THIS OMAHA DAJLV BJj.,13. SATURDAY, MAKCir 23, 1001. 0 i What Makes Good Beer? Fine materials and the time to properly ma turecalled "being on lager." No beer leaves the vaults of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis, U. S. A. that is less than four months old. The Great Budweiser and all beers used for bottling purposes are five to six months bid, which makes them the most healthful brews. Famous the world over for Its tonic qualities, recommended by physicians everywhere, is prepared by this association. Order promptly Illicit !' GEO. KRUO, MGR. ANHEUSER-BUSCH BRANCH, OMAHA. EX-PRESIDENT HARRISON His untimely death is n reminder of the danger, from pneumonia at tint season of the year which is overlooked or unknown by many. More deaths occur from this disease and la grippe and its after effects than from any other cause at this season. The reason for it is that in the spring the system is over loaded with the poisonous effete matter caused by winter's hearty meals, breathing heated air over and over again, and exposure to cold. The intestinal glands become clog ged and inactive, and consequently the liver becomes sluggish, blood becomes thickened and impure, causing si debilitated ,and wdak ened condition of the entire system, billiouft ness, stupor, tired feeling, headache, side ache, backache and many other aches. These a tid many other uhpleasant symptoms are the result of' the above causes and this year it is doubly true on account of the unusual preva lence of la' grippe and thousands who do not heed tilts' timely worning will pay the penalty with their lives. We know that When the following direc tions are pursued carefully, loss of life from i pneumonia and la grippe are unknown, at least not n single -ase of the kind has yet f come' to our knowledge. ?.,- - -These directions' should be followed care f,uUy8() as tp Vnovrite the whole system thoroughly and remove the poisonous effete matter out of the system which is lurking about the twhple body, making the least ex posure or "over-exert ion dangerous to life by bringing, on an attack of this deadly disease. La grippe lias doubled the danger this year. Dr. Ivay's Kenovator, which is certainly the. nearest to perfection of any remedy we have ever heard of being usqd as a system renova tor, should be taken in sufficiently large doses to act freely upon the bowels, for two or three days, and then lessen the dose a lit tle, but continue it in large enough doses to insure action of the bowels ohce or twice a day. Double the ordinary dose on the start and then increase or lessen the dose so as to produce one or two movements a day. If the bowels are very inactive, it is usually nec essary to .take two or four times the ordinary dose at. first, but it should be regulated ac cording to the effect, it. has'upon the bowels. If this is followed' up until the system .has been renovated and cleansed of the poisons which accumulate during the winter, it, is sure to remove the cause which is so danger ous to life. No person can afford to neglect this in the spring, as thousands of lives will be saved by a small amount of money in vested in Dr. Kay's Reno va tor. All persons should take a reliable reuovat ing medicine every spring, but particularly so now. If you go at once to your druggist and buy a package of Dr. Kay's Kenovator and use it as directed above, you will make the best investment possible, which may save your life and will certainly make you feel like si new man. And then, it is such a safe remedy to use; you will enjoy it from start to finish. It. ,L Kendall, Saratoga Springs', N. Y. V After taking a course -of Dr. 'Kay's Kenova tor, I am glad to add hiy testimonial to its merits. 1 can testify tlmt it is just what it is recommended to be. I have been afflicted with, sick headaches for over -'0 years, some times having two or three each week, and tried all kinds of remedies without peruia. nent benefit. 1 can truthfully say that your Dr. Kay's. Kenovator has done more for me than any other remedy; or treatment T have ever tried. 