Til 13 OMAHA DAILY llJil2: SATT'HDAY, MAHCH L'J, 1901. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. 8 If a Woman is in Love That's her business. If a Man is in Love That's his business, COUNCIL MI.Mtl 3IHNTIU. DuvIh Kcllit driiRfi. Ktoi-krrt rll carpets und ruBS. Has fixtures and globes at Illxby's. l-'lne A 11 C lnrr, Nrumnyor's hotel. Wollnmn, sclpnlHlc optician, m H'wny. V J. Hostettcr, ilantlst, Hiilriwln block. lAffert, Jowclcr, optician, 2S8 Hroadway. J. A. Hnow, auctioneer, H'wny, opp. I. - Jllm Marin Hryanl of Third street Is Vliltlng In ChlcnRo. V I' OmlT, timlertiikpr nml tllslnfoctor, 101 Hotlth Main street, 'l'lionc 006. Oct your work dono nt the popular kaBle launilry, 721 Uroadwuy. 'Phono 157. Morsun & Kloln, uplioIstcrinK. furniture repairing, mattress mnldriR. 122 Mn"1 Hl; 20 per rrnt discount Halo on fnimes Bmi f rn m d plotiiron. Alcxntidnr & Co., ,M nuu. Mr, nml Mm. Chart Houtenj of Vhey ennr. Wyii., art- guests of Council ItlutTs frirndrt. C V flwiirm. postmaster nt O-ikliuirl. , Iu., wis yi.Ht.Tduy the KUi"t of I. J. Jut", clerk of the illstrlct court. ltironlir Horkpr of Wooilhnry county, lown, yeMrrilay railed on County Iteconler Bmlth at the court lioiif.e. Jump Mcltobi-rtrt Is Iwmi' from Kansas City, where lio has been Kriulunteil from the "Western WtiTlimry college. Mr. unit Mrs. II. Hood of Cooper, Mich., nre Kiiests of Mr. and Mrs, John Shlnkle, SOS Houth KlKhteeenth street. A want ail In The Boo will brlns results. The siune attention given to a wnnt nd In Council Muffs as nt tho Omaha olllce. Charles and Minnie Tucker will have a hearing this morning before Jimtlce Ferrler on a charge of assault and battery pre ferred ngnlnst them by F. . W 'bbs. William Klrby llled an amendment to his petition for dlvorcp from Nellie Klrby yes tcrduy In which ho named Italph Klrby, a. nephew, as one of the co-respondents. John Jllalr. M years of nge, was ar rested yesterday ntternoon by a policeman while throwing snowballs at n peddler of bananas nt Hroadway Hnd Main streot. Tim money order department at the poit ofllcii has befii moved Into temporary (Uar ters nl thn wiutli end of the building dur ing the repairs being made by Contractor llnttln. , Itovlv.il meetings In the Kpworth Metho dist church, conducted by Mrs. I tattle Livingston of Des Moines, will close tomor row afternoon with a servlco beginning nt 2 o'clock. Mrs. Ivlngston will preside r.t u closing rally tomorrow evening nt 7:30 In tho Fifth Avenuo ihurch. Thero will be n campllre tonight In Ornnd Army hall by Abo Lincoln post, to which tho members of tho post nml their wives, the memlxTs of thn Woman's Relief corpj and their husbands, and all honorary mem born havo benn Invited, Refreshments will bo served and n musical and literary pro gram given. On the application of Mrs. Annlo M. Brown, widow, It. D. Harle. of llarle. Haas & Co. was yesterday nppolnted adminis trator of the estate of Erasmus C. Brown, Houth Main street druggist. The bonil was tlxect at J1.5O0. The administrator will cirry on the business for the benefit of tho creditors. ilusliy Hros. big compnny In that repre sentative temperancu drama, "Ten Nights In a Hnrroom," nt the Dohnny theater, matinee today and tonight. This beautiful drama depicts u series of truthtul scenes In the course of a drunkard's life. The piny ts marred by no exaggerations, but exhibits tho actualities of llfo with a severe sim plicity and an adherence to truth that gives every picture n photographic vividness. An an Indication that spring Is hero one only has to gazo iu tho windows of ttie Novoliy Cloak store, Kits Hroudwny. They urn tho most beautifully decorateil windows Iu the city, so far this