
No 'nquest was considered necessary and
the remains were burled In tho potter's
Schaeffer was formerly a grocery clerk
and lived on Sherman avenue. He went to
the hospital about two years ago, suffering
with an Incurable dlseaso, and for some
iimo no nas ticcn considered mildly In
sane. Ho was uumorrled nnd without tola
Uvea lu this city,
Government Qiris Out Text of Ltttir to
Various RepreienUtini.
Stilt' Depiirtinnii t Contend .Nothing
linn Occurred In Climim Mlnliln
ul I'nllril MtntfN ToMiird
Oprii Dour.
WASHINGTON, March The crisis lit
the Chinese question brought about through
the expiration of the period allowed for
the signature by China of the Manchurlan
agreement was tho principal topic today.
The conviction that tho United States had
done all that It tould to prevent tho con
summation of this arrangement, und to
make cltar to tho public tho complete dis
approval which Is entertained by the United
States government for this sort of secret
treaty-making, It was deemed proper to
give out for publication the following mem
orandum: . "Chlnpse correspondence, March 1, 1901.
Telegraphic Instructions sent to the rep
resentatives of the United States In Deri In,
Vteuua, Paris, London, Home, Toklo and
St. Petersburg.
Department of State, Wnshlngton, I). C,
March 1, 1001. Tho following memorandum,
which was handed to the Chlneso minister
on February 10, Is transmitted to you for
your Information and communication to the
government to which you nre accredited;
"The preservation of tho territorial In
tegrity of China having been recognized by
ull tho powers now engaged In Joint nego
tiation concerning tho Injuries recently
tnlllcted upon their ministers and nationals
by certain ofllclols and subjects of the
Chlneso empire. It Is evidently advantage
ous to China to continue the present Inter
national understanding upon this subject.
It would bo, therefore, unwise nnd dangerous
In tho extreme for China to make any
arrangement or to consider any proposition
of n private nature involving the surrender
of territory or tlnancial obligations by con
vention with any particular power, and the
government of tho United States, aiming
solely at tho preservation of China from
tho danger Indicated und the conservation
of tho largest anil most bcnellclnl relations
between the emplro and other countries, In
accordance with tho principles set forth In
Its circular note of July II, 1900, nnd In a
purely friendly spirit toward the Chinese
empire nnd nil tho powers now Interested
In tho negotiations, desires to express Its
sense of tho Impropriety, Inexpediency, nnd
-'ven extreme danger to tho Interests of
China of considering any private territorial
or tlnancial arrangements, at least without
tho full knnwledgo and approval of all the
powers now engaged In negotiation.
.No Cli i.i ie In Miitim.
AsHUinlng that tho arrangement Is to be
carried out, It Is still the contention of
tho State department that nohlng has oc
curred to change the status of the United
States toward tho open door as applied to
nny part of China, Including Manchuria.
As far as written pledges can commit n
power, Kussia stands pledged to accord to
tho United Stntcs tho open door If sho
tnkes control of Manchuria, either directly
by annexation or Indirectly, but quite ob
effectually, by the means as shown In this
Husso-Chlneso agreement. That Is the view
of tho Stuto department, and that view Is
endorsed by tho entire cabinet.
Tho' administration believes tho secret
agreement between Russia and China Is In
violation of the spirit. If not tho letterof
tho general understanding to which all the
powers subscribed last summer, anil tho
United States government is prepared to
uso all Its moral suasion and Inllilenco to
prevent Its consummation. Further than
that, however, this government Is not pre
pared to go. Tho piesldent und members
of the cabinet believe It Is conceivable that
Kussia is entitled, perhaps, to some rep
uraio guaranties from China for tho pro
tection of Its railroad concession in Man
churia, but not to the extent
which It Is understood tho czar's
government Is to obtain by tho
secret treaty. This government has
information regarding this treaty, and while
thero Is no indication of tho exact nature or
source of tills information, It Is considered
accurate and definite. The president and
cabinet, it is understood, havo no direct in
formation concerning tho imminent rupture
between Russia and Japan, or Its extent,
but tho developments are being watched
with eager Interest. Generally It Is not bo
llovcd hero that thero will be a collision
between tho two powers, us there Is a
strong impression that Japan would not un
dortuko a war with Russia single-handed
and there Is no Indication that she would bo
Joined by another power. (
Tho news from tho Philippines, as com
municated to tho cabinet by Secretary Root,
continues not only reassuring, but much
more favorable than could havo been antici
pated. The president Informed tho mem
bers of the cabinet that ho had sent for
Mr. P. C. Knox of Pittsburg, who was In
Southern California, and that upon his ar
rival hero on Thursday It was his Intention
to formally offer him the attorney general
Whcolsl Whcclsl Wheels! How they go!
