Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Grand Millinery Opening Saturday
The display of all that is new and stylish in every line of spring merchandise, together with the hundreds of
special bargains on special sale, will make a visit Saturday interesting and profitable to every lady of taste and
lover of economy, AGENTS FOR BUTTERICK PATTERNS, .........
Watch for
Big Carpet Sale
Watch for
Big Carpet Sale
Millinery Opening
The beauties of the new
spring and Hummei millinery
cannot hp described. All the
productions have an exquisite
charm that appeals to every lady
of taste. The great millinery
department of the JMg Store is
filled with the swellest creations
from the European fashion cen
ters, from the celebrated ea'stern
milliners and with original de
signs made by the deft lingers
of bright and artistic American
girls in our own workrooms.
Our milliners will be pleased to
show you the different designs
and to aid you in selecting what'
is individually becoming, as well
as in the highest fashion.
Saturday wo will bold our grand opening
and you nrc cordially Invited to visit hero
and sco nil thnt In exquisite nnd desirable
In ladles' stylish headwear.
Fancy Fruits largo lemons nt 10c dot.; choice
naval oranges, 13c; 1-pound packago fancy
(Irs, Cc; now fresh dates, 3 pounds for 10c;
choice, rlpo bnnanns, every ono sound nnd
perfect, 8q; fancy sweet oranges, "c.
Meats and Lard
No. 1 California hnms, "14c; fancy lean
iacon, 12V4c; dry snlt meat, 7',4c; 5-pound
falls puro leaf lard, 46c.
Our Optical Dept.
Under the management of n practical op
tician of many years' experience. High
p ratio spectacles nnd eyeglasses, fitted with
Trench crystal lens of the finest quality at
lowest prices.
Interesting Facta About Qenoral Bate, the
Ntw Commander.
UiTontly Appointed Iloml ut llrimrt-
incut of the .MUhoiii-I In KiiiiiiII)
. Skilled hi PlKlttliiK ii ml
General John C. Bates, who has been or
dered to relinquish his command In the
rhillpplues that ho may assume command
of tho Department of tho Missouri, has fig
ured prominently In tho Philippine war.
lie will probably be accompanied to Omaha
by Lieutenant William B, Cowln, son of
General John C. Cowlu of Omaha, who is
an aid on tho personal staff of General
When General Bates went to Kamboangu
to bid farewell to tho sultan and Datto
Mandl before going to Manila to aaaumo
command of the Department ot Southern'
Luzon, Datto Mandl gave n bull fight In
the general's honor. Omaha cannot offer
such a gory entertainment In welcoming
tho general, but his welcome will be hearty
Datto Mandl Is a great favorite, with the
Htiltan ot Mindanao and has been named as
heir to tha throne. In declaring his al
legiance, to tho United States and to Gen
eral Bates Datto Mandl exclaimed, "My
legs, my arms, my head and my heart are
all American." Tho man pounded his chest
to emphasize his devotion,
Omaha has no orator who has ever been
known to mako such a speech, but mny bo
nblo to coach some speakers who will be
nblo to declaro their allegiance to tho Stars
ami Stripes with' all thu vigor ot tho Moro
After tho capture of Manila tho task ot
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signatures of
Sm F.cSlmlle Wrapper Below.
Yrr all and aaay
to take aa rofur.
lafSU 1 9mray Yart W ,hC'
New Spring Shoes
Special Bargains in the Best Standard Makes
of Fine Shoes for Spring Wear
Thu swell styles in the new
ideal kid nnd patent leathers
every pair properly fitted
every pair warranted.
The well known "Brooks Bros."
Boohester made shoes for ladies,
in vici kid and patent leathers,
worth 9J.00 and $5.00, all sizes
and widths, on
sale at
The famous ULTKA Shoes for
and vici kid, all styles and sizes,
Closing out all the J. W. Naylor 3.00 vici kid
and patent leather shoes for i QQ
ladies at l.OO
The FAMOUS "STETSON" ?G.OO and $7.00
hand sewed shoes for men all fit SkTfc
styles O.UU
Closing out all the J. P. Smith sample .?3.00 and
$3.50 Shoes for men O O
at l.OO
Shoes in Bargain Room
Ladies' line 2.00 and 2.50 Kid i '"JQ
Shoes at lii)V
Men's line Satin Calf 2.50
Shoes at
Ladies' Storm liubbers for
Misses' Shoes 98c Boys'
Frankel Bros.' Hats and Caps
The recent terrible lire in Dos Moines destroyed the immense
store of Fntnkel Itros. They luul nlmttly placed their sprlnj: orders for hats
and caps and tlio manufacturers offered tlioni to us at a ridiculously low price
to take them off their hnnds. This fortunate purchase Includes all the latest
novelties In hats and caps. They have Frankel Ilros.' name in them, but were
shipped direct to us by the New Yorlc manufacturers as the lire oecured before
date set for delivery to Frankel Hros.
