TTTE OMAHA DAILY BEE: ST'XDAY, MAllCTf 2 1, 1001. 0STQ3S STORE New Black Dress Goods. I Grand Opening A mi extra special lender for Monday wol offer Co pieces llliick Ktigllsh l'lprnlim, lit 1 ricrolim, in 39c NPElSaSONS niimn, neiii tlegign, nop ItiMrous block, 4.1 Inches wnli; worth ,S.)C Hpeclnl In Muck goods department, Millinery Tomorrow riioiiaf ard ST SALE OF FINE RUGS EVER HELD IN OMAHA Omaha. These are all the highest class rugs and guaranteed absolutely sound and perfect and in many instances at less than half price. 13 We bought from a railroad claim agent 850 very fine rugs. They are all in large room sizes, in the best grades of Wilton, Axminster, Moqnette and high grade Smyrnas. These rugs were consigned to one of the finest exclusive carpet stores in the west, bui on account of having arrived too late, beinn delayed in transit, they were refused by the consignee. We were called upon to make an offer for the entire lot and for spot cash we bought a wonderful barcain, which enables us to offer Monday the greatest rug selling event that was ever kimwn in $45 Rugs at Wo oiler ono Jot of 9x12 host grndo Smith's Axmin ster, Sanford's Axminster and Sioana's best 9x12 Smyrna Rtigi, that generally ell nt J 1.1.00 each Monday at $35 00 Bugs at SI5.9B $20.00 Rugs at $9.98 8A11 of the Cxi) best grade .3111 I lllly iiailllllilll. I (lilll MW (iiette Jtiigs that always sell at $1098 worth $45 We will sell all the T-lixlO-fj and 8-!JxL0-(! Smith's Axininster Rugs, anil tho best grndn of nil wool Smyrna Rugs, In beautiful oriental ami geometrical patterns thoso rich, high class rug colorings-they Kcnernlly sell at $35.00 Monday at, each S1F, 98 Worth $35 $20.00, we offer them Monday at SQ98 Worth $20 $50.00 Wilton Rugs There are only 12 in this lot largo 9x12 best grndo Wilton Rugs. Thcro Is no bet ter domestic rue mndo nnd they always Bell at $50.00. Wo have only 12 of them and we offer them tomorrow ut t25.00ciicli. This Is without llcntlon I till mnl lilmltnmniml rlllT Iturtfulll Omaha lias ever known at $25 I Rugs at S3.98 B $5.00 Rugs at $1.98 Ono lot of tlio m sofu slzo Mohtiwk 11 Smyrna Kiipa nnd A all tho very Ilnost , I 110x71! Wilton Jluir.iM7 Hue that tionorally sell ut $10, wo olTor tomorrow ut 3" Ono lot of tho ular Axminstor nnd Moquotto Hush lilllToront sizes tlmt i lornlly eoll for So.OO ivo lolTor thorn ns Ioiir n they nasi at, enen . ..i.., pen. Y 198 $3.50 Bugs $1,25 One lot of Stnvrt:n and Wilton Hujj worth JH.fiO one go in on hi ns lone ns last nt Jl .25 Tins ot mil ho neeii to bo appreciated A m f r- :, .hi n k lot uv m u. J t lev 1 H ouch IS no mail oitnuu avii.i. in: rn.i.iin. NOMJ WIM, 1112 J4U.T C. O. It. AMI XOM) WIM, 1113 SUNT ON Al IMtOVAI.. I'lHST COMIC, 1'IHST MKUVHI). NKVISIl WAS TIIKIllI much a nvu a ma:. ART SQUARES Wo will sell nil tho Art Squares from this purchnso In two lots; nil tho lurgo slzo squares In nil tho dif fer cnt grades, worth up to $6.B0, ko In ono lot, ench All tho Ingrain Art Squares tlint generally sell nt $5.00 go In ono lot nt, ench k $3.98 S2.98 NUAULY Til 13 I5XTIHH HA8I3MKNT WILL BB DEVOTED TO SELLING THESE KUGS MONDAY. T1IEY WILL ALL HE LAID OUT OX LAUGH COUNTEKS ALTHOUGH THEKE LS A 1UG LOTTHE BEST WILL GO I'M H ST AND VH WOULD lU-X'OMMEND AN EARLY CALL. EXTRA SPELlAL ADVANCE SALE NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS, SILKS, MILLINERY AND TAILORED SUITS l9e:SILKS woutii no ch.nts. All tho ROo nihility corded whhIi b1H;h, (stripes mid t'liccks, very do filrablo for shirt waists, rhlldrun'H dri'HsC'H, ok'., on nnle ut JUt yard. 25c "SILKSI39C -SILKS WORTH lit) CUNTS. An Immcnso assortment of plaid taffeta for waists, molro silks, foulard Bilks nnd a beautiful selection of 27-Inch corded swivel silk, very desirable for wnlsts or ladles' and children's entire summer