THE OMAHA DAILY 3I02JDAY, MAl.CH 25, 1901. SPECIAL NOTICES AriTertlartnenla for three column will be likrn tintll 12 m. for ths vtcdIox edition nml nnlll 8 30 p. lu. for murulnu and Sunday edition. Hates, I l-2r a word Drit Insertion, le a rrord thereafter. Nothlns taken for If" Ihnn .o tor the Aral Inaer fan. Thnr dre rtlsemenu must Ki ra ronerctitlTrly, -tdvertlaers, by requesting a nam. rred checU, can have antntra ad treated to a nambrred Inter In car f The Dec. Ananrra ao addrcaaed Trill fee delivered oa preaentatloa af Lai hack oaly. MTI ATION'S WASTI3D. POSITION an bookkeeper, prefetably in Wyoming or Muntar.a, by young man ex perienced, good penmun. quick and acou rate In figure. Address M 14. Be. . A-M us a VA.Ti;U-IALH HELP. WANTED, we have steady work for a few cood hustlers of good habits and appear ance. C F. Adam Co., ISjj Howard tit. U-JV) BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short time; catalogue St particulars tree. West ern Barbers Institute, Oraaba. Neb. B-211 WANTED, specialty salesman; salary, 6a Hamge Bldg. B-3M 26' MEN to tire WItchHazel Shaving Cream Instead of soap, isc; at all druggists. 11-3S7 A19 WANTED, traveling salesmen, also adver tisers; cash paid. Triumph Agency, Dal las, Texas. 11-11 Hi WANTED, n nrst-clusn coat maker. Write or cull on Charles Aron, Crete. Neb. DM423 26 WANTED, men to learn barber trade; only eight weeks required, in order to supply demand for our graduates durinz spring rusn we make special thirty-day offer, in cluding board and tools with scholarship. Call or write today, Moler Barber Col lege, 123 t urnam st. U M420 liARUER wanted; first-class workman; good hiblts; good wages; single man pre ferred. . a'. Dlerlis, frcmont. Neb. JJ-il43l 3S WANTED, at once, first-class mechanical draughtsman lor large mHtiuiacluring plant. Apply, slating experience, uge anu alar)' exiK-cled, M W. Bee. B Mtll S7 WANTED Salesman and collector. Apply before 5 a. in. The fcinger Mtg. Co.. lall uougias. ii iij a-zz WE WISH to encage an experienced young man tor out domestic Htid linen depart merit Ht once. -ml applications lo The tiosion oiore, i on uougc, iowa. WANTED, salesman, dress goods depart' menu Kulley. Btlger u Co. 15 .MKti Z' SALESMEN wanted by a large wholesale clothing and gentx turnlshlug house, to sell oods in Omaha and vicinity, liberal terms to right parlies; only those having experience ano can rurnisn nignext ret trences need apply, state age. experi ence tad tun particulars. Auunw M m, Bee. B MCI3 3" WANTED, carriage imlntcr to. take shoti. Kost Heinohl, liattenhauer s old stand, council uiuns. vatki irr.MAi.i: 111:1, WANTED, girls. VCi Dodge. Tel. 7C. girls wanted. Canadian office, UX! Douglas C 214 WANTED, ladles to learn halrdresnlni: manicuring or facial massage, only four weeks required by our metnod ot prac tical experience; expert instructions, lec tures. etc.: splendlu deinuhd for cradu utes, Iast week we placed five girls at il. weekly; busy season soon. Call or write for catalogue at once, Moicr College, ibJ4 r.rnam ou WANTED Girl for. ge.neral houseworlt. -urs..-!-. u. wraa, me oouin tn ktretu. C 141-25- WANTED, an experienced and fully com petent lady bookkeeper to take charge of commercial set of Dooka; Al references required, salary 40 jkt month; position permanent. Auarvss -m j, iiee. C MS LS WANTED, nn cxDertenced German ladv clerk in a general dry goods store. Lock box wi, wainut, la. c -mwji :6 WANTED, competent girl for general housework. Mrs. D. A. McAllaster. Wirt st. C M6t: RELIABLE Douglas. help. Canadian office, lid C-!H run im.vr iiolsus. IF you want your houses well rented place in em wiui ijenawu a vo. um ALWAYS moving 1L 1L goods. I'lalios. omce, uuti 1' arnain au xei. iu3 or bS3. D-J4ti HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city, lireuuan-iwuvti vu., v aw. -iu D-II7 HOUSES, stores. Ucovls, l'axton block. D-245 BEE HENRX B. TAVNt.. 601 N. Y. LIFE. D -IV HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1124 Douglas. D-SO HOUSES anu flat. ICngwalt, Barker Blk. HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown Bile D-a: nrrr .iv.riumi flat. .'1 1 v nater In V!eVir, 8319 N. th at., 110. Omaha Loan is. Trust Co.. ism anu uougiaa. u FOUR-ROOM modern fiat. Hi; s. Uth. D-MCJ6 EXr. Del. Co., moving. Tel. 11M. 14 N. 16th, D-iiao A7 l-ROOM modern f.a.': well located; large rooms, xvviiiiaru oc ouii, oiu urown IJIOCK. D-M7Ci FOR RENT, new 10-room house, north part city, water and gas, neur motor and i-cliool. Enquire W. I. Klerstrad. Room ICO, City Hall; rent, rSi month. D-MISS 4-ROOM flat. 20 N. 2Cth, D-MI3C EIGHT-ROOM modern detached, near Kd ana i nrnam, w, nine-room brick, base meni, nat, arju uurt. jii; rour-room cot luge, ,-vu ciartt, jiu. itingwnlt Bros. jjuraer uiock. u 137. 3 NORTH Ud St.. ten-room modern house, nne location; aey at -i Korth Z2a St. D 133 - IZARD ST.. t-room new flat, city water, sewer and closet, i: a month. The Byron iieea to., .1; o. nin at. D ME3S FIVE-ROOM house, modern, near park MM S Uth. i itM FOR RENT, April 1. 7-room. all modern house, ! and California streets. Apnly HOl'SE for rent and furniture for -ale. M v. Bee. U-MC39 FOR HOT-Fl HMSIIiai ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, Kth and Farnam. HOC8EKEEPING rooms, J6 up. :C3.St. Mary s. is mh All S OR 4 FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms Heward, E MS31 THE THURSTON, Uth and Jackson; steam, B 3 Fl'llMSIII.!) ROOMS AM) HOARD. QLENCAIRN, translents.ll.Kday. IOCS Doug r 7 UTOPIA, 1771 Davenport St, F-SJ The M err lam, good winter home, li Si lodc j . F -CI ROOMS and board, reasonable. Hot Cass. LARGE (rent room. 09 8. 