Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1901, PART I, Page 10, Image 10

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A CnlleRFi Cfcnrtercd Under fltn(c
Linn, With CnpHnl of flf)0,
000, for 41m Purpose of Tenon
ing I'cmnntil Mnnnetlm
hij1 Hypnotism II r ;
Correspondence. '
Ten Thousand Copies of n Vnlunlilo
AVorlt on Thrf Sciences To lie
Given Army to Advertise
the College
The Amerienn College of Sciences ot
'Philadelphia, Pa., Is a novel Institution.
It la chartered under State laws, with a
capital of 100,000, for tho purpose ot
teaching Personal Magnetism, Hypnotism,
Magnetic. Healing, etc., by correspond
ence. At an expense of over $5,000.00 the col
lego has Issued a remarkablo work on these
sciences, ten thousand copies of which will
bo given nway absolutely free. The book
Is elegantly Illustrated with tho most ex
pensive photo engravings, and It Is decid
edly tho finest nnd most comprehensive
work of Its kind over published. It Is tho
product ot tho combined talent of thirty
distinguished hypnotic specialists and
scientists. It thoroughly explains nit tho
hidden secrets of Personal Magnetism,
Hypnotism, Magnetic Healing, etc. It Is
full of surprising experiences and makes
many startling disclosure In rcgurd to tho
uso and possibilities of UiIb secret power.
Tho college, absolutely guarantees that
ny ono can learn these sclonces In a fow
days at home, nnd use tho power without
the knowlcdgo of Ills most Intlmtito friends.
Tho reporter naked for the names and
addresses of some of tho pupils so that
ho might cntnmunlcnto with them person
ally.. Several hundred wcro offered, from
which tho reporter selected eighty-four.
Tho tcpllcs received wcro more than suffi
cient to convince tho most skeptical In re
gard to tho wonderful benefits to bo de
rived from this mighty power. Thcro wero
absolutely no failures. All bad ltnrned t'o
muko practical uto ot the sciences. Tho
following extracts nro taken at random
from tho letters for the benefit of readers:
J. II. Schnoller, 1112 Avon st.. la Crosse,
Wis., writes: "Hypnotism truly reveals tlio
Npcrcts cf life nnd the mysteries of nature.
My own fntlier rould not lirivo convinced mo
of Its wonderful power If I had not actually
tested It for myself. 1 consider n knowl
rdgo of It lnvnlunblo to those, who wish
to get tlio most out of life; to thoso who
wish to nchlovc success nnd live up to tho
full tnensuru nf their possibilities.''
.Mrs. Ellin M. Watson, Martinsville, Ind..
wrltos; "Hypnotism opens the rond to
health, happiness and prosperity. It should
be studied by everyone. I would not part
with my knowledgo of It for nny amount.
The Instructions huvo developed within mo
o. force of chnrnctor, an ability to Influence
nnd control peoplo that I did not dream I
could acquire."
J. W. Cllnger, M. D., Springfield. O.,
writes: "I have used tho methods of hyp
notlsrn taught by tho American College of
Hclenccs In two coses of dltllcult surgical
operations with perfect success. It Is a
complete, annesthotlc, and preferable to
chloroform or ether. I acquired a practical
knowledgo of hypnotism In less than three
days. Tho book Is grand."
Itcv. T. W. llutlor, Ph. D., Idaho City.
Idaho, writes: "I havo cured a number of
chronic cases of rheumatism, dyspepsia and
paralysis of long standing; have not had a
Blnglo fnllure. I consider a knowledgo of
I'ersonnl Magnetism Invnlunblu. The book
hns greatly lncrcnscd my own powers."
Dr. XV. 1. Kcnnlcutt, 629 State st., Hing
hamton, sr. Y., writes: "I had long suffered
from nervous prostrntlon nnd dyspepsia.
My rnso baffled all medical skill. I Htudled
hypnotism from tlio American College of
Sciences, and tried It on myself, with sur
prising results. In ono week my stomach
was bolter than It had been in thirty years.
I could eat anything without the slightest
distress, I can hypnotize myself In tlvo
minutes and sloop all night; have hypnot
ized a number of others."
The first ten thousand persons who write
to tho American Collego of Sciences will
rocelvo, absolutely reo, tho marvelous book
that brought success to tho above persons.