Finest Caps, worth 50c, 7Ec and $1.00, go at 25c, 3Sc nnd 50c in men's and boys'
sizes and styles.
Hoys' Hats 40c to $1.25 worth double.
Men's Hats at 7Bc and ,$L25, wor(h,.$l.B0 to $2.50.
Tho biggest sale on fine hats ;and 'caps ever held' In Omaha. "'
making peace with tho natives of tho
southern Islands was assigned to Gcncrnl
Bates, and ho was ho successful In
his undertaking thai his reputation as a
diplomat rivals his achievements ns a sol
dier. Twelve of the largo southern Islands were
visited by General Bates and ho had many
nmuslng experiences with tho strange peo
ples whom ho found. Tho southern
Islands are called the Sulu archipelago and
nro supposed to be under tho rule of the
sultan of Sulu. But It was soon discovered
that all the Islands do not recognize the
Sulu sultan as their religious head.
The natives ot tho Islands nro Malays,
with a strain of Arabian blood in their
veins. Many ot them nre Mohammedans.
It was among this strango mlxturo ot blood
and religion that General Bates was sent to
mako peace. Ills famous treaty with tho
sultan ot Sulu Is ono of tho most notnblo
achievements ot tho 1'hlllpplnc war and es
tablished peace In territory whero serious
troublo was threatened.
General Bates won tho friendship of tho
Islanders and was greatly beloved by them.
Tho natives wero emphatic In tho declara
tion ot their lovo for tho general. "Do you
think,'1 Datto Mandt exclaimed, "that I
would build my town hero upon the sea
shore whero n breath from tho guns of your
great ships could destroy it It my friendship
for you nnd your government were a hollow
pretense J"
(rrnt Cotton I'li-o.
GREENVILLE, Miss., March 22. Flro
that started at 2:30 this afternoon In tho
Oreenvlllo cotton compress, was not got
under control until 8 p. m., when damage
bad been dono to tho extent of $100,000,
Tonight hundreds of bales of cotton are
still "burning. The compress building nnd
machinery nro damaged to the extent of
$15,000 nnd aro Insured for $25,000. The
cotton loss Is 1.C00 bales, valued nt $70,
000, covered by Insurance.
Faniiol by tho wind which was Wowing
n gale, the flro crossed tho Yazoo &
Mississippi Valley railroad, destroyed the
New Hopo First Baptist church and swept
Into Steel's alloy, destroying seventeen
tenement houses nnd most of the contents,
brlngiug tho total loss up to $100,000.
Children IVHhIi In I'lri-.
DAVE.N'I'OUT, la., March 22. Fire this
morning destroyed tho homo of John Hol
land, near Milan, 111., live miles from hero,
causing tho death of two children. Six
other members of tho family aro In tho
hospital here, nil badly Injured. Tho
father, mother and four children jumped
from a Heuond-story window, but two chil
dren, Wlllio and Edward, aged 5 and 3
years respectively, wcro left behind and
'I'utt Ilnrnn ii nil Stock.
CIIESTO.V. Ia., March 22. (Special Tele
gram. ) Two barns, S00 bushels of com,
four cows, eleven hogs, n large quantity
of liaj and somo farm Implements wero
destroyed by fire last night on tho J. L.
Franklin farm. Tramps are supposed to
have caused It.
Given ii 1,1 fc Seutmcr.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. March 22.-Tliomas J.
Rainser, n merchant ut Sabetha. Kun was
given u lite sentence in the penitentiary at
hard labor today for the murder of his aged
mother nt Habetha ono year ago, Tho evidence-
whs circumstantial, Ho protested his
F. W. Smith of Lincoln In at the Millard.
C. K. Hurnli im of Tllden la at thn Millard,
Fred Bragg of Fremont Is tit the llor
V. C B.itle, Wllllum Morrow nnd W. II.
O'Connell of Lincoln lire registered nt ihn
NebriiBkuiiH at the Merchants: 1 , Wilcox,
Hiirr, ' A. Cluice, Wune. r Gates, David
City; F. 13. Steams, Uayardj C. S. Quick,
on Sale Saturday
ladies, in ideal kid, patent calf
Shoes 1.23
Imllnnola; O, IlclmerH, Grand Jslnnd; K. R.
