Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Rimarkuble Enginetrlng l'eat U to B
Undirttkan Boon.
rrritlilrnt lln Aulliitrlrn Hip I'lnn
of Mimiitiln liilnnil .Ni-n In Orilrr
lo Sate Ormlr mill !-
CrossliiK (ho (Jrtat Suit Lnle. tlio out
lilnh nrn onlv nartlnlly known, I
tho engineering feat which In muppcil oil
for tho contructlsu department of tli
rvntmi Vnrir. niNtmtchca from San Kran
clseo titato thnt tho plans for thu now cu
xH hnv.. Iwuin nnnrnviMl hV 1'rCflMcnt C. )
Hay ntul that ho will order work to begl
eurly tills week.
It will ho one of tho moHt rcmarknule
pleccn of rallrnail construction In tho went
nnd will Klvn tho pasBeiiKcrs of tho future
over tho Pacific route a novel view. Ac
rordhiK to plans which were prepared last
Rummrr by Mio enKlneoru for tho Southern
Pacific tho now lino will run almost straight
west from Ogden to Micln, n distance of ap
proximately 107 mllcH. meaning 11 saving of
thlrty-nlno miles from tho lino now In use
nround tho north end of tho lako.
From tho east tu tho wont shoro of tho
lako tho distance Is nhout thirty-two miles
and all of this, savo two miles neross tho
rocky 1'romontory Point, will bo trestle
work over tho Inkc. Comparatively littles
Is known of tho botindarirH and tho de
tails of tho Orcat Salt Lako. Tho eiiKlneers
moeln a preliminary survey last summer and
tho srhemo for tho cut off nppcared bo
feasible that tho plans weru at onco ma
tured. Thero Is only ono placo on the west
shoro whero the railroad ran approach hc
water and that Is the narrow strip whero
tho (Jreat American desort comes down to
tho watcr'fl edge, tho placo supposed to
havo been tho outlet Into tho former Iako
llonnovlllo of tho quarternary period. It Is
supposed that tho desert was a part of tho
bed of this old lake.
Him-L-I.Iim-iI Shore.
On either sldo of this opening tho shoro
is lined wl'li rocks, which form nn almost
impassable barrier to such a project. Tho
rolut Is known ns Strong'u Knob, home
times tho Knob Is an Island, separated from
tho raulnland by Davis strait.
Una of tho most Important advantages to
bo gained by tho new cut off, nstdo from
the shot-toning nf tho distance, Is tho re
duction of tho grades. On tho old lino a
train leaves Ogden at an elevation of 4,301
feet abovo sea level. A drop of nhout 100
feet Is niailo In tho twenty-six railed to
Corlnno. Then comes a climb of over "00
feet In ubout twenty-threo miles. That
brings tho train to Promontory, ono of tho
most famous points on tbo transcontinental
Hystctn, for 11 was there thnt tho last splko
was driven joining tho Union and tho Cen
tral Pnclllc.
West from Promontory comes n thlrty-
nlne-mllo descent to Kolton, which has an
elevation of 4,22.1. Thero begins tho sharp
climb of tho Kolton bill, about ten ml'es
In length and a rise of about COO feet. I.ucln
has about the samo elevation ns tho point
of Kclton hill, but tho forty-eight miles
Include n drop nf nbout 100 feel to Tcrruco
nnd n similar rise.
It will bo seen thnt tho road ns It now
stands calls for somo heavy work, crossing
I'rotnontory nnd Kclton hills whether
vest or enstbound. Pusher engines uro
constantly In service, nt the former place,
Tbo now lino will do nwny with all of this
From Ogden to tho east shoro of tho lake, n
dlstanco of soventccn miles, thero Is n fall
of 100 feet. Krom Strong's Knob to Lucln
the elevation Increases 500 feet In tlfty-clght
Ileiliiee tin lirmlr.
