Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    Til 15 OMAHA DAILY UHtti SATITTID AY, !M AHCTT 2H, 1001.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you cat.
There l3 no pleasure In life If you
dread going to the table to eat and It
you can't rest well at night on account
of Indigestion. Yet many people are
living Just fiuch lives, and after trying
almost everything they glvcuphopo
and endure their sufferings as bravely
as possible. Wo would llko to recom
mend to everyono the preparation
vf hlch has acquired such a wonderful
reputation for the cure of Indigestion.
We refer to Kodol Dysj-ki'sia Cuke.
It oait'f help but
do you good
It Is tho only preparation that
completely digests whatover varloty
of foods you may wish to cat. That
Is why It is so highly endorsed by nil
who have used it.
Itov. W. E. Rltzcr, W. Caton. N. Y.,
writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty
'years, and tried doctors and mcdlclne3
without bcnellt. 1 was persuaded to
use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and It
helped me from tho start. 1 bellcvo It
to bo a panacea for Indigestion."
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Prepared only by E.O. DoWltt&Co., Chicago.
Tho II. holtfecontalniitH times tho 50c. Uo.
cwnrs utile EARLY RISERS
Tho best llttlo liver Dills ever made.
rivnmfnwlifl are not
as strong at they should
bi; when they re WtAKand
nave no tnerjy or Amcmun.
Vital I:orcb Is nothlnc l-ut
Electricity. When you ate
sick, there It not er.ouch
Electricity In the system anJ
It mutt be surplleJ. Nature
will not supply It, for, per
haps. Nature has teen Im
pose! upon. My tilectrlc
Uelt anl Electrical Suspen
sory supply the neeJeJ Elec
tricity and you soon become
strone nnJ vigorous. 1 give
you a legal written guarantee
that my Uelt will cure ou; If
It falls I will refund every
cent you pay me for It.
Entirely different and mutt
not be confuted with other
electric belts. It has soft,
silken chamois covered
sponje electrodes which j re
vent thai (rightful fcurnlnz
an! blistering caused by all
mhw h1,c. whlfh have bare
rattal electrodes. My Uelt can be renewed wher
burns! out for only 7SC; no other can be renewed
for any price, and when burned out Is worthless.
f absolutely guarantee my Elecrtlc Uelt U
cure Varicose Vein, every form of Weakneet
In either sen; restore Vitality: cure Rheumat sn
In every form. Kidney, Uer and llladder Troubles
Cinstlpt!on, Stonach Dltorders, Nervous and Gen
eral Djblllty. Lame Uack, all Female Complaints, etc
Write to-dav for my book. "The Flndlnc of V"
Fojnttln of Eternal Youth." Sent free. rostpalJ.
ths atklne. Book will tell you all about It. Sold only bj
DR. BENNETT Electric Belt Co.
rtooms IS to 21 DoiiKlna 11 lock.
DodKe isikI 10th Streets, Oiniiliii, Mob,
Always Open.
Rcifore Vitality, Lost Vljor and Manhood
Cum Impotoncy, Night Emissions, Loss of Mom'
J!LJii, orr, nil unsung uisoasos,
wpVIalllTectsnf eelf-aUiMi or
jajMcess and Indiscretion.
WWA norvo tonlo and
1 JuAWootl bulkier. Urines
I Ttho pink clow to pnlo
rr ohee.'ts ami restores tho
MWKk.(lrR of sontli. liv mnll
r i
IfiOo nor lutz. O twisoq fnr
$2.60, with our bankable fraurantoo to cura
or refund tbo money paid. Send for circular
and cry of our banknbli
guarantee bond.