7 cheerfully recommend it to any suffering with sick headache or stomach trouble." Mrs. Lulu L. Elmer, Hustler, cousin. Dr. Kay's Kenovator, Tablets 2rc, 50c; and liquid, 1.00, At all druggists. DR. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO., THREE HORSES IN THIS OXE Saratoga Springs, N. Y Lawioa Now Announce Borlma, Creictm and Oharlis Herr Will Rtc. FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS IN PURSE In (ii lie Three llcnln III I'l oil Itcnd- 111- TrneU. the (inte Itccclnt to lie Diniiiteil In , Charity. BOSTON, March 22. A race for a $30,000 pcise, mado up of $10,OQO n corner and $20,000 added by Thomas W. Lawson, be tween Chaillu Herr, Crcaccus and lloralnia, Is. announced by Mr. Law son. A statement Issued by tho latter tonight says that the raco will be at Hcadvlllc, tass., in tho week beginning September IS, all tho gate receipts to go to charity. The raco will be handled by the New England Trotting llorso Breeders' associa tion. Mr. Lawaon said that as soon as tho proposed race with The Abbot was called off he proceeded to arrange n tri angular race, doing It before he knew that The Abbot's owner had changed his mind. The arrangements word immediately com. plcted between the owners of Crcscous, Charlie Herr nnd Horalma. The race Is to be best three In five heats, fltst horso to talo $30,000, tho second $20,000, each owner to deposit $2,300 and the remainder tho night before tho race, all gate receipts to bo divided eqiially be tween the West 1 1 ml Nursery and Infants' hospital nnd tho Industrial School for Crippled nnd Deformed Children, both ot Doston. AMERICAN FITZPATRICK WINS Kimcl.N AiiMritlliiu Hotinlon liicnn- neioiiH Inside of Three .Ml ii ii tei. (Copyright, 1001, by Press Publishing Co.) NIC'li. Miireh 22.-(Noiv York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) A prlzcllght looK place, Here yesterday uctweoji J'tu Patrick uf America and Uourdou of Aus tralia. l-ltzpiimcK Knocked out mo Aus tralian after three, minutes' llchtlnir. Bour don remaining unconscious half an hour. Flit .Hen Siiliiiii'l'Keil. Tho Oreon Rivers defeated the Pat Men at bowling Inst night on Clark'8 alleys. Score: OHKBN IllVKKS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Mngiioy ISO 111 186 HO Fowler 141 122 14'J 412 Heed 132 LVI 15." 4IG Inrtley 133 ion iw 433 Ambruster 107 136 137 410 Totals 782 70S 817 2,307 I-'AT MEN. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Schneider 128 1G7 ICS Id Hrldenbccker 141 2tu isi wigmnir 13D ir.9 171 ira French 137 107 174 4 US Sheldon 173 VJ0 117 303 Totals 718 701 751 2,203 FIGHT ON WESTERN SCHEDULE .MiuinKcr of CTiiIim l.nek Horn Over tin- Mxt of Date Sent Out from Dm Molncn. KANSAS CITY. Mnrell -22. Malinger George Tebeau of tho Kansas City club is tip in arms against mo western icukuu sclicdtllu as It was given out yesterday aim says ho will "Hust It as suro as fate." Ho has already protested to President lllckey and declares that tho schedule Is not olllclal and has nevrd been agreed upon, nnd tnai It Is too much In favor of tho northern tlubn to stand any show ot adoption. "V. P. Chase of tho Dos Moines club was requested In a homl-Jcculnr way to figure out a schedule," explained Tebeau today. "Ho took tho request seriously, and wMon ho had- his -schcdulo -completo ho fravo It out as olllclal, Chiffeo's schcdulo s too much Des MoincH for me, lie wants all tho holidays nnd Sundays for Des luotncs. j to naa notu uecornuon tiny anu Fourth or Jit y sc Peddled for Ues Moines, and 1 have not yet had time to llgurc out how many Sundays ho has claimed. An other thing to bo considered Is tho mileage, but from glancing over ('huso s orrort it will nrohah y Do as objectionable from a llnanclal standpoint as from tho arbitrary distribution nf the plums In tho way of holiday and Sunday dates. That schedule of Chaso'H won't stand, antl that's all thcro is to It." FRICTION OVER SHAMROCK Fife mill WntNon infinite Alinut Pro poned Clin nne on tin- Cup Cluillf iiucr. (Copyright. 1001, by Press Publishing Co.) GLASGOW. March 22.