Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1901, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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Gtrmani Beient Hit Harsh Blame for Oon
ditiom Breeding Anarch.
Cancluiilon Hxprr rtl Thnt Wllllnm
Cn n tint Itlnmn n People Vli Hnvc
Done Alio tit All He linn
BERLIN! March 23. Tho reply of Em
peror William In the Prussian Diet's con
gratulations yestcrdny, in which his maj
esty, Ignoring tho established facts that
Wclland, 'the man who throw a piece of
Iron at tho emperor at Hrcmcn, Is a life
long epileptic and for years was an Inraato
of an asylum, and on the day of tho nt
tempt was under medical treatment for re
curring fits, threw harsh blame upon the
entire nation for tho conditions breeding
uch attempt, 1 tho sensation of tho day.
Everybody Is discussing the matter,
Tho Voeslsche Zeltung sharply criticises
President von Kroecher of the lower house
of the Diet for drawing a parallel, when
addressing the emperor, between Noblllng's
and Hoodel's murderous attempts on Em
peror William 1 and the dcod of an un
doubted lunatl6, pointing out the enormous
differences between tho cases, as shown by
tho court cvldcnco.
The I.okal Anzolgcr points out that tho
unreasonable character which overy polit
ical difference and criticism assumes In
Germany today has much to do with the
bitter fanatic partisanship everybody shows.
Tho Tageblatt takes Emperor William
smartly to task for thus generalizing his
depreciatory remarks about his own nation
and disputes his majesty's right to do so.
AmUn for Juntlllrntloii of IlcpronchP.
Tho paper aska tho emperor how he Jus
tifies his reproaches, which, generally
speaking, are not warranted. It Intimates
that his majesty Is systomotlcally and
wrongfully Informed by thoso surrounding
him and adda: "Assuming that tho em
peror's criticism Is true, la It not also tho
governments and tho emperor's own fault
If tho authority of tho crown has Buffered
greatly alnco his grandfather's, death t"
The Vorwaorts Ironically puts n num
ber of questions for Emperor William to
answer, among them being: "Why has tho
crown's authority under hla reign dimin
ished?" and concludes: "The emperor
really haB no grounds for blaming tho
German people, alnco tho people havo done
about all ho has asked, Including counte
nancing the policy of adventure. But per
haps the emperor Is morose becauso his
latest adventure, namely, tho Chlneso ven
ture, Is turning out poorly."
The correspondent of the Associated I'rcss
Is Informed that yesterday's unusual pre
cautions when tho Imperial couple vlsltod
the mausoleum of Emperor William I, In
cluding the strlctost shutting out of thu
public from the wholo Charlcttberg cas
tlo and park an hour before Emperor Wil
liam's arrival, forma part of a regular pro
gram mapped out for all public occasions
by Police Chief von Wlndhelm and ap
proved by his majesty.
Cavalry- l'ntrul Chief Thoroughfare
In Marseille anil Infantry
(iunrd Dock.
MARSEILLES, March 23. Tho center of
the town Is occupied by troops. Detachments
of cavalry patrol tho chief thoroughfares
and the 'Infantry guards various points and
Is massed at the docks, whero about 1,200
dock laborers aro working. All gatherings
of' strikers are Immediately dispersed. Thu
few hacks and street cars running are
strongly protected by gendarmes.
The number of strikers of other trades In
sympathy with the dock laborers was In
creased today. A body of striking carters
prevented wagons from leaving the railroad
depot. Scuffles ensued and the police
charged and dispersed tho rioters. But only
a few carters continued work.
After a meeting held at tho Labor ex
change today tho strikers attacked and
atoned tho street earn at obstructed points
and broka the electric connections. Tho
rioters were dispersed by tho police. Later
In the day it wns announced that tho pre
liminary atcps for arbitrating n settlement
of tho strike had been agreed upon and
tho troops wero withdrawn from tho main
Kmpcror Wllllnm Seca SlKiilllcnnt
SIkii In llccent Aaanult
Upon Him.
BERLIN, March 23. In tho lower houso
of tho Diet today President von Kroecher
communicated the result of his audience
with Emperor William yesterday, when
the officers of tho Rulchstag and Diet ox
pressed tho indignation experienced by tho
mombcrs of their respective houses at tho
Are for Kidneys only, they euro every Kidnoy III,
euro a weak, a lame or aching back; cure Diabetes,
qure Urinary trouble in every form.
