March 1M, 1001. THE ILLUSTRATED J5EE. 7 How New Zealand Settles Labor Disputes estate based upon n thrcc-flftlia vnluntloti of the property. The salaries of the com puuy are nil palil by the government ami nro Independent of the amount of business dono. Tho government life Insurnnco company is managed after tho samo tnanner as om (Copyrleht, Wol, by Frank U. Carpenter.) tho supremo court of New Zealand. This ' In-urnnco con panics and upon s mlla WELLINGTON, New Zealand, March 1. court retries the case, and Its judgment Is ,c"lat,n8r 0 '1,c ' ,h" " V, m .T, 1001. (Special Correspondence of The Ueo.) final. It can fix wages, tho working hour ll?alh- , ,1,8 n B8.,cm ?f nUU ,,H.U" -How would you like to bo sure of ,, pen- and other matters, and It can Impose lines, '"I!'1 ' T'rtl i ...... -.. -. it,,... ,v..i.i vm. , ,nr. n ,i,,,..nU troduced about seventeen years ngo, Thcro " ..!.... t ...t.lU llko to know that If your Income Is then ot upon the parties to tho suit, and nil tho ,s " T , Z , " " V , mora than $170 a year Uncle Sam will an- property of tho Judgment debtors can bo specla rates to those , who abs ntn from n- nually hand you out $90 to boot, or that It taken to satisfy such claims, and, If tho you have a llttlo moro than $170 ho will Judgment debtor Is a trades union or an glvo you enough to make your total Income Industrial association without property, tho $2C07 members of that union are liable to tlm This Is one of the experiments they arc amount of $.'.0 per member, trying In New Zealand. They aro trying l have before mo tho government reports It upon old men and old women ns well, of n number of such cases. Tho Judgments If an old man has a wife over C5, both are curious ones. Hero Is a caso which man and wife come under the law, and both get pensions, so that If their combined In comes do not exceed $310 thoy may together get an annual present of $180 rrom thn government, giving them n total Income of $."20, by no means a bad provision for one couple's old ago. This law has been In effect for two years. Tho bill was Introduced Into tho New Zea land Parliament by rrcmlcr Scddon In 189S nnd It passed both houses. Already bo. tweon $1,000,000 and $2,000,000 havo been paid out In pensions under It, and tho tnx required to support It Is moro than $1 a year for every man, womnn and child In Now Zealnnd. There nro between 0,000 nnd 10,000 people hero who nro receiving old age pensions, or considerably more than one In every 100. If slmllnr conditions prevailed In tho United States we Rhould have 2,700 o1d-ng pensioners In the nntlonal capital, 34,000 In New York about 20,000 In Chicago. 13,000 In rhllncMphln, C.OOO In Boston proper nnd 1,000 or more In each of a score of tho other cities of tho United States. In the wholo country, Inking the Inst census at tho round estlmnte of 7fi.000.000. wp should havo T'0 000 old-nge pensioners, nnd If each re ceived $8H, tho average pension of New Zealnnd In 1S09, tho nnntinl tnx for this purpose would nmount to considerably morf than $Ci3,000,OOn. If wo paid ns much per en mo before the court of conciliation In mm WM 13V BUY OLD MAN OKTS A l'BNSION toxlcatlng liquors, and n civil servlco in suranco which provides annuities for gov ernment clerks after they are 60 years of ngo. New Zenlnnd has as yot no national bank, although tho government Is largely 'Inter ested In somo of tho prlvato banking asso ciations. Thoro nro flvo banks which havo tho right to Issuo notes. Tho chief of theso Is tho Dank of Now Zealand, with n capltnl of $10,000,000 In 4 per cent stock guaranteed by tho government. This