Immediate Remits
Nenila Tablets
Fositlvoly Kunrnntcod euro for of Power,
Varlcocelo, Undevelopml or SlirutiUon Organs,
Fnrosls, Locomotor Atnxlit, Nervous l'rmtsn
tlon, Hrsterln, FIU, In?milty. 1' nnd tho
Itnsulta of Kicestlro Uto of Tobncco, Opium or
Liquor. Bv rnall In plain packneo, $1.00 a
box, 0 for 80.00 with our bankable ffuar
kntee bona to euro In UO days or refund
money paid. AdUrosi
Clinton cVJackson sr . CHICAGO. ILiv
for ante by Kubn Co., ISth and Douia
Bt. Omahn. tleb.: Qoo. 8. Uavls. Couuoll
uiurrs. lows.
nadwny'a Ready Relief curen nnd pre
venta Cotliths. Colds. Sore
a, bronchitis, Pneumonia, Swelling of the
Joints, Lumbnao, Inflammation. Kheiimo.
tlsm, Neuralgia, Uendacho, Tootlmclin,
Aathma, Dlftlcult Ureathlng.
Radway's Ready Relief In a mirn rnr.i fnr
very Pain. Sprain. Hrulsea, Pains In the
Back, Cheat or Llmbw It was the first and
! the only Pain Remedy that Instantly
topa the most excruciating pains. allnH
inflammation and ctireB congsMtjrn,
whother of the lungs, stomach, bowa1. or
other glands or organs, by one uppllcntlon.
fok i.TEn.Ai. axii K.vrnii.VAi. rsii.
A teatpoonful In water will In n fow mln
utea euro cramps, spasms. Hour Htormtch
Heartburn. Sick llendaclie. Dlnri-hoen
Colic, Flatulency, and all Internal julns.
mud ny uriiKKinis,
K AD WAY & CO , 65 Kim St.. Now York,
I 1Y
GoTirnor Diitrich ProolAlmi th Adrtnce of
ths mj Magio Oity.
Pros Mmm of l.nsr Prtl h- I'rrnent
l.rKlnlntiire lo Conform srltli
MliiMslnsc Mmlr liy Oimiifi
Coinplled With.
LINCOLN. March 22.-(Speclal.)--aov-
crnor Dietrich today Issued the following
proclamation, placing South Omaha under
the provisions of tho now charter recently
passed by the legislature:
Whered. Ilonn roll ISA of the twenty-
seventh srxslon of the legislature of tho
Mate of Nebraska, "A bill for an act to
Incorporate cities uf the llrst clasn hnvllig
loss than ti),OM) nnd more than 25.OU0 Inhabi
tant, nnd reiailutinn their duties, powers
and government," has duly nnsfed both
houses of tho legislature of Nebraska, with
nn emergency clauso thereto, nnd nan been
duly presented, approved and signed by
me. as governor of the slate of Nebraska,
and hoa become a law, nnd
wnerens, it nns been duly certified to
me as such olllccr, by the mayor thereof,
that tho city of South Omaha, In the Htuto
of Nebrnsku, Iiiim n population of :i,O01, as
ofTlclally ascertained, determined nnd pro
mulgated by tho I'nlted States cctistii and
enumeration of the year of l!n and also
nn a matter of fact now has such popula
Now. therefore. I. Chnrlr.4 II. Dietrich.
governor of the stalo of Nebrnsku, under
nnd by virtue of and pursuant to the au
thority of law vested In me, an such olllccr,
dn hereby declare and proclaim that the
city of South Omaha, In the Htnte of Ne
braska, Im u city of the first elar, and that
il nas n population or SG.OUl inhnbitunts,
and that said city has come under nnd
within, Is In nil respects subject to and
governed by tho provisions or house roll
No. 1B5 of tho twenty-seventh session of
the legislature of the stnte of Nebraska.
In witness whereof I have hereunto
signed my name nnd caused the seal of tho
state of Nebraska to bo nfllxcd.
uono at Lincoln, Neb., tins zoth day or
March, A. D. 1901.
auoitai: w. marsh,
Sccretnry of State.
South Omaha News
S6.00 A MONTH.
All Private Diseases
and Disorders of Men
12 Years In Omaha,
Method new. never falls.
without cutting, pain or
loss of time.