Dack, Monroe.
C. K. Tcfft of Weeping Water Is a Mjr
ray guest.
General II. C. Merrlnni, commnnder of the
Department of Missouri, arrived from Deli
ver Friday mid will spend a few days here
attending to tho nffnlrs of his office.
Fashions for theSeason
3782 Fancy Waist, 32 to 40 In. bust
Woman's Fniuy Waist, .No, a"S2 Tho
waist with bolero effect and narrow full
front Is very generally becoming and Is es
sentially smart. Tho attractive model Il
lustrated Is made from veiling In Ilusslan
bluo trimmed with Kusslnn lace, with front
and undcrslecvcs of embroidered chiffon.
Hut tbo stylo Is appropriate for almost all
tho season's materials, albatross wool crepe,
barege, corea crepe, foulard and till tho long
list ot soft silks nnd wools.
Tho fitted lining closes ut tho center front
nnd consists of tho usual pieces. On It aro
arranged thu seamless back, tho soft fronts
nnd tho full vest, which Inst Is attached
permanently to tbo right sldo nnd is hooked
Into placo at tho left. Tho fronts nro ex
tended to form tho rovers which meet the
sailor collar that Is Joined to the neck, nnd
the trimming Is arranged to glvo n bolero
effect, over lines Indicated In tho pattern.
The Blecvcs nro made over a fitted lining to
which tho full undersleevcs ufo attached,
tho upper portions being finished separately
and slipped over thu whole. As shown the
lining boneath tho full portions Is whlto
silk, but-, If preferred, tho foundation enn
bo cut away, leuvlug them transparent nnd
allowing glimpses of tho wrists.
To cut this waist for a woman of me
dium size 3 yards of malarial 21 Inches
wide, 214 yards 27 Inches wide or 1 yards
U Inches wldo will bo required, with 1 yard
of chiffon, yard of nll-ovor laco and ;
yard ot Insertion to trim as Illustrated,
Tho pattern No. 37S2 Is cut In sizes tor
a 32, 31, 36, 3S and 40-Inch bust measure
For tbo accommodation ot The Bee's
maders these patterns, which usually retail
at from 25 to :o cents, will bo furnlihod
ai a nominal price, 10 conts, which covers
all expense. In order to get any pattern
enclose 10 cents, give number and noma
ot pattern wented and bust measure, Al
low abom ton days from dote ot your lottor
before beginning to look for tho pattern.
Address Pattern Department, Omaha Bee,
Omaha,. Neb.
Hint li- Mary I.ninli.
$1.00 Neckwear
only 10c
Wo arc closing out all the odd lots ot
fancy Neckwear to make room (or the new
Easter stock. $1.00 Ladles' Neckwear, 10c.
Ladles' Linen Collars, 3c each.
Grand Ribbon salo Saturday. Do not
miss It. 15c ribbons, 1214c yard.
Easter cards, Cc. 10c, 15c, up.
Easter Dlblo sale: lllblcs one-half regu
lar price.
Grand Lac unlo bcgliiB Saturday: 7Jc
Lncro, 23c yard.
13.00 Laco collars, $1.00 each.
Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry
Specials for Saturday.
2,000 plerea of Jewelry purchased from an
eastern factory at less than manufacturing
cost to close. This lino consists of a largo
assortment of belt buckles, brooches, hat
pins, studs, cuff links, scarf pins, brace
lets, beauty pins, etc., etc., nnd will bo
found In our new bargain department ut
Ec, 10c nnd 2."c.
Tea spoons lc each.
Silver plated spoons, 5c, 10c.
Buy Wedding Presents of
Us and Save Your
Wo carry a full lino of tho celebrated
Roger Bros. 1817 silverware. Also a com
plete assortment ot solid sliver, all In choice
Wm, Ilogcrs tea spoons, per set, COc.
Wm, Ilogcrs knives and forks nt $2.25
per Bot.
Uandsomo largo flint dishes, silver
mounted, assorted colors, only $1.48; on
salo Saturday only.