It Is Intensely Interesting from start to
finish. It should bo in every home. If
you want a copy wrlto today to tho Ameri
can Collego ot Sciences, Dept. 130 C, 416-420
Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa., and you will
rocelvo tho book by return mall.
When The? Colled the Iloll.
Ono of tho Fnltlifnl, Kvtn Under Many
IH faculties.
A rather strango and remarkablo Inci
dent 1ls told concerning one of tho recent
happonlnga at tho Soldiers' Home. It
aoctns aa though ono of tho Inmates, an
old standby, who bad nover failed to put
In an appearance on tho occasion of the
issuing of medical supplies to the InmattB,
omo tlmo ngo failed to put In an appear
anco, and did not do so for nearly three
weeks beforo he was discovered. Inqui
ries wore at onco mado as to his where
abouts and whon discovered his friends
hardly knew him. This Is tho story he
"Some time ago I hoard of the remedy
called Cascarlne, advertised to euro bil
iousness, constipation, indigestion and
other Blmllar Ills. As my friends know,
I have bcon troubled with these diseases
for years and havo tried everything ever
heard of without any success whatever,
nnd as a last resort I determined to try a
bottle of tho wondorful medicine I pro
cured some at tho drug store and after
using It for only three wocks It has done
wonders. My appettto Is good, I sleep
well, my back docs not pain me, havo no
more dizziness In my head and feel bettor
thnn I havo for years. Cascarlne Is truly
a wonderful medicine. It does not harm
tho most dollcato stomach. Acts pleasant
on tho liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels.
Any ono suffering from dyspepsia, liver,
Vldney. or stomach troubles will ilnd this
tho best medlclno .that can bo employed.
Tho manufacturers clnlm that It Is made,
from roots, barks, herbs nnd plants, na
ture's truo remedies. A letter of recent
dato from XV. V. Ixmg, Cando, N. D., says:
"Kindly send me $3 worth (one-halt dozen
bottles) ot your Cascarlne. It is tho best
medicine I have ever used and I want to
glvo It to tho rest of ray family." You can
get Cascarlno nt your druggUt's; a full
month's trcatraont for 60 cents.
Dtttei Arranged bj Obtst Fall to Bait
Western President.
ncHiMTY, r. it ii obm or youth.
Makes Manly Men, Price 50r, a box, ftboias
toitX Money refunded If not tstljfVlqry. lly mU
n reotjpt ot price. Samples free. Address
fir U UU I rMiw Years'Contlnuous Prttotioe
Bold by 8hrraan & McConnell Drue Co
B. W. Cor, llth and Dod.e 6ta., Omaha.
Most Nrrlnux Objection Unified In Hint
Itnllronil I'ltri-pi Would lie Too
Clrent n 'I'm nn (Into
opium t&&mmii3Wi
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., March 23. (Special
Telegram.) President Illckey of tho West
ern Haso Hall league has rejected the
schedule drawn up by Owner V. P. Cbaso
of tho lies Moines team for tho coming
base ball season and has begun tbo work
of formulating n new one. It will probably
be finished by Monday and, after receiving
the sanction of the magnates, will bo mado
President Illckey declines to glvo his
reasons for rejecting Chase's schedule nnd
In reply to queries simply says that It Is
Probably tho most serious objection to
tho Cbaso schedule Is that It so arranged
tho games that tho railroad faro of tho
clubs would bo far In excess of what It
should be. In certain Instances ho has
given but six games to each club In a
scries, whereas, In tho lino of economy, It
Is argued, tho number should bo ten or
twelve. Tho more games a club plays In
one placo tho less tho railroad faro Is, and
on this principle schedules aro usually 'arranged.
Opening tinmen Too Arctic.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo March 23. The rejec
tion of tho Western lcaguo schedulo Issued
by W. P. Chase of Dea Moines Is due, ac
cording to President Thomas I, Hlckcy, to
tho fact tlmt tho opening games had been
sent too far north. Tho weather at that
tlmo would bo too cold. Then, again, too
few gnmes aro not at certain points at one
visit, necessitating too great an expendi
ture of railway fare.
firnnd Ainrrlenii Handicap In April
AVII1 Not I. nek Competitors
Adilltlonnl I'rlrc Offered.
NEW YORK. Match 2.1 Unifies for tho
Grand American liundlcap, the trap-shooting
blue ribbon event of tho year, closed
today. Tho handlcnn will bo shot Anrll 1-5
nt Interstnto ark, Queens coilnty, bong
Tho entry list will probably contain moro
than 200 names. All the best shot. nf tlio
country havo entered, among them tho win
ners oi mo previous urimu American
handicaps, with the exception of Robert A.