-(New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Consider able friction has arisen between Deslcners Flfo and Watson over tho rollttlng of Shamrock I, which was designed by Fife. Flfo Insists on certain changes which ho deems advisable on account of tho experi ence gained by his boat's performance in tlio races for tho Americas cup In 1890. Watson, on tho other hand. Is cnunlly llrm In ills stand that no Improvements be mado on tier, as iney wouiu spoil nor ns a stan dard of eomparlsoni for Shamrock II, which ho designed. Thomas tiitiin, who raced ror years on the Ircx nnd Ivena with Wllllo Jameson. who will represent Sir ThomuH Upton on tho challenger, lias been appointed ns mate, lie arrived hero today with four men and ttiey left at once for Dumbarton to Join uapiain sycamore. CIRCUIT IS ENDLESS CHAIN Ciritml Made Complete lij- Detroit TnUhiK tilt' Week of Si'iiteiu Iter. about i.otv) peiiie. In the nrenn of the hlttllicton Park rlllb. After the second round Stiffs friend hail little hope. Stltt seemed In excellent condition nnd struck a vigorous blow, but could not hit Creedon. The hitler received only one blow that arred him and this was a right swing on the Jaw In the third round. MORNINGSTAR'S FANCY PLAY Makes u Hun of lull fn Fourth IiiiiIiik or llie unnnuiier Mnteli. SKW YOllK. March 20. l.ll- llards were tho features ot the Morning-star-Gullaghrr match tonight at Dulv's academy. Mornlngstar made a tun nf 13 In bis fourth liinlnir. This Is the lies! run over made In New York by a player outside, nf the big trio Schaefer, Slosson nnd Ives, Tho final scoro of the eontest wiiit 3fi points mr .unrningstnr ami .iu lur ioni uauugner, The winner's average was near record breaking llgures. It was 23 1-13. BILLIARDS BY TELEGRAPH Mullen of (.'let elnutl nnd MeCreitry of Ml. I. mils lo Piny mi Odd inine. CI.KVIJl.AND. O.. March 2-J.M.irHn Mnl. Ion of Cleveland and Win McCreary of St. iiuis win jnny ii Kuinc ot ouuarun next Tuesday nlcht while each nlnver rntnnliii 111 his own city, tho score being sent by telegraph after each live points havo been mado. Kncli tilayer will have a friend acting as referee In his opponent's game, The games win oe lor iw points. Hnsy for the Turk. N15W YOU1C. March 22. - N'mirolnl, iho Turk. Imrl nn piimv iiihW wlwn h ..-.m, MoWeeny of Chicago In a catch-as-catch- an wresiung matcn at the flrand Central 'alace tonluht. : Nnurnhih wolirhnl M Kiunds and McWeeny 102. Tho Turk wa y far too heavy and strong ror tho wesl rn man and won the mutch In two mlmnr. of actual wrestling. Ilroml Puts Out Yoiinn t'orlii-tt. L)I:NV1:U, March 22.-Kld llroad or Clcvc- ....... , .vri.n uv, I III IUI1VI'I 111 tho fourth rojiid of what wus to have heen iLii-iuniiii ii.'i'ii' ii , niurHini lllieilc association hero tonight, Tlie light had been vi uYcii iii in mi) urn" iiroua mil a ion niuH uiiicu( iiiui jiinneu ni right Into his stomach In the fourth round. Illlltlte Wins Until FiiIIm. ST. l.OFIS. March 22. Ueorun llnntlate nf St. l.ouls defeated Peter Schumacher of t'lnvel.ind, O., In a catrh-ns-catch-cali wrestllm; bout here tonlcht. ltotli men wero exceptionally clever and were evenly matched us regards weight. Ilaptlsto won the ilrst fall in twenty-one nnd tho second In seventeen minutes. Zlenler I'reili to tlie Flnlsli. SAVANNAH. On.. Miireh 22.-Owen Zlec lcr of Philadelphia knocked out Tom Cor coran of this city In the eleventh round to night with a punch in tho stomach and a swing on the Jnw. Corcoran hud been niecuing irvciy lor lour rounds, xieglor left tho ring unnarcntly ns fresh as when ho entered It. DKTItOIT. March "2.V-Thn Detroit Drlv. Ing club has decided to hold a fall meeting ai its trncic at urosRu rolnt the week fob lowing the llrnurt Circuit meeting at Cin cinnati, and Secretary 8. M, Klotz has ac cordingly laid claim to Scntember 2.1. 21. 25, 2tl and 27.. This arrangement will msko an endless chain In this year's Urn ml Circuit meetings, and will fill up tho week which would otherwise havo remained open bo- iwecn inu viiicinuiii anu icrro iiauto meetings, Onentng here on Julv ID the horses can raeo contlnuousl. . going as fat cast as Hohton anil then returning west ward mr i ui inter meetings. CH0YNSKI AND. JOHNSON OUT FlKliterm llrlensril After TuontV-l-'oiir l)nn' liiiirisoiinu-nt In tiul , enton Count)- .lull. riAIA'l.