35th ave. F-MJ THE ROSE, SCO Harney. Rates reasonable, . aiiu .MS- WANTED room-mato gentleman board private family. Call cverungs, wis uuru 1 t . Ft ItMSIIF.I) ll(IO.1 AMI HOARD. ROOMS and board, Ml X 21. F-43S-1 NICK furnished room with board. H4 California 8t F 1 10 3 run rent unfurnished rooms. TWO unfuralsnid rooms; also two baso ment rooms. 1120 N. 17th. O 130- S UNFURNISHED chambers for man and wife. J19 N. 17th. G-252 St'lTK of rooms, modern. 616 Georgia Ave. NFt'RNlSHED. 2. 2 or 4 rooms, on same floor, for housekeeping. S?j N. 19th. G-M644 FOR ItB.M STORES A.N D UFFICUf. FOR RENT Store, in flrst-clai location: rent rrasunanit Apply it. c. I'eters & Co., jrround floor, live Bldg. l2rA STOKES, unequalled. Apply Tixard. 221 N 2 I MiZ7Sl" FOR HENT. office, with vault and part first floor or nil top floor, mh-ius Harney at.: suitable for small Jobbing or broker nge business or storage. Midland Glass and I'alnt Co., 1U0 Harney st. 1-M233 . . FOR RENT The bulldlnc formerly oceu- pied ty tne uct. at sits farnam bt. it has tour siones ana a uasemrnt wnicn was formerly i.sed as The liee nres sroom. This will te rented very reasonably. If Interested Apply at once to C. C Rose water, sec etary, room lwi. Bee Building. I -til STOREROOM and basement, North 2lth m.; suitaDie (or plumber. uoiornoK. Brcwn Block. 1-M767 THE rooms now occupied by the O. F. davis Co., 150 Fa nam si., win be tor rent after April 1- McCague lnv. C. :5. . . UOUge S . 1 SMALL store. 220 N. Uth st Inquire Ml S. 2tith nvo. i-anis a. AULWIS WAATEU. SOMETHING new; send 10c and receive a tarrple or Kansas corn learners. Agents wanted. Kansas Corn Feather Co., aOJ l'axton Blk. J C0C-A6 AGENTS make 16 dally selling the cheapest and most peri.'ci water nuer ever in vented; retails at tl.DO; big profit; ex clusive ierrilory. Seneca Filter Co., Sen eca, Mo. J-M403 All HE WHO knows and knows not that he knos. Is asleep. Wake him. "Hut he who knows and knows that he knows. Is a wise man. Follow him." The'. me. Inquiry costs you noth ing. Will pay you fcSi to KO weekly. The tllifnltv. twtniitv nnit hlih rhnrnrter of the work is r'lUHT In the WOULD, success ful book agents wanted. Teachers. High school and College graduate? will have preference. Iock Box s5, Umalia, jseo. J aw is SELF-THREADING needles for weak right; thread springs into eye; packet rmillixl lu rents, 4 for 25 cents; agents' catalogue free. Chas. Marshall. Mfr., Lockport. N. Y. J 747 10 WATi:U TO IIU.N.T. UNFURNISHED chamaers. wife. 319 N. 17th. man and G-717 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 912 sit Jones, general storage and forwarding. -2ta OM. Van Ctor. Co., UllU Farn. Tela. 15SS-S63. 2fiO wa.ti:i to ni v. WANTED to buy. 100 Belgian Hares for meat purposes. .Address Al 21, Bee. N MM? 26 A GOOD buggy horse. Address M 25. Bee. GASOLINE engine and pump from 10 to 20- notsepower. Address 1 v. l'alcn. Kear ney, Neb. N MG37 26 WANTED, h larg- fireproof safe, nlso one or twn roller-top desks. Address letters, ,M. II. at. Bee Ortlcc, Council Bluffs, stat- IflK Tlv:r, iiiiii-,inii,ue, ril. FOR SALE I'URM l . ..-. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. -v.u .New gt anana rurnitur bought, sold, tvclisneed. ' O &2 FINEST line of new and second-hand furni ture in tnc city; inspect our ztocic before buying; wo wholesale to country dealers, prices low. Enterprise Furniture Co.. lK-t H. Mth. corner Dodge. O MJ71 A7 FOR SALE IIOR&E9, VEHICLES, ETC. ENTIRE stock of carrlaats, buggies and wagons rcgaraiess 01 cost. Anoerson-.MIJ. Uru. co Cor. Uth and Davenport. 1 2u,-M2S WE DO good tepalr rork on wagons, light P 2B3 FO It h ALE Al I St ELLA . EO L ). SAWDUST Cheapest posts, poultry & hog lence. wi uuugias, v :ei iDHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1116 Farnam. SAFES; buy, sell exe'ge. Schwartz, lit S. 13. W :w TIMOTHY hay and all kinds teed and coal. Monroe a. cu. y ;ti INCUBATORS. Send to tho Sure Hatch lncuuator cu.i yjmy center, iseu., lor a handsome free catalogue. Q 2u9 SEED SWEETS. Theo. Williams, Benson, fseb. vi-u .-ui ai. WIRE fence for poultry, Belgian hare, hog Held or lawn. Wire Wonts, 617 a. '6th st. Vi iiGis jyr FOR SALE, handsome thoroughbred Irish setter dog, lorceu reinever, no better hlood In America. Robert Iven. Persia, la. x Q-Ml-g 2V MASQUERADE make-up outfit, contains paints, owoers, uurnt corx, nose putty, beards, spirit gum, etc.. the lot mailed for in cents. Chas. Marshall, Mfr.. Lock port, N. Y. Q-756 10 FOR PALE Lady's bicycle; In good repair. Cheup. Address, ai z, uee. y ail CRACKED corn and chopped feed, 70c per hundred, wagner a i- eed store. iiw-ii Cuming. M4 s FOR SALE Ten head fresh cows. Call afternoons, jesters yard, Mti and Birt St. A GOOD guaranteed bicycle with Morgan & W right tires tor omana mcycie to, Iir I Vrt .Ilf.if litrlftit nnh' 3 mnnthl1 use. cheap for casn py pnvaie pariy, au- drrss M uee. w aiuw RUBBER stamps, keys, etc.; wo make and repair umbrellas; gold, silver and nltkel piatlllg. iUl. .nit- Wi wunsf ai, ' Q-M6I9 A6 OKLAHOMA 1-AND CO.'S map and book let by mall. Sic. Indian retervation to -,.-. Mnnnnwl, I , I ,.. rl,l cago, III. Q-.MC40 3a CLAIRVOYA.Vrs. MRS. FRITZ, medium. 81 North 16th. S 270 MME GYLMER, genuine palmist. 1805 Dodge B .ll 2ENO, clairvoyant, occult teacher. 1C15 Furnam. S-370-22 ELECTRIC TIlEATAIE.VT. ELITE parlors, 615 South 16th, second floor. l miz . MABEL GRAY, 317 N. Uth St.. Flat E. ' T-MS31 M30" CAMILLK DUVAL, CU So. Uth. 2d floor. T-624 A6 MISS WILLIAMS of St. Louis, massasre. magnetic, electric treatment. 302 N. IGth room S. T M643 A' MISS MAY LESLIE, 619 S. 16th. 3d floor T-M513 A3 MME. AMES, 1615 Howard, 2d floor room 1 Attendant warned. T M641 Jl PKIISOXAU DR. ROY. chiropodist, corns & sucertluoui hair removed by ekctrlcty. It 12 Freuser lUUtS. U l'i:il0. AL. I'RIV ATli home before and during confine ment, babies adopted. Mrs. Burgel, zsa Buroett. U Vi FRENCH accordion pleating! ivory rim buttons; mall orders. Omaha IVatlng cv . 