gowns, every yard worth WJc on sale nt 23c. ns i.vcims wini:. Taffetas in plaids, plain colors, checks and stripes, satin dnchesao, plieso silk, whlto and black china silks, foulard silks, all nt 39c yard. 49c-69c '"SILKS woutii tM.on anii i?i.r.o. In tliln Immense assortment you will find $1.00 and H.EO silks, till of them 27-Inch and 3:'-Inch wldes, many exclu sive waist patterns, handsomo foulard silks, corded taf fetas, white, black nnd colored taffetas, rrepe do chine, open worked and grenndlnc effects, black and whlto corded, tucked and shirred silks, especially adapted for waists, ilrcss fronts or yokes, all tin bargain Hquaro at 40c anil C9c yard. 98c SILKS I Extra Special Foulard Sale WOUTII IJS.oO A VAUlt. In this immense assortment you Willi find, somo of tho highest class wnlst silks, elab orately embroidered silks, appllquo silks, embroidered on chlrfon Bilks, new satin twilled foulards -tho majority of theso nro worth $2.50 yard on sale nt PS cents. in() exclusive patterns, no hvo alike, of Cheney Urns.' host quality satin finished twilled and jaequard elTecfs, in all the exd-onie new spring colorings. They arc tho swellest roulards ever nhown. Wo plnco on special milo tho entire lot at, yard $100 Special Sale of Fashionab e Spring Dress Goods-S4,00 Cloths, uiuiiis ti ij ..uuii yi' riis ui jniru Krnuu eitun biiniis, edtisUtlni? of Kimllsh broadcloths, meltons, kurseys, vieiinus, vunotlnns, chovlots, hoinoHpiins, xlballnos, ot cloths and many other nit wool olotli fulirlrt, fill to 59-ln. wlile, very do slrablii for tnllnrsii ts, runabout nklrts, Inckots eapeS. etc. These eoods am all In tho Intcst colors nil mixtures, and nro worth up tutl.OOa yard. Monday special price on bargain ftquaro at special daie ot rasnioi Dress Goods SI.25 I $1.25 hb imis (iooiis :!.-,. vaiiii. Kxtraordlnary values In now plain and fancy sprlnir dress goods, French Albatross, all wool Granite. Cheviots, Do Heine, French VIritiiux, also 20 pieces of the now satin solells, In all tho new sprlni; shades, ItictmlliiK black. These goods wcro purcuaxcu at a traction oi ineir vnluo nnd usually sold for "5c and soc yn., .Monday on uarsain square at, yd 35c An Immense assortment of new spring dress goods, In nil the now soft clinging effectH. All wool crepe dn chine, all wool French albatross, silk and wool ctamlneH, wool batiste, collenncs, prunellas, poplins, voiles and many other new, stylish weaves, In every new tint nnd color. Special sale Monday In dress goods department, yard .. NEW COTTON DRESS GOODS 85c All of tli' newest nnu 1 a t n r t drees materials In lino cotton goods, Including satin strlpo mulls, embroidered French Tnmlso, silk warp mousscllncs, embroidered laco striped batlsto, now foulardlnca, mer- cenzcu RrcnnillneB In two-toned nnd plain effects, and many cLoico wash fabrics, worth up to $t yd. Monday special prico In, urcss noons Dept. in two lots, nt ! HUW lUUIlllUllilDt iljl'l 39c, 59c mm W.EASTER SsAfflA -anaSPHIHQ This Is PATTERN HAT ivcrir . TV V w N-2 Iff EkEV OPENING WEEK OF ALL THE SWELLEST MILLINERY IMPORTED PATTERN HATS from Paris, Vienna, Ilerlln and London model hnts from New York High nrt creations from our own workrooms that vlo with tho finest Imported goods Altogether tho most clabornto dis play and magnificent collection ever In Omaha. At $10, $12.50, $15, $20, $25, $30, $35 And these, three Grand Special Bargains for Monday Easter uits and Costumes $22.50 Ladies' fine Costumes and Sample Suits Worth from $40.00 to $60.00 on - sale at Tomorrow wq glvo you cholco for tho tlrst time of an entire samplo lino ot Ladles fine costumes nnd suits, mado by ono of tho swellcst New York manufactur ers. This- entire lot was sold to us for particular 'nnd pressing reasons nt GOc on tho dollar. Tho lot includes flno brondclotlis and