A VP 14 !! I Retired for llfeandthepolson
S9 ilil-lvJihorouvhlY cleansed from
laosyniera. soon every nun anu pyuipiom
dUaiioearit comoUtelv imrt furever. Nn
11KBAKINTJ OUT" ot tho disease on tha skin
or fsen. Truatment contains co dangerous
urugior iDjunoiin niruirines.
Ucau rvirrrj 1.088 or M VNIIOOl) from Y.
atvn.iiu''''"11' Victims to Nicnvoua
BAunbui iniumr or kxiiadstion,
with Kaiily Dkoav In Youno and Middlb
' Aod. lack of rim. vlgcr and strength, with
exual organs Impair d nnd weak.
STRICTURE Radically cured with x new
-h i kt1""1 Infallible Home Treat
ana uutti ment. Nniustruments.nopaln,
tio detention from business. Gonorrhoea,
Costullitlon rrer. Treatment b Mill.
Call on or nrti!re 1 1 0 S . ! 4th St.
Or. Searles & 8oarlas.omaiia.Nob.
Imperial Hair Regenerator
la oTerjwliere recognised as the .
for flrar or IllruchMl llnlr. Ita anrill.
ratloa l uot ntTiH'tcxl by Imtlisj itruilta
curllngt Is absnltitrly liamilrss. aud In.
valnable tor llranl aurl Mustarhe. ONK
fmnlo ef nn-lini-
al Chem. Mfg.Cq.. 1S5 W. 23d St.. N Y
by mi urugKisui una uairurcaserii.
Lato yesterday nftcrnoon Mayor A. 11
Kelly Issued his proclamation for tho com
Inn election. It follows In full:
Whereas. House roll 156 of the Twentv-
nevenui session ot tno legislature or tno
state of Nebraska, "A bill for nn net to In
corporate cities of the llrst class, having
less mun si'.wo und more than 23,wx) in
habitants, and regulating their dutlus.
powcra and government," has duly pnssed
both houses of tho legislature of NebriiNkn,
with emergency clause, and nns been duly
npproved and signed by the governor: nnd
Whereus, The city of South Omaha Iiuh a
population oi M,im innnuituntB, ns oiiici.uiy
ascertained, determined nnd promulgated
by tho I'nlted States census nnd enumera
tion for the venr VJM. and this fnet has been
duly certified to this city by the director of
inu uureau oi census or tno united mates,
and said cortlllcate Is now on Ille In the
olllce of the city clerk: and.
w nereas, i im governor or me staio oi
iseDiasKii did. on the "Otli iinv of Klnreli.
A. D. 1901, Issue his proclamation, declar
ing and Proclaiming that tbo vltv of Hotith
Omaha Is a city of the llrst class and that
ll lias a population of 20,001 Inhabitants,
and that It ha.s coino under nnd within and
Is In all respects subject to nnd governed
by the provisions of said house roll 156; nnd
Whereas, Section 12 of suld not provides,
among other things, that the general city
election in nil cities governed by tnls net
shall bis held on the first Tuesday In April.
annually, and that "the mayor shall cause
a uotlco of till the general or special ulcc-
tions to i)c iicki in sniu city, specifying tne
purpose for which election is held nnd the
tlmo and respective voting places thereof,
to be published In some ncwxmiticr. pub
lished and of general circulation In the city.
tor ono time in least, ten nays ueroro tno
time of such election:
Now. therefore. I. Allen n. Kelly, mnvor
oi me en j- oi nauiii umnua. under nun ny
virtuo ot and pursuant to tne iiuiiiorlty or
law vested In nn as such ofllecr. do hereby
declare and proclaim that the city of South
Omaha Is n city of the llrnt clnss. and that
It lias a population or 26,001 Inhabitants,
and Unit snld city has come under nnd
within. Is In all respects subleet to. nnd
"governed by tho provisions of house roll 150
of tho twenty-seventh session of the iegls-
laiuro or tno stnte or Nebrasua. and I do
hereby further proclaim and publish the
ract to be that the annual municipal elec
tion for this city for tho election of such
municipal oiucers and otner otncers as may
be renulrod bv law. will bu bold herein on
the 2d day of April. A. D. 1901, between tho
nours or o c ock u. m. ami , o clock n. in..
