s TJI12 OMAHA DAILY HICK: Sl'NDAY, "MARCH 2t, 1001. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MIMil Mll.Vl'ION. Da In sell drug. Htockert dells carpets and rug?. das llitureM ami globes at Ulby's. rino A U C beer, Neumuyer's hotel, tollman, scientific optician, 9 ll'way. J Hostettcr. dentist, lluldwln block. Leffert. Jeweler, optician, M llroadway. J. A Hnow. auctioneer. ilwuy, opp. I. O, Crmsy. ln-year-old son of City Clerk Phil lip lias" scarlet lever. 'Hit m-etliig of l'ulin grove Tjesday nigh, will be followed by u dance. K UrutT. undertaker and dlslnfecto. 101 South .Main street. Thorn! (06. l'a:m grove Hwiribly Tuesday night, " cents louple, elra ladle, 10 cents. Clet your work done at the popular Kagu laundry, ill llroadway. 'l'hono Ul. Horn, ti .Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Joseph 7 Myuster street, yesterday, a son. He J W. Cnlfee will conduct service today In tlu llruudway Methodist church. Mown . Kluln. upholstering, furnltuu repairing, ninttruas making, rl. Mulu st Orand millinery opening at Mlsn Hprlnk Tuesday mid Wednesday afternoon, .March M and - Utorge M Jones was reported to be seri ously ill ut his home, 72. M lister stie. t, lust night V marrlHKc license whs Issued oterduy to Churles Davis. aged 31, und Mury 1 licks, Mgod 40, both of Uinahu. Justice Kerrler performed the marrluge ceremony yesterday for Charles Davis anil Mary Kicks, both of Umuha. Ht Albans lodge No. 1", Knights of I'ytlilas, will meet tomorow evening for work In the tirst and third ranks. The Inside of the city Jail Is being re-jmlnu-d iy the prisoners under tho supervl elon of Marty James, day Jailer. A want ad In Tho lleo will bring results. The same attention given to u want ad In Council Mutts as nt the Omaha otllce. -i) per cent Discount Halo on frames and framed pictures, to make loom for new goods. Alexander Ac Co., 3J3 llroadway. Tho regular meeting of tho Associated Charities will bo In the lecture) room of tho Congregational church Wednesday ut 3 li. I n A meeting of the gardeners unit fruit growers of this vicinity has been called for Saturday afternoon a 1 In runners' hall, county courthouse. These cervices will bo In draco episcopal church today: .Sunday school at li:U; morn ing prayer and sermon at 11 j evening prayer und sermon ut 7:oo ltixlli ciuvon plctun- und frame, from good photos only, tor J2.50. Curvoth. urtlst, S Kust Pierce, street, Council lllults. Tele phono 179 and agent will call. The Woman's Christian association Is having plans prepared for Its new hospital. Work on tho building Is expected to be begun us soon us the weather will permit. Hubert Laud und William Wilson, lads charged with the theft of a game rooster valued at 10 by Its owner. Cah Hasty, wero discharged In police court yesterday morn ing Tho funeral of Mrs. llartel Nelson, 1900 Houth Twelfth Hlroot, will be Tuesday afternoon nt S:3, from the Danish llaptlst church, initial will be In Walnut Hill cemetery The First Church of Christ. Scientist, will lmvo services this morning nt 10:13 In tin Hnpp building. Tho subject will bo "Heullty An experience meeting will bo ednesday ut S p. m. Hev W. II. Crewdson. pastor of tho First Christian church, will preach this morning on "Christian I'nlon und the Reasons for It " In the evening his topic will bo "Chris tian l ulou mid tho llasls for It." Justice Keriler heard the evidence yester day In the caso In which Charles and Minnie, Tucker wero charged with assault ing F. 1). Webbs and took his decision under advisement for twenty days. Klre of unknown origin broko out nt S o clock yesterday morning In the olllce of tho Christian Home. It was promptly ex tinguished before the arrival of tho tire de partment and tho only damago was to a cabinet i'oitulnlug fancy work. Hev. K. N. Harris, returned mlsslonury from llurmah and formerly pastor of the Itothany lluiitlst chinch of this city, will pteach lu tho First llaptlst church this morning and evening. Ho will speuk In particular of his work In llurmuh. Mrs. Hattlo Livingston, evangelist, will begin revival meetings tomorrow night In the Iowa Holiness association's mission hall, She will also give lllblo readings In tho mission homo on Glen avenue every afternoon at J;30, commencing Tuesday. Just received a lino line of French violins nnd all kinds of small musical Instruments, moie than wo can mention In n newspaper. Come and exnmlno them at the Hourlclus M.lslc House. 