Hide a Hoo wheel and be In the swim.
Mnrrliiwr l.leenxe.
Tho following marriago licenses were
Issued yesterday;
Name and Address. Ace.
Charles .1 Kdliind. Sioux City, la :
Alma Nelson, Omaha ?i
HV'iiJamln F. Graham, Mo 12
! ranees n, mum, uinuuii
Phllli) Nagel. South Omaha "3
Mldglo Howley, South Omaha 19
Samuel II. Rosenberg. Omaha 23
Dora Harding, umaliii
Hard Covighs
No matter how hard your
cough is or how long you have
had it, you want to get rid of
it, of course. It is too risky
to wait until you have con
sumption, for sometimes it's
impossible to cure this disease,
even with
If you are coughing today,
don't wait until tomorrow, but
get a bottle of our Cherry Pec
toral at once and be relieved.
Three diet: 25c, 50c, J 1. 00.
If your.itruirgtit eannnt (tippljr jou.inul ui on
dollar attjl we will eirrrn a largo bottle to you,
all rhirkJi irtlct lie atirn ;on ga tit your
iiearrit ripteti omct. Addltll, J. C. AVKJl Co
LowiU, Mail,
Kxeliiuiue Shut tilth L'HUpiim
Attempt to Interfere mill
COLU.MHUS, O., March 25. Seven men
broke open and robbed the Somerset bank
nt about 1:30 o'clock this morning. Only
about J5.00O In cash was taken, tho robbcra
In their hurry overlooking $3,000 In gold
coin and 30,000 In bonds and time securi
ties. Three men worked In the bank and
four were stationed ns sentinels near by.
At tho first explosion Mr. Hayes, living
of poslto the bank, camo out and wns met
by the sentinel stationed there and told to
get back Into tho house If he did not want
his head blown off. Mr. Lovctt, another
citizen, took four shots nt the robbers a3
they wero making their escape. Theso
shots were returned nnd a regular fusillade
was kept up for some time. Armed citizens
pursued tho robbers some dlstnnco north,
the police here were notified and all near
towns Instructed to keep n sharp lookout
for tho robbers. The sheriff of Perry
county, nt New Lexington, wns notified nnd
drove to Somerset with his bloodhounds.
The dogs readily took up the trail, which
led from a blacksmith shop, where tho tool
wero obtained, thence to a livery stable and
to the bank. Two rigs had been stolen, nnd
after the robbers had driven nway the offi
cers waited for daylight to follow the wheel
After tho robbers had completed their
work the men were lined up In single file
and the lender gnvo the orders:
"All ready, forward march."
Tho robbers were ns cool ns soldiers on
dress parade.
Tho stolen horses wero recovered about i
a. ni. three nnd a half tulles from town,
where they had been abandoned. The rob
bers were then making their way toward
Hndley Junction,
Depositors of mi IikIIiiiiii Hunk. Muaperi
Hint It Vault Arc
HI.OOMINGTON. lnd., March 2C Through
her attorneys Mrs. Henrietta K. Perry this
afternoon applied to Judge W. Y. Martin of
the Monroo circuit court for a receiver to
tnko charge of the Ellettsvllle bank, which
wan closed on nn nttachment January 25 to
satisfy a demand of Dow M. Wood, a heavy
The bank was owned nnd operated by Ed
mond Palmer of Chicago, who also con
ducted banks nt both Dcsplalncs and Ash
ley. 111. The bonks nt Desplalnes und Ash
ley owned by Palmer closed their doors two
days after tho Ellettsvllle bank was closed
on attachments. Tho nggrcgate failure
oiuoiiiitH to $08,000. Palmer Is In Jull at
Nashville, III., on the chargo of misappro
priating the bank's funds.
More than llfty suits have been filed
against Palmer and his bank hero by de
positors. Tho vault has been cloned sluee
Cashier Fryhoffer's sudden disappearance
from the city and no ono knows tho com
bination or what It contains. It is believed
by many that not a dollar will bo found
when tho doors are opened on an order from
the court.
