tfllE OMAHA DAILY UEE: SATrHDAY, 31AHCTI -0, 1001. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES Ailrrrttacmrnta for these cnlnmni Trill he Inkrn until 1U m. fur tho 'Veiling edition nnd until KM p. in. fur nicirnlnK nnd Similar edition, Ratea, 1 I-2p n notd tlmt Inarrtlnn, lo a lronl thereafter. NntlilriR tnUen fnr lea than 'Mo for the, flrat Inter fan. Theae nil vertlaementt inaat bt ran ronnecutlTel 7. Ailvertlarra, by reqncatlnir a nam. tiered check, cnn hnve unanen nil. elreased to a numbered letter In enra f The llee. Answers an addreaaed will be delivered oa preaentatloa ( ta aheok oaly. sitlations avantf.ii: POSITION an bookkeeper, preferably In Wyoming or Montana, by younK man ex perienced, good penman, quick nnd accu rate In figures. Address M II. Br". A-MI1G 2S WA.VrEI)-.MALE HELP. WANTED, wo have steady work for a lew good hustlers of good ha hits and appear ance. C. F. Aila ma Co., 1Gu5 Howard at. U-219 BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short time: catalogue & particulars free. West- rn Rurbers' Institute, Omulia, Nub. U-241 WANTED, experienced shoe man to take charge of ladles' shoe dept. NenraaKu Clothing Co. B-384 ii' WANTED. Htieelfiltv salesman! salary. 53S Itamge Bldg. D-34J .0' MEN to usu VVRch-Hnzel Shaving Cream instead of soap. 2oc; at all druggists. u-Ml AW FIRST-CLASS salesman In every city anil county. Apply or address .0 uuinge Block, Omulia. U MJVO 2i WANTED, traveling salesmen, also adver Users; cash paid, Triumph Agency, Dal las, '1 exas. li Miui ) WANTED, experienced wull paper sales man to take charge of the sales depnvt ment of book and stationery store; give relerenccs, experience ana salary ex pected. City Hook Store, lied Oak, Iowa. B-MW2 21 WANTED at once, experienced mattress makers, Andre Western Mattress Co., Lincoln, Icu. u-.miw .i WANTED, experienced director for band; must ne solo coruetlHt. W. II. Ivrause, manager, llartlugtun, Neb. 11 M393 21 WANTED, grocery specialty salesman; give futlv vnur exnerlencc. with reterences, to Insute n repl ; go0'' opportunity. Address l 37, nee, " WANTED three or four competent specialty salesmen on salary and expenses to represent u large and well established manufacturing house In Iowa, Nebraska unil Minnesota. None but those having had experience oh salesmen, nnd who are able to furnish llrst-class references, need uimlv. To strictly hlgh-grndo salesmen we can offer an exceptional proposition, with de sirable opportunities of advancement. In replying m'ate nge, previous experience and present employment. Address 1, 6.1, caro The Omnhn lice, The above Is from one of the largest and best known establishments In the country. Tho Omaha .Bee. B-MI25 23 WANTED, fall trade traveling salesman to sell dlrvoi from our mills, a good pay ing side line or dry goods to country deal ers. We pay ii liberal commission. Man ufacturer, liox 1192, Philadelphia. Pa. H M 121 23 WANTED, n first-class coal maker. Write or call on Charles Aron, Crete, Neb. IJ-MI23 2C WANTED, young man, good penman and iltilcK at figures; also one to assist snip ping clerk. Address M 11, Uee other. R-MI22 21 WANTED, clgnr salesmen for Iowa; state experience and territory. Address Lock liox :, sioux city, la. ii i:i -i WANTED, men to learn barler trade; only eight weeks required, in order to supply iIcjiiilikUXqi' our. (ten Ilia I cm .during suriiig.l rusn we niatto hh-l-iui iiuriy-ua- uuer, in cluding board and tools with scholarship. (Tail or write today, Moler Barber Col lege. 1623 Farnam kt. H-MI20 2S IlAflllKK wnnted: first-class workman: .ood habits: good wages: single man pre ferred, k. ir. uictKs, ricmunt, ien. B-MI34: WANTED, nt once. tlrst-clasH mechanlcnl draughtsman for largo manufacturing plant. Apply, stating experience, nge and salary expected, M 13, Bee, It M131 2i ANY person who will distribute circulars for 3 dally should address standard Co., 4 Wells, Chicago, No cunvasstug B-MI17 2.1 WANTED, j-oimjr man over 21 years to travel; good route, moderato salary nnd expenses; references; permnnent position It satisfactory, self-addressed envelope for reply. Address Manager E. Wlmmer, 3.18 Dearborn, Chicago. 11 .muu .'.i WA.VIED FEMALE HELP. WANTED. 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 876. C 24J 10 girls wanted. Canadian ofllce, 1522 Douglas C-244 WANTED, experienced millinery saleslady. NebrusKa .ciotliing co. c .iii WANTED, a competent mnld nnd com' pauloti willing to usslst in housework. Uorm'in preferred; goou salary. Apply 2,: Dodsi. at. -Miia.i WANTED, ladles to learn halrdresslng muiiluurlng or facial massage; only four weeks required uy our method ot prac ileal experience; expert Instructions, lec tures, etc.: snlonutti demand tor gradu utes. Uist week wu placed llvo girls lit V12 weekly: busy senson soon, can or wMto lor cutalogue at once, .Moier College, lttzs iarnnm ot. c mhj .5- FOII ItE.NT-HOLIsES. if vou want your houses woll rented nlaco them with Benawu & Co. D-213 AL.WAYS moving II. II. goods. Pianos. OtUce, lCill'.i Fuiuaui at. lei. imj or &. D-2lli HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. ureiinan-i-uve cu,, u su. uw oi. D-217 HOUSES, stores. Beinls, Paxton block. D-2IS BEE HENRY ii. PAYNL, 601 N. Y. LIFE. HOUSES, etc, F. D, Wead. 1521 Douglas. D-250 HOUSES unu Hats. IUngwalt, Barker Blk. u 31 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown Blk. D-252 CO.. util unu uuufcius. i mho FOUR-ROOM modern flat. 1112 8. 11th. D-MC93 EXP. Del. Co., moving. Tel. 1195, 211 N. icth. u-W A7 ROOM modern flat; well located; large rooms. Kennard K. Son, 310 Brown Block. D-M705 1005 N. 23D ST., 6 rooms, city water, sewer and closet, $15. The Byron Reed Co., 212 S. " u .M29t FOR-RENT, new 10-room house, north part city, water and gas. near motor and school. Enquire W. I. Kleratead, Room yM, CU I1UII, I till, -J IIIOIUII. D-M1SS FOR RENT. iy? V Nltt. t K.rrmrn mn,l.,n I . . 