333 llroadway. Council Hlurts, cmo of tho largest pluno houses of tho west, whero tho organ stands upon tho building. County Auditor Innes wus yesterday up pointed administrator of tho estato of (leorgo S. Clark, who, us far as known, had no relatives. He was a county charge and ut tho time of his death held somo Insur ance, which the county seeks to secure to recoup Itself for his care. Innes' bond was iWed ut 2eu. Tho choir of St. Paul's F.plscopal church Is rehearsing Schnecker's Cuutatu. "The Story of Cuivtiry," which will be given at the vesper service Palm Sunday. Tho choir, under tho direction of W. I,. Thlckstun, organist, will be assisted by It, H. Duvles. baritone, who will sing the solo parts. Mr. Davles was formerly connected with tho Chicago Conservatory of Music. C J. Graham, who was bound over to tho Krund Jury Friday on a charge preferred against him by his wife, expects to bo ublo to f'lrnlsh a $500 cash bond In a few days. He received u letter yesterday from his father, a wealthy carriage manufacturer of Ldgon er. lud.. nromlslnir assistant... Vn wonl has been received hero from the sheriff ut Plymouth. Ind.. as to the nature of tho charge on which Graham Is alleged to be wanted there. Something over two yeurs ago Hennessey l.eroylo produced tho farcical comedy. "Other People's Money," which will bo been ut tho Dohany theater tonight. The author has furnished tho players with a series of highly amusing scenes und sltuutlons. That Mr l.eroylo Is an excellent urtlst Is evi denced by tho fact that tho public has placed Its upproval upon his work und that, too, In u most hearty manner. For the present season he has succeeded in drawing about him tho best supporting company ever seen In tho play and those who delight in that manner of play that has u motive, which reeks with laughter and fairly bub bles with fuu, should not fall to see this attraction, TO TAX OUTSIDE BREWERIES Oitj Oouicil Coniidrs Hw Plan to In crease Iti BtTtnue. N. Y. 1'luinbtng Co.. telepnona 250. Davis sells glass. Millinery Opening-. On Monday, March 25, Mrs. Albln Huster will give her spring opening of choice mll lluery goods, Concert In tho evening. "I want a wheel, but have no money." Is this your tlx? Vou can earn one by do ing a little work for The Dec. Head our great offer to buys aud girls. GETS AFTER THE LIQUOR AGENTS ilrn Is to I'liii'i Thrill on Same Plane n INlubllslied Ruinous Men Af fected Ktpres u Concern Uut Proposition, The city fathers have been considering a .lumber of plans to Increase the revenue of tho munlslpality for tho next fiscal year aud tho latest suggestion Is to pats an ordloauce requiring the outside breweries uolng a wholesale business lu Council tllutis to pay the same tax as the local wholesale liquor dealers do, A largo business U done In this city by outside breweries from which tho city ro uelves no revenue In tho shape of license, whllu the local wholesale liquor dealers are obliged to pay tho same annual license as the retail saloons. The license amounts to $77.10 a month, 130 of which goes to the county aud J27.10 to the city. Local wholesale liquor houses complain of this taxation aid tho unequal competition they h.ivo to contend with. Inasmuch as several breweries across the river maintain agen cies here but ure required to pay no license. Most of tho agents tor these outside breweries have their olllcos in some saloon operated by their company, und while tho saloon Itself puys tho necessary license, their wholesale business is conducted with out tho city deriving any revenue from It. Some of the outsldo breweries maintain storage houses In t'.ils city and it has been suggested that these can be considered as wholesale houses and taxed accordingly. The Idea Is to place tho outsldo concerns doing a wholesale liquor business In this city on tho same plane us the local whole salers, who have to pay tho yearly tax to the county aud city. This plan of Increasing the city's rev enue has been discussed among the alder men, and If It is practicable It will be curried out and au ordluanco providing for the payment of tho license by tho out sldo breweries will bo brought up at an early meeting of tho city