1U4 Douglas. U-I7J TURKISH baths, massage baths electrid baths, for ladles only, skilled women masage optrators, initst equipped baths in the city. Renstrom Bath Comimny. ltnoms nii to Su, Bee Bldg, U 17 oLl'FLILS for all machines; machines for rent. White. Sewing Machine, 1WU Douglas. IcL ZOi. u-;t PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement; babies adopted. Grant Su U 27; A BOX of Re-No-May Powder Is not a luxury when it aftorus you a cure and secures the comtort una happiness of your toom-mate. U M2U '1AV1 V omart's way to health, rational, wholesome home treatment. 3li Be Bldg, U-7 M. GOLDMAN & CO.-Only perfect ac cordeon pleating plant In the west. Mull ciders solicited, bultu -VJ Douglas Block, U-I77 :, : : C. MUDDLEMIST. wall paper cleaner; best of city references; rooms cleaned tt and "Pi U-M363 RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send for circulars. Empire liup turn Cure, its: N. Y. Ltto Building, Omaha. U-M3W FOR men only, Wltch-Hniel Shaving Cream. Better than any soap: Sac. An druggists. U ti Al WE RENT sewing machines at 7lc per week. Wc repair and sell parts for all makes of machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., cor. Uth and liurney, ' 16n. U-M409 a:i JIOXUY TO LOAA-UUAl, ESTATE. MONEY ta loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Urennan-Love Co., 309 South 13th. W 3S3 WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants, Ueorgo A; company, Ivji Furnam street. w-ai LOANS on eaftern Nebraska and western Iowa farm at l per cent; borrowers can pay ilui ot any multiple; any Interest date; no delay. Brcnuan-Love Co., 300 So. 13th SL Omaha, Neb. W SU J1.W9 and upward to loan on Improved city property -nd lurms. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. ISM Fsrnam. W-2S2 ; I iva.mcu, cuy anu xarm loans; niso oonus 1 and warrants, it, c. I'eters et wo., i,vt Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. W 24 MONEY .0 loan on furm and city property; lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., laOd Farnam. W rsi MONEY to loan at 4b and 54 per cent on Omaha property. U. B. Mtlkle. 401 S. Uth. W-."5S FIVE per cent money. Bemts, Paxton block. W 2SJ PRIVATL money. F. D. Wead. 1521 Douglas. W-J49 PRIVATE monfy, 5, 6. 6 per cent; no de lay. Gurvln Bros., 1CU Farnam. W 1 & AND IV It 1 cent city and farm loans. Gaivln Bros.. 1613 Farnam SL tV Ki9 PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. L. W-2S7 I AND 5'4 per cent loans. W. H. Thomas, 4-lrst National Bank building. Tel. lttx CASH on hand. G. E. Turklngton, 603 Bee. W-Mofl 31U.NE TO LOA.N CHATTt-LS. . MONEY TO LOAN EVERYBODi. If you wlh to make a little loan why trouble your Irienus mien you can boi row money from us 011 one nourt. nonce v.llhoui publicity or trouble? WE LOAN MONEY ON VOUR FURNITURE, PIANO, ORGAN, HUlibLb, HAUUftS Oil AM I'tll- bU.NAl. !'Kui'r.ii'i 1' lTnotlT nr. AlOVAU l'OBb,IClTY Oil DtiLAY. LOANS FROM J10.W TO J2W.W. ANY LENGTH OF TIME, flXR MON'TIl Olt flN'K VHAIl. We guarantee or ftrms and rates to be tne very lowest anu witiuti me reacn 01 uiL. iiueril uiid courteous treatment to everyoouy, anu wu invite your inspection. COMB AND BE CONVINCED. We also make loans to SALARIED PEO PLE nn their l'UAlrs ,-ull.s. AO pub licity whutever. Cull on ua in; I ore going elsewhere. 8. E. COR, 16TH AND DOUGLAS STS. BROWN BLOCK. ROOM 312. X-M120 WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEE US. It is easy to udveniae lottebl talus, as others uu, but e leei positive that it you will matte comparisons you will be con vmct-u u. ui juu cun du better with u than! v- luan uu furuuure, pianos, li. e siuck, tic, ur Vi win maa ou u SALARY LOAN wllhoJt inuuitur ur mortgage. te cuart;e nuiuiug lur iiiauing .uan aim you lecelve lue lua uiiiuum in cash, iuu may pay it back ui one moiiui ur lajiu Eli. luuiubs ur muro in whicn lo repuy tt, ana uu ueeu not pay iur it one tht day luugcf man uu tp u. our lerms -ite tht easitsl, our uunuess Is counuennul and our niutio is try lu pieaM. UWAllA 101t'lUAU. iO.tW CO., lit iioru ui iruut uiui;, iel. Zsti. (EiULuilaned l&iy mo ou. iclli ot. X -1ji MONEY loaned salaried people holding per W-ineni pusiiiuji viii. .puuaiuiu cuuitrn uuii tliur jianict wanuai bcuimii, easy pajint-utk. 'ioiman, tiv Buaru xr-iue biug. SALARY LOANS. If you are eiuiluyed b a .eiponslblc firm we win .uuu juu Bum- "... v k'j 4 j on your note al much cheaper und easier rales than elite (.Here, uf Lhis w are puJlilve. ADsoluuiy nu churgta to: i,upci. Nolhluc deducted from uiuuuni ueaired Easiest partial payments, ilcllublc Credit Co., room rtii. Pa-ton Block. X . MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew- ...... . . hI I ' L, ..... I , , ., . . .. CI I ft , " W. . VCU, OA fcj. JJ. - a MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, COWS, JCV.UIIJ. Luu uic.ij, .V, o, DDlK-r Dir. X f SALARY loans ut reduced rates. Omaha Credit Co., 526 New York Life Bldg. X-2S3 MONEY to loan. I. Zlejler. 40S Ware Block. x MOU SES Private party for salary loans. ttoom m urown uiock. X-M124 Short time loans. J. Plearants, 54 Barker blk X-127- LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, live Jtock. etc. Quick service nnd lowest rates guaranteed, J. W. TAYLOE, C33 (ton rloorj Paxton Block, northeast corner 16th and Farnam, entrance 01. 10th st. X-M37U IIL'SIM.SS CHANCES. 