Cracker Jars, plcklo castors and celery
glasses, only $1.25 each.
Ihcso aro all silver mounted, first-class
goods and guaranteed to be Just as repre
sented. HAYDEN
Dallas Sheriff Aiks that Eddia Gudahy Oomt
to Idintifj Hendtrson.
llenilcrNon State rut Crone 1 1 ml
.VuIIiIiik in l)u w'th KliliuipliiK
AvtMiiiiplloe Son of l'riiin
Inent (I in nil ti Citizen.
DALLAS, Tex., March 22. At noon today
Sheriff Johnson sent the following tele
gram to Omaha:
DALLAS, March 22.-E. A. Cildnliy.
Omuha, Neh.: 11. C. Henderson, In Jail
here, confesses to kidnaping your son. He
ttuyn your son will Identify him. Send your
son on next train. Answer ii'ilck,
J. It, JOHNSON, Sheriff.
When told that tho Omaha police discred
ited Henderson's complicity In the Cudahy
kidnaping Sheriff Johnson tald:
"I know ho is the right man. His con
fession to me is a small item, only part of
tho evldenco I possess. If I hud tumeJ
Henderson loose nt any time since his ar
rest early In February I urn satisfied officers
from Omaha would havo grabbed him up
nnd hurried him there. Mr. Cudahy will
naturally listen much to the officers of his
homo town, but ho should not bo opposed to
listening to others."
Sheriff Johnson tried to Induce Hender
son to mako n statement for tho press.
Henderson refused, saying:
"I will not talk to nowspapor men until
after Eddie. Cudahy comes and talks to inc.
When I havo had n talk with the boy I
will then ho willing to mnko n statement
for publication."
Shorlff Johnson sayB among tho state
ments made to him by Henderson wns ono
to tho effect that Pat Crowo had no hnnd
In the kidnaping; that tho chief participant
In the kidnaping of young Cudahy Is a
member of ono of tho most prominent
families ot Omaha, who escaped from prison
whero he was serving a fltteon-yenr sen
tenco for robbery several years ngo.
Got (.'lilitf Donnliiic'x Almanur,
DALLAS, Tex., March 22, Tonight the
following telegram wns received
OMAHA. March 22.-J. S. Johnson. Sher
iff, Dalian Tex.: Henileraoii'H confession Is
n subterfuge to escape from other crimes
ho Is chnrged with. Wo tnko no Etock in
It. J. J, DONAIU'K, Chief of Police.
Tho sheriff maintain that ho has the
right man and expressed surprise that tho
Omaha authorities had declined to Investi
gate. t tin ii lui Sooffn nt dip Story,
E, A. Cudahy, sr., was seen yesterday In
reirard tn thn flllnc'pil mmnfpl nl llillnu
... II ,-v .at
"Tho arrest down there doesn't Interest
me particularly," sold he. "I have ro-
ceived u tolegrnm from the sheriff asking
me to send Eririln down tn nn If tin nnuM
identify tho man, whom I bcllovo Is knouu
no iiuiiultbuii, mil i iook no action, fur
ther than tn turn tho tplni, rn-ar. i n
Chief Donahue. I shall not send tho boy
uown to Texas; you can rest assured of
Chief Donahuo says he doesn't think tho
shorlff at Dallas Is acting in good fnllh.
"Ho knows perfectly well that tho man
ho Is holding ,thcro isn't ono of the kid
napers," said the chief, "and It looks very
much to mo as If he was working for a
sllco of tho reward, planning to divide
with Henderson. I supposed tho Incident
wns closed when, about three weeks ngo,
tho sheriff Bent n photograph of Henderson,
which I showed to everyono In a position
to Identify It, Including young Cudahy, and
all of them said they had never seen tho
man before. The sheriff was notified to
that effect, but Instead of dropping the
matter then and there bo telegraphed to
Men's Furnishing Goods Sale.
All tho new styles In men's COc Neckwear e?