Mrs. Gusta Jfohlraan, 1013 Oak street, says:
'Doan'o Kidney PHIh are a pjod remedy. I took
thorn for kidnoy trouble, whloh started about
seVon years ajfo, cuimou by a oold settling In my
back. I procured thorn from Kuhn & Co.'s Drug
Btoro, and they oured me."
All dfUffUti, 30 ctati per box.
recent outrage at nromen. His majesty
said to Prcsldont von Kroecher that he
was sorely pained by the outrage, because
It convinced him that slnco tho death of
Emporor William I respect for the authori
ties had decreased among tho people, par
ticularly among the youth. The emperor
thought tnat everybody, without distinction,
should share In tho blamo for the present
conditions. He considered that the press
should bo a potent instrument In upholding
the authorities and he was confident that
the deputies of all parties would do all In
their power to see tho necessary steps
taken to nssuro a full mcasuro of respect
for the authorities.
LemlliiR tJcrninn Artlala I'crform Ilia
ct CoiiipoaltloiiN to Dellicht
of llerlln.
BERLIN, March 23. This Is the third
and last day of tho Bach festival, which
is being declared a great artistic success.
Every important composition of ,Bach has
been competently performed by loading
German artists, Including Joachim, Mca
chaert and Adachulzo, in churches and con
cert halls. Professional musicians here
call It a "Bach revival." Nearly every
performance Is drawing Immense audiences
and causing great onthuslasm.
Miss Webster Powell of New York Is
beginning her twonty-soventh engagement
at tho Royal opera houso.
Baroness von Kettolcr has arrived at
Mentono .for nn extended stay.
Tho sudden withdrawn! of the Wurtom-
burg premier, Baron Scott von Schotten
stein, has created a sensation. The corre
spondent of tho Associated Press learns
that It was owing to his being Implicated
in a trial which is now pending.
Tho Russian ambassador here. Count von
Ostcn Sacken, will glvo a big entertain
ment March 23. Major John B. Kerr, United
StateB attache, and Mrs. Kerr will be among
thoso present.
Lnncnahlrc Operator Must Cither
Cut Wnuea or Shut Down
the Mill.
LONDON, March 23. Tho Spenkcr days
today there aro unmlatakablo signs of more
trouble betweon tho mastors and operatives
in the cotton trade. A period of trade ac
tivity has beeu followed by a reaction, ac
celerated by tho high prices of raw cotton
and other materials, a poor demand from
India and an almost complete stoppage of
buying from China. Tho Lancashire spin
ners and weavers havo hold out longer than
their rivals In tho United States or on the
continent, but tho rupld closing down of
tho mills shows their turn is coming, and,
as tho American crop Is likely to bo In
sufficient even for tho reduced consump
tion, there is not much prospect of low
level quotations for raw cotton to In
vigorate tho demand for yarn and cloth. If
some ugreement whereby wages may bo
adjusted according to the state of trado la
not soon concluded declining profits will
force tho masters to rcduco wageB.
lively Time Una'uca for Short While
In Ilouae of Com-
LONDON, March 23. The House of Com
mons bad quite n lively flvo minutes today
during the debato on the navy estimates,
caused by Mr. Balfour, the government
leader, closuring tho discussion, John Red
mond, the Irish leader. In protesting, made
an assertion which Sir J. Fortenque-Flan-nery,
unionist, flatly contradicted. Tho
Irish natlonallsta shouted protestations and
called for tho police. Amidst much disor
der William Redmond, nationalist, ques
tloned tho right of a member to flatly con
tradtct another. Tho presiding officer held
that tho denial might have been couched In
more polite terms, but that It was not un
parliamentary to say things wore untrue.
Concentration of Huaalnn War Ship
In Corenn Water Sot
Til kill ir l'luce.
SHANGHAI, March 23. There is no con
Urination of tho reported concentration of
Russian war ships lu Corean waters or of
the rumored mobilization of tho Japanese
licet. While foreigners generally doubt that
an outbreak of hostilities will occur, the
Chlneso are satisfied that Japan Is proparod
to resist Russian designs on Manchuria.
General Gnselcc, who has beeu in com
mand of tho British troops at Pokln, has
arrived here.
Withdrawn Hcoritiiiilriit Ion Project.