Venetian suits in novelty waists nnd ,klrts. Theso aro all original nnd cxcluslva designs, not seen In nny othor line. These magnificent suits cost from $40.00 to $GO.0O each. Tho tailoring, tho designs, ind fit leavo absolutely nothing to bo desired. Of all tho bargains given In our lult department, theso costumes and suits n't J22.C0 each aro tho most roraarkablo. Como early for first choice. for $15 & $20 SUITS Tliivin u. continuance of o u t SALE ..LACES and EMBROIDERY Momliiy -wo inaiiguralo the most important lace Hale ever hold in tho west. Tho chnractcr of tho goods offered and tho extremely low prices wo quote nro bound to Interest every woman. Never havo wo shown a finer line ot laces and embroideries, and wo daro say thcro is no showing to comparo with it in this section of tho country. Furthermore tho values nro tho greatest over known. It's a solo that gives you your cholco ot tho best besides saving you moro than half your money. . If &9 Mf ForMon- snlo 1,000 hnndsomely trimmed JiatH mndo up with tho very lat est material and tho newest Ideas, special prlco KJ.l'J. m S4.98 of over GOO hatH, somo aro copies of $12.00 and $15.00 pattern hata, Monday's special prlco, $1.98. Also u hand- somo lot At $9.98 A lot of lino imported nnd Now York hatH, as well as many of our own Ideas from pur work rooms, well worth $15.00, Monday at $9.08. 14 85 Silk lined suits Nobby up- ti - ilnto oton, bloitBo and boloro suits of all tlio denim- bio clothi and popular colors of tint leRMOii man v of this lot nre worth 13 high us $30.00 each, cholco $10 $10.00. great Saturday sale most roraarkablo suit offering over held 4 sale QQ fctons and Box Coats made, 00 to retail at $7.50 of all wool coverts, good lining and Btrictly 'tailored, all sizes, on for 4.98. 6 98 Taffeta Silk Skirts-worth $10.00 grand black taffeta flounce with four rows of shirred ribbons, good linings and well bound, 6.98. Sale of Boys' Suits For Easter and Confirmation. Black, Clay Worsted, Serge and French Tricot Knee rants Suits, in single and double-breasted styles, finely tail ored and warranted to lit, ayes S to J(,'at $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 and $5.98 Joys' and young men's Confirmation Suits, ages 12 to 20 years, made of. the, finest English and German Clay Worsteds, Serges and French Tricot in single and double-breasted, de signed with critical care at money saving prices S5.00 to $12.50 ' New Easter styles SHOES for Men. Women and Children ON OUR MAIN FLOOR. 60 New Styles at $3 Moro style moro quality moro wear and hotter fitting thdn any other shoes on tho market and fhoy co3t you a Rood deal less money. See the SHOES on special sale on bargain squares in the basement 29c, 39c, 59c, 75c, 89c, 98c, 1.69, 1.98 A flno lot of Torchon l.accs, Valonclrnnn I,ncc nnil Inserting, Jn a groat and varied lino of pattern, worth up to 25c a yard, on sale nt 2c, 3'c and 5c yard Flno Normandy I'latto Valenciennes und Point d'Ksprlt Laces, the very IlncHt pat terns, extra Rood qualities, worth up to "Bo a yard, on salo at 10c, 15c and 25c yard Black silk all-over laces, suitable for dross trimnilnps and witist patterns an olncra nt lino of vary choice pattarns, wortli up to $1.75 a yard salo prico Special ftalo of black silk chnntlly Kulooni, black nnd cream silk cnuurlal ealnons, cot ton and Arabian galopim, miltnblo for dress trimmings, wortli up to 1.00 a yard, on salo I5c, 19c, 25c, 39c, 49c yard Flno embroideries and Inscrtliigx, In Swiss nainsook nnd cambric, up to 0 Inches wide, very cholco patterns, worth up to 15c yard, on salo nt 2c, 3'c and 5c yard 69c Yard Very line embroideries and insertings, extra quulity Swiss, cambric and nainsook, up to 18 inches wide, and worth up to 75c a yard on sale at, yard Manufacturer's sample pieces of all-over