Welsh, tho I'lillndclphinn, who won tho
first event In 1S33. Tho other fjrand Amer
ican handicap winners nre: T. XV. Morfcy,
1S9I; J. CI. Messncr. 1S03; O. n. Dickey. ISM;
T. A. Marshall, 1S97; K. D. Kulford, 1S0S; T.
A. Marshall, 1899; II. 1J. Hates,
Tho conditions governing tho Grand
American handicap follow: Twenty-llvo
llvo birds, liundlcap, ranging from 23 to 33
yards, no yards boundnry, with a deadltno
nt 33-yard mark; Jl.Goo divided among tho
threo highest guns, JC00 to first. J500 to sec
ond nnd JIOO to third. All tho money in tho
nurso In excess of Jl.&OO will bo divided
among high guns other than tho threo Ilrst.
j'Jiitrnnce, szs. in addition to first money
tho winner will rocelvo a silver trophy, pre
sented by tho Interstnto association.
Good Score Iteeorded nt "Wednesday
Mftlit'a MeettiiK nf the Omnha
Whist Club,
There was n. rood nttpnrinnen nt ii,n
Omaha Whist club Wednesday night, oix
tables bolng represented, and the following
scoro recordetl;
Rockfellow nnd Salmon 1 t a
Coe nnd Redlck 140 x 3
Jordan and Boulter 140 x 3
Sheldon and Dreyfoos 13G 1
jiogers nnu iucmitl 132 5
Uurrcll nnd Gamer nt 6
Durness nnd Drill iRn v k
Allee and A. XV. Scribncr 178 x 3
Shipley nnd Crummer 176 x 1
McDowell utiil Calin 173 2
IhiHhtnun nnd Melklo 172 3
Wheeler nnd Calin 171 4
Merchants National Defeat Union.
Tho MorchnntB' Natlonnl Ttimlt ,lnfnntH
tlio Union Stock Yards Nntlnmil tin nlf nt
Clark.! bowllnp alleys Saturday afternoon.
1nt ,! M
Mcllo 123 118 15 425
od(-r 1M no 172 470
Hurley its in 171 4S2
J IK' 10ti 127 30.1 KW
Uolen H7 iss 1S7 492
Totnls 702 716 787 2,205
1t "ll 3,1 Tnlnl
Gilchrist 140 1J.S 155 433
I'orbes 133 131 398
Marling 150 1KI 123 42S
Mulono J2 ISi'i 202 49)
Thornton ill 109 12.1 313
Totnls 66J CS7 739 2,092
Green lllvern Over AVhlte KnlRhtn.
The Orcen River InvlnclblcH defeated tho
Whl to Knights nt Clark's bowling alleys
Saturday night. Scoro;
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Mngney 143 223 157 f.2.1
Inches 147 172 149 46.S
Kaufmnnn ii ir.s 152 4Su
Conrad ISO 172 1ST. S2
Alexander Reed U7 181 137 46
Totnls 786 916 7W ZA&l
. , . 1st. 2d. 31. Total.
pllchrlst 150 164 137 451
Hotn 152 138 192 482
Hammond 183 141 214 538
Glllesplo 133 153 110 431
I'otter 213 157 169 639
Totals TB33 liH SM 2Mi
Ilnndr Jim In the Stnr I'lnycr In
(he I'nclllo Union llnndl
enp nt Tnnfnrnn,
ttSAf ,rilANCISCO, March 23.-Tho Paclflo
t'nlon handicap, tho featuro of the card "it
Tunforun today, was won by Dundy Jim. o
12 to 1 shot, who bent Tchimnn a nock ifo
wus b yen a jierfect rldo by Mounco. Can
moro tired after lending and ilnlshe 1 tl rd
and nenson Cal.lwell. the favorite finis e
In tho ruck. Sublime, quoted ut 30 to 1
lutnill nnd Ollnthua wero tlio onlv
favorites to w n. Periwig and Lord rhS
.' , the steeplechZ. but f&
ton and Iirodlu eFcnped Injury. Dom In ck
was In ovldonco. rfding three winners
Kenllworth and Yellow Tall will meet In a
match rnco next Friday ut six fiir nna r
Jl.OOOii sldo and Wn lde iVtho fo?m
carrying 112 nnd Uin latter 110 pounds
Weather fine nnd trnck fast. i'uuim.