ST. PETERSBURG, March 23. During a
stormy session of tho Imperial council
yostorday tho minister of war, General
Kouropntkln, la reported to have with
drawn tho project for the roorgnnlzatlou
of the army nt Finland. It Is understood
tho opposition of M. DeWltte, tho minister
of flcnncc, proved the death blow of tho
plan. A milder project la now probable,
Tho real cause of backache and
how to cure it, what a, lot of
paiu and suffering could be
Hard work for the body, men
tal worry for the mind ib over
work for the Kidneys.
Kidneys overworked means
backache; for backache Is the
first symptoms of Kidney Ills.
Fotter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
I'ormer Opponent! of Piatt Amendmtnt Now
GiTing It Support.
Itcportn from All l'nrt of Mlmiil In
dicate u ChmiKc from llnil
Icnl Stnnil Originally
Tit k i-ii,
HAVANA, March 23. The delay In Is-
suing city bonds has caused a postpone
ment of the opening of bids for tho sewer
and paving contracts until May 29.
Reports from all parts of tho Island In
dicate a change from the radical stand
taken against tho Piatt amendment and
tho tone of the country press Is more lib
cral. El DIario do la Marina today says
that Judging from all appearances, tho
constitutional convention will accept tho
amendment. El Dlscusclon also, Instead
of continuing Its editorials against it, now
publishes interviews showing the advisa
bility of accepting the amendment.
ChlcnKo llonrd of Trnilr mid Tcle-
Krnph CoiupuiileM Settle Their
Difference. '
CHICAGO, March 23. Official announce
ment was mado here that tho controversy
between the Chicago Hoard of Trado and tho
telegraph companies over tho collection
and dissemination of market quotations
hnB been settled. Within a week, If not
sooner, It is expected quotations will be
sent out from this market to all parta of
tho country aa they wero before tho
trouble started, many months ngo. Tho
agrcomcnt was mado yesterday at a meet
ing at which wero present President War
ren of the Hoard of Trade, Colonel Clowery
of tho Western Union Telegraph company,
attorneys for all tho people Interested and
several members of tho quotation com
mittee. Tho trouble started last July and alnco
that time the country has not had tho Chi
cago grain quotations, except as they wero
sent out over public wires from brokers or
In private messages, or In newspapers after
tho market closed. ,
In making tho announcement President
Warren sold: "The board and the tele
graph companies havo settled their difficul
ties In a way satisfactory to tho board. I
do not care to glvo out tho details of the
agreement till tho formality of signing tho
contracts has bcon observed. The tele
graph companies will bo free to send out
tho quotations April 1."
It Is understood that tho agreement calls
for the payment of an aggregate sum of
$30,000 par annum by tho telegraph com
panies to the board, and tho maintenance
of rates In tho local field, so nB not to
crush out tho Cleveland Telegraph com
pany, whloh has been handling tho quota
tions In Chicago under tho direction of tho
board and has a twenty-year contract with
the board.
Tho Board of Trade Is to indemnify the
telegraph companies against expense or
damages obtained by applicants from tho
telegraph companies by reason of tho dis
approval of their applications by the board.
John W. Vara of Fremont.
FREMONT, Neb., March 23. (Special.)
John W. Vara of this city died of old age
at hla home on North Main street last night,
aged 80 years.. Ho was born In Otsego, N.
Y., October 11, 1821. His early manhood
was spent In Minnesota. Slnco 1873 he has
lived In this city. He was a republican
since tho organization of the party and
active In political work. He served several
forms as justlco of the peace In Minnesota
and slnco his removal to Fremont has
aervod at different times as assessor, super
visor and superintendent of the poor.
For twenty-seven years and until pre
vented by 111 health ho never missed at
tending tho republican caucus In his ward
and was always a dolcgato to tho county
conventions. Ho Joined tho Methodist Epis
copal church In 1845 and for twenty-five
years was steward of the Methodist church
In this city. A widow, two sons, Dcnzloy
Vara of Oklahoma, O. T., and John W.
Vnrs of St. Paul, Minn., and one daughter,
Mrs. William Davidson of Waseca, S. 13.,
Union l'nclllc Director.
