THE OMAHA DAILY BEK: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1001. 3 EX-MA0K BREAKS JAIL John Peyton of Covington Bars Ears at Dakota. City. HE IS IMOICTED ON LIQUOR CHARGES II U'm Mix .In I lit mi imlli Mimx II) 'I lull I he U'lilllill IIcim-iiI ,) HiiIiIimI Hi cniiMtn r r.MiiHnu till SlOt'X CITY, Mnrch 2fi. (Special Tele gram.) John I'oysen, ex-mayor of Covins ten, Nob,, escaped from Jail nt Dakota City, Ncli,, early this morning, Rawing his v.ay to lllnrty. No trnco of him has since been fournl. TIjo oltl( cr have been looking for him Iti Sioux City. I'eyspn In under Itidletmuit en the charge of llli gully xcllliig liquor. He huti l en In nil kltnlM of trouble ever since ho inini to this purl of the country. Me boasts of having been nr routed llfty-onr llmcH anil each time ovnil lft the law. It vnn IVyscn'a Joint that tho" women of South Sioux City recently raltlid, I'oysen tntint hao got a saw from the outside Mo rut his way through to the herlff's olllcc, then he climbed over a transom and got nv.ny In a buggy. SHOWS SIGNS OF WEAKENING IIIii'Ii'm I i it II it mi' ii t In I'rciiionl .lull IIpkIiiiiIhk 'I'd I in) Him. i'RKMOXT, Nob.. March :. (Special.) IMward (Janlncr, now in the penltentlury serving n life sentence for the murder of Ihrmiin Zalin, yesterday tent to his friend Hheii, who is now In Jail waiting hearing on a motion for a new trial, three fancy brooms, Ho wrote Ilhea that ho had been allowed to work overtime and had bought tho brooms with tho money so earned. The ofllccr of tho penitentiary t tented film well and ho was satisfied. The brooms will be rattled oft and lhr proceeds used for Ithca'a benefit. Rhea hIiowm signs of weak ening. Ho hpends much of his time read ing and writing. His res are loalng their rold, hearllcBS look anil are frequently filled with tears. He shows a strong, ultcc Hon for Gardner and frequently talks of him with the watchtunn, Chestnut. He fc?ls vlndlctlVfi towards Darrell, though inclined to talk hut little at. out him. He fcays that when the shooting took place ho was drunk and angry and unable to control Ills temper, and tho shooting wns done on the Impulse of the moment. In a recent letter to a friend ho says: "1 would will ingly give my life If I could restore the huhhand and father whoso life I am con vleted of taking." Judge Orlmlsnn has not jet llxcd the time of hearing tho motion for n new trial. ALLEN GETS FIVE YEARS I'leinlliiU nl' lrlniiii''N Vlnll Hue nt I Ii II ii m c i I III 1 1 x ill ll I Ii .linlui. I'LATTSMOUTll.XelT. March 26. (Spe clal Telegram.! A motion for a new trial In the casc'of the State against (leorgo V. Allen, charged with perjury, was argued this afternoon In district court by Judge A. N. Sullivan. The court overruled the motion. The prisoner niadu an earnest plea for mercy and his mother, a enerablo woman, made such a plea for her sen aa only a mother could. Judge said that tho erlmo for which the prisoner was convicted was ono of the most heluou-i known to tho law. lie scntenued tho prisoner to flvo years In tho stuto peni tentiary. i, j;..,i (lliliiin llunlm-nx CliiiiiKr!. OinnON. Neb.. March 26. (Special. ) II I ley Westcolt, with Itandall & Co.. has put chased tho property where W. L. Itan dall hint lived for two years. K. It. Mercer has sold his butcher shop. Tim (Jlbbon Itepertcr, W. II. Carson, editor, has been mid to It. A. St. John, editor of the Llteh lleld Monitor. Mr. Carson l.isues this week's edition, after which he leaves for Oklahome. to look for a now location. I'mtcii Dfiiineriilx No m I ii n 1 1'. PONCA. Nnb March 20. (Special.) At the ilemoctatlc caucus held Inst night tho tnliowlng were nominated: Mayor, Frank Davey; ireiihiiier. 1. N. Mellon; clerk, Jumcs Cnyle; police Judge, I. Schroeder; city- engineer. S. P. Siillenborger; rounoll mcn. W. P. Husbcll, John MeGwcrkln, II. Dlerenfcld . M'j Minn' Nlnri lliillilinic, WYMOItE, Nob.. Manh 26 (Speilal.) JulliiH Neumann has begun tho erection of n htlck block on tho corner of Niagara avenue and lllnndlu street. I: will be 75x71 mill two stories high. Tho llrst floor will ho ocupled by Mr. Neumann with Ills depart ment rloro. Tho upstairs will bo finished for olllces. 