Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Oharlu Grtunlg, Betird Omaha OapStaliit,
Mku tht InTeitment.
All rrrllinlnnr)' Dclullt llnir IIitii
CumiilPlril nml mv Unlrrprlii! In
,ii iv n Ortiilitt) Omnhii
mi ilc II I I.Ol'lltlOll.
Arrangements were completed yesterday
morning whereby Charles (IruenlK, a retired
lapltnllst of this city, will open a match
luctory In Omaha within tho next sixty
Tho new fuctory was secured throURh tho
ctforts of tho Commercial cluh, which took
tho matter up with OeorRe It. Ilc-usher of
Chicago several weeks ai?o. Mr. Iloushcr Is
a practical match manufacturer, and for
many years wus In tho employ of tho Na
tional Match company. Ily tho consolida
tion of factories ho lost his position and
began looking around lor n place where a
factory could be located to advantage.
Seeing that tho vaHl territory northwest
of Chicago, of which Omaha is tho center,
had no factory west of Chicago, ho decided
upon thin point. Mr. (irucnlg was easily
interested and has spent tho tlmn since tho
plan was first presented in Investigating
tho business.
Investigation showed that the material
for manufacturing matches could bo placed
in Omaha as cheaply as II could bo at any
other point In tho United States and that
as a distributing joint this city cannot be
I'll I'IkmiI ii Mil'.
Tho plant will cost lit its Inception be
tween $25,000 and $30,000 and will have a
ca purity of n earload of matches u day,
lth an ability to doublo tho capacity by
working dotlhlo time. It will employ from
thirly-flvc to seventy persons, mainly girls
and boys, who will park tho matches In the
cases for shipment. Tho manufacture of
matches is one of the Industries which havo
gone Into tho hands of machines. The wood
Is received anil Sawed Into lengths, drawn
through knives which give it tho proper
dimensions and coatcil with the material
which ignites upon friction entirely by ma
chinery. A device lias recently been In
vented which prints the paper of Iho cover
ing of tho boxes, pastes It upon tho straw
board, forms tho box and Its container and
loads them with tho perfected matches dur
ing one process.
The success of tho factory under the man
ngement of the prospective owner Is as
Htired from tho tirst. Mr. llouahor will bo
htiperlntendent of tho concern and tho finan
cial affairs will bo transacted by Mr. f!nm
nlg In person. With tho development of the
territory of tho factory it may be that a
Htock company will bo formed to carry on
tho business If trade conditions warrant.
Tho factory will bo Independent of the so
railed trust, but It Is said will work In
harmony with It In prices and terms.
The location of tho factory has not been
decided upon, but several sites aro being
considered. Ono or two buildings havo been
nlTered, but thero is u possibility that Mr.
Cruontg will build a structure on land
owned by him In the northern part of tho
'I'hlrf Miller Clinreli mill Steal llni
lirclliiN from Wor
nlillirrM, Tho rain yesterday fell upon tho Just,
but not upon tho unjust, becauso the unjust
havo stolen tho umbrellas of tho Just.
Hrv. Luther M. Kuhns, pastor of Grace
Lutheran church, was preaching from tho
theme, "Tho Limitless Kingdom." Tho con
gregation was not large, for it was raining
outsldo and very dark, and besides the
fct reels wcro slippery and perilous of pas
sage. Thu worshipers camo early, each
with u dripping umbrella, which ho leaned
against tho wall in tho anto-ronm.
"Wo can no moro foretell what will hap
pen In tho domain of things spiritual," said
tho pastor, "than wo can foretell what will
happen in tho material world."
Just then a thief entered tho antc-rnom
and stolo ticventren of tho dripping um
brellas. The pastor, In blissful Ignorance of what
had occurred, continued his sermon, and
Illustrated n point In his dlscourso by re
ferring to tho depth of tho I'acltlu ocean.
.Yesterday It. I Alexander rcpurtcd the
theft at tho police station.
ItcKlxtereil Letter ;ic .In tray mill
.Now tin .WfuiiiitliiK In
Deinii iiilcil.