Enroll nt Vienna Cluinen hy Compct
Itorn In International Cnlile
ClieNn Mnteh,
NEW YORK, Mnrch ?3.-Junlus L. Cono
Jr., secretory of tlio llrltlsh Chess 7lul
PhS! ''.uhn, ?,"lc'?''y Informed SwrutnVy
thndwlok of tho Hrook yn club that tlio
Intornntlonnl cable chess mnteh will
nlayed April 19 and 20 and that tho
Englishmen have, asked Prof, Hlco pf this
city to act ns their ropresentn tlvo durlriK
ho contrst iit Rrooklyn. 1 Hoffer Jim
been requested by the American manage
ment to net In n similar rapacity at Lon!
don. I urnn de Jlothschlld if Vienna will
again bo the referee. 11 1,1,1
llnrUett tu l'lelil for St. I.nnln
WORCESTER. Mass., March 23-jesso
Ijurkett. left lleldor of' the St. Loi'iU Nn"
tlomil league base ball team left Worce"!
tor for the west today with P. J Donovan
manager, having decided, as he gave Vi V.
of 1901? a contract for tfio season
Chnrler Irwin In Clnelnnntl'n.
CINCINNATI. March 23,-Thlrd Raseman
Ci1,rl.,J.rwin .rta?' HlBn,,, 11 contract to
p Y yj,,h ,he Cincinnati National League
club this season. Irwin played with the
local team last reason. , '
Week Clnnrn 11IH1 n H111.I1 11 nil cv
I'Vntnren Are InniiKiirntrd for
.cw WeeU'n Mntertnlnttient.
Tho voice of the spieler nt tho Audi
torium exposition was drowned last night
In n flood of music that lent a spirit of
pronounced gaiety to the fete. Tho rain
did not wholly restrain the threatened blr
Saturday attendance. During tho nftornoon
nearly "00 children scampered through the
building drinking In Its attractions with
eager appetite. A special vaudcvlllo per
formance was given, which tho youngsters
enjoyed to the utmost. Mrs. HacMurohy
served peanut cookies and vlgoral croutons
to them nt the model kitchen, and Super
intendent Olllnn conducted tho promised
gut distribution, In which tbo chief Drlie.
a hnndsotno plcturo richly framed, wont
to AUdrow Hlssel, n lad whose nrldo In
tho receipt of his trophy was a featuro of
tho afternoon. Every child was glvea
sorao exposition mCniento.
Last ovenlng the confusion of noises re
sembled nothing elso so much ns 11 night
on tho midway. Something over 700 people
bad como through tho rain to boost tho ex
position fund, and they did It clamorously.
The plcco do resistance Was the Institution
of tho new lodge ofUuffalocs and tho enroll
ment of charter members. Music was fur
bished by a phonograph, nn automatic
banjo, Prof. Qlllcnbeck nnd son In banjo
duets, planoa on tho second nnd third
floors, tho vaudcvlllo novelty performers
and over all Klplinger's Junior Military
A voting contest was Inaugurated by
J. i Carpenter to determine who Is tho
most popular man in Omaha, and tho ono
who has tho biggest voto at the close of
tho exposition will bo given a handsome
$400 spider phaeton. H. J. PenfoJd led last
night with forty votes nnd Frank J. Uurkley
was second with twenty-nlno. Tho others
In tho order of their standing wcro: nov.
E. F. Trofz, Stanley Pickett, Mayor Moores,
F. L. Willis, O. M. Hitchcock, Edward
Abraham, F W. Judson and Jumes Ebor-
In tho peg pool contest Iluck Keith again
scored tho top record, 2,303, which was not
rubbed out last night.
Tho voto on tho most popular teacher
stands ns follows: Emma Whltmoro. 151:
Mutllda Fried, 116; Mrs. Artlo Webb. 34:
Julia McCuno, 16; Miss dsandcr, 10; Miss
Kiuuor, 10; Miss Andreen. 8: Miss Mc
Carthy, 7; Miss Urlon, 6; Miss Ilccd, Miss
i-itcn, Mrs, Lemon nnd Miss Necse. 5 each:
Margarot Scott, 4; Miss Tcmploton, Mlsa
isider, 3 each; Miss Llttlcfleld, Miss Cooper,
Miss Brady, Miss Peacock. A. W. Water-
house, Jcnnlo Rcdflold, Miss Drown, 2 each;
Miss Ware, Miss Lonergan, Elizabeth Allen,
Miss Miiroy, Miso Seymour, Miss Simon,
Mrs. Graff, Miss Staponhorst, Miss Shaller,
Mlas Mooro, MIs3 Mullen, Miss Doydcn,
Mies Laraby, Miss Dunn, Miss Evans. 1
cuch. Tho prlzo Is a valuablo book easo.