'I'n Drilii'iili' ice ii in sell Ctiiiri'li. . TKOUMSBU. Neb.; March 26. -(Specinl.) ho now Haptlsl eliimii hero will bo dedl-7-,4itJd Sunday. In tho murnl'ig Rev. C. W. Jl'rlnHlcil of Omaha, tho general missionary, will prearh, and In tho afternoon Hov. 13. A. Russell, statu Sunday school missionary, aill iiddrrsa tho members of the Sunday fichool. In Klllril in Itnlli r Mill. CREICHTON, Neb.. March 26. -(Special Telegram.) Robert Pitt, a carpenter and No External Symptoms. The blood may be in bad condition yet with no external sij;nD, no skin eruption or sores to indicate it. The symptoms in such cases beiug a variable appetite, poor digestion, an indescribable weakness ami nervousness, loss of flesh and n general run-down condition of the system clearly allowing the blood has lost its nutritive qnlitic, has become thin and watery. It is in just such cases thnt S. S. S. has done some of its quickest and most effective work by building up the blood nnd supplying the elements lacking to make it strong nnd vigorous. "My wife used sev eral bottles of S. S. vS. as a blood purifier nnd to tone tip n weak and emaciated h stcni.w ith very marked effect by way of improvement. "We rcgnrd it a great tonic and blood purifier." J. IMJut't', Princeton, Mo, 0 Pfe ' "lc Krcnlcst f al tonics, and yon will i lm fi n d the appetite im proves at nice, strength returns, and nervousness vanishes ns new rich pure blood once more circulates through all parts of the system. S. S. S. is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known. It contnins no min erals whatever. Send for our free book on blixl and skin diseases and write our physicians for any information or advict wanted, No charge for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, OA. old-time resident of this place, was In stantly killed here at II o'clock thli morn ing by being caught by tho main shaft while repairing a grain spout Id the Crclghton toller mills. UNION PACIFIC AND ARMOUR Tnu l.liir tin on Miiti Itrcoril nUli l'ntrirlirx uf .Mniil t mil. LINCOLN. Mareh 2C The Union Pacific railroad todny paid Into the slato treasury $10,006 as a foe for Its amended articles of Incorporation filed with the secretary of stato, Increasing Its capital stock $1,000,000. The Armour Car Lino company, con trolling fruit refrigerator cars from Cal ifornia to tho east, (lied articles of In corporation today. Tho company Is or ganized under the laws of New Jersey and has an authorized capital stock of $1, C00.000. I'l-iirNtiii uf I'ii urn In I'nmllilnle. I'ONCA, Neb.. March S6. (Special.) At torney John V. Pearson of this city Is u candidate for appointment aa supreme court commissioner. Mr. Penrson has served as clerk of the district court and as county attorney. IViirNini lliiiiiulil from nl. lupin. TLVUMSKII. Neb., Mnrch 2C (Special.) Sheriff C. II. Strong is homo from Olympla. Wash., where- he went to get L. U. Pearson, wnntcd by the district court hero on the charge of assault. Pearson Jumped his bond. Vimim Mnn Ailjllilunl Innillli'. TKCUMSI'll. Neb., March 26. (Special.) The local insane commission has adjudged Albert Manila Insane, and be hns been taken to the Lincoln asylum. Mantis Is a young man and his parents live near Smart vlllc. 'I'n Mi'i'iM a. A. It. Mil ti unit lit. TKCTMSEII, Neb.. Mareh 2fi. (Special.) Tho local (Irand Army post Is arranging to erect a monument to tho deceased members of the fraternity on Its lot In tho Tecum seh cemetery. It will cost $1,200. IIim-iiUm mi AiiMi. MADISON, Neb.. Mnrch 26. (Special.) Mrs. Philip Hauch broke at) ankle last night. She hud l.epn to the revival meeting at tho Presbyterian church and In descending the steps slipped and fell. . n( Oni-SIitli of V it I nr. TTCTMSKH. Neb.. March 26. (Special. ) The asseshors of Johnson county for K01 have agrred to tax all property at one sixth of its actual value. Liixri line II mill ml Miiii, ClOUDON. Neb.. March 26. (Special Tele gram.) William