NEW YORK, March 23. J. W. Doano,
head of the tea and coffee Importing firm
of J. W. Doano i: Co. of this city, Liver
pool and Rio Janeiro, died In his npart
ments nt tho Holland house tonight nfter
an Illness of several weeks at the ago of GO
yenrs. The deceasod was president of the
Merchants' Loan and Trust company of
Chlcngo, n director of the Pullman Pnluco
Car company, Illinois Centrnl Railroad
company, Lako Erie & Western Railroad
company, Union Pacific Railroad company,
New York & Now England Railroad com
pany ajd was Interested In tho reorganlza
tton of the Chicago & Alton Railroad com
pany. Tho burial will tako place at
Thompson, Conn., but tho time has not been
decided upon.
l'lonrrr Woiimn of Slilnry,
SIDNEY, Neb., March 23. (Special Tele
gram.) Mrs. Mtisheld. wlfo of Phillip
Musheld, a ranchman of this county and a
resident for more thnn n quarter of a
century, died here this afternoon of Ilrlght's
disease and heart failure. Deceased was
73 years old and leaves a husband, son nnd
daughter, tho latter living at San Antonio,
Hon of .1uilu Fuller.
PIEUItE, S. D March 23. (Special Tele
gram.) Harry, a 20-year-old son of Judge
II. G. Fuller of tho supremo court, died
In Minneapolis this morning from the of
focts of an operation tor appendicitis. The
body Is being brought to this city on a
special train und will bo burled hero Mon
day. Former lliimbofilt Doctor,
HUMnOLDT, Neb., March 23. (Special.)
Word was received hero of the death of
Dr. K. H. Long at Jasper, Mo. Tho doctor
was engaged in tho practice of medicine
hero until about a year ago, when, owing
to poor health, be abandoned his profes
sion and sought a change of cllmato.
From Injurle. lterelved on Irr.
ST. PAUL, Nob., March 23. (Special.)
Gravers Ayersendc, tho young man who
was hurt a month ngo by falling on the
Ice from the II. & M. brldgo near Cushlng,
died yesterday from his Injuries at Dr.
Grothan's hospital. Ills body was taken
to Seward.
lilt, nt Fremont llnnpltnl.
FRKMONT, Nob., March 23. (Special.)
Carl Urechlln, Jr., died nt the Fremont
hospital this morning of a stomach trouble,
aged 31 years. Ho was tho oldeu son of
Carl Drechlln, contractor. He was a
member of Triumph lodge, Knights of
Pythias, and tho Iloyal Highlanders.
Mr. Ilnll to Leave (illmnn Slnnalou.
nilinOEPOriT. Conn.. March 23,-It ho
name known today that Mrs. Helen Hull,
with her mother and brother. Intends to
vncato the Oilman mansion at IMack Hock,
Mrs. Hall has . been In New York for u
week. Her mother. Mrs." Potts, visited the
ntUeern of the Hrldirroort Trust comnanv
today and stated that she was making
preparations to leave Black Rock nt once.
Edward S. Perclvnl, who represents the
fullblood heirs, also visited the trust com
mi n v inilnv und announced that lie nlAo
would leave the mansion lu the hands of
The State Electro-Medical Institute, Which Combines All of the Curative Powers of Both
Medicine and Electricity In Our System of Electro-Medical Treatment.
Professional Excellence Can Be Attained Only By the Doctor Who Concentrates All
his Faculties on a Single Class of Ills.
In almost every vocation specialty work
Is now called for nnd demanded. This Is
notably true when life or health Is Involved.
It Is then that the best treatment the
medical profcslon affords Is sought nfter,
nnd this can only coino from tho true
specialist, whose deep knowledge, expert
skill, vast experience nnd thorough sclcn-
tino equipments have given him complete
mastery over tho diseases that constitute
his specialty.
Whatever may bo your ailment, get help
from one who has made bucIi cases a
special study. If your eyesight Is falling,
go to a reliable optician or oculist. If
your hearing la defective, consult a com
petent aurlHt. If n bad tooth Is distress
ing you, engage tho skill or u dentist. Or
If you uro burning with lever or slinking
with chills, toll your troubles to a family
physician. They can do more good thnn t
can, for I do not treat such complaints nor
lueiuuu io cure tnem.