at which there will bu voted for and eler ted
one tax commissioner, for the term or two
years; three members of tho Hoard of lMu
cation, for tho term of three years each, by
tho electors at large. Tho provisions of
said net with reference to the election of
two couuciimeii cannot be compiled with,
owing to tne ract tnnt sucn oiucers are to
quired to bo nominated from nnd elected bv
tno electors or tno wards or tbo city which
have no representation, und the city not
having been at this time divided Into six
wards, and there not being at this tlmo nuv
wards without representation, there can be
no election of councilmeu.
Tho following are hereby designated as
tne voting Places lor said election in said
Klrst Ward Klrsl precinct. Sloauc build
lug, Twcnty-llfth street, between M nnd N
streets; second precinct, new brick bulld
Inc. Twenty-fourth street, between K and .1
streets; Third precinct, Collins" Music store.
Tweniy-rourin street, between lv ami it
Second ward First precinct, Reemer s
hotel. Twcnty-llfth street, botween N nnd
i) streets; second precinct, I loir man build,
lug, Twenty-llrst and Q Ht routs; Third pre
cinct. Rroudwell-Rlch coal ofllee, Albright,
Third ward Klrst precinct, isvuns hotel
Twenty-eighth nnd H streets: Second nre-
elnct, Kllknr building, Thirtieth and Q
Fourth Ward Mori's bam. Thlrlv-seennd
nnd K streets.
In witness wheroor I have horeunlo set
my hand as mayor of said clly, this 22d day
of Match, lWl, and caused the olllclnl seal
or said elty lo be attlxed.
(Signed) ALLUN R. KULI.Y.
March 22. 1901.
More Pollllenl Trouble.
A remonstrance hns been Hied by the
democratic city central commltteo ngnlnst
tho placing on tho ticket of the names of
the labor candidates. A hearing of tho enso
has beon sot for 2 o"cloclc this afternoon. at
thu nfllce of tho city clerk. Tho protests In
clude the cntlro ticket named by tho labor
party. Democrats are ufrnld that if Shields
is allowed to run for tax commissioner
Fitzgerald will he defeated, as the labor
vote will draw from tho democrntltv ranks
raoro than It will from .the republicans
hence the protest. It Ib tho same with tho
balance of tho nominations.
The proclamation of tho mayor, It Is ns
sorted, virtually settles tho number o
ottlelala to bo elected nnd tho parties nom
Inutlng full tickets will have to appeal to
tno courts, in order to socuro any represen
tatlon on thu ttckots to bo printed.
Governor's I'roclnnint Ion.
In following out the genornl custom In
cases of this kind Oovcrnor Dietrich has
Issued a' proclamation declaring South
Omaha a city of tho first class, A copy of
tho governor s proclamation was received
by Mayor Kelly yesterday afternoon and
appears In full In Tbo noe today.
MmhIc City Coailii,
V. A, Wells left yesterday for McCook on
a business trip.
Robert Mnxwell has returned from a bus
iness trip to Denver.
A dance will be given by the Mnccnbers
at tno nan, Tniriy-nintu ana y streets, to
An Important meeting of lhll Kearney
post, jo, uruiid ,rmy or tno itepunuc
Plans for the now cattle salo pavilion n
the stock yards nre rapidly being completed
uy ciuer r.unuiecr jviiijj.
Tho Junior Christian Kndeavor society
gnvo an emoynino social at mo nomo o
.Mrs. crnmtuei last evening.
Dick Livingston has been sontonred to
thirty days in tno county jail ror obtaining
money under iniso preienses.
Chnilos 10. Scarr will take tho place o
W, CI. Sloane on the democratic, ticket for
mourner or tno uourn oi Education,
II was reported last night that Charle
Scarr would not accept the appointment us
irtiidldiile for drtnoiTHtlc member of Ut
Hoard ot i;dm ntlon
f'ounrllmnn Miller of (he 1'onrtli ward hi
given II ..tit I lint lie wants the sculpt of
Tty rroscculnr Murphy and captain auic.