Strong, six miles south of Cordon, lost 100 sheep in tho blizzard of Match 21. rliiuln mill .rlrnnknn. The lloldrcgo Progress last week cole crntrd Its tlfteeuth birthday. The Central Nebraska TVachprs' associa tion will meet at Kearney April '', I nnd 5. Two families living In the country near Wood River have taken down with small pox. The Aurora roller mills have been com pleted and turned the first flour Inst week. V. N. Merwin. editor of the Heaver City Tribune, Is u candidate for mayor of that thriving city- A company has been Incorporated to build u telephone line from Alnsworth tn Keya Palm county. W. T. .Mlrsner nf Omaha hni secured tho contract for the erection nf the new court house at Valentine. Tho contrnel price Is Jlll.'.iTO. North Hend has ileiideil to refund Its bonded Indebtedness nt n lower rate of In terest. The debt Is fi'i.miO, Of this JU.OOo will ln p.ild off nnd new bonds Issued for the remainder. 1). M. Anit-borry nf the Hrnlten How Re publican has tlreil of being tho whole edi torial and business staff of tho paper and takes advantage nf .oxVandluff 'business to employ a city editor. Cuming enmity has necepted tho prnposl tlmi of Kidder & Co. nf Chicago to refund Its bonded Indebtedness nf J.VVIhTo. The new bonds bring the county Wart In premium and ulsn work ,i saving of Jl.r.ou In Interest liie Niobrara Irrlcatlnii mid Water Power eonipnuy has called for u 10 per cent assess. nieut on tin iii'.ii capital HtocK ot tne com pany. The money will be used to do the preliminary work nf Improving tho water power. Tin Ane lent Order or United Workman lodge of Valentino Is preparing to erect a brick Ii Milling, two stnties high. Tho first slorv Is tn be used fur stnrernnms and tho second for the various lodge in town, lit addition to Its own. ThlevcH entered the railroad stock yards at ICwiug anil stole seven hogs belonging to shippers They were later round several miles nut In the country, the supposition being that the thieves became frightened and nbandnuod the hogs. liie nittlnok fur crops of nil kind In ltlchardsiili enmity Is said tn bo the best 111 ,cnrs Winter wheat Is In splendid cnndl tlnn. the fruit has not been ilnnmged in the lenxt im In date find the soli could not be in better shape for spring work. Hon. Mark Murray has taken note of the fact that ot tin children bom to the mem bers of the legislature during the session the repunllcati tnenineis nave neon nlesseil with bos iiml tho fusion members with girls. From Ibis ho figures nut that the I'n t oti have decreed that In lO'i.'l the state will go republican. A party nf live from West Virginia which recently arrived nt Kearney presented orders at the t'nloii Pacific depot and asked for n rebate of li nn each ticket. They wero refused. They hud pirchased tickets nf a scalper and been given an order for a rebate to that amount, which ho told thotii the company would pay. A stock company has been organized at Auburn In erect a three-story brick hotel. tn cost JISJiki. Robert Hyors, mi old lintel man, puts up part nf the money mid signs ii long-time lease nu the property. Auburn hns long needed u good hotel, capable nf nci'ommndatlng more people than any now in the town mid when Mr Hyors made the citizens the proposition they took him up ut once. LABORER'S BODY MANGLED Thulium I .n iv Struck by i'rnln in eimi mill Cut In IMei'i'K. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Mareh 26. (Special Telegram.) Thomas Law of this rlty, em ployed on tho Choyenno-Corlett section, was killed and his body mangled by tho west hound Union Pacific fast mall train, shortly after S o'clock this morning. Law and a companion wero riding on a handcar and nB tho train approached they attempted to remove tho ear from the track, but wero struck by the onglno and Law was thrown under tho wheels. His body wan cut Into half a dozen pieces and llcsh was strewn nlong tho truck. His companion wns thrown tn ono side nnd stunned. Law leaves two sons nnd three daughters. The funeral will be conducted by tho Odd Fellows tomorrow TAKEN ILL ON WAY HOME l'reil Cohlernnoht, lleliirnliiK from l'lillliiliii'H, In nt i:iecleil lu Live. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. March 26. iSpoclal Telegram.) Fred Etchernacht of Shelton, Neb., a soldier returning form tho Philip pines, wns taken from n train here today and sent tn tho hospital. Ho Is suffer ing from dysentery nnd will probably die. Ills father, who went to Manila for his son. bus gone to Shelton to get tho mother to eomo and uee tho boy before he dies. Aeiliilllril nf llnrm Men I Inn. EVA NSTON, Wyo., March 26. (Special.) C. D. ClnUninn, who wai. arrested In Ogdcu a week ago charged with stealing horses, was glen .i preliminary hearing hero Saturday and promptly discharged. The evidence failed to fix tho fact -that any dime had been committed. It only showed Hint thero had been a dispute between ChrUmnn nud the prosecuting witness as to (he ownership of a band of horses. Wheels! Wheels! Wheels! How they go! Rldo a Uco wheel and be In tho swim. CUWBOYSCONFESSTOMCRDER Admit Thj Killed Ampahoa Brown of Wyoming. ROBBERY MOTIVE FOR THEIR DEED lie Is Mint mill Ills Hod I'nrtlnll. on it in !' In II ii ii II re ( oitiilrr fell l.ii mi I I'imiikI t'mlrr Miir ilrrril .linn's Cnliln. . CHKYBNNI. March 26.-(Spcclat Tele gram.) Eric Uunten and Charles B. llolll baugh, now In Jail In Huffalo, Wyo., have confessed that they murdered Arapahoe Hrown, a wealthy cattleman of that place, whose partially burned body wns found In the ashes of a bonfire on Powder river nbovc Arvada a week ago, and they tell the story of one of the most cold-blooded crimes ever committed In the Rocky moutt- ' tn I nr. I Hrown left Iluffato early In January to go to tho ranch of Holllbaugh on Powder river, where he was running n bunch of horses on shares. As ho did not return when expected n searching party set on'. About this time Holllbaugh ami Uunten came to town and sold somo of Brown'.; horses. One of the men carried a watch owned by Hrown. nelng suspicious of the follows the authorities locked them up and went to the ranch, whero they found evi dences of a murder. The Door, bedding and walls were spattered with blood and In a gulch near tho ranch it portion of the body wns found near the fire. When con fronted with the evidence of their crime the men broke down and made the following confession: "We planned to kill Drown back In Oc tober, hut never got the chance. We ex pected him lit the ranch January 23 and built the bonfire to receive his body. When Hrown removed his clothes that night to go to bod wo shot him nnd then fled to tho woods. When we returned In three hours Hrown was dead and we hitched a horse to his bedy and dragged It to the gulch and dumped It Into the lire. We remained In tho gulch all night and heaped brush on tho fire, and when we left In the morning wo thought the body had been entirely consumed. Our object In killing Hrown wns to got his horses, Jewelry and money nnd get him out of the wny. as ho knew too much about our business." At tho ranch the officers found an under ground room containing an Illicit still and counterfeiting layout nnd n number of let ters from green goods men. It Is believed Hrown was a member of the gang and that It was his money that bought the machinery .and paid for building tho underground den. WORKING FOR ELECTRIC R0A0 tiitciiKO iiiIIiiIInIm l'ieel tn II n I III lilni frimi OcmlMonri In Spenrllsli. DEAUWOOD, S. l) March 26. (Special.) N. E. Franklin, son of Harris Franklin, president ot tno Franklin Live Stock com pany, vice president of tho Golden Reward company and president of tho American National bank of this city, has returned homo from Chicago, whero he succeeded In inlercstlng capitalists in the proposed electric road from this city to Spcnrllsh. by way of Load, Tcrravllle and Central City. Franlc R. Greene, secretary ot tho Chicago City Railway company, Is associated with tho Ucadwood people. It Is believed that N. E. Franklin Is noting for his father In tho matter. It has beer, announced In this city that as soon ns tho franchises can be secured