Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1901, Page 8, Image 20

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Mnrch 24, W01.
aaWv BaaawMt ML'BBBaVaaWjai
l& LaaW- sRaaaaaaiBaar
IN COMI'OUNDlNO.ftti Incomplnti) mixture
wan Accidentally ftplllod on the back of tho
hand, nnd on waiihlmf aftnrward It was din
covered thill tlm hnlr was completely tv
moved, Wo named tlio now discovery Mo
DKNK. It Ih ntiHolntoly hnrmlosH, but workH
Hiiro ri'HiiltH. Apply (or a tow iiilniiio4 nnd
tlio )inlrdlM,ii)HnrH h If by ninrlo. It Can
not Kail. If tlio irrowtti lxi lleht, onoappll
ration will ri'inovo It: tlio hunvy Krowtli,
Mich nil tlio beard or crowth on moloa, mny
ri'iinlrotwoornioni applications, nnd with,
out HllKhtcMl Injury or unpleasant fcollnir
wlirn applied or over afterward. Modono hu
liorHcdcH electrolysis. Used by pooplo of ro
tine meat, nnd recommended by nil who liavo
tl'Ntl'll ItH IIHTltM.
Modcno son t by mall, In safely mAlllng
cases (securely scaled), on rocolpt of SI, on
per bottle. Send tnonoy by letter, with your
full nddroMH written plnlnly. l'OHtngo
HtanipH ink en Local and ami'l nirontH wuntod
cinclnnatt, O. Kvory bottle Kiiarnntend. Wo
otTcr $1,000 for failure or nlltfhlimt Injury, t
I It stands atone, 1
A I Milt's $ I
te I
is unconditionally
superior to the t
forcin article. You
save the impoit duty
of Jl 15 a Qjllon wlito
you buy it Purity
L iiulj,Dwlerslit.
Koiadstone Bros.,
N 4 nt fV w
Some Signs of Spring
ari) illHccriiulilo by tlio trcoH foiniticuclng
tn lonvu, tlio fiunllliir clilrp of tlio robin
ri'il liroiiHl, In fuel nil lmvu u tendency to
nplirlMo iih of tho awakening of iiiituri'
after lior Ioiik winter slumbers.
nut "Rottled Uock lleer" Ih ono of tlio
iibHolutolv Hiiro nlKlin thnt tmrlnK Ih fairly
upon tm; tho moHt tuuofiil tonic to toua up
mo system nnu ns a uavurngo mm no equal.
Our celebrated Uottlcd Uock la now ready
for tlollvery.
Omaha Brewing Association.
Telephone 1200.
CDCC "Baby's clothes will
rnlLC now flt Dollio."
illrU run if 1 1 till U'llllllrul IJfi Him
I toll Hlwilulrly I' fin-M'lllnir iinlv
fuilr IKIXI'H lf lllll'llll'lll Cnlil A Hi ml-
m lioTiilili'lmil ttmitaii Ihii. Witte
toilay nml i will winl tluMalili'ta hy
lllltll MlUllll lu ll WM H'llll IIHtllll
iinini'V (II.imi nml i w til Mini )ou
IIiU l.lfn Mui Poll which ll tH fil l
hltfli nml rim winr Imhv'urlolhi'". iKil
Ihilmmtn liiilintriirtllilti lli'iiil.llolili n
llnlr, llov Clii'ikH, llromi Ki, Klil
Colin oil IIihIv, ii (lolil Plaint llraiitt
Till, lliil HIiM klupi.llliu'kHliocK.iV will
miil alonn. Till, dull I. nil runt It
iiiihIiii thill of tlm lliiint liaml nlntti
Vivm li Poll, nml will lUo IiihcIiIIiI '
ini'inory lontf nfliT t-lilUlliiiinl ilji)
luivo imMil. Adilroiw.
Doll Dept. OO'O New Haven, Conn
B. II. Hobison, President of tho Bankers Re
servo Life, Justly Claims to Be tho
'l'li (Jrcnt Hunker Itoacrve Life Anmo
cltitlon of Oiniiliit In mi 10x-iiipll-llinlliiii
of II In I'll I th iitiil
1 1 1 h I'rcncliliiK.
"Wlion wo organized tho IlunkerH Uo
sorvo Ufa AhhocIuIIoii," snld 11. II. Hobl
Bon, tlio nblo mid Hucct'HBful prcHldont of
that nrcanlzatlun, "wo baiihud upon two
"1. N'oliriiHkii ricods nn up-to-dnto homo
llfo ltiHtirunuo cninpiiny.