si'iisou, showing the latest novelties In millinery anil ladles silk waists, gloves and ninny other articles of wearing apparel dear to tho femlnlnu heart. Tho styles of millinery uro especially milium nml pretty and tho windows are a bower of loveliness. Mr. Pcarlmnnn. tho proprietor, Is being highly complimented over tho excellent taste, he made In select ing such choice, goods for his trade. llcnncssy l,croylc, who has achieved great fame In tho up-to-date comedy, "Other People's Money, will appear at the Dohnny thcutcr tomorrow evening, sup ported by u compuuy of remarkable strength. Thn story Is most laughable, ac (lualutlng us with n clerk who elopes with Ids mllllonalrn employer's daughter, wliom tho parents desire to luivo wedded to an other, a rich but exceedingly distasteful old liog dealer. The plan of the elopement Is carried n.it nt the Instigation of the girl's father, who falls to discover that Ills own dnughtet Is to bo thn heroine .of thn io mancn until nil Is over. In tno company supporting Mr. I.eroyln Is Miss May Sar gent, whose cleviT Impersonation of Tlelka Nan Hltturt, tho scheming coquette, Is pleasantly remembered from last season, N. Y. Plumbing Co., tolepnono ZSO. Vice I'reslilt'iit from I'.noli Church. A meeting will bo Thursday afternoon nt tho home of Mrs. 0. (J. tinlrd, TGC Mill street, to complete the organization of a local branch of tho Womnu'ti Christian Tcmpcranco union. Mrs. A. M. Johnson lias been clecteil recording secretary and Mra. 0. Denny of tho First Dnptist church nad Mrs. v. It. Foster of Trlulty Methodist church, vice presidents. It Is tho Intention to appoint n vice president from cuch church In the city. STRONG AGAIN. You who once possessed sturdy phys iques mid steady nerves, but now have insufficient physical force to properly attend to ordinary duties; you who Imveaseuscof "nll-goaeiies.Vrofterthe lightest exertion; you who are dull, languid and old in spirits at nn age when you should be f ullof physical fire; you wlio may feel that your life is not worth the struggle there Uabcleutlnc means of redeeming all the precious powers which seem to be entliely lost. Have cured thousands such as you. Don't experiment with your health or money. We will take the risk. II six tioxes do not cure you, your money is returned, I'or years we have been curing men cu these satisfactory terms. 81.00 ner box. 0 for S"00 mailed In plain package. Hook free. Addrrs I l'KAt, Nvn'riN' en ""vrlnml. Oilio, old by Kuho ic Co., Hti. and Douglas, and U. A. union, ctouin 'jmana. Bare Facts Wo lay barn to tho people of Council muffs and vicinity tho fitelH that shoulil appeal lo their Judgment. There Is no hotter shoo mado In tho world than tho celebrated HANAN SHOES These shoes Cost u little moro than somo other brands, but tho value Is there. They nro mado from tho best material ami by high priced, skilled workmen. Five dollars buys a i. nli' nf thrxn iiu-tn.ilate. styl ish, woll wearing shoes, For tho best ulwnys go to SARGENT'S ' Look for tlio Hear. FARM LOANS Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska, and town. James N, Casady, r U'G Main SC. Council muffs. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director (Successor to W, C. Estop) EB P1UUL bTRttr. 