em broideries, of hue nainsooks, and laco all-overs, worth up to 75c, go on salo at ok, up 10 io incuos wiuo, 7ci, IOC, (5C, I9C I9c $1.50 Gloves at 59c C.500 pair ladles' high grado real kid gloves bought from the Now York Custom Houso at less than half tho Import price. Somo werb slightly mussed, tho boxes n llttlo broken but tho gloves aro in almost perfect con dition, In every size, In black, white, reds, modes and greens, worth regular up to $1.00 pair, go In this Balo at 59c per pair 50c Ladies' Hose 10c and 18c 1,000 dozen ladles' lino Imported und domestic hose, great variety of plain and fancy colors, Including stripes, plaids, Rich elieu and Rembrandt, ribbed, silk finished, all regular sizes, overy" pair fast color, full seamless, regular mado, Bomo with double heels and Bpltcfcd soles, rrRiilar prlco up to 00c, go In this, sole, pair, ut 10c and 18c TO IMPROVE THE HIGHWAYS B. W. Hlchardson, SecreUrj of Nation nl Good Eoadi AsiooiitWn, Tilki. CAMPAIGN OF EDUCATION GOES ON Jlr. IlloliurilMiii Im Hiikukj'iI In ut' ' lluliiK TlmroiiKlifnrc l.invn for this Vnrliuin Sni'HMH"rliuciilnl Train ti R, W. Richardson, secretary ot tho Na tional Good Roads association and. chief counsel for that organization, returned to Omaha yesterday afternoon for a brief visit. Mr. Richardson has been engaged In Chi cago for tho last three months In codifying tho road Jaws of the several ritates of tho union for tho purposo of preparing aiucud mouts which may bo engrafted upon existing laws and ut tho samo time bringing thu slates more Into harmony upon tho subject. At tho lustnnce of tho association, bills havo been introduced Into the legislatures of many nt tlio states on the subject of roads' nnd In somo places thuy havo already been passed. "Tho most Important bill thus far Intro duced," siild Mr, Richardson, "Is tho ono pemllrg b faro tlio Illinois Wgltdaturo Known ns thu Drew bill. It provides that nil able bodied convicts in the state penitentiary hall bo employed lu preparing road ma terial nnd that this materia! shall be de livered to tho different counties of the state free" on board tho cars nt the stntlon where the penal Institution la located. Tho rail roads of tho state hnvo Indicated their in tention of making a special rate on this class ot frolght and will equnllzo tho rate according to distance, bo that tho counties in thu remote ports of tho stato can ob tain tho material nt n cost relatively less than those which aro located closer to tho sourco ot supply. To DenioiiKt rati- tho AVork. "Next month tho association will send nut a good roads train, which will visit tho principal points in Kentucky, Louisiana and Mississippi. The Illinois Central road has donated tho cars and will carry tho train free. The manufacturers of road machinery havo contributed the machines and will send men along to operate them. Tho United States Department of Agrl culturo will send on tho train experts in road-making, who will hold Institutes nt places where experimental roads will bo constructed. "It Is tho Intention of tho association to uso In tlio different communities tho ma terial indigenous to tho territory through which thu road jmsses, thus demonstrating to tho resldonts what may bo dono without Importing material. For this reason it Is necessary that all sorts i road-bulldlng machinery be cnrrlid, for In places whero gravel can bo secured gravel roads will be built, whero rock can bo secured tho roads will bo macadamized, and lu places whom neither can bo secured tho advnntago of well drained earthen roads will bo shown. Interest Is Increasing In tho subject bf roads nil over tho country mid If tho trip over tho Illinois Central to tlio south proves as successful as its promoters con template, next year train equipped lu tho samti mannor will visit