Itev lir, .leiiMliiDa. nresldlnir elder of
Omahii, will prearh nt the Albright Meth-
.ilaf l...1a......1 ,., M,,l,l1lV tllflPnlMtT
u.i.nv Uilivvll( , nil, i .. .... .j....... .. .v ...... rt-
Mrs. Mary J. Trnll, Twenly-slxtli nnd I
ireels. died yesterday of pneumonia.
'll pern I unrvlee will on held SUIldnV after
noon at the First Presbyterian church.
Liiprejiidleeil .Indues I uproeiirnlilr
for Artiment lletivrrn NebrnxUn
nnd CrelHliton I nlvcrnltlrs.
neprcsentatlvcs of tbo Dellan Ilovs' De
bating club ot tho University ot Ne
braska and tho Crelghton Oratorical as
sociation ot Crelghton university met In
Joint debato Friday evening nt the uni
versity hall. The question, "Resolved,
That tho permanent .retention of the
rhillppino islands by tho united states
Is dcstrablci" was discussed In nn able
and entertaining manner by Willlum Mor
row, W. II, O'Connell and V. C. Untie for
tho Dellan club and L. A, Lily, I. L. Mar
tin and O. L. Pickett for the Crelghton
association. Tho hull was filled with a
largo and enthusiastic audience.
Kach speaker was allowed fifteen
minutes, except tho first on llic affirmative,
who bad twelve minutes for the opening
and flvo minutes to close the debate. It
was stipulated that no decision should be
rendered because ot the Inability to secure
unprejudiced Judges. A short but excel
lent musical program preceded tho debate.
P. L. Martin opened for tho alllrmatlvo
with the general proposition that the tnn
Jottty rules In this country nnd should
rulo In tho Philippines. As tha majority
of Filipinos iiro desirous of American rulo
they should havu ll an tho principle of
the greatest good to thu greatest number.
Admiral Dewey, General Mcrrltt, Consul
Prntt nnd others woro quoted la provo thnt
the Filipinos wcro never allies of tho
American army or navy and arc, there
fore, not entitled to recognition on that
plea. Ho laid special stress upon the In
competency of so many of tho Filipinos
for self-government, thus making It nec
essary for the strong hand of the Ameri
can pcoplo to guide.
William Morrbw vigorously opposed the
views of pio llrst speaker and doubled the
right ot tho United States to acquire the
Philippines by purchase. Ho contended
that Spain was not In possession of the
Islands and had no right to sell, neither
had tne United States a right to buy ntid
tt was wrong to acquire tho territory of a
defenseless people by conquest.
L. A. Lily compared tho manner of ac
quisition of tho Philippines with tho man
ner that every part of tho United Stales
bad been added to the original thirteen
colonies and declared that they were
Identical and furthermore that thoso meth
ods wero right.
V. C. B.itlo confined his remarks to the
commercial aspect at the question nnd
sarcastically doubted the wisdom ot pay
ing $10 In governmental expenses for $1 In
trade. Ho believed thnt the Philippines
could never be made tho trading base for
the commerce ot India and China and
thought It would be Just as reasonable to
acquire the Cunury Islands with the ex
pectation ot being able to control the
trado of Kurope.
C. L. Plckelt combatted tho preceding
speaker's views ond was ot tho opinion
that permanent retention was desirable
from every standpoint.
W. II. O'Connell, the last speaker for
tho negative, said that It was Impossible
under tho American constitution to hivo
citizens In this country nnd subjects In tho
Philippines. Tho Filipinos had no prom
ises, no hopes of citizenship nnd must
over remain on nn Inferior plane, and
theieforo permanent retention was
P. L. Martin closed tho debato by saying
that tho bpeakers for the ncgatlvo had
overlooked tho spirit of beneficent Justico
which bad permeated the transactions of
the United States In the Philippines, and
had rather content themselves with a vlow
from tho narrow standpoint of sordid
Tho State university debaters were ac
companied by a largo crowd of students
and tho colors of both universities' were
much In evidence. Tho best ot feeling
was displayed throughout, the audience
applauding each speaker liberally when-
over he scored a point. President Ilntlo of
tho Dellan club Invited tho Crelghton as
sociation to pnrtlclpnto in n second debato
early in tho next school year. Tho Invita
tion was occcpted and details will bo ar
ranged later.