council, Hrierj- .Men Art- Serene. Agents of outside breweries, when they learned of tho proposition to make them pay license the same us the local whole sale liquor houses, failed to express any concern cr alarm. They say that such a proposition would bo entirely Irregular, as It would Interfere with tho laws of Inter state commerce. No city ordinance, they sny, could have the effect of making them pay such u license. City Solicitor Wuds worth, when usked If tho city could enforco such un ordinance, Bald ho had not given tho matter any attention. It had not been, he said, brought to him olllclally, although he had heard that the aldermen were dis cussing tho advisability of attempting to enforco tho payment of a license by out sldo breweries. Until he gave tho matter a thorough Investigation he could not ex press any opinion as to it interfering with the Interstate commerce laws. II is said that a number of the drug stores do a largo business In tho sale of liquors und some of tho aldermen have sug gested that those doing such a business bo made to pay the same license as a saloon, or comply with tho strict letter of tho law. To comply strictly with tho law tho drug stores cannot sell liquor unless on a phy sician's prescription. Tho city Is In need of some additional revenue the coming fiscal year, where to get It Is what Is bothering the -uldermen and other oHiclals, and they are willing to grasp at any straw that they think may blow their way. Tho question will como up for discussion at tho meeting of tho city council tomorrow night. CUXNIXC.-.IAM TO SVK Till! COUXTV. Insists nut Three Thuiisiiuil Dollar Is Already OwIiik Itllll. F. M. Cunningham, tax ferret, will test the right of the County Hoard of Super visors to cancel Its contract with him. When the board meets, April 1, he will present his bill for tho 50 per cent of tho moneys recovered Into the county treas ury through his efforts. In the event ot the board declining to allow it he will at ouce, he said yesterday, Institute stilt. Up to date over JS.000 has been paid Into tho county treasury by persons whom Cun ningham discovered owned property which bad been omitted from assessment. Under his contract with the board his share ot this would amount to $3,000. Frank Shlnn, who secured a temporary Injunction In the district court restraining tho county authorities from carrying out tho provisions of tho contract with Cun ningham and from paying him any moneys under It, has not Hied tho required bond of $1,000, as ordered by tho court. The injunction does not go into effect until the bond Is filed. It Is understood that no bond will be tiled, now, seeing that tho board has canceled Its contract with Cunningham, zjfs zjr zXr-z zJC iBare Facts W e lay buro to tho people ot Lsk Council 111 u ITs and vicinity tho fiCS facts that should uppeal to Tea their Judgment. There Is no WJ better shoe, made In tho world 19 than tho eclebruted , niiijiti pnnrc iX These shoes cost u little mor than somo other brands, but tho vuluo Is there. They aro made from tho best material und by high priced, skilled workmen. Five dollars buvu a pair of these up to-dutc, styl ish, well wearing shoes. For the best always ko to $ SARGENT'S Fj liiiuk Cur the Hrnr. FARM LOAMS Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska aim iowu. jumiii M. casuy, r.. uu .uuiu oi., council isiuns. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director (Successor to W. C. Estp) l'tmtL tfTitEfcy. 'PhuB sr. Twenty per cent discount sale on frames and framed pictures. Alexander & Co., 333 Uroadway. Making room for now goods. SI3XIOHS IX CHIMSOX .VXD SILVIOH. Hlieh School UrnUunthiK t'liisn 9ay It i.omiileteM lu Start, The senior class ot tho High school met yesterday to select a class motto and colors. Tho young men of the school have or ganized a debating society with these oill cers: President, Charles Campbell; vice president, carl Pryor; recording secretary. George Dalley; corresponding secretary, C. o. Keynoius; treasurer, Harold Flint. Rich ard Organ Is leader of one side and Carl rryor of the other. era! tetters, but they have evidently not gut to the coast, becatiso tho Doers have captured the mallcart for tho last two or three weeks. Ho says; "Wo have to lend a party of armed men to protect tho malt every time It goes. Wo received