1150 CASH on easy payments buys 25 strictly lawful (nickel) slot machines for drinks. cigars or earn; will earn 32 and upward weekly eacn. can ( & co., l-urni turu Manufacturers, Chicago, 111. r-3W FOR SALE, agricultural Implement and carriage business tn fcouth central Ne braska. For further particulars kddress Box vO, West Liberty, la. Y 311 SUBURBAN drug store; line trade; reason for selling, other business; half cash, bal ance go 3d land; nearest drug store to 5,000 ix-vuli-tlon. Address M 6, Bee. Y-M27J 26 STEAM dye and cleaning shop In city ot 10,000 or 11.000 Inhabitants for sale for 1150; a good chance for a dyer who understands his business; only shop In the city. Ad dress L A Bee. Y-M155 FOR SALE. S0rt) stock of general mer chandise in central Nebraska; good loca catlonr splendid trade; good reason for selling. For particulars write at once to M 3, Bee. Y"-M274 2C FOR SALE, small stock shoes and men's underwear for cash. Address John Hona han, Columbus, Neb. Y-M401 27 III M !! CM NCi:?. FOR SALE, stork of general merchandise, , at lxxlce Pole. Neb., now In hands of trustee In rmnkraplry. Invoice , and a Iteen appraised st It-lW. All n w stoik M'isl le sold at once. AddreM 1 l.eroy Martin. Sldlte), Neb. V-.MWJ VK HAVE a good location for a bank, also I want a rarpenter to locate. Write H V. Blenklrt-n. .Macnctt. Neb. T-.MIMJ FOR RENT Ranch, l.trtt acres of land.!!) acres under cultivation, all fenced and ! cross fenced. New lnre story and a half house, good bam and odt buildings, feed yards, corrals and water works. All In splendid condition. I'D acres hv lnd Good location, six miles east ot St. I-aul, Neb., on South Loup river, bottom land. Will lease for one or more )oars. cash tent. Address Mrs. K. M. Chadwlck Ht. Paul. Neb. Y-.M52 K NEW Snow-Church Co . law and folie tinns. 401-4'fi N. Y. Life. Adjust claims. ptoecute daraaitc suits, settle estates. Associate attorneys everywhere. V-MS11 31 RW STOCK goods genernt stock to ex change or one or two houses and lots in Omaha or South Omaha- W. L. Helta. Board Trade Bldg. Y MSH W ACT QUICKLY Anyone wanting a small stock of drugs ran learn something nf Interest by culling on or addressing Harle, Haas & Co., Council Bluffs. FOR IJ.XCHAXn FOR SALE or trade, cheap for cash, lot 3. block 10, Poiiplelon Park. 41st and Cass Sts., fine neighborhood, no encumbrance. 2 blocks from Saunders school. Will trade this lot a. part payment on h or 6-room house and lot southern part of city, be tween lGth and 20th. railroad traok and Vinton, Address M 22, Bee. Z-MK1 26 "OR SALE RBAL IT ITK. SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE, RE-M6 HAMILTON BROS, have modern houses near Furnam st. from 42.1W up. Ground floor, Beo bldg. Telephone RE-Siv. 2J RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A McAllaster. land commissioner. Union Vaciflc Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 314 FOR SALE, corn lands, stock ranches rni business locations in the Corn Belt coun try. W H. Clements. Lyons, Neb. RE-M977 HOUSES lots, larms. lands, loans; nlso fire insurance, uemie, l'axton 111K. Ufc. 312 FARM LAND. I 315 per r.rre for 040 acres lsnd 2'i mlls i norinensi oi spauming. -ei'rnsKns iw . acres under cultivation; improvements I worth tl.2iJ, consist of good 4-room frame nouse. narn corncni.. granary, windmill, lare tank, etc. Will accept one-half In desirable Omnha or fouth Omaha prop erty, ellher Improved or unimproved. We have personally Inspected this land and for further Information call on or address GEORGE & COMPANY. 1W1 Farnam St. RE MST6 31 FOR SALE, corner lot 76x130. with good 5 room house and improvements, in Al bright, must be sold Immediately. Very cheap fjr cash See ;" J, persons. Glas gow b'urk. South Omaha. RE 12 CHAS. K WILLIAMSON. lTarnanTsT RI- 3U WANT offer on fine lot and seven-room house, closa to good cur line. Eastern owner anxious to sell. M J. Kennard & Son. 30S-10 Brown Block. RE vii WANT TO BUY Have a CASH CUSTO MER for 1 to 5 acres, Improved or unim proved, for dairy punoses, between Ham ilton st. nnd Military ave. and OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS but ns near city line as possible. Bcmis, Paxton Block. RE M411 MEDICAI DR. LE DUE'S French Female Regulator, positively warranted to rrllee tho most stubborn cases of monthly stoppages. Ir regularities, obstructions, and suppres sions brought on from whatever abnormal or pathological cause, v: h package, ur S for tS; sent anywhere prnoild on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin. 111. American office, retail, wholesale. Myers Dillon Drug oC. Omaha. M. A. Dillon, South Omaha. Davis Drug Co.. Council Bluffs. Full line of rubber goods. Ili:i, ;l. HARES. BEST Imported buck in Omaha. Duke of Cheshire, fee I2.0U. For raic, 5 line, high grade, ix'dlgreed young bucks at veiy ua-Mo-.abie prices. Gate City itabbltr), 1443 00. lttll, upstairs MtKTi) 26 FLORISTS. LOUIS LECLUSE, successor to B. Haas, 1813 Vinton Tel. 2675. Plants, cut flower design, tin II. residence, wedding una gravu decorations. Orders promptly tiilud ny mall or express. Wl-al bUOIlTllA.N!) AMI TYPEWRITING. A- C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. BOYLES' College, court reporter principal Bee Bldg- -J23 NEB. Business & Shorthand college, Boyd's Theater. 321 GREGG Shorthand, Om. C Co',., 10 : Doug I'ATEATS, INVENTORS GOT AN IDEAT We handle patents cop) ngbta und trade marks; you give us the bare Idea and we, will do the rest; modern equipped machine shop und foundry In connection; Official Gazette on tile; guide book tree. Maeoil, Fenwlck Hi Lawrence, patent lawyers, 14vS Howard St.: Tel, 144J, Omaha. J. P. Cronln. repr. 320 PATENTS, no fee unless successful. Sues Ac Co., Bco Bldg., omaha, Nob. Advice tree. im jpis OSTEOPATH . JOHNSON Institute, 516 N. Y. L. Bldg, Tel. lbtrl; Allco Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; Gld E. Johnson, Ostcopattuct, Mgr. -317 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O., ot Still school. Ivlrksvllle. Mo OA Paxton Blk. Tel. 12S7. -31S INCUBATORS AND BROODERS. INCUBATOR3 and brooders; catalogue free. Write Burr Incubator Co.. B 2. Omaha, Neb. Factory ai 2Mb. Hi Davenport. 