Wheels! Wheels! Wheols! how they anl
Rldo a llco wheel and bo In Iho swlra.
Tax Commissioner William Fl
to .Lincoln yesterday to look after bills
which concern city taxation.
John L. Morrison of Duliilb In Dm
of Cnrroll O. Pearse. Mr. Morrison Is a
newspaper man and formerly made his
homo In Oninha.
Many Omaha Shrlners have received invl.
tutlons to attend a ceremonial scaslou to
bo held In Lincoln by Sosostrls tcmplu ot
tho Mystic Shrlners, .March 28.
Mrs. George A. McCoy. S3 years old. of
S710 Florence bnulovard, was taken to the
Methodist Hospital yesterday, where shn
will undergo a surgical operation for the
removal ot a cancer
Nicholas Kuhmcn of Dnvennorl. In., nnd
other creditors of the National Clgur com
pany of Lincoln, petitioned the United
Suites district court Friday to havo thu
company declared a bankrupt.
An Inouest was held Friday afternoon In
tho case of liddln J. Wennlund, 12 years old,
who was killed Wednesday by a Ilurllugtnn
train at tho Jones street crossing. The ver
dict wan to tho effect that thn killing was
accidental. Tho funeral will be this ufter
noon at 2 o'clock.
Tim Uii ted States circuit co.irt wants to
know why the county commlsslonerr of
Oloo county, refuse to pay John Martin
CIupp $Woo. n Judgment for which was to
cently granted ny thai tribunal. Mr. Cltipp'a
uttomey cni oown mere mo oiner nay to
get the money mid returned with the report iho commissioners refused to Uriuld.itc.
Friday the court issued an onier to enow
Bpiciftl Director Reports That Hawaiian
Cattle Ars Undergrade,
I'riir. Mulili trtor In Hip Aurlfiil
Inrnl Deportment n flreiit rees
ll for r.sperlment Stn
flnii on (he lalnnd.
WASHINGTON, March 22. Tho Agricul
tural department will hae In print soon a
valuable report on tho agrlcultuial and
horticultural aspects of the Hawaiian Isl
ands, which was made by Prof. William C.
Stubbs, director of tho Louisiana experi
ment stntlun, who was sent to tha islands
by the department (o Investigate the advisa
bility of establishing nn experiment station
Dr. tflublm says that tho exports of sugar
aro more than 80 tier cent ot the total ex
ports ot thn Islands. At present this In
dustry Is' in a very prosperous condition,
but other agricultural Industries arc either
not well developed or are not In prolltnblo
condition. He found thnt coffee growing Is
diminishing and the other largo agricul
tural crop, rice, Is not grown on up-to-date
principles. Stock raising Is conducted to
some extent, but there Is need of Improved
stock and better pasturage. Dairying ns an
adjunct to agriculture Is almost unknown,
and dairy products nro exceedingly expen
sive. Pnrts of the Islands have been denuded
of their forests, to tho great detriment of
tho country, and It Is recommended that
these areas bo re-forested, In many pnrts
of the Islands, especially at or near the
coast on tho western or leeward sides of
the Islands, Irrigation must ho practiced to
successfully produce good crops. Llttlo
has been dono In the Islands In tho way of
vegetable and fruit growing for market
purposes, except with bananas nnd pine
apples. Tho llttlo that has been attempted
sIiowb that almost every kind of fruit nnd
vegotnble may bo grown sqmewhero upon
the Islands, For supplying this clnss of
produce California nnd other parts of tho
Pacific coast tiro now drnwn upon.
Tho report says thoro Is n great neces
sity for tho establishment of nn experiment
station In tho islands, in order that the
problems of diversified nrglculturc may be
given attention.