bank has for n long tlmo been tho principal one In tho Islands. It was on tho vcrgo ot fnlluro a few years ngo, when tho govern ment, to provent n panic, enmo to Its ns slstnmco and gavo It a loan of 1,000,000. At presont tho government hold shnres In It to tho value of $2,r00,000, and thero aro somo who think tho Investment Is not nn especially snfo ono. Tho nvcrage amount of deposits In Now Zealand bnnks Is steadily Increasing, show ing thnt tho country Is accumulating money. In 18CS It was only nbout $15,000, 000; at tho end of tho next deendo It a Almost $4fi,000,000, nnd It nmounts now to more thnn $70,000,000. Tho present nBsets of tho flvo chief bnnks nro nbnut $8!i,000,000 nnd their liabilities nbout $7fi.000.00O. Dnnklng here Ir far different from bnnk Ing In the United States. It Is mnnnged moro on tho trust Rystcm, being monopo ll7ed by theso flvo banks, which havo theli branches In tho different towns. Thero nr altogether 12!i plncea In which banking Is dono nnd In addition thoro Is n savings bank connected with every postofTlco. The posloITtrp savings hanks nre, of course. tinder tho government. They aro bnnks of cent DON'T BE SO THIN. FREE REMEDY. Many ladles and gentlemen who cannot complain of nny kind ot sickness are nb normally thin and cannot find nny medical treatment which will correct this condition Dr. Whitney's Norvo and Klosh llulldor Is not Alone Intended for those who aro sick, but also for thoso who nppear well and hoarty, but ennuot acquire sufficient tlesh to round out tho form. In dyspepsia, Itullges tlon, all stomach troubles, debility and nervous dlsenseo no remedy Is so prompt and powerful. In ordor to dnmonttrnte the otiderful merits of Dr. Whitney's Nerve ml Flesh Hullder every person wlio will address tho C O. .tones Co., Klmlra, N. .. will recelvo a largo trial package In plain sealed wrapper absolutely free. For sale by Sherman A McConnell Drug una. THE eapltn ns New Zenlnnd Is now paying It Dunodln, being brought nt tno Instance or rt(,pn(,, interest from 2V. to 3 per ... . aha aaa a. tlm Tin nml n I n I i ft nro' iltilsitl Tlln n Fl . . . would no moro tnnn jdi.uuii.ouu. so mm n is " .......... ... v. noing niiowed on nil nceounts. Tho money hnrdlv probable Uncle Sam will ndopt tho hcciucu uuu an in""m tR invested In municipal nnd government evFtom this year. " '" " ""-" bonds nnd In mortgnges on the big estates Wlm not ronsinns. ""d fom 8 until 12 on Saturday, one hour whch fhn R0Ternment purci,nRP(, tn divide Still, thoy do things differently In Now liolng allowed each day for dinner, except p nmnnB m (j n mfil) tcmB Zenlnnd. They havo all sorts of Ideas as saiur.iay. i no . ecision ixes uio o. tJ)nt tho pnrphnBPn, pny 4 or n pPr ccnt to what a man can earn and what tho government should do to help him. A theory held by some of these people Is that no man should hnvo nn Income of moro than $7fi0 a year, nnd thnt If ho hns more It should be tnxed out of him. Tho theory At present tho yearly deposits of tho post ofTIco savings bnnks nmount tf moro thnn $15,000,000, nnd on tho 1st ot .Innuary. 