2ll Sponcer St.; 10-room modern house' $30 2211 N. 20th St.. 10 rooms, modem house, $20 i iitK oi.. o ruunin, iiiuueru nouse, 113. 1824 Wirt St., 10 rooms modern house & nam, ju. 1916 Burdette St., 9 rooms modern house, $15. Sill No. 39th St.. 8 rooms modern hmiu.. t- 2010 N. J7th St.. 8-room house, city water, $"i5 2413 Caldwell, 5-room house, city water, $10. UIV.N.N AIN-1.UV is CO., 209 So, 13th St. D 356-21 4-ROOM flat. 2002 N. 20th. D-M436 FOR IIENT-FI'RMSHEI) ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. E-liS . ., HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $6 up. 2623 St. Mary N. E M9tl All for rest vi itMMiir.n noon. St'NNY room, newly furnished. 623 N. 19th St K-MW! 23 Till', THURSTON, 15th nnd Jackson; steam heat. E-235 I'lRMSHEl) ROOMH AM) IIUAItl). GLENCA1RN, translents.U.25dav. 1609 Doug F-257 UTOPIA, 17?1 Davenport St. F-2S9 Tho Merrlam, good winter home. 23 & Dodge F-25S ROOMS -J nil board, reasonable. 2100 Cass. F-373-A1 LA naH ftcnt room. 0C9 S. 23th ave. F-5S1 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, nates reaionable. F-M333 A16 WANTED room-mate gentleman board private family. Call evenings, 1919 Uurt. F-39S. I'OH HH.T t'XFlltXISIlEII ROOMS. TWO unfurnlsntd rooms: also two base ment rooms. 1120 N, 17th. O 130 S UNFURNISHED chambers for man nnd wire. 313 iN. inn. U 352 4 ROOMS, parlor floor, bear park. 1509 U-M129 ho tun .-3 in. foii rext stores ami offices. FOR RENT Store, In flrst-ctas location: rent reasonable Apply it. c. Peters & Co., ground floor, llee Bids. 1 2C4 STORES, unequalled. Apply Tlzard. 221 N 2 I AIZi-31 FOR RENT, offlce, with vault and part nrst noor or an top noor, nit-ins Harney St.; suitable for small jobbing or broker age business or storage. Midland Glass nnd Paint Co., 1110 Harney st. I-M2D3 FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied L.y i no uee at vit i-arnam hi. it has four stories nnd a basement which was formerly iised as Tho Bee pres sroom. This will ho rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, sec etary, room 100, Bco Uulldlng. I-C61 STOREROOM nnd basement, North 2Uh St.; suitable for plumber. Ilolbrook, Brown Ulock. I M7B7 THE roomq now occupied by tho O. F. Davis i.o., lft0.i I' ai nam si., will be ror rent after April 1. McCaguc Inv. C, 2500 Dodge St. 1337. SMALL store. 220 N. 13th st. Inquire G24 I-MUS 23 S. 2fith ave. AtlEXTS W.VM'EU, SOMETHINO new: send 10c and receive a satrplo of Kansas corn leathers. Agents wanted. Kansas Corn Feather Co., 503 I'axton Blk. J-66-A6 FEMALE ngent to sell llrst-class hair tonic and HKln food; liberal commission paid Address I'ryphosa JUg. Co., Omnhn, Neb, J-M392 21 AGENTS muke 10 dally selling the cheapest ana most perfect water niter ever in vented: retails at Ji.bu; nig prom: ex elusive territory. Seneca Filter Co.. Sen eca, MO. J .MIUu A2l" AGENTS on salary or commission. The greatest agents seller ever pronuceo; every user of pen and Ink buys It on sight. 200 to 5si per cent protlt: one ngent's sales amounted to tCIO In six days; another :k in two hours. -Monroe Mrg Co., X 10, I,a Crose, Wis. J-M127 2l PORTRAIT aitents everywhere oult "cray. ons. i ry wasname enamcunes; no glass; don't rub; cheap. Family 1'ortralt Co., Chicago. j .mik X3" 1VAXTEIJ TO HKNT. 3 UNFURNISHED chamucrs, man and wife. 319 N. 17th. U-717 STOUAGC. PACIFIC Storago and Warehouse Co., 912- 914 Jones, general storage unu forwarding. i'M rM Vnn ntor .. iriiu Pnrn. t1i ira-xirt 260 FOII 8AL.H FUllM'it."-. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO., 1110 Dodge. Tel. ar.u. inow A xunanu lurnituro nought, sold, i.xclunged. O 262 FINEST line of new and second-hand furnl- turo in the city; inspect our stoclc before buying; wo wholesale lo country dealers: prices low. Enterprise Furniture Co., 102-i a. Hth. corner Doage. U MJ71 A7 ELEGANT sideboard, kitchen furniture. t-J in. jam di u Ji.tu zj- FOII SALE HOUSES, VEHICLES, UTC, ENTIRE stock of carriages, buggies and wagons rcguruiess 01 cost. Anaerson-utl- laiu co., cor. lotn una uavenport. r iVf-aizj WE DO good tepalr -vork on wagons, light buggies, etc. ii rost, ittn et ieaveuwortn t' 2W I'll it SAI.1U .USol-l,l,A.MXJLS. SAWDUST Cheapest posts, poultry & hog tence. twi uougias. vi i-tii :DHANLi safe cheap. Derlght, 1116 Farnam, SAFES; buy, sell exe'ge. Schwartz, 114 b. U Q 2tK TIMOTHY hay und all kinds teed and coal, .Monroe & co. y -m INCUBATORS. Send to tho Sure Hatch lnuuuuior cu,, clay center, xseo., tor u hunasomo tree catalogue. y 2W SEED SWEETS. Theo. Williams, Benson, Hett, w-i iul MM' CUTLERY" of all kinds; finest Unu in the i city; we grtnu razuis, snuars, clippers, etc. A. Uimeidiiu, lam uoago at. Q-M619 A6 WIRE fenco for poultry, Belgian hare, hog held or luwn. ire wonts, on o. am si Q-M67S Jy7 MASQUERADE make-up outtlt. contulns palms, powders, burnt corn, nose putty, beards, spirit gum, etc., tho lot malted for 60 cents, cnas. ursnau, .Mir., imck port, N. Y. W-756 10 for SALE, new range, bargain; also fur nlture. I'any to leave city, ova cnicago, FOR SALE Lady's bicycle; In good repair, Cheap. Address, M 2, Bee. Q 371 25 CRACKED corn und chopped feed. 70c per hundred, wugncr a r ecti more, iswj-il .. , . t mi ' CUIIUIlb' .4wu CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. 819 North Mth. 3 .4 If ZEN'O. clairvoyant, occult teacher. lClo Farnam. a jiv ..- E l.EC'I'll 10 Til E ATM E. T. t!L,ITE parlors, Cli South 10th, second floor, MME. AMES, 1615 Howard, 2d floor, room 1, i lai-jui MABEL GRAY. 317i N, 15th St., Flat E. i ttlJW" CAM1LLK DUVAL. 