Mltlit Win Hep Terror.
"I would cough nearly nil night long,"
writes Mrs. Chas. Applcgato ot Alexandria,
Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. I
had consumption so bad thnt If I walked a
block I would cough frightfully and spit
blood, hut, when all other medicines failed,
thrco J 1.00 bottlcof Dr. King's New Discov
ery wholly cured mo and I gained fifty
eight pounds." It's nbsolutoly guaranteed
to euro Coughs, Colds,' La Grippe, Uron
chltls and all Throat and Lung Troublos.
Prlco GOc and $1.00. Trial bottles frco at
Kuhn & Co.'s drug storo.
Wheels! Wheels! Wheels! how they gol
Rldo a llco wheel nod bo in tho swim.
Omnlin People Cunt Mini)- Ilnllntn for
Their 1'nsorltc nt the Audi
torium KxpoMltlmi,
Thoro Is steady growth In the patronage
accorded the Auditorium exposition. Tho
attendance last night ran over COO. In
creased Interest was manifested by all In
the various Noting coutests and amusement
features, Kspcplally was thero a now Im
petus In tho contest for tho gold medal
typewriting machine, 1,533 votes being cast
during tho evening, running the totnl up
to i',663. Tho record at thu close stood:
Edith Lohncs, 1,085; Ornco Shocley, 1,053;
Estollo Ileccher, S20; ilertha Davis, 715;
Fay Parduun, C65; Relic Flnlcy, 165; Marian
Relchardt, 350; Edith Davis, 260; Nora
Emerson, 160; Clara Katz, 50; Ola Waro
hlme, 25; Itopallncl Hull, 30; Jessie Flowers,
20; Elizabeth Van Sant, 15; Hettlo Hender
son, 15; Mabel Gray. 10; Miss Hunt, C; Miss
O'Ncll, B; a race Campbell, 5; Anna Wntt,
5; Miss Jncoby, 5.
Dr. Bailey was awarded a quart bottlo
of whisky as the most popular man present
and tho distribution of prizes resulted as
follows: II. M. Lambert, patent washing
machine; Hazel Shots, pair ot gentleman's
kid gloves; Mrs. W. H. Walker, pndlock;
Koto McMurtry, chopping knife; S. Hazo,
packctknlfo hone; L. R. Walker, water
bucket; (Jus Lcdcr, window cleaner; J. 1).
McKltrlck, box codfish tablets; Laura 'Am
man, Jar clubhouse ehceso; Mrs. F. W.
Judson, can of Jam; L. Henry, can ot golden
spinach; Fred Vnss, pound box of enndy;
J, F. Conrad, package of Newport (hikes;
J, 11. Dlnsmorc, pound of tea.
The record for tho week at Tlvoll peg
pool was set last night by n woman, who
scored 2,115, Tho successful woman was
Mrs. W. C. Hartz.
In the voting contest to determine who
Is the most popular Uachcr In tho Omaha
schools Miss Fried of tho Lake school leads
tho sovcral candidates for whom votes havo
been east and Miss Whltmoro of tho snmo
school Is second, but 23S votes having been
recorded In tho two ovonlngs slnco tho
contest started. Miss May Howell has
fifty voles In tho contest for the award
of a life scholarship In freehand drawing
to tho most popular young woman, and Miss
Louise Schaffer hns forty-flvo.
Todny will bo children's day and all under
12 years old will bo admitted for G cents
each, Thoro will bu a special distribution
of presents In tho afternoon for children,
tho principal prlzo being a hnmlsomo pic
ture nicely framed, Every child will bo
given a present. Thero will bo a vaude
ville performance In tho afternoon for tho
urchins and at night Klpllngcr's Junior
Military band will furnish music. This
evening will clnso Iho engagement of the
vaudavlllo show.
To ill who uffer with Kidney, Mve r. Heart,
111 ulil cr or Wood dlnrMea, a rampln bottle of
Warners'n Safe Cure (the pioneer Klduey ninl
Liver Remedy) will be sent absolutely Free of
Cost br addressing Postal card to WARNER'S
HAFU CUKE CO., Rochester, N. Y , and men
tioning this paper
172 Kckforil St.. Ilrooklyn, N. Y.
, Dec. 27, 1000.