"'. NohniBkii will Hiipport Hiich n cow
puny, properly olllcered nnd properly mnn
nKed. "Wo felt sure Unit when tho Intolllnent
public lenrned that NebrasNa policy holderH
wero Bonilltif; away tho enormous sum of
.1,00,000 nnnually, of which Ichh than half
a million wih returned In beuelltfl, tho ln
telllKent public would be Hiiro to call a hnlt
upon this waHteful form of cxtravaKiiucc.
"Wo were IIUcwIho convinced that a
moilern company, founded upon correct
liiHUrnnco prlnclph'H, writing pollclefl un
excelled In tho world, at tho saino rates aa
alien compnnleB, ofTcrliiK Hlmllnr options
and ((iilte as Ulieral In every way iih nny
alien t'Oiupany, would bo welcomed by that
hiiiiio intelligent public.
"Two years ago tho leglHlatiiro gave Ne
braska tho Iowa Stipulated l'remluin l,nw.
Willi this beneficent law as a basis for ac
tion tlio llaukerH Iteservo was able to offer
tlio Insuring public all it could ask of any
woll managed, honestly onditctcl, life
"From the date when the Hankers Re
serve I jiff modern policies were offered,
tho peoplo of Nebraska have been more
than cordial. They have been generous.
No malevolence of alien enemies, or tricks
of competing solicitors have swerved our
peoplo from their loyalty to the Hauliers
"Wo have been writing an average of
1200,000 a month over slnco we entered Ibis
Held nud predict that by the lime tlio
next legislature convenes, the Hankers Ite
H rvo will have Jin.000.no0 at risk and will
lio at that time tho greatest llfo company In
tho Transmlasourl region.
"All wo nsk Is a fair Held. We are a
Nebraska company nnd rely upon No-
braskans primarily for our upbuilding
though the company Is favorably received
n all the adjacent states. Wo iiHk no
special favorH. Our policies speak for
themselves, Let every patriotic citizen of
he state rally to the standard of homo
llfo insurance. If tills Is dene, we shall
give alien corporations a surprise and en
able all tho homo companies to succeed.
"Wo claim to bo tho Apostles In NebrnHka
of homo Insurance nnd point with prido to
the growtli of our company iih an exempli
fication of our faith In tho people of Nebraska."
4 &s tOOO
' for
i ptloulan n rrmmt
it "jtoriU Digestive TablaU f-Jl to enr rnt
Ton hT tried them, you dpiVI pj ft cent. If they cure,
remit the cott. Order t on.
Direct to consumer
HxprcHH cbargeH prepaid.
Sole Owners
Recommended by
leading physicians.
A pure and nutri
tious stimulant for
faintly use. Such
whlHkey nH wo of
fer for f:i cannot
bo purchased oIbo
whero for $5.00.
Wo Bhlp In plain
P a c It n g e s no
marks to Indicate
contents and If
not perfectly sat
isfactory return at
our expenso ond
wo will refund
money nt onco.
First Nationul
Bank of
Oiiuihii or any
- - - Ornnhn
CDCC by rflurn mull, lull At wlntire
rnCC ciiiul.irinl IHiMllly'd Illl-
provril Tiimir ny bi fin ui
ri'NH nml (ilirilieilt lilllllllll.
Kukmito Daik, '1 he founJation
iirinrinAl n( KLieiltlrifi Cintirilt CUl
Unit nie tauijlit to clculy ami pro
nrrMiirly anylidyof onllnary
lilirniKriiic i nn m.hjt mm ijuik
ly Ii- am to cut an J make any Rar
mmi In ativ itile. toanv meas
uie for l.mlleM. Children.
MM (Ml mill llnyn. (Jarmrnl.
Kuaruntetd to hi iffttly with-
.rvlntf nn. A knowledge oi ine
Moody Syttem Ijworlh o fortune to any
lady. Thomoiul. ol ruprri drr.imakcn
owe thrir urrc In the Moody hytem.
Agenie wauled. MOODY fc CO
F.O.Uex aiOO.CInolanatl, O.
Carpenter's Letter
(Continued from Seventh Page.)
000,000, It has nn annual balance of Borao
thing like $250,000.
Tho poBtal rntos hero nro much tho samo
as In tho United States, nnd tho postal ac
conimodatlons In some respects arc bettor.
I refer to tho pnrcels post, by which parcels
of largo size up to eleven pounds can bt
shipped over tho country nt low rntcs, and
also to tho postal notes, which can be
bought for from n halfpenny up to sixpence
In denominations of from 1 ahllllig up to
Tho Btnmpa used hero nro very beautiful
A now Issue was brought out In 1898, being
mado from designs furnished under a prize
offer from tho government., Twenty-four
hundred dlffcront designs wero submitted
nnd tho best were chosen.