There aro two John Oaylords In Omaha,
which fact seems to huvo resulted In a mis
take In the delivery of a registered letter
containing $20. John fiaylord No. t is a
clerk and John (Jaylord No. 2 Is a can
vasser. It was No. 1! wdm scoured the $20,
and now ho lu trying to convince the post
onicc Inspectors that his immo is really
John (laylord, ami that ho took tho regls
tetcd letter In good faith, thinking thu
money was Intended for him. Ho was ex
liectlng $20 through tho malls, ho said.
a vai.i aiii.i:
l'or t'ouuliH mill t'oliU In Children.
"I havo not tho slightest hestltaney lu
recommending Chamberlain's Cough Itemed)-
to all who aro suffering from coughs
or colds," says Charlos Al. Cramer, esq., u
well known watchmaker of Colombo, Cey
lon. "It has been somo two years slnco tho
city dispensary tlrst called my attention to
this valuable medicine and I havo repeat
edly used It and It has always been bene
ficial. It has cured mo quickly of nil chest
cold3. It Is especially uffcctlvo for chil
dren ami seldom takes more than ono
bottle to euro them of hoarseness. I havo
persuaded many to try this valuablo medi
cine" and they aro all us well pleased as
myeclf over tho results." l'or salo by all
I.cnve IlulTnln S I. M.. Arrive !Ye?
York 7ir:i A. M.
via Lehigh Valley railroad "Imposition
Kxpress." Luxurious sleeping cars.
Feeds that grow com from th Nebraska
eed company, 1513-15 Howard st.
Was Ibsinf-Minded
Ills wlfo gavo lilm u letter and told him
to bo sum and mull It and then charged
lilm to bring homo somo bread when ho
camo to lunch Mo went to tho pustutllce,
but Instead of mailing tho letter he put
30 cents In tho box and on his way homo
handed tho baker the letter In exehnnirc
for bread heforo bo discovered his mistake
then ho woko up wo will tell you tho
liamo of tills absent minded man somo day,
t'riiinrr'i. Kidney Cure..... 7.1u
Kny'n llcnuviilor you
Kny'a i.iiiik lliiliu 11
lluny'M Alnlt Wlilakcy h.-,0
l.ntim Cream m0
I'Hlne'a CVlery Ctimnniind 7,iu
AVI lie ii f (.'aril ii I 7,-,0
I'lrrer'a l'ri-i:rlitltiii 7gc
ttcott'a I'.iiiiilalnii , 75
Oiomulalnii 7,-,0
Coltsfoot KxpeeloriiiK , 7,0
I'nlnin TnlilvU riOo
White Illlibou Ilrineily $1,00
H. S. 9. . . , 7j0
Mulled .Milk 40v, 7.1e, a.jn
I'liiklimn'a Lniiiiiuund 75u
crmccca CL1 mhc.e
ouimcrcn drugcist
V. W. Cor. 101b una CkloMita.
C. II, IMokena Tnlka nt Condition on
Purine Count mid Tell of
(rotvltiK Trnilr,
C, II. I'lckcns of tho Iaxton-Oallaghr
company returned yesterday from tho
I'aclfio coast, where ho went on a trip of
combined business and pleasure, which took
bim from Victoria, H. C, to Los Angeles.
While on the coast Mr. I'lckcns investi
gated the canning, prospects in nil of the
various lines. In the salmon canneries
business is Just starting, tho companies get
ting Into shape for tho run which will begin
In May. From present Indications it ap
pears that the prlco of salmon from Alaska
and I'ugot sound will bo lower this year
than last, but tlsli from tho Columbia river
will bo higher. Thin winter several large
cold storage houses have been erected on
the banks cf that river and tho Managers
of these hnues aro In actlvo competition
with tho packers. It is believed that the
competition will force .the prlco of' fish up
to 5 cents nnd ti cents a pound, u prlco
higher than they have ever ruled slnco the
establishment of tho canning houses on tho
streatd. This will make Columbia liver
canned salmon higher than ever before
"In California," said Mr. I'lckcns, "the
cnnticrs of fruit expert a good crop. The
vines and trees are now In bloom, and It
will require it hard frost within tho next
two weeks to destroy the prospects of ono
of tho largest yields In the history of the
state, Tho raisin growers havo still con
sldernblo stock on hand from last year, but
expect to handle successfully a larger crop
than that of 1000 without loss."
Speaking of tho towns of tho coast Mr.