Hut If you hau ono of the serious dis
eases peculiar to men, such as VARICO
SEXUAL DEBILITY or allied troubles,
which Is depicting your vitality, or tf your
caso linn been aggravated and mndo worse
uy ine uso or specmcs, tree samples, trial
treatments or similar devices If this Is
your unfortunate condition, I want yoj to
write us or como to our omce, wncro you
will bo welcome to private counsel, n care
ful nersonnl examination nnd nn honest
and scientific opinion of your caso freo of
Theso diseases nnd weakness of men,
nnd they ntone, nro my specialty. To
them I havo earnestly and exclusively de
voted tho host years of my life, during
which ttmo I have discovered and devel
oped various forms of treatment which
mako their cure nn unqunlllled and nbso
luto certainty. Is It not worth your wlillo
to Investigate a care that has made life
nncw to multitudes of men?
Under our Electro-Medical
treatment this In
sidious disease rapidly disappear. Pain
censes almost Instantly. The pools of
REFERENCES Best Banks and Leading Business Men in This City.
OFFICE HOURS From 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 a. m. to I p. m,
State Electro-Medical Institute
1308 Farnam street, Bet. 13th and 14th streets. Omaha, Neb.
High Wind Piny. llnvou with
llnrku null Lumber
PENSACOLA, Fla., March 23,-Consld-
erablo damago was done to shipping by a
severe southeast cyclone early today. Tho
wind's velocity ranged from forty-eight to
fifty-four miles an hour, occasionally In
creasing to seventy miles.
Tho three masts of the Russian bark
Ltllto were snapped off. The Russian ship
Locho lost Its bowsprit In a collision with
the Llllto. The schooner Irene was beached,
several lighters of lumber sunk, tows of
timber went adrift and there Is a mass of
wreckage of small boats along the water
front, while all tho large export stcamcid
at tho Louisville & Nashville railroad
wharves are so badly tangled together that
It la Impossible to tell how sovcrcly they are
damaged. Tho Italian bark Idale was dam
aged by tho parting of Its nnchor chains.
Lloyd Ward, a young whlto sailor, hau
disappeared from a schoonor nnd It is
thought ho was blown overboard. Tho fish
ing smack Maud Mullcr has been wrecked
near St. Andrews pass.
Urn ml Army Committee YoIcn to
(iunrnnler 'I'liem UniiiiI Cnurten
ii t Encampment.
CLEVELAND. O., March 23. Tho Na
tional Association of Naval Veterans, which
always take part In Grand Army encamp
ments and which will ho preeminent lu con
nection with tho nnval review that Is to be
a featuro of Grand Army week, will be ac
corded the usual courtesies, which nro sub
stantially tho samo as those extended tho
comrades of tho Grand Army nt encninp
menu. A unanimous affirmative vote to
this effect was taken at today's mooting of
tho executive, committee of the uavlonal
Grand Army encsmpmont for 1901.
It'll the Method Employed Which
MiiUt'K .Sucre or Failure
One man with pen, Ink and paper can
produce a landscape; another man with
samo pen and Ink may not bo ablo to write
his own namo legibly. It Is all In knowing
It Is equally true In tho use of medicines.
The same remedies we havo today have ox-
Isted for thousands of years, but If their
existence was known, the knowlcdgo of
how to use them was lacking. .
They becamo valuable to tho hiiman race
only when experiment nnd science showed
the way to use them to get results.
Tho grip Is nn old disease with a new
name; it is really catarrhal in character
and tho usual symptoms aro those of acute
catarrh, but the old time catarrh powders,,
salves and sprays do not cure it, neither
docs tho application of antiseptics through
an inhaler give anything moro than relief
for a short time.
Tho antiseptics aro all right; they will
Kill the germs of catarrh and grip If tboy
aro applied rightly, but their local applica
tion to tho nose and throat nvall little be
cause the germs are in thu blood aud
through the whole Bystem.
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets contain many of
these samo antiseptics that aro used In
sprays and inhalers, but instead of apply
ing them to the Inflatnod membranes of the
noao nnd throat they are taken into tlie
stomach and thus reach tho brood, tho real
scat of the disease, and drive out the In
fectious germs' through the natural chan
nels of tho bowels and kldncyB.
In other words Stuart's Catarrh Tablets
reach the cause of the mischief Instead of
merely local symptoms.
Tho remarkable success of theso tablets
In curing grip, catarrh and throat and lung
troubles U becauso they drive tho catarrhal
poison from tho system und the none aud
throat become clear of tho excessive secre
tion of mucous, which causes the hawking,
spitting and gaggihg. becauso tho secrotlon
Is not supplied from lieaitny btoou.