malt from Capetown tast week for the first time In two months. The outlook Is very bad at present, on account ot the Doers crossing the Orange river. We will bo swiped out of existence If the rebels Join them. Uut as only a few of the rebels have Joined them our chance ot drawing breath a little while longer Is pretty good. Wo get about two nights abed week now, aud the rest of the time wo are on outpost duty. Mar tlat law has been proclaimed here." AititnsT stops ins crnznxsiiip. (illhcrt .1. .MiirTrt's Wltv Serk In (inln lilt CiiiiiN AuuliiNt Hoard Hill, Gilbert J. Moffct's arrest by tho United States authorities and his commitment to the penitentiary Is alt that prevented him from becoming a citizen of Council HlufTs. This was Ju substance, the statement mado by his wife yesterday In Justice Dry ant's court, where the suit brought by Mrs. Kcl ley of First nvenuo to recover $30 due by Moffct tor board and lodging was being tried. Mr. Kellcy attached Moffct's per sonal belongings on tho ground that utter his sentence In the federal court he was ubotit to move permanently out ot tho county. Mrs. Moffet attacked tho attachment and claimed that her husband came to Council Illuffs with the intention ot taking up his permanent residence here nnd that she was preparing to Join him later. A mo tion '.o dismiss on these grounds was ar gued for the defense and taken under ad visement by the court until Tuesday. SOX HF.TOH IS AGAIXST MOTIIU1I. Marry Until Oliilnn Olttrt (irenter iiiiui Orluliiiil Suit. Harry Hath tiled an answer and counter claim yesterday to tho suit brought against him by his mother, Mrs. II. J. Hnth, In tho district court. Mrs. Hath sued to recover J7C0, which she claimed to have loaned her son. In his answer Hath admits owing $79 tor two steers, but asserts that the balance ot tho money was a gift from his mother to enable him to start Ufo as a farmer. Ho sets up a counterclaim for $3,5r0. Ho asks $2,000 because, as he alleges, his mother, hftcr his marriage, tried to set his wlfo against him and harassed him so that ho had to give up tho homo farm. He wauts $1,000 for alleged Wrongful attachment of his property and $300 for alleged breach ot contract on his mother's part to lease him a farm. Tho $2J0 ho wants to compensate him for a cow and a quantity of corn which his mother, ho claims, promised to give htm but failed to deliver tho goods. l.UiHT (IUCSTIOX IS SHI, I, DAItlC. Oiunliii Inniiei'lliiii Fall to Illuminate tin- IIIiiIIn. The Inspection by tho aldermen of the electric lighting syBtem In Omaha Friday night Is not calculated to throw much light on tho situation here. City Electrician Scburig ot Omaha gave It as his opinion that the stylo of lamp to be used hero un der the now lighting contract would not give tho desired service on tho towers. Owlug to the opposition that has arisen, however, to tho proposition to do uway with the towers, several of tho aldermen favor trying tho new lamps on tho towers und then, if It Is found that they are unsatis factory, to distribute them through the city nt a height of nbout tweuty-tlvo feet and take the towers down. This matter will como up for determina tion at tho meeting of the city council to morrow night. Vi'spern lit St. Paul's. These services will bo today In St. Paul's Episcopal church: Holy communion at S; morning prayer with sermon by tho rector, Rev. George Edward Walk, at 10:30; vespers at4. when the following music will be rendered by the choir: Organ Prelude Menuct Salome Processional Onward, Christian Soldiers v Fuller Magnificat .' Somervell Nunc Dlmtttls Somervell Now the Day Is Over llurnby Hymn Christian. Dost Thou Sco Them? Dykes Offertory Hymn Hear Our Prayer Dickinson Anthem Oh. Saving' Victim Custanco With baritone obllgatu by Cluude Lewis. Organ Solo Serenade Moszkowskl Anthem Tho Sun Shull He No More Thy Light Woodwnrd Recessional Jerusalem the Golden Le Joune Organ Postlude Gravel roofing. A. II. Reed, 641 Broad'y. Davis sells palm. Piles Cured While You Sleep You are costive, and nature Is under a constant strain to relieve the condition. This causes a rush of blood to the rectum, and befoie long congested lumps appear, Itching, painful, bleeding. Then you have piles There are many kinds and many cures, but plies are not cura ble unless you assist nature In