I'lckcns says that tho trade with tho Klon
dlko has made Seattle. It amounts to thou
sands of dollars u month In exports, and
tho gold which comes In goes lo swell the
currency of tho city. Thousands of pcoplo
from all over tho country aro now In Seattle
waiting for the opening up of tralllc lu tho
spring, and hundreds are scrambling for
tho prlvllcgo of leaving on tho earliest boat.
What tho Alaskan trade has done for
Hcattlo the oriental trade has done for Sail
Kranclsco, nnd merchants In that city say
that they nro astonished at the develop
ment of tho trade, which is beyond nil ex
pectation. This region is generally consid
ered outsldo of Omaha's territory, but sev
eral whnlcsalo houses of this city have
representatives on tho coast handling spe
cialties, nnd they report that Omnha Is
getting u largo part of tho business In the
lines represented.
Htnckholilern of tin; Defunct (irrninn
KhvIiikn Mil nk .Mny llnve
In 31 like (iiiiiil.
Judge Kawcctt Is hearing the application
of Thomas II. McCague. receiver of the
Oerman Savings bank, for an npproval of
his report as to tho assets and liabilities of
the defunct tinnk aud for instructions us to
suing tho stockholders for tho deficit.
The receiver reportH that tho assets of
tho bank havo been turned into cash and
applied to tho payment of the liabilities,
but thero aro still $204,000 of claims against
the institution which havo been proved up,
but not paid on account of lack of funds.
Tho capital stock of tho bank wus $500,-
000, of which only $100,000 was paid In, and
tho receiver wants Instructions from tho
court to sue tho stockholders for DO per
cent of their unpaid stock subscriptions lu
order lo renllzo tho $200,000 necessary to
pay tho liabilities which have not already
been met.
l.ocnl Kenlcr anil Producer In the
I'le III for I ml Inn .N ug
lily Trnilr.
When tho bids for Indian supplies are
opened In Chicago next month It will be
found Hint Nebraska Is In tho bidding if
the present indications aro borno out. At
tho Indian supply depot Superintendent Jor
dan Is kept busy answering questions relat
ing to bids. These Inquiries como from all
parts of tho fctnto, and many of them from
farmers who expect to deliver grain and
supplies direct from thcfnrm to tho Omaha
depot for distribution to tho wards of
Undo Sam.
l?p to this time Nebraska merchants have
refrained from making bids on Indian sup
plies, but this has been for tho reason that
tho places whero delivery is required have
mado It Impossible for them to compete, as
tho prlco Is estimated on the goods deliv
ered free on board cars at the station where
tho depot Is located. Now that tho depot Is
established In Omaha they will havo an op
portunity to show that they aro nllvo to
their opportunities and will mako a strong
pull to havo all of the goods for delivery
in Omaha purchased from Nebraska dealers
and producers.
Will JnKKiir IlriiiK" ."ult Airnlnnt
Street Itullivuy for Death of
KukIInIi l'oluler.
Will L. Juggar has brought suit In tho
county court against tho Omaha Street
Hallway company for $100, which ho says
Is tho fair valuo of his English pointer dog,
killed by a street car on March 10.
Mwlit Warn Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly all night long,"
writes Mrs. Cbas. Applegato of Alexandria,
Ind "and could hardly get any sleep, I
had consumption so bad that if I walked a
block I would cough frightfully and spit
blood, but, when all other medicines tailed,
threo $1.00 bottleof Or. King's New Discov
ery wholly cured mo und I gained llfty
eight pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed
to euro Coughs, Colds, La Oclppo, liron-
chills and all Throat and Lung Troublos.
l'rlco 50o aud $1.00. Trial bottlc3 free at
Kubn & Co.'s drug store.
ii 1 1: ii,
imOWN-Clcorgo S March 25, low, aged
(II years.
P'uncrul Wednesday nt 2 i. in., from late
residence, 1Mb and Karnam. Krlends invited.
Opening of Spring nnd
Summer Millinery
March US. an, :ii Tliiirtday, l'rldny
nml Hit until).
ThtOnateitEaUofFii Rngi Eur Hild
ia tht 0!tj.
All Hoi. m Mxe Hiikn In first (Irndc
of Wilton, Aainlimtcr, Moqiiette,
HlKli (iriult! .Smyrna on Snlc
nt About Half Their Worth.