-QT IV Kl...,l. AO , i., i i i ,1 e"i-M . uuu nil unni tiu iui.-f .juiiimiiii, uiiui iivt.'iu -inu r uayi lllll'l iniiiuuriit ill nun iiuiveiuil l ouuiy Jul charged with prizefighting, were release today upon bond of $I,VX each, llxed by th court of criminal appeals, iiioynsKi anu joimson left tonight, th former going to his homo at l.a Uraugi 111., mid tho hitler to St. l.nuls. Six MnuutNi l-'lvf Winners, SAN FRANCISCO. March t,i..knv Henry carried off thchonnrx m Tnnrnmn today. Ho had sl mounts and rodo live winners. Doing a cioko second on the other. Four ot the winning mounts were fm.-oi-itPH The third rate was marred by u bad start, .Yellow Tall, the well played second choice, being left at the post. Kenilworth got away iiyniK ami won uriving rrom Had Bam, ii l lo I shot. Nunscn was thn onlv favorlto that failed to land. He was beaten In n drive by MacOyle, who l?d all tho way. Iluachiica, winner of tho second race, was bid up $700 by I(urry Stover, owner of Contestant, but was rotnlned l,v the stable. Tho weather was line and tho trat-K rust. t St. l.oula llenl (Toned. ST. l.OUIS, Maruli. 22,-Tho deal for tho Purchase of a controlling interest In the 'air association by the Tllles-Adler-Cella racing syndicate was closed today when ine oin iionru oi uirecinrs, ueaiieu uy I'tesi dent Hobcrt Aull. resinned, Tho new own ers of tho property Immediately elected a nw board, consisting of C. A. Tiles. Ham AUier. i-ouis a. veiiu. i'. J .cua, I .rmlo, t'yrus .Miicr, valle iteymirn, Joseph Mnr tin. Frank Miner and Charles Hreen. Tin new board elected C. A. Tllles president nnd vnilB Heyuiirn vice president or tlie or ganizaiion. i:a- for linn Creedon, HOT SPniNCJS. Ark.. March 22,-Dnn Creedon easily defeated Hill v Stlft tonlcht. putting him out in the fifth round, before Ntnys ivltli tin .Nntlonnl, NUWCASTI.H. I'll.. March 22. Ilnhert T.owo of this cltv. who for tho last eleven years ban been second baseman of tho tlos- ton National league team, today signed for tho comlm; venr with the sumo club at a substantial Increase In sulary. llernlinril Coined (her, PHILADELPHIA. Murch 22.-MannKcr Connie Mack of the rhlladelpbln American I.enguo club nnnounced tonight that he hnd signed for next season Pitcher Dornhurd, who was last yenr with tho I'hlludelplila National League club. Monti IteucliFN CIiIi-iiko. CHICAGO. Murch 22,-Jockey Tod Sloan. who arrived In Chicago today from Cali fornia, Is going to England April 8. Ho would not say whether or not he Intends to apply for a license to rldo on tho English trncKs. FIRE ESCAPES ARE WANTED Amerlenn Mnmuitrn llpcninu. PHILADELPHIA. March 22.-Presldent Hen Johnson of tho American Ilusc Hall leaguo nnd tho delegates from the several cities who were In attendance at the leaguo mealing ncro tins wcok nave nit lert tnc city. Wrestlers nt f.nulKvllle. LOUISVILLE. March 22. Adnmson ot T.nnlavllln wnn from .Tnhn Willi, nf f?hlenirn In a wrestling bout tonight by two out of tnreo rutin. in CRAZY STUDENT RUNS AMUCK Shoots Two Men Who Object to Ills Hols teroii Conduct In ii Cnfe. NEW YOHK, March 22. Two men were shot at an early hour this morning In tho Rathskeller of the Pabst hotel by a man who Is bplloved to be Insane. Tho Injured men aru J. U. Lofiingwcll, 40 years old, of tho Uroadway theater, who Is wounded In tho left side, and Alexander W. Dingwall, general manager ot Jacob Lltt's theatrical enterprises. The man who, It Is alleged, did tho shooting, gavo his name as Illchard Hayden Morris, 25 years old, and said ho Is a studont and a natlvu of Tennessee, not In any business and n guest of the Crite rion hotel. Ha was placed In Jail. About 1:45 o'clock Morris -entered tho Rathskeller, where probably soventy-nvo men and women wero eatlug and drinking, and It Is said began to talk abusively. Tho mon present resented this, and. Morris, it Is alleged, drew his revolver nnd fired tlvo shots, wounding two men, Morris was held until ofllcers wero called. Ho con tlnunlly exclaimed, "What have 1 done?" and Is believed to bo of unsound mind. The wounded men wero rornoved to hospitals, whero their wounds were pronounced not dangerous. When Morris was arraigned In police court ho