1893, their totnl nrenunts npproxlmntcd $25,000, 000, mnklng nn nvcrngo of nbout $150 for eneh account. Thcro nro now nbout 160,000 depositors In apprentices nnd It provides that employers rdiall hlro members of tho union In prefer ence to non-union members. In tho case of the Tinkers' union of Christ church tho court decided thnt overtime must bo paid nt tho rnto of tlmo and a nf tlio nld-nco nonslon system Is thnt every quarter for tho first four hours and at tho old man should havo nt least $2C0. and If rato of tlmo nnd n hnlf for every hour n postofflpp Bnvngn banks, which, taking ho hns not so much tlio government should increnucr 11 niimu eiicn juuiuuyumu i ,, w,olp pnp,lintnn nf Npw Zenland, help him to It. l"'t no nrprentlce nnd fixes tho term of p(1,)n,B ono ,0 pv(Ty fnnr ppr(,nnfli or one Our nrmy of pensioners Is composed of apprenticeship nt four years. It provides pnv,nRB bnn1 (ippn,, f0 PVery family. On old soldiers, their widows nnd children. Tho thnt no enrter can bo employed In a boko fpo nvprnRP nbmlt jno.000 Is dally deposited nrmy of pensioners In Now Zenlnnd Is mndo houso, but that n bnkcr mny send out his )n Rnch bnnkR nm1 fhp K0Vprnrnpn, nnnunlly up of old wornout workmen nnd work- employes 10 ocuver urenu. prouuua uiuy pnyf) ont thro,1Rh thpnl tj,nn $7no,000 women who have failed to lay up moro man oi ur uverume. )n fnt nront a nlttanco for tho day thoy aro unable to In a dispute oetween tho Ironmoldors or npnnslfn nn lnw nn 1 nhllllnir fsr. epnts) work. Tho law provides only that tho pen- Wellington nnd their employers tho court nro tnken. nnd thero Is nn arrangement by sloner must hnvo been n resident or now of arbitration decided that tho journeymen w,ch you can buy twelve penny stamps Zealand for twenty-flvo yenrs prior to nis should not work moro than rorty-six nnu pnf)to tnpm on cnr(1 nn(1 mn)1 tj,PItl ft8 application; thnt ho must hnvo spent less one-hnu hours a weoK ana tnnt tnoro snouia ynr dPpnslt. Three per rent only Is nl than flvo yenrs In the pcnltontinry during ho only ono npprcntico to every tnreo jour- lnwP(1 on nccnunt8 up to $1,000, nnd 2 per that tlmo nnd ihnt ho must not hnvo been noymeh; that apprentices should work for opnt on nceounts ranging from $1,000 to In Jail moro thnn four months or four flvo yenrs and bo paid not less thnn $1.25 jo poo. but on sums nbovo thnt no Interest times during tho twelve months prcceaing. n week for the nrst six months nnd n rising whntevor. This restricts tho business to It provides thnt his chnrncter must bo good scnlo of wnges therenfter up to tho fifth qmnn depositors . . 1 xt 1L.1 1 a 1 . i 1. .1... .1 T fn nt tno timo ci application nnu umi no yenr, wnen inoy huouiu rcceivu ui leutu i.uu Thero aro also seven prlvnte snvlngs must havo oeon sooer nnu rep uaoio uuru.K a wcck. bnnlB n ,ho coony ln whlch t,, ,,Ppoat tno nvo years prcreiiing imn inn. as to tho Furniture union or Wellington, amount to nbnut $2,500,000 nnnunlly. pllcntlons nre mauo nr 1110 posiomces, wnuo whero wnges wore In dlsputo, tho court do- npw Zenlnnd hns Its building nnd lonn such as pnss mo cxnminauons nro hi-n 0Ilol that tho employers should pay all associations, though not to the same oxton certiticntcs, enrn cnuuing us owiiur iu pnddlcrs nnd upholsterers per any ror nH tho United Stntes. It has also all sorts pension for ono year, tho Idea being that It 0jRj,t hours' work nnd thnt they should of cn.operntlve associations nmong the may bo renewed nt tho closo of thnt tlmo. pay 25 per cent additional nn hour for farmers. Thero aro largo stores mnnnged As far ns I enn lenrn. this pension sys- ovcrtime for the first hours nnd 50 per by tnoU rnrnpnnles. In which hundreds nnd torn is popuinr. inoro arc ma iew um Cont for ovory hour thereafter. sometimes thousands of thn customers hnvo pcoplo ln chnritanio insiuuiions ana uiu n;h0 decisions of theso boards estnbllsh Rfoc, xhls Is especially so with tho far oin woman Dcggur 1a uimuuw... tn0 ral0 or wages not oniy ior mo pnruos ,, mercnntllo nssoclnt ons. eorresnnnd Tho Now Zenlnnd statesmen prldo them- to tho dispute, but for all others engaged nR somewhat