removing the cause. CASCARETS make effort easy, regulate and soften the stools, relieving the tension, and giving nature a chance to use her healing power. Piles, hemorrhoids, fistula, and other rectal troubles yield to the treatment, and Cascarets quickly and surely remove them forever. Don't be persuaded to experiment with anything else! Atchison vilobe "I nfifcred the torture of tfce damned wlta protruding piles broucht on by constipation with which I was atnined tor twenty years. I ran acro your CASCA RETa In tho town ot Newell, la., and neverfound anything to equal them. To-day I am entirely ireo from plies nod feel Ilk new man." C II. Karri. Hit Jonea St., Sioux CHy, la. "J. not P dor be V e?eu fen-' tv 9D ccjt Mil jonci St.. siouinvy, la. ,.TM A 1 lr r' Woman' c Salt. I fen' jH y v -aVM I VfRMMtoK. .aaaVaaaF1 fr if rf i ai.vairr ii ii i apaatv awn THIS IS THE TABLET 10c 25c 50c NEVER SOLD IN BULK. DRUGGISTS GUAKAVTEEU TO (!CUC all bowel trouble, nppendtclllt, kllloumrii, nnd brtittb tmtl blooU, wind on the tnmarh tiloiMeil hnwrli. foul mtinlh ndhf Indlaratton plmiilea, tulua after enllnv. liver trouble allv cerv P lei. I on. and illr.zlaea. Wbea your bowels don't move recti In rly yon ure rettt tick. Cnuittputlon Iclllt mora people thun nil other tlUente together. ( Uu vtjtrtcr Tor Inn chroulc itllments nnd lon jfurt of utrerlii.r thnt como alterwnrd. No mutter what nll you, ntnrt tnUltijr ( A.Hl'AKK'lS today for you will never eel well nutl br well ult the tin until you put your bowels right. Ttvke our advlcef start with CANl'AULTH loduy uuiier uu nbtoluto luaiuMte to euro or money if funded. Ktinrnnteed to enro or money refund! Uo buy todny two AO uoKe gtwm them m mtr UoueM trlnl, u per ilnvU direction nnd If you nr not tntltfled after utlntc one flop box. return tho iuet &Oe box nud tho empty bos to tit by mall or the drugcUt from whom you pnrehneed It nnd vetyonrmoney btieU for both boxe. TnUe oar ndvlee no matter what alia you at art todny. llenltlt will nnleuty follow nnd yon will bleaa the day yon A rat atnrted the nan oft'AHCAUKTS. Xlookfreoby mnlU Addl VTIfttUU 1UUI CO., law Tartar ., Lead Pencils! Lead Pencils! Tho place to buy load pencils is in Dehonjj's stationery de partment. Faber's, Dixon's and all the best kinds, i.Ue a dozen. Oood envelopes, lie a hundred, fool's cap nud legal cap, 36 sheets for 10 cents. Typewriter paper, 25c a hundred. 307 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. OUTLOOK KllO.1l IIOIHIS IS H.U1. Capetown lIlKhlnmler Gtvra IMxcnur- iikiiik .ni from Suuth .Vtrlen. Mrs. V S. Goodrich Of 800 lll-nmlurnv has received a letter from hr HAn IT Goodrich, who is servlnic In the Capetown iiiKniauuers in soutn Africa. It is dated February 'i and is the first word h h!. had from him for two months. touoK Goodrich says be has written sev- FOR RENT... THE BENO STORES No. 29, 31, 33, 35 Pearl St. No. 2S. 30. 32, 31 Main St. . (.'ouiieil iUurf Society. V. ti. Kerns will leuvo thU mornlnir for a visit In Denver. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1J. Atkins entertained at dinner Wednesday. MIm Fannie Davenport entertained In- luruiiui- weunesuay eveninfr. Tho Monday Whist eluh met at thn hnm of Mrs. Druyton V. ltUshuell. Tho MoniJav Knehm eluh v.i pnturtfifno.l last week by Mrs. V. V. Sherman. Mrs. lloraeo Kvrrett Hiitprhilnml In. formally at a whist luncheon Monday. Tho Wednesday Whist club met this week at tho homo of Mrs. Vletor B. Uender. 11. J. liourlclus returned home yesterday from a trip to his old home In Holland. The HlRh School cadets are planning for a. hop In Hoyul Arcanum hall Friday night. Mrs. Charles Woodbury entertained at whist Friday evcniiiK. Kefreshments wer0 served. Miss Charity Ilabeoek of ChtciiBo Is guest of her ulster. Mrs. Charles Haas, at tho Urand hotel. Mrs. O. M. Urown of South Seventh street returned yesterduy from a visit to relatives at Kaiuus City. The Calendar Card club gave a poverty party In Hughes' hall Friday night, lle freshments wero served. Daughters of Uobekuh lodge No. 3 has is. sued Invitations for a progressive high live party to. tomorrow night. A number of Council Bluffs people at tended a tnuslcale Friday afternoon given by Mrs. H. J. Van Court of Omaha. Miss Klslp Honn Is homo from Chicago university to pass the Kaster holidays with her