said hc was Robert, 11, Moulton ot Springfield, Tenn., nnd that ho had been u student for thrco years at Columbia uni versity. Ho was held In $3,000 ball for examination on Monday next. Moulton Bald ho was a user of morphine and that he took a good deal of tho drug yesterday. He said he remembers going to tho Broadway theater ana rcmombcrs tno second net of tho play thcro, but nothing moro, Hc also remembers coming out, but asserts ho docs not remcmbor anythiug that happened from that time until he found himself In tho patrol wagon. It was said at tho hospital that Dingwall was renting easy. After tho proceedings In court wore finished n statement was given out nt the Ilroadway theater to tho effect that the woman who was with Dingwall nnd Letting well at the tlmo of tho shooting was May nucklcy. n member of the company now nnpcarlng at tho llroudway theater. Mls3 Sollgman asserted sho had not been In th Pabst at all last night. Oitj Building Impictor 0 t'tir Urgci Inmge of Bill, ENDORSED BY STATE LABOR COMMISSIONER Chief Provision of Hill In Hint Nullil ItiK" ut Properly l.tiulpiieil Mny He Cloned Maimer In School llulldlnm. City Uulldlng Inspector It. I). Carter has returned from Lincoln, where ho went to urge tho passage of tho bill Introduced by .McCoy of Douglas and providing that all public buildings shall havo suitable flro escapes. In Us original form tho bill re quired flro escapes for all buildings of two storlss or higher. It will bo amended so as to apply only to buildings ot thrco stories or more. 'Tho bill Is backed by the stato labor commissioner," said tho building Inspector. "It Is a bill tt-at should bo mado a law-. Tho chief provision In thd measure Is that buildings which aro not properly equipped tftay bo closed. This will make Its enforce ment possible. Under the old s'ystem of fining offenders It wis nlmoat Impossible to compel tho construction of flro escapes. School IIiiHiIIiikn t'liiirntectcil. "There aro many buildings In Omaha which should bo provided with Arc escaped and under the proposed Inw many needed reforms could bo made In this city, Sev eral of the public school buildings nro with out escapes, Farnani, Park and Castellar schools aro among tho number. "Tho recent flro nt St. Joseph Is but an other cxnmplo of tho loss of llfo that Is poaslblo In buildings which do not havo safe flro escapes. Omaha has had similar casualties and It Is high time that steps bo tnken to prevent any moro fatalities. "Hcsldcs tho public school buildings mentioned thcro aro many other public buildings In tho city which aro equally bad. The Chamber of Commerce, building Is one of tho many down-town buildings which should bo provided with flro escapes. Some- of the private schools nro not well equipped, "If this bill beeomcs n law, and thcro Is every rcuson to believe It will pass, tho stato lahor commissioner will havo author ity to closo up bulldlngB which fnll to com ply with tho provisions of tho measure. Any action ho takes In Omaha1 will prob ably bo through tho city building Inspector, but when tho city official Is backed by n stato law and a state ofllccr It will be much easier to work reforms." Moti'iiK-ntM of (lorn ii VeneN Mnrell IT-'. At Huston Arrived New i.usianu, rrom a rri0r!ivpriinnl Arrived Common wealth. from Hoston; Oermanlo, from New York. At (llasgow Sailed Stato of Nebraska, for New Vnrk. .,,,, At New York Arrived Sardinian, from ainniJiiw. . , x. At 1,01111011 rtrri ven .nvati i'i, iiuiu Vorlf At Naples Arrived I lohcnzollern, from Now YorK tor licnuu. WANTS TO REMAIN IN JAIL AkciI Man "Weeps I.Ike u Child When Told Hp Would Ho Liberated. UPPER SANDUSKY, 0 March 22. Daniel Carr, who was recently on trial for tho second time on tho charge of manslaughter, nt which tlmo tho Jury dis agreed. Is still confined In Jail hero and docs not wunt to leavo It. Ho Is 73 years old, haa no homo and rather than go to tho Infirmary, ho wants to be locked In Jail. Whcu Carr heard that tho prose cuting attorney would probubly nolle tho Indictment against him, ho wept llko n child and becamo sick worrying over his future. Tho services of a physician wero required. GOVERNOR