from the different cities that work on tho proposed road will be com menced. N. E. Franklin states that all the capital necessary to carry out tho scheme has been pledged in Chicago. Tho road would ho about fifteen miles long and it is considered by practical business men of the Hills to be nn enterprise that will be a financial success. WESTERN HORSES SCARCE Will Ho Dlflleiilt fur l.iit crnnirnl to Olitnln lteiiilreil Viimlier for I'nrt Mt'iiile. I LEAOWOOD, S. I)., March 26. (Special.) Thero seems to bo a general opinion among tho horsernlscrs of the Mack Hills that tho sovernment will havo to lower tho standard of horseflesh for cavalry puriosos hoforc any great number of horses can be furnished. J. P. Gammon, a horbo- man of tho Hills, states Hint it will bo dilllcull for tho government to get the necessary number of western horses for tho now regiments to bo shipped at Fott Meade. Tho contract price Is not high enough to attract owners of good horses, as they can get as good prices In the open market and not bo subject to severe horse inspectors. Gammon states that I ho num ber of good horses on the niack Hills ranges Is limited. SMALL RANSOM DEMANDED I'lii Dollar AsUnl frnni I. end Jlpr- I'linnt I niler Threat nf Klil II n ill nu. LEAD, S. 1).. March 26. --(Special.) A prominent business man of this city has received a letter from someone, supposed to be boys, containing a threat of kid naping tho merchant's son unless money Is forthcoming. Tho letter reads: "If you don't leave $5 at the corner of Mr. we will tnko your son. Remember, at 4:50 a. m., If not called for. Remember, do the right thing with us, nnd we will with you. Keep It from tho police. Just your self. Remember, all In nickels, In n bog. (Signed) B.'C. and C." There Is n sot of young lads in this city that Is up to all sorts of small crime. Two of tho boys will probably he sent to tho Reform u'.iioo! this week. MAY GOTO INYAN-KARA FIELDS I'lloiifclnn of the U ymiiliiu A Mlnsuiirl Itlvcr Itiillrnml from Almlillii Inn I Mlnm, 1IBLI.E FOL'RCHE, S. I).. March 26. (Special.) There Is a rumor thnt tho Wyoming & Missouri River railroad will bo extended this season from tho Aladdin coal mines into tho Inyan-Knra coal fields in W oinlng. Tho road will probably cross the north fork of Redwntor. following up the south fork of iho same stream, skirting tho foot of tho Hear Lodge mountain.' and then to Sundnrfco creek. Tho road would penetrate u rich cattlo and agricultural country and open up rich coal fields. Tho Aladdin coal mines aro now producing three c'arloads of coal a day. Tho coal Is now used lu tho Homestako and SpenrftBli mln Ing companies' mills. IIiiiiiiikc Ciimi Slnrl from t'n'it, MITCHKl-I.. S. I).. March 20. (Special.) Papers havo been served In a suit for dnm ages by A. O. Wnlpolo riBnlnst Charles T. Oreene and Hamuel T. Oreeno for J5.000. Two months ago, It Is alleged, Charles Oreeno mnde an nssault on W.ilpolo nnd The Doubtful "DOTS" March 30th. beat him so that ho wns laid up from work for two months. The enfe grows out of the ownership of a cow and has been drag ging along for two years. MOORE FAVORS SHORT TERM .tinier nf Den ill mill !n Ten Is 'Inn l.nitii fnc Arson. 1 rnrt DEAOWOOI), S. D March 26.-(Speclal.) When Judge Moore sentenced Michael Connolly to ten years In tho state prison for arson he mad! tho stntcmcnt that ho considered the term of sontence much too long for the crime and he wished to go on record that two and one-half years should be the limit of tho term. Ten years Is the least that can be given for arson. Judge Moore wishes to have tho man pnrdoncd nt the end of two nnd n half years nnd he and tho members of tho Jury thnt convicted him will nil sign a petition for a pan) in. Connolly Is believed to have set the fire and cut the hose while under the Influence of liquor. BIG MINING DEAL EXPECTED I'nrly of (,'niillnllsts, lni'liiillnc Ultlu I'l-Cn. rriiur, I nt llenil n outl. DEAtnvooiJ, S. 1)., March 26. (Special ) A party of capitalists has arrived In this city. They stopped nt Sheridan In rennington