mother. Mrs. K. Honn, Fifth avenue. Mrs. W. U Douglas gavw a 7 u'clock din ner Tuesday In honor of tho Evans. rinney bridal party. Tho decorations were Meteor rosebuds, Mrs. Kldon H. l.ougeo and Mrs. Street entertained the Ladles' Aid sooloty of draco Kplscopal ehuroh Frtduy afternoon at u Lenteu tea. Mrs. Itay W. lllxhy gave a Kensington i- nuuy ai ner nome on t trst street. A course luncheon wus served. Covers wero laid for twelve. Thomas Lucy, Jr.. of this city, who Is a student ut Cornell. It iea, N. Y., will pass the Kaster holidays with friends at Naga tuck. Conn. Mrs. V. J. Gounoude entertained neighbor hood friends Friday afternoon at her home i-uuiiii auuei niui irUiiversuuuii anu curds. Hefreshmenta wero served. Mr. and Mrs. Georco Wlemann and daughter Klsle of New York, on their wuy to the racltie coast, stopped over with Mr. und Mrs. John 11. Gearing of North First sireui. Miss Adelaide Haas entertained fifty little fronds Tuesday afternoon In honor of her 1th blithdny anniversary. Tho ordinary of mu uiunu nuiei was uecoraieu in iawion These stores lu the center of the city and occupied for many years by John Beno & Co., the largest retail dry goods and clothing dealers In western Iowa, who have re moved to wore extensive quarters in the Blseman building. Kent very low to desirable parties oa long lease. E H, SHEAFE & CO RKNTAL AQENTS, S fetrl Stret, Council Bluff COUNCIL BLUFFS BELGIAN HARE CO, M. H. W-..Kr.lt. .Mniinuer. Member Nebraska Uelglan Hare Club. 'M7 S. MAIS VI'., Council II luff, lu, breeders, of and dealers In Fine BELGIAN HARES Ked Jacket. Stud Fees, 5. Sire, Lord Drltalu, (Imp.). Dam. Primrose J. D. Stevenson, Official Scorer of The American Ueljlan Hare Institute. pinks and lilies of the valley. The Ices were in the form of uualnt little Japanese brownies currying umbrellas and funs. Herman and Mux Mendall, students ot Chicago university, spent Friday with friends lu .this city while t'ttroute home to visit their parents during the Easter vacu tion. Mrs. It. K. Montgomery wus hostess at u 7 o'clock dinner Monday lu honor of the Kvans-l'lnney bridal party. The decora tions wero Uiwton pinks und ferns. Cov ers were laid for ten. Mrs. II. II. Van llrunt of Hluft street en tertained ut a 10 o'clock luncheon Thursday afternoon lu honor ot Mrs. F. M. (lault of Kunsus City. Decorations wureJn pink and whtte tulips. Covers were laid for sixteen. Mrs. Talbot entertained the Woman's Ite llef corps and the Independent club at her home. a56 llentou street. Friday. Following u short musical and literary program sup per wus served In tho dining room, which was decorated with cut llowers. f Scott Kvans of Minneapolis and Miss Lucllo l'ltiney of Council Dluffs were mar ried ut tho homo of tho brldo on l'earl street Wednesday evening ut S In tho pres ence of the Immediate trlends and relatives by Uev. W. S, Ilarnes of tho First l'resby Urlun church. Tho house was decorated with cut llowers aud palms. In the front parlor American beauties and palms wero lavishly used and In tho rear parlor wus a canopy of asparagus ferns und whlto satin ribbons with a background ot Kaster lilies, Jonquils and hyacinths. In the -II-brary l.awtou pinks and asparagus ferns wero used and lu tho dining room pink und lavender were the colors, tho centerpiece of tho table being u tall creation of La Frunce roses resting on an exiiulslte piece of Mexi can druwnwork over iilnk satin. Wide rib bons of pink wero suspended from the chandeliers and udornlug varlolis parts ot the room were inasalvo bouquets of pink and lavender hyacinths. The brldo was unattended aside from her little ribbon bearers. Klsle Tmley and Dudley Hardin. Sho was given a wuy by her brother. Herbert I'lnney. During tne ceremony a mandolin orchestra played. Tho bride was gowned In her mother's wedding dress of heavy whlto silk, on train, with a bridal veil of tullo ,and carried an armful of tirmo roses. At ine close or uu ceremony supper was served and Mr. and Mrs. Kvans left for a short eastern wedding Journey. They will bo ut home to their many friends in Minneapolis alter April z. .Mr. anu urs. Kvans received many valuable gifts, among them several checks of large amounts. AmoliK the Clilln. Tho Atlas club met. Tuesday afternoon with Mrii. F W. Houghton of l'terco street. The study ot Italy wus continued. The