other states." furnaces In Youngstown, Struthers, Nllus, Lowell, Olrurd and Hubbard, O,, has In structed its wago committee to call upon tho furnnco owners noxt Tuesday and pro sent a demand for an advnnco in wages of 20 per cent, taking elfect April 1. Tho demand will Include a restoration ot tho 10 per cent reduction mado a year ago, and an increaso ot tho sumo amount. Leaders of tho union assert that n general strlko will bo ordered if tho ndvanco Is not conceded. BANK CLEARINGS FOR WEEK Dt'i'ri'iin for Our liny Attrlbutnhle In Snow Sturm Unit CheeUvd llimliM'Ki. Tho blizzard on Tuesdny had a marked Influcuco on tho business ot last week, ns shown by tho clearing houso report. Tho decrenso of $143,000 on Wednesday was di rectly caused by tho nlmost completo sus pension of local business owing to the storm, tho offects of which wcro felt for tho remainder of tho week. Tho bank clearings for tho week and tho corresponding week ot last year were: i In 1901. 1900. creHHO. Monday Jl.li92.lll t 930.415 I1I1.U99 Tuesday l,!R MvS.:au lii.-ir, ! Wednesday 7S9.938 KK.-JGl I Thursduy , I,0t4.S.V 011,275 lxt.noo ' Krlduy 1.016167 M1.411 131,7015 Saturday 9S2.S50 S57.SIO 125,10 Totals ., Decrease. .3,92S,S92 $3,120.S!)5 $507,997 Kiiriincn .Mfii AhIc n itnlxc. 1'ITTSUORfl. March 23.-Tho Furnace Employes' union, which includes the bloat I Another Klilnmiliiif Thri'iit. , I IUAVOOU. Ind., March 23. R I.. lAeson. Jr., u prominent citizen, has received a letter i III which hip writer uireiiirn io Kidnap nix lt-yriir-nUl daughter unless u specllled sum ot money Is forthcoming. Mr, l.eoson has 1 turned tlio letter .over to the authorities. CLEAN STREETS HIS HOBBY Georgt D, Mtrrimtn Leads a Orniade of Municipal Bfrm. PAYS FOR PUBLIC WORK WITH BOGUS PAPER I'ollvc Interfere mid Tnkn Merriin:in In Cnn toil), Jlclli-vlnir llliu to He Sleutnlly Irre-NIMiimlblc. Omaha has n Colonel Waring who pro poses to havo tho streets kept In first-class condition. His name Is (leorgo D. Merrlman, and tho only troublo with thu work ho had dono on tho streets Is that he paid for It In worthless chocks. Tho laborers ho em ployed aro not philanthropists and they had tho man arrested. In response to an advertisement Inserted lu n local paper ilfty men reported to Mer rlman Friday for work on tho streets. Ho purchased shovels with worthless checks nnd set tho men to work removing snow from tho streets. II Ih I'lilH-r In IIokiih. All went well uutll it was discovered that the paper Merrlman uttered was bogus, lie deserted his worklncmen and was not to lio found when it was tlmo to cash in, Merrlman was spotted Friday night on a Purl: av enue car by Officer Harold and Is nuw lu tho city Jail charged with being Insano and passing forged checks. At tho tlmo of his arrest Morrlmau was dUguliied In u grotesque munuer. Ho worn artificial Jute whiskers and curly locks ot very coarso liorso hair hung from his anti quated silk hat. Tho man Is no stranger to tho Omaha po lice. Threo or four years ago ho fell from a blcyclo and was severely Injured, Officers who took charge of him nt tho tlmo dis covered that lie was very queer. Slnco then ho has acted strangely on Bcvornl oc casions and has attracted tho attention ot dlMccrs. Ill- .MiiUch Hair Tonic. Morrlman pretended to ho a manufacturer of hair tonics nnd engaged a booth nt tho Auditorium exposition. Ho hired a dozen young women to tako chargo of a booth that was scarcely largo enough for ono nnd ho was finally ordered from, tho building. Ho Is about 40 years ot nge and has been employed as fireman In several buslpess blocks in the city. Slnco ho was locked up ho has made no attempt to explain ills nc tlotiH and tho officers bcllevo tie Is Insane. Morrlman will bo kept In Jail until Mon day, when ho will probably bo tuken before tho