to tho grnngo stores which wo solves upon their now laws regulating laoor n similar labor. For instance, ir tno court bnd some time ago In tho United Stntes. nnd capital. Thoy havo not had a strike decides thnt a certnln employer shall pny visited nn establishment of this kind In for soven years nnd expect none ln tho his shoomnkers $12 n week, tho shoomnkcrs chrlstchureh. It hnd a largo capital, nnd future. Tho capitalists think differently, n other 3hop3 will nt onco demand tho jt8 manager told me that It paid 10 per cent but that Is another story. snmo nnd get It. Thero nro cases In which to Its stockholders. It Is much llko ono ot Today the worklngmcn nre tho lords or tho employers hnvo the best of tho dlsputo. otlr bR department .stores, with tho prices Now Zealand nnd tho laws nave nccn uiu- F0r instance not long ngo tno printers or mnritPd on nil nrtlcles offered for snle tated by them. A curious featuro is tho Wellington wero getting $15 n week. Thoy Mnny 0f tho ment-freezlng estnbllshmonts prominence of tho trades unions and tho demanded $1!) a week. Their employers wbcj, nro common hero nro mnnnged by wiping out of tho Individual. The famous WPro willing to glvo them $17.50, but they fitock companies, In which tho sheep owners conciliation and arbitration laws recognlzo wpro not patlsfled and brought tho matter nro interested. Tho most of thorn pay good only the trades unions, although It Is pro- bPfnre tho court. Tho court awarded them dividends, vlded that nny seven men mny register ns ony jJ7i nmj this must bo tholr wnges for AlHO Ap1'w He1ln fjPi." n union nnd thus come uncicr ino inw. 1 tho next two yenrs II U MAKER to WEARER Co . Oral M. No other whiskey can tako tho placo of (iioou Kivor Try It nnd you'll know the rea son nnd see tho dirferenco. Adopted nnd used exclusively In nil U. H. Mnrlno Hospitals. Awarded O o I d Medal nt I'arls Kxposltton. CO. WOI.I.STKIX .V DISTltlHUTOKS, 622-521 80. 13th St., OMAHA At All First Class Hum and Hotels. NEW SPRING STYLES In men's footwear of the famous HKOIONT S1IOKS nie arriving dally. They are made In nil the latest styles and all leathers, In cluding the popular patent vlcl kid, patent leathers, etc. Tho prices nro only $2.60 and $.1 50. We guarantee n lit when ordered by mall. Write for catalogue of styles. Regent Shoe Co, 205 South 15th Street. liii'lmlli'l)' Ali-it'd Mhnrx. The $eal of $atisfaction lHEN we deliver nn order of " printlnR we render full vnlue for our chnrRcs, nnd also "satis, faction." Tho "sntlsf action" Is thrown In, ns It were. Just to urn 111 y you and rctnln your patronnKe. We have only one way of dolnfl business, nnd that Is why every customer gets "satisfaction. "4 a A. I. Root, Printer 414416 South 12th, Omaha IIihiU-K-iIiik nml IIiimIim-hh Form taught by Mall. Trice within reach of nil. Plain and Practical Methods. Individual In struction. Tho best yot. Courso Copyrighted. Send for circular H. a. Higg. raimyrn, 111. All the I.mllra ICnl Gill Mtill Chocolate Bon Bons II7 Eiiirm, I, a, SI nnd R pnan boxes, OOe W. S. Balduff, pminil. 