Ml Mnrle llereiilueli, Who Died
Seirrnl Mouth Ami, Clinmed
with CoiiMplriiC'.
CHICAGO, March Tho grand Jury to.
day returned an indictment chnrglng com
hpiracy against Miss Marl,o Defenbach, n
yqung woman who has been dead for
months. Miss Defenbitch 'come tn her
death mysteriously In connection with an
alleged scheme to swtndlo llfo Insurance
companies, In which F. Wnylnnd Drown
formerly superintendent of a well known
detcctlvo agency, Is charged with being
Implicated. Tho unusual procedure of In
dieting a dead person was to have her men
tioned ns a conspirator In order thnt cer
tain evidence concerning the conspiracy
may bo Introduced at tho trial. Miss Defcn
bach, tho evidence shows, was Interested In
tho conspiracy. New indictments wero also
voted against F. Wayland Brown, Dr.
August M. Ungcr nnd Frank H. Smiley, the
other members of the alleged conspiracy
Kelly 1 n I roitnccK Mcimurc In
limine 1'orliliIitliiK llolh
I'lilillcnt Ion mill Sulc.
Sl'IHNGFIKI.D, III., March 2G. In tho
lower houso of tho state legislature today
Hepresontatlve Kelly Introduced a bill con-
corning criminal literature. Tho text of
tho bill follows;
"It shall bo unlawful for nny person
to sell or offer for sale, or to print or
publish, or to bring into tho statu for tho
purpose of selling, giving away or other
wise disposing of any paper, book, period-
leal, pamphlet or magazine, tho chief fea
ture or characteristic of which Is tho record
of a commission of a crime, or tho display
by cut or Illustration of crimes committed,
or tho acts or pictures of criminals, des
peradoes, or of men or women In lewd or
unbecoming positions, or Improper dress.
Any persons guilty of n violation of this
act shall be lined not less than $10 nor
moro than $100."
VelKliltor mill I'rlend rreaent Immi
nent Voiinu' iivnl Ottleer with
I'oMlj- Sllvrr Service,
M0NT00MKHV, Ala., March 2G. Captain
H. P. Hobsou received nn ovation nt his
homo In Oreeiibboro tonight, the occasion
being tho prssentatlon to him of a silver
service costing $1,000 by his neighbors and
friends. Letters of regret were read from
Governor Snnford, Senator Morgan and
General Wheeler.
In receiving tho service Captain Hobson
said ho fell thankful to the people of his
home. His remarks wero specially directed
to the scenes of his boyhood. Tho testi
monial, ho said, would servo ns an In
spiration for him to work In behalf of his
country. He particularly regretted that
his men, Admiral Cervera . nnd Admiral
Sampson, rould not bo present to Join In
his pleasure. Tho remarks wero cheered
to the echo.
Kilter l,u I p
1 1 ome
Vlre l'renlilent llohnrf
mill Leave .Vole
of ioloKy.
PATERSON, N. J.. March 26. A robber
who entered tho residence of the late Vice
President Hobnrt Sunday night and who do
parted without nny booty on finding tho sil
verware marked left the following note In
n loving cup, which had been given to Mrs,
Hobart by tho Old Ladles' Homo Society for
Charitable Work: "I humbly beg your par
don. I do not want to rob good people."
Tho city eouncll failed to meet last night,
Only three members, Couneilmen Knrr,
Zlmrnan and liitsciill. were In nttendaneo
nt tho hour for culling tho meeting to
A board of medical olllcers to examine
ciiiiiiuinicH ror promotion to HiewarUHlilps
In the Army Hospital corns will sit ut Fori
Riley this week. Three euiidldatea have r.n-
iiounceu inemheives ns reiuiy for tne exami
nation. .1, L. Ilrnndels' coachman drove in front
of a car while it was eomlng down tho
Dodge Mreet hill lute Tuesday afternoon
tutu overturned tno carriage, Jie wan
iiuow-i to uie pavement, imt escaped nerl
huh Injury The inrrlugo was badly dam
aged and the- fender or thu cur was
wrecked. .
Complete Cunaltj Lilt of Southern Tornado
Not Obtainable.
Mimry llcltifr ltnUed tn Vrn lite for tile
Dextltiitc unit Itellef Commit
tee OrunnUcil .No Appeal
for OiiInIUu Aid.
lmtMlNOHAM, Ala., March SC. 9 a. m.