Wamet'a Safe Cure Co., Roihvater, A. '.
Gentlkmen: Tbo Woman's Relief Corps
In tho illflcrentfl partn ol tho couutry is well oc
quninted with the curative merits ol Wnrner'ii
Biilo Cure.eBtieclnlly forhver, kidney and blndder
troubles. It has laved tho lives of mnny of our sol
diers whoreturnedfrom the war with this dread dls
"ease. Wohavoprociiredrnnnybottlesnnd given
to those in neco oi it with
the very best results. I have
also used It personally when
I felt run down from over
work or from tho effect of a
cold, nnd I hnvecrood reason
to have perfect faith In Itns
a medicine. Yourn sincerely,
Mrts, E. L. Mknpkmj.
Taut President Barbara Frlf trble
No. M7, Woman's Relief Corps.
Don't Grab
at Shadows!
If you do, you will surely lose substances.
Don't try this thing and that thing and every
thing you see advertised as a cough medicine.
will be simply running after shadows.
Grasp at once the real substance, a bottle of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. For sixty years it has been curing
asthma, bronchitis, croup, whooping-cough, hoarseness,
loss of voice, la- grippe, weak throat, soreness in the chest,
and even consumption itself.
Shadows cannot do this. It takes solid merit.
-I hve used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral since early In 1853. And I have used it a great deal in my family.
I have always found It to be the very best of remedies for coughs, colds, and all throat and lung troubles."
J. O', Tittsburg Pa.
Three sizes:
25c, 50c, 1. 00.
All druggists.
To keep on hand you will like the $1.00 size best, and you will need
this amount to curs a chronic o, very severe case. The 50c. size is just
about right for bronchitis, hoarseness, la grippe, croup, etc. The zee.
size is convenient when traveling, and is enough to break up afresh cold'
J. C AVER CO., Lowell. Man.
Low Rates West and Northwest
March 19 and 26. April 2, 9, (6, 23 and 30.
" ISA' vffi vffifl1
To Ogden, Salt Lals8 City, Butte, Helena, ) An
Anaconda, and Missoula I CfcO
To Ban Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, ) CiQR
San Joso and many other California points I fcW
To all points on tho Northern Pacific Ky.
west ot Mlasoula, Including Spokane, Seat
tle, Tacomti, l'ortland, ns well as Van
couver and Victoria, D. C
To all points on the O. II. & N. Co.'s lines, i
on tho Spokano Falls & Northern Ily. and J
tho Washington & Columbia Itlver It. It..
Tickets at 1502 Farnam Street and at Burlington Station, Tenth and Mason Streets.
J. FRANCIS, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Pianos! Pianos!!
The Chickering Piano
The oldest in America the best in the world. Wo sell it nlonj;- with twenty-live other
good makes. The Chickering pianos are the best (hat is why we sell so many of them. We
guarantee our pianos to be satisfactory to purchaser or llioney refunded. Wo have just received
live carloads of pianos, all'of which are old reliable makes. These pit s were bought for spot.
cash, and will be sold at much lower prices than other dealers own them at. We will make
terms to suit your convenience on any piano. We have a large line of slightly used pianos taken
in exchange for Chickering. Fi'scher, Franklin, Foster & Haines, that must be closed out in order
to make room for this large stock of new pianos. Here are only a few of the bargains on our
lloor at the present, time:
1 Upright Walnut Case, $85,00
1 Upright Walnut Case, $95,00
1 Upright Mahogany Case, $110,00
1 Upright Rose Wood Case, $125,00
1 Upright Mahogany Case, $135,00
1 Upright Walnut Case, $150,00
1 Upright Walnut Case, $160,00
1 Upright Mahogany Case, $175,00
Pianos tunid, moved and repaired. New Pianos for rent. Tel. 1683
Hayden Bros. Music Department