1R1N-20 Knrnam Ht Omnhn, Nrb. Photographic Art Studies These are the works of the Tonneion Sisters of Chicago, nnd there In probably no moro capable photographlo artists ln tho world than theso enthusiastic young women There aro twelvo subjects from which to chooio, of which wo reproduc Iglit. Theso pictures aro handsome enough for anyono's drawing room and may be used effectively unfrnmed, or will look splendidly wltb Btmplo dark frame. How to Get Them Thoso pictures nro mounted on hnndsomo black raw silk stock mounts, 12x15 Inchen, tho photographs aro 7x9 Inches. Thoso havo novor been sold nt tho nrt stores for loss than ono dollar. Ily securing an immense quantity of them wo aro able to offer them With a Coupon for 10 Cents. When ordering state tho name of the subject, and If thoy aro to bo mailed enclose four cents additional for postage and packing. AIIT IJKI'AIITMIONT, , THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY, 17th and Fnrnam Sts. Thn nnunrnmAnt nt Mn w 7nnlnnil fa tint hlHn.fcchnt !h(thCfrJninW ' SJiwnnl "vr,"-"t I',f' '-""" Ac"t. only a postman, but also acts as telegraph with tho minister for labor. Mr. K'lwnrd Thoro ,B a l)U(nB ln Wellington operator and "hello girl." Tregear. They are supposed to set e n 11 whlch f) know 8 tno KOVornraent llfo ln. R doM , B bU8,ncBB ,n ... ..u.. .....i...... nun; (.wa.v.w .u it nnu iiiuru limn j,uuu iiiiHiiiiinji-n; it iiiiuu been divided Into six Industrial districts, each of which hns Its board of labor con ciliation, consisting of members choson by tho trades unions nnd tho cnpltnllsts. If thoro Is a dlsputo tho complnlnt Is mndc to tho board. It sends for persons nnd pnpers nnd after examination gives a Judgment. postofneos: willing to bet on tho chances of llfo and niiy carries more than 3r.,000,000 letters and death among Its citizens. Tho government nbout in.000.000 newspapers, nnd It runs has been wnrrylng on a llfo Insurnnco busl- Us postofTlco business nt n rrollt Instead ness slnco I860, nnd tho oftlclnls tell mo of nt a deficit, ns does Undo Snm. It that It pavs. Thero Is tnlk now of cstab- may bo thnt tho profit from tho tolegraph llshlng n government flro lnsuranco depart- system onnbles It to do this, but nt nny which both " r ,vru ". nd there nro those who think the rte, with receipts of n little moro than 2. Rovcrnmcnt should mnnngo tho banks. The uses tno post- l In tin wrnni It- rlnrtrlna nr?n!nflf It . . " i.i life lnsuranco company "CT CL ' I Z L; mnsters as Its agents, nnd thus hns Its ho decision bo nrrlved at rcmnlns In force " t every cross-roads. It will not Ib- as the law for tho two years to come. It vMey for moro thnn $20 000, but It goes without saying that tho board Is tisu- bIvob a low rate nnd you nro fairly sure of .i fnwr nf the nntnns nnd ncnlnst the your money. Thero aro now 30,000 policies ..... ,1. ' . . . enpltallstB, Court of T.nlior Arliltrntlnn. If either party Is not satisfied, howevor. nn appeal enn bo mndo to the court of nr bltrntlon. Tills consists of threo members, two nppolnted by tho governor upon tho recommendntlon of the unions nnd the In forco. representing nn Insurance of about $45,000,000. Up to 1898 the depart ment bad received nbout $23,000,000 In pre miums, and It had paid out to Its policy holders over $13,000,000. The lnsuranco funds are largely Invested ln tho bonds of the municipal corporations capitalists ond a third, who Is the Judge of t New Zealand and ln mortgrges on real (Continued on Eighth Pago.) A WHITIS COMI'I.F.XION A clenr. white skin mny pos itively be obtained by using I.el'I'yV II AIISKMC WAKI0UH. ; Guaranteed harmless; en i dorsed by thousands of wom en: price Zfic n nox: mention The Illustrated neo; send three 2-cent stamps for sam ples nnd book. M in e Josephine I.eFevre. 120H CheMnnt St., Pbllk., Pn. IB nT& ' nmw&. . -1 BS'SiW,. nnnHn'lnnB nnnnnnnnnnnnnWLXnnnnnH nnHnnnUn ' VnHLInnl 'SRnnnnnnl HnnH TUB HOSH, DOLOURS, CUT OUT THIS COUPON I'resent at Bee Office or mall this coupon with 10c and get your choice of Photo graphic Art Studies. When ordering by mall add 4c for postage. AHT DRl'ARTMKNT. HUB IMIIIMHIIING CXI., OMAHA.