'i'liuue 07. BLUFFS. BACK TO THE PENITENTIARY tbarlci BtcTenton'i Eetura Ordered bj QoTtrnor Shaw. HAD BEEN OUT A YEAR ON PAROLE llecmine of the The It of Tons of lliiy Ho .Must Fill Out Ills Unexpired Term mill Forfeit All Clnlm to Good llelimlor Time. Charles Stevenson of this city, who n year ago yesterday was released from the penitentiary nt Fort Madison, having been paroled by Governor Shaw, was last even ing taken back to the penitentiary to servo out his unexpired term of ono year, February 28, 18HU, Stevenson was con victed by n Jury in tho district court here of obtaining money under falso pretenses and ho was sentenced to two yenrs at hard labor In the penitentiary. Stevenson obtained a $100 loan from A. A. Clark &. Co, on a team of mules and a wagon which ho claimed to bo his property, but which were later proved to belong to the Iowa School for the Deaf. He found tho team hitched on Hroadway, wh)Ie tho man In chargo was In a nenrby store. Stevenson unhitched tho team and drovo It to In front of Clark & Co.'s olUcc, where, rep resenting the outfit to be his properly, ho succeeded In securing n. loan of $100. After receiving the money, ho drovo tho team and wagon to a sldo street, whero ho hitched It nnd went on his way. Friends of tho young man Interested themselves In his behnlf and on his promlso to reform secured a parolo from Governor Shaw after Stevenson hnd served ono year of the two years' sentence. Ho was released from tho penitentiary on March 22, 1600. About a month ngo Stevenson was ar rested on complaint of J. F. Mooro of Onawa, la., who charged him with steal ing ten tons of hny which tho former had stored In this city waiting for a rnlso In tho market. Part of tho stolen hay was recovered by Mooro on replevin proceed ings nnd Ste.vetiBon was sentenced to thirty days In tho county Jail. Tho at tention of tho governor was called to the young man's backsliding and nn order from tho executive department was received yes terday by Sheriff Cousins Instructing him to tako back Stevenson to tho peniten tiary, whero ho will be required to" servo out tho full balance of his original fcontonce. Stevenson by breaking tho con ditions of his parolo will forfeit whatever good tlmo ho may havo earned while In tho penitentiary. Dnnco tonight nt Hughes' hall. (illAIIAM HUM) FOR CHAM) JURY. Iiiillniiii Sheriff Also Wnntn n Cliuncc (o ;( nt Him. C. J. Ornham, arrested on complaint of his wife, had a preliminary hearing before Judge Aylesworth yesterday and was bound over to the grand Jury. His bond waB llxcd at $500, in defuult of which ho was committed to tho county Jal!. Fearing that tho caso In tho pollen court might fall through or that her husband might succeed In giving bail, Mrs. Ornham filed n second information ngalnst him on a similar chnrgo In Justice Fcrrlcr's court. Ousslo Schulo, tho young woman In tho case, when placed on tho stand In tho morn ing, declined to testify for fear of Incrlml natng herself, but later In the day changed her mind and gavo her ovldcncc. Albert Hetties, tho escaped prisoner from tho Lancaster county Jail In Lincoln, who was associated with Graham In tho manu facture nnd snlo of soap, was subpoenaed on behalf of tho state. Ho proved any thing but a satisfactory witness nnd bin evasion when asked a question led to con siderable cross-fencing between him and Assistant County Attorney Klmhnll. Tho court had frequently to Interfere and com pel the witness to answer the questions put to hi in. Sheriff Cousins rccelvod a telegram yes terday from Clinton A. Bondurnnt, shorlff of Plymouth, lnd saying: "Hold John Kuhns, alias Charles Graham, until I can write." Nothing Is known hero of what Graham Is wanted for In Indiana. Graham's homo Is at Ligonter, Ind., where Ills fathor Is a wealthy carriage manufacturer. I'lOMKRAI, COURT IS AlMOUIlXi:!). llorly Recess the Result of I.nck of (.'uses to Try. Judgo McPhcrson adjourned tho present term of federal court yesterday morning until April 3, when ho will return here utter holding court at Crcston, Judge nnd Mrs. McPherson will go to their homo at Red Oak this morning. This early