Much more horrlblo than tho first reports
of the tornado yesterday nro the rcautus
which have thus far come out this morn
ing. It Is mill impossible to compile the
tuil list of the deau and wounded, but It is
now certniu that eighteen persons were
killed nnd that thirty to forty wero more or
less Injured. The path of the storm was
wide. It covered practically every hamlet
In Jefferson county.
Tho following cities wero especially vis
ited: Dlrmlngham, I'ratt City, Dcssemvr,
ltondatc, Urlghton, North Dlrmlngham,
Trussvlllo and Wectns.
Twenty houses wero razed to the ground.
At Brighton tho school house was de
molished und tho daughters of Mrs. Stud-
der and Mrs. Walker wero severely Injured
on tho bead.
At I'ratt City tho Methodist church, tho
High BChool building, tho commissary of
the Tennessee Coal nnd Iron company and
thirty negro shacks wero demolished. Tho
villages of Trussvlllo and Weems are re
ported destroyed, but word cannot bo re
ceived from them, us all telegraph nnd tele
phone wires aro down.
President Robert Jamison of tho Mr-
mlnghnm Hallway, Light and Tower com
pany estimates tho property loss In Ilur-
lulligham alone at $200,000.
Tho towns of North Birmingham and
Woodlnwu nnd Avondalo wero also visited
and scores of houses wero damaged, but
no loss of life Is reported there.
Alii for Survivor,
Hvcry effort Is being made today In the
storm-stricken section of Birmingham to
give ull posslblo relief to those who lost
their ull by the fury of tho winds. Troops
guarded the devastated district last night
und II r emeu and policemen searched the
ruins, but no moro dead bodies wero found,
and, up to 10 o'clock today, no additional
deaths had occurred. Mayor Drcnuen, who
Is directing the relief work, estimates that
$10,000 will relieve the Immediate wants
of tho sufferers. Thu larger part of this
hus already been raised among citizens and
a citizens' meeting will be held nt noon
to raibc the remainder and to moro per
fectly orgnulzo tho distribution of the ro
lief funds.
Tho majority of tho tornado sufferers are
negroes nnd tho poorer classes of whites.
Just how many people wero hurt in thu
storm will probably never bo known. Many
who sustained comparatively trilling Injuries
paid no heed to their wounds In their anx
iety to fut" their scattered houshold effects
and to look after their dead and those who
wero seriously Injured. Tho names of about
llfty Injured havo been obtained, but this
number Is thought to be about half thoso
who wero really hurt. Tho property loss
Is estimated In tho city at from $200,000
to $300,000.
A careful revision of the death list places
the total number of dead In tho city at thir
teen, several persons who were missing and
had been reported dead having been located.
Two negro workmen reported missing at
Irondalc nro believed to be dead under
wrecked buildings. If they nro. dead this
will Increaso tho total number of deaths in
Irondalc to live, making a grand total of
eighteen dead In Birmingham and vicinity.
Tho following Is a complete list of tho dead;
Is C. CHLUMPU, German.
CARRY HENRY, S years old.
F. STEDMBYER, school girl.
Dead at Irondalc:
Thlrty-flvo persons wero more or less so.
rlously hurt In Birmingham, seven of whom
nro expected to die.
a VAi.t.wii.i:
For CoukIim nnil Cold lu Children
"I havo not the slightest hestltancy In
recommending Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy to all who aro suffering from coughs
or colds," Bnys Charles M. Cramer, esq., a
well known wnte.'imnker of Colombo, Cey
Ion. "It has been some two years slnco tho
city dispensary first called my attention to
this valuable mcdlclno and I havo repeat
cdly used It and It has nlways been bene
flclal. It has cured mo quickly of all chest
colds. It Is especially effective for chll
dren and seldom takes more than ono
bottle to euro thorn of hoarseness. I havo
persuaded many to try this vnluablo medl
clno nnd they nro all as well pleased as
myself over tho results." For salo by all
ComliiK l.lnht I'lnul.
CORNING, In., March 2ti. (Speclul.)
Tho Corning electric light plant wnB do
fltroyed by tiro this morning at 1 o'clock,
The cntlro Insldo wns burned, but tho
walls remain standing. The loss Is esti
mated at $6,000; Insurance, $5,000. Tills Is
tho second tiro of the kind. No cnuso I
V4 SmeltlllK l'lllllt,
SANTA FE, N. M., March 26, Tho now
reduction plant of tho Copper Hill Mining
company has been completely destroyed by
(Ire. Loss, $75,000.