619 So. 16th, 2d floor. T W4 AU' MISS WILLIAMS of St. Louis, mussaue. magnetic, ciectrio treatment, .su. in, linn room 3. T .M613 AS 93 JlAY LESLIE, 1615 Howard. 2d floor, T M613 AS I'ERSOXAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns & superfluous nair remuveu oy ciectncty, it, u frenzer biocx. U 2,9 PRIVATE home before and durlnir contine, ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burcct, 26J0 uuruetiu, u FRENCH accordion pleating; lvor' rim uutions; muii urueis. umuiiu fi-'unuj co, l:t uuuiiuu, U 273 TURKISH baths, massage baths electrlo buths. for ladies only; kk! led women massuge operators; finest equipped bath " "'e city, i mm company I Itooroa . iu v, u uiug. u iiJ ir:it.o. l SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rent. Whllo ucwing .Maehlne, )bJV uougias. Tel. 2334. U-J74 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during conllnement; babies adopted, ztx Urant St U 275 A HOX of Re-No-May Powder Is not a luxury when It affords you a cure and secures tho comtort and happiness of your toom-mate. U M213 VIAVI Woman's way to health; rational, wnoieeome name treatment. Jt3 lieu uiug, U-276 RHEUMATISM, paralysis, goitre, female diseases, consumption, glandular swell ings, obesity, stomach and kidney troubles, ehronlc diseases cured by Thyroid Lymph Remedies. Consultation and booklet tree. Thyroid Lymph Co., 600-2-4 Uee Bldg., Omaha; 91-u-C Durr Block, Lincoln, Neb. U-164-M21 WANTED, roommate; references. L CI, uee. u -mzk: sa" M. GOLDMAN & CO.-Only perfect ac cordeon pleating plant In the ucst. Mall orders solicited. Hulto 200 Douglas Block. U-277 C. Ml'DDLEMIST, wall paper cleaner; best ol city reterences; rooms cleaned i and up; tel. 12SS. U-M3S1 25 RUPTURE cured: no knife, no pain, no danger, send ror circulars, tttnpiro iiup. turo Cure, 93.' N, Y. Llfo Uulldlng, Omaha, U-M3S0 FOR men only, Wltch-Hazel Shaving Cream. Better man any Boap; iic. ah druggists. U-3Sti A19 WE RENT sewing machines nt ,c per week. Wo repair and sell parts for an makes of machines. Nebraska Cycle Co,, cor. 13th and Harney, 'phone 1W3. U-MI09 A21 MOM1V TO LOA. HEAL K5TATU. MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate, urennan-uove jo jjj eoutn lJth. W 2S0 WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants, Qcorge & Company, ltiul Farnam street. W-2S1 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 6 per cent; borrowers can pay Jiw or any multiple: any Interest date: no delay. lirennan-Love Co., 300 , So. 13th St, Omaha, Neb. W-283 J1.000 and upward to loan on Improved city property und farms. W, Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam. W-2S2 WANTED, city nnd farm loans: also bonds nnd warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., 1703 Farnam at., uee uidg. w an MONEY '.o loan on farm and city property; lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., 1505 Farnam. W-2S5 MONEY to loan nt 414 nnd 6V4 per cent on Omaha property. W. B, Mclkle, 401 S. 15th. W-2SA FIVE per cent money. Demls, Paxton block. W-25S PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. W-2S9 PRIVATE monry, C. 54, C per cent; no de lay. Qarvln Bros., 1613 Farnam. W 291 5 AND IVt per cent city nnd farm loans. Gatvln Bros.. 1613 Farnam St. W-SJ9 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. W-2S7 6 AND li per cent loans. W. II. Thomas, First National Bank building. Tel. 1613. W-290 CASH on hand. O. E. Turklngton. 605 Bee, W-M591 MO.VUV TO LOA.V CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ' EVERYBODY. If you wish to mako a little loan why trouuie your iricuus wnen you can uor row money from us on one hour's notice without publicity or trouble? WE LOAN MONEY ON YOUR FURNITURE, PIANO. ORGAN, HUIiaCB, HAUUfti) Ull A,I 1"KH- SONAL PROPERTY "WITHOUT RE MOVAL, PUBLICITY OR DELAY. LOANS FROM $10.00 TO J200.00. ANY LENGTH OF TIME, ONE MONTH OK ONE YEATl. We guarantee our terms and rates to be the very lowest and within the reach of all. Liberal and courteous trcatmont to everybody, and wo Invito your Inspection. COME AND BE CONVINCED. Wo also mako loans to SALARIED PEO- J'LB on their PLAIN NOTES. No pub licity whutuvcr. Call on us beforo going elsewhere. 8. E. COR. 1GTH AND DOUGLAS STS. BROWN BLOCK. ItOOM 312. X-M120 WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEE US. It is easy to advertise lowest rates, as others do, but we feel positive that it you will muka comparisons you will be con vinced that you can do better with us than elsewhere W loan on furniture, pianos, llvo stock, etc., or wu will make you a SALARY LOAN without Indorsur or mortgage. We charge nothing tor making the loan and you receive tho full amount in cash. You may pay it back In one month or take six months or more In which to repay it, and you need not puy lor it one day lunger than you keep it. Our terms are the easiest, our business is conildoutiul and cur motto Is "try to please. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established IS'.1.'; Mi So, 16th St. X M3I8 SALARY LOANS. If you are employed by a responsible Arm we win iuuu iuu sums irum iu to shmi nn your note at much cheaper und easier tales man cmuwuurc. ui tnis wo a ro positive. Aosuiuteiy no cnarges lor papers. Nothing deducted from amount ausired. Easiest partial payments. Rellublo Credit CO., room wj, x'u.tiuu xiiucit. A. 29. MONEY loaned salaried people holding per- upon their names without security; easy .winn, a Tnlmnn. Jill Ilrinrrl 'i..,.,.: l.l.l ' maueiLL uunjtiuii nun csuui hiuiii rnni'urn MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elt y, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 a. 13. A. 297 MONEY leaned on pianos, furniture, horses. .1,.. T 1 1 Y f- r ..... I o 1 . - . . . vuns, .vw, o, uurjter dik A i"JS SALARY loans nt reduced rates. Omaha CtVUll cu., uw -ctv luia i-llt! uiug, X-299 MONEY to loan. I. Zlegler, 409 Ware illock. A Jlt)82 SEE Private party for salary loans. 