adjournment was duo to tho bottom falling out of tho assignment of cases. Tho three enscs against the Council muffs Canning company hod been set for yesterday morning, but at tho request of all parties concerned were continued until next month. The petition of Intervention of Knud Jensen In tho matter of the receivership of tho Omnha & St. Louis railroad was referred to Master In Chancery Ross. Jen sen secured n verdict against tho rail road company In tho state court for $1,300 for Injuries iccelvcd whtlo In Its employ. Ho now seeks to havo his claim preferred, Charles Hennott, sentenced to six months' Imprisonment In tho Montgomery county Jail at Red Oak for pabslng a counterfeit $5 bill, was taken thero last evening by ucputy united States Marshal McNaught. United States Marshal George M. Chris tlan left last evening for his homo nt Grlunell. Dance tonight nt Hughes' hall. 20 per cont discount sale on frames and framed pictures. Alexander & Co., 333 n'way. Davis sells glass. .Ilovcrry Met Drnf.li While DrluklrtK. Tho funeral of Fred J. Mowcry, who died tuddcnly In Mergcn'a saloon, will bo this afternoon nt 3 o'clock from tho homo of FOR RENT... THE BEN0 STORES No 29, 31, 33, 35 Pearl St. No. 28, 30, 32, 31 Main St. These stores iu the center of the city and occupied for many yean by John Beno & Co., the largest retail dry goods and clothing dealers In western Iowa, who have re moved to more extensive quarters In th Elsemnn building. Rent vory low to desirable parties on Ions lease. E H, SHEAFE & CO RENTAL AGENTS. 6 Pearl Street, Council Olutti. his mother, Mrs. Scott, 1001 Third avenue. Hurlal will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. Members of the family of the dead man deny that ho was In tho act of raising n glass of whisky to his mouth when lie dropped dead. They say that Mowcry was not feeling well and went Into a small room at tho rear of the saloon and sat down at a table. A few minutes Inter ho was found by a companion to be breathing his last. Our customers were so woll pleased with tho'b.mnnas that wo were selling last week at 10c per dozen that wo have again mado arrangements with commission men to sup ply us with all wo can sell nt tho samo price, 10c per dozen. They nro extra fine. Wa also have ripe tomatoes, pieplant, radishes, Icttuco and unions. Bnrtel & Miller, 'phone 339. Dance tonight nt Hughes' hall. I.VSl'RAXCIJ OK I'lrilMO .SCHOOLS. Vi'iirl)' Tttn TliuiiHMIiil Dollars for Tlirt'i1 Yt'iirs' Pniti'i'tloii. Tint Hoard of Education nt Its ndjourncd meeting Inst night decided to placo Insur aiico to tho amount of $117,700 upon tho Kchoot buildings of tho district, exclusive, of tho new High school. The latter build ing, now In course of construction, will not bo rendy to Insuro until July. The pre mium on this amount on n thrco years' pol icy will, It Is estimated, ho nhout $1,020, or $610 n year for tho thrco years. The amount of Insurance recommended by the committee, on buildings ami grounds will bo divided as follows, the estimated value of each building being given: Kstlmutcd Value. Insurance. Wushlngtnn Avenuo $ 40,(n) $ 2.-1,0111) Hloomor tn.onn 211,001) Twentieth Avenuo t0,("l 25,() Third Street Ifi.OOO 10.000 Pierre Street 15,fln0 10,000 North Might Street ir.,000 0.000 Avenuo 1) l!,noo lO.ono Thirty-second Street 8,n S.t) Mndlson Avenuo S.Ooo r,,ooo Harrison Street S.Ooo c.coo Cut Off l.fi(K) 1,2-n) Woodbury fr rn) Uunti 700 r.) Clark 7o) CiO Old High School IO.0O11 ti.ono Klghth Avenuo n.ooo 4,oji) Second Avcnilu 15.0T0 10,000 Totals $:.TJ,X) $147,700 In his report as chairman of tho build ings nnd grounds committee, to which tho matter had been referred, Mr. Cooper In cluded $15,000 on tho new High school building, ninking tho total nmount of In surnnco recommended $192,700. In tho dis cussion that followed tho rending of tho report, It wob suggested that tho new High school was not far enough ndvnnced to bo Insured nt tho present tlmo nnd this Item wns cut out of tho list. Mr. Swalno and Mr. Keller expressed tho opinion that tho amount was excessive, especially us regards tho Washington nve nuo school, which Is across tho street from engine houso No. 3. Mr. Keller moved to amend tho adoption of tho committee's to port by having each member suggest tho amount he considered tho schools ought to bo Insured for and then to strlko an aver age by dividing the total of such amounts by seven, tho number of momhers on tho board. His amendment on being put to a voto failed to curry and tho adoption of tho committee's report carried, Shugart, Swalno nnd Keller voting ngalnst It. It wns then decided to Insuro for three years and tho matter of placing tho risks was left with tho commlttco on bulldlng3 and grounds. AtlJufitliiK KlitilnrKfArteiift. Tho peoplo. having voted at tho recent election to maintain tho kindergartens nu part of tho school system, It was decided to niako a slight though none tho less Im portant change In tho length of tho course of study by doing away with the name of the preliminary course and merging tho work In tho first grade, thus getting the work of Ave semesters into four. The kindergarten courso will bo ono year and tho courso of study abovo the kindergarten, Including the High school, will bo twclvo years. Hy this now arrangement It will save the pupil a year In tho primary grades. Tho matter of blackboards for tho new High school enmo up for dlRCtlBslon, but ns the members were divided In their prcfcrcnco as to nntural slato or compo sition action wan deterred until the next meeting. Tho buildings and grounds committee was authorized to secure abstracts of tho prop erty ordered sold and to havo a plat mado of tho old High school grounds, part of which is to be divided Into lots nnd sold. Superintendent Clifford and Principal I'.n- slgn wero authorized to make tho neces sary arruugemcnts for tho graduating exor cises of tho High school. J. J. Stewart's bill of $1,150 for nttorney fees in defending tho district In tho Smith ventilator suit wns allowed on recom mendation of tho flnanco commlttco and ordered paid. Chairman Macrao of the text books com mittee reported that ho had Invcstlgntod tho question of tho legality of having tho union lnbol placed on all printed supplies and pamphlets distributed by tho hoard and found tho board had n right lo grant tho request of tho Typographical union In this respect. Tho rending of tho resolu tion submitted by tho Typographical union disclosed tho fact that it also called for tho union Inbcl on nil text books. Chair man Macrao was not ready to report ns to this phase of the question and nt his request tho committee was given further time. The resignation of Miss Swire, teacher In tho Plcrco street Bchool, was accepted. MIbs Shea will tako her room and Miss Connor will act as assistant between tho Plerco Btrcet nnd Third streot schools. Miss Maud Robinson was elected a substi tute teacher, to till tho vacancy thus caused. Messrs. Cox & Schocntgon, the board's architects, wero Instructed to dmft plans for a four-room addition to bo built on tho south sldo of tho Second avenuo school. At tho recent election a lovy of $6,000 for this purposo wns voted. The architects wero also Instructed to preparo plnns for new toilet rooms for the nioomer school. Tho board ndjourncd to meet at the call of tho president. Last week tho demand for our bananas was so