county to cxamino n copper property that adjoins tho Hluo Lead m'.nc. Among the party wero Charles Foster, ex governor of Ohio; M. Ooddard of Denver, II. II. Prcttyman of Iondon, S. A. Haxter nnd C. L. Haxter of Lima, O., and J. K. Brlcc of New York. One of tho largest mining deals In the Southern Hills Is about to be consummated. Xnulli Dnknlii Inenrpiirn tlnnn. PIEnilE, S. I)., March 26. (Special.) Theto articles of Incorporation have been filed for: The Hidden Fortune Gold Mining com pany, at Lend City, with a capital of f3,OCO,000. Incorporators, Henry J. Mayhnm, A. M. Stevenson nnd George M. Nix. The Ellis Hall nsaoclntlon, nt Ellis, Mln- nehaha county, with n capital of $2,000, Incorporators, F. W. Uarnes, C. Leaders and E. O. Hnrstad. The American Vlatophono company, at Pierre, with n cupital of $1,000,000. In corporators, Albert T. Armstrong, Calton U. Repp nnd Harry S. Anderson. I liimipeny Creumcry in .Hold. MITCHELL, S. D., Murch 26. (Special.) Tho Chnmpeny creamery, which has been In the hands of n trustee for tho bank ruptcy court of Wisconsin, has been sold, which also Includes the skimming station a short dlstnnco south of town. It was bought by J. E. Turner & Son and will ho operated In connection with their whole sale butter and egg house. Mllehell OrKiinlr Ins; Mllllln. MITCHELL. S. I).. March 26. (Special.) Colonel J. M. Adams Is Interesting tilt young men of the city In tho organization or a state guard nnd has secured one-half tho required number. A good many of the young soldiers who served in the South Dakota regiment In the Philippines have becomo members and they will help In drilling the raw squad. Manner !nlvc. Tetter, eczema and skin diseases yield quickly to the marvelous healing qualities of Banner Salve. Mado from a proscrip tion of a skin specialist ot world-wldo fame. 25c. Meyers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's drug store. South Omaha. GENERALLY FAIR WITH WINDS .XebrnsUii lu I'n re WVII Wdlncnitn-. but Tomorrow Itnlu. Is line Ann I ii. WASHINGTON. March 26. Forecast for Wednesday and Thursday: For Nebraska Generally fair Wednes day; southerly winds. Thursday rain, with colder In western portion. For Iowa Generally fair Wednesday; fresh northerly winds. Thursday probably fair. For Missouri Fair In northern; rain probablo In southern portion Wednesday; northerly winds, becoming variable. Thurs day rain. For North and South Dakota Fair Wednesday, with rising temperature; south erly winds. Thursday rain or snow ond colder. For Kansas Rain Wednesday; falling temperature: northerly winds. Thursday rain, with rising temperature. For Colorado Fair In western, snow and colder In eastern portion Wednesday; winds becoming northwesterly. Thursday fair. For Wyoming Fair In western, snow In eastern portion Wednesday; winds becom ing northerly. Thursday fair. For Montana Cloudiness, with occasional snow Wednesday; colder In northern por tion; winds becoming northerly. Thurs day fair. For Western Texas Generally fair and colder Wednesday; northwesterly winds. Thursday fair. For Now Mexico Fair Wednesday; north westerly winds. Thursday fair. For Oklahoma, Indian Territory and Ar kansas Rain nnd colder Wednesday; east erly to northerly wins, becoming north westerly. Thursday fair. For Illinois Fair Wednesday; brisk northwesterly winds, becoming vnrlnblc, Thursduy rain. I.nenl H coord OFFICK OF V. 8. WKATHER BUREAU, OMAHA. March 26. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with tho corresponding day. of tho last thrcu years: IDOL 1900. 1S09. im. Maximum temperature... 3!) r5 ?,o M Mlnllmuni temperature... 32 so 21 3: Meun temnoraturo 42 26 II PrcelpltHtlon 00 .00 .no .00 Record of temperature nnd precipitation nt Omaha for this day nnd since Mnrch 1, 1901 Normal temperature . 10 Deficiency for tho day 4 Total excess since March 1, 1(101 M Normal precipitation nfi Inch Oellcleuey for the day 05 Inch Total precipitation since March 1..1. Clinch KxcenH since Mnrch 1. 