Nearly every Now Zealand postofllco Ib
n telegraph olllco, a telephone, office, n sav.
Ingfl bank, a government llfo Insurance office
and n money order ofTlco, bo you seo tht
postmnn has plenty to do. There nro now
government telephones almost everywhere.
Tho state haB nbont 18,000 miles of telo
graph and tolephono wires, nnd It transmit
ted In 180!) Just nbout 3,000,000 messages.
It costs only 12 conts to send a twclvo-word
tolcgraph dispatch, with n chargo of 2 cents
for each additional word. There nro spe
cial rates for press messages. The cable
rates to Australia are low. being from 75
centB to J1.25 for ten words, and tho rato
to Orent Ilrltaln Is J1 30 per word, or to tho
United States, nbout J1 no. As tn the tele
phones, thern nro thirty-one exchanges In
Now Zealand, with nbout fi.000 connections,
and tho total cost of making thn snmo nnd
equipping them has been less thnn $1,000,
000. All then" tlilncs reem nttrnctlve, but thore
Is nnother side to the picture. A mnu Is
worth not what he makes, but what he has
left when his d"bts are paid. It Ii the same
with n nation, nnd New Zealand Is rapidly
rolling up a big public debt. In 1809 It owod
lust nbout $220,000 000. or nbout $300 per
hend. or $1.noo per fomllv of five. This debt
Is Increasing. It has risen more than $f!0
per family In the last twelve years, and th
nvernire tnxntlnn toilay Is In tho nolghbor
hnoil of $100 per family.
Runpose the same conditions to prevail In
the United Stntes? We should owe 75.000,
POO times $300, nr $22,500.000,000 a nntlonnl
debt thnt would drive every ono of our
trust millionaires Into tho gophor holes of
fnnndn or the backwoods of Asia. Afrtrn or
Europe. Fit ANK O. CATtrRNTRIt.
Young Father's Feeling
When tho nverngo novel writer wishes
to describe n sot of emotions for which he
has no npproprlato nnme, says I.lfo, he
usually refers to them an being "mingled,"
nnd this, perhaps better thnn nnythlng else,
reflects the condition of n man when hi
first becomes n father.
Coupled with the feeling of Intenso pride
that comes to you ns one of tho "Interested
parties" In such n momentous ovont Is
tho kindred feeling of utter lnslgnlllcnnce
you also have, which acts as an nntldotc.
After being ordered out of tho room by
tho doctor nnd tho trnlned nurso you
wnnder nlmlessly down a sldo Btrcot, al
though you cannot for the life of you tell
what thero Is to be ashamed at and ns
you npproach your olTlco you grow more
nnd moro uneasy.
And yet, whllo thero Is guilt written all
over your face there wells up In your henrt
a verltablo fountnln of Intense egotism,
which la Immediately on tap to tho first
moment of confidence.
You nssume n careless, devil-may-care
nlr. and enrry your Indifference to the point
of Intensity. And then In response to In
quiries for your face Itself Is a story
bearer you announce, ns If It happened
dally like the weather report and tho tlmo
table, that It Is a boy nr a girl, as the
case may bo. Thus you run the pnuntlet,
nnd, finding thnt the world still moves nnd
brenthes nnd everybody Is Inclined to set
tlo down, you wntch your chanco and get
tho first unmarried man you can find to
consent to listen to vou. You pour Into
his sympathetic ear the whole story. You
tell him how much the babv weighs, who It
looks like, how you felt and how you fool.
You ilescrlbo your aspirations for that
child, talk about love end duty nnd educa
tion nnd training, order a small bottle,
supplement It with nnother, get moro con
fidential and finally leave him. with a
Bonse of your own Intense importnnee
I which only nnother Interview with th"
; doctor nnd tho trained nurse nnd tho babv
can wlpo out.
nut nil thlngn hnve nn end. At tho end of
n month, whllo you nro nt your desk nt
profit nnd Iosb, someone ronies In, slnp
you on tho hnck nnd shouts: "Well, old
man. how's tho baby?" And you reply
absent-mindedly: "Oh, he's nil right!"
An Enemy of the Trusts
Indianapolis Sun: "Tho devil!" exclaimed
tho president of tho rubber trust, crumpling
up a letter and viciously thrusting It Into
tho waste basket.
"What's up now?" asked tho secretary
"Had nowa?"
"No; cheerful news," answered tho prcal
dent disgustedly. "I've been corresponding
with somo ldot In Texns in regard to the
purchaso of his rubber plant, and In my
last letter I asked him was Bltu
ated." "Yes," assented the secretary, "and where
was It situated ?"