Tho cut-off will mako It posslblo to re
duce tho maximum grade 1 per cent. TbU
grcnt saving, with tho elimination of tho
I'tirvo nround tho north end of tho lako and
tho decrease of thlrty-nlno miles In tho
distance, aro tho returns which nro to bo
had for the $3,000,000 which It is estimated
tho Improvement will cost.
Tho stretch down from Ogden Is said to
ho a sandy bench with a brldgo across
AVeber river. Then u ten-mllo trestle will
ho built on piles driven In tho sand bottom
of tho lako to l'romontory Point. This Is a
rugged stretch nt rock, which extends Into
tho lnko from tho north, Whero tho line
crosses tho Point will come two miles of
construction In rock. West of tho Point a
twenty-mllo trestlo will bo built to tho
mainland, touching Strong's Knob, near tho
shore. Krom thero Is thu stretch of fifty
eight miles up Into l.ucln, n greater part
of this being across tho Great American
whlrh will work the section extending four
miles oust from lied Oak and requiring tho
removal of 1.200.000 cubic yards of dirt.
This nrm will establish two eiintps enst of
Hcd Oak, each accommodating 160 men. It
will rcqulro Jfi.OOO gallons of wntcr dally,
which will probably be supplied by tho city
f ltcd Oak, tbo company laying tho pipe
nnd selling It to tho city. An entire new
outfit, consisting of four slxty-flvo-ton
steam shovels, four locomotives nnd f0Q
narrow-guago diiup cars, will bn Used by
tho Frlrfc & Johnson Construction company.
This contract will probably bo finished by
December of this year.
It n 1 1 roil il .N'otrn Mini I'r roiinlB.
flight ten-wheeler loomotlvrs for tho
passenger service on the Southern I'ncuie
re oping limit ny mo ajooko locomotive
nd Mitchlnery company.
J. O. Pollard, tax rnmmlHMoner, left with
n party of guests In u special ear on Ilur-
llngton train No. .1 yesterday afternoon
for a trip lit the we.-M. Their tlrsl stopping
point Is wild to be Denver.
II. V . l orcmiiii Iiiih been nimo ntod to
succeed J, I. Kolger lis chief train ills-
inicner .or me i nion l-aciue m ureen
tlver. Wyo.. Mr. I"jlKor huvlni; resmneil
to take n similar position with thu Mis
souri I'ncllle at Newton, Knn.
" 'Wny Down I.'ast," I.oltlo Illalr Parker
id Joseph (Irlsmer'n pastoral play, was
given a single performance Sundny to an
udlcnco which almost wholly filled tho
balcony and gallery of Jloyd's theater, and
while thero weio not : few seats unoccu
pied on tho lower Moor It was duo perhaps
more to tho fact that advanced prices were
lemanded for tho attraction, which always
has tho effect of reducing tho Sunday night
Tho best evidence that tho play fully
satisfied mid heartily pleased tho nudlence
wns the fact thut thero was more Intighter
and npplautfo bestowed upon tho play and
players than has been upon nny that has
visited this city for somu tlmo. After tho
stirring climax to tho third net tbo cur
tain was raised a half dozen or morn times
In order to allow tho performers to bow
their acknowledgment of tho spectators'
plaudits. Tho piece was sumptuously
mounted and in tho hands of a company
Individually nnd collectively capable.
,'lfp Oriilii-iini.
Two big nudlcnces gathered nt tho
Orpheum yesterday afternoon and last
night to see the now' offering, which proved
to bo fully as good us last week's excel
lent bill. There Is not an net on tho pro
gram that doesn't meet with tho approval
of tho people In front.
Mary Norman, who cstibllsbcd herself ns
an Omnha favorite two jeiira ugo and has
been kindly remembered hero ever since,
was given n roiiHtng reception. Her net Is
commendable, not only occnusc It In unique,
hut uUo because of tho artistic finish that
sho gives it. MIbs Norman's clever Imita
tions nnd Impersonations aro ns pointed
nnd humnn as one would Imagine it is pos
slhlo to make them.