1100m Jii urowu uiocK, X-M124 Short tlmo loans. J. Pleasants, 54 Barker blk A 127 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE. llvo Jtock. etc. Quick service and lowest rntcs guaranteed. J, W. TAYLOE. C33 (top floor) Paxton Illock, northeast corner 16tn and Farnam, entrance on lot Ii st. X-M370 llLSI.MiSS CHANCES. (160 CASH on easy payments buys 23 strictly lawiui tuicKcii biut mucnines ior urinKs, cigars or cash; wljl earn U and upward weekly each. Earl Clark & Co., Furni ture Manufacturers, Chicago, 111. Y-310 FOR SALE, agricultural Implement and carriage business In south central Ne braska. For further particulars nddresj Box W3, West Liberty, la. Y 311 STEAM dye and cleaning shop In city of 10,000 or 11.000 Inhabitants for sale for $150; a good chance for a dyer who understands his business; only shop in the city. Ad dress L t Bee. Y-M155 SUBURBAN drug store; fine trade; reason for selling, other business; half cash, bal ance goad land; nearest drug Btore to 5.000 prpultitton. Address M 6, Bee. Y-.M373 2 FOR SALE. $8 0CO stock of general mer chandise In central Nebraska; good loca cation; splendid trade; good reason for selling. For particulars write at once to JI 3, liee. 1 .M374 26 FOR SALE, small stock shoes and men's underwear ior cann. Aouress Jonn Hona hun. Columbus, Neb. Y-M101 III mm; t il AM li.x. FOR SALE, slock of general merchandise, nt Lodge Pole, Neb., now In b mds of trustee In bankruptcy. Invoices J2M), and has lieen nppral'ii! at $2.1"). All new stock. Must be sold at once Address Leroy Martin. Sidney. Neb. Y-MI30 2j WE HAVE i good location for a bank, nlso want a carpenter to lonue. write 11 Illenklron. Magnett. Neb. Y 3 FOII MALE HF.AI. EXTA'I IJ, RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union raciuc liauronu conipuny. u. A. McAllaster. land commlsl.iner, Union Vaclllc Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RB-311 .1. FOR SALE, corn lands, stock ranches nnd business locations In the Corn Belt coun try. W II. Clements. Lyons, Neb. RE-M977 HOUSES, lots, tarms, lands, loans; also Ore Insurance. Bcmls, Paxton Blk. RE 312 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam SU RE-311 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. RE-316 WANT oiTer on line lot and seven-room house, clos to good car line. Eastern owner nnxlous to sell. M. J. Kennard St Son, 30S-10 Brown Block. RE 952 2526 EMMET, price, $1,5C); cash, $2.00, inoiiiiuy pj intiii fw.i"'. 2602 Emmet, price $1,450; cash $200.00, monthly payment SlB.ts). 2009 Emmet, price $1,350; cash J200.CO. monthly payment $13.K. A. P. Tukey, Board of Trade. RE 3S5 22 WANT TO BUY Have n CASH Ct'STO MER for 1 to 5 ncres, Improved or unim proved, for dairy purposes, between Ham ilton st. and Military nve, and OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS, but ns near city lino ns possible. Bcmls, Paxton Block. RE-MIU FOR SALE, corner lot T.Vxl3i, with good 5 room house and Improvements, In Al bright; must bo sold Immediately. Very cheap for cash. See F. J. P.crsons, Glas gow block. South Omaha. RE 112 GREAT bargain. 17 ncres adjoining city for $2,150. Hicks, 325 Board Trade. RE- MI33 S3 FLORISTS. LOUIS I.ECLUSE, successor to B. Hans, 1513 Vinton Tel. 2673. Plants, cut flower design; hall, residence, welding nnd grave decorations. Orders promptly Ullod by mail or express. 901-a3. MEDICAL. GONOVA Is a Frcnh treatment for malo and female, for the positive cure of Gon orrhoea, Oleet, Unnatural Discharges, in flammations, irritations and Ulcerations or tho mucous membranes. An Internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted to cure worst cases in one week; $J per packugo or two lor $4. Sent any where on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin. 111. American utllce, retail, wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha.; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha, Davis Drug Co., Council Blurts. Full Una of rubu-jr goods. LOST. LOST, gold watch, between Courtney's grocery store unu High hChool; suitiinlo reward It delivered at .ucrriain uolel, ;oth and Dodge. Natalie. Lost ilt'Jl 2i LOST on 35th st. or Davenport, or In that locality, large canvas grip containing shoo luces, uuvo same at Lanyou s drug store, 29 nve. and get reward; nutlty J, a. Dodge, 3tith und Cass. Lost 19ti-22 GARNET brooch, between 20th nnd Wirt nnd First Cong, church. Return to Beo ottlcc; reward Lost 411 23 SllOHTHAXU A.U TVl'EWlllTIAU. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. 322 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Beo uidg, 33 NEB. Business & Shorthand college, Boyd's Theater. GREGG Shorthand. Om. a Col., 16 & Doug l'ATK.VTS. INVENTORS GOT AN IDEA? Wo handle patents copyrights and trade marKs; you glvo us the bare Idea und wo will do the rest: inouern equipped machlnu shop und foundry In connection; Oitlclul Gazette on file; guide book free. Mason, Fenwlcl; & Lawience, patent lawyers, UW Howard St.; Tel. 144, Omaha. J, V. Cronln, repr. i.'U PATENTS, no fee unless successful. Sues u Co., Beu Bldg., Omuha, Neu. Advice free. 15S Jel5 OSTEOPATH. JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 161H; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; utu l.. jonuson, ustcopainisi, iigr. 317 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school. Kirksvllle, Mo., 604 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367. 315 INCUBATORS AM) BROODERS. INCUBATORS and brooders; catalogue free. Write Burr Incubator Co., B 2, Umaha, Neb. Factory at 23 ih & Davenport. ny-.iui FACTORIES FOR RENT. FACTORY, laundry or grocery building! corner, uaniei c. rattcrson, 163 t arnnm, M311 A16 WALL PAPER. 