"Why, his letter says It Is located In tho
rlght-hnnd corner of hln parlor."
And tho offlco boy had a hard tlmo of !t
tho remainder of tho day.
mru A, 1101.
tntuth Ctntu7 rt,
0jiii. 'ttra'tte
t j nt u nrM our tUa'tf ty evr iiriUtKi 1
wmlu ot It your ttr. to ff In out ounl of rvill fro ffttrutry
tdfortlflnc in rour tPr r4i4 U Irvutrito nio't wit ion
flUtn Cniorr rrr. io onuw IM tituomiiy to4 tulti
11 t tpaUru to for M tou on imto'wl orir for 1cHllr
n. t tM to oottltiMfit rou on rttrint of your ttr tM
bMlcvft H l no tirri ftrr n4.
ft VOU (S fT'OtOOt 0Ue
toujTo rttrQlf ll
1404 ttto :mit.
sit it e i. r.
Twentieth Century Farmer,
The Dee Publishing Co., Proprietors, Omaha., Neb.
TolUr'it .tlnllrnti'il Vnpiir Ti'riitiiie lit for tlio
fkln nml coiiitilcxloii, inmlthely nml i.riiiiihnitly rp-
lllllV 1 I'lllkll'H, 'H, lllltt'li-lll'lHlM, llllllll
IIIIK'III'M. tUfl-HplltN. ll'Tltl)-M, Nllll Illl I'll, lllll,
oll.vorKi a-iiM.VHlilti. or ll iiiIkIm n ormii kind..
I Clinton tontny cim il. Your luly to jourri'li In to berl
iM llllllllll. I'lm rkln rlioulil lian t lit- .aliii arkiilllic
rt t till t Ion . Unit a linlrlim uoiilil to tin- Imilv If
on iti tick. I lint ! l-rel-l l,y ao-cnlli-il
nirutUu lollonn nml noaiH. I uimt my trmimi'iit iihiI
to vwry moiiiiiii. 1 want to cum on llrit ami tla-n
your frli'iiiln. 1 want ymir lu l .. nml If )ou lielini.
I "III liniko you tiiMintlriil ritfrlK. I itolni; tu ill.
trllnitn ni'UTnl tlioiinamln nt mv coiiiili'ti- trrntmi ntn for
inlti'rllnliii! piirt'iixie. prat'tiriillv Flti:K. I t ki'IkI
my rnmpli'tn trcatmi-nt, nml till I nak In rrlurii In
that you cum yonru'lf nml fliow- jour fi Inula what my
tmitmi'iit lm ilom- for joii. Write to me tmlny It
fl ,Tn nolliliiir. 81.0110 ItfMiinl foi'ei lilenee
or liny fillllli-p ol m.y Irt'llllllrlll.
JII.MK n. TOMti; MiiiiurarliirlMir (.'hernial.
Ml. iu:t CliirliiiiiiH, lli.
VcrUkorn, my ililliilnry, ituiiruntiiil tu remote any
grouth oriiii rlliiuii luilr.
The Chicago Record
hat 61 of these Type
writers tn dally use -
If you want a typewriter, why not
come first where you can lee
WRITER In Its best form?
of all kinds for all machines.
New Century
The finest catalogue
ever Issued Is
yours for the asklnf.
United Typewriter and Supply Co,,
1614 Faraam St., OmaliA.
'CO, I
by till Iov(rH of a good drink Is tlif
boor niiiito by tlio Motz ltrowliif,' Co.
Hoiiowiiod for its lino lluvor, for
Its lionltb-prodiicliiK nnd lionltli-pro-sofin
(HinlltloH, Motz Itoor Is
prulsod by i-oiiiiolssours, who win
rooojiiiizo by Its tnsto, Its color nml
Its Kcnernl appcnnuico that It bonrs tlio
stnini) of "purity." Sold In cusos of
two dozen qunrts or pints.
Telephone 119,
Metz Bros.' Brewing Co.
Jatwn tie Arnica,
Savon Dentifrice D Arnica.
Arnica SHulm tie I to.
The Only International Dentifrice.
The Standard for 30 yean.
Preserve nnd whitens the teeth, strengthens
lliu Hums-evtcetenstbe breath.
JSC at All Druggliti.
C.H. STRONG & CO. ,Propi., Chicago, U.S. A.
Mrn, AVIiihIimv'h SuotliliiK Syrup.
has been used for over FIFTY YEARS by
CURES WIND COLIC and Is the best rem
edy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by druggists
In every part of tho world. Bo sure and
nsk for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup"
and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents
a bottle.