YATES' INVALID Daughter of Mrs. llootli-Tiiekt-r Suf fers Seriously ultli Attnek of (.rip. SPRINGFIELD. III.. March 22. Minn Tucker, dnuehtcr nf Cnnmil Mro rtnnih. Tucker of tho Salvation army. Is critically 111 wltli grip nt tho executive mansion. Mrs. Booth-Tucker, who has been a guest of Governor and Mrs. Yates for nevprnt days, has canceled all her lecturo engage ments on account of her daughter's Illness. HYMENEAL. lOiiKiiKrinen t In ltonl Circles. WEIMER, March 22. It Is stated on re liable authority that Grand Duko Wllhelni Ernest of Snxo-Wclmar will, on tho ex piration of tho period of mourning for Queen Victoria, become engaged to the youngest daughter of the lato Duko Alfred of Suxo-Coburg-Gotha. .ev .Mexican Working for Statehood, SANTA FE. N. M.. March 22.-Oovornor Otero has signed a resolution adopted by the territorial legislature authorizing tho appointment of a non-partisan commission of fourteen, with tho governor as nn ox offlclo member, to go to Waahlnston nnd worK ror statehood una against the inter national dam project, and aimronrlutlnr $2,(W0 for the purpose. I'nsKfH Oli-nniiirMnrlne Hill. CHI I , A ITT Htf.nli " Tlin f,.,ln l.lll ... n 1 1 . ... i.i .,-, . ..v. pu.uitu mi, j in hibiting yellow color for oleomargarine und providing regulations and restrictions for Its mt .ii, f ,,1 II rn nllrl Wlitp wnu f 11 vi.rii . -,, ported to the houso by tho committee on .1..I.... trrA iirnilllulu mill vmaand iinnp tii.a pension sof tho rules. The mcasuro is n copy of the Massachusetts law and now goes to tho governor for his signature. Sue Hnllroiul for HniiirtKe. William Orovo has begun suit ngulnst the Union Pnclflc Railroad company for JIJM V J THE PURE W GRAIN COFFEE Do you know that three-quarters of all the world's headaches nro tho result of using tea and coffeo ? So physicians Bay. Quit them and the headaches quit. Grain-0 has tho coffee taste but no headaches. Ailr' " ' ' A HOME PRODUCT Iletter than Imported, Cook's Imperial EXTRA DRY Delicious Invigorating harmless, Absolutely pure. Batduffs Easter Reminder Two wi'cks froiji riuntlay Ik Kiistcr--ami wo mi) riuiily now with the hitiid Homu&t ICnster novelties wu'vo uver Hhown Tlioro aro birds, chicks, brown ies, candy eggH, silk nnd sat In t'Kgs nnd tho greatest collection of novelty baskets-all tilled with out' delicious cniitly We'll niiiko to older anything you desire for your Banter dinner ko creain. Iced puddings, punches-no mut ter what give us jour order early nnd wu will guarantco satisfaction. W. S. Balduff, 1S20 Famtn Su CLERGY MINISTER TOJHE SICK. From Many Parsonages Come Words of Praise for Paine's Celery Compound. Moro practical work and shorter doc trinal sermons distinguish tho pulpit of today. Illshops and plain ministers of tho gospol aro putting tremendous energy Into the cause of good government and public, health. Tho injunction, "Minister to tho sick and suffering," Is being literally obeyed. Clergymen aro Investigating romcdles ns they havo never done before, taking them, themselves and family, frankly rocominend- Ing thn valuable ones on condemning the' worthless. Rev. W. 13. Aldrldgc, of Birmingham, Ala., Bays ho considers It his duty lo let his peo ple know about Palno celery compound, as ho .speaks from personal knowledge. Ho says: Ocntlcmen: I havo been nflUcted for ten yenrs with what I thought to bo heart dis ease, but after having tho physicians ox amino me,, T loarncd that I was almost dead with Indigestion. They told mo that they could glvo mo mcdlclno that would relieve me, but there was no permanent cure. Then I began using Palno's celery compound, which gave mo Immedlnto relief, and now I am well and enjoying good health. I can recommond Palno's celery compound to bo the best remedy for all ailments I ever used, and furthermore, I tell my peo plo if they will uso thu compound freely they will havo no doctor's bill to pay. JtKV. W. E. ALDU1DOK. Clergymen In every denomination are recommending to their parishioners theso March days tho great spring remedy that makes people well, earnestly endorsing the work of Dartmouth College's generous scientist, nnd frankly lending their Influ ence to that of tho best physicians advis ing tho uso of Palue's colory compound, now spring haa come. As soon ns ono has fairly begun to use Palno's Celery Compound, every dHy Is a step toward assured health. Nervous, un happy and feeble persons find their flesh becomes moro solid, a moro healthy color takes tho placo of tho wnxy, sallow look, and thcro comes nn Increase In tho voltmo ot tho blood nnd an Improved normal n. petlto because of this rapid feeding of tho entire nervous'Bystem. Clerks, employers, Inwyera, doctors, mothers of families, hard working men nnd wometi In every stato and country, and hosis o-f ornln workers tho most Intelli gent part of ovcry community aro to'day taking Palno's colnry compound with tha happiest results to relievo themselves of rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous exhaustion, dyspepsia, sleeplessness, nnd low spirits. (let rid of languor, cleat- tho muddy, un healthy skin, plump out tho body, and get back to n normal, vigorous condition with Palno's eclory compound nnd begin now. March Is tho month when It Is easiest to begin health. da ma ccs, Ho was Injured whllo worklni: for tho comnnny In u wrccklnz crew at Cooper Lake, Wyo April 29, 1900. His loft arm was broken and lucernted, and be charges tho company's employes, with negligence Mei-ryiuun ArrcMeil for Iliannlty. George IJ, Merrymun, the philanthropic Individual who spent nil of Thursday in hiring men lo shovel snnw from the streets, was arrested Krlday night on an insanity charge. At tho tlmo lie was wearing a tall silk hat, a skull wig. a long false heard and n nyed mustache, which altered his appear ance greatly, but not enough tu escapo the notice of Patrolman llareld. Merrymun mild bis workmen with worthless checks and In the unexpected event of being de clared sane ho will bo prosecuted on that charge. MorlnlMy Slut In t leu. Tim fnllnuL'ltir- ildnlliu u'nr.i mnnrtfifl to Dm city heulth commissioner for tho twenty four hours ending at noon Krlday: Charlos Codler, 1403 North Klghtpenth, aged 4 months; j-;tiuie weuuiunu, inu uniiue, ugen IB: Anna P. liruner. 2UI1 Center, aged 8 days. A SKIN OP BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER DR.T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM, OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER. lttmovtt Tun, Plmplta, Frccklei, Moth Patch. Hurt und Skin dli. rare, and tverjr lilrrnlfli on beauty, and deflM dttac tlon. It haa atood the teal of fin yrari, and la to harmltM we taita It to ba aura 't la properly madf. Accept no countrr. tell or almllar name. Dr. I,. A. Snyre aald ta a la dy of the haul-ton ta nfltlnnttt "As you ladles will usn them, 1 recom mend 'QOUHAUD'B CHKAM' ns tho least harmful of all thn Hkln preparations," Kor sale bv all Druggists nnd Kancy Goods Dealers In the U, B. and Europe. FBIll). T. HOPKINS. Prop'r, S7 Great Jones St.. N. V. There's no Danger of your lioy bclnj; dissatisfied with our dollar and u lialf shoes They're made with as much euro ns any shoe shaped like the foot so as lo slvu comfort and growing opportunities You'll have no Kiel; coining, for they'll wear like lion and he will havo to do sonio mighty tall kicking and sliding In wear them out he- fore you get your money's worth and you will get moro than a dollar nnd a half worth out of every pair you buy Saturday Is hoys' shoe day at Drexel's, and that's Ihu time you ought to bring tho boys These shoes have heen leaders with us for years. Drexel Shoe Co,, Cntiilouiie Sent I'rre for the AnkliiK, Oiunlin'N I'li-to-dnt c Shoe limine. IIIM I'' A H.N AM .STHHUT, Reliable Pianos- We have sold for 2IJ years and aro still selling them we always keep tho best you run no risk In buying your piano from this old-established house every Instrument Is guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction If not, you have your money bnelc our extensive stock of thu following high grade planus is always on huiid-Knabo, Kranlch Hi Daeh, Kimball, Hallet k Davis, Seliu ninnn, Mcl'hall, Whitney, Frascr, S'eed ham. etc., etc. Phono 1SS when you want your plnno tuned, replilred polished or moved. A. HOSPE, Hull yi Art 1613 Daunts