1WH is Inch llellclency snmn period In !') (m inch Deficiency samn period In U9D 67 Inch lleporU from Slntluua nt 7 l, M. HI -I z -3 s i a Si 3 c 3 3 STATIONS AND BTATK OF YVEATHEK. Omnlin, cloudy North Platte, clear ('heyi'iuie, clear Salt like, cloudy .. Rapid City, cloudy . Huron, clear Wllllstiin, clear ('IiIciiko, snowing ... St. I-oiiIh, cloudy .... St. Paul, cloudy Davenport, cloudy .. Kansas City, cloudy , Helenn, part cloudy Havre, part cloudy . ItlsmarcK, elnuily .... dalveston. clear Hi .on 12 .(') 31' .HO ini .00 "i'.i ft.1' III 41' .M 2s SO T :iv 40 .m I0 40 .11 nil io .on Vi Ml T ::ni .no i!2i w .(.) T Indicates trnco of precipitation. A. WELSH. Local I'orecast Olllclal. CONGRESSMAN BOTKIN The Weil-Known Kansas Catarrh of the Stomach by Pe-ru-na, AFTER TWENTY-FIVE More Evidence of Interest to the Millions of Catarrh Sufferers in the United States. QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO m SgKCT OlION. I. t). 15 1) IK IN. CONCKKSSMAN-AT.LAIUiH FROM KANSAS'" OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO In n recent letter to I)r Hnrtmnn, Con fame Is n national ono, says of Pcruna My Dear Doctor "It iiivos 1110 curative qtntttticH of your mo.lieloes Perumi ami Muuiilin. I have been nfftictcd more 01 less for a quarter of a century with eatarrli of the rttom ncli and constipation. A rcsiJcnce in WasUington has increased these troubles. A lew bottles of your medicine have i-iven me almost complete relief, and I am sure that a continuation of them will cffct a permanent cure. I'cruna is surely a wonuertnl J. 1). llotkin, Connre.ssinaii-ut-I.irj;e. CONGRESSMAN BOTKIN Is ono of the most li'tliientlnl and best known men In the stnte of Kansas. Whatever ho may say on any subject will bo necepted by the pcoplo as tho truth. So famous a remedy ns Pcruna could not havo well es caped the attention of so famous a man. Ho not only lias hoard ot the remedy, but he hns used it and was rellovnd ot an ninictlon of twenty-fivo years' standing. Peruna Is tho ono internal remedy tint cures chronic cntnrrh. It curcB catarrh wherovir located. This Is a fact that tho people aro rapidly finding out, but thero nro still a large multitude who need Hi kbow It. Mr. Frank Rlchter, of Winona, Minn., says in a letter to 'l liu Pcruna Medicine Company: "As a remedy for catarrh I take ploanuro in recommending Peruna for catarrh of tho btomnch. I know what it is to be afflicted with this awful disease nud consider It my duty tn say a word In behalf of tho rem edy which gave mo such relief. Peruna cured mo and I know It will euro anyone olso who suffers from this disease, it gives mo groat pleasure to testify to the cur ative effects of this medicine. I'oruna Is a well tested and frequently used remedy, and for catarrh of tho stomach Is unsur passed. "My catarrh was principally located In my head nnd stomach. I tried many rem edies without success. I tried r.ovcral doc tors but they wero untiblo to cure 1110. I rend of Peruna In the papers and live bot tles cured me." Frank Rlchlor. Tho gastric Jniro Is secreted by tho mu cous follicles of the stomach. When this Juleo is normal It digests (dissolves) the fond without producing any disturbance whatoer. If, however, tho gastric Julrn. Is not normal, digestion causes many dis agreeable symptoms. This rnndltinn Is known as Indigestion. Perumi will cure this. SPOKEN OF SO HIGHLY. 5c CIGAR. 'John G. Woodward & Co., Distributors, Moritz Aeyer Cig-ar Co., Distributors, Statesman, Cured of YEARS' SUFFERING. OOOOOOClOOOOOOOOOOOOO - - -t (lira grcssman ilotkln, of Wlnflcld, Kun., whose pleasure tti certify to the excellent reineJy for catarrhal aftectlons. " Mrs, Scllim Trfnnor, Athens, O,, writes: "I ennuot llnd words to express my thanks for your kind nd f"(S J (!) ? 'i $ vlrc. I never 1' onco thought I Q hud catarrh of " tho stomach. I commenced tnk- lug Peruna as you dlr o c t c d. M y v Btomnch cont I n v" tied to hurt nie ,;, for nliout two weeks nftrr I he- ,;, Rim tnn medicine nnd then It stop - ped. I tiow havo n Mr, Hellnn Tunner. ""'A1': 1) IIIIU UI IUIO 1 ;)' - IS i wnH nrarly Btarv. cd." Mrs Scllna Tunner. Mrs. U. O. Mnrhle, of Ocnovn, Nb., writes: "I do hellevc that my catarrh Is entirely cured. I havo not had nny trouhlo with my Htouiach for n long time. I nm as well hi ono of my iiro could oxpect (seventy years). 