" Joe
Men's 60c nnd 75c Suspenders nt 25c BOO dozen men's line Suspenders made by one
of the best suspender factories In this country every style of suspender made all
tho noiv buckles also the President Suspender tho suspenders wcro OCE-t
bought all nt ono price, but were worth 50c nnd "Go all go at jC
Men's txunty-flvo cent Suspenders a
Men's $1.50 nnd $2.00 Sample Shirts at 75c Wo have Just received all tho Orlffon
brand Sample Shirts In all the new styles for spring this Is ono of tho best brands
manufactured to sell at $1.50 n'ud $2.00-on rnlo J-re?
nt 75c
Men's ono dollar Colored laundered Shirts a
i 49c
Men's $1.50 Whlto Laundered Shirts all sties, from 14 to 18
Bt 59c
Hoys' $1.00 Whlto Laundered Shirts nt Mc All the now styles In men's A g
and boys' Bprlng Shirts on salo now , 4"C
Hoys' $1.00 Colored Shirts with separato collars a r.
ai 49c
Men's tlfty cent Fancy Colored Half Hose
at 25c
Men's 25c and 3Se Half Hose, In fancy end plain coloro In mercerized A
also flno mnco all Imported hosiery, at per pair IOC
Men's 20c Seamless Half Hose-ln black and browns-also with whlto feet A f
at 10c
Sale on Corsets
and Under-Muslins
One lot ladles' Corsets, 00c quality, at 2Bc sizes 18 to 24.
Ladles' Batiste Qirdlo Corset, In pink, blue, whlto and lavender,
nt 49c worth 75c.
. ...11 11 .. 1 1 rt 1 -1 ,.. , .
. i iuii iiuu ui ivuuiun
A A1 nl A(n
Mr A full line of W. B.,
' v .tii Wnrnor'8 Corsets, In all
MniTtav OeiT
Tho Nemo Hip Spring
Ladies' 25c
200 dozen ladles' Black and Fancy Hose, full seamless
and warranted fast colors, at 15c.
Children's Ulbbcd Hose, full seamless and fast colors,
nt 10c, 15c and 25c.
Tbo Shawknlt Hoso for children at 35c, tbrco pairs for
Tho largest lino of ladles' Fancy Hoso shown by any
houso In Omaha, at 25c, 35c, COc and Up to $3.00 per pair.
Ladles' COc Fancy Hoso at 25c.
Ladles' fancy trimmed Corset Covers, worth COc, at 25c.
Lndles' Cambric Skirts, with laco Insertion and edgo
and embroidered mines, worth $1.50, at 08c.
LadleB' Slcovcless Vests, In flno Egyptian ribbed, at lCc.
Ladles' flno Llslo Thread Vests, worth 39c. at 2Gc.
Ladles' long sleevo Egyptian nibbed Vests, worth COc,
at 25c.
Ladles' high neck, short sleeve, flno
Ladles' flno Egyptian nibbed Umbrella
Sheriff Power and tried to get him In
terested." Sheriff Power expressed himself sub
stantially ns did Chief Donahue. "I am sat
isfied that wo don't want that man," said he.
"It Is only natural thnt Henderson should
want to plead guilty to tho kidnaping, us
he wants to get out of Texas, .whero he
has lust been sentenced to servo fifteen
years In tho penitentiary. Of course he
would expect to bo acquitted when It camo
to a trial on tho abduction charge, nnd
then he would count on getting his freedom
along with his share of the reward."
He llrrrlvea IIU llrlilo with Tnle of
IIpIiik ii l'ronccutliiK Attor
iiey'H Son.
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, March 22.
(Special Telegram.) Tho wlfo of H. E.
Henderson, the man who has confessed to
being Implicated In the Cudahy kidnaping
cose, is n well known resident of Ogden,
whero Bho has lived n number of years.
At present sho Is living with her sUter,
Mrs. B. Peterson.
In July, 1S99, Mrs. Henderson, who was
then Miss Mario Moss, accompanied hen
sister on a pleasure trip to San Francisco,
nnd while In California they wero Intro
duced to Henderson, who claimed to bo a
wealthy Australian. Ho lost no tlmo In
making lovo to Miss Moss and eventually
proposed marrlago to her, but was re
fused. Shortly afterward she returned to
Ogden and Henderson began writing to
her. Later ho sent her a number of tele
grams from day to day full of words of
endearment. Finally bo arrived tn Ogden
nnd pressed his cult with success and
they were married September 19, 1899, by
Bishop McQuarrlo of this city.