3c a roll and up; painting, uancr hanging. decorating, iveisey, in a. l.'tti. Tel. ism. MJ' PAWMIHOKERS. bAuuc x-oin ciucu, rvimuic. accommoaat Ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas, FRI.VriML HAVE It printed right. Waters Printing CO., ao. ism hi. rnouc -GS A7 LAUMMIV. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars, 2c, cuffs, 4o. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel, 617. 333 BICYCLES. WE HAVE the only Vulcanlzer In the city ior uuggy tires, we uo mis worn as gcoi us can uo done at tho factory. 1022 On pi toi Ave 3 STA.M.Mllll.G AND STLTTEHI.VO. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg. -331 CA11PENTEII.S AMI JOIIHERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and rcualrin prontpily ut'.enacd to. J. T. Ochiltree, 2uih unu i.aKe bin. aiu FLR.MTbltE REI'AlItl.VU. TEL. 1331. M S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St, iiU J UNU. B. & M. Junk house, J. Milder, Prop., dealer in uu mem is, potties, etc. canoaus t specialty. 01-)u3 Fainuin, Omatm. Tel. 23,1 .M3JJ EXPERT A CCO V N TA NT, LESSONS in bookKceping, etc., day or evening. R. 15, Com. Nat. Bank. O. R, Kathbun 326 ItUIIllElt STAMPS. BADGES, mcduls. Om i'l't. Co., Bee Bldg. lei. :aj3. 32 j UI'IIOLSTEItlN'G. GLOBE COUCH CO., 1519 Leuv'th. Tel. 2529. .Mi 111 ELOCUTION AND RKADINti. MRS. DORWARD. Studio 623 N, 19th S -377-A1 TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. II. Fr1 bin, 1500 Farnam. Telephone 75 1. J3J AlC0lll)10 I'LEATIM). ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick est. Mrs. a. C, Mark, S. E. Cor. 17th and Farnam 335 lllltDS AM TAXIIIERMV. STOCK S Bird Store. 1215 8, 16th, RAILWAY TIME LA II II. CHICAGO. ROCK isl and A Paclllc Railroad "The Great Rock Isl and Route" city iicKi-i muco, ists t ar ham Street. Telpiihniip 42S. Depot. Tenth and .iiurc) ots. Tele phone, 629. Leave, Arrive. EAST. Dcs Moines and Daven port Local n 7:2o am bll:33 am Des Moines Local a 4:20 urn u t'c , chlcugo Fast Exncss..a t:uu pm a 1:2a Jm and and Chicago ..... .a ;uo pm a 9:35 pm Lincoln. Colorado Bpgs., Denver, I'ueuio and West ...n nm n i.ft Colorado, Oklahoma & Texas l-iycr a 5:20 pm a 9:50 am a uuu. v uuiiv txeept Sllllduy. CHICAGO. MILWAtllf hr CBCr at. l'aui Rallwuy-Citv MnwiiJirm S r"0.' o"lf.0t '"w 'mlLlfAUIilLI Street. Telenhmin wi Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Teletihono. iri Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex....n 6:00 pm a 8:05 am Chicago & Omaha Ex..b :15 am b 3:40 pm I a unu), u """j tAiin uuiiuo. i WAR ASH RAILROAD - flOrrrTI Ticket Oiilco, HIS Farnan llVMM'l Street. Telephone. 322 De JiU flwlnWM pot, Tenth nnd Marcy ata J VCSi. Tclephene, 629. rnam Mt t.. i V Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" F.xpress a u:lJ Pm n k:zo am a Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL. -,..i ii.nnni , rosd-Gcnerai Oillces and . . 1 lnrnir Hill nnil llltlllfllla 1 Union Station. a, r K.nnsas I Mi: - --- City Express j.v am n uj i f if u. ' i i;iiress..al0:50 pm a 6:15 am - Leave from 15th ana Webster Btrccis: Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:45 am a Dally, b Dally except bunday. . rXTT ILLINOIS CENTRAL ebraska Local, v la Rullroad City Ticket Of- flee. 1102 Farnam Street. Telephone. 245. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. t'nnnrll IllUtTS ort Dodge Locul from council uiuiiH ..ii u.yu a dully, b Dully except Sunday, NION PACIFIC-"THE OVER- land Route" General Otllces N. E. Cor. Ninth nnd Furnam Streets. City Ticket Ofllce, 13H Farnam Street. Telephone, 3iu. Depot, Tenth and Murcy Sts. Telephone, 629. icicpiioiii-. cave Arnvc. a I United. .a s:2U um a I'M pro Unrthllld a 8:50 am a 7:30 pm Siull ...!!!. a 8:W um a 3:25 pm uid Express.. aU:35 pm u, 4:25 pm Sneclal Tin. Fast 'rim Ainu anil iiixures 1 i,r.nin llentrlno and &,,t.w.... - i,,q,in . . Stromsuurg express. .u i:w iu "i.. vu n-i... u.ilflr, Rvtirfld. a. Alj Din Alio . - -.r. I Tho Atlantic isxpress... u.uv um , Av,,.,,i iuiim.1 t.neni b E:30 um b 9:35 am a dUlly. U Ualiy except OUHUjr. I ninpinn r. NntlT-H.' western itaiiway -rne TO.,Pihivnlrn linn" City Ticaet umce, iivi i I'arnam ot. leiepnuuc. 661. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone 629. Lrfiave. Arrive. Dayllcht Chlcaco Rne. clal a 7:00 am a,U:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm u 8:40 am eastern express, ues .Moines, -Marsnautowu, Cedar Rapids and (hlcni-o n!0:65 am . 4:05 pm I t-astem Special, Chi- . I cutro anil a 4:55 Dm a 4:to pm l Fast Mall, Chicago to Omaha . a i: o pm omaha-Chlcago L't d ..a7:Upra u g-w am Fast Mall 5 Silia fiS Cedar Rapids Passenger .. i.ii.. -."w i u uuiiy. FREMONT, ELICHORN & Missouri Valley Railroad 'Tho Northwestern Line" General Otllces, United States National Bank Building, ti. W. corner Twelfth and Far- Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Farnam SL Depot, 15th and Webster Sts. I.eflvn. ArrlVft. Black Hills. Deadwood. Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm yoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm o 5:v0 pm nuttings, iori, David citv. aunerinr. finnvn. Exeter mill Koivnnl ..Ii !OH nm Ii E:00 nm Norfolk. Verdiuro and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:23 am Lincoln. Wnhnn nml Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:23 nm i' milium cocui c lav um u Dally, b Dally except auuuay. c Sun day only, d Dully except Suturduy. o uuuy except .Mouuay. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Mlnncaiiolls & Omaha Railway "Tho Norm western Lino "General omcL's. Nebraska Divi sion, 15th und Webster bis. city TICKCl emeu, Xiui am St. Telephone, am. uepot, 15th and Webster bts. Lcuvu. 