New Century club will meet ednes day afternoon ut the homo of Mrs. George ltalrd. Greek history will bo tho subject. The Ideul club nrogrum omitted last week will bo carried out at the next meeting at the homo ot tho vice presldtnt. Mrs. 1' C DeVol. Tho general receutlon ot tho Council lllults Woman's club will be Saturday, urll ft, ut the home of Mrs. J. i Davis, tno board of directors acting as hostesses. The Central I'nlverslty Extension club met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs, Mark Williams, Madison avenue. Tho ufter noou was given over to Latin llteruture. The Womun's club met Wednesday after noon In the club rooms to discuss English history. Thoso taking part were Mrs. oih eer, Mrs. Otis, Mrs. rarmaleo and Mrs. lteed. Tho llteraturo department of tho Woman's club met Thursday afternoon. Mrs. E. C. Smith presided. The subject wus Wllllum Culleu Uryunt." Thoso taking Fart were Mrs. K. C. Smith. Mrs. Joseph lunter, Mrs. F. W. Miller and Miss Hlalo Tho Oakland Avenue Heading club met Friday afternoon with Mrs. Hurlo und con tinued stJdytng the history of Hussla. Thoso on the program wero Mrs. Lougee, Mrs. Harlo, Mrs. Dorluud nnd Mrs. Cole, ltoll call was responded to by quotations from Longfellow. Tho household economics department of the Woman's club will meet In .the club roams Tuesday afternoon, with Mrs. Rich mond as chairman. "Child Study" will be tho subject, covering ".Mental. Moral und Physical Training of Children.1' "A Young Mother's View (Theory)" and "A Grand mother's View (Practice)." The art department of the Council HlufTs Woman's club met Monduy evening lu tho club rooms, with Mrs. J. I". Davis as chair man. Tho artists discussed were Tltl.tn, Tintoretto and Paul Veronese. Thoso tak ing part were .Mrs. Cllftord. Mrs. Gray, Miss McCube. Miss I'ilo and Miss Van Order. The beginners' class In French Is in charge of Miss Maud Smith. In the absence of tho lender. Miss Ellen Dodge. Thu beginners' class in German will meet Tuesday after noon nt 4:30. The local executive board of the biennial will meet tomorrow afternoon at 3 lor half an hoar to decide on the badges to be used by tho various commit tees during tho biennial. .Mrs. X. C. Phillips mot the members of tho city entertainment committee of the Wennial Thursday afternoon lit tho club rooms. Plans wero discussed lu regurd to receiving tho visitors on their arrival In tho city. Mrs. Ueorge Pholps. chutrmau of the entertainment committee, met tho mem. bers Thursday afternoon to heur their ie ports us to how many delegates hud al ready been provided for during their stuy In tho city. This committee will bo ac tively ut work until tho IHennlal Is In nos Hion. us all the delegates ure to bo pro vided with entertainment whllu they are here, und tho Council Hlutts members are determined not tt mitilmi. hv ,ith..r .,iim '"this respect U Is estimated nearly ;wo .,'! . t no otneers of tno Ulennlal will have their quarters In the Grand hotel, their expenses being paid by the Federa Hon. The delegates uro to be entertained "rub wembew or the Federated CHEAP HOMES. Houe of 6 rooms, two closets, pantry, cellar, well, small barn, $700; small pay ment down, balance monthly. 6-room house, closet, pantry, cellar, stable, cistern; price SH). 6-room bouse, closets, pantry, cellar, city water In house, stable, shado trees, largo lot, good location; price J1.300. 6-room house .closets, pantry, cellar, cis tern, bath, stable; price J'.W. Good ti-room house, pantry, closet, china eiosei, city water, cellar. Dam, ji.aou, within 1 blocks of P. O. A snap. , Good S-room house, bath and closet, pan- try, china closet, cellar, city water, els- tern, barn, coal house, piped .for gas; prlco 'J2.750. ' 9-room house, bath and closet, city water, lurgo barn, shado trees, lot UiixlSO, only M.ooo. Kino largo houso of 12 rooms, besides base ment und attic, steam heat, bath, closet, gas and barn, two lots; cost about Jlj.'AV to Improve; only JCOUO. FARMS FOIl SALE. For Alen Eastef GlOVeS For Women Quite the busiest comer in the store, for the next two weeks, will be the Glove Counter. "We advise early selec tions as more free from the hurry and rush of the last few days before Easter, but promise you prompt service and no vexatious delays at auy time. We are showing the largest line of the new