In tho voting contest for tho most popu
lar young woman for a scholarship In free
hand drawing, Miss Loulso Schaffcr re
ceived 132 votes to 65 for Miss May Howell
of South Omaha.
There was a spurt In tho vote for the be
stowal of tho typewriting machine, 3,290
votes being cast, ot which 1.575 wore for
Miss I'ardunn. The record Is as follows
for thoso who havo passed the 100 mark:
Fay I'ardunn, 2,240; Estcllo Deecher, 1,690;
Oraco Shcoloy, 1,265; Edith Lohncs, 1,103;
Marlun Rclchardt, 850; Dertha Davis, 815;
Bcllo Finley, 680; Edith Davis, 260; Nora
Emerson, 160. Tho total voto Is 8,935.
in tho prize distribution tho following
wero given: Mrs. M. F. Powell, handsomo
plcturo; Harriot Hornby, gentleman's hat;
W. O. Sassp, suit lady's underwear: Mrs.
O. A. Drown, Jar club houso cheeno: Mrs.
E. C. Darr, can condensed chicken boud:
Tllllo Dlodcll, can cocoa; H. Llob, packago
tapioca; Mrs. Jo Davis, package of sniceu:
George Egan, year's subscription to West
ern Laborer.
E. E. Andrews was awarded tho quart
of whisky as tho most popular mun present.
Tho chief featuro for Monday will bo u
mandolin and banjo concert by tho High
school, Omaha nnd Juvcnllo Danjo clubs nnd
the swelling of tho ranks of tho Buffaloes.
For Cnnuhn nml Colon In Children.
"I havo not tho sllehtnflt linull nnnv In
recommending Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
to all who aro suffering from coughs or
colds," says Charles M. Cramer, esq., a well
known wntchmakcr of Colombo, Ceylon. "It
has been somo two years slnco the city
dlsucnsary llrot called mv nltcntlnn to thu
valuablo medlclno nnd I havo repeatedly
used It and it has always been beneficial.
It has cured mo quickly ot nil chest colds.
It Is especially effective for children nnd
seldom takes mqro than ono bottle to euro
thorn ot hoarseness. I havo persuaded
many to try this valuablo medlclno and they
nro all as well pleased as myself over the
results." For salo by all druggists.
Hundreds of Other Omnium Will
Later On Ank to He l'nt
Off There.
Fritz Mueller, for twenty-ono years Jn
business In Omnha, will go to Duffalo 'to
conduct tho Pabst garden on tho Midway
ot tho Panainerlcnn exposition. Ho will
tnko twenty-four assistants from this city
and will mako his placo on tho Duffalo
Midway tho popular resort for Omaha peo
ple who happen to travol that way.
Mr. Mueller, It will bo remembered, dealt
out tho foaming lager to thirsty, thousands
on tho Midway ot the Transmlsslsslpl Ex
position two yenrs ago, and that he Is n
past master In the business has never been
doubted In this neck ot tho woods. It Is
safe to predict that when an Omahan ar
rives on tho Duffalo Midway his first query
will bo for Fritz.
Uncle Suiu'n IteRUInrn Vnn Tbrongli
Oninhu (.olnir to .Voir
I.ocnt long.
Two detachments ot tho Tenth Infantry,
numborlng twenty men each, passed through
Omaha yestcrdny afternoon on their way
to Jefferson Barracks and Llttlo nock,
Ark., respectively. They are from Fort Ni
obrara, which point they left early this
obrara, which point they left early Saturday
morning, They arrived at tho Webster street
dopot at 5 o'clock and wero transferred to
tho Burlington and Union Pacific depots by
street cor. Each detachment was in com
mand ot a lieutenant.
lliirTllnlocn Hour for Auditorium.
n't... ' '
1 m! uiui iri iuuk" 01 mo unennnging
Order of Buffaloes, Auditorium lodge No. 1,
vino uiBuiuit-ii mov infill inu iiumaio
wallow ut tho Auditorium exposition by
Orund Steer l'nffenruth, Grand Keeper of
tho Buffalo Chips Andrews nnd Grand
Fnklr Durkott. Tho ceremonies wero Htlr
ring nnd Impressive, ami tlio beautiful mys
teries wero exemplified to a largo list of
candidates, There wero 11 few mavericks
In tho lot, whom it was found necessnry to
rope. This Is today the most popular fra
ternity In tho world, nnd tho fact that It is
Instituted In behalf of tho Auditorium will
undoubtedly swell Its membership.