Prior to tbelr marriage Henderson told
his Intended brldo that ho was not an
Australian, hut whs H. E. Henderson of
Marshalltown, la., son of tho prosecuting
nttorney In that city. On the day of tholr
marrlago tho groom wbh taken sick and
was In tho hospltnl several weeks. When
ho got well tho couplo went to Dallas,
Tex., where they lived In n fashionable
boarding houso. Soon after they arrived
In Dallas, Mrs, Henderson 'says, sho be
gan to think thnt her husband was not
nil ho represented hlmnelf to be. After-
remaining in Dallas awhile 1hc couplo
Everybody Knows
That nervousness and
gether. The worry and cares of business or
home, overwork, loss of sleep, improper
food all tend to irritate the temper,
derange the digestion, weaken the nerves
and undermine the health. This tearing
down of the life forces must be stopped!
The ebbing tide of health must be
checked, and new energy, new life, new
ambition infused into the whole system.
To do this quickly and thoroughly use
D. Miles' Nervine.
It adls directly on the nervous system, quiets the irritation, rests the tired brain and
restores the wasted tissues as nothing else can. You should not delay. Get it at once.
Sold by all drtiggists on a guarantee. Df. Miles Medical Cov Elkhart. Ind.
viuiicis m an bucs anu colors; 700 quality
Knbo, W. C. C, American Lady and Dr.
tho now styles, nt $1.00 nnd upwards.
Corset, with military belt, for stout figures.
Hose at 15c.
Egyptian Bibbed 'Vests, worth COc nt 25c.
"Pants, worth 50c, nt 2Cc. '
went to Denver, when InqulrlcB were In
stltutcd by Mrs. Henderson, with tho re
suit thnt sho ascertained that her him
band's professions as to being the son of
t no prosecuting nttorney for Marshnll-
town, la., wcro without foundation. Mrs
Henderson left her husbnnd In Denver
and went to Ogden. He followed shortly
anerwara ana accompanied his wlfo and
sister-in-law, Mrs. iPctorson, to Los
Angeles, in tho latter placo ho was ar
rested and Mrs. Peterson balled him out
ana then told him to leavo tho country,
which ho did.
The two women returned to Ogden last
summer anu not until a few days later
inn tncy near rrom tho missing man.
This morning Mrs. Henderson received
a letter from her husbnnd, written a few
days ago from tho Dallas Jail. Contrary
io puoiisneu reports, this lotter contained
no reference to tho Cudahy case. It sim
ply stated that the writer was In trouble
and asked for aid. Tho wlfo replied, de
clining to assist him.
I'rrnldrnt of Colonial Dninc.
HUHON, S. D., March 22. (Special.)
Mrs. Elvira D. Barclay, a resident of this
city since 1881. died at her hnmn nn Tnr.
street this morning, aged Ct. Mrs. Bar
clay was daughter of the lato William T.
Mather, and a descendant of revolutionary
stock. Sho was born. In 1837 In Akron, O.,
nnd at tho ago of 16 graduated at Roches
ter. N. Y and married Luclan T. Bar
clay of Lexington, Va., In 1855. For twenty
one years sho was a teacher or principal
in tho city schools of Chicago. At her
death sho was president for South Dakota
of tho Colonial Dames, and within tho last
fow years made valuablo historical con
tributions to tho llteraturo of that or
ganization, and nlso to tho Daughtors of
tho Revolution. Her husband dlod threo
years ago wbllo visiting a daughter In
California. Two daughters survlvo her,
Mrs. Robort Hubbard of San Diego, Cal.,
and Mrs. G, W. Moody of this city. Her
body will bo taken to San Diego, to bo
burled besldo her husband.
A. I,. Cnrmiii.
CLINTON, la., March 22. (Special Tele
gram.) A telegram received here this
morning says A. L. Carson, pecrctary of
tho Fish Bros. Manufacturing company,
headache eo to
"Let me
JT, Fi
' 'jr- in
wonderful curative qualities of Dr. Miles'
Nervine. After dodloring with several
eminent physicians and trying advertised
remedies for what was pronounced one
of the most stubborn cases of nervous
prostration, I found a permanent cure in
Nervine. I believe it to be the greatest
remedy of the age for those afflicted as I
was." John M. Gresham,
27 E. Pratt St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Sheet Music
Saturday wo will place n new lot of lo
music out. Wo have, vocal, violin and
piano, mandolin and guitar. Guitar solos,
mandolin solos, lolln solos, piano duels,
cornet and piano all day Saturday only
lc each.
Don't Be Misled
By tho so-called "factory to consumer" nd
This Hooker is being extensively ndver
tlsed In tho magazines its bargain at
$45.00. Wo offer It to you, delivered to
our door, with our guaranty as to quality
and construction, supplemented by that of
S. Karpen & Bros., makers, for $33.50. This
masslvo rocker Is very comfortable, cov
ered with machine- buffed, genuine leather,
gcrulno hair cushions, finely tufted nnd
fitted with tho famous Anderson springs.