Charles Dickson, who hns for somo years
been lu high favor as a light comedian,
has tho nsslstnnco oN pretty und tnlentcJ
Noll .McKwen in presenting a new vnude-
vlllo sketch that is not nt nil lacking In
entertaining qualities. Provost and Provost
put. up nn eccentric turn with u scries of
laughs nnd surprises. Tho Klelsts give a
musical net full of novelties. Charles
Leonard Fletcher's monologuo is somewhat
different from tho usual "stunts" In that
line. John Johns, u comedian; Ilanlon nnd
Singer, ring performers, and tho always
popular klnodromo complete the bill.
sam in: i,
KvfiiIh In Mfc of Union l'lielfle'it .New
Siiiierlliti'mli'iit of Motive I'liwer.
A rcmnrkahlo fcaturo nbout thu clmngo
In tho superintendent of motive power and
machinery of tho Union Pnelflo Is tho fact
that nn eastern man Is to bo brought west,
Tho usual procedure is for tho western
men to go east to cnthuso now Ufa nnd
blood Into tho methods of opcrntton of the
cantoru roads. It Is said to bo u rare oc
curretico for nn eastern man to bo called
to nn Important position in a western of
ficial family.
Ilowover, Samuel Hlgglns, tho supcrln
teudent who comes to succeed J. 11. Mc-
Conuoll, tho announcement of whoso reslg
nation wus mado In Tho Deo last weok, is
young man and said to bn possessed of
no small amount of push nnd energy, to
gother with a thorough training for tho
work In storo for hint.
Mr. Illgglns wus 41 years old February.
19 unit lays somo claim to being a western
man, becauso of tho fact that San Fran
olsco Mas his birthplace. His railway scrv
Ico began in tho shops of tho Now York
Lako Krlo & Western in 1851. From nn
pprentico ho rose to a llrstcluss machinist
then BBslstunt foreman and later general
foreman of tho Bhopa at Susqiiehannu. On
October 1, 1S85, ho bocumo assistant en
gineer of tbo motive power depurtmcnt
which post ho held for two years, until
appointed division master mechanic. On
April 18, 1892, ho becamo assistant super
intendent of mottvo power for tho Bumo
road. Ho went to a suporlntendency of
motivo power nnd machinery for tho Le
blgh Valley road on Fobrunry 1, 1894, which
placo ho held until called to the Union
IWcltlc. It Is understood that tho chango
! to becomo effective April 1. Stiperln
tendent Hlgglns' hendquarters will bo In
Omaha, ns wero thoso of his predecessor;
though It la rumored that tho duty of pur
cunning nit or tue motivo power for th
llnrrlmnn syndlvnto may bo added to his
II. I). Taylor will follow Mr. Hlgglns as
superintendent of motivo power nnd ma
chlnory for tho Lehigh Valley road. Mr,
Taylor goes to tho Lehigh Valley from th
Calumet nnd Ilecla Mining company. For
merly ho served tho Lehigh Valley ns
mechanlca engineer nnd later ns master
mechanic nt WUkcsbarre, Pa.
(iaiiB nt Work on llurlliiKton Itunil
.Neur llril onu, louu.
Active work on tho Ilurllngton's Iowa Im
provements hns struck Hcd Oak, Tlio Hall
Orndlng nnd Construction company cstah
llshed a camp thero last wec,k and has nbout
100,000 yards of earth to remove, a Job
which will take, until August 1 to complete.
Tho company iias another contract fartho
east to consider later.
This -company holds subcontracts from
tbt Frlck & Johnson Construction, company,
0. B. Oooct Will B a Pawmgir on Pint
Boat of Smson.
MIiii'o'm Tmi'iiilero.
"Tho Vanity Fair" company failed to
appear nt Mlaco's Trocadero yesterday, and
In its place RuBhs "French ncautlcs"
opened n second week of their engagement
Wlillc tho samo people that pleased tho
pntrons of tho houso during last week pro
vldcd tho entertainment thero wns a com
pleto chango of program.