Yule ! niiiiiKtn Arc It.
PHILADELPHIA. March 23. Tho third
annual meet of tho Intercollcglato assorlu-
lion or Amnieur uymnasis here tonight
was won -by Yule, Tho University of Penn
sylvania was entered, but did not comnetn.
Tho competing colleges were Ynln, Colum
bia, iTinceion, --now lork university nnd
Htreet Cur Crerv Killed.
CINCINNATI. Mnrch 23.-A Baltimore &
Ohio Southwestern freight train struck n
North Fail mount street car at Queen (,'lty
uvenuo crossing at 7:3!) tonight, killing Con
ductor John Seiber und fatally Injuring
Motorman Jacob Teller. The ten passen
gers escaped with slight Injuries. Tho car
wu demolished.
Office open Continuously from 8 a. in. until 9 p. in.
Sunday from 8 a. in to 5 p.m.
Dr. McGrew's Quick Cures Low Charges
Arc dully proving wlmt n groat good can bo done for men, at a
Every Day
the doctor's entire time and attention
Is devoted to bettering the physical
conditions of men.
IT IS A KNOWN FACT and has been proven thousands of times
each year for the past 2(1 years, that Dr. McClrew's treatment for
In all stages and conditions has never been equalled. J)r. .Mc
Grew guarantees his treatment to cure, and also guarantees that
after treatment is begun, that there never will be any breaking
out of the disease upon the face or body, a fact that will protect
you from exposure. A guaranteed cure for life at reasonable cost.
Varicocele and Hydrocele Positively Cured in Less than 10 Days
No cutting, pain or loss of time. There never was and possiblv
.......... -: . ! 1 1 s i i . i . .
im. M.-t.itinv. xi7iT7. iifvcr win it ouereo a ireauneiit lor ancoceie and Hydrocele
thnt gives such entire satisfaction and so complete and permanent a cure.
DR. McGREW'S TREATMENT FOR STRICTURE Gives an Absolute Cure in Less Than 5 Days.
without pain or hindrance from business. Perfect cure guaranteed.
cases have been cured of Lost Manhood, Loss of Vitality, Loss of Jirain Power, Nervous Debilitv, Poor
Memory, Despondency, Stricture, Gleet, Gonorrhoea, and all unnatural discharges.
OVER 20,000
TREATMENT BY MAIL Medicines sent everywhere free from gaze.
OFFICE HOURS 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sunday 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. P. O. Box 766.
"Pupft" Bill Baurks Flndi' a Big Ohlif
for Hit Indium.
Omnliii Unite Hull MtiRnnie nevlevra
Stotvitrt'x Itccnril unit l'nyn Hint
Ulim-liiK Tribute Other
Who llnve Signed.
"Aco" Stewart ot Terro Haute will cap
tain tho Omaha baso ball team UiIb season
and hold down second base. Pupa 11111
Ilourko returned from Chicago yesterday
morning and announced tha engagement ot
tho well known Indiana player.
From 1895 until 1S99 Stowart played
second baso with the Indianapolis team and
acquired an envlablo reputation among
minor leaguo players. He also played al
one time with tho Chicago National leaguo
Last year he opened the season with In
dianapolis. During tho previous winter ho
contracted smallpox while traveling In tbo
south and failed to recover. After playing
with Indianapolis a short tlmo ho laid oft
and finished tho Hcason with tho Kansas
City team.
Iluitch of llouiinct.
"Stowart is an all-around player and will
make a great captain tor tho Omaha team,"
suld Manager Kourko. "Ho Is an old
tliuer, has played In all parts ot tho coun
try nnd knows tho gamo Uko a book. Then
ho Is n hard hitter and a good general.
Terro Hauto tried to hold him, but lir has
agreed to como to Omaha. Although tho
contract with lilm Is not signed, It la a
sure go that Stewnrt will bo hero."