Fixed for
when ordering Ilcer for family and
table purposes It's the star that leuda
to beer perfection,
Watch for the trade-murk on all
packages, Having oneo tried theso
beers the Importance nf taking this
precaution will bu appreciated.
Druggists or Direct.
1 IIU l)oiin(n St. Ti'l. 11)81,
Paine's Celery Compound Was a
elation to E, G. Machen.
Machen Is one of tho makers of the now
South. Ho has changed tho map of Central
Georgia. Flourishing towun havo sprung up
along tho railroad lines ho has developed.
Hon. Clark Howell, In nn editorial In the
lUhintu Constitution, snld nf him: "Tn tho
peoplo of Georgia, Machen is known prin
cipally by the roads he has built lu tho
South. He has brought nil Georgia within
hand-rench of Atlanta, He Is n public ben
efactor." While nt work on tho Covington nnd Ma
con railroad, Machcn's health failed. After
much useless expenditure of tlmo nnd
money ho wnB Induced by n friend who had
been cured of nervous prostration to try
Paine's celery compound. That tho remedy
was a revelation to him no ono can doubt
who reads .Machcn's letter.
G'J Wall Street, New York.
Gentlemen: I spent many thousands of
dollars, Including eight months abroad, for
nervous prostration, and then found Pnlne's
celery compound the remedy I ought to
havo taken at Ilrst. Doctors periodically
tinkered nt nnd patched mo up so that my
nerves would hold together for n Bhort
while, seemingly JiiRt long enough for my
bank account to get a respite. However,
your mcdlclno has side-tracked the doctors.
My nerves don't seem to require any rest,
and I am In such good spirits these days It
doesn't matter much whether I hnvo any
bank account or not. I havo determined
on Paine's celery compound an my family
remedy from now on. E. C. MACHEN.
Lake City, Mich., should be read by every mother
in the United States:
Lake City, Mich., May 35, 1900.
Monticello, III.
Dear Sirs: I have used Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin in my family
for several years and pronounce it the best mild laxative and alterative
medicine that I have found after many trials.
All Druggists,
Advice to
Office Seekers.
April and May are tho montha whn
most people do their moving. The
prospects urn that the demand for of
flceti In Omaha woa never no cre&t aa
It will be this spring-. There ure not
a Kreat many rooms vacant In
The Bee Building
but thero are among them eeveral
which are particularly choice; one di
rectly In front of the elevator on the
Cth floor; one on tho 1st floor next to
the entrance to The lleo business of
fice; a suite of three rooma on tho
3rd t'oor, und a very large office and
vault on the erouna Hoar facing 17th
stieut. ttesldes these, there ure four
or five binallor rooms In various parts
of the building.
The rents ure reasonable and the
ervloe pcrfeot,
Ground Floor. Bee Building, Omini.
Get Ahead
of the
Spring Rush
For Offices.
As the pioneer of a new Hyatcm of rati
road building In tho South, Machen knows
what It Is to Uvu under Intense nervous
strain. His Joy at llndtng lu Pntno'n cal
ory compound n rellablo means of restor
ing his nervous eneVgy Is shown In every
lino of his letter to the proprietors of this
greut remedy.
When thousands of men and women in
overy walk of llfo, from tho humblest to
the most famous and honored, voluntarily
go out of their way to tell others tho
great good Pnlno'H celery compound has
done them; when the ablest physicians
nnd thu best informed pharmacists not
only prescrlbo and recommend, but them
selves uso and find health In Paine's cel
ery compound, tho presont great demand
for the spring remedy Is not to bo won
dered at.
Paine's celery compound Is tho ono real
spring remedy known today that nqver falls
to benefit. It cures illscnscn duo to nerv
ous weakness or n bad jitato nf tha blood.
Tho most wldo-awako. Intelligent part of
overy community In this country aro
among Its most enthusiastic; vouchers and
The agreement of opinion among the
best Informed, most observant class of peo
ple. In tho well-to-do homes of our largest
cities, as well us In the moro frugal town
communities, places Paine's celery com
pound far lu advance of any spring remedy.
It is, lu fact, the only spring remedy
over heard of lu tho homes of practising
A few words that will be
appreciated by fond
parents who guard
the welfare and health
of their children.
The following letter
from the editor of the
"Plain Dealer" of
Editor of the "Plain Dealer."
and Retail.