Two years ago Stuart's Catarrh Tablets
were unknown, but today they havo become
so popular through positive merit that
druggists everywhere in tne united mates,
Canada and Great llrltaln now sell them
tiircln1lt In IIIonr of Mm of
the Strttc F.lectrn-llrillcnl In
stitute, lilOS Furnniii Street,
(IiiiiiIiii Nrb.
stagnant blood nro driven from the di
lated veins and all soreness und swelling
quickly subside. Every Indication of Var
icocele soon vanishes and In Its stead conies
tho pride, power and the pleasure of
perfect hcnlth mill restored iiinnliooil.
Our Electro-Medical treat
dissolves the stricture com-
pletely nnd removes every obstruction from
the urlnury passage, allays all Inflamma
tion, stops every unnatural discharge, re
duacs the prostata gland, cloanses and
henls the bladder and kidneys, Invigorates
tho sexual orguus nnd restores health and
soundness to every part of the hody
urfcctctl hy the il Id rime.
Hands Hii P.;:iution at Atternej Qtntral
to the Frtsident
To Practice, l.uvr In Jeracy City itud
A.Noelnted au Counel with
Xi-iv York Firm of
Attnrnc) a.
WASHINGTON, March 23. Attorney Gen
eral Griggs has handed to tho president his
resignation, to tako effect March 31. Mr.
Griggs Intends to leavo Washington on
Saturday next for his homo In Now Jcrsoy,
where heropftcr ho will live. His Intention
Is to resume tho practlco of his profession.
It is stated by Ills authority that ho will
bo associated as counsel with the firm of
Dill, Ilomeuster & Ilaldwln of New York
City. Mr. Griggs nlso hns formed u part
nership with Mr. Dill of Jorsey City, under
tho firm namo of Griggs & Dill, for practlco
In New Jersey.
Period for Aceeptiincc of Itiinntn-Clil-iichp
.Miiiii'liiirlnii AKrceuirnt
Almost I'll.
WASHINGTON, March 23. Tho question
of Chlneso Indemnities has given away for
tho moment to tho moro pressing Issue over
the consummation of tho Ruesln-Chlua
agreement relating to Manchuria. The lat
ter subject has reached a decisive stage, as
only three days remain within which China
can confirm or reject tho ngroement. Up
to tho present time neither tho Stato de
partment nor tho Chinese minister has re
ceived nny report that China has rejected
tho treaty.
There naturally Is much anxiety In official
and diplomatic quarters as to tho outcome,
for the active part taken by the various
powers and tho threatening attitude of
Japan gives unusual Importation to tho con
clusions to bo reached within tho next few
days. Tho Chinese minister today had a
conference with Secretary Hay and the
Mnuchurlan question wns tho subject of
discussion, The minister brought no In
formation as to what has been done on the
agreement. So as far as the United States
Is concerned It scorns likely that the last
word has been spoken and there Is not ex-
pected to bo any declslvo move or protest
beyond what already has been given. At
the same time it is appreciated that the
United States has lnrge commercial Inter
ests In Manchuria, which cannot but bo af
fected If China's authority there Is practi
cally transferred to Russia.
Itcport of Appointment of John A.
Cnltlwcll of Ohio I Uu
foiuiilril, WASiiiMr.TnN. March 23. Senator
Hanna, General Qrosvenor and Representa
tive utcic pariicipaicu in uu mim
vlow with tho president today. When they
infi Himv sniil a lni-L'fi tiortlon of tho time
was taken up with thp discussion of tho
army appointments, it was stateu mat me
report that Lieutenant Governor John A.
Caiiiwell nf Ohio Is to be nDnoluled civil
service commissioner to succeed tho late
Murk Drower of Michigan Is Incorrect, lie
una rornm mended for a St. LOUlS fair Com
missioner by Koraker, but Ohio Is not to
have a place on that commission, it ib en
tirely probable, however, that ho will' he
otherwise provided for.
Department I Worhlnir to Seiiure
Them liettrr tirndc 'I'linn l.lcii
teiiunl of llt'Kulur.
WASHINGTON, March 23. Efforts are
being made to provide for some volunteer
field officers by appointment to tho stall
corpB. ' Under the law promotions In the
higher gradts of the army and tho va
cancies occurring lu the lower grades are
Contagious Blood Poison.