Theso rugs were consigned to one of thi
finest exclusive carpet stores In tho west,
but being delayed in transit the consignee
refused to accept them. Tho low prlco at
which wo bought them enables us to offer
you these remarkable bargains.
$15.00 llUOS AT $1J.9S.
0x12 best grade Smith's Axminstcr, San
ford's Axmlnster nnd Sloane's be3t OxU
Smyrnas, worth $15,00, go at $19.'jS.
$35.00 HUGS, $15.93.
Smith's Axminstcr rugs, slzo 7-6x10-6 and
8-3x10-6, nnd tho best grado of all wool
Smyrna rugs, all rare patterns, at $15. 9S.
$20.00 nuos, $9.ns.
Ilest grado Smyrna, Axminstcr and Mo
quctto rugs, size Ox'.i, nt $9.98.
All tho largo slzo art squares in different
grades that nro v.orth up to $6.50, go it
All tho Ingrain art oquarcs that gcucrally
sell up to $5.00, go at $2.1)3.
$3.00 HUC1S AT $1.98.
Axmlnster nnd Moquctto rugs in different
sizes, worth up to $5.00, go at $1.9S.
$3.50 ltUOS, $1.25.
Smyrna and Wilton rugs, worth $3.50, go
at $1.25.
These nro the very finest rugs ever of
fered in the city at such ridiculously low
25C LACKS, 3',-iC, 5C AND SC YD.
20,000 pieces high grado oriental and net
top laces, extra fine quality, worth 25c yd,
at 3'.6c, 5c and So yd.
A very choice lot of lluo embroideries and
Insertions In line swIss, nainsook and cam
bric, worth up to 50c yd, at 2',4c, 0c, 714c,
10c and 15c yd,
J. L. Ilrandels & Sons, Proprietors.
Hokum Clieeka Continue lo Pile Vp
AKiiluat (ieorKe II. Mer
ry in mi.
Nearly a score of worthless checks, al
leged to have been issued by (Icorgo D.
Merryman In payment for work douo on
the streets, havo found their way to tho
pollen station, whero Merryman Is still In
confinement, awaiting tho filing of a com
plaint. No formal charge has been en
tered against him as yet, as tho authorities
nro not certain but that ho is a caso for
tho Insanity board.
Theodore Lichen, costumcr, called at tho
Jail yesterday to see tho Svengall wig
nnd beard worn by Merryman at the tlmo
of his arrest. lie was told that as theso
properties would probably figure as exhibits
in the trial, they would havo to bo held by
tho police until tho caso was disposed of.
Sunday "Merryman sent out messages to
seven persons, requesting each to bring
blm a meal.
Whero can yo ulnvest money more profit
ably than by buying a bottle of l'rlckly Ash
Illtters you get four for ono. A kidney
medicine, a liver tonic, stomach strength
oner and bowel cleanser. Four medicines
for ono dollar.
Free Homes.
For book and map of lands to be opened
for settlement In Indian Territory send
stamp with name nnd address to .
Agtnt C, R. I. & r. Ry Omaha.
Shoe Store
Is tironounerd bv till thn Indies as being
just what Omiiha has been wanting to
inalto it a metropolitan city.
O ur Rest Room
as tho word implies Is fitted for your
own conveniences with stationery, a tele
phone and ensy cbnlrs. We are prepared to
lit every lady In Omaha with Sorosls Shoes
ami wo guarantee a fit. wo wish ii un
derstood that you don't havo to bo u pur
chaser of our shoes to takn advantage of
our modern conveniences, but feel ut lib
erty to como and make yourself at homo
any time.
Let It be tho watch word to "Meet me at
tho Sorosls Shoo Store."
Sorosis Shoe Stort,
'203 So. 15th Street.
That's a strip THIRTY feet long aud
TEN feet wide. This amount of surface
can bo covered with ono gallon Sherwln
Wllllams' mixed paint costs you $1.60.
l&-plnt can Varnish Stain 25c
li-pint can Oil Stain 15c
V-pInt can Family l'alnt i 15c
H-pint can Euamel Taint 20c
1 gallon can Outsldo House l'alnt . $t.G0
n-gallon can Outsldo Houso l'alnt ....$8.00
l-g.lllou can CREOSOTE l'alnt for
barns and fenct , $1.00
5-gallon can Creosote l'alnt for barns. $4. 00
'.(j-plnt can Hath Tub Enamel 60c
Call for Color Card.