1 havo had the entarrh over since 1 was a ynutiK man, and havo doctored for It for jeara and Rot very llttlo hotter, hut thanks to you and your Peruna nnd .Miiualln I hellevo I mil well of It. I can eat iinythliiK now nnd It don't hurt me, and reruna Is the only thins I havo ever found that will cute tho catarrh. I bo lleve It la tho only cure for cntnrrh, and I hope nveryono troubled with catarrh will try Peruna nnd bo cured. I. O. Marble, If you do not derlvo prompt and satis factory results from tho use of Peruna, wrlto nt onco to Dr. Ilartman, giving a full statement of your caso and ho will ho pleased ,to give you his vnluablo advice Brails. Address Dr. Ilartman. president of The Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. Council Bluffs. Omaha 'liii o i! .0m "V" M JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA AWNINGS AND TENTS. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., Oitinhn, Neb. Mnnufacturors of Tents and Canvas Goods. Send for Cntalocue Number 23 CIGARS. aljncle Oscar" The Favored 5c Cigar. Strictly hand made by Heno h Co. Allen Bros. Co., Distributors DRY GOODS. fyj E. Smith I Go. importers ind Jobfetrsl Dry Goods, Furnishing Ootdi AND NOTIONS. WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods Go. itOWARD STIIEBT, OMAHA'S GREAT NEW HOUSE, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. w stern Electrical Company Electrical Supplies. Wtttrlc Wiring Belli aid 0s Llgkt!a O. W. JOHNSTON. Mgr. 1610 Howard St. SAFE AND IRON WORKS. Unit's Safes, Cnsh Registers, TyPewritera- ' Hall Safe and Lock Company, 1 1 HI Fnrnnm St. Davis & Cowgill Iron Works, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBER OF MACHINERY. OBNERAL. REPAIRING A PBCIAliTl IRON AND BRABS FOUNDERS. 1B01, ltTOtl and 1(105 Jaokaoa Straat, Omaha. Nek. Tel. OaS. B. Zatortstilc. Acent. J. B. Cewdll, Mf. LEVATOR SUPPLIES ELEVATORS Improved Quick and Eiy Rlalaa Stiam, Electric and Hand Power Elivatirs. AUTOMATIC HATCH OAT It Rand for catalogue. KIMBALL BROS., COUNCIL BLUFT8. 1 MM th Btstat. Velephana 111. e H. Davis ft Son Agiinti for the Rlchiaaa! fiafety uatee ana Fire Docri. Elevator Hrdraullo and Hand BUfaUri. Elevator rcpatrlnB a peelalty. Leather Valvo Cups for Elevate. Nausea aaa Printing Preaise. -rlANE CO. Mn-trF anil Tnhhar. nf Steam and Water Supplies Of All Kinds, 1014 nnii mm nmiGiiAS st. ENVELOPES. Buy from the Manufacturers. Burklcy Envtlope Co., Makers and Printer) or j ENVELOPES All Kinds and fUe. 120 Ntrth Fifteenth Streit, IMPLEMENTS. 0 m a h al mple ment and Transfer Co. Afenta for Lambert Rasollne Engine, the Ooodblve Rotarv f5rlndr ttt Erway Thrco now Cultivator and the Hoae Comfort Lawn Swlna. Send for catalocuea. "or. 9th and Jackeon St. GASOLINE ENGINES AND GRAIN ELEVATOR MACHINERY & Co. Council Bluffs, Iowa Gasoline Engines Vertical, Horizontal and Portable, from one horse Dower un. Jobber of Agricultural Impleraenta aa4 everyinins in water, Bieam ana fu -rap piles. PAINTS AND OILS. National Oil ( Paint Co. (Incorpornlofl.) MAMirACTIIIIHHS AMI .KIIIIIKIIK. Paints for all Purposis, Varnishti, ttc. 1015 nnd 1017 Jones St., Tel, 1721, Omaha. WALL PAPER. Yotttr Wall papor Co., JOBBERS WALL PAPER. Large, well nMnctrd ntock, same ai eastein houses Intent noeltlea. Dealers send for 1M1 sampln tin nnil terms, ISKI-IUiri H--M..V St. Omnlin. DR. KAY' 3 RENOVATOR InvlKorates anil renovates the RTnlfira; purlllns and rnrlchnh tUe Mood; cures tho wurht djupepsla, conMlpatlon, heodnche, liver nnd kidneys. SSanml JI. ntrtruRglHts. Vrcn Rudvlc). sampln and book. bb-.. Dr. II. J. Kay, Saratoga, N,V. ENOVATOH mi'AN'H TAHIJLKS Is nn effective cure for tho ilia which originate In a had stom ach. 10 for la. At nil ilrueulvta. I tr, Uf -aunrtKS all Kidney Kldneycura. in wiirBHrs, due. ll arbe, eto, Aflruc cltte, or nr Bail. nivid Bradloy V 11 It FrrebookjaeV tee, eta, e( pr. B. J. Kajr, N. T.,