Manager Hourko also signed l'ltchcrs Sam
Reust und Sl;cl Itoach whllo ha was in
Chicago and entered Into a crbal contract
with an old-tlmo American lcaguo catcher
whoso namo cannot bo announced at
Hcust played last year with tho Cleve
land American lcaguo tenm. Ho Is a left
hnmlcd pitcher and Is said to bo a wonder.
"He's ono of tho best left-hnnded men I
over daw," remarked SInnager ltourko.
"Ho Is steady, nnd In addition to his
qualifications ns a pitcher Is a good hitter.
Ho Is ono of tho best men I'vo signed.
Skcl Itoach Is too well known In Omaha
to need any Introduction. Harry Ncumeycr
has not been re-engaged for the present
season, but will probably play with tho
Oinahns nnd bring tho number ot pitchers
up to eight, nightecu men havo already
boon signed for tho Omaha team. Stewart's
word has bocn given that ho will join tho
Ilourko family and threo other players aro
still In tho air.
Hero In (he Mat.
Tbo players actually signed aro as follows:
Catchers Kd 1. Inuzon, Phil Glnd.
Pltchers-8krl Honcli, L. C. Krcolnnd, 8am
Hcust, Fred Steele, A. C. Gordon, Oscar
Graham nnd Arthur Herman.
First Baseman Davo Calhoun.
Second Unsemen Aco Stewnrt, Lou Wal
ters. Third Basrmnn Tom McAndrcws.
Shortstop Jimmy Tomnn.
Left Fielder IJobblo Carter.
Center Fielder Hill Held.
Hlght Fielder Tom Letcher.
Utility Man-Jim Unlrd.
"Thcro Is a lot of new timber la tho
bunch," Papa Hourko continued. "Some of
tho men aro only a gamble, but there aro
enough votorans In tho lot to insure a good
team. It I land the catcher I'm after I'll
bo pretty well satisfied with tho make-up.
Somo of tho youngsters will no doubt do
velop Into wizards and glvo Omnha a team
it will bo proud of."
HeKliiN Monday tl nil the ArknimiiH
Jockey Cluli Fcoln C'oiilltlciit
of Snt'eenR.
LITTM1 HOCK, Ark., March 23.-Tho
spring meeting of tho Arknnmiu Jockey
club will open at Clinton park Monday. In
dication point to n successful week nnd
tho olllcluls of the track nro pleased ut thu
prospects, nix cnrionua oi norses irom
Memphis und New Orleans wcro unloaded
nt Clinton park today und tho ollleluls (le
dum there will bo no lack of material with
which to till tho races.
Most of tho candidates for tho Turf Con
Kress Htuko, which Is to bo run Monday,
havo hail their Html preparations. Starter
William Union was nt tho track today.
Among tlio riding talent Included In Into
arrivals nro Wllllo Deun, J. Mutthews.
Monk Cobiirn nnd Will Hloss, It Is claimed
thnt novor beforo In tho history of racing
In this city were thcro so many horses en
tered. 'AdvleeB from Hot Springs Indicate,
that thero will bo a largo Influx of visitors
nt Clinton park from that resort during tho
Why Hket-ln Cnn't Itlilc,
LONDON, March I'S.-Tho friends of J. If,
("Skeots") Martin, tho American Jockuy,
uttrlbuto tho refusal to grunt him n llconso
to rldo during tho coming season to tha
fnct that Martin offended n prominent
member of tho Jockey club by his method
of riding nt Cairo this winter. The papers
nro inclined to trent him leniently, but tlio
Inoxorablo rulcB of tho Jockey club seem
fatal to his chances.
Nimv Orlrnn HeiiHoii t'lom-n,
NllW OHLKANS, March 13. Weather
cloudy nnd track heavy. Miss Golightly,
lien Chance und Frunglbln wero tho win
ning fnvorltes. The local racing neason
closed today nnd most of tho stables havo
alrendy Btartcd on their way east or west.
Doiiohue Corn to Coloruilo SprltiK.
CHICAGO, . March 23.-Tlm Donohu. the
backstop of the Chicago Natlonnl Leaguo
team, has, It Is understood, been offored
Restore VifaSii Lost Vigor and Mmlwm
Cure Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of Memory, all wasting
diseases, all etrects or sell-abuse or excess
and indiscretion, ft (j&rV3 Tonie and
Blood Builder, Brings the pink glow to
pale cheeks and restores the fire of vouth.