479-Mil FACTORIES FOR RENT. FACTORY, liundry or grocery building, corner. Daniel C. Patterson, 1023 Farnam. M3U A16 WALL PAPER. Sc a roll and up; painting, paper hanging, decorating, Kelsey, 117 S. 17th. Tel. IGOL 063 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat. Ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas, J2 CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS, ALL kinds ot carpenter work and repalrlni prompt ty at'ended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20t and Lake Su. 370 PRINTING. HAVE tt prluted right. Waters Printing Co.. ti Sa ISth Rt. Phone ttai So th SL Phone tii. -CiS A7 FOR RENT FACTORIES. FACTORY, laundry or grocery building, corner. David C. Patterson, its Farnam. M311 Aln LAUNDRY, OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars, 2c, cuffs, 4c 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547, 333 IIIRDS AND TAAIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1245 S. 16th. 32S STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 420 Ramie Bldr lilt. CI.I.!. WR HAVE the enly Vulcanlier in the citv for Luigy tires. V do this work as gxod 1 a ran be dene at the factory 11. Capi tol Ave. -63J I FlIl.MTlltli IIKPAIItl.Mi. TEL. U31. M S. AValkhn, Z1U Cuming St -.110 JL.Mv. B. & M. Junk house, J, Milder, Prop., dealer In all metals, bottles, etc. Carloads a specialty. sui-v.C Farnam, Omaha. Tel 2J7J MJI7 UXPEIIT ACCOt.NTA.T. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or evening. It. 11, Com. Nat. Bank. U. R. Rathbun 3i 'UCliET nltOKEIt. CUT rale tickets everywhere. P. H. Phil bin, 1M& Farnam. Telephone 7M 132 ALCORIIIO.N fl.EA Il.Nt.. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick est. Mrs. A. C. Mark, S. 11 Cor. 17th and Farnam. 335 IlLIIIIEIt STAJII'S. BADGES, medals Om Pi t. Co., Bee Bldg Tel. 2Wa. 327 li'iiolsti.uim;. GLOBE COUCH CO., 1519 Lcav'th. Tel. 2529. - Mliu ELOCUTION AMI HEADING. MRS. DORWARD. Studio 23 N. Uth St. 377-A1 LOST. GARNET brooch, between 20th and Wirt and First Cong, church, Return to Bee otnec; icward. Lost 411 23 GOVERNMENT .NOT ICE. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Dejiartment of the Interior, Office of In dlun Aftaim. Washington, D. C, March 7, liwl. healed proiisis. indorsed "Proposals for beef. Hour, etc.," as the cuse may be, und dirocted to the Commissioner ol Indian AtTaliK, av. Johnson street, Chicago, 111 . will be received until 1 o clock p. m. of Tuesday. April P. 1WI, for lurnlsnlng lor tho Indian Sen ice, beef, flour, bacon, betuii.. cotTec sugar, rice, tea and other articles of Ktilislxtericc. also tor boots and shoes. irrocerles. soan. baking nowder. crocki rv. ugrlrultur.l implement, paints, oils, giass. unnare, wagons, Harness, itaiiar, snot findings, oudulery. etc . hardware, school und medical supplies, aim n long list ot miscellaneous arucies. heaieu proiHisais, m uoieed ' Proposals lor blankets, woolen and I cotton goods, cioining, etc., as mo case nu-y rna directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Nos. 7i and ii) Voo.Hter . . .... "V' -1 - ,l.. ...Ill .v.. .. I . . I .... sireei. i ui r. viij. 13 ii-tcnt-u uu . til 1 u clock p. m of fuesda. May liajl, ' tor finishing tor the Indian Service. biunkcU, wool, n and cotton goons, clothing, notions, hat und caps. Bids must be muue out on government nlanks. Schedules giv ing ail necessary Information tor bldoers vinl lurntshed on application to the In- diun Otllce. Washington. D. C. . Nos. 77 und Yunktoti. Arkansas City. Caldwell. Tobeka Wichita and 1 ucson. Bids will be opened Ht the hour and days above stated, and bidders arc Invited to be present at the opening. The Department reserves the right to determine the point of delivery ami to rvJect auv and all bids, or any part of : any bid. W A. JONES, Commissioner. Mch. IS to jr. i. LEGAL NOTICE. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. State of Nebraska. Office of Auditor of Public Accounts, Lincoln. February 1. 1W1 It Is hereby certified that the Royal Union Mutual Life Insurance company of Des Moines, In the Ntatr of Iowa, has compiled wlt,h the Insurance law- of this state, ap plicable to suih companies, and Is therefore authorized to continue the business of life Insurance in this state for the current year ending January 31. 1!02. Witness my hand and the seal of the auditor ot public ncrounts the day nnd year Ilrst above written. (Seal) CHARLES WESTON. Auditor of Public Accounts. By H. A. BABCOCK. Deputy Mch 25 dlt POSTOFI'ICE NOTICE. (Should be lead DAILY by all Interested an changes .nay oc.ur at any time.) Foreign l.'Uls for mtF wpck enuing .Marcn 30 1501. will close (PROMPTLY In nil cimes) nt the Genital Postotlice as follows; Par cels' Post Mailtt close one hour earlier than closlnc time shown below, ra reels 1'ost malls for Germany close nt S p. m. on March 20. per s. s. Lahn, via Bremen, and Marcll 27. per s. s. ivoenism i.ouise. ia Bremen Rcrular and Suouleinetiterv malls close at Foreign - Branch half an hour later than closing lime shown below. Trnu-Af Innde Alnlls. TUESDAY At 6:l n. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Lahn. via rioutnampton and Bremen (mall for Ireland must be directed "per s. s. Latin") WEDNESDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. vaderiand, via Southampton (mall for Ireland must be directed "per s. s. Vaderiand 1; at K:3ti a. m. (supple mentary 10 a. m for EUROPE, per s. s. Oceanic, via Quecnstown; at 10 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Noordland (mail must bo directed "per r. s. Noord land") THURSDAY-At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY. KI'AIN. POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR Ql'EZ, per s. s, La Gascogne. via Havre (malls for other parts of Europe must be directed "ner . s. La Gacocne"). SATURDAY At 7:30 n. m. for NETHER- LANDS direct, per H. s. Muasdam (mall must be directed "per s. e Maasdam 'i: nt K:30 a. nt. (supplementary 10 a. m ) for EUROPE, per s. s. Etruria. via Queetie town. nt H m for ITALY, per s. s. Werra. via Naples (mall must be directed "per s s. Werra"); at 10 n. m, for SCOT LAND direct, per s. s. Furnessla (mall must be directed "per s. s. Furncssla"j. PRINTED MATTER. ETC. - This steamer takes pr.nted matter, commercial papers and samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by her. After the closltn; ol the Supplementary Trans-Atlantln Malls above, additional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American, English. French and Cerman nteamcrs, and remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of railing of -teamer. Malls for South and Central Auirrlcn, West Indies. Etc. MONDAY-At 7 n. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Pretoria. TUESDAY At 930 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 .1. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Alllanca. via Colon (mall for Guatemala must le directed "per s. s. Alllanca"); . 12 m. for YUCATAN, per s. h Prima, via Progreso (mall must be dlreotrd "per s. s. Prima"): nt 6:30 p. in. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Dewey, from Boston; at "ll p. m. for NASSAU, per Hteamer from Miami, Fla. , WEDNKSAin'-At 9 i. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per s. r. Silvia; at 9:30 a m. for INAGUA and HAITI, per s. s. Mt. Vernon; ut 12 m. for CUBA. YUCA TAN. CAMPECHE, TABASCO and CHIA PAS, i?r s. s. Scguranca, via Havana and PrJgreso (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Segurunca"). at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for NASSAU, per s, , Antllla (mall must be directed "ir . s. Antllla"); at II p. m. for JAMAICA, per s, s. Admiral Sampson, from I'hlladelDhla. THURSDAY At 12 m. (supplementary 12 '30 p. m.l for .NASSAl', III'A.NTA.NAMO Iltld HA.NT1AUO. per s, s. aaraiogu. FRIDAY' At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s, , Mutanza. via Tamnlcn (mall must be dl rected "per a, s, Matanzas"); at "ll p, m, fnr VARSAt' ner steamer fr.lm Miami. ni. SATURDAY-At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s, t. Trinidad; at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Han Juan, via San Juan. at 10 a m. for CUBA, per s, s. Morro Castle, via Havana, at Id a. m (supple mentary 10:30 u. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. fi A VANILLA, CARTHAGENA and GREYTOWN. txr s, s. Alene (mall for CostaRica must be , directed "per s. s. Alene'); at 12 m. for' NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s s. Hilary , Malls for Newfoupdland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close ut mis cmce uauy nt sa1) p. m (conneclin; close here every Monday, Wednesday und Saturday) Malls for Mlquelon. by rail 10 Boston, and thence by steamer, close at I ,9 wooster street, .cw iorK cuy, 23j Jont.- u"nver I ucblo und or "' designers Is taxed to the utmost a r?".?- ..... pm at.lJpmiro who can originate something e Subsistence. L . 8 X V CheVemie. ix'uvl c?a,i,1utKr,ano'na j. m u y.w u-w I. Indeed fortunate. cnworti.. So. Louis, St. I'uui and San. ie",V l d.Viu SLXSlv -After all. the aigrettes are pretty an KtancixLO. the postmasters at Kloux cm. I I . 1 . . ; ,r ,.., ,t., 1.1, -t .-i.i ...1, POTOKI"ICi: MITIfl.. this oltlre dnlly at . p. m Ala ill for Cuba, by rail to IV.rt lamps. Flu , and thence by steamer. cloe at Irrt ofllcn dally, except MoMly. at "i a. ni. (the connecting rloses on Sunday, Wednes da mid Fridayi. Malls fr Cuba, by rail to Miami. Ph. . and thence by steamer, tloec at this office rtcry Monday and Friday at "11 p. m. Malls for Mrxlctt City, ovirland, unless specially addressed fr dispatch by rtramer. rluse al till uftlce dally at 1:39 p. tn. and 11 p. tn. Malls fot Costa Rica. Belize, Puerto Cor tex and Guatemala, by rail to Nxw Or leans, and thence by vteamtr. close at this office dally at 1.3o p. m. (connecting closes here Mondar for Bellse, Puerto C.xtrz and Guatemala and Tuesdays for Costa Hlca). "Registered mall closes at 6 p in. previous day ' Trnnx-I'acinc -Mull.. Malls fur Australia (except Wst Aus tralia, which Is forwarded ria Europe), Nev Zealand. FIJI, Samoa and llanall. via San Francisco, close here dallv at CM p. re. after March 3d and up to March -3d. Inclusive, or on of s. s. Etrutla. due m ew l'ork March 23d, for dcrputch tK-r t Snii'.ma. Malls for Hawaii, China. JapMi and Phil ippine Islands, via San Francltru, rlne here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to March 26th, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Gaelic. Malls for China Jnwn and Philippine Islands, via Seattle close here daby at U. p. m. up to March 2i. inclusle. far dlsraldi H-r s. s Klnshlu Maru (regis l-ri'l mall must W directed via Sea'tlei Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes Via Europe, and New Zea land, which goes via bun Francisco), and MJI islands, via ancouver, ciosr nere caliy at C 30 p. m. after March "231 ard i p to March 30th. InclusUt, lur tie. patch i t er a. s. Mlowera (sunnlemetitarr malls. tla Seattle, close at 6:.'i p. m. March "311. Malls for Hawaii, via San Fntnclci. cl-t-r here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April "lrt lor despatch er s. s Marlpora. Mails for Hawaii, Japan, Ctutm and Phil Ippltie Inlands, via San fYatiol'OO, close here dally at 8:30 p tn. up to April 4th. Inclusive, for dlpatch er s. s. liong Kong Maru Mall for China and Japjn via Vancouver. cloe nere daily ill u:n p. tn. up to April , inclusive. ior i spatcn p;r s. s. l-;mpres ot .uipan (registered iiihh must i Im directed -iu Vancouver "l. Malls for Tahiti iinO Marquesas Islands, , via San Francisco. doc here dally at 6:3J p m. up to April loth. Inclusive, for I desrutch per s. s. Australia. ! 