shades to b found at ?1.00, .fl.iiO, 1.73 and 2.00. l or men n -:., For women $1.50 aud $2 rCIlHI UlUYC $1,50, $1.75, $2. MAIli O It D BUS PltOMI'TI.Y KILI.KI). John Beno &f o. COUNCIL BLUFFS. ISO-acre farm 11 miles from Council Bluffs and Omaha, 123 acres In cultivation, I room house, double corncrlb, well, also 3-ruom house, stable, corucrlb, well; Una corn land Prlco only $23.50 per ucre. A snap. 210 acres 1! miles from Council Bluffs und Omaha, all good, smooth level land, houfo, barn, cribs, well. etc.. close to railroad for sale for a few days at $10 per acre. Very cheap. Largo list of farms aud houses aud lots. Also houses for rent. Call aud get par ticulars. JOHNSTON & KEKR, Tel. 417. 611 Broadway DOHANY THEATER Sunday, March 21. HENNESY LEROYLE AVIll iirt'vcut uu 1 1 Ii OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY A comedy that fans set them all talking. Prlrew 'Me, tl.le, 30e, 75c. The "Comstock Process'' is the most successful method for reducing and relieving pain in all kinds of dental operations that has yet been presented to the public. It has been used by leading den tists ot tho east for nearly two years, aud has been pro nounced by them to be entirely satisfactory. Our patients aro delighted with the results it produces, 'if you aro nervous and your teeth are sensltlvo we will be pleased to explain It to you. ..Telephone 145. 1WWW17 Relieves Kidnov ! & Blactdor trouble ut once Cures in 48 Hours all! URINARY W DISCHARGES Each Cap- uic vcnn me atlnV LC narnettC- l'uii I'Jlllttl aULii 5 Pennyroyal pills S .T.V Original and Only IJ.nulue. ..)! vi. '' cn it in .vruit's KMii.iSit iN'fclfsSA HKO ! (.old mL!U bot.. 11 V lBurHa Mtih.llliiUuH. ud IwltM. I (n llnDk Buy y.or Pr.ggut .r ! lo. i I W Jf liai. f.r I'wrtleulnr.. TeattMoiilAU l X y uj . ur ft,- I... II,.-... IdMar Km. I .11 ITUHl.t t.. flllchf ter CLr.llfitl t'ifc. Mu4lu an-' "I 1. 1.. I'i. 473 000 10 Heul i;tato TriinitferM. The following transfers wero (lied yester day in the abstract, title aud loan otlico ot J. W. Squire, 101 l'earl street Herman Dchnel und wife to Thomas -MC-Mllleu, o 30 feet of lot 7. UlocK 27, Cverett's add, w d $ A. O. Hollander und wlfo to Andrew T. llrowlck. lots 8, 9 and 10. block II. UurtiH' add, w d County treasurer to Alary L. Kverett, lot 15; und-10 lot lis, block :'3, and lot a. block i7, ferry add. t d Slyra Fitxlmmoim and husband to Au gusta Pryor, nH lot 7. Auditor's sub dtv nwV. so ls-75-ia, w d Thomus V. Jelfersou and wlfa to Charles C. Jefterson, aw'i 27-7(1-30, I c J Charles C. Jerfersfm to Thomiui V. JetTurson, nH lie1 and ne'i nwH 31-7ti-40, u c d ... Pottawattamlo County to John A. Hammack. eV4 se4 14-71-10. u c d Executors of Horace Kverett to George Peterson, nVa ne'4 5-77-11, w d Caroline M. Itoyer and husbund to Ueorgo w. stepnens, ne' ue-,4 i-m-m, w d I.SOi) Total, nlno transfers.... 2,000 I'r'oiuollilM for St, I.oiiIn II mu. ST. JOSKPH, March 23.-JJ. Kemstrom. chief engineer of the Joseph Jt Urand Island rullriiad. has been appointed prin cipal assistant engineer i't tne New Vork Central. Sir l-Vrnstrom has beer with the Oruud Island ever since Ilaymond Dupuy becumo Its general manager, and rame to that road fnm the Chicago Ureat Western, U Is rumoreu tnat rurtn-r irai'i wn do mado upon tho Uruud laluud compauy i wOlcUU. ' H. A. Woodbury, D. D. SM Council Bluffs- 30 Pearl St. Grand Hotel Shirts Collars Evans Laundry Co. Cuffs Phone 290. 522 Pearl St. Council Bluffs, In. A Hypnotist a man is often called that owes his chief attraction to personal neatness, A man who Is welt groomed and arrayed In spot less linen, with a medium finish on it such as wo lay on to artistically, has a charm that Is Irresistible to the fastidious, Have your linen laundered at the Bluff City Laundry and try lady killing after wards. 22-24 N. Main St Council muffs, Wallace & Grout, Prop. Telephone 314. The Hottest Furnace that Ever Came Down the Pike. Having added a line of HOT AIR KUKNACE3 t- our present business,- and with twenty years' experience In knowing what It takes to heat a building in this climate we are prepared to glvo people who prefer that method of heating, a furnace at prices that will got your trade, and heat your building. Come In and till; with u about it. J. C Bixby & Son, IMione 1202 Main, und Through to Pearl Couucll JJlulfs.