Our special form of Electro-Medical treat
ment for this disease Is practically the re
sult of our llfeworlt and Is endorsed by tho
best physicians of this and foreign coun
tries. It contains no dangerous drugs or
Injurious medicines of any kind. It goes
to the very bottom of the disease and
forces out every pnrtlclo of Impurity. Soon
every sign and symptom disappears com
pletely nnd forever. The blood, the tlbsuu
lm final. Ilia ti,.,i. mirl Ml., u-lmln ui-ulnm
nro cleansed, purltled and restored to per
fect health and the patient prepared anew
i for tho duties nnd pleasures of life.
filled by appointment of officers nnd en
listed men of the volunteer army, or en
listed men of the regular army. Thus It
is Imposslblo for any of tho volunteer
odlccrs to get commissions higher than
first lieutenant. Men who have been serving
as lieutenant colonels nnd majors In the
volunteer sorvlce do not wiBh to enter thu
regular service at tho foot of tho first Ueu
tch'nnts or In tho grade of second lieuten
ant. As several volunteer ofllcers of the
higher grades have distinguished them
selves In the Philippines there Is a desire
to reward them by giving them staff posi
tions with tho rank of captain.
French tin vrrniiu'iil HcimikhIt.i- Serv
ice to Kkioltlou of I'rofr
or W. A. Tn y I or.
WASHINGTON, March 23. Information
haB been received hero that tho decoration
of the Merito Agrlcalo has been conferred
by the French government upon theso foreign
gentlemen, employes of tho Department of
Agriculture, for sorvlccs In connection with
tho Paris exposition;
Dr. H. W. Wiley, chief chemist; Major H.
E. Alvord, chief of the dairy division;
Colonel G. n. Urnckett, pomologlst; W.
A. Taylor, assistant pomologlst; M. A.
Carloton, ccreallst; John I, Schulte, ono of
the nssoclato editors of tho Experiment Sta
tion Record'. Tho decoration also has been
..nnfnrred imon Jnmcs L. Farmer, assistant
director of agriculture for tho Paris expo
lliiatllnir llclntc Done by Frlenil fir
Can ill it nte for St. I.oul
WASHINGTON, March 23. Tho St. Louis
commission wns not announced today. The
friends of the various candidates whose
appointments are In doubt nro still pressing
the president in their behnlf. lleprcsenta
tlves Fletcher, Morris and Eddy of Mln
incsota today snw tho president in behalf
'of Prof. Northrup and Representative DIs
Imoro of Arkansas urged tho selection of
I E. I). Scott of his stato.
i Thcro aro to bo live republican nnd four
idomocratln members of the commission.
Tho republican mombers whoso appolnt
'ment Is regarded as cortaln aro ex-Senators
Our Vieuum Orgsn Developer cures whnra
everything nlso fails and hope la dead. It re
store small, wenk nrijant.-'lost power, falling
nuinhood, drains, orrors of youth, etc. Strip
Uro and Varlcocolo permanently cured In I to
No" Dr'ues to ruin the stomarh. No Eleotrlo
Bolts tolilUtr and bum. Our vacuum De
veloper I" a local treatment applied directly to
tho weak aud dliordored parts. It kItoi
strength and .lnvoloiimrnt wherever applied.
Old men with lost or failing manhood, or the
young nud middle nsod who am ronplng the re
ultsof youthful orrnr, eicomprovor work are
tiulcklv rosUircd to health and MrruKtlw Our
inarvoloiM nppllnuco hai ntou thed the entire
world. Hundreds of lending physicians In the
United Btntos nro now recommending our nptill
snce In the eoveroit canes whero overy other
known device ban failed.
You will see and feel Its benefit from the first
d.iyforltl" upplied directly nt the teat of the
dUorder. It makes nodifforence how severe the
Sexual Debility
' nro now reaping
tr flm
result of your former folly. Your man
hood Is fnlllllK mill Witt ROOM lm lclt llnlnaa
you do something for yourself. There Is
no time to lose. lmpotency. like all fcx
tml diseases, Is never on the standstill.
With It you can mako no compromise.