great that wo wero unable to fill It, but this week we havo secured a .largor stock of cholco bannnas nnd will sell thAm at tho samo price, lOo per dozen. Hartel &. Miller, 'phono 359. .Mllllnrr)' 0irnliiH'. On Monday, March 25, Mrs. Albln Huster will give hor spring opening of choice mil linery goods. Concert in tho ovenlng. Dance tonight nt Hughes' hull. Gravel roofing. A. H. Reed, 541 Hroad'y, Davis sells paint. COl 1.1) .NOT GUT ItKOLISlTIO.V. Aiitluirltlt'N ,Vri' Furred to Uridine Albert 114-ttlex. Albert Hetties, who escaped from tho Lancaster county Jail at Lincoln, Nob,, last January and was arrested In this city n fow dnys ago, was released yesterday morning. Ho refused to roturn to Ne braska without requisition pnpers when Sheriff Urnnson enmo here far him. Yes terday Sheriff Ifranson notified the police here that he could not secure papers for Hottles' return, so ho was released from custody. DeLQDg'B stationery department is right. NOT AFRAID OF SMALLPOX Folk Ooaatj Auditor nd Ricrdr Hare to Be Bmoked Oat. ORPHANS HOME TO RECEIVE ITS MONEY A. V. Slorm of Clierifkec Comity Cnii fllilntr for Superintendent of I'ub 1 1 e- lllKtriK'Miui Mftlllldlnt Coil frri'tice lit HookHI City. D12S MOIN'KS, Murch 22. (Special.) Tho health ofllcers ordered tho court houso closed and fumigated because of small pox. Tho county auditor nnd county recorder refused to close. Today the formnldchydo generators wero placed In tho hall nnd tho building wns subjected to the fumes. The auditor stood it until 10 o'clock, when ho nnd hts force capitulated. Later In tho day tho county rocorder nnd his force accepted the Inevitable and gavo In, Oriiliiins' II nine t.'rti Monry. Attorney General Mulhin today decided tho caso submitted to him by tho Stato Iloard of Control with roferenco to tho appropriation for 0110 month In 180S, which never went to tho credit of tho Iowa Soldiers' Orphnns' homo nt Davenport. Ho roaches tho conclusion that tho money should bo given the home. Another Stnle ('nnillilnto. Superintendent A. V. Storm of Cherokee county Is announced ns n candidate for superintendent of public Instruction, the announcement having been mado In his homo papers today. Ho has been In school work In Illinois and wns superintendent nt Storm Lako a fow years. His Is tho first announced candidacy In opposition to tho present state superintendent, who It was expected would bo renominated with out opposition. Klrnt of Coiiferrnrps. Tho first of tho semi-annual Methodist conferences Is to be held at Rockwell City April 22-21 next, hls being tho confer ence of tho Mnrshalltown district. In tho program, among other things Is 11 dlscusslpn of "tho Use of Newspnpcrs," "tho Nature of Dowlelsm" nnd "tho Preacher as n Lecturer." Tho annunl conferenro of tho United Hrethrcn church for Iowa Is In session In Muscntlne. It was Intended that the conferenco should bo held In Moravia, but an epidemic of smallpox prevented. Iilaliop Cnstlo Is presiding. 1'ri'iuirliiK: for I'nt-kliiK. William Agor, ono of tho now owners of tho packing houso In Des Moines, nrrlved In tho olty from Chicago p.nd ts busy pre paring to enmmenco operations. Tho pack ing plant has been Idle so long that n vast nmount of lepalrs nro necessary and much of tho machinery must bo entirely replaced. It Is the expectation that kill ing can be commenced In a month or six weeks. Mnplc Vullry Firemen .Heel, ONAWA, In., March 22. (Special.) At n meeting of tho Mnplu Vnlloy Firemen's Tournament association tho program of last year was ndoptcd. The placo of tho coming nnpual tournament will bo decided at a meeting at Ida'Grovc, April 10. Snlc of ,Olient Xen mumt. ONAWA. In., March 22. (Special.) The Onawa Gazette.