1 Trans-Paciflc malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing is arranged on tho presumption ot their uninterrupted overland trunlt. Regiiercd mall clitecs at S. p m. previ ous day CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Post itncc. New Ycrk N Y , March 22. 1301. It UI.WAV TI.ME CARD. CHICAGO. ROCK IsJL- ' and & Pacific Railroad1' -Ml.etlreat Rock lsi- and Route" - city 'Ikket Omce. 1323 tut. 1. am Street. 'I'ulcphone, 42. Depot, Tenth aim I 1 none. iw. Leave! Arrive. I EAST. 1 -,i. ,.i iv,. V , J'Sl -.- . .... P lMt?XLJ , .'7? m i1": am .bll :15 am a :10 am Des Moines uocai.. .,a t.Al pni a 4:45 om Chicago Fast tiXlresh. ,a i,:wi put u l.j pm and and Chicago a 7:10 pm a 9:35 pm WEST. Chicago ii north .ekiern Railway "The Norinwcstern Lino" City TlcKet Offici. 1101 t arnani at -leispnone. ' Murcj Sis. feleplioiie f. . . .-ave. Arrive. Daylight t.lilciigo Spe cial . ... a 7.-00 am atl-30 pm Chicago Passenger . .. 4:15 pm u :40 am Eastern Lxprts. Des Molneb, i-eaar ituiilds and Chlcaco nin'L-. m n i -cl', nm Eastern Special. Chi- FaWa,thfcaSo ,toa4:SjPm a 4:05 pm i Omahu a 2:15 pm I Omoha-Chlciigo L I'd ..a 7:45 pm a :uu am ' Ce"ar'aprds m a 1 I'm a Dally. . am "The Northwestern Line" Genera,! Oilices, 1. lilted SluicJ Natlunal uunk Building. S. W. corner Uwelllii and Far- liaui w.. Tt fal. 'lei. ltji. ..cxet Office. 14ui Furuam SL 1'ej.oi, lain and Web.tcr Sts. !mi, ti.,. . Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Dcadwood, Hot Springs R 3:00 pm a 5: pm V. 1 f -aper ana HaauJfss? Y0fkV bavidd3:t)Pra "B ! City. auOerlnr. ftenL'n Exeter und Sewurd....b 2:0 pm b 5: pm Nurioiff. Wrdlgre and iTt-mont b 7:30 am bl0:25 an Lincoln. Wahoo and I-remunt b 7:30 am bl0:25 bo . rcmoni Local c 7:30 am a Dally, b Dally except ounuay. c Sun day uniy. d Dally except Saturday, e Daily except Monday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, Minneapolis &: omalia Hallway "fhu .orti. western Line' General Offices, Nebraska Divi sion, loth and Webster Blur- city ncKei ornee, ma . .1 St. leicpnone, uei. uepot, lstn biiu Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... a u:uo am a :lo pm Omaha .. aliao urn Sioux City North east Nebraska. . - .a 3:(j pm a Daily SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Rullroad "The North we. tern Line" General Offices. United Stale National Bank Building. 8. W. Corner Twelfth and Purniini Sik 'Plniret Office. ..i Farnam St, Telephone 561. De pot. Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone 623. Leave. Arrive. 1 viu -ii .&preta a am aiu.iJ pm Twin City Umlted a 7:55 pm a yii um Sioux City Local a 8av am u ii pra a Dally. ILLINOIS CENTRAL .Railroad City Ticket Of flee. 1102 Farnam Street, Telephone, 215. Depot, Tenth und Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express n i.w am uiia pm Chicago Limited . . u 1:U pm u s;u5 uta Minneapolis is 3U Paul Express .b:Wam b 9:40 pm Minneapolis & St, Paul Limited a 7:45 pm a b:05 am Fort Dodge Local from Council Bluffs . .. .b 4:30 pm a 8:15 cm Fort Dodge Local from Council Bluffs a 6:00 am a dally, b Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & RT. LOUIS RAIL, road Omahu, Kansas City &. Eastern Railroad "The Qulncy Route" Ticket Of fice, 1415 Farnam St. Tele phone. 322. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone. U2S. Leave. Arrive. Et. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 6:15 pm a 8:20 am Kansas City U Qulncy Local a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm a Dally. CHICAGO. MILWALKEE & St. Paul Railway city HILWAUK iicmi unice, iw .-urnam Street. Telephone. 344. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone, C9. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. ...a C:00 pm a 1:05 am Chicago ti Omaha Ex..b 7:15 am b 3:40 nm m .4 ': II.' 1. Tlr.ll.. , I, I m wn,,. w .villi JT vukbCAJ. OUUUU, MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL roao oenerai offices end Ticket Offices. Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas Sts, Telephone, 104. Depot. Leave. Arrive sl and Kansas City Exptees a 10:00 am a 6:23 pro v. v., a 1. 1. t,.ui:.,iiiu, 1 ii;u an Leave frcm Uth and Webster Streets: Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm alO:i am a Dally, b Dally except fiunday. WABASH RAILROAD - Ticket omce. 1415 Farnam JwljN pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts, eireet. '1 eLeniione. )i. Ttrlephcne. CS. Leave. Arrive. ' St Louis "Cannon Ball" Express ..a 5.15 pm a 1,20 am a Dally, I 1 InaAln Crl rra An Wt,rt 1 jSftk CHICAGO ii NORTH itTTt3Eii?f1 .esiern Rallway-'The - Bjaaas- Louis AS GRANDMA DRESSED 11 Tbui Will thi rnihioBbl Ycmg Womtn of Tcdiy Do Up Hr Hair. CIRCULAR POMPADOUR A BACK NUMBER PnsshiB uf the lint" as a Property of .M l.ndj's Toilet and Aihesl if the "(ludhs" Effect lile Parts. The circuitous pompadour that for more than two years has encircled the head of femininity like a balo must go. Dame Fashion hns spoken. The roll of hair, held In place by a thing called a "rat " and gltlng the fare of womankind the appear ance ot being In a frame, has seen Its day, she says. The aureole was a thing ot beauty, but It Is a