Two now burlesques aro produced and
both proved to bo full of good singing and
comical situations. All the specialty peo
ple gave new act? and many of them Im
proved by tho change. Murlo Rogers sung
several now songs nnd mndo the hit of the
bill, being recalled Severn! times.
"Tho French llenutles" will appear all
week until Saturday night, when Manager
Jnko Itosc'nthal will put on ono of tho big
nmatcur entertainments for which ho Is
This amateur show will Include n wide
rango of program and It is promised thnt
thero will not bo a slnglo dull net on tho
cntlro bill. Among other things thero will
ho several athletic ovents. Preparations
for "nmatcur night" havo been going on
for Bovcrnl weeks.
Cntlii'ilrnl Well Filled Dennltf
TlirmteiiiiiM; Wentlmr Snereil
MiiNiu liy Hip Choir.
Tho" threatening weather Inst night was
nil that prevented St. Phllomoua's 'cathedral
from being filled to overflowing with peoplo
to hour tho concert given by tho choir
of that church, as tho salo of tickets was
almost equal to the seating capacity of tbo
Tho first number on tho program wns
tho "Kyrlo" and "Chrlste," from Mnrzo's
mass. It was suug by Clinton Miller and
John Ilrehnnn In n maimer which only tho
sacred character of tho placo prevented
from causing an encore. No numbers wero
encored on account of the concert being
given In tho church, but tho work of all
of tho participants was of tho highest order,
A legend by Carl Rohm was tho selection
given by tho vlollplst, C. F. Steckolberg,
and following this J. Ks llutlcr's arrange
meni or mo "hock or Ages" wns sung by
a quartet composed of Clinton Miller, John
Rrennnn, James Rush und Thomas Swift
A doublo number, tho "March Funebre,
by Chopin, and nn Intermezzo, by Macbeth
was rendered by J. E. Rutler nt tho organ
Tho first part of tho program closed by
tho singing of tho "Sanctus" and tho "Reno-
dlctus," from Mnrzo's mass, by Miss
Veronica Doherty, assisted by tho choir.
Tho second part of tho program opened
with n double violin number, a madrlga
by Slmonettn and "Cavntlun," by Raff, ren
dored by Mr. Stockelberg. Then Mr,
Giirolssen sang "O Holy Father," by Schu
bert, and "Jerusnlom, by Parker. Hamtl
ton dray's "Dream of Pnradlso" was sung
by Mrs. T. A. Cobry, with violin obllgato
by Mr. Stcckplberg. Tho profound voice
of Jules Lumbard waB heard to advantage
In tho song, "I'm Child of a King." Tho
Inst number was tho "Credo," from Marzo'
mass, In which solos wero sung by Miss
Clenevlovo Croft, "Deum do Dooj" Mrs. T,
A. Cobry, "Rt IncnrnntUB Est," and Mr
J. C. Swift, "Et In Splrltum."
l'olliT Capture Tivrnty Trump In th
Suiiilhoimr nt (Silmoii
A squad of police under command of Ser
geants Weinberg and Ilebotit went on
special Ilurllngtou train to tho sandhous
at Qlbson station Into Sunday night nnd
arrested twenty hoboes. The house, being
equipped with n large stove, which Is kept
redhot day and night, Is a favorlto resort
for weary knights of tho road, and the
causo much trouble for the railroad men,
Hones clipped with electric, clippers.
Omaha Stables, Fourteenth and Howard
A new wheel nnd Just the ono you have
always wanted. Head Too uee wneei oner.
'Inert- MIlllliK lliKln lit the Dnvtll
of the SU.Mitiithft Senon
of Simlldlit on
Mny JB.