Wo wish to rail your attention to our
greatly Increased stock of Parlor Furni
ture, three nnd flve-plcco suits, odd pieces,
davenports, sofa beds, wurdrobo couches,
steel couches and imy Btylo of couch In any
covering you might fancy.
Baby Carriages nnd Go-Carts. Wo have
secured, by special contract, nt less than
factory prices, tho output ot ono ot tho
leading carriage factories, This places us
In position to mako you figures lower than
tho nverago dealer has to pay for such
goods. Wo had to take tho wholo lot and
wo have, therefore, every concluvable stylo
of Go-Curt and carrlago Imaginable. If you
want tho latest, tho best and tho showiest
at the lowest possible price, you will havo
to sco ub before, you buy.
For $1.00 wo can glvq you tho best golden
oak, cano seat, braco arm dining room
chair ever offered tho public. By special
arrangement wo havo secured ono enr of
tbeso chairs and can show you a $1.7o
choir for $1.00 If Interested in ofllco furni
ture curao here.
If Interested In Tables, Sideboards, China
Closets, Buffets, Desks, Book Cases or
Ilockcrs, como here.
died In Chicago. Ho wob ono ot tho best
known distributors of farm machinery In
tho west. For a number of yearn ho was
connected with tho Moltno Plow com
pany nnd nt ono tlmo had chargo ot Its
western ofllco In Omaha. From thoro ho
went to Peoria nnd becamo interested in
tho Kingman company, manufacturer of
farm machinery. Ho camo to Clinton threo
years ngo, bought stock In tho Fish Bros.
Manufacturing company nnd becamo Its
secretary. Ho was C7 years old.
Iltntik Illlln rtoiipi-r Mlnrr.
DEADWOOD, S. D., March 22. (Special.)
Tho body If William May wns found In
his cabin In tho First ward ot this city
this morning. May was ono of tho ptonecra
of 1876. On his body wns found considera
ble cash and n certificate of deposit for
$1,400. Ho was n placer miner nnd ho hod
relatives In Indiana. Ho is supposed to
havo died a natural death.
Inkrrll Crimlirn Skull,
ATCHISON, Knn., March 22.-Thomas
Lane, n contractor, nnd Dr. Hugh Sldey, a
dontlst, quarreled in Sldry'n ulllco hero
todny nnd blows were exchanged. Lnno
tlnnliy Htruck Sldey with tin Inkwell, crush
ing his skull nnd Inflicting n fatal wound.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday,
Mnrch 22, 1901:
Wnrrnnt) Dneiln.
Elljia Bane to E. 8. Klntz, n 40 feet
nnd fi Inchon lotM 13 and II, block Oak
Knoll $ 4 000
Patrick Fennell and wife to LouU
l'omedct, n 100 feet of eV. lot 11,
block 2. Rush & 8'8 add.... I 00
W. W. Abbott nnd wlfo tn Puter Holm-
IIHIrI Int 14 tdftnlf 11 limn.., ..,!. A-A
Omaha Realty Co. to 'w. H. Buther-
iiiiiu, nn u, iiiocK i, Hoyinour h udd.., 187
Henry Knrstenfl nnd wlfo to Onus
Piihl. sV4 nei 4-14-11 3,000
J. h. Qeorgo to John Mnntorvlllo, lot
taU, DUIIIVUU H UUll. 160
N. W. Lima nnd husband to Edward
Stcrrlrker. eV4 lot , block si, Omaha. 2.&XI
Florence C ayton tn Dorothea Hock,
lot C. block 137. Kntltll Omnlin fjvi
J. J. Kucher to CI. Iv. Parker. VnY i'
block 5, Myers" R. & T'h ndd l.Wo
Claim MatthleH to C. F. Doll, ni neU
BCi 36-15-12 2,tlS
lnlt Clnlm Dreilii.
S'. V-ol'k111 ! c- K- Perkins,
lot ft. hlnnlr (1 (Imnlm '
N. W. Lumme ot ul to Hnme, rnine"... 5
A-..n- Maxwell, administrator, to C.
vi nuts, mi o, ijiock u, umuna,... 15,000
Total amount of transfers $31,435
1 '
add my testimonv to the