bark number now, and In order to get something that will have the appearance of being uew to take Its place the dame has gone back a few genera tions aud has rejuvenated the spit curl. Of course 11 isn't called "spit curl" now That is whit It used to be called, but now It Is to be knon as the " Lady Oodlva' effect It goes without saying that, with attrh a name, the rtTeft will be startling. A local hairdresser dilates thus apon tho nrw Idea- "Well dressed hair makes n woman look stylish. No matter what her costume may be, the cyo Involuntarily wanders back to (he hair snd there finds material for the forming of an opinion. "News corors from Paris." she resumed, "tbut st)lrs in hnlr dressing are to bo coplrs of those ot our grandmothers, following the. ..nfrfll tfndencr In other artlrlr, of dress - . . ."Me c irls may be seen in Omaha soon, though we have not jet become quite su lt),i to ,lr anre.ior, n (hat ,0)" Vjr " nR -u? ldc part has already been revived. f ir Mmlc In Hnlrilrrtolni:. "In this the hair Is jurtod lower nn one side than the other, with three large waves on the forehead, not being excessively heavy, each pointing down toward the eyes and rising to meet a cushion of hair on either side of the part "At the side the tresses are taken loosely an1 na'urft"' waving past the ears, which they Just touch, where they are lost In the heavy knot in which their length Is pnliwi c0- "The crown Is not fist. On the contrary the hilr Is pulled up Into rippling wave Iic,d by "n" tortoise shell .comb?, and for evening wear lw decorated" with black eaure wlllirs nr 11 hlark bow. "These ornamrntc are coming Into vogue and vary from the simple bow to the most elaborate aigrette, studded with diamonds and other precious stones. "As It Is the wish of every fair maiden to have something 'different,' the Ingenuity nd ntlrely d 8 almost anjbody and gives a Vlquant air to a face that may In reality be quite plain whlrh Is a strong argument In behalf of tnc nc,v moir ie new mode. "The plain black bow seems to be the. smartest ornament That has yet been used. It will be remembered as the bow thit the young girl used to wear nt her belt. Now It has tlfrn to add a gem to her crown of glory. And It 1 certainly deserving of Its promotion. The lngenuitv of woman has never devised nn ornament which Is more beautiful and at the same time so ap- proprlatc for all occasions as the plain bow of ribbon. "N"l"' 1" hair dressing are In great demand and ns a proof of this a New York woman lately paid $55 for the dressing of jeri iMiitn were wavcn iuio ine coinure This seems like a piece ot wanton extravn ganrc, but she was willing to pay It to outshine tho other guests at one of New port's swell parties." VALUABLE MEDICINE For Conirhs nml fiiliU lu Children. "I have not the slightest hestltanry in mw"i'll"(! Chamberlain's Cough Rem- edy to all who are suffering from coughs or colds." says Charles M. Cramer, esq a well known watchmaker of Colombo. Cey lon. "It h been some two years since the city dispensary Hrst called my attention to tills valuable medicine and 1 have repeat edly used it and it has always been bene ficial. It hns cured me quickly of all chest colds. It Is especially effective for chil dren and seldom takrs more than one bottle to cure them of hoarseness. I have persuaded many to try this valuable medi cine and they are all as well pleased as myelf over the result!!." For sale by alt druggUu. Tiki Killed, Elrrn II 11 rt. MARSEILLES. March 24. A rope factory was burned. '1 he walls collapsed and two firemen were killed. Eleven persons, In cluding rlx firemen, were seriously Injured and one fireman Is missing. Wheels' Wheels' Wheels'. How they go! Ride a Bee wheel and be In the swim. RAILWAY TIME CARD. KANSAS CITY, ST. Jo seph & Council Blutfs Railroad "The Buriing ton Rout" Ticket Omu, IM Farnam Street. Tole phone, 250. Depot, Tentn and Mason Street, 'i'm phono, 12S. Kansas tity Day Ex .a t:zy am u i:m Kansas City Night Ex,.alo:w pru a t.u am St. Louis Flyer, for St. jueepn una nt, louib .a i m pm all 15 am a Dally, CHICAGO. BURLINGTON : Qulncy Railroad "The Bur, melon itoule" Ticket Office imc 1' ainum btreet. Telephone, 2m. Depot Tenth anu Muson street, 'leiephone, lit. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am a!0:20 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.a 4;ov pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local Kxpress.a 'J.'M am a i:uu pm Chicago Llmlteil ..a 7o pm a 7:45 am Fast Mall a 2:45 um u Daily. BURLINGION & Mis souri River Rullruud The Burlington itouie" General Omcea, Nortn v.eitt Corner Tenth and Furnam btroets. Ticket Office, 1j02 Farnam Street, Burlington atatioii, Tenth Streets. .V. Arrive. Lincoln. HastliiS anJ HWbtK!'.a 4.2A pm a 3:00 pm Lincoln & Black Hills. " "i"" " m MontanarPugei Sound, .a pm u j:5 am La'culn Fast Mall :w um a u. !X?!U. MIm Denver, Colorado, Utah a (;45 am ana uaniorniu. Fort Crook. So. Bend, LoutsWIIe. Plattsm th.b 3:20 pm bU:0S am Believue. Plattsmouth tt Pacltlc Junction a i:40 pra a S.20 um Believue. Pluttaroputh and Puclltc Junction. .al2:10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC-'THE OVER land Route "General Offices N E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Office, U-4 if 1. mam Street. Telephone. UU. fy Dep')t. Tenth und Matey Sts, r Telephone, C23. Leave. ji rive. mi,. Limited. .a .20 am a 7:30 pra Ts!c,Ca.V.",.n.,.. : m a 7:30 pm Thi Fait Mall :W am 11 P- The Mall and Express. .aU:S5 pm u 4: pm t 1 AKin H rM And stromsburg Express. .b 4:05 pm blZ.30 pm I TV,- ouelflr Exuress ...a 4:25 pm The Atlantic Express... a 6:50 am Oranu island Local ,b5;30pm b D.3-aiu a dally, b Dally except buuday, BE--Baaan -eattrTTTfta.