C. II. Coons, manager of tho milestone-
Alaska Mining company, nil Omaha cor
poration, Is making arrangements to go
to tho Alaska territory on tho first boat
which will leave Seattle this spring. The
teamshlp City of Nome will start April
il, nnd will bo tho first boat to leavo tho
United States thin season for tho gold
country1. It will clear for Nomo and it Is
oxper.ted that tho Initial trip will take
nearly n month. Later in tho season tho
trip will bo mudo In nbout two weeks.
Passengers on tho first boat will not only
have an unusually long Journey, but will
encounter tho dangers of tho Icefloes of
tho lower Arctic waters which will bo
drifting south for several weeks. Tho
passengers will bo required to pay $100
over the regular faro for tbo trip, owing
to tho extra risk to tho company and the
extra provisions. Mr. Coons will tnke none
of his equipment from tho United States,
an tho excessive freight rates on tho first
boat will inoro than offset tho added cost
at Nome.
I'roin Annie to Teller.
Arriving nt Nomo ho will secure his outfit
nnd hlro tho men required to work the
mines of tho company. An overland ttlp
of sixty-five miles will bo mado to Teller
City, which Is not far from tho mines of
tho company. This trip will require thrco
or four days, nnd ran bo made better early
In tho senson than later when tho snow
begins to molt. In tho summer the trip
from Nomo to Teller City will bo made by
boats, but tho packets will not start until
some tlmo In June. When the lino between
Nomo and Toller City Is opened tho mines
will bo only fifteen miles from tho port
of debarkation for tho raining district In
which tho mines nro located.
According to Mr. Coons, mining In tho
Alaska districts Is a continuous perform-
nnco from tho dawn of day until Its close;
thnt Is, from nbout May 15 to October 13,
With tho hours of daylight never ending
In this tlmo, two shifts of men aro em
ployed In placer mining. These men receive
nn nverugo of $10 per day nnd In tho season
they aro nblo to earn nbout 11,200 each.
From October to Mny they hibernate nnd
tho money they receive during tho sum
mer months Is scarcely enough to sustain
life during tho tlmo of darkness. Last'
season thero was an ovcrsupply of men In
tho district, but whero ono could obtain
work under nny conditions tho wages were
In (jolt! Itiin Country.
Tho mines of tho company nro located In
what Is kuown ns tho Gold Run country,
across tho Alaska lino from tho Klondike.
Tho district Is but little developed nt
present, hut tho work that has been done
shows thnt gold exists In quantities which
will mako tho claims as valuable as thoso
of tho more celebrated district. Tho men
on tho Gold Run are mora fortunate than
thoso to tho east, ns they come under tho
laws of tho United Stntes nnd not of thoso
of Canada, which rcqulro n perccntngn of
tho "turn In" to bo paid Into tho Dominion
ThIUk t poti Them, "The l iixnri'enf ill
llr-hrl," nt V. M. .. A. Meel
llIK, "Absalom wanted to be king In place of
his father, Dlvld," said Charles A. Ooss nt
tho boys' meeting at tho Young Men's
Christian Association nudltorlum Sunday
afternoon In spenklng of "Tho Unsuc
cessful Rebel," "but as he did not Imvo tlio
right on his side he failed when he re-1
belled. Ho killed his brother end lied,
but hi: father still loved him, so ho for
gave him nnd allowed him to como homo.
Even after Absalom mndo a second at
tempt to gain tho throno of David and met,
death III so doing, his father exclaimed
'Would to Hod that I had died before him'
'David was loyal to liU government and
stood up In Its defence. Wo should bo
loyal In our government We should also
be loyal to our father and mother The
bible says, 'Honor thy father and mother,'
npd we should show our honor nnd lldellty
to them by loving deeds ttn'd Kind obedi
ence. Our patents love us, oven ns D.ivid
loved Altcalom und would forgive ns
llAXnilUI'F CAUSKI) IIY A til" II M.
A .Veir IHneovery thnt Kill the ticrm
nml I'revrutx llnlilnesa.
Pretty near nil the hair preparations for
danrduff havo somo merit In allaying itch
ing of tho scnlp, and In being a fairly good
dressing for tho hair, but thero Is only one
that recognizes what causes dandruff, fall
ing hair, and baldness, and that destroys
that causo, a llttlo germ and that Is New
bro's Hcrplclde. This germ eats Its way
Into the scalp, down to tho hair root, where
It saps that vitality, causing dandruff us It
digs up the scalp Into llttlo whlto scales.
Unless It Is destroyed thero's no permanent
stopping of falling hair and euro of dandruff
nnd baldness. Newbro s Hcrplclde kills the
germ. "Destroy tho cause, you rcmovo the
In ainreli and April the
will sell tickets at tho following
From Omaha to San Francisco, Los
Angolcs and San Diego $25.00
Ogden, Salt Lake. Rutte, Helena 23,00
Portland, Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle... 25.00
Now city ticket ofllco, 1324 Furnain street.
Telephone, 318.
Union station, Tenth and Marcy. Tele
phone, C29.
Free lloniea.
For book and map of lands to bo opened
for settlement In Indian Territory send
stamp with name and address to
Agent C., R. I. & P. R. Omaha.
Reeds thnt crow come from tho Kabrasks,
Seed company, 1513-15 Howard st.
Pneumonia follows la grippe, but never
follows the ubo of Foley's Honey und Tar,
tho great throat nnd lung remedy. Take
no substitute. Meyers-Dillon Drug Co.,
Omnha; Dillon's drug store, South Omnha.
or In mi Kiivclopc ror re, ny mmi ic.
5o sticks Itlnck Licorice, 2 for 5o
Rig bottle Household Amonla at.... uo
Egg Emulsion. SI. 00 size 19c bottles Phillips' Hyrup Wheat
Phnsphnto nt : 75c
11.5) bottles Vln Mnrlnnl tit $1.05
Imported Hunyiidl Wntcr 16c
50o pint bottles C'rudo Carbolic ncld
nt, each 25c
None of theso goods can bo mailed,
and If wished sent by express or
freight 25c must bo added for boxing.
Wrlto for cntnlogue.
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go..
Corner 10th nnd Dodge, Omaha.
We had intended
to linvo written a cracker good ndd for
today's paper but on account of tho tur
moil nt Lincoln, tho changeable wenther
and 11 scrap wo nnu witn unrry .Mooro it
bull dog our old "think tank" won't work
nnd you'll havo to bo satisfied with this
mensley production.
Criuner'fc Kidney Cure
Kiiy'n Itenovntor
Kny'n l.miir Iliilm
IHiflr'n Malt Whiskey
I.otua Creniu i lOo
l'uliie'a Celery Compound 7Ho
Wlue of Cnrilul 7Bu
I'leroe'a I'rcacrlptlon Tfio
Neott'a KlimUton 7So
Oaoiimlalon 7Ho
Coltafout Kipcctornnt . . . 7.1c
1'n lino TnbletJ SOo
White million Remedy $1,410
S. S. S 70o
Mnlteil Milk lUc, 7Bc, It. 15
I'iiiklinin'a Compound 7So
CUT riticc
"MjMII inn
The Cigar
that Brings
Havana Home
UI ll
Smoke it at your own fireside
iiini"! 'ni -
iiiiiimiiuiinii .
Liuiiiiiiiiiiiini 1 rv
'i'i'ii'3 III""
"H1 ""
5 Cent Cigar
Made from lenf from the famous plantations of Cuba.
Tell your dealer nothing else will answer.
BOLTZ. CLYMRR 4. CO., Philadelphia
I'EltnCOV A. MOOtlE, niKti'lliutnrfl, Onuilin.
IT (ffl Prickly ash bitters I
Bft Curat ttii KIDNEY8, th LIVER, th STOMACH tnd tht BOWELS. I
b, XV. Cur. ltlth anil CuIchko.
tms tmu iji "w.