4ruvv. Twin City Passenger... a o:w am u a:iu pm Omaha 1'asscnccr aUilO um Sioux City & JNortn- east NebrasKu a pm & Dally. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC ltuliroad "l'hn North western Lino" Generul Ofllccs, United states National Bank Building. S. W. Coiner Twelfth ChlcaSo"Exprcss a 7:oo urn all:2j pm right to determine the. po ut of delivery und crocking outfit arrived from ono ot tho Chlcat-o UmJfeV ..... P' " "i m to reject any and all Lids, or any part of cnr barng nml pl)C(, th(J cnr Fxnress 0 7:00 am b 9:10 Pm W' A JON'ES. Commissioner. rails. Beyond n badly twisted "rubln- Mlnneupolls'& SL Paul Mch. 18 to Apr. S. catcher," it was nono tho worse for Its Forl'Dodgo'LoVarYrom11 J Pm Um CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE ,VCnlU1rC nnd Was nbIc t0 Procc,J lf'n,inru fluffs . .......b 4:30 pm u 8:15 am Omaha, Neb., February 23. 1901,-Sealed pro- out assistance. nam St. Tel. etil. 'lei. FV"nnnln V 1 Ci' SAT PR DAY At 8:30 a. m. for ARGEN .wlnMmrnJa.ul"j. n?,n,1;ri?a WNK REPUBLIC, URUGUAY and nd Marcy Sts. 'lelephono 029. PARAGUAY, po is. s. Virgil; at U a. in. Ofllce. 1401 1' Dot. Tenth and Leave. Arrive, Twin City Express a i:S5 am al0:25 pm Twin City Limited u 7:55 pm u s:15 um Hioux City ixi ca i u a:uu um u j:ju pm a Dally phone. 128. Leave. Arrive Kansas City Day Ex, ..a 9:20 um a 0:23 pro Kansas City Night Ex ,al0:20 pm u u:h um Joseph ..and St.' Louls.'.a 5 10 pm all 15 am "a")' i.ouis i' lyer, ior at, CHICAGO, BURLINGTON At Qulncy Railroad "The Buriingtun Route' Ticket ciuco I'M. minium Stieut. Telephone, 250. Depot iciiui unu Jiaaon stieuu. luiepiiuiic, j. 3. Leave. Arrive. Davllu'lit Chlcaco Sue- clal a 7:00 am al0;20 pm Cllll-aHU roiiuuivu t.w a I ,u Ull) Chlcugo LochI Express.a 9:30 um u pm Chicago Limited a 7:0 pm u 7:45 um Fust Mall , u 2:45 pm a uuuy. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Jtallroail "The Burlington Route" General unices. Nortn- wtit corner Tenth und Farnam btreuts. Ticket uttice. ij02 i' arnam utreut. Burlington Station, Tenth '.telephone, mj. - ie,ephoue. 128. and Mason Stroets- lu'47J. Ar riva. Llncoin, Hastings and ,h 8:40 am a 7:35 pm Jncolii, Deliver, cow rado. Utah. CalUor la.u i.-j .lucoln A: lllacli MCCOOK Lincoln Colo- pm u pm h"L'-.0",'1-. niind..U :W pm u U:ti am . i .. i.tnir iiiiiB.a .w ..... m ,,i, ui jaontuiiu, "fcY:.r:r ",,viu mi uunln,, Lincoln Fust ji r-Oend. Louisville. Plattsm'th.b 3:!0 pm bll:03 am llolluvut-. Plattsmoutli & Piel t o Junction .. ...a 7:10 pm u 8:20 um Bcllcvue, Plattsmoutn nnd Puclllo Junctlcn..al2:10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. . 1 A TO a Mimv cr P & council Blurts ' "', j ! joiv'lfe: an(1 18 mMn B001 of " tlmo Pro- MUMHn tonRou'-lickeV!! wIkd S.M"ndwAu P'nS for tho coming tournament. JakaWAyyU ?0 i;n,Un7street 'l-nle' DEMERARA, per B. s. Madlaim; at 10 a. Hnffi vU",iV1o. HA ROM BOLD CASE BaaauiAaBBHi unu jiuHun otrcuts. 'reiu-i ' . ,v,. . : , . i , ltU,WAY TIMI5 CAIIU. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha, Kansas City & Eastern Railroad 'The Qtilncy Route Ticket Of fice, H16 Farnam St. Tele phone, 322. Depot, Tenth und .Marcy Streets. Telephone, WS. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express 11 '" " Kansas City & Qulncy Local 1 w u i,'w I'm a Dally. ALONQ THE NMTU SHaUX aUVAKA, MAHNIAS, CAIDBMAS, SAOlA, CAI- etCrilAS, UlSAKA, III HAKAtOA, a t -4 aihr arL UtlSUOM STEAMSHIP 1JNB7 WlUlsmat Haw Yorlt City. ilA a alVt a ITI1I1 Willl V Ualon Squara, New York. tAn Tint,.,. T. .... ll . v , a oiairiuuiii nrsTivHiiuu and Oesaril Information of the MO BILE SERVICE, apply lo Ticket Agent Mobil & Ohio It It. and South ern Ry. 1 10 V Ell N M H.T NOTIL'l PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Department of the Interior. Olllen of In- dlnn Affairs. H'liHhlniMnn. II. C. Murxli 7 1W1. Sealed proposals, Indorsed "Proposals for hcef, Hour, etc.," as the cuso may be, ami uirecteu to me commissioner 01 Indian Affnlts, 53 j Johnson street, Chicago, 111.. ylH ' U'Ceived until 1 o'clock p. m of i. "Yr ' 'V.' f coffee, sugar, rice, tea and other urtlcles of muiuii nurvitp. oeui. iiuur. iiuriin. iiniinH. i suuBisicucc; uisu tor uuuts nnu snoes, i 5crleulturr.l 1m nlements. i.nlnts. 'nlU ...V Kruccrics. huuii. u.ihiiiv ouwiicr. erocKerv. i tinware, wagons, harness, leather, shoe findings, middlery, etc., hardware, school and medical supplies, and n. long list of m.'?ccVu.H??"" F! '...'j I'fUI'Osals, In- uorseu iToposa is ior uiaiiKets, w ooielt und I cotton goodS. clothing, etc.." uh tho easel may ue. aim inrectei to the comm ssloner . v .1 , v-..- , .; ... . . 1 t l o-C0Ck ,., or Tuesday. .May 7. 1901, ior luriiiaiiiiiki lur iuu iiifiiim Mrv en. i bianlts, woolen and cotton co'ds clothing, notions, nuts unu caps, uuis must no made out n covernmeni niiinkH. Meii,..ini. ..u-. ing an necessary iniormation ror Didders win uo lurnisneu on application to the in- 79 ; Woostcr strceti New Yol k cit; Si John- son street. Chicago, HI.; No. 120S Hownrd street, Omaha, Nebr.; tho Commissaries of Subsistence, U. S. A., nt Cheyenne, Lcuv- enworth. So. Louis, St. Paul and San Francisco; the postmnsters at Sioux City, Yankton, Arkansas City, Caldwell. Topeka, ilt,u10,uh,our ufays above staedPCnnd olulicr8 nre Invited to be present at the of quartermasters at stations named until iiumtia win uu iciTiu-u neiu niui 111 oiiicvh i 2 p. in., central time, March 25, 1901. for fur- nlslilng wood, coal nnd chnrconl during tho fiscal year ending June 3a. 1902, ut Omaha Q. M. depot. Forts Crook, Robinson nnd Nlobrarn. Neb.; Jefferson Barracks. Mo.; Forts Leavenworth und Riley. Knn.; Logan ii. itoots, Ant.; ttcno nnu Bin, ukui. ito- posalj for delivery nt other points will bo entertained. U. S. reserves right to reject or tlCcept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Information furnished on nppllca- tlotl llOlX' or to quartermasters Ut Stations named. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for- -'and addressed to undersigned or quartermasters nt stations nbovo named. F. H. HATHA- I WAY, C. W. -M. ! 23-2S-a-27 -M22-33.M ti. vrnn.Mi f ir a ., 1. 1 . .1 . . . . j u . .7, i.,,ij, uuicnuuicu un niarrled men, between ngos of 21 and 35: uiiiun ui iuu unnru omivn, ui feuuu 111I1IIV..W, iiiiu iu i(..L,,in, nnu v.ii, peak, read and write English. Recrultti specially ucsireu ior service in t'liiii ppines. fc'nr Infnrmii I Inn imtiK- In rteel-llltlntr mil. cor, cor. lutu nnu uougc sts., umuna, ,eu. LEGAL NOTICE. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. State of Nebraska, Ofllcu of Auditor of Public Accounts, Lincoln, February 1st, 1001. It Is hereby ccrtilled that the State Mutual Llfo Ass.irunco company of Wor- t.. i.. Ii. o,.., .,f Mn..Li,i,..n. i,ua co,n,iicd whit tho Insurance law of' this ntnt. iinnllcnblc to such companies, and is I .,..',., ',,,i,,,ri,,,,i , ,r,. ,!, i,ni. ncss of life insurance In this state for tho 0.,ren, . ear. endliiK January 31st. 1902. witness my hnnd nnd tho seul of tho auditor of public accounts, the day nnd ..II... .iililli nAfnltiita t i a t1n fl I .,., Ilri,t iitinvn wrilieil. IKCail i. llAlu,i,n x-.oiu.. Auditor of Public Accounts. nv . nABCOCK By Hl.A-c"$"to' J J' w Htlut ' Denutv. gent, Omaha, Neb. .MCU.'3UIl I'OSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY" by all Interested as changes may occur nt any time.) Foreign wills tor tho ween ending March i 1W1, will close (PROMPTLY in all cases) i hn iii.neixl l'ostoiticu as follows: Par cels, Post Mulls close ono hour earlier than ?i?!"l,n?.J!!2 -JTJ0 March 20lh. per s. s, Barbarossa, via Bre- men. . : . ,, " . .oKari closing time shown below. l'liiiis-Atluii tlo Mnlls. SATURDAY At 4:30 a. m. for EUROPE. per s. . Campania, viu cjueenstown; ui Y:30 a. m. tor .Msnmui, mreci t 1. ill. 1UI ei,illulll,ie I1I4,.. I per s. s. Potsdam (mull must bo directed "per s. s. Potsduin"): at 8 a. m. lor Muv ,ilro, .... o u M nr Imnl mini ITALY direct, per s, h. Aller (mail mujt be directed "per s. s. Aiier' j. lilltNTTlin .MATTER. ETC. This nteumer tnltos nriiited matter, commercial papers anil samples tor uermany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not bo sent by this shiu unless specially directed uy her. After tho closing ut tho Supplementary Truns-Atlaiitiu .nuns uuovc, uuauiouai supplementary malls nru opened on tho niera of thu American. English. French and Germun steamers, and ruuialn open until within ten minutes ot tho hour of sailing of steamer. Mnlls for South nnd Central America, West Indira, Etc. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, per s. s. Grenada; ut 9 u. m. (supplementary V.M vSS X xrvovA Caracas (mall for Savunlllu and Oartha- genu, must uu directed -per s, s. caru- MA1CA. SAVANILLA nnu CARTIIA- GENa, per s. s, Altai (mail for Costa Rica must bo directed "per s. s. Altai"); at 10 a. in, (supplementary 10:30 u, in.) n'T'i'tNBRAZlLJeV sll'Jr'.uft nl i2:ao p, m. for MATAN.AS, CAI- llAltll'JIS. AU1-.VUA3. Ulll.Vll.V UllU UARACOA. per s, s, Olinda (ordinary mall ?.-o'.X''.l,llcU "lU8t 1,0 d,ructuJ "p,-,r '' Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and tncucu ny steamer, close at t ms ouico uai y w .P','n,?'VIVS'? Saturday). Malls for MInuoloii. by rail to Boston, and theiico by steamer, closo ut this office dnliy nt 0:30 p. m. Mails for ulencoy'XamtT.U'cloVeUut ' th.soHlco dally, except ionuuy, ut "ti n. m. (tno conneciuiR ciuaca uu ounuuy, wt.'uriua- i .. .. i.t.,l,l t Al. Ito -t..l... ... n to 'Miami. Fla. nnd t ho.ico by steamer. Friday ut "11 p. m. .Mulls for Mexico city, ovcriariu, unions specially undressed for dispatch by Hteumer, closo ut this oiuca uuuy ut jmv p. m. aim n p. in, Malls for Costa Rica. Belize. Puerto Cnr. ttz und Guatemala, by rull to Now or. leans, and thence by steamer, closo at this oiilco dally at ''ESO p. in. (connecting aSnJS at fei;:c Costu IUcaj. Itegisteretl mall closes at 0 p. m. previous duy. TrniiN-Pitellln .MiifU ,, aiuhs ior iiawuu, uajmu, cniiiii nnu rnii ipplne Islands, via San l'Vanclnco, closo liero UHiiy ut i, m, up to jiurcu mil, inclusive, tor ticspntcn per s. s, I'ltv nf I'eklnz. Malls tor china nnd Japan, via Vancouver, rlnsn hero dally ut 6:3" I), m, uti to Mirh 19th. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Empress ot .",cK'",e";i' n"'! must Mail. i f or Atistrnlla (except A us- tralla, which Is forwarded via Europe), I nm-MOmuugmgg wttatv ' r POSTOI'I'ltli .MITIl'E. New Zealand. FIJI, Samoa nnd Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dallv at 6.30 p. m. nfter March 3d nnd up to March 23d, Inclusive, or on nrrlvnl of s. s. l.trurln. due at New Vork March 23d, for desimtch tier s. s. ttiinr.nm ilnlls for Hawaii, China. Japan and Phil- ippino isinims, m tan l'TanclscO, closo hero dally nt 6:30 p, nt. tip to March 25th, Inclusive, for desn.itrh ner finMn Mails for Ausirnlln (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, nnd New i!ea- v:.l!:' .".'"l1 "K.S I" an" " rancisco), and HJl Islands, via Vancouver, close hern dally nt 0:30 p. in. nfter March 23d and up to March "30th, Inclusive, for despatch ,1.t,, "'.. Mlowcra (supplementary malls, via Seattle, close nt C:.ta i inh ,mi,i Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close imu u.iii.v ui o;ou p. in. up to Aptll "1st for despatch tier . n. Mniiiwi.n Mnlls for Tahiti nnd Marquesas Islands, ii o n i jt i uiivipco, cioso nere daily at 6:30 p, m. up to April 10th. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Australia. Trnns-Paclflo malls nro forwarded to port nulling uttiij nuu iuu cL-iieiiuie or clos ing. Is arranged on tho presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes nt fi. p. m. previ ous dav. Postofllee, New Y'ork. N. Y., March IS, IDOL CURNKLIUS VAN COIT. l'ostmastcr. ROOSTER CAUSES A FLURRY FlnppliiK of Wluits nml Other Noise Ineltrs n Tlirllllnn Run nnnr, Paseengcrs on a westbound Dodge street enr hnd a thrilling cxperlcnco about 10 o clock yesterday mornlnc. As tho car an- preached Eleventh street a rtinawny team wns seen bear nc down noon 11 nt a furlou ''ate from tho south. Tho motorman re " - verscu tue current, put on tno DraKes nnd nM i i 1...1 , u . t,, . . 'V ' 'u' unucr ,no rorco of 118 momentum, and Just ft" th' horses leaped over tho rails there hss a deafening crash, followed bv a shower ...ilnters. ; . Tho car left tho rails nnd ran Into tho sutler. Ileh nil It nn dm ir,.ntr , " " .. o ...w WO0lK wh" R bIock n n""th tho team hub ncrii hiiii running ni nroniertru anaori with flying traces and tho splintered re- i. , .,, , ,.,.,.,. . ,,, . mains of n set of doubletrees trailing be- Clinillli'lrir .t M. Pllnr nn,l M, l)cn,V, ,00.k..nn. Invcnt"y "f ho dam- "Ki's, and found thnt nono of tho passengers, ot whom there were five, hnd been seriously hurt. Two wnmen rrnm tiii., v.u ,,1 ,rrom D, '"" .".iuihi- nnu .mss uciia Spencer, were slightly bruised, but Dr. AmC8' ",C BUr8eon who th"r '"Jur'cs thought treatment unnecessary, hlttln serawnv roomer nt n ..n-..i.. i uo cause 01 nil mis rnmmn nn wn, - : . " , '" '--""" breed, which had escaped from Its coop at tho city market, Eleventh and Howard streets. With a creat snunwklnir nml . ' .hnp 1 ," " ., , q ,K B of leathers It ran under tho wagon of E. L,ong, a pctiuicr ot 1'iorcnce, rrlRlitcnlng his horses and causing them to run nwar. Tho ,.., ,,.,-,, ,P ' , .V. . . . tcam Jnsbcd north on Eleventh street, r.nd at Farnam Just grazed tho police patrol W.nrnn tvlileli wna nn Uo -,,. l.l. I ,h . i-n , ,, . .2 tho county Jail. An Instant later etc sraashup occurred at Eleventh and Dodgo strcots, Tho tcam was caught soon nftcrwards, and was found to bo unhurt. Tho wagon will bo hauled back to Florence and used for stove wood. m I I UUtlS SIIMr r-lliIIRINIi u 1 ' WUi-W UUmU riUUnillU Slioira linniensp I nor rune In the Wenllh of Farmrra In the Stnte of Nebraska. Nebraska merchants dealing In Omaha liavo niado such flattering reports ot the condition of tho state that It led John E. .... ,u rn...ii i..k , Utt of tho Commercial club to do soma figuring. Basing his estimates upon reports rm-elvait f mm mnmlmnia ni ....!.. : . . - uum ln the state ho finds that the averago ad- vance In tho price of land In tho last four years has been about $10 ner nere hinv . " from $25 to $30 In the eastern part ot tho state nnd from $3 to $10 In tho western counties. There aro 49,000,000 acres of laud ln tho stnte, making the total Increase In valuo $490,000,000. From the reports received on tho crop situation of last year and tho financial con dition of tho farmers It Is a safe estimate. according to tho secretary, to placo tho vnluo of tho farmers' possessions at $1,000.- 000,000 in excess of whnt they were four years ago. That this increase la not all on paper Is shown by tho reports coming In Tom tho retail implement dealers. Until Inst season most of tho farm Imploments were sold on tlmo, notes being taken In payment. Last year tho sales averaged nbout h" caRh nnd "n'f t,mc- Th' tno ueaiers, in tno eastern part or tho stato particularly, report that tho sales made on time arc so fow that they cut practically no tlguro in the market, Ono dealer at Malmo mnnpta 1 1 , I nut nf laif.n fina nf I n, 1 . . w..v w .i,,bu v w n u. lU)ilc ments sold by him not ono machlno has h . Bnl ., HCCn BOIU OQ lime. Til lunnT IN NEW YORK I WIIWU I Oiimlin TrlKurr Artlala Will Take I'nrt In Amrrlrnn llnnitlt'itp. Thursday morning W. D. Townsead, J. F. Beard, Dick Llnderman nnd probably R. n. Kimball will leave Omaha for Now Y'ork, where they will take part In tho American trap shootors' handicap, which will begin April 1 and continue for a week. Tho Omaha men go with tho determina tion ot bringing back somo of tho principal Will Townscnd has prepared a spo- clal load to bo used In tho handicap shoots, and believes that ho has got a comblna- ,w" fcl? a n within a foot of the trap at whatever anglo It may rise, 1-ranK rarmeien is in wow xorK now Tiiehr Mm Trylnir to Decide Whether or Not Plaintiff l En tilled to DunmKCM, Tho porBonal Injury caso of J. C. Rom- bald against tho Now Omaha Thomson- Houston company, which has been on trial In Judge Koysor's court for tho last flvo ,a". was argued and submitted to tho Jury yestcraay. llombold sues ror $2&,000 for the ot his right foot. Ho was working on tho cross-arms of a wlro polo when ho received an electric shock that caused hint to fall to tho ground, forty feet below. Ills as crushed so that It had to bo ampuiateti, RESTRICTS MARRIAGE RIGHT Minnesota .Senate Pnsara 111 1 1 Pro- lilliltliiK (.'onjiignl Prlvllrgo of the Mrntnlly Afflluted. ST. PAUU March 22. Tho stato senate to- day passed Senator Cbllton'a bill prohibiting ta marriage of Insane, epileptic and Idl- otic porsoritt nnil retjulrlnff a medical cortlfl- cato of all applicants for mnrrlaga licenses. Amendments wero adopted making tho phy sician's ccrtlllcato not (julto bo swooping and to permit marriage, of any feeble minded person over 15, the bill originally having extended such permission only to women. Wheels! Whcelil Wheelsl how they sol n4e a De wheel and bo In tho swim. A aew wheel and Just the ono you htv. I always wanted. Read Tho Bee wheel offar.