- thn oldest paper In Monona county, hna boon sold to A. D. Potter, until recently of Spcarflsh, S. D. Tho Gnzotto was established by Horvendoftcr &. Aldrldge In tho winter of ifcOfi. llonril of Clinritlea Convention. RED OAK, la., March 22. (Special.) Tho fourth annual convention of tho Iowa Stato Hoard of Charities nnd Corrections will bo In Red Oak, April 3, 4 and C. Prlcklv Ash Hitters eiiron illonno nt kidneys, cleanses and strengthens the liver, stomach nnd bowels. MlNNnm-I'M i:Misltlon Dcli'Kiit Ion. JEFFHRSON CITY. Mo.. March Si-Governor Dockery today appointed the follow ing us u board of commissioners to r..nrn- sent Missouri at tho Punamerlcan (Huffalo) and Charleston (8. C.) expositions: Robert M. Yost. St. Louis; K, 8. Carver, Orant City; Jthn T. Hi-al, Kdlnn; Fred H. Graves. Dou Run, nnd Charles C. Hell, Hoonevllle, Tho commission organized bv electlin- thn following otUcera: K. S, Gnrver, president; John T. Hen I, vlco president; Robert M, Yost, secretary, nnd Charles C. Hell, treas- An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of tho well known remedy, Hyitui' op Fiob, manufactured by tho Califohnia Fid Sviiup Co., illtistrnto tlio vnluoof obtaining- tho liquid laza tivo principles of plants known to be medicinally laxntlvo nnd presenting them in the form most refreshing" to tha tasto and acceptable to tho system. It is tho one perfect strengthening lnxa tl", cleansing tho system effectually, dispelling colds, heailnchcs and fevere gently yet promptly and enabling ono to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, nnd its acting on tho kidneys, livor and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, mako it tho ideal laxative. In tho process of manufacturing figs aro used, as they are pleasant to tho tasto, but the medicinal qualities of tho remedy aro obtai.icd from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to tho CAi.irortMA Fio Syhup Co. only. In order to got its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember tho full namo of tho Company printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, BAN FRANCISCO, GAL. LotnavnxE. mr. new york, n. y. Forsalo by all D'ugglsts, Price 60c, per bottla DOHflNY THEATERA Mat. and Night, Saturday, Mar. 23 111.S11V linos.' Hlg Drnmntlo and Vnudevlllo Company Ten Nights in a Barroom Superb Hrass Hnnd nnd Orchestra. Tho chllilroii will curb be presented with a packugo of candy nt tho matinee, Matlneo prices: Children, 10c: adults, 3c. Nlk'ht prices; iiv, uud If They Get Married That's their business, When They Buy Wearing Apparel That's our Business We furnish hundreds of women, young and old, with fashions able Cloaks, Suits, Skirts, Waists, Mackintoshes, readyv made to order, Millinery, Lace and Tapestry Curtains, Rogers' Silverware, Bissell's "Syco'V Bearing Carpet Sweepers, Cash or Easy payments at the prevailing cash prices of other stores, Our Millinery department is complete in every respect. Our Silk Waists are immense in styles, beauty and value, The Novelty Cloak Store 536 Broadway, Council Bluffs Open evenings till after Easter. Direct Line Across . the Continent will sell tickets at the following reduced rates from Omaha TO California, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Dlep, Including all main line points, north California etato line to Colton, San Bornardlno, and San Diego $25.00 NEW CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM STREET Tel. 316. UNION STATION, TENTH AND MARCY STREETS Tel. 62t. Convalescent After Fever and t- 1 k.,,, r t 1. .in. . IdKC J1IUII 5 UrlIU lUllli. XIIU IIUW If UIIUUl IUI VUU JIUUllll! lUJ'iUIJ builds up the e.Vdtein, tastes good. Druggists, 60 conta. Tho Lightning Mcdlclno Co., nock Island, Ills. Mull's Llchtnlnc Pain Killer kills any palu lnstntly. 