Either you must master It ur It will mas
ter you and till your wholo future with
misery nnd Indescribable woe. We havo
treated so many cases of this kind that
wo are as fnmlllnr with them ns you aro
with the very daylight. Once cured Uy un
you will never again lie hothorrd with
emissions, drains, premnturcness, Rinnll or
weak organs, nervousness,, falling memory,
loss of ambition or other symptoms which
rob you of your manhood and absolutely
until you for study, business, pleasure or
marriage. Our treatment for weak men
will correct all these evils nnd restoro you
to what nntute Intended a hale, healthy,
happy man, with ph lenl, inentnl unit
Hrinnt power complete.
RUOtUrB Cured to stny cured liy our
liupuiu Electro-Medlcnl treatment,
without tho use of tho knife and without
detention from business.
Reflex Diseases nnt ?
from other diseases. For Instance, sexual
weakness sometimes comes from Varico
cele or Stricture; Innumerable blood und
bono diseases often result from contagious
Mood taints in tho system, or physical nnd
mental decline frequently follow lmpo
tency. In treating diseases of any kind wo
always remove tho origin wo cure tho
One persona! vis
It Is always pre
ferred, but If you cannot call nt our ofllco
write us your symptoms fully. homo
treatment by correspondence Is always suc
cessful. ILepal Contract iin-
jLUgUI UUIIIIUUI trms ,u 1()M for
our promises, Do not hesitate. If you
i cannot call today, write and describe, your
I trouble. ,
Carter, McDrlde and Thurston and John
F, Miller, and tho democrats are ex-Senator
Lldsay and ex-Representotlves Allen of
Mississippi nnd Glynn of New York.
ot Clenr to ttntc Department What
Country In Aimed
WASHINGTON, March 23. The dispatch
of Minister Hart, at Dogota. saying that
Colombia had Imposed discriminating duties
upon flour and other nrtlclcs, is not clear
to tho State department, nor to the Colom
bian minister here, ns It Is not known
whether tho discrimination Is favorable
or unfavorable to the United States. Tho
Colombian minister. Dr. Sllva, Is Inclined
to bcllevo that there hns been a reduction
of Import duties on tho nrtlclcs mentioned
and ns they aro American products tho
reduction would ho to tho ndvantngo of
American trade.
' Department FlKiirr DUTrrontly
on Philippine' .Need Since
Itcccnt Surrender.
WASHINGTON, March 23. It was stated
at the War department today that If the
favorable conditions of the Inst month con
tluuo the number of troops required In tho
Philippines will not ho as great as has been
anticipated. This view of tho case will
not causo any cessation In enlistments nor
will any determination ho reached until
full and accurate information has been
received from Munlla.
Domcntlc l'otiiK llntr to Culm.
WASHINGTON, Mnrch 23. Postmaster
I General Smith, In accordance with the de
cision arrived at by tho cabinet, has Issued
the following order:
Postmasters aro Informed that on nnd
after April 1 next thu United States domes
tin rates of postage and classification shall
apply to all mall matter passing between
the United States nnd Cuba, Notices of
llilu Mmni-n Hluilllil tin (llMtll.lVpd 111 llOHt-
! olllre corridors and given to tho public
press when acceptable as a news Item.
i loin In Have Free Delivery.
j WASHINGTON, March 23, Tho follo-vlng
cities will he given frcn delivery servlco
Ion July I: loin. Kan.; Independence, Mo.,
jEnst Las Vegas, N. M.; Hopklnsvllle, Ky.,
Portage, Wis.; Pana, III,
Without Drugs or lilectrlcity by Our
Vacuum Organ
No Cure
No Ray
rase or how long utandlng, It Is ns sure to yield
to our trcatmont as tun sun is to riso.
The blood is tho Ufa, tlio fertilizer of the hu
mau'liodr. Our Instrument forces tho blood
Into circulation where molt uooded, giving
strength and development to wenk and lifeless
parts. Tho Yncuum Organ Developer was first
Introduced Initio standing armies ofXuropea
fiw years ao by the French specialist, On
llnuBsot, and Its reinarkabls success In these
countries led the Local Appliance Co. to socure
tlio exclusive control of its sale nn the Western
Continent! mid alnco its Introduction into tills
country Iti remarkable cures have nstounded
tlio entire medical profession. It has restored
thou-innda f cams ponounced Iticurablo by
physicians. It cures quickly, harmlessly, and
without detention from business.
Ilcmcmber thorn is no exposure, no O.O.D. or
any other scheme In our dealing with the public.
Write for free particulars, sent sealed in plain
l)7 Thorpe Block, Indianapolis, Indiana.
tHo trust company.