Insanity board. In taso ha Is found to bo sano ho will be prosecuted for passing forged cheeks, Captain S. Nlcolcttl was duped by Merrlman and filed charges against tho man. mntter with tho other mombors ot tho com pany and they havo partially approved tho scheme. According to Ideas of tho engineer, nil of tho scwago from tho houses will bo run through sewers to a largo vault or retain ing tnnk, tho water with tho sowogo run ning Into the tank from the bottom. Abovo tho point whero tho wnter enters laterals will run for tho flow of water from tho tank. Tho Bewago Is retained In tho tank until It ferments. It then passes from tho tank to tho grounds, whero it Is used to fcrtlllzo the soil. On tho Chaso county rnnoh thcro Is an orchard which tho owners hopo to mako productlvo to n degreo unknown in that part of tho stato and tho sowngo will proba bly bo used for that purposo. At present tho ranch consists of 1.000 acres, six miles enst of tho Colorado line, hut before thn company Is through buying It expects to havo'from 8,000 to 10,000 acres In tho tract. turn to this city aro that none ot tho offi cers nor their clurks hnvo been satisfied with thu new location nnd that tho eastorn extension has not materialized. On tho contrary, the extension of tho Union I'aclflo Kj'Htem drnws tno real center ot tho bus iness townrd Omaha. Inquiry was mudo ut tho oillco of tho su perintendent of tho company In this city and the statement was mndo that thoy had heard nothing of It. Speaking of tho mat tor, an official snld: "I had not hoard such n rumor. When tho hcadqunrters first went to St. Louis therb was consldurnblo dissat isfaction among tho men, for nnno of thmn appeared to llko St. Louis, I hnvo under stood, however, that thoy had hecomo ac climated and nro moro reconciled to St. Louis. I hardly bollovo thoro could now bo any possibility of tho return to this city, In fact 1 am almost positive of It." TO TEST R0SEWATER PLAN I'l'iiotli'iil Di-inoiiNlriitloii of City Ilii Klncer'x Schi-nii- for Simwiki; I)InkinI I Inn, Tho first practical toil lu Nebraska of Andrew Itosnwatcr's plan for tlio dUpnslns of sowagu will prnbubly bo tried at a ranch In Chaso county owned by Councilman I). T. Mount and others. Tho councilman became. Interested In the plan when it was proposed for tho Saddle creek sewer and since that tlmo had been considering it for the ranch. While in the can recently he took up the LOOKS GOOD FOR OMAHA KrliorlK from St. l.ouU Inillcntc TohhI hlo llfttirii of 1'iifllla ItrcKH 7niiiinn'. Omaha may aguln bo the headquarters of tho I'aclflo Express company. An apparently well authenticated sugges tion of this probability comes to Tho lleo from St. Louis, to which city tho I'nclflc company moved over n year tigo; Representatives of. tho I'aclflo In Omaha deny having heard anything of tho roported change of base, but that docs not neces sarily Imply that tho story Is without foun dation, for tho negotiations might bo In progres without their knowledge. The reasons asilgned for the possible re- SETTLE WITHOUT TROUBLE i;inilo) cm Not i;iM!t'il to Content lli'iiiiiinl of lloil Ciirrierx' t'nlon for liH'ri-imi'tl Wiikch. According to tho Ideas of tho secretary ot tho llrlck Contractors' association tho quos. tlon ot the rulso in tho wages of tho hod carriers will bo settled shortly without trouble. At tho last conforenco of tho em ployers and the union tho latter changed its demand so ns to mako tho jncreaso of wages cover only tho mortar men mill tho men who curry Ilia hod for tho plasterers, tho wages of wheelbarrow mon and othor labor ers to remain tho same, According to tho Idea of many of tho contractors thn nijmhor of men nlTcfcted by tho chango will bo so small that tho increaso can be paid with out cutting any flguro in tho general rs suit.