25c. H: COUNCIL John Beno &f o OUR "CLEANING-UP" DAYS Wo have established tho rulo of making tho last two days of each week "clean-up" In tho different departments. Anything In short lengths of goods or broken lines of stock goes on tho remnant counters on theso days and car ries a prlco that constitutes It a genuine bargain. Silks Wo find many of our cholco patterns reduced to what might bo called "short IcngthB," yot nearly all havo waist lengths and somo full dress pat terns, yet all havo tho "remnant" price. ai.i. ninwiiTsiuvrs Advice to Office Seekers. April and May are the months whjn most people do their moving. The proapecta are that the demand for of fice In Omaha wa never so trreat as It will bo this spring. There are not a great many rooma vacant In The Bee Building but therw are among them several which aw particularly choice: one dl reotly In front of the elevator on the 6th floor: one on tho 1st floor next to the entrance to The Bee builneea of fice: a aulte of three rooms on the Urd floor, and a very large office and vault on the ground floor facing 17th tlet. Besides theee, there are four or five kmaller rooma tn various part of the building. The rents are reasonable and the service perfect. R. C. PETERS & CO., RENTAL AGENTS, Ground Floor. Bee Bulldlar, Omaha. Get Ahead of the Spring Rush For Offices. Every Tuesday in .MARCH and AI'KIL tho Union Pacific 1 TO Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Montana and Washington, Ogden and Salt Lake City, Utah, Dutto and Helena, Montana $23,00 Portland, Oregon, Spokane, Washing ton, Tacoma and Seattle, Washing ton $25,00 Wasting Disease? nrA...iM rn v 1 i.An1i. Hnntrll.i BLUFFS. Embroideries Just at tho beginning of tho season we find an accumulation of abort lengths In somo of tho best sollors. Wo Insist on theso being sold and have marked "remnant" on them. snow special riAiu.AiNS. Published Friday, Mar. 15. BetsyR OSS A Minot of the Flif, nr a a hotoukjks. Om Toi.. lna. alaOi 11 nn "OW Ok7'' nt djvtanol br llrt Itn ' . k-, ,N wir airmail c wnWnjttn. Th prHurni nrurm of U Ti iT. . . trim ttuumiuii tnf itorr br th uithnr nt T'ln n.n.nr. c Ik Klni." It ia entitled Betsy R.oss rSomeIll-VscdWords Bj ALFRED ATMS. One nl., loroo, olotA. 11.00. X i7La cwnwia ohm mix- i wmci wwn vj writ iuya ticrj' vuv. opfeton. China. 7VMifl Mill lorj.lia.l... J 4 1 .m.i . f i i .77 wiui ui Aorouu ' Ui, iit t1 KA-MUUUtunmt of 1'cSc I By Gnml JAMBH HAlUUHON W1UKJN, rowrpu ami rvMt, iauu, tioui, 1.1(1. 0mt Wltwn Is one of tk imtat i irjxnum on millt&ry if. ii dm iwiot TWiira Unina: D. Appleton & Company, 72 Fifth Avenuo, New York. You Can Buy Brains at meat market, or yon oan hire other people to think for you, or a nimble fingered girl to write your letters, but do you know a good dictionary is a great help In writing or speak ing correctly? Probably you bar a decrepit Id dictionary tn your office. It la so tatterod and dirty that you Mldaci use It. Throw it la tha wast basket and get a Standard Dictionary It ta the latait out and scholars everywhere pronounce It the keat. Containing over lOO.COO words aad having a corps of 140 dlters, specialists and educated tea, cestlag nearly a mlllloa tollers before plaoed before tke public, It ought to be a valuable book. It is a valuable book kr far the beit dictionary before the EBgUih-apeaklng peeata. CAXTj on or write th mdobath btationert oa Wot FAHMAM BTKBST, IN lUSOAJtD TO IT. 5 D0HANY THEATER Sunday, March 24. HENNESY LEROYLE Will present yon with OTHER PEOTLE'S MONEY A comedy that has sot them all talking. I'riocs l!5ef 3CV 50c, 76o.