By mail SOs por box, 6 boxes for 52.50,
our BanKable Guarantee Bond to
cure or refund fhe money paid. Send for circular and copy of
our canKable Guarantee rfond.
IVprififa TihlAtc EXTRA STm
YIlOwLflIuClUIClO Immediate Results
Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Un
developed or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia,
Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the
Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By
mail in plain package, S 1.00 a box. 6 for $5.00 with our Bank
able Quarasiiee Bsnd to guvq in 30 days or refund money paid.
rata Medical CO,, Clinton and Jackson Sts., Ghicao. !!!.
For niiIc by ICiilin .t Co., loth n .il DoiiRln St., Oiunhn, Ncli.i Cporcc H. Davis Council ninfTs, Ioivn.
eel Good
tal Bout F
mmm m
Mi-. Taice
irm xa l Jr.
pP iSl
mm mgs w
iWW S M s sim II IT WITT
All Druggists, wholesale and retail.
sol by
a port Intorest In tlio Colorado Spring 1 11. Slimy, who maniii eel ono of t o vclilc es,
team of tho Western lpatrue, und tho pros)- . inn do tlm mllo In W.ti HccundH and was do
pectH are "thnt Donnhuo hai appeared for feated hy , CharU-H Jiimlcson, who covered
tlin Inat tlm In n Chlcaco iiiilform. I'ri'Hl- tho Bitmo dlHtanco In Vi BecondH.
dent Hart, It Ih paid, Iiiih itKreud to let
Dunohuo ko.
AutoiuolilU' K.ioitltlon In (,'lileiiKO
'M'imim yltl liii'tiiii'HKliiK I'nlro
iiiiK from .Society l'coplc,
CIIIC'AOO. llareh 23.-Tho .'iiitomolillo
show nt the Coliseum opened tonlKht und
promlHea to rival tho liorHo show an u no
clety event. The principal event of tho
nvenlliK wiih a honictralner raco between
two atiloinolilles. Tho vehicles wern placed
upon freely revolving rollers, which moved
.lohliern I'liij- Hull.
A JoIiIhth baso hall Icukuu has been or
ganized nnd nt n meeting to bo held Fri
day ovenlm? olllcern for tho lcnctio will bo
Heleoled. Jl. H. Smith it Co., Uyrne-Hiim-iner
Pry Onods company. Curpentcr I'aper
compuny, 1'axton At (Inllaeher nnd
(llaaH-Andreeien Hardware enmpnny will
liiivu teuuiH In thu league. It Ih likely that
the United States Supply company nnd tlio
Crune-Churehlll company will alno Join tho
league. The llrst (tames will lie played
early In May.
Whittle)' IIiin I'iikIImIi I'livurltr,
NKW YOHIC. March 23. V. C. Whltnev.
who' Ih In Allien, S. C.. telegraphed nero
ma i nu
1 Uerbv
showed by colored hands upon a dlnl tho favorite. The terms of the lenne Mr. hlt
relutlvo progress of tho competing racors.noy secures tho horso's running rjualltles
Hi sympauiy wun ino wneeis of tlio nuin- wlio ih in Aiaen, a. u.. leieKrapnei
mobiles and wero connected by means of I today confirming tho cabled story tl
belts with un Indicator arraiiBemont which ' Iiiih leaned Volndyovskl, th Kngllsh
for two seasons wero not mado public
Petronlus waH also leased nt tho sumo tlmo
John IIukhIhh will continue to train Volod
CIiIchkii Club Coiulnir Cunt,
ISOISi:, Idaho, March 23.-Tho Chicago
Commercial club excurslonlHts arrived heri
at 7 o'clock this evenlnK. They were me
by u commltten of citizens under tho direc
tion of tho Chamber of Commerce. Tin
members of the party wero taken for I
drlvii thrniiKh tho city and wound up nt th(
Natatorlum. whern nn Impromptu recoptlai
wns belli, Tho easterners left tnntftht fol
Halt I.ako City.
Win Mercer In WiinIiIiikIoii'h.
I'lIll.ADIJI.l'lJIA. March Kl. "Win" tier.
ccr, tlio plleher, Iiiih sluiied n contract to
play with the American I.eaxuu club n
WushliiKton. Mercer pitched for thu Now
York National l.eanuo club last season.
WheelHl Wheels! Wheolsl How they gol
Hide a Deo wbcel and bo In the swim.