Every Tuesday
in MARCH nnd APlilL
Union Pacific
Direct Line Across the Continent
wil sell tickets at the following reduced rates
from Omaha
Utah, Idaho, Oregon,
Montana and Washington,
Ogden and Suit Lnke City, Utah,
Uutto and Helena, Montana
Portland, Oregon, Spokane, Washing
ton, Tacoma and Seuttle, Washington
San Francisco, Los
Angeles, San Diego,
Including all main line points, north
1 California state Hue to Colton, San
Bernardino, and Ban Diego
Monday's Meat Sale
No. 1 California hnms, 7V4c.
Fresh pork Bnusngo, 7Vo.
Diamond Cut salt pork, YzC
Fancy boneless corned beef, "lie.
Doneless pig's feet (Jellied), 714c.
5 pound palls puro lenf lard, 46c.
Monday' Cut Price
Fruit Sale
Knncy sweet oranges, 7V4c doren,
1-lb. package choice tigs, 5c.
1-Ui package choice dates, -Ic.
Our 60e extra fancy naval oranges, 3."c.
Fresh roasted peanuts, 2 packuges, 10c.
Fine Separator
Creamery Butter
Wo havo Just received the cntlro makes
of four Iowa creameries, which wo will
place, on salo Monday at 17c.
This is rich, delicious, quick, flavored,
puro Btpnrator creamery.
Corsets and
Onu lot of ladles' corsets, DOo quality,
sizes 18 to 21, nt S5c.
Ladles' batlsto glrdlo corset, In pink,
blue, whlto and lavendar, worth 75c, at 10c.
A "full line of ladles' corsets, In all sizes
and colors, 75c quality, at -ISc.
A full lino of W. H. Kubo., W. C. C. Amer
ican Lady and Dr. Wamor's corsets, In all
tho new styles, upward from J1.00.
Tho Nomo Hip Spring corjot, with mil
itary bolt, for stout figurei.
Ladles' 25c hoso, at 15c.
00 dozen ladles' black and fnncy hoso,
full seamless nnd warranted fast colors,
nt 15c.
Children's ribbed hose, full seamless nnd
fast colors, nt 10c, 13c nnd 2Ko.
Tho Shawknlt hi'o for children at 35c,
3 for $1.00.
H Uir WnmAn s
Shoe Stock
Has developed with a rapidity
that has exceeded all expects
It is boooniinj; tho roconizotl lu'iulqunr
tors for oxeollonl footworn-. Why? 1U'
cause wo givo tho host gtMiuino shoo viiluos
in Omaha. Thou, iij;ain, wo gimrnutoo ov
or.y pair to pve porfoot satisfaction, regard
less tho price you pay.
$1.90 Women's Shoes, $1.90
Aro regular 92.50 values. As a wearing shoo-it, stands
tho test. Wo guarantee it, to be the host. If from rea
sonable use it should rip or crack you'll tlo us a favor
to bring it, back.
1 Suits Skirts
'S and Waists
Millinery Opening
Tho great millinery department wns
crowded Saturday despite tlio storm. To
give nil an opportunity to seo this elegant
Tho beauties of the now spring nnd sum
mer millinery cannot bu described, All the
productions havo nn cxqulsitu charm that
appeals to every lady of taste. Tho great
millinery department of tho Dig Storo Is
filled with tho swellest creations from the
European fnshlon centers, from tho cele
brated eaatcrn milliners and with orig
inal designs, made by tlio deft fingers of
bright nnd artistic American girls In our
own workroom. Our milliners will be
pleased to show you tho different de
signs and styles, and to aid you In selecting
what is Individually becoming ns woll ns
In tho highest fashion.
Vow arc cordially Invited to visit hero
nnd ncj nil that is oxqulslto and desirable
In Indies' stylish hendwear.
New Shoes,
On Sale Monday
At remurknbie money-saving prices.
Kino sauipla hIiocs, all new, perfect and
stylish, shoes that wero mado by somo of
the best makers In America, on sale Mon
day nt a tremendous saving. Come early.
1000 pairs of ladles' fluo $2,50, $2.75 and
13.00 shoes, in vlcl kid, black nnd
tan, flno vesting nnd kid tops, all now
styles, on salo a. $1,39.
1200 pairs ladles' flno J. W. Naylor $3.00
nnd 3.5P sample (intent leather nnd vlcl
kid shoes, nil new spring styles, on salt;
Monday nt $1.S7.
20 styles of tho famous "Ilrooks Ilioa,"
Rochester mado flno shoes, for ladles' vlcl
kid, Ideal kid and patent leather, worth
$1.00 nnd $3,00, on salo at $3.00 nnd $3.50,
13 styles of tho "I'ltrn" shoes for ladles,
In patent leather, Ideal kid nnd auto-mo-bllo
reds, nil tho very latest styles, all
sizes nnd widths, regular $5 values at $3,50,
Infant's 25n soft soft shoes, 19c. Misses'
$1.35 kid shoes, 98c, Youth's $1.45 ihoes,
Wo bqtight for spot cash nt one-half prtco tho cntlro manufacturers stock of
silk underskirts mid four lines of tailor-mado suits tin two alike, Tho prices thnt
wo name on these goods tomorrow Is va than half their value. Such nn elegant
display of tailor mndo sulttl nnd silk underskirts right nt the opening of tho seiiHuu
has never been mado by nny houso lu tho western country. Wo hnvo added to thee-)
goods spcclul lines selected from our owu largo stock of waists, skirts nnd wrnppors
that will more than satisfy the most cconotnlcnl buyers. Wo nro doing tho business
for the reason that we give you more vnluo for your money thnn any houso In Amer
ica. Wo have tho llvllcst clonk department In Omnha.
200 Silk Underskirts
At half the price of tho materials mndo from very finest tnffctns nt
$'..90, $7.3, $6.9j, $1.95 nnd
Tho sale ou theso sklrtB begins promptly nt 8 o'clock.
The Sale on Our Sample Suits
begins nt S:30. Wo would suggest thnt you come early, The vnrlety la so largo and
tho range lu vnluo so great that wo will not nttcnipt to give you a description of
Wo havo ndded to tho nbovo 200 ladles' lallor-madn suits, somo that are sllk-llned
throughout, nil with taffeta lined Jackets, mndo In tho newest stylo of bolero and cton,
with stitched senilis nnd trimmed with stitched bands of taffeta; suits 4 f AA
that aro mudo to sell for $17.50 your choice for lvfavfvF
100 suits made of choice imported materials, lined with tho famouri Wlnslow taffeta
throughout that Is wnrrnntcd not to crack manufactured to sell for
$30.00 sale prlco
IS ready-tailored
UlVflOl' Sells the best
Bin I ucn:
Clothing in America.
We set the pace the standard that none can
meet on solid merit basis.
For spring we have
Gallicrotl the newest, most distinctive ami
original styles in America.
s. 1 rosier "at" 3 aTir
fri VUU1V, HIT
S5 Examine.
and yon will be as enthusiastic as we. Yon
will know what yon want for spring when
yon look- through our line. We are going to
show yon how much better our clothing is
..tailored, to the ordinary every-day ready-to-wear.
Ours can well be styled "mnde-to-
order," for we know a merchant tailor can
i r i xiv l flu iti
not give you a better lit.
Manufactured by
A. Mayer Company,
316 Bee Bldg.
For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers
Consultation Free from 2 to 4. When ordering by mail
add 5 cents for postage.
"Good habits make homes happy"
so docs
ricancst, cheapest and best coal mined in Wyoming for cooking.
VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnam. Tel 127
RENOV ATOK Invltforutes and rf noratcn tlio
system: purine and enriches too Mood; ourea
thu worst ilyspepstu, rotistlputlon, headache,
liver and kidneys. !Voundtl utdrugglUs. Kreu
R urt vice, numplu und booh. aaaaak
I)r II. J. Kay, Saratoga, N.V