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go.
Cor. 16tb nd Dodge, Omaha.
I IT 1 rs
nan inue
and Less
lOo Oatmeal Soap, only 5c
25o Juvenile Soap, only 10c
20o Deekham's Tar Soap Sc
lOo Tooth llruabcs, only 5c
2Co Tooth Ilruslics, only 10c
25c Wild Roso Tooth Powder .... 10c
Sponges, worth 5c, 10c and 15c, for 3c
$1,00 Cramer's Kidney Curo .... 60o
$1.00 KJrk's Hair Tonlu 46c
$1.00 I'eruna 65c
50o Kidneoids ISo
$1.00 Munyon Remedies SSe
50o Kop's Mult Extract 20c
I Kltli nnd Knrnaiu Streets.
IIAYDE.N- Illll).j.
(Irenl Snle from Xrrr York Auction.
6c new styles shirting calico, 2ic.
10c fast color lawns, Sc.
,12c fancy colonial cloth 3c.
12c shaker flannel, 5c.
IBc yard wldo checks, 6c.
10c percale, 36-ln. wldo, Ic. '
75 cases white goods nnd blenched sheet
ings at ono-thlrd actual value.
WIiIimt of Henry (ioodinmi IXhimles
Ilic Vnli f I lie Properly of
1 Hie Ileeennetl.
Carrie M. Goodman, tho widow, has peti
tioned tho county court to appoint tho
Omaha Loan and Trust company adminis
trator of tho estate of tho late Henry Good
man. It is stated that the estate consists
of about $30,000 of pcrsonnl property, and
tho legal heirs arc tho widow, three sons
and a daughter.
Tho United States excel In chnmpagne.
Cook's Imperial Exlrn Dry takes tho lend.
The Chicago Record
h6l of these Type
ti .tti In dally ute
If you want typewriter, why not
come first where you can sue
WRITER In its bait form?
of all kinds for all machines.
New Century
The finest catalogue
ever Issued Is
yours for the asking.
United Typewriter and Supply Co,,
1614 Farnatn St., Omnha.
Fresh supply of Imported Swedish leeches
Just recehed. Wo keep them In stock at
all times. Can be sent by mall, l'rlco 50c.
An extra good Hypodermic for M-1'0
A better Hypodarmlc for $l-"0
A lino Hypodermic for ?2.00
Also extra needles.
A fever thermometer Is almost n necessity
In oery family nowadays. Thero la no
reason for being without one, for wo can
sell an extra tine tct registering magnify
ing lensc a thoroughly aged thermometer
for $
Fuller Drug and Paint Go,,
Opcu all night. 14th and Douglas Sts.
t M
A Pleasure
I To know that teeth can bo
(.xtruiteil positively without
any puin. Our method with
ITU.IZHD All; Is perfect
ly harmless,
i'eetli ( leiineil
Vltllllcil All- .
1517 DounlnsSt.
and every Tuesday in APRIL
mwmswjy viiiuii g&viiivs
tho only
"lli I w-
Direct Line Across the Continent
will sell tickets at the following reduced rates
from Omaha
San Francisco, Los
Angeles, San Diego,
lueludlnr tlvmaln line points, north
California Uto line to Colton, Son
Bernardino, and San Dleg-o
Utah, Idaho, Oregon,
Montana and Washington,
Ocden and Silt Lake City, Utah,
Dutto and Helena, Montana
Portland, Oregon, Spokane, Washing
ton, Tacouia and Seattle, WashlDS
ton $25,00
HAYDENs Furniture
It is a relief to know that the business of life in the way
of furniture are now in the reach of all. The old days of
high prices have vanished with the mists, and wo naturally
take a good deal of credit to ourselves for this state of afrairs,
as we were the originators of low prices in this part of tho
country, we intend to adhere to our original plan that of
selling the best we can secure, lower than similar goods can
be bought elsewhere, and ask you to at least look us over be
fore you buy.
We aro showing over ninety
styles of fine metal beds, and
by bbcuring a vary large ship
inent we are enabled to offer
really artistic beds at tho prico
usually paid lor the plain and
cheaper grades.
Tho cut shows one of the
new styles, finished in light
green with while trimmings
a bed that will add to tho ap
pearance of your rooms, and
yet not higher in price than the ordinary cheap bed. Such
a bed heretofore has generally sold for 10 or 12 the price
is now 7.50. Wo have added greatly lo all our lines, and
you-can now look at moro tables, more chairs, more book
cases, more metal beds, more go-carts and more of everything
than ever before. Give us a chance to figure with you.
Groceries on Sale Fruit Sale
10 pounds Coru Meal 10c Kips, 3 pounds for 10c
!5 pounds Ityo 1'lour 10c D.uiunas, dozen lOo
10 pounds Graham 'cc Cholcn Oranrs, dozen 7c
3 pounds Cereal Coffeo for 23c Good Nnlorla Oranges, dozen liii
California Dartlott Tears, can "Vju l,emonH. dozen luc
New Santa Clara I'runes, lb !; 1 50 Kanry Naval Oranges, dozen 3jc
We don't make pledges
lightly, nor do we break
'em when they are
Nebraska suits arc good
There are no ins and outs about
thorn, concerning which you might
cavil. Tho garments aro absolutely
and unequivocally the best values
that you can possibly obtain any
where. If you can match them for
tho money elsewhere, we're cer
tainly curious to know where tho
"whero" may be. As yet we've
been unable lo locate such a place.
Men's All Wool Suits
Latest spring styles, round corners,
brown plaid, satin lining, correctly
Men's All Wool Suits
in tho favorite gray mixture, round corners,
fanner satin lining, faultless fitters,
perfectly tailored, only
Men's All Wool Suits '
iu the swell oxford gray, round corner
ack, farmer satin lined wo don't believe
such values got-at-a-ble outside this store,
r Styles and Patterns nt $($,50. $8.00, $f).00, $'J,50, $10.00
Sll.OO, $1 'J.OO, $l;l.50, and up.
i l
. mm mm mm m mm mm s i r
Combine- fill Y MTU?
tion &aie u
if ... r 1. MMi.t n.inno nt tlllQ .
ivn innovation in muuii. xuu nwo
. ft .1 I A M J I J
combination salo are lor luesaay oniy. yij
combination sale of ladies ana misses rain f
coats, ladies' wrappers and ladies' wool waists.
Oni" Vow Vnrlf Vmvnr boucrht for Boot cash
from tho New York Mackintosh Company their entire surplus stock of ladles1 and
misses' Mackintoshes for about one-third price. Now Is the time to buy a mackintosh
at a ridiculously low price.
Mlsseb' Macklntoshes-slnglo capes perfect in style, fit and H CQ
appearance for only "'
Ladles' Macklntoshes-in all wool cashmere, velvet collars-single or O
double breasted $.' and C quality for TKJ
Misses' Mackintoshes In all uool cashmcrc-cxtrn heavy tho 5.00 'JO
quality for .4KJJ
Uidles' Mackintoshes extra heavy cashmeres Blnglo cape pearl Qfi
buttons silk velvet collar 7.r0 quality for .A XJZ7J
Ladles' Macklntoshrs-mado from brown covert cloths In slnslo and doublo rapo
Btyles-trllnmcd with pearl buttoms worth $8.00 to $10.00 95
Ladles' Waterproof Kaplan Coats-$15,00 quality for 0 00
each V U
Ladies7 Wrappers
200 dozen shipped to us by our New York buyer at tho usual low prices of bankrupt
Ladles' Percale Wrappers with or without flounce separate waist lining A SJ-,
trimmed with braid for TrOw
Ladles' heavy I'erealo and Flannelette Wrappers goods that havo sold Ort
as high an $2.50 for "UL
35 Dozen Flannel Waists
Shipped by express from our N Y. buyer at less than tho prlco of material. Thero
aro waists In thlR lot that havo sold as high as $3.50 and $1.00 CCS
your cholco Tuesday for OOv
During this snlo wo havo selected 47 Ladles' Suits man tailored silk -4 tS!f
lined throughout without competition at only lOvl
Millinery Opening Continued
A showlug of nil that Is exquisite and new In this reason's swelleit
creations. You aro cordially Invited to call and sec this charming display.
San Joso County Peaches, lb
Manufactured by
A, Mayer Company,
316 Bee Btdg.
For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers
Consultation Free from i! to 